THE OMATT.Y DULY BEE: TTEftPAT. DECEMBER 1f. inn. FUNDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT Eoird Chary of Tornine Them 0er to County Treasurer. DETWEILER RAISES SOME OBJECTIONS In. I. fa that tmwr on.ollda t ln Tren.- rle. Mar Be Invalid and im"l that Hoard Hold Kenning an Long an Po.alble. The bond of Robert Fink, county tra trer and ex-nfflclo trca-urcr of the -chord district, wan presented to the Hnatd of Education At It. meeting Monday night, and the matter again went over, tho.c who are to pa. upon It, the member, of the finance and Judiciary committee, and tin attorney, a.klna; for more time In whlrli to con.lder It. MemlxTK McCague anil let eller tr of the opinion It would lo the proper thin to "let well enough nlonc" for the pre.ent ami hold the of Tren.urer Hennlng- for the .afcty of tho fitful In view of the litigation over the city charter and In view of the fart that the enpreme court has not yet hud an oppor tunity to paa. upon the matter. These Iwu member get up the present bond wan for two years and that If Mr. Hennlng" re aligned upon the consolidation of the offices ef county and dty treasurer the bond com panies! probably will arrange matters so that the school money will be secured nnd Mill the school board not have to pay for new bond entirely. Member Detweller say he seriously floubts the wlidom of making the county treasurer the achool district treasurer In asmuch as he Is likely to be a resident of mother town In the county other than Omaha,. He also doubts the legality of the law and advised that the board wait. Chnnae for alanttrea.ea. The remainder of the business coming be fore the board was dispatched In short order, thore being some discussion over the motion of Member Lindsay to change Mrs. Cruzfl, Janltrefts at the I)rulJ Hill echool, to the high achool and confining her duties to the care of the girls' gynina:lum, and giving her old place to Mrs. Arnold, who Is now doing the high school work. Iand aay recommended the change, he said to "cure a few sore spota In both schools," knd his motion cut out of Mrs. Cruze's du ties all Janitor work except in the gym rm.lum. This brought forth objections, and ,whcn Lindsay explained further that he wanted to elevate the position Member Tllce waa moved to say: "What we want Is a. Janitor a scrub woman and not a person to hob nob with the teachers and be a matron or anything like that." The mo tion waa then changed and Mrs. Cruze was Voted In as a Janltress to care for five roams and the gymnasium. Mabel Christie, a registrar at the high achool, resigned and her place was filled by the selection of Bertha rhilllppl. Joe Nevottl resigned as bundmnHtcr and wus uccetded by Kmll Relchardt. Winifred Lemon and Evelyn Dudley were put on the assigned list of teachers. Fee from nonresidents. A communication was received from the attorney that In the suit to recover fees earned from nonresident pupils the court hud entered an order In favor of tho board, and that In the county treasury $1,159. SO is awuiting the order of the board. Among the items purchased was J100 worth of solidified formaldehyde to bo used as a disinfectant In the various schools. A warrant was ordered drawn for $17, Mu.45 to pay the semi-annual Interest on bonds, commission and postage, which amount is $2,5X less than that of six months ego by reason of the retirement of $100,00) bonds, ' Finances of the Board. The following financial report was made by Secretary Purges showing the amounts apportioned for the various departments up to June 30. ISmfi; the amount expended dur ing July. August. September, October. No vember, 1906. and the amounts renialiiln December I, 1S05. together with a compara tive Ma lenient of the expenditures for tht first five months of the fiscal year l'.'4-r. and the general fund warrants outstanding Deoeniber 1, lflOu: Apportioned P'-oks nringe Cnu enumerators... Construction '.'rawing, music tind klnil"i gurten .tippll". expense Kleetrlc power. examining committee. Kxprcsa and freight... Fuel Kurnltuie ami fixtures Improvement Insurance premiums.. Intfft and exchange. Janitor l.igut and fuel tfs Maps, charts ami ref- creii'-c bonks OrhVci and clerks Printing Piano rent and tuning Kent Repairs Spulal taxes Stationery and supplies Teachers Miscellaneous 1". 2n I'M jr" w I "... T2 4n k I.H'.'J M 7.1 ot m m no m rtu' 7s ."..-;; 27 4 si: 21 I..V1 el 1 V.) 1M h;. !2 7..'' 34 7 iH 7i 2 74.' PI 1.m:1 '-n 13.474 !' Z, tfl m f ;:i 17 TVS 7.' 01 1 v S,4I i.WJ ;t7 i Ml IS 7b i 8" tV 1.") (l Su t 10.ti2 Ski l("..4"'.i M .h' w 4. "'.'J "7 5 ...17 w MM9 rts.47.1 W 1.121) 1.1 1.7I' "M J1.T.4'1 $141,115 41 .ni,uS 20 Receiiits for first five months of fisrMi vear l!i-lflo'; Oenenil fund warrants outstand- stfljuilng lei inier 1. I!"i ,8 Cash In treasurer's hands I'eccm- bcr 1. :- Itcfl'it I'.remlM-r 1. !!). DEATH RECORD. Major tinl Spelt. lA ID CITY. Neb- Dec. jy iSj-.- Maor Le wis Spelts dhd at an eaiiy hour tills niorniufc after an Illness of a!out ten days. Mr. .Spelts is one. of the ohlvst set tlors of I'avid City, having resided hero continuously since ibVi, except alxiut two years he was in the Use stock con, mission buMness In South Omaha, being a. a. ember of the Hitu of Spelts, Hitchcock & Olney. Ho was serving his second term as tnuyor of the city. Mr. Spelts wus 61 years of age. and leave a widow and a large family of children, most of whom are grown and married, and live brothers. The city coun cil held an Informal meeting this tnoining UNION LABEL CLAUSE NIL Frorision Will Sot Go ii fontracti for lit j Printing. ELBOURN ACTS ON HERD-VAN'S ADVICE Assistant City Attorney Hold Krn tlal Point of Inn U that Work r.o to the low est Illddrr. Tlie agitation over the insertion In the advertisements for bids for city printing, of the provision that all city printing should liear the union label, proved to be merely a "flare-up" and from present Indications this provision will not he ur.ned as on of the conditions upon which the contract is to be let. While the city clerk had le t asked the legal department for an opinion on th" (Hustlon when he gave out his statement Saturday, at that time the department held the union hihel clause ,-ouhl not W en forced. In tJie first place the 1. gal depart ment held the chatter provided Hint the city printing should be let 10 the lowest bidder and consequently the n solution of the city council was of no effort. Further, a resolution adopted by a city council in lsP! would not I'linl n council oi :,, so the legal department held. SPORTS OF A DAT. KVF.!T l TIIF. ntHMMS THrK Maddr Monday Morning when the city called upon the Ug;il department for an opinion regarding the publication of the noUce for bid:, for supplies lor tl;c Fire Inxnrttr Fare nadir on 4 onrse at Inaleslde. ) SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. IS The rlourty weatlier and sloppy track caused a few re verses to ttie lavorlies at Ingleside today. Laura Van. favorite in the opening race, finished sixth, the money going to Tavora, n second choice. I .aura F. M , marked close in the fourth race, also failed to land. Summary: First race, five and a half furlongs: Tavern won. He, Huby second, Chispa thud. Time: 1.11 Sm-ral lace, five and a half furlongs: I'aivln won, Hiai K Al t second. Sad Saul thltd. Time: 1 :i:M,. Third race, one mile: Warte Nlcht won, Hllie second. Hay third Time: 1:454. Fourth, one mile: Jackful won, Heydarc second, ljiura F. M. third. Time; 1:4a -4. Filth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Clirittine A. won, Gateway s'Cond, Byron il.l.ile third, 'lime: l:4T'i. Sixth raca. six furlongs: Red Leaf won, I'lincess Wheeler second, Angleta third. 'J lie-: 1:10. .i;w fltl.CANS. Dec. 18. Results at Fair ilrounds: l"n'i rai e. live tuvlongs: Mahogany won, l s;:. siconil, Ij tiy ihird. Time: 1:044- Second lace, six turlongs: Mayor John son won. Gav Adiialde second, Fallona third. Time: 1:!H. Third race, one and a sixteenth miles: I.oj.'lst iilu won. Cold Enamel second, Los Anueleno third. Time: l:60Mi. j i'oartli race, live furlongs, handicap: Uric .' iector Jefsup third. Time. l:!1. l it t ii race, six turlontfs: t aiaoasii won, t'ou --In Kate second, Ruth W. third. Time: 1 ; I r."-:. Si x tii nice, mile and seventy yards: Har- srl Pollee hoard tlm onion hihel mittrr I . ! '""' cuiiu, i itmn . ; tint d. lime: I .oo-V came up. llerdniiin iuy o. "Elbourn, you will be enjoined before the day is over." said Assistant City Attorney Herdman, "if you -rsist In putting thut and passed appropi taie resolu'.ions and I '"'use in me nonce?, jt is nettner here at-ked that all business bo suspend ;d liuring i to me whether the printing bears the funeral, which will be held Wednesday j l'5 ,a'"'l "' "ot- ,1"4t is "f " effect, but forenoon, ule ,aw requires me coniiaci snail lie Thlllp Went. Advertising m Archlte:ts services l.nno Bond redemption fund... 47,'Mi B'Klk io,iiii Cartage xt f'i'iisiis enumerators Construction 35,0"" lrswlng. music Hnd kin- dergarien supplies ;.(Vi Klectlou expense L'.fi"" Kh-ctrlc power IT" Kxamlnlng committee .".ft Kxpress and freight ;:aO Fuel 2il.iT"" Furniture and fixtures... 4,0ml Improvements fi.ffl" Insurance fund l.fio Jnsurajice premiums i.ioi Interest and exchange... 4.'t."ii Janitors S'l.nni JJghl and fuel ga n-a Mhj. chart a and refer ence books 1.7m Officers and clerks 12.iy Printing U.noi' Piano rent and tuning... IS" Kent Ijil Repairs ir.Ki Htatlonery and supplies.. fVrtm Teachers Sid.""" Miscellaneous .l.Mt niilancc. $ ;i7 Iess amount expended In excess of estimate $.-s2,47 47, """ IN! i'.'.l'll I.-, 14a 12 U'J M IK. Ml 2 1. ion i;a Z, : Bit I Ml M in" (H i.'.;ti.j ? 2.444 Oil l.ini ID l.'() 41!tfti. 4" 22. J 778 l3 7"i (12 ' to 2o iai 3.42 "5 21!' f..'ti T7 1.72ft 1)4 $427,421) 51 s.non $8 $421. ia M ranparatlve Sbovrlna Comparative statement of expenditures for first five months of liscal year lft"4-llii and first five months of fiscal year l!tif-19u6 W4-iV $ :to it i0" 130 Philip WenU. father of Mrs. F. II. Krug, died Monilay morning at the Krtig resi dence. 2fill Boulevard, from the results of an Injury sustained last Friday, v.hen he fell down an embankment near Boulevard street and sustained several broken ribs, besides internal injuries. Mr. Went was 61 years; of age. Me madu his home with his daughter, Mrs. Krug, and is survived by his wife, four daughters and two sons. He came to Omaha twenty-one i.ears ago nnd was a member of the Woodmen of the World. The funeral arrangements have not been. made. Gilbert K. Ilyroth. FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. lS.-(S;ecidl. Gilbert K. Byroth. for many ?ms in charge of the local office of tho Nyu-Schneider-Fowlur Co., died at his homo In this city yesterday afternjon of brighl's disease at the age of 4J. He had been in poor health for a long lime hut up to a month ago was able to look after a part of his work. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Royal Highlanders. Ills funeral will be llald Wednesday afternoon. II. A. Hub bard. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 18 -t Special Tele gram.) H. A. Hubbard, traveling repre sentative for Cudahy & Co., dropKid dead this morning about 11 o'clock in Albert While's meat maaket, where he had stopped to take nn order. A physician was sum moned and pronounced death due to apop lexy. Mr. Hubbard was about 55 years of age and leaves a wife and two children living In Lincoln, where the body will be taken for interment. Samuel I,. ltetwood. Samuel L. H'estwood, for seven years pro prietor of a drug store at Thirtieth street and Woolworth avenue, succumbed Monday morning to tuberculosis. Mr. Hostwood continued at tils work to within three days before he died. He is survived by a wife and two small children. The funeral ar rangements will not be announced until absent relatives arrive. Mr. HestAood re sided at 1341 South Thlrty-flrst street, O. A. Patterson. SIOFX CITY. la.. TVc. 18.-(Special Tele gram.) O. A. Patterson, a pioneer citizen and druggist, died this evening. let to the lowest bidder and that is what will have to lie done. The thing has already been threshed out in the couit house and I there Is no need to go llnough with it ' again." "Well, let the council rescind that resolu tion." said Klboui'ii, "and 1 will leave out the union label clause. I am trying to follow the law." "Tou know a resolution by the city coun cil is not a law. and a resolution adopted In 1!9 can have no effect on this council." "Very well." said Elbourn. "If you will give me a written opinion to that efrect I will leave thai clause out of the no tice." And thus did the city clerk leave it to tho city attorney to take the wrath of the labor unions, and In the meantime Thomas Klopp of Klot.p-Burtlet was In the city clerk's office preparing his bid for the city printing. The notices probably will be given to the press Tuesday. Injniiet Inn Finally Cnine. Late Monday afternoon City Clerk bourn was served with a temporary straining order, issued by Judge Sears, on a showing made by John Klemme. The order restrains the city clerk from making a condition of his advertisement for city printing that the same shall bear the Typographical union label. Hearing Is set for Wednesday morning at 9:30 before Judge Sears. John S. Klemme Is given in the city directory as foreman for the Klopp Sl Bartlett Printing company. NEW ORLEANS. Pec. 18 Reselta at City Park: First race, five and a half furlongs: Itenrv Ach won. Sir Andrew second. Major Cnrix nter third. Time: 1:11V Sec nd nice, five furlongs: Heart of Hvacimli won. Bed Reby necond. R. L". Arn third. Time: 1 ;f4. Third race. five, nnd a half furlongs Billy Handsel won. Wild Irishman second, Azeiina third. Time: 1:10. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards: Florizel won. Malediction second, Thislledo J third. Time: 1:4M. Fifth race, short course steeplechase, handicap: New Amsterdam won, Orlsls second. Poor Lands third. Time: 3:22. Sixth race, one nnd a sixteenth miles: Juua won. Knon ledge second, The Oon third. Time: 1:53. Seventh race, seven furlongs: Padre won, Esterjoy second, Ferryman third. Time: 1:32. LOS ANC.KLES. Dec. 18. Result at Ascot : j ' irsi race, steepiecnase, anon course. JvtlMoc won, Aimnil secouu, ituiui third. Time: 3:t'2. Second race, one and a sixteenth miles: Hoodwink won. Dlxelle second, Free Siaa third. Tunc: l:4f. Tnird race, seven furlongs: Chantllly won. Bovcrol't second, Parvo third. Time: l:2ia. Fourth race, six mid a half furlongs: Con fessor won,. Ethylene second. Dutiful third. Time: 1:21. I'll ih race, one and an eighth miles: Varieties won. Blissful second. Brigand thltd. Time: Lil'-j. Sixth race, six and a half furlongs: Clyde O. won. St. Winifred second, Kinsman tnird. Time: 1:22. Eire- NEW SHAFT AIMED AT SEAMAN This Time It la ot from ( opld, lint Monry-Lovlng Sew York Man. A. J. Seaman, after a lapse of hlme time since the recelM of anV letters from am- university, both lave friends in Lincoln bltloua women or scheming men or trusting ! " 1 wl,nn, ' wm VIKU nne tne nego. I .... . . 1 t at ons are in progress. Mr. Pound and ;i;tti; TotiivniEii ox athlktics Representative of Kanaaa and Ne braska: Confer January t. (From u Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. IS. (Special Tele gram.) Negotiations between Nebraska nnd Kansas 'universities are progressing very satisfactorily in the direction of athletic resumption. Several days ago l'r. Pound, dean of the Nebraska Law scla. 1. one ot the two representatives chos n by the Nebraska board to conduct the negotiations, addressed Prof. Walker, one of tho Kansas representatives, propos ing Lincoln as a meeting place en1 dating that any time during the holiday vacation would be agrewible to him. Th roponso of Prof. Walker reached Dr. Pound today. In his letter Prof. Walker approves of Mr. Pound's suggestions and names Jan uary 1 as the dam for the conference. Prof. Walker and his associate arbitrator, a member of the aturtent body at Kansas Tremendoua Power over constipation, biliousness, etc.. Is ohown in the marvelous cures made by Electric letters. 50 cents; guaranteed. For sale by Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co. FIRE RECORD. children, has been brought up against a new deal. A New York City resident, sign ing himself Alfred Farrant Seaman, has written that he saw the newspaper notices of A. J. Seaman's theories of proper liv ing and the liest way to save money. "1 am not asking for any assistance." Bays the New York Scnman. "but I was IntereRted In the similarity of names nnd In the story of your life, and I thought, as you had no heirs, perhaps you might make me one of your heirs." Omaha's A. J. Seaman has, as is known, heirs of blood living nnd other who are heirs by marriage, but, as dying Is the last thing he Is thinking of, th" question of heirs Is not bothering him at all. Prob ably foreseeing the contingency of pond health in the noted tax title buyer, the New York man naively adds: Maurice Benedict, ex-cantain of tho foot bull team at Nebraska, are both known to favor resumption upon fair terms and the prediction is freely made In athletlo circles at Nfbraska that the forthcoming visit of the Kansas gentleman Is destined to witness it satisfactory peace. According to the present outlook a liasket ball game will likely be the first contest between the two universities under the term of resumption. CAI'TAH" CORMirKKR I nasi. Popular Fullback Receive niona Vote. LINCOLN. Dec. 18. I Special Telegram.) The Athletic hoard of Nebraska university tonight canvassed the votes cat bv the i foot ball players and announced the elec i tion of '"ilenn Mason to captain next year's j Coi iihiiskers. Mason has played full bark ! at Neln-Hska for the rast three seasons fin. Inc. In Iowa. New York man naively adds: .'V, ' V , , ' T . . ? , SHENANDOAH. Ih.. Dec. 1. -(Special In return for the courtesy would pronna.. , The lioard also made the formal award Telegram.) Flro this morning completely ,at0 car " an' business you might I of "N" sweaters to the members of tho de.,royed the 2,- drug stock of Grge toVe n' I ILl'll."" Jav and seriously damaged his building. It j Th. wrltor fnrIo!)r(, Rriar.. and savs i W lenstrand. Taylor. W. lie,-.' BurnS.' Lundm! originated in the basement near the furnace i h. hrmr, , ,,.- . frnn, , ,,.,', ; Johnson. Densh.w. McDonald. Morse. Urno. .,, . , . I diet. Eager. ilson, Schmidt, Little and man. He will not. however, hear nt all, Mason. because A. J. Seaman Is not given to writ- ! Tin- fornhuskers are to lose only four and had good headwax when it was dis- I covered. It took two nnd a half hours of the hardest possible work on the part of Shenandoah's efficient fire company to con trol the fire, because it was almost Im possible to get at it. The building loss was fully covered by Insurance In the following companies: Cltlsioiis. St. Louis. $1.2.0; Aetna, Hartford, $l,om; Queen, New York, $1,000; New Hamp shire, $1,750 Stork loss only partially cov ered by the Mercantile Mutual. Spenoer, $ Central, Fort Dodge, $.rt; Milwau kee Mechanics. $1,000; Philadelphia Under writers. $l.nfift; National of Hartford, $1,000; Springfield. Massachusetts, $l.ono. The Cen- Ing nnd buying stamps when he can de liver any message In person, but it Is too far to walk to New Tork. Child' l.lfe Mated by hainherlnln'a f'ouKh Remedy. Mrs. John Englehardt of CJeia. Mich., tells of the anxious moments spent over her little :-year-old daughter who hnd taken a hard cold, resulting in croup. She says: "I am satisfied that If It had not been for Chamberlain' Cough Remedy she would have choked to death. I gave this medicine every (en minutes and she soon began to tral of Fort Dodge had $1,000 on the soda throw up the phlegm. I can recommend It fountain. While this fire was on a gasoline In the highest terms, as I hae another Advertising Architects' services. lno&-li $ 12 n't S.512 94 lamp exploded In the furniture nnd hard ware store of Clovis & Cage, tho largest store in town, but this fire wus smothered before serious damage was done. r Hfiu vWmtmimmwmn ipiu up una child that was cured in the same way." players by graduation and the athletic am Imiltics consider the outlook oncourag i'ut for a strong eleven next year. The athletic hoard of the V'nlversity nf Nebraska tonight, in response to a recent resolution ndopled by the Hoard of Univer sity Regents, appointed a representative to H'tcnd the conference of American col leges, called to meet In New York City De cember :'X. to formulate a program of re forms in foot ball. Dr. James T. Ie. chairman of the athletic board, is to repre sent Nebraska university. The confidence of the public is the final proof of merit, Old Uideroof Has stood the test It is old and pure, CHAS. DENNEHV & COMPANY, Cnlcago, Announcement nf the Thentera. The pre-holiday season Is being most ap propriately observed at the Burwood theater, where every performance of " Tiio Man from Mexico" is delighting as manv people as can be cared for in the cosy theater. In this piece Mr. Morrison has come Into his own. for It gives him the best possible opportunity for his predilec tion in favor of legitimate comedy. II.. las scored a decided hit. The next matinc a ill be given this afternoon, the regular "professional." when all so.tournlng actor 'oiks are welcomed by the management. O'liniK FW41RITK I HKTTIXIS Backer nf Philadelphia Artist Oflerlns Ten to Seven on Illra. SAN FRANCISCO. Col.. Dee. 14. -Robert Fll.simmons moved trday from ids training Uiiaiters in Alained-i to this clly, uhere he will remain uniil his glove contest with Jack O'Brien of Philadelphia on Wednes day night. He is declared to tn in tine condition and Is confident of success. The backiis of his opponent, however, express eiiual confidence. The betting odds are at ten to seven in O'Brien's favor. Both nun have trained carefully, and neither underrates the other' ability. The Indica tions are that there will be at least a fl2i house on the occasion of the meet ing between the men. 4! ?.H Reward. For arrest and conviction of guilty par- 'es. On the night of December IT my store was ltered and among other goods the fo!- wlng was taken: Forty gold filled ladles' t rings, about 2o yards of silk, mostly i ten and fifteen-yard lengths, except one 'c-e of Mack chlni silk which contained tty yards; also some men's clothing, i fctly pants and vest. Wire or address. OLA F REM I EN. Marne, la. t oi l Mllll I1KMF.X AITKAL Faenlty Itefu.e to Allow Continu ance nf Foot Bell As.orintlon. NEW YORK. Dec. is -The appeal of Co lumbia students to continue their foot ball association until n.-xl spring was denied today by the facility. WITH 'IIIF. IlOWl.KH. Harold 5tnuer M the Iric theater tonight. This world en, wind pianist says: "The latest model lason A Hamlin pianos are the finest I , ive ever met with." Exclusive state lent. Schmoller Mueller. 1407 Harney. try rrlaite l.toeu.e. The following marriage licenses b-en issued: Name and Residence. lYsnk R Hume, i minim Carrie L. Cody. Columbus. l F.vrn O. Carlson. Valley All-oitlna WickUnd, Valley Ezra Else, Omaha Hoi'tcnse Oilatsford. Council Bluffs .. Paul Krctek. Kearney, Neb Anna R. I'rlnz. Clilcdyo Joe II Marshall. Fremont Mary R. Ci uh ksdiank, Fremont have Age ... 21 ...21 ... 34 ... 28 ... 22 ... IS ... 34 ... 3D ... 2S ... 24 The Krug Parks took two games from the Armour:, last night (,n. gave one of the best exhibitions of bowling seen this sea son. Their iirsi. game of !'W was rolled with but one error and the Inst, with l.ifta wi crroi Ii ss. French was high man on totals Willi till. Clay's 2t2 was the best s'ntile rai ie and "Ziinmy" was low on Ills team with .".t; and at the same time the onlv one without an error. Spriigue whs high for the Armours with Jfc2. and Neale went through aeain witln ut nu error. Scores: KltlU PARKP. 1st. 2d. Clav p;t t French 221 1M Zimmerman 1!7 175 ad. Totil. 142 Si' 210 ci; 174 611 QUICKLY VtW Hromo-I rAS3FVQ'''n:.ieb mW -y tue heart l -lu (contains B4 I breaks upooids in t in a few hours leaves no bad af'r-eltecta ilike Quinine Preparations. tIocs the work ujlcklr saieiy yet a lx lojv from yoi.rdrug gist Abie for the Oisnse Coiored Box and see lout the labr rejKi 'bOMTAIMS NO OUINJMCaf 1Z LY will begin publication on next Thursday, December 21 of a thrilling "heart interest" serial story entitled 001 raany In no other newspaper do you get more for your money. Serial stories short stories, a daily department for women, a big sporting section, articles by authors of world-wide fame, up-to-date news pictures, ALL THE NEWS. ALL FOR 1 0 CENTS A WEEK Telephone your order to No. 781. Delivered Anywhere. w u u ill i i , .) I ill. 1 ".L-!H 'ill 'I II M U'I'P 'Ifiii .11 iii.w,iiiii" ; V 11 mi tiii hitmi ii 1 - ,',tiiiTili ,i n " " uwiy m IsIaDii lit! mi Hates TiaRif mm $18.25-AUSTIN, TEXAS, AND RETURN. $20.00-BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND RETTJRN. $10.00-BURLINGTON, COLO., AND RETURN. $17.05-CORINTH, MISS., AND RETURN. $18.25-DENVER, COLO., AND RETURN. $14.40-DALLAS, TEXAS, AND RETURN. $13.60-DALHART, TEXAS, AND RETURN. $25.85 EL PASO, TEXAS, AND RETURN. $21.10-OALVESTON, TEXAS, AND RETURN. $10.00-GOODLAND, KANS., AND RETURN. $19.90-JACKSON, MISS., AND RETURN. $21.20-LAKE CHARLES, LA., AND RETURN. $22.70 MONTGOMERY, ALA.. AND RETURN. $46.45 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, AND RETURN. $22.70-MOBTLE, ALA., AND RETURN. $22.15-NEY ORLEANS. LA., AND RETURN. $10.70-OKLAHOMA CITY, 0. T., AND RETURN. $22.70 PEXSACOLA. FLORIDA, AND RETURN. $1C.25-PUERL0, COLO.. AND RETURN. $20.00 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. AND RETURN. $17.85 SANTA ROSA, N. M., AND RETURN. $10.C0-WICHITA, KAS., AND RETURN. $15.80 WACO, TEXAS, AND RETURN. Corrpspondinpjly Inw rates to many other points in above states. ON SALE DECEMBER 19TH. ALL TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 21 DAYS FROM DATE OF SALE. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 FARM AM ST. OMAHA, NED. Hull Jolinson . TntaJ. 21! 3 9SS ARMOl'RS. lt. 1'iii 13 h; 1! 212 1W 211 Ml 171 IS e''4 sf.4 i.a Id. Sid. T"trtl. 1M 1".". : net 1 4H MS 1l 177 212 17'1 ."72 17: It'T .".! KIT. K57 ?.'"S7 Nral f'liandlcr ft.lordn Hartley Plrngtia Tntala OT Tho Jrttrr Oold Tops took two out of thrpo from th Htign K. Rllzf in t"' M'-tru-polltn allpva. faptnin Kli- trl'd h:inl to gi-i tho nllev prlre. 213, but hud hard Im-': hii1 ffll chnrt JiiBt 1(1 pins. Iatt"rou had the hlli aooro Willi 5"3. Si'orrs: GOLD TOP8. Primau Mahorwy Hutlrr .. tJrittf .. White ... Total. 1 Rice Puttoron . Mulhiilland Griffith K. Nlc ola Total. . Inf M. 3d. Ttnl. . .Pill h'4 1i I' '" ,.1.V l'.l 2"! . .1.11 l'fl 12.1 t',4 .177 121 V '" ,.1SH 113 14 J4!) . vni 7W Mil ;,'7S WIIS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot'l. ..119 14:t 172 4M .1WS 14fi R'13 ..14 IM H.i 417 ..12 liH 14" 4:tfi ,.14i 154 141 4KI ..770 745 734 2.109 rkKC Brlnnc. to Gotham. t'INf'INNATI. Drc. 1.-Playpr 'hase. formerly of the Ix. Angel., a!., club. I. declared to have been rt-gularly riritfted and to b now a member of the N'ew York American leatru tanm. In a dxcUi.ui an nounced today by the National biine ball commlaalon. aportlna; Brnllle.. Omaha oler are practicing- by team. In the way they will play when the Gun thera coma to town tne lam duy of thU year. Walter Camp .aw the fa-iin at Chicago Thank.givinir day. when Kclteraall Bhone lens than lie ha. Id any game thl. tall, and yet he (av. him a place on 111. tlret team. Ralph Puiae. th. crack welttht man of the Michigan team. wa. arretd aa a hnl in California. The lutein aiory of the affair i. that Rn.e wax on the way to aouth.ra CaiXforuU Ut vla.t the (UuUter of a rh-li fruit crowcr whom lie met at the Olympic- gallic, durlnft the World', fnlr. Risc father refuaed In ttlve him the wherewithal to make the trip, no he wa. lieatliiK IiIh way by the IioIki route, a sys tem employed at Ann Arbor Hoinetlnina by .tudcnlM who visited Vp.llantl before the motor car wa. put In .rrvice. Walter Camp ban made hi. uhuh! .elec tion for an All-American foot hall eleven and. a. iiMual. cannot see anything In the wet. H" could not get away from Kcker eall. however, and roncdil him a place ut niartcr. Ills select ions for the three elevens tire: Kil'Hl Kh-Vell-- Knd Shevlin. Y.ile. Tin kle- I.-iniKon. I'rnnsvlvanl.. i iuiiril 'i'rlpp. Yale. 'er.ier--'rirrey. I'eiuiKylvania. ( I.urr. ifarvatd. Tackle Si ulre. Harvard. KikI -Glaze, ll.irtniuiith. WiMI't. r Krkersali. 'htcaRo. llnlf-ltoomv. ale Half Hubbard. Aniherst. l 'ull -.Mi l 'orini k, Princeton. Hecniid Kb yen -Knd at lin. CIiIchko Tackle KorhcK. Yale. Guard-Thompson, 'omell. enter I'lanilers. Yn Ie. Guard Sch nl te, Michigan. T.i kle 'urti.. Micliitran. F.nd Marshall. Minnesolii. quarter - -Hut chin fin, Yale H ilf-MiiiFe. Yale. Half Shi hie. i'enn.ylvanla. . Kill I V. S.Utza, C'uliimhia. Third Kleven Knd -Ixlne. PennH Ivanla. Tackle Hertke. V im onHln. Guard-Kletcher. Urown Center iale. ChlCK't. Guard -Maxwell, Kwarthmor. Tackle Miaelow. Yale. Knd-Tooki r. Priiieetin. yuarter ' 'rowell, Hwartlnnora. II ilf- H;iinmoiil. Mich. Ililf Kimllay, Wi.cnn.ln. Full-Bczdek. Chicano. Sutiimary of repre.-eniative. on three eleven.: YuIh 81'Swarthmora 2 ClilcaKo 4 Miinii Kota 1 J'eniiKvlvarila 4 I tart mouth 1 Michigan '"i n' II 1 Harxard 8 Hi own 1 Princeton 2 Columbia 1 WIcnnMii 2 1 Including one former rnlver.lty of ('til. rago player. Load.iig Uikta Silnr-tdiiolm, jvwtier. NO THOUGHT OF A REMOVAL Solhlaa; ald or .aaseiited at Ingtnn of Tranaferrlna; Kre. Raral Headquarter. Superintendent C, K. I.lewellj-n of tb. Omaha riv'.ion Rural Free, Iielivery ia ttirned Sunday evening' from a f W'anhlngton. where lie had been In con.ultt tion with Chief IiiKiecti,r of Po.toffln Vickery. "Nothing: wa. .aid In refereni to the removal of the dlvixlon to Indian HrKill. or I'laewhere," .aid Mr. Llewrllyn, "and I do not think there i. any intention to rfmove the dlvl.ion from Omaha. t)ur talk wa. along the line, of how to im prove, the rural free delivery ay.iem. Tim PoBtorTtre department i. deeply Interest, d In the rural free delivery and i. aiixioii. t4 aee It Improved in every pofflble way." Itaby Itiiign- Krenncr, 15th and l'odge. Erie Railroad. No change of car. Chicago to New York, Boston, Mas..; Buffalo, N. V., and Colum bua. Ohio. The.e train, carry .plendld Pullman and dining cara and roaches Ap ply to Ticket Agenta or J. A. Dolan. V. P. A.; Railway Exchange, Chicago. i Money for ( hlcaan. ' SEW YORK. T)ee. IX The .iih-treH'ii y ! today tran.ferred Vtn.if curreiicy to I In- cago for bical liankH. The hankx are .Ik., I reported to have made large Ulieet .hip j menta to the game i-enter. C3RS. ViMSLCVV'S SOOTKIKQ SYRUP aa. neea Band by If llUuaa of Mntaen for tbelr ciilidrva wall. T m-iiii um fur ov.r yift Y ri. It joiu4. Vim etalkl. .urtna. Ui iuoh, all.r. all vaIo. uaru. wind euUi and w Lm loil7 for dLvrtwH. lWDK IlVt CCWT A MOTTLE. MWI HVirWVWWWWV,e mm mm