Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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PAGES 1 TO 12.
Imperial Government at Berlin Mai el Flam
to Incraiie Its Revenues.
Billt f Lading Will All Help the
Treasury of Wat ion.
Xapire to Take (aih Once Claimed by In
Searly Rllllnn Dollars to Be Ei
prnded on Vessels In Siext Twelve
ears. According, to Present
I -J. IN. Dec. 16. (Special Cablegram to
The lice.) The fi.sral question continues to
attract an much attention In Germany an
It does In Great Britain. The semi-orllclal
statement showed that It li proposed to
raise, tlie balance of the $30,000,(00 or $32.
t'JO.OOO nf necessary additional revenue, un
provided by the contemplated Increase
In the duties on beer and louacco, by a
variety of methods. First, it is proposed
to raise the sum of llO.OuO.MQ from a stamp
duty on WHIR of freight and bills of lading j
tor inland navigation und Inland traflic on
tha railways. (Secondly, the provision of j
e3.u00.000 is anticipated from the Imposition
of a Ktamp duty upon steamship and rail- j
way tickets, but the duty will uot npph- 1
to sea-going traffic, In order that this traffic
may not be hampered against foreign com
petition. Tho senle of duties will vary
acordlng to the price of the ticket. No
Ucket will be dutiable which cost less than
two marks and the result of this restriction
will be to make fourth-class railway tickets
free of duty for a distance of 100 kilometers
and third-class tickets free of duty for the
distance of sixty kilometers.
Further It Is proposed to raise something
like )l,0C0.0no by Imposing an annual tax of
from 100 to 150 marks on motor cars, ac
cording to their size, nnd a duty, the
amount of which Is not stated, but which
will vary In accordance with the horse
power. Motor cabs, motor omnlbusses and
motor carriages for tho conveyance of
goods will bo excepted.' The hope Is ex
pressed that the motor car Industry will
not be prejudicially affected by the new
lax which Is expected to fall principally
upon tha well-to-do section of the com
munity. Another H.OOO.noO Is expected from the
contemplated Imposition of a receipt stamp
duty of ten pfennigs upon receipts for
amounts over 15.
Imperial Death Unties.
There remain some II 2.500. 000. which It la
proposed to raise by the introduction of
imperial death duties. These will be Im
posed upon Inheritance on a scale ranging
from 4 to 20 per cent in accordance with
the degree of kindred of the heir and
the 'value of the" Inheritance. Inheritance
under $76 wltll bo exempt from duty and
the lowest tax on the scale will be im
posed upon inheritances exceeding $125,000
In value. When the heirs axe the children
or the husband or the wle of the testator
the Inheritance remains free of duty. It Is
anticipated that this tax will yield some
$12,500,000; but at least one-third of. the pro
need will be restored to the federated
states In order to compensate them for tho
revenue which they have hitherto derived
from their state death duties, alnoe they
will now surrender this source of Income
In favor of the empire.
Apart from this restriction the amount
of the proceeds of the death duties which
will be appropriated by the empire is to be
determined from year to year by the an
nual finance bill In connection with the
estimates. The amount of the appropria
tion bill will be decided in accordance with
the necessities of the budget after other
available sources of revenue have been ex
hausted. Among such available sources of
revenue the matrlcular contributions of
the federated states will continue to be
reckoned, but they must not in future ex
ceed in amount the repayments which the
states receive from the empire.
The North German Gazette observes:
The conjecture which during the last few
days has found expression in the press to
tha eflect that it was intended to retleve
the separate states from all uncompen
sated matrlcular contributions la Incorrect.
Th highest amount of such (uncompen
sated) payments will be fixed at 40
pfennigs per head of the population, wnicu
i per head ot tne population, wnicu
means that Itie constitutional oougainin
Incumbent on the states in this respect will
not be removed, nut win oniy ue iiiiun. iniiy
limited In Its application. Taking the popu
lation of the country at 60.uu0.0o0, the luml
which the separate states might have to'
contribute in a given year would thus
amount to $n.0u0,0ia, and It would increase
with the growth of the population.
Meanwhile the main financial features
of the- German navy proposition are being
dlscusaed at great length. The main finan
cial features are aa follows: The total
expenditure upon the navy for the next
twelve years will amount to $$25,000,000. Of
thla aura tha ordinary astlmatea will have
to bear $475,000,000 for recurring expendi
ture, and. also a portion of non-recurring
expenditure, which, in accordance wttb the
financial regulations of the last navy law,
works out at $360,000,000. or In ail $0,000,000.
Thla represents $65,000,000 as the average
annual expenditure which will have to be
met out of the ordinary revenue.
Const de Lesbaln and Bride Hurt
Pleasant Trip to Hoef
f World.
CALCUTTA, Dec. II (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Additional reports from the
Count de Lesbain of the French legation
at Peking and his bride, who recently ar
rived In Dar Jelling from Tibet, indicate
that he and his bride have established a
record In Central Asian travel. On their
honeymoon they went north from Peking
to Mlnghai, and thence north again, dis
covering two buried citlea. They traveled
to tbe Gobi desert, discovering a new lake,
and returned southwest to Liang Chow,
whence they circuited on the north the
lake of Koko Nur In Tibet and arrived at
lonely Tsaldaa salt swamp. The daring ex
plorers reached tbe sources of the Yang
Tse Klang river. They endured Incredible
hardships and at one time saw no human
being for fifty days. They nearly perished
on a terrible upland mud plateau, 1,600 feet
high only four of their transport animals
nurvlvlng. Thence the oeunt and his wife
struck south to Lake Plngri Nor and down
to the Sang Chu river, avoiding Shigatse
on the route from India to Lhasa and com
liig straight to Gyanlee. They found the
people tf Tibet entirely friendly and at
tribute their extraordinary success to th
visit of the recent British cxpeditio
Fear that PressInK of F.stremr
Policy Will lrtro
LONDON, Dec. 16 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.l Lord Hugh Cecil. M. P . sneak
ing before the Oxford Union society on a
motion regretting the identification of the
conservative party with Mr. Chamberlain's
fiscal proposals, said that memory went
back naturally to two previous occasions,
on which a great modern political party
had been deeply and seriously divided. The
first occasion was in when Sir Hubert
Feel adopted free trade. In ISM another
great division of party took place, and
again that division was created by the
action of the leader of the party; but in
1S6. as on the present occasion, the larger
part of the party adhered to the Innovator
and the smaller part remained of the oid
opinion. A great many people were per
plexed by the attitude of the prime mini
ster, but he thought they overlooked the
fart that this discussion had followed lines
not very essentially different from, though
prolonged over a far greater space of time,
than that which took plaee in lbSt. The late
prime minister. Mr. Bnlfour. now held a
position had all along held the position,
which Mr. Chamberlain took up in con
nection with the home rule bill. Mr. Cham
berlain In those days had proposals of his
own, which went far hcyr.nd anything any
unionist would now consent to go. He was
In the position of a moderat reformer in
the direction of home rule at that time,
but he was not prepared to go to the full
extent to which Mr. Gladstone would lend
IjIh party. The same thing might be said
with little ehaim
of Mr. Balfour at the
present time
Lord Cecil lilted to augur
and he said that he believed that he should j
augur truly that the event in the one case
as In the other would bo the san.e, and that
lc would l round that tne pressing tor-
ward of the extreme policy woulu have no
other effect than to bring logethere nil
those of every shade of opinion who were
not prepared to assent to every word of
that extreme course. In lSIti and 1)S6 tho
party which was split was destroyed, and
if Mr. Chamberlain's policy was pressed
in all its crude entirety a great division
was certain to result. They told by
Mr. Chamberlain's admirers that he was a
great fighting leader, but Lord Cecil addrd
It would bo poor consolation to the con
servative party In later years to reflect
that It was destroyed in order to Illustrate
the unrestrained courage of a distinguished
statesman like Mr. Chamberlain.
- i
Kffert of Chinese Miners Forms nh
Jrrt of Debate In fonth
JOHANNESBURG. Dec. 16. (Special Ca
blegram to The Bee.) As a result of Lord
Milner's statement regarding the general
benefits accruing for the colony from the
importation of Chinese, and Mr. Mackar
ness' reply to this statement, no end of
figures are being elucidated to show that
the population i.nd the trade of the Trans
vaal have Increased. The trouble appears
to be that accurate statistics of population
are not obtainable, but the figures of voters
on the rolls, as compared with the census
returns for April. 1904, together with the
statistics of building operations In Johan
nesburg made public In tho speech of the I
Consolidated Investment compnny's chair- !
man. argue a striking increase. Then, too,
the increase in trade since the arrival of
the Chinese is shown by the returns of the
customs department and of the railways. :
Another Illustration of the Increased pros- j
perlty of the general community is afforded
by the statistics of native labor Issued by
the department of native affairs. During
the seventeen months in which the Chinese
havo been In the Transvaal, apart from
mine laborers employed In the chief busi
ness centers of the colony, the number of
natives has increased from 65.JC3 to 79.411.
These natives earn an average of $15 per
month and represent an Increase of tATi.nio
monthly paid In wages by the white com-
munlty. Another noticeable feature Is that
while the native labor In the mines has
shown considerable fluctuation during this
period, tho natives employed outside tho
mines have steadily Increased In number. '
. .,,
"Old Moore" Sees gome Strange
Thlaa to Take Place
In 1UOO.
LONDON, Dec. 16. (Special Cablegram to
Tho Bee.) If "Old Moore's" predictions
enme true 1!XV will he a vear nf ahanrhlnv
- -- -- -
: uivcii. nvitir vt mwio irumiKiiuiii
prophecies are aa follows:
January A series of railway and shipping
dl2ft".tr"' , , , , .
'EST'EZmZ?? t0 VM""" f War0nd
March Reduction In Income tax: tax on
two-wheeled exercisers, presumably bi
cycles. April Removal of professional hegare
from the streets: prominent statesman to
d'e after checkered and somewhat stormy
May World's peace congress; royal per
sonage to die.
August World-wide philanthropist to die.
September Home rule for England, Ire
land and Scotland.
November "Social upheaval" In Turkey.
December New new spaper, which will ab
sorb four derelict ones.
In an Interview "Old Moore" claimed to
be highly satisfied with his predictions for
1D06. "My greatest triumph." lie said, "was
in July, when I said in my prophecy:
" 'A disaster is foreshadowed to a large
war vessel warship would seem to be Indi
catedflying the Stars and 8tripes."
"The exrlosion on the United States gun-
boat Bennington was a remarkable fulfil-
ment. Then, agaln-also in July-I predicted
. - - .... """'-'
tne majority ot rour oy wmcn tne govern-
ment was defeated.
"For this month I foretold the countess of
Shrewsbury's actions by saying that a rase
at the Law Court would cause much wash
ing of aristocratic linen In public."
EaTTPt's Capital Is Belna; Extended
and May Reach to Ancient
CAIRO. Dec. II (Special CuUegram to 1
J The Bee.) The expansion and transforms- I
I tton ' alro Is proceeding at a remarkably
rapid rate. Not long ago It was reported
that a concession had been given by the
Egyptian government for the building of
a town In a portion of the desert adjoining''
the Abbassieh aunrter of the cltv.
Another scheme is now in preparation. A
btoud of Europeans is said to have anked
the minister of finance to sell the tract of j
tbe denert land to the wet of the Pyramids
so that it may tie used for building pur
poses. If this request is granted a new
town will before many ers ilso ulmott
at the foot of the Sphynx and Pyramids
and Egypt's capital will be extended to tha
ait of those ancient tauouiusnla.
Conflict Between Austria and
Panel Beyond In Origin1'
Monopoly of Power Leadi Nation Iato Iti i
Present Woeful 8tate.
i.,...enn.. ,,,., .... ...
n i a l- . v t n o ..1
Only Parliament on lew Bam Can Battle ;
Frelent Trouble, j
Independent Opponent of Government
ays People lot Hefnse to Pat
ronise People Who Are
Xot Friendly.
VIKNNA. Dec. K (Special Cable
gram to The Bee.) The conlllct between
far beyond the original point of the word
of command and It Is rapidly becoming a
niatier of principles which will make tho
situation far more difficult to deal with.
The country enn no longer be governed to
its own advantage with parliament as It is
at present constituted. Popular representa
tion must he placed on a totally new basis.
Those classes which have hitherto domin
ated parliament and whose monopoly of
power has led the country into Its present
distracted plight, cannot he allowed to re-
main the sole arbiters in parliament. The
first task of the government Is to restore
otder In all circumstances. A new election
mu.'-t then be conducted with tho program
of universal and secret suffrage. Negotia
tions with the coalition has not taken place
of late nnd will probably not take place
in the near future. They are superfluous,
inasmuch us the coalition Is not prepared
to recognize the rights of the crown an
1 established by tho fundamental statute,
j and tlvse rights the King can not forswear
without breaking his coronation oath.
liaroii i'ejervary acknowledges that the
situutlon is very serious, but he is con
vinced that after a hard fight the Hun
garian people will understand the barren-
"l " s.rugsies. i ne
reiormaiion ot parliament, li is nopea. Will
transform Hungarian politics.
One tiling which has been noticed In this
connection Is that the struggle in Hungary-
is assuming moro and moro of a
tinancial and economic character. Cabinet
and coalition are striving to break each
other's powers of resistance by cuulng off
each other's supplies while the bociallsta
who operate as Irregular allies of the gov
ernment seek to turn to their own advan
tage every stroke and counter stroke of
the principal belligerents.
Advocates Boycott.
In the Magyar Orszag M. Louis Holto, a
prominent clerical, independent deputy,
calls for a complete boycott and blockade
of the government, whose material posi
tion, he says, must bo rendered untenable.
Hitherto only direct taxes have been cut
off. Henceforth JndJcsct.JUixes and. state
monopolies mu&t'h, placed under the state
Interdic t. This system will affect Austrian
Interests also. "If we wish to get at the
i root," concludes Mr. Holto, "wo must swing
the axe moro powerfully. On the day when
we begin the Intensive struggle let no
single Hungarian support Austrian Industry
by purchases and orders."
This plan might have its advantages for
tho coalition, but would scarcely be as
comfortuble as the system pursued hitherto.
It Is easy, and In some cases agreeable.
not to pay Income tax and house duty, but
the question beeomes more serious when
luxuries like tobacco and some heavily
taxed necessities ot life havo to be dis
pensed with. Nevertheless, tho scheme of
M. Holto shows that a crisis Is once more
working to a head.
Meanwhile, tho socialists are distributing
a million explanatory leaflets throughout
the country to make the people understand
the loi-s and suffering which will be entailed
upon tens of thousands of families by the
mobilization of the supplementary reserve.
me miiiuuMii iiu(iiu nunc ririio gann
in tho event of universal suffrage beepmlng
I a fixed fact. It Is asserted that if the
plun Is carried Into effect It will be the
first time that universal suffrage has been
tried in a country so nearly as autocratic
as the government of Austro-Hungary.
Recently Published Volume Attract
ing; Much Attention Among;
British Public Men.
! LONDON, Dec. 16.-(Special Cablegram to
i To Bee.)-Th. recollections of Mr. William
O'Brien, M. P., Just published, are attract
ing universal attention In the British politt
cal world. They are published
at an op-
neral elec-
portune time Just before the general
tlon. However, there Is considerable re
gret that Mr. O'Brien has not brought bis
recollections down to a period beyond the
Mallow election of 1&S3. As a result the
last phase and the most Interesting the
closing incidents of Mr,
are omitted. For Mr.
x-arneu s lire
Parnell figures
i largely in these fascinating pages. It Is
Interesting, for Instance, to have Mr.
O'Brien's word for it that in the early
eighties Mr. Parnell spoke habitually of
Mr. Chamberlain, Sir Charles Dllke and
Mr. Shaw Left vie as assured friends. Says
j Mr. O'Brien:
VI Pa.rTtr.11 su r.l it ir- tU i nui..
I as the more stable force of the three li.
often told me that Mr. Cliamberluin used
,0 8af, to h','"i "JiU n'ltfhl h"n" lr'Kh
republic so far as I am concerned, if v..u
would only help us to disli the Whl
rm i-iiiu nnm urn BiuoKe room oluua I
of that kind not as tilings seriously in
tended, but as indications of a flippant and
somewhat unscrupulous hublt of mind. He i
i had a great admiration for Mr. Chamber- :
. Iain's talent and hoped for much from Ins !
combination with Sir Charles Dilke. "We 1
could do a good deal for them, but," he 1
said, "they cun do nothing much for us
l without the old man." ;
J American lu London Talks of Condi
tion of Satires of tha
Far or)U.
' LONDON. Dec It (Special Cablegram to
Tlie Wee.) Mr. tjeorge Cleveland, a native
f Massachusetts, who was in charge of
whaling station on ttie northern limits of
Hudson's bay and who was compelled to live
itu tne tsKiiuos
tii the Eskimos, his boat ben.g burned.
. that something ought to be done for
e Eskimo. He said:
I a
' the Eskimo. He said
tl'teViibl'.? pnfiuof;; or tt"-."';' v- the poor fellow from falling
tlie loni; winter it.ey are on the Verne of ' problem requiring inMunl decision,
starvation. Yet at little coi companies Tills wa solved by the bovs at the- top
l,;de"me;en:1'n.'h,'Ct,oC .''"-telwin, down their rope which my friend
throush the winter. i attached to his waist, and he waa tin u led
tin s.Mne of the inlands where trading I up to the edge. The swing of that ropo as
stsiion are established all the game i ' i.. k,.io. i.. v.- . ..
killed for the skins and the ns,tiva ais
dying ot buoger.
nlsb Prince and
flrltlali Prince
Their or-
Are Settled la
svealaa Ha lure.
CIIR1STIANIA, December 16 (Special
Cablegram to The Bee.) It is icgaid'd ns
an Interesting coincidence by those Inter
ested In. the problems t utfottndlng the
Norwegian succession that Queen Mnud
begins here residence In Chtistianla exactly
; 500 years from the date on which another
i English princess, Phillppa, the daughter
of Henry IV. was married to ono of the
of DtnmarH and Norway. Cut the
auspices under which Queen Maud takes
UP ntr home In Norway are certainly
muPn hnrp tn(in th0M( whlch ntUM,..(l
this fifteenth cer.tury queen. Then Nor-
way had fallen on the unfortunate and the
Inglorious days of the Kalmnr union. Now
it has vindicated more fully than ever be
fore Its Individuality us a eopiratc state.
The new era Is appropriately marked by
the title which Its king has chosen. By
taking the name Haakon the sovereign rc-
j vivos memories of the old epoch when Nor'
way last existed as a distinct state.
: Haakon VI, whose marriage with the fn-
mous Margaret of Denmark led directly to
1 the Danish connection under the Kalmor
union, was the last king to rule over a
, scpnrate Norway. Now another Haakon
' ascends the Norwegian throne to rule over
i a countrv which is Similarly independent.
! but which hns long ago eagerly adopted
all of the element of morlern life. The
Hnakons of the past gave to Norwegian
history some of Its most revered and fa
mous name. The young king who now
rules over Norway can, like his queen,
trace back his lineage to the ancient
kings: and on every . grounu, wnntner or i
history or policy, he has a firm position
to say the least.
King Haakon VII and Queen Maud, who
are changing- the somewhat retired life to
which they have been accustomed fnr the
many varying duties of a monarch and his
consort have already made themselves
much beloved among thosn who have been
lucky enough to be counted among their
Intimate acquaintances. Prince Charles, as
he was known in Denmark; King Haakon,
as he is known in Norway, like his uncle.
King George of Greece, a sailor prince
has worked his way to a high po
tion In the navy through all of the vari
ous degrees, from mlfl'iy to captain, wim-
out any intentional preference being shown j
for him because he was a member of the i
royal family. His brother officer regard 1
htm not nnlv as a good comrade, but ss
a verv able officer, and his popularity ;
among the noncommissioned officers was
shown bv the enthusiasm he met when he 1
visited their club to bid them farewell be- i
fore leaving to take up his new duties in
Norway. v
As Prince and Princess Charles were not
obliged to entertain in elaborate style
while In Copenhagen, the new routine will
undoubted'" be quite tiresome at times.
Vhen in Copenhagen they resided In one
of the apartments of the palace belonging
to the king of the Hellenes, who Is the
proprietor of several magnificent houses
in Copenhagen. Trlnce Charles understood
the full art of making a home rosy and revolutionists and socialists of Poland,
comfortable. His residence .was often ad- This great step of the revolutionaries,
mired at the dinner parties given from time ; which throws down the gauge of battle to
to time to tha navaM 1" Vf" Pf tbe prince nmen t. was prepared with men
and the members of the aristocracy arid ; secrecy that the authorities were taken
also prominent commercial men. among 0fr their guard and did not even attempt
whom the prince numbered many friends, j to prfVent its publication In the newspap.
The time of the prince when In Denmark ' ers. The revolutionary leaders expect It
was, however, largely occupied by his naval will be followed by reprisals and arrests,
work. Princess Maud has inherited her ( but all this has been foreseen. The lead
mother's musical tastes. Not only does she ers laid their plans deeply before Issuing
possess the musical tastes of her mother. ; the manifesto. New committees of the
Queen Alexandra, but she has extended various organizations have been elected In
literary tastes and interests. It Is an open tho third and fourth degree. If one set of
secret among the members of royalty In committees is put behind the bars another
Copenhagen and London that Queen Maud will take Its plaee and carry on the work,
was regarded as the brightest. Intellec The League of Leacues was not n.teH
' tually, of the children of King Edward VTT.
J She now speaks excellent Danish, and this
will make It comparatively easy ror ner to
master Norwegian, for the two languages
are similar In many respects.
The third member of the royal family, the
Crown Prince Olaf. hitherto Prince Alex-
j ander. Is nn amusing little boy, who already
, speaks English and Danish quite well and
j who can already express his wishes In
French. How he likes his new name, the
I ,.uit of the change In position, Is not
mown, nut omcers wno are on inurante
terniB with this august If small royal per-
sonagT. report that he Is by no means
pleased with the compulsory change of
name and residence, especially the latter.
Heat at Center of Stmplon Is 113 De
grees and May Cause
GENEVA. Dec. 16. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.)-The official report on the cond'.
tlon of the Slmplon tunnel, which has Just
been made public, states that the tempera-
ture In the center is still 113 degrees and
I Ulat boiling water continues to flow at the
ra,e of about aeventy-elght gallons ner see-
! rate of about seventy-eight gallons per sec
The engineers agreed that masonry v as
necessary In the central roof of the tunnel,
as they doubted whether the natural vault
would bear the heat and enormous ores.
, ure or 2,145 yards of the mountain. Tho
: Hn has been raised whether th
masonry will prove a sufficient support or
whether It will melt and by its added
weight bring about a catastrophe.
Still another danger has been noted. Ac
the mountains have become covered with
snow the volume of water in the tunnel
shows a tendency to increase. Piles of rails,
sleepers, telephone and telegraph wires are
lying at both, entrances of the tunnel and
In spite of all of the optimistic reports the I
first train is not likely to steam through the
tunnel before the last of next summer.
Vultures Attack atlie of Africa,
Who la Saved by European
LONDON, Dec. 16 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) A thrilling story of an attack
by vultures and a daring rescue haa Just
been told here by Mr. L. van Hurden. Mr.
Van Hurden was Jackal hunting in Baauto
land with a young friend named Cooke,
and the Basuto boys who acotnpanied them
were up at the top of the mountains. Sud
denly a cry waa heard and one of the boys
was found hanging over a precipice about
elirhtv feet in height while four lur .-i.i
ture. were pecking at his face.
.-We managed to kill two of them." ald
, ... - Hlirden ln ttI1
1 aim I shall never forger '
Eevolu''cniTT Oriaoiritions Iene Mani
fei.o in Frm of Inptrial Ckase,
People Are Urgsd to Wi.lidraw Sating! I
from the Folks.
Cfficiali Charged wr.h iquaidering T.;xei
and Proce dt of Loans.
teps Taken to Keep Organisation
Intact lr Fleet Ins; Men to
Fill All Possible
ST. PETERSBURG. Friday. Dee. '.6.
Morning. Via Eydtkuhuen, Fast Prussia,
Dec. m. The proletariat organizations
through the "Invisible government," threw
a bomb shell Into the ramp of the official
government doting the night by Issuing ft
mnnitesto, following the form of a regu
lar Imperial document, declaring the bank
ruptcy of the treasury, ordering the pro
letariat arm everywhere, to refuse to pay
taxes of any description, to insist on tho
payment of wages in gold or silver and
to withdraw all their deposits from the
savings banks In gold.
Tho manifesto Is u terrible indictment of
the manner In which the bureaucracy has
brought the country to financial ruin, as
serling that tho government has squan
dered not only the country's Income, but
the proceeds of the foreign loans on rail
roads, the army and the fleet, leaving the
people without schools or ronds; yet. it is
declared, ther Is no money 1o feed th
soldiers and everywhere there are Insur
rections of the beggared and starved troops
and sailors. The manifesto even charges
the government with using the deposits
in the savings banks to speculate on the
Bourse, snd with It covering up its chronic
deficits In the Interest on the Immense
debt bv the proceeds of foreign loans,
which Is at last exhausted. The rich, it
Is further declared, have already taken
earning and are converting their property
and securities Into gold and are sending
'l"1"! abroad. The only salvation for the
country, according to the manifesto,
the overthrow of the autocracy by a con
stituent assembly, and the "sooner the
government falls the better." Therefore
the last resource of the existence of the
old regime its financial revenue must be
Authorities Are Snrprlsed.
The document la signed by the members
of the workmen's council, the Committee
nf the pan-Russian union and the central
committees of the social democrats, social
j to Join In the manifesto, being regarded
with some Jealousy by the or.
gnnlzatlons. which claim to be bearing the
brunt of the revolution and to be entitled
i to the fruits thereof.
) -The proletariat leaders claim to have
absolute knowledge that the government
' has Just issued $1:5,000.000 In paper money,
fnder the provisions of the press law the
editor of every paper which printed the
manifesto has rendered himself liable to
eight months' Imprisonment and $1 600 flne
Now must come the test of the
ment's power.
j It develops that among the papers of M
i Krustaleff, the president of the executive
committee of the workmen's council, seized
at the time of his arrest, were documents
which furnish evidence of a well planned
conspiracy to seize and carry off Premier
Newspapers Are Confiscated.
The manifesto created a tremendous sen
sation on publication and the government
accepted the challenge In It and confiscated
! ! , "'ons ' the newspapers printing
'"c'ua'" ne muss, eyn, Ontechestva,
' NovuU Znlzn- N"ha Shisn Nashalo and
Sv0 Bonodard. but only after the papers
liad been clrculael everywhere. The gov
' ernment announced that It would proceed
i leally against tbe edltora of these papers
for violating the press law and it haa also
. "h ...., " .1.. J,
w m vi a.ioKti.ojiia umi signed 1110 mam-
Answer to Zenistvo.
The bureau of the Moscow Zemstvo
congress haa received Premier Witte's re
ply to the xemstvolat memorial, which the
council of ministers has discussed. Count
Wltte says that the council has decided
that Its foremost duty is to carry out the
emperor's will as expressed in the mani
festo of October SO. Therefore, no consider
ation can be given to petitions or resolu
tions going beyond the limits of the mani-f'-slo,
nor can measures be undertaken
which might affect the tights of the na-
""nal assembly before It meets. The adop-
tlon" bow'f. f mP"ary measure. 10
assure the liberties granted by the mani
festo Is not prohibited.
The bureau of the zemstvo congTess has
called a meeting for December 23, to an
swer Wltte and ulso to decide whether to
attempt to hold election independently of
the government. In other words, to prac
tically transform Itself Into a provisional
A foreign ajnbaesador enjoying excep-
tional ODDOrtunitles for knowing vhu I.
happening at court said to the Associated
"Wltte will probably retuaiu because It is
realized that his nojne alone sustain' Rus-
slan credit abroad, but he will be no longer
the dominant Influence. 1
Fear Bloodshed In Moscow.
MOSCOW, (Undated) via Berlin, Dec. Is.-.
Proclamations are being distributed Invit
ing the people tu the red square of tho
Kremlin on December 19 to u public ser
vice. It is believed by some that this
means a maesucre by the "Black Hundred"
after the people assemble.
Today's advices liotu Itiga air meager.
Confirmation has been received, however,
that tbe governor has a:iked ror warship.
Reports are in circulation that there have
tnUiiued on tieoond FageJ
the beejulle.
loreenst for elirnskn Fnlr Sunday
nnd Wnrmer In Portion. ln
dny I'ntr and Cold"-.
r:v K Ttn Trvrl" Pc.
1 l.miun Tate rv Inercnsed.
Itiinanrlnn re M an li"! Hers.
tnwlun Tritons In Mote of Mutiny.
ehraskn Positions Fllletl Motulny.
It Kntiana tnte irnmnrt Indicted.
Ornate Passe the Canal Illll.
'I eva from All Parts of elirnUa,
4 Ic-ntltt Talk on Sonar Unties.
Troup Restrain l.njlna. nf Tracks.
Illvnri'P Promises to He Precedent.
I'rlntlna tlnst rinie Inlnn label.
6 llemocrnts OOut foro Governor.
F.llot Discusses Imtnlaratlon.
7 Writers to Travel In Regal Mle.
Affairs at South Omnbn.
Post Meek In tlninhn oclet.
tl Officers illnnied for llnslna.
Woman In ( lal nnd t Imrilv.
UIh ( hleugo stock Minn Opens.
FUlTOIMtl. PK( TIO Flitht Panes.
3 Fdltorlal.
SI nine Prophesies hy Fdlson.
Condition of Omaha's 1'rade.
4 AVant Ads.
.1 AVitat Ads.
U Want Ads.
T Commercial
and Financial.
HAtl'.TOMl XKC TKO-Kluht Page.
1 The Mistletoe ncmith.
U f'hrlstmns In I oreixn Iinds.
How Money Flies nt Christmas.
Tersely Told Tales.
3 Plnys nnd I'lnjerx.
Music and Mnnlonl .Notes.
4 Modern undny school.
Poetry for Christmas.
0 Christmas Calendar IMece.
First Christmas Tree.
Christmas In llcthlehem.
Wheat Land In Canada Forest.
A I.csrrnd nf the Mistletoe.
Chrlstmns Stories for little Folks.
Hints on Latest Fashions.
7 Grist of Sporting fiosslp.
1 fluster Bronn's Christmas.
3 Model Mnrrled Conple.
From rar nnil Fnr.
R Those Terrible Eyes.
4 nmc toc Fnvorlles.
Tempera are at Omaha Yesterday t
Hour. net, llonr. Deu.
R n. lu 27 1 p. m 4.1
tl a. in 2t 2 p. in 4ft
7 a. tn 2U n p. ra 41
K a. ni 2A 4 p. in 41
O a. m 2s 5 p. in 4fi
10 a. in 2 O p. m 4.1
11 a. m nn 7 p. m 41
12 tu 40
Rock Island Announces that Rnslneas
Is I nprnfitaMe and Takes Off
Provision Trains.
CHICAGO, Dec. Iti - . l:ock Island rail
road has gone out of the ,,iessed meats and
provision traffic and has withdrawn all
trains which were engaged In hauling these
products. The announcement was made
this afternoon and the traffic officials of tho
company gave notice that hereafter they
would not solicit nor accept any business
of this desrrlpl Ion. from the packers. The
explanation of the abandonment of this
traffic Is that it does not pay under exist
ing rates, it being stated that in tho opinion
of the Rock Island officials no railroad can
haul packing house products between the
Missouri river points and Chicago at pres
ent rates and make money.
Fonr Girls Testify that Defendants
Offered Them aiOO to Take Ont
Claims and Sign Papers.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Dee. 16. In the trial of
William T. llornsell ot St. Paul and Royal
R. Stearns of South Dakota in the United
States court, charged with attempting to
defraud the government out of homestead
lands in South Dakota, testimony was
brought out today with the Intention of
Bhowlng that the defendants had offered Ida
Wichert, Mary Spltelke. Sarah Hnlloran
and Agnes Thomas, all young girls who
testified in the trial, $100 to sign certain
papers and take out homestead claims in
South Dakota and then make two trips out
there to prove up.
n.iii enrn
Vice President and Speaker Are
Orators at Annual Dinner of
Order of tbe Carabao.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.-The Washing
ton corral of the Military Order of tlin
Carabao. an order of army and navy olfl- '
cers who served In the Philippines prior to
the peace proclamation by the president on
July 4, 1902. held its annual dinner this
evening at the Raleigh hotel. Officers from j
! ail parts of the United States were present.
! aa were many distinguished guests of both i
i" " " - . ' ... n " .
cm mo riroiunu uu uauno, cucr
Cannon. Truman Newberry, assistant sec
retary of the navy; General J. A. T. Hull
and Judge Advocate General Davis.
Three Trainmen Killed and Font
Injured In Head-End Collision
Vear Plymouth, Florida.
ORLANDO, Fla., Dee. Iti. A passenger
and freight train on the Seaboard Air
line collided head-on near Pl mouth
! day:
, The
The injured:
Mall Agnt Purine k.
Eni-ineer Porter.
Conductor Piatt.
Express Messenger Oobon.e.
It Is said orders were misunderstood.
' Mov ements ol Ocean Vessels Dee. 111.
' At New Tork Arrived: Pretoria, from
Hun.burg; Lu, from Hivie; Mm-
netonka. from London; Main, from li e
nien Etrurta, from Liverpool; St. PauI,
from Southampton. Hailed: Patricia, lu:
Hamburg: Carmsnla. fur IJverpool; Phlla
cleiplila, tor Southampton; BioterayK, for
. Rotterdam: Vadrrland. for Antwerp.
At UeiioaArrivr a : una Ul r-apon, rroin
New York via Naples.
At Marseilles Bailed: Perugia, for New
At Bristol Arrived: Englishman, from
At Liverpool Sailed : Caronla, for New
York. Arrived: Cymric, from Dotmu.
At Antwerp Sailed: Zeeland, for New
York, via Dover.
At Havre Sailed: I-i. Lorraine, for New
ork. Arrived: La t ia.icogiit. fioi.i N
Yoi k.
At Bremen Sailed: p.heii,, for New York.
At CI rbourg Hailed: New Yor!;. for
New York.
At Copenhagen-Sailed: O.-car II. for
New York. ,
At Plvmovth Arrived: St Louie, from
refw Vers.
Senators FiualiT Njt.fu-d o:" the Vaoanoiei
in the Vak-nt ns Lind OfOoe.
Kiukaid lias's tbai Arprin!fei Come from
tbe Eiz h Du riot.
Congreimnn Korr.a . akei a Legal Argu
ment on Insurance.
Receive little Fnronraa-rmrnt
In Company tlh Congressional
Drlriinflnn Call on the
From t Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. I'eo. l'V (,peiinl T"le
sxnm.i Monday i now named as the day
on whirh the Valentine land office regis
ter and receiver will be appointed. Sena
tors Millard snd liuiketi ami Representa
tive Klnknld have oral'y been informed
that vacancies exi"t. Copgrc ssoinn Kin
ka lit has held nut oiejt strvnuo.isly for the
. appointment cf c itizens of the Sixth dls
j triet ami lie will in nil probability win out.
, Klrilrald. while by no inrans resenting the
j fact that the senators will n line ihe sic
1 censors to Petti.tolin nnd Twie. insists
! np-'ll Rivlu-T the senators tho benefit of Ills
knowieitqc of the several candidates so far
ns h" knows th'?m. Klnlt.ikl I probably
better equipped to deci le upon the merits
of the candidates for the land office p.isi-
lions than any other man In Washington.
He practiced law in the Sixth district b
! fore being elevateii to the liciie'i and now
1 as congressman h- has made a still further
i study of the people and their needs. While
the senators give nut nothing as to whom
j they will lecnmmend It Is thought that C.
! H. Cornell, a hmker n' Valentine ond
; chairman of Congressman Klnkald's con
gressional committee will lie recommended
; for register.
I Pollard Settles FUht.
j Congressman Pollard has pulled off
nasty postolTice fight at Shtibert, RJchard
j son county, and it Is believed has solved a
difficult question diplomatically. M. II.
j Taylor, the present Incumbent, was a ran
, dldate for reappointment, but there were
, protests ngalnst his continuance in office,
: and to satisfy the desires of many of his
j constituents, Tollard has recommended the
I appointment of K. H. Kvans. an old aol
j dler of that place, as a compromise can
I dldate, the light belna between Taylor and
, Mr. Morrill. Taylor's term doea not ex
pire until June
I Protest on Parrrls Tost.
! Senator Mll'nrd has received an earnest
protest from the Commercial club of Omaha
against the enactment of a parcels post
law. In a letter from Commissioner Mo
Vann the Information, is given that the
national grarge ..has. appropriate XI 0 ion
to be used as funds to press legislation for
a parcels post. If such legislation Is en
acted, according to Mr. McVann, the busi
ness Interests of Nebraska would oe seri
ously Impaired and he. asks the Nebraska
senators to be on the lookout for legislation
of this character.
.orrla on Insurance.
Congressman Norrls of the Fifth district
made an exceedingly forcible speech today
on the question of federal control of Insur
ance and was accorded marked attention
from both sides of the chamber. Aa a law
yer Judge Norris argued the question of
federal and state control. He contended
that the only way to govern Insurance com
panies was by national supervision, but aa
the president's message questioned the right
of congress to legislate on this question
without a constitutional amendment he
wanted that portion of the president's mes
sage referring to Insurance sent to the com
mittee on Judiciary for a report on the con
stitutional right of congress to legislate.
Should the Judiciary committee find that
congress has not the power to legislate,
then he wanted a constitutional amendment
j passed at once and submitted tn the states
! for ratification so that the present ecn-
' ress could enact a law that would plaoe
Insurance companies under federal control.
Norrls argued that every man who had In
vestigated tho question of federal super-.
vision had doubts as to the Jurisdiction of
congress to legislate at this time, a doubt
which the president clearly enunciated la
his last message. ,
Cattlemen Call on Wilson.
Cattlemen of Colorado who are In Wash
ington to protest against the imposition of
a head tax on all cattle grazed on forest
reserves, had a conference with Secretary
Wilson of the Agricultural department this
morning. They were accompanied by tha
Colorado delegation in congress. Secretary
j Wilson gave the cattlemen little comfort
land they decided to take the matter to th
. .
president. Senator Patterson presented tha
delegation to Mr. Roosevelt, and having
aummoned Glfford Plnchot, together with
the forest reserve superintendents who are
In tbe city, the whole subject was gone
over In its entirety. Plnchot was em
phutic In his assertion that the tax waa
right and should be put on. The rattle
men protested and so hard did they "kick"
that the president asked Senator Patterson
to present a brief on the subject on Monday
Western Appointments.
Edwin Cole of Crete. H. J. Forney of
Holdtege..E. A. Grelch of Ingleslde, Neb.;
Jesse P. Moflltt of Iowa City. J. W. Haw
thorne of West Liberty, W. II. MeNlctola
of Osceola, A. Gulleduu of Alton, Id., Oscar
J. Irn of Cheyenne. Wyo., have been ap- .
pointed railway mail clerks.
D. C. Bollard of Omaha has been ap
pointed a draftsman in the forest servloe,
Carl Rose of Pierre. S. D., lias been ap
pointed copyist in the pension office.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Fun
ston, Howard county, Christina Morten-ten,
vice N. N. Jensen, resigned. South Da
kota Sinlthwick, Fall River county, Wil
liam Hnssong, vice W. R. Henderson, re
signed. Itural carriers hppo'n,d for South Pt.
kota routes: Brltton. Route 1, Bert C. Har
rington, carrier; g. L. Holland, substitute.
I'ierpont. P.oute 1. John E. Cameron, car
rier; George A. Cameron, substitute; Rout
2. Mead Conklin. cairlir; Mabel Conklla.
Dr. and Mrs. Jf irry li. Everett of
coin are In the city.
Illinois Murderer Convicted.
RI.OOMINGTON. III., Dec. tii.-Th" Jury
in the Wa.eerts murde.- trial "linton
hroiitfl.t In i v rdlei of ruil'y af-r being
cut forty hours .and l!-1 ti.e mi nshni-nt
at foiui'-eii eirs. '!.or,ia Witters, a
tvero ltiii r. Hhot a white .vo imu. Ltdl
,r nit '.V rs in'-.i'le.l t. :i.,ot Mrs.
Alex Jackson, a white wumm with -vtiom
li- was ill love, t ut I listed Ul '" aud
killed airs, oru-ut Uicleao,