Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Kiw York Lawyer Elected President of
1 ritual Life Company.
ew Society Will Ralae Mlllloa
Dollars for Mission Work
In the Meat.
CHICAGO. Iw, 13. A complete organi
sation of the Catholic Church Extension
society, which represents the most im-
i portant missionary movement ever under- i
taken In the Interest of the Roman Catholic
church In the United States, was perfected
here this evening at a meeting of prom
inent Catholic clergymen and laymen t
... . w.,,r .w..w-., constitution was adopted, officers elected
and a board nf governors, of which Arcn-
Thii it One-Third the 8am Paid
Richard A. McCurdj.
Feeling Hit Ground Ee'ore Appreaching
Fretident ou Mathews.
Tno Senators and ( ouirctimsn Ktn
V Laid Have Conference on
Valentine Land Office
Korgat't Partner Retires from Manage
' mint of New York Life.
Industrial Insurance In Eiperlmeslsl
Stage and Company Holds Uric
nonat to Protect All
Possible Demands.
bishop Quig b chairman, win chosen.
The heodqu a of the society will be
at Lapeer, S ., and It will he incor
porated und 5- le laws of that state.
Officers ol organization were elected
:ecutlve officers President,
5 'Z. Kelley, Lapeer, Mich.;
j rnt. Rev. J. T. Roche, Ne
eb. : ' second vice president,
n Antwerp, Detroit. Mich.;
Ident. A. V. D. Watterson,
treasurer, llllam r.
as follows:
Rev. Franc
first vice p
braska Cit
Rev. F. J.
third vice
Breen. For
Fanning, C.
tFroui A Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Deo. 13.-8peclal Tele
gram.) R B. Schneider, formerly republi
can national committeeman from Nebraska
und at present a member of the exec
utive committee of the national commit
tee, arrived In Washington this morning.
Mr. Schneider said that his visit to the
capital at this time had been . planned
some weeks ago. but business engage
ments had prevented his coming earlier.
Mr. Schneider, after attaching his name
nync, lnd.; sr-cretnrv. M. A. ' to tnc Raleigh register, started out on a
land,' O. Hoard of Governors : still hunt, presumably to ascertain how
NEW YORK Dec U-Two Incidents ; -Archbishop Qttlgley. chairman; Arch- , me wna my tor nis Drotner-in-inw.
Vi i , . , 1 blshona Bourand Santa Fe N M Glen- I Mathews, the deposed United States mar-
affecting the life insurance situation In ! "isnops uourgna. tnia re. i. uhh I . .
New York, today overshadowed the leglsla- I on. St. Louis; Ireland. St. Paul; Mess- . "ai.
... , Tx v.,,. ... mcr. Milwaukee: Bishops Hennessey. Schneider tailed on George B. .ortelou.
committee was Inmilriiia- Into the conduct ' Wichita; Muldoon, Chicago; Mats. Cov- ;
postmaster general and ciialrman of th
national committee, but ascertained the
. i,,t k, llrn Mobile Ala Rurkc. national committee, but ascc-rlalnea tne
of the Prudential Insurance company and H'BVon. K.. Alien, aiomic,
.he Metropolitan Life Insurance company, j Albany. N. Y. : Dclnney, Manchester. N. master gone, al was In New York
George W. Perkins resigned as first vice "; Foley. Detroit; ILv. Fathers Francis I urn ScnneK er had a lon con fere nee with
President and chairman of the finance com-j C Kelley. Lapeer. Mich.; Frank A. ; b-naiura Millard and Burkett. W hile the
mlttee of the New York Life Insurance
company. He was succeeded as vice presi
dent by Alexander E. Orr, president of the
New York City Rapid Transit commission,
and as chairman of the finance committee
by John Cluflin, head of the H. B. ClafUn
Another Important more In the situation t New York;
was the election hv the trustees of the i
Mutual Life Insurance company today of
Charles A. Peabody to succeed Richard
A. McCurdy as president of that company
at t'AOrtO a year. Mr. McCurdy's salary
was $160,000.
Mr. Peabody it a lawyer, the American
O'Brien. Kalamazoo. Mich.: P. L. Duffy. ! genucmen reiuseii to maKe punuc wuai
Charleston, Mass.; J. P. Roche, Nebraska j transpired in the conference, It is safe to
City, Neb.: E. A. Kelly, Chicago; D. P. ! "".v that a tentative plan of action to
Jennings. Cleveland: F. J. Van Antwerp. 1 secure Muthews a hearing was agreed
ew lark Court of ' Appeals Holds
Against Contention of Mayor
alty Cuntoataat.
ALAN T . N. Y.. Deo. 11 The oourt uf ap
peals in a decision handed down today l.i
the New York City ballot, box case, sus
tains the contention of counsel for Mayor
George B. McClelJan and denies that of
attorneys for William R. Hearst and his
colleagues on the municipal ownership
league ticket. The courl holds, as was
argued by former Chief Judge Parker and
his asHoclat. that the ourts have no
power under the election hw to order by
mandamus the opening of the ballot box.s
and a recount and recanvass of ballot.
The case relates directly 4o the vote for
mayor, comptroller and president of the
board of aldermen caul In, the Second elec
tion district of the Sixth assembly district
of New York county at'.vthe election of
November 7 last, and Is of the utmost Im
portance In Mr. Hearst'a. contest for the
mayoralty of the cli.v no" Is fundamental
In Its effect upon the electoral system of
this state under the present election law.
The decision was rendered by a divided
enuij Treasurer Prepares a Statement of
the Gnrai Fuid
Showlaa; Made by Mr. link Indicates
that DonaJaa t'oonty Can Re Tat
In Good Financial Mandtna
with Mtlle Effort.
County Treasurer Fink has had prepared
a tabular statement which Indicates that
Douglas county Is not In such desperate
.lnnncial straits that It cannot readily get
out. It is far from being "broke." Mr.
Fink rather leans to the view that with the
n ginning- of the new year the. Board of
County Commissioners can order warrants
drawn for all claims now on file, amount
ing to something over t-'so.uon. also pay all
warrants registered, and start off with a
practically clean shc-t for the new year.
iHiujIfis county ha been catching up with
overlapping finances at an encouraging rate
Fair 1'h a and Friday.
Teniperatnre at Omaha Iratrrriari
t a. ui
A a . in
T a. at
a. tu
n a. in
10 a. m ..... .
11 a. ra
lit in
. fi
. itl
. ill
. 2ti
1 p. m ,
a p. m,
ft p. ni ,
4 p. m.
il p. m.
A p. m ,
T p. ra.
a p. m,
9 p. m i
Detroit; E. P. Graham, Lapeer, Mich.;
B. X. O'Reilly, St. Joseph. Mo.: Thomas
Finn, Rochelle. ill.; John P. Chadwlck.
Bernard Macklln, Burlington,
in speaking of the objects of the society.
Rev. Francis Kelly, president, said; "We
need at least ll.flTio.oia for use in building
churches, parish houses and schools and
r.n,..i.nL.. f n-iin.n. iv-: to give financial aid where it Is most
and a director In several banks and other I "eed-d. The amount of contributions re- j tcr has passed wholly out of his depart
rorporaUons. of which one Is the Illinois i "Ived so far are so much larger than nnv , ment. that tne Wnite Ilouro alone has the
rvntrJ n.llr.H nnmnnnv Mr Phnrfv I one had expectrl that the future of the ; pilWw to grant Mathews a hear.., or to
win a.lan namorl aji IrimlM of th. Mutual i society Is lnd-ed brilliant."
Life insurance company to succeed Judge JTT r I "'"5 7.
' Schneider will not call at the Wnite House
Chief Judge Cullen and Judges Gray
O'Brien. Haight and Werner, Judges Bart- j
lett and Vann dissenting. .
The gist of the majority opinion Is that
the courts are "without . power or author
ity to order n recount of the ballots cast
In the election district," '
Judges Bartlett and Vann, in their dis
senting opinion, imply that the decision
of the majority Invnlren a "construction
that emasculates the ballot law, and. as
It seems to us. Ignores lt plain pro
visions." The dissenting judges thus conclude their
"If it Ik to be the settled construction
of the election law that the ballots locked
and sealed in the ballot boxes for six
months after nu election cnnot lie Counted
save in an action of quo Warranto, which
may drag for years through courts, a new
election law cannot lie too soon drafted
and enacted, it will certainly be a great
disappointment to the citizens of the clt j1
of New York to be' assured that they are
In little or no belter position In case of
an alleged fraudulent count than under
the old election law. when the burnlnir
i withdraw tne order for removal. Nothing "f uallotf and memoranda formed a part
court, five to two, tho mltWrlty comprising j during 19f. Whereas a little over a year
ago the county was something like eight'
upon. -Knowing the president well and
having served with the executive commit
tee throush the last presidential campaign,
Schneider iil call on Mr. Roosevelt to
morrow. If such a thing be o.-.eiblc, ho
Fourteen laymen were also appointed on ' will sound the president on tne proposl
the board of governors.
tion to reinstate Ai.ttiicws. Should the
chief executive show a disposition not to
listen to Scnneidcr and Insist that the
order stand as made, then nothing will be
Attorney General Moody says the mat-
Near Bottom nf Hill It Crash re tato
Heavily lden Train aad Kills
Two Persona.
MEADV1LLE. Pa.. Dee. U.-This even
ing a heavy runaway trolley car dashing
down College Hill faster than a mile a
minute struck the heavily loaded Cam
bridge Springs CHr. killing two passengers
and Injuring a doxen more. The dead are:
MRS. BREED wife of Dr. Robert 8.
Breed of the Allegheny college faculty.
JOHN BECKM AN of Northeast. Pa.
Five minutes ahead of the time for the
passenger tar to leave for Cambridge
Springs, a car towing another car on a
een months behind, it Is now only ahout six six-foot chain started for the storage barn,
on top or unuege nut. jn ironi oi ine ni
Rufus W. Pcckham, and Emory Meflln
titk was named to succeed Ellhu Root.
They cannot be elected as trustees until
the next meeting of the board.
World's Fifth Convention
Held la the Klernal City In
Mar. 1WOT.
Statement by Peabody.
Mr. Peabody tonight Issued the following
statement addressed to the policy holders
nf the Mutual Life Insurance company of
New York:
I have this day been appointed to be
li-iiirni ni ine mutual itin insurance , v-ii.wjm mmiu,r. ,.
company of New York, end have accepted 8,1 enrollment of 2C.iw." members, met
the position I desire to communicate dl- . In this city today and voted to hold the
reeily with the policy holders of the coin- world's nfth convention !n Rome. Italy,
pany. for whose benefit a great trust is tw i,-,..
being sdminiVered. No private Interest Ma, 2"-23. Wu. Representalhes wen
controls the .,mpnny and I enter upon present from various parts of the l nited
the discharge of mv duties as the rente- ButP ani Canada.
tentative. solly of the policy holders. .. , ,. ,, ui
chosen unanimously by their elected repre- tr. George W. Bailey of this city, chair
S'litatives, the board of trustees. The new ' man of the World's Sunday school corn
administration stands pledged to economy, ' mttrp .presided at the meeting and Gcoipe
to lawful methods and to reform of existing ... . ,, ., ,. -
abuses. Much has already been accom- W- Pennlman of Brockton. Mass.. acted as
pushed to carry out these pledges and all ; secretary. .
will o Miu,tUt jeseMFy to fully re-I u antlolpoted tluit the oonventlon-'wlll
deem them. Tim board of trusters Is bar-1 . , ..,
monious and united on these matters. The D" largest m me iuri.i, u.
N. Hartsnorn
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Dee, 13-The cen
tral committee representing the World's
Sunday School convention, In charge of
the Interests of ;r,u,ooo Sunday schools with
until he has satis. ted himself as to his
status and will be most diplomatic In ef
iiciicc to tno Mathews removal.
of the bonfire which celebrated the current
Pollard on Discrimination.
The order of the attorney general to the
' I 'nited Sjiafs district attorneys tnat they
inuM be on the looKOut for railway dis
ci imlnatlons in the way of reoHtcs and
wherever possible put a stop to' these
practices by prosecutions comes at an op
portune n.oment tor Mr. Poliard, tne new
member from the First Nebraska dis
trict. As n prartkal farmer Mr. Pollard
Is cognizant of discriminations given by
railroads to commission men at Kansas
City and other points In the southwest.
Since arriving In Washington he lias ,
j Second Meeting; at The Hii
Not to lake Plsce, When
K pee ted.
WASHINGTON. Dee. It'-The 8tate de.
partment has been Informed that the effort
to arrange a date for the' reassembling of
The Hague conference Has been suspended
for the time being and It Is now believed
to be impossible for the second conference,
to meet early next Trr. as was on,' ex
pected. The dlay does not arise from sny
months behind the tailboard of a cash basis.
From tho following table It will be ob
served that of the tax levy for 1905. to go
no further hark, all was collected but II.
406.20, and this does not Include collections
for December. 1!V5. Of this the g.-neral
fund-the only fund about the size or ca
pacity of which there Is any fiieatlon. nil
others being on a cash basis-was credited
with r.V,ll.M.
How tieneral Fnad JMonds.
At the beginning of this year there was
a balance In the general fund of tIT.IW.OT.
Added to this during the year was the sum
of IT.10.t67.1T. not including the present
month. The disbursements during the year
against this amount have been I37S. 453.9.
leaving a balance credited to the general
fund on December 1 Of .2.4W.'X The re
ceipts for this month are estimated nt S?j.
000, making a sum for the general fund on
January 1 of at least J7.4!'J.:i. ,
There are registered warrants now out
standing to the amount of tlM.Kl.W. which,
with the claims now on file for which war
rants have not been drawn, will make a
tolnl of In the neighborhood of ll.Ono In
round numbers. To be added to the balance
of December 1, this year, are to be niided
estimated receipts for general fund from
the 1:K6 levy. of I178.41S.1!), and estimated re-
J celpts from levies of previous year of $35.-
(100. making a total of tn0.sll.4R.
Tl;ere has already ben collected on the
l!i levy $17S.fT5.:S. Of this lO.OKJ.fil goes
to tho general fund, being pT cent.
Comity Trenanrer'a Statement.
Following Is the table preparod by Mr.
Fink, starting with 1903, for purposes of
Total lecy $572.Jt4 77
Total tax collections 73.477 6!'
Total levy, general fund J3ii.J3 14
Balance l( pent-rsl fund, January
1. 1!MG 14.!1 JO
Total receipts for general fund... 3iu,sT.i 1
Fellows home the chain broke add the
rear car. with it mile of grade half of It
steep start id down the hill. It met the
loaded car at the foot and the terrific
Impetus carried Is-ith cars over LOW feet
down North Main street on the level.
White Pine Associations In 1'pper
Mississippi Vnlley Merae Into
One Orsra nlsatlon.
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. IS. Consolidation
has been effected nf the Mississippi Valley
Lumbermen's association, which has Its
headqunrters In Minneapolis, and the Wis
consin State Lumbermen's association,
whereby both are to be merged In the new
Northern Pine Manufacturers' association.
In the organization will be the white and
Norway pine manufacturers of Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa. The fust
convention of the new association will b,
held In Minneapolis January IS. when or
ganizations will lie effected.
The unions of these associations, which
have been more or less allied, was made
in Milwaukee yesterday.
Indisposition on the part of the great pow
ers to accept the Rasslan emperor's, lnvtta-1 Total disbur&emenis for general
i tton. but simply because J an important 1 iina 317.7CT
quietly taken up the question with Com-I ', "'""I'"" "?""" f"" 'Total vy ..'. $74!,4 f
It-i, rt,,.fi,irf a L in..r... U1n untU the sToveVnmeftt of 43witsf rlnnd, . Total tax ' collections 74LiW 45
irdss.oncr Ga.fitld nnd UI, the Interstate M gomrSfV .me tto. Total levy, gencrnl ( upj. J'....',.. 3&-,7 7
Oommef-e comms,0n with a view a ha v. ,rattelniiutlm4i. tier t? ' r-"
,?Vh".i"f rm CT L?e "'delegate, to a conv-ntmnto assemble at Tot,ptor .etu' fund: toton S
torpd. o that ftarmere may hnvc the., ... . , . . . ifii.i -..An.nMT.
rmp in rnnRinw nm"nnnipni k in r ri a t-enn ' iwitti uinuui rviiiriiic v t n t
oompAitv MMtMwft. financial rBourcen . far AtLV school movement. W,
of policies mean abandonment of occumula- ". ";" "e- . I "'""j Cross convention.
latlons and the saving of years of thrift. 1 committee an-i secretary of the W orld s tratmg the manner in wnlch the com- Th(i flrBt-Hagtie conference
-oucy noiaers are urgea to continue tueir i convention, was mane cnainiian vi nn' - iiiimsi'ju iin-n ana ruuroaas ao nusiness in
limit ll'P 111 lite uv,iiiiciii y nnu nv,v u nun
draw from It.
Dryden for Federal Control.
. . 2H.07J S3
United States Senator Dryden of w
Jersey, president of the Prudential ..fe
Insurance company, again testified to.lav
and made a statement to the committee
of his reasons for favoring federal super
vision Of life Insurance companies through
a national Insurance bureau, which he
raid would benefit both the companies and
the Insured. The tendency of the holders
of Industrial
lapse was exa
Charles E
mlttee. who quo
Prudential company who explained that
72 per cent of lis Industrial policies lapse
Year 19n&
considered Total levy IS02.C7 M
some topic appertaining to that convention Total lax collections W.2S1 M
gcneiiii luim -v,aii n
general fund, January
37.990 17
lots for aeneral fund... 310.!fi7 17
planning for the convention one of the j fifty to 600 cars of grain, a large per- j ,,,, ,nvltM to nttond B(,opnd confer. : Total disbursements for ",'",ral
matters decided was the appointment of ventage of this grain being destined to I no nt The Hna-.u. hv. mnrfo th. rm. I JJ! ';'" ' ';;',' i'.' V t."""k': ,b,4,lS W
"- i x"li,livr! in ii'iii-iai lull,,, frvriiuiri
Admits. However. He la Soon te
A Ult orh Platte on
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Dec. 1.1 (Special
Telegram. V-Colonel W. F. Cody, (Buffalo
BUI) telephoned from Cody. Wyo., today
that he knw nothing ahout seeking a rec
conclllation with Mrs. Cody.
"There Is nothing In It." he sa'd. "and If
there was anything to the story I should
think I would know something of It."
Cody admitted that he would go to North
Platte on business and might visit Bcnut's
Rest ranch. He expected to remain there
scout called on his wife at Scout's Rest
ranch and that the couple agree to live to
gether aarain.
severs Vt;. ' C'9(Ss close friends
"hftTTne'! 'ouM -not "W'SurpTriJefl Tr t
lailroad Corporttioo Cktrgsd by Ttderal
Grtnd Jurj with Frying Btbttet.
J. N. Faitbom and F. A. Wnn Aooand
of tame Offense,
Traffic Manager for Chicago Packer Ap
peara Before Inqniaitori,
Railway Is Alleged to Have Raw
fanded Payments for Frelaht
Cbaraea and Pas
seager Pares.
CHICAGO. Dec. U-The federal ' gtand
Jury today returned an indictment against
the Chicago & Alum Ratlioad company, J.
N. Fulthorn and F. A. Wann, formerly
vice president and general freight agent,
respectively, of the railroad company.
Tho railroad company and tho two ex
oflicers are included In one Indictment. In
which there are ten counts against the
company and a-alnst each of tha two men.
The general charge Is that the railroad
company, with tha sanction of the two
oflicers, paid Illegal tebates to the packing
house firm of Bchwarzschlld A Sulzberger
for the purpose of procuring shipments
from the concern and also with the same
object gave free transportation to tho em
ployes of the concern.
Tho Indictment which was returned Is
bused on testimony given to the grand
Jury by B. 8. Cusey, traffic nonager for
Schwarzschlld A: Sulzberger, who has ap
peared boforo the Jury on two separata
occasions. Cusey was ono of tour em
ployes of tho packing-house firm who
were indicted some time ao for soliciting
rebates. All of them pleaded guilty and
each was lined $S,0H0 by Judge Humphrey.
frpeclfle Violations Chargred.
Three specific violations of the law
against tho granting of rebates are men
tioned In the Indictment. The railroad com
pany Is charged with having refunded $1
per car on forty-four cars of dressed
beef shipped from Kansas City to various
eastern points in December, 1903. A' sim
ilar rebate Is alleged to have, been paid
on twtnty-lhreo cars of dressed beef
shipped from Kansas City In January,
19m. Thn railroad company Is also charged
with having refunded IS.S1") In passenger
fares paid by tho packing roniany be
tween January 1, lfr3, and September 1.
1I04, for transportation of Its officers and
Neither Mr. Falthorn nor Mr. Wann was
arrested, but they were Informed of tho
fact Uiat an Indictment had 'been voted
against them and were notified to come
Into court and give bonds. United States
District Attorney Morrison declared that
he wOuld ask. each of them to give bonds
in--tne.a'rnciuai'tbr $aK. Tlt railroad ouir- .'
puny will bo askod to enter an aprea.ram.-e
through ono of Its general officers.
(Convention, was mn.ia c.m.rman m. ; innwm m.-n ana ranroaas ao nustness in oni( (op)rtl arp.rtHin,nK , fhBt convention Total lax
committee on transportation. It was voted , these tinvs Representative Pollard sald,anfl , .adulon it suggested a number of 'vfc
i to authorize the chairman. Dr. Bailey, to ( that, for Instance, commission men at kindred topics for consideration st the next
establish headquarters In this city. In Italians City would have daily In season HaguP ronfpr,nr(.. gome of t,l9 K0Vcr. , vTota'l rece
P.ev. C. R. Blackall of Philadelphia as ; New Orleans for export. The gruln must
that they are thus confronted with the pos- , 1. l'f
72,493 2
to 1 held In connection with the conven- I This grain Is stored In elevators, lately , th nmr ne of objects relating to Rod EiHmtT'M
fund. li levy d g 100 17S.418 19
Estimated receipts for general
.... ,n . . .i r.-i,. in i nan Ips A crni a hn.hi.1 i r.v,oo ..... . . fund, previous yesrs levy 3s.'jw uu
- - " - --. invitations to tne innepenaeni conference p.uiu'i wrmnra. rf.cfiiih..r t.
director of the Bunday school exposition ; be cleaned before rtai'hliig the ehlpier. .tbllity of being obliged to twice consider Estimated receipts for December,
lion, li was aecioea to nom a prepm.- uihtu u.v cunipaiiiRn .uner in an Cross methods and It has been suggef-ted
tory communion service In Rome, Sunday, , outright ownership or by lease to private tnat the Swiss government withdraw its
l. .1 .1 l,. A,. nlmnin., thl. ,.!.-r . .. I . nriiiiriiu, .v..,..!., .
policies In the Prudential and " ' " " . -- ai erne or mat ma . rons matters De .cx-, lwift. not paio. iw,a--i
Life Insurance comoanv to nominations. thc CHi,e nm' bc- Where there are no eluded from the second Hague conference , , . . .
uie insurance company to .., .... u nv. eon.netlna lines the mitmarf o,.m..i. i.i.. . t - . . Includes two personal tax collections,, on
mined Into In great detail by " , :':.""."",".. "V . . " ne bwiss governmeni nas so tar snown no ; acci.jft of change In law.
Ituffhoa rntinael nf tha mm. 1 arl """"" i i'i,, "a'"" - v. . uu.iici, disposition to anancion iis projected confer- t Net Including tne montn oi jjecemner,
llJgnes, counsel Ol me com- n.i.i.i. o,..,,l.. el.l nlon. hut wlicre rnmni.ltl,m 1. t,n th- ki . ., .t .
, . .. w - iiij i o- iui. i kiii.i..j ..w - ..... M.r- fnre ann tne enori i nu aaaie ior me sec- ' -w.
to take charge of the music of the con
Two sessions, morning and afternoon, will
m-lt hln flvm vo ra f tvini t h lntM nf Inancs
Senator Dryden declared that thta Is much I held ach day during the convention.
to be regretted from the standpoint of the
company as well as from that of the In
sured and that the tendency now Is toward
a greater persistency on the part of the
Industrial holders than formerly. The sen
ator asserted that Industrial Insurance,
even with high rates and tendency to lapBe,
Is the greatest economic force now In oper
ation In this country.
JUMt before adjournment today Haley
Flake, vice president of the Metropolitan
company, told of an Incident in which that
runs as high as 3 cents for ' elevation." ond Hague conference is donsequently sus
wnicn is reany a renate given the com- pended.
mission man by the railroad company for Some Indications of a purpose on the part
the freight haul. Mr. Pollard contends of one or two of the powers to have details
that If a railroad company can pay 3 of the program for the conference arranged
cents a bushel tor "elevation." being- an- In ndvance by negotiation are regarded here
other form of rebate, the rebate, ought as threatening un Indefinite postponement
Man Charged with Stealing; Tickets ; to be wholly eliminated, so that the fanner of the conference. ,
from Santa Fe Arrested la Panama cuId "f ure additional price for his '
grain, air. t-ouara presented this case L AKIlKrKS i:flllSr- HllMMFNT
While Servian- as Postmaster.
Refusal to Pay Expenses of Lecturer
from Chlcairo Vnlveralty Be.
cause of Rockefeller.
Wife of 1 illiam E. Host Arrested In
lloatoon Is a Fugitive
from Jnatlee.
BOSTON. Dec. 13. A sequel to the Boston
"suit case" tragedy developed today when
Mrs. Mary 8. Roberta was arrested for the
Philadelphia authorities on a warrant char
ging her with being a fugitive from Justice.
Mrs. Roberts Is known as the wife of Wil
liam E. Hunt,. who Is now serving a aen
tence of from six, to seven years In ihe
O.. Dec. l3.Cnni.l,.raJ,l. : Massacnuseus prison ior cing an wee.
I to ex-Senntor Cockreil. now one of the
Interstate commerce commissioners, who
BT. LOl'IS. Dec. lS.-The rHspatch last ! admitted that while the commission had
night from Colon that a man named Fuller. Deen art jn pursuit of cases of this
who has been postmaster at Pedro Miguel, character, that nothing had been done for
had been arrested as a well known criminal the reason that there was great doubt
and -na Vwlnr hrnnrhl hjtclc to the t'nlted iv . V., . . . , , , ,
company commissioned William A. Read 8tate8 nus developed an interesting St. ' undor 10 rresent iaw It could proceed ' "omimnt has teen occasioned by the action ,or' to the iU,,gai "P1'0" that cdt
to uuy o. n.uroaa stocs .or , , oulg t.onnt.cUon. ; ,Salnt the nUlroud companies for this t" Columbus Trades and Labor asem- : ,ne aealn ol Bu:,an v,eBr' 11 e "u,u"
the- company. Mr. Fiske said that Mr. Read 8antu f-e pttksenger A,nt Banks today ! foI.. of rr,wd discrimination He said 'v ttt tasl niht' mating In declining ' of lh' Shepherd King Theatrical company,
(he iimw day tola tho itock to a company , ., ,, rilllp ,,, .,..,. la , , Dr.,lo,, h... .u. to atc.-t.t the unices of a nror...- n. ; whose dismembered body waa found In suit
.. i... . i .u.. ., , .-..- -- ..... .,, com- ; - .
to be M. M. Letts, hod fled to Panama , n,uslon had decided to wait the action ,be Chicago university to deliver a course
to escape from charges of having looted j 0f congress at the present session looking ot lectures here under the auspices of tha
and burned the Santa Fe station at Prince- ! to broader powers being conferred upon ssembly. The assembly was asked to pay
ton, Kan., while agent there, as well as j the oumlsslon, failing which the com- Pn,on of the expenses of the professor
other railroad crimes. James Price of fit. mission would move against the railroads 1 n1 t,ie assembly promptly declined to re.
Louis happened to become friends with . practicing this form of discrimination with ' ceive the services of the Chicago man.
Letts In Panama, and by letter Introduced a View of getting Justice In court. j Th -aon given is that the Chicago unl-
Letts to Miss Annie Lassen, the 19-year-old , veralty has had John D. Rockefeller aa u
.laiKrhtar of Churlea F Lumii of thla citr. 1 Confer ou Laad Officials. I benefactor, and it Is almost .in. 1 performed on a
chairman of the finance committee of the j Letts and Miss Lassen corresponded and, 8t-nators Millard and Burkett with Repre- to his contributions that the university woman Iaur aeulte1 "er ban or K..aou.
New York Life Insurance company. The , November 7 last she went to Pauama and sentative Klnkald, sitting in an advisory , enjoys Its extensiveneas and high rank Id j according- to the Philadelphia officials. Tho
board of trustees uccepted tho resignation, j was married to him. he going under tho j capacity, will endeavor to agree tomorrow the educational world. One of the dele- I chi'f l"1"" attached to Mrs. Roberts' ar
Immediately following this, they an- i name of Bert E. Fuller, and was post-I upon a register and receiver for the land gates maintained that the professor at the I rel" connection with an alleged con-
i.wunced the appointment of a committee j master ut Pedro Miguel. Some time prior ! office at Valentine. So fur as could be i L'nlvcrslty of Chicago had to teach and ! feslon niado by lier In connection with the
li. investigate the affairs of thi- New York 1 ... .1.. ...ri,nn lniu. .IIa.i f.t.r , iHuriied the Mt-nutom tiuv. mi tii lCp t-A f this, ihinv. ikui m..- v... Illegal medical Unices 111 UllS tll . AC
Life. ! m-ver knowing of the crimes charged to dldates. They will take the papers to- ! the oil mugante. and when they ceased to
Two officers were elected to fill the va- I Letts. Soon ufler the wedding Price's , morrow, go through them, and make their , do this their positions were in Jeopardy,
fancies left by Mr. Perkins, Alexaudcr E. ! brother, special agunt of the Santa Fe. 1 recommendations without prejudice. Both In view of this, the proposition was turned
Orr succeeding as vice president and John ! found Letts at Pedro Miguel, Identified , senators believe they have waited long ' down, end a committee consisting of deie
Claflln as chairman of the finance com- i him as the man watated. und Is now bring- , enough to fill the offices now vacant, one gates Phelan. Houck and Little, appointed
inlltca. ) ing him to the I'nited States. Ills presence by summary dismissul, the other by re- to arraange for lectures, securing them
Mr. Peiklns wrote the trustees a letter in Panama was accidentally discovered uueBted resignation. Had Senator Millard i from another "source, above suspicion."
explaining that It w,is understood when through the interception of his mail. i been permitted he would have sent in names
. I to till these positions the day after the va-
HENRY S. PRITCHETT RESIGNS !""clf urred. but Judge in-
i sisted that the constituents of the Valen-
Prealdent of Masaaehaaclta School tu I tine land office should be heard In the
Sonthhnnnd Mall lraln on Hock
Island Bond f rnabea Into String;
of Loaded Boxcars.
WATERLOO. la., Dec. 13. Southbound
mall train No. S on the Rock Island road
rain Into an open switch at Waterloo to
night and plunged Into a string of loaded
box cars. The mall car, baggage car, and
two pasaentser coiches were wrecked.
The seriously Injured:
FnrJneer Parkllng of Bur'ltis-ton.
Fireman Herbert of Burlington.
A. H. Peterson, mail clerk, of Burling
ton. Mrs. C. V. Farntim and baby of Svkes
ton, la.
E. Falrbln of Minneapolis.
Many of the passengers were badly cut
and bruised.
of brokers at 110 a share less than the
broker sold it to the Metropolitan. Mr.
Fiske said he had tried to get the money
back, but Mr. Read refused to surrender
shakeau la ew York Life.
George W. Perkins, who Is Junior mem
ber of the firm of J. P. Morgan A Co., re
signed today as vice president and as
cases In the. waters of the Boston harbor.
It Is alleged that under the name of Roberts
the man who was sentenced to the state
prison under the name of Hunt, conducted
a number of Illegal medical establishments
in Philadelphia.
His wire was arrested in connection with
an Illegal operation alleged to have been
girl named Hlmes. Thi
he t-nlurcd the firm of J. P. Morgan &.
Co. that he should withdraw from the
New York Llf-, but that such deep In
terest In the Insurance company had made
him loath to leave it before this.
The board of trustees then announced
the appointment of the following commit
Ke of investigation:
Thomas It. Fowler, Norman H. Ream,
Clsrence It Mackay, Hiram R Steele und
Augustus C. Pitinu.
A statement to policyholders also was
issued which declared thul the executive
officials had exercised too broad a dlscre
' lion In extending money. One of the ob
jects In tho committee's appointment was
announced to be the consideration of the
cvldoiue secured by the legislative com
mittee which Is Investigating life Insur
ance. The new committee ts instructed
to Inquire especially Into payments made
out of thti company's fund to Andrew
Hamilton, and to use every effort to se
cure a proper accounting from him.
Prudratlal Actuary aa Staad.
John K. Gore, actuary of the
Prudential Iusuranct- Company of
America, u fiiat called to the wlu.tia
stand in .the life insurance investigation
tCoatlBUad ou aWcuatd Pass
Devote Time tu (urnrale
BOSTON. Dec. 13. President Henry S.
Pritchett, the executive head of the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology, today
handed In his resignation to the corporation
of the institution. President Pritchett's re
tirement is prompted by his desire to de
vote his entire time to the Carnegie
foundation, of which he Is president, and
which was endowed with a fund of ll".'i'.tV
by Andrew Carnegie about a year ao.
President Pritchett has been at the head
of the institute for over five years.
ew Battleship Kaally Bxeeeds the
Klabteen Knots un Hour Called
fur la Contract.
Urr.nd Array Will Meet la Mlaneauta
till la atlonal tCai-ama-meat
Anaael l.'l.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. 11 The Grand
matter, and as a consequence the sena
tors will have half u dozen names to choose
from when they decsJe tomorrow. i
ROCKLAND Me., Deo. 13. - The new
Hellef for Joseph Crow. battleship Louisiana was sent over the
ilepreaentative Kennedy Introduced jt bill i measured mile course near Owls Head to
loday crediting Joseph Crow, former post- j day and easily exceeded the government
master at Omaha, with :.0.9.oO growing out requirements of 18 knots an hour. The
of the defalcation of Alfred M. Olsen, who j maximum speed was 18.924 knots, and the
was stamp clerk in the Omaha postofllce In j builders express .confidence that the ship
1M. Olsen embezzled ti.iist. He was ar
rested, pleaded guilty and paid a fine of
$.'.'A.v. which was placed to the credit of
the Postofflce department. He was bonded
for tl.Ouo In a Baltimore bonding company,
which paid the amount of thc bond. Thc
government, therefore, not only recovered
the amount uf the embezzlement, but al
most tl.OuO more, and yet Joseph Crow, the
former postmaster, Is held on his bond for
the balance of defalcation after crediting
the amount paid by the bonding company.
The bill which Mr. Kennedy introduced
today passed the senate at tha last congress
Army of the Republic conference has de ta . favorably reported o the house.
rlded to hold the national ucarapnisat ! ' ,w
barn, beainnloa August U ' tCeatiuucd. va Seuouu Pae.)
can attain a speed ot itf Knots. The aver
age rate of speed was 1I.S1 knots an hour.
Veniremen for Trial at -Beef Trust"
Cases 'Appear Before Chi
cago Cuart.
CHICAGO. Dee. 13. Tha examination ot
veniremen in connection with the selection
of tha first Jury in the Beef trust cases
bee-an today in the United States district
court before Judge Humphrey.
When court adjourned for tha Ua . so
jurora una utca acienea,
cording to tho police, the woman threw
considerable additional light upon the death
of the Geary girl. Her statement has not
been made public.
Sew British Secretary of Foreign
Affairs Holds First OllW-lal
Daao-hter of the President Will Be.
come Wife of Congressman
Lousworlb In February.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 13-Formal an
nouncement was made late this afternoon
by the president and Mrs. Roosevelt of the
engagement of thefr daughter, Alice Let.
Roosevelt, to Nicholas Longworth, repn-
sentative in congress from the First dis
trict of Ohio, one of the Cincinnati dis
tricts. Coupled with the announcement of
the engagement Is thc additional an
nouncement that the wedding will take
place about the middle of next February.
While arrangements for the wedding have
not been made. It Is expected that It will
occur at the White House.
Secretary of American Board Makes
Report oa Work of the
BOSTON. Di.-e. 13. A summary of the
work of foreign missions, made public to
day by Rev. Dr. E. E. Strong, secret-try
of the American hoard, allows that therij
are 6,S mule, female nilsMionari-.K,; native laborers snd l.S25.s:jj
communicants at the 5),A stations and out- j
stations. This is an Increase- during the
past year of M3.T3: communicants. The '
Committee Takes I p Question of
Trade Relations With tha
WASHINGTON. Dec. 13.-Discussion of
the Philippine tariff beforo the house com
mittee on ways and means began this morn
ing with the full committee present and with
Secretary Taft, Governor Luke E. Wright
of tho Philippines, Colonel Clnrence R, Ed
wards, chief of the bureau nf Insular af
fairs nnd a number of representatives of
American sugar interest In attendance.
F. R. Hathaway, secretary of tho sugar
manufacturers, was the chief upcsker, und
for more than on hour revel wed testimony
given by Philippine citizens and officials
at tho hearl a before the senators and rep
resentatives included in tho Taft party al
the time of their visit to tho islands last
Mr. Hathaway considered the wages of
the sugar laborers as shown by the hear
ings snd declared that. Including the cost
of frod-given laborers, the pay of such
workmen never exceeds 16 cents a dsy
as ayainst $1.50 a day for sugar laborers In
Michigan and 12 a day In Colorado. t
In the Islands one laborer' tills two and
a half acres, said Mr. Hathaway, and In
the Culted States one man tills live acres.
Although testimony was given In tha '
IsHnds that only one crop of sugar a year
Is generally produced, Mr. Hathaway pro
duced testimony from augur growers that
two crops are frequently harvested In a
year nnd sometimes even more. He said
the freight on sugar from the Islands to
New York. Including Insurance, .Is only !l
cents a hundred pounds, or tha sumo as
the rate from Michigan refineries to Du
luth or St. Paul, Minn.
D. D. Coleock, secretary of the American
Cant- Growers' association, also addressed
the committee.
Pointing out the great difference between
the coat of production In the United States
and in the Philippines. Mr. Hathaway. In
closing declared thc Philippine, producer
were not In need of any assistance from
F.aatern Roads Place Tariff frois
(hlpaiio to Seaboard at
Thirty Cents.
LONDON". Dec. 13. Sir Edward Grey,
the new secretary of Foreign Affairs, held
bis first diplomatic reception today. It
was a picturesque function. Following t he
usual custom, Secretary Grey and the
Foreign Office staff were in full diplo
matic uniform and all the attending Am
bassadors and ministers were in the full
dress of their respective countries. Among
CHICAGO. Dec. 13. Truffle officials of
total Income of all societies in the United
8lates, Canada, Great Britain and con
tinental Europe is 115.131 .31"; of those a ; Extern railroads n:ct here today and
the 1 nited State.,01. agreed to restore eniKirt provision rates to
m cents i,er lii pounds January 1. The
Hies from Opium Polaun.
CORNING. Iu.. Deo. I3.-J. D. Flnnik.
a rteldeiit of Shineton, W. Va.. died today
as the result of taking opium several days
ago. He engaged a room at the hotel, at-k-Ing
that notiody call him until lu o'clct k
next morning. He did not answer the call
and was found unconscious. He had writ-
prevailing rale Mnce November 5, has been.
2ft cents, and the Lite closes another Inci
dent us "Iiling of midnight tariffs."
This method of securing traffic has become
so prevalent thut the government Is try-In-,'
to brink It up. In the present caae the
Wabash iiilliond ns the offending line.
those present were the French, Russian ."f,; ' HARRIMAN WANTS TO TESTIFY
a,liu tfaijaijcav iuuHauui. aiiu uia I .
soon auu leaving ner nis property.
Chinese and Persian ministers.
DUBLIN. Dec. 13. Tho earl of Dudley,
tho retiring- lord lieutenant of Ireland, left
Dublin today, coincident with the arrival
of his successor, the earl of Aberdeen. The
people of Dublin with their customary
warmth welcomed tha coming and speeded
the parting viceroys. There was the usual
state procession through tho streets, which
were thronged with crowds and lined with
military and police. There was no antl
demonstration. The earl of Aberdeen was
accompanied by James Bryoe, tha new
chief secretary for Ireland. The first privy
council wUi b beld at Dublin cwitla to
'president uf t nlon I'aeiBf Asks for
Movements uf Ocean Vessels Dec. 1.1. j Opportunity to f.lvr Ills Version
At Nea- York-Arrived: Vaderland. from i.f Hnn Affair.
Antwerp; Rotterdam. from Rotterdam; I
Majestic, from Liverpool. Sailed: Bultlc j
f"l.U,T.'' .i,..h. v. . NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Edward H. Harrt-
At London Arrived: Minneapolis, from . . , , , .,
New York. oj-""s, irom m(1 tou,lV w:,,te to the legislative insur-
At Glasgow Sailed: Carthagenlan, for ance Invcstigniinr committee asking thnt
Boston. j,,, t,t. gjv.i, an opportunity to go on the
At Southampton Railed: Kaiser Williclm i . . ... n 7.
der Gross.-, for New York. 1 ' stand and t-niv regarding his attempt. a
At Uueenstown Arrhtd: Saxonla. from I describ- d by Tiohiiis F. Ryan, to share
At Yokohama Arrived: Empress of
China, from Vancouver.
At Naples Arrived : I'rins Oskar. fruin
New York, for Genoa.
At Uverpool-ewtled; Oceanic, tor New
Hoik. '
In Kyun s holdings In the !-iiltable Life ' ly.
The committee replied that his request
would be gi anted, and Ui. Uarrtia stay
tsstiX tomorrow. .