leoembr 17, 1D0.. THE OMAIIA ILLUSTRATED PEE. SP0R1IXC GOSSIP (tf WEEK Ind or Mend loot I a1. Still the Talk Amon Fd cstors. GAME WILL BE MORE OPEN NEXT YEAR Walter lamp js the TrnOard Role Mill Be Adopted and that the Ohjertloaable features M ill Br Eliminated. Foot ball has had many a hard knock during the last season, but from all Indica tions bids fair to continue to be the king of nil amateur sports. Many Improvements In the rules have been suggested and the probabilities are that decided changes will be made before the next season rolls around. Walter Camp, the head advisor of the Yale team and dean of foot ball, has mads the announcement that the ten-yard rule will be adopted by the enstern colleges. He Is probably In a position to know. This rule will probably work more to the advantage of the open game In foot ball than any which has yet been suggested. The game has been growing more oicn from year to year. In 1S92 the players were wont to bo Injured by the flying wedge. This was played In different complex formations at the opening of play. The defensive side would line up In the middle of the field, and the side which had won the toss would start ten or fifteen yards back In the form of a V and charge at full speed. When the crash came the man with the ball would be thrown forward as far as possible. A. W. Jefferis of this city received a severe Injury In stopping this rush while playing on the Michigan team. Albion was the op ponent and as the players charged down the Held It was Jefferis' business to throw him self under the mass to stop It. He was kicked In the spine and was unable to so much as smile for several weeks. Harvard worked this system to perfection and mado many formations of the flying wedge so that for two or three years the team was ns victorious as was Pennsylvania when that team Introduced the guards back in terference, a game which was very success ful until the opposing teams learned a de fense which would stop it. After the flying wedge was done away with new rules were Introduced which kept nIx and scen men on the front line of of fense, so that these heavy formations wero done away with. This rule was circum vented by the captains calling back the heavy men to make the plunges Into the line and it is still the better team whl.-h can get the heaviest men to make line plunges. The new rule Is Intended to mitke a more open play and to do this faster men will be required and so many heavy men will not be needed on a team. There Is ni foolishness about the game of foot bull as it has been played. It is a case of win, win fair If possible, but win. list season public Indignation was worked up over the rame of foot ball and the makers of the rules changed a word here nnd a phrase there and the general public was told thnt there was to be a great improvement, but the Improvement was not there except In canes of teams which wished to play the ocn game In spite of the leniency of the rules. Chicago was a notable example of the exponents of the open game, and al though Btagg had the players to resist the plunges of the heavy Michigan team, they were also schooled In the open game. The deaths from foot ball this year were nine teen In number, about the samo as last year, and Is not so large when It Is con nidered that over 100,000 players annually in dulge In the pnstlme. The fatality end of the game Is not considered so bad as the brutality and the cheating by ringing in of professional rlayers to make a team which can win. President Eliot of Harvard did not come out as strong as some, as be thinks well of the game as a whole, but be lieves the rules should bo modi Hod. California universities have announced their Intention of making their own rules for the government of the game and break ing away from the rules which are fixed by the general rules committee, composed of 1 -epmu-ntatlves of all of the principal east ern schools, with representation from the Hlg Nine. This Is to bo regretted, for this Ik hut one country and the laws of a great umateur game should be the same In all sections. Otherwise an Interchange of sanies Is impossible. The rules committee will undoubtedly do the right thing in the matter and some radical changes may be expected. Many say that they can see noth ing to the game when it Is merely a scries of line plunges between two giant elevens, but rules will surely be made which will make the game open, giving a better cTiance to the spectators and to the players to show their Individual merit. In the old kicking gamo Snake Ames was a name long talked about, and this player gained his fame simply because he understood a few tricks which old players understand oncoming the open game. Ames would stop 'way back, ostensibly to punt and when the opposing players would charge at full tilt, It was a simple matter to dodge and side-step these churging players nnd that left him few to dodge on his run down the field. The 0-cent ruin adopted by the Hlg Nine conferencn will have a great in Tffcr After the Theater There is nothing quite so re freshing. ORDKU A CASE FOR YOUR HOME BY TELE PHONE. JETTER. BREWING CO. South Omaha, Thoue 8. , Omaha Headquarters, 1UV.O V. bll.Z 14th and Douglas. Tel. 1M1 Council Bluffs Headquarter. LEE MITCHELL. 1011 Mala Street. Tat ft). fluence In the money rcatters of a foot boll team and will have a tendency to make the game less professional la appearance. Leae expensive training tables will be main tained aed many other advantages cf the game will be done away with because cf the lack of funds. The object, of course, was to give the Mg t'nm le.s money which might possibly be. used injudiciously in se curing plajer. . A league of "socker foot ball teams was organised last May, consisting of Columbia, Harvard and Havtrford as charter mem bers. It Is now understood that both Cor nell and Princeton, together with Pennsyl vania, have applied for admission Into the In'e.c lle-,late Assort ition To t Fall league. Association foot ball has been growing at Trinceton Into great favor among the un dergraduates and a squad of thirty players have been practicing dally. Some had hoped that this sorkcr game would supplant the American game in the colleges, but If it docs It will be because the rules committee fails to recognize the cry fur reform and this does not seem likely to occur. The ten-yard rule has been working well during the last year In Canada. Another rule sug gested Is that no tackling be permitted be low the belt. Another change suggested Is that four officials handle the game in stead of two, it being argued that four men would be much more art to sea any violations of the rules. An Important change suggested by a western college is that the officials of the game be appointed by the league Instead of being chosen by the opposing teams. Borne maintain that slight changes will not save the game, that all rules should be thrown aside and an entirely new set adopted. Another rule which might have a tendency to make a player think twice before ho became too rough Is that his team shall lose two points, or rather that tho opponents shall count two points if ha Is disqualified from the iinic So hot has become the chase after honors on the bowling alleys of Omaha that the city U rapidly gaining a reputation outside as the home of some of the best amateurs I In tho west. This Is proved by the fact that tho champion Uuntners of Chicago are to be In Omaha fur match games on Lecem ber 31 and January 1. Not only are young men interesied, but many middle-aged and elderly men are also finding pleasurable recreation on the alleys; and women, too, are getting Into tho bowling habit in such numbers that special prizes for their bene fit have been a feature of several of tho alleys for a good while. Advocates of bowling us a form of sport, no less than as a sensible kind of exercise, grow en thusiastic in praise of tho game. They recall that it has developed through many generations, gaining always in attractive ness and yet not catering to the patronage of any rough or undesirable element of the population. It Is beyond question that as a game which gives chance for valuable yet not exhausting physical exercise, bowl ing Is steadily gaining in favor. It is not uncommon to see .men lulling- the bails single-handed with as much vim as if money were to bo won or lost by their scores. As a rule, these men are ironi otlices or business houses where they are busy all day In sedentary occupations. They Hud relaxation und pleasure in an hour s work with the finger balls. On any of the prominent alleys of tho city may be seen late in tho afternoon small groups of men who are as regular in their practice with the balls and pins as the gymnasium track man or the boxing or billiard enthusiast. At the Field club during tho summer the bowling alley was a favorite place for many of the women, und for tho daughters of members who are still attending school. In this game all could Join with vim, taking their turn on the alleys and afterward resting while some companion tried her hand. In Omaha, a In other cities, more money is being invested in bowling alleys every year. Some of these are quite costly as well as handsome In their appointments, and every new Improvement is added as fast as it has proved its merit. Only tho best to be had is good enough now, and a first class spread of alleys, gutters and runways is a dazzling sight, especially when a number of games are in progress at once. Tho woodwork is polished to a dazzling degree und with myriad lights shining and lighting up every cranny in tho hall, with bulls thundering down the glistening boards, pins falling and crashing together, rlayers exulting or explaining their poor shots, merriment abounding and everybody enjoying tho sport, a modern bowling alley is one of tho pleasajitett nights to bo witnessed in the whole realm of sport. With several leagues operating in Omaha, the interest is ou the increase and the participants take almost as much Interest in team and Individual scores and standing as do the base ball fans. In the local leagues are bowleis capable of making up a team umply proficient to compete with the best In the land. Omaha women have a gymnasium of thcii own us well as the men, and they put It to good use. Tho Young Women's Christian association is fortunate in having the serv ices of Miss lleth Wallace as physical di rector, a young woman with plenty of ex perience which sho secured at the Cniver city of Nebraska and na Instructor ut IViune and Wesleyan. Since her coming the en rollment In the regular gymnasium class has Increased until at the piesent time it numbers 1'3 young women. These .are all enthusiastic in their work under their ex eellent leader and great benefits are already apparent In the carrlago of the girls who are taking this exercise. Mies Wallace was seen just before time for a claas and was more than enthusiastic over her work. Sho said: "Our classes are gradually building up, although In a large city like this the older girls are a little backward about con tinuing their work in the gymnasium under a new Instructor. For this reason nearly all of our girls are new at the work. We expect to have a basket bull team and here again the enforced inllux of so much new material will keep us butkward in the mat ter of games. Nearly all of the girls who will play on the team will be new at tho game and for thut reason we are a little timid about arranging a hard schedule Then, again, basket bull is so fascinating it Interferes with the regular classes, and for that reason 1 have been a little slow In starting It this fall. After the holidays we hull start the game to going with more vim than at present and will soon be able to arrange games with any comers. Wo will probably play Hellevue, but the State uni versity has no scnedule ariantied up to dale and we don't know whether we will play that team or not. Our quarters are neces sarily crowded here, but when we are in the new building we will then have the shower baths and locker rooms and every thing handy, and then the cU.-av will ail be larger and mere Interest fahcn by a larger number of the girls. We had planned to give some gymnastic exercises for the New Year's reception, but the piogram has not been made out, so we do not know what we will do. Our new gymnasium will be perfectly equipped and will be as fine as any gymnasium for girls In the west." Pave Fulti. centeriieldcr of the New York Americans, haw returned to New York and announces that he has resumed the practice of law. Fulti has entirely recovered from the injuries resulting front his collision with Libcrftld Just before the close of the tea son at American league park. Since the base ball season closed he bus bn actiag as an official at the big foot ball games and visiting h's parents at Paoll. I. He prob ably will never play professional ball again. Tri gcinrff matters of Interest to start the new year will be in the same week, th annuul mi eting cf the Vr.lted States Oolf association nt Pelmonko's on January 13 and the international tournament at the Mexico Country club, which begins on the same day and lasts for two weeks. The heights di fended by Santa Ana and stormed by General Taylor are grif bunkers now. and the tournament Is apt to be a notable success. The affair had Its start last year, when Will Smith won the Mexicon cham pionship, nnd he hag stayed there ever since to teach golf. As a matter of fact, the Eng llsh and American colonies In the city of Mexico support the game, for save a few enfranchised natives, the Mexicans prefer bull fights and cock fights to placid golf. Will Anderson, four times open champion. Is to attend the tournament, also Aleck Smith, Steward Gardner, Bernard Nlcholla and probably George Low. Walter J. Travis has not as yet won a cup In Mexico, and he will hardly resist the temptation to play, while George B. Adams, John Moller, Jr., C. L. Tappin and Arden M. Robbins In fact, nearly all the golfers who annually pack their grips for winter trips, are likely to Include Mexico in their Itinerary. The first contest will be for the open cham pionship of Mexico," at seventy-two holes, with to the winner and J100 to the sec ond. There will be a team match for ama teurs, four-ball competition open to pairs, professional and amateur, and the amateur championship of Mexico, which will begin with a thlrty-slx-hole medal play round. Tho entries close on January IB. Since the gift of a trophy to the Inter collegiate Golf association, the Vnlted States Golf association committee has been urged to give similar trophies to the New England Golf association and the embryo Western Intercollegiate. The Intercollegiate has the honor of seniority, and with a little enterprise It might widen Its scope to make the tournament of really national conse quence. Tho college hoys should take In the New England league, at least, say many graduates, for with the teams from Brown, Williams, Amherst, Massachusetts Tech nology and others ns rivals, the interest in the annnual team championship would not rest In merely whether Harvard or Tale Is to win. Princeton, Pennsylvania, Columbia and Cornell should hold out the hand of welcome to tho New England colleges, If only for the selfish reason to get opponents they could beat. Will Anderson, four times open champion of the I'nlted States, has accepted an offer from tho Onwentsia club near Chicago. The champion will receive the highest salary yet paid to a professional In this country. Anderson, who has been connected with the Ampawamls Oolf club of Rye, N. V., for the last two years, will succeed Fred Mc Kenzie at Onwentsia, the latter having decided to return to Scotland. Anderson first came to this country when a boy of 1fi. his first green being at Watch Hill, R. I. It was in the open championship cf 1X97 at Wheaton that Anderson Fpran Into prominenco by finishing second a stroke behind Joe Lloyd. The following year at Baltimore Anderson finished third, and fifth in W at Myopia after a tie with Alex Smith, finished fifth the next year at Garden city, ana then won in succession at Baltusrol, Glenvlew and My opia. Ho has also won the western open tltlo twice in 2P9 at Cleveland three years ago, going on record as one or tne most remarkable performances ever recorded by an op?n champion in either this country or Great Britain. Anderson was born lit Edinburgh, Scotland, and did most of his playing when a boy at North Berwick, where his father was green keeper for eighteen years. rrof. John L. Tipton of Simpson college at Indianola, la., suggested at a meeting of representatives of eleven colleges of the northwest recently that basket ball replace foot ball and tho game be played outdoors. The general opinion of the educators was that foot ball must bo changed radically or abolished, though few believe abolition will be possible. In speaking of tho foot ball situation President Langdon C. Stewardson of no bait college, Geneva, N. Y.f says he be lieves the large institutions should take the lead, as the smaller colleges are com pelled by force of circumstances to play as the authorities decldu or abolish the game. 1 To abolish the game at the present time, he thinks, would be both inadvisable and premature. He recommends the aboli tion of the professional coach and pleads for a new heart, the heart of a true sportsman. Ducky Holmes is getting along very well with his tiasn ball proposition down at Lincoln. He has leased the park regard less of any arrangement with the Univer sity of Nebraska, and Is going ahead to get his team together. Papa Bill Rourke will help him out to the extent of giving him Jack Thomas and Frank Martin, Tills will make a splendid Infield for Lincoln, for with Thomas on first, Martin at sec ond, Ciulllin, of last season's St. Joe team, at short, and Holmes at third, the corners will be taken care of by ubout as fatit a bunch us the Western haa ever had. Itourkc tried very hard to make a trade for Qulllin. but Holmes knows a good thing himself, and declined to let go. If Holmes can get us good an outfield as that, he will surely have Uncolu in the race. The big magnates have done at least one good thing, and that Is the concession to the minors on the drafting proposition. It has been determined that only one man may be drafted, and that the price to be paid shall be O.OOo. This means that more care will be exercised in making selections, and that the riddling of minor league teams each fall will be at an end. The present draft system has worked an Injustice to player and owner alike. Take the present condition of the New York American team, for example. When Griffith starts south for his training next spring, he will take with him seventeen pitchers, six catchers, nine inflelders and six outfielders. If each of tho big league teams had put together a string like that, where would tho little fellows be? The change is a victory for the Class A teams, who made the fight last spring. All the lion Johnson batteries were turned on them, and Griffith, StaJlings, Tebeau and others who mode the fight were called all marner of names, but they refused to lay down. Now that victory has been achieved, watch Kavanaugh and Powers and one or two others who went over to the big fellows and fought their own interests come slipping around for their share of the glory and the advantage that has come to minor league bail. Papa BUI Rourke is sitting around his new headquarters these days, quietly i smiling In anticipation of next summer's work. He plans to show some of the wise ones a new trick. Among the things he has up his sleeve is the new third base man. It a a hard thing to get one to take Bill Schipke'a place, but Rourke says he has him. "He's another Rill Rradley. I tell you." and Rouil.e gazed fondly on the ( face of the youngster, as it shone forth j from a photograph. "Just wait till that boy gets Into action." Eddie Quick, who was sitting around with the boss, spoke of Pill Schipke. and Rourke paid him this tribute: "In the two seasons he played with the Omaha team I never saw Bchlpke f5 A "The Whiskey with a Reputation' shirk a ball, and I never saw him moke but one error of Judgment. One day on the home grounds, during his first season, he made a dive for the bag instead of for the ball, and it wert for a hit. Bill saw his blunder too late to retrieve It, and he looked as foolish as any ball player I ever saw on the diamond. If he gets off right with Cleveland he'll make the patrons alt up and take notice." Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Page Five.) smooth, and one sees the work of the gla cier overywhere. Indeed, bedrock is close to the surface. Some of the miners tell me that this part of the world Is the oldest formation known and that rocks which are found far down in other parts of the continent here lie at the surface. One well known man who Is some thing of an authority on the minerals of this part of the world believes that this Is why the cobalt and nickel He at the sur face. The nickel ho supposes to be the core of the world, saying that if one could get at the heart of old mother earth be would find that it is mado of nickel steel. Kuoriuons Mineral Deposits. I doubt whether the southern part of New Ontario will ever bo worth much for farm ing, although the land between the rocks is said to be rich. Tho whole country, how ever, is filled with minerals. This is espe cially so about Iake Superior and Georgian bay, und above these no one knows how far northward. I have met a number of ex plorers who have crossed the country from here to Hudson's bay. They say there are evidences of gold, silver, copper and iron all along the way. There are Immense beds nt gypsum near James bay and also signs of petroleum and gas. These explorers, however, have only gone along the streams over two or three known trails, so that the region is unknown and unprospected. The Canadian geological sur vey bus made hoi no explorations and re ported thereon, but no one has any Idea what the country really contains. So far two of the best mineral regions have been discovered through railroad cuts. The new cobalt silver mines, which may possibly yield JoO.000,000 or mora within tho next few years, were discovered by the Temiskamlng railroad builders In excavating the roadbed about Cobalt lake, and the nickel mines here, which are now supplying more than half the nickel of the world, were stumbled upon by tho Canadian Pacific railway while grading its trdxks twenty-five years ago. Prospecting; In Canada. Prospecting heru is not like the business as carried on in the Rocky mountains. There one can go around toting his pick on horseback or donkeyback and chip the rocks with his hammer. Here the country is wooded, and there is so much muskeg that It is impossible to make one's way through, except upon fool. The prospector carries his blanket, provisions and tools on bis back, holding them there by a wide strap about his forehead. He has often to un cover the soil; and, in the cobalt region, make trenches here und there, stripping the earth from each likely spot to see if the rich silver veins will not show out In the rock. One indication of cobalt silver Is known as cobalt bloom. This is a beautiful pink, which the cobalt in the rock takes on when exposed to the weather. Where there Is much of it it looks for all the world Just like the rogue which our society belles put on their cheeks in a vain attempt to imi tate nature. in prospecting for nickel the men keep their eyes open for what the Germans call Iron hat (elsen hut). This a red coating of iron rust covering the hillside or the rocks, which Indicates that the mineral, which may He below, contains nickel and copper. The Crelghton mine, which I described In another letter, was found in a swamp. The nickel cropped out on the edge and was followed under the water. The swamp was then drained, and the largt-sl or bed of nickel ever known was discovered. There are other swamps about here which may be standing on nickel. Indeed, the nickel deposits of this countr seem almost in exhaustable. It is estimated that there are more than halt a million tons In alght and Maker Maid THREE -TIME WINNER! S. HIRSCH (& CO. D. A. Samp sen, Gen'l Sales Agent, Omaha, Neb, the metal Is now found throughout a ter ritory about twice as big as Rhode Island. Lake Superior Copper Basin. Indeed, the most wonderful metal basin In tho world Is that which contains Lake Superior. This lake is the largest body of fresh water on earth. It Is almost as big as the state of Indiana, and in soma places It is about 1,000 feet deep. This vast body of water seems to lie in a basin ef valuable ores. There Is copper all around It, and iron mines on both aides of it which are of enormous extent. The greater part of the Iron used by the Steel trust comes from Lake Superior, and Indeed it Is aafe to say that most of the trucks over which our railroads go are composed of Lake Su perior ore. I will iot speak of the vast bodies of ore on the United Statea side Those on the Canadian aide are known to be of vast volume. Canada has ranges of iron moun tains which are said to be a continuation of the Minnesota mines, which now lead the world aa iron producers. The Lake Su perior company is shipping ere from some of these mines, and ia using aome from the Helen mines in connection with other ores to make the steel rails for Canada' b new railroads. In addition there are other ranges of iron farther north, which are said to be of great value. It la the same with copper. There is a belt of that metal running 400 miles along Lake Superior and the Georgian bay and extending northward to the height of land. It is estimated to cover an area half as great as Ohio, and there is no considerable portion anywhere .in. It . In which copper bearing rocks are not found. One square mile of this country, which includes the Bruce mines and other properties, yielded 1 mra than 11 fVl (Yift worth of Conner be tween lStD and 1S7B. FRANK G. CARPENTER. Prattle ot tha Youngsters Small Margie, seeing a gentleman with a large chrysanthemum In his buttonhole poHsing by. exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, look what a big Christmas anthem that man's got'." Mamma Hut, dear,he good book tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Little Ethel Tes. mamma, but people didn't live in flats then. Small Johnny was discovered hiding in a neighbor's back yard. "Your mother is looking for you. Johnny." said the neighbor. "I know It," rejoined the little fellow. 'That's why she can't find me." Teacher Now. Tommy., can you tell me how many make a thousand? Tommy Ten hundred. Teacher That's light. Now. Johnny, tell ! tne how many muko a million. i Johnny About one in a million, I guess. There was a noticeable hoarseness In Bes sie's voice as she came down to breakfast. "You'll have to take something for that frog In your throat, child," said her mother. "I dess not, mamma," said Bessie. "It Isn't a fwog. It's only a "little pollywog." New Minister And what are you going to be when you grow up, my boy? Hurry A great surgeon like my father. New Minister So your father is a great surgeon, is he? Harry You bet he is. Why, only last week he saved the life of a man who was fatally Injured In a railway wreck. Out of the Ordinary A Pln.lrnnll 1 1 ttllA a H .Ann A h. married have announced their determina tion to spend their honeymoon on the Arctic ocean, cruisini? as near the North Pole aa they can reach conveniently. Another evidence that the reform wave i has reached California Is that a evident of the state has Just pud for a 25-cent collar button stolen twenty-two years agi. The 1 wave seems to have hit him in the ne k. ! The khedive of Egypt owns the most eostlv saddle In the world. It Is nude of Mack leather, though more gold than leather is visible, and it cost 170.0 o. It is really four saddles in one, being used on horses harnesi-ed to the royal coH.h on state occa.loi i and occupied by four i postilions. A voung woman in Westphalia was to be married recently, but Ju.t before the cere mony it was found that her birth had J never been registered, go that ah was not r rr - rrv i b in i n i IW I U I RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARD AT ST. LOUIS VORLD'S FAIR, J904 PARTS PURE FOOD AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1905 LEVIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION, PORTLAND, OREGON, J905 Kansas City, Mo. in existence according to the law. Her birth was registered, however, and pre ceded her marriage by ten minutes, ac cording to the documents In the case. Pessle Thomas Is in Jail In Los Angeles charged with rlxlng from an operating table, where she was undergoing an opera tion for appendicitis, going to a drawer and stealing $50 belonging to the operating surgeon and resuming her position on the operating table, all during a two minutes' absence of the surgeon from the room. "Wanted, cockroaches in large numbers," Is unknown as an advertisement in Amer ican papers, but it is said to be not un familiar In England. Its mysterious mean ing was made evident In an advertisement in a Wimbledon paper: "Wanted, iO,W0 cockroaches, by a tenant who agreed to leave his present residence in the same condition as it was when he took it." The tenant was a stickler for the lleral fulfil ment of his contract. Governor Edwin Warfleld of Maryland laughs at thhe thirteen superstition, though according to the common view he ought to regard it with respect. He is the thir teenth governor of Maryland to occupy tho executive mansion at Annapolis. He was elected by a majority of 13,000 votes, has thirteen letters in his name and was inaugurated January 13. 1904. Bo far noth ing has occurred In his political career to warrant any fear for the thirteen super stition. Labor Notes During the past year the Maine sardine industry has packed more than a billion sardines. The New York Charity society credits the labor unions with being among the most efficient helpers In the fight against tuber culosis, which has reduced Its ravages 20 per cent In ten years in that city. The inmates of the New Jersey state prison have stopped making muil bags be cauNe of the law prohibiting the use of convict labor on government contracts. A Trenton factory, employing lOt) pcrsous, has taken up the work. More than 1E.0K) miners snd smeltera of Butte, Mont., aro about to break away from the Western Federation of Miners and Join their fortunes with the United Mine Work era of America, in order that they may have the protection of tho American Feder ation of Labor. Flour shipments by water from Portland during tho mouth of December will break ail former records, even us the outlook stands today. Before the end of the month, nearly ti.uou.Pui worth of dour will have been set atlont from Portland wharves sinco the first of the month, and at the rate hhipments have commenced moving toward t'ulli'otuiu ports ail former records in this line will appear decidedly ins.gmu cant. Some years ago the French government enacted a law, which gees Into operation Janury 3, VS. by which the nine-hour day limit for men working underground Is pre scribed. The time la counted from the de scent of the last man Into the shaft until the arrival of tie first one on the kurfac. On and after January 2, 1906. the time will be eight ond one-half hours, and after Jan uary 10. 1910, eight hours will constitute a day's work. ColtlsGured QU1CSILY Hromo-L- (contains BO Quinine) breukii up ooid In the ntiio In a lew bourn eaves to bud kfier-efleets Vv"tfi? 1,Ke win" ' preparations. li irn,4VS ioc s I ho work qjlcklv eaieij net a to todav I roin yi ur drug. dt Am: fur the Oiaova Colored Uox and tee tuut the label rals COITftlr!S NO C'JININEV CTC?.Z MALT EXTRACT dees not dop. or drug, but ftedj tht body and soothes the r.crvel in the moil plcsunt, rut urzl way. It U a boon to th briin-worker, tht convileicent, the nunxg motl er, or ty one nccdirg a nutri.iotii, f-UubU bnrrage to coai back t'renrth U the tuJ or the flush of health Ui!,ec.'.cci. Prominent phjsi tk.'i recommend it. OnJcr a catc (a dui. botUee). At u ii. , ,j l M i In ' ' A Whiskey unsurpassed in quality At bars, cafes, clubs nd drug stores i n I CHARGES LESS THAN ALL 0THLRS DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats All Forms of Diacaaea of MEJi ONLY. Thirty Years' Experience. Twenty Years in Omaha. The doctor's remarkable success has never been equalled. His resources and facilities for treating this class of diseases are unlimited, and every day brings many fiatterlng reports of the good he ia doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT f OR All Blood Poisons. No "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the disease disappears at once. A per manent cure for life guaranteed. VADirilTf I Fc'nES GUARANTEED ill ftMllUlLLLLES3 THAN FIVE DAYS. AVFD 1( finftca,es cured of Hydrocele, UflH JViUUU Stricture, Gleet, Nervous Debility, Lobs of Strength and Vitality and all forms of chronic diseases. Treatment by mail. Call or write. Box 766. Office 2U" South 11th St.. Omaha. Neb. RED-g-CROSS WHISKEY Pour full quart f r tn.oo. Lxpress charges prepaid. Recommended by the leading phyM Klans and used In 1! prominent hos pitals. The Red Cro Whiskey enjoys to day the best of rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. Refereucts: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK OMAHA OR ANY EXPRESS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 716 S. 16th 8treet, OMAHA. Sole Owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped by freight. livery Woman itiuumaiea ana .noma now anoui ti. wjui.dnrrtu MARVEL Whirling Spray i new f.fiii njTm. mjn vmann aw'trm. iiat-ni et-M.t rdj-vwnl.ul. UUHil'nuluUI, 11 -i, lit Mr JrweUt nw tt. Ir h r.Ttimt euiipiy tha MAHt !.. .t no Hi. r. txtl und ai.tui, for lllu.tr.ipd iMk -.W It lifM full ii.rtlcul.ift .nil -tiwtK.t.t lu- !(.. I.. I..i.-s. W4Riai.ro.. B. aao ST., aatv loitat. kor feat o HERMAN & MUUNNEI.L TRUd CO. Cor. I6tn and Doug His. tuUav neve Klein & Cladder! tioulics at mce. Cures In OHcurs" URINARY DISCHARGES 1 cli Can- b.. (17 it?rf-t iC"Y.?:SV.wyHV3a fitter x i a RlfiTatln??' (K)I