Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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CrnUhman Collapse u He Heathei Hit
Coraer at End of Unlucky Bound.
Philadelphia Mnii Hacks.
Sidesteps In Manner Thnt
Rfnllilfrrit lkf
PAN FRANCISCO. Dee 2V -Robert Fltx-
slmmon collapsed at th rinse of the thir
teenth munt of his fiftht with Jsck O'Brien.
He had fought hard, hot nsture could no
Inner stand the strain nnd after the got.g
had sounded for the close of the thirteenth
round he walked to his comer and Ml In
bin chair. Then hid head fell over on hit
breast, his whole body collapsed and the
fighting wonder of the age was "all In."
Referee Oraney saw his condition and
awards the fight to O'Brien. While
punched In th face and hadly cut up and
several times In Jeopardy. Flusimmons al
ways manag'-d 10 come to and resume the
fight. Jual at' the' close of the thirteenth
lounrt h landed a left on O PB'n stomach
hut the Thlladelphlan came, back with a
similar blow and followed It with a left to
the Jaw. The gong rang; for the close of
the round and Fits walked to hla corner.
As he sat down he said to Greney: "Eddie,
he hit ma In the stomach and It la all
over." ' Then hla head sank and Bob FVl
Hlmmona wan defeated.
Referee Graney said: "FKiMmmons
showed his class. O'Brien is a wonderful
boxer, and the old man atood up and took
hla punishment. Occasionally he showed a
flash of hi old form, but his strength
could not last."
After the fight had been awarded to
O'Brien Fl'sssiininons slipped to the floor
and lay prostrate In the ring. Thore waa
a call for a doctor, as It was seen that he
was In a state of collapse. He revived,
however. In a few minutes nnd with the
assistance of his seconds waa able to leave
the ring.
O'BrlefTa Work Rrmarlmlile.
O'Brien gave a remarkable exhibition of
sparring and foctwork. II? ducked, dodged
and side-stepped In, ft manner that was bewildering-
Flusimmons would swing and
find only tho empty air, and several times
nearly went through the ropes from the
force of his mlFspcnt blows,
O'Brien would straighten up and dash In
a wicked cutting left, which, while not pns
xesslng knockdown force, won sufficient to
jar the old gladiator. Fitzsimmons had the
sympathy of tho enormotiH crowd, which
Jrertd and hissed O'Brien when, he ducked
and ran away. But the Philadelphia man
had laid out his plan of battle and could
not be coerced into mixing things with the
old fighter, who waa known to possess a
dangerous punch.
Before Fit left the ring lie made a little
speech, in which he said that he had done
his best. He said he had fought his last
Fight by Rounds.
Round 1 In the first round nut. more
than four blows were exchanged. O'Brien
-ontented himself with dancing about, with
Fitssimmons following: but seldom attempt
ing to land.
Round 2 Fitzsimmons crouched low and
after O'Brien had missed left for the face
he whipped his left and right to the face
und Flusimmons partially landed a straight
left and right to the face and body. Fits
drove O'Brien Into a corner and then
cleverly ducked a hard left intended for
tho Jaw. In the break that followed Fits
got in a light uppercut to the jaw. O'Brien
suddenly shot hlsJeft to the Jaw and catch
ing Fitssimmons off his balance drove right
and left to the face and then clinohed.
O'Brien waa very quick. Fits missing him
a foot at times. Fits shoved his right to
the face and O'Brien countered with
short-arm Jab aa the bell rang.
Round 8 As O'Brien backed away Fits
simmons caught him with u hard left on
the Jaw and a moment later shot his left
to the faca. Fits drove left hard to the
Family Trad Supplied by
H. MAY & CO.. Wholesale Liquor Oealers
1308 Douglas St., Omaha, Nb.
Telephone aid
I Doctors
lm potency,
Blood Poio
Rapt are,
KIDNEY and UR1NAKT Disease
nd all Diseases and Weakness of
MKN due to evil habits of youth,
abukes, executes or th result of neg
lected, unskilled or Improper treatment
OI P"rillu . V" -- .
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We make no siiucsaii n i
Ilea taa afoleted, neither 4 m mm promise to enra tnem In a lw
day, nor oer cheap, wortble treatment In order to seenro their
patroaase. Honest doctor of recognised ahlllty do not resort to
ach method. Wo snaraat a perfect. aad lasting oaro In the
ajajekest aopslhl tlmo. wlthoo lea lag lajarloa after eta la
th system, aad at th lw1 possible ! for haaest. aklllfal
aad neevvsfal traalmeat.
core CaulUtla you cannot call writ for symptom blank.
rKtL niamlaalUn OfDc Hours I a. m. t $ p. m. Sunday. 10 to 1 only.
1S08 Farnaai btrcct. Between lStl) and 14th btreet, OuiaUa, Neb.
solar plexus and miring ft worked his
left to tho face. O'Hrlen. Just as the bell
rang, shot a straight lft tlia caught Fits
on the nose end sent hint to the floor. It
was not a cicHn blow, being more of a
Hound 4 0'Prln forced Fits nearly
through the ropes with a rush and Flti
simmnns fell on his b-ft knee. He was tip
ouicklv nnd shot a stiff left over O'Brien s
eve. O'Brien then drew blood from Fits
simmons' mouth and nose.
O'Brien Strikes Telling; Blows.
Round &--O'Brien planted his left quickly
to Flts's sore fnce ind a moment later
drove two more lefts to the same place.
Krlen pegged away with his left and
Fitjtsitnmous again bled profusely from
mouth and nose. Finally Fits caught
O'Brien over th mou'h. bringing blood
from his mou'h. O Brlen put In two lefts,
bnt Fits countered with hard right and
left to the Jaw.
Round ft-Fit met O'Brien with a rrush
Inc left as the latter led. but the blow was
partly blocked. Fits received two straight
left jabs on the face nnd af'er missing
ritrht and left for the Jaw landed a right
swing en the ear.
Round 7 O'Brien planted ft right over hn
kidney and oulck as a floh worked right
and left swings to the' jaw. Fltislmmons
went after O'Brien, sending left to the fao
and a stiff right uppercut to the body. Flta
shot his left to O'Brien's fnce and followed
It with right swlnr to the bod v. but O'Brien
countered with two wicked right smashes to
the face, one of which raised a big lump
over Bob's right eye. Bound la n'Rrlen'a.
I the face. Fits worked his left to the Jaw
twice end O'Brien was cautioned for hold
l Ing. O'Brien ripped In a nasty left over the
I eye and u. moment later floored Fits with ft
I stiff right to the Jaw. Bob enme up appar
ently groggy. O'Brien then drove his left
; to the body and forced his man again to the
ropes wth two hard lefta to the race. As
the round ended Fits appeared to recupe
rate, but went to his corner rather un
steady. It was O'Brien's round by a big
Round ft Both appeared tired at this stage
and Flts's face presented a bloody sight.
O'Brien, after hooking a terrific right to
the Jaw. followed It with two wicked upper
cuts and ss the bell rang nearly raided Fits
off the floor with a right hook to the Jaw.
Round 10 O'Brien met Fits with ft
straight lab on tho f-ice, hut Fits retaliated
with a powerful right over the heart and
swung his left to the face. O'Brien shot in
two lefts to the faee as Fits missed a right
swing, and quickly Jabbed his left over the
miiuui. suddenly Fits hooked hi right with
givflt force ovr the heart, forcing O'Brien
to a clinch. Fltr.'s two heart punches In
this round were the best of the fight.
O'Brien Forced to the Ropes.
Hound 11 Fits In a mix drove O'Brien to
the ropes with a terrific right. O'Brien
landed two uppercuts. Fits complained to
tho referee that O'Brien was hitting low.
The crowd biased. Fits forced O'Brien to
the ropes. Fits chnsed his man around the
ring, landing n straight left to the face.
Round 12 After Fits hn-d forced O'Brien
Into a neutral corner O'Brien electrified the
crowd with some line work during which
he shot three hard lefta to Flts's face and
blocked all attempts of Bob to counter.
Round 13 In a mlxup Fits suddenly drove
a tearful right to the body and then a ter
rific hook to the face. O'Brien, however,
retaliated with a hard left uppercut to tho
Jaw. Fits then planted a hard left to the
body and they mixed It. both landing right
and left blows over the heurt.
Aa Fits went to his corner he suddenly
collapsed, falling to the floor. Blood flowed
from his mouth and none and It was seen
that he was bndly hurt. A doctor was
hastily summoned. Fitssimmons was abla
to rise unassisted shortly afterward and
left the ring. It appeared he was seized
with a sudden fainting fit and hemmorhago
as his seconds were working over him con
ditioning him for the next round. There
waa nothing to indicate that Fits was in
distress when he took his seat after the
thirteenth round hnd expired. When j
Ketereo (jranuy saw Fits s condition b Im
mediately awarded the contest to O'Brien.
MeCraeken Compares Status of Game
' to Conditions In Russia.
NEW YORK, Dec. 20 tr. Henry M. Mo
Cracken, chancellor of New York univer
sity, discussed foot ball at some length to
night at the annual dinner of the alumni
association of the university.
"The question of foot bail." he said, 'is
fast taking shape. It resembles the Russian
question. Over there It is the Russian peo
ole against the Russian grand dukes. Here
it Is the foot ball people against the foot
ball grand dukes. The latter call them
selves a 'committee on rules. They are
really ft committee on misrule. Thev have
reigned for years by virtue of their d"scent
from ft defunct ancestor, which I am told
was an athletic club of New York city.
They realised at their reoent meeting that
their position was precarious. Thev re
solved each to strengthen himself by ob
taining a plebiscite In his favor in the par
ticular university province from which he
came. Accordingly, an official announce
ment comes from Cornell thut their uni
versity Is now represented in the existing
rules committee by one of the members. An
official announcement comes from Yale that
foot ball there is controlled by tho gradu
ates rather than by the faculty. Of courxe
the pleblHclte there Is In favor of the Yale
grand duke, who Is chairman of the 'com
mittee of misrule,'
"Whether the other five provinces will
endorse Its graduate who happens to be
one of the grand dukes remains to be dis
covered. It Is honed that at least a few of
the seven provinces will refuse to give
themselves over, bound hand and foot, to
the oligarch who claim to govern In their
Faculty Proposes That All Interfer
ence In Foot Ball be Abolished.
PRINCETON, N. J., Dec. 30-Presldent
Wilson and the faculty on outdoor sports
of Princeton university announced todav
the principal changes In the methods of
playing and conducting foot ball which.
Princeton believes to he essential for the
proper reformation of the game. They
urge earnestly on all suitable occasions the
First That In the playing of the game
all Interference be abollxhed.
Second Thnt all coaching by men who
are paid in any way, directly or indi
rectly, or who receive their expenses or
any part of them, be done away with.
Third That the number of intercollegiate
contests be materially decreased and the
length of the season for such contests bo
correspondingly shortened.
The first suggestion is for the purpose of
abolishing all mass plays and of restoring
the original opvn gamu. The second sug
gestion la designed to place the game upon
Th Man's Tnt SMelallrta
for Men
If we could but see and treat all man
when the first symptom show them
selves there would soon be llttl need
(or so-called specialists In chroulo due
burs, sua limio wovml be low men
seeking a rejuvduauii ot their phy
kiu.1, nitt muu ilul1 powors, add
more wouid be none marked with in
UiueubU stamp oi
Obi""). and the suReier from
Ktuney and Ictiadaer diseases would be
ivauced to ft minimum, but aa lung
as MEN continue lu ditiugard th
golden adage, "A stitch in time saves
nine, and continue to neglect them
selves or to exercise Indifference or
poor Judgment In securing lbs right
treatment at the outset, just o lung
will there be multitudes of chrome
ti ft erers.
" i .111. . .,.no.l.
s7 I
a purely amateur footing and to rejtor to
the players themselves th initiative of
which In recent years thy have been de
prived. The onject of the third suggestion
Is to decrease the amount of time and en
ergy which the players are now obliged to
devote to the game.
The committer has Instructed Princeton's
representative upon the rules committor,
J. B. Fine, to urge upon that committee
the acceptance of the first suggestion.
I, Wins the flva
rep nt Inaleslde.
SAN FRANCISCO. Iec 2n Neva. Lee
wnn the Hnlvator handicap easily from a
pond field. There was an upset In the sec
ond, when Orassetitter, the topheavy fa
vorite, failed to land Inside the money.
Weather clear; track sloppy. Results:
First race, selling, six furlongs: Haven
run won, Major Tenny second. Waterspout
third. Time: 1:1"4.
Second race, Futurity course: Pentagon
won. Succeed second, J. K. F. third. Time:
Third ra, six furlongs: Kd Unburn
won. Angleta second, Lod Anderson third.
Time: 1:1S.
Fourth race, the Salvator handicap, one
mile: Neva Lee won, Oregor K second,
6an Prlmo third. Time: IAX
Fifth race, six furlongs: Bountiful won,
Matt Hognn second, Albemarle third. Time:
Sixth race, on mile and seventy yards:
Warte Nlrht won. Plxle Iad second.
ersnll third. Time: IMM4.
NKW ORLEANS. Dec. 20. Results at
City Park:
First race, five furlongs: Steve Lana
won. Hill Lassie second, Mr. Wadlelgn,
third. Time: 1 .-.
Second race, five and one-half furlongs:
Mod red won, Falkland second, Jack Ratllo
third. Time: 1:12H-
Third race, five furlong: Glrard won,
Toots second, Hawthorne third. Time:
l:(Wi. , t
Fourth race, short course steeplechase
handicap: ' New Amsterdam won, Chara
wlnd second. Lord Radnor third. Time;
Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Klein
wood won. Lnmpadrome second, Eclectic
third. Time: 1:57.
Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Asa
llna won. Miss Nannie L second. Royal Le
gend third. Time: 1:67.
Seventh race, mile and seventy yards:
Knowledge won. Kvasklll second. Double
third. Time: 1:56S-
NKW ORLEANS. Dec. 20. Results at
First raoe. six furlongs: Trigg Morse
won. Chauncey Olcott second, Menoken
third. Time: 1:2.
Second race, five and one-half furlongs:
Collector Jessup won. Paul Clifford second.
Arch Oldham third. Time: 1:12.
Third race, mile and seventy yards: Phil
Finch won. Pasadena second. Katie Powers
third. Time: 1:52.
Fourth race, six and one-half furlongs,
handicap: James Reddlck won, Lleber sec
ond. Deux Temps third. Time: 1:27V
Fifth race, one mile: Colonel White won,
Charlie Thompson second. Fruit third.
Time: 1:61 .
Sixth race, mile and one-elphth: Mr.
Jack won, Sincerity Bella second, Los An
geleno third. Time:, 2:t6.
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 20. Results at
First race, six furlongs: Peggy O'Neill
won. Rustling Silk second, Vlona third.
Time: 1:15.
Second race, mile and seventy yards:
Brigand won. Rubiana second, Pachuca,
third. Time: 1:47. M ,
Third race, Ave and one-half furlongs:
Don Domo won, Escalante second. New
Mown Hay third. Time: 1:07.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Good Luck
won. Masterson second, Vino third. Time:
1 :07H.
Filth rare, mile and seventy yards: Po
trero Grando won. The Hugenot second.
Ebony third. Time: 1:4.6.
Sixth race, Futurity course: Iramoter
won. See sick second, Alderman third.
Time: 1:11
Announcement That evr Atbletle
Scheme Has Been Devised.
NEW YORK. Dec. 20. The decision of
Columbia university council, which Is pt
pected finalv to settle the fate of foot hnll
at the university, will not be announced
until Friday or Saturday. The council met
vesterduv and arrived nt a conclusion,
which it' was explained would be given t.i
the students today. The fact that the de
cision Is to be withheld until the beginning
of the Christmas holiday is taken by the
undergraduates as a further Indication thnt
the decision is adverse.
Tho Columbia Spectator, the student pub
lication, in Its Issue today declares that the
council's decision waa withheld for tho pur
pose of avoiding any demonstrations by the
students. Dean Severs of the school of ap
plied sciences, In an Informal address to
one of his classes today, said that the
faculty hiul decided upon ft big athletic
scheme which would place Columbia in a
unique position In the college world. The
new athletic system, he said, would be
something of a revelation to the students.
He advised them not to get excited or a.-t
hastily, but to trust the faculty to do the
best thing for Columbia,
Dean Severs' remarks are believed ' to
mean that the faculty itself will manage all
the college's aports In the future, putting
tlitm on a sound basis.
In a. special match game on the Associa
tion alley the "Frisco" team rolled the
highest total yet reached by five men on
the new alleys. French was high man of
the ten with 610 and Cochran was but
three pin behind him. Tonight the Cudahys
ftnd the Beno bowl. Score:
1st. 2d. Id. Total.
McCague 303 V I'M m
Forscutt lfii 221 IM 541
Weber 1M IM 1W 4S5
Zlmmerniftn .!4 201 190 fS5
Conrad 1S 1 146 514
870 J.737
Sd. Total.
1K5 671
Ztt 610
1 K6
18 57H
11 607
French ...
Cochran .
Totals 879
9S5 6
The Lemp Falstaffs took two out of three
games from the Kamos on the Metropolitan
alleys. Crooks was high on single game,
also on totals. Scores:
lift. 2d.
Carman l"; Vi
Klouck 17H ra
Hlnrichs 137
Rerger 18s
Ueselin 191
Totals SN8
Rush 1V
Hengoon 153
Davis 173
O'Connor l.w
Crook 174
Total 788
91 796 2.602
Exhibition "katlnc at Andltorlam.
Amateur exhibitions at the Auditorium
were the magnet to attract a large crowd
Wedneeday night and the races and ex
hibitions were well worth the while. The
races were Just Incidental to the exhibi
tions and were as a nnale to earn exhibi
tion. In the ladles' race Mrs. Kobert iis
radun wa easily the winner and gave a
marvelou demonstration of what a woman 1
ran do on the rollers. The Judgee awarded
her first; Miss Augusta Schmidt, second;
Miss Ida Eller, third, ana Miss Anne une,
Clinton Higby was the best In the men'
exhibition, with Roy Oceanblen second and
Kainh Mackay third.
In the mixed skating Clinton Higby and
Mis Bcbmllt were the favorite with the
Judges as well as with the crowd. Roy
Oceanblen and Miss Kllor were second and
Ralph Mackay and Miss Rena Humohr
The skating race between Pitt. In
structor last season, and Harley Davidson
ha been postponed until next week. Three
race will be run, one Monday, one Tues
day night and the third Wednesday nigat.
ftoeloty Fight In Athletic.
IOWA CITY. Dec. 20 -(SpeclaI Telegram.)
At the annual meeting of the eth!ttc
association tonight the igma Alpha Kp
sllon machine received Its first defeat In
two yeare. the slate framed up by the Ihl
Delta Theta athletic combination going
through without a hitch. Andy Shilmers
of D Molne was elected president for
the coming year; Harvey I .aw ot water
loo, vice president; Ed Barrett of Des
Moines, treasurer, and Irving Hasting of
Spencer, secretary.
porting BroTltle.
Muggsy MoQrsw and Tod Sloans have
opened a billiard hall in New York.
Minirrr Tenney of Boston ha out
Harry Wolverton and Cannell on the mar- '
ket. No one ha mad a bid as yet. I
Le Tannehlll Is said to be on the ragged
edge with the ChUago Americans and
Commy may trade him. Lee ia not much i
with the stick, but he La iuifireved a I
i great deal la flldiii
: -J("r
KT'N i '
.Jt B . . . . .-.II
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Ken on Ilackwell Iaasd Fight lire Under
Offieem Orders.
Regulnr Fire Department of Sew
York Prison Proves loudeqaats
and Inmates Are failed
I'pon lor Asalslanre.
NKW VOKlv, Dec. 20. Ken forgot that
they were convicts and remembered only
that they were men, on Elackwell Island
early this morning when the male prison
ers, marshaled by their . keepers into a
tire fighting and llfusavlng- corps, bore
from the flaming floors ot the women'
ward 691 frantic women and from the
liorpltal bed fifty more.
Etarting- In the sewing room of the work
house and from a cause which has not
yet been definitely decided, the fire had
reached a fierce blase at 2 o'clock when
It 'was discovered. The fire engine on the
Island proved inadequate and a ' call for
help was sent to the city department.
Seven engines were sent over, but were
not sufficient to save the women's work
house from destruction.
On the top floor of this building were
cells for the women und every one held
one or two prisoners when the fire oc
curred. Theae women became frantic with
fright and were soon choking with the
dense smoke that filled all the halls and
their cells.
That most of them did not perish is
due to the recent installation of a system
by which In emerKencles every eoll In a
tier can be opened simultaneously with
all the others.
Reiralar Force Inadequate.
When the extent and danger of the bias
became spparent the warden marshaled
his regular fire fighting force of employes
and soon all were at work.
The flames spread so fast, however, that
this force proved hopelessly Inadequate.
Then it was decided to trust to the male
prisoners' sense of manhood and they bore
the test well.
Released from their cells and marshalled
Into small bodies, they entered the burn
ing building and went at th work of fire I
fighting and rescue with utter disregard
of the danger to themnelves. The flames
were crackling all about them, end they
plunged through the densest smoke when
they brought out In their arms the last of
the women prisoners. The fir bells and
the shout of the met t work could be
Pot-still Scotch
.Vac r' a. . bm only HmtiU
Ur lapplylmg whitkr to a
The Scotch with the Peir-drop flavor.
be kU of Rlly Bra. A Co
ad t dabs, Chfas, Hotels sad f Osiers,
The Cook & Bernheimer Co.,
row YORK.
JWB Aosaxa for c. t a. .
a Good Dsdestion
7' fv- ' .'v-i-ar
r ZlSh 23 -fJ
o f tczr " czr pi
iti'lV is.h S fl'ni i.niifiV if I'm il LmJ, V A
uality Individuality
heard all over the Island, and In the
hospitals and buildings of the other In
stitution there wus a panic, which was
quieted with difficulty by the nurses, phy
sicians and keepers.
The ' fire was confined to the women's
Although only part of the convicts were
used In rescuing the women, those who
remained locked In their cells mado fran
tic appeals to be allowed to help. As
the screams of the women penetrated to
their cells some of the convicts fell upon
their knees, beating the bars with their
fists and imploring the guards to let them
out to fight the fire. Wlnn refused they
begged that at least the guards go to the
rescue, promising that they would be their
own Jailers.
The fire, lasting over two hours, ami
consuming all of the women's prison, the
hospital and half of the woiknousr, lighted
up the shores of Long Island and tho
shipping In the East river und gilded the
(all buildings on the New York side of
the river. The wood work In the work
house, being fifty yars old. burned almost
like paper. The loss Is estimated at $50.wn.
Ferry Houses Hum.
Two of the Immense terminal buildings at
the foot of West Twenty-third street, on
the Hudson rWer, were burned today. Tho
lost was estimated at .4ni. Crowded
ferryboats and hundreds of passengers were
unioaaing ai me leiminais wnen a series of tlon of over 6 000 would entitle the saloon
explosions were heard and immediately wners . operate under the mulct law.
dense volumes of smoke filled the erect
buildings, followed quickly by flames. Orn.t
alarm prevailed, and the ferrybonts,
despite the flames, kept lauding passengers
from New Jersey at portions of the docks
and terminals which were not on fire. The
police from four stations had to be sum-
monea to Keep oruer. several employes of
the railroads were severely burned and five
men were reported mlsHing after the fire was
under control. The new fen y house of the
Delaware, Lackawanna 4 Western and of
tho Jersey Central railroad were almost
total losses. They were the newest ferry
I terminals in the city, the Lackawanna
! building still undergoing Its finish'ng
touches, and the Jersey Central having beeu
completed only two months ago. The ter
minals of the Erie railroad and of the
Pennirylvania were In such danger for a
time that the tire department centered a'
most all Its efforts on saving then). One
mall freight shed belonging to the- Erie
and part of the dock was damaged.
fttarta In Paint 'hop.
The fire started In a paint shop In the
Lackawanna building, presumably from a
defective electric w're, A ferryboat was
Just discharging 500 passengers into thi
building, when smoke, flames and a erls
of explosion burst from the paint shop
nearby. So rapidly did the flame spread
that when the Are department had gotten
to the work the Intcnso heat waa already
melting the copper sheathing on the walls
of the building. A 210-foot tower of the
Lackawanna building, burning from top to
bottom, fell Into the Hudson river, carry
ing a three-ton clock down with It. The
roof of this building fell, leaving little ex
cept walls standing, and the Jersey Cen
tral building was almost as badly wrecked.
The rescue of VXu.W) worth of tlrkets and
cash from a safe in the Jersey Central
offices wa a feature of the fire. A. H
Jackin, an officer of the road, ran into the
office and got possession of the valuable
before he wa overcome by smoke. Some
clerks carried him out of the buildings.
Hundred of trunk are reported to have
been destroyed In the two burned terminals.
W. G. Pebler, vice president and general
manager of the Jersey Central, announced
that th ferryhouse of his company was a
total loss.
Bid for Road Considered. '
WASHINGTON. Dec. 20 Conalderatlon
of th bids for railway constructions in
the Philippine ha btgun at the War de
partment. Signet Rings Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
Full dree studs, tdholm, Jeweler.
to Health and
.- ksassMt ' '1 x- ' ''-'?itW
- r M V m ' ' m ' wr -v I SB
Saloon Quftitis Enters Into Controversj at
Town of Eur on.
Own All the Real Properly In Ta
of R.OIM, and If Incorporated
Would Be Forvrd to la Prac
tically All of Talcs.
(P'roin a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOlNKil, Die. 20 (Special.) Hull.
B. H. Buxton, the founder of the town of
Buxton in Monroe county, was a caller at
tho office of Governor Cummins today and
was in conference with the governor on the
matter of the Incorporation of the town of
Buxton. The grand jury of Mahaska county
had pi'i'loned the governor to recommend
In his message a law requiring towns of
over population to Incorporate. Buxton
has 5,000 and over. Concerning the matter
Mr. Buxton said today: "The movement to
get th town incorporated comes from the
saloonkeeper. If incorjioratod the populu-
which they cannot do now. The Monroe
county grand Jury keeps them all shut up.
They have to either obey the law or move
out. Only a little of the town extends Into
Mahaska county and the chief trouble is
from that source, as the Mahaska authori
ties are not so vigilant about enforcing the
; llJW The coai company owns all the houaes
I un(1 property and It has offered to pay the
' Pncn of all the extra deputy sheriffs
i necessary to keep the law enforced. Tho
town Is a great deal better governed with
out being Incorporated than It would be if
It is recognised that the coal company
does not want the town incorporated as
owning all the property It would be taxed
to pay for the expense of keeping up a
city government. The matter is expected to
up I
All that is best in whiskey
you will find in
be brought up In the legislature In aom
Pottawattamie Made Gains.
According to the dairy commissioner' re
port, mude public yesterday, tho shipment
of butter from Pottawattamie county. 'dur
ing the year ending September 30 Increased
from 3,811 pounds to 541,130 pounds.
Flanf Over Membership CI an sc.
The biggest fight lu the history of the
Iowa State Traveling Men's association will
occur st the annual meeting next month
over the membership clause. The clause
Fays traveling salesmen for wholesale
houses, collectors und solicitors. The di
rectors have admitted state officials and
any number of business men of all clnsses.
It Is claimed they were admitted lllegallv.
If so then they will demand the return or
their money, but there uru about i.ono of
them and they have been paying In 9 a
year, or a total of ,$27,Ofi) a year. If they
are not legally admitted to membership
and are entitled to the return of their
money the association would bo made
bankrupt. 'Ihe total membership 1 about
Hardware Men Hera.
A eeret meeting of hardware Jobber of
the state was held here today at th
Bavery hotel by members of the state as
sociation. It was stated by some of those
present that the meeting was merely to
discuss some conditions of the trade In
the state. Nothing further could be learned
as to tlui purpose.
Dlrdsall Supports Knox.
Information today from Waterloo is to
the effect that Senator O. B. Courtnght
of that city yesterday received a telegram
from Congressmen Blrdsall stating he
would recommend Ed Knox to be reap
pointed as marshal for the northern dis
trict of Iowa. Hinlsall Is ranked as a
Cummins man und Knox Is recognised s
a standpatter. Tu telegram threw poli
ticians at Waterloo In a commotion, as
W. M. Law- of Waterloo, a Cummins msu,
was a candidate for the position.
Diamond rings, Kdtiulm, Jeweler.
Record Price lor 'Change Scut.
NEW YORK. Doc. 30. A eat In th
Stock exchange was wild today for :.,
the highest price on record.
thoroughly matured,
soft and rich.