Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Subscribe For
Advortla In
Eest West
Best i". West
Lett Oontrel the 6iination and ire Mur
dering German Land Ownera,
Fortret-a of Refuse Prepared in Each
Block in Riga.
GoTernor Dora lo' Dare Command Troopt
aa Tbet Mieht Kot Obey. '
Meaetlnnary Plot Farmed to F.ffei
Dowittall of Premies' Inable ,
to iBticatc the i .
Premier Taken Portfolio of Minister
of F.dnratloa and Chinese .
Are Angry.
TOKIO. Dec. 142 p. m. The differences
which existed between the Imperial uni
versity and the government have apparently
i been settled by the acceptance o( the re
signation of Kubota Yuxuru. the minister
of education, by Premier Katsura. who
will now take the portfolio of education.
The fact that no disciplinary measures
,.,. been taken against the professors of
T university Is deemed by those well In
5 med as being an nvowal of defeat tipon
f- t part of the government, whoso power
i visibly waning.
Sight thousand two hundred Chinese
5 udents. Incensed at tho attitude of
e . Chinese minister to Japan, Tan
,vu. In the university troubles,
rive resolved to return to China.
wo thousand have already left this city.
I manifesto Issued by these students Is
ecidedly antagonistic to the Manchu dy-
STOCKHOLM. Dec. 15-The Dagens Ny
heter's correspondent, who returned hera
today from Riga; says: The Letts, consti
tuting a majority, of the population of Li
vonia, control the .situation there. Their
leader, M. Jansohh, editor of the Deenos
Lapas, la also the head of the fed-rated
revolutionary societies and has command
of everything. Their hatred of the Gcrnian-
spraklng population, which Is unrelenting, j
la caused by years of oppression on the part
of the German nobility.
The peasants around Riga are burning
estates and murdering landowners. The
Germans of Riga expect a St- Bartholomew
night and tt la evident that the Letts are
preparing lor a wholesale slaughter. The
central part -of Riga can be protected at
the bridgea U the army Is true.
In each block one house lias been pre
pared as a fortress In which to shelter tho
Germans. when the massacre starts. Be
Idea this the householders have established
various refuges.
Murders are committed'ln broad daylight,
mostly for reveuge, and the police arc
ari-atu to interfere. J ne governor general j
does not dare command the troops, not
knowing whether they villi obey orders.
Several country committees liave estab
lished republics. Intending later to confed
erate Into a Baltic republic.
Tho revolutionaries aro preparing an ir
resistible strike for January und the work
men are being armed.
The revolutionaries , have , refused to al
low either Omniums r Russians to leave
Tho correspondent says he fears that tlio.
deep 'hatred felt by the Letts for the Ger
man nobility and German capitalists will
lead to an awful calamity.
1'sar Stands by ..Wltte.
,'BT. PETERSBURG. Dec. 13.-tMdnlght)
Via Eydtkuhnen. Dec: 14.) According to
reports from Tsarskoo 8lo, the reaction
ary camarilla., headed by General Count
Alexis Igllff and M. Stcschinsky, formed to
effect tho downfall of fount Wltte and to
create a' dictatorship has failed and his
majesty Is standing llnnly by the premier.
M. Mnshlkoff, the well kuown writer, who
4s In clotietomrt.Yia-tM count. 'is out with
a strong article demanding the Inaugura
tion of nn aggressive tight against the rev-
L olutlon before it is too late
Culmination nf Several Enallsh So
ciety Scandals Takes Place
In the Orient.
COLOMBO. Ceylon, Dec. 14-Eaii Cowley
and Lady Hartopp were married here to.
day. Lady Hartopp Is the eldest dnughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Wilson of
Wartcr Priory, Yorkshire. She und her sis
ters were remarkable for their beauty. In
April last Lady Hartopp was divorced by
Sir Charles after a sensational trial. Enii
Cowley was the corespondent In the case.
Before his accession to the title Karl Cow
ley, ns viscount Dangun. was the defendant
In an action for breach of promise brought
by Phylls Broughton of tho Gaiety theater,
1jndon. In 1SS9 he married I.udy VIolci
Nevlll. daughter of the marquis of Amer
gavetmy. Light years later she secured a
divorce and, though since she 'married
Rolwrt Myddelton-Blddulph, Lady Violet
still continues to use the title of Countcs
Cowley, on the ground that she Is the
mother of Viscount Danuun, tho heir to the
title, who Is now about 15 years old.
Pope Bestows lied Hals on Two Car
illnuln anil Imparts Apostolic
Grand Jury at Philadelphia Chargea Hill
Line with Faying Bebates.
R. n. .Wood A Co. Mntnal Transit
Company and Agents Accused of
Complleltr In the game
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 14.-Elght Indict
ments were returned by the federal grand
Jury today against shippers, freight agents
and common carriers In the rebate cases
brought to the attention of the grand Jury
yesterday by United Btates District At
torney J. Whltaker Thompson. The Indict
ments returned are an follows:
Great Northern Railway company, for i f
ferlng a rebate to R. D. Wood & Co. nf this
city on a shipment of l.Gno tons of iron pip
ing to Winnipeg.
C. L. Campbell, local freight agent of the
Great Northern, snme charge.
I W. l.ake of New York, general eastern
Dini nf tho MutiiMj romnniv.
! granting and giving a rebate to the Wood
I company.
Waiter wood. J.oige wood, Hiuari w ona
and Richard Wood, nienmcrs of the Wood
company, accepting and receiving resales.
Paul J. Diver, local agent of the Mutui'l
Tranult company, offering rebate to the Na
tional Essence for Coffee company of this
city on a shipment from Philadelphia to
Minneapolis. August 4. ISof.
Mutual Transit company, offering rebnto
on the same transact inn.
Paul J. Diver, offering and giving rebnto
(two counts) to tile National Essence for
Coffee company on a shipment from Phil
adelphia tn Winnipeg, April 17. 19c,.
Mutual Transit company, offering und
giving rebates (two counts) in tho same
A large number of witnesses were sum
moned to give testimony in the two cases.
Immunity from punishment was granted
those principals in th cases who appeared
before the Jury and gave evidence. For In
stance. President Charles M. Reald of But
fulo, president and general manager of th
Mutual Transit v company, who was sum
ninned as a witness in tho Wood case, was
not Indicted, but a true bill was returned
against an agent of the company who was
not asked to appear. Neither was an In
I dictment brought against the traffic man
ager of the Wood company, who obtained
the rebate for bis company. In the case
of the National Essence for Coffee company,
the indictments were brought against the
currier and its agents, the shipping com
pany having furnished the evidence.
HOME. Dec. 14. The pope today held a
public consistory In the royul hall of tho
Vatican, at which he bestowed the red hate
and cardinals' rings upon two of the uew
cardinals. Mgr. Cagalno de Azcvedo and
Mgr. J. A. de Arcoverdo Ue Albuquerque
Cavalcantl, archbishop of Rto Janerio. The
other two new Curd I mils, Mgr. Joseph 8a
nia.MSa. archbishop of Erlau. Hungary, and
Mgr. Sptnola, archbishop of Seville, not
being In Rome, special papal ablegates will
be sent to t.i'ce the red barrettas to them.
In the ducal hall, through which tho poii
tiff passed, were grouped thousands of per
sons. Including many foreigners, evpeciuliy
Americans. . ..
The pontiff smiled benevolently and Im
parted his blessing as he entered.
Two sstsI Cadets Suspended and Sec
rets ry Bonaparte ' Will Take
Farther Drastic Action.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14,-Hezlng of every
kind, It was announced today, would be
stamped out of the naval '-academy, regard
less of the number of dismissals from the
brigade of midshipmen necessary to bring
about this result. Two midshipmen will be
dismissed from the academy within a few
days by the secretary of .the navy, the one
for hrizlng and the other for countenancing
It by failure while on duty to report Its oc
currence. Other dismissals will follow as j
often as midshipmen are found guilty of
hasing or countenancing it.
Aroused by the condition of affairs which
reports show to exist at the academy so
far as the trentmert of fourth class men Is
concerned. Secretary Bonopart' has asked
Rear Aflnilrnl James 1L Sands to come to
Washington tomorrow morning for a con
ference. It will le tho Initial step in a new
and vigorous cempalprn to be waged at An-
n.ipolls against hazing. Congressional In
vestigation of the condition at the academy
has already been proposed n a resolution
Introduced In the. house this afternoon by
Representative Loud of Michigan.
When fecretary Bonspjirtr reached the
Navy department today 4io received an offi
cial report from Admiral ftinds announcing
the Mispcnstnn of MUJshrpmab Trenmore
Ccffln. Jr.. third class nr, for hazing Mid
shipman Jcrdone Pettus'Klmbrough, fourth
clnss mnn. by forcing him to. stand on his
head until he became anoonsclous, and of
Midshipman Warren Abbe, Vanderveer, sec
ond class man. because' while .on duty h
observed the occurrence, and failed to re
port It The fitperlntrnrtent called atten
tion to the fact that MJdAJtlpman Coflln and
Vanderveer were guilty ot violating a well
known regulation for the .government of the
naval academy, and revtmimended their
summary dismissal In accordance with an
act of congress, approv't March 3, 1303.
Secretary Bonapnrtc hl tnorning lw.d a
conference with Rear 'Admiral Converse,
chief of tho bureau of navigation, and a
plan of campaign ' mapped out. ,lt was
first decided that the "law was mandatory
ana mat tue recommemjaUoii of the super-
Fifteen Applicants for Places They Do Hot
Enow "Offio all" to Be Vacant.
Schneider Sees the President, hot Re
ceives o Assurances Kegnrdlnsj
the Mathews Matter and
Will Try Again.
tFrom a Stuff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Di-c. 14.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) With fifteen applicants for register
and receiver of the Valentine land cilice le
fore them, Set Mors Millard and Burkctt
"ducked" on making a recommendation
today and mutually decided that they could
afiord to let the nomination pass for a day
or two until It was clearly ascertained
where they stood with the Interior depart
iniiit. As a matter of fact, neither senator
has been notified thut thero Is a yacaney in
the land office at Valentine. They know by
hearsay that a special officer of the govern
ment ;s In charge of the office, but they
have not been notified of any Vacancy exist
ing. Wlien the senators nut today with Judge
Kinkuld to go over the papers one of the
first things suggested wa. "Will our recom
mendations be received, In view of the fact
that we have not been officially notified ss to
the vacancy." And then three wise heads ot
the Nebraska delegation cogitated. They
discussed the proa and cons, when It wis
finally agreed that Senator Millard should
cad on Secretary Hitchcock tomorrow and
ascertain If vacancies actually exist In the
Valentino office or whether this Is an enter
ing wedge to eliminate the receiver, as is
contemplated by Commissioner Richards,
and perndi trie office to run along under a
special officer until later.
Senator Millard .proposes to ascertain trie
status of tho Valentine situutlon tomorrow
by a personul call on Secretary Hitchcock.
Tho fact is that neither Senators Millard
nor Burkett have been asked to fill the Pct
tijohn or Towle vAeuncles and before they
Fnlr Friday and tarda?.
Temneratnre nt Omnhn Vesterdnyt
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Kvldenee that nloa Bank Made
arse Loans on Worthless
Seen rifles.
Annual MeetluH
l.eaune tn Progress at
MILWAUKEE. Dec. 14.-The 'wenty.
filth annual mooting ot the C1?1 Scrvizc
lii lomi league opened in Milwaukee t.idiy.
Much regret is expYessod at the abitvncc of
Secretary of the Navy Charles A. Bona
parte, who was to have been the chief
speaker of the convention. It Js stated to
Intendent would soon be. approved and the j P"ico any recommendations on me iney u.
two cudfita summarily, wtpelled. Meantime. slst on knowing their ground. That is prl
howtver. the secretary wishes to obtain ! mrlly what takes Senator Mtllurd to the
from the attorney genera! an opinion re- ' Interior dejiartment. tomorrow,
gurding Vertaln pliasosbf the cascb which, 1 Bridge' Bill (Reintroduced,
while exceedingly Important, will not affect, representative Smith of Council Bluffs
It is understood, his final action approving I toJay volnt,-oduced his bill of the last ses
the recommendation for" summitry expul- ' Blon pi.oviding for the construction of a
sion. It is understood Uie president will be ; nHdKC b. lhe Central nullroud end Bridge
appealed to to veto uy bill that may be j co,npany acroM tho Missouri river, eonnect-
pueaeti oy congress proviuing ior ne rein
statement of a mldslJjunan expelled fop
hazing or countenancing it.
MOUNT HOLLY, N. Dec. 14.-Mldship-man
Warren A. VandeFi'cer, In a letter to
his purvnts, received her today, ftutes that
lie was not on duty Tuesday' night at th
time the hazing occurred at the Annapolis
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 14 -8torks of banks
In Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory
and other securities on which more than
$.0,no of Denver Savings bank deposits
was loaned were Introduced In evidence to
day at the 'trial of Leonard B. Imboden
and James A. Hill on the charge of con
spiracy to wreck the Denver bank. Some
of theso securities are declared by the
state's attorney to be absolutely worthless.
Charles II. Wilfley, formerly president of
the Denver bank, who was Indicted together
with Imboden, Hill ahd others, and who Is
a witness for the state; testified thftt Im
boden forced him to make a. loan of $0,0c0
to P. L. Hull, taking as security 850 shares
of stock of tho Mount Vernon National
bank of Boston.
Wilfley also testified that Imboden
"forced him to make a lonn of IM.00O to be
used In securing control of a bank at Enid,
Okl.". He said that on January 30, 14. he
drew on the National Bnnk of Commerce
of Kansas City for I2S.00O. payable to E.
E. Hull, but the money, ho declared, was
delivered to Imboden. The witness said
that he was acquainted with Hull's sig
nature und that tho endorsement of Hull
on the draft was not In Hull's handwrit
ing, and that Hull told him the same thing.
Wilfley declared that his signature on a
certificate of deposit for $5,000 on tho Bank
of Commerce of Kort Worth, Tex., was a
forgery, and h identified the handwriting
as Imbodcn's.
Pacama Emergency Appropriation Bill
Discussed for Four Honrs.
Mr. Telltr Favors onstrnotion of (bannel
on the Pea Levsl.
Kr. Morgan Cays Another Canal Will Ba
Needed by Tims This One is Beady.
Mernrltlea . Are
nn tho dame
to Ba
ing' Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Schneider Sees the President.
R. B. Schneider saw the president this
morning. Incident to his call, which was
one of respect aa a member of the executive
committee of the national republican coni-
mittee. ho very guardedly took up the ques-
Nuval acnd;-niy. for which bis dismissal Uon of the dismissal of T. L. Mutliews as
has been recommended'1 by, Admiral Sands. : United States marthal. Mr. Schneider,' so
The midshipman, who fs accused of falling ' far a can be luamcd, received no comfort
to report the hazing-' which resulted seri-I from the president. The whole matier was burying a safe which contained IJf.OOO In
ously to a first year cadi t.-Jerdone P. Kim- I left for future consideration, and this may cash, which is thought by the trust coin-
have been the first time in tweniy-fivo yars i brough, says that the aijng was done in eventuate In a call of tho delegation, to- puny officers to bo unharmed by the ex-
Spet-tarulnr Featnre of Fire In eiv
York Which Destroys Much
NEW YORK. Dec. U.-Kire today de
stroyed the four-story brick building at
the corner of Fulton street and Bedford
avenue, In Brooklyn, tho property of State
Senator Charles Cooper, entailing n loss
ot jiio.OU) on the building and an additional
loss to tenants of about S150,OUO.
A most spectucular feature was pre
sented when a tower had its supports
burned away und went crashing througli
three floors, sending up a burst of sparks
and glowing embers and adding fresh fuel
to the flumes bclor. The tower fell into
the office of the Brooklyn Trust company.
Irving' Relies (told.
LONDON. Dec. 14. The sale, of the late
M. Menshlkoff 1 Sir Henry Irvlna's theatrical relics at
Christie's today attracted lively attention
The tevblulk-narlc oi suly sent. emUsarlM I from curio hunters and good prices were
They pel m me full light of the day, while , realized. A 'malacca cane which had be
UrSS' ir".n,rVue,.kr,.,sn cannon, bu" i to fetched W0 and a plain
haps only for the present while they arc I gold ring worn b O irrlck was sold for
not necessary. When they are needed none $J15. The sword Irving wore as Richard III
handV'orrnrretuUo.Ues1 "present J " f.r $155 and a flint-lock pistol used In
anarchy Is due to the inaction of the gov- the churacter of Teter the Orcat was
eminent. Wltte. like Kouropatkln, not only , knocked down at llii. Fifty smull lots
permits the enemy to arm and concentrate i .,..j
his forces, but to make his disposition und nellPa '
to choose the moment for battle. Such tac- ; ... r .
tics will no more win in Russia than they I ProMn- Braslllan Affairs.,
did In Manchuria. - : riq JANEIRO. Dec. 14. Tho Journal de
or. since the league was ct'caidsed. thai
Mr. Bona parte has not been present (it tho
annual gathering. .
The convention opened this foienuoti with
, a, meeting of the council., wiuca was fol
lowed by a luncheon to the ine.i.ioerK of the
council at the residence of John A. Butler,
Wisconsin's member oT the loasue execu
tive committee.
as Other Government
WASHINGTON. Dec. 14.-Th" senate
spent four 'hours today In discussing the
Panama canal emergency appropriation bill
and when it adjourned the bill was still
under consideration. There were set
speeches by Messrs. Teller, Scott and Mor
gan and they were, followed by a general
debate In which all phases of tho contro
versy wero exploited, Including the question
of salary, the control of the Panama rail
road and tho necessity for general legisla
tion on the canal subject. Mr. Allison,
chairman of the committee on appropria
tions, expressed the opinion that congress
should take up the question nf salaries In
connection with other canal legislation. H-j
also said that the status of the Panama
railroad should be' made the subject of leg
islation. Messrs. Teller. Scott and Morgan ex
pressed dissatisfaction with the conditions
In Panama, but all Indicated a determina
tion to support the supply measures neces
sary to secure the work on the canal aa un
dertaken. Mr. Teller advocated a sea level.
Mr. Scott spoke In favor or the San Bias
route as preferable to all others, and Mr.
Morgan expressed tho opinion that before
the Panama canal is completed another
canal will be necessary to do the business
required. A separate bill regulating he
Issuance of bonds for tho canal, and pla
cing them on the sume basis as other gov
ernment bonds was passed without debate.
During the day Mr. Elklns made a state
ment from the committee on interstate com
merce expressing the opinion Hint the com
inltteo would present a report within a
I easonablo time.
the watch before be wd placed on dutyf gethcr with Mr. tJehnelder. asking for thy 1 cesslve heat.
and that ho knew notion of it utll tho restoration oi Mathews or his being On tho second floor of the building Sen
caiu hint hovn inrpniizniixt tiv h fflra. in riven a hpnrlmr. The dav's work, so far as ! ator Cooper had a store room In which he
charge. That portion ofclfi'-adm-eer le:--. i'ould. .be acertained,. joa- tUo .part of . Mr. j hud many valuahl paintings, pieces .jf . oiirres could control ltuiurance
ttr which deuls with tlie .'iJkzing incident' la I Schneider, was of a negative kind. '
l, f''W!: ... ' fVyomln. Land for Settler.
twin n;tr itrrii jri r?i iuuons into 11117-
Dispute aa to Which Committee Shall
Consider Subject.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -Debate on the
recommendation in the president's annual
message regarding insurance regulation oc
cupied the house today, without conclu
sion. The pending resolution refers the
question to the ways and means commit
tee and In its defenso Mr. Payne, chair
man, made the argument that the only way
i fur RhsenLees nn cmier .Irian mui. ivl,n u--.
The first public meeting held this j In his room, told me th-u this "plebe" had
afternoon, when the subject of civil service : nearly fainted and that he was trying to
reform In the west whs treated In mion ! ttK ,,,m un- 1 didn't know why he had
refoim in the west was treats In papei s ; ,a)l,t(d ar. ol,)n-t thnl t gel1oul,t HO x
u oumuei x,. c7uiiiiih hi. i-jijriiiniii, i ri
bilc-a-bruc and other art treasures. These
suffered from the flames and today the
unfilar estimated his loss on th,.M u r
ings and one -plebo"- told. I came on d-ity Representative Monaell or t.yoiiilng today j,. otner tenants who sustained losses
last night on his floor and when inspected introduced two bills. One provides "that j Prudential and John Haneo, l
the publio land laws be extended to embrace j Ufe ins)Urnnee companies, the American
lunos wiuiiii ine ten nines square ccueu ia Hnrn.s. pnmn,,llv n,i tho In.ln.i Murnm.
11am B. Moulton of Illinois. A. (). Harri
son of Kansas City, and othsrs.
The convention was ' late In getting
started. President Charles R. VanHlse of
the University of Wisconsin welcomed tho
gathering. Richard Henry Dana of Boston
replied to the words of welcome, after
which he Introduced Samuel E. Sparling.
th Ineldent Involving the German I P'1 """' " " isconsin civji senice
didn't report it.
the Cnited . States by 4he Shoshone and
Arapahoe Indians by agreement ratified by
uct of congress of Juno 7, 18SV." This tract
of land lies adjacent or surrounding Ther
mopolls hot springs. He also introduced a
Xaval Officer Tells of ttalt Made to j bill that the general provisions of the home
Observatories of Euro
pean Xalions.
stead laws be extended, to and over the sur-
A constant stream of reports is coming j Commerclo today says the official inquiry
in to the effect that the military, princl- . into
pally the sapper and engineers battalions cruiser Panther confirms the original story,
and the fortress artillery, are formulating 1 Among the witnesses is a German, natural
demands for better food and clothing and ised a Brazilian, who said th..t he recog-
more humane treatment at the hands of njjed the commander of the Panther clvl crvlce commission of Illinois, read a
their officers. I among the party which seized the alleged paper on me same suoject
slow Progress Against Strikes. I German deserter Stelnhoff while ashore at
ST. PETERSBURG, Wednesday. Dec. ! Itajahy.
moming.i via r.yuiaunnen, jasi
Irusia, Dec. 14. The government Is mak-
lng little headway In crushing the tele- j
graph strike. Tho wires of the few lines '
ovir whloh service has been temporarily :
restored, sre constantly cut, and not a
single irc Is working out of St. Peters-
veyed land In townships 4! and 00, ranges
PS and 100. within the Yellowstone forest
. ; reserve. Tlvre are quite a number of set-
WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. Roar Admiral 1 tiers In this portion of this reserve and the
commission, who spoke ton the question. ! C' M' Cn,8W-" commander-in-chief ot the bill is designed to give them the opportunity
"Civil Service Reform in the West " sptclal service squadron, before leaving to obtain title to their holdings. These
burg this morning. At the present rate
weeks will elapse before the service can
In really restored.
The news front the Baltic provinces today
Is to the effect thut many of the German
landlords who have not fled are establish
ing a network ot small forts and are
.landing a regular siege. There has been
much killing and burning.
Inhabitants nf the Baltic provinces who
Irish Officials in Ofllee.
DUBLIN. Dec. 14. After an Interval of
I twenty years the earl of Aberdeen was to
; day worn in as lord lieutenant of Ire.
- land for the second time. James Bryce was
I also sworn in as chief secretsry for Ire
Plare Where First Stars and Stripes
Was Deslaned is Federal
William B. , Moulton, . president of the i
Temporal Affairs of Catholic Par.
Ishes to Be Maaaa-ed by Board
of Urnts,
Lisbon for the Azores, prepared a prelimi- j "squatters," so termed, are occupying some
nary report of the visits he has to 11CO) acres, all under cultivation, and It is,
European observatories during his cruise, ' as said, the purpose of the Mondel bill to
which has Just been received at the Navy , give them the opportunity to perfect their
Upon completing lhe observations of the
solar eclipse on August 30 last In Spain,
Admiral Chester, with bis squadron, sailed !
title to the lands upon which they have
settled und created homes,
CHICAGO. Pec. 14. Changes of a far.
reaching nature in the administration of the
teinpoiiil affairs of the Roman Catholic
church were made by the sy nod of the , MatnematlcB w. a Eychelberg-r. U. S. N
n nuimew vi iu -hi iii-iu iit-i tuua.v. ,
The purely temporal matters of every
South Dakota Bills.
from there to Genoa. Italy. In order to! epreseniawve i,...r..n .uuay m.roaucea
secure the best technical results for the ! tm 'uowl,,K b,ll": To '"-"ease the limit
records of the naval observatory, as well of co, of ,h ra-woo- Pu,'c building
as make a study of comparative methods from -'C0'"0') to 0"0; to 8el Part certain
of observations. Professor of Mathematics laml" ,n 8ouHl r)ako,: a" a Pub"c park, to
r. B. Little, U. 8. N was assigned as bc known BaU,a Mountain Sanitarium
side to Admiral Chester, and Profor of P-""k; o establish mining experiment sta
tion to aid in ine aeveiopment or tne min-
.i.n rmmnanlMl him. with iiimi.,! 1 erai resources or ine Lnttea ntaies.
I Chester they visited all the observatories
company. Th fire was under control
shortly after daylight. 1
I -1- -111 1.. r. .1 Ihl.ln I .
7 , " - " " 77 . ' except where In one or two cases the time
lirtnrit nr trustees, romnosed of ftei. nvmnn 1 ' . . . ...
I and the priest of the parish, who shall be
PHILADKI J-HIA. Dec. 14.-The little
two-storv brick structure at 2n Arch street.
are now residing in 8t. Petersburg were known the "old flog house,", where
Immensely gratified at the publication yes- ntrv R designed the American flag,
lerday of the Imperial ukase promising ,, heVN rrchas.-d for the government,
local self-government, which, they ssy, j 1N,ym.nt upon the property was
means the abandonment of the Russlflrstion ! mttOI, todar. on October ZZ. m. a meet
poliey; beginning In 167. to destroy the ,ng wa, h,M )n lhp " 0id fla, house," under
unity of the old provinces ot Llthuanls. th8 diction nf John Qulncy Adsms and
The uksse practically insures the restora- , Cnarlp8 welsgarber and the American Flag
tlon of the status quo snte. creating a de- ; Hous, ud Bo,v Ro Memorial association
libers live assembly for the solution of the ' waa formed and later incorporated. The
hurnlng questions of reform of the peasant ; obJct wa in purfhll. the historic dwell-
; was limited and the psrt; wa dlvldnd in
ordnr not to leave out any establishment
' Xehrnska Bnlldlnir Bills.
Senator Mlllnrd today Introduced the fol
lowing bills carrying appropriations for the
he chairman of the board. Under thN . th. .. " . : nurt nw " u"""1 nuD
agreement th church give, official recog-! " " " tnrv , buildings: Kearney . ?; Uayne a.
inltkm to the lay members and does away ! lr " ,!". i,llnil West Point WWW coiumous.;
with the only policy which placed the n-' , ' rnlversltv observitory at , frtr building at l.rant Island on the site
Hr. buixien of tempora, end, ad- j fh a'nd those TtvJnnTZZZ i'Tv'u mm" "
mlnlstratlon upon the priests of the parish, j i procuring a , , to visit Oer- u North ."" H
The enactment extending more power to ! ' . ' ... . .. ... On motion of Representative Kennedy
lav members Is a part or Archbishop Quig- j tnp,e rfItabishments was entirely unofn
ley's agressie policy and follows closely; ,Ph ,., lw Inspected ih. eouln-
condltions, the institution of the local self-
; ing and save It to the nation. This waa
.ovrrninrni .nq . .nvrrnor general as me .ocompuhed through the issuance of mem
..fflce existed before 1U7K. Papers generally mp CPrtiflcates at the uniform price of
the rocommendstlons made by the third
plensry council of Baltimore.
regarded the uksse as opening the door to
. 10 rents and the co-oneratlon of the nennln
tlon and aa the end of the --.i,., ,.oiintr- There n.ini-
policy under which the bureaucracy ah- ,tocknoidwr, f IP property, living In
... ,-owrr s'm ....eW- amui- yery tlM ln ,he ,,,
...ins ... uororr people.
Some Want foerslon.
The cries for a Mrong policy to end the
tyranny of the revolutionary organs are
openly taken up by such men as Charles
von Schwanebach, a former minister of
agriculture. In an Interview he denounces
Premier Wltte's policy as fatal, declares
that the strike law will be as useless as
the press law, and H)'i the only method
Major novo Says Inlted States Shoald
Sot Redace Rate on Philip,
pine Sugar,
Chicago Plmployere Take Steps to
Form Permanent Organisation
of Strikebreakers.
i ctat.
ment of the Royal observatory at lirussels.
the observatory at Lcyden. Holland, the i
Astro-Physical observ
Rcpresentstlve . Hlnshaw and Victor H.
Duras of Wllber, Neb., were admitted today
to practice before the United States su
preme court
' ' " ' Representative Martin of South Dakota,
icrvatory of 8lr Norman ' . . . . . . . . .
,. . today had an Interview with Director Wo -
, the Greenwich obaerva-i . . . . . ,,,.
cott of tho Geological survey relative to
i ths estsbltshment of sn agricultural ex-
CHICAGO, Dec. H.-The Chicago Em-1 ma(1(. and sed In his discovery of the
ployers1 association st a meeting today for- i Mtrllites of Jupiter.
mulated plans for the establishment of at Th. Minneapolis sailed from Ponta del
standing army of laborers, both skilled and ; 0ada for Hampton Roads today. Upon Its
unssiiiea ana rriirr-wnung every nrancn or
trade, to be prepared to go to any city ln
the United States to till the places of strik
ers when necessary. The scope of the asso-
Lockyer ln London
tory and the observatories at Paris, Nice,
Rome, Naples, Genoa and Florence. Ad
miral Chester says thst among tne r,
'""TT": .r; n.r.rr'z. .1 . 00 .urvey the ProP,.i
reiK-a "v ! tlon to open up to settlement a large tract
t lorriiew,
through the taxing power.. To this many
objectlons wero made. Members Said con- '
grcES could not afford to takn the position
that the only way K could control insur
ance was through taking It, that it should
resolutely pursue other methods of control
until some way was found that would bo
effective. Liberal rules of debate allowed
lengthy speeches, which went off on other
subjects more or less, intended for home
consumption and applicable to particular
The contest between the ways and mean)
committee and the Interstate and foreign
commerce committee for the control of in
surance legislation was continued In the
bouse today. Mr, Payne took the floor to
show thut the power ot tn.x was the only
way In which congress could get control
over insurance und the ways and means
committee, had jurisdiction over the taxing
A review ot judicial opinions was made .
by Mr. Payne to substantiate his position
that Insurance was not Interstate com
merce. He contended that ln tho face of
the unanimous opinion of the supremo
court the only legislation touching Insur-'
ance thut would be held to be good would
be to tax It.
Mr. Mann (III.) said ho saw great ditll
cully In regulating insurance through the
taxing power, but he did believe regula
tion might be Insured under the commerce
clause of the constitution.
As a precedent for the future Mi. Hep
burn said he saw great importance in the
manner ln which the question should be
dt elded. The supreme court view, ho said,
was not the view of himself or a cunsid-
Three Men Had Been Accepted by
Both Hides When Coort Ad
journed Thursday.
CHICAGO. Dec. 14. Three Jurors, two of
whom are carpenters and one a real estate
dealer from the Interior of the state, have
been accepted by both the government and
the defendant packers' lawyers in the "Beef
trust" case now at bar before Judge Hum
phreys. Considerable difficulty In securing
competent men Is being met with and dur
ing the day's oxamlnatlon of veniremen
clashes were frequent. When court had ad
journed each aide had exhausted three of
Its seventeen peremptory challenges..
It developed today thst Commissioner of
Corporations James A. Garfield and his
chief assistant, Dr. E. A. Durand, have
practically become witnesses for the de
fense. Inasmuch as Mr. Garfield has been
served with a subpoena duces tecum, Iss'ied
at the instance of the defense to produce
every book, paper record or report he has
now or did have and be ready to testify
concerning It. By this It is claimed the de
fense will endeavor to show that Mr. Gar
field has sworn statements In his possession i erable number of members of the house,
which were made by the packers during The exact recommendation of the Bar as
Commls.iloner Garfield's investigation of the : soclatlon, the "enactment by congress of
business methods of the Beef trust and
by this fact the packers have gained Im
munity from criminal prosecution.
Slayer of Iron Connty, Missouri,
Sheriff Will Be F.irrated
February 16V
CENTERVILLE. Mo., Dec. 14.-Judge
YAltlia mi rt t Visa ! f rtt-- IaHb t..
periment farm on the Belle Fourche Irrlga- I .... . . ...
th8,tlon project He also took up wrlth the om- tencf)1 wmjam Bpaufn( fr n be
on February 1& His mother, Mrs. Mary
especially the lenses that he
elation will he extended so as to luclud
WASHINGTON. Dee. 14 -MaJor Aaron ' every city in the United States with a pop-
Gove, formerly superintendent of schools ulatlon of tO.COO or more. Employment
to answer by force threats of the or-' at Denver. Colo., was the chief speaker at bureaus will he maintained In all cities of
the hearing today before tho wsys and this class.
means committee on the Philippine tariff, register.
here nonuniim workmen can
Sanlzatlor.s which are calling on the peo
ple to risk armed resistance."
The cabinet has derided to prosecute In He said he regarded the sugar an4 tobacco I
court all violations of the new press law. I production of the Islands to be u great ' RANQIIPT FOR JAMES J HILL
Ths first prosecution will be thst of the menace to the sugar and tobacco Interests : ' m--
edltor of the Kasha Shisn for printing the lu the United States and expressed the ! at. Paal Admirers of Railway Maa
resolution of the post and telegraph env
ployvs of Bt. Petersburg of December 11
' The new committee of the postal-telegraph
union has decided to continue the
strike until the strikers' demands ars com
pletely satisfied.
Ths Official Messenger today announced
thst the new electoral law which has been
drafted will Immediately be laid before the
M. Tattischef. formerly Russian financial
agent Id London, has been appointed chief
editor of the Official Messenger.
Bad Xewa from Baltic.
The government's advices today from the
Baltic provinces, forwarded part of the way
belief thst it is absolutely Impossible to
estimate the output of the rich ' islands
under modern methods..
(Continued on Becom
to Have Charge of Lssg
NEW YORK. Dec. 14Late tonight the
Brooklyn club closed negotiations with
aato Give Elaborate Feast la
Hie Honor.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Dee, 14. Three hun
dred of St. Paul's business and profes
sional men. besides a number of visitors
from other states, sat down to a banquet
at the Ryan hotel tonight In honor of
James J. Hilt, president of the Great North
ern railway. In recognition of bis efforts
arrival It will he placed out of commission.
Convention of Merchants and Stork
men is Seeking Lower Freight
' Rrtee.
HELENA. Mont.. Dec. 14.-Better freight
rates for Montsna Is the object sought to be
attained by a convention here of business
men, cattlemen and other shippers from
various parts of the state. The convention
began In the Unitarian church today, the
visitors being welcomed to Helena by W.
Hedges, speaker of the lower house of the
legislature. Mayor Purcell and Governor
Toole, About l'O delegates were present
from outside points. Governor Toole In ad
dressing the gathering said he hoped It
would achieve Its object. But if It were
proposed to have a special session of the
legislature to enact a railway commission
bill he said he would consider such action
on behaJf of the northwest. Tov every place Inexpedient in view of the differences of
occupied tltfl was paid. The banquet was ' opinion between the legislature and the
Patsy I.inovsn to manage the team next i given under the auspices of the Bt. Paul . executive upon the question of appointing
suaa.ui. D.-.r.ovan Is w.-!l icwwn In the Lr. Commercial club and was the moet clab- ! members of the cosismlsslon. referring to fcla
ball world, his lust experience in the big ' urate and artistic affair ever produced ln I action during the lost session in vetoing
leagues having been with the Washington the northwest, judged from tue standpoint j such a measure because it deprived bia of
club, which he managed, in lftvi. j ut floral decoraUoua alone, lib appoint. "
In the Rapid City 8. D.) land district. 1
which lias been temporarily withdrawn j
under the national Irrigation law. This
tract, It Is claimed, .has been found not
I available as contemplated In the irrigation
projects and therefore shpuld be restored
to the public domain.
Won Id "Lease Lead to Settlers.
Representative Larey of Iowa today In
troduced a bill permitting grazing prlv.
lieges on public lands to homestead set
tlers and holders of small farms in semi
arid and arid regions. The bill provides
for the leasing of land at prices ranging
from 1 to rents an acre annually and
Axes the amount of land to be leased at
ten times the number of acres owned by ths
Postal Matters.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Hartington, route I, Charles Plumlelgh car
rier, Chsrles H. Plumlelgh substitute; Stan
ton, route 4, Roy N. Hopper carrier, John J.
Hopper substitute. Iowa Cherokee, route
I. Frank T. Stiles carrier, Philip Stiles sub
stitute; Newton, . route T. Arthur Firman
carrier, Frank Baker substitute; route .
John B. Davis carrier. Robert Hannon sub
stitute; Ocheyeden, route I, Chester D.
Nutting carrier. Bert W. Wilson substitute
Oto, route 1, Clifford
Francis Tsylor substltut
Hem is. route 1, Dan Ryan carrier, William
Moon substitute; 8a' am. route 2, Charles A,
, .Russell carrier, Orioda, Russell guuetltuta,
Spaugh, convicted at the same time as her
son. was given a new trial. Spaugli was
found guilty of first degree murder and
Mrs. Spaugh of manslaughter In connection
with the death of Sheriff Polk of Iron
legislation for the regulation of Insuranee"
was placed In the record by Mr. Lurtlett
Conditions regarding commerce wire In
finitely different than' when the decisions
in question were rendered.
llv adopting the resolution .-egardlng
I . r tHlrmi with the statement of
Payne, that the taxing power was the only
jurisdiction over insurance, Mr. Hepburn
said the house would promptly be pro
claiming its lack of Jurisdiction. Particu
larly was this so when, as he said, be had
been Informed the majority of he ways
and means committee nominated its chair
man. The debate took a general character, Mr.
Iiccy (la ), Liltlefleld (Me.i, Crumpacker
find.), Stevens (Minn.) anJ Fuller till.)
taking part.
Without reaching a conclusion on tho
committee reference of thn Insurance ques
tion the house adjourned at 2:& o'clock en
til tomorrow.
State Railroad Commission Orders
Redaction of Five Per Cent
oa All Classes.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Dec-. 14 The State Hoard
or nauroao mmiwmfii tooay oecuie.1 to ! ., lv ,...! in favor of sdmlt-
order a reduction of t per cent in t'i ' . ,.JI.. T,n,.n. unj nu.hnm. nn.
state, and by a vote of I.'jS to 63 declared
Bill Coaplee Arlsona with Oklahoma
and Indian Territory.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 Tho republican
members of the house. In caucus today.
freight rates on all classes of grains. The
order affects every railroad In the state. The
formal order will probably be Issued tomnr-row.
Movements of Oeeaa Vessels Dec. 14.
At New York Arrived : Prlna Adalbert,
from Genoa. Sailed: La flavole. for Havre.
At Oueenstown Arrived: Cedrlc, from
New York. Soiled: Merlon and Oceanic,
tor ivew ror.
ln favor of admitting Arizona and New
Mexico as one state. Roth statehood ques
tions are to be contained in one bill. The
conference which resulted in this action
took place st thot-oucliislon of the session
of the house and occupied an hour and a
half. The only etipjMisitinn to the program
waa directed again Arizona and New Mex.
Ico. Mr. Adams of Wisconsin and Mr,
At Arrived: Sicilian, from St
John; Sagamore, from Boston: Cedrlc, from Tawney of Minnesota were the only speak
New York; Saxonia. from Boston. Sailed: ,r. im this side
Parisian, for Halifax.
At Gibraltar Arrived
from w York.
At Cherbourg Bailed:
Princess Irene,
Kaiser Wllhelm
E. Taylor carrier i d'r Groese, for New York. 1 of
South TJ.ZiJl-l"'d: M"nt("n' -.Ok
At Genoa Balled
New Orleans
Oklabomaas See President.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 14.-A delegation
2M IsMiiuers for single statehood for
klaluuiiii unil the "Indian Territory Called
Citta dl Palermo, for on the president today; to pay their re
spects. They ere Jeul4 hf Ot Ki.
ew Orleans ! Then Mere
At Antwsro-SaUed; JUarouetta. for Phil. P'-1"' . V
adelvuia, -. 4Joaes, toe mm rinses.