Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    aily Bee
Pages 1 to 8.
Advrt1a In
Bcsttt. West
The Omaha
Federal Inquisitors at Kauai City Eeturn
Fonrtset True Bill,
Cbtrgei Are Faying Rebates and Con
spiring to I tears Tnem.
It is loomed sf Catting Kate on Dressed
ideati Twelre Cents.;
Cudahy, Armair, Swift. Morrln Arc
Accused of Conspiracy Obtain
Illegal Cooeelon from
KANSAS C1TT. Dec. IS. Fourteen lcd:ct.
ment were, returned by the federal grand
Jury here today against common carriers,
railway officials, shipper and freight
accents, charging the giving of rebates and
conspiracy to gain rebate.
Tha Indictments were relumed as follows:
George H. Crosby of Chicago, general
trafhe manager of the Chicago, Burlington
4r wulncy rarlruad.
Oeo'. jje L. Thomas, broker, of J 20 Broad
way, New York, a merchandise broker.
L. B. Taggart, New Vork, Crosby' chief
The Chics go A Alton Railroad company
nd John N. Falthorn and V. A. Wann,
formerly vice prrnutitit anu general fr?iut
agent respectively of the railroad company.
'file C'uuahy l'acklng company.
Bwlft and Company.
Tha Armour packing company.
The Chi en go, Milwaukee & tit. Faul Rail
road company.
Nelson and Edward Morris and Ira N.
Morris, comprising the partnership of Nel
son Morris - Co.
. D. H. Kresky, Kansas City, freight
' Tha charge against the Chicago & Alton
and Messrs. Faithorn and Wann ara Iden
tical with those mads in tha lndlcemtntt
returned by the federal grand Jury at Chi
cago on December IS.
Aa to Packers.
, Tha Indictment against the packing com
panies charge that they entered Into a
contract with tha BurUngton railway to
accept concessions on shipment of their
producta from East 8U Loul to New York
fur export. The grand Jury charge that
the agreement thus entered Into provided
for a rata of 23 centa a hundred pounds on
these products.' This was fn July, ltnjC. The
agreement was to continue in force until
January 1, UK& The local rate applied on
these shipments between Kansas City and
St. Louis, - In August, 1906, the Joint rat
on packing house product was raised by
the Joint Traffic association to 36 centa
between East 8t Louts and New York.
The , BurUngton nevertheless. It ia de
clared, lived up to Ita 3-cent agreement'
toward the packer In Kansas City, and
under which agreement It practically ro
Oetved all the packing house products from
this city, except those of the Bchwarcschlld
& Sulsuerge l'acklng company. . .
' ' The trouble cam when the rate was di
vided pro rata between the Burlington and
ita convections, whose officer the Burling
ton I 'said not to have consulted. '
When the money was apportioned among
the roads east of' the, . Missouri rlvofvit
had to be done on a basis of-S6 oents.icnJ
tho connecting line refused to stand Tor
the a-cent rate.
When the distribution was made there
una not enough to pay the Lehigh Vailey
railway, and It officers complained to the
interstate Commerce commission. The
facia thus related are the same in all bllu
found by the grand Jury against the pack-4
era and the Burlington.
Two Indictments were returned' rtgalnst
George L. Thomas of New York, who Is
slleged to have had a contract with the
liurllngton by the terms of which he wa
to receive a certain' percentage of the
freight rate paid on oil shipments mora
than specified tonnage from New York to
Kansas City and vice. versa. The Investi
gation made by the grand Jury revealed
the fact that Thomas had agencies at
Kansaa City, Omaha, Chicago,' St. Louis,
Milwaukee and other cities.
Charges Agalast St. Faal.
The apeclno charge against the Chicago,
Milwaukee Se St. Paul railway Is that of
granting a rebate of 7 cents por 100 pounds
to tha Howard Mill company of Wichita,
Kan., on a shipment of flour from Kansaa
City to NfcW York.
After the Indictment had been formally
handed to 1 tha court Judgo Pollock an
nounced that the bond In each case would
be $6,000. No warrants were Issued for
those Indicted
C. W. Armour of the. Armour Packing
company aald today of the Indictments r
turned today:
The Indictment are not for receiving re
bates, but grow out of tba old trouble about
export raus. Tho railroads have alwava
denied the authority of tha Interstate Com
merce commission to require that their ex
port rates be filed with the commission.
It H Question of jurisdiction. These
rases are test ruses to determine the ques
tion of suthorlty of the commission to re
quire the filing of these rates. The export
rates differ from the rates not for export.
No money was brought buck to us. Where
the domestic rata was cents, the export
"The assertion that any of the indict
ment against the packers or any one else
re 'test cases,' or that they will be
brought here for effect, is ridiculous." said
A. I. VanValkenburg. t'nlted States district
attorney, In discussing a statement muds
by "!. W. Armour and Samuel McRoberts.
"When we began our work hre neither
w nor the grand Jury knew which packing
comfi.i!-y, if any. would be indicted. The
t'i.t',fn ny which resulted, as indicated by
i he returns. Minply 'cropped out," In the
hearings. We knr.w nothing about 'test
cases.' Ths Indictments will be prosecute. 1
faithfully and Impartially and against all
alike." .
Uf. Crosby formerly wss general freight
agent of the R. & M. In Omaha. About
'Area years ago he was promoted to his
Chirsgo position snd was succeeded her by
tk p. Ives. Ives went back to 8t. Louis -i
snersl traffic man for the Wabash and
V ST. Spens was sent out from Chicago to ; ln nnual report of the Southern Ta- , 1 ws convinced that Mr. Ryan was sin
take th. place. Tuesday Mr. Crosby and '"' . rmnpany which mas made public to-fC,re. I did not' then think Mr. Ryan would
Mr. Spens went to Denver together on a ' dv- I share the stock with m."
i rlef business trip.
George L. Thoma wa at one time rout
ing ageut at New York for th M. K.
Rinlth Dry Good company.
fcai ntM to Mako Special Stale on
rorrisa Shipment Is lavalved.
CHICAGO, Dec. 1$,-In an Interview her
tonight regarding the Indictment, returned
by Jhe federal court at Kansas City. J
Ogden . Armour, th hesd of thc Armour
T nnT-.T.h'.'V : ' , . . .
I understand the charge relate entirely
to sUpment from Ksusa City to Europe.
. v.,.
iCuntiausd ea Second PageJ
At Least Thta la the Decision of
Supreme fonrt at
SPRINGFIELD. III . Dee. 15.-The su
preme court today handd down Its deel
Ion In ense of Johann Hoch, convicted of
murdering his wife. The Judgment of
the Cook county criminal court Is affirmed
and Horh will hang February 2S.
CHICAGO. Per. 15-The supreme court
of the state today affirmed the verdict of
the lower court, which condemned Johann
Horh to death for the-murder of hi wife.
Mrs. Mary Welker-Hoch, and the date of
hi execution ha been set for Tehruary 23.
The first news of the action of the court ,
was received here by a telephone message, '
from Assistant Stale's Attorney Barnett.
who Is In Springfield. He coromunlcaftl
the Information to Plate's Attorney Healy. I
A messenger was sent to Hoch with the j
news ana touna mm in me. visitors cm
.u i., ,,x,i xiiMiia wivu in yi
many wives. Mr. Flscher-Hoch, the sister
of the woman for whose murder he was
sentenced to death. When he received the '
news Horh became 'greatly excited and, ,
pressing his face against the wire netting.
he shouted: "To",, are a liar, a liar. It is
not true. I do not believe it." I
He quickly became more composed and
asked for a verification of the report. ,
When the messenger came back a .
time Hoch took It vry quietly. He did I
not betray the slightest emotion and said ,
In his ordinary tone: "I haven't anything ,
to say, nothing at all. If It must rome,
then It must; I have nothing more to say."
The specific charge against Hoch, and
of which he was convicted, was the kill
ing of his wife by the administration of
arsenic. He fled from the city and was
. , . . .
arrested In New Tork and brought back
to Chicago. He was placed on trial April
IS and convicted May 20. Sentence of
death was passed on him 011 June 3, the
original date of June 23 being set for his
execution. Governor Deneon granted him
a reprlve until August 25. Before the
arrivaj of this day, however, the supreme
court granted him a supersedeas, to allow
of the retrial of his case. The action of
tho court tod.y destroyed his last hope
unless Governor Deneen Intervenes. Hoch
ha admitted that he has commuted
bigamy repeatedly, but asserts that all of
his wives who died expired of natural
Directors Vote $14.RST,000 for Im
provements In Roadbed anil
Additional Equipments.
NEW YORK. Dec. 15. The directors of
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail
way company, the operating company of
the Rock Island system met here today,
the director of the Rock Island company,
the financing company, also being present
It was decided to reduce the dividend on
tha Chicago. Rock Island ft Pacific stock
for the quarter from 3 per cent to 1 per
cent, putting the stock on a 6 per cent
Instead of an 8 per cent annual basis. The
Opinion of tb Rock Island company di
rector waa officially expressed that tha
January dividend upon the preferred stock
ot tha Rock. Island company should be
passed. An Official statement. Issued after
the meeting- contained the Information
that the 1 per cent dividend Is payable i
January l The. payment of this dividend ,
out of the net earnings leaves in the
treasury of the company surplus . net
earnings for the period covered by the
dividend, tS62,(l(!0.
The board authorized the expenditure
during the next year of M.tKO.oOO In ad
ditions and Improvements to the physical
condition of the Chicago, Rock Itdand A
Pacific railway properties. This i In ad
dition to the expenditures heretofore
authorized on which a balance of S.OOO.nou
Is yet to be expended. The board also 1
authorized the purchase of motive power i
... . ,
and equipment to cost t4.2G2.00il in addition !
to equipment and motive power recently I
purchased and not yet delivered, costing
t3,SX,ono. These authorized expenditure '
for odltlonal Improvements and equipment j
total $14,587,000.
In view of this program for expenditures I
upon me property, tne-omciai statement'... "
declares, "It wa the unanimous opinion
of the directors present of the Rock
Island company, that the January dividend 1
on the preferred stock of that company
should be passed."
Victors Sapport Antl-Footbnll Side of
Sncstlon and Defeat
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Dec. 15.-Princeton
defeated Harvard ln annual debate at San
der' theater tonight. The New Jersey men
supported the affirmative on the question.
"Resolved. That Intercollegiate foot ball in
America 1 a detriment rather than a bene
The members of the victorious team are':
K. M. McEwen, 'Ufi, of Amsterdam, N. Y.;
Paul McLanahan, '08, of Mornlngslde. In.,
and T. 8. Clark. '08, of Cortland. N. Y.
The Harvard team consisted of: Q. J.
Htrsh, '07. of New York City: Allan Fox
! of Detroit and W. M. 8hohl, '06. of Cincin
The Judges were Governor John McLans
of New Hampshire. Justine Blodgett of the
Rhode Island supreme court and Robert
W. Words of Boston.
Princeton's .contentions were that the
game of foot ball as played today Is a
sacrifice of physique, morals and time.
Harvard claimed that the game of foot
ball has three great benefits that It creates
a healthy outlet for the energy of youth.
trains players ln efficiency and fosters col -
lege loyally.
1 acres se af Over Two Million Dollar
In Receipts Compared with
li st Year.
NEW . YORK Dec. U.-Toial receipts of
the year of .14ft.t5.;. an Increase of $2. -
W7.590 over the preceding year, are shown
'Of thi amount $M 015.168 wa transport-
tian receipts from mail and water lines,
This is an Increase of $:.581.ft.T over last
year. Total operating expenses and taxes
for the year amounted to Jofi.tOJ.sji, aa In-
crease of 13M.MS over lint and the net
earning wero $31,646.:. ar Increase of
$?.248.7I as compared with last year. The
aurplua tor the year, after payment of In-
terest on th preferred of $2.79.431. an In-
crease of $2.76S,1 and of charges, and 14.-
i'-lSO lor betterments, additions aud equip-
ment. was t3.i2.T9f-. an liu-rrc cl like
' BmOU', Th" "',n'ut for
menta addition aud equipments waa $4.-
.. . ...
mau Wa than the amount ainanJad fur
tha puriioaua la Ifei, 4
Union Faoifio Frts'dsnt Telia of Interviews
wi.h Eqai .able Proprietors.
Declined to Give It Inlesa
GlTen Share In Deal aa an
Eildenc of
NEW TORK. Dec. 15-Before the legis
latlve Insurance Investigating committee.
another chapter was added today to the
chronicles of what Thomas T. Kvan called
atieiiunus" Interviews between himself
anj K. H. Harriman. Mr. ltan gave his
version of the conversations to the com-
mlttee a ff.w dayg MOi wm,n ne S8,d that
Mr. yiarrlman, at the time
of the acoulsl-
1 , , ,7
e stock In the
uon or the James h. Hyde stocK in mo;
fcnuitable Life Assurance society demanded
n eQua, Bhar! and tnreaiened to uso hit
poetical Influence against htm If he did
not Burrenoer It. Today Mr. Harriman
reclt to tm con,,,,!,, h)s version and 1
,dd ,ome lntereflting sWtement. artectlng
i.i- Ltinn. wi,h former Governor B. B. i
0(JPlli Jr.( chalrman of the Now York State
K,pubUcan committee, and also a. to a
raqunt to watch legislation arlecting the
Equtable society which he hsd made upon
(-...,,- Francis W. Hlcalns and the late
B FlPd Mxf)n speaker of the New Tork
state assembly.
- Rarrlman Wanted to Co-operate.
In substance Mr. Harriman testified to
day that when Mr. Ryan bought the Hyde
stock, carrying control of the Equitable
anrintv he asked Mr Harriman to co-op- .
' V. .aj7 , h nennertv that
"ate with hlrh In saving the property that
ir. narriman lujrmu w uu m .
that Mr. Ryan was acting from puro and
unselfish motives; that Mr. Ryan did not
satisfy him as to the purity of his motives
and that Mr. Harriman notified him that
he would use his Influence against him.
The . test which Mr. Hurriman said he
applied to determine Mr. Ryan's purity of
motive was an offer to take one-half of the
Hyde stock and to name two trustees of
the society.
Mr. Ryan refused to agree to that. Mr.
Harriman testified that Mr. Ryan should
hr .... . a.t n.rri thnt he iHarrlman) wouia 1
.... hi iitiPl Influence aaalnst him. He 1
waa not certain whether he said anything !
about legislative action as a warning 10 1
Mr. Ryan, but declared that he had nothing I
to do with starting tho present insurance
Charles E. Hughe. counsel for the com
mlttoe. informed Mr. Harriman that It ha
been charged that he got hi political In- I
fluenee through hi relation with former
Governor B. B. Odoll. Jr. Mr. Harriman
"Well. I uould think Mr. Odell had polit
ical influence because of hi relation with
me." laughter followed the remark.
Later Mr. Harriman said to the Asso
ciated Press that the remark waa meant tn
a Jocular sense.
No Conference' with Odell.
Mr. Harrjman declared to tho committee
that he did not confer with Mr. Odell about
the advisability of legislative action and
that l,e buA not -yet ktken any action to
thwart Mr. nyan'a'plan. .' Last spring.- Mr.
Harrtmun said.' when the management of
,,,f tmtamr ,.
divided Into two'XaqtlrJirt.'the one headed by
President Alexander arid the other by Jameaj
H. Hyde; an attempt was made by th
Alexander faction to Induce the legislature
to mutualize the society. Mr. Harrlmaljf
saUT he asked members of the legislature to
watch out for uny legislation favorable to
the Alexander facLlfm and to report to him
If it appeared. He was, averse to disclos
ing the names of the men to whom he made
this request "and only consented to do so
after repeated, nrglng.on the part of Senator
W11,lami VfT k , ,
committee, and by Mr. Hughes, and after
he had been allowed to consult with his
counsel. He then' stated that It wa Gov
ernor Hlgglna and Speaker Nixon whom he
had asked to watch out for the Alexander
legislation. He added that no such legisla
tion was- Introduced, and that tie took no
steps through Governor Hlggins and Mr.
Harriman' Testimony In Detail.
E. H. Harriman war called to the stand
when the Insurance Investigating commit
tee aesakm 'today.'
Mr. Harriman said he learned ot the sale
ot the Hyde stock on the date that Mr.
Ryan bought it. 'He telephoned to Mr.
Ryan and asked hlra if, he had bought
"Ryan aald the pyr chase was conditional,"
aid Mr.' Harriman, "and that he wanted
to see me and, talk with me, and that he
wanted my help. J criticised his plan and
wanted to know-what he meant by It. Ten
or fifteen mWute later I went to Mr
j Ryan o(flce. He '.old me tie had decided
I to buy the 'stock and said It was time for
! him to make a. nan for himself. He saiU
he had decided to -buy Hyde's stock pro
vided he could get - nfa nominee electod
chairman of tho board. He said he had
made a good deal of -money and never had
done anything to make a name tor himself.
I questioned bis motive. He had told me
he wanted my 'help, that I waa the one mun
ln New York whose help he desired."
"What kind of help?" asked Mr. Hughes,
counsel for the Investigating committee.
"To , help him get his nominee elected
chairman ot the board;" replied Mr. Har
riman. ' .''..
Surprised By Ryan.
Asked upon what ground he had criticised
Mr. Ryan's plan Mr. Harriman replied:.
"WeJU it was rather staggering to any.
body,-, that Ryan wanted to control tho
( Equitable or should have control of It."
"I told him," continued Mr. Harriman.
I "that If I was sstlafkd that he wa acting
! from a pur and Ainaelflso motive lu th
1 Interest of the Equiiabie I would help him.
iHe ,oM m hu r"n' dW not "ll Dim
men iitni.i mra a., sutuci in me rtyae
I stork. I. assisted bint o gel; his nominee
! elected." .' , , , '
I "Why did you, If you, were not satisfied
I aa to tne purity pi ma motives ' ajku-a
j Mr. Hughe. . ' .1 ,
I "i became satisfied that with Mfc Morton
I in charge and if Mr. Ryan wer sincere
the affair of the Equitable would be safe.
j Assemblyman Rogers .'of th committee
here, asksdi "When djd you resign aa
director of the Equitable?"
, -when the Prick nommittee made It
report. Thi wa June' 1"
n.he nelt ntervlew .with Ryan waa th
MorM,ay following the - purchase of the
Hyde ,tock aald the.' witneaa. ' "Flrat.
' howev,r, 1 lold MK Ryan I had helped
- . t, 1 ..... u. ..... ... .
ln.d .0 mie, m. and M Mort"
a Ryan ,.n-d m. un .n4 mW
h appreciated niy help and wanted roe
to continue, and Mid he would do nothing
1 fllrth.,. without m consent and ..ntJt
furtnr ithont niy consent, and wanted
(Contained ea Second Pag.).
Sew York Trpothetae Aaaoaaces All
Mem hers Will Baa Open She pa
After January t. r- '
- - - - ' " '
N'FW TORK. Dec.- IS. Announcement
that preparations to handle a big printer's-,
strike hae ben completed bv the employ
ing printers of New Tork was made today
by the Typothetse of this city.,. Thw elf ht
hour work day. which the International
Typographical union ha decreed.' shs 11 g
Into effect on January 1. Is declared
to be the cause for Issuing this ertatciniant.'
which is In part aa follows:'. '
The closed shop and the Hght'hoxtr diy
demanded by the Typographical -union No.
8 ran not and will not ie granted.
The member of the TvoothcHae are pre
pared to Install conpe'ent non-union
machine operato-s and o-her printer -In
their various . composing rooms. These
or Inter, have Un ..htnl,,.., hv-a !
of the vsrlous pari of the iT'ntted Elites
and also by graduntrs of fie schools- for
macnine operator in fvw lorK. I'hfladi'l-
Th'a- I ,?n. Chicago. Kansas Vitf, V
nd elsewhere. i , ,
The publishers of .the leadlntmg
The publishers of th leadlngmA.gsInes
of the country have completed most of their
mR'jal.ln?'' i?r tW? or three months ahead
In anticipation of the strike, 'and wHl
therefore be subjected to little or no In
convenience. Nt.t only are the. publishers
:uLr''!?, i'f J" h"r. ,JdoV,Ur,tJ.h''.m.ft
RSJRfwitT"" '
There will be no lockout In the BrinUni
.., Tl t nTXl TTa
Puft nrdTnSJ!' tna aSK 1 f,
whether they are union or not. -.. , , I y
President McCornilrk. f Typographical
union No. Issued a statement,' tonight In
reply to the Typothetse, In which he- says:
The members of .Typographical union No.
have recommended a reduction In tho
hours of tholr labor. We believe we nrc
Justified In enklng for this reduction. From
assurances we have already received from
employing printer not connecti-d .with the
Typothetae, which represents but tf per
cent of the bonk snd Job printers In this
cent of the bonk and Job printers In tin
rly w a confident of the auccess of thi
niovwnt . v
CHICAGO, Dap. laAction was taken to-
day bj, tha ct,safro Typothetae and
tne international . .Typographical union,
jookjng. toward an extension after January
1 of the printers' strike which ha been
In progress since last September. '
At a meeting Of the Chicago Typothetae
a conference with the Independent employ
ing printers waa called for tomorrow while
the Independent will be asked to Join the
Typothetao in the struggle against the
eight hour day by abrogating their present
eleht hour contracts and lnformlna their
mnH -..11 k. akiiow s. ir MtnA
. t , ...... r,
, ,trlka of tn 'prlnters employed In the !
in(jr.nendent officoa. There are about 700
independent employing printers in the cfty? )
employing about 1,700 member of th Typo
graphical union.
The International Typographical Union
ent out - circulars to the officer ot the!
I int.,r,.iin..i .. , 1
international organization whoso members
work In the printing trade, requesting
them to Join the printer In their fight tor
an eight hour day after January 1.' The
calling of sympathetic, strikes Is urged aa
the best mean Of aiding the printers.
State Opns'.' Proceeding; In -. Case
Aaalast Prominent Lawyer of
v t'3ow? York..'; ' ' '.' .
NEW YOni rvt"-i--Tlie prosecution
opened Its ca.ito&iVln 'the "trial of Abra
ham Hummel, the lawyer charged with
conspiracy ln .the celebrated Dodge-Morse ;
divorce case. 'Assistant District Attorney
Rartd, Irt opeplng'the tse said:, '
In this case . tho i aell of conspiracy a
decrlbed In -Jaw wa ommitted and the
goods were delivered Uid psld for. This
particular project wsWfa very bold one.
It was aimed not iil,vt the laws of the
state but Its object of nttick was nothing
less than the Institution of marriage and
the administration nf tnatlr.
Captain James 8. Morse of the city of
Boston, a shipowner, had heard Mrs. Morse
?.Ldl?0?LZ?l"i"l S5."Jn.rt.d.' w..r.k
rlage. He went to the office uf Hummel.
this defendant, nnd a few days later Hum
mel telegraphed to Morse in Boston that
he had found such clear traces of fraud In
the proceedings that he would take the
matter up If Captain Morse would pay
him 115.000. Caotaln Morse mild Hummel
the SlS.OuO to upset hi nephew's marriage.
In January, 1!M, the grand Jury presented
u charge of perjury against Dodge. On the
same day ixxtge was at the Bt. Charles
hotel, New Orleans, on his way to Mexico.
He knew about It before the district at
torney. Why should Hummel want to get
Dodge across the border? But Dodge was
pulled off the train In Texas.
Hummel 'phoned to Captain Morse: "They
have got our man: end us money."
There wss a constant demand by Hum
mi l from Captain Morse and not less- than
$50,000 was paid by him.
The first witness wa Abraham H. Kaf
tenburgh, a member of Hnmmel's firm. He
was asked whether he had employed coun
sel In Texa to prevent the' extradition of
Charlea F. Dodge and also whether, under
Hummel' Instruction, he attempted to keep
Dodge in a perpetual state of Intoxication,
but to this and to other questions he re
plied: "I decline to answer on the ground that
It might degrade and incriminate me."
He was excused after a ahort question
ing. - .
Alleged payments of Captain James T.
Morse of Boston to Hummel were then
token up with Nathaniel Cohen, a member
of Hummel' firm. In the witness chair.
He asked whether he did not receive sums
of money varying from $1,500 to $21,250 at
a time from Captain Morse.
Mr. Cohen declined to answer all ot these
The court then adjourned until tomorrow
after a mass of documentary evidence
bearing on the divorce and annulment pro
ceedings had been Introduced.
Coroner's Jnrr Charaes fro Who
Has Since Committed Snlcld
with Kllllair Editor.
NEW Y'OItK, Dec. 15. A coroner Jury
today Inquired into the death of J. H.
Thompson, an editor on the New York
Times, who wss found dead at his room
at the St. James hotel In this city Septem
ber I last. After hearing the testimony of
several witnesses the Jury returned a ver
dict that Mr. Thompson had been mur
dered by R. H. Hamilton, .a negro, who
waa an elevator orerator at the. hotel and
who committed sui.-ide anm week ago.
Th principal wltnes at the inquest today
wa a nefrro woman who, when arrested
some time ago In a petty case which in
volved Hamilton, told the police the negro
had confessed to her that be had murdered
the aged editor. She seld Hamilton hid
several hundred dollars In his possession
the day following the finding ot Mr. Thomp
son' body.
Report . that Tassel Cava in
Qaaea aV Crescent Passenger
' Train.
CH ATT Knnn A. Tenn., TW.. lli.-H Is re
ported that tunnel No. 27 on the Queen V
Crescent railroad raved in on a passenger
train tonight. . Thus tl-no detail ara ob-tauiabl.
Pay Dero'ed to .Litely Debate en lit
Antbority to Tak Action.
Unanimous rebuke to senate
Bill Authorising Catial (Bonds seat
Back with Statement that It N
Vaarpa Rights of the
M fttifti. " house to-
rlAV'oevw'it ... .. Vrters hours
to lively debste on the posstnultiea of con
trolling Insurance enirtnsnlea. Twn set
.w. . rt w.. xt.
-!-''" iraiuiro. vm., .... .....
Sherley of Kentucky, bore on the doctrine
of states'-rights, and the other, by Mr.
Cockran of New Totk. relating to the ac
tion of the officers who manage the big
lf Insurance companies of his state, Mr.
Cockran proposing that congress through
Its taxing power should confine all Insur
ance companies to the state l.i which they
are organised.
Mr. Mann of Illinois outlined a proposed
means of control he will latr present In
the form of a bill, leaving It to the Insur-
nee companies voluntarily to submit to
federal examination and approval. Mr.
Williams, the minority leader, concluded
tho debate, holding that control was pos
sible, but not through the taxing power.
Digressions were Indulged In, first, to
send a message to the senate returning its
bill regarding canal bonds as an usurpa
tion of the . constitutional rights of the
I house to originate revenue legislation, and
again, to discuss basing at Annapolis. No
conclusion was reached on the committee
In' reference to the Insurance feature of
the president's, which Is the matter under
consideration and the debate will proceed
Representative Sherley (Ky.) began the
discussion on the reference on the Insur
ance legislation to the ways and means
committee. He had hardly begun when a
message from the senate was rccoived an
nouncing the senate had passed a bill re
moving disabilities from the canal bonds.
Mr. . Payne Interrupted the proceedings to
offer a resolution regarding the bill, stating
I that "the bill In the opinion of the house
contravenes the first clause ot the seventh
eection of the first article of he constltu
t,on 'nd J? i"" "! ?' th" prf
rogatives of the house, and that the senate
I bill be taken from the speaker's tabic and
be respectfully returned to the senate with
a message communicating this resolution."
' A rising vote was had, and, aa every one
stood up In favor of the resolution, the
i. . , . ., ... .
speaker announced, while the . bouse burst
I into laughter, "386 members have voted in
the affirmative."
Tha digression occupied less than ten
minutes, when Mr. Sherley resumed. He
opposed a reference of the subject, either
to the waya and means or Inters tats and
foreign commerce committees.
Sherley for States' nights.
All of tho startling disclosure regarding
life Insurance, . Mr. Sherley aald, had been
made .by state agendas, . and he. favored
emphasising the Importance of state super
vision of such matters In preference to
irrational. There was. he ald. a constant
tendency tonawNt concentration ut autttor-
Ity: the states were losing to the national
government and the national government
waa tending to one supreme neaa ana mat
bead ln power for Ufa,
.Mr. Driscoll (N. Y.) asked If there wa
not the same tendency on the part of the
Mr. Sherley admitted there waa and to
g retted it. r
Announcing that 051 the question of
I states' rights he waa! a democrat and had
: always been one, Mr.lOrosvenor (O.) asked
! how two government!, atate and national.
could administer- control of the same sub
Ject without one becoming supreme at the
expense of the other; Mr. Sherley said
P" """' ?
there had been nothing In the New York
Insurance situation so tar that New York
was not able to handle. Thia defense of
state sovereignty wag, cheered on both sldea
of the chamber. j
It was insisted by Mr. Mann (IU.) that
there was not a line in the president's
message which referred to taxing insur
ance. He opposed reference to the ways
and mean committee. ' While he had in
troduced a' bill to give the government
exclusive Jurisdiction -of insurance, he aald
he had some doubt 'as to the wisdom of
Invading states rights. "Nobody believe
that there will be legislation enacted on
this subject at .thia congress. It is too
grave a question for hasty action," con
cluded Mr. Mann.
Cork ran for Taxation.
Mr. Cockran (N. Y.) maintained that the
power of taxation wa a legitimate weapon
for the control of privilegea of commerce.
The reason the senate' wa steadily Increas
ing in power, he said, was because it con
stantly exercised every vestige of its power.
Emphasising the relatione of the house,
be asserted that powers unused would
decay and that tha house now possessed
all the power necessary to establish It
Mr. Cockran said ! It had been assumed
that corruption and vices were Inherent
quantltlea In the ytem and aald: "The
gentleman from Kentucky want atate reg
ulation; the gentleman from Illlnol want
federal Jurisdiction. I maintain th remedy
can be held without either.
"Within my memory the three large com
panles have accumulated $1,260,000,000 and It
will not be a generation oerore mis sum
will be $5,000,000,000 or $6,000,000,000. The utter
vlclousness of this condition is that tnese
funds are-under the control of men who
have no personal . Interest in them. Thia
money is a trust fund and yet the persons
who ar the beneflclarle or tne trust can
not have a word te say regarding- them.
Tills systerp must be wholly uprooted to ef
fect a cure." i . '
Mr. Cockrsn's remedy ws to. confine hr
sursnee compante to the state In which
they were organized, the same a aavlngs
banks are confined., "Believe me," he de
clared, "there la not the need or piylng a
salary of $50.fl00 a year by any insurance
pAmnanr to orotect its policyholders, but
t et man to .mtnrtl.
It was an awful spectax:!, he said, for'
these men to mount the witness stand and
boldly confess their misuse of th. people',
tunas. ,in w nuw rivin m w
York, he .aid, of the district attorney work
ing day and night to prosecute those guilty
of violating the purity of the ballot box.
which wa. commendable; but' at the same
time the Insurance officers did not go to Jail
but back to their office, after their confes
sions. . He said It waa deplorable confes
sion to make, but he mould assert that It
would be absolutely Impossible to put the
possessor of $10.0no,000 In any Jail In this
country. .
Gsfe!irs; by Istsmsee Oomaaale.
Mr. Cockran described th method of
stock gambling pursued by Insurance com-
jlCcmtUuadu-Bfccond Page.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair BatnrHay
and bandar.
1 Parkers Indicted by Grand Jary.
Harriman Telia His !ite of torr.
Honse Debates Tasarancc Matter.
Mathews la to Have a Ileaila;.
' a Omaha High School Win Debate.
.1 News from All Parta of Nebraska.
Mcatenaat Bnrbank Oat of Army.
K Sailor lias a Strennona Time.
Rantlacton Replies to Blarkbarn.
H F.Iertlon on FZmprror'a ame Dny.
Secretary Can Dismiss Cadets.
T Ak.5ar.Ren Annnal Meetlna.
Affairs at Month Omaha,
in Editorial.
11 Man Flaunted by Strange Delusion.
It.Xewi from the Iowa Capital.
Commercial HctIcw of the Week.
1.1 Klaanclal and Commercial.
IS Cnnncll BlaBTs aad town Sews.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear.
K aw tn 3A 1 p. m ...... 8T
a a. m 34 S p. m 2r
! T n. m ..... . a Hp. in 40
" n. ni 2.1 4 p. n 41
O a. m ..... . 2 n p. ra ..... . 3D
10 a. m rt fl p. ni ..... . SH
11 t. ni fla T p. ra ...... ST
12 m. 3K p. tn...... Aft
O p. ra 114
Grajid ' Exalted Itnler Bntbnalastlo
Over Condition of Order In
the West.
R. W. Brown of Louisville. K. arand
exalted ruler of the Elks, and the grand wnen the' president decided the deposed
secretary, Fred Robinson, of Dubuque, la., offlcla' should have a chance to be heard,
paid a visit to the local organization yes- ' 11 understood Mr. Moody told the prcsl
terday. They were met at the train by the dont of tne united action of the Nebraska
officers and a reception committee of Lodge delegation in protesting against the sum
No. . Automobiles for the whole party """"V dismissal of Mr. Mathews cm tho
were provided and they spent the after- around that the punishment wa far
noon riding about the city. At p. m. they than the offense warranted. In any
returned to the Her Grand hotel to a formal v,!nt Mr. Mathew will bo here Sunday
banquet In honor of the guests. This nd ready tor his conference Monday morn
banquet was a most enjoyable affair, and iln' 11 ,s thought that If Mathews can
the large dining room was well filled with Bll0W vldence that his course In lurn
gupgl,, I Ing Richards and Comstock over to their
After the banquet the member retired attorney was a common occurence and that
to the Elk's club rooms at Fifteenth and PdeK0 warranted the course he pur
Farnam street for the regular business "uo1 thPn thc attorney general will prob
sesslon. 1 ftbly reinstate him after a certain length-
Mr. Brown said: "I left Louisville about of l""e hM el-Ped as punishment for his
the first of December and since then have ml8taka.
visited about twenty lodges In tho west, i Cattlemen Protest.
Including Denver. I have been royally re- I The cfttt,e 'nterests of the country and
eelved everywhere and I must confess that .Particularly from the transmlssourl sectlon.
I am surprised at the popularity and the are out ln mighty Protest against the con-
stability of our order here. Everything is
on a sound basis and was never In a more
flourishing condition. My business In Den
ver waa to arrange for the national meet
ing to be held there next July. In many
waya I fee! that Denver la an Ideal place
for such a gathering. Tha convocation will
eurely be the greatest In tha History of the
lodge. The great Importance of- tho busl-
nes to be accomplished there alone assure
that. Beside the business there will ho
countless other' attractions. Tho city Is
t.M..n . ... a l .1 thta lima
"It ha been three rear sine I vl.lted
Omaha and I am frank to say that the
town ha. shown a remarkable development-
like the lmprovemer I noticed" In the
parka very much.' The efforts thoy say
you are taking to beautify your city ara
L , . ' ,, . 1. . .
bearing good fruits Th. people here have
made me feel at home entirely. I am not
here on a pleasure trip, but It 1 hard to
conceive It as anything else. I go to
Council Bluffs from here and will leave
for Louisville Sunday, probably. I want to
be there during the holidays."
A regular business meeting was convened
about 8:30 In the evening.
Former Member of First Nebraska
Convicted of Embasslement
In Philippines.
MANILA, Pec 1C.-H. B. Mulford, f..r-
tnerly of Omaha, formerly a major In the the Philippines una tne imwo niaies. ir.a
Thirty-ninth regiment. United States voluti- 1 conference was hastily called today, and
teers, who was charged with falsification of j while nothing deflnlto ln tke way of a pro
commercial documents and embezzlement ' gram of opposition waa mapped out. those
while manaeer of the American bank here. ' who were present ' were emphatically
has been sentenced to s(x years' lmprlsin
menU Mulford' left Omaha as captain in the
First Nebraska when that regiment went
to the Philippines. He returned a major
and was commissioned a major in the
Thirty-ninth volunteer when the First Ne
braska waa mustered out. When the
Thirty-ninth wa mustered out he remained
tn the Philippines and engaged In business.
Hotel Proprietor Kills On Man aad
lajurcs Another la a
ATLANTA. Ga.. Dec. 15.-A special to the
Journal from Gaffey, 8. C, says that Milan
Bennett, musical director of "Nothing but
Money" company, was shot and killed early
today by George Hasty, one of the proprie
tor of the Piedmont Inn, where the com
pany waa stopping. Abbott Davidson, lead
ing man. and partner of the same company,
also wa shot through th abdomen and la
said to be seriously injured. The shooting
Is said to have been caused by Hasty at
tempting to enter the room of a member of
the. company.
Roth well Block Destroyed Early This
Morning. Entailing; Loss
of lfi0,OOO.
PES MONE8. 1.. Dec. 1.-Fire early this
morning destroyed the Roth well block,
Causing a loss estimated at $150,000. The
building Is one of the largest . business
blocks in the city.
I Movement of Ocean Vessels Dec
At Hong Kong Sailed: Empress of Japan,
At New York Arrived : Caledonia, from
tor Vancouver.
' Glasgow; Victorian, from Liverpool. Sailed:
j . n-Trr : Columbian.
, jveton
Railed: Mesa ha, for New York.
At MoVllle Sailed: Parisian, for Halifax.
At Palermo galled : Calabria, for New
Tork. 1
At Olasgow Sailed: Buenos Ayrean, for
St. Jolin, N F
At Ft 11 me Sailed: Corpathla, for New
At Antwerp Sailed: Montreal, for St.
John, N F.
At Naples Arrived: Cltta dl Napoll, from
New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Frederick dr
Gross, from New York.
At Queenstown Arrived: Cymric, from
At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania
from New York.
At Livrpol-nllyi: Cansda, for New
At Gibraltar Arrived: Furat Elainank.
, i from New York,
Attorney General Will Mett tbt Deposed
Nebraska Official Jtoaday.
Cattle Iateres't Filt Froteit on EU Tax
for Forest Beserre.
Inditations Agr'.cnl oral Department Will
Stand Fat,
Members from Sugar and Tobacea
Producing; Districts Combine to
Prevent Any Redaction
a In Duty.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 15.-tSpeclal
Tclogram.j-T. l. Mathews, who was re
tently dismissed from the position of
Vnited-States marshal for Nebraska, will
have a hearing at the hands of the attorney
gvneral on Monday morning. The decision
reached, by the president that Mr.
Mathews should be given a heating ,was
accomplished by R, B. Schneider. At yes
terday's conference between the president
and K. B. Bchnelder little or nothing , waa
accomplished except that the Interview
Paved the way for the conference of today
""""" T ' "' Rl"""ry 01
culture and Chief Forester Glfford Plnchot
In levying a head tax on cattle grazing on
forest reserves. A delegation of Colorado
cattlemen Is In Washington and had an
Interview with Secretary Wilsctj ' today
protesting against what seems to them an
outrageous tax. namely 10 cent on all
cmuo www aw. tw utrius ud ait v-auia hwvb
100. It is stated that If this tax is levlod.
It will take out of Colorado alone 1100,000,
and a very considerable amount .also out
I of Nebraska and -Wyoming. Senator Pat-
tcn- to "T"
ure' " thJ f "
1 ' Paternalism of the most vtclou. kind
1 , . - . -7
use, ftsv tlila . lima ha. ha n a tnrkri In t 111
" " , : , 'l . , " " "
general public, , la higher , than tha tax
:,.'' , r, MP
""7"- " " " r"
ITIU, Vtllll'IU I llll'IHv IUB1BII vain MM
ia Just and It Is thought the secretary ot
agriculture will take the same position.
Oppnao Reduction of Tariff.
Twenty-five members of tho house met
today In Congressman Mpndell's commit
tee room for the purpose1 of planning a
light against any reduction of the Phlllp.
plne. tariff duties on beei sugar end to
bacco. Nearly the whole of the Michigan
delegation was present, as were Hogg,
Bonyngo and Brooks of the Colorado dele
gation. Mondoll'of Wyomlpg and Klnkald
of Nebraska. These twenty-five members
by no means represent the opposition t
I the bill reducing tne tarin uuties oeiween
against the proposed reduction. It can ba
said of Judge Klnkald that he Old not seek
to represent the Nebraska delegation. Ex
pecting, as he does, to have a big factory
erected in hi district, he stated that ho
only spoke as a member of the Nebraska
delegation and waa opposed to the contem
plated reduction In sugar and tobacco
schedules, but he refused to say as to what
length bo would go In hi. opposition to the
bill, as he thovght thc delegation would
take the matter up and discuss the sous)
as a delegation matter. ' '
Bnrkctt Gets Minor Committee.
Senator Burkett. who will get the chair
manship of an unimportant committee,
known ns Potomac river front. Is following
In the footsteps of his colleague. Although
the Junior senator anticipated getting
either the chairmanship of geological sur
vey or Pacific' railroads, he learned this
week that there were not enough regular
standing committees to go around among
the oldest senators and he therefore would
have to be content with one of the unim
portant committee until he had aerved at
lesst two years In the upper branch of
congress. It Is the universal custom of th
senate not to honor new men with chair
manships of any of the big committees on
the ground that older men must be first
taken care of. While Senator Burkett Is
disappointed In not pulling off . good com
mittee chairmanship, his assignment, on
other committee, are exceedingly good end
will go f.r toward balancing the account.
Millard Makes Change.
Senator Millard, who will leave the Inter
state commerce committee for that of
public ' bulld'ng end grounds, changes
places with Senator Crane of Massachu
setts. There s absolutely no Mgulflcanc
in Ills quitting the Interstate commerce
conirciltee, wum wm nw t-nai.v i rail
road rat legislation. He stands with ths
president ,neta!ly on the railroad rat
proposition, but is a little more conserve-'
the po"lr''y ,hB" 1hc rresldnt. He will
have to vote on the quecllon and in that
particular will have c much Influence on
the floor n In the committee. His assign
ment to pithily buildings and grounds Js
thought to be even more advantageous so
far as the Interests of Nebraska go than tha
Interstate comr.i-rce committee. Then, s
one of MliWrd's staunch friends. Hi-nator
Nathan V. fkott of West Vlrginn. will h
chairman of tiie public buildings and
grounds commit 're. It is reasonable to as.
sun-.e 8nstor Millard woild like to be
member of the commit te presided over by
Us fritnd. It Is rxr.c.'ted the committee
alii be, announced on Monday.
CotitrM Oicr tttorncy.
I' dl'1er"t;i-es b"lwe"n Henstors
Gaml-lc and .v'1'ir..U" of South Dskctl-i
Lve g "' ii the president something to think
over. Beuatwr Gamble I trying u socux