Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. AdvsrtlM In THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West Advertl) In THE OMAHA DEE Best i". West ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAIIA, FRIDAY MORNINfl, DECEMBER 22, 103-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THKKK CEXTS. TROOPS FILL STREETS 3aerl B'.rika it Et. Petersburg ii IntugTiraed Promptly at looo, WORKMEN'S LEADERS ARE ARRESTED jYembere of Beoond Council FUeei in Jail and Third Kesem Take Ckaiga. SOLDIERS MAN TRAIN TO IERLIN Goverameot Sucoeed in I'ofing it After Elaborate f rtcauiiona, FIGHTING IN STRttTS OF MOSCOW lrafi of I.eaae I. sue aa Appeal to the Public Asking tar Bapport at the Proletariat. ST. I'ilTKRSBLRG, Dec. L 2:10 p. lu. Since noon today the streets have been lliled with troops, t-ipecudly those In the Industrial sections. The railroad stations are In possession ot tha military. Wholesale arrests of tha leaders of the workmen wera made last night. It la re ported that the police Include In their cap tures tha mamlira of the second work men's council, who wore placed In tha for tress of at. Peter and St. Paul, with tha member of the first council, who wore ar rested Saturday night. A third council, however, promptly took tha place of tha second. Tha Ixague of Leagues lias issued, an appeal to tha public, asking for liberal support of the proletariat, "which ia bear ing tha brunt of tha truggle for tha eman cipation of the nation." Tha appeal say there la bound to be much privation, star vation and even death from cold and not only auks for material aid, but pro poses the Inauguration of free dining rooms lor workman In all parts of tha city. Moscow Is already cut off from St. Peters burg and with the provinces generally, and no communication can be maintained. According to the latest Information, tha Lithuanian Insurrection has extended into the province of Vitebsk, across the bor ders of Livonia. At Kokunhusen, the chief of police and his assistants were tried by a revolutionary tribunal and exe cuted. It turns out that Tukum, tn Courland, only surrendered ufter a severe fight, which lasted for twelve hours. The insurrection lets hud fortified the town by throwing up intrenchmenta before which they dug pita. They also had In position the machine auns recently captured by them. Tha tranches were taken by storm, both sides losing heavily. The lateat Information from Kharkoff aaya that 10,000 revolutionaries are under arms and that troops are being collected for the purpose of recapturing the city. Soldiers Take Oat Train. The strike started here at noon very tamely. In the center of the city the shops were not closed, the proprietors having rrnt vnri 'inarulm that If they remained open they would be given ample protec tion and that any deputation of strikers seeking by threats of force to compel the closing of the shops would he Instantly arrested. There was. however, an Im pressive demonstration in the Industrial Motions. Tha main interest la the strike of the railroad men centered In the Warsaw sta tion, where the government was to make a test of Its ability by moving a train for Berlin. The depot was packed with troops. Promptly at noon there was a wild hurrah, accompanied by the roar of escaping steam, and a few minutes later the railroad men walked out of the yards in a body. The authorities, however, were prepared, and after a delay ot ten minutes a locomotive manned by soldiers of a railroad battalion l).ckid into the station and was coupled to tho waiting train, which wns crowded - i- 1 1.1 . .J ... UA who jwrujur! evening ivj urn i v iiveii uit unhappy country. Lines of aoldlera with fixed bayonets flanked the train and an frlclal with four soldiers entered the car riages nnd thoroughly searched them in order to ascertain If suspicious persons were on board. As the official and hia escort left the ttain a signal was given ami twenty sol dier entered the baggage cars, while an other detachment was scattered through the carriage. The train then pulled out. An- extra car loaded with wreokliig appa ratus was attached to the triln to be used in case of accidents between stations. The usual mail cai wns missing. At other sta tions .similar precaution will bo taken. In the manufacturing dis'rirts beyond tha Warsnw and Nniva Bates, in the Schlussel hurg district, and In the sections on boili sides of th Neva, the workmen generally i.heveil the summons to strike and promptly Ht noon -.lioiisunds of them emerged to the 'recta. 1'ilke Cnrsarks. soldi' r of the guard r1i:ii:t and other patrols were every- l,e,. but so far . reported no collision. marked the inauguration of the strike, j The workmen seemed vry quiet but de termined. The men of each factory selected In ndvance certain number to act aa pickets for the purpt se of preventing any attempt to Introduce strike-hreaker Into the factories. Fighting In Moscow Streets. t in p. in. The tingle teiephone aire woik Ir.g io Moscow thu afternoon brought gravrt reports of.rfrious disorders and ' collisions bet wee. i the tnops aad the popu lace. , The Narshaclney, formerly the 6yn OntedifMva. and ether secretly published psjeie, which are beli-.g distributed by th'iu.iands to the workmen, are filled with the m .st inflammatory appeals. Inciting the peopn to an ainiei retwillon. Many of the articles are especially directed to the army, which Is Implored r.ot to shed the blood of the nation. On writer, addressing the oMlrs. r:d: Join us. Rise with us. No poaer can rt.ind a Unit the people and army united." The strike call. In addition to making the regular demands for constituent anser.i- hly, universal suffrage, the abolition of martial law. immunity of the person and ll.e other features cf the proletariat pro- gram. Insists on the release of the Im pi Honed meuiLers of the workmen', council, the discontinuance of all political suits, acqaitscence In the petition, of the army and aavy and of the railroad and potial tvlegraph employee for an Increase of pjy, the transfer of the land to the people, an right-hour day and the abolition of all restriction, regarding nationalities and re- lis Ion. It is significant that the workmen in had 1,1 hu poeseeslon led to the discovery the mills and factories have for more than of relative In Dea Mclnea, who were notl a week been presenting demands that the fle1- Dr- p - Grow ' tht dt' went to priests discontinue the usual prayers for BemtdJI and took hi. brother home, where - - - I be came into poseslon of $1S,(0 left him (Continued on Second Page.) y a relative a bis .hare ot an estate. FRENCH CRUiSER FOR SHANGHAI Ra Trouale la Kxperted ta Frrark Interests, Although Vessel la Heat. PARIS, Dee. SI. A cruiser detached from the French squadron at Saigon. French Indo-Chlna, la now proceeding to Bhang hul. Tha officials here say this Is a measure of precaution, aa no French Interest have yet been molested. The recent disturbance oc curre the International concesslou. whlcl parate from the French eonce lon. i An r . ,1 dispatch from Peking today F .perlal edict Just Issued, follow- tic representations on the part ays of tl g Ign ministers, promises to ternil--ouble at Shanghai. JAI. Dec. a. Order has been re e. The viceroy today settled the rt dispute and the court will re rro A. American, British, German, id Japanese sailors are guarding n concession and mounted volun- patrolling the roads outside the An attack on the waterworka yester nate Sr tor mix Opp' Ital the terra city. day evening waa easily repulsed. WASHINGTON, Dec. a. The State de partment received a cablegram from Shang hai reporting that the situation there Is normal; that l.fjuO sailors, marines and vol unteer are guarding the streets. The vice roy has returned and the mixed court prob ably will reopen on Saturday. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETIES MEET Senator Dolllver Makes aa Address at Kew York on "Public Virtue as a Question of Polities." .-,w lititrw, urc. m. me .-lew ciigmiia power so that the carrier may be corn society In Brooklyn gave Its annual dinner , pelled to treat the public with exact and tonight in commemoration of the ann.ver- . v.n;l.aded sary of the landing of the Pilgrim fore- ! rer to transport property at a rate so low fathers. Senator J. P. Dolllver of Iowa wua that It will not produce a fair return on among the speakers. letters of regret were tpe Investment will be declared Invalid by , , , ,. ,. , , , j . the courts. Thus there Is no danger to the received from Field Marshal Lord Roberts carriers In a bad, vicious and unfair law. of Kngland and Lord Rosebery. I but the Injury will be to the shipper and Senator Dolllver, discussing "Public Vlr- the, public by attempting to provide them . .... .... . .. ' relief through a law that will be declared tue as a Question of Politics, declared that iueini ttnii Zia me unaesuaoie conuiuons orien compiaineo Of ln polltlcH are due to the same moral ,, . , . . . ... ... lils which beset all society. The only penis which ueeei un wcwiy. true remedy, he declared, Is when men live Roosevelt, In his last great message, sug In the fear of God and with an honest nur- i the true course to take, and congress pose to keep HI commandment. I ST. LOt;iS, Dec. H. The twenty-first an nual reunion of the New Kngland society of St. Louis was held tonight at the Jefferson hotel, the speakers of the evening being Governor William Cobb of Maine, Governor E. W. Hoch of Kansas and Rev. Dr. W. C. j Bitting, paator of the Second Bnj'tlst church. Tho banquet hall was profusely ; decorated with silk fiiigs. flowers and coats- j of-arms from the New Kngland state. Selden P. Spencer, president of the sotiuty, acted as toastmaster. COME TO WALSH'S RESCUE ! SALKM. Ore.. Dec. SIA new phase in the school land swindles presented itself Clearing; Ifoaae Advances Money to i today in the application for reiurn of per Contlnae Construction Work on ; tlal payments on counterfeit certificates, Chicago Southern Railroad. i mado ,n d faltn to t,,e Sta'e 8chol nd ; board by the Kenwood Lumber company CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Unhampered control of all hi interest except those In the three suspended bank and such as he disposes of voluntarily will be assured to John R. Walsh by the clearing house com mittee according to today'a developments. The clearing house committee during the day gave a check for $100,000 to Contrac tor Klnser, who Is doing the work on the Chicago Southern railroad. This guaran tees the pay of the laborers nnd Is re- garded as evidence that the Clearing House association nas aeierminea to see tne ran- . turKl, Xn(, illnd bonrd mi() j0ferred action j The real MeCarlhy'a parents nro proml rood through to Its proposed connection , thg rnattPr unt t is determined whether j nent residents of- this place, and their fears with the Chicago Belt lines and the estab-, fn(.y nnv( tha authority to refund pay-i were allayed by the fact that they have llshment of an outlet for the Walsh coal j (.nts j jus, received a letter from their son ut fields into the Chicago territory. : gT pAUL. Dec. 21.-The requisition of 1 lxs Angeles. Cai. McCarthy mid his wife 'Governor George B. Chamberlain of Ore-' are traveling on tho western coast. STUDtNIb Hlbb D'JILth d NAMt Columbia 1'nderaradnatea Snnvr Their llsapprOTal of President's Action on Foot Rail. NRW YORK. Dec. 7 One thousand stu dents hissed President Butler of Columbia university at the Interclass cane sprees held In the gymnasium today. The running trai: about the main floor wns packed with spec tators, ns was the Brace about the contest ants. Some one proposed a cheer for J. H. Vanamrlnre, denn of the college. If Is known that the dean was about the only menmer on tne university coum-ii wno op- posed the abolishing of foot ball at Coiuni- ind tho mention .of his name wns;,,... snrt , . . r,r,..Kf, -m.-n. ,!,, MTe,.u j with loud cheeva. Some one then sain, A cneer ror nutier. umn nissesani grouns greeted the nientlon of the name and no cheer was given.' TWO FEASTS FOR PRESS MEN P.aatcrn eypper Correspondents neina Horn 11 F.ntertalned In l,o Angeles. LOS ANGELES. Cai.. Dec. CI. The party of eistern newspaper men who accom panied the Los Angeles Limited train ,mM thp eontinent on its initial trin. snent f0(lnv p,,htwing at pointr. of interest about Loa Angeles and Pasadena A drive over the Bililain ranch, lunch at Pasadena Hnd a characteristic " humorous speech hv Robert J. Burdette were features. Tonight the members of the party were guest, at a banquet by th Press club and tomorrow morning I hey will leave for Cataltna island. INCREASE TELEPHONE STOCK Tlell Company Director Vote tn Issue Fourteen Millions fur 1n Construction. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21. Directors of the Hell Telephone company of philndeN 1 ,,ha. at a meeting today, decided to recorp- i mend to the stockholders that the capltn! ! stock of the company I Increased from ' $K.'VW o W.'rf.. The stockholder will j vote n the proposition on February . If ,h recommendation I approved the new 'stork will be offered to stockholders from J time to time In proportion to their holding In such amounts sa the requirements of the business Indicate I ; ESTATE FOR PENNILESS MAN William Rron, aa Object af Charity la Minnesota. Inherits Prop erty In Dea Moluea. CAPS LAKE, Minn.. Dec. 21. Will. am Grow, penniless and ill from exposure, wandered into BemMjl and told a story of hardship that secured aympalhy. He I wa. given medical treatment. A letter he LONG TALIS ON RATE LAW Kansas Senator Addretsai Knit and Fork Club an Propaeed Legislation. PRESIDENT SUGGlSTS TRUE COURSE Speaker Says Congress 'Will Do Well ta alk la Pathway Harked Uwt by Chief Executive. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec 21,-Chester I. Long, United States senator from Kansas, wa the principal speaker tonight at a dm ner given by the Knife and Fork club of thl city. Senator Long discussed the sub- i Ject "Proposed Rate Legislation" and gave his views respecting all the plan sub mitted thua far for the solution of tha question. 8enator Long spoke in part as follows: Kallroada are private property In the aense that Individuals own their stocks and bonds, but they are public property in the sense that they have a duty to per form In relation to the public. They can be regulated and controlled by law. Discriminations between Individual should cease. Discriminations between lo calities must be only those that are due to natural advantages which one city has over another and to competition that may exist at one place and not at another, The responsibility rests uiwn congress to frame a bill that will meet tho situation and prove effective when administered. It Is a great responsibility. The power of the railroad to tlx rates Is almost equal to the power of ta ration. The unrestricted exercise of this great power menaces the rights and liberties of the public. Con gress has the unquestioned power to regu late and supervise the making of Interstate elites nnri it .hnnM ftY.pfM mntft nt its congress. In considering this question, should determine It not alone in the Intel eat of the carrier and the shipper, but In Its rel(ltlons to tnP publlj well. President relations to the nubile will do well if it walks In the pathway which he has there marked out. The other speaker were Nig Poon Chew, managing editor of a Chinese newspaper in San Francisco, and Judge Henry F. Mason of Topeka. associate justice of the supreme court of Kansas. NEW PHASE OF LAND FRAUD Oregon Lumber Company Asks Hetnrn of Money Paid In t.ood Faith to Protect Bourns Titles. I of Wausau, Wis., which holds fifteen bogus certificates for an aggregate of 4,219 acres. The Fonwood compuny loaned money on the certificates to one "D. R. Murphy," which la believed to be an afias of one of J irie persons cunvicieu several rmmwi uku in the federal courts of defrauding tht government of public land and who Is now a fugitive from Justice. Payments were made in Murphy's namo on these certificates as fast aa they be came rlii hv the Kenwood eorntinnv. and tll0J. now ask t.t xh9f payments be re- jgon for the return of F. W. Jewett. wanted In Oregon on a charge of participation In the state school land fraud, was granted. He was arrested at Hlbblng, Minn., Wednes day night. BRYAN DECLINES INVITATION A a Correspondent He Desires to Free to Criticise Philippine Administration. Re MANILA. Dec. r -William J. Erj-fn ha i cabled from Hong Kong declining Acting I Governor's Ide's InvltH'lon to be his guest , durlng nis sta)- jn ManlU, for the reason tha. ha comeg a, a newsoarjer renresentu- tnat j)V nls acceptance of the acting gov- ernor's hospitality he would feel placed under certain obligations to the govern- ment. which he might wish to write about In the near future. T'pon hia arrival here Mr. Rryan will be mt by a committee representing the in sular city government, the supreme court and by the aides of Acting Governor ldo and Major General Corbln. Mr. Bryan Is expected tn arrive December 72, when he will go to the hotel. PLANS FOR WESTERN RAILROAD F.astern Men May Take Santa Fe Cen tral and Complete the Line. PITTSBURG. Dee. H Announcement Is mad that eastern and New Mexican capi talist, will Join the Pittsl.urg holders of the unfinished Santa Te Central railroad of New Mexico and complete it. A syndl- cats ha decided to take up the incomplcto railroad property, subscribe $oC0,nr and complete the road which runs through a rich coal territory to El Paso. Francla J. Torrance, president of the company, is In New York arranging final details. The local holdere of the Santa Fo Central ay they will not have to sell the road, but, with the eastern and New Meg- lean men Joining forces, will be able to de. velop it and meet all the obligations that are now held by the defunct National bajik of Allegheny, Pa. M'CURDY TRANSFERS PROPERTY Former Insurance President Places large Part of F.state la Wife" a Name. MORR1STOWN, N. J.. Deo. 21.-Deed by which Richard A. McCurdy. former president of the Mutual Life Insurance company, and other members of hia family have transferred valuable property in thl city within the last few day were mad public today. Mr. McCurdy and his wife on December It and again on December 19 transferred parcel of real estate to thai son, Robert H. McCurdy. The son on December 19 transferred to' hi mother hi Interest ln4 th new McCurdy home, which ha been occupied by Richard A. McCurdy, and which U said to have cost about $400,000. By thl transfer th country house and th surrounding estate wa put entirely Ut aire. Richard A. McCuxdy'a uuna FCLK AFTERLIQUOR CLUBS Oovernor of Missouri Orders t. I.oula Pol lee Commissioner to Make flalds. ST. IjOPI". Deo. 21. President Bteart of the Board of Police Commissioners to day received a letter from Governor Folk Instructing that the police raid so-called "clubs" organized for the evasion of the Sunday liquor law and the avoidance of dramshop license payment. Governor Folk Instructs that the clubs be raided not only on Sunday, but nn week days. In every case where It is apparent that the liquor Is being sold to the general public In viola tion of the charters Issued to these organ isations as social clubs. In his letter Gov ernor Folk states:. : A club has no more right to sell liquor ithout the linuor license than anv olner without the liquor license than any olner corporation would have. If liquor Is, in tact, sold to the public, it Is utterly Im- B,irnce companies by his department are material whether there Is a club charter ! made orly to ascertain the aolvency of the or not- " I companlea and that no Inspection Is made In accordance with the Instructions Chief ;,nt0 tne e:rmvag.anoe of the management of of Police Klely announced this afternoon ; a C0Inpar,v or lnto the Balarie8 p.j to offl that the ao-called Mubs would be raided , r. ioug aa tn company la able to pay next Sunday, and these raids will continue , u, oh,gatlon8. No nveBll,ation Is made dally thereafter, until the alleged viola- ,nto tne comm,M,on, pald to agenta. the "l ",e oram-enop ,aw cease. i ner. are 147 no-called Tid cl'tba" in St. Louis. Chief Klely stated that legitimate clubs will not be disturbed, but that arrest will j be made wherever it I found that liquor is being sold to the general public In viola- tlon of law. It Is atated that many of the ; SO-Called Clubs do not limit the SUle Of liquor to bona flde member. The proposed campaign against organiza tions known aa "clqhs" wns legun early tonight, when, acting under orders from Chief of Police Klely, the pollen raided five of the establishment, arresting the pro prietor of one, the bartender of another and the secretaries at the two others, besides fifteen persons found In the various places. The places raided were the Occidental, West St. Louis Business Men' Mutual Benevolent association, the Pickwick club, the Modern Horse- Shoe club and the Arcade club. The principals of the clubs were held on charges of selling liquor without licenses and the persons found in the places were held as wit nesses. ' Late tonight two mere squads of police men were ordered out to make further raids. CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY Man Whose Muppoaed lludy Was Fonnd ln Pickling Vat is Alive In I.os Angeles. SKLIN 8 GROVE. Pa.. Dec. 21. The atory that the body of H. B. McCarthy of this place wns found In a pickling vat In ono of the medical colleges ln St. Louts ho brought to light a case of mistaken identity and clears up to a cert iln extert the mys tery surrounding the disappearance of" a bank book belonging to the man named. According to the St. Louis story, the dead man had on his person a bank book which showed a deposit of $11,000 to his credit in tho First National bank of Selln" Grove. C. B. North, cushlur of the bank, said today that McCarthy some months ago, while the western states, wa robbed of his traveling bag 'containing la personal effects along tvith Jils bank book. He notified tho bank arid a duplicate book was aenf, Nothing- wa; lv-ard of the thief, who Tinfflert :h efforts tit a1veirrna the nffnlr was forgotten. Thu finding of tho body In the medical college and the telltale bank book Indicate that the late possessor of the bank book came to an unfortunate end, and that Mc Carthy, the rightful owner of the cleponlt. ! is alive. CRISIS IN THE GLASS TRADE President of Hlovtera I'ntnn Says Wattes Most Br Reduced to Meet Machine Competition. CLEVELAND. D"C. Il.-PreMdent A. L. Faulkner of the Amalgamated Window Glass Workers of America Issued a sneeinl letter here todav to the members of the organlratlon advocating that a reduction in wages be accepted In order to prevent disaster to all who are not Interested In machine made product. One paragraph of the letter says: After January 3 there Is no power on ' w? r to ket al use to keeD all the members employed urlohs w. meet the iitua'io:i hv a reduction In wacea f ,r a : time at least. I Tn, letter were sent to the members j ' tne organization In anticipation of the meeting of the Independent Window Gloss ' Workers, to be held in January, at which time It Is believed the Independents will be In a position to line up solidly against the American Window Glass company. The j company mnd a hia- cut In the price of j wmnow glass recently. in nis leirer rresmeni rauigner sain the 1 tn aFceruln whether there had been ativ condition of the window gla business is lifting of securities or temporary ar bad and that the prospect for the fu'ure ( rangenient made which would indicate thut in won-e. xie raq inai me American Window Glass company had entered upon j an active campaign against the hand-blow product tnat unles checked by speedy and decisive united action on tn part of tho manufacturers and workers will end dis astrously to all who are not Interested In machlno made product. WINDSTORM IN PENNSYLVANIA , Tornado Srveepa Wyoming Valley and Dora fireat Pa matte to Wires aad Rulldlnaa. ! I wH'KlRARRE, Ta., Dec. n.-A heavy rain n1 "Indslorin. which practically rearl,tl the dimensions of a hurricane, wel't the Wyoming valley today. One man wa '"e a-"1 property worth thousands of dollars waa destroyed in this city and surrounding towns. TelearaDh and teleDhona wir broken down in all directions and r,.r era! hours communication was cut off The Traction company', wire. Uo suffered ana tne system was seriously crip; led. At Laflln, north of this city. treatllng lending to the Delaware 4 Hud' .on Laflin colliery, wa. overturned by the wind and a Hungarian laborer wa crushed to death by the falling timber.. The treatllng wa 40u feel long and i5 feet high. At Plymouth. Pittston, Nantiro and other town in the valley the storm also wrought considerable damage. rnvN'iri.i.Kvii.i k r.. t- , - worst wind and rainstorm in it. hitory th. e.w. region l , .ht . morning, causing thousand of dollar dam- j age. Telephone and electric wire are I down; tree are uprooted, fence and small building are demolished; house are un- i roofed and many windows are broken. Traffic on the trolley line were tied up, and on the Western Pennsylvania railway car filled with passenger had to atop at tonely piaeea until tne .lorn, abated. DLNDR1CKS IS UNDER FIRE Dew York Ininraica Eapcrinttndent Quss tioned bj Attorney Hngbea ALL EXAMINATIONS ARE PERFUNCTORY Reports Repaired Taken at Fare aad Are Mark Less Complete Than Those Famished to Kor elga Governments. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Francis Hendricks, superintendent of Insurance of New York, the chief witness before the legislative committee of Insurance Investigation today I and testified that the examlnationa of in Byst,m of Ioanlng on tne premiums, the advancing of loans to agents or loans to dlrectorS- xhe employment of klnspeople of ofncprs ln hlgh p0gltlon8 9 not Inquired lnto. Thla na ,onB. Wn the CUBtom ot the (i,n.rtln(,nt. r. Hendricks said, and he de- cinred further that he personally knew little nr .llthlnir ahnul Ih. tiarlnua uTnmlnntlonS made, as they were entrusted to Isaac Van derpoel. the chief examiner of the depart ment. While Mr. Hendricks' memory failed him a to any legislation which he had sug gested us a remedy to any defects In the luws governing insurance companies he stated that no measure that he had ever presented had ever been opposed In cither house of the legislature. Neither had any bills been passed against his recommenda tion. Mr. Hendricks said that his department spent last year about $137,ou0 and received In fee and payments 2S7,726. which was paid Into the state treasury. To make ex aminations that would bring out such in formation as has been gathered by the legislative committee, the witness said, would requim ten more examiners and an additional appropriation of from $10,000 to $0,000. He thought, however, he could get the appropriation If ho asked for It. Legal Kiprnif Accounts. Mr. Hendricks knew nothing of the largo legal expenses of the New York Life In surance, company, the Equitable and the Mutual Life, as they had never been called to his attention. He hnd never heard of the wash sales of securities, nor the year-end loans of the Kqiiitahle to clerks of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., nor had these ever lxen brought to his attention. Mr. Hughes asked: "Do you require the companies to pre sent a detailed statement of helr legal dis bursements showing the nameH of lawyers who had money and what they had It for has the department ever required that?" "No, I don't think so." "Now. we tini Information of that sort being furnished to Prussia and not to the Now York state department. Here, for ex ample, I have the statement of the legal expenses of the New York Life for 18U8, giving, la-.l'lptl.tb StouiU.;pa.lit. aggre gating tlM.TaS, and .the names of the" re cipient as furnished to the Prussian gov ernment. Now, did the New York state department ever have a statement like thu I?" "No." "From the New York Life or uny other company T" "I think not." "Well, xu have got a total In the en.e of the New 1 ork Life, and the point Is that If It had net been the tradition of the department, or the ordinary practice, to require nnything more than so much for legal expenses, and as long as thny had enough left to meet their liabilities wit:, such a margin, that In the ordinary ex pectations of life would r.ot be exceeded, why you would not take up the question of tbe details of their disbursements?" "I don't know what report they made. Of course, I am not accurate; it Is possible they did not put them all In the legnl ex panses they reported." "Now- what u Jour PraPtir " regard to "P" tnat eame ln? P'd 5'" loo thm over yourself, the annual reports?' "Not all of them, If there were anything that seemed wrong the statistician referred to me" "Then they were referred to the statls tleian in the first Instance?" "Yes." "What were his duties with reference to the report?" , 'lie examined all the reports." "Did you look through the collateral loans?" "I don't thik so." "Who had charge of that mailer?"' "Mr. Vanderpoel." Takes Reports aa Marie. "Did anyone in the department endeavor the department report was not true?" "No, w took the reports a. they were made to me." "I'nless. then, you hail an examination, you would not detect whether the securi ties reported at the end of the given yar were changed ln the beginning of the next year?" "I think not without examination." "When wa It first that you learned that Kuhn, Loeb & Co. for example, were tak- In alleaed collateral loans at the end f the year, either In their own name or in the name of tlielr clerkr, without any real loans being in existence or letended to be?" "I have seen ruch a statemont In the pa pers; I never learned It." "Did you learn that in the course of your examination this year?" "I do not think so." Mr. Hendricks said that Is making the examination of tbe Equitable last spring he did not have hi attention called to the existence of a memorandum !n lieu of caali j kept by the cashier, and he was asked: ' .. . ... . . : . " n" w your ul j "Mr. Vanderpoel made it. any instruction." I didn't give "You are In the position of a superin- tendent who relied upon your subordinates.' but in looking over your reports or the report furnished you from time to time, was not your attention attracted to the very large amount expended by the I Equitable, by the Mutual and by the New ' ... tv. V .. P i . ! "I thought they were laige; I didn't know "Have you asked during your Incumbency for any Information from Insurance com- panles additional to that which wa pre- ViTl,ynTthr.ntrlo sir" I don t think so, sir. "You haven t examined the Provident Saving life Aasurance society during the aContlnued on Second Page.) - NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Generally Fair Krlrtajr and Saturday. Temperature at Omnha lealerdart Hour. Dea. Hour. Uea. n a. m.,.,.. u.n 1 p. m 17 a. m 2 p. m x T a. m -Jil a p. m ' a. n g 4 p. ni St n a. tn X.t ft p. nt H'J 10 a. m Jtrt II p. in 11.1 11 a. nt 2l T p. m 3 4 Un 27 s) p. m St p. m at OLD SETTLERS TO GATHER Omaha Club to Re the Srene of a fir eat Reception on New Year'a Afternoon. To Old Settlers of Omaha and Their De scendants: The Omaha club has tendered a New Year reception to the old settlers of Omaha and their male and female de scendants IS years of age and over at the club house from 8 to S o'clock p. m. Janu ary 1, IKK!. We request and urge all men and women w-ho came to Omaha before January 1, 1871, and their descendants 18 years of age or over to promptly and before Tuesday. December , send their names and ad dresses to the secretary of the Omaha club so that Invitations may be mailed to them by the club. DR. GEORGE L. MILLER. Chairman. , B. E. P. KENNEDY, Ol'Y C. BARTON. JOHN I. REDICK. JAMES M. WOOL WORTH. GEORGE W. DOANE, EDWARD ROSEWATER, HENRY W. YATES, CHARLES F. M ANDERSON, JAMES E. BOYD. 0DELL LOSES IN METROPOLIS Conarresanian Parsona Elerted Chair una of County Committee After All-Mght Wrangle. NEW YORK. Dec. 22. The republican county committee of New York, which met last night In Murray Hill Lyceum to take up the matter of selecting u president of the committee, remained ln session until nn early hour this morning. Shortly after midnight a recess was voted, the commit tee being called to order again at 12:) o'clock. State Senator Nathaniel A. Els burg acted as temporary chairman. The so-called anti-Odell forces, led by Corgressman Herbert Parsons as candidate for president of the committee, soon began their efforts to have the president named at this time. Tho opposing forces fought for a postponement of the election of ofllcera until January 4. The committee reconvened at 1 o'clocl; and after long discussion Congressman Her bert run-ons was elected chairman of the New York republican committee by accla mation shortly before 3 o'clock. WESTERNERS AT WELLESLEY Nebraska nnd Iowa Are Well Repre sented In the Freshman Claaa. T fspeilai J L I .EE L B Y . , rSF- ?..- 2l.-BpMal Telegram.) Among the leading members of the freshman eias at Wellealey college, according to tho liW, register out today, are the following Nebraska girls: Misses Buelah I. Buckley, Etromshurg; Josephine D. Butterheld, Norfolk; Mtry Schermer horn and Margaret K. Whitney, Omaha, and Marcla L. Webber, Schuyler. The following girls comprise thp Iowa contingent in the entering class: Misses Alma L. Blklen, Burlington; Mabel 6. Farnham, Charles City; Margurite C. Hal lam, Ploux City: Eleanor Little, Dubuque; Marlon E. Mark ley, Maaon City; Jean E ' ' ,m n ' """c-v- "ar piia. FORMER OMAHA WOMAN KILLED Mrs, Unm Ronialne Knocked Down and Crnshed by a Rnnatvar Horae, DENVER, Dec. fJl. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. Taura Romnlne, 50 years old. form erly cf Omaha, died at St. Luke's hospital this morning from Injuries received by being knocked down and run over by a j laundry wagon last evening about 6 o'clock. I ne nnrse oecame ingntcneo: by an auto mobile running at high speed. The driver lost control. Mrs. Roni&lne. unconscious of the danger, was waiting for a car and had praxilcally no chance to save herself. Thn wagon wheels paused over her body. With her daughter and granddaughter, she camo to Denver about two months ngo, and has been living In apartments at 1.11S KYans strvet JAIL FOR MILWAUKEE BOODLER Ki-Alderman Rudolph Found Guilty of Soliciting: Bribe from Former City Attorney. MILWAI'KEE. Dec. ii. Fx -Alderman Robert L. Rud'Hph waa this afternoon sentenced to one year In the Milwaukee house of correction, being found guilty of soliciting a bribe of $100 from former Oitv Attorney Charles H. Hamilton In In to secure the passage of on expense bill through the common council. A stay of execution of the sentence was granted! I l"" -"I'r-me court a aeeision on ! pending the I 1'on involved in the case. I Ru,loln" av fc ono n""- FORMER GOVERNOR IN POVERTY Man Who Led Successful Fight Against Wisconsin Corporations sow In Public Institution. MADISON, Wis., Dec. '.'1. Today, m lonfly old age, William 11. Taylor, governor of Wisconsin from 1S74 to 187S, went to llvo at Stlri C.M,l..'a It. . .. .. . .. . 1. . . . 7v ,. V,VT ii .1. " a notable ftprht before the supremo court ; Taylor et.bllsh(.d tn, rl(.,,t of rho state to regulate corporations. Since leav ing the governorship he has lived quietly on a farm ten miles from Mallron. I ! Movements of Ocean Vr.sela Dec. Utl. At New York Arrived: Hamburg, from Genoa. S:i'led: la Hretngne. for Havre; I,ttn- f,,r Havre; Cnitd States, for Copen- At Antwerp-Arrived: Kroonland, from New Yoi k. At Glasgow Sailed: Athenla. for St li.lin V 11 At Liverpool Arrived : Iberian, from Boston; Haltle, from New York; Haver ford, from Philadelphia. Sailed: Sagamore, for Boston; Irishman, for 1'ortluud. At Queenstown Sailed: Celtic, for New York At Manchester Arrived: Iberian, from , BAt London-Arrived : Tampion, from 'Philadelphia: Phibtdelphlan. from Boston. 1 Sailed: Aliniieupoll. for New York t V al'"-'Arrlv,,tl: retlc, from New Tork, for Genoa j At Havre Arrived: '-Xork. La Bavoie, from New X TO 3 Freseat Ambassader to irtiil U Receive the Chu?e Be Deiirea. BEST OF AUTHORITY FOR STATEMENT Persistent Knock i tig Eat Delayed tut Official Announcement. PENFIELD FINDS CHARGES GROUNDLESS Xomination to Go t the Senate Boon After the Belidaya PRESIDENT SIGNS THE CANAL BILL Secretary Shaw Announces There) Will Be So Issue of the Canal Bonds at the Present Time. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. tl. tSpeclal Tele gram.) David E. Thompson, ambassador to Brazil, will lie made ambassador to Mexico. This statement I. made on un impeachable authority. Mr. Thompson ha been "knocked" on all sides and he has been compelled to undernto Investigation at the hands of the solicitor for the State department. Judge Fenflehl. who went to Rio de Janerlo to Investigate charges. It Is now learned that theao charges were not sustained. Shortly after congress convenes, It Is believed. Thomp son's name will be eent to the senate. This news will, In the light of ominous prog nostications, be most acceptable to friend of the American ambassador to Brazil. . Nebraska Official Itealans. Fnanuel Spelchs of Tecumseh, Nob., after twenty-five years' continued service In the Poetoltice department at Washing ton, from cltrk to chief of the auditing division, has resigned, to tuke effect Jan uary' L The old adage that few govern ment clerks die and none resign does nut apply In Mr. Spelchs' case. Rather, how ever, than go in under the new regime growing out of the changes In duties of several assistant postmaster general, Mr. Spelchs thought thl would be a good time to quit the government service. Ha waa Importuned by both the postmaster gen eral and the fourth assistant, P. V. De graw, to reconsider his determination to quit the service, but having once made up his mind that. "now or never" wa tho time. Insisted upon his resignation being ac cepted. Mr. Spelchs has made a most en viable record ln the rural free delivery branch of the service. He has also beon successful In business here, and between his growing business and the fact that he would have to act under new auspices, thought It the part of wisdom to leave the government Bcrviee. Nebraska by his res ignation - lose an Important place In the PoatofTice department. Postmaster Appointed. Postmasters appointed: Nobrakr-Btirn-ham. Lancaster county; Harry B. Bond, lee F. ,0. Burn ham, resigned. Wyoming-1 ' CT.Uk4iuwSreJvrer. aouoty l .Renjamln-M. Sutton, rice I: H. Bachman," resigned. BUI for Benefit of Indian. Senator Burkett today Introduced a bill to enable Indiana allotted land, in severalty within the boundaries of drainage district No. 1, ln Richardson county, Nebraska, to protect tlnir land from overflow and for the segregation of such of said Indians from their tribal relatione aa may be ex pedient. The secretary of the Interior is, under the provisions of fenator Burkett hi'l. authorized to pay to the Indian of the Sac and Fox tribes, who have beep al loted lands In Richardson county, Nebrarko, tlie proportionate share of such Indlnnsln the $ir,",0iio "paper principal" remaining to the credit of said trllie under the treaty October 1-3, WTi. President Slan Canal Dill. President Roosevelt today signed the bMI passed by congress appropriating $11 ,notl,(Wi for the Panama canal. This is the first law created by tho present session ot congress. o Immediate Bond Issue. Secretary Shaw today" stated that al though the Panama canal bill which has Just passed congress perfected the legisla tion relating to the sale of Panama bonds. j i.nil makes it possible to Issue them at any time, the 1 re.iMiry iieparynent noes not con. template nn Immediate issue. Blda for Concessions Rejected. All the bids for concessionary contracts or grants for the construction of railroads In 1 the Philippine Lslanda, recently submitted ! to thp bureau of insular affairs, wire, tndny rejected because of departures from th terms of the circular culling for proposals. Secretary Tuft, aft-r h number of confer ences with Governor Wright ami Tlr. Forbes of the Philippine' commission ani Colonel Kd ward", chief of the insular bureau, torts v decided to readvertise for proposals, nnd January 3f at 10 a. m. hn been fixed as the date for the opening of new Hds for these concessions. The terms will be modified In some particular. Army dominations Held l. Nominations of Urigadir r General George B. Davis to be Judge advocate general and Brigadier General William Crozier to be chief of ordnance of the army, both to suc ceed thetnt-clV'S, were considered In execu tive session of the senate today, but action Was postponed until after the holidays. 8".i:itor Warren, chairman of the commit tee on miliUry affairs, presented a letter front Secretary of War Taft explaining what had been termed a lecal technicality against these officers succeeding themselves in the detail named in the nominations. At a recent meeting of the committee on military u!Talrs It was stated by several members that the law seemed to prohibit oftieers from accepting a second four-year eMail of this character until they had again served In the line for three yeara. In each ease, Secretary Taft say., It Is the clear Intention of ti e srmy t 'organlza t.nn act of !!i that only officers below tha rank of roloi.el shall be Ineligible to re appointment for continuous staff service, and that in the cafe of heads of the bu reaus there In no prohibition whatever as to reappointment. The nomination, of members of the Istlunhin Canal commU- : hinn v''rf aKjl" referred to the committee j on inter-oe ante canul. : . ' SEVERE STORM ALONG COAST ( ir . r. . i . 1" - - - .....,..,, a a l Virginia aad Carolina. North NORFOLK. Va.. Dec. fl.-Th Virginia and North Carolina coasts were swept by one of ti e most severe etorm. of the yetr hist ni.-'ht and this morning. No disaster.! have been r iorted either from Cape Henry, Va.. or Chje Hattera. N C. but this b- i 9 oul " hipping at ,