Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1905, Page 6, Image 27

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The Legend ot (he Mistletoe
"Iialdr tb beautiful.
Ood of the suniin"r sun.
Fair's! of all the (his:
Light from his t'Hit.'-i'l lx i'i
Hunt's fr i,pon his tongue-.
As on the warriors swore).
All thlntts in earth nnd air
Hound were by music spill
.Ni'vr to do him hum.
Kven the pline-ts and s'.om s
All save 1 1- Mistletoe,
The sacred Mistletoe.''
lir.Ri: are son;" custom which
I Pfcin to survive almost ind' lin-
I Itelv the laose of centuries. The
mistletoe, whl-h reappears every
hiistnias, was a e.icred plant aa
1 i. i a. k h the diijs of the rcrslans, au
object of woishlp In 1'crsia and India.. It
evokes memories of the ancient Gauls,
f the sacred troves, and the Piulds, whose
priests were said to have sprung from ttic
Mat1, arid all that I if longs to a vanished
religion. In the days of the Timid:-, the
feFjUal of tho cutting of the mistletoe took
place In the month of March, on the Hlxtli
day of th moon. The tenth of March ut
that period was New year a day, and us the
I festival required the full light of tho moon.
It was held as niiir New year's day as
'the moon would allow. The Druids clanm-d
' thut the gods loved the oak above all other
I treea. It was the tree of Thor, tho Thuu
! dorer In Scandinavian mythology, of J u pi-
tar among the Grosks, of 1'erun, who Is
tha Jove of the Slavonic natlous. On tha
day appointed for the festival of cutting
Ida sacred plant, a procc'simi was fornieil.
Two white bulls being rl, w n- fastened
by the horns to tho oak. .'v w iiiie-rolx d
Druid climbed tho leafless l.iv:,c!us of tho
tree, and with a golden si. cut tha
prayea of mlatletoe. Bcn-atli ll. e stately
oak was a circle of Druid pi ici esses In
white robes, the hair confined by golden
ir(eents; they held their snowy vc:is out
spread to receive the sncred splays ,ts they
fell from tho oak, for they were never
permitted to touch the ground. KcllKi"""
rites were then performed and the two
white bulls were saerlllce-ei. The sprays of
mistletoe were carefully preserved nnd
used In many ways. They were placed,
over tho doors to bring good fortune, to
keep off evil spirits. They were also used
In various decoctions to cure many mala
dies, for grU healing power was ascribed
to the plant.
Bacon aays that mistletoe which grew
Xi pon oaks wan counted very medici
nal, and the Druids considered it a remedy
against every kind ot poison.
In some parts of Germany the children
still run about the Btreets at Christmas
tide, knocking ut doors and windows with
hammers, and shouting "(Tut hell. Out
hell:" These words are plainly equivalent
to tho Drudical name of tho mistletoe,
used by Fllny when ho speaks of It ns
"All Ileal." It played nn Important part
In the life of tljc Gauls; a remnant of this
still seems to exist In Frame, for the
peasant boys still use the expression "An
gul I'an neuf" as a New Years's greeting.
Tho ceremony of decorating churches and
houses with evergreens Is of great anti
quity and was observed In many coun
tries hundreds of years ngo, Just as wo
still find a similar custom in the eat at
New Year, showing us that the oilgiu of
the observances Is the same In each case.
It was esteemed a sicred plant among the
Normans and Celtic bards, tho harpers of
Scotland and Wales held It In great rever
ence. Terhaps the nilstletoo was taken as
a symbol of the New Year on account oT
Its clusters of green leaves growing on bare
treea, and giving them the appearance
of having renewed their foliage. In Brit
tany, It Is called "Herbo de la Croix," be
cause It was believed that from the wood
the cross was made; though It was de
graded from a stately forest tree to a
parasite In consequence of, this fact.
But before we hear of the mistletoe of
the Druids, we meet with the plant In the
beautiful legend of the death of Balder,
from the association with which It doubt
less derived Its sanctity The Apollo, or
Pay god of the Norsemen, bore the name
of Balder the Good. Ho was beloved ullke
of gods and men. In him the Norsemen
honored all that was beautiful, eloquent,
wise and good. He was the spirit of activ
ity, Joy and light. Without tho brightness
it his presence, Asgnrd, the abode of the
gods, of Odin, of Thor, of Frey.ta. would
have been sad and gloomy; without his
Joyous blessing earth would bnve been dull
and barren. Orent trouble therefore fell
on the gods In Valhalla, when Balder one
flay Informed them that he had been visited
by terrific dreams, threatening htm with
deadly peril. It seems that he did not
possess the Immortality which the Greeks
attributed to their mythic divinities. There
fore the gods of Valhalla determined to
use all their manic arts to' preserve to
themselves and to men their favorite
deity. The mythology of ancient Scandina
via Included a principle or power of evil
called Lokl. whose chief aim was to do
mischief and mar the happiness of the
gods. Of all the deities, Lokl hated most
the God of Light. Haider's mother. Freyja,
resolved to extort an oath from all created
things that they would not hurt him. The
goddess mother met with a ready response
from earth, air. fire, water, stones, dis
eases, beasts, birds, insects and poisons,
and from trees and flowers. One thine
alone escaped her spells. There grew on
the eastern side of the Valhalla an ancient
oak, attached to which, rooted in Its
gnarled branches, she perceived a tiny
plant, a soft green. Insignificant thing with
pearly white berries. It Beemed so power
less to do harm, that she passed it by.
Alas! from nil ages comes the warning,
that nothing is insignificant. After the
spell had been laid on all creation, not to
hurt Haider, the gods were wont to test
his Immunity from harm, by getting him
to stand on the plains of Asgard as a
target at which they hurled darts and
stones, and some struck ut him with
swords and battle axes. The spell worked
well; Raider was ever unhurt, and it came
to be an honor paid him. when his invul
nerability was thus tested. One day the
goda were assembled, when Lokl, hovering
near unseen, gszed upon the singular
spectacle. He beheld the bright-haired
Haider standing In a circle formed by the
deities of Valhalla. Odin stood gaiing at
the sport, while Thor threw his mighty
hammer at Haider, which rebounded with
out Injury to the youthful god. In his turn
each god hurled missiles at Balder, who
aood smiling at them, erect and unharmed.
What could It mean? I.oki determined to
rind out. So changing his shape to that
of a fair and queenly woman, he hastened
to the dwelling of Freyja. The goddess re
ceive her visitor graciously, and inquired
whence she came. "From the plain where
A 8kln of Beauty is a Joy Forevof.
II, e gods are mnkinr a target of lhMr,
without hurting Mm." tcilied the fale
"Aye." said Freyja, "neither metal nor
wood can hurt Balder, for I have exacted
an oath from all things, that they will not
harm Mm."
"What:" exclaimed the truest, "have all
things sworn to spare him?"
"All thlncs," replied Freyja. "except one
little shrut thut grows upon nn oak on
tho eastern shh of Valhalla, and Is called
the mistletoe. I thought It too young and
too feeble to crave an oath from It."
A serret Joy thrilled through the false
mnidin ns she heard there words, and
hastening from Freyja's dwelling as soon
as she could, she flew to the spot where
prew the fatal parasite. Then, resuming
Ms proper shape. Lokl cut off the mistle
toe and hastened back to the plains of
Asgard. He found the gods still at their
singular amusement. The blind god Hodur,
the god of brute strength, was standing
eloiio to one side. In the Norse mythology
he signified Night, as Haider signified Day.
"Why don't you throw sonii'thins at
Balder?" akej Lokl.
"Because." answered Loki. 'I cannot
see, and 1 have nothing to throw."
"Come, then," said Lokl, "do as tho rest
do, and honor Balder, by throwing this twig
at him. I will guide thine arm."
Hodur t iok tho mistletoe, and guided by
i.oki. threw It with all his strength at
r.nlder, who fell lifeless, pierced by the
' Thus fell Bidder the Good." says the old
Norse legvnd, "by the bough of the un
charmcd mistletoe."
The grief and rage of the gods was in
tense at this cruel termination of their
homage, and feeling that light and Joy
had been taken from them, they gave way
to sorrow and to fear. All their efforts to
release Haider from llela, the pallid daugh
ter of Death, who held him captive, "in the
plains of Nifilieiiu, where dwell the dead,"
wero liustnited by tho machinations of
They lesolved to avenge themselves.
Having captured Lokl, they confined him In
a gloomy mountain canon, and bound him
at the foot of a huge rock, on the summit
of which lay an enormous serpent, who
dropped poison on his face, but his wife,
Sygln, was faithful to him, remained at his
side, and caught the drops as they fell,
In a golden chalice It was only when she
was forced to turn aside, to empty the
goblet, und the venom touched Lokl, and ho
shrunk and writhed to escape the burning
drops; these struggles shook the earth and
caused earthquakes. There I.oki will re
main till Itagiiarnck, the twilight of the
world, when the gods, the earth, and all the
dwellers therein will be destroyed by the
powers of evil, tho companions of Lokl.
Only, Odin, the All Father, will remain
and gather round him on the planes where
Asgard once stood, the gods regenerate
and purified by tire, and then a new and
better world will arise, in which Balder
will come again with his unconscious
slayer, Hodur, and all evil will cease., und
light and darkness will dwell together in
After the final purification by suffering
and lire, and the regeneration to which the
Northmen looked us the means of the ultl
mato adjustment of good and evil, and
from which they did not exempt even their
gods, the Influence of good was to prevail.
Haider would reappear, radiant, beautiful,
Joyous as before; and Lokl, the spirit of
evil, be no more heard of. Virginia Bel
mont in The Madame.
as AIM
(fiiic' mi
lyju iru
m aat ssai st isi"
Never before have we made such extensive purchases of Holiday Goods. Our showrooms are overflowing with thousands of
pieces of furniture, countless rugs in all sizes, hundreds of pairs of lace curtains
and portieres, and all are offered at moderate prices within the reach of everyone.
In selecting a plft for Christmas, bear Jn mind that there is nothing mor sensible or better appreciated
than foniethlng for the home. Remember, we have suitable presents for father or mother, sister or brother,
sweetheart or bean. All goods bought now will be laid away tor Christmas. Don't wait till the best are taken,
and all we ask is a judicious comparison, and we are sure you will decide in our favor.
Pedestals and Tabourets
A very choice selection, r.rtde In
mahogany, rosewood, golden oak,
Teak wood, mahogany finish,
weather, d onk. early K.n rllsh Hnd
fum-d oak. prices, rang- f 1
lug from $lu.w to IJcJ
Parlor Cabinets
Tarlor Cabinets made In Vernll
Martin, solid mahogany, golc
and Imitation mahogany, prlcei
ranging from JSou.OO 112 5
Music Cabinets
from 130.00 to ..,
Large floor Lamps In Mission Den
Iemps In Mission, Reading
Lamps, Students Ivimps and Par
lor Lamps, mad for electric!,
gas or oil, rsnging In fill
price from 4.00 to OtKfU
Medicine Cabinets 1
Medicine Cabinets with bevel mir
ror doors and panel doors, mnd
In quarter sawed oak and whlu
enamel, ranging In price i 7i
from $10.00 to -
In solid mahogany, quarter sawed oak, Imitation ma
hogany, Circassian walnut, prices ranging 475
This Stock Is Worthy of
psciai , on u on
Ladies' Desks
Ladies' Desks, quartered, sawed and polished oak, g 00
Ladies' Desks, birch, mahoga ny finished, and complete arrange- fi fin
ments, for O.vlll
Ladles' Desks, quarter sawed and polished, drop leaf, very com- Q f
rlete. French lees, for y,uw
Ladies' Desks, curly birch, French lege, beautiful finish and lO 75
complete arrangements, for
Other Desks in mahogany, curly birch, birdneye maple, 23 00
up to
Our line of Rockers
1 the largest ever
Known in Omaha nnd
at prices that can uot
be undersold, qual
ity considered. Prices
range from $1.35 to
Turkish Rockers in
genuine leather with
Ilarrlngton springs
and platform rnrkers
for $32.tfc.
$.T1.00. $3.1.00. $41.50.
$47.00 and up.
Sewing Tables
'A beautiful present for any lady.
Pewlng Table, solid mahogany, Q QQ
Sewing Table, solid mahogany, with two
drawers, one drawer parti- lO tf
tioned. for ,6,uu
Sewing Table, genuine solid mahogany,
with two drawers and pockets C llfl
at each side, for I O. JJ
Other Sewing Tables, ranging in Ifl Ctfi
price to uu,uu
Open Evenings
Morris Chairs
Our assortment of Morris Chairs was never
more complete and of such good values.
Morris Chair, weathered oak, solid frame, mission
style, fine velour cushions g Jq
Morris Chair, quarter-sawed oak, hand polished,
with cut velour cushions, beautiful - f
design for lUtJ
Morris Chair, Early English Oak, best workman
ship, with Chase leather cushions J J
Morris Chair, quarter-sawed oak, polished, Q in
with fine velour cushions for U
Morris Chairs, in genuine mahogany prpr fr
and genuine leather up to JUUU
Muffin Stands
Two-Tray Solid Mahogany Muffin Stand 1 f fC
with dish shape trays for IUiUU
Three-Tray Solid Mahogany Muffin
Stand with flat tray for
Celleretts, for dens, dining rooms and private
rooms made in solid mahogany, golden oak,
mission oak, weathered oak and Early English
made in all conceivable shapes, from a clock to
a barrel prices ranging from $50.00 12
Our assortment of
Clocks, which are al
ways suitable for the
home, is comprised
of many varieties In
a wide range of
Clocks for the man
tle, $2.00 to
$10 00
Clocks for the din
ing room,
$9 00 to
Grandfathers Clocks,
$20.00 to
Carpet Department
M(Kti't;e Itug 27xG3. large y C A
variety of deslpns otu-U . . nO)
AxnilnMcr Hug 27x63, choice of
many stylos
MiMiictfe Rugs 36x72. many striking
effects, both In design and A flA
coloring each r.UU
Smyrna Hug 30xf,n, Oriental and
floral designs prices from
$4.(10 to
In polished brass, etruscan brass, oxidized copper,
solid mahogany and golden oak O trr
f J . KJ J
from $15.00 to.
1315-17-19 Farnam Street
Wilton 1 tugs In all sizes nnd many
styles to select from, ranging In
price from $10.00
Our stock represents every district of
the Orient and ranges in price in
the small sizes fioni T tf
$150 to J.UU
We are showing a large assortment of
Hassocks, made from Brussels, Mo-
queue and Axmlnster, at the
very low price of
carim-;t swkki'kp.s
We enrry only the best makes, the
Bissell and National both rango In
price according to quntlty. from $2. Of),
IW.oO and $:t.OO. All useful Christ
mas presents.
Drapery Department
Rope Portieres A complete line of
Hope Portieres, all colors, ranging
in price from $ 6.50 50
Fire Screen Weathered oak frames,
burlap filling each from T CA
$G.OO to J.JU
Three-Panel Screens Weathered nnd
golden oak frames, sllkollnu. denim
and burlap filling each I nn
from $25.00 to .Vt
I'licovered Sofa Pillows, Down ami
l-Vuthcrs MIol
18x18 20x20 22x22 24x24
40c 50c 60c 75c
Uncovered Sofa Pillows, Pure I town
18xlS 20x20 22x22 24x24
80c 1.10 1.50 1.95
Fancy Covered Sofa Pillows, In tapes
trv, silk and Oriental embroidery
each $4.00, $3.60, $3.00
and attJU
A large line of Fancy Silks and Tap-
estires suitable for rillow covers at
greatly reduced rrices.
Open Evenings
Entertaining Christmas Stories and Tales for Little Folks
T. Falix Go
Cmm or or M
f .r..4'a Cream'
.kiB hMll.l.llAI. " l i
rsud'a Orlantal
agloal Baautlflor
'.'m" Tun, rt.i:
KrixWm, M ia J'jicli
liatu, u.4 sk a !
ma.l t itl:,
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ba tlwod lb. tr
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Acctit noeo',t,
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"A. you lJ:c
U1 UK tl :l
M th. Iut h.raul of .U Ik.
i'j in unKii .r,a Tine,
A Letter to Santa..
Baltimore American.
"Dear Santy:
I'm a weal dood dlii.
1 dem't ky when nurse pulla my turl;
I never tease r pussy cat.
An' Fwctldloi alius dnin' 'at.
1 mind my mamma all the while:
My papa aaya I'tr the bestest chile
In all his llfo he ever see,
An 'everybody home likes me.
I wock by 'Ittle baby bruvver;
He? kies if he nees any nvver.
I never pull poor doggy's tall:
Bud i'weddie, he Jus' makes him wail.
Now, Panty. I want lots uv flngs;
I want a 'ittle bird wut sinus;
I want a dolly wiv weal hair,
Wlv big tioo ey wot shut an' stare;
I want a 'ittlo do'ly house;
I want a 'Ittle squeaky mouse
Wot wuns and makes er pussy Jump;
I want a darnel wiv a hump;
I want a woolly doff wot barks.
An' uvver tings wiv Noder'a arks.
I want a carriage for my dolly;
I want a weal, irreen. talking Polly,
An' when we hang er stockiea up
I'lease nil 'em wiv do nices' atup.
An' dood ole Panty, don't fordet
J'oor 'Ittle dlrla dot nussen' yet.
Who ain't dot mammas nice like me.
And papas to tato care, oo see;
An' ain't dot shoosiea for der feet,
An' ain't dot anyflng to eat.
Please, Rarity, div poor dirls an' boys
Borne tandles an' some booful toys.
An' dlv 'em dwesses nice like mine,
An' Klsmaa dinners, oh. so tine!
Wlv turkey an' "a but mint pl.
Pon't let er 'ittle dirlies ky.
'Cause rtv dot nussen'. Don't fordet.
Please, Santy. Papa calls ma PET."
Beth'a Chrtstmaa Dream.
It was only last year, the night before
Christmas, that Heth, a little girl about 7,
sat before the window In her room looking
out Into the moonlight. So many stars
were winking and blinking their bright
eyes at her, and she often liked to visit
with tho beautiful friends out of doors.
Some people even called her "Dreamy
Heth," because ghn was so happy when all
alone, quietly thinking.
Away across the snow the moon made a
path of lly lit, although It was dark under
the trees below. How P.eth wished that
something of Die real Chrislinaa would
hurry along. Could she wait all night?
But far overhead was a beautiful bright
star, like the one In the story of long ago!
Yes. but what whining sound was that?
Almost like a flash there appeared at her
side a wonderful, tiny fairy, as white and
sparkling as the snow, with silvery wines
and a star twinkling above her head. Kor
a moment Beth was toil surprised to speak,
but soon asked eagerly: "Oh, who are you,
and where do you live!"
"Dear maiden, I am one of the star
fairies, and our home is the star up yon
der." "B it how did you happen to come away
off here!" continued Beth.
Sweetly the little voice answered: "Walt,
and I will tell you my story. Many years
ago we star fairies did a wonderful thing,
of which you have heard. We peeped Into
the m-'nifer Led which held the most
precious Child of all time. We wera so
lad to see him that one star shone very
brightly, and helped the shepherds to
find the Christ Child. Because of the good
we did then, we fairies may come to the
earth each Chritnii und find those wa
cun make happy."
"And you came to tell me that there are
reully good fairies at Cni-htt;ia-tlde?"
"Yes, and also something that happened
ore year. I found some little people who
had to many mie Christmas books and
toys tliun they could use, and, do you know,
they did not look a bit glad! So I sur
prised them so much by coming right Into
the window and calling to them to follow
"You couldn't guess where we went. I
led them a long way down the street until
wo came to a very old, broken-down house,
where there were many children, who
seemed to have no Christmas at all, nor
even warm clothes. But they were so busy
helping the mamma In different ways that
they did not tee us as we stood outside.
Soon 1 heard some one near me with a
kind heart say: 'Oh, let us hurry back
home and bring gifts to play Santa Claus
to these children'.'
"Quickly the children hurried back to
where Christmas had been so generous and
they loaded themselves with some of all
their gifts, besides warm clothing and a
feast of candy and fruit.
"How soma little people's eyes sparkled
when these odd strangers, laden with so
many good things, opened up all the queer
packages! Such a merry Christmas, and
Just no end of eyes dancing with light!
On the way home, as the visitors were
talking to each other of what they had
seen and the fun, I left them for my far
away home."
"And you still come to earth to gladden
every waiting child! Oh, fairy, how good
of you to come to me!"
Just then Beth wakened from her sweet
dream, and heard the Christmas bells ring
ing. Helen C. Vance In Child Oarden.
Tucker's Chrtatmas Tree.
Tucker Johnson was 7 years old when he
had a great trouble for a whole year he
could not walk. This was hard for Tucker.
His hip had been hurt by a fall, but the
Suggestions Concerning
For the accommodation of readers of Ths
Bee theie patterns, 'which usually retail at
from 25 to SO cents each, will be furnished
at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply
ts now kept at our office, so those who
wish any pattern may get it either by call
ing or enclosing 10 cents, addreased "Pat
tern Department, Bee, Omaha."
The word shirt waist does not imp'.y i
garment of severe plainness, us the term
woulti sugnest, but more often an elaborate
creation of tucks and gathers. For gen
eral wear the well dressed woman does
not desire elaboration or fusslness, but
rather would have her blouses made Indi
vidual by trim stitchery or neat trimming
strapa. Here is shown a blouse finite
Ideal in Its air of quality and refinement.
Tucks give lengthening lines In front and
back, while the real charm of the waist
lies In the fanciful applied yoke. This
buttons to one side of the front with
Jaunty effect and a button finishes each
side tab. Linen is excellent for developing
the waist, while the model U especially
well adapted to a light eight broadcloth
or atrue. The home dieaamaker will find
the ratlern quite free from difficulties.
No. IUJ0 32 to 43 inches, bust measure.
Latest Fashions
1 rrr.
Despite the very young man's nonchal
ance regarding matters of dress. Dame
Fashion continues to busy Itself concern
ing the cut and design of what he is to
wear. It decrees that the sailor suit is
and shall be the most important standby
of Ids wardrobe, and to this ultimatum
fortunately "his honor" agrees, as there
are no fuss und feathers to interfere with
his all-important doings. In this matter
it is often well to follow the boys In
clinations, his not over abundant thought
on ths subject Is usually found to be for
suitability, comfort and uiiobtrusivenesa,
which, on the whole, ' fills the bill," with
the added fundamental thought of beauty
whenever possible. An eicellent suit of
dark blue was made alter this fashion,
trimmed with braid, with emblems In
white nnd red. While linen or serge would
ulbu piove appropriate fur any occasion.
No. 4tJ7 Klght Bises, S to 10 years.
The old-fashioned Idea that the best gown
was the silk gown has long sine ben
forgotten, and now we see gowns of much
more style and costliness developed in
cloth. The shops are full of exquisite tex
tures, and the women of fashion will select
monotones of becoming shade s for her new
frocks. The gown shown Is one of rare
good style and suitable to development
in French cashmere, drap d'ete, Henrietta
or lady's cloth. The model might serve as
a reception gown In one of the light pastel
shades of cloth or silk. The skirt la the new
13-gored ona with pleats stitched In tuck ef
fect. It fits smoothly over the hips, and
flares with infinite grace at the bottom. The
deep collar continued by trimming straps to
the waist line Is very stunning. The yoke
may be made of Italian lace and the cuffs
of a deeper tone of velvet to match the
girdle. A frill of lace may finish the
sleeves or a deep tight cuff of the yoke
material. Large cut steel or silver filigree
buttons or medallions of lace may adorn
the trimming strapa. In the medium size
the blouse demands two and u half yards
and tha skirt six yards of 44-Inch material.
Two patterns: t:t7 7 slies, 32 to 42 Inches
bust. Sk'4 i sixes, 0 to St inches waist.
Tha price of these patterns is 20 cents,
hut either will be sent upon receipt of 10
doctor said that with care ha would get
well again. So, after the first and worst
was past. Tucker made up his mind to bo
patient and get well as fast as possible.
Still, it was very lonesome to sit propped
up all day, looking out of the little window
of the log house, with nothing to see but
the muddy yard and dead grass and bara
trees. The only beautiful thing to look at
was the sky. Mr. Johnson, Tucker's father,
had to bo out most of tho day, working
about Mr. Trent's farm, and often Tucker's
mother had to be away, too, for they were
poor and were obliged to work harder than
f'ver now that their little son was sick and
needed doctors. Mr. and Mrs. Trent were
very kind; so were other people, and of
course Georgie was a help. Georgia was
Tucker's little sister, 2 years old, "going on
3," as she always said. Shn stayed with
Tucker when their father and mother were
away, and sat in the big red rocking chulr
with her pudKy feet stuck out before her
and rocked "for dear Ufa" and sang and
The Christmas before Tucker was hurt
he and Georgie went to see the treo at
Sunday school; it was the prettiest thing
they had ever seen in their lives.
As Christmas drew near this year that
Tucker was sick, he thought more and more
about the beautiful tree, and the more he
thought the sadder he felt, as he remem
bered that he could not go to Sunday school
for Christmas eve.
As they sat before the fire one night
Tucker said: "Mother, I wouldn't mind
being sick if I had a pretty Christmas tree
to look at all the time. I wish one would
grow right up out of the ground and stay
where I could see it."
Mrs. Johnson squeezed his hand and
said: "They don't grow that way, my son.
But maybe Santa Claus will bring some
thing." Christmas came that year on Sunday, so
the Sunday school tree was to be on the
afternoon of Christmas eve.
Friday as Mrs. Trent was gathering ferns
and holy in tho woods, she met Mr. John
son and inquired after his boy. He re
peated what Tucker had said about the
tree. After they had talked a little while
she told Mr. Johnson that Tucker and
Georgie would not be forgotten, although
they could not coma to tha Sunday school
Early Christmas morning Mr. Johnson
looked out and said: "Why, it snowed
hut night!" And when he pushed Tucker's
chair up to the window, as usual, what do
you think Tucker saw?
A light snow iiad fallen, and there,
right by the window, with the white flakes
lying upon its branches, "growing right up
out of the ground," was a cedar Christmas
tree! Hanging down from its limbs, among
the green twigs, were sticks of br glit
candy and red apples; there was a kmle
for Tucker and a tiny fat doll. Just like
Georgie herself. The powdered snow made
the prettiest decoration In the world.
Tucker felt he must be dreaming. He had
never before felt so happy und he was very
thankful, too. "How good Santa Claus
is to me," he said. On the slielf under
the window was a box, but Tucker did not
sea It until Ms mother showed it to him.
On its cover a written tills:
"For Tucker and Gciigle Johnson. From
their friends In Surtday school."
Inside were some nice things to eat, and
two st'ry books with picture., snd u game
of checkers foi Tui kei, and a r-al wax
doll with real golden hair tor Uesorgie.
The good times they did have that day
and for many, many days! Ida T. Bane,
in Little Folks.
Wlint Mir Wnnted.
What will 'oo dlv to me. Mamma,
'Iss tumin' Trismus time?
A book 'ith pretty pitchers In,
An' filled 'ith funny rhyme?
A dolly, too. 'ith flaxen huir,
'At rolls an" winks Its eyes,
An' when I Ktwreze it on Its breast
It moves its mouf an' tries?
'Tause brudder says at sister's house
'Ay have a ittle doll,
At looks ike one I had las' year,
And '1st about as tall;
But 'en he says her doll's alive
An' eats, an' sleeps, an" drows.
An' when awake It rolls its eyes.
An' moves Its little toes.
Say, mamma, did 'oo buy her doll,
Or did th' doctor send.
An' borrow one from bahyland
Where 'ay have dolls to lend?
'Tause. If he did, please speak to him,
An' have him send, or write,
An' det a doll ike sister has
To dlv me Trlstmaa night.
Religious Notes
Bishop Mallalleu is preparing to lead th
Methodist churches of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
In a movement which. It is hoped, will
be a great revival.
The oldest clergyman in Kngland is Rev.
John Kduard Kempe. who has been in
holy orders for seventy-two years, behiK
now 96 years of age. He has been chap
lain in oidinaiy to King ildwaid sincd
Archbishop Glennon of St. Louis ha.s
started a jsigantio scheme for the coloni
xulloii of thousands of Catholics In tlio
southwestern part of Missouri. The land
will be purehused cheap, and the families
will make their homes as settlers did luo
years ago.
A tremendous rainstorm passed over
Delaware Wuter Cap last Sunday, ainl
when Kev. W. K. I'offman of the Metho
(liht church appeared lu the pulpit he
found Just one wmshiper in front of him
the sexton. "We ure here to conduct
divine service," suld Mr. Coffman, "and
should not desist lucuuse others are ab
sent.'' Whereupon l.e pleached u sermon
of tho usual leiiKth.
The Protestant Kplneopn! church lost
ground in the dioceses of New York and
Long Island last year, i'he Living- C'huich
Aiiiiuiil. Just nut. reports that church to
have lost 1 p-r cent i'i membership in
New York, and in Brooklyn to have
lallen from a growth of 4 per cent last
year to 1 per cent this year. The loss on
Long Island is relative only, and Is due,
it is suld, to tile pruning of parish records.
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