Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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ki. nx.U'irs iv-rfiiiiu', iht; ex
quisite, the fashionable.
F.I). I'l.VM l'S Knii i (juininc Hair
Tonic, tho most famous toilet prep
nratloa In the worldmakes the hair
more beautiful, more lustrous,
cleanses the scalp of dandruff . Used
and endorsed the world over by people
of pood hrcc-dini? and refinement.
Kl. riNUII'S Klixir Dentifrice,
the most perfect preparation for white
nlDR and preserving the teeth.
f-na-- FD. PINAl'DS KM" DE WCI
llBl MNK HAIR TONIC f..r three
I It LL. applications I'D PINAIDS
KXyflSITE l'KRKIMt: for
five times, and tin- famous Kt.lXlK DENT
IFRICE for five times. S'nd 1'h: to pay
postage, anrl packing.
Selling Christmas
Footwear for
Ladies and Children
You ran buy a Sorosis Certifi
cate good for a pair of Sorosis
Shoes In the Sorocis Store, In this
or any other city in the United
fly thin Certificate system of
ours It Is not necessary for you to
know the size needed, as the re
cipient, of the rer'ifUate makes
her own selection.
Indies' Fur Trim mod
Juliet, per pair. . . .
A Souvenir loll Ciiven With
Kvory Pair or (ilrlV Shoe.
A Top Willi Kvory Pair of
Hoys' Shoes.
Sorosis Slioe Store
JO:! South 1 if ciitli St.
. With each and every CASH or
CRKD1T sale of ten dollars ($10)
or over In our MKN'S AM) HOYS'
CLOTIIIXU li:iT. (IMA we will
fclve away absolutely free of cost
to you a beautifully TKIMMKU
Hy purchasing these trees and
trimmings In lai-Re quantities we
ar enabled to pive jou a TltlM
would com you almost It, of
course, costs us much less, and
that's how we can afford it. An
exact duplicate of the TKIMMKII
display in our Sixteenth street
rlothing window. We will gladly
hold these tres for ou and
await your delivery Instructions.
(People Furniture Carpel Co.)
Silk ;iows
Itid doles
.i- kvu ur
Hot It ry
I N.j lie
(Yiitor I'ico
stick riiiH
St.fu Pillow
Fermerly with Mr. J. teaeea.
1C10 Ooulat St
c in rii is r -r.
Resolution Introduend ia Home for Iovei
tijstion of VtTtl Acadsmy.
(Iiiuh Asked In Manitrmrnl
that Will lae officials
Attend to Their
WASHINGTON. Dec. 16. Officers of th
naval academy are harshly criticised fur
winking at haxing In a resolution Intro
duced todav by Representative Pearre of
Maryland, Charges are made against the.
authorities at the academy as follows:
It appeared to tie fairly well asccrtnincl
from the testimony given before the court
martial (the Meriwether court-martial
that the practice cf fagging, hazing am!
lighting Ik common at paid institution and
tint the same wns winked at and connived
at hv the officers of the said Institution,
whose duty It Is to maintain discipline
among the midshipmen and to train and
perfect them for service as officers of the.
navv ami to protect such midshipmen In
their health and life, and that the failure
to maintain discipline lay more st the door
of said institution than upon the midship
men attending there.
After reviewing the Branch-Meriwether
case and the recent hazing of Midshipman
Jerdone Tettus Klmhrougli, the resolution
provides for a complete investigation by the
committee of the house on naval affairs
and recommendations by that committee
as to how the Institution may be so recon
structed and changed as to prevent "dis
astrous and disgraceful occurrences."
In conclusion the resolution urges emphat
ically that the responsibility for recent
events at Annapolis be fixed definitely and
that the committee, make recommendations
which may lay the blame where It belongs,
"so that hereafter the result may not end
at the mere dismissing of promising young
m n from the institution, but bring to book
and visit proper penalties upon the trained
ofltcers In charire of such institution for the
conduct of which they must be held re
sponsible.'' Moody's Opinion Not Heady.
Contrary to the expectation of Secretary
Bonaparte the opinion of the attorney gen
eral as to the-Jurisdiction of the power of
the secretary of the navy to dismiss sum
marily without court martial a midshipman
from the naval academy did not reach the
navy department today and the secretary
has been obliged to defer until next week
his action on the recommendation of Rear
Admiral Bands, of the academy at An:
nnpolls, that Midshipman Coflln. jr.. bo
dismissed summarily for hazing, and Mid
shipman Vandevcer for countenancing the
I,rml)'a Case I mlrr Advisement.
ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Dec. lC.-It is stated
unofficially that Midshipman Rowan P.
Lemly, of the third class, is under restric
tions owing to the suspected, participation
in the hazing of Midshipman Jerdone P.
Klmbrough. He Is a son of Captain Lemly
of the Judge advocate's department of the
i navy, and was appointed at large. The
' statement is made that Lemly was one of
tho midshipmen found at work on Kim
brough when the latter was in an uncon-
sclous condition, but It Is not regarded by
the authorities as certain whether he took
part In the hazing or was merely acting
from motives of humanity.
Copper Plunger's Bear Pool ovr
$.1,000,000 Short and More
Dander Is in Mgh.
Thomas W. Lawson announced In Hos
ton Thursday night that his llo.noo.OOO bear
pool In Amalgamated Copper had been hard
hit because of tho stock's rise above par.
He admits it Is a personal loss of 't,W.onn
and say his entire personal fortune Is now
Involved in the operation.
Mr. Lawson lays the blame for the slump
of his pool upon the "system." but an
nounces his intention to fight It to a finish.
Stories that Lawson was In dire financial
straits and on the edge of bankruptcy
were current, but the best Informed finan
ciers place no credence In them.
I A statement that two mortgages, total
I Ing I2fi6.000 hnd been placed on Lawson's
j palatial residence on Heacon street gave
color to the stories of his financial dis
As a matter of fact, the residence has
been In Mrs. Lawson's name for some time
and the mortgages, for a much smaller
sum, were put on it more than a year ago.
lawson's magnificent country estate at
Dreamwold Is not encumbered as yet.
Lawson In October advised the public in j
f I iM-nn u A verl tumiitit tn u 1 1
snort anu several weeKS ago Mr. Lawson
announced the formation of a IIO.'OO.OOO
bear pool to speculate in copper stocks.
He has sent out notices to his pool sub
scribers showing a loss of 36 per cent
fl.20O.00O In the metal and K.fW.OOO in rtocks
since the last accounting. He advises
bis followers that they may withdraw the
balance of their subscriptions.
They are also allowed to share In a new
fr.00n.(W subscription to carry the pool on.
Mr. Ijiwson announces at the same time
that his "only outstanding unfulfilled direct
prediction is on Trinity. I advise all to
hold on to Trinity." In a statement Mr.
Lawson says:
' My portion of the fii.eno.OtO remaining of
my first pool of and of the fi.ono,.
WO addition, $U.6m(Mj in all, embraces every
dollar of my fortune.
"If mv operation is unsuccessful I shall
lose all of It, which will mean I will have
lost J15.(i0.noo belonging to myself and thosa
who had faith enough in me to Join ma.
It will mean that I will have sacrificed
very dollar and everything of worth be
longing to me upon which I could raise a
"Therefore, this is the opportunity for
Wall street and the 'system- once and for
all to do me up and get me off their trail.
The system. In the face of my exposure
of its frauds, has used Its countless mil
lions to put up the price of stocks, so that
at any cost I may be discredited.
"'If my operations are successful I ex
pect to secure profits of 100 to 2 per cent.
My profits I will devote to the further ex
posure of the 'system.'
"If 1 fail the world will know it by my
public bankruptcy. If so. I will continue
th fight with my pen. If I go under no
one need have any sympathy for me. I
don't expect or deserve any.
"On the other hand, I warn the 'street'
that If I gwt them going they need ex
pect no mercy. I have disposed of or ar
ranged my other properties of a stock na
ture so that they will not be Involved.
"I promise either to vindicate my past
advices or to give the 'system' such a
quick and merry battle that they and all
the world will know they've been in a
fight." St. Ixmls Republic.
Their Uood lian C leared.
Settlement of three district court suits
against a large department store during
the past week has served to clear the names
of two Omuiia women and a child from the
odium cast upon them some tnnulhs ago hv
publications in the newspapers. The
plaintiffs in the suits were Mrs. Celestla
Harris. Mrs. Jessie Walkup and the grand
daughter of Mrs. Harris. They had been
accused cf teaching un -yearlold child the
srt of shoplifting and brought suit for
ttS tfO each. In each case substantial dam
ages were paid, also the cot of suit and
all charges were withdrawn. Friends of
the women volvra fel highly gratified
with the resulk
The Imiulry of a club woman at one of
the leading dry goods stores of the city a
few weeks aco, for goods bearing the white
label of the Consumers' league brought the j
astonishing inf ormatton from one of the
proprietors that hi had never heard oi
the league anil knew nothing of Its goods.
While it Is difficult to conceive how any
large purchaser of dry goods and women's
wear could be Ignorant of the work of the
league, this little Incident must prove to
the club women of the city that they have
work to do right here In Omaha in the
crusade that the clubs have undertaken
against child labor and the sweat shops, if
they fullill their pledge to the state federa
tion made at Lincoln last October to co
operate with the Consumers' league by
creating a demand for goods bearing its
"white'1 label. If the club women do their
part the merchants will have at least to
offer some better excuse than Ignorance
for not carrying the white label goods.
Some time in Jaruary the social science
department of the Woman's club will de
vote one of Its meettngs to the work of the
Consumers' league and also to the various
labels of the trades unions, which guaran
tee the same w holesome conditions In man
ufacture that the white label of the league
stands for. The following article from the
Federation Bulletin may be considered
with profit by local club women:
Women should know that they have no
guarantee that garments purchased In the
best shops are not made wholly or in part
In tenement and sweat shops. This Is not
altogether the fault of merchants, the best
of whom are anxious to have their wares
made under good conditions. It is the fault
of the system. A merchant turns over his
coats, suits, etc., to contractors, who are
Interested In getting them made as cheaply
as possible. Garments are sometimes made
under fairly good conditions, but ate sent
to tenements to be finished, for the button
boles, etc. Ruttonhole workers are a much
oppressed Bet of women as a rule. They
are not organized to any great extent, al
though the Women's Trade Union league
has been endeavoring to form unions
among them this year. Italian and other
foreign women form the majority of the
buttonhole makers. They are too Ignorant
to demand good wages or fair conditions
and are content to work from dawn until
bedtime in filthy tenements. One shudders
to think of the garments handled by thorn.
Yet these very garments are worn by up
town people, who would turn away In
horror from the doors of the places where
their coats were partly made. The extent
of the contractor system may be learned
by Inquiry. A woman who desired (for lit
erary purposes! to visit a hat and rap fac
tory went to four large wholesale hat es
tablishments on Broadway before she
found a merchant who could direct her to
a factory. "We have not the least Idea
where our hats and caps are mude." was
the restionse of the men. The one man
who could give the desired Information
was a clerk who hud a sister working in
a cap factory.
Here Is a list of "Pout s'' for club women
which the Federation Rulletin thltiKs ap
propriate for this season of the yea.-:
Pon t shop after ." o'clock.
Don't shop on Saturday afternoons.
Don't leave your Christmas shopping until
the week before Christmas.
. Don't give your address carelr.'Sly to
sa lespeople.
Don't neglect to ask for underwear bear
ing the Consumer's Leagu label.
A Brooklyn paper recently published the
following interview with a prominent New
York club woman on the reasons that so
n any individual city clubs do not aTiliato
with the state federation:
Well, she said, some of the clu'n are
young, and they really haven't muda up
their minds what they Willi to
do or what they want to know.
Their dues lire very small and their mem-
liershlrt Is likewise ninall gnH the e.mi'en.
tlons of the federation are expensive nnd I
the members don't feel that they can afford i
It. Women's clubs pass through I'irt thfl I
same stages that the college boy dors. At I
the end of the freshman year of experienco
In club life they feel as If they l:new a
great deal, and at the termination of their
sophomore, or second year, they know a
very great deal mere. When the ijnlor
year has passed over their heads, they are
ready to teach other clubs what to do, and
nt the end of the senior year they feel that
the world has need of their vast knowledge.
Hut after the clubs have graduated into
the larger life and have come In contact
Willi other clubs, they lcgin to feel how
little they know and how much there Is
to know. So when the clubs are passing
through these stages of their growth they
really don't know of what immeiiae value
the federation Is to them; but after they !
have attained growth and want to learn, j
Instead of tcuchlnir, then tiiev realize what
the meeting with other clubs means, and
what a broadening Influence an exchange
of Ideas Is.
The literature department of the vVoman's
club will hold Its meeting December 22. at
10 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Harm will conduct
the lesson on Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The art department has postponed Its
meeting until January 4, when the works
of Donatelo and Delia Robbla will be shown
with the Htereoplicon. .Mrs. A. W. i.owman
will preside.
The current topics depart men t will meet
Tuesday afternoon, December 19. Mrs.
Arthur Brandeis will speak of her personal
Impressions abroad, and ttiere will be the
usual discussion of current events.
Wednesday morning Ht 10 o'clock Muslgma
club will give a Kus.dan musical program,
Mrs. A. L. Shectz in charge, at the home
of Mrs. Hancock. 1WJ North Fortieth street.
Cuff Buttons Frenzei , istlj and Dodge.
(Continued from Klghth Page )
parents Mrs. Newman will visit relatives
In Florida and Alabama before returnlns
to Omaha.
Lieutenant William I'owin returned from
the east and left Fildny to join his regi
ment, the Third cavalry, at an Fran
cisco, whence he sailed December 16 for
Miss Ruth Hurley of Chicago, who was
one of the maids at the Kennedy-Prichett
wedding and who has been the guest of
Mrs. IHck Stewart since, has returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kcnjnmin F. Smith, who
liave fpent the past week in Omoha, will
leave Thursday for New York where they
will spend Christmas wtih their duughter,
Mrs. Lmdley Wolfe.
Mr. and Mis. S. O V..(iriswold will leave
Tuesday for New York and will stop en
route to visit Itncasler. O., Mr. Griswold's
old home. Mrs. Oriswold Is convalescing
from a recent operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ixnils Jaques of Chicago, ac
companied by Miss Jane Orcutt, who has
been their guest for the past two weeks,
are expected In (Jnnha next Saturday to
spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Mrs. Harry P. Whitmore will go to Chi
cago today to meet her daughter, Miss
Kugenie, who is returning from her school
In New York for the holidays. They will
spend a few days in Chicago before re
turning to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Paxtou, jr.,
arrived in Omaha Saturday from their
ranch, in western Nebraska and will spend
a few days Willi Mr. and Mrs. W. A. la.
ton. going then to Cleveland. O., to spend
the bolldas with Mrs. Puxton s mother.
Mrs Short.
Mrs. (ieorgla Kvans has some exclusive
lesthercraft exhibited at Thompirrin Bel
den's ask for It.
(iraad Hall.
The Ancient Order of Culled Workmen
and Degree of Honor central committee w.U
give a grand UU at Creighton ball, Tues
day evening. lecember 19. lfrfc. Admission,
ii cents
Xuiaa Diamonds tdholm, jeweler.
mil Vl MM bolstered in fltf
Kifc IJk JfStS- "ted velours.
nSSYTSif sprincx. special. jT -fijl B
MmL xflmm
Mf 25c per Week
I O V VN. 11
1 353
jKruno all fUrn by Stjpflp PrrsrntJ:
M,fAAAjQ4 At?. lQyA . tLAXl
(Eartrrl All SfniirbtrhnriiB in (Caur of Dratlt.
FIRST. Tm d Mr W Wii mU PvU. S4 u r mm W iW mm, mi
mrmt nfe m Mtirrm orprda apes km U appMt.
SECONO TW J rnrmmt aJinlM mM mit m i4 mm mt mm U imJ
wis. ka
Animals to Number of 2,500 Are on
Exhibition st Chicago.
Modem of Aerlcultnrnl I'ollesies
of lh- West Will .IuiIkc Merits
.of Animals o on
Illspla y.
CIUCAOO. Dec. Id The annual exhibi
tion of the International Live Stock show
opened today in the new buildliiB erected
for (he purpose nt the stock yards. Breed
ers from all parts of the country and
many from Canada are represented, and
the affair promises to be the largest of
Its kind ever held in the west. Animals
numbering .5j0 are entered.
The judging of the merits of live stock
by the students of the various agricul
tural colleges In the west has become a
great feature of the show and rivalry be
tween tho ililTfrint Institutions is keon.
The mornltiK nnd n part of the afternoon
were taken up by these contests, which
will continue as long as the exhibition.
which i scheduled to continue throughout
the week.
Among the agricultural colleges rcpre
sented are those of the states of Illinois,
lowa, Wisconsin. Minnesota and Nebraska.
All of these Institutions also have ex
hlhits of their own.
The feature of tonight will be the Judg
ing of different ktyles of horses, all of
them to be owned or driven by men con
nected with the stuck yards.
MOTIIKIl (.tllist; l TIIK Al It Ml IP.
She Mill Annear nt Urnnilels' Aaalu
Tomorrow Morning. j Frenrli Premier l.aya Dunn Altitude
We have had so many requests from ! of France on snhjrrt.
era and mothers to have another flight of PARIS. Dee. If.. Tho Chamber of Depu
Mother Goose and her geese in Santa Claus' ties was crowded today in expectation of a
airship that we have decided to repeal the notable debate on the government's policy,
great mid-air performance Monday morn- Intense interest was manifested in the fnr
Ing, so that every child in Omaha may sen mal declaration from Premier Houvler con
Ihla remarkable sight. At 9 o'clock tomor- earning Morocco. This, following Chancel
row morning Mother Ooose will sail from lor von Buelow's statement in ttie Herman
the Boston Store in her airship and let loose Rei' hstag, Is In the nature of an answer
her geese. Santa Claus will greet all the and an announcement of the government's
boys and girls accompanied by their par- position. M. Rouvler's statement will come
ents and give each one a toy balloon. Bring nt the close of the day's sestlon. M. Rou
the little ones to see this great spectacle , vler s declaration proved very moderate. He
Monday morning.
Proprietors Boston Store.
Real Katate Business Keporled Hnnd.
Many real estate deals have been closed
during the last week. Among others. Mr.
Brennan of the firm of Thomas Brennan
company renins the sale of thrty-three enco. u lB bu((ea upoI1 geographical con
feet and brick building on South Sixteenth tigulty of Algeria and France. We desire
street to Cassel Realty company for SlJ.i'ji).
Two brick residences at Nineteenth and
Cass streets to C. C. Kendall for $T.1.
House and lot on Twenty-fourth and Har- ;
ney streets to the Wise Memorial hospital I
for $4,000. tlcally received.
A house and lot in Kountze Place for' Former Premier Rlhot, leader of the op
$1.5oa. A house and lot at Nineteenth and Position, demanded that all parties should
Izard streets for $.1009. A house and lot at t'"'1 1" sustaining the government, and
Eighteenth and Cass streets for $ijue, and thereupon further discussion was post
some vacant property on North Twentieth Poned by a decisive vote of 6a0 to 5e. which
street for fl.ju. I was Interpreted us being parliamentary ap
slirnet lllnita
Most suitable for a Christmas gift. We
have an unusually large stock. Elegant
designs. beautiful engravings. prices i
raneinsf from $4.oo to I'd. fin. Make your
selection now. Open evenings. Mawhinney J l-t-RLIN, Dec. U Emperor William N
& Company. I adjutant. Lieutenant General von Pl'ssei.
met the Japanese prisoners of. wa- who
All sittings for photographs made up tt ' are passing through Germany front Bus
Dec. 2o will be finished in time for Christ- sia at 6 o'clock Oils morning with large
mas at H. Heyn's. photographer, S-storv supplies of rnocolete end cigarettes sr.d
bldg, west side of 8o. 15tu 8t , 311 to for the wfTlceis uout'jrta cf thiJSanihe-
(The Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co.)
If llioy consist of usot'ul, sensible gifts, nro appreciated and remembered, for
many years. Our liberal credit system enables the man or woman with a small
purse to give useful, sensible gifts without stinting for weeks nnd weeks after-
All goods marked in plain hures.
Lar9e Dinner Combination
n.-l DTQ
(KXfletly like eut.i
Made of (piurteivd oak.
highly polished, largo
broml bucks nn'd seats,
upholstered In genuine
leather, the upholstering
in the seat is over soft,
luxuriant springs, make
M-picce Dinner S Is.
come in two decora
tions, rcKUlar JR.5i
value c nn
special J'JJ
ino-picce Dinner Set?,
come In two decora
tions, regular $li"t
values O 7C
special -
1t -piece Toilet Sets.,
in pink. Hue or green
tints, regular t ri
valies C Cf
special JmJJ
nn idea Xmas
TKKMS !.. cash.
.Vie: per week.
UMdr.s ii.ii.iJ i
t ilim krajM Maud.
TflIRO Tk Mtr l mi PnW'i im iklkpaa
Hm mrflmmi im mm- rah Stt ho 4Wj v We
cMKm Vfaadaj taxa mi Fxlun hi tko mm.
tmmmmi mm rmm al mi noc Ptmm Sure piM
tmmt cinHsnd in mm Uty tmmiti wm.
I W kf aStnsl mr lanligi. karlnrr
" a WI mi mi Ptmm Sm
Dud hOmm. NeWsW tW tj" mrl JtAjI . .190 S.
German, ( onimnixler Snys Snllors Did
Not Seise Uraslllan .Subject
for Desertion.
BERLIN, Dec. 16.-The report of Count
Kaurma von Jeltsch, commander of the
Herman cruiser Panther, on the Itujahy In
cident, was received at the Navy depart
ment today. It is textually us follows:
Seaman Hassmann had stayed ashore
ticyond the length of his leave, and as he
had been seen III civilian clothing, he was
under suspicion of desertion. The (iermau
consulate and the Brazilian authorities
were leuuebtcd to assist in obtaining the
return of Hassmann and this afternoon
promised their suptiort. The Herman lega
tion at i'etropolls was also Informed of the
affair. Officers In civilian dress and twelve
noncommissioned officers went ashore
November M, on leave to Inquire about the
deserter. They were not ashore In a mili
tary capacity and were mostly separated
from one another. They naked to be ad
mitted to two places, on n hotel and the
other a private house. The manner in which
the admissions were obtained were so far
j as can be ascertained, in the usual form
and in both places individual residents,
Steinhoff and the son of one of the prop
rietors, voluntarily usslsted the searchers, ;
Those, on leave did not go ashore at J a. '
in., but returned to the snip at that hour.
Hassmann himself, without co-operation of
the men from the Panther, returned to the
thlp afterward.
It is not true that a military command
was sent ashore. StelnhofT was neither
,..,.,. ,. i,nHr(i i-amher. He v.ilun. !
I tHrl'v supported the efforts lo find the do-
I sorter.
j SlelnholT. as it appears from another re-
port, probably sailed away from ltajahy on
a coasting vessel. The report of the com.
mandm' of the Panther is regarded at the
Foreign office as adequately answering the
Brazilian ministers complaint that Brazil's
rational rights had been Infringed upon,
and that a Brazilian resident had been mis
used. ItOIMKIt OX MOHO('('A M4.TTKP.
concisely explained the desires of France in
Alorocco, saying:
The propositions of our minister to Mo
rocco never tended toward the establish
ment of a situation similar to that existing
111 the t'nlted States. H revoked the man
date of the lowers and we never dreamed of
attacking the sultan's sovereignty. It Is our
"!',,T,1?1 P'!"11'"" which he maintained and
a ""eral regime in Morocco, assuring equal
commercial treatment for all the powers.
Franca merely wishes to conscientiously
safeguard its rights und retain the full ex
ercise of its liberty.
The premier's declaration was enthuslas-
proval of M. Rouvler's statement.
(rruiaa Fmperor Hires Clitarroes
and Chocolate to Japaerae.
pohleii or inn
hotinn.v finish,
cobbler e n t .
cuilosie(l bucks,
ftflaTRI e''Z-
tKxsctly like cuti
Made of solid osk. carefully
selected and are liltlilv polished
have a large compartiuent for
books, bent glass front and ad
justable shelves, the desk part
is large and has an Interior
cabinet All rases neatly carved.
We offer them st the special
price of
TKR.MS: $150 cash, and h
per week
Will put aside for future de
livery If desired.
Goods Sold Outside of Omaha
on Kasy Payments. Write i s.
This great protective
policy as inaugurated by
The Peoples Store, means
much to the working man
and woman. It repre
sents the highest degree
of liberality and gener
osity. Read it thoroughly
and then if you do not
fully understand it, call
and see us, and we will
be glad to explain its
Here are
Handsome Silver and Sterling Silver
Toilet nets in three pices at $300,
4.5d. I7..V. . up to 11600
Sterling Silver Shaving Set. at
f.Yin and up.
Hilt Desk Clocks at IJ.i" and up.
Hold Bracelets nt I.'.fl") md up.
Beautiful Hold Mounted pen Holders,
with gold pen points, nt II. 2 up
to $2.50
Hold mounted Opera Glasses
$o.O") and up.
Silver Candelabra B-ts at
f.OD, $3. SO and up.
This is only a suggestion of tile
articles which we will be pleased lo
whether you wish to buy or not. No
Any article we sen uenrs our own
tne maiuracturcr.
N. P. FRANDSEN, Jeweler, Watchmaker and Optician
109 South Slxtaanth Strtat. Oppoalt. Haydn Bros.
The New
Los Angeles Limited
11:30 A. M. TOMORROW
Union Pacific
Salt Lake Route
Inquire at
Munik. There were 1.7.$ men and fifty
eight officers, and they were much touched
by the emperor's thoUKhtfulnr ss in gU'
lng them the first opHirtuulty of seeing
the flower of their native land Besides
von Plessen, Barou vrn Deni Knesebeck.
muster of ceremonies of the empress and
representative of the German Red Cross,
and the Japanese mlninster -nd his staff
were at the station arid shook hands with
the officers, while grooms of the emperor
distributed the presents. The first train
brought sixty-eight dangerously wounded
fcnd sick men. ?c of whom died on the
way hen The pnsoneis universally con
deir.ned the tteatmrr.t tl.e bad u-n sub
jected to in Russia. They weie Interned
IMvutis. nialio.u.iiiy finished
In selected Tonu velour.
special Xin.-is
:t piece Parlor Suits, niiiliog
any finished, upholstered
In rich silk velour, special
Parlor Cabinets, mahogany
finisb. highly polished.
special XiniiK
Peilestiils. solid oak or ma
hognuy finisb. polished.
special Xmas
'enter Tables, finished in Ihc
Uai'terel oak effect, gins
ball feet, special .nias
at . . .
Ilaniboo Music Cabinets,
have four shelves, special
Suggestions for Xmas Gifts
There Is only six more shopping days before Xmas
We want you to visit our store the next time you Come
down town and look over our line of
Watches, Diamonds, Rings, Cut Glass, Hand Painted
China, Sterling Silverware and Novelties.
articles both pleasing and useful as
M- nlcure sets made from genuine French Stag Morn, In
4 or 5 piece sets, beautiful case, at mid up.
Cut Glass Pieces In all the lat"St ideas
and cuttings, from the small piece
for $1.(W) to the most elaborate at $XY
A very servlcable and aipropihit
gift is a Parasol. We are showing
something new In gold and pearl
mountings, with detachable handle:
prices at f 4.00 up to fl.VUO
flt.(i0 HOLD WATCH FOR Hi .
A fine gold llllod case, K.-.tewl move
ment, guaranteed for twenty years,
a watch that usually sells tor JIKiH;
we have marked It down until Xmas
for the special price of IJ oi
and hundreds of beautiful
show you.
Come in and look around
trouble to show goods
personal guarantee
as well as that
In a country village without newspaper
or cigarettes. The crippled Japanese w, ,
confined In a very small hull, lime and
to crawl around unaostaied.
After breakfast Hie trains with He
prisoners proceeded lo I l.iiab.ii g. l,.i,
the Japanese will embaik on the s.r.uueis
Cambronmaii and Vumouvci
American olleue Hums.
CONSTANTINOI'l.i:. n,.,-. bi-Bailo-Hnll.
the American nllege for g'r's in the
suburb of Scutari, wus partially d. 1 1 c cd
by fire last nlsht The students, inch dins
a, number of tvairdcrs we e in o. , when
the wie dmcn eie,j. Ail t j.
mates were icsculo.
of H