Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha! Daily Bee.
Advrtl In
Best i". Vest
Subacrlb For
Best tlr. West
Honie Will Derota Time to Gon.idmtion
of Control of insurance.
Hearing! on Philippine Tariff Bill Will B
Beiamed Today.
Honie Ixpeote to Hare Bill Beady for
Conference 8oon.
Prospect of Soma Difference of
Opinion, Relatlro Bond Pro
tltloi of Panama. Cnnal
WASHINGTON. Pec lT.-The four days
before the holiday adjournment will be
dedicated In the house to further dlscus
lon of federal control of Insurance and
to completing the enactment of the Pan
ama emergency appropriation. There are
many members with desire to talk about
Insurance. Breaker Cannon has concurred
In the general view In the house that the
president's message furnishes as good a
basis as anything else for this debate.
Many members will not wait until Thurs
day to return to their homes for the holi
days. Committee work will progress during the
debate. The ways and means committee
will continue Its hearings of the Philippine
tariffs and the appropriations committee
will begin the preparation of the Dlstrct
f Columbia appropriation bill. The state
hood bill Is to be perfected, but will not
under the present plan be brought Into the
house until January 4, when It Is expected
to constitute the first business.
Reorganisation of Committees Will
He Announced Today or Tuesday.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The senate will
meet the wishes of the house for an ad
journment for the Christmas holidays on
Thursday next. Meantime the senate will
probably content Itself with comparatively
little work unless there should be diffi
culty in agreeing with the house on the
terms of the Panama canal cmergency
approprlatton bill. That measure will go
to a conference committee eariy In the
week and there will bo a united effort to
reach a conclusion before the holiday ad
journment. The action of the senate .In
attempting to eliminate thu bond provi
sion and make a separate law of it will
probably be the principal bone of conten
tion In tha conference committee.
The reorganization of tha senate commit
tees will be announced Monday or Tues
day. . )
Senator Oallinger will make an effort
during tha week to have the merchant
marine bill made the unfinished business.
not with a. "view or curtng xonsideratton'J
of It before ChriHtmas, but with the end
in view of having It In position to be
pressed when congress reconvenes.
Uiehaaie of Products for the Vent'
Will Amount to Twenty Millions.
WASHINGTON, Dtc. 17. Estimates made
by the bureau of statistics of the Depart- I passed. A formal ceremony was neia at
ment of Commerca and Labor, based on j l'yeno park In which the mayor of the
the returns for ten montha ended with city made an address congratulating the
October, are that the aggregate commerce ! Manchurlan army on its victories,
between the Lnlted States and the I'hlllp- The expenses of the celebration were de
plno Islands for the calendar year 1906 will ' frayed by voluntary contributions. The
amount to about $20,000,000. against about event was unprecedented In that it was
115,000.000 In 1904. $10,000,er) In lpo. $4,000,000 j the first time thnt Toklo saw such a large
In and a little more than $4,000,000 In army marched through its atreets at one
1S97. the year prior to the American occupa- ! time.
tlon. Prior to 1S98 the exports from the I
Vnlted States to the Philippines, the bureau
reports show, bad never exceeded $250,000, j
whllo In the present year they will aggro- (
rate nearly $,000,0n0. Imports from the ,
Islands, which ranged between $4,000,000 and
$5,000,000 per annum prior to IStt. were In
!!. $10,000,000: In 1903, $12.0u0,000 and in 1905
will be about $14,000,000, according to the
bureau estimates.
Tha Imports' In 1906 are chiefly hemp ana
augar. Hemp Imports for the first ten
months of 1006 amounted to $lO,n7,52X, and
augar $3,212,149.
Alllaon, Hale, ghouls and Bishop Talk
wll Ireldeut.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Senators Alli
son and Hale, who are members of the
committee on appropriations, and Chair
man Shonta and Secretary Bishop of the
Isthmian Canal commission, were In con
ference tonight with the president at the
MTiite House. It Is presumed that the
case of Secretary Bishop, whose duties
as press agent of the commission has been
tha aubject of discussion In congress, was
among tha mattera talked about, but no
statement was made concerning the con
Mr. Kennedy of Ran Frnnelaco
Thrown front t'pper Window
of Hotel hy Her Hsubssd.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17.-The surgeons
at the City hospital have been marveling j arrived In the city todav. llr said:
today a.t the tenacity with which the feeble j ..j hav beon ,mnK , anthracite min
spark of life continues to flicker in the , rrn at tholr m,PtiK, und where they are
crushed and ahattered body of young Mra. i at 0! k and , gan(.fi tno impre!,a(in tnat
W. J. Kennedy. j there will be no strike. I sec no reason
She was, according to her attement. I wny tnf. oppratois Bhould not agree o meet
mrowa irom a winnow in tne nun story or
a hotel last rilyht by her husband, a private
detective. He had come to her apartments
to effect a reconciliation following a sepa
ration. Her jaw and arma were frac
tured and aha waa Internally Injured. The
doctor aay aha cannot live through tha
night. She la 13 years of age. She said
her maiden name was Alice Selby and
that she waa born In Virginia.
Mem who Robbed Cmahlrr at. Colby,
Wii, Arrested In ftalooa
at Wsttss,
WAUBAT'. Wis.. Dtc. 17. Tha two men
who yesterday held up the Colby Stat bank
al Colby, Wis., war captured In a saloon
hr today, making no resistance. All ef
th atolen money waa itcovered. Both ay
they ara farmara ami noer before com
mltted a crime. They said they were out
f a Job and bald up tha bank when des-parata.
Government Defeated by Opposition
to Proposed Commercial Treaty
with paln.
ROME, Dee. 17. The cabinet of Prime
Minister Fortl resigned this evening, fol
owlng a twelve-hour drhatc In the ChpmVr
of Deputies anil the defeat by the opposi
tion of the commercial modus vlvendl with
Spain. The i r was a most ipxcltlng
one. Tt had t ' inderstnod that the fate
of the cabinet 5,J he decided by the vote
on the measuf t - 450 deputies wert pres
ent. -.
In the debate) iler Fortls defended the
position of the rimont, saying that the
modue Vivendi , protect Italian inter
ests and that t' ertlons of the opposi
tion that a red n In duty on Spanish
wines from 14 M . would open a market
to Spanish gro vaa untrue. In order
to avoid a mis standing he said he
would request the chamber for an explicit
vote of confidence Independent from the
vote on the measure under debate and de
clared the govemmnt war. . illing to resign
If it waa defeated on either vote. The poll
on confidence In the government resulted In
an affirmative majority of 63. but that on
the modus vlvendl was lost by a majority
of 102.
The ministry then resigned.
Three Thoasand Men Assemble
Trafalgar Square, London, and
March to Cathedral.
LONDON, Dec. 17. London's unemployed
made a demonstration at Ht. Paul's cathed
ral this afternoon in a half-hearted hope
less and unusual manner. Only a few
hundred of them, with appropriate banners
went In procession from Trafalgar square
to the cathedral, where they arrived during
the progress of the service und up the
steps of which they marched singing the
"marselllalse." Here the motley crowd was
Joined by contingents from other quarters,
and all, to the number of some three thou
sands, began tiling Into the cathedral
silently and respectfully, making an Incon
gruous picture In contrast with the fash
ionably dressed worshipers. Such a scene
has not been witnessed at St. Paul's since
twenty years ugo, when John Burns, now
president of the local government buard,
led a similar demonstration to the cathed
ral. Although the preacher made a sympalhe-
; tic reference to the problem of the unem
ployed, the men became tired long before
the service ended and must of them tiled
out. So mo of the leaders delivered ad
dresses from the steps and the demonstra
tion waa quietly dispersed.
Soldier Hrtnrnlns from Manchuria
filven tireat Ovation by People
of Toklo.
TOKIO, Dec. 1". I p. tn. The first offi
cial celebration by the city to the soldiers
that have returned front Manchuria was
held today. Kleld Marshal Oyamu und
General Kurokl, together with their re
spective stuffs, were guests of the Guards i
Soldiers of all arms In field uniforms,
10,000 strung, with twenty-four guns,
marched from Hiblya to L'yeno park, a
distance of three miles. All street traffic
was suspended during the march. Despito
the unfavorable weather which prevailed
there waa much enthusiasm, the shuttered
battleflags eloquently testifying to the or
deals through which each regiment had
A I leaped Infernal Machine Fonnd In
l.nabet'a Train Filled with
Clny nnd Coal.
PARIS, Dec. 17. The bomb found on the
train at Ht. Nom la Breteche. on which
I President Loubct was proceeding from
Marly with it shooting party, and with
which ft was auppoeed to be the Inten
j tlon to kill the president, turns out harm
j less. The contents were composed of clay,
j crushed coal, nails and torn paper soaked
j In petroleum. The bomb was labeled "Long
live Malato." referring to one of the an
j arrhists recently acquitted of the charge
J of participation In the attempt on the lives
I of King Alfonso and President Loultet,
! ll.v 31 lut
Tresldeut of Mine Wrkr WUI
Confer with Official of Autbra.
cite Companies,
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. It was announced
, . .... ,, "
here tonight that John Mitchell, the presl-
dent of the 1'nlted Mine Workers' of
America, would arrive in New York In a
j ..l , ..
few days with the expectation of holding a
conference with the coal presidents in this
, ',, ., . . ,
' Ti"iioiiuv
In the Cnlverslty of Wisconsin, who ha
been in the anthracite mining districts as
a representative of the National Civic
Federation to investigate the situation
I tnere wltn reference to a possible strike
the representatives of the union. The
recognition of the union does not neces
sarily mean the close-d shop In all branches
of the trade."
Verbeck Theater at I. oral. t Ohio, is
I)etroed by Fire Knrly
IXJRAIN. O., Dec. 17. Four lives were
lost ln & Ur which destroyed the Verbeck
CLIFFORD MARSH, aged T months.
The Marsh family had apartments lit the
front of th. building cu the fourth floor,
William Marsh waa stage manager of tho
theater. Dwyer, another eniplove of the
theater, slept in the basement, where ,ho
. , ' , . .
Im Arln.lcit f rAm w.tli.fl na unit, . i
.... ...... - i
off. Mra Marsh ml h v ci:idien were
suffocated by smoke.
William Marsh was nut home alien the
nr uccui reu.
Commissioner of ' orporationi Girei 8jn
. opiis of Work Done.
(ommlulonrr Dwells on Demand ol
Pnbllc for Publicity and Pis
courses Thereon at
Some Length.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Commissioner
of Corporations Garfield's annual report Is
in pan as follows:
The general leaul work of the bureau was
the i i.iutuetion of the examination of the
subjects having to do with lue powers and
dunes of tn commissioner and the Inter
pretation of the organic act, particularly as
to the provisions itn,irdlng tne compulsory
attendance of witness and production of A number of legal questions In
alttetiy nftecting the woi k of the hureau
have t en considered and further examina
tion made of the state and territorial stat
utes relating; to Industrial corporations and
their organization. The digest of all anti
trust legislation has been completed and is
now practically ready for publication
Special Inveatlaallon.
1. Brer Industry The published portion
of this report dealt chiefly with the question
of prices and the margin of profit in tne
pacmng business. In the course of tills in
vestigation the bureau had also obtained
much information bearing upon the ques
tii ii of combination as between the large
packing companies. At the time of t lie pub
lication of the report the Department of
Justice had under advisement proceedings
against certain packing companies and their
orueers tor violation or tne trUerai anti
trust law. It was obvious, therefore, that
the publication of the Information possessed
by the bureau on the subject was Inex
pedient nt that time, and accordingly, by
the direction of the president, all the In
formation possessed by the bureau fin the
subject of such combination was withheld
from publication. Although this fact was
set forth In the published report, the failure
to treat therein of the question of combina
tion was the subject of criticism. A fur
ther ground of criticism was the failure of
the report to treat of discriminations by
Inc. ins of private car companies. At the
time of making the report, the extent and
nature of governmental control over such
companies was the subject of pending liti
gation, and it wouhj have been Improper
to anlicltiatc the decision by assuming in
advance, any Jurisdiction over them.
Other criticisms were directed nt the ac
curacy of tliu llicures and conclusions relat
ing to prices and profits, hut only a few
tended to disprove any sprclne statement in
the report, and those particular criticisms
were based upon tiKures secured by esti
mates, or taken from a very few isolated
instances, mid hence did . not disprove the
results stated in the report, which were
based on general uveragus obtained from
figures covering the entire industry and the
slauuliter of several millions of animals.
In no case was any Information thus given
that would be of real assistance In correct
lug figures had they been found inaccurate.
The Investigation developed the line of
uiusiun oetween me worn or mo i" imi e ;
lueiiL Ol Jlisiiee hlli me oureau. v'e. "u-
eenn in ol it u li,ln tr nelu noon v..
the '
president may make recommendation to
congress, necessarily will obtain facts which
might require prosecutions under the anti
trust law. As stated in my former report,
such facts must be rejiorted to tho presi
dent for such action us he may deem neces
sary to take. He may find it neccssury to
report them to the attorney general. The
Department of Justice and the bureau' often !
deal with the same questions, but for dit- rut of the Northern Pacific Express com
ferent purposes and in different ways Tlic railyi ,noIln(1 t0 belevc that not over
.-.i Hl 1 IIIICII I VI O IIP I It into lu UU null ,fVCT-
editions for violation of law this bureau
obtains facts for f ..grcssional considera
tion; the lines of work may at times cross
nnd overlap, but 'hey do not conflict. If
, proHcculkm are .pending jr InVTDdcjl the
i liureau would of course not take biiTHi 'ac-
tiou as would Interfere therewith. In tills
particular investigation cases were pending
In the courts under the direction of tho De
partment of Justice: hence it was not
proper that the bureau should use its pow- ;
era In such manner as would embarrass thu I
Department of Justice in its action relating !
to combination or other violation of law.
The House of Representatives passed
two other resolutions directing Inquiries
Into the oil and steel Industries. On both j
of these subjects the Bureau had already
made extensive inquiries, and was ready '
to take up immediately, in addition to the
general work, the special lines Indicated
bv the resolutions. A special reDort on
the oil Industry will shortly be made to
the president.
Investigations of the stiKar. tobacco, coal,
and lumber Industries are In progress.
The compilation of state Insurance laws
has been finished, and some ieclal phases
of the question of federal supervision have
been examined, but In view of the decisions
of the supreme court 1 have not felt war
ranted in trying to assume Jurisdiction over
Insurance companies for the purpose of In
vestigation. The fact that state sujiervlsiun
has failed to prevent great abuses in the
management of some companies does not of
itself Justify federal action. It must be
shown, tlrst. that insurance is subject to
federal regulation under the commerce,
clause of the constitution; second, that fed.
erul supervision would bo of such a charae-
ter as to correct existing abuses und pre-
iZ';, ; . ,.,. "'"'"..".L1:
security to policyholders, but would relieve
them, through their companies, of tne great
and unnecessary expense of diinllcateri in.
sport ions and Investigations by different i w'" 0 reorganized Immediately," said
stutes. Seemingly the most effective way to Overseer Spelehcr. In making the announce.
iei!iUh urJm thensubjc'ctr ars"lo' afford au f P""M"ni
opportunity to present to the supreme court P1';'on temple today. "It will work a rad
tlie ouestlon whether insurance us now con- leal change In the administration of the
K o ederaliif.CuLI',',m,'0,' am1 '"m'e I "nnnrlal and industrial Institutions of 7.r,
A to Publicity.
t-nr... 1 . . . . .
nulr .J!' !'
imous. and that point was tne d. sire for
ibllelty" in other woids. t!ie .ieiv.,- -
put, nor, inaeen. wnat subjects it should
cover; but the drmand for accurate infor
mation was fundamentally
policy of the bureau h;i osen iiai.ic.H i
I accordance, with this demand. Its field may
be divided into subjects relating to law oh
me one nana, ana suDjects relating- to
' floI""n'ca-1 Industrial fn. ts on the other.
. it must examine and compare the Btatuteit
under which the mru,i..n. tl." "
! business with industrial and statistical I
, l' . ....
A statute IS the formal expression of
public opinion. Hence statutes designed o
improve industrial conditions will not be
I based upon sound econoiiur principles un-
1'!"4 public opinion which they express Is
; tne result oi an accurate knowledice of In-
dusimil methods.
Not only is legislation
dependent unnn
nuUle oi.ioloa Inn hU.-wme r,r. u i u. -. -
ciai intercourse, wnu n can not he -nrnrr i
...-.,.. ,r . . ,, nusiainea ny
public opinion, t'urrent events have strlk-
ingiy demonstrated the tremendous reform-
ative force of public opinion without the in-
J.l; ,1 L-iii . ""ainess
with mib ic miinion. Hrrpmt'nr.. iho
.ui.niU in ,UTU 11.1 Pf
. . ... i,i,-
s-ope cf corporate operations and the baf
fling diversities ni lederal and state laws
have made an Intelligent public oninlon im
possible. Tle average n-an can easily
judge of an isolated commercial trjusictinn
between hiniHt'if and his neighbor, but he
utterly lacks the statistical and legal in
formation necesnary to view iusilv the
operations of the great corporations' doing
I business throughout the country.
I The bureau, therefore, has endea voted
! not only to obtain accurate, reliable in
I formation, and facts sufficient in number to
; be representative, hut also to draw ronclu
I sinns that shall represent permanent ten
dencies rattier than individual instance
I T . , ihl, At,ri li hus Willi u r. .
1 i ruined employ
doling til important ttaple, and eolUvted
talu w,.at niiKlil be called rell.Ude ae-neral
ave-raiies. and ha- endeavored to deduce
I frtim thetn conclusions as to permanent cor.
10iate methods and tendencies.
It is strongly f.-lt that preventive rather
j J '"o'f.'la m 'S n'"
In,nt inu8t deal beforehand with aiis.'i
not merely i.ft. rw..rd with their effects'
I L order to ascertain pnr methods f pre!
; ventmn it is necessary to know the cau.He
, ... , . . . . -1-. ..... ... .
oi lliuusinai e us. i lie worn or t he lini ..,..
has brought out. to an extent not reached
before, the actual methods used In certain
industries; their method of competition, of
lCui.Ui.ued ua becoud I'uge
Official Say Men Who Held I p Sorth
rrn Pacific Train Seenrrd
Little Booty.
NORTH TAKIMA. Wash.. Dec. 17-From
a good source It Is learned that there was
little currency In tha safes on the North
em Pacific Limited ''at the time of the
holdup last n'ght, the main contents con
sisting of drafts, elc.-jClty Marshal Curren
ordered the arrest of every stranger seen
In North Taklma who.comes anywhere near
answering the description given of the
holdup men. One man was arrested who
answered the description perfectly. He
was taken off the passenger train going
from the site of the holdup nnd was wet to
the skin. It Is thought he may be one of
the men.
It Is thoucht possible that the bandits
may have crossed the Columbia river and
headed for nrltlsh Columbia.
The robbers who held up the North
Coast limited nt Hilld Siding at Yakima
canyon, eleven mileaj liorth of here, evi
dently boaided the ;train while at this
place, as the train $ld not stop until It
waa compelled to dj so by the robbers
at Hillside Siding. . A boy is being held
at KUensburg who Waa on the blind bag
gage. He says the two men got on top
of the mail car at Ibis place and rode to
Hillside Siding. At that point they climbed
down from the earjjto the rear of the
tender, while the train was running at
full Hiterd. The engineer and fireman did
not see them till thay pointed guns Into
their faces and denwinded them to stop
tho train. The nrcmin was ordered back
to cut loose the express and mall car.
which he did. The onglnocer then pulled
the two cars- about ji half mile up the
road, he and the tlreiain being taken buck
to the express car. Tle. engineer was or
dered to place a stir of dynamite under
tho door. This exploded, but two shots
were necessary to bleak' open the car. The
engineer was forced) to enter the car
ahead of the one of line robbers and fivo
shots were used liefoae the two safes were
blown open. After gathering up the valu
ables and placing thetn In his pocket the
robber Jumped out of ',tlie car and. Join
ing his companion, the two started down
the track toward the passenger coaches.
This morning a glove was found on the
hilhlde and two pairs of overalls were
picked out of the river. As each man
was dressed in overalls It is believced they
discarded them and then boarded the pas
senger train and went with it to Ellen
burg or further west. The sheriff's posse
have not et found any clue to the Identity
of the two men.
ST. PALL. Minn., Dae. 17.-Offlc!als at
tho Northern Pnciflc Kxpress company's
iieuaijuartrrs In this city are
still without
"-"V"B "oeeiiunK iqH noioup oi me west
bound North Coast Limited at HiUsii'e,
Wash., last night. They have received re
ports that both the through and local cures
were dynamited and their contents s'-ut-tt'rcd
and desrcy.-d, bnt whether or not the
bandits secured any nreat amount of booty
they do not know. W. 8. Hay. superintend.
JJi was secured. i
The Northern Pnclflr; railroad hua a stand
ing reward for the c:iptire and conviction
of holdup men. and on's seem confident
that' ffnVntls' wit) 'follow j --:"
" 1
of Christian C'litlinllr (lurch
Turin Authority Oier to Trlura-
vlrnte and Will Co South.
Dowie, r-end
of th
17. John Alexander j
Christiun Catholic '
church, has given up his rule and will soon ,
leave for one of tha Islands of the Cnrih- j
bean sea, there to remain until spring in
hops of regaining his health. Announce
ment of the abdication of Ihe leader of ZIon :
City was made at 7A n City today by Over
seer John C. Spelehcr. Saturday President
Dowie mad It known that he would trans- ,
fer all authority over the church unre
servedly to a triumvirate and leave for th"
south as soon us he could arrange Ids af
fairs, and at today's meeting of hi.' fol-
lowers formal announcement was made that ',
the control of the church had been plneed !
in the hands of Overseer Spelehcr. Jnrli;e
D. V. names and Deacon Alex Oranger,
who, U Is stittf.l. have been given' full and
1 unreserved uuthorltv over the affairs of the
1 ..The .,,.. r 7i rt i,i..i
"The finances of the ZIon City institutiona
will be reorganized Immediately,
j City. The change will not affect the eeelesl
I asti' al. educational or political depart-
1 ""' ' "ro ""HI be a complete renovn
tlon in the Industrial and financial
.ii iu'iii'im., illMill IIIB leium.
Ha Ten Bachelor to Fueh Maiden
and Will Advertise to Equal!
the Condition.
i distributed rclle for mile on exactly the
MEETEKTSE, Wyo., Dec. 17. (Special.) I mfl ha.-qg, regardless of the value of the
Moved by the fact that the recent state I ml1eaBB ln any given section of the conn-
ensus shows only US unmarried females trv traVPTf by It. He has railed atten
as arrainst 1.262 bachelors over the age fm , thp dipparlty between the assess
or 21. the executive committee of the Grey ; ,, . ,h. (msh Xorth Platte In lo.t.
' Bull Cluh hn derided In i.cnii rill tn
,hPr '"ntmercial organlz3.ion 'n
this county to unite In
campaign for
"ringing more marriage.inie len.a'es into
; Rla Horn conntv
I I!.u runij.
I Tn" ca" wil1 a"l pacl1 commercial organ-
'"lion ,o circulate a subscription paper
1 Trf at.. a a.Wln. t J -ti I
" .-. n.... -vrruiinK .und.
I The monev will be exnendeit for article
In the metropolitan newsnaiiers. recltlnii
the fact that lhg Horn county has more
than fen unmarried males over H to one
unmarried female old enough to vote. In !
adlltion to this, the many attractive bust-
ness openings for the fair sex In this j
county will ne recounted. Fehnol districts
. Vflliiwun? n,.fc"ii.. itnr- , am iri'iiiuam no-j
are advertising in vain for teachers, fe- , ,arB(, hrdKes. The cities especially hav
male help i all lines Is In demand, and I I)0.rr,rcd under this arrangement. In Lin
stores and professional men would cm- ., mI Dniah the rallwava owning
ploy more help of this class could they be
"My idea Is." said a prominent member
of the Grey Bull club. thst If we will
undertake a systematic campaign along
these lines we would effect a marked
change In conditions here in a few ye
Many young women who would make id.
wives are working twelve hours a day .
th department stores and factories of th
east, simply because they have no knowl
edge of conditions here. They have an
Idea that w are an uncivilized lot in the
west. Articles truthfully picturing the real
condition, socially and climatically, with
the opportunities for employment to be
found here, would certainly attract" many
to this country."
Change Proposed in the Vothod of As?m
ing Railroads.
Intention to Allow Kneh Connty
Asses All Property l.ylna
within It lionnH
arle. (Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 17. (Special.) The aban
donment of the unit theory as the basis
for the assessment of railways Is regarded
by slate officials os one of the possiblllt les
of legislation at the next session If the
present development of public sentiment
against the nontaxpaylng corporations con
tinues. The relegation of the unit theory
as the basis would leave the roads to the
Judgment of the local assessors and enabe
J the larger cities, such ns omaha und Un-
coln. to obtain their fair share of the
taxes on the value of the terminals, which
are at present supposed to have been dis
tributed to all of the counties of the state,
although ns a result of the underassess
ment of the companies this distribution is
largely u fiction. The present system of
leaving tho "assessment of the corporations
to the State Board of Equallratlon will
be abolished and the precinct assessors
will have the power to assess each piece
of track in their districts.
The theory of such legislation has come.
In recent sessions of the state legislature,
to be known as the "Omaha ldeu." The
demand has been based on the theory that,
at least so far as municipal taxation Is
concerned, the valuation adopted by the
state board ought not to control because
the corporations sre thereal beneficiaries
of a large share of the municipal activity
and ought to bear their proportionate share
of the expenses thereof. The railways
have been able through the lobby and
their allies nmong the members of the
lawmaking body to defeat such measures.
The abolition of the unit system as the
basis of railway taxation will be carrying
the Idea a stop farther. Then, such In
terests will be placed on a par with all
I others, and despite the inconvenience and
difficulties which will be encountered the
corporations can be assessed at their full
Local Asseslnar 1YIII Be Lea-al.
"The assessment of the roads by the local
officials will be perfectly legal," said a
state official today. "The legislature has
the power -to provide by statute methods
for the assessment of various classes of
property, und as long as these methods
are uniform as to the class, the (legisla
tion will stand. All that the next legisla
ture will need tc do will be to repeal tho
present law placing the assessing function
In the hands of the state board. Then the
railways will be left to the precinct as
sessors without any further legislation, al
though It is probable that an enactment
would be framed to provide some means of
assessing the property which is shifted
from one place to another, such as the roll
ing stock.
"The present method of assessing the cor
porations Is not ordained by the constltn
tTonand la sublet t change afaiir 'limf;
It has been to the advantage of the rail
ways to have the power reposed In the
state hoards, composed of a few officials,
since It. Is easier to retain control of such
. ...,,. i,. ti,. . t,,, t.
(ways taken the greatest interest In state
j polities, and one of their reasons for doing
j so has been the desire to control the as
sessing liody. Their p!ns have always been
laid to secure p'aces for their partisans on
that hoard. M'ere the mntter left with the
deputy assessors, Immediately responsible
to their constituent", the railways could
have no hope of avoiding taxation on the
samo basis as nil oth'r property. That is
one of the primary reasons which led the
railways to secure the adoption of the unit
system as the basis of taxation of their in
terests. They were not Interested so much
in the efficiency of rlie plan as a part of the
taxing machinery, as they were In securing
a mechanism which they could hope to
control In their efforts to evade taxes."
Will Be an Impartial Legislature.
1 The next legislature win o tree rrotn
'' railway influence tr, a very marked degree,
according to state officials who have been
sizing up the situation.' It is predicted that
I the result of the present condition of the
public mind will be to send In fair-minded
unprejudiced citizen anxlour. to enact legis
latlon In the interests of the public. The
lobby will be shorn of its power because of
the tremendous force of an awrikencd pub
lic sentiment, which will forbid any further
legislative dalliance with those eWrupt In
terests, which have In the past been suc
cessful In preventing most of the legisla
tion demanded in the Interests of the gen
eral pnbll''. It is from a legislature of this
type. '.roused by the railway unwillingness
to Ftand Its fair share of the burdens of
government, that sweeping enactments are
General Manderson. In his published argu
ment In reply to the Butler county resolu-
tlons, has furnisHed one of the strongest
; reasons for the abolition of the unit theory
I of assessment, which demands that all of
the railway property held under one cor
porate name shall be assessed together and
. . ... - -.
lrr county ami ine naranir oj me line a
J compared with other lines. The answer of
,he tate board has been that the Omaha
', v-orih Platte comoratlon cover a atreteh
I Iortn l latte corporation coders a stretch
of immensely valuable track beyond Ash-
, Ian(1 an(j another portion like that Butler
; rountv nf less value, and
county of les value, and yet the unit
theory has been Interpreted to reejulre the
same value to he placed on It all regardless
of differences, a palpable Injustice under a
system which In all other revenuet matters
requires that burdens be In proportion to
The result has been an injustice, espe
cially to the se-cttons which had the more
' -wi- ,. uv, .k. .-,i.,..i ,
millions of dollars' worth of properfy
have paid less in taxes than many com
mercial corporations of comparatively
small capitalization. In the past the rail
ways have always been able to make use
of their favorite tactics by playing off
the city against the country. The farm
ers In the legislature were told that tha
value of the terminals was distributed and
that a grant of power to the cities to
tax those properties would deprive the
country districts of Just that amount of
revenue. However, there Is a fast de
veloping realization that as a matter of
fact the terminals have not been dis
tributed except in fosm. since the valua-
(Continued ou Second Fage )
Fnlr Mooelay and Tneaday.
Temperature at Oninhn Yratcrriart
fl .' m
n a. m
T a. ni
a. nt
f a. m
to n. m
11 a. m
12 in.. ,
3 1
1 l.
nt .
m .
ni .
nt .
in .
ni .
Head of F.qnltahle I rare Policyhold
ers to Assist Society In rrevent-Ina-
Hostile Legislation.
NEW YORK. Dec. 17. An appeal to the
policyholders In all the stales of the union
to lend their assistance In preventing ad
verse legislation Is made by President Paul
Morton of the Equitable Life Assurance
society In a clrculir letter which Is being
sent to policyholders. President Morton
says that the Insurance business In certain
to be the subject .if great consideration
by legislatures soon to convene as a re
sult of what has been printed and said
about insurance during the last six months.
The letter says:
But you cannot give men character nor
make them honest hy preamble, resolution
or enactment. What the life Insurance
business needs above everything else is
ministration. There can be no objection
to proper legislation safeguarding the busi-
ress. but it should be sound and sane.
The socletv depends upon its policyholders j
to see thnt there Is no unreasonable leals-
latlon enacted. It may from time to time
rail their attention to measures calculated I
to do them harm, hut under no clrcum- I
stances will It be pnrty to any corrupt
methods in preventing ' strike legislation.
We film to meet the Just requirements of
every state and government and we rely
upon our policyholders to see that na In
justice Is done them.
Any unfair Insurance law or insurance
tnx measure enacted by your state legis
lature Inturcs you and reduces the divi
dend earnings of your policy. Your divi
dends would be nearly 10 per cent larger
If it were not for the state taxes and
license fees that the sc-ciety Is obliged to
Mr. Morton expresses the opinion that
the Equitable has no right to contribute
to political campulgn funds, and informs
tho policyholders that no such contribu
tions will, be made by the society In the
future. Ho also says that In the future
the socli ty's reserve will b Invested 4n
real estate mortgages or the securities of
other well established corporations serv
ing those sections of the country which
produce, the premiums.
He assures the policyholders that the
financial condition of the society, as dis
closed by a most careful examination by
competent nnd disinterested accountants, is
rxeellent, and that many economies al
ready In practice and others yt to be
m.'ide surely will enhance Its condition.
He urges ull policyholders to continue
the payment of thilr premiums und says
the Investigation of the society has con
vinced him that there Is no cheaper sound
life Insurance.
South Oiunba Police Capture Mike
Kurd and John Matter Almost
Lust night the saloon of Leo Roemer,
at Twenty-fourth and Q streets. South
Omaha, was the scene of another holdup.
Two robbers entmed the place ubout a
o'clock, and, with revolver drawn, or
dered the half dozen men who were In
there to vacate, and backed up the order
by firing numerous shots. One ol the bul
lets ft ruck Charles Stommcr In the heel.
Inflicting a slight flesh wound.
After tie place had been cleared the.
robbers turn'd to the proprietor, who put.
up s fiyht. and the holdup men fled. The
police wera immediately notified, and in
side of half an hour had Mike Ford and
John Mahtr in Jail. The men are posi
tively Identified by the men who wore
driven out of nocmer's saloon, and th;
police feel sure they have the pair who
have been making so much trouble of late.
Captain Nels Tui'uquest und Officer Todd
made the arrest. They found Ford and
Maher nt Emll Hansen's saloon and took info custody ut omr. Ford had a
revolver, which he tried to throw away,
hut failed. It had been recently dis
chnrsed and ' contained several empty
shi lis. On Ford's person was found the
white handkei chief lie tid to conceal hin
faec at Tloenier's. Matter had not cov
ered his face at ull In undertaking the
Victims of the holdup at Albright on
Saturday night also Identified the men as
; the robbers, and It is thought they are
the pnir who held up tho three street cars
back o)f Hrnscnm park on Saturday night
a week ten. They answer in appearance
the description given of the pair of rol
I brs Ford lias a long police record hav
ing been implicated in many crimes, rang
ing up to murder. Maher is less well
known, but has a bad record for what is
known of him.
at. I.onla Arm Collector Shot in Head
While Experimenting- with
Antique f!un.
ST. LOflS. Dec. 17.-Charles B. Eames.
founder and vice president of the St. Louis
Credit Clearing house, was instantly killed
tonight at his residence by a sho, from an
, old rifle which recently came Into his pos-
Mr. Fame had quite n local reputation
as a e-ollector of ancient firearms - He pur
chased an untique muzzle loader yester
day and while examining it today noticed
that the stock was In poor condition. Fail-
i Ing ln his efforts to remove it, Mr. Eames
' decided to hunt it off. From its appear
ance nnd type the rifle had probably not
been used for fifty years and Mr. Fames
I took it Into the cellar and placed the
stock ln the furnace. Hirdlv had he done10' ,avalr ,Tn"' cl' "'"""ur u ",u "
so when there was a loud report and when ! U" 'ull'r,s,,1,," of u"ners.
members of Mr. Earres' family reached ! Tn" ov"nl''f" tny aucceeded In re-
the cellar he was lying in a pool of blood
with a bullet hole In his forehead.
. , . ,
Greek Cabinet Ilealitn.
I ATHENS, Dec. I7.-The cabinet e.f M.
Ralli reslgnesl today as the result of the j
. d-feat of the government over the election
of a president ef the Chamber of Deputies.
King Oeorge has summoned former Premier
The..! ok Is to form a new cabinet.
I Motenienls of Ocean carl Dec. IT.
At Southampton Arrived: til. Louis, from
I New York.
! At Plvmoufh Arrived: Atnerika. from
New York: Kaiser Wllhclm II. from Now
At Liverpool Arrived: 1'mbrla. from New
Yoik. Silled : Wiulfrc dlan and Caledonian,
for Boston.
i At Otbraltar Arrived: Slavonla, from
New York.
: At Rotterdam Sailed: Noordam, for New
I York.
At Dover Hailed: Zee-land, for New York:
I Graf Waleleihee, for New York,
i At Qm-enstown Baik-U; Caionla, for New
1 York,
Russian Populace Beliart the White
Terror Has Returned,
Proletariat Answers the Vote by Declaring
a General Strike.
Novoe Vreniya ii the Only Sewipaper to
Appear btinclay.
Governors Authorised to Declare
State of Siege Without ton
suiting: M. Petersburg
8T. rETERPPI'RO. Dec. 17. A shudder
of horror has convulsed Russia. The gov
ernment claims It has given battlo only
to the "red" revolutionists, but the pop"
lace generally believes Ihat the "white
terror" has returred. Already tho leaders
f 'he proletariat organisation who escaped
capture Saturday night at the Economic
,, . ,.. ,. . ,h. r,u rp-f.
r 1
Mlluknff, are In hiding from the polio
-ho are tuintlnir them down. The tovcrn-
,., ...HMnote. hiitle rovt
mrnt "ln,,ntl anticipates a Battle rojut
and nas made na nisposmons accoroinui? .
It fully understands that the proletariat
will give blow for blow In answer to the
wholesale arrests.
The workmen's council and tha League
of Leagues Saturday night Issued a dec
laration of a general strike to begin Im
mediately and consequently by an Imperial
ukase published this morning all governor
general, governors and prefects throughout
te emnlre who are cut oft by telegraph are
clothed with most dictatorial powers, being
authorized without consulting St. Peters
burg to declare a state of siege, and If
necessary, even martial law. As most of
the provincial authorities are reactionary
officials of the old regime the advantage
they will take of ruch power to terrorise
tho populace can be easily Imaelned. they
being in position to become petty tyrants
and wage war each In his own particular
fashion against the revolutionists.
Only One Pnper Appear.
The Novoe Vremya was the only paper,
with the exception of the Official Messen
ger, to appear today, und In the center
of the first page Is a half column of blank
paner. showing whero tho censor had for
bidden an article. The Novoe Vremya se
ceded from the Publishers' union and was
published under the protection of potloe
and Cossacks. The Slovo and the Novostl.
two other papers that have not suspended
publication, were unable to appear, as the
printers wnlked out in obedience to orders
of the council of workmen because these
papers refused to print the manifesto' Of
the proletariat organisation. Practically
nil the rlmrleadcrH of the Proletariat orcau- - .
(wet!,,, . uveestAil Hntiirdav nlabt ami
1"Hre rerf!tii-cTfnlne bf tlte ' eouncjl of work-
men was proved by the faol that In leas
than an hour a new council, the head -of ' '
which Is M. Tentent. the editor of New
Life, hud replaced the old council and
elected officers.. The editors of the news
papers suspended for publishing the prole
tariat organization's manifesto. Including
the famous M. Hessen of the Pxavo, were
with the single exception of Prof. Mllukiff.
who nianneed to evade arrest, taken Into
rustoilv. M. Souvorln, editor of the Hnss,
furnished rj.0"0 ball nnd was released.
In addition to the general strike. It Is
expected thnt the revolutionaries wilt have
recourse to the old methods of fighting the.
Threat Aa)lnt Wlfte.
It Is snld the terrorist organization held
a meeting in the small hours last night.
Count V.'ltte's life Is considered In danger,
nnd the annex of the palace where he I ,
residing Is heavily guarded. The moat
significant news comes fiom Tsarskue-Belo
where. In- view of the resolution of the
government to put Its foot down on lh
i strife, a regular campaian Is being con
ducted with the purpose' of firing ',tha
loyalty of the guard regiments.
Each day a regiment front St. Peters
burg is reviewed and addressed by Em
peror Nicholas, and with much ceremony
Ids majesty passes up and down tha lines
and speaks iwrsonally to officers and men.
The Orand Duke Nicholas is present at all
these ceremonies. .
Saturday, after the review of the Treo
brajensky regiment. Orand Duke Nicholas
and the officers of the regiment In tuna
( on hPI1ad kneees kissed the empertw
band, which called forth an outburst of
enthusiasm from the soldiers. Monday th
Mallovskl regiment will go to Tsarsko
SHo. -jig
tiovernment Flarhtlng for Life.
M. Nomechnieff, minister of communica
tions, has Issued orders to tho chiefs of
all the railroads not to lecngnlz organisa
tions of railroad men. particularly caution
ing them not to allow tha passage of th
orders of leaders of the Organizations, wlin
heretofore have been using the railroad
telegraph lines to transmit their Instruc
tions. The government has chosen a dis
parate moment to repress the proletariat.
It is fighting for its life in the Baltle
. , wh, a revolt u,,n,,ed t
ln8fll) Maft wWh amnt , praP,pjll
revolt is admit ted to he
tainty that if it cannot be crushed It
flames will spread to Poland. The na
tive population of the ancient kingdom eif
Lithuania is made up of a hardy and
headstrong people, who under the banner
of revolt will fight to the bitter end.
Mutiny In Moscow.
At Moscow the government Is confronted
with a mutiny of troops so serious that
It bus .been obliged to send a regiment
' storing came communication anroaq, dui
it Is utterly unal le to guarantee how long
It will be able lo keep the cables In opera
lion. Petitions from the nohllity of Riga,
NVindau, Lilian and other places In the
Baltic provinces have been received by
' he government, imploring It to abolish
martial law, whieh, the petition says. Is
only Inflaming the sltuaile.n.
The editors of the Signal and aeveral
other satirical papers of mushroom growth,
wlili ii have been printing the most out
rageous cartoons of Imperial personages,
have been arrested, charged with lese
Wltle May Rfilia.
PT. PKTERSBCRO. Dec. 17.-J.16 p. m.
A report that Count Wltte baa resigned
In circulation, but It Is false. It may, how
e-ver. become true at any moment, aa Oen-
I eral Count Alexia I gnat left la being held tn
j A ciose friend of tha prauiUr Uila ih X