Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Adrtnoei Three-Eighths of Cent at Beision't Cloio. GOOD FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DEMAND Argentina's Kxportable Harplna About Kant aa Last Tear Corn fthoir ' Slight Gain Uoaslp of the Trade. OMAHA. Dec. 14. Whent was up Vr at the close on s(rong rash domestic situation and good export demand. The opening waa lower and prices hung around opening ligures until after noon, when the bullish lnlluences had ef fect. Argentina exportable aurplua la es timated at llo.WJO.iwu buahela. about the ,Bt ' December closed at et,a. May at ftftc and July at 84c. July corn waa up and May V split. December advanced ,c toward the laat of tne aeaaion. Today's clearance were large, but prevent foreign Inquiry la disappointing. l!Zenlbr clcsed at 44V. old lecembcr at 46Hc, May at 4441Q44'.4c and July Ht 44 V- December oata were So higher and other months were unchanged. December closed at 80c, May at 32o and July ut 3o-V'i'e. Primary wheat receipta were 7W.00O hush ela and shipments aAt.ooO buahela. against receipta laat year of 667.000 bushels and shipments of L' bushels. Corn receipts were 712,000 bushlea and shipments aui.OuO buahela, against receipta laat year of M,IM) bushles and shipments of 527,w.o bush Clearances were h'Ji.OuO btiMhels of coin. .106,000 bushera of oats,- ItHj.ouo buahela of wheat and 63,000 barrels of flour. Liverpool -closed V4:ii lower on wheat wVd lower on corn. The Minneapolis hour output last . week tncreaaed "8l,a;6 barrels. 1'he quantity turned out week of December wbh 3M,9,i5 barrels, aatnst 2.8.370 barrels In 1904 and SH8.014 barrela in llntt. The mills experi enced a comparatively dull flour business. Marfleld 01 Minneapolis says 60 p.r cent of tho oats In the northwest have left farmers hands. He Isiugtit only 8,000 1 .uui-Mcin av nia sixty-two stations Tuesday One house that operates a) stations In southern Minnesota and South Dakota bought 82,000 bushels. According to today's Inter Oecan a Chi cago trader aaya: "The corn longs have. been liquidating for a few daya now and, while liquidation la nut entirely ovor, and rather thari accept inugh lower price ia till IllaaVI New York exporters claim there Is no demand for corn for winter shipment and a Liberal Inquiry for May, June, July, Au gust and September shipment, with bids only A sbado out of Una. E. W. McKennn, says: "It looks as though they will bull oats alt winter, and In the spring prices will be no higher than they are now. I am looking for corn to advance) And sell At A wider premium over oats." Omaha, Cash Trices. WHEAT No. i hard, 80g82c; No. 3 hard 7iJf7Sc; No. 4 hard, 74tfi7c No. 2 spring 774T0c: No. 8 spring. 74'877c. . CORN No. 8. aofci&OSc; No. 4, 87fi38c; No. 8 yellow, SSc; No. a white, 38c. OATS No. 8 white; 80c; No. 4 white, 29 KYE No. t 63c; No. 8, 61c. . Carlot Hecelots. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis .... It artvlaahla Z w-7l. . .C1V lm,,k s. IW.otftfle.W. tut meats, quiet; pl. k- nl tL . Jspot 'KSel ,!J Mile. tH.m.U; pickled shoulders. o.W leng corn. There are 24,000,000 more hogs fr7 0U' pickled hams - 2ffi 9 T5. Lard. LbrCo" "JrW"; ",d i yr western steaTe r.77 W); reftSed tSnZinfrtZ. wT.iDr,utterBf1?n- l"JWJ &J!i 12 44, 178 84 170 27 491 10 90 25 62 I 90 oU 6i CHICAGO. 4JRAI ASD THO VISIONS Featarea of the Tradlnaj and Cloalns rrlrea on Board ot Tntdn. CHICAGO. Dec. H.-Moderate purchases by bull leaders caused a firm close In tha wheat mrrket today, final quotations on the May delivery being tip ,c. Corn was up 14c Oats were, unchanged. I'rovlalons showed a imin of 2),4fl74c. Trading In the wheat pit waa quiet and prices fluctuated within a very narrow range. During the first half of the session sentiment win Inclined to be bearish, al though the newa of the day was of such an Indefinite character as to be of little value to slthor the, bulls .or bears. A- slight de cline In the prtae of wheat at Liverpool caused A depression on the local board at the opening, the May option being un changed to 'io lower at .ViMic An In crease in primary receipts brought out some soiling toward noon, nnd the price of May eased o to Ja4c Xate in the day leading bulls came Into the market and because of their purchases the market hardened. The close was firm, with prices at the highest point of the day, final quotations on'Mav being up ,o at 88T4.:. Clruranies of whs-it and Hour were equal to 404.600 bushels, pri mary receipts were 7U3.0WI bushels, com pared' with 6o7,0O0 one yeur ago. Minne apolis, Dtilutji and Chicago reported re r.elpta of 685 cars, against 494 last week and 477 one year ago. Increased local receipts depressed corn prices early In the day, but this influence was offset later by tha alight bulge in wneat. -i n volume of trading was ex- I Iremely small. The market closed firm. I with prices practically at the highest point ' 1 ne,,1',v- Ma' opened unchanged to a lower at i.i;wc to 44C, sold up to 4P4C and closed at 44v&44'4o. Local receipts were 448 cars, with 6 cars of contract grade. Oats were steady, prices remaining wttliln :t range of V,p. There was soma llauldatinn lit th opening, but all offerings were jeodily taken by caah houses. An Increase In local receipts was a bearish Influence. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at r.'M.'&'V to 33o. sold up to 12Ho and closed at 3ic. Arrivals today wera 175 cars. Active demand for lard and ribs created n firm provision market. An estimate of slocks for the week showing a large falling off in the amount of lard on hand, partly (counted for tha steady feeling In the mar ket. A small advance In tha price of live hogs also atlmulated buying. At tha close May pork was up &o at H3.27V4. Lard was I'Iifc?,!;, r?-,a tJb wor VMifr higher at Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. KJ ". cars; oats, 16S cars; hogs, UB.Ot bead. . Tha leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclaa.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y Wheat Deo. May July, Corn tDec. 1 Doc May July Oats Iec, May July Pork Jan. May Lard Dec. Jan. May Ribs Jan. -May IS5 a3 46 44H 44 Va4fK 88V(V 84 84 tf.J 464 4T.H; 44. 44V 44S 441,1 43T44M4 444 ;Itt44 44H3V 44 80' 44SI 44 80S. 80 3? 32S 2f il ' eVn, 1 80 tj !b , S0 & 12 OS 13 m U27H 1J22H 7 8!H 7 KH t 80 7 7 7 li W 8TU 7LI 7 07V4 No. 2. tOld. JNew. FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 83.8 110; straights. $S.664r3.; spring patent U IO4'"' tl'ThU" W-SCiTS-SO; bakers. $2.26 WHEAT No. 1 sprlna;, SS088c: No. 8. Kit To: No. 1 red. 8ofi.c. CORN-No. 1 46o; No. 2 yellow. tMtc. OAT8-Io. 2. 4e: No. a white. S-'VbSwj: No. 3 white. 8iHSc. RVE No. 2. bc. oaivl.1!.! uooa reeding, 38c; fair . to 8EKD No. 1 flax. Dae: Kn 1 nnMk... H WH; prime timothy, 3.Jo; clover, contract jrada, lt75fll3.0a PROVISIONS Mess mrlc ru.e kkl eie o-w 813.00. Lard, per 100 Ins.. 7.fcV4(fi7.6e. Short rtba sides (loose) M.aTH'u.oo. Bhort clear tides (boxed). 87. 127. 26. f ollowing wera the receipts and ship- MVHaaa V4 CIWWA aita amill , Receipts. Shipments. riour, bbls Whaat, bu lt.ouo Corn, bu S2.3ia Data, bu 219.2i0 Rye, bu l,0ia barley, bu W.0 l.7u) 41600 l.Ot) 86.&0U Oa tha Produce aichinra today tha. hut. tr market was ateady; creameries, 17d Be; dairies. ntriOo. Eggs, steady, at mark, eases Included. ltf2Jc; firsts, 80c; prime KS extras, itio. Cheese, steady, UV4 ' Tsleda Seed Market. TOLEDO, Dec. 14. SEED Clover, cash a ad December. 68.14; Januarv, $8 JO; Feb- AUIks. W M:'h, te Tlmolh'' ' Dnlntk Grata Market. DULCTH. Dec It WHEAT To a 1 rive. No. 1 northern. 84o; No, 3 northorn. 82c; s ua; fjg, 1 txtrUiatn. WVo. '. I 18 00 18 06 12 96 It 20 13 27 13 15 7 65 7 65 7 60 7 26 7 80 T 26 7 26 1 21 7 26 ) V 90 8 7 07HI 7 12M 7 06 northern. Ke; December, E!V; May, Wc. OATS To arrive and on track, r'c. F.W 1DRK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Ynrlons Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 14 -FLOLR-Reeelpts. 22.:CJ bbls ; exports, 34.443 bbls Market dull, but stendy; winter patents, I4.2u'j4.6e; win ter straights. S3 Mf4.10; Minnesota patents. KAffio.OO; winter extras, K!.!VHa.2i: Minne sota tinkers. $3.ih;! 90; winter low grades, $2 1DW.I.31. Rye flour, steadv; fair to good, t3.!Hfi4.Jii; e to fanev. $4.15!i4.45. Buck wheat flour, steady, $j.l0i,15, spot and to arrive. BCt'KWHEAT-Dull, 63c nominal, de livered. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. 11.23; coarse, I1.1401.U; kiln dried. I3.fi3 10. RYE Nominal; No, t western, TSc, c. I. f , Buffalo. MARKET Steady: feeding, 41VjO, c. I. f., BufTnln: malting, 454j5?.o, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Recelnts. (TOO) hu.: exnnrts. 114,4117 bu. : spot st end v; No. 2 red, 9S'4,c, elevator; No. 2 red. IaVftic. f. i. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern Dtiluth, 8674c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, afloat. Influenced at first by lower cables and bearish Argentina weather news, wheat recovered on large flour clearances . to weaken again at midday under liberal west- ern receipts. A liberal rally followed owing to the bull support and the maraet closed i'SHc net higher. May, ft! 'j-ltiff MSc, closed at 83'tc; December closed at 95c- . CORN Receipts, 85.678 bu.: exports, 50.137 uu.; spot market steady; P.O. 2, tec; old, Minimal, eievaior ana Difcc, 1. o. o., anoai; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white. 6Hc. Option market was easy at first with wheat but rallied on the big seaboard clearance, ex cept January, which broke -c under llaul- dullon, later months being Vc net higher January. f,ivW, closed at B2c; May. closed at 6ic; July closed at 6tHc; September "'Tic"'.5 December closed at 641c. OATS Rece Dta. 7.0li0 bu - exoorts. 1.600 bu ; spot market steady; mixed oats, 2o to 32 pounds 3,4,a7V4c; natural white, 30 to S3 pounds. STViCi clipped white, 3 to 40 ponnus. atrptac. HOPS Firm; state common to choice, 1905 crop, lot 19c; ln4, llfclfic; olds, bioc; Pacific Coast, 105, l(yu'14c; J904, 12c; olds. HAY Steady; shipping, 60c; good to choice, fxifijMoc. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; C alifornia. Iig-js lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24i.10 lbs., LEATHER Quiet; acid. Mi'QZiHc. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 21160 diiz.oo; mess. 17.6nrain.60; beer hams, .wnp family, $16.00; short clear, $i6.0o&17.; mess, tin lA'O'lO.JD. TALLOW Barely steady; . city, 4c; country, 4'4'34c. RICi Quiet; domestic fair to extra, IHt'tic; Japanese, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra cream ery, U)Hhc. Official prlcea: Creamery, common to extra.' VuHq; atate, dairy, com mon to extra, lt2c; renovated, common to extra, loigSOc; weatern factory, common to firsts, 15b174c; western imitation cream ery, extras, UVjr319c; weatern tlrsta, 17Vi9 18c. . CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, email and large, colored and white. September, fancy, ic; state, October, beat, l::Vul3c; state, late made, average, heat, small col ored and white, llc; state, large, Uc; state, fair, llc. EOOS Weak; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white. 37c; state choice, 84f35c; atate mixed, extra, 3032c; western finest, selected, 27(g28c; state aver age best, 26c. POt'LTRY Live steady; western chick ens. llHc; fowls, 12Hc; turkeys, 14c; dressed dull; western chickens, liJ15c; turkeys, lU.'Ul8c; fowls, llfilSc. . Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 14. WH EAT Steady; December. 79c; May, 807c; July, 76'4c: cash, No. 2 hard, 80JjS3c; No. 8, 77V 61c; No. 2 red. 9Hf('oc; No. 3, 8i'ti!Uc. CORN Lower; December, 39Vc; May. 397c; July. 3974ic: cosh, No. 2 mixed, 39c; No. 2 white. aV)&; No. 8. 40c. OATS Steady; No. Z white, 32c; No. Z mixed. 31i3.'c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, Ill.00ll.50; choice prairie. (9.76(310.00. . . RYE-Steady; 63c. . . lXIOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2, whitewood cases included, 24c; case count, 23c; cases returned Ho less. BUTTEK steady; creamery, sue Receipts. Shipments. Wheat.' 'bu.: Corn, bu.- .; si win 7,IJ .lfj2,wja . 8.000 iwiouo Oata, bu. a.oco The leading futures at Kansas City as re ported by the Von Dorn Grain company ranged aa follows: ' u.w. packet. aiu.o(Uii.o8: city extra India VU1H1IUUI U, ssVf.U -''tMI. O I ti. TUIH. LTTtMl y . Articles. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Tea'y Wheat I I I . Dec... 79141 7t 79 79S May... SOSWift7 W4rn StWitJH July.. 76HJ 76V.754& 76HJ H Corn . - ( Dec... Si . 29 89 -39V May... 894 39 S9W;Xytfg July... 3ai4 39HiJ 89 39HH39V4y:, Oats I Dec... 30 80 SO SW, 30 May... SIViSl(S 31 S1V 31Vi 12 90 11 96 12 85-87 12 96 12 90 May... 13 IS 13 17 13 06 13 17 13 12-15 Lard- , Jan... 7 20 7 JJ 1 J Jl 723 710 May.... 7 20 7 23 7 1720 7 22 7 20 St. Louts General Market. 8T. LOUIS. Dec. 14. WHEAT Higher No. 2 red cash elevator, HOMc; track. 94W 96o; May, 8?Hc; July. 82c; No. 2 hard. 84 B5lC. CORN Firm: No. t cash, 41c: track, Ci43o; December, 41c; May, 42 c. " OATS Steady ; No. cash, 32c; track, 82ii33c: December, 31c; May, 32c; No. a Willie, oac. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 84 40 (14.50; eilra fancy and straight, 23.ara4.30; Clear, t2.0OS3.3O. Bt;i'.;i nmoiny, steady; 32.6Oa2.8O. COKNMKAL Steady: 8250. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 78tI80o. 11 A V Steady: timothy. 8S.u04il5.u0: nmirm. r.0010.50. IKON COTTON T1JSB 99c. HAGOINO-9'iC. HKMP TWINB-70. PROVISIONS-Pork. ateady; jobbing, 813 60. Lrd, higher; prime steam, 17.25. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 37.1(7; clear ribs. 88.12; short clears. 88.87V. Bacon, steady: boxed extra ahotta. 8 62; clear riba, 8a.87; short clear. 3.12. rvuui n 1 x uraeys, nigner; cnicKena lower, 8c; springs, 84iioc; turkeys, 13c; "Xi'..7UVi uu i iut-tirm creamery, ziw-x: dairy. 18ff)21e. EGOS Steady, Z4o case count. Kecelpts.Bhloments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .., Oats, bu. 6,000 12.000 90,110 OH.uoo 61,000 48!onO tl.OUO 55,01X1 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 14.-FLOCR Dull; first patents, 81 s434.7o; second patents, 34 40 j4.60; first clears, $3.66423.76; socond clears. 82.4.-i2.55. 11 KAN In bulk, 813. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day 4k Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: ... Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yos y Wheat-I Dec.. May. July. Dec.. May. 821 82 a' 82 87 82 f 87 1 m 1 05 86ja 86iti !86H. 1V7I 87i 86 1 01' 1 a? 1 01 1-0SV 1 o 1 ti I UD'. 1 06, Minneapolis Caah Close Wheat: No 1 northern. 85c to arrive, 84o. No. 2 northern. 2c; to arrive. 82c. No 3 northern, ROjSSlc; No. 1 Durum. 74c; No 1 Durum. 71c. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 4oc-?-.5l,9Y- .ta-No.l white, 29e; No! Fla? $1.02. HV': me- I.lverpoel Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 14.-WHEAT Six.t, ateady; No. red weatern winter. 6s 7i Futures, ateady: December. 6alld; March. 7s: May. 6s 10d. CORN Spot, steady: American mixed new. no stock; American mixed old. 4a l('d. Futures, quiet; January, 4s 374d; March, 4a3d. Mllwaaks Grata Market. Mn.WALKEri Dee. 14. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. W')c; No. 1 northern, 848e; May. O.S57,c asked. RYK-Uwcr; No. 1, 7oe. BARLEY-Dull; No. X. 64t?55c; sample. 88 tjtilc. CORN Dull; May. 44o bid. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Dee. 14 CORN-Steady; No t yellow. 41c; No. 3. 41c; No. 4. tuc; no grade. OATS Steady, No. 3 white. Sic; No 4 white. !moc. WHlSnLY-Ott the U.a of tl li for flnU'iai eTowuds. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDh EpecnlatiT Interest in the Market U Fully Maintained. VLUES ARE IRREGULAR AT ALL TIMES Brilliant Advances In Stork of Large Interest Keep Alive Confidence and Fnrllltate Realising of Preflts. NEW YORK. Dec. lt-BpeculatIvs Inter est in the atork market waa fully main tained today, as ia abundantly Indicated by the volume of the day a salea. The market waa decidedly Irregular at all times and more than once during tho progress of the trading waa quite uniformly weak. Hut many brilliant advances were scored In stocks of large Influence on speculative! sentiment and kept alive confidence in the market and facilitated the process of real- I lsing prollts. which waa the cause of tho , stationary or backward condition of many 1 ; stocks in the list and the sharp break at i Uie laat. ' The evidence of successful progress In ! the dl.-trihutton of holdings is one of the1 most satisfactory features in any bull mar- ' I K"t- The almost entire absence of It In the course of the current speculation haa 1 . Deen a largo cause for the distrust and criticism ol the market as being artificial and flagrantly manipulated. The conserva tive ciass amongst the commission houses has not been slow to express Its convlc- 1 tlon that the uninterrupted advance In ' liricea without ntiv nauu.. . r v. au t trlbution of holdings is entirely abnormal . and haa made It impossible for them to alvlse their clients to go into the present! mnrb.t Thi. ' ) r.r?. . 1 ' era has seen the market defy their predid . 1 tluna day after day and have had to re-! ccive tlie burden of complaints from cus- tomera who have failed to share in the ! nrOfitB Of thA lnlllaHnn X t.- 1.1 k . ' accepted as a normal and healthy reaction has been attentively looked for by a large class In Wall street as an opportunity to come into the market. Today's speculative favorites Included some of the substantial standard stocks, but the character of their movement was not different from' that which has occurred in other less Influ ential securities. News to account for the movement was lacklnr hut thra ... 11,. usual circulation of tips to herald the ! movement and closely following this tho t outbreak of organized activity in the deslg--' naud stocks. The operation of organised speculative parties could not be more clearly Indicated. A feature attracting niuch attention ia the very large buying abroad of what are called American prlv- , lieges. Purchasers of calls for American : stocks In London prompt the purchase of stocks here as part security for tho sellers of these privileges. Rut the purchase of these calls. It is pointed out, may be desig nated as an Insurance on the part of local speculative holders who desire to lighten their holdings during the remaining period of money uncertainty. While call loans were made at lower rates on the Stock exchange today It Is realised in all quarters that the period of money uncertainty Is not vet past. Time loans for short peiiods continue to command a premium In the shape of premiums which raised the net cost to 7 or 8 per cent. The weekly statements of the. great foreign batiks published today showed no Improve ment In money conditions abroad. Foreign exchange here, however, was little affected. The persistent liquidation in the Rock Island stocks had a disturbing effect on sentiment and the unresponsiveness of tho United States Steel stocks to the brilliant showing of trade conditions was a disap pointment. An attentive eye was kept upon the proceedings of the United Mine Work ers convention. The decided break In prices in the last hour was not overcome wnen tne market closed In spite of a few ' TAVdHfth nlll- .1 .1 . v. , . . closing was active and weak with losses the rule and very lit tle kft after the day s principal gains. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. t3.115.0iO. I nlted States 3s and the old and new 4s declined 4 per cent on call. following were the sales and range of prlcea on the Stock exchange today: . . ' Salea.High.Low.Close. Adams Express , 240 Amal. Copper 192,100 102 9'4 100U American C. & F..... V.is0 414 4o 4o 98H S5V4 t2H American Cotton Oil! 8,600 do pfd...; 600 American Express.... , .... Amer. H. & L. r.f.i 10 ktmi 35 92 44 85 217 4a, 71 ; 43 84V4 84 43 Ml 43 69 ( .... 1161 American Ice 2 10 .American Linseed Oil - 400 dO Did Krt Amer. Locomotive..,. 14,3uO uu jiiu ,. American S. & R 44,000 165" do Pfd j,5,jo ut 11H lu2 133 UM Araer. BUaar Renn... 27 am wan in 147U ' Amer. Tobacco, p. c. 1,700 108 1 07V Anaconda Mining Co. 42,800 193 185 Atchison 18,100 88U 8714 do Dfd 41 I! m 10774 187 8794 104 . 1. 1'utuu wuuti jjine. Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacltlo .... Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio.. Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Chicago O. W ChlcaSo & N. W;.... C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C C. C. St. T. 4.000 164 162 HI 82.300 114 113V4 113i 97 44.300 894 861 8ti 30,900 175 175 173V 400 227V, 225 223 2,900 66 66 65 100 76 7.600 2174 76 21 l.tnu z:i 211. 46.700 181V4 179V) 2.000 107 54 28 68 Colorado F. & I...... 29300 Colorado A Southern. 1,2(0 ao 1st pra do 2d Dfd 1,000 1,900 47 Consolidated Gas crrn Prnct. M 1 CAT,n 5ducU 1,910 185 l.UO 15 l'l) 6644 200 224 Delaware"i" 'Hudson ueiaware, I & w.... Denver & Rio O ran do 600 r 47 DlatilTers' Securities a.soo J-ie do 1st pfd . 26.900 ao zd prd Oenerai Klectrlo Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. do pfd International Pump. i0 t.OOO 187 1&5 l'.ioo 178 177" 8,ti00 24 2314 600 87 86 uu pia Iowa Central .' '300 do pfd K. C. Southern 39 400 do pfd 14.s) 29 29 5H 59 Sli'J 31 66 (W 152 152 18 I113 3 13 i.ouisvme & Nash.... 6.3O0 154 Atannattan L 1 000 imu W" '"'M " 4 7S 74'4 75 J'aloan Central 7.910 '414 24 "it? ' i , ' . V ' " SI I 78 Md 8t'r i 8- 8I- M- "S 137 137 167 102 871, 67; 86 do pfd. 600 l'i7 HWt4 Missouri Paclflo . M'.sourt, K. A T. 11.200 12.800 Jl 3S 89'i 102 37 86 ao pro National Lead N. R. R. of M nf.l New York Central.. N. Y., O. & W Norfolk & Western do pfd North American ... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Peoples Gas P.. C. C A Si I. i 3S 21. 0 157 4.SO0 63 8,200 45S 2,8'" loii, 31 4fl 154 155 64 84 w 99 4h 4t 1411Z 111 IV ue.waai 143 H'2 K1 m 81 81 81 a-ressea oieei tar.... X.7s5 & 90 65 5514 ui pia Pullman Palace Car. 1.0 99 9i7 L'4 avenuing do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co '.' do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd "' St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd! St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Paclflo do pfd....i Southern Railway.... do pfd 26,8110 140 13S i38H 2W 9i?4 9? 92n L'4S 95 24 . 107 2-1 g 104 65 22 (8 Ri 121 35 2.6liO f.f0 79 4u0 14,8j0 34 108 24 C4 81 107 13 62 2,700 6C0 15,549 7.4"'j 56 234 7i 36 65 23 &4 Tennessee C. A I Texas A Paclnn .... Kl 139 14i 31 T4 .... ; 8.7J 145 3.6'XI 35 T.. St. L. At W.. .'!'.'. flO Dfd 300 58 Vnton Paclflo do pfd 8. Ex press ' V. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber , do pfd U. 8. Steel do rfd Va.-Caro. Chemical on t7l UJ? S 1442 114 0 87 . .(ail 55 . !.( Ill 86 65 111 7 104 43 2fi 4i 177" 93 lrvZ 67 55 111 ST 105 44 115 20U 41? 227 17 . Kf.4-0 84 . 17.8.U . 10P) . l.jno . Pa) lr. 452 1'5 an pra WFabash do pf.1 " Wells-Fargo Llnress Westlnghcuae JJec . Western ln.m Wheeling A L. E. ... Wisconsin Central... do pfd Northern Paclflo 41 10O 8no ir 2T0 93 17 5 18 4J 31 1.20 64 4i 194 si fa 195 4 44 11 195 Ontral leather . 1C &) 44 uu U I tm Mk 1 (eT ' a.-Lta a Bloss-Sheffield .mo 9, " Total sales for the day, l.tVjo Bfc&ra. . Treasary Statcaasat. WASHINQTON. Deo. 14.-Todays State- uisua ius vieaaur HeViaacss la tAS tell' P. ral fund, exclusive of the $1.V.noAnOO gold reserve shows; Available cash balance, $137,800,001; gold coin and bullion, K7.".06.43; gold certiflcatea, $53,4si.2TO. Xew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Pec. 14-MONEY-On call, strong at R'Oll per cent; ruling rate. TQH rr cent; closing hid, per cent; offered, per cent Time money, strong; so and l0 flays and months, per cent. A com mission was charged on some short time loans, maklnr the net rate 70 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE iAFER-6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, closing Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 I6W14 s&HS for demand and at KrJSRtfM R270 for fri-dar bills; posted rates, )4.83'ii4.83 and $4.MHfi4.S7: commercial bills, 4.824. SILVER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars, 60! .c. BONDS Government, weak; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on tonds wera as follows: V. 8. rf. is, rf....1i!S Jann . 14 mum... Co coupon lMt do 4H rtfn , do In, res..; 101 do Id Mrte da roapon ,..!"? L. 4 N. tinl. 4.... V. S. old 4s, p?i.....l0JX Mtntttn c. . 4a. do coupon Mi tin. lntrl 4i V. I. sw 4a, n(....l dp lit Inc do coupon 130 Minn. St. L. 4s.. Am. Tobacco 4s 1 at.. K. tc T. 4s.... do to ilSH do I AtchUnn gen. 4s. l.Kli N. R. It. of M. e. 4 do oJ. Mt M. Y. C. . m Atlantic O. U' N. 1. C. a. to bl. Ohio to mis No. PocISc 4s. . ti'i .!' .104 . to' . 25 . t .100S . I. "4 .14 l''t . 77 .101 . Si .Piii do KH da Brk. R. T. . to... Central of Oa. to... do lit Inc do Id Inc do Id ino Ctacs. Ohio 4a. ( blcaio A A. Ita.. C, B. A 4. n. 4a. C, R I. A p. 4a.. . iy 1. A W. c. 4s.... .113 O. 8. L. rfdf. 4a. . M. Pann. conv. . i Kaadlna sen. to.. .1(U . 7S ' St. L. A 1. M. r. 5I..115V 1 -T'4 st. u 8. r. ff. 4a. n . w ttt. L. 8, w. c. 4a.. m .10il 8ahoard A. L. to.... . VS 80. Pacific 4a M . do lat to ctfa IT da col. to. Cro. 8t. L. g. 4a..lOtV4 8n. Rallwar a 120 Colo. Ind. to. acr. A. 7t Taxaa A P. la 123 do aerlea II 7S "T.. St. I. A w. to., nil Colorado Mid. 4a 77iI'bIob Pacific 4a loaw Colo. A So. 4a M do conr. 4a 143T 1 Cuba 6a lot , I). A R. O. 4a 101 , Platlllera' Sec. 6 J l.. n. steal Id as Whah la ...114 do dab. B 74 Wait em Ui. 4a 94 W. A L. B. 4a II Wis. Cantral 4a M4 Erla prior I Ian u... .1014 sn. a a) Hocklna Val. 4Via....l.,i Japan a aav offered. Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 14.-Cal! loans, 7fS per ni; iime loans, twst per cent. Official quotations on stocks snd bonus: Atchlsoa ad). 4a U Advantura . 7 . 404 .lo4 . 114a ; ii . let .710 . a . al . 17'4 do 4a .juir, aiiouaa . 71 Amalgamated . 174 American Zlna' .lot Atlantic .!6Ji4 Bingham .17 ral. A Harla.... . 1M rantennlal ,. .140 .Coppar flange ...... . Utt Paly Want .1M Drmlnlon Coal ., . W Franklin .1444 Cranbr . 34 I'le Royals . M Maaa. Mining . 10 Mlctalgaa .147 Mohawk .US 4 Mont. C. A C , .lit Old Dominion . 44 1 Oareola .lW Parrot Mn. Cantral 4a.... Atrhlaon do pf 4 Botton A Albany... Boetoo A Maine.... Hnaton Elerated ,. Fltcheurg pld Mexican Central ... N. T. N. H. A H. Pera Marquette .. t'nloa Pacific Amer. Arge. Cbem. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba., Amer. Sugar do pfd A mar. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Ed Hon Kler. Illu. Oenerai Blarrrle ... Maaa. glectrie do pfd Maaa. Gal Vnlted Fruit In Had Shoe Macb.. do pfd U. B. Steel do pfd Wealing, common . Jiid. "Asked. .... 7S .... 17'4 M .... J4 .... 74 .... 17 .... e2H .... 4 .... 3.1 ....107 .... ....10 .... -1 114 .... 10 .... .... 4044 .... .... MS4 .... ....1U .... 17 . 16 4 Qulnrr .J.i Shannon .184 Tamarack .... . It Trinity . 40 United Topper . 4f"4 V. 8. Mining.. .1444 V. 8. OH . 71 l lah . 31 Winona . 4744 Wolverine .... .irn Nona Dune .. . K I London Closing Stocks. LONDON, Dec. 14. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange wera as follows: Conaola, money 'ff. y. Central...;. ..140 .. 87 .. M .. A .. 11 .. 74 .. 72 .. 4 .. M do account ...... sti-le Norfolk A W Anaconda .. do pfd ... Hi Ontario A W , fannaylvanla .... 1I7U Rand Mlnea ...17 Beading .- MHi do let pfd '4' do Sd pfd ...1444 Southern Railway ... 174 ao pta ,.. ii pouthern Pacific . v. Union faclAa .... 4lil do pfd .. 13 V. 8 steel .. 73Vil .do pfd Atchiaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chea. A Ohio Chicago Gt.-W.... C, M. A St. P.... P Bears Uenver A R. O. ... do pfd .'.. Erie do lat pfd do td pfd....... Illlnola Cantral ... .. J7 ..102 .. tl, 1 At f ..101 .. xH .. iu .. 42', u .iwaoaah .......... !xulvllle A Naah.,..liT M., K. A T 39 do pfd 'BDanleh 4a .. 1 SILVER Bar, steady, 20 6-ltid per ounce, The rate ot discount in the open market for short bills is 37-4IW4 per cent; for three months' blllav 3I-4W4 per cent. ' , !f err York Mlalnc Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. 14.Closlng quotations tn mining stocas were as follows: Adams Con .......... IS iClttle Chief ........... 71 Alloa 1U uniane ........... ....39 Breeca 44 Brunawlrk Con 1W Cometock Tunnel .... I Con. Cal. A Va 115 Horn surer ..........170 Iron Silver ..........110 Leadvllla Con X. Ophir 73 I I 4) 35 30 37a rboenli Potoai SaTage ' Sierra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard Bank of Jnglan,d Statement. LONDON, Dec. 14.-The weekly state ment or tne Bank of England showa the following changes: Total reserve, de creased sT972,oijO; circulation. Increased 12,000; bullion, decreased 960,278; other Securities, decreased 5U1,000; other de posits. Increased 3.628,000; public deposits decreased 4,993,000; notea reserve. dw creased )W2,(aj0; government securities. In creased 200,000. The proportion of tha . bank's reserve to liability this week Is 1 inrr mil as compared Wltn 40.86 per cent last week. Bank Clearlngra. OMAHA, Dec. 14. Bank clearings for to day were 81.756.780.40 and for tha corra apondlng data last year 81.512,(82.99. Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 14.-WOOL More wool wns aold during the last week than for some iime oeiore. tne tact that some of the" largest buyers were in the market purchas- 1 lng freely Is Interpreted aa proof of strength In the situation. Holders of territory wool are Arm. as the stocks are depleted. Half bloods will cost 77c clean, with not many to . be had. Pulled wools are quiet, but prices are steady. Foreign wools are firm. Lead ing quotations follow: Ohio snd Pennsyl- I vanla XX and above, 3536c; X, S435c; No 1, xKamc; ino. a, wic; nne unwashed, 27 ty28c; quarter-Mood unwashed, 33tj34e-half-blood, 84ii 35c; unwashed delaine Zt'j 30c; fine wsshed delaine, 36'gS7c; Michi gan fine unwashed, 2uTa27c; quarter-blood unwashed, JClC-K-ltc: three-eighths blood. 83 34c; half-blood, 3334c; unwashed delaine 28c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter-blood, 34t&'35e. Territory Idaho fine, 22a'2Sc; heavy fine. 19fiJ 20c; fine medium, 22fi13c; medium, 27i8c; low medium, 27W 2c; Wyoming line. ZifiCSc; heavy fine, 19$ low medium, 27&28c; L'tah and Nevada fine' 2&jr24c; fine medium, 23Q24c; medium, 27'rf 2c; low medium, 27i28f; Dakota fine 2Mi 23c; fine medium, 22fy'23c; medium. 27i&28c; low medium, 27jj28c; Montana line, choice, 26Gt27c; fine, average. 244125c; fine medium, choice. 2iii'27c; average. 34S26c; ataplo, 27 aic; medium choice, 28'929e. ST. IXlTIS, Dec. 14.-WOOL-8teady: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 26&3Cc; light fine, 21ft26c; heavy fine, lailc; tub washed, 83tptlc. ( Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 14. M ETAL8 The un- ward movement In tha London tin market ccntlnued with prlcea showing a gain of about 1 10s tor ins day and closing at 166 12s 6d for spot and 164 6a for futures. The local market was firm with spot held at Copper also advanced In the lxndon market, with spot quoted at 80 12s 6d and futures at 78 12s 64. The local market continues very firm In the absence of offerings. Lake and El'ctro lytlo are quoted at 118 5fal9.00, and casting at S18.12SU.62. Lead was a Tittle easier in t-onaon, closing at 17 3s (d, but re mained very firm In the local market, at prices ranging from 85 86 to 86.10, according to lot and delivery. Spelter waa un changed abroad, with standard foundry quoted at 52s 2d and Cleveland warrants at 63a Sd. The local market la firmly held. No. 1 foandry northern la ouoted at 818. 750 19.36; No. I foundry northern 818.2518.86; No. 1 foundry southorn, 818.50 61875;; No. I foundry southern, ls.0u3 BT. LOTJ18. Dec. 14.-METAI.8 Lead firm, $5.75; spelter, strong, 86.40. Code Market. NEW YORK. Dec lt.-OOFFEE Tha market for futures opened steady at un changed prices in sympathy with European tables. Europe sunt a few buying orders but demand w as light and with Wall at rest longs Helling moderately prices eased off in the afternoon and the close was quiet net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were reported of 27 760 bags. Including: Feb ruary. .S5c; March, . 3686.40c; May, 60 4tWc; July. 8.70c; tHepteniber. 6.86q60c; No- Temurr, rtJUl jiv, quiet; INO. 7 In voice, 7c Oils and Kaala. NEW YORK. Dec. 14.-OIL8Cottxnseed steady; prima crude, nominal; prime yel- jiw-a. 1 eiruk'uiti. , refined. new aura, . ou; niuauieipiiia aud lialli more, 87.76; prime. In bulk, 8466. Turpeo tine, quiet. 66'&t7e. tosi;s-HifcU) : gtrvii4. nauuaa to gooa, tJ.Mt OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bf Euan Steady, ( hoice Cowt Steady, with Others Lower. HOGS IPEN SLOW AND FULLY FIVE LOWER Ran of heep Very Light, bnt Demand Rrlak and Good Fat Stan IMrong to Tea Cents fllgher, with Feeders Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 14. 19H5.,t w,,r: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omclal Monday ',922 4.H22 t.Kt Tu',"'l"y 6.7TI1 9.M7 .0 JJ";0 Wednesday (,51 .9J 11.313 Olllclal Thursday J.100 11,500 J.fltH) Four daya thla week.. 24 S? 82.546 1 Four da.s last week...20.Hi iU.SM ' ao.TiH , Same week before ll,7Sfi ao,ia .ti0 I tStLITIa lhrA jnauaLaai aa td ntUl OA T4A i ..... v crno nffu. .19, rr-r l fl o, iw Sams four weeks ago... 22,774 22.718 47,35 same daya last year....l,48 33.656 ' 22,3 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. ....h, fpllow'n" table shows the receipts of cattle. iugs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date, comparing with last year: , ... 10"6. 19m. Inc. Dec. atUe 8t,9f5 813.6!9 82,S6 "P" i.7.'3 2.IM.KI4 12,652 8hfP 1,970.418 1,710,131 269.662 .1? '"owlrl tnno snows trie prlcea paid JUJ'.rlv'J" na.-keta for cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed ateera 6.006 00 1 air to good corn-fed ateera 4.50,15.00 common to fair cornfed steers.... 8.5iS4.50 uood to choice cows and heifers... 8.664.25 air to good cows and heifers t.70'365 hanm"r" nd cutters 1.5ora2.25 uood to choice stockers & feeders. 8 .0't4 .25 to sooA stockers and feeders. t.btqS W common to fair feeders I.bt3 W vesl calves S.OOjj.OO following table ahowa the average riJ. 5f hoge at South Omaha for the last aeveral days, with comparisons: . I 190 11904. 11903.1902.1901.!1900.18:9. Dec. 1... Deo. 2... Deo. 8... Dec. 4... tec. 6... Deo. 6... Dec. ..., Dec. 7.., Deo. 8... Dec. a..., Dec 10. . Dee. U.., Dec. 12.. Dec. 13.., Dec. 14... 4 93 87 w 4 84 I 484 483 43 4 K7 4 421 4 481 4 471 4 84 091 6 0h I 4.63) 8 74 4 31 6 961 H 4 uHi 4 771 a i 1 a t n 1 8 80 8 80 3 M 8 81 3 W 3 90 3 92 8 96 8 96 3 4 40 13 f 41! 4 37! 8 2: 0 24 6 9- tt 06 4 41 4 37 6 24 ( 161 ( 06 4 77 4 84 4 84 4 13 4 3l 09 I 09 4 S9 4 86 a no 4 28 4 31 4 38 e 4 32 4K3.X 4 7S 4 S3 ( 06 6 12 6 0D 8 11 4 46 4 47 C 13 14 4 86 4 M 4 77 4 81 1 M 4 87 4 43 4 43 5 96 6 981 S 16 4 41 e 4 44 6 21 4 38 6 2i 4 86 'Indicates Sundav. RANGE OF PRICES. n.. Cattle. Hogs. 1.9u6.00 84.MKlj4.96 Chicago 1.60e.76 4.4wi6.06 Kansas City 2.WX04J.25 4.76(i6.00 Sioux City n,25,6.tK I Tt'irnwaiMwi- r.... I The following list shows the number of cars or feeders shipped to the country Wednesday and their points of destination: b. it v 1 K tars. j. oyaes, nusKin, ti. l , r; Jnaen, Muskln, R. 1 H. 8. Turklngton, letts, la., R. 1.., H. B. Llntnur, Letts, la., K. 1 Nels Peterson, AVeston, lu., R. I.... J rank Grueke, Marne, Ia., R. I 1 .. 2 1 ::1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. a .. 1 .. s """''" Lvnn, unsworn, la., H. I..... Oeorge Hullla, Griswold, la., R. I ... George Flel, Rlverton, la., U Warren & Co., Tabor, la.. Q John Sango, Essex, Ia., Q.... Everson Brothers. Brooks. Ia., U...!!!" S" Brock way. Red Oak, la., Q H. Schlnstock, West Point, ia., F. E... R. 1. Appleby, Stanton. F. E H. Hasseman, Scribner, F. E Joe Muchouk, Beemer, F E Frank Hlndeman, Creston, F. e"'"'" Jllllua Kr.nwin. LI. . Y, , . 7 ' ' " " '''ii, c . r... ........ Fred Renard, Washington, F. E R- llld. Brennan, S. D F. E... C. W. Payne, West Side, la., N. W.... Abe Reyma--,, Tekamah, M. tc O Henry Hilker. Pender. M. 4 O. hPfSP . JR"0. Lyons, M. & O F. W. Lydlck, Tekamah. M. & 6 Farley & McC, Bancroft, M. & O. . John Shannon, Carroll, M. & O Bronton Brothers. Ortonville, Ia, Mil."... W. A. Stall. Beatrice. B. & M. Thomas ChrisUanson. AVolback, B. AM SHEEP M. O. Lee, Shelton, L P L 1... B. V. nut T.Li,n.i. A. .. 14 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 3 .. 3 .. 1 1 1 .... v- 3 1 aa S 1 va a' Sanif' nury,' Ia., N."w.' Ed 8. Martin. Page Center, Ia., Q... L. H. Rhlnard, Litchfield,' Ml'ch."R"'i 1 R J. Lessetto. Orion. Mich., R. I...... "', The offlclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: C. M. 4 St. P Cftttle.Hog..Sh p H'ses. I waoasn , o Mo. Pacific i I Vnlon Pacific System ... 23 C. at N. W., east 1 C. at N. W west 38 C, St P.. M. A 0 14 C. B. Q.. east 9 C, B. A Q., west 99 C, R. I. & P., east 10 C. R. I & P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 8 1 3.1 85 44 11 2 16 10 2 2 4 vnicago ut. west .... 2 Total receipta ... ao in 15 The dlspoaitlon of the day'a receipta was as followa, each buyer purchasing tho num- Buyers. Omaha Packing Co. .., Swift and nl'mninv Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1.180 2,896 38 2,1 657 2.736 1.5.19 Cudahy Packing Co. '.'. L222 Armour & Co 623 Cudahy P. Co.. Denver.. 68 Cudnhy P. Co., Sioux Cy .... 1454 ."" Armour at Co., Denver.. 64- vanaani co i Carey 139 " Lobman 4V Co am " W. 1. Stephen 119 . "" "" Hill tt Son 22 if Huston dc Co 60 "" "" I F. Hunt 1! Wolf A Mil man 242 "" Mike HagKorty 7j '"" "" Sol Degan 8 " "" J. B. Root & Co 47 Bullan A Kline 56 Other buyeta 8i3 I'jo') . Total 6.0U6 lT.488 7l63 CATTLE There waa a moderate run of cattle on the market this morning, 225 cars about 6.500 head, being reported in up to noon. The receipta were a little larger than for the same day last week and als.. by about 1,000 head than the run for the corresponding day last year. Trains were behind time again this morning, so that a great many of the cattle did not reach the pens until late. The supply of beef steers waa rather lim ited and the quality of the offerings was a a gtjnemi miiig noi very good, uuyers wera out early with a bunch of orders, but they were wanting mostly the srood rhoie. cattle, which were very scarce. However, generally penning, tne market on beef cattle waa moderately active and prac tically ateady. Titers were about fifty rara of cows snt heifers on the market and there were out of this number only a few loads of good choice stock. Packers were evidently wanting a supply of this kind of cattle, but were not raring for the common . stuff. However, the market on cows and heifers was generally steady on the better srradea while tho common kinds wera inclined to sell weak. There was a good-sized run of stacker and feeders on the market again today. Aa haa been tha case for the last week the majority of tha receipta consisted of this kind bf cattle, and although there has been a tairiy good demand lor feeding cattle on the part of country buyers still the yards sra full of cattle of that desorlutlon. ft nee. u la tors bought very freely the first of tlia week, evidently under the Impression thil there would be an active country demand, and they paid ery strong prices. There proved to I a fair country demand, as ex- pecteo, dui tne came aepi coming in so fast that speculators could not unload, and the market haa been borne down by Its own wcignt. ine result is mat today tha very best cattle, such ss sell at 64 or better, are all of 10i(lfc lower, while the general run of fair to medium kinds are 36c lower and common kinds Vbij'Mc lower than Mon day. It would look aa if this would b a good time tor country buyers to put In an appearance. Representative aalea: BEEF STEERS). Ke. tl... 1 ... le... 11... t... at... ... 17 .. v. rr. ...,14 I It ....nut 1 m ....luut 84 ....Hot I 14 llial I 74 ...1111 3 M ....KM aU Na. Av. Pr. ....113 4 '4 lie? 4Mt 1 iT t at .... -HIT I t vt -071 4 el 1201 W : 44 M M tl II 80 ....114 4 1 COW8. 1 tot J 10 ( 1074) I It I n t 1 1161 ;. 1 WO t M 10 H tt It Ill t 04 11 i; I M t Hat I z& 4 Iu77 I aJ It lal t 16 t 1,j1 I ot t lit t JO 11 l(j.'i i II Ill t at t ni a ti ta I to I1m t tt It 114 IN 1 1144 I it U UI7 4 8e tM I v I HEIKER8. I H 12 I SO I 7 I , BVL1.8 : 7 1 I Ml 1 I 0 I I as 1 5 17 2 1 I 1 1 .. 1-n .. '11 ..ll.vt ..nao ..170 . two ..UJO i 0,1 4 U I 00 I 00 1 a I l; ..l'n ie CALVES. 4 40 4 M .. 1" I 75 "0 M 17i 0O FEEDERS. 7J 1 0 U to a.-r it 1007 I 7 ID'-l 1 M 1 1M 00 I... 4 in 1 io 1... ii hi t to STOCK EH3 AND I MIH t . II.. 1 7M I 70 IS 1 M t 1 1 l: I 00 15 4 40 lb II tat I no WESTERNS. WYOMING, a steers.. ..inPJ 8 70 Pnt Kully-Wyo. 23 steers.... 714 8 20 steers.... 961 J 20 Cicero Avent Wyo. 91 steers ,.,.1IW 4 26 HOQS There fti a literal run of hogs on the market this morning. 170 cars, about 11.600 head, being reported In. The receipts are larger than for the same day last week by about 8.000 head and are also larger than the receipts for the same day one years ago by about 1.60O head. The run today was somewhst largrr than waa ex pected. Influenced by the lllieral run and early reporta of large runs with slow trad ing and the market In poor shnpe at the other points, buyers began bidding Mt!o" lower. Sellers were not willing to let go at that decline and held on pretty well, with the result that trading was very dull and uninteresting. In fact, there was practicnllv no trading at all. Later the market firmed up and unite a bit of the stock was soM mostly 2Vuc lower. The long string of hoga was so!d around I4-Va4 86. . against 4.R7'ifi4.o yesterday. The top load brought 84. 96. The market closed rather slow at the decline. Representative soles No. Av Sh. Pr. No. Av. ....401 ....141 ...,l'5 ....131 ....134 ....! ,...137 ... Mt ...V ....t0 ....24 ....if." ....200 ....171 ....174 ... ,", ...271 ... JF, Pr. 4 S6 4 15 4 El 4 5 4 It 4 15 4 Sfi 4 tf, 4 ti 4 U 4 16 4 16 4 15 4 M 4 IT. 4 U 4 Ifi 4 15 4 W 4 It 4 V 4 16 4 14 4 U 4 S . 4 U 4 15 4 I7Uj 4 I74, 4 17 4 t74 4 17 4 17 4 7 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 7 4 7 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 0 4 to 4 to 4 t0 4 t: it... M... CI... It... 7... ... 70.... 7.;. at... 74... 44... M.. 71... (0... to... .... tt.... !.... fit..., 7t.... t7..i, 77..., tt..,, IK.... o... 7.... it.... 41.,., 4..., 7t.... 4.... ... U... 57... (... 71... CI... 70... 4... M... to... 74..., 41... 4... 44... 4...' 62... 45... r... ....12 .... 74 ....141 ....171 ....174 ,...1(17 ...,04 ....117 ,...17 ...241 ....I4H ...171 ... 1MI ,...111 ...18 ,...124 ,..,24 ....717 ....SIS ... 1t ....131 ,...111 ,...8M ....141 ,...o ,...ll4 ... 54J ,...: ' ,...121 ,...!! ....17t ....167 ::::iSt- ....141 ....: ....241 ...Sf,0 ..1.133 ..,.120 ....104 ....1K4 ....174 ....S46 ....3:4 ....304 ....110 ....277 to 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 to 4 77 4 774 4 n 4 to 4 4 ao 4 t2H 4 t! t 4 sr. 4 4 U, 4 ! 4 U; 4 ..., 4 4 tti 4 2 4 n 4 !2'4 , 4 lt 4 12Vi 4 HVt 4 ST. 4 M 4 Sfi 4 r 4 IS 4 8ft 4 U 4 m 4 tt 4 15 4 an 4 SS 4 4 ax 4 W 4 M 4 U 4 U 4 15 4 So 4 US 4 M IS... JO... 17... IM.. 2... tt... 7.1... tt .. It .. CI... a.',... 71... to... Hi. . at.., 4... ca... .. CM... 40 ao '40 40 120 120 KO 40 40 40 100 JtPO 4., .100 t.7 247 74 .121 71.. 44.. 70.. 45.. 63.. t7.. 7f . 40., 7.. CO.. tt.. 4.. C4., tt., ...Wl ...l0 ...W. ...264 ..117 ...157 ...JOt ...12 ...2ft ...251) ...33t ...l"t ...194 120 t.. .121 to 140 120 40 ito 40 lto tl ISO 4 141 if IKS tt 270 et. ...2H1 M.... 67 65.... 65... 47.... 41.... 67.... ...134 ...Ut ...ISO ...17 ...321 ...351 ...S17 tt. MO 4 43 13. .tl aa SHEEP The receipts of sheep and lambs were very light this morning, there being only eleven cars reported in when the market opened. This was practically thu same as the run one week ago, but Ughtei tlinn a year ago by eight cars. The market aa a whole was In good, lieul thy condition that is, tho receipts were light in the face of a good demand, with the result that buyers went after the of ferings In a hurry, cleaning up everything In sight at an early hour in the morning. Desirable fat lambs sold at good, ateady prices, but could hardly be quoted as any higher. Good, fat sheep were strong, and In some cases us much as 10c higher, in fact one hunch of the same stuff here yesterday brought ,10c more. There wera no rrange feedera here to speak of and not many of any kind, but the demand Is constant and recelvera of desirable kinds have no trouble in unload ing at good, steady prices. The only sheep or lambs that moved alowly this morning were such as could not be called cither good feedera or good killers, that Is the between kind of stuff that waa neither one thing nor the other. It ia tha biggest kind of a mistake for any feder to ship aheep or lambs that are not well 'finished and ripe for market. Prlcea for fat grades are high and pros pects are good for their continuing that way If feeders will not break the market by sending In Immature stock. Quotations on fat aheep and lambs: Good to choice fed lambs, 37.257.50; good to choice range lninbs, $7.00477.30; good to choice yearling wethers, $t'.00tfi).5O; good to choice old- wethers, $5.d?j6.80; good to choice old ewes, $4. 7511 6.50. Quotations for fecdr sheep snd lambs: Good feeding lambs. 35.7Mni.;;5; good feed ing yearlings, 64.76u5.40: good feeding wethers, 24.6oiii5.00; good feeding ewes, 83.76 64.20; breeding ewes, $4.5Od.o0. Representative sales: No. 250 western ewea , 336 Nebraska ewea 44 native ewes S3 western cull Iambs 683 native feeder lambs... 15 western yearlings 48 Nebraska iambs 238 western lambs 140 western lambs 68 native lambs. 123 native ewea 4 native ewes Av. . 99 . 101 . 109 . 66 . 68 . 8 . U2 . 64 . 78 . 78 . 9H Pr. 4 90 6 30 6 50 6 76 () tt 26 75 7 00 7 20 ' 7 35 6 60 6 76 160 297 weatern yearlings and weth ers 117 weotern yearlings and weth ers . .., 658 western lamb feeders 97 native yearlings and weth ers 12o native lambs 102 6 10 lot 75 6 10 6 60 78 78 50 7 iS ClIICAfiO - l.IVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Firm to Five Cents Higher Hogs and Sheep Firm. CHICAGO. Dec. 14.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 9.000 head; market firm to 5c higher; steers, 84.lotfl6.tO; stockers and feeders. 82.6Ofl3.90; cows and canners, 81.85Si4.0o; bulls, 32.6oy 4.00; heifers, I2.s tl4.10; cmIvcs, 13.267.75. UOCS Jiecolpts, SO.ono head; market firm; shipping and selected. $4 9.iiib.00; mixed and heavy packing, 84.854.92; light grades, t4.75'i4.; pigs and roughs, f2.50u4.70. SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts, 18,000 head; market firm; sheep, $3.767.00; lambs. 8ti.iM(8.00. New York Live stork Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 14.-BEE VKUi-Re-celpts. 270 head, nothing doing;, market feeling steady; few dreswed beef In mod erate demand at steady prices. Exports, ltio cattle. CALVES Receipts, Gt head, mainly con signed direct; no demand for westerns; grassers, normal; veals, $5,6047.00; 110 very prime offered; dreesed calves, slow; city dressed veals, 9U'13c: country dressed, easy, at 8&12c; dressed grassers and fed calves weak at 647o. HOGS Receipts, 6,057 head: market feel lng steady; quotations, $6.t)6.oo for heavy to light state hogs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.839 head; sheep market steady; lambs, lower, 15o to 25c; sheep, $4.505.75; choice wi thers, $6.00; culls, $3.2633.50; lambs, $7.2m3.26; no Canada lambs. 81. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOT'IS. Mo Dec. 14 -CATTLE Re celpts, 3.500 head, Including 660 Texans; market higher: native shipping and export steers, $4.6o'a.05; dresser beef and butcher steers, $3.506.85; steers unoer 1,000 pounds, $2.6"fj4.60; stockers and feeders. $2.163.46; cows and heifers. $2.0ufy4.40; canners, $1.75 tf-MO; bulls, . $2.25(3.60; calves. $3.oui7.oO; Texas and Indian steers, $Z10i3.k5; cows and heifers. $2.1043.10. HOGS Receipts, 10.500 head; market steady: pigs and lights. $4.60tu4.96: Dackers. I $4.60496; butchers and beat heavy, $4.fco'0 1 (.05. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipta. 8.500 head; market higher; native muttons. $5.00 d5.5ii; lambs, $5.507 60; culls and bucka, $2 Oid6.2; alockera, $3.1l58.75; Texana, $3.o0 04.25. Kansas City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. fo.. Deo. 14. CATTLE Receipta, H.OuO head. Including luo south- sins; tuaraei siesay to juc tower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.2ni.26; fair to good. H76'j5 0O; western fed steers, 83.6o34.a0; stockers snd feeders, $3.0u(o4.6o; southern steers, $2.75vi4.5C' southern oows, $3.(4j&S.3; native cows, 82UH(4.0U; native heifers. $3.0ou.00; bulls, $2.2Itj40U; calves, $3.uj7.00. UOUS-Rscelpts. 13,000 head; market tV3 lCc lower; top, $5 06; bulks of salea, $4.ea 4 96; heavy, $4.90-6.06; packers, $4.mi4 T; pigs and lights. $4.t5'04 'j0. SHEEP AND LAMH8 Receipts, 4 000 head; market steady; native lambs, $6,754 7.60; western lambs, $5.757.40; rwes and yearllnKS, $4 Ni(.0O; western fed yeeirllnga, $6. 266 4.(0; western fed sheep, $t26.C0; stockers and feeders. $3.204.T5. St. Joseph Live rtock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 14. CATTLE Recciots, 2,Si badi uiarfctt ieadi tia lives, M 60ii4 lf; cons and heifers, l.tuT5.0i; stocKers mid feeders. HlU8-Hccelp!s, 1".i; mnrket 84,. loc lower; llgnt. H.7Vh4ia; medium and hesn . $4 . BHKKP A.M) I.AMItS-ReOclpls. fin hend; market 10c higher; liimlis. $7.75; rwes. $.".. Mona t'lty Live atork. Mnrket. StOl'X CITY. IVc. ll-rSpccil Tele. granvi-rATTl.K-ltecelrts, sm head; mar ket strong; beeves. t;t.iiii6 so; rows, bulls and mined. $2 2Si.1.ft; stockers nnd feeder. $2 7.'i:'. 11; calves and ycnrllngs, $2 ii3..4iV HOGS Receipts, fi,".Hi head; msiket oc lower, selling at $4.al4.tM; bulk of sales, $4.72tj4 75. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yrstcnlHy weie as follows: Cuttle. Hogs. 8herp. South Omaha 5.1"0 11. Mo S.;H) Hloux City fam 5.5UO Kansna City 10.i l.i.nm 4.ii St. Joseph 2,33.1 1,.' St. Irfmls $,ni lo.m 8'.i Clilcngo 9.0m) Sii.iki 18.ii Totals .,733 !l,M i!,.1' OMAHA WIIOLUaALK MARKET. Condition of trtde and Quotations na Staple and Fnnpy Prod see. EGOS Fresh receipts, candled slock. 2f.e. LIVE POULTRY liens, 6c: roosters, 6c; turkes, li13a; ducks. 8c; spring chickens, 8c; g.ese, 8c. DltiiSSED Poi.LTHV-Turkeys, Hlec; old (oins, 12il3c; chickens. IkuIOc; old roosters, ic; ducks, Italic; geese, loc. BUTTER Packing stock. 15c; choice ta fancy dairy, lul9ci cwamery. Uti21c: prints. 21c. BU'OAR Standard granulated. In bbls, $6.21 per cwt. ; cubes, $6.05 per cwt.; cul loaf. $6.00 per cwt.; No. 0. extra C, bags or bbls., $6 05 per cwt.; No. 10, extra C, bag only, $4.90 per cwt.; No. 16 yellow, bags only, $4.W per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $5.16 rer cwt. FRESH FISH Trout. 704711c; halibut. 13c: buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, c; whits bass, dressed, 12c; sunfish, 6c; perclw scaled and dressed. 8c; pike, lOc; cuthsh, 13c; red snapper. 10c; salmun. 11c; croppies, 12c; eels, lac; bullheads. He: 'lnck bass, 25c; whltefisii, 12c; frog legs, per dos., 35c; lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters, 30u; shad roe, 45c; bluetlHh, 15c; herring, 4c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upiand, $7; medium, 86.M1 coarre, $6. BRAN Per ton, $14.60 TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. nkss.. $200; Ilallowee. in 70-lb. boxes, nar Vl. Wc; layer, per lb., Sc. walnut-siuPcd. 1-lb. nk.. 2.o0 per dos., bulk, 7c per i0.; 7-lb. boxes! ORANGES California Navels, all si sea. $3.25; Florida, all sixes, 83.00. LEMONS Llmonlera. extra fancy, 344 all-, (4.25; 300 and 300 aizes, $1.754j6.uo. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 75H S5c; tmpuilcd Uuiyiua, 4-crown, IX: 4 ciowo, 14c, BANANAS Per mediUm-alsed bunch, $1.76 t2.-6: Jumbos, $2.60i.oF. TANGERINES Florida, per box of bout 125, $3.00. GRAPE FRUIT Per box, $5.50. FRUITS. PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon. $2.50. APPLES - California Belleflowors, $1.50 per bu. box; Colorado Jonathans, $2.00 tier bu. box; Ben Davia, (1.65 pin- bu. box; Wlnesaps, (2.U0 per uu. bux; oih- varieties, $2.uo per bu.. New York tipples, (4 m put .vbl. LRAPES In. ported Mathgas, $5,507(6.00. tKAKblSKKIliS-Jerseys, $12.00 per bbl.l Bell and iiutfle. $12.50. OLD VEGETABLES. PCTAlOii-o aiuine-siowii, per bu., 6lii wc, cuuiii uuKuia, per uu., loc. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and red, per bu., one, Upaiuii, pur crate, $Lio. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.00. LIMA BEANS Per bu., 6c. CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin in crates, per lb., l".uc. CARROIS, PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 6o47dc. t'hl.hKf-ivammazoo, per dox 25c. SWEET POTATOES-Kansas. pr J-ba bbl., tl..o. NEW VEGETABLES. CAfLIFLow'ER Per crato, $2.70. TOMATOES CalUornia, per crate of 20 lbs., $2.50. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 311 lbs. net, W W STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 80 lbs. net. $3.Omij4.00. EGO PLAN T Florida, per Uoa., $1.25tf 'OREEN PEPPERS-Florlda, per hamper of about id dor., $2.00. , TURNIPS Louisiana, per dos. bunches. ' 46o. SHALLOTTS Louisiana, per dos, bunches, 75c. HEAD LEtTVCE-LouiaianaV ' per bbL," LEAF LETTUCE-llot house. 12 to 1$ heads. 65c per box of. ' CUCUMBERS Hot house, liar dos., $1.2$ t1.60. ' RADISHES Hot house, pur dos. bunchas, ' TOo. MUSHROOMS -Hot house, per lb., 60ffl73c, BEEF (JUTS. No. 1 rib, 12c; No 2 nb, 8c; No. 3 rib, 60; No. 1 loin, 16c: No. 2 loin, 10c; No. s loin, 7c; No. 1 chucks, tc; No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 3 chucks, 80s No. 1 round. 7c, No J round, 6c; No. 8 round, c; No. 1 plats, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3s; No. 3 plate, 2c. ' MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.75; per bbl., $6.78. - HONEY New. per 24 lba $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, 6c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin limberger, 13c; twins, 14c; young Amuilcas, 14c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb, 13o. Pecans, lnrge. per lb., 14c; Binull, per lb 12o. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roaxted. ptr lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(&Klc. Al monds, soft sIioIIf, per lb., 17c; hard shells. per 10., 10c. Dnenuara iiicaory nuts, per bu.. $2.25; laigj hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.5o. Chestnuts, ptr lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, $4.50 per sack of 100 HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green. 8c; No. 1 salted. 10c; No, 2 salted. c; No. 1 veal calf. 11c; No. f zeal calf, 9c; drv salted. 7ft 14c; cheep pelta, 25c'j?tl.00; horn hides. 21. 60011.00. HOLLY In cases. 2x2x4 feet. 60c per esse: tn bbls.. $1.60 per bbl. . MISTLETOE Per lb.. 26c. Cotton Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo., Dec. II COTTON Quiet, unchanged; middling, 11c; sales, ..II bales; receipts, 910 bales; shipments, 10 bales; stock, 32,131 bales. LIVERPOOL-Dec. 14.-COTT()N-Bpot In fair demand; prices 6 ikiIihs higher; Amer ican middling, fair, 6.76d; good middling, 6.41d; middling, M21d; low middling, o.o.d; good ordinary, I.85d: ordinal y, 6.7.'k1. Tha sales of the day were 10.600 bales of which 1.00)1 were for speculation unl export ntnl Included 8.900 American. Receipts, l.oiKI bales, no American. REAL KSTATK TKASKEH!i. The following real estate transfers wero recorded December 14: WARRANTY DEEDS. Ellen B. Slubaugli and husband to I Anna H. Partridge, north ii2 feet lot 22, Clark'a ad., $ 1..V0 T. J. Shanahan to c. J. Krrhs and wife, lots 3 and 4. block 5, Comer.... John Seeberger and avlfe to Jattoli Vollmi I', lot 6, block 4. Patterson Park Adeline Dobeck and husband to Mar tha E. A Is worth, north 62 feet lot 7. block 14. Patrick's 2d ad 1.2'. ' I 2K) Jeanle D. Brown to H. B. ltaus, north tsSe, reet lot 30. Millard A C m ml.... E. N. Bovell and -wife to F. M. Ruble-, lot 2. block 15. Kountle Place W. L. Parish and wife to EmntH I.ulin. lot 1. block 26. Halcyon Heluhts .... George P. Bemts Real l-tste ompniiy to jonn i iawsou, lot l. block 1, Bowers' add QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Q. B. Stadden and wife to H. O. Jack son, lot 14. block 10. Rcmls Park Lelty H. Jackson anil husband to Smyth tc Smyth, same Total amount of transfers PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Ca Member Chicago Board of Trad Omaha Grain Eichani. Grain and Provisions Sought and aold for caah or future delivery Recelvera and Shippers. tU and 220 BOARD OF TRADE BLDU. Tel. 1006. OMAHA, he fcews la London. F. D. Day & Co. Dealer la Stocks. Grain, Provision kln Venr Grain to Is. ra.aeh uriee. I14VI11 Beard el Trade Hldar., Oanaha. . Teleeheste 814. 2L-214 Lxchanga ida.. South Omaha. BaU 'ftuu (la 4easeaaUa8 'tmmt 4,0 1