Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1905, Page 8, Image 29

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    Pecember 17.
Great Sale Leather Goods
Collar and Cuff lioxcs. . .50c to $5.00 Seal Leather Cases $1.00 to $3.00
Fancy Cigar Boxes. . . .$3.00 to $7.50 Seal Rill Books $2.00 to S5.00
Fancy Cigar Cases 25c to $2.00 Ladies' Hand Bags 25c to $25.00
Seal Card Cases 50c to $3.00 Ladies' Opera Bags.... 25c to $15.00
Ladies' Carriage Bags. $3.00 to $16.50
i m m ran mrrr-v mrv tm C
III llrp h
Special Xmas Goods Sale
Ileal Lace Handkerchiefs, $15.00,
down to $2.50, $2, $1.51) and. . .$1.00
Iieal Lace Tab End Collars. $7, dow n
to $1.00
Keal Lace Chemisettes, $15, down to
$5, $4. $.? and $2.75
lual Lace Turnover Collars, $5.00,
down to $2, $1, 75c and 50c
Real Lace Bertha Collars, from $50
down to $5.00
Grand Holiday Book Sale
The Ilcnty Hook, each Oc.
The finest line of boys' books la print,
and we have the complete list of
titles. Remember the price In Q,
this sale, each JC
Some of the titles are: "With Lee In
Virginia." "Bonnie Prince Charles."
"With C llve In India," "Lion of the
North." "The Boy Knight," "Under
Drakes Flag." "True to the Old
Flag," Etc' Ktc.
Shakespeare's Complete Works
On Sale.
We have secured ten complete sets of
the Eversley Edition of Shakespeare
In 11 volumes; regular price 116.50;
as a special holiday inducement we
will put this lot on sale fl ft
at, per' set JiUU
Anl give free with each set a copy
of the Connoisseur Edition of Rare
Print Collection.
The Elsie Books, the Peper Books
On Saly Monday.
Elsie Books C fi
at D DC
$1.00 Copyright Rooks, 33c.
We sell copyright books for less
than any house in the country. See
the list of titles; get other prices,
then come and see us.
In the Bishop's Carriage, Gordon
Keith, The Sherrods, Oraustark,
Castle Craney Crow, My Friend Fros
pero, The Cardinal's Snuff Box, Gen
tleman From India, Soldiers of For
tune, etc., in this sale,
Very Npeciul Bargains.
Mary .T. Holmes' books, com
plete list of titles. . . .
The Alger books for
16 mo. Standard Books
6,000 Children's Books, in board r
covers, each DC
James Wliitconib Riley's Books on Sale
"Out at Old Aunt Mary's" )5(
"An Old Sweetheart of Mine"
I Gk
Great Underwear Bargains Monday
C H. Frederick Co. Stock, 1504 Farnam Street
All Clean, New, High Grade Stock
Great Sale of Manufacturers' Samples
We have purchased at 50c on the dollar the entire sample lino of the
Florence Manufacturing company, consisting of Comb and Brush Sets. Comb,
Brush and Mirror Sets. Single Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes. Hat Brushes,
Military Brushes, Mirrors and complete Toilet Sets. These poods were never
carried on the road, only being used ns office samples, consequently aro In
perfect condition.
Sale Begins Monday Morning
Shakespeare's "Sweetheart," I A
Illustrated, at I.U
Great Bargains Monday in
Our Manufacturers' Stock Sale
Men's Union Suits, part wool,
Frederick's price $1.50, ?
sale price t DC
Men's Combination Suits, In heavy
winter weight balbrlggan, Fred
erick's price $1.50, $2 and
$2.50, all at one CI
prlco t?i
Men's Fine Wool Combination
Suits, in blues or grays, that
sold up to $5, all in
one lot at, choice. . .
The Celebrated Sterling Under
wear, In combination or two-
piece garments, in heavy
cerl.ed or silk and wool
Combination Suits worth
and $6.00 at
Shirts and Drawers, regular
values, at per
Men's Shirts and Drawers, in me
dium weight silk and wool, Fred
erick s price $3.50,
sale price ,
Heavy Wool Shirts anil Drawers.
in gray or camel's hair, Freder
ick's price $2.50, sale f PA
The purchase of the surplus stock of seven manufacturers
enables us to offer you during the holiday season the greatest
bargains ever known in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments.
3,200 Fur Scarfs The greatest line ever
brought to' Omaha at this season of the
year. The price is so low we could not
resist the purchase. Fox, Squirrel,
Marten, Jap Mink, etc. all absolutely
perfect marked, at Just Half Regul
The New Alice Roosevelt Coat, all the rage
in the east shown only by Ilavi
Bros. at $15.00
ain ;t-rl
gar- iMt,w iron
11 V
U price
rn er-
n me-Fred-
at Prices Which, Quality of Gosds Consiiirei, are Simply Unmatchable
for selection, go in this sale at
Pyjamas and Night Robes from
the Frederick Co. slock which
sold at from $2 to $6,
your choice
Neckwear From the Frederick
Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers,
In heavy ribbed or flat wove,
tans, whites or grays, which
Frederick sold up to P f
$2.60 garment Cp 1
Men's Shirts and Drawers, heavy
wool fleeced, that sold up to $2,
at gar- 7C.
ment DC
Dr, Delmel Linen Mesh Combina
tion Suits, Frederick's price $:
and $6, sale
price ,
Reiicheim Schclichten Ramie F:
her Health Underwear, worth
S3. 00. sale
le Fl-
All the Men's Silk and Linen
From the Frederick Co. stock,
In plain, fancy border or Initial,
100 dozen to select from, go in
this sale at Jl ST HALF PRICE.
Men's Fine Silk Hose, Men's and
Boys' Sweaters, Men's and Boys'
Dress Gloves, Gentlemen's Um
brellas from the Frederick Co.
stock, almost unlimited variety
All the highest grade
that sold at 75c up
one lot at
All the 50c and 75c Neck
wear in one lot at
25c and 50c Ties in great
assortment at, choice. .
Men's Fancy Sumeiiders in Indi
vidual boxes.
$1.50 values
$1.00 values
All Fancy Suspenders from the
Frederick stock that sold un to
$5. in two lots at
$2.50 and
to $2, iu
30c Hair Brushes for l.V
50c Hair Brushes for 2."c
75c Hair Brushes for 3.V
$1.00 Hair Brushes for rOc
$1.50 Hair Brushes for 7."e
$2.00 Hair Brushes for $1.00
$1.00 Toilet Sets for rtoc
2.00 Toilet Rets for $1.00
$2.50 Toilet Sets for 81.23
M.00 Toilet Sets for .$1.50
$4.00 Toilet Sets for 2.0t
$4.50 Toilet Sets for $2.2.1
$5.00 Toilet Sets for $2..10
$5.50 Toilet Seta for $2.7.1
$t!.00 Toilet Sets for JS.'i.OO
$7.00 Toilet Sets for $;i.ftO
$4.00 Triple Mirrors for.. $2.00
$5.00 Trlnle Mirrors for $2..1(
35c Hand Mirrors for l.le
50c. Hand Mirrors for U.'mi
75c Hand Mirrors for 3.1c
$1.00 Hand Mirrors for ftOe
$1.50 Hand Mirrors for 7.1
$2.50 Hand Mirrors for $1.0(
50c Clothes Hiushes for ..2.1o.
75c Clothes Brushes for H.lo
$1.00 Clothes Brushes for fiOo
$2.00 Clothes Brushes for $I.OO
$2.50 Set Military Brushes $I.OO
75c Hat Brushes for 31
20c Tooth Brush for lOc
?.0c Tooth Brush for
35c Tooth Brush for 20c
$C.00 Triple Mirrors for $3.0t
50c to $1.00 Holiday Gifts for 2.1c.
$1.00 Writing Desks for 2.1c
$1.00 Work Boxes for 2.1c
50c Opera Bag for 25c
50c Tin Cushions for 2."c
50c Glove Boxes for 2.c
50c Tie Boxes for 2."c
50c Handkerchief Boxes for 2.1c
$1.00 Plaque Boxes for 21o
50c Calendars for 2.1c
50c Candle Sticks lor 2.1c
Many other 60c and $1.00 Articles
at, choico 25c
Omaha's Leading Linen Department
Three times as much Linens as the combined stocks of ull the others put
together. Here are Some Items for Monday's Selling:
64-inch Mercerized Table Linen,
most beautiful patterns, sold every
where at 75c a yard, for Monday only,
$15.00 Coats, in great assortment of pi
and fancy mixed materials 175
raents to select from ft CIA
special bargains Monday, at...Olf
Handsome Fur Lined Coats Made of
the finest quality meltons, squirrel
lined, special,
Others at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $40.00.
Handsome Otter Coats of the very best oualitv. at $150
Persian Lamb Coats, with stone marten collar and cuffs, at. $125
Persian Lamb Coats, at $85.00, $69.00 and 59.00
$00.00 A ear Seal Coats with mink collar and
cuffs, special at 39.00
A Sample Line of Skirts Worth regularly $5.00 to $20.00. on
sale Monday at $12.50, $10.00, $7.50, $4.98 and 2.98
A bilk Underskirt makes a fine present. Wo are showing an im
mense line special Monday, at $12.50, $10.00, $7.50.
$5.00 and 3.98
$1.5U Waists, m great assortment, at 79c
$3.00 Waists, newest styles and materials, at 1.49
$5.00 Waists, greatest bargains ever shown, at 2.98
Fine Lace Waists, at $10.00, $7.50 and 5.00
From 8 Till 9 A. M. 75c Flannelette Dressing Sacques, 'Z P
at JDC
from 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. $1.50 Moire Underskirts, 7ft
sptvial at C
From 9 Till 10 A. M. $5.00 Kiderdown Bath Robes, 1 Oft
nil colors, at JmfJJ
Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings
Special Xmas Offerings
BUY USEFUL THINGS. What is better than one of those
handsome Universal Double-Heating Base Burners. The best
on earth we have them up 29 50
A Steel Range would be appreciated by any housewife
one of those Jewels they can't be beat Q
A nice Globe Range y A n f
up from 7DU
The Dandy Oak, a nice airtight heater. Will burn vf JO
coal or wood up from T
Follow Santa Claus to Hay den's
He'll lead you to Toy Fairyland, the mecca of childish ambitions at Christinas time. Our
west basement is crowded full of Christinas joys for the little tots at prices which will make you
glad you came. Bring them Monday. Let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content while
you participate in the feast of toy bargains.
$1.25 Christmas Cards, your choice 50c
75c Christmas Cards, your choice- 25c
10c Christmas Cards, your choice lc
$3.98 Toilet Cases, at $1.75
$2.00 Photo Albums, at 50c
75c Air Guns, at 35c and 50c
$1.25 Blackboards, at $1.00
25c Toy Drums, at 10c
$1.00 Dolls, at 50c
$3.00 Dolls, at $2.50
$1.00 Story Books, at 35C
15c Story Books, at oc
10c Story Books, at 2 for 5c
25c Doll Trunks, at 10c
25c Stuffed Dogs, at 15c
15c Dolls, at. 5c
75c Doll Swings, at 40c
25c Pictures, at 10c
$1.25 Crokinole Boards at 75c
25c Set of Child's Dishes, at 10c
$1.00 Set of Child's Dishes, at 75c
$2.25 Set of Child's Dishes, at $1.25
25c Doll Heads, at 10c
25c Iron Doll Beds, at 15c
25c Driving Rims, at 15a
25c Toy Guns, at 15c
25c Doll Chairs, at 10c
Many other toys at wholesale prices.
40c a yard.
Regular CS and 72-inch full
bleached Belfast All Linen Damask,
we sell for $1 a yard, for Monday
only 0(e.
60-inch unbleached All Pure Linen,
beautiful Irish production, our regu
lar 60c quality, Monday only at :i;c.
22x45-inch all linen Damask Tow
els, hemstitched and fringed, our reg
ular 30c and 35c values, Monday
only lc.
An odd lot of Linen Huck Towels,
Turkish Towels, Damask Towels, etc.,
ranging in price from 10c to 35c; all
will go Monday at one price only six
pairs to a customer l'2Mv.
6Ux90-inch Sheets, extra fine mus
lin, regular COc uoods, for 4!r.
72x90-lnch fine Sheets, regular 60c
goods, at :!o.
81x90-inch, the best Sheets that
were ever made to sell at 75c, Monday
only 1K
Our repular 7'fcc Bleached Muslin,
yard wide, finely finished for tho
needle only twelve yards to a cus
tomer Monday only 4 7gc.
Ladies9 Hose
The finest assortment ever
shown in the west, plain and
fancy colored or hand em
broidered, prices CO
from $5.00 down to. . . JC
Ladies' Silk Shawls and Fas
cinators Over 100 different
patterns, in black, white and
colors, prices rauging from
$5.00 down CO
to JUt
Ladies' Gloves The greatest
stock ever shown for holiday
trade. Properly fitted and
guaranteed. Visit our Glove
Santa Claus at the Silk Department Monday
Santa Claus has brought to our silk counter the largest and
prettiest line of silks for Christmas gifts. Monday's special fea
tures are our fancy silks:
Our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 silks, at 85c.
Our 85c Silk Crepe de Chine, at 59c.
Our plain $1.00 Messaliues, at 85c.
Something new and Just tho style for Kprlng our Louisiene Checks t f
special at OJC
Beautiful Plaids for Waists at 85c and 1.0(
Our double-faced 27-inch Black Peau de Sole, worth $1.75, at $1.25
Our $1.00 27-inch Black Taffeta Monday at c
Our $1.25 3G-inch Black Taffeta Monday at OHc
On our bargain counter Monday, a beautiful line of Fancy Silks that sold for
$1.00 and $1.25 yard Monday special at yard 50c
and .
For a handsome Christmas gift buy our famous Winslow Taffeta
100 colors to select from, 27 inches wide, and only yard
t r
.... JDZ
We were afraid these
charming seats would ar
rive late. We were agree
ably surprised to see the lot come to hand
yesterday, bright and
new, just from the fac
tory. This handsome
Roman seat, all oak,
quartered oak back,
seat upholstered in
fancy velours. Come
and see. Price
Gift Suggestions From Our
Carpet and Drapery Dept.
Lace Bed Sets In newest designs, Z ? A
$5.25 $4.50 and JDJ
Tapestry Curtains, in an extensive variety of
styles, at from $10.00 down 3 00
Couch Covers In all the new colors and
weaves great assortment, at, up PA
from fJ3
Rope, Bice and Leather Portieres, Z AA
from $18.00 down to .UU
Lace Curtains and Bugs of every description
from the best manufacturers and at lower
prices than you'll find quoted elsewhere for
the same quality.
Pictures, Pictures and Still Pictures
We had mot of our Christinas pictures
held at tho factory until a few days ago, and we
have received now box after box of framed pic
tures, all fresh, bright, new goods. Xo shop
worn, antiquated stuff. This makes it espe
cially fortunate for you and the prices are jut
as low as the old goods.
You are invited to visit our picture depart
ment and look over the line. The goods will
please you and the prices are bound to be in
viting. Large oval picture, 3-inch oak frame, gold
tipjK'd, fitted with colored fruits, price 25c.
All the newest things in Pastels, Kicliing. Color
ed Artotjpcs, and a large variety of novelties.
A pair of B. & B. Skates 40c A fine Sled for iiMc
Daisy Air Rifles 33c 12-gauge Shotguns $3.03
22 IUfie 1.03 Fine Chafing Dish 2.75
A fine 5 o'clock Tea 2-piece Carving Set Oc
3-piece Stag Carvers. Tj.23 Large Enameled Roaster $1.73
Pearl Handled Pocket Knife 4rtc 7-blade Safety Razor 95c
Rugby Foot Ball tlOc Boxing Gloves $1.23
Fine Brass Bird Cage 93c Fine House Tool Sets $3.23
Solid Nickel Knives and Forks.. $2.40 Enterprise Food Chopper 80c
Rubber Fire Hottentots $3.75 Bolid Steel Wagons 75c
We carry a complete line of Tools. Buy your boy some thai
he can use around the house. You can't give him anything better
or that he will appreciate more. Buy just what you need
Buy your Grocery Supplies early for your Xmas
Puddings, Pies and Cakes
4 8-lb sacks Funcy High Patent Minne
sota Flour $1.23
3 pkgs best Condensed Mince Meat.23c
Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb Oc
Fancy Muscatel Raisins, lb Oc
Fancy Virginia Blackberries, lb....Oc
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb Oc
Fancy Seeded Raisins, pkg Oc
Mulr Peaches, lb I2?Jc
California Peaches, halves, lb.... lot
Moor Park Apricots, lb 12ic
Choice California Prunes, lb .V
Fancy Oregon Prunes, lb 7 Me
Fancy Italian Black Prunes, lb. 8 l-:tc
Extra Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, lb. 10c
Fancy Corsican Citron Peel. lb. . . .23c
Fancy Leghorn Citron Peel, lb...2Hc
Fancy Candied Orange Peel, lb 25c
Fancy Candied Lemon Peel. lb... 25c
The best pure ground Spices for your
Christmas puddings, cakes and pies,
per pound 1,:
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers.
per pound
Nabisco Sugar Wafers, pkg." 10c
i See our full line or rancy r resu
! Cookies and Cakes for Christmas.
Butter uutl Cheese Irices.
Fancy Fresh Country Roll But
ter, lb 18c
Fancv Separator Creamery But
ter, lb 23c
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
lb ..15c
Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb. 15c
I Fancy Wisconsin Swiss Cheese, lb.20c
iNeufchatel Cheese, each
Fruit, Nuts and ('undies fur
Fancy Mixed Nuts, per lb....l2c
Fancy Large Navel Oranges, doz.2."c
Fancy Imported Fit's, per lb I.-,c
3 measures fresh roasted peanuts.. lOc
Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb..72c
Fancy Chocolate Creams, per lb..l.c
Fancy Cream. Mixed Candy, lb... 15c
Fancy Assorted Kisses, per lb.... lie
See our full line of Fancy Box and
Basket Candies for Christmas
from 5c up.
Wool Dress Goods Department
Closing out all of odd lot3 of Dress Goods 250 pieces of Prunel
las, Broadcloth, Henriettas, Kerseys and Tailored Suitings.
Goods that we sell from $1.00 to $3.00 per yard-all COp
will go Monday only, at, yard
Black Dress Goods 75 pieces of Priestley's blacks, Lupin's
blacks and other fine blacks. Odd pieces, worth from $1.00 to
$o.50 per vard all will go Monday only, at,
yard JJl
Evening Shades Henriettas, Eoliennes, Crepe de Plaus and other
evening shades. (Joods that we sell up to $2.00 a yard. About
75 pieces in all will Ku Monday only, at, Q
r s
New Christmas Wash Goods Just
100 pieces of the finest French Printed Organdies regular bOe
goods Monday only 9J
A new Embroidered Chiffon finest French goods made at yard A A
$2.50 down to J1.98, $1.25 and l.W
New French Plaids for walstings our 59c grade Monday only Q
a vnrrt JJ
yard $1.25 down to 75, 50c and
India Linens, French Lawns. Persian Lawns, Airlino Cloths. Batistes,
Mercerized Walstings, Swisses and all kinds of white goods at the most popu
lar prices for Christmas trade.
l'OPl'LAR PRICE WOOL DRESS GOODS Closing out all of our 49c, 59c
and 75c popular Wash Goods in the main Wash (Joods Department in
order to close them fast we will sell everything in this depart- TT-
ment Monday onlv at vard w
A large line of Woolen Waistings and French Challls at yard
75c, 59c and
Blanket and Flannel Dept.
Now is the time to buy. VJs w'll have to close out all these
goods before Christmas.
Our regular 12 Vc and 15c 3G-ln h Outing Flannel at 0'
Our resular 39c All Wool Sklrtinc Flannel at 20c
Our regular ifec Comforter Sateen at (t
jard iiu.lUL
All our $4.9S all wool gray and white Bed Blankets 72xS4 t QQ
extra good value at pair xJ.JD
All our regular $.50 Bed Blankets come In tun, gray, starlet A Of
and while per pair T".0
Our regular $2.50 Bed Spreads superior quality, Marseilles put- I "7 C
terns, extra heavy knotted frlnse, cut corners each . t D
Our regular ?2.9s Homo Made Bed Comforters made of best eatecn, filled
with pure cotton and extra large
each. ......... . .