Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 12

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116. 1905.
' 11
Men s Furnishings
Everything in our men's furnishinf department ii braid
new everything is in exquisite taste. No one who sees
it can deny we have the best selected stock in Greater
Omaha today. We are showing a magnificent holiday
display of neckwear, mufflers, gloves, hosiery, suspen
ders, bath robes and every other article found in the ward'
robe of the wellrdressed man-
Lavish Display of Mens Neckwear
No store ever displayed leadership so decisively as we do iu
neckwear. Our 45c neckwear is the talk of the town.
Onr cravats are made of the richest foreign and domestic
silks, in patterns of daring originality, but nevertheless
thoroughly refined and in excellent taste. The shapes
are wider and fuller the patterns newer and I
more artistic than any other store can show l&i
you. See our magnificent display at
Suspenders enjoy great vogue as gift articles. We have a
grand display of fancy silk web suspenders each pair
put up separately in a prettily decorated box
especially for Christmas gifts. Prices range from', per
pair 50c to $2.50
Mufflers also enjoy great popularity as gift articles, because
of their usefulness and beauty. We show a great
variety, in both domestic and foreign mufflers, in
every possible color and color combination. Prices range
50c, 75c, $1.00 and up to $3.90
Mens Gloves
Every possible kind can be found here. We are selling
them by the hundreds for Christmas gifts.
Unlined Dress Kid Gloves, at $1.00 and $1.50
Unlined Mocha Gloves, in brown and tan, at $1.15, $1.50
and $1.75
Kid, Dog Skin or Reindeer Gloves, with fine all-wool lining,
at, per pair $1.00 to $2.50
Kid Gloves, lined with lamb skin and squirrel, at, per
pair $2.50 and $3.50
Near Seal Gloves, made with extra long gauntlet, fleeco
lined, at $2.50 to $7.00
Fur Gloves, with fur lining, for driving, automobiling and
all out-of-door purposes, value $5.00 special $3.50
Astrakhan Gloves, in all shades, with leather-quirked fin
gers, or all leather palms, per pair 45c to $1.00
Big Display of Men's Genuine Scotch Wool Knit Gloves, in
plain or fancy colorings, at, per pair. . . .25c, 50c and 75c
I '
tt "" 1 : ' l
Mints for Men
Give him something to wear, but male it "best" from his
standpoint as well as yours. Here are some worthy items
from an unusually large and carefully chosen holiday
stock suggestions that reflect your own good judgment and
assure the recipient's full appreciation also
Buy "Hubby" a Nice Lounging Robe
Handsome Lounging and Bath Robes A splendid line of
Eiderdown Australian wool blanket robes and French
terrey cloth robes, all made in the finest patterns. There
no use paying $4.00 or $4.50 for one else- V W9
where when you can got the same one y A
here for
Men's Finest Astrakhan and Baby Lambswool Blanket
Robes made in the richest designs, also an elegant line
in college colors. Today we've priced them at. . . .$7.50
Men's Smolclng Jackets An elegant assortment made of
double-faced cloth and matelasse, in all the wanted sizes,
also odd sizes for stout men, every taste suited in this
line of regular $7.50 and $8.00 jackets, only marked $4.75
Men's Fine Imported Smoking Jackets made of English
double faced cloth, in new shades of gray and plaid, with
turn cuffs and collar, also some fine imported silk jackets,
which should sell in the regular way at $0.00, today's
price $5.75
Boys' Shoes Make Suitable Xmas Presents
Our line of Boys', Youths' and little Men's Shoes are
the best values sold in this country; the soles are the beet
that can be put in a 6hoe and the upper stock is adapted for
boys who are hard on their 6hoes. Onr line of Boys
"Wear Resisters" are guaranteed to give satisfaction.
You pay 50 cents more a pair in other stores for them and no
Sizes 2i2 to 5U g-W
, Sizes 13V4 to W.75
Sizes 9 to 13 51-48
Fur Caps for Men
Men's Kur Caps A matchless collection some made of b-'t gen
uine Alaska seal, river mink. Nutria. Beaver and French Co-oy fur
skins; others made of plushes, meltons, etc prloed all the way down
from $15.00 to $4.50 and $2.50.
BOYS' CArs In Button or Tie-top style, also have double outside
pull-down or Inside ear bands for winter wear. In every wanted weave
to match suits or overcoats. Priced at 25c, 45c, 75c and $l.oo.
Women's Umbrellas, worth $5 and $6.
on sale today $3.90
Special purchase of Umbrellas suitable for Xmas presents. Beautiful
Sterling silver, gun metal and gold plated Inland with bonyanj
pearl best quality of twilled Splttleneld silk, with light Clfl
Paragon patent frame hundreds of pretty handles to JijXj
select from regular $5 and $6 values at
m, - 3
9 m
a 7fTi r? 1
Men's Suits and
Some facts mean so much that they'll stand many tellings. Th3
above figures indicate the best values offered this season in Suits and Over
coats. They are the remaining garments of our great purchase from
prominent eastern wholesale tailors. If you have ever watched the Muddy
Missouri river swell after a three days' rain you can picture the torrent of
trade that is rolling into our men's clothing floor in consequence of this
mammoth purchase. . . r
' '
A Big Purchase of Boys' Suits
and Overcoats
We told in print several times the story of our purchase of
the surplus stock from two of the most celebrated makers of
boys' clothes in the States. Already 1,200 boys are wearing
these dressy garments on their backs and their mothers ar
purchasing Xmas gifts with the savings.
Boys9 Suits
Positively Worth up to $4,
On Sa.le at
Boys' Suits, made of strictly all-wool materials; the very newest color
ings, durable linings and trimmings, well, made, every seam reinforced
and double stitched, perfect fitting; Norfolks and Doublo-Breasted
styles; sizes 4 to 16 years; worth up to 4.00, for
Boys' Suits ard Overcoats
Positively worth $6.50
Suits and Overcoats, made of woolen Eilk and foreign
and domestic fabrics. Every garment is perfect in
every detail. The Overcoats come in belt styles, single
and double-breasted. The Suits come in Norfolks and
double-breasted styles. Sizes up to 16 years. Worth
up to $6.50, at $2.95
Prisoser at City Jail Imagines Ha is Bsing
Accased of knrder.
Walks Streets All Night aad Then
I'rnmti Self at Prison Victim
of Irresistible HrP-
nutlo la Alienee.
"I did not murder Orevllle Harden'." Is
the reply P. 8. Free shrieks to his Imag
inary accusers In lits cell at the city Jail.
"Sometimes they - whlttper to me, again
they will talk in ordinary tones and then
again they will scream in my ears that I
murdered Orevllle Ilayden, but I tell you
before Dod 1 am Innocent of the chars,"
said Free Friday morning-.
After walking the' streets nearly all night
Free presented himself at the office of the
city jail at o'clock Friday morning and
asked to be placed In a cell, as ho wished
to give himself up, meet his accusers and
And rest for his weary mind.
While Free talks quite rationally at times.
It Is evident he la laboring under a strange
form of mental aberration. lie realises his
mental condition and appears anxious to
meet those who are continually whispering
and talking to him and pointing the finger
of scorn toward him.
Arrested osi Suspicion.
"Six years ago I was working at Colfax,
Wash., and was arrested on suspicion of
having murdered Orevllle Ilayden, son of
a wealthy farmer living near Colfax. I
was beld In jail ssven months and finally
acquitted. Young Hayden was shot by rob
bers. I was working in a harvest field at
the time. A few weeks ago, while working
in a harvest field of South Dakota, I sud
denly fell under tne hypnotic power of
someone. The first thing I knew I heard
a whisper In my ear, 'You murdered Ore
vllle Hayden,' but I could not see the per
son who whispered the words.
"I came to Omaha two weeks ago and
have had but one night's sleep during that
time. The same person who whispered to
me on the South Dakota harvest field fol
lowed mo to Omaha and repeated the accu
sations. After I had been In Omaha sev
eral days people would shout from the
street cars, 'You murdered Orevllle Ilay
den I' I have not had a moment's peace
since I was hypnotized In South Dakota.
This morning someone whispered and told
me I had better confess, but there Is noth
ing to confess.'
Such was Free' story.
Free Is being cared for at the city jail.
His mind will be examined by the authorities.
girl; W. J. Moirlsey, 125 North Thirty-seventh,
Deatha Gladdls Cole, 14, Murdock; 8usan
Athetonnn, 81. IfLfl Dupont; Mrs. F. R.
Joslln, II, ?":.. ljUte.
Best line Scarf Pins Kdholm. Jeweler.
Via, rblcasro Great Western Railway
One fare for the round trip via Chicago
Great Western Railway to points within
154 miles. Tickets on sale every Saturday
and Sunday up to December 17. Good re
turning the following Monday. Low rates
to other points on sale every Friday. For
full Information apply to S. D. Parkhurst;
Q. A., 1612 Farnam street.
Toilet Bets Frenzer, 10th and Dodge.
Work on the' excavation for the structure
which Is to bo built across the Btrett from
the Boyd theater has already begun.
Holiday Prices.
Via "The Northwestern Line."
li fare round trip, Dec. 23d. good 30 days,
to points In Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken
tucky, New York, Canada, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia.
li fare Dec 2d to 25th and Dec. 80th to
January 1st, good until January 4th, to all
system points and to points in Illinois,
Minnesota and the Dakota.
114.75, Chicago and return, Dec. 16th to
19th, good until Dec. 21th.
Offices 1401 Farnam St., Union Station,
Webster Street station.
Holiday Rates.
The Erie Railroad, the Picturesque Trunk
Line of America, announces special boll
day rates over Its line from Chicago De
cember 23. 24, 26, 30, 31st and January 1, to
Columbus, O.; Akron, O.; Youngstown, O.J
Jamestown. N. Y.; Salamanca, N. Y.; Buf
falo, N. Y, and local stations. Apply to
your local ticket agent, or J. A. Dolan,
T. P. A., Railway Exchange BIdg., Chicago.
0.allty Is the True Test
of cheapness. In our goods you will find
superior quality yoked to bottom prices.
Here you ran select a Christmas gift that
will be a lusting memento and give pleas
ure to the recipient. Mawhlnney & Ryan
Co. Open evenings.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon Fri
day :
Births Alois Koresho. 102 South Twen
tieth, girl; Frank J. Fonts. 2615 North Fif
teenth, boy; John T. Delacy, 3314 Emmet.
8 jM
Only Eight Days I
Until Christmas g
A Piano the Best Gift of All
Just enumerate all the gifts you can think of In Gold, Silver,
Precious Stones or Coin of the Realm, and then consider. It you please,
their relative value as compared with a Piano.
A Piano Is not only an Instrument for pleasure, and an educator
in the highest and best things (or which the world strives, but It Is, In
thousands of Instances, a means of support to the recipient and entire
FOR $10.00 to $25.00 YOU CAN
have any Cabinet Grand Upright Piano in our store delivered to your
borne now, or reserved for Christmas delivery, and you can pay tho
balance in small weekly or monthly payments to suit your convenience.
Excellent Cabinet Grand Piano For $198
$10 Down $6 Month
We are sura this piano, for the price, is not equalled anywhere.
Wt knovr whereof we speak: when we say a Cabinet Grand Piano of
this good quality is sold by other houses for fully $75 more than the
price we ask.
Knabe, KranJch & Bach, Kimball, Hallet-DarU, Needham. Krrll,
Mathushrk, Wtstt Bros., llope. Cable Nelson, Whitney, Hinxe, Burton,
Cramer, Buoh Jk Lane and others.
. Our small payment plan makes piano buying easy.
December 15th to December 24th, the last eight days before Christ
mas, our store will be open evenings.
A..HOSPII & CO. 1513 Douglas St
Announcements of the Theaters.
The last two performances of the current
bill at the Orpheum will be given at a
matinee today and this evening, when
the curtain will rise at 8:16 sharp.
Next week, commencing matinee Sunday,
Mrs. Stewart Robson will be the headline
attraction. Mrs. Robson Is described as a t
' man gifted with beauty and a tempera-!
merit that brings her Into trlendly touch
with her audience. With her company
she will present "The Saving of Mrs.
Shaw." Another feature will be the
Broomstick Witches, one of the biggest
acta in vaudeville. They sing the choicest
selections from the tuneful musical com
edy "The Isle of Spice." Other combina
tions are Herbert's dogs; Clayton Jen
kins and Jasper with their "Darktown
Circus;" Pierce and Mazle, singers and
dancers; Georgia Lewis, vocalist knd whist
ler; Tom Ripley, the black face Monolo
gtst, and entirely new klnodrome pic
tures. On Sunday afternoon and evening the
old reliable Charles A. Tale's "Devil's
Auction," with Its wealth of beautiful
girls, its scenery and transformation ef
fects and its wonderful lighting, will be
the attraction at the Boyd theater. It
will be offered here at reduced prices, both
matinee and evening being at the bargain
Ths closing performance of "Why Smith
Left Home" will be given at the llurwood
theater this evening. On Sunday after
noon the first performance of "The Man
From Mexico" will be given.
Christmas Holiday Eacnrsloa Rates
Via the Nickel Plate road between Chicago
and Buffalo. Dates of sale December 23,
24, 28, 90 and 31, 1906, and January 1, 19u,
st a fare and a third for the round trip,
vlth return limit of January 3, I'M.
through train service to New York City,
Hoston and other eastern points. No ex
css fare. Individual club meals served in
N'.ckel Plate dining cars. Three through
trains daily from La Salle and Van Buren
Street station, the only depot In Chicago
on the Elevated iop.
Holiday Rates
Christmas and New Year's. Greatly re
duced rates via the Missouri Pacific rail
way. Tickets on sale December 22, 2S, 24,
. 30 and 31, 1906, and January 1, 1906.
Good to return to and including January
4, lSOfl. Full information at city offices,
southeast corner ISth and Farnam streets,
Omaha, Neb.
for the purposes of the contest through ;
the courtesy of the Colorado Telephone
Annual (Canadian Excursions.
via the Wabash one fare for the round
trip from Chicago, December 14, 15, 16 and
17. Return, leave destination up to and
Including January 6. For all information
call at Wabash city ticket office, 1601 Far
nam street, or address
G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
All sittings for photographs made up to
Dec. 20 will be finished in time for Christ
mas at H. Heyn's, photographer, 2-story
bldg., west side of So. 15th St., 818 to ZA.
Harry B. Davis, undertake TL 1221
T. M. C. A. BolldlDg nans.
Plans and specifications for the new
Young Men's Christian association, which is
to be erected at Seventeenth and Harney
streets, will be filed with the building In
spector Monday or Tuesday, and a permit
to erect the building will be asked for.
Wonderful Change In a Night
In a Month Face was
Clear as Ever.
'I had externa on ths fac for five
months, daring which time I was m the
care of physicians. My fat was so lis
tignrvd I could not go out, and it was
going from bad to worse. A friend
recommended Cuticnra. The first
night after I washed my face with
Cuticnra Soap, and used Cuticnra
Ointment and Resolvent, it changed
wonderfully. From that day I was
able to go out, and in a anonth the
treatment had removed all scales and
uU, asd C7 face was as cletr
(signed) T. J. Both, 317 SUg Street,
sfeiMXlB, 1. U"
Is Smashed by Pueblo Boy, Who Takes
Nearly Five Thousand Words
la Oa Hoar.
PUEBLO, Colo.. Dec. IB. Ray T. Vanet
tlsch, stats news editor of the Pueblo
Chieftain, broke the world's record for
speed on a typewriter last night when he
took 4.917 words In one hour. The record
for one hour was formerly held by Paul
Hunter, who took 3,830 words during the
National Supply show at Madison Squaro
garden. New York, last month.
Mr. Vanettlsch beat Mr. Hunter's record
1,087 words, and the achievement was all the
more remarkable from the fact that his dic
tation was received over the long distance
telephone from Denver, a distance of 120
miles. The matter read was the supreme
court's decision in the Patterson contempt
case, and was dictated by Alva Swain, the
Chieftain's news representative in Denver.
The total number of words written by Mr.
1 Vanettlsch was (.100 from which 13 were
deducted on account of errors. A duplex
telephone In the Chieftain office was used
for the test, thus enabling Mr. Gratton E.
Hancock to hear every word dictated by
Mr. Swain. Another remarkable feature of
the achievement was that Mr. Vanettlsch
used only ene finger of each hand, the type
writer used being a No. 2 Smith Premier,
one In dally use at the Chieftain office. M.
J. Leary held a watch 011 the test ai the
Denver end of the line; the test was also
witnessed by several newspaper and As
soctated Press representatives In both Den
ver and Pueblo.
In June, 1MH, Mr. Vanettlsch became stats
newt editor of the Chieftain, which re
quires g good ear and nimbi fingers, bo-
cause of the fact that an average of (.000
words Is taken over the long distano tele
phone every nlgut. Sine his connection
with ths Chieftain Mr. Vanettlsch demon
strated that ha is the speediest typewriter
per tor la ths stata, but few of his friends
utalda of ths office have entertained the
Idea that ha was poaseaaed of tho world's
raoord ability. The CbleftaJn office was
given sxcluslvs use of the wW to Denver
Llnlnger Implement Company is Kew
Nam of Old Wholesale
The Llninger Implement company has be
come successor to Llninger & Metcalt com
pany, wholesale dealers In Implements.
The new corporation has filed Its articles
for (300,000 capital stock and the names of
Us Incorporators. These are George W.
Llninger, Caroline M. Llninger, Frank L.
Halle r, Florence L. Haller and H. P.
Devalon. The name of Metoalf is not
Included, the Metcalf Interests having
been bought out by the others. The origi
nal capital stock of ths company was (100,-
000. The old company expired by limitation.
The place of business continues at Sixth
and Pacific streets.
The American Talk-o-Phone company of
Omaha has filed articles of Incorporation.
It will deal in talking machines and kin
dred goods. Capital stock, (5,000; Incorpo
rators, Albert L. Irish and John F. Graham,
f What Shy W:tei
I I esed Lvriy' -trow wr y they I
II pra it. rn, Fj..m, etfcagtli. I
X. Ltntt Riuifl Bmck frn.
To California
Just as Cheap to Go
As to Stay at Home
Don 't get the idea that California has nothing
but "bon-ton" exclusive resorts. There are
numerous moderate-priced hotels .nd many
homes -where visitors are entertained at very
low cost.
Here is a fair estimate of the expense of a
four week's trip to the "Golden State."
Two first-class round-trip tickets from Omaha. . $180.00
A first-class double berth out and back
Sixteen meals each (both ways) at BOo
Board and lodging in California, 22 days at 2. .
Expense of "Seeing the Slghta" at $1 a day each.
Total cost for each person In round figures 9153.00.
Stay four weeks more for only $28 additional per
A slight saving over this can be made by taking a comfort
able and cleanly tourist sleeper. Cost of double berth out and
back 1)1.60.
The Srlp In a Bock Island tourist sleeper Is as easy and
restful as the lngeneulty of man can make it.
Let us send you some free Illustrated litera
ture, particularly our beautiful booklet la colors,
"The Gulden State" and tell you more about It.
1323 Farnam Street,
as in Tourist
Tourist car passengers on the Union Paoiflo
enjoy excellent dining; car service at mod
erate expense. All meals in dining
cars are served
a complete meal
or light lunch being obtained at reason
able prices, passengers paying only for
what they order Meals oan also be pro
cured at first-class dining stations or at
lunch counter en route. Or, If passengera
choose, tan can provide themselves with lunch
baskets, which can be replenished as occasion
requires at the different eating houses oa the line.
If yon cross ths eonttoanl la one of the teurUt sleepers of the
Yon wtll eajoy four trie ao4 save soaaldarsbU awoey.
Inquire at
. 'Phone Ki,