Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Action Eurted in tbe Sipreme Court
Against (ointy Clerk Drexel
Html lour Its rr Aaalnat
rfnarnal in Bfrtfr for Alleaed
1 naathnrlsed dale of an.
pre tne Co art Reports.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. (Special.) Today the
supreme court granted an alternative writ
nf mandamus against County Clerk Drexl
rf Douglas county, on the relation of that
county, to compel him to account for all
fees of hi office In excess of $1.5fln a year.
The writ la returnable January t The iiilt.
which waa filed by County Attorney Pla
natigh, la Intended to teat the validity of a
new enactment of the last legislature,
which requires that fes In excess of II. V)
be paid Into the county treasuries. The
legislature, through an oversight, failed fo
Include a provision excepting the counties
having a population of more than 60,000
from Its effect, and the result la to scale
the salaries of the county clerks, sheriffs
and treasurers In Lancaster and Douglas
counties It Is agreed that the suit shall
h- a test case for all of the officers af
fected. '
In the application for the writ County
Attorney Slahaugh alleges that since April
County Clerk Drexel haa been entitled
to only 11.500 a year, or $373 a quarter, and
that during the last quarter he has rc
c Ived In fees, as shown by his records,
PWXO, which Is 53.80 In excess of the
amount to which he Is legally entitled. He
also alleges that the county clerk claims
12 TOO and refuses to pay over the alleged
excess. '
Mate Loses on ftemarrer.
Today the' supreme court handed down an
opinion by Judge 8"dgwli;k sustaining the
demurrer of the State Journal company to
the state's petition In the sul. for $S5.0no for
the all. gd unauthorized publication and
anlc of the reports of the supreme court.
The court decides the case on the ground
that at the time the alleged Infringement
oc-rurrcd the state had failed to have the
b-mfca copvrlghted. The court also
that no relation of trusteeship existed be
tween the company and the state because
of the fact that the enmpnny had not agree-1
to enter into n tnirt relation. At the office
of the attorney general It waa Intimated
that a riihenrlng would be asked for. It
was said Ihnt a federal question may be n
volved In the decision as to the copyright,
which may jwinibly be taken to a United
Plate court.
Stilt for Damaarea fioea to Trusters.
Th" supreme court has held that the
; cause of action for Injury to business, em
ployment or property Is such an asset that
' It passes to the assignee In bankruptcy
' under the provisions of the federal las. The
" " vi.mim . HI. I'$tlllin
.. O'M.rge F Anderson et al.. from Dawson
I bounty. The court overrules Its recent
' opinion Irt the case. Judge Sedgwick, who
i writes the present opinion, says that an in-
Jury to" property is such an asset. The
ri!ht of action referred to was Involved In
a wilt In'L'ncnln county brought by the
rlulntlff amlnst the Nebraska Retail Lum
ber Dealers' association for damages for
' n'lcffed Injury to his business, under the
provisions or chnptcr xcl of the Complin,:
Statutes, of Nebraska, entitled "Trusts"
The court holds that the Injury sued for
w . 24." 1 Phones 2452. ,
" ' C. H. DILLON 8 combination Sale of
JsspV groceries saves you 1.27. Goods de
livered in Omaha, South Omaha and Coun
cil Hluffs.
4 lbs. G-an. Sugar, Reg.. .20
3 lt. Hdm Mince Mail. .4:
3 bars S"np 15
1 ib. J. C. Jap-in Tea i;i
S'.i-lb. cuti ( al. Pears ;i
1 Itud S.tlnmn .15
1 tb. Hnue-3 ide Apple
flutter .1.-,
1 '!. Mm-ha A Java Coffee .;',a
1 lb. Oatmeal Cr.-cl.er3.. 1 .1.1
1 Ib. Orahnm Cracker.. 1",
5 lbs. of It.'Ft Jap Rice... .:'i
1 can Sweet Corn !
1 dos. Or.MiKcs .: ;m
1 21-!h. can Wesson's
Cooking Oil 4,,
1-qt. ,iar Plum Uutter ji
l".liar price $.?. Cost you $2.43
cif. iai mi- o'.iTiirany only. High-Patent
. !' '. . KiKiruiueea. nzi; our
t 1 ' ,
lsc 'h ' "iU'k f'"licakp Fl(,"r. 25c: our price,
its. Cranberries. 90c; our nrlce 25c.
l-ib. can Ci.eoa, 2f,c; our price. 20c.
ft'ti South 13th Street.
- - .
HvT? r .Kathcr' nr only a
t"J 1,'iTr.i - nT. Uif',"" "en,h:,!;n'
w. T","'""" 'ire all broken. Wr un.
ilayii. ;:vc us a call and look over our
W e haw a very fine line of Baby
Hariri Cnn'licl SaeqUfK. at.
each. 11. 'he, 6.X-, .Vic, -JSc and. .fcv?w
A Itarealn at these prices patterns
tin? newest.
fc'noteen. hand knit. Jjo, I5c.
lsc and
Child' Hand Crochet Hods.
tl. TV and
Child s AnKora hand-knit
Hoods, bi-si quality
Child's Drawer Ikkuim.
ijc and
Child's I,ggin.
,c and
For Children extra heavy fleeced.
This Is a very usrf jl article for clul
ltn for tne cold weather all In one
piece, with feet, so if they kick the
cover on uiey will not rami cold.
li ;', t. . . 10 years.
i'ric &Oc Kach.
This is )ut the thing to buy for a
man. e ni'ke only hlgu grade
Cardigan Jacket, which are suitable
for the flnest of lumts. Our Jackeis
are made only from pure worsted
and will mil stretch or get out of
shape. Trices, our own , ill
make. t. Uta and O.UU
others. ?.&, 1175. U-
We wish to announce that we have
gain taken agency for the Pictorial
Keview patterns and carry a full and
complete stock on hand. Mail orders
rilled for 2c In addition to cost of
Come In and look over our cata
logue of patterns.
We also carry a full and complete
line ot ready stamped linens.
In mil kinds, prtoea to suit all, OEr
tL 76c. 6uc. lie and
lfo and
We carry the largest and most com
plete line of MASKS In the city.
Bquare Bilk Mufflers, In all fXHi
colors, at Tbc and UW
Padded Bilk Mufflers, regular ln
Wo kind, our price
- Way's Mufflers,
- ebo aad. ........
i4s 322 S. 16th St. 9
was not personal Injury, but for damages ,0
his business, employment and property, and
that ' It was, . therefore. Included In th
causes of action affected by the bank
ruptcy statute.
lt derte Fifteen Tears.
The supreme court has affirmed th
flfteen-year sentence of Clarence 8wett of
Holt county, mho was convicted of criminal
conduct with a 5-year-old girl, who subse
quently died of a secret Pwett
alleged error In the admission of testimony
and claimed a right to a chnnge of venue,
but the sjpreme court holds that the con
viction was legal. Bwett's crime waa cf
the most abhorrent nature, although the
testimony at the trial Indicated that he Is
a man of education. He had been trained
In a Nebraska college.
The matter of granting a change of
venue, the court says, was within the dis
cretion of the trial Judge and In the
absence of proof of an abuse of the dis
cretion the ruling cannot be disturbed.
Most Uok Into Murderer's Sanity.
The supreme court has handed down Its
formal opinion In the application of the
attorneys for Frank Barker, the Webster
county murderer, to have his sanity passed
on by the district court. The order revers
ing the district court and commanding It
to assume Jurisdiction waa Issued In time
to prevent the hanging last June. The
court says in the syllabus:
The Jurisdiction of the Judge of the dis
trict court of Ijiiicaster county to inquire
as to the sanity of a convict confined to
the state penitentiary under sentence of
death does not depend upon the giving of
the notice by the warden. If it is alleged
In a proper application to the Judge, under
oath, that the convict is Insane, and that
the warden unjustifiably refuses to give
the statutory notice, it Is the duty of the
Judce to make such Investigation as will
sntlnfv him whether there are such ap
pearances of insanity as will Justify the
summoning of a Jury to try the question.
Widow nivrn Home.
In the case of Mary J. Mclntyre agalnt-t
Charles H. Mclntyre and Mary R. Mcln
tyre, appealed from Cass county, the
plaintiff, a soldier's widow, si years of ag
has secured the cancellation of the con
veyance of her home to herson-ln-law. The
plaintiff was the owner of "a small cottage
and two lots In the village of Louisville.
She had no other property and no other
means of support except a widow's pension.
She conveyed the property to her son and
daughter-in-law upon an express promise
of support. Within a short time of the
conveyance she was ejected from tlK-lr
home and compelled to seek support else
where. It Is held that the decree of tha
district court cancelling the conveyance
should be confirmed.
Can Not Allow Similar fmf.
The state auditor Is not authorized to
Issue a certificate of organization to a so
ciety whose name or title o resembles a
title already In use in the state as to have
a tendency to mislead the public. Under
this holding of the court the Western Mac
cabees, a fraternal beneficiary association
organized at Grand Island is deprived or
the right to use tha word "Maccabees' In
the formation of Its corporate name. Jhe
plaintiff in the case is a Michigan corpora
tion and Is authorized to do business In
this state under the name "The Knlghls
of the Maccabees of the World." It has
been doing business under that name fur
more than twenty year.
Most Pay fr Excess Pee.
For the second time the supreme court
has held Walter A. Lease, formerly Justice
of the peace in Lincoln, liable for an action
. . 1 ,- . . 1 .
charging 50 cents In excess of the legal ;
ree. The action was Instituted by Miss !
3urah B. Harris of the Corrler Printing '
nd Publishing company, who had brought j
1 suit In Justice Leeae a court. In settling
or lilt, rruivci ui r na m ucnan . itn ,
the bill of costs It waa alleged that the to be JudKI. for the past two years, is a
Justice charged an excess of 60 oenta. Tho matter of record, and tha Judging will
court holds that the taking of fees by a consist in placing the cows In numerical
Justice of tho peace for servtee performed or1;r according to their relative -rare as
by him for which no fee Is allowed is Producers of butter rat.
actionable. The court holds that the statuto The juuglng will be done on Thursday,
as applied In this case Is unjust, but under January 18, at i p. m., in the stock Judg
the facts there waa no other course open ! int pavilion at the University farm.
to the trial court except to direct a verdict
for the plaintiff.
Roarers May Int.
In the case of G. Sam Rogers against the
city of Omaha the Judgment of the district
court Is reversed and a new trlul granted.
The court holds that under the Omaha
charter of 1S53 a cause for action upon an
aw.-.rd of damages to one whose property
w;h taken for a public street did not ac
cruo until the lapse of a time reasonably1": K'"- ! color, 15; salt. 10. Each con-
sufficient for the creation of a special fund ! te-tant will be required to score, on the
for the payment of such damages.
Not Liable for Overflow.
In the case of William Hopper against
T , . , . , , , j A,
-' n . ii 1 1 1 j vii. wui , iiviua mai iiie
county la not liable In damages to an Indi
vidual landholder for the negligent diver
sion of surface water In the improvement
and construction of public highways, noi
ls the county liable for damages for the
,ew rt'" left for "ollday Shopping -ou
'" K ami complete assort men", before
showing big bargains for the next few
line. 1
Our stock is now complete for the
holidays, and If you want something
new and up-to-date, you will find It
at our place, with prices to suit your
pocketbook. 75c, 60c OS
and aSOC
In Kid Gloves we keep a full line of
the well-known Adler's Gloves. In
prices tl-50, 11.25 . rv
and I.UU
In Wool Cloves, all colors, OtS
for aoc. 35c and uC
Ask to se our hand-knit Sn
Gloves OUC
All the leading makes, such as Guyot,
Crown. Harris. Kusxell, President.
Clyde and other leading Ofitr
makes, fric and Ot
Special Holiday Boxes, TIn
aoc and aSOfc,
M)I.1,S! IM)I.LS!
We have a fine line of Dolls for the
holidays big values, at 1
II. SSh .ic. lie, 2ie and IUC
Work Boxes, at 19c, 26c. 36c. 60c,
SPKClAL-10-lnch Plaques 10c
Big assortment of designs.
Just the weather for Wool Mittens.
We have all colors, made of the best
Ladies' Mittens, OS
one. 3oc and ""li
Child's Gloves, i)s.
&0c and aSOC
Ladies' Gloves, i
50c, S5c and
Men's Gloves, 'ICp
60c and asOi,
We have all the new designs to suit
all tastes. All kinds of Bachelor,
8moker, Lodge, Flower and Novelty
Pillow Tops, for front and Ottr
bark, at Me and ""
These are our own make, all le-
wool and In all colors, each . J w
Better ones for 60c.
We make the best Knit 6k lrt s that
are made.
Ledles' Knit Bklrts. at 13,
UM. 12. 11.10 and
Ladles' Knit Ektrta with
lone sateen flounce
Child's Knit Bklru. CK
.2. tl and.
sets of Its officers unless made so by legls-litit-e
enactment. The Judgment dismissing
the suit aralnst the county In the loner
ct.urt It affirmed.
Fix Implement Prices.
The bottom price which Implements will
bf sold at for 1W was fixed this afternoon
hy the South Platte Implement Dealers'
association In executive session.
It van stated by a veteran Implement
iealer and charter member that, with the
exception of wagons, which may rule 12
or 13 higher, machines and Implements of
all kinds will be sold at practically the
same figure as named for 19"6 at the annual
session last year.
Cultivators and harrows have been ad
vanced about 10 rer cent.
"Retailers may use their discretion about
charging a higher price than the minimum;
the association does not attempt to dictate
here." said the dealer. "Retailers are not
interested In fixing a price on harvesters.
The International tells them what they
shall be sold at and the fellow who drops
below the dead line will get Into trouble
Several dealers thought that It was little
use for the association to name uniform
prices, when about 60 per cent of the men
engaged In the sale of Implements were
not members of the organization and were
willing to clip off profits to make a sale re
gardless of the agreement of others.
The price of binding twine has always
been a thorn In the akin of the organized
dealers. Grocers and blacksmiths sell
twine, and often sell It far below what the
Implement dealer thinks Is profitable.
There was some talk this morning of en
listing the aid of the manufacturers of
binding twine to have them agree not to
sell twine to dealers who dispose of it at
cost or at a loss, to stimulate trade In
other branches.
Dairymen to Meet.
The twenty-first annual meeting of the
Nebraska Dairymen's association will be
held in the stock Judging puvtlion of the
university farm at Lincoln, January 17 and
18, 19t. Following is the program:
Wednesday. Jamurv it .i p m a aa
by president, L. U. Stlllson, York; report
ot ' secretary and treasurer, S. C. Bassctt, '
Olbbon; appointment or committees; ' Mow .
to Improve the Wuallty of Hand Separator
Cream," W. w. Marpie. president Missouri
i'ii ynien s association; "How to improve,
pur Dairy Herds." H. O. Vouns. Lincoln
Stable Sanitation and Ventilation," lr. 11.
M. Reynolds. State University of Minne
sota. Xnursday. January 18, 9:30 A. M. -Report
of committees; election of officers; "JusL
Cow," Henry C Glismnan. Omaha: "Ureed-
Ing Dairly Cattle," Prof. A. L. Haecker, ;
'.ry "u.SDanur ' Mate experiment sia- ;
tion; "Judging tiutter from a Commercial
Standpoint,'' prof. T. 1 llaecker. Uni
versity ot Minnesota; 1:30 p. iu butter
Judging contest; 3 p. m., cow Judging con
test. Cow Judging Contest First prize, gold
watch, suitably engraved, value, $15; pro
rata premium, Hol.stein cws, $.5; pro rata
premium, jersey cows, 1.3.
Henry C. GUssman, Omaha, offers a reg
istered Holsteln calf, either sex, valued at
$00, to contestant making highest score
judging Holsteln cows.
Messrs. J. K. Honeywell and H. C.
Young, Lincoln, offer Jointly a registered
Jersey cair, valued at $50, to the con
testant making the highest average, score
Judging Jersey cows.
Open to members of the association who
are residents of the state. The first prize
will be awarded to contestant making high
est average score on both breeds, and in
ca9 of tie will be drawn by lot.
The pro rata premium will be divided
among those scoring seventy-five points
1 out of a possible 100 points, in the propor-
Prln to the number of points scored
abov0 evcnty-ftve; provided that of the
ro rata rund no contestant shall receive
to exceed the sum of $16.
Tn butter fat production of the cows
Every member of the association is in
vited to take part In this contest.
Butter Judging Contest Pro rata pre
mium, $76.
Open to members of the association who
are residents of the state. It is provided
that no contestant shall receive cf the
pro rata fund to exceed the sum of $10.
Three grades of commercial butter will
be officially scored, on the basis of flavor.
same basis, each or the three grades as
compared with the official score.
1 ... '" - .71.... 1
The maximum and minimum score which
1 win vimiit; n i un ir r i.iii 1 w a in o ram nna.l
of t'.ie premium fund will be announced
lu advance of the beginning of tlio con-
' , ,. .. . .
Butter Exhibit Pro rata premium.
creamery butter, $J5; pro rata premium,
dairy butter, Si. Print butter, tirst pre
latum, ib; second, $1; third, J; fourth, $.'.
Ornamental butter, first premium, $5; sue-
i ond, $4; tlilru, Vi; tourtn, u.
' Creamery exhibit shall consist of not
less than ten pounds; packages and dairy
of not less than five pounds.
' Of the pro rata premiums no exhibit
shall be paid to exceed $5. Scale of points,
flavor, 45; grain, 26; color, 15; salting, 10;
style of package and packing, 6; total, loo.
All pro rata premiums will be divided
among the entrte lu the lot scoring above
the minimum of 86 points in proportion
to the number of points scored above the
minimum. All butter exhibits should be
forwarded by express, charges prepaid, not
later than January IS, and addressed to
A. L. llaecker. Experiment station, Lin
coln, Neb. The butter exhibit will be
held in the dairy building at the University
Any person may become a member of
this association. Membership fee, 1.
All sessions will be held in the stock
judging pavilion at the University farm.
Ample street car facilities between city
and Unlverstty farm.
Headquarters of the association will be
at the Llndell hotel.
For programs or other Information In
regard to the meeting address S. C. Baa
sett, secretary, Lincoln, Neb.
Rate of one fare, plus 50 cents, except
where open rate of fare and one-third
makes less from points In Nebraska to
Lincoln and return; tickets to be sold on
janur, 10-11 uiciumve, gwa w return
leaving Lincoln until and Including Junu
ary 2X
Farmers' Co-operative Assorlatloa.
The third annual meeting of the Farmers'
Co-operative Grain and Live Stock arsocla
tlon will be held at Lincoln. Neb., Wednes
dav Thursd.v ant Frirtav J:mi.arv 17
and 19. All meetings will be held in the
assembly room of the Llndell hotel.
1:00 Meeting called to order by the
Enrollment of members.
Appointment of committees.
I si Paper. "Grading of Grain In Loral
and Terminal Mark-ts." C. Vincent, presi
dent Farmers' Grain company, Omaha.
3.00 Discussion, opened by Hon. H. H.
Hanks, vice president and manager Na
tional Farmers' Exchange, Nebraska City.
S 20 Paper, "Our State Organisation and
What It Has Accomplished." Hon. Jamea
T. Brady, secretary State association,
Discussion Opened by O. G. Smith, Kear
ney. i :2o Getting acquainted.
T:3u Omaha Grain Market. G. W. Wsi.
ties, president Omaha Grain Exchange.
i:3 Evils Affecting Fanners' Co-opera,
tive Shipping Associations, T. A. Anderson,
assistant manager National Farmers' Ex
change, Kansas City, Mo.
: The Way The Grain Business
Is conducted. Tom Worrall. Omaha.
10.10-Paper, "Tu Evil and U s Remedy,"
J. W. Cattern. editor National Oraln Grow
ers' Journal, Fremont.
10:i paper, "Farmers' Kducatlonal and
Co-operative Union of America and the
Oo-nperatlve Grain Business. " James But
ler. Topeka, Kan.
11 .30 Reports of committees.
1:30 paper. "Free Co-operatlm versus
False Co-opera t Ion." F. liiglehard, presi
dent Farmers' Co-operative Shipping asso
ciation. Kansas City, Mo.
2. 'Report of Stat" officers, legislative
committee, secretary and treasurer!: port of delegates to the State as
sociation. 4:' r.iection of officers.
7:30 Iesral Side of the Grain Business.
Frank S. Howell, attorney for the Tom
Worrall Grain company.
Clemency for Prisoner.
Today Governor Mickey Issued a com
mutation to Frederick Sargent, a Madison
county man sentenced In to twenty-
years In the state penitentiary for wife
murder. Sargent, who has served twelve
years and is the oldest Inmate of the prison
In point of service, will be released on
New Year day. He has been a trusty for
several years. He killed tils wife In a
rage over her alleged unfaithfulness.
The governor haa commuted the three
year sentence of John H. Blair, a York
county farmer sentenced for statutory as
sault uron a young woman last year, to
take effect December 24.
Corn Cook Inn- Prise Winners.
Deputy State Superintendent E. C. Bishop
announced today that Grace Odell, school
district 21, Beatrice, la the winner of the
first prize In the cornbread making contest.
Hattie Kreachhaum of district 75, Geneva,
Is second, and Sadie Messman of district
20, Pawnee county, la third.
Anna Turnbull of district 20. Burchard.
Pawnee county, is first In the miscellaneous
corn cooking class.
Completion of Ne-nr Rnlldloir the Oc
casion for Felicitation.
KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) On account of the presence of tho
State Board of Education chapel exercises
at the State Normal school this morning
WPr- 0r ft more elaborate and interesting
, . e,Rorat anV"
character than usual, and as the building
had Just been completed the celebration of
that event also contributed aomethlng to
the enthusiasm and good feeling, wtilch
were the distinguishing features of the
exercises. Unfortunately, State Superin
tendent McBrlen and President Crabtree of
Peru were unable to be present. The other
Members of the board were in attendance.
The exercises consisted of music and
speeches by Profs. Snodgrass, Thomas,
Miss Robblns, Mr. Chllds of Tork, the new
member of the state board, W. E. Httch-
cock of Omaha and Mr. Gregg.
Farmers Greatly Interested in Lcc
tnrea by the Profesaors.
FRANKLIN, Neb.. Dec. 20.-(Speclal
Telegram.) A large crowd was at the depot
to meet the corn special, which arrived on
schedule time. The crowd was made up
mostly of farmers and they no doubt will
be much benefited by the Interesting; lec
tures which were given. A large amount
of literature pertaining to corn growing was
Seeks to Oast Telephone Company.
PLATTSMOt'TH, Neb., Dec. 30.-(Speclal.)
City Attorney H. D., Travis haa filed a
petition in district court asking that & per
manent Injunction be Issued enjoining the
Nebraska Telephone company from further
use of the streets and alleys In tha city
of Plattsmouth. In the petition It la claimed
that said company has no right to the use
of the streets and alleys, as no franchise
has ever, been Issued, o .the company, al
though It .has had -toe. use of the same
since 1SSS. The company petition further
asks that if the court should find that the
defendant company has acquired a fran
chise and a right to use the streets and
alleys of this city that It be required to
remove the poles and wires from Main
street between First and Eighth streets to
the alleys adjoining.
Sitfe-Crncklnsr at Clarke.
C LARKS, Neb, Dec. 20. (Special. J
j Burglars blew the safe last night In the
I general merchandise store of 8tanley &
1 Knight, obtaining about $200 In cash and
sl mimher of neirotlnhtA nnltti mnA nthee
; huMwam The wort WA cleverIy
.., A wlndow mn wajl mnvfA
! ... . ,. . , .
, B""." ..unci nou ivui no UUIWIICU
i from a local blacksmith shop. Nltro-
glycerin waa the explosive used, while a
' . . , , .
number of new blankets which the store
,.rtnf ; ln,34 ,',ra mtat and nlaMil , V. a
I , ... . . . . ,
l safe to deaden the sound of the explosion.
Most of the valuable papers were recov-
' . . . . . , ...
erP1. having been found near the railway
tracks. Two suspects who were beating
their way into Grand Island this morning
on a train that had stopped here about
the time of the robbery were placed under
arrest by the authorities there.
Xrhranlia Cnmpaur By Bonds.
BANCROFT. Neb.. Dec. K.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The 3,0fl0 school bonds voted for
the purpose of erecting a new brlclc school
house were sold today to the Bankers' Re-
; T'e -TJ f PrC"
mlum of 1700. The next highest bid was
from McDonald. McCoy & Co. of Chi
cago at a premium of t43 and H. C. Speers
& Sons company of Chicago at 1210.
5evrs of Nebraska.
BEATRTCE Yesterday the quarantine
was raised upon the last diphtheria case
In the city.
PLATTSMOUTH Antone Hrasky and
Miss Anna Barbara Grebe were married
In this city todav. .
BEATRICE Ttie high school basket ball
team will play the DeWltt team at the
latter place Friday.
PE WARD The Christian church lias be
gun a revival under the leadership of Rev.
Clark of Beaver Crossing.
PLATTSMOUTH Judge Archer united In
marriage John Rice and Miss Rose Mc
Question at the home of Jesse Edwards.
PLATTSMOUTH-WI11 Renner and Miss
Emma Robins were united in marriage at
the home of her sister. Mrs. Will Richard
son, by Rev. D. A. Toutsy.
SEWARD The Woman's club will enter
tain the husbands of the members at a
hrixunas party at the club rooms on
the evening of December Jo.
BEATRICE- Mr. John Erlkson and Miss
VI .... I. Ir hAlh I I.' uav
united Id marriage here esterday by Judge
- Lourne lu the county court
YORK The York roller mills, owing to
a large Increase in business, have Installed
their own electric light system and the
mills grind both d.iy and night.
- j OSCEOLA The Btromsburg Journal has
- ; changed hands and will be run by the
ltl.'"' " " "
lican paper at Stromsburg In 1&73.
SEWAKD An entertainment will be
given In the High school auditorium by
tue second grade December 21, at 8 p. m.
A Christinas cantata will be gtven.
BEATRICE An entertainment was gtven
last night at the Methodist church by
the hign school for the beneut of the
Young Men's Christian association.
BEATRICE The Gage county farmers'
Institute will be held at tne court house
in this city January 1 and 4. An excellent
program is being prepared by the commit
tee In charge.
TABLE ROCK Leonard Huffman, an old
and highly respected German farmer, who
lived some nine miles west of here, was
found dead In his bed at his residence
kss been seed by liniloss of Hots
otuiana wtile tuubs tor er Flfiy Ttare. I
It mutuss toe oautl. suriaua te guau. alia; I
til paiA, eme wtaa eou aa4 to We e-s i CEITS A jMrTTIJC
t yesterday morning Death Is suppos-d to
ie Horn natural causes. He was ,6 years
of age and had lived In that vicinity for '
about forty wj. He leaves several chll-
aren. all grown.
SiiWARo-Lena Geml ler and Carl irlng,
two popular yo-ing people, were married
at 8 i a. m. today, at the Oermin Evan
gelical parsonage by Rev. Adworlh, pastor ,
of that church.
YORK The subject of railroad taxation
was bruugbt u;i at a meeting of the Com
mercial club of York. After discussion it
was unanimously decided that no 1 evolu
tion or action would be taken.
PIATTSMOl'TH-Mr. Craig and family
arrived In this city some three weeks' Hgo
from Oloversvllle, N. Y.. to visit nis nrmn-
er-ln-law and family. Since his arrival, it
Is a.iu. he naa decided to oi'en a glove
. ' .... 1 , ""tea fixed are June 13. H. IS. lfi and 17, -ALBION
on account of the Increased ... .... . ...
attendance In the high school. It was de- I
ciUiU oy ti.e scnool noard at the 1 ieetiii
Monday '!"- to en.pioy an additional
tcuer for that department. Hits nw
makes fourteen teacuers employed In tue
city school.
BEATRICE Last night the physicians
found it necessary to amputate the left
leg of William Pltealihley. tue painter who
was so budly Injured yesterday by failing
from Heppeilen's hospital. Just above tne
ankle. He is pctilng along as well as
could be expected.
MURDOCH. H. B. Waldron of Waterloo.
Neb., has sold one of his farms near
here to Albert K. Ike. a wealthy and
progressive tarmer, ror lS,i"i, being $11-.)
per acre. In 19" Mr. Waldron paid lit.tioo
tor tins tarm. inis is me ...unesi price
yet paid for land in this vicinity.
ALBION Acting under a search warrant
Issued by the county Judge, ijeputy Sheriff
Forney searched tne paint snon ot jonn
Hudlow yesterday and secured quite a
supply of boose in one of the apartments.
llllam Calhoun, who seemed to have
charge of the room, was arrested.
PLATTSMOUTH While going down tho
front steps of the Plattsmouth High school
building Miss Emma Bowers was pusned
by one of the other students, which caused
her to slip and fall to thebottom, fractur
ing the bone In her right lower limb. Dr.
& W, Cook reduced the fracture.
ALBION The union revival meetings
begun some weeks ago, continue to draw
large crowds. A deep interest is being
taken by the several churches of the city
in this movement, and it is expected that
all of the churches will be greatly rtrength-
ened as a result of the united (.riort.
BEATRICE-The Degree of Honor kens
Ingion was entertained yesterday afternoon
by .Mrs. M. J. Reel at her home in West
Beatrice. There was a large attendance
and an enjoyable afternoon was passed.
A beautiful oil painting presented to the
kenslngton by Mrs. C. H. Rugg or HoMregi
was awarded to Mrs. Richard Despaln.
SEWARD At the regular meeting or
Seward camp, Modern Woodmen or
America, last Friday the following otneers
were elected: H. N. Wlllennaber, V. C;
advisor, Morrla Seger; clerk, D. C. Owart
ney; escort, L. 8. Konkright; sentry, F.
H. Webster; watchman, W. H. Converse;
physicians. Drs. Cummins, M.irsh, and Mar
row; manager, C. E. Holland.
BEATRICE Mt. Herman commandery
No. 7, Knights Templar, held a largely at
tended meeting last niht, at whicn there
waa work In the black cross degree. Quite
a number of Masons from Fairbury, Diller,
Pawnee City and other towns In this sec
tion of the state were in attendance. A
banquet waa held at the Paddock at the
close of the business meeting.
FAIRBURY James Alsworth, a 15-year-old
boy, was sent to the State Reform
school yesterday on the charge of incor
rigibility. The boy had been living with
his utep-grandfatber near Reynolds, but
owing to some lllteellng bet w en trie two
he took a horse belonging to the old gen
tleman and departed to Frontier county,
where he was found by the sheriff.
PLATTSMOUTH The district convention
or the Woodmen or the World was held
in the Odd Fellows hall In this city. Dele
gates rrom Omaha, South Omaha and rrom
camps In this county were present. Ed
ward Walsh was elected chairman and
Earl R. Stiles or Omaha, secretary; W. B.
Kishel was elected president; Ed Donat.
vice president; Colonel Gus Rhode, secre
tary, and William Weber, treasurer.
BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon the or
ftce force at Dempster's factory presented
E. P. Mumford with a token of their
esteem in the shape of a signet ring. Mr.
Mumford has been a part of the offic
force for several years and recently sev
ered his connection with the Dempstei
compuny to accept the position of aecre
tary ot the State Building and Loan as
sociation of this city.
REYNOLDS This town is experiencing
a great religious awakening in tne snape
of a revival in the local Methodist church.
The crowds are phenomenal, people coming
nigntiy lor nines, i ne cnurcn is pacxea
nightly. The "men only" meetings Sunday
afternoons are record breakers in attend
ance and Interest. Evangelist Knslow of
Chicago is in charge. The wave of re
ligious enthusiasm that is sweeping over
this section is without an equal in the
history of the town.
PLATTSMOUTH Claude Seivers, who is
employed on one of Hon. G. W. Holdrege's
ranches near Madrid, Nab., came very
near being killed while operating a fifteen
horse-power engine. The engine had been
stopped to enable him to reach through
the fly-wheel and make a needed repair
to the machinery, when a spark from the
electric battery caused the wheel to sud
denly revolve. Mr. Seivers received a
double fracture of the Jaw bone and his
right arm was broken Just above the
IboW. '
Fatalities Prevented.
After an accident, use Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It prevents fatal results. Heals
cuts, burns, sores. 25 cents. For sale by
Sherman A McConneli Drug Co.
Baby Ring Frenx-r, 16th and Dodge.
A splendid serial
story full of
healthy and in
vigorating thrills.
It has a plot
full of mystery,
romance and
This story begins
in The Omaha
Daily News
Telephone Your
UnucpftMIKIfi DP K P M Tl IP: K I A
Mv"ll-Vu ' "-" 1 wiim,w
State Plana to Kite a f;rrt Time nt
n Jnne.
LOUISVILLE. Dec. SO. (Special.) Aetinir
upon a suggestion made to It by a youmt
woman born In Kentucky, hut now livimt !:i
Colorado, the Ixmlsvllle CYmimercl il club l
to have a "home coming" for all Kentuck
lans next June. The plans, as far as
matured, rontemplate a celebration much
more extensive than any of the "hmne r 1.1-
- wek ,.,- i..m i v- l'.,i.,.,i
me "rsi nay win ne Known as ltecen-
tlon and Welcome day. Every county In
the state will establish headquarters In tb-
new armory at Louisville, where reelstr.i
tlon of visitors will take place. This will
be followrd by a civic and military parad .
Mr. Henry Watterson has been Invited to
deliver the chief addrrss of welcome, and
former Governor David R. Francis of Mis
souri the response. Among mnny others
Invited to appear on the program are
former Senators William Lindsay ard Jehu
O. Carlisle of New York city. Associate
Justice John M. Harlan of the United States
supreme court, former Governor Thomas T.
Crittenden or Mlsso.irl, and ronner Vice
President Adlal E. Stevenson of Illinois.
This list will be enlarged with the names
cf other Kentuckians who. In adopted
homes, have marked their names high on
the roll of fame in tho law, the ministry
and commercial pursuits. t
Thursday, June 14. Is to be "Foster day,"
In honor of Stephen Collins Foster, the
author of the Immortal song, "My Old Ken
tucky Home."
Friday, June 15, "Daniel Boone day," will
give both host and guest the opportunity of
paying tribute to the Kentucky pioneer, re
viving the state's earliest history, the trials
and privations of Its men and women In
the eighteenth century. A handsome
will be given the person present who can
prove the closest relationship to the great
Saturdny. June 16, has been set aside as
"Greater Kentucky day," with barbecues,
eampflres and the like.
The cens'is of 1900 shows that there are
over fiOO.000 natives of Kentucky now living
In other commonwealths of the United
States. The Louisville Commercial club
would be gratified to have the name and
address of every one of these former Ken
tuckians for the purpose of extending Invi
tations to them.
Watches, Edholm, Jeweler.
Christmas i
Men and Boys
i Prlc and quality Always
the urn.
$3.50 and $2.50
SPECIAL We carry a complete
line of Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole $5
Regent Shoe Co.
205 South 15th Street.
Watches on Credit.'
til A WEEK wi do
Order for The Omaha Daily News to No. 7&I
Sweeping Reductions on
300 New and Slightly
Used Pianos
All Make3 Steinway, Steger,
Hardnuin, Mueller, Emerson,
Steck, A. B. Chase, Reed, Ma
son & Hamlin, McPhail and ,
One of the greatest Piano
Sales that has ever taken plneo
in Omaha is going on nt tlie
present time nt the wnrerooms
We are forced to vacate our
present quarters by January
1st, and have concluded to sell
regardless of cost, even.' instru
ment in the store. Now is tho
tinu to purchase if you nr
looking for a good Piano at a
low price.
English Upright, fully repaired. .
Ebony Upright, pood for beginners 92
Kimball, Cabinet Grand fill
Singer Upright, Mahogany Case. .flSJt
New Sample Piano, worth $350,
only $13?
dickering Upright, Rosewood
Case !
Sohmer Upright, fully repaired,
only MIO
$400 Steger Upright, slightly
used 2;W
$500 Emerson Upright, returned
from rent $250
Kranlch & Bach Baby Grand
Steinway & Sons, ebony case,
slightly used a great bargain.
New Eastern Sample Pianos, worth
double the money, only $103, $185,
$20.5 and $223.
The above bargains will be sold on
terms of $10 comIi and $3 per niontli.
We will ship pianos on approval
anywhere and pay freight charges
both ways if the instrument, alter
careful examination, is not satisfac
tory. Send for catalogue, prices and bar-
gaiivllBt or Py us B vl8,t ot Inspec
tion. Operating five stores and u
large factory enables us to fairly out
strip all competition.
Schmoller & Mueller
The Big Piano House
Closing Out th Entlr Stock at
1407 Harnty Stroot
a 1608 PhoneZ52Q
a Harney St. a
not to be a read
er of The Omaha
Daily News.
It has a daily
Woman's Maga
zine, a big sport
ing department,
special articles by
famous men, ALL
the news.
Only 10
cents a Week