THK OMAHA DAILY BHK: NCXIUY. DKCKMHEU 17, 1003. B Tiie Omaha Sunday Bef E. ROSEWATER. EDITOR. IXELIS1IED KVEHV MORNIN'J. TKM.M 3 OF PCBPCHIPTION. I'Hily pee (without Fund.cyi. year. $1 en I'nlly I lee mid Sunday, one ear S (' tllust rn d I'.ee, one year 2 5 Sunday Bee, onu year 2 -j" S-itiird'av I , . one year 1.J0 DELIVERED UY CARRIER. Dnltv rw clm-hidlng Sunday), per week. ,17c 1 i 1 V I'.ec (without Siimlayi. per wek..l.': KvenliiK lice (without undav i. per 'k w Evening Hee (Willi Sunday), per week...l'c HunilHV Hee, per ' "pv r,c Address i on. plaints of irregulai it If In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The lire Building. Smith (una ha- city 1'ulldlng. cmiiK 1 : 1 1 1 fT f 1 Pearl Street. 'iut(r imi I'nlly liuildlrig. .r-v.- Vi.r!i-In Home l.lle Ins Holding. VwiilnKtiHi--5(il Foui -twritli Htrcrt. C( iRRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and ed itorial matter dhoiild li. addressed: Omaha To, Editorial I epartment, REMITTANCES. Remit liv draft, express or postal order, payable to The Rp Publishing Company, (inly :-f(iit stamps received n payment of mall n count. Personal checks, except on I'maha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THK I KE PCHL1SHINU COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss: ('. c. lioscwater. secretary of The Roe Publishing ('nnipanv. Viri dulr sworn, savs that the actual number of full and complete copies of Tin Dally. Morning. Evnlns and Hundav lice printed during the Month of November. 19, i an fol- low: 1 A1.MM 5 31. HO !.... 17.... 18.... 19... 20.... a.... 22.... a.... 24 ... J.... 26.... 27.... :s.. 29.... DO.... .11 ,IWO 31.TTO r2.r.(to .M.itOO R1.ROO :ti, t;io :txno :tl.MRO :u. ,1.V a i. (OK) ai.cao ai.r4) ai.usto .... 4.... C... 6... 7... ft.... 9... 10.... 31.... 12.... 13.... 14 ... 15... . ni.i to R1.7KO ail.(l7() :to sr.o 35. 10 .14.1110 a 1.200 .1I.(MM ai.sso , itu.nno . K1.XOO , 31. .' . 3I.-MO Total unsold copies. .wiu.r.Bo Net Uital sales.. Dally average .. t:ni. ih a i. sot C. C. ROSE WATER. Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1K05. (.Seal) M. IS. ill'NGATK, Notary Public. WIIES (I1T OF TOWS. Subscriber leaving rlty Inn. porn r 1 1. v xliould lime iiio Hvt inallrd to them. It Is better than a daily Inter from home. A1-drt-kn will be rlniuucd as often as reaiaested. Pitchfork Tillman has taken up the attic crly of Santo Iioniiugo, by jingo! This kind of weather makes neither the coal man nor the ice man feel like Ihe head of a "trust." It Is a fastidious Christmas shopper who cunuot find what he wants offered in the advertising columns of The Bee, Andrew Hamilton would rather take chances with practitioners of medicine In 1'arU than with pructlt loners of law In America. At least, Bluebeard lloch lms the sat Isfactlon of knowing that he will not be compelled to live with all those when at one time. Omnhn has paid almost as much honor to the grand esalted ruler of the Klks as If he were the grand exulted ruler of all the universe. The real question Is whether the bru tality can be taken out of foot ball without taking the popularity out of the .game along with it. It is unfortunate that the Chicago stock show should be held while Ne braska's best cattle are In preparation for Christmas (! Inner. Several eminent Wall street financiers are waiting patiently for the Insurance Investigating committee to turn over new leaf with the glad new year. Tom I.awson Is writing open letters again, with the envelope alined at The System. A few copies of I.awsou's book must be In danger of becoming shelf woru. It never rains but It pours, and the rebate indictments are pouring from all the grand Juries in the country. It re mains to be seen, however, whether they will stick. The plea that foot ball trains players for efficiency In the battle of life would U stronger If the battle were fought under the rules which prevailed in the stone age. Wizard I'disou's prophesy of the pro duction of electricity from coal by di rect process Is being denounced as a dream, but stranger dreams than this have come true. The text of Secretary Sliaw's latest lecture is "Kvolution in Self tlovern meut," but that has not the remotest reference to his pet theme. "The Kvolu tion of an l'lastie Currency." Congressman Cochran's scheme to con line all Insurance business to the state where the company is chartered makes King Canute's command to stop the rising of the tide look reasonable. Now that Senator Millard is assured of the chairmanship of the Panama camil committee, the problem that pre sents itself is: What will the Panama canal do for Nebraska politicians? Congressman tirosvenor xnnounccs that on ihe subject of states rights he Is a democrat, but he will never advise his native state to try to put the principle Into effect as it was forty years ago. With the Southern Pacific placing Ore gou lands on ihe market, prospective purchasers mar be relieved of the trouble of examining abstracts; for. If Ihe railroad deed Is defective, following a Nebraska precedent, congress can be ticycuded upon to uutke the mutter rifht. Xf.llHAfiKA FOR Mf X Iiio hillltonnlfl In every city uro ili-co-liitiil witli puiii.ilN cf Henry iJcurifc , I'ointiiivr Ik ii Kiirii mi wliicli liixi ritx' I "I inn for nn'ii." 'linit fH'iilonrr i1iiiii(I lie Iiio koyiintp of tli" dominant pmiy nf Noliraxkii In in xt jour's uvont ainp.-iiirii. Noliniskn'K most linpiiatlvc tviitit Is inon in puhlio life, iiinl unless tln reptilt Ilenii party renpotnl to thr5 ilemnnrl fur men Uh'oiikIi it. state (.onviiitlotis, con itressloiiiil conventioiis iiml letislnti ve coineiitiniix, it will lie reptiiliateil nnil n lied imiler liy llie jrroat nias of Ne lirnska (itizenslilp. The ioinilist iiprlcintf fifteen years neo was a revolt against coi'iiorato con trol of the (loinlnaiit fiarty and llio low standard cf public men foisted Into posi tions of lioiior and trust. Instead of profiting liy the disastrous lessons tliP party had shirked Its responsibility and nlidieatod Its prorosntlve In the choiep of candidates to a political calial whoso liiirhext Ideal of puMic service was sub serviency to the mandates of the corpo rations, iiinl this experience has nyaln had partial repetition in the lust few years. As a natural seitieiice, Nebraska has been humiliated and disgraced by the in ferior class of men whom it has raised to positions of honor and trust. Men have been sent to represent Nebraska In national conventions, who were utterly unknown outside of their own counties or towns and could not In the nature of tilings exert any Influence whatever in patherinif composed of men of cotn- iiiaiiclin positions in national councils. Thus we have had men foisted Into ex ecutive state olliccs Mho lacked every pre-reqiiisito tialitieation for creditably (lischai'Kiii); the f unci inns of their re spective positions. Worst of all, our nominating conventions and legislature have been corrupted and debauched chiefly because the people were repre sented by dummies and jrrafters instead of men of approved business integrity and moral stamina. With the Irresistible wave of reform that Is sweeping the continent Nebraska can no longer remain dormant or Indif ferent to the movement for higher stand ards In public life and for more exacting enforcement of otticlal duties and obli gations. thk rnttsinr.ST n.v child lahhr. President Iloosevclt has shown great interest in the subject of child labor und is In hearty sympathy with the move ment to correct evils and abuses In the employment of such labor. He referred to It iu his annual message of a year ago and in his last message he renewed the previous recommendation for an In vestigation by the 1 icpartmcnt of Com merce and Labor of general labor con ditions, especial attention to be paid to the conditions of child labor and child liilnir legislation In the several states. IIow the president feels on the subject Is shown In the following from the mes sage: "In such a republic ns ours the one thing that we cannot afford to neg lect Is the problem of ' ulng out de cent citizens. The future of the nation depends upon the citizenship of the gen erations to come; the children of today are those who tomorrow will shape the destiny of our land; and we cannot af ford to neglect them." He notes the fact that the legislature of Colorado has recommended that the national govern ment provide some general measure for the protection from abuse of children throughout the United States. The Importance of this matter will be realized when It Is stated that about n million children are employed in the va rious Industries, a very large proportion of them nt an age when they should be at school and most of them in an en vironment that tends to demoralize them. Investigation has shown that In the south and In some of the states of the north tens of thousands of children employed In mines and mills and facto ries are wholly Illiterate, have had little or no moral training and are subjected to many abuses. The movement for re forms respecting child labor has had good results. It has brought about leg islation that has remedied some of the evils and abuses. But there Is room for further Improvement and this can be ef feet m! only after a more thorouch knowledge of conditions U obtained. The very best agency for securing such Information is the Iepartnient of Com merce and Labor and congress should not hesitate to give that department the desired authority. Meanwhile those who are working to ameliorate the conditions of child labor and put a stop to the evils and abuses incident to it will find en couragement In the position of Mr. Koosevelt regirdinir it. IS HVIA FACl.XO I! A XKFL'PTC 1 The declaration by the revolutionary element in Kusshi that the national treasury is bankrupt Is not without a substantial basis, according to recent reports of tiuaucial tondltions there. A few days ago it was reported that the imperial bank had an InsutMclcut supply of gold to cover its note Issues and about the same time It was stated that the government was unable to repay to a syndicate of tierman capitalists the borrowed early In the present year to continue the war with Japan. This was a short-term loan, payable ou demand. These circumstances and the steady decline of linssiau securities In the Kuropean markets very pointedly in dicate that a tliutiitial crash in Kusshi Is Imminent. Bussia is the greatest debtor nation In the world, her public debt being ap proximately $l.(Ki.(H!:l,mo, of which more than half has been Isiriowed abroad. Her Interest account amounts to $17o.iMii0 annually, two-thirds of which Is puid out to foreign creditors. This Is now making a heavy drain uion the firm mini resources of the country, the ordinary receipts troui revenue tieiug necessarily much reduced under existing conditions. There Is still in the country a considerable reserve of gold, but this is really nothing more nr less than twirl-owed money and cannot be used be cause of the large amount of outstand ing notes. If the government should be forced, as tiocins probable, ta announce Its Inability to meet Its obligations the effect would tie calamitous and Would not be lontiued to Ktissia. It would be severely felt In every Kuropcin money market mid could not fail to cause a widespread monetary disturbance. The Kussian financial situation is of far greater interest to most of the world than are the operations of the revolu tionary elements. TIIE VSlVKItSlTY rilOni.F.M. The management of the University of Nebraska is up against the same prob lem that Is perplexing the managers of busMicss as well as educational institu tions namely, that of holding Its pro fessors at established salaries against the admitted increase in the cost of liv ing mid the tempting offers of more fmorcd competitors. Much as the uni versity might suffer for the time being by the loss of faculty members whom it would like to retain, still it must deal with these matters according to some general policy and with due regard both to the financial limitations on its re- ( sources and the relative claims ot the iniliidnal components of its instruc tional force. That this is a serious problem in fact the most serious problem that confronts not only our state university, but other ui.ivtrsitics as well goes without say ing. That Nebraska, for some time to conic, nt least, will have to content ltslf, ns in the past, with the more moderate salaries of the educational world and as a consequence lose from time to time stellar lights an they be come able to command larger salaries offered by the Jilg privately endowed universities with almost limitless reve nues, also goes almost without saying. Whether our state university has reached the point now where it must raise the salary scale for the Lend pro fessors Is something for the regents to consider most carefully, but, no mutter what the dtMMsion, no material change can be put into effect until after another legislative appropriation, because the last appropriation on which the work was blocked out for two years did not contemplate any such advance. 1IIK CHRISTMAS ATMOSI'IICHE. The Christinas atmosphere again en velopes the laud and it Is an atmosphere which breeds the spirit of happiness Unit grows out of making others happy. The ingredients of the Christmas atmosphere must be different from those of the at mosphere at other seasons of the year because they produce buch different re sults, In human kind. The Christmas atmosphere Is all pervading. It pene trates the palace and the hovel it per meates the home and the store it ex hilarates young and old. To breathe deeply of the Christmas atmosphere Is a more effective tonic to the health than all the prescriptions administered by medical science its inhalation is more stimulating than intoxicants and at the same time less noxious than the limpid water of the purest spring. The Christ mas atmosphere defies storm ond rain and wind and spreads it beneficence equally without regard to temperature. It comes and goes whether Invited or unbidden and leaves its trail of smiles and mirth and joy Ineffaceable by the sterner realities of life. k HEunoA xiza rrox The very great interest shown by President Koosevelt and Secretary Koot In the subject of consular reorganization cannot fail to impress Itself upon the country and upon congress. When Mr. Koot rcccpted the position of siM-retury of state it was very generally under stood that one of the most important of his duties would be In connection with r forming the consular service in accord with the views of the president as re pe.itedly expressed. In bis last annual message Mr. Koose velt said: "Our consular force should be classified, and appointments should be made to the several classes, with au thority to the executive to assign the members of each class to duty at such posts as the Interests of the service re quire, instead of the appointments being n. lido as at present to specified posts. There should be an adequate Inspection service, so that the department may be able to Inform Itself how the business of each consulate Is being done, instead of depending upon casual private Infor mation or rumor. The fee system should lie entirely abolished and a due equiva lent made in salary to the officers who now eke out their existence by means of fees." Another suggestion of the presi dent Is that sufficient provision should lie made for a clerical force in every consulate, composed entirely of Ameri cans, instead of the insufficient provision now made, "which compels the employ ment of great numbers of citizens of foreign countries whose services can be obtaliKMl for less money." These requirements necessary to the Improvement of the consular service are provided for In the Iidge bill, now In the hands of the senate committee on foreign relations. This measure, care fully framed and comprehensive in Its scope, would place the consular service on a new basis and remove it from poli tics. Appointment to the service would depend upon ascertained qualifications und titness, while ail vauceiiieiit would lie determined by merit. A consular official who performed his duties capably and faithfully would be sure of promo tion whenever a vacancy should occur and this would be an incentive to zeal ous and faithful performance of duty. Au. Important provision of ihe bill is liial no pei-son who is pot an American citi zen shall lo appointed in any consulate general or consulate to any clerical po sition the salary of which exceeds one thousand dollars a year. At present there are hundreds of foreigner cm ployed In the consular service of the I'ulted States and It is scarcely netM-s-sary to say that these men are not as careful to promote the commercial In terests of this country us our own citi zens would be. Hie business Interests of Hih United States have for years been urging con gress to take action for and improving the consular service. They desire that It shall la made as efficient as possible for promoting the extension of our commerce. In this respect great Improvement has been niHde under the present administration, but a yet higher standard of usefulness Is attainable. This will be reached if the Lodge bill becomes a law and congress should lose no time in enacting that measure. The latest feast of the Ak-Sar-Bcn governors was enlivened by merry making over the term "corporation cormorant" as applied to legislative lobbyists mid boodle distributers. One of the speakers sought to Impress the assembled knights with the idea that the term as applied to professional railroad lobbyists and cappers was a misnomer and a reflection upon reputable corpora tion counselors and managers. As a matter of fact the appellation Is apropos. A cormorant, like the vulture, Is a bird of prey. The corporation cormorant Is a politienl bird of prey that prostitutes Its talents to the debauchery of public officials, lawmakers, executives, juries and judges even, and Is more dangerous to society and to the social fabric by fur than the footpad, the porch climber or the housebreaker. In the good old days of Our Dave there always was some awful menace overhanging Omaha's prosperity in the Impending removal of army headquar ters, the diversion of quartermaster sup plies, the defeat of a public building appropriation or the removal of the weather man from the public building. In those emergencies Our Dave always managed to turn up in the nick of time to save Omaha from the Impending calamity. But Omaha has become so used to these periodic false alarms that it very properly treats them with su preme Indifference.' The recent roor back about the removal of division head quarters of the rural free delivery be longs to this category. Postmaster (Scucral Cortelyou's sug gestion that the franking privilege is ac countable for the postotlice deficit Is good so far as it goes, but excessive rates charged the government for rail road mail transportation would also ac count for a big part of it. If the free list were to be suspended and the imiil.the w'somI of, s,,1"mon; Philosophers contracts let at the same time on a basis somewhere near what is charged ex press companies and fast freight lines, the postotlice deficit would be speedily transformed into a surplus. Nearly ."s),0 freight cars in tin United States are still unequipped with air brakes or other automatic safety de vices, notwithstanding repeated prom ises of the railroads and successive post ponements at their request of the date when safety appliance laws were to go into effiM't. There is no reason what ever why a single piece of rolling stock should be in use on an American rail road today that docs not fully comply with all the legal requirements as to safety appliances. Governor Ilanly of Indiana in dis satisfaction with the police policy pur sued in Hammond, Ind., immediately adjoining Chicago, has summarily re quested the immediate resignation of the entire metropolitan police board of Hammond. It Is unnecessary to note that this occurrence is chronicled In Indiana and not in Nebraska, and that Governor Ilanly has a different Idea of his responsibility for police board ap pointees than has Governor Mickey. Kansas railroad commissioners have ordenMl a 5 per cent reduction in grain and freight rates to take effect January 1.1. The federal courts in Kansas, how ever, may be depended upon to come to the rescue of the outraged railroads with a few timely injunctions. New York banks now have on hand the reserve required by law without necessity to relieve the situation by taking money from the federal treasury. Evidently Wall street Is learning that God helps him who helps himself. The candidacy of William It. Hearst for the democratic presidential nomina tion In P.hi.S is said to be a settled fact. That ought to earn some cable company tolls on a message to William Jennings Bryan, wherever he may be. Keports of more towns that are to litid Carnegie libraries in their Christ mas stockings Indicates that Ihe season is again at hand when Mr. Carnegie will make another strenuous effort to avoid the disgrace of dying rich. Congress had scarcely convened when It arranged to adjourn for a holiday recess, very much like some Nebraska legislatures that adjourn every few days biM-aiise it does not cost members any thing to travel. That circular letter from the attorney general stilling up the United States district attorneys to move on the rebate givers and rebate receivers is producing results everywhere everywhere but In Nebraska. Tin Iowa supreme -ouit holds the shlpnieuts of liquor Into Iowa C. O. D. tile.'iiL Vou cuu ship all the liquor to Iowa you want to, providing the pur chaser pays for It In advance, or pro viding the seller Is willing to take his chances on collecting his bill. This is only another Installment of court made law. An American school iu Turkey hss burned. If this is not made nil excuse for further demands on the Porte the sultan may feel that the new year is dawning brightly for Islam. Omaha does not fiMd highly honored by the Incarceration of Major Mulford, one of the Philippine heroes who undid with the pen the goisi name he had carved out with the sword. When the czar feels safe in taking his eyes from the grand dukes he may surprise the world by devising n plan to relieve .Russia from its present troubles. The long cruise of Admiral Sigsbee will give him an opportunity to see how much higher the American flag floats since It covers such widespread terri tory. Iinoik the Knocker. Chicago Kecord-lleruld. The voice of the man who thinks "this hole Christmas Rift foolishness ouRlit to be slopped'' is hkiUii hoard in the land. The World Moves. Cleveland leader. Who could liavo foretold, Ion years ui'.o, that In the year of grace jo. -, veterans of I the confederate armies would odopt a reso lution endorsing; a northern, republican president? Where the Shoe IMnehf Washington Post. Comptroller Ridgely's request that con gress take action to prevent excessive bunk loans may be all right, but some of us would like to have congress control the banks to make us larger loans. We are all against excessive loans to the other fellow. tiettlnw In the Timber. New York World. The anti-rate regulation people seem to have taken to the woods to the original forest. Everybody Is for some form of regulation. Speaking of the woods, it was the Hon. Tltn Campbell who once said that a virgin forest was a place where the hand of man had never placed its foot. Looking; UsekwHrd, St. Ijouls Republic. Postmaster tleneral Cortelyou reminds us that thero were only seventy-live postof llces in 179", the year in which died Ucnja min Franklin, the 2th anniversary of whose death will bo celebrated next month, whereas there are now more than 78,iJO. The postal service has indeed expanded since Franklin's death, but it never had a greater man at the head of It. DISIKSEll OF SI.VMII.M-:. Promoters of I.aauhter Classed as Public Benefactors. Ualtlmore American. A nation does not realize what it owes to Its humorists. lis philosophers may point out profound truths: Its sages may teach it IIIUJ VI V 1 .Trr IV ma. lilt- viiij t. n-jf 1 1 li--.r i.i ife the inevitable is to submit to it. It Is the humorist who helps It to bear what other- ., ,j i. .. i.t ..i u.. . turning its tragadles into jokes., by making the desponding, nerve-paralyzing emotions pass off in a laugh, who strengthens the en- ergles and minimizes troubles by the cheer ful inspiration which he gives. Gloom set tles on hopes and effort and energy like a pall; It stifles activity and Is like an an esthetic, lulling to lethargy when a strong and bracing tonic Is needed to fit men and the times for the conflict with the powers of evil. Nearly everyone has in his own personal experience realized the tonic qualities of a good, hearty laugh. Nearly every man and every woman has experienced the power given to meet and combat the worries of the day by this good, hearty laugh, and how genuine enjoyment has minimized the everyday afflictions and worries of life. Just as everyone has experienced how continued gloomy reflection on troubles has increased their mischievous Influence to fetter en ergy and to paralyze effort. Humor Is essentially an Intellectual qual ity. Hence the nation which has the keen est and the quickest sense of humor is the mos Intellectual. Humor cannot go with stupidity and self-conceit and exaggeration. Its influence Is always toward a proper bal ance. It saves men and natlcns from tho fatal mistake of taking themselves and events too seriously. It throws into such strong relief the ridiculous side of things that w here serious conceit would take nla-ni at hurt self-vanity, humor laughs away the dangers of the situation. In this sense humorists are public bene factors. They teach the most useful and the easiest of all life's philosophies. They smooth away the rough places and hearten life with cheerful inspiration. They mellow the understanding and broaden the heart. They are negatively, at least, an aid to virtue, for vice cannot grow In an atmos phere of cheerfulness. True religion Is the deadliest foe to pessimism. Humor is such a powerful aid that one can understand why the All-Wise Creator made It a part of tho superior human equipment for the light against evil. PF.RMAI AM) OTHERWISE. Mr. Lungwort It is liii past, Miss Koose. velt is nearing Zl. Revised topical song of the season: "Ev erybody Works Poor Father." The thin, decrcpld feel of one's purse these days is a good sign of a short winter. Nine Ohio bankers arc in Jail and three more await trial. Mrs. Chadwlck appears to be In the company of her friends. If they are wise the bachelors cast for the lolo of Santa, Claus will put away the. cotton and put on uslieslos whiskers. Who ever is projected Into the presidency of the Steel trust should provide himself with armor plale und sidestep the New York rlalto. Webster Davis has returned to Missouri, but his tearful voice Is not sufficient ly eoin-Mi(-d to answer the question, "Where did you get It?" Every admirer of the foot ball game who witnesses the Christmas shopping rush will readily admit that tin: rules imd revision and 1 ctiiieinent. A Chicago editor, luado wise by experi ence, says that alter you have had the grip once or twice you are effectually cured of a dtflie to Juke about it. Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, an Indiana Judge dedans that "the lid Is not 111 so tight In th's state that a man cannot blow his iiusc without bung accused of iiubllc thrill. g " A Chicago woman socks a divorce ou the ground that her husband mussed her spit curls with a bowl of currant Jelly. The unfortunate man lu tho case admired lu minous loc ks and used tho uuly asiUUle liitU to ,ur Us ideal. rRMos. nnit.r.n nonx. Weeds are call to work. Ta.-t Is touching; with love The Immovable hearts move the world. The hloe h. iirt alnays has a M.irk Kkv. The empty faith Is usually mario ef sound, lug brass. One does not net wedded to truth by flirt ing with doubt. The devil Is always willing to play d ad In a war of words. The only work without honor Is that which helps no one. A man who Is honest for policy will be dishotu-st for promotion. He Is blessed with fortune who has learned to bear misfortune. The losses of truth are more profitable than the gains of trickery. Many a denoon who Is long on coat tails will be found short on wing". A loving heart Is like a summer's day; It never needs to advertise Itself. Tou cannot look constantly on dirt and keep your windows free from dust. Nowhere does money create a more dis appointing mirage than in a moral desert. Many or us want a Clod with a keen ear for our prayers and a dull eye for our prac tices. Many a fly is ready to die In the pan if his epitaph shall read. "He lived In the cream. " If you are the salt of the earth yon must tint complain If you get a good shaking now and then. It's no sin-n that you will get ulong with tiie angels because no one can get along with you hero SKM'I.AH SHO I X AT TIIE I'l I.IMT. Brooklyn Eagle: Cardinal Merry del Val Is to have President Roosevelt's speeches and message translated into Italian, for the pope to rind. It is safe to say that the gentle. Italian lat ku.iiti will he put Into an uncommonly hard canter to do Justice to Mr. Roosevelt. isew iork Tribune: Rev. George C. Rich mond of St. John's Episcopal church. Stam ford. Conn., says, with little credit to him self, that "the corporation officer who takes more than liS.flim a year salary Is a thief." Somehow this deliiiitlon recalls a suying of Anatolo France: "It Is only from a barrel or from a shop that one may dominate the grandeurs or this world." I hlladelphla Record: A clergyman objects to sermons on graft for the curious reason that "they make the hearers feel lllte going out ntul w reaklni; vengeance on high finan ciers instead of waiting until Christ comes to right the wrongs." If the sermons move the congregations to go forth and vote against grafting officials we should suppose tlnir utility needed no higher evidence. New York Post: Political methods have surely got Into the church, now that one brother at an election of wardens and vestrymen has accused anotljer brother of stuffing the ballot lsx and then hit him In the eye and knocked him down on the church floor. It is satisfactory to know that both knocker and knockeo are eligible for the National Federation of Churches. l)()lTir) Pl.KASAATniES. "Old Oaychap is In his second childhood. Isn't he?" "No; that wouldn't he so bad. He's In the second wldowerhood and looking for No. 3." Chicago Tribune. "Ccorge, t have one very disagreeable habit. I walk In my (deep." "Oh, that's ull right. I was afraid you were going to nay you talked." Cleveland Plain Deader. Norah You take Tom out in your aulo every day. don't you? He appears to be a necessary fixture In the machine. Cora He Is. He's an automatic sparker. Cleveland Leader. Young Wife what's the trouble? Why do you su on tne cage ot the chair? Husband ell. dear, you know we are I buying it on the Installment plan, and that's an l icel entitled to. Brooklyn L4fe. Tess Yes, I lors Jess What! then? wish all men were bache How could we get married Tess Oh, I don't, mean permanently, but Just long enough to learn to sew on but tons and mend their clothes. Philadelphia Press. Ijtwson What did your wife say to you when you got home last night? Dawson Say! She paid an elghteen-vol-umo encyclopedia. Somervlll.j Journal. "He said he would lay the earth at my feet." said the sentimental girl. "Yes." answered Miss Cayenne, "It sounds good, but it is not practical. You already have the earth at your feet. What you want is a three or four-story house over your head." Washington Star. "What's all this noise about?" cried Eve, as, drawn to the first woodshed on record GRAND UNION TEA CO. A BEAUTIFUL DOLL FREE! This doll was exquisitely dressed by the Sisters of St. Catherine's Academy. A tailor-made suit could not be nicer. Tho hat and furg were made by the Sinclair Millinery Co. of Bennett's, and we pur chased this doll at the Child's Savins Institute Doll Bazar us the most attractive doll on sale. Seo It lu our window. HOW TO GET IT FREE At the OMAIIA STORE We give tea checks free to all purchasers. There is no druwlng. To the purchaser receiving a certain tea check, bearing a number that will be announced December IMd, will be given this doll free. Now 1 the time to start trading with us. A few of our tea checks will save many a dime and dollar In buying Christmas presents. Our stock of Christmas goods was never laiger and more complete. Our great Christmas special will begin December 1 6th, at which time we will give a beautiful calendar, 12x3 0 Inches, free to all purchasers. It will require 1,250,000 of these for our customers, at a cost of over $30,000. We will also have a fine Children's Christmas Book of over 20U pages, printed in our own printing establishment. Sleds and Coasters for boys and girls; not a shoddy article, but a first-class sled, given free to all purchasers of one can of our celebrated Grand Union Baking Pow der. These articles are worth the price of the Baking powder alone. You buy Tea and Coffee anyway, why not try ours. We guarantee our goods as good as you can buy elsewhere, where no Inducements are given. GRAND UNION TEA CO. a 113 SOUTH I6TII ST. I South Onuiliu, 40.1 N. Ulth St.; Council Bluffs, 40'.! Broadway; Lincoln, D l.'ttll O St. Nearly 2UO stores In Ihe United Stales. Headquarters, i or. j can. water and rroni .NEW PI TIIE COUNTESS Portrait with Autograph THE v. MART ca PS A mac. ZIK B y Also a complete Novel, "THK OI TSID Kit." many short stories, and a most Imjiortant essay by AltTHUIt SYMON H, on Paul Verlaine, The Portrait alone is well worth the price of the Magazine. FBANKER5 IIFElDMIANY VICOMHRtlRlSONJ P 1V.E 5 1 D E N Ti id M A H A Gift That Counts is n lifj insurance policy issued by the Bankers Reserve Life Company of O til a ha. It repre sents your affection and interest in your family. It increases the happiness of the day for them to know that they are safe - guarded against poverty should the provider be taken away ; and you will enjoy the day the batter to know that you hav 3 provided protection to the uttermost. For particulars con cerning a policy that is most liberal in its privileges and secured by adeposit of approved securi ties with the State of Nebraska, write to Bascom H. Robi son, President, Bankers Reserve Life Company, Home Office, Oma ha, Nebraska. by the heartrending yells of her eldest born, she sternly confronted Adam. "It means for you to go nhoui your busi ness and leave me to mine." replied our first father, with a steely glitter In 111 eye. "Can't you see I'm raising Cain?" Baltimore American. W I John Kendrlck Pangs in New York Sun. What though thy kiss be cold. Oh winter (I real ! Thou brlngest much the heart of man to cheer! The rich red holly berry 'midst the green: The crackling of the glowing logs at e'en; The hills and dales In purest garb of snow; The tinkling of the slelghbells as they go Adown the road, with maids of merry mood, With roguish glances peeping from their hood The gallant swains to tease, set up behind The frisking steeds that speed them like the wind! The clear, clean sweep of skaters on the Ice: The crystal flakes so wondrous in device; The cold, calm heavens brilliantly alight With friendlier stars than on a summer night In that they closer come, and seem to be Just twinkling neighbors unto you and me! And in the wood what lovely scenes are there, When, clad by fairy hands and frosty air. The limbs and branches of the sleeping trees Are woven Into silvery filagrees! Whet music in the chimes that ring out clear Arn o ihe crisp of winters atmosphere! What grandeur In the swelling harmonies Of winter winds, and what tranquilities In winter's silences! And for tho soul of man, what sweeter thrill Is there than In the message of flood Will That In the darkest hours of winter's day Doth warm the heart ns with a splendid ray From out the sun, east, west and south and north When Christmas morn from frosty night springs forth! nm,, itrooKijn, .t. i. BMC ATIO. rjBsH OF WARWICK'S is given as Frontispiece lu o r CLE Cet oo V I It N R S