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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: " TIlURSDAV, DECEMBER 21, 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Nws Bearish, b:i. Wheat Steady. Options Fairly WEAKNESS PREVAILS IN CORN FUTURES Old December Hold Plead? Oats Are l.lttl Lower Goiernment He pert 1 Come, Glrlnc Final Crop Kliarri. on trnck: No 1 rorfhrrn. CV; No. i north ern. Mc; tierember, 83c; Mev. t"e. OATS To arrive and on tra. k. a'r'. !KW Quotation M IHktT Yarloas OMAIIA. Dec. i. 1J. Wheat news was benilsh, but the market fairly steady, closing a little lower than yesterday at about opening pii.--s. December closed at M'-,4c, May at 8S'4iiHSa and July at s3c. Large receipts and small Inquiry caused a weakness In corn In alt month except old December, which held ste.cdv. New De cember was off c December closed at i May at uc and of lb la r Commodities. NEW TORT. Her. M.-FLOUR-Reeipt. 21, bbls.; export. a.l2 bbla.: sale J-41 pkgs. Market ffady and unchanged, wln'er patents. $4; winter straights, Hf'U 4.1": .Minnesota patent". $4 V iii '"; winter extras. l.'A'i J.'5, Minnesota bakers. 11 ft'i It mi; winter lw grades. 2.7.V(. :t . Ryo flour; fulr to good. IJ'fi to; choltM to fam y, tt I5ii4 Lui' flour, steady; f I1"'! 2..V, spot and to arrive. HICKWHKAT Dull, 6Jc, nominal, de livered at New York. ('i)KNM Ml, Stcany ; line white and yel low. $1.25; coarse, II )4(il H. kiln dried, HO) f;3 10 RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 75c. c. I. f. New Yo'k. BARLKY-Pull; reeding. 41c, c. I. f. Buffalo; nial'lng. 4Vaoc, e. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, !r..iiO bu.; export. 223.tKt bu.: snot market easy; No. 2 red, I !), elevator; No. 2 red. U1c, f. o. b., alloat; ISO. 1 nortliern, Duliim. wi'.c, 1 a lis stocks. The close, while a trifle up from the bottom, wa still o under laat night. May, ttjty:42u. closed at Kv; December, 45c, old Iiecember at 5vc, July at 44c. Oats opened lower and hung around open ing flgurei all day. Dec-ember closed at iS". Way at 31'viiif and July at 3oc. Clearances were H9T bushels of corn. X6 IU0 hllBhels r.t nnll 2ilT .If hilshele: i-.f wheat, and 14.000 barrels of flour. Primary w,a'.-c. tn.seu aira-c. wheat receipts were 833 bushels, and ship-I CoKN-Reccipt. ', tin.; export. H-,-menta, Ho.on) bushels, against receipts last 1 h" : HP"' market easy; No i, 5.SC ele year of 645,001) bushlls and alilpmeTUs of ' valor, and 5n'4c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 ycl ans.ttOO buahe'a. Corn receipt were 1.121,0m) low, olCi No. 2 white. Sle. Option mar- buahola. and ahiDmciUn. fwl.i buahela. 1 't waa irremiiar. jiwimhij i-iobuik n agninai rect-ipta or l.JiJ.ii-xt Dtisnt'H laat year, and nl.ipni"iit of iit&.OQQ tiushcl. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Irregular and Reactionary oa Ex tended ProflTakiDf. BANK SCARE FROM NEW ENGLAND Himitr of Polhle Kallare Caanaea F'lnrry In fall Loan. Price e!l Off Rapidly and (lone In lira). NKW VORK, Dee. 21. I'nder cover of further advance In certain lusues which have recently been cnnnplruouR for their Mrentrth. tCKlay a etork market wna iub Jected to connlderahle litiiidatlon In the form of profit-taking. Aa a reault the K'-neral tr-ndency of the Hat was Irregular, If not reactionary. Neverthelett. the mar ket gave anipie evidence of Inherent atrengtn nd reflated with no Ilttla auc- b., atloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. .c. atlnat I r,.,,, the efforts of the short Intereat. wlioeo t wn account ni rn cuoint iiri iiruiu . rommitniFnll aro auppoted to have Ui lower, pat tly due to t.lg receipt a dmp ' rreaaed mntorlally alnct- Mondav a develop In corn anil a l.irire In Miniicpu- in I'hiA. tt . .. Liverpool clone. I unchajiged to d lower on wheat and d higher on corn. Rroornhall cabled; "Accordlne to the Indian otTtclal report for the week ending December , no rain naa raiien, and th situation ia still unimproved from the laat orfldai report." The government report thia afternoon will give harvested area, total production, and farm values of all grains D. c inli-r 1. Cash business at Chicago yesterday waa 29,000 buahela wheat, 6o.0uu bushels coi n and 16S,i00 bushels oats. At tlio nenboaid ex porter! sold 126. bUKhela wheat. Iti0.i0 bushels corn and lOO.Uuo bushels outs. Tha Iowa state reort makes the coin crop 1)46,010.000 bushels, tho largest ever raised In the atnte, Hgnlnst (iK,M),u bush els last year and bushels In l:'.t The oats crop Is the largest ever raised, 141.000.0ii0 bushels, ogulnsl 122.(iO0,O'iO busltels last year. Wheat crop Is only G.4i.t,0(H bush els, against ll,2ui,000 bushels last year. A petition to the board of directors of the Chicago Board of Trade to adjourn over Saturday waa turned down by a vote of 11 to 2. It waa held that on account of the soft condition of corn, closing would be an injustice to shippers. The short lnteres. In tteceniber corn haa been underestimated. Judging from the volume of trading the past two days. Around 1,000,000 bushels have been bought In two daya at Chicago, and those In a position to know say there are still over 3,000,000 bushela out. Omaha C ash "ales. WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car at 75c. CORN No. , 1 car at 3ic; No. 3 yellow, 2 ear at IS He; No. 4, 1 car at 37c. Omaha. Cash rrlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. TSijliSlc; No. 3 hard, 7M7xc; No. 4 hard. Twtj No. 2 spring, WO"tVfc; No. I spring, Ti'4Vfr. COHN o. 3, 3ht3)lc; No. 4, MWitT.hio; no grade. M'uMc; No. a yellow, 3tVk, OATS No. 3 mixed, 'Jb'''0-Ji4i; ; No. 3 white. 291'&;!9Vc; No. 4 white, a.Vtf2!te. II YE No. 2, 62c; No. 3, B0'ale. Carlot Itec-vlDta. Wheat. Corn. Oats ... 10 ... 112 ... 62ti .. 11 ... 1M ... 12 higher ond May Ho Kiwer with trade tight. May, 6o-uiIf, closed at 60c; July closed at mtWv. December, 6ritT4, closed at &i7so. OATS Itecelpts, an.Oin bu.; exports, 4,300 hu snot market steady: mixed oats. 2ti to ( 32 pound. Hi'nSTUc; nstural white, to 32 pounds, l.vcw; Clipped wniie, at. 10 tj pound, 4vu42c. KKKD timet; sprlngbran, llS.rtTlO OO; Pe cembr shipment; middling. 118 6C3l9.0, De cember shipment; city, $19 OO'im&u. HAY WiM; shipping, aO-uooc; good to Choice, Wft5c. HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice, lflnj crop, ltf.ilitc; li4 crop, llKnl.ic; oltls, & Sc; racinc coast. U1O6 crop, lOiHc; 19o4 crop, !K(12c; olds. S'iittc. HI DICS Firm; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs , 20c; California, 2! to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry, 31 to 30 lbs., 19c. I.KATHKR Firm: acid. M'ifi 27He. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $11.50 (fil.'.oO; mess, ! no'fi 10.00; beef hams. t'M.5i'tu 2.00; packet. 10.5(i-lill 50; city extra India mess."iils.fA t ill meats, nuiei; picaie.i ments In Chicago. If the activity of spec 11 lntlve interests In the latter city and adjacent points are any criterion the Inci dent seems to have left no weuk spot In the technical position of the market. Events which guided the list In one direc tion or the other iacluded easy money on time and call, a further decline In ex change and vague warnings of financial disaster which emanated from a familiar New Kngland source. The moat noteworthy feature of the early trading, and. Indeed of the day. Was I'nlon 1'atlllc, which scored a new high record on a very heavy volume of busi ness. There was more talk of buying of the stock "for control." but this was simply a variant of the many rumora heard In unofficial quarters. The concur rent strength of the Hill railway share furnished additional footing for specula tive gossip and predictions of a readjust ment of the railway situation In the west and northwest. Thnt some deal of great proportions involving tho Hill and ifarrl m;n properties is under way Is the firm conviction of those who buy and sell securi ties, but any definite Information on this point is probably a long way off. In marked contrast to the atrength of I'nlon Puclllc was th? weakness of Southern Pacific. This stock has shown heaviness ever since the recent publication of its annual report, which was accompanied by intimation that eeserva. shows: Available cash balance, n.Tt'l.4; gold coin and bullion, WT.TotUl 1 ; gold certlflcatea, &,anB.42n. ew Vork Money Market. NEW YORK. fee. S-MONET-Oti rail, firm at ytiiO per cent; ruling rate, 7V rr cent; closing bid, per cent; offered. 10 per cent. Time monev, hrm; W) and 3 daya and 6 months, a rr cent. PRIM K M E flC A N TT I E PAPER Sfi rsTERMNO FJCCHANOfc-KASv. with nc tual business In bankers' bills at MMttf 4. HMO for demand and at l 4 2R for 0-dav bills; posted rates. M ; and 4.Hlr 4 f7; commercial bills. $4 Ri'1. PILVER Bar, o: Mexlcsn dollar. 5'l.c. RONPS Oovernmont, easy; railroad. Arm. Closing quotation on bonds were a follow: lit Jipan 4p. M riM .. I"S .1A3 do 4i ttti "1 1H dn Id nrlra 2 K L N. unl. 4i IK .US "X.n. c. 41. K'-v, .lMt. rnirl 4i .1J"4 do lit nr ,l'4 Minn. et 1.. 4 . H . .H m.. K. a T. it t'i do In H 4 !JS N. R . Of r. 4. K .4 N. V. C a. H W .ni4 K. J 1 (1 .tnSH No. Piclflc 4i ins . M do to . n N. W. r 4 105' .ll1 O. . U rtn 4s "t . iS rttn. cont. IS l'i . ; kndlng (an. 4t I"4 . TC L. a L M. n ( .llw .m ' at. l. a. r. ft. 4. 7s . at. u a. w. ,im Srsbnarti A. . W4 sn. Plrlflr 4 , rfv. da lat 4a ctft ... rri'. A 8t. b. 4..loa Bo. Rallwar ta..,, t'olo. Ind. (a. sxr. A. Tin a r Is do rln n rf T . St. L w 4 'Mera4 Mid. 4n.... ?7 ftilun Paelfla .. Colo. A 80. 4l M ! do tonv. 4a f'uhs ts loin f. a. ateal id Ss.. D. B O. 4s .lOlV.Wshtab la , Dlatlllrrs' Qk; ia ... sr. do dh. B Erts prior lln 4....1"IH "r" 41. ... do gen. 4a irtv, W. U. B. 4.. Hockiii Vl. Ii,...n4 Wli c antral 4a... Japan a mi,1 md. Offered. . l 8. ref ta. nc do aetifron ...... t. a ta. rrg do coupon V. S. old 4a. r. do V . naw 4a, rag do roupon Am. Tobarco 4l. . do ta Atrhiaon fas do adj. Atlantic r. L. 4a. . . Dal. A Ohio 4 40 !tw Brk. . T. c. 4a. ... cvntrat ol oa. it.. do lat Int.. ...... do 3d inr. do 3d Ino t'hra. A Ohio 4S 1 hlxago A A. ('., R. A Q a. 4a. L., R I. A P. 4a do col. as L. 4s. an .. 44 .. tit .. 7H . 13.H, . .1:'3 .. IH ..l4. ,.I4T4 .. Hi ..US' .. 75 .. m, .. tl .. i Boston ttoeka and Bond. BOSTON. Dec. !0.-Call loans, 1 oent; time loans. hu,Q iter cent, quotations on stocks and bonds: 4a. ... - V a t 1 , , u.;i lA . tLAA. "iiiiiinii'.ii Hint, tti lueiiii u I mti yri 111 i"!11"-, f'!c,."i'?-'0: p',15l,0V1r"-.rf.' lht. People s Oas was decidedly weak ' 1 I " v- ' l 1 ' ... , ng g Chicago ..... Kansss City Minneapolis Omaha lmluth Ht. Lioula ... 2T.4 2:i!t Hit bl western steamed. 17. refined, ouict continent, Is In; South America, IS.60; com pound, li.62V6-87V. Pork. stady; family. $IS no; short clear. llo.OOii 17.00; mess. 115 00 iilo 25. TALLOW Pa rely steady; country, iWf RICR Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4,,ai Gc; Japan, nominal. io'ai2Hc. Bl'TTER Firm; street price, extra creamery. 22r(r24V4o. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, ltitj;21e; state dairy, common to extra. Ifyfi23c; western factory, common to firsts, liWifliMic: western Imlt.i tlon creamery, extras,; first, 17 rlsc. CHEESE Steady; state full cream, small and large, colored and white, September, fancy. 13-v.p; state October best, I21il3c; state lute made, small, colored and white, average best. lOVic; large, 12c; fair. IK8IIS0. EOt IS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 36c; state choice. 33to 34c; "late mixed, extra. 3nift32c; western finest selected, 27(J)2oc; state aver age best, i.tic. POI'LTRY Pressed, steady: western chickens, figi&c; turkeys. 12tr2t)c; fowls. S'tj! 12V.C. Kansas City iraln KANSAS CITY, Pec. id Provlatoua. 20. WHEAT Mar- (HICAUO mAI AXU PI0lflO9 I'ealnres of the Tradlotc and Closlug Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec.-J. Liberal primary re ceipts and a break in the pi icy of corn were Influential factors contributing to a weak wheat market here today. At tho close wheat for May delivery waa oft HIP 4r, corn waa down and oats showed a loss of tSHc Provisions were from 7Vc to 12V lower. The wheat market was weak throughout the entire day. Early In tho session prices were weak on reports of declines In the northwestern .markets. The . fuilure .of. Liverpool to respond to the advance on tho local board yesterday was an Important factor. Many local traders who covered hort line on the upturn of yesterday put out new short line today and there was for a time small response from the bulls. The nlump In corn also caused selling. Heavy primary receipts of 623,000 bu., as against 648,0110 bu. for the corresponding day of last year, also encouraged the bears. During the last half hour commission houses bought actively and there was a decided Improvement in the demand. This resulted In a recovery of n large portion of the loss recorded early in the duy. The market closed easy. May opened Vi'flSo lower at 8KVnlwyp. sold up to 8sc and decllped to 87,c. Final quotations were at KSijUo-v,c. Clearances of wheat nd flour were equal to 3tV"A bu. Minneapolis, li luth and Chicago reported receipts of t"2 cars, against 702 last week and &35 a eat ago. 1 4,4 Reports of a "corner" In December, which were numerous early In the day, caused firmness In the corn market. Toward the middle of the day general liquidation brought about a sharp break. The selling was Induced by a report that a quantity of No. I corn had been purchased tor the Furpose of delivering at a penally on tecember contracts. The close was weak. Mav opened a shade to He lower at 44lVe. to 44(K)1c. sold up to 44v and then declined to 44'i44lc. Final quotations were at 44Lc. Local receipt were 2ti4 cars, with six of contract grade. The break In corn brought about exten sive profit-taking In oats, resulting in a weak market. Trading w is confined mainly to local dealers. wv opened unchanged to a shade lower at 3.'Vu3;'V' to 32V, oll down to 31Tc and closed at 317u'32c. I.octil receipts were 11a cars. Soiling by small packers had a weaken ing effect on the provisions market. The condition of the grain markets was one reason for the selling. Another bearish factor was the heavy receipts of live hogs. At the close May pork was off 124e at )13.n5. lard was down "V at $7.35 and ribs were 7Sc lower ut 17.20. Ratlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 24 ears: corn, 33 cars; oats, 146 curs; hogs, 36.0HO head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: ket steady; December. 78c 1 .May. WSjs; July. J'cc ,',nul. Northern 7Mc. OiHli: No. 2 hard W4i!42c; No , .,. , Reading and Sugu 80c: No. 3. 7.(ftc; No. 2 red, Sic; No. 3. hi , . n "The , , CORN Higher: December. qSe: May, S9Sc; July, 3U70. Cash: No. 2 mTXed, 40c; No. 2 white, 40c; No. S, 40'4c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. aW532ic; No. 2 mixed. 3oMi81c. RYE Steady, 63Vo5c. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 112.0013.50; choice prairie, 19.7510.00. EOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, now No. 2 whltewood cases included, 23c; case count, 22c; cases returned, less. Hl.TTTKU-eHeady ; creamery, 22c. The receipts and shipments of grain ns a result of the coming dividend reduc tion ana the extreme weakness of Con solidated Qas wa presumably In sympathy. The early advance took In practically all the granger and coal carriers, as well as the trunk line. In the Industrial group the metal stocks and Sugar were strong. London's attitudo towurd this market waa rather noncommltal, closing prices there for Americans being alKttit equally divided between gains and losses. letter London traded In uhout 30,000 shares here, buying chiefly of I'nlon Pacific and selling on balance. Sentiment was Inclined to be bearish and with tla usual caution Ijondon seemed disposed to reduce Its holdings over the approuchlng holidays. The bulk of the day s business was done In the early hours, trading falling off soon after midday, when the market became dull and more narrow, with the trend tuwnrd lower prices. This movement gathered its greatest force in the last half hour, when a revival of the rumors of bank troubles in New Knglan.l caused a Hury in call loans, which rose to IS per cent ami produced a flood of selling orders. Tho heavy offerings of stocks wiped out the early galrui In such Issues a Amalga mated Copper and American Smelting and Refining ond final prices were. In numerous Instances, below those of the previous day. Inclines of 2 point or more from the day's best prices were made by Union rn racinc, mortn gar and the clos- notewortny raii- roud returns of the day was the Vander- bllt lines New York Central, with De cember earnings estimated, shows an in crease In net of more than $2,100,000, with an increase In surplus of about $1,300,000. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today; bales. High. ixtw. Close. , 236 146. 40 looV SKVfc S KO0 H. 9 Amalgamated .1014 Amtrli-an Sine .. . 7 Atlantic . art! Bingham .luteal. A Hacla .23irnttnnlal ,.171 rnppor Range .... ,.!-.:', nl Wert .. 26Vj'ltom!nlon Coal ..IMV franklin ......... HTiUraiitiT Isle Hi OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lis kt Bun of Cattle, with Strong Market Besultiig. HOGS FAIRLY ACTIVE AND FIVE HIGHER Receipts of Sheep and Lambs ery light vrlth Sood Brisk nc ma ad and Price Hnllagr Kally Steady. SOL'TH OMAHA, Pec. 7'. 1o&. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday 5.3J4 4.177 Ittlclal 1 ueidav 6.164 lu.ii, S.iftl Official Wednesday 2.400 14.0m .J Three day this week. 14.WW Three days last feek....ia.22u Same week before lS.i'Jl Same three weeks ago...U,sf Ham four weeks ago 14.5i fame week last year.... ,!tl RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oman for the year to date, comparing "A'lth last year: im. ii4. Cattle 1.U14.W4 V2H.850 Hogs 3.2J4.4' 2.22S.C. Sheep l.a-4.901 l,73,li4 The following table mow the average price of hog at South Omaha tor the last several day, with companion: Date. li.4b 2V.245 2S.24W 2k. Mo 33. Hi" It), 35 Inc. 7.71l 1.3"5 24K.727 IS .. M .. Its . .1W1 ..!. .1MH .. 4 ,.!0J .. 354 ,.nn .. 14 .. ill oral ... Maw Mining . Michigan Mnha-k ....... Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion Onreoia . Parrot ..... Qulncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity el.. were: .Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipt. Shipment. ... 81,000 ...164,000 171,000 ... 6,000 12,000 Atchlenn ad J o 4a Mi. ('antral 4a. Atehlsfin do pfd Boston A Albany Boaton A Main. Roaton Rlaratad MfTlcan Cantral N. T.. N. H. A I nlos Pactfle Amor. Argo. Cham. do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tubs. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amr. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A a... Kdlaon Eler. Illu... Maaa. Electric do pfd y bui. Oaa fnlted Knilt I'm led Shoe Mach do pfd C. a. Bt. do pfd W'catlng. rommuo Adrenture Ailouea bid. "Asked. London Closlnav Slocks. LONDON. Pec. 20. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: . at n. y. Central .... Norfolk A W .... Ma do pfd .... 81e Ontario A W ....107H Pennaylranla .... ....1IF.H Rand Minea ....17H Rending .... to do lat pfd .... !m do Id pfd ....lilt Southern Railway .... 11H do pfd .... 3714 Bouthern Paciac . 421 Union Pacific .... .... 4 do pfd .... M , V. 8. Sleet .... 14H- do pfd .its : waneah .14 . do pfd H apenlak 4 4S14 ttnlted Copper 104a V. H. Mining.. 7tt v. a. on 3014 t'tuh .... Xl Victoria ....IU4H Winona ... a7 iWolterttie ... CV, North Butte ... a per Official .... MS in li 31 715 "7H 7" .. 17 .. tl .. IT :: P .. t. .. it .. SI .. 4. .. 12 ..lot - "'t ..1M .. 7 . . 1 If. .. 10S .. w .. 41 .. .. 84 .. a-4 .. ..131 .. IIH Conaola, money ,. do account Anaconda Atchlenn do pfd Dal. e Ohio Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... Bt. P.. The leading future at Kansas City aa re ported by the Von Dorn Grain company ranged as follows: Artlcle. Oporj. t Hlgh.l Low. Close.j Yaa'y. Wheat Dee.... May... July... Corn liec... May... July... Oats Dec... May... May... Lard 781. 79'i M, 80VJiS r5'4if 39H 3!'-i 30 aiv 13 37 13 39'.' 37 1 31 V1 ' 13 40 13 56 7S', 7!'t 75H 3!,' 3) 291 3t)7,( 78', 8tt'l 75j 39 3HHl 3Sti 13 30 I 13 30 13 45 I 13 45 70 76 39-H 39'k 03 30 31 1 13 35 13 55 Jan. ...I 7 Ji'rr 1 3i'. 1 sl"i 7 oi-! 7 .', May... I 7 3i'sJ t o.aii WfjJi . .to Articles.) Open. I High. Low. ) Close.Yes'y Wheat Deo. Mav July Corn Dec. :De May July Oat I ec. ' May July Pork Jan. May Ijrd Den-. Jan. May nit- Jan. May f 84H' M'l 8Stfi-! usml 83St!3''itl84j 4T,jSitl 50K,' I klOi -tt'.'al !44SHln' 44'-W,lt'' J04l I I 871V 84l4; K4- 87 88Vlil'i SKI, 83U) Ki U'.iiM 4li 4M',I 441 4 q I. 44'441'V,I I jo 45 tt'i ut 44- 44SI' 45V StVi 13 45 13 65 7 5i 7 45 7 42WI I 77J 7 h! o. . an. S."S. 3l.31T'i3: 13 50 13 05 I 7 fs) 7 4S 7 421, 7 T S7,i i Jf,l30T,ii31 3i" 3 St. I.ftnl Oeneral Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 20. WH EAT Lower ; No. 3 red. cash elevator, StfcWc; track, iCfiiT-c: May, hrPtc; July, blc; No. 2 hard, 82W'(l8iKc. CORN Isiwer; No. 2 cash, 11c: track, 42'-tc; lecember, 4Hc; May, 42Stl2Vic. OATS Utwer: No. 2 cash, SIVuc; track. R2c; December, 31c; May, 31c; No. 2 White, S3c. FI.Ol'R -Steady; red winter patents. 14.30 (ti4.5ti; extra fancy and straight, t3.a&4.30; tlesr. li.Sofi'l.Stt. HEED Timothy, steady, 12. 502. SO. CtiKNMEAI Steady, $2.50.. PRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 781ie. 1 1 AY Steady : timothy. IS.oOtjlS.tHV. prairie. $7 fi t.50. IRON COTTON TIES Wc. HAC.ttlNO 9'4c. HEMP TWINE 7V.C PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $13.75. I.ard. lower: prime steam, $7.30. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short. $S; clear libs, $o.l2i; short clears, $. Kacon. steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.75; clear ribs, $9; short clears, $9.26. POI'LTRY L'nthanged; chickens, 7c; springs, o'a'tiOc; turkeys, 13ic; ducks, lnV'i geese, sc. Hl'TTER Stady; dairy, l.ti21c. LOOS Steady, Z2Vc Adams Express ... Anial. Copper American C. & P.... do pfd Am. Cotton Oil ... do pfd Am. Express ,. Am. M. & U. pfd... Am. Ice, Sees Am. Linseed Oil pfd Locomotive.... 400 6,800 lftO-V 3H 0ft 3514 4,000 800 48 34 do Am. do Am. do Am pfd. Sn 5.9O0 34 47 3344 68't 1H31 lfk 127V 121 152?fc 15UH 15CH l'ts 1834 86 V 104 161 111? 106 193 87 104 162 112 89Vi 174 87 173V 800 54 6414 creamery, 21STj26c; Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu case count Receipts. Shipments. 6.III4I . :to.noo .110.001! . 81. 1" JO 12.i" 50.1100 62.4100 123,000 13 40 I 13 4it 13 ft.? 13 :.o I 7 5" I 7 n,; 7 35 j 6 97S! 7 17'3 7 50 7 37 S 7 ( 7 20 13 5 13 t.;1, 7 57t 7 47S 7 42 7 071, 7 27', No t tOld $New PLOT'R Dull; winter patent. $3.6.V.f 4 10; straights. $3 65'n3ao: spring patents. $3,75414.10; straights. $3 ui3 80; bakers, $2.25 BJ-'O WHEAT- No 5 spring. 854JII7C; No. 3, 82p 860: No. 2 red, STV'ti'-'iV. CORN No. 2, 5.M)0O'4c; No. S yellow. 50f O'0. OATS No. z. at."c; no. j wniie, ; o. 3 Mlnnenpolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 3D. FLOITR-First patents, $4 o34.7o: second patents, $4 . 4KT 4 50; Hist clears, $3.u5'3.76; secund clears, f2.4.''i2.55. p. RAN In bulk. r3.60Hil3.75. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery) The rante ot prices, as reported by F. P. Day Co , Uo-111 Board of Trad building, wa' Article I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloae.l Yes'y white. J0V,f,32c. RYV-No. 2. T7o. fair to BAKLEY-Oood feeding. 384J3Sc . it. .lie malting, 4114!v. SEBIV-No. 1 flax. $1; No. 1 northwestern. .'MaiA,; prime timo4h, $3 33; clover, contract iade. $l2 7fvfjl3 00. PROVISIONS Mess polk, per hhl.. $12.7M 3 171, lord, per 10 lbs.. $7 5tv&'7 62,. Short lib aide tlooeV $6 Short cleur l.J t boxed). r.l2W7.2S. Following were tne receipt ments of fluur and grain: Receipts. Flour, blil I7.ti Wheat, bu sm.nt Corn, bu &. 4 lata, bu Hve. bu 13 mat Hurley, bu 233,uii On the Produce exchange today Wheat 4 Dee.. May. July. May. July. i ! 2V 54tjM I 1 03' 1 07 j 1 08 I 82 86H I 1 04 1 OS1,' 1 ow I 81-.I 8f.' I 1 P3t4' 1 flt;! 1 08 I 82H! 821. s57, 86.S6 1 04 1 03 1 081 1 07 1 094.1 .... B.4O0 31 ... 2.4UO 2217, P. 61.3O0 181', 37K l. 57 2i St 48 180 lfi4 64 224 311 21S 179 S7" lo.1 D5; 28 68 47'i 176 14', 62 4S 80 73 175 2:11; 84 61 464. 7M 72S 174 175 22 4, 68 33 65 151 iti: irtt It and shlr- Shlpmenta 26. MO 2t'.5.4 1 :tx7.4n l'tlmt 31w Die but ter market ws stiidy; creameries. 17 3i-r;, dairies. 171 JIK-. Eggs, steady; at mark. cues included. Ix.i-ic: lirsts. I'm-: prim Iirts. 24c; extras. 2tk Cheese, quiet; HjlV. r 't'aledo rd Market. V. I h. Dec. -8KF.D T-iver. Mendy; v . b, J..;7,: prime timothy. $1 55: prim , r. Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 84c; No. 1 northern. 83c; to arrive, 83c; No. 2 northern. 81c; to arrive, 81c; No. S northern, 7ftsoc; No. 1 durum. 74c; No. ! durum. 71c. Corn: No 3 yellow, X)c; No. 3. S7'c; No. 3 white, 28c; No. 3 old, rNtiA'.o. Parley: 3y(j47c. Rye: i9i'j tlc. Flax: $1.06. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 20. -WHEAT Spot steady; No. 2 red western winter. 6a 7d; futures dull; De ember. 6s lod, March. 6s Ud; May, 6s I0d. CORN Sjiot quiet; American mixed new, 4s S-1; American mixed old. 4s "-..!. future quiet; January, 4u d, March. 4s V-d. Xllnaukre I. rain Market. M1LWAIKEE, Dec 2i. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 i.orthern. 8747S.4C; No. J .northern. n3Tt..'; Mav '"i,'t.'31.. e bid. I BARLEY Dull. No. .". .Vi.iSc; ,tniple . Dnlatlh Grain Market. nn.PTll. Dei 30 WH FAT To : Jn'ii uui tbaru, U', No. .' uoilliviu. r've : Dl'ac. lf.V' tunx- Steady: May. 41'aC bid. PhlladelMbla Produce Market. PHI1-ADF1.PIU 4. IVf . 2ft Hl'TTER Firm: extra western 1 rraniery, 25c: extra nevrhv prints. 2c Ei Kir-Firm; goial demand: nearby fresh and weslerr. freali. s-r, at mark melt. & Rfng.. 24.000 pfd 800 Sugar Rfng 11,44X1 Am. Tob., pfd. certlf . 6t) Anaconda Mln. Co.... 43.7a) Atchison 7,9j do pfd , -w Atlantic Coast Line.. 600 Bait. Ohio 11,300 do pfd Rrooklyn R. T 27,900 Canadian Pacific .... 3,600 Cent, of N. J Chea. & Ohio Chicago & Alton... do pfd Chicago Gt. West. Chicago & N. W.. Chicago. M. & St. Chicago T. & T. . . . do pfd 300 C C C. & St. L.... 2,t) Col. Fuel & Iron.... 26.1') Col. & Southern 1.2"4i do 1st pfd 200 do 2d pfd 4, Consolidated Has .... 6,300 Corn Troduct 1.20 do pfd 100 Del. & Hudson 300 D.. L. & W Denver A R. 0 900 36 do nfd Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st pfd do 2d f fd Oeneral Electric .... Hocking valley ..... Illinois Central Inter, Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ij.ulsvllle & Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Secur Met. Bt. Ry Mexican Central ... Mln. & St. L. M . St. P. 8. 8. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd National Iead N. H. R. of M., pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Oas P . C C. A St L... Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Pulaee Cur.. Reading do 1st pfd do 3d ofd P.epublio Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. K Sr S. P.. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. Coal Iron.. Texas I Pacific Toledo. 8t. L. & W.. do pfd I'nlon Pacific S23.7 l4Vti 14:' do pfd 1". S Express 1". fi. Really I . 8 Rubber 4 3 i lo pfd 3-at V. 8. H'eel 2 7t do tifd l.i.tnn Vlf. -Car. Cheni 17.w do pfd 9i0 Wn bash aid tin pfd Wells Fargo F '"'euilnalioiis- Elee slet n 1 nion Ji i-r,eltnar A- L. R. . , Wis. C. ntral "ei tit. 7ai Northern pacific id 1 I'enlrs' leather 2 " 1o ff. t UlLKS-ShetTisId ? Tot tl sales for the dsy. 39 9k 35 92 .221 3U 20 68 115 J!l, 105 iy M lot 1H0 111 7 87 173 2i0 64 30 72 20 219 ISO 14 36 104 65 28 67. 47 177 64 64 36 B.iiiO 15,300 :u 1.700 700 5(V) 1.100 lot) 1.4iO lta 2.3t) 2.3'0 8,700 4o0 4.3m) 5,3,1 33.500 4.7tt 15.800 6.2il 4.1.0 IVM 63.1110 I..'(tVI 1.30U 7'ni 600 45.61 irt 61,600 29 68 34 67 152 163 76 122 25 ne 38 70 88i4 150 53 84 i9 483, 141 102 450 3 89 61 46 72 174 100 I16 23 84 Ti 79 28 68 33 00 151 162 ' 101 37 69 39 147 61 8!! 9r" 47 140 f S.i 55 544 o.. ....1(2 .... 141, .... Mi .... S,l4 .... n .... 7 .... 70 .... 47 .... 41 ... 3d ... .102. .... 7S ....111 ....ion .... 3t .... 11 .... 43 .... Oil steady. S0 6-16d per ounce. muAt,i-dto per cent. The rato of discount In the orjen market for short bill Is 4i4 per cent: for three months' bills, 44f4 per cent. Dec. 1.... Deo. 2.... Dec. I.... Dec. 4.... Pec. 6.... Deo. Dec. 7.... Dec. .... Dee. v.... Dec. 10... Iec. 11... Dec. 12... Dec. II... Dec. 14... Deo. 16... Pec )t... Dec i7... Dec. Ut... Dec. 19... Dec. 20... 106. 11904. 11903. 11903.11901. 11900. 11899 4 42 4 48 4 47 I 4 431 a 2S 4 111 4 17! 6 24 4 12 4 87 e 4 81 I 84 4 83 4 43 4 87 4 83 4 78 4 8774 4 84T4 4 81 1 .6 e 4 811 4 841 4 SO, 4 30, 4 tm 4 is 4 89 4 23 4 81 4 26 4 341 091 I 4 111 08 6 951 4 40! t 13 5 8M. 06! 01 6 09j 4 Mi 4 36 4 32 4 M 4 461 4 47 4 431 4 48 4 41 4 38 4 381 4 41 4 45 a 11 13 14 4 44 4 39 4 28 4 84 4 26 16 e 07 t! 12 a on t 96 16 6 98i a a I I 21 09 It, 6 26; IS 34 t 14i 26 t 01 121 a 07 1 S 04 4 64! 4 68! 4 771 4 84, 4 84 4 78 e I 4 65 4 82 4 77 4 811 4 86 4 84 e 4 3 4 73 4 4 79' t 81 3 80 I 84 3 91 3 63 3 ) 192 I 9ft t W 4 01 e t 8 I 92 1 94 I Ml IN 17 117 S 1 1144 n 1 1?7 I li 7 I4T I Ol I 1 t I aw III I in I I 10M I li I I"" 35 t M IN I I" I IS 1 1090 t a 1 m as t :l 11 1 1wt I M IS .13 IS 1 lilt I 1 7f I 73 1 114 I K. HEIFERB 7 mo s te 1 I I la.t 1 10 I I4 I ut I ? I It HULLS t .umi I ot) 1 Iln t t iao I 30 1 taw I on I een 1 4 4 143 I on I ,. kui 1 is 1 11 1 i I i4o 1 7 1 iia 1 t I lite I Te I linn I W CALVES. t ltd I 0 I tTO I ? 1 4 3 to I 143 I 7& 1 110 4 no 1 17!t I 73 1 i.ts I is) 4 , lt I to I 740 1 3j 1 tea t 1 1 140 I f" I tH) 1 HO 7 STOCK CALVES. 1 n 1 on ! Kfi : 1 140 I no J tkS S 7 1 n t a STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 1 440 I W i HI 3 33 I ?0 1 73 13 7.VI I ft 1 I to 7t II 145 t 30 II 74 1 71 10 I 4 I I0 I 11 14 eel 3 Ml II 144 I 00 it 714 a n I r1 I on . let 8 to I r.n I 1 :4 Hi IN It 73 I tO pS1: cows, bulls and stockers and feeders. $.' yenrllners. $2 50jil W. ( M)i4 Receipt. ..Vt head: higher; selling, $75i4.95; bulk mlxe.1, M.cfl.v: 7vf3 8.'.; cal' es au l market lo ll 'ili.' W ESTERNS. WYOMING. 36 cows.,... ITS 2 15 licows IDAHO. 3 40 11 feeder!. , f4V7 3 45 57 feeders.. 1017 114 I cews 916 3 00 MONTANA. . 14 1 40 A. H. 8wlft, Wyoming ,.0M $ 00 17 steer., ..1149 ..I4JO 3 15 Mitchell Cattle Co., Wjoniliig. 24 steers. ...1119 3 70 W. II. Ralston. Wyoming. 27 steers... .1279 4 o 16 steers. ...llt O. M Schaefer. Ids ho. 16 steers.. . 1148 3 65 1 bull 180 35 feeders . R9 60 feeders. .108 6 feeder.. l'17 I teeder... 987 22 steer. 9 cow. 1 bull. 920 3 It 2 65 1 60 2 16 Indicates Sunday. The following table shows the price paid at the river markets for cattle: Good to choice comfed ateera $6.0i3.OO Good to choice corn-fed ateera $80trtl6O0 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 4"W5 00 Common to fair corn-fHl steers.... I -75a) 40 Good to choice cow and heifers.... l.feviH zo Fair to good cows and heifers.., Canners and cutters 24 cow. 16 steers. 7 cows.. steers. 1 steer.., 1 steer... I 86 S 70 2 ) 2 15 Kansas City lot k Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec M-CATTLF Receipts. ItitVO head. Including 3. south ems; market steady to l'V higher; cho!;' export and dressed beef steers. J" JVofl :.,; fair to good. 11 75i6.oO; western fetl steers. It 257(4 NO; stockers and feeders. $.'.4tvii4 ; southern steers, $2.6vfl4 60: soiithnrn cow. $2.(ii3 25; native cows. $2 Oofi 4 fiO: native cows and heifer tl.0iV4.9O: bulls. $: -oil 4.0ri; calves. t1tv07.K. HOOS - Receipts, 12. out beid: ni.4rk.-t steadr to 6c Mgher: tort, fi 10; bulk of . ItWitVon; hraw. 4 9:ifi .10; tmi'ker. St 9 ft.M6: piss and light. It ,svr,.on SHEEP AND LAMMS - Receipts. 2.1 -n head: market weak to a shade lower; na tive lambs, ti 754'7.ati; western limbs. 1". 7 1 ti7.35: ernes and vearllnss, 4.."tnii." : M ern fed yearlings. at'lia S5 : western f' -1 si"en, $4.7Mi69t; stockers anil feeder. $ ". .S3 S'4.75. tl. f onts live stock Market. ST. I.oriS. Pee. irt - CATTLE R.i . Ipts. 2..V head, lnelutllng Texnns: market f -r nntlves steadv, Texan Hc higher: nntl.- shipping atnl export ste. rs. It Xi n! ': dressed rn-ef and butcher ster :t 6Xf". ."'': steers under l.ooti ttounds. ?.fV"3 1. in: stock ers and feeders. S2.lo4i3.2n; cows and heif ers. $2 2tfl4 5t; canners. Sl.7MiI.00; hulls, S!.6tfi.1 60; calves. S;iMi".6ii: Testis and lu dln steers, $26iIi39o; cows and heifers, $2.0fflfl lit. HOGS Receipts. 8.110 head: innvk-t higher; pigs ami lights. Sl.ritVn.IO: pa.kt -. ' 7S4j-6.1o; butchers and best heavy. It 9'f SIS. SHEEP ANP LAMPS - Receipts. 6-0 held: market slow: native muttons. $Vtv7r 6 80; lamhs. 15.007 50: culls nnd bucks. J3 oo --; stoekrrs, IIUVTHOO; Tcxsn. $1.tvir 4.00. 2.4va3 25 3! Good to choice stackers A feeder.. 3.40fi4 00 1.7632.40 C. M. A DeBeers Denver & R do pfd Brie do lit pfd , do id Dfd Illinois Central .... l-oulellle A Naatl M . K, A T SILVER Bar, New Tork Mtnln Stock. ' NEW YORK. Dec. .20. Closing Quotation tn mining stocas were as follows: Adams Cos Alice Breeo Brunswick Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn surer Iron Silver boulatllle Con ... 10 ' LlUle Cklef .AM, (Ontario .. 40 'friphlr .. U I Phoenix .. ItaPntoal. ..Iro aaeage ..170 'Sierra Nevada ..W Small Hopes ., .. I (Standard .. 1 ,.m ..171 .. 1 .. .. 47 .. .. SO ,.Wi Fair to good stockera and feeder.. S.004S.4O Common to fair feeders 2.atj'3.oo Veal calves 3.0Wr5.50 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.lB4 .00 4.46(j(6.00 Chicago 1.6mu6.40 4.5"rjS15 Kansas City S.wvfa-SB 4 80fi6.10 St. IajuIs S.Otrinl.OO 4.606.15 Sioux Cltv 2.0mif5.75 4.764.95 TUESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list show the number of car of feeder hlpped to the country Tuesday and their point of destination: CATTLE. Cars. Jerry Lowman. Hamburg. Ia. Q 2 C. 5. Hopkins. Hamburg, la. (J 2 pave Walklnshaw, Orlswold. Ia. Q D. R. Hall, Orlswold. la.-Q J. O. Smith, VUlisca, Ia.-Q Warren Gregory, Tabor, Ia. Q Roth Flnnell. Hamburg, la. Q 8. Flnnell, Hamburg, la. Q A. Anderson, Anderson. Ia. 3 W. I. Rennlng. Panama, la Milwaukee Silas Barrier, Neola. Ia. Milwaukee.... I. 11. Sjiencer. Thedford B. A M J. H. James. Wolback B. A M Frank Parker. t'nadllla-B. A M t V T. Roarers. Ver.lon M P P. Berlet. Brock M. P Berg Swanann. Oakland M. & O M. Malonev. Pender M. ak O Jake Shere, Wood River U. P Morris Gross, Madison 17. P John Prokes, Schuyler U. P E. W. Ormsby, Central City V. P John Shunlck, Imogen. Ia. Wabash.., . Ray Tray nor, Marne, la. R. I B. E. Whipple, Lewis. Ia. R. I SHEEP. William Fog. McClelland. Ia. Q. W, Sam Story. Tekamah M. O George Ott, Tekamah M. A O Tho official number of cars of brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs.Sh p. U ses. 1049 2 86 1 bull 1290 F. R. Hartley, Idaho. .1148 3 80 30 cows I06S 3 00 .991 2 40 & IT ITaOT- fnlnrsdO . 870 3 26 24 steers. ...1048 I 25 .800 2 76 15 steers.... S3I 3 15 . 7iW 3 25 I steer 930 3 16 HOU8 There was a liberal run of nog today, 194 cars, about 13,500 head, being re ported In up to noon. This Is the largeat run for a single day since July 19. wnen about 15.000 head of hogs were received. The run for the first three days of the wek totals about 29.100 head, which I larger than for the same days last week bv about 6.000 head, and Is also larger than the receipts for the same time last ) ear. The market opened this morning with prices generally a nickel higher. There was some trading done at this stage, but later there was something of a slump. and the trade slowed down until tnings were almost at a standstill, lmit iuu market firmed up and became active and brisk, wltn most of the hogs "JnB 6c higher than yesieruay. 1 tie nuts. around $4.87(ft4.92. aa against H.a-fHW 4 87 yesterday. The top load of hogs sold early In the day for li.OO. The market here Is in a very goou connmun "in pared with the other western mnrkete Is high. Representative m". St. Joseph live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 20 CATTLE -Receipts. 1.827 head; market active; ntlve $3.76ti26; cows and heifers. $1.5(V(i"i.l'; Blockers and feeders. t'.'.7Ml:t Hrt. HOGS Receipts. 9 RJ6 bead: market 5e hlhr: tight. $4.7.'ii4 90; medium and heavy.. $4.fo4 95. SHEEP ANP LAM R91 - Receipts. :,1f7 head; market weak to loe lower. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha 2.400 14. mo 3 '-i Ploux Cltv 1.1' Sfiiit Kansas Cltv .. ln.OXt 12. !.4" Ft, Joseph 1.8.7 9.8'V, 2."-T St. Iouls a.Oiai iVn Chicago 23,000 37.t0 22.lV") Totals 40.S27 86.326 So. 7:7 D. D. ...... 1 1 S stock C M. & St. P.. Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pact Ac system . I C. A N. W. feast) C, St. P.. M. A 6 C.. B. Q. (east). ., B. A Q. (west) .. R. I. 1 P. (east) Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western ' Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dec. 20. Money wa In good demand In the market today owing tn a call for $15,000,000 on new Rio Tlnto shares. Discount hardened. A rise In the Bank of England rate of discount tomorrow Is not generally expected. Operator on thti Stock exchange were mostly Idle and the trading waa featureless. Consols hod a bet ter tone owing to expectations or cay money In January. Home rails were Irregu lar. Americana opened steady but moved lrregdlarly to below parity on New Yont selling. There was some recovery, especially tn L nion 1'acinc, wnicn advanced during the last hour on good Wall street advices. Prices closed firm. Foreigners were fairly i Omaha Pucklng Co steady, nussians were wean put closed . Swift and Company witn an improvement. Japanese were favored. Japanese Imperial 6a of 1904 were quoted at 102. BERLIN, Dec. 30. Price on the Bourse today were weaker In view of the prepara tions for a general strike In Russia. Rus sian Imperial 4s cloned at 79 and Russian bank shares at 122.25. Donteatlo shares weakened. PARIS. Dec. 20. The tone on the Bourse today was agitated and prices were Ir regular. Ijater there was an Improvement on the more favorable view taken of tho Moroccan situation but the rumored em barrassment of a leading speculator caused a decline toward the close. Russian im perial 4s were quoted at 79.00 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 479.00. 26 2 2 39 22 47 12 18 26 7 fi Total receipts 135 214 17 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: cattle, nogs. Biieep. 597 200 670 2.013 823 3.710 Ns. ! Z0 34 14 It M 71 t 12 74 4 76 01 7t M M ti it 10 17 81 17 tt 71 U (4 IS tt li 4 to 11 70 47 , 71 tl 10 tl 13 3 , .77 ! 14 II 40 II 10 71 17 tt 47 AT. .117 .110 .lit .! ,.IU .111 .M , .! .141 ,.0 ,.U5 ,.il ..107 ..113 ..217 ..101 ..144 ..r: ..311 . :4 ..K.I ..ill ..301 ..321 ..131 ...if ..21 ..13! ..IT ..IK ...211 ..III ..Ml ..170 ..III ,.t ..171 ..Sit ..Ml ...211 ,..24T .. Ut ...til ...lot ...147 ...140 ...2lt ..111 Ml 8k. to 240 140 'io to mo pr. 4 41 4 10 4 Ml 4 10 4 IK 4 10 4 It 4 I7t4 4 171, 4 I7i, 4 I7i 4 17 4 H71, 4 171 4 IT I N 4 in 4 10 4 X 4 K) 4 0 4 10 4 M 4 4 M 4 to 4 10 4 10 4 to 4 10 4 I 4 HO 4 10 1)1 4 to 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 SO 4 M 4 M 4 H 4 tit 4 4 to 4 10 4 to 4 K 4 til 4 0 4 M Na. 44 I! I 7 r.i 11 70 144 131.... ti 31 M 14 42 tt 14 St 4 71 M 71 W 71 72 tl 14 tt tl 11 10 71 14 71 I II 71 II II at ti...., 14...., 13.... 41... .... tt so It.... 70.... II.... 41.... At ..Ml ..117 .AM . .110 ,.I7i ..231 .III ..242 . 1M . 170 ..tin . .214 .141 ..HI . .314 ..140 ..ret ..; ..112 ,..K7 ...111 ,..2.4 ...131 ...117 ...17t ...147 ...2il ...111 ...m ...241 ...140 ...140 ...iU ...341 ...141 ...411 ...I.K ...171 ...117 ...107 ...111 ...117 ...ton ...106 ...SKI ...421 lb. lie so too 0 40 Pr 4 to 4 10 4 10 4 fl 4 to 4 IKl 4 to 4 Ml 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 K 4 W I to 4 to 4 M 4 to 4 10 4 10 4 to 4 4 to I to I to 4 10 4 M 4 to 4 tn 4 to I 10 I to 4 to 4 12 4 121, 4 It 4 IIS 4 Ife 4 H14 4 1214 4 IIS 4 It 4 tit, 4 1211 4 Mlk 4 ti I It 4 tt 4 N 4 W I 00 121t 120V. A 14 2.1 .... 78 .... 1X7 ISO 101 3-.V4 09 86 38 149S 51 83 91 98 4,. 18 3 1t) .5on iM) 9n 2. mil 900 .3ft0 3.9uO 1.1011 2.9.10 1.8t4l 43.100 2.iVi) SO ;.8ii 3S. 139 92 96 24 104 23 64 246 13n 93 9 33 lir.i; 62 48 46 28 i2 0" .58 66 1 Peorl Diittet. PEORIA. Dec. JO-oi-i.V-Pirr.t; No J vellun, 41i, No. 1, 41c. No. , uu .dr, 35C 35 10o 142 34 36 I to M't 46 H6 2i 41 V0 ITT. Jt 92 34 It ill 14tt 83 36 "-' 111 37 lot 44 ltr. :oi. 41, 176 " 92 9 60 ! 45 1t 87. 61. 20" 61 l'S -'. l.STtlOO share. w4 80 54 99 t43 li 95 23 103 23 63 40 103 .17 12 68 65 121 35 140 83 X Ol 147 7 H5 87 51 110 37 l"tv . 114 :o 4.17 ."27 173 92 17 . ; at :4 45 ltt-1 7W Bank Clearing. OMAIIA, Dee. 20 Bank clearing for to day were $1,680,787 58 and for the corre sponding day last year $1,450,878.44. Wool Market. BOSTON, Dee. 20.-WOOIi The wool mar ket I only moderately active, with prlcna firm. The demand has been chlofly for fleeceb and Australians, but California and Texas wools have been selling with more or less freedom. Territory wool are quiet with the offerings small. The market for nulled wools is quiet, but prices on select lots are firmly held. Foreign grades are steady. The revised quotations In the Bos ton wool market ore a follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 3Sc: X, 33 e:oo: No. 1. SM39c; No. 2. SVa39c; line un washed, 27(fJ'28i; quarter-blood unrvdslied, S3ia4c; three-eighths blood, Mfi'MV; half blood, S3tJ4c: unwashed delaine, 391j30c; fine washed delulnei 364j37c. Michigan, tine unwashed. 26lq'iic; quarter blood un washed, 32W33c; three-eighths blood. 33if 34c; halt blood. 32tl.H3c; unwashod de laine, 28c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three eighths and three-quarter blood, 34ji3rc. Territory. Idaho fine, 22t(i3c; heavy fin. It!-; fine medium. 22j23c: medium, 26' 27c; low medium, 37f28c. Wyom! lg fine 2223c; heavy fine. 19Hj2c; fine medium! 22fcr23c; medium, 27ff2ic: low medium, 274 28c. Utah and Utah fine. 23fr.4c; heavy fine, liKjrJoc; fine medium. 23i-24c: medium. ;7Y2Sc; low medium, 27C8c; Dakota fine. 22iQ23e; fine medium. 22S23c; medium, 27 28c; low medium. 27t2hc. Montana fine choice, 261T26c; fine average, 24t"2V; fine medium choice, 24V6'27c; average. 24H125C staple, JTtJi; medium choice. 27'Bo. ' ST. LOriS. Dec. aO.-WOOI-Steady ; medium grade combing and clothing. 26f SOc; light fine. ilii'Mc; heavy tine, iS'iiilc: tub washed, 3au4Ic. Cudnhy Packing Co Armour Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., 8. C. Vansant A Co Carey ixiDtnan ox uo MoCreary W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Huston A Co Hamilton Rothschild. L. F. Husa Wolf Murnan Mlkn Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root A Co Kin can Pkg. Co Cudahy Bros Other buyers 636 " 146 61 27 tit 43 36 101 Kt 121 43 1 24 167 3.741 l.outi 2lJ 493 Total S.587 11,913 I.28S CATTLE There was a rather light run of cattle on the market this morning. 129 cara, about 3.200 head, being reported In. The total number of cattle received the first three day of this week Is 14,668 head, which Is smuller than the first three daya of last week by about 6.000 head, but is larger than for the first three days of the corresponding week last year by about 6.500 head. There waa only a sprinkling of western beef cattle on the market, but there were quite a number of western stockers and feeders. The general quality of the offerings wo quite common. There wa only a small number of beef steers on the market and the quality was rather common In most cases. Then. too. a portion of the offerings consisted of warmed-up or short fed slufT. However, the supply waa small and the demand was good, as pacaers nave oeen anon xor a couple of days. The market this morning was aotlve and strong. The aupplv of cows and heifers offered for sale waa rather limited and, as was the cage with the beef steers, the quality of the arrivals was quite common except for a few scattering loads. There was a good demand front local buyers and trad ing was quite active on the better kind of stock. However, the warmed-up and short fed cows were rather slow sellers. The market on cows and heifers mas strong. There was oniy a iiiniieu supply or SHEEP The recelpta of aheep this morn Ing were of very moderate proportions fourteen cars, about 1,800 head, being re ported In. The supply for the first three days of the week totals 12,668 head, which Is less than one-half the size of th run for the same time last week, and Is also .nn.aa.hat smaller than for the correspond ins. three days last year. The most offer inn were iid In fairly good season, so that on truttnor nearHii ohiiv. l,i.". I The supply of good choice fat aheep and 588 I inmhs was very limited, but the little fat trw-v on the maraei was 01 iair nuaiuy However the supply all this week ha been light, and In fact there has not tteen a good ..... i sheen since last Wednesday. A a result packers were wanting a supply 01 desirable killing sheep. 'I railing opened .anniihlv active and anv desirable stock sold readily at prices that were fully steady. A lot of native lambs sold tor ana n,,mA wethers anld for 16. There were only a few loads of feeder sheen and lambs on the market today an these sold readily at prices that tn most i-iuuts were fully steady with yesterday' close. The quality of the offerings, a waa the case with the rat ftun, waa ratner in ferior. This has been the case for several 668 days, but owing to tne ugnt supply price have held practically steady all week. Quotations .'or fed sheen and lambs are aa follows: Good to choice lambs, Colo l-ados. 87.50fu7.76; westerns, $7.U5i-; yur Unas. Irl.0it4i5.50; wethers. 1V&oiB.0o; ewes Quotations for feeder sheep and lambs Good feeding lambs, $5.75j4i 26; yearlings Stock In Mali!. Receipts of live stork at tho six principal $3.01 6c; lib. OMAHA WHOLEULK MARKET. Condition of Trtde amT Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Fresh rece.lpte. candled stock. 26c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8c: roosters. 6c; turkeys, 144416c; ducks, 8c; spring chick ens, 8c: geese, 8S9c. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, lMilKc; old toms, 154j 10c; chickens. 9ul"c; old roost- rs. 7c; ducks, 11c: geese, lirtillc. BUTTKH Pack in a Ktock. Ibc: choice tn fancy dairy, lot, ltk; ; cieamery, 2121c; prints, 21c. HL'GAR-Stunrturd irranulated. in bbls. 15.21 tier cwt. ; cubes, $6.ti per cwt-j cut- loaf. $660 per cwt.; No. C, extra C, bans or bbls., $5 05 per owl.; No. 10, extra I, bag only, $1.90 per cwt.; No. 15 yellow, bag only, 14. So per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $5.96 per cwt. FRKSH Flo H TrouL lOeillo; halibut, uej buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, 6c; whit bass, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, 6c; perch, scnled and dressed. 8a; pike. 0c; catfish. 13c; red snapper. 10c; sa:inon, 11c; croppies. 12c; eels, 18c; bullheads, 11c; 'ilnck bass, 25c; whltnfish, 11c: frog legs, per do.., 35c lobster, green. 27c: boiled lobsters. 30c; shad roe, 46c; bluefish, 16c; birring, 4c. HAi-trice quoteq oy omana f eeo com pany: No. 1 uplhtid, $7.6ot8.00; medium. .tm; coarse, s.(u.eO. BRAN Per ten. $14.60 TROPICAL FRUITS DATES Per box of 80 l-in, tjkgs.. Hallowe. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. Payers, per lb.. 5c: walnut-stuffed, pkgs.. $2.i per dox.: 9-lb. boxes, $1.00. ORANGES Calif ornta Navel, all slses. S2 75; Florida, all Slzea. $2.50 LEMONS l,lmonler. cxtre. fancy, I4 sire. ,125; 309 and .180 sixes. $S.7o. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 7581 . 86c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, Uo: crown, 14c. BANANAS rer medium -snea mincn, 41. i -42.26; Jumbo, $2.6043.. TANGERINES Florida.- per boa of about 126, $2.50. GRAPE FRUIT Per box. $5.61). FRUITS. PEARS Law renew and Mount Vernon. H.60 CKANBKHH1E3 jerseys, iiz.uv per ddi i Bell and Bugle. $1260. APPLES California Beiinowera. $1.41 per bu. box; Colorado Jonathans, 12.00 per bu. boa; Ben Davis, $165 per bu. box; WTnesaps. $2.00 per bu. box; other varieties. $2.00 per bu., Niw York applea. $4 50 p-T 3- . - GRAPES lir.porirt Maragas, ao.Dune.w. OLD VEGETABLES. PCTA TOLe Home-gruwn. per bu . 6'rTJ (6c; South Dakota, per bu., 75c. ONIONS Home-grown, yeuow ana re a per bu.. eoc; npanisn, per crate, 41.19. AAV 1 n r." 1 . o rci uii, 4m.w. LIMA BEANS Per bu.. 6c. CABBAGE Hotne-arown aud Wisconsin. In crates, per lb., l4j?c. CAKKOis, fAK8.iira Ai.ii lunira Per bu.. u275c. CELERY K a lama xoo, per aog.. zt,o. 8WEET POTATOES Kansas, - per S-bu bbl.. $1.76. NEW VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Pel crate, $2 75. TOMATOES California, per crate of 2t lbs., $2.60. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 3i lbs net. $350 STRING BEANS Per- hamper of about SO lbs. net, 13 014.00. EGO PLANT Florida, per doc., $1.25j 1 60. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hampei OC about 10 dor.. $2.60. TURNIPS Louisiana, per dox. bunches, per dot. per bbl.. agar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.-8UGAR- Raw. steady: fair refining, 8c; centrifugal. 96 tt. 3c: molasse sugar, Vr. Refined, steady; No. 4. 4.1c; No. 7. 4.06c; No. i 4c No. . S96e- No. 10. 3.9ne; No. 11. 3.86e; No. 12, 3.80c; No. 13. 3.T5c; No. 14. 3 75c; tonfee- tlonei' A. 4 5oc; mould A, 6.05c; cutlonf, l5.K'o: crushed. 40c: powdered, 4.80c; gran I ulated. 4 7'ti-: cubes. 4 9fk I MOLASSES Finn; New Orleans, otter. kettle, good to choice, uOfiSSc. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 3ti.-S'.'iAR Firm; open kettle. 3iflc; open kettle cen trifugal, 34.i3c : centrifugal whites. na 4c; yellows. 843 ll-lw; seconds, S'SSV.ic. MOLASSES Open kettle, 16jS3c; orntrif ug.l. SYRUP-22flo. 14. 7665.40; wethers. S4.5trKi.ui; we, $3. t5y 4. 20; breeding ewes, S4.60-UD.0O. Representative sales: Vo A v. Pr. 19 native feeder ewes lol $ 75 101 western ewes 104 6 00 lt native ewes 104 B0n iii arestt-rn ewes 102 6 25 native ewes 148 5 5n 221 western wethers 94 00 -.11 western lambs 66 6 2ti lilT western vearllllSB 75 6 2ft 1 western lamb 7" 7 no 263 western himba 6 7 4u 6 native lutnbs Ivtl 7 60 39 buck lamb so 6 00 232 western lambs 72 7 2 CHH'AtiO I.IVK HTOCK MARKKT (atlle 4tedr to Ml rung. Hoc Ntronn, Mheep Weak. CHICAGO. Dee. 20. 4? ATTLE Receipts. 23,000 head; market tdy to strong; com mon to prime lier, $3 0f6 7T; cow. HfcuS 41; heifers, f.OOfie.Ou; bulls, $2.wHil."; stockers and feeder. $ calve. t?.S" stockers and feeder and quite a portion of DS i"- , , xhese were western cattl?. There were n HtK!S-Re.-elpt. head; mat.-l t. mNirv huveri In and us thu strong; choice to prime heavy, ij.iXf'a 1. ; Si andhVVcuVstorrhe medium to good he.Pvy. $4.95 M: hutjU. Succeeded In cleaning up the lower di- '""i.?1"1 fV'lI VV vision pretty well, the trading wa. brisk ""'ii'ri Pf S-K. -mo nnd active and generally strong to a BHELP AND i.amiio-Keceipis. ...oat JJ2. iMher " head market steady; sheep. $4uOi.75; year- Repreeintatlv sales: lings. S6.76M.V: lamb, $7 004)7.60. WASHINGTON. TVc. !o. Today's state- li e- 1 1 f ti..- i iry buNn.-e In ttie gen eial una, cxi-lusiv uf lite $15o,t.:,oui) gold CotTe Mnrkel. NEW YORK. Dec. 20-COFFEE-Th market (or futures opened steady at un changed price to a decline of polnls under favorable report from the growing Rio crop, which was estimated by a private cable at S.36o,0fl0 bags. Offerings were scat tered, however, and with importer buying th market ruled steady during th middle of th eilon and closed ateady at a net de cline ot 6 point to an advance of 6 point. Sale were reported of 29,000 bag. Indue1 Ing: January, leue; March. 4 66c: May. 1 06 t.T0e: July. .75.80c; Oetolaar, 6.90a. oot K)o, tjuiet, No, lavvio Na. $.. 1 . 11.. 1.. ts.. it . 21.. 4 . II .. I... 1 . 14 ... I 1 . 1.. 1.. I K . it" rr. 14.'.'.', . 6.i'i . 101 .. 4l .. tut ..1Uj ..luf.1 . .11M . HI .:iti .1440 .IH4 4EEF STEERS Pr. 3 li I H I tn I 10 3 71 1 li I M I 13 I at 1 1 4 0 4 Hl . . tit .. lii .. 124 .. n .. its . .1IH.S .. WH ..1160 .. MX .. let .. 144 ..loot .. 144 .. 744 . tn ..114 .. Ill .. M0 .li:e) ..into ..lets . .Ilw .. tit .. let) .100 I 0 I 1 1 lu 2 tl 1 ir. i li I 24 1 23 1 23 1 ft I K 1 M t W J 4 I 40 I 44 1 4:. I 41 I K i ID I 40 I M) I to 1 a I U Na. At. Pr. It 711 4 OA It 1141 4 00 2 1014 4 10 II I'll 4 10 1 1240 4 Vt t ldtrl i IA II 1544 4 74 4( lit! 4 Tl 11 1141 4 Ki 41 1171 4 Oil ti IM2 I I.'. WS. 4 tlu 1 73 I Illu I Ti I mr. r t 1111 1 to 1 111TO t li t Mln 2 . I m t as 1 t a.-. I ta iu 2 m I I.M 2 H'l II lull 1 li il !! iri I t:-;: 1 mi ; .U7U I Ou 4 f!l 3 01 I.... 1M1 IK IS. !? 4 4! 15 :ot4 1 i I I' M t II li '.mi i io 4 1 is I 114". 1 o 4 , . . . lttii 1 li II t:..i s I . . .llt.j I r. 1 i n eir York Live Block Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 20-BEEVES-Re- celpta, 1,544 head. Mai ket for steer slow, but good to choice a enaue nignttr; ugnt. common. 6 to 10c higher; bulls steady to 15c higher on light bu..; fat bubs lower; cow very uneven, some s.'ties tt'pl.'ic lower; native Bluer. K.Mrua.u, choice, ivyi; tan end. 13.26, oxen and stags, I2.'.54r4.0.'; hulls, $.' 4ofl3 90; cows, II 66(3. o l.ovl'oiii an I l-indoii cable quoted live cattle lower at lorl2o per lb. dressed weight; sheep steady at 8ajV: per lb. Kxpoit. fj cattle, 117 sheep and .7'i0 quartets of lieef. I'ALV r.s neceipts, t.w.' ueuu. .nai irt ior veals. 2u50c lower; graaser and westerna, 1.50 off; itala.; nine caives. 4.ui to! 25; few grasHvie-. $3.uu3 5l:; westerue. $2 75; Indiana calve. $4W4l6 0v; dreawd calves easier; city uresseti veais, mi i.w per Hi ; iduiilry dl eased, hjllc. llOUa lo.iati lieaU. Mai ket biarter; sual bogs. $5 t'iij.iii. ItMEEP AND I-AMBS-Receipts. f.t;7 1. . -t. ,rk, c,-,i . ct.n.ctslif ed and 2"c Juwer all arojnd. almost no demand; sheep. ...... .... ..11443.. A; lair.tH. $o.Jfu7.75; it.. . e nam lamb. Ii..j; culls, $cari4.15: lamtis. $h.;ojj 7.23; cholc. ru'ls. $,..; Canada lambs, tl lu. aions I Hr Live aioek Market. SiUl A. till. nee u. inpecuti irie- ; grarn.l-eCATTLK Iteretrrts 1. le. hen; tnar. k'l ateady; stockera l'V lower; uccves, $7 4': SHALL O T T S Louisiana, bunre . 75c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, ta.OOtfllOOO: per doc heads, $I.U. LEAF LETTUCE Hat house, per box ..' 12 to 15 beads, 66c. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per do.. $1.21 1 60. RADISHES Hot house, per dox. bunches. Too. MUSHROOMS -Hot Hour", per lb.. 5tT75c. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib, 12c; No t rib. Sc; No. t rib. to; No. 1 loin. ICc; No. 2 loin. 10c: No. 1 loin. 7c; No. 1 chucks, ic; No. I chucks. 4c; No. 2 chucks, 3c; No. 1 round. 7c; No. J round. to; No. i round, 6o: No. i plule. 4c; No. 2 plate. S:i No. 8 ulate. Jc. MlBCltt-lANLUL'S CIDER Per keg. $3 75; pel bbl . $6 76. HUNKT-K jw. per 24 lbs.. $3.S0. CHEESE Swiss, new. 6c: Wisconsin, brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger. 13c: twins. 14c: voting Ainci ical, Hc. KUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shells, new irop. Pr 1U., io"jc- iiaru sneu., per 10. lic. Pecans, lingo, per lb.. 14c; small, per lb, 12c. Peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted, p-r lb., 80. Chill walnuts, per lb.. ;2013c. Al monds, soft ahull, tier lb., 17o; hard shells, per lb-, I5C. bhellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $2.i5; largj hickory nuts, per bu.. S1..V). Cheliiut, per lb., 15c. I ocoinuu. I4.WJ per ack of 100 HIDES-No. 1 green. 9c; No. 2 green. 8c: No. 1 salUd. 1li i No. 3 s-tlled. lis-; No. 1 veal calf. Ho; No. i calf. 9c; dry salted. '0l4c; theep ielti. "'ffl.Ou: hoi kidea. ;j "t3.y. HOLLY- In cases, 2x2x1 feet. So lbs.. In case, $1. U'; In bbls.. $t.5u per bbl. MISTLETOE Per P.. 2Cc. Metnl Market. NKW YORK. Dee. 30. META I.S-l.ondon l!n market was lower, with spot nuoted at UIV, I'a dl and futures i;i4 5s td. The local market was lower, ttpot being quoted at S3ij.2f.4j36 37. Copper wu 5s lower im start In Die EugHsh mnriiet. with that position closed at 179 5 while futures were un changed st 78 17s r.d. Locully the marl-ef was quiet and unchanred. with laVe nnd eloctroli tic minted ul $1S 5nftl9 10 .() ei Ing at $!8.I24'61M.)5. U-sd was Td ttlghet In I ondon. The local market whs quiet an. iincl.anged. with qtiotalltms ranging front $S.35 to $6 10 Spelter was unchanged a C:S):M In lmdon and at $6.5Mt6 tift In th local market. Iron was higher abroad wit't statulard foundry cltslna at SIhUI and Cleveland warrants at 51s 1 In the Fiiollult market. Ixnally Iron was unchanged; No. 1 fiuimlry northern I ipjoted H lit 5M-I9.(i; I No. I foundry tun tlnt n. lis 3.41 1 ..n: mv 1 foundry oiitt'ern. $i8.5''i18.75; No. 3 f..tjn.1rv Stc'ller't. ! o'i(18.?ri. 1 ST. IJl'Ifi, Dec. W-MKTAIJr-lJM.I, 1 llr:u. 5 5 bbl Spelter, film, $6.50. Cotton Market. .NEW VtJl'.K Do-, yt f hjT'I'i iV- i Ineed quiet: ntlildling itpIaridH. 1. Iilng gulf. 12.55c; salts. 2I lales Fi -fl nuo- F. D. Day & Co. Oralir. In Mtoek. Grain, Provlaioiu Skip tt' i;raln to Is Iresri Iio-lll Board ill Icli Bids.. Omaha. X "aa. raltthojil III4. :if-'.14 f'.xcbaniii 3idg.. South Ofi-.ana ' til 'PUou :ie. l uo k