Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie Omaha Daily Bee.
rally F (without Sunday). one fnr,.HfO
Dally Bee and Sunday, on ear t m
Illustrated Bee, nnn year 8S0
unday Bee, on year ! M
Saturday Bee, one year 1 60
Pally Pee (Including Punday), per week. .170
Dally Bee (without Sunriar), per week.. 12c
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week to
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week. ..10c
Sunday BVe, per enpy to
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Clrrulatlen Department.
maha The Bee Building.
South Omaha-ltv Hull Building.
Council Bluff-10 Tearl Street.
'hlcajro 1640 frilly Bulldlnr.
New York 1W Home Life Ins. Building.
Washington Ml Fourteenth Street.
Cnmninnlritlnni in tieva end ed
Itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
ee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, eipreM or poatal order,
payable to The Ben Puhllalilnv Comtwnv.
only 2-cent stamps received as payment of
man account. Fcrannal checks, except on
Ornaha or eastern exchanires. not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douirlas County, as:
. C. Rosewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing- Company, 'jetr d'llr eworn,
aaya that the actual number of full and
omplete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
Urn month of November, 1901, was as fol
lows: i ntjofi
3 31.110
S R1.14A
7 sr.ira
S 34.A10
10 81,000
11 31.5M0
1? 2n,nBO
33 314COO
H Slt.lO
u ai.4iio
II 31.B30
17 Sl.TTO
is xn.sno
so ai.non
n 31. son
u S1.4.10
21. 32.KBO
24 at. MO
3 HU.4
26 20.HSO
77 S1.61M
a .-umo
29 31.040
30 31, OHO
Total U40,no
Less unsold copies.". 10..T12
Nt total sales 930,238
Ir-uly average R1.20T
Subscribed in ray presence and aworn to
bemre tnc this 1st day of December. 1906.
Notary Public.
sahaerlbers tearing; tbe elty tern,
porarlly should ka( The Be
inalleil to tbera. It la better than
dally letter from home. Ad.
dress il l rhunjted ftes ssa
There Is no telling what a dny may
bring forth In the federal building.
Iri the Interval, one toon who Is enti
tled to shake hands with himself Is the
genial George II. Thummel.
: The new United States marshal Is
4w of the few public men lu Nebraska
who has had fame thrust upon them.
There must have been method lu the
madness of the New York convicts who
turned Are fighters the building was
totally destroyed.
Considering the ease with which he
"landed' it .hooltf hardly be necessary
to note . that United StateB Marshal
Warner Is a native of Iowa.
Deputy United States marshals and
deputy United States attorneys will
have to draw lots as to which are to
throw themselves overboard.
It Is to be hoped Secretary Root may
effect a modus vlvendl which will save
Berliner from the neceasitj' of eating
horse meat In place of sausages.
UusHia, however, has two weeks
longer than the real of the world to
bring about the peace and good will
populurly supposed to obtain at Christ
mas. With the Kansas traluwreckers again
active the people of the Sunflower state
may find something to Interest them
while Senator Burton keeps out of
Since Iowa has taken both first and
second prizes for steers at Chicago It
Is evident that some farmers In that
tate do something more than discuss
the tariff.
South Dakota land sharks who were
fonvlcted. of fraud In Minnesota have
filed notice of an appeal. If they are
old enough they may have the luck of
the late Senator Mitchell.
People who admire a fighter will be
pleased to learn that John R. Walsh
will not -be penniless when his affairs
are settled up. Even Mr. Walsh's op
ponents admit that bo always fought In
the open. -
If Newfoundland persists in Its un
friendly course Yankee fishermen may
be compelled to favor better laws of
trade with the Island, but, more prob
ably, they will devise a scheme which
will make the Islanders sorry they did
not take what was offered.
Ex Governor Dawes has been pro
moted from captain to major In the pay
department of tbe regular army, a
precedent which all the other ex-governors
would like to have Uncle Sam
follow, with the privilege of being re
tired on half pay and no work.
The retirement of W. R. Kelly from
l he headship of the Union Taclflc law
department leaves another vacancy that
will l looked at with covetous eyes by
lawyers aspiring to high places. It is a
place, however, that few lawyers will
measure up to according to the stand
ard el by Mr. Kelly.
The Water company's hydrant rental
i-lulm aggregating over $47,000 for the
six month ending December SI has
again been pigeonholed. In the mean
time the city pays 7 per cent interest
on Its debt and receives 2 per cent In
return for tbe money on deposit, which
U only another sample of high financ.
fobcf or rcnuc oriMo.r.
Mr. Garfield, cninniisslnner of the
bureau of corporation, understands the
force and valuo of public opinion. In
his annual report he says that nut only
is legislation dependent upon public
opinion, but likewine moral standards
In business and the rules of dally com
mercial intercourse, which cannot be
enforced by statute, nre created and sus
tained by public opinion. "Current
events,'' says the commissioner, "have
strikingly demonstrated the tremendous
reformative force of public opinion with
out the intervention of law. Existing
business methods will be changed In
accordance with public opinion."
Mr. Hughes, the lawyer who has un
masked the operations of the insurance
companies which have been under In
vestigation in New York, also has faith
In the power of public opinion. He suid
In a recent Interview referring to the
Investigations that they have aroused a
spirit that seems to give hope that the
American people have come into their
own. "In the future thoy will demand
better standards In both our financial
and political affairs. They will demand
that corporate business shall hereafter
be conducted squarely and with a clean
balance sheet." There Is unquestion
ably substantial ground for these views.
Public opinion in this country is an
all powerful force when fully aroused,
as it appears to bo at present regard
ing corporations. But It needs to have
constantly held up before It the evils
and abuses which require correction and
to be persistently stimulated to action.
Otherwise public opinion Is apt lo be
come lukewarm and indifferent. There
is no doubt that we are to have reforms
In the business methods of corporations
and 'bettor 'standards In both financial
and political iiffnirs, but If these are
to long continue It is necessary that
the public - sh'Ul maintain a careful
watch and gunrriinnshlp of it interests.
The people enn protect themselves
against evils and abuses on the part
of corporations If tl.ey will. The power
to do this is wholly in their hands. The
trouble Is that as a rule they do not
exercise this power aid seem to realise
that they possess It only when there
Is some startling revelation of wrong
doing that afTeet the entire public.
The general strike in Russia was pro
claimed a day earlier than expected and
the grave conditions there are thus ren
dered more serious, since there was a
possibility that postponement of tbe
conflict even for a day might have
brought about a further delay had the
government sought it As it is, the con
test is now fully on and according to
reports in a more aggravated form than
ever before. The preceding strikes have
Involved but a portion of the neonle.
but the proclamation makes the conflict
general, so that there is likely to be
Industrial and commercial stagnation
throughout the empire, with necessarily
aiaasirous consequences to all interests
and probably much bloodshed.
How long the strikers will be able
to hold out It Is Impossible to say, but
whatever the time, it will undoubtedly
be a period of great disturbance. So
far as appears the government is not
disposed to do anything in the way of
conciliation. The purpose seems to be
to firmly resist the strikers and to use
all the power available to crush the !
movement. There la every indication 1
that the conflict Is to be relentless and
The latest advices from Wasbineton
state that Secretary Root Is most ear
nestly endeavoring to find a way to t
avert a tariff war between Germany I
and the Uaited States. As there Is only
about two months and a h nlf bjoforn I
the new German tariff, which dis
criminates against American products,
will go into effect, the secretary of state
Is exceedingly anxious that something
be done to at least postpone a situation
which once created might become very
troublesome, possibly producing be
tween this country and Germany a
commercial conflict that would be most
damaging to both and seriously impair
the feeling of friendship that now ex
ists. It is reported that Secretary Root has
been In conference with treasury offi
cials with a view to ascertaining how
far he can go toward proposing a tem
porary arrangement with the German
government, uuder which the operation
of the new tariff may be suspended
until congress can have an opportunity
to act In regard to a new commercial
treaty. It Is also stated that Mr. Root
has been consulting with senators as to
the possibility of the ratification of a
reciprocity treaty, ehould one be nego
tiated. There is, of course, no definite
Information as to what the secretary
of state has learned respecting the posi
tion of senators, bnt it Is probable that
he hag not received much encourage
ment, it being pretty well understood
that most of the republican senators are
not favorable to itrnking nuy concessions
to Germauy and do not see their way
to entering into a reciprocity agreement
with that country which would not
Involve the United States in possible
commercial difficulties with other coun
tries. It is urged that if tariff con
cessions are made to Germany we must
in fairness make them to other coun
tries, if they are aaked. For example,
they could not very well be refuwed
to Great Britain, which is our best cus
tomer commercially, buying from the
United States annually several times
as much as Germany doea.
Thla- matter will undoubtedly be
urged Uon the attention of senators
after the holiday recess, not ouly by
tbe administration, but also by the in
terests concerned, and these are of a
character which ought to exert a good
deaj of influence. At preaeut, however,
the outlook is not favorable to any ar
rangement involving any change In the
tariff. It is said that all the New Eng
land senators except two are opjiosed
to any action at this session that would
touch the Dlngley schedules at any
point and It does rot appear that re
publican senators from other sections
are disposed to make any concessions
to Germany or any other country In
volving tariff changes. It seems a safe
prediction, therefore, that nothing will
te done regarding trade relations with
Germany and If that country chooses
to have a tariff war no effort will be
made, so far as congress Is concerned,
to avert it.
The failure of Nebraska democracy
to dominate the political affairs of this
state is primarily, If not almost wholly,
due to the downright dishonesty and
lack of moral stamina of Its lending or
gan, the Omaha World-Herald. That
paper always has been a harbor of
refuge and unblushing defender of
every political crook, embezzler and
grafter that has been caught In the act,
or pried loose from public office for dls
nonesry or disreputable conduct
' Back In 1S03, when the legislature by
almost unanimous vote of men of all
parties Impeached four state house fa
cials, the World-Herald glossed over
and condoned their misconduct in order
to pave the way for a popular approval
of the Scotch verdict rendered by a ma
jority of the supreme court
The wrecker of the Capitol National
bank, by which the state lost 1230.000
and interest, found a harbor of refuge
In the World-Herald, and while he wan
In Jail Mas at ail times able to com
mand lis sympathetic support which
extended even to the sheriff, who al
lowed the convict the privilege of run
ning at large.
Tie same scandalous patriality was
exhibited by the World-Herald toward
Joe Bartley before, during and after his
trial and conviction, and Bartley's in
excusable pardon by former Governor
Savage was eulogized as the noblest act
of a big-hearted executive.
The affinity of the World-Herald to
republican rascals and degenerates was
again exhibited in its efforts to bolster
former United States District Attorney
Summers, one of themost rotten offi
cials who ever held an office lu Ne
braska. An honc9t opposition paper
would have held these embezzlers,
grafters and crooks up to public scorn
and made political capital out of their
misconduct for its party, but the
Omaha political fence not only prosti
tuted itself, but closed the mouths of
democratic and populist leadera.
The gyrations and misleading cartoons
of the World-Herald relative to the re
cent summary beheading of federal offi
cials Is a reflex of Its sympathy with
the Bartiey-Mosher-Summers class of
reprobates. Its attempt to befog the peo
ple aa to. the. true Inwardness of. their
appointment and removal Is in keeping
with its previous shameless perform
ances. Heading between the lines, it
Is an attempt to vindicate Summers and
to glorify Assistant Attorney Rush,
both of whom are birds of a feather,
but tbe Intelligent masses of Nebraska
cannot be deceived, and neither will
thoughtful democratic leaders, who
have been handicapped all along by the
World-nerald's affiliations with repub
lican crooks who have been repudiated
and retired from public life by their
own party.
The natural effect of the refusal of
the railroads to pay their taxes is the
shrinking of tbe temporary state school
fund and crippling of the public schools.
The December distribution of the tem
porary school fund for Douglas county,
for example, is nearly $10,000 less this :
year than it was a year ago, and it be-1
comes a serious question with school !
boards how to meet this unexpected de-!
ficiency of Income. What the effect
will be upon our public schools during
the coming year if tbe railroads persist
in their policy of staving off tax pay
ments may readily be foreseen. It
means either a higher school tax levy, t
which is already oppressive, or a re-1
ductlon of salaries of school teachers,
who are now underpaid, or a shortening
up of the school term. What affects
Omaha in this respect also affects other
Douglas county gets the short end of
the apportionment of state school
money this time. The school census
takers out in the state seem to have
been more energetic, or probably more
Imaginative, than those who took the
last school cenRus here.
Hall county has carried off the award
for prize corn in the Nebraska corn con
test Every county in Nebraska, with
few exceptions, would carry off the
award for prize corn in a corn contest
against all comers from any other
City Attorney Breen declares that
City Clerk Llbourn is engaged in play
lug politics. They both appear to be
chiefly engaged in playing politics, the
only question being which will succeed
in playing tbe most successful game.
Umaha is still waiting for its twelve
story sky-scraper, of which several have
been projected on paper, but there is
really no call for a twelve-story sky
scraper in Omaha, where the earth is
still within reach of tnot people.
An Iowa banker who pleads guilty
to receiving deposits while bis bank was
Insolvent will be permitted to spend
Christmas with his friends. Whether
his victims will have anythiug to ieud
for Christmas is not stated.
Testimony would indicate that "Phil
anthropist" Ryan taugbt the Wabln-
ton Life Insurance company bad prac
tices, n his advent Into that concern
and Its participation in syndicate Mere
Two Arena? Wide Open.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The establishment of a separate naval
academy for hnst-rs would be one way out
of the difficulty; the establishment of a
separate naval arndrmy for cadets who do
not like to die too young would be another
The Wnfar of the Centnry.
Cincinnati Inquirer.
An honest man In California lias Just
paid for a collar button, worth So cents,
stolen twenty-two years ago. Would he
have been so punctiliously and mathe
matically honest had he "cabbaged" a
railroad or an Insurance company?
Costly Consrreaslonal Privilege.
Minneapolis Journal.
1'ostmaster General Cortelyou favors
the revocation of the franking privilege,
which costs the post office a loss of $20,ono.
000 a year. Of all the silly bits of patron
age the franking privilege Is probably the
silliest, and therefore the hardest to get
rid of.
Slse Makes a Difference.
Kansas City Star.
The auditing; committee will report that
"Prof." Dougherty of Peoria, now serving
a sentence at Joliet, Is $300,000 "short in his
accounts." If he had been an obscure clerk
and the amount had been small. It would
have been said that he "stole" $10 from hi
Belated Vindication.,
Indianapolis News.
The scheme of forty-five republican con
gressmen from the beet sugar territory
to unite with the democrats from the
tobacco district to buck the Philippine
tariff reduction bill is merely one more be-
' lated vindication of the theory of the late
Winfleld Bcott Hancock.
Serin 1 nellevln.
Chicago Chronicle.
According to Senator Millard (chairman
of the isthmian canal commission of the
senate). If he Is correctly quoted, the senate
would be convinced by visiting the
isthmus that It ought to pass a bill increasing-
tho salary of every man who is
compelled to remain In the canal sone.
This testimony of a senator who has been
thcro goes to prove that the conditions on
the Isthmus are much worse than they
have been represented. It may be that
$10,000 la none too much for a press agent
who Is able to paint them in roseate colors
for the benefit of persons whose services
on the Isthmus are desired.
Railroad Prcaaea the Button, a. Sen
ator Changes Front.
Kansas City Star.
The president of the Pennsylvania Rail
road company visited Washington Sunday
and had a long conference witii the senior
senator from Pennsylvania, who has al
ways been considered unfavorable to rail
road rate legislation. The next day the
senator announced that he was "heartily
In favor of rato legislation along the
lines laid down by the president and by
Senator Knox." According to a Washing
ton dispatch this announcement was a
"great surprise" and efforts were made to
ascertain what had occasioned it.
From various sources It was learned that
the president of the Pennsylvania system
had decided that rate legislation was In-
...It. hi. X tu.. .U . .
flghtin'; U Ton r rronUo'nbaT
cordingly been VhWfrawn. This fact was
accepted as a goodV-and sufficient expla-
nation of the change, of heart of the-senlor
wwr. aii ui wnicn niigut De ratner
mortifying to the people of the state had
they not permitted his election with a full
knoweldge of which "Pennsylvania" he
would really represent in the senate.
Nebraska Official Paaaes I'p the Cam
palan Contribution Box.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Tho state superintendent of schools of
Nebraska, J. I McBrien, has taken a
proper stand regarding campaign fund as
sessments, but falls to quite hold It. It
has been the habit of the republican com
mittee to assess the state officers of that
political faith, and the superintendent of
schools now makes a declaration of inde
pendence. He holds that neither he nor
his assistants, as representing the top of
the state's educational Interests, should be
under obligation to any political party.
He proposes that his assistants shall con
tribute nothing, but weakens his position
by saying that as a republican, and not as
a publio official, he will contribute an
amount equal to 2 per cent of his salary.
The practice of the state committee has
been In .. .lot. . ., I
.mount. wht,n 17. " Vi 1. r i
Led. Here is th TscheduT. of tho "demand
"c"""u .
mane last year and how it was met
Governor Mickey, $500, $500 paid; adjutant
general. $40. $ paid; Auditor Searle, $250,
$116 paid; Insurance Deputy Pierce,
llo paid; insurance Deputy Pierce. $51.
$51 paid; Land Commissioner EMon. $m
m naiH. s.,r.i. B.i. n.,7..Tj ZZZ .
tiM nid. Rtt- TV-.,, .,... ..' i
1300. 1300 st;,te R,,nPH..... ' I
Brlen, $:"00, $70 paid; Attorney General Nor
rls Brown, $200, $100 paid. ,
President Rooaevelt's Demand for an
Boston Transcript.
A great deal of Interest has been de
servedly aroused by the president's demand
In his message for an Investigation of the '
condltton of women In Industry. The effect j
of the factory system on the health of the
women who are to be the mothers of the
next generation is a subject which has long
demanded the careful attention of disinter
ested experts. More tliun 60 per cent of the
1.800,000 women in the manufacturing estab
lishments In this country are under 21 years
of age. The speeding up of machinerr.
which seems to be the concomitant of effl-
clency lu our present factory methods, is i
thought by many to have a dangerous ef-
feet upon the nervous system. If this U
true the effect of high-speed, modern ma
chinery on girls between the ages of 14 and
24 ought to be carefully Inquired into.
Women are known to be more conscientious
In their work than men, and will continue
working at a pace that is ruinous to health
when men would stop. Indeed, it Is a gen
erally recognized tact that it Is easier to
"drive" a woman than a man.
The question of the employment ef women
in factories does not often get a fair hear
ing, for many people are anxious to meet It
by saying that a woman's proper place Is at
home and that she ought not to be in the
factory at all. We cannot, however, arrive
at the truth unions we face the facts
squarely, and if we do that we must
confess that the 6,CmO,0iiO women gain
fully employed In the United Btates are
working outside of their homes because
they must do so to support themselves and
oftentimes their families as well. If they
are to work, it is our duty to sea that they
work under conditions that will not under
mine their health and the health of the
coming generation as well. Every one who
has a serious interest in social problems I
will do well to urge support for th presl-I
dent in his demand for tUs investigation.
BIT" OF WAlllr;lT 1,1 FK.
Minor Scenes ant Incidents Sketched
on (he Spot.
The Informal declaration of Postmaster
iifiul Cortelyou In favor of kerphyr
foui ih-rlass postmnster In office Indefi
nitely Is a mighty tender subject to spring
on the average congressman. These posi
tions have been the prise spoil of member."
of the lower house, and the hint of proba
ble removal from tho pin counter generates
nil kinds of congressional woe. If the
cloak room talk In tho house may be taken
as Indicative of the congressional view,
nmny of the republican members, perhaps
a majority of them, will be willing that the
new rule should become effective after
they have redeemed the pledges made In
last year's campaign. A member from Illi
nois said: "If I am not permitted to re
deem the promises I made last year I shall
have to retire from congress at the end of
this term. On the other hand. If the presi
dent will enforce his new policy rigidly,
after I have redeemed those promises, I can
stay In congress as long as I care to do rro.
If it Is then understood In my district that
anybody's promises In the matter of post
masterships will be worthless, it will be
Impossible to defeat me for renomlnatlon."
Almost any middle west member will say
that it Is the disappointed applicants for
postmastershlpe that make him light for
renomlnatlon every two years. "They are
the fellows that are always after us," suld
a .member from Indiana. "Five disap
pointed candidates for pustmasterships will
bring out an opposition candidate every
time, and if they are good politicians and
they usually are they can make a lot of
trouble for ns." Bo It Is that when tho
present hullabaloo over the new policy is
analysed. It Is found to be based to a large
extent on the unwillingness of members of
congress to have tho promises they have
made to constituents set aside. As a com
promise they are nearly all saying: "Just
give us a chance to make good 'this time.
and then put on the screws."
I White Busboy, secretary to Speaker
Cannon, is one of tho best-dressed men
at the national capltol. He Is a constant
companion of Mr. Cannon, who is some
what careless of his attire. Mr. Busboy is
a handsome man; he wears a Vandyke
beard, and, as a rule, affects a silk hat.
Mr. Cannon and Mr. Busboy strolled into an
uptown hotel last night. Two men were
standing In front of the desk, one of them
I a man around town and the other a stran
ger. Mr. Cannon wore a slouch hat and his
cigar pointed upward toward his nqse.
Secretary Busboy was faultlessly attired.
"Why, there's Speaker Cannon!" suid
the man around town.
"He's a handosmo fellow," said the
stranger. "But who's the old duffer with
General "Jack" Weston Is believed to
stand a chance of appointment js chief
staff of the army. Should he be so fortu
nate he will owe some part of his good
fortune to the rugged honesty 'vhich he
displayed on one occasion while talking!
to the president. He heard that Mr. Boose- , scheme has several advantages over ln
velt thought of pawning over Colonel ' surance Investigations, divorces and auto
Humphrey In appointing a quartet master ' mobile killings.
general, and ho Immediately called ut the I Congressman Longworth's grandfather
vnue nouse. I came, sir," he a!d to
the president, "to have a straight talk
about the quartermaster generalship. I
hear that you are thinking of passing over
Colonel Humphrey and some persons are
saying that you are proposing to do it be
cause you had a personal quarrel with
the colonel during the Santiago campaign
and, sir, they will say what thoy will bo
Justified In saying." Such a look as passed
over the face, of tho commander-in-chief
oi me army ana navy wnen this speech
had -L fln,8hed m8t offlc"8 ld h.'the young men m the library field In the
to see. But In an Instant it won a beam-I
trior' 'iVinV "the "t1H w.r " hftwn 4m.4 ' tt, I
pl.eident exclaimed: "By Godfrey, you're
, gMt Weston, and 1 11 appoint Hum-
Representative Sibley of Pennsylvania,
according to a story told by one cf his
friends, was a red-hot light r for the
rights of the dairymen agnli, . tii; oleo
margarine people. He fought uliantly for
the passage of the oleomargarine bill.
After it was passed he went out to tha
district and officiated at a fair. He was
, - -v - .a.... , IowerB. one of his admirers has recently
mode referee In awarding prizes for the I - , . , . '
..w.. done some figuring. For nearly half a
best butter, solely because of his great .,. t,i..,, i?, .
, . .v. win j . century Rochefort has written nearly every
work for the bill and his expertness tniJo . .ri,u ,rl. ., ,
. . ... ... . . V . , , ! day a newspaper article. These articles, If
dairy questions. He went about hi. work reprlnted In book form, would make a
carefully and conscientiously, and awarded ,lbrary of ,t ,ea8t m volume8.
the prize of course without inquiring the
name of the maker. When they to
look for the authorship of the prlit-win-ning
butter there was a howl at Sibley's
expense. It was the name of the most
ctlebiated oleomargarine making concern in
tho United Status.
Perhaps the hardest warkmg government
official In Washington is Frank H. Hltoh
cock, tlrst assistant to the postmaster gen
eral. Mr. Hitchcock, according to the
records, has worked from 9 a. m. until
midnight for three years, his only vacation
thl tlm0 nslsUn of two days to vote.
T" TT '
dront bv the wavslilo exhuimt.H in ..
dropped by the wayside exhausted In the
effort to keep up with him and he la !:nown
in the department as tho "perpetual mo
tion discoverer." The other day a western
. w . . , "
T L" Ji" reacthe ca"to1
dropped by the department and asked the
watchman in charge If he thought Mr.
HKchcock would be at the department after
4:30 o'clock. "Four-thlrtyl" exclaimod the
watchman. "Why, you'll And this place
open until midnight every day In (he year."
"Great Scott! And a government depart
ment." Postmaster General Cortelyou lias his
own way of getting rid of visitors who
stay too long. The other day a cailcr after
transacting his business began a general
conversation. In about two minutes an at-
tendant came into tho room softly, looked
around and went away. Almost immedt-
alely Mr. Cortelyou'a private secretary en
tered, having heard from the attendant
how the land lay. The secretary laid soma
papers on his superior's desk, saying:
"Those cases from the president are here
and they are urgent." Mr. Cortelyou at
once took up the papers and of course the
visitor withdrew. Then the secretary came
in and took away the documents, ready
to use them when the next inconsiderate
caller became tedious.
The official register of the United States,
the "Blue Book," which U about to be
issued, gives a recapitulation of the em
ployes in the different departments, the
government printing office, and the officers
of the District of Columbia, showing a
total of 25,11 persons In the ai vlce In tbe
city of Washington, receiving an aggregate
compensation of $27,145,709. Tho employes
are distributed us follows; Department of
State, 120; Treasury, 6. SOI; War, 1.1M; Jus
tice, 346; Postoffice, 1.169; Navy, 60S; In
terior, 4,032; Agriculture, 1,609; Commerce
and Labor, 1.394; government printing office,
4.364; government of the District of Colum
bia, 4,M.
Sand on th Cogs.
Minneapolis Journal.
Mr. John R. Walsh s newspaper, tiie Chi
cago Chronicle, Is dead opposed to government-made
freight rates, but that did not
prevent John R. WalBh from going broke
building a railroad from his stone quarries
with the idea of compelling the Monon
route to give him decent rates. Some way
the editor and the owner of th paper
r not geared up together.
Haw the (Grabber Were hrckmated
In chrnaka and Kansas.
Cleveland Leader.
Tardily. It Is true, but effectual. i.
federal authorities have begun to punlfOi
the stealers of public, land In Kansas and
Nebraska. The frauds are as extensive
and barefaced as these In Oregon, which
brought Ignominy and death to a fnited
States senator and conviction of felony to
a congressman. And It was a woman, prac
tically alone, who put a check to the law
lessness. For years the wealthy cattlemen of Kan
sas and Nebraska have been stealing public
land. Where they could they boldly fenced
It In and kept settlers out by force. Where
this was Inadvisable they caused false
homestead applications to be filed. A Mrs
Osborne and her husband set up a home
last summer on public land that had been
thus fenced In. The cattlemen harassed and
threatened them, but they refused to move.
Then a gang of cattlemen went to the
house. In the absence of Mr. Osborne, with
the avowed Intention of escorting his wife
across the county border. Mrs. Osborne,
through a loophole, shot one of them In the
neck with a repeating rlfin and gave the
rest five minutes In which to get out of
range. They went away.
The thoroughly aroused woman at once
began to collect evidence of the stealing of
the land her home was en. She presented It
to the nearest United States attorney in
such complete form he was obliged to act.
The guilty cattlemen were tried and con
victed. It was the first time that any one
had shown courage enough to brave the
power and vengeance of the thle-es. Set
tlers, as soon as they realliej their posi
tion, had uniformly moved away to avoid
danger and trouble. Mrs. Orbome having
shown the way, some of them came back
and appealed to the law. Now the authori
ties In Washington have taken hold and In
dictments by the wholesale are being
brought In. Many of the cattlemen are
likely soon to find themselves behind prison
The homesteaders of Kansas and Ne
braska ought to erect a monument to Mrs.
John Hawkes, a Cincinnati lumberman.
I has Just returned from Europe after cross
ing ana recrosslng 22S times. He Is known
among travelers as "the old man of the
The former home In New Tork of Richard
Croker Is to be sold and the name of the
most powerful municipal boss since Wil
liam M. Tweed will soon mean little In the
city which he ruled.
In possession of a thief captured in New
Tork was a stolen Bible with this passage
underlined: "I am become like a pelican In
the wilderness and like an owl that Is in
the desert." Now he Is a bird In a cage.
One of the latest outbursts of literary
genius Is the scheme of a New York syn
dicate which agrees to "write you up" in
tho newspapers for only $100 a year. Tho
, as an art connoisseur of International
reputation. Ho founded and endowed the
Cincinnati art gallery, setting aside for Its
tise $500,000 In ground rents. He had the
most complete collection of Messing pic
tures in the world.
Edwin H. Anderson, who has Just been
appointed New York state librarian, was
at one time librarian to the Braddock
library, Pennsylvania, and for ten years
I wa8 at the head of Carnegie library, Pitts
i burg.- He Is one of the best known among
L'nlted States.
- . '
"The Right Honorable John," as Minister
John Burns Is now called by his British
friends, wrote a characteristic account of
himself for the English Who's Who. Re
ferring to his education he says: Battersca
and at night schools and still learning.
lnt0 the worId wlth a 8trugRle, ,truf
gling now and prospects of continuing it."
When Henri Rochefort first published his
Lanteme, once a week, his articles were
eagerly read all over Europe. Today his
rantings are little heeded even by his fol
Prof. Dlmltrl Ivanovltch Mendeleef, one
of the world's greatest chemists, received
Bir Joseph Cowley's gold medal recently at
the meeting of the Royal society. The
medal is esteemed among chemists a high
honor. Prof. Mendeleef, who was born In
Tobolsk, Siberia, In lfc34, possesses qualities
of the most varied kind. He Is chemist,
geologist, philosopher and educationalist
united in one personality.
Browning, King k Co
Whatever is carried finds place here.
Are've fresh, exclusive novelties gathered
from the products of makers with a repu
tation. Neckwear, bright with hut's and freshness
of Holiday season.
New Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery,
Underwear, House Coats, Robes,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Hats,
Caps, Mufflers, Cuff Buttons,
Shirt Studs and Buttons, Fobs, eta
It is impossible to mention all we have
in ptock for the comfort and adornment of
men and boys who would be well dressed.
riitcenth and OMAHA
Douglas Sts. B" NEB.
I Br sway el tm trt NEW Wy
ri.nTnn rr.
" lb s employed by the railroad coniny
new, I iiii(lerl.iiil."
"V". li.- has charge of tbe puxsle ds-t
' 'liir what ?"
"He makes out the time-tables." Fhlla
dei hla l-.lser.
"Of course you are going to entertain
this season."
"t iliinno." answered Mr. Cumro.
"Wc'f koIiip. to have a lot of things. Hut
I'm Mi st if I t all It entertainment."-
Washington 8t,ir.
"You air wrung. KiliMi. Thev ilon't build
dry doi ks to put buries in hen docking
their tails. "-Cincinnati Enquirer.
"You're not looking well tonight. Mr.
Rownder. And It ss nly yesterday you
told ni nu were feeling so rugged "
"You are mistaken. Mrs. Brakes. 'Rocky
was the word I iy h Cleveland Leader.
Adam Zuwfox u-d to drink In
moiletatlnti. but I've alwuvs told vou It
wssn't sat-'. Have ou quit it vet?
Job Sturky Yes, I've unit drinking- itt
moderation. Chicago Tribune.
"Senator, would you personally accept a
railway pass?"
"No, Indeed. Mv serretnvv alwavs looks
after that." Cleveland Plain Itealor.
"What is your Idea of a reformer?"
"A reformer." answered the wicked poli
tician. "Is merely a man who Insists on
ovei limklnir financial opportunities."
Washington Star.
'Kmerson." said the Boston mother,
sternly, "you've been In the pantry. I
found your school books there.
".Mater," replied the wise boy, "I'm sur
prised at your lack of acumen. You have
frequently observed that I get as far away
from my books as possible during recrea
tion hours. Ergo. If my hooka were In
the pantry, I must have been elsewhere."
Philadelphia Press.
Baltimore American.
Se the poor little children! How wistful
they look
In the windows at doll and at tov and book.
How they hungrily eye that bright, glitter
Uk store
Of childish delights which they yearn for,
the more
They know are cut off from their slight,
helpless reach
That vainly such treasures their prayers
would beseech.
Those windows of toys, each tov a gem.
Mean heaven andf all Its enjoyment to them.
But outside In cold and In darknoss they
With no dreams to fill empty stockings at
To them, the great Saint with his armful
of toys
To delimit all the souls of the girls and the
Whose linage they see In his coat of white
And his treasure-Jammed sleigh with Its
team of reindeer,
Is like the great angel with sword of bright
Who guarded the gates closed on Eden's
He means to them only forbidden delight.
Shut out by their poverty out from the
While the poor, loving mothers with empty
hands moan
With heart-break sob o'er empty stocking
at home.
Oh, charity sweet! stir the love in men's
That the season to all its dear blessings
Life comes soon enough with Its chill and
Its blasts;
Give tho children the Joy of their youth
while it lasts.
Let lives that are rich, with their blessings
So Into each one some brightness may go.
May the Christ-call, "It little ones come
unto Me,"
The sln of this time and Its happiness be.
Till through this great city, from basement
to dome,
There's no empty stocking left In a child's
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