Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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LS) 11 Ilk
What Woman Wouldn't Appre
ciate a Fine Silk Umbrella?
of almost every description are included in these fine Xraas
lines by far the most attractive assortment offered for Xmas
gifts. You will find thes high grade umbrellas on sale on
the main floor.
Beautiful Sterling Silver, Gun Metal and Gold Plated, in
layed with Ebony and Pearl best quality of twilled Spittlefield
silk, with light Paragon patent frame.
Give the Boy
Christmas money cannot be
the purchase of one of the Suits or Overcoats we are selling at
decided under prices. Tis an easy matter to save from $2 to $4.
and doubie stitched, perfect tittiug;
N o r f o I k s and Double Breasted
styles; hizes-4to 16 years, worth
up to $100, for
I Suits and Overcoats, made of woolen, wool and s lk, and do
mes! io fabrics. Every garment is perfect every detail. The
8 Overcoats come in belt styles, singl and NfK
double-breasted. The Suits come in Norfolk u
I finrl rl r in V1 Krun a furl u i rr 1
Huuv vtvuui- mi iavivu ri i
a yvmv. uunu up lUfo.ou,
Ul(c, IkUS TlKMI.IAL tax
County Commiisionsr-Elsot Poiiti Oat
Bencfi.a of Buoh Law.
(an Come Only When Men Are
!rnt to Legislature Who
Will Honestly Work
for It.
'The railroads are beating every town
In the state out of taxes to which they
are entitled, ami thla condition of affairs
will brt changed only when men are elected
to the legislature who understand the
mibjoct and. who will get upon the floor
ii nd ask for what they want."
Thus did County 'ommtssloner-elect W.
(. I' re, who, aa a member of the Real Ks
tats exchange assisted and fought for the
equitable taxation of railroads before tlm
State Board of Equalisation in 1904, and
who helped to create sentiment before
the legislature of WS for a higher taxa-I
lion of railroad property In cltlea and
"The fight for the taxation of railroad
jiroperty for city purposes will continue
and some dsy the members from out In
the. state will see that It Is to their Inter
est that the terminals be taxed locally.
F.ven the llltla town of rapilllon would
lienefU by a change In the method of as
sessing the roads. That town has a half
mile of track with a right-of-way of 40
feet. The right-of-way should be limited
to 100 feet, and that Is plenty large. That
would leave 3LO feet to be taxed locally.
Claim Is Sot Trs.
"Now, as a matter of tact, the railroads
do not distribute 115,000,000, the value of
the terminals, as la claimed by their
tigents. The amount might be in the
neighborhood of 13.000,000, which it la
claimed Is distributed over 600 miles, mak
ing W.000 a mile. One-fifth of thla would
)e tl.300 a mile, or P would go to ' the
town of Papllllon for taxation purposes.
"Now, under the other system, with the
right-of-way limited to 1U feet, see what
would be the result. Papllllon has not
less than two miles of side tracks, worth
$.1.(00 a mile, or 17.000; it has In the 300
feet along the mileage eighteen acres of
ground, worth $.'00 an acre, as It Is right
In the heart of the town, or a value of
13.600; It haa Its depot and other property
on the right-of-way, making some tlO.SOO.
"Par .t.. .1 I . .
ass::: sivbKyyvrs
loq of stria t.r .dc. ...ry ti h.,o r. b"fo
jj r. r . irfp'.ii air.hT.v.vs., "fj:
an sm tais la kcksii of tuffHnf Bm '
B. t. k ub.r, ftotaoV. 111.
',lwt- Mm!. FSwnt Tut flood luni
u v.ak.. 4 r M four k.u.j
ttrliof Rtmc Co Chicago er N.Y. Sm
ftfS De&T for
W camot CATrujme
Thursday you can take your choice
from several hundred
fj aud $6 Umbrellas
The handles eJone a. re worth $5
and $6.00 It was because we
could use several huudred tine um
brellas that makes the price so
very reasonable. Styles and designs
WkaJ He Wants
put to better advantage than in
BOYS' SUITS, positively worth
up to $4, at $1.95
Boys' Suits, made of strictly all-wool materials;
the very newest colorings, durable lining and
trimmings, w ell made, every seam reinforced
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
Positively worth $6.50
aci WStq n 4a 1
1 LvO UU IU X J m gel
t sa.
of which one-fifth would be about $2,100,
Instead of the $M it In supposed to get
by the alleged distribution of the value
of terminals.
"Fremont Is a worse sureror than Is the
little village of rapilllon. It has hun
dreds of thousands of dollars worth of
terminals which are supposed to be dis
tributed. Look what It would mean to
that city were the plan of assessment
changed. It loses In proportion Just as
much as Omaha. It has not less than two
miles of right-of-way, 400 feet wide. On
this are elevators, lumber yards, coal
yards and bulldlncs.
"Every other town In the state is affected
the same way. It would raise the railroad
assessment In every town in the state for
county, city and school purposes were the
alleged distribution of the terminal prop
erty stopped.
"My plan of asscsHlntr railroads is to
have the state board value the roadbed,
the franchise, credits, right-of-way, lim
ited to loO feet In width, and distribute this
value according to the mileage of the road.
Then have the local assessor look after
the property not located on that 100-foot
right-of-way. Because the railroads are
beating the towns out of their taxes it hits
been necessary for many towns to levy
a tax contrary to the constitution, but
the citizens know the necessity and noth
ing Is done to slop It.
"I look for the next legislature to do
something for the towns, provided men
are elected who will stand up and de
mand that something be done. If some
one in each town would take the trouble
to look up the records he could readily see
where the roads are not paying their
share of the city taxes."
Announcements of the Theaters.
Splendid scenery la one of the features of
the production of "When Knighthood Was
In Flower." In which Roselle Knott opens
an engagement at the Boyd on Sunday.
Miss Knott has found In the churacter of
Mary Tudor an opportunity for her talent
that Is bringing her fast to the front as
an actress. She seems to have caught the
author's notion of the proud, high spirited
iglrl, capable or much loving, and Incapable
of stooping to anything, even to please
her royal brother. The company with Miss
, Knott this season Is reputrd to he a good '
one. The engagement is ror three nights
and a special matinee on Christmas day.
I The Shopper's matinee at the Burwood
this afternoon Is recommended. To women
from out of the city thla matinee affords ,
special at'. Actions. They can do their
shopping, and then have time to see the
I play before the evening trains leave to
take tnem to tneir nomes. Tne Mil this j
.week Is "The Man From Mexico. ' j
The performances of "The Chimes of Nor
mandy" at the Boyd on Wednesday and
Thursday, December 27 and JS, for the
benefit of the Eagles' Boosting Fund, with
Which to help secure the annual Grand
Aerie of that order for 1907, for Omaha,
promise to be red letter affairs in
the musical history of this city. Not
only is the opera to be given, "The
Chimes of Normajidy," one of the
best, but one of the most popular in
the comic opera repertoire. Its cast em
bract some of the best local slngfis, who
helped to make The Mikado so successful
last spring. The Misses Uvlngston and
Wlnspear and Messrs. Jessen, Hamilton
and W H. Smith axe to be found among
the principals. A very select chorus haa
beeo secured and the rehearsal warrant
the assertion that almost perfert perform
ances will be given. I
The popular price matinee at the Orphoum
this afternoon will bid strongly iur the
favor of the women and children tor the
Women's Selected Furs
Women's New Zaza
Scarfs In blended
or natural squirrel,
that sells every
where for $6.00;
price- 3.90
Women's E 1 e c t ric
Seal Coats 22 in.
long, lined with best
furrier's satin, high
storm collar and
lapels; coats worth
$35; Thursdav
Women's Near Seal
Coats Made of the
very best selected
skins, lined with
the finest quality of
satin, new and cor
rect shape; Thurs
dav 37.50
Women's Stylish Neck beans Of sable
coney fur, trimmed with fringe and
ornaments A C
Thursday StD
Women's Double Scarfs Of the best qual
ity brown coney fur, finished with cord
and tails Z OA
Thursday s-PsnV
Women's Fur Boa Of Isabella opossum
fur, 64 inches long, two large tails
worth $7.50-
Women's Sample Fox Boas 75 swell Isabella fox boas, of the very finest quality, a travel
ing man's samples, bought at a great reduction, 1 CI 75 97 J. 7 S 9071 s1 flfl
worth double the money v Om f J'JJ.UU
excellent bll Is very nicely fashioned to
meet their fancy. On the program are the
Broomstlrk Witches, twelve very pretty
girls led by charming Delight Barsch. sing
ing excerpts from the tuneful musical
comedy "The Isle of Spice;" Mrs. btuart
Robson and company, presenting a sketch
entitled "The Saving of Mrs. Shaw" and
Herbert's well-kept, good looking and clever
performing dogs.
O'Brien's Candy Display.
D. J. O'Brien Co. are making a note
worthy display of O'Brien's Monte Clirlsto
chocolates at Beaton Drug company's store.
Fifteenth and Farnam streets. Monte
Chrlsto chocolates have made an enviable
reputation. Their well known purity, de
licious flavor aAd dainty appearance, to
gether with the fact that they are sealed
In boxes at O'Brien's Candy Factory so
that they are never handled until they
reach the consumer, has made them a
prime favorite throughout the west. But
you ought to see them in their Christmas
dress they are positively Irresistible.
Candy is always an appropriate rift, but
when O'Brien's Monte Chrlnto chocolates
are packed in beautifully embossed boxes
with the dantiest flowers worked In silk
and ornamented with Christmas emblems
there is no escaping their enchantment.
Holiday Itates
Christmas and New Tear's. Oreatly re
duced rates via the Missouri Pacific rail
way. Tickets on tale December 'a, 21, 24,
K, 30 and 31, MOS. and January 1, I9ufl.
Oood to return to and Including January
4, 130. Full Information at city offices,
southeast corner 16th and Farnam streets,
Omaha. Neb.
Before and
What The World
iOmaha World-Herald April 1, 1904 )
Compromise Reached at Conference of Mil
lard. Dietrich. Thompson and
the President.
Staled that Appointment Will Probably Be
8ent to the Senate Friday.
Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.
WASHINGTON. D. C. March U. The
long fight over the displacement of United
States Attorney W. S. Summers of Ne.
braska Is ended. The president will appoint
Judge Irving F. Baxter to the position. The
appointment la expected to go to the senate
Friday. The appointment of Judge Baxter
was settled on this morning at the White
House In a conference between the presi
dent and Senators Millard and Dietrich and
D. E. Thompson. Ths two senators and
Mr. Thompson agreed on Judge Baxter and
so assured the president.
The World-Herald vraa the Brat to
snggeel tho appointment of Judge
Baxter as a compromise. Upon this
suggestion the republicans, not only from
Omaha, but from all over Nebraska, com
menced to flood the White House and the
office of the attorney general with tele
grams aud letters urging the selection of
When the Nebraska senators called upon
the president today they had not Chang!
their indorsements from the candidates
they have been urging for appointment for
the last few weeks. The president bad
grown tired of tlu'iltuallon. stubborn as It
was on both sides, and deuldeU to call a
mm fk
Yv oucU s new Four-in-Hand Tie Of the best
quality of genuine blended squirrel, trim
med with chenille fringe, worth Oft
$10.00-Thursday OswU
Women's Double Scarf Of the very best
quality of Arabian fox, with six tails, fin
ished with cord and tails, would Oft
be cheap at $10 Thursday .aU
Women's Swell Isabella Fox Scarf A very
choice lot of fine selected skins, that would
positively be a bargain at $15 1 C
Thursday t D
yf ft A
Ihiradiy Will Bs One Hoar aud Half
Briefer Tban Average.
niae In the Price of KhRs Attributed
lo the Lark of Vsoal
Time Hens Have
to Lay.
Today will be the shortest day in
the year. People who govern their
morning rising by the sun will sleep
one hour and a hnlf later than In summer
If they wait for the solar god to put In his
appearance before they rllmb out. The
chickens will go to roost Thursday evening
an hour and a half sooner than usual, after
a very short day's work about the premises
of their respective owners. It is on this
ground, of a short day for the hen union,
that egg dealers base their fancy prices
for the biddy product about this time of
year. The only qualifying element In the
proposition this year is the extraordinarily
fine weather.
Today the winter soltiue begins and
will not end until round about Utuiter. At
this exact time In this latitude the sun
shows up over the horizon an hour and a
half later than at the same date In June
and disappears below tho western sky Hue
an hour and a half earlier than at the
date of the summer solstice. Ever since
June 21, last, the days have been gradually
After Taking
- Herald Has to Say.
conference of senators today to settle the
matter one way or the other. It is authori
tatively stated that be told the senators
they must agree on some one today and
suggested at the same time the namo of
Judge Baxter as a compromise.
As Judge Baxter had not been Identified
In any way with the factional differences
of the state, the two senate,! willingly
agreed upon hla selection. Mr. Thonipin.ii
also is well pleased with the appointment.
The Nehraskans here, generally speaking,
are well pleased with Buxter's selection, al
though many of them wanted Gurley.
The term of District Attorney Binnninv
has been out for two years, but he has held
on, regardless of this.
(Omaha World-Herald December ?,
Railroad Influence Said to Have Scur.1
Irving F. Baxter's appointment as United
States district attorney, which was con
firmed in April, 1904, was the result of the
.bitter fight made by Edward Rosewater
and friends of Senator Dietrich against tha
reappointment of W. 8. Summers. In the
beginning of the fight Rosewater and Die
trich strongly favored the appointment uf
Harry C. Lindsay of Lincoln. W. F. Gur
ley was also a candidate and was vig
orously backed for the appointment.
When the Rosewater-Dietrich combina
tion saw that there was no chance for
Lindsay Rosewater picked up District Judge
Baxter for the purpose of getting Sum
mers' scalp and slso euchering Qjrley out
of the place. Through the Influence of
Roeewater and ths Bur ling loo road Baxldi
received the appointment.
Women's Swell Neck
Pieces Of the
finest quality Siber
ian squirrel, worth
"$7.50; price
Women's Near Seal
Coats 22 in. long,
with beaver collar
and revers, all the
best quality; Thurs
day 47.50
Women New Krim
mer Coats Made of
the very choicest
selected skins, fine
curls, beautifully
shaded, worth $o;
growing shorter, until now the sun makes
Its shortest course across the heavens to
be seen by the naked eye. The sign Capri
corn governs the winter solstice and the
sign Cancer the summer solstice.
Father Rigge of Crelghton university tan
give a most tlnlshed and interesting ex
planation of these phenomena of the
heavens, but every mm can be his own
timekeeper if he will but bear in mind the
facts as to the rising and the setting of the
sun tomorrow.
Beginning with Friday the days Imper
ceptibly will grow longer, so far as the
light of the sun is concerned, until the
date, six months hence, when the solar orb
.ill be on duty for Its longest spell In any
twenty-tour hours.
Not a minute should be '.".n: when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the cioupy cough appears, will prevent the
attack, it never falls and Is pleasant and
safe to take.
Holiday Prtceu.
Via "The Northwestern Line."
1H fare round trip, Dec. 23d, good SO days,
to points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken
iucr.y, New Vork, Canada, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia.
1H fare Dec. 22d to th and Dec 30th xo
January 1st, good until January 4th, to all
system points and to points in Illinois,
Minnesota and the Dakotas.
$14. ib. Chicago and return, Dec. Kth to
19th, good until Dec. 24th.
Offices 1401 Farnam St.. Union Station,
Webster Street station.
Holiday Rales,
The Erie Railroad, the Picturesque Trunk
Line of America, announces special holi
day rates over its line from Chicago De
cember 29, 24, X, 30, 31st and January 1, to
Columbus, O. ; Akron, O.j Youngst.ivvn, O.j
Jamestown, N. T.; Salamanca, N. Y.; Buf
falo, N. T, and local stations. Apply to
your local ticket agent, or J. A. Dolan.
T. P. A., Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago.
Braaa la (bo Thing-.
that many people are selecting for Christ
nits gifts. We show so many beautiful
things in braa that It's no wonder they
select brass goods there are Ink tands,
candlesticks, ash trays, letter holders, com
plete desk sets, jewel cases, jardineres, etc.
Mawhlnney & Ryan, Fifteenth and Douglas
Turquoise blrtlistones, Edholm, Jeweler.
Y. M. C. A. Gets Permit.
The Young Men's Christian association
has secured Its permit to erect Its associa
tion building at Seventeenth and Harney
itreets. The structure is to be of brick an I
stone five stories high and 13xl58 feet In
dimension. Fisher A Lawrle are the archi
tects .nd Pars..n A: Kierit are the bullrtpra
I The building will cost tV0M. Other per-
mils have been Issued during the twenty
four hours ending at noon Wednesday as
J follows: I. A. Medlar company. Fifteenth
and Howard, additional story to brick
building. IJ.WO; Jesle F. Shepard. Sixteenth
and Emmet, frame dwelling, 11. M0.
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder.
to your toilet necessities if you
want the best results. It removes
discoloration and tartar. An anti
septic a purifier a cleanser.
Ask your dentist. Ask him why.
la handy metal eaas or battles. S5e-
i Dr Graves' Tcoth Powder Cot
MBBonnDBBBai ggHRnmaanaannani 1
If "He" Travels Give a Suit Case
This One for $3.98 Full steel frame covered with genuine
leather and corners protected with sole leather caps, best
brass spring lock and catches, three steel hinges, strong
loop handle, lined throughout
What a five dollar bill should
this week
Special Children's Suit Cases
1 Ho
LeaJher Novelties
Something fr Every Person on Your Gift List
Women's Hand Bags In powder and pin grain seal, walrus,
sea lion, patent leather, buffed alligator, English morocco
and fancy colored leathers of all tints, carriage, avenue,
varsity, envelope and strap styles with one to f (? ft ft
ten fittings-52.75 to ...lJ.UU
Lower Price Bags all styles all shapes, colors and
leathers with one to four useful fittings $1.00 to
Picture "His" Satisfaction oix
Getting a Path Robe or
House Coat.
Handsome Lounging and Bath Robes A splendid line of
Eiderdown Australian wool blanket robes and French ter
rey cloth robes, all made in the finest patterns. There's no
ut-e pay. ng $4. 50 or 15.00 for T
one elsewhere wbea you can y n B
get the same one for. JF U J
Men's Finest Astrakhan and Baby Lambswool Blanket
Kobes- Made in the
Hefcant line in college colors. Thursday
we've priced them at
Men's Smoking Jackets An elegant assortment, made of
double-faced cloth
sizes, also odd
taste suited in this
IS. 00 Jackets, only
Men's Finn Imported
double-faced cloth,
with turn cuffs and
ported silk Jackets,
regular way at 99.00, Thursday's price.
How Vegetable Compound Had Its
Birth and Hon- the Panle of 'Tit"
Canard It fo Be Offered for Sale.
Thls remarkable woman, whose maiden was Kstes. was born in Lynn, Mass..
February 9, 1X19. coming from a good old
Quaker family. For some years s'te taught
school, and became known as a woman of
an alert and Investigating mind, an earnest )nB dangr8 of constipation. Help it wttu
seeker after knowledge, and above nil. poa- Dr. King s New Life Pills, a cents For '
sessed of a wonderful sympathetic nature. by Bherman A MoConnell Drug Co
In 1S43 she married Isaac Pinkhmn, :t -bulldfr
and real estate operator, and their To Finish Floora and Wooorork
early married llfo was marked by proa- Use only "FLOOR-SI UNK" Enamels. Oak.
perity and happiness. They had four chll- Mahogany, Cherry, etc. Sold by Orchard :
dren, three sons and a daughter. Wllhelm Co.
In those good old-fushloned days it was
common for mothers to make their own
home medicines from roots and herbs, na-
ture's own remedies calling In a physician
only in specially urgent cases. By tradi
tion and experience many of thorn gained
a wonderful knowledge of the curative
properties of the various roots and liurbs
Chief of these was a rare combination
of the choicest medicinal roots and herbs
found best adapted for the euro cf thu
Ills snd weaknesses peculiar to the female
ehbor.I.earaned',rf ,"m'' ,r"n""
neighbors learned that her compound re-
i.c.tu iu iuiru im ii dim a me quite popu-
inr among tnem.
All this so far was done freely, without
money and without price, as a labor of
But In 1S7U the financial crisis struck
Lynn. Us length and severity were too
much for the large real estate Interests
of the Plnkham family, as thla class of
business suffered mpst from fearful de
pression, so when the Centennial year
dawned It found their property swept away.
Some other source of income had to be
At this point Lydla E. Plnkham s Vegeta
ble Compound was made known to the
The three sons and the daughter, with
their mother, combined forces to restore
the family fortune. They argued that the
medicine which was so good for their
women friends and neighbors waa equally
good for the women of the whole world.
The wonderful curative properties of the
medicine were, to a great extent, self
adverttslng, for whoever used It recom
mended it to others, and the demand grad
ually increased.
In 18. by combined efforts the family
had saved enough money to commence
newspaper advertising and from that time
the growth snd success of the enterprise
were secured, until today Lydla E. Plnk
ham and her Vegetable Compound have
become household words everywhere, and
many tons of roots and herbs are used an
nually In Its manufacture.
Lydla E. PI kham herself did i. it live
to see the great success of this work. She
passed to her reward years ago, but not
till she had provided means for continuing
her work as effectively ss she nould have
done It herself.
With Lydla E. Plnkham workd her
daughter-ln-Iaw, the present Mrs. plnkham.
Bhe was carefully instructed In all her
hard-won knowledge, and for years she
assisted her in her vast correspondence j
To her hands naturally Ml the direction
of the work when Its originator passed
away. For nearly twenty-five years she
has continued It. and nothing in the work
shows when Lydia E. Plnkham dropped ,
her pen, and the present Mrs. Plnkham.
now thu mother of a large 'anilly, took
It up. With woman asalstanta, some as
capable as herself, the present Mrs. Plnk
ham continues this great work, snd proba-
I bly from the office of no other person have
' c i - - - o
with linen
pay for
98c Thoroughly waterproof,
strong handle, good lock and bolts,
eteel frame and lined with linen;
Sizes 14-1G-18. The one that QQp
suits you best, choice for. . . .OC
richest designs, also an
and matelasses, in all the wanted
sizes for stout men, every
line of regular $7.60 and
Smoking Jackets Made of English
in new shades of gray .and plaid,
collar, also some fine im
which should sell in the
so many women ben advised how to re
gain health. Sick women, this advice 1
"Tours for Health" freely given If you
write and ask for it.
Such la the history of I.ydla K. Tlnkham's
Vegetable Compound; made from siniplH
roots and herbs; the on great medl-
Cl" fr women " ailments, and the fitting
n;o"um'nt ,0 the noble woman whose name
Appendix Kept Bo.
Your annendiv la hu.v w.,in ,.r
Manlnure Sets Krenzer, 16th and Dodge.
Harry B. Iiavis, undertaftr TeL 110.
32-K wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses
been Ifsued:
Name and Residence.
.... a;
... s;
... Tk
.... &
William S. Metcalf. Omaha.
Jo"Phlne Stepp, Council Bluffs
Fr,nk rB-p,r, 8outh Omaha..
Agnes Blovek, Bouth Omaha...
Classes Shrank
Qnarter aires, with tie lees
llsksraefrineMsnil Mnnsreh Shirts
lie j ii. tuni
"I sn)n
few York Coalral Llnee.)
Leave St. Louis DAILY
1:17 a.m., 12 Koon, 9:10 p.m., Ilp.a
8:17 1. m.. 1:00 p.m., 11 p.m.
Through Sleepers, Dining Cars, PaN
lor Cars and Day Coaches. This Ii "ttt
route that gives the service."
0. W. GREEN, T. P. A.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Ticket office, Broadway and Chest
nut Sta., or address C. L. HILLEARY.
A. O. P. A., St. Louis.
Jlht -T . lif.i.'-' IM