Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 17

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will be takea mil 13 n. for the
ealn( ealltioa and mil ft n. tti. for
tar marnlnc ! Inter edition.
Batft I 1 -ile a ward Bret Inaertlon,
1e wrd thereafter. thln taken
for leaa than 2e for the Aral Inaer
tlon. Tlieae adTvrtlatmeata mast be
raa eanaeratlvely.
AdTertlnera. by reqaeatlaa; a noni
bered rhrrk, mi hare anawera ail
dreaaed to a nambered letter In rare
of Tbe Bee. Anawera as addreaaed
will be delivered oa peeaeatatloa of
Nebraska Business
Will open Its Winter Term Tues
day mornlBg, January 2, Iff, and
Indication paint to a large enroll
ment at that time.
The new management of thin
College guarantors the Instruc
tions satisfactory and assists all
graduates to secure good posi
tions. The werk af this Institution
Is level, plumb and square; Its
methods the best ever Introduced,
and Its Teachers experienced
IJlKhi-r Accounting, Public
Auditing, Shorthand Speed, anl
nil Commercial branches success
fully taught.
Special rates in both Day and
Night Sessions to all who enter
on or before Ja.nua.ry 2.
K L SMITHhRS, President.
A. J. LOWRY, Principal.
Gas & Electric Reading Lamps
Make Acceptable
BURGtbS - LikAiNUtN CO.,
Telephone boL
U ooulU Will ou
STnVl- Keplated. Omaha, Pialiug Co.,
"u''"' liw Uamey 61. Tel.
R J7
CITY SAViNGB HANK, pays 4 pur cent.
ANT I-Moupolj Garbage Co., S21 N. lolli.
, Tel. 1779. R-340
Tell phone M.
m b. uiii si.
Oman hate and Iron Works liNku a spe
, laity of me. eacapea, siiutloia, doois und
f Bales. U. Amlrecu, Prop., 1U3 8. lutli at.
. . U-riAi
WANTED For L. 8. A Kill', ABLl.
twiill,,., am it. K... ... I
vu.u, a......,, aa;a iiiviii ui noun a,D, vi t.i
anu kd, clllzena ol Lulled blaius, ul g.njtl
character aim temperate haul is, wuu cm
apeak, read and WHUj Lnaush. For lu-
litnllftll uitmu ,uir ll,. u. lull
w. ....... w.a ..,,. W I VV4 UlMtl Mlt.
V aa'MA -.4.Vjr, aVh 4iiUIW J-'OA
blUN PAiMTlNU, B. 1L Cole, I? Douglas.
BAD IKONS repiated. 2uc; three for euc.
Omaha Plallug Co., luui Harney. Tel. 253
H'llp I IP U- KLMBEL & bU.N, 1124
' K-215 Jl
FURNACE and bTUVIS UErAlU. a IV S. 13.
1 It iliUi Jl
STK1NWAY piano, upright, bltf bargain.
fejueld tut Co.. 111 taiuatu Ui.
5 U-i'tfi
TAXlUtHMldX and fur dreaaer. Km. UJi
" J. lu. Wallace, GUo B. laUl. 11
pi IUQ ltedyed, repaired and remodeled.
I JIJ Thomaeu, 1417 taiuam.
CONCRETE Bicwk m!ffiu"'L,l
l.ioa., IMi lurt.
K AlUi Jl
DMA HA bargain Houae saves you 2i
oer cent nn rMihli,.
: eveiui.ns. 410 N. 18lU Bt. iI7U J J
. Kuruliure rep'd 41 upholstered. Tel. A-2V43.
Si K-73U J j
CHiCAQO LAUNDRY, 214 N. loth. Tel. 2ui.
) Ii-M4J4 Jl
. Auction syatem. 1S1K i'aiuaui. Tel. u 3302.
i R)&i DU
'wrVTUDA & CO.. fine Job nTnum
iwiunn li,10 Howard. Tel. ;Vi7.
K Mita JanT
! EMORYJ-0," 'oto ros
liilli, upataua.
K64t ueel.
. DOL'ULAB 6sl2. R-Mli4 Jan. 12
' SHIRTS. 6c; collars, 2o; cuffs, 4c, 1614 Ci.jii-
iui ah, u j it
i - . i
GIlNHnd I-wksrnlth. HKKL1N, 217 H.
VJUi,l nth Bt. Telephone UI74.
R-M228 JU
rluit we have on exhibition ai 1117 Far
luun St. the only automatic railway signal
In the world which will show the direction
In which the train is movina and will o,.v-
' tect the rear and head ends while on the
main line at an tinica. You are welcome
to visit and Insoect the workout I..I
11 .u 11
, w...w.v, uioranrn , enilL'ei S,
all3u J 11
I FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's PUuT
I women a uiouuJy regulator, has liougnt
happineaa to thousands of
women; no pain, uo aanger, no Inieirer
nee wuu won; reiier in 3 to 6 days Wa
have l.rver known of a single failuia
1 Prce, )3 by mail. Raymond a .Monthly
Regulator In Uauld, U. Dr. R. u Ray.
,' tiiond Remedy Co.. Room Si, U Adams St
Chicago, in. 32C
LADJE8, 11.000 REWARDI I positively
guarante my Never-Fulling ERGO
KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves loiweai
most obstinate cases of delayed Munthly
Feriods in i to 6 days without harm, oaia
or interference with work. Mall 1 1 i
Double strength 2.). "SPECIAL FuL.i.
BEST nerve brscer for men. "Gray's Nerve
Food FPls" 11 box, postpaid. Sherman
Y alcCounell Drug Co.. Omaha. 3'J
UIDIES Chichester's English Pennvroyal
Pills are the beal; safe, tellable. Take no
other. Baud 4c stamps for par'iculara,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chlcheaier
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Ph.
: PR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women
I and children,. Omc 22us Cuming. 'Phone
' MoT.
ITCHING rectal disease cured; instant
relief; trial, salve, plain wrapper, two
cent stamps. Box 3JC4, Philadelphia.
T-i 17x
I FRANCIS POTTER. School of Mandollo
" a4 Uullax, M barker iilk. Tel. i' 5351.
No. 6
Iteltm Hi.tue Truths About a CVillose Willi a rfrsunnl Interest That Interests !'isnn.
If It's trut! that t'i ii ce rtain extern a St.niitri her. Hoi kn p r or Telegrapher Is
vliat the hii.-1nc.-s i',lleK. n ikes him or her, it is bImo Just an true that llio business
ocillegn .u what its pupils make It. 1
Now that ynu have thunenihlv made up vour mind. rr half made up your mind,
t take up a Stenographic, LtnukiWping or Ttlcgraphy I'mnsc In some college, and
al.'n bucnuse
It Is time for us to bring to attention some of the peculiar and Individual
personal advantages that r.oyle College holds out to you to emphasize some of
tlio points of superiority tliat Movies Culk-ge possesses over every other business
college in this sectinu of the country. '
First ami foremost is the one lact that can't be dodged and that Is that
iiovles College is the one and only colleije in Nebraska iliat has erected an entire
building to be devoted solely and wholly to business college purposes and la today
occtiptng every Inch of that building for business college purposes. Boyles College
is the only college in tills sec lion if the country that possesses the true university
The Uoyles building has been pronou need by competent critics to bo the Ideal
business college building of he I'nited St ales combining as it dues an airiness and
a clear light in every loom that adds to the comfort and learning ability of every
student, with the additional feature of a gymnasium lully equipped with all nec
essary apparatus, including the shower bath. etc. The modern tone of the building
is expressed most forcibly In Its social !i fc, where a point Is made to give a high
clu:'s entertainment every lew weeks free to the entire school, at which time t lie
college orctiestra renders popular and classic selections and talented students of the
college are permitted to take part. This Is also demonstrated by our practice of
bringing all thu students together lor a social hour each fly at which time all are
Invited to meet In the gymnasium for musical entertainment and social Intercourse.
The tone of Uoyles College instruction Is responsible for the high tono of its
students. This H responsible for the decision of many jurents to select Uoyles
College above all others.
Send for free catalogue or call.
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
A GOOD position is a nice thing, you will
admit, and you would not refuse auch an
opportunity If offered to you.
Wo are offering good opportunities to good
men everv dav, and will do the same
wltli you If you will call at our office or
write us for particular.!.
Dept. H, Mo-1-2 New York Lite Hldg.
11-274 17
bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21
and 35. citizens of L'nited Btates, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write English. Eor in
formation apply to recruiliug officer, 13tn
and Douglas Bis., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb.,
or Sioux City la. R M728 D21
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
trade. pas o day after completing course
of practical instruction at home cr in our
schools; graduates admired to union and
Master numbers' association; positions
secured. Coyne Uros. Co. 1'lumblng
Schools, New York, Bt. Louis, Mo., Cin
cinnati, O. Eree catalogue. U-lil
V ANTED-Gordori press feeders. A. I.
Root, Inc.. liiiO Howard St. Ii 41
DHl'U stores bought and sold. Drug clerks
wanted. F. V. Knieat. :4 N. Y. L.
WANTED at once, a good floorman in
shoeing shop. Come at once, J. A. Gould,
Denlsun, la. B iio9
WANTED Y'oung men to earn from to
ti'io a month aa firemen and brakemen In
the railway servic. Experience unneces
sary; quick promotion; un -qualcd oppor
tunity. Instructions can be taken bv
mail; positions secured as soon as com
petent. Write or call for particulars.
National Rullway Training association,
0.0 1'axlon block, Omaha, Net).
ii S27 IPs
HOARD OF TRADE barber Bhop, lWo I'm
nam; best service; nine chairs; no long
waiting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting. :(c. j u
WANTED A printer who is a band man.
cornet player preferred. Address L. E.
Frasur, Auburn, Neb. ii MIDI lSx
teaches the barber trade In abort time
and at small expense. Write today. Cor
ner lJtii and Douglas Ste. B Mlis Jan. 12
WANTED Draughtsman, with mechanical
or electrical experience; write fully, stat
ing salary wauled. Room 4U! Munadnock
block, Chicago B-M-tui 17x
A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenog
rapher; must bo able to take complete
charge of books and handlo correspond
ence In a large retail lumber yard; only
experienced man in tills business wanted.
Repp- with references. Address P. O. Box
2:'.', icoln. Neb. B-M21117
WAN i ED Experienced man to solicit busi
ness fur express company. Addn ss J M,
Bee. B 221 17x
YOUNG MEN' for firemen and brakemen,
Nebraska and other railroads; experience
unnecessary; firemen $7u, become engi
neers and earn $1W); brakemen $!), become
conductors and earn $1 40; name position
preferred; send stamp for particulars.
Itailwav Association, Dept. Rlt, Charles
Bldg., Denver. Colo. 11-221) lUx
WANTED Rookkeeper; experience, ac
curacy, soeed and cood habits required;
must 'be'a good penman: will be required I
to oualifv for bond: permanent position i
for the ritrht party; address in own hand
writing, giving reference. Address J 11,
Bee. B-M223 19
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few
weeks completes: little expense; scholar
ship Includes tooia. board, positions; $12 to
i'j) weekly paid graduates; best work tn
existence for poor man; call or write.
Moler Barber College, Ulti Farnam Sr.
, H M227 Six
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, 'o
distribute circulars, adv. matter, took
signs, etc.: no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, I'm Oakland
Bank Hid.. Chicago. III. B M250 I7x
navv at Omaha: ages 17 to 35: wages J1S
to $70 per month, according to ratings; first
outfit of clothing free; transportation fur
ulshed to place of enlistment upon expira
tion of enlistment: retirement with three
fourtliH of pav and allowances after thirty
vears" service. All applicants must be citi
zens of tile l'nited States, of good physique,
ab'e to rd and write. For particulars
visit or address Navy Recruiting Station,
Room 322, I'oduttlce Building, Omaha. eb.
SOMETHING new in health and accident
Insuianci ; you can write It; district man
agers wanted. Address Great Western
Accident association, Des Moines, Iowa.
WANTED Experienced stove and hard
ware mini: also want tinner. Krank E.
Ijihr, Lincoln, Neb. B-4u3 I7x
tjOOl). live ngeiits wanted: great selling
Xmiis noveltv; send 2nc silver for sam
ple or call. C. M. Curtis, Mortens Hotel,
215 Main St., Council Bluffs. B-3s7 17x
BOOKKEEPER, wholesale experience,
(iood credit man.
Steiiogriipher, to go on road In year.
Manager, relail seed store.
Two warehousemen tor seed store.
4i)l-S K. Y. Life Bldg.
BW 17
PRINTERS WANTED Compositors for
catalogue and highest grade commercial
work. We have a complete force of non
union men. an elegant workroom, and
will pav l.'l a week to six of the best
printers we can hire. Position absolutely
permanent. Rogers t Co., Chicago.
I4-M3B1 2tx
Y'OUNG MEN For firemen and brakemen,
Nebraska and other railm ids; experience
utmecessai y ; tic-men J75. become engi
neers and earn $!yt; brakeiiien $0o, become
conductors and earn Ji4o; name positicn
pretetred; send stamp for particulars,
ltillwav Association, Dept. 5n, Charles
Bldg.. Denver. Colo. B-35 17x
WORK oil winter for &0 people in new
town id' Champaign, ,iortieast Arkansas,
to all who have a lot and membership in
!' Co-operative club. Grand aipen
ing: Jan. 2d excursion, only f'o to $'.5 for
round trip. Buy tickets Newport, Ark.
Particulars, wiito today. Illinois Co
Uperuttvu Ass n., Drawer lti2, Peoria, III,
B-2S4 17x
CLOi'HINti SALESMAN My buslnecs 1s
getting too big for my capital. Will sell
or take partner. Best opportunity in
Iowa. A man with $ ran get into Una,
for lifetime chance. Address, C S3, care
Lord & Thomas, Chicago. B-339 17 X
$6.00 DAILY for man to distribute circulars
and aamplea, American Distributing
32uiCUU, Uiiwi-Ve-J, -'- -21t)17x
WANTED Youns gentlemen lr every city
to represent the. hlcago Curd Sign
School; good pay. Chicago. B 015 17x
AMBITIOCS young men and women .with
talent for drawing can earn large sal
aries lis newspaper artists and Illustra
tors; send sample of work. Nation ii, iiox
2nl4. New York. B 31 17x
WANTED-Men to distribute samples, tack
signs, ! .to daily; no canvassing. Conti
nental Dintr.buiiiift Service, Chicago.
11-24 17x
SALESMEN to sell our large lino ol
tuliKcui throughout the l'nited Slates;
permanent position and good pay. Ad
dress Paragon Tobacco Works. Bedford
City, Va. B 17x
THE Chicago Card Sign School success
fully teaches the art of show card writ
ing. Send for specimens and prospectus.
Chicago. B illl 17x
DETECTIVES, everywhere; Inexperienced
qualllieil; $.)."u earned daily. International
Detective Company, Milwaukee, Wis.
B-347 17x
held ill several places ill each state; oO.S)
appointments last year. Only a common
school education required. Write Colum
bian Correspondence College, Washington,
D. C, and get its free announce:ivht con
taining dales, salaries paid and questions
recently used by tlio civil service com
mission, n UM 17x
MEN who need money can get it on any
kind of atx-urity of liowcn, 7Ui N. Y'. Lite.
B-107 10
WANTED An uctlve man of good appear
ance, ianilllar with cigar, drug and nov
elty trade, both retail and wholesale,
for an excellent novelty. S., 1'. O. Box
IMG New York. B 3J4 17x
WANTED Experienced salesmen to handlo
our high-grade imported and domestic
calendars and advertising specialties.
Season l'.ofl opens January 1. Nice side
linn for regular travelers. Apply, Willi
references. Socially Advertising Co.,
F. O. Box 7C5, Si. Joseph, Mo. B 3.2 17x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samples and advertising
matter; good pay; no canvassing. Cooperative-Advertising
Co., New York.
11 3io i;x
MEN, everywhere, to distribute circulars
of my ointment at $12 per thousand. Cash
in advance; steady work; no peddling; no
fake. Enclose stamp. C. 11. Rowan,
Toronto, Canada. B 24 17x
WANTED At once, good harness maker
that can cut and run shoo. Address
Harness Shop, Aurora, S. 1.
B-273 17x
Thirty More Girls Wanted
TO Rl'N power sewing machines in horse
blanket department. Experience not
necessary. Sti ady work. Bemls Omaha
Mag Co., 11th St viaduct. C M13J
WANTED Laundry woman, wages 'J0
month, no Ironing; also dining room girl
and chambermaid. Address i'crkins hotel
David City, Neb. C Mh 17x
WANTED Good gill for general 'house
work. Apply 3707 Jones St. CltiJ
,, .... . '., , , . ,
W'AN IKD A good girl to doplain cookln
$1 a week, with room, board and washing.
Hie crecne, uin anu iiarney.
C-M233 Ux
WASHERWOMAN, white preferred, to do
washing; for small family; references.
Address J 8, Bee. C SI'
WANTED A good, capable second girl.
312S Chicago St. C 241 17
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. ; no washing: small family. 102
So. UtHli. Tele. Red-CSu3. C Z IS
WANTED Child nurse, girl or woman;
references required. Inquire Capt.
Palmer. Fort Crook. Neb. 'Phone Red
k2. South Omaha line. C I0u
NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo. Colo ; six
weeks' course; diplomas; opens Jan. 1;
massage; all welcome. C 322 l'x
WANTED Enernetd; lady of ability to rep
resent manufacturer, who has a deslro
to tarn over $12 weekly and expenses;
steady position to right party. McHVady
& Co., Siar Bldg., Chicago. C 320 17x
WOMEN who need money ran get It on
any kind of security of Bowen, 7((l N. Yr. li
C 106 10
LADIES To do piecework at home: we
furnish all materials and pay from $7 to
$12 weekly. Solid stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 24 E. Monroe, Chicago.
c a i7x
YOUNG MAN wants place to work for
board. Tel. 19v(. Boyles College.
POSITION as bookkeeper ,r accountant;
best references. Address G 42. Bee.
A-MTlsi 17x
WANTED A position as housekeeper by
imuoic-aKeti woman. Aimless Mrs.
Georgia Purlell, Florence, Neb.
A-270 17
TRAINED nurse of wide experience de
sires position aa attendant or nurse for
Invalid: city or country; $15 per week.
Address J 18, Bee. A I0G l!x
POSITION as night watchman; store or
building preferred; understands steam;
thoroughly reliable and first-class recom
mendations. Addiess J 17, Bee.
A-4' 17x
WANTED Man or woman to canvass the
city of Omalu for a popular magazine.
For particulars, address A. E. Thompson,
Hotel Wasiiburn, Waukegau, 111.
J-M164 16x
to nun with rig to introduce our Guar
anteed Poultry and Slock Remedies. B"nd
for contract: we mean business and fur
nish best reference G. 11. Big lor Co.,
X51S. S nngiield, ill J-M'234 17x
AGENTS wanted In every town and citv.
111 K n-, : iuar i a . ai a im , ruca variiri, WOItv
all year and mako ten to twenty dollars
a day. Write I l.msen-Nay lor Co., oreutt
OUllUlllH, DIHUA V ilj, U...
AiJENTS WANTED Sell our $1 battle Sar
saparllla for 3fc: best seller: 350 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago.
AGENTS Only legitimate substitute for
the slot matiilue; particulars. Gisha
Coir.pany, An-3eron, Jnd. J 31J17x
OF Tilt
Omaha Commercial College
19th and Farnam Streets
Begins Tuesday Morning, Jan. 2, 1906
Three hundred and sixtv students enrolled since September 1. This demonstrates
the value and artvantnae of having superior equipments, in the way of a mamutt
rent college building, admitted to be lav far the best in any city of the l'nited
States, thorough, practical and tomprenensive courses of study, taught by high
salaried and experienced men; new furnl'iire and fixtures of modern make and de
sign, a magnificent auditorium and a gymnasium with the finest equipments. Any
pnwpectlvo student who visits the Omaha Commercial College ami looks its advant
ages over, never falls to enroll because he realiics that first class opportunities in
sure better results.
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES I Jirge numbers of them are now found nmong
our students, more than can be found In all the other schools of Umaha, combined.
Our students represent the finest body of students to be found.
NEW CLASSES To accommodate new students. New classes liegln January 3
In the Business Department, Shorthand Department, Typewriting Department,
Telegraph Department, Penmanship De-partment and Night School 1 '-pa rtinenl.
Our Lecture Course will also be open; the Literary Society will continue; a
series of public entertainments will begin, and the Gymnasium be open to all.
BUSY CORNER The busy corner of Omaha during January, February and
March will be nt Nineteenth and Farnam. lay and nialit thousands of pe .ji'e will
tread the hulls of the new college building. Every unilHhle si at in the vauous de
partments will bo occupied and the results will tell lor the good of Omaha.
ENROLLING EVERY DAY New students are enrolling rapidly. The attend
ance will reach high water mark during the Winter Term. During the ho.idays
wo will be glad to talk with you and show you through our new buildin. Visitois
are .always welcome.
STSTKMS OF BOOKKF.EFING AND SHORTHAND Both are modern and up-to-date.
We believe them to be the best now obtajnable.
TELEGRAPHY DEPARTMENT We are justly proud of this department. A
large attendance, fine facilities, a thorough course of study and an experienced In
structor make it worthy for your consideration.
Begin the New Year by Taking a Wise Step
Prepare to become a money earner, a capable money earnrjr, the kind the busi
ness world demands, the kind self pride demands.
Don't bo a drudge or an Incompetent nobody. Act wisely; date your career from
January 1.
THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Is ready to help you. It has helped
young men and women for more than twenty years.
Prominent business men will tell you
knowledge that has enabled them to w,in
Don't delay, but enroll at once for the
or write.
Catalogue Free.
por week POSITIVE. Representatives
wanted everywhere to operate sales par
lors for the BEST ladles' and gents' dress
shoe known; 10 original slght-seillng
health and comfort features; factory to
consumer: previous exerlenee unneces
sary; profit possibilities unlimited; NO
RISK; reply quick. Kushlun Komfort
Shoe Co., Boston, Mass. J
LEARN to lit glasses by sending for Our
Free Book on the Eye. It will tell you all
about It. Get a profession that pays you
from $75 to $15(1 per month; the optical
profession will do it for you. No field so
pleasant, profitable or so little worked;
no longer necessary to work for someone
olso at a meager salary. For a short time
only we are sending our book free, it
will teach you to be an optician and costs
you nothing. A postal card will bring it
by return mail, ull charges paid. Jack
sonian Optical College, Dept. 11 30, Jack
son. Mich. J
WE PAY $3S A WEEK and expenses to
men with rigs to introduce our poultry
compound. Year's contract. Imperial
Mfg. Co., Dept. &4, Parsons, Kan. J
BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In
only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won
derful market; wrlto for free book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose,
Mass. J
AGENTS, mall order men, write for cir
cular. Western Supply Co., Box 3'io,
Omaha, Neb. J ii'9 17
IF you are an all-around business getter
and want a permanent business, where
you can make good legitimate money, ap
ply to the California Fertile Land Co.,
324 Century Bldg., Des Moines.
J-3(K l"x
First-class store loom, 2m6 Leavenworth
St.; 2,lJ0 feet floor space Hnd good baae
lncnt; excellent place for grocery.
30U-31O Brown Block.
1-377 19
AGENTS $30 weekly guaranteed selling
self-generating gas burners, fitting com
mon kerosene lamps; brilliant portable
gaslight; absolutely safe; no competition;
description free. Ensiern Gaslight Co.,
2b0 Broadway, New York. J 374 17x
AGENTS Good live men to work the new
est and best money making proposition
ever offered ag.-nts. No money required.
Tho Bmallwood Company, Cincinnati, U.
J-343 17x
AGENTS to sell a practical $.').00 typewriter;
4a per cent commission. Mof'arthv
Coffman Mfg. Co., 21 S. 10th St., SU
Louis, Mo. J 342 17x
AGENTS Re your own boss. Start a mail
order business at your own homo. 1 tell
ou how; furnish everything. Address,
Central Adv. Agency, Dept. M, Box 2:13,
Lincoln, Neb. J 3I 17x
MANAGING agents wanted; bu In business
for yourself; no canvassing; enclose
vamp for reply. E. Miles Bradley Co.,
Box 696, New Havon, Conn. J 321 17x
AGENTS Self-lighting mantles; sell on
sight; turn on gas. It lights; chemical
everlasting; agenta' price lac; relail i&c.
Write quick. Matchless Lighter Co.,
Detroit, Mich. J-304 17x
WANTED Agents for largest sick, acci
dent and death benefit society In the
country; big commission or salary and
Commissio'i to producers. American
Benevolent Association, ai. Ijmls, Mo.
J -3uu 17x
WANTED Agent for city or country; $3.00
per day; article useful In every home;
something entirely new. Dexter Co., 334
lieai born, Chicago. J SW) 17x
SOAP AGENTS Crew and branch flico
managers; something entirely new; most
wonderful money maker ever heard of;
great Xmas ofler; large fancy mirror
and six assorted cakes in box; outsells
everything. Write postal today. Full in
formation free. Be llrst in field and got
cream of business. Purity Boap Works,
Chicago. J-312 17x
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Nebraska representing
large manufacturing coin)Kiuy; salary, $40
to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address with stamp, J. 11.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 3uo 17x
INVESTIGATE the New Block Inverted
light, an innovation In the incandescent
line. Big money maker. Blocs. Light
company, 130 coal Luke Bt., Chicago, III.
J Mi37 IS
AGENTS Live men to sell our pocket cigar
light; sells on sight, big profits. No more
matches. G. L. S. & Co., 127 Duane St.,
New York. J 332 17x
AGENTS make 100 per cent selling perfect
vacuum hand mussage instrument, new
Invention; no rubber bulb, does not injure
the skin. Women, docUus and barbers
interested. Sella at sight. Addre.-s Gay
nor and Mitchell, Dept It, Bridgeport,
Conn. J 329 17x
YOU CAN make loads of ta-sy money.
Best profMttlon ever heard of. Intro
duclrg into every home the Eureka Talk
ing Machine, tva) machine and twenty
genuine Hi-lnch Victor records for iJi,
Cull or write; bn prepireai to take outfit.
Sella easily for $io und $50. Eureka Co.,
611 West Broadway, New Y'ork.
J-030 17x
Y'OIT CAN make $r, to txt a diiy selling
the Dot roil combination tool; (rotary
blower forge, (scared drill, fc-lm h geared
emery wheel. anvil Ue. pipe vise,
clamps, hardy, tongs; $.5 worth of tools
In 0110 string, compact, practical, porta
ble laiol for $2Si. Indispensable to every
farmer, shop, garage, automobile owner
and householder; live, reliable ugaMils
wanted everywhere; exclusive territory
to strong nun; men of caliber who want
permanent, profitable work; no d.-nd ones
need apply. Detroit Tool Company. De
troit, Mich. J i"2 17x
AGENTS lMu't waste time on articles
that lequir- talk and argument. G re
Sol vent HelTs Itself; removes machine
grease, paint and ink without Injury to
skin. Best cajivaaeing proposition ever
offered. Write for samples ami particu
lars. Ore-Solvent, 231 Greenwich St.,
New York. J-32S 17x
AGENTS WANTED 35, 40 and 45 per cent
commUslou, selling Putnam Lanolioe
Cream and- Ointment: the articles sell
readily. Bend for particulars and sam
ples. Putnam Mig. Co. 400 Continental
Batik B.Ug 6L laouia. Mot. J-tJlT
DECEMBER 17, 1003.
that it helped them to tlv fundamental
fortune and business pi nmlnenee.
Winter Term, beginning Juiiu.try 2. Call
Rohrbough Bros., 19th and Farnam,
WE START you selling diamonds; don't
fall getting our lilietal oiler. - daily
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., teyracuse. .x.
Y. Mention paper. J 351 17x
SALESMAN WANTED - For automatic
copying books, bill registers and many
otner specialties. l'ciehniK .Mfg. Co.,
South Bend, lml. L
ADV. men; new telephone devkv; p) ml
spaces sells acot.; low spice price; good
money; working samples le postage.
Western Novcily Co., Ull! W. IStli, Des
Moines, la. Iy3ti4 17x
L-371 17
SALESMAN WANTED, llrst class, to
cover every county in Nebraska; used by
every farmer; sells at sight; permanent
position; two years' contract; Investigate.
Address, State Manager, Box Gl, M.uilins,
111. L-33S 17
SALESMAN by leading manufacturer to
sell their goods lo the retail trade This
proposition offers permanent employment
and exceptional advantages to man ot
ability. Can be handled as a side line.
Address, Illinois Pure Aluminum Co.,
Lemout, 111. L 340 17x
WANTED Salesnvn to sell a line of In
fants' wear, bootees, hoods and mittens,
for manufacturer on commission. Box 414,
Lu Crosse, Wis. L 315 17
SALESMAN wanted to sell a complete line
of rubber and enamel carriHgo cloth,
mechanical rubber goods, garden hose,
fruit Jar rings, etc., as a side line on a
good commission basis. Reference re
quired. Address, "Manufacturer,'- Box 80,
Trenton, N. J. L 344 17x
SALESMAN wanted by leading laco and
embroidery importers for medium size
dry goods trade. Samples. 35 pounds.
Liberal commission. Feldlieim & Co., 470
Broadway, New York. L 319 17x
SALESMEN WANTED A first-class, all
round salesman to cover unoccupied terri
tory; permanent position and good income;
to right man. Address Sales Manager,
Box 119S, St. Ixruls, Mo. I.-3l! 17x
SIDE lino traveling men can make $'.'5 to
$V per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our exclu
sive and special designs; season now open
ing; apply at once The Kemper-Thomas
Co., Fan Dept., Bullion 11, Cincinnati. O.
I-3J3 17x
WANTED Experienced salesmen to carry
a linn of golf gloves, mittens and oilier
knit goods for manufacturer on commis
sion. Btar Knitting Co., La Crosse, Wis.
L Sol 17x
G. W. SMITH. Duluth. Minn., made $4S0
one week selling Weir's lead. Can't you'.'
D. T. Weir While Lead Co., St. Louis,
Mo. L-302 17x
AN ACTIVE salesman con earn $2c0 por
week selling our product; pocket sam
ple: exclusive territory when ability Is
shown. Longwear Tinted Lead Co., St.
Louis, Mo. L 3o7 17x
WANTED Salesmen for 190ij to sell our
$100, $Juu and $.:vJ assortments of jewelry
to general trade; goods lirst-class, terms
liberal; special advertising features for
merchants, which makes them easy sell
ers; liberal commissions. McAllister
Comaii Company, 3at Dearborn Si.. Chi
cago. L 3vS 17x
SALESMEN of all lines of business (splen
did shin line) to sell our adv-i'ilslng fans;
75 different styles: newest, latest patterns;
Just tho tiling customers want; we pay
the largest commissions; many of our
men give their entire time to our line and
make from $75 to $135 every week; guar
anteed best side line cwr offered. While
you are getting a line, get a kooiI one
Write al once Willi reference 'The Geb
liarl Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.
r.-2 i;x
cago wholesale house for Nebraska; must
commence January 1st. Liberal aontract
and drawing tn count to right man. State
age and experience fully. Box 7, Chi
cago. L ;: 17x
tallers; new; from $3,oui to $1,iih0 a year
for expert salesmen. American Jobbing
Association, Jobbers, Importers and Man
ulacturi r' Agents, Iowa City, b via
1-295 17x
TRAVELER for Nebraska at on-e. Line
staple for g n-rul trade Position pays
$!' per annual, with commissions John
S., Detroit, .Mich. l-2.9 17x
WANTED Ten .saltsi.ien to call on retail
tinde; Indiisirious men can earn $.:.M'l
and upwards annually. Address Box 3'j,
Minneapolis, Minn. Iy-25 17x
CIGAR salesman wanted in your locality,
city and country trade: salary and rx
pense or commission ; CNpeiia-na-e unnec
essary; en. iose stamp f, r particulars.
National Cigar Co., Dept. 71, Toledo. 1 .
L-2j3 17::
WANTED -Salesmen tor p.mii to sadl sta'.le
line with special iniiiicemi ins to general
trade in Nebras!:a ; hei commUsjon and
la i iiianont position. Di parliuent MO,
Dearborn St., Chicago. ly 3X1 17x
WANTED-Iligh-cifiss specialty salesmen
to earn $., no nil next year; onlv u 'i-w
positions to fill. Too Barton-Pa rker Mfg.
Co.. Cedar Rapids, la. i-2V.t 17x
SALESMEN To!, acco: exiierieiici unu-c-e-siry;
excellent opin tunlt ; good 'n
cotne; steady i-m;ileiiii-hi. Aiidiess Belle
Mi niii. Tobaci-o Wui Us, Iiuisvilie, K.
ly-2', 17x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; gen
eral merchandise trade; to nil vacam-y;
must bo expei lend d, eiiergc"e, capable;
firn-rlass pay. Wholesaler, l.-ix n'.3. St.
Louis, Mo. I-2x7 17x
EXPU-IENCKD road salesman, with
trade acquaintance in Nebraska, to sail
a repra-sentatlve line of aeeep-lmeil dom
ing. Address M. X lUisenliauai. toi',e.
apuUs, Ulna. J-S70 17
WANTED A first-class salesman for Ne
braska, excet ting Omaha nhd South
Omaha, to sell exclusively during l."
tcomi nclpf Jan'iarv 1 our tlrst-cl.i
I, tie of cali tidats. advertising spevlalt rs
and drugis-s labels and boxes', our In.e
is so complete that every tin !' I ant and
manufacturer In each and very town
ran b- seen, our giu-ds lite first -ciass and
strictlv tip-to-dite. our house his been
est.iba'slird t v. cut v -ti ve years and Is well
and lavonihlv known. Commission. .'"
and p.-r cent, ami energetic salesman
can nisilv link- from " to $!,"
per will. New simples will be toady
January - l'l'-t-i l.isv nu n only wanted.
Enclose this n! i 1 1 i.-iei i let, t with your
application. Address U- I i, care Lprd v
Thomas, Chicago. L oii Lx
WANTED Experienced nnJ reliable men
to sell our T,.(" patented and copyrighted
BdvirtlsltiK fans and oilier novelties,
designed by artists of naiional reputation
and recognized as works of art: samples
r.adv; large commissions, proinjt seiiie
na nis. I tilted States Novelty company,
Cincinnati. O. L 3J'. Kx
uvilmg salesmen, thotomthly
to represent
good charac
In china and glussware lines
us in Niluaska; must be of
ter and utile to furnish sat-
Isfactory ref
tho fastest
erences; we nre recognised as
glowing jobbing queetiswaro
house In the
country and must nave goon
men onlv.
strict cotitid
details of e
nual sale's.
All applications ireaieo in
once. In answering, give full
Xierletie. territory and an
Mlsaouii tll iss l'a., St. Loiijs,
L eo'j 17
WANTED A frw bright, experienced, en- 1
ergetic, commercial salesmen: men who I
are ennoble of raining large salaries; ,
staple line for retail trade; old estuo-
llshed house. Write at once. Address
Room tWl. fykes Block, Mlrmeajmlls,
Minn. L 356 17x
SALESMAN Successful Installment rsles
mun; staple line, unique proposition with
ensv payments; high commission with $:f
wocklv. W. S. Einley i Co.. 53 Euclid
Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. ?.r'4 17x
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago
E 200
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe
B 22
ROOMS FURNISHED "ti easy payments,
promnt service and the best stock in
120it-l-ll-12i:i Farnam St.
E 277 17
ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and
up Call 1517 Chicago St. E 2-3
Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks
E "ot
TWO nicely furnisiied looms, with hot and
coid water, gis, jlectlio aud telephone.
215 S. 25th St. E 130
TWO largo rooms; caHt frontage; all mod
ern ooiivonioae. s. including; use of tele
phono. Inui ire llti N. 25l)i. E it5
ELEGANT, newly furnished 4-rooui suite;
light housekeeping; strictly modern: fur
nace heat; mam Hour. 2010 Davenport.
E-M-io lx
NEW modern rooms; housekeeping. 3320
No. 24th. E-140 IS
DESIRABLE rooms; gentlemen preferred.
1M. Capitol Ave. K M232 V
ONE largo, front room, with alcove and
heat; can do light housekeeping. 122 8.
25th Si. Tel. 53u9. E M2"t 17x
PRIVATE family, strictly modern, excel
lent location. 'Phone 2310 Webster.
SMALL family with well aptsdntcd home
will rent double room to retined gentle
man and wife or two gentle. . ion ; every
modern conveniences; n-icrences ex
changed. Address J 13, Bee. li 259 17x
GET what you. need for rooms. Get the
money of Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life.
E-106 10
NICELY furnished rooms, all con
veniences. 14i3 Sherman Avo.
E 410 23
Tel. 611. O. M.
E. Haul 1 runks
NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms,
wlin or without board, single or en suite.
Rates reasonable. Midland hotel, lbtn
& -Chicago F 3 IU
BOARD AND ROOMS First-class. 3 oiks,
of town; nice locution. i.0 Bo. 19th. Tel.
120S. . F-.M7.T Ji
ROOM and board $4.25 per week and up;
ulcum heat, lo7 So. 17ih SI.
F 134 17x
WELL heated room; all modern conven
iences; private family; good horns cooa
iug; telephone. 6ott 8. liith Ave.
F M 130 lRx
FIVE ROOMS for rent, 2519 N. 15t!i St.
G M205 21
3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms, steam heat and
gas. 15ot Harney, Id floor. G 220 hot
ONE large front room and alcove, fur
nished: can do some ligi i housekeeping.
123 S. 35ih Bt. Tel. 63'Xt. G-37S 17x
FOUR or, live unfurnished rooms for rent;
very reasonable; call Monday. ;iW7
Douglas St. G 433 Lx
PIANO Uioviu! lowest rates for reliable
aei vice. Tel. liio, Bciiuiuliel' 6t Mueller.
l)nl ! 1-W in all pans of tho clly. It
HUUilLJ c i-cttjij o,. Co., liee lildg.
THE Omaha Van Ac Storage Co.. pack,
niuve and blore li. 11. guoda. Blorehudaa,
11.0-24 N. 19th. Ofllce, liillVs Faiham.
Tel. 1559. D 3li
WE MOVE pianos. M.tgguid Van & Stor
age Co. Tel. 14.. OJtite, 1.13 Webster St
la all pal la of the city. TUo
U. wvia t-o.
, ifttt bca Bui
O ill
FOR RENT . .f o 8-rooin houses; all mod
ern except furnace, -v; fuui nia.e loonu;
newly papered. U'U N. ltli Bt., $12. C.
M. Bacliu. ami, 4Ju Paxluu Blk.
HOUSES. Insurance. Klngviall, Baiker Blk.
JJ ',3
FOR RENT 9-rooin house, all modern,
neai hltlli blIiooI and Crelghton colieito
$2.50. Apply at 007 N. 19tli Bt.
HOUSE of 7 ruoms. 2112 California St.,
modern xeept furnace, $"0 and watir
real. Miilon Rogers 6c Sona Co.
MODERN' e-riiom cottage, large yard and
stable, j'.u per month. Ganr.eil, 511 Brown
fc!k. D 114 17
T SCHWARTZ, moving van. 1510 Webster.
Tel. 204G. DM210 Jll
FOR RENT Furnisiied. H-room cottage,
Jan. 1, $-5. Address J 4. Bee. D M;04 -ix
.',:; S. 24th Si., i.ew s-rooni brick, modern,
w'oking'distan, e, $4 '.
2151 t ''hlcago St.. choice 9-rooni house, new
f irnaee, newly painted and papi-nd; large
lawn end tain, ;4".
2i::7 Charhs, 5-room collage $1..
S. 15: i., 5-room cettaite, (13.
'Tl S. Pith. 5-room flat. Jin.
D- M-'.'9 17
Foil RENT tii-room cottage. 3id N. l'ali
NEW 3-room house, just finished. U!o
leavenwoiih St. J M-J4 Dx
F"R RENT fc-rootn modern boii-e, 111
1 othriip. $J. rooiiia. iuuUitii, 3:4 Lin
coln Loidevard, D-'7 H
liouke furtiHhlngs at the lowest possihln
prices. Tbn largest atia k In the city. We
s-ll on easy pacments.
1210-1211-1213 Farnam St
D-270 17
5-P.OOM cett.ige. good condition, liear
tret cars, i-'arden, electric hghts. pump,
only tUl 2iiJ Grand Ave. J-iti 17s
.Miilin Gi-irxe Ave, 7 rooms.
$;, i-v:i;ir Deciiur St., 7 rooms.
II ii, -..",. i N. 1'tii Si . -' rooms.
$ k.i,,.-Xt; v j:ih St.. Sicith i n i'i:i. 4 rooms.
5 I, .i 1 ; I ';. en a -n Si . , :i !" ' ' .
514.1 i'ununi; Si.. ;-f. .:, lilt.
,H nu,'i., o !:n del II. st'-ll l heated flat,
seech, 1 I'c.r Wiihtull Mid;:
$ g -. 2 room ','ih and Si. Mniy'n Ave.
N. P. DolxiK ti CO. "ill Kurniim S".
Ii27l 17
1.,:!7 Park Ave.. t,"Hiis. n !! in. $-1".
.i la I'odee, r,M m and ci;v wanr. 111.
W. EAKNAM SMITH .V to. 1. i' Karniim.
D-3 17
WE will make sii cial pi i i s on the follow
ing houses:
Hit; South S.'il St., S rooms, tinsb rn. bnrn.
li'14 North .'Till Si., s looms, gas and city
i;i'.t North 2ttl. St.. 4-rootn tl it
2" lt Kurnam. l-rco'ii Vt.
W. FA UNA M SMITH .V Co., H-' Farmim.
I u-j 17
SIOK-21t4 Maple St.. s rooms, thoroughly
PMIOV itcd. lent reduced i I-'''.
T.ips Deey Ave, rooms, modern except
furnace, $n.
973 N. 7tl'. s rooms, modern. :'..
First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1TI.
lv-279 IT
."i S it Ii St., pi r 'on;s. nil modern. $I(X
C-'3 N. 4th St.. s rooms, all model n. $4"
:4 N. l'.'th St.. 12 rooms, all modern, $17 50.
I'm poppleton Ave. 0 rooms, modern t xcept
fill liaee. $.'.'. TO.
613 S. 21th Ave. ti rooms, partly modern,
close in, $15.
2"5 S. 2otli St., ti rooms, modern except fur
nace. $27. 5a.
549 S 25th Ave. I rooms, citv water. $12.
Phono. i7. 212 S. lit Ii St.
D 275 17
2o2t N. I2d St., 7-room modern, $20.
2218 Grace St., 6 rooms, modern, $1.
15:15 N. huh St., rooms, modern except fur
naoo, l"i
42i Farnam St., in rooms, modern, $22 541,
22 S. 19th St , 5 rooms. $12.
'Phone PieG. Iu23 N. Y
D 2e 17
14! h St
D-M.'til a
FOR RENT Especially nice otu'-story
modi rn house, in tli. rcalr. hardwood
floors and open plumbing. 3''m2 Mason
St $:5')
S-romii cottaoe, i:tt li hihI Williams $ S.iw
Hall, 4iixi;o, in good repair, 1'ti So.
FOR RENT fi-room house, all-modem ex
cept furnace, Hanscom park district, 2
blocks from car. shade, lawn, pood r pair,
$2fi.;. water paid. VM S. 27th St.
l'or Rent lanuiry I to April 1, S-roiuq
house, stridly modern, nearly new and
eleuantlv furnished. Hanscom park dis
trict. this Is a desirable home-$5o.tiu;
reiorences reiiiiircil.
401 Bee Bldg.
D 376 19
Splendid 4-rnom house and burn, largo lot -$ia
per month. Jackson Co., Pill Fred
erick St. 'Phono Ash-4s:r,J. D 25 17x
FOTl RENT A modern, furnished flve-voom
cottage 2319 Vinton St Inquire of W. C.
Lyman. 19: South 15; h St. D 3fcl 17x
271S P. lf.tli St.. 5-ioiiin brick. $i-.TA
"Jtitt l-HVeiiworlh. c-rootii flat. l.lO.
1741 S. 2Mb St., fc rooms, 2..
I :!mi-J V. l-'lth St . 7 rooms. $
D3fcO 1
H-ROOM house, all modern, $2S.rt; 8-room,
modern. $32.50; d-riKim cottage, $15.10.
Tel. 5309 D 379 lfcx
PAY vour rent In advance. Get the money
of Bowen, 703 N". Y. Life Bldg.
D-108 10
PAY' your rent in ndvnnee. Get the money
from Bowen, 7o3 N. Y. Life Bldg.
D 102 10
4-ROOM cottage, new, 1529 No. 21st, J12.50.
6-r. cottage, 42i2 No. 24th. $12.50.
-r. houso, 3115 Ames Ave., $1150.
fc-r., modern, 1313 So. 32d. $2R.
8-r., modern, 2i29 Seward, $:0.
8-r., modern, Lc2 So. 9th St., $30.
8-r., modern, 2174 Harney. $2S.
8-r., modern, and barn, 44fi8 Farnam, $22.80.
R-r., modern, and barn, 3S4U Reward, IM.
12-r., modern, and barn, 2018 No. 21st, $25.
F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas.
D 405 17
MODERN 7-r. house, 4240 Burdette; $22.
Tel. 67H) or t'.o2. D 109 lxx
FIVE-ROOM cottage, in good repair, line
well and cistern. Binney and 41st
streets; $S. Inquire; 'phone A T'22.
D 112 17x
FOR RENT 10-room house on North 4atli
St . near car line. A beautiful home and
a very cheap rent. ('HAS. E WILLIAM
SON CO., 12'l Farnam St. D Hi 17
12"4 North 20th St., ti rooms, $18.00.
5tii South 2Sth St.. 4 rooms, $20. no.
BEM IS, Puxton Block.
D 419 17
9-ro,,p . modern, $35. Owner s 'phone i,S0.
Monday. P 131 23
1410H N. 17th. 3-room, city water, only..$ 7.i
3o34 S. 1st li, 3-room, city water fcM"
4212 Pierce St., 4-room, well and cistern,
ai42 DaveniKirt, 5-room, city water,
fj 4J V Hi , .,.....,.... 1
3203 Lincoln" Blvd, tS-room, all modern. 2o.)
3011 Blimey, r.-room, modern except
furnace, half acre of ground .5 "i
32P1 Corbv, K-room, city water, cistern. 12i,i
3221 Poppioton Ave. li-ronm, all modern
3:118 Ohio, li-room, nearly modern, nice
29i'2 N. 2Mb, ti-room, city water, gas
barn "
811 8. 85th Ave.. 6-room. all modern,
2 blocks from courthouse 3" "
ir,4i 8. 2;th, 7-rooin. strictly modern.... -0.0)
013 N. 41st St., "-room, balh, gas, nice
yar l".fio
4i'Ll Farnam, 7-room, nil modern 8Hi
3i Sherman Ave., 7-room, all modern,
011 South Omaha car line '
jnoS St. Mary's Ave, 7-room, all mod-
em. nlcelv furnished IB.Ofl
2215 Miami St., g-romn, modern except
furnace, only li'","
525 N. 4nh. fine new i-rooiu, strictly
modern, osk finish, etc 40.00
311-x Cass, 9-room. all modern. ood
barn - ,v
We will make snerli'l inducements on any
of the above houses if taken fids week.
PAYNE, POSTWICK & CO.. iS-1-3 N. Y. If.
D Ijs It
WANTED, to rent, close to Omaha, a
building and some land that Is suitable to
knn about 20" chickens for the winter.
Addn ss J 19, Bee. K M12118X
ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow.
Church Co . main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. 18,
J. M. Mai farland. Scfl N. Y ' Bldg Tel 8t
WILLIAM W'APPH'H-Sjcoessful lawyer
in prosecution and liii'-n-f' of cill and
crln.lnnl sous In all courts: legal docu
ments caiefullv prepaiad: notary public.
l,i Crelghton block
COOEEY BLAl'KSi'OVE S Commentaries
for ale, cheap. 2513 F St., South
-7 17x
IF YOU do not inui what you want in this
column, put an ad. in and you will soon
get it. Z i3
FOR EXCHANGE Fxcelle'it nine-room all
ii.oilein dwelling, few blocks from posl
nl'.re; $4,750. Will take 1 ne-tlilid to one.
half in outside income piop"rly. Addr-a
i 57. Bee. Z-9i:9 ItJ
FOR HAl.E or tr ie for f irm. sviMi-room
h.ap:a-. one hi Ti- Kl'-iued. 1,1:0 block from
Flou nce car. M A. Sia pin i,s, Curtis
Ave, Omiih 1. 7. 372 17x
GOLDMAN liaating Co., Ml Douglas Mlk,
DRESSMAKING in families or at hnnin,
Miss Staiiiy. .'jij Davniiorl. Tel. Hartu-y
GET the niuiii'v f u- vour dress from Bowen.
Paj" wUau tcju.cnjeuu 703 N. T. Life.