Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5
nn: omatia DAnr bee-, ttiuksday, December 21. mos. The Grover Graham Dyspepsia Remedy The GROVER HRAIIA M DYf? PEPSIA ' REMEDY hna effected thou sand of cures of the wont chronic form of Stomach IHsnrdera whlrb has hafflKl the Hklll of (he mont noted Specialists. The "VERDICT." a copy of which can be obtained, free of charge, upon re quest, from Fherman & McConnell. druggist, of Omaha, recite many bun dred ImUdccs wherein the moat chronh forma of 8tomach Disorder have heel rured by tlila wonderful preparation when the partiea irho were afflicted were literally dying from tome terrible forn of Stomach Trouble. If you are Buffer ing from any form of Indigestion oi Dyapepala. auk Sherman & McConneh for some of the literature which telh you all about the GROVER ORAHA.V DYSPEPSIA REMEDY, including a fre. copy of the "VERDICT." which, wt believe, you will admit la one of tbt moat wonderful erlodlcala ever issued by any proprietary medicine house Sherman & McConnell, Ageuu, Drug gists, Omaha, .eb VERY LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA December 23, 1935, To Many Points In ILLINOIS, INDIANA, KENTUCKY, OHIO, ONTARIO, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK, MICHIGAN, WEST VIRGINIA, RATE-Fare and one-third for Round Trip Return Limit 30 Days. i For further Information Call erl rite. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., I 1323 Farotm SCOnnfia', NrJ.' THOMAS PUTS IN TESIlMOJi. uria Federation Attorney Backi Up Hii Liceme Protests. DETECTIVES TELL OF WHAT THEY SAW Emptor of the Frderatloa Teetlr to rarrhaalna; Mqnor Out of Hoar and to Other Violation of the aiornmb The Hoard of Fire and folii Comtnls slonrs sat Wpdrvsday afternoon aoid even ing to hear the cusea of rlonnkepf rs whom llrrnscs have- b-n protested by Kl nior Thomas on brhalf of the Civic Federa tion. Several charges were considered, but that of violating; the 8unday closing law was deferred until 1 o'clock this aternoon. The cane of W. F.: Wendhausen, Six teenth and Leavenworth streets, was colled first. Detectives Baldwin and Qavlrn tes tified that they had bought liquor at Wend hatiften's saloon after midnight. John Tuthlll. 1512 Douglas street, was charged with allowing lewd women to fre quent Ills place. The detectives testified that they saw women In the wine room run In connection with the saloon and made "dates" with them. Tuthlll denied that women visited his place without escorts. The detectives said they met and made engagements with women In the place of P. J. Moran, Twelfth and Douglas streets. Moran denied this. Roys as Witnesses. Rlnehart Fllehtmeyer, a 14-year-old boy, living at 3568 Leavenworth street, said he bought five or six Jugs of hem1 at the saloon of Koenigsbrugge & Bwoldt. 2X11 Leaven worth street. His father had sent him there to buy beer and he had got It every time lie tried. Mrs. Kane, the boy's slstor, substantiated his testimony. Koenigsbrugge took the stand and said the boy had tried to buy beer at the saloon but had been refused. Joseph Wagman. 7C3 South Sixteenth street, was charged with selling liquor to minors. Attorney Thomas had Willie Mc Dowell placed on the stand, hut failed to rhow that he hod bought anything but gin ger ale. Charges of allowing gambling and of permitting women to viFlt his place and drink beer were mado against H. Krune, 623 North Sixteenth. Detectives Baldwin and Gavlen testified that they had watched pitch ganles In the saloon In which money had changed hands. Kruse said he had seen no gambling. His wife and a friend of hers, who took their lunch and drank In a room connected with the saloon, he said, were the women the detectives had seen. Andrew Eurick whs charged with keep ing rooms for Immoral purposes. Detec tive Baldwin said he was taken upstairs over Eurlck's saloon at Twelfth and Doug las by the bartender and Introduced to a woman named Rallle, who Introduced him to another woman. The character of both women were revealed to him by their con veraatlo nwlth him. Eurick denied that the rooms were used for Immoral purposes, but admitted that Sadie Douglas, to whom he rented the rooms, was the woman whom he had put out a year ago on an agree ment with Mr. Thomaa that If .the protest of the Civic Federation was withdrawn wne rooming? and hoarding st the houre, hut did not occupy the sama room with Mrs. Scheerens. CONTEMPT OF COURT ALLEGED Man Fnrktddea from TUItlae" Hem, reading: Divorce Proceed I ti, ftoes to the Hoase. Judge 8'ilton will Instruct County Attor ney Slabaugh at once to Investigate an al leged contempt of court on the part of Frederick Urttsner. a grain commission man. If the county attorney finds the facts will warrant he Is to prepare an Informa tion again Orltaner for contempt of court. Last Saturday Mrs. Cora Oiitmer se cured the Issuance of a temporary restrain ing order to keep her husband away from' the family horns. 2417 Charles street, pend ing settlement of a suit for divorce. The order of the court was served on Orltiner while h was at home. He left the house, but returned and again took possession. Mrs Grltsner found him there and re fused to remain In the house while he In sisted on staying. Her attorney, John O. Telser. went to Judge Sutton for a clta- AFFAIRS AT SUUTU OMAHA Eigk-Priced Site for Citj Ball May Not Be Purchased. VOTE ON QUESTION ONLY PREFERENTIAL Comirllnira Incline to Idea That They Are .ot Hoand to Bay at O'Neills frig are and Look Klsenherr. visited with hla father yesterday, lis aoes today to I'hplps county, where he exnts to purchase some land. O. H. Btter Is from Cambridge. 111. The bond of Judge King, the only demo cratic officer In iNuiglas county, was Died with the city clerk yesterday afternoon. It was subscribed by the Tills Guaranty and Trust company of Scranton, Fh. Mlas Lucy Penny of Ashland was mnr rled Tuenlay at that city to James H. Brady, 2315 I street. The wedding was a quiet one. Miss penny was formerly a teacher In the p.nith Omaha schools. Mr. Brady Is superintendent of railroads of the t'nlon stock yards here. The city committee of rharity Is getting : . v. .... r"rt run c w , n . .a . t .tiki . ' . was expended for thn temporary relief of I cases of destitution In the city. Council man William McCralth Is at the "Trad of I Much nuirt discussion Is ,,in. .... K. 1 r-nmmiiier. imiv rew . , ' " " have been made as yet. tween the members of the South Omaha j Not)ce wa punBh,rt ln thP pouth Omaha council as to the location of the new city dailies advertising bids for plumbing. ei-e- ' hall, and now conies a tip from a reliable , trie light and heating of the new nre house aource that the site Voted In the last V TvZt? tlon will positively be refused. The ground Notice of the form in which all bills should ' Is taken hv many members nf the rouncll i he framed was also given. I that the vote merely expressed a nrefcr- ' An adjourned meeting of the Highland SennettC ence as to location and In no sense is to be considered binding as a public con tract. Had a stipulated price been agreed upon and voted then the result might have tlon for contempt, and Wednesday morning bevn Ending as effectually as the vote of Attorney Burbank put In sn appearance for fJrltzner. He argued there was no con tempt under the circumstances, explaining that .Grltzner has no other home, that he means Ms wife no harm and that, anyway, he owns the house and all lta contents In his own name. It was also explained that Orltrnsr already waa divorced from one woman and Is tne father of four children by the flrstt wife, to whom he Is contribut ing $40 a month under an order of the district court of I.anraster county. These facts were known to the present Mrs. Grltrner. the attorney snld. when she mar ried the defendant. He held that, the serv ice having been made while the man was at home, he did not violate the order when h went downtown and returned. Judge Button said he stands ready always to modify an order on a proper showing, hut In this case no modification was asked for. He therefore was of opinion that Grltzner had violated the spirit of the or der. If not Its letter, and refused to allow any further proceeding In the matter until the question of rontemrt Is settled. Qrltz ner may have a defense, the court said, and If he has It will be heard and given due weight, but he must make such de fense before getting any further consider ation from the court. T. R. KIMBALL ON PANORAMA Architect Passes His entener on fllrd's-Cye View of Omaha for The Ileo's Readers. The bird's-eye view of Omaha, which has been painted by E. J. Austen for The Bee and which The Bcc will present to lis readers with Its New Year number. Is com plete and In the hands of the llthographirs. Many of the leading cltixens of Omaha have watched the progress of this pan orama with unusual Interest, as It Is a great thing for Omaha and represents a vast amount of work. Among those who have seen the picture Is Thomas R. Kim ball, the architect, who says: "Because our eyes can only take In one sixteenth of what nature spreads before us, the making of a comprehensive bird's eye or panorama is one of the hardest thing's that can he done. The placing on a plane, flat surface of all of Omaha, seen from a point near enough to distina-ulsh he would run a respectable place. The the Individual houses, means widening the range of human vision from 52 degrees to nearly 1M. Vet this is what E. J. Austen has done, and If the unfinished picture, as I saw It some days since, can be taken prophetically, the result will be entirely successful. Mr. Austen fs to be congratu lated ipen Ula-iwrfcj-ana-Wfrpttftot uues irni auirer, in rne proves of roprouue- cluirge at that time was keeping a lewd house. lu the Burnt District. Detective Baldwin said he had seen a woman buy a pitcher of beer at the sa Innn nf T. A Ooldsmlth. Ninth and Canl- I tol avenue. 1 He had seen- another woman buy a package of cigarettes on the night CHARLES LESS THAN ALL OTHLRS DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST Treats All Forms of Diseases of MEN 0LY. Thirty Years' Experience. Twenty Years in Omaha. The doctor's remarkable succoaa has Hive r lieen equalled. His resources and facilities for treating this clans of diseases are unlimited, and every day brings many flattering reports of the good he is doing in the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS T lit AT MINT fOR .All Blood Poisons. No "BREAKING OUT" un the ukln or face and all external signs ' of the dlscane disappears at once. A per Miiunent cure for life guaranteed. ' ViDimrr I f cprkb guaranteed in TrtHILULLLLLKe8 ThAn FIVE DAYS, ntfgn "J A nflAcuel cured of Hydrocele. U1LH JU.UUU Btrlcture. Gleet, Nervous 'Debility. Losa oi strength and Vitality and all forms of chronic diseases. Treatment by mall. Call or write. Box " Ottlue U.'i South 1UU fct.. Oniuha. Neb. of December C. Detective Gavlen said he i tlon. the readers of The Beo are to be con- had bought liquor at 12:10 on the night vernation with him. Eurick denied that women visited his place and said he al ways closed at midnight. Policeman Shields said he had never found the sa loon open after 12. The applications for licenses of William Sutherland, Meadlmber & Colwell and Crutchflcld & BloonifMd were withdrawn. That of William Garrity was withdrawn two days ago. J. L. Boyle and Frank Dlnuxzo have not filed applications. The cases of twenty-nine soloonmen, charged with keeping open on Sunday, will be begun at 1 o'clock this afternoon. NOONDAY LENTEN SERVICES Series of Meetings to Be Held Brotherhood of at. Andrew. y mm tleadaches Stopped The nton nevere head aches will yield in a few inlnntes to Brnmo-Lax (contains no Quinine). Don't suffer say longer. iet a box today sxk your druggiitt for tee orange i otcrcd kox .vi. r ,f-j-' CONTAINS NO OU All Jruni.'!st. '-'' or by uiL ININEilfiaV J;P. Tbosu anffering from weafc neie4 which nap the pleasures of life should Use J uvea Pilir. One bet will lell a story of inuvelous resuiu. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vitalizing force than has ever oclore been onerea. rt dov raid in main package uuly on receipt or uiU adv. and II. Ainu by lis uritfui&uir C 1. Hood 4'o.. oro- Drlelors Und' MrkKuariila. Lowell, alias. Every Woman uuKenmta ana tnoald know . about the wondwful MARVEL Whirling Spray m nrw Sa.i, inlrr. turn amU lmt dl Mtist ( orTolant, B. V in TV ill . iX'M 1 1 a A a. fl TZ If f to nnnuL midiIt Jm - eiUrr. but mi Ml Memo tor llliiAUmlcd bo.L-Mla. tt t lull prtlGjlart end lire.'tion io- iiuiu u, u.ii. sisisii, t -m B. waa t.. atvir iorsu or Bale us i IUEK11AN sicCONNSLL DRUG OOw Cor, lttb and Doaaa aLs- OmtlA MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Bt tt for etarml a,taere.taBsieue, irriiaUeM er elrretWM ef siem h.abtuM. .i-i . j .... lEVMaCstMOlOa. itiiwpa.HU. aoi kg an osa. ee hi la wraiear, er umw. mini, toe SI SS. at :) SI T. UreaUs saot a naeeai 4V4ia)4 J M W Tit twmtt fWeaaaAaal Following a custom which Inut been very successfully carried out In such large cities as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis, and such western cities as San Francisco and Denver, a Joint com mittee of men from tho local assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Nebraska Church club met at Trinity cathe dral parish house Tuesday night and dis cussed plans for holding noonday services during the coming Lent at some central, downtown point. These two organizations tn the Episcopal church are to unite their forces and carry on these dally noonday services during the forty days of Lent, with the assistance of certain noted men of the church, both of the clergy and the laity, whoso names will appear later. It Is as yet undecided where such services will be held, but It will b at a place easy of access by the business man. The services will be short, to tho point, will consist of short devotions, as good music as can be provided, and a ten to fifteen minute ad dress. Committees on finance, advertising, speakers, location for services and music have been appointed. It is believed these services will be well attended and that they will be heartily welcomed in Omaha, which has of late made such evldenoos of growth In every way. gratulated on the. prospective possession of the forthcoming picture of our city. In making tl'i Mrture months have done whnt It usually takes years to accomplish, and the credit .that should come to Mr. Rose water Is thai whli-h belongs to those who strive for things worth wIiIIb." MAIL CLERK NOV A DOCTOR Man Unvotes Spare Time at Work Mnd;!ng and Secures Physi cian's Diploma. A. 8. Monzlngo. for eight years a mail clerk running between Omaha and Chicago, has demonstrated what a man can acconv plish In his leisure moments if he will apply himself. Although the run kept him busy a great deal of the time, nevertheless he has found time to perfect himself suffi ciently In the science of medicine that he has received a diploma from an accredited college. He passed through Omaha Wednesday en route to Tacoma, where hs will put out his shingle. During the eight years Mr. Monzlngo was running as a mall clerk he employed every moment jiosslble I tor tn bond Issue. Statements made yester day afternoon at the city hall would indi cate that the council would refuse to pur chase the lots owned by Tax Commis sioner O'Nolll, and the reason Indicated was that tho valuation on tho site had appreciated since the ele.-tlon to nearly 120.000. The site at the southeast corner of Twenty-fifth and O atreets Is named as a possible second choice. This site was purchased by tha administrators of the Amos Gates estate and was formerly part of the estate of Martin Tlghe. When ques tioned as to his opinion, City Clerk John J. Glllln said: "Of course that site was voted In the election, hut that doesn't mean that the people of South Omaha will let any one raise tho value of property so chosen at will. I hardily think that any one thought that ho was doing more than voting his preference when those bal lots were cast. If a similar advance fol lows a known preference In favor of the site at Twenty-fifth and O, still other lo cations .will, no doubt, be looked for by the council." A decision is expected at the council meeting, which conies tho flist Monday In January, Morrlsey and Ford Arrolurneil. John Morrlsey and Michael Ford wcro arraigned before the police court at 2 p. m. yesterday to answer to the charge of robbery and felonious assault tn Rybln's saloon. Albright, last Saturday night. Both plead not guilty. The cae will be tried this morning at 10 a, m. At ,that time also all the Indictments against Ford, Maher and Morriaey will have a heiiring. These canes were not tried yesterday, because the council for the slate and the defend- ' ants neither uere ready. All the witnesses are expected to be ready this morning. Junk Dealer Fined. Leon Kern was fined $15 and costs by Judge King for having taken twenty-five pounds of brass belonging to the Ham mond Packing company. Kern Is a dealer in junk In a small way and knows gond Junk when ho sees it- This brass was taken last Sunday, December 17. TCrldence of Wife Taken. The evidence of the plaintiff, Mrs. Adie Lawer, Thirty-first and V streets, who charges her former husband, Frank Lawer, with assault and battery, committed Inst Sunday evening, was taken yesterday after noon, but the evidence of the defendant wat put over until today since one of the wit nesses did not appear. It appears, accord ing to Mrs. Lawer. her husband struck her in the back of tlie uuck with his fist and knocked her through a door. This was the culmination of 'a quSf ret"; between the dl Trcci"J5ii'' p Wi.MHjae2f - 'sgatwrw where' they ' met. .rSSSL'l' T i - City Printing; Supplies. A number of local printers visited ..he city clerk's office yesterday afternoon to look over the requisitions for the coining" year to get data on which o base an esti mate for their bids. 'T,heseiiilds together with bids for each and every' department of the city government will be all In beforo the adjourned meeting of the city council convenes. This will be next Tuesday even ing. The bids will then be closed and they will be distributed to their proper commit tees. Tills will be the order of business for the evening's session. Refunding; Bonds Forwarded. The new refunding bonds have born signed by the mayor and sent by ' express to Kouutze Brothers, N v ViTk. the tisesi agents for the city, to be delivered to Moore, linker A Co., the purchasers Of tills issue of ITO.OCiX They were In denomin ations of tl.COu each. They were all sealed and Insured to obviate a possible loss. The details were looked after by the Packers' National bank. Pnblle Work shots Ilovrii. During the past week all contractors for permanent Improvements In the city closed e season. Nothing further will be Park Improvement club will be held at the j Lincoln school Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Im- ; portant steps will be taken In regard to the : opening of Twenty-fifth street. The aim Is , to muKe It a thoroughfare into omatia. ine club urges a large attendance. Miss Ella Murk, state commander of the Maccatiees' Women's auxiliary In Iowa and Nebraska, arrived In the city yesterday to arrange for a public Installation of the seven lodges of the organization in Omaha and South Omaha. This will be at an early date In January. Miss Mark attended the afternoon and eventng sessions last night. The Knights of Kadnsh services over the bodv of Harrv N. White were attended by a lara-e crowd at Masonic hall. The hall was appropriately draped and the service was solemn and Impressive. The only light In , the room was over the bier, where small , electrodes lighted up the symbolic letter O. A great many flowers were banked about the casket and the rostrum. i no nnuic was graceful and sad. SOCIAL EVENING AT CREIGHTON Three Handren Students of Three De partments F.njoy a, Pleasant eaalon. Stuflcuts of the law, dental and pharmacy departments of the Crrlghton university and their friends gathered In the hall of tho new school building for a social Christmas ' party last night, speeches, music, dancing and refreshments forming a part of the program. Addresses were made by Dean T. i J. Mahoney of the school, who greeted the , students with timely remarks; Rev. Father j Dowling. president: Father O'Connor and I Father Copus, members of the faculty. Tho . singing by the FJks quartet and a reclta- J tlon by Miss Graco Conklln were well re ceived and encored. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by the j W) young men and women present. It was 1 In the nature of a celebration of the ap- ! proaching holiday time and was the last ' pvthering to be held before the students Bcatter for their vacations. EMINENT MEN ON SPECIAL Distinguished Rducators and States men Join the Burlington Seed Corn Train. Prof. Hunt, head of the Department of Agriculture of Cornell university, and Trof. Hartley, head of the department of agronomy In the I'nlted States Department of Agriculture will Join the Burlington seed com special next week. They will give lectures at the stations where the train will stop next week. t Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture has said he would spend a day on the seed corn special if it Is possible for him to do so. Large crowds greet tha special at every stop, the farmers all soemlng anxious to hear the gospel of good seed and up-to-date faii)iK aJt lV'KlvenriMit ktlie learned heads fij- tta agricultural department of the University of Nebraska and tha special lecturers provided by Prof. Lyons. In tl.A -.11.1.' lit tii.H ln 1 K 1. i .L '' "" I, , " " u"u"r 'no done untn the weather moderates, except direction of the college so that at the end 1 ... . ... .. . v., . i possibly the contractors for brick and cin- oi tnat time he was able to pass a satis factory examination. Erie Kallroad. No change of cars Chicago to New Tork. Boston. Mass.; Buffalo, N. T... and Colum bus, Ohio. These trains carry splendid Pullman and dining cars and coaches. Ap ply to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan. T. P. a.. Railway Exchange. Chicago. Bracelets, Edholm, Jeweler, Klrkntaa Found Sot tiullty. William Kirkman was pronounced not guilty of the chares against him In Judge Day's court. Kl'kman was Informed against on the chary- of having lived In adultery with Mrs. William hVheerens dur ing the absence of her husband. Mrs. Scheerens has since lieen divorced and the former husband was the prtnclrwl witness for the state. The other testimony was given by two little girls and the Jury evi dently did not give it much welitht. Kirk man, on his own behalf, testified that he DE PASS FOUNiD NOT GUILTY Judge Berka Dischargee Insaranra St Accused of Getting; Money . by False Pretenses. The case of Claudio Stanley de Pass, an insurance agent, who was arrested at Kear ney on the charge of obtaining $50 under false pretenses, was heard In the police court Wednesday morning. After a full and complete hearing the case was dismissed on the gTounds that De Pass has made no falsa pretenses, but had simply secured an ad vance on his salary and Judge Berka held that no crime had been committed. The money had been returned before the action waa brought. Mr. De Pass says that tha proseout'on waa simply spite work on the part of Van B. jtAy because lie had changed employers and waa soliciting Insurance for another company. Baby Pins Krenzer. lith and Dod?e. Coral beads, Edholm Jeweler. Now Is the season lor a cup of LIEBIG C0MPANYS Extract of Beef mm leave Colds at bay. F.nd of Man's oae Cut On. Joseph P. Markey, T09 North Sixteenth street, was taken to the police station last night bleeding from cuts on his face, re ceived at the hands of a companion dur ing a quarrel on Sixteenth street, between Davenport and Chicago streets, In which. Markey avers, his companion called him names and then drew a knife with which he attempted to do him harm. Markey had a cut on one cneea ana tne end of his nose was shaved off. Drs. Laugdou and Cox dressed the wounds and Markey was a tile to go to his home. !; Beats Police le Robber. A telephone message to the nolle station stating that burglars had entered the home of B. H. Barrows. 5:5 South Twenty-sixth street, sent the patrol wajron with thtv o Hirers in not naste to the scene at 11 o'clock last night, only to find that in. family watch dog had taken matters Into his own hands and scared the Intruder away. The man had secured entrance to ine nouse iy picking the lock on a back door and was making his way Into ths cel lar when the dog located him and com pelled mm to make a hasty exit. liters His Roll and His Bearings. Frank Ruboch of Bolln. 8. D.. reported to the police last night that ha had been iuuutu ui i.u in a negro resort during tha evening. An officer was sent with him to recover the money, but Ruboch was un able to find the place In which hs had been. One resort waa visited but none of Its in mates was identified as ths one taking tha money. I'nleaa Ruboch la able to reinem. ber where he was it Is not Likely that ha will recover bis roll, w - a- .-- . der walks. Soon the only thing working will ba the tough looking rock pile back of the city hall. Operations In that direction will be delegated to tho meandering "hobo." Magic City Goaalp. The city hall will close Saturday noon for Christmas and will reopen Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McGuire, 8V2 North Twenty-third street, have a new laby girl. The First Methodist Sunday school will render a Christmas cantata at its church Saturday. December 23, at 8 p. m. H. V. Percells of Denver, formerly a resi dent of South Omaha, is visiting several of his mends nere wnue on nis holiday vaca tion. Mrs. Alfred Green of tlxlra. la., will spend the holidays with her daughters. Mrs. Grace Plnnell, city librarian, and Mrs. A. J. Caughey, VJil js'orlli Twe.nty-tliird street. O. M. Etter, son of Postmaster Etter, Glaantle Consprraey. 'Tls a gigantje conspiracy, of coughs, colds, etc.. against you. Foil , It with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60 cents and 11.00. For tale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Socialist Christmas F.n tertalnment. ' A Christmas entertainment was given at Washington hall by the Omaha Children's Socialist club last night, which was at tended by the members of the club, ns well ss a large number of their parents. The numbers on the program consisted chiefly of declamations on labor sublects bv the children, many of them being very' well rendered. The assemblage waa also ad dressed by two young women socialist stu dents, recently arrived from Russia, who spoke In the Yiddish language on the prob lems facing the Jewish people In the land of the czar. Cpon the conclusion of this part of the program the children were each presented with a bag of csndy, nuts and fruit from tho Christmas tree. A supper was then served by the membTrs of the Women's Socialist union. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Damond-Kolb wholesale notion store, 1113 Harney, was enterd by robbers Sunday night and goods valued at V) stolen. No trace of the thief has yet been discovered. D. Rndotil of Rue Ambrotse ' Thomas, Paris, the European buyer for J. L, Bran dels A Sons, is In Omaha completing ar rangements for next season's Importations. Emmet G. Solomon, one of the newly elected county commissioners, has taken the oath of office before Judge Vinson haler snd filed his official bond in the auin Of $16,000. Sam Hoff on Wednesday brought Into court and surrendered to the authorities Bam Piper of South Omaha, out on bond while resting under a charge of robbery. Piper Is now In the county Jail. Mr. Hoff did not like the way Piper was acting and thought It best not to take any chanVes. Several Omaha people went to Elkhorn on Wednesday to attend the celebration of the Goth birthday anniversary of Mrs. Peter O. Hofeldt. There was a large gathering of relatives and friends and Mrs. was the recipient of a handsome lot of presents. It the Quiets Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valuable in consumption: it stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it con trols the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it, then do just as he says. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. isaal.J, Area Oe., teoeU, Bkaae. mjju TOQB-yar tha Wt. ATavl rat- oatre)ea. tin sMwanuj.-ret toe saws. 1 TT l?rg vvWm Wit aossfe, ompany 10c 35c Ladies' New l,intorl Waists Fine Trench Mull, with rofce and front trimmed with tucks and fin Val lace and hand embroidery, CA vrry nobby .Jf SEVFX l.ADU:' ALASKA SICAL COATS, sloe SI. Sfl, S8 and 40- worth $2?.r.. $250 and 30ft EACH. AV1I.1, UK OFFERED Q THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SXTt'RDAY. at IU LAD1KS' SILK FKTT1 COATS Hundred of tho choicrat coloring to select from, deep rufflea and ploats, soft finish taffeta silk, T Q C value 9.1.50, at JJJ SAI.K OF PIN CUSHIONS. LOT 1. Fancy square Pin Cushions for desk or work tables, special, each '. LOT 2. Satin Covered Pin Cushions, V. S. Flan. Dutch Figures, pold and laco trimmed patterns, special, each aWaJi LOT 3. Fancy heart shae, square, oblong; and Poppy designs, dainty floral paintings, special, each LOT 4. Larjre assortment of brocaded Silk, hand painted aatln Pin Cushions: Handkerchief, Collar and Glove. Cases, many QOp styles and patterns; prices, each from $2.25 down to. ...... v" 00c Silk Thursday at 8o a yard 50 pieces of plain and fancy Silks for waists and suits, In all plain shades of poplin, all plain shades of China Silk. Including white; also a large assortment of fajvey ef fects in shirtwaist suitings for street wear, worth up to C 80c a yard, ALL GO THURSDAY A YARD eC Kale of Christmas Gloves Tha celebrated Reynier Gloves, a pair, at Fanchon Suede mnde by Reynier, a pair, at . Leila lace dress Glove, made by Reynier, a pair, at Virginia fine French Kid. n pair, at . . , Extra for Thursday Just received 16 button length Glace Kid Gloves in blacks and whites, very fine, a pair, at.. Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves 100 dozen Imported Golf Gloves and Mittens, some all wool and some mercerized, worth 35c to 50c, Thursday, a pair, 35c and Linen Handkerchief Kale 100 dozen Ladies' Irish Linen Handker chiefs, soft finish, hand embroidered initials, worth 20c. Thursday, each , Christmas Neckwear 500 ploces of pretty Neckwear In lace, chiffon and silk Stocks; embroidered and lace Collar Seta they aro put up one In a pretty box, and will be sold Thursday Neckwear Cfl" counter each, $1.00, 75c and UC Christmas Linen 25 dozen Armagh Linen Shams and Scarfs, hem stitched and with one row of drawn work all arouud. Thursday, each Hand embroidered Doylies, made of pur Irish Llnnn, Thurs day, each, only 2.00 1.50 100 1.50 3.00 25c ndker- 10c 50c 50c 25 c Hemstitched and Fringed Linen Towel With fancy borders, extra large Bize, worth 39c, Thursday, each. . , Sale of Fine Bed Comforts Extra large sized Comforts, filled with a fine quality of fluffy white cotton, and covered with floral 1 Silkoline, both sides alike, worth $2.96, Thursday, each.... Silkoline, I Ger General Bargain Ad on Outside Pane Bears, MAI Jap Ko mm Smm NMUii se A delicate, luxury for toilet or bath. Cleanses the skin thoroughly and leaves it smooth, soft and healthful. Odor of natural flowers. James S. Ki & Company I Christmas . Rates I V ILLINOIS CENTRA L Tickets on sale December 23rd. with 30 day , limit returning, to all points west of and includ ing Toronto, Baffalo, Salamanca, . Pittsburg, Wheeling, including Chicago. FAST TRAIN Leaves Omaha , 0:qo p. m. Arrivsa Chicago 7:30 . m. Tieketa and information at 1402 Farnara Bt, Omaha, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agt. OMAHA. NEB. N H fl 1 if