THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1003. PERFECT PICTURE OF OMAHA tect the men. and again this thing might not happen agnln for a year. On man Is now serving time In the penitentiary for a robbery committed there two years ago." TOO MANY LAWYERS"IN CASE Attorney Appointed ! Defend Col ored Mnn In ware of Rark Other' Retention. RYAN AGREES TO ANSWER 2C VP MB A P0 01 . u i.ea'i Eirdieje View from an Eigineer'i foint of Visw. I. LUSTRA. ED MAP OF THE GATE CITY i Itr Engineer BoirwUfr HI taslstent Express Their Opinion After "eelng the WnrL Sow Nearly Finished. Owntr of Equitable Will Tell of Negotia tions with Harriaan. JEROME ADVISES HIM TO TESTIFY HI Attorney Talk the Matter Over nnd "end Wnnl to Coraanlttee thnt Information Wanted Is Ready. J uuL Jl The bird's-eye view of OmahH being Tainted by E. J.. Austen for reproduction I i the Jutfllee number of The Bee Is al most completed, and in attracting comment I'.um those who have seen It. According i engineers who have Been the picture r la a wonderfully accurate description i r Omaha, showing perfectly the typogra phy of the city and Its. residences, business I ues and blocks. Among the engineers . Iio were favorably Impressed with the . lecture were City Engineer Rosewater und Assistant City Engineer Craig. Both said U was a perfectly Illustrated map and noth ing was lacking in the picture. Mr. Rose- liter said: "The picture la very comprehensive and it is faultlessly done. From an engineering standpoint I would pronounce It perfect. It ahowa the buildings and blocks exactly is they stand In the city, every building being located accurately. I noticed the I'nion Pacific shops, the trackage, tbe f -deral building, downtown buildings and i?sldences, and all of them are perfectly plcted and all of them located In their I i oper places, KTerytblnur la There. "The elevations are shown perfectly, us well as the depressions, and the streets are Marked off as plainly and as accurately as the map of an engineer. One looking hi the picture will see an accurate de scription of Omaha. It Is merely an Mus rt'ated map. Instead of the blocks and 1 ulldlngs being located by number the I uljdings themselves are there, and with i ho picture as a guldo a person can And iiny place In Omaha ho desires. The work In wonderfully done, not only from the standpoint of an engineer, but from the standpoint of an artist. I have examined the picture critically and I found no fault with It from any standpoint, and from an engineering standpoint it is a perfect map i t the city." Assistant Engineer Craig was as en thusiastic as Mr. Rosowater over the pic ture and pronounced it absolutely accurate from an engineer's viewpoint. Stick Pins Frenzer. 15th and Dodge. Smith In n Quandary. "We don't know what to do to stop the robberies of our men west of Hanacom park," said General Manager Hmltl. of the ."treet railway company. "We have a landing reward for the arrest and con viction of any one who shall rob our trainmen and we. think this is stimulant enough to make the detectives of the cltv hustle, and wo think they do. We might put a man there with a shotgun to pro PI LES Cured Quickly .Without PhJii by Using Pyramid Pile Cure. A Trial Package Mailed Free tn All Who "end Nam; nnd Addresa. We want every pile sufferer to try Pyra mid Pile Cure at our expense. The trial package wnlch we send will bring Immediate relief from the awful tor ture of Itching, bleeding, burning, tantalis ing piles. We send the free treatment In a plain, sealed package, with nothing to Indicate the contents. Pyramid Pile Cure la put up in the form of suppositories, which are applied directly to the affected part. Their action la Im mediate and certain. They are sold ut 50 cents a box by drugglBts everywhere and one box will frequently altcct a permanent cure. Py tho use of Pyramid Pile Cure jnu will avoid an unnecessary, trying and expensive examination by a physician and will rid yourself of your trouble In tho privacy of your own home at trifling expense. After using the free trial package, which we mail In a perfectly plain wrapper, you can secure regular full slaed packages from i druggista as 50 cents each, or wc will mall j direct In plain packaga upon recemt of price. Pyramid Drug Co., StH2 I', i amid Building, Marshall, Mich. CHARLES LESS THAN ALL OTHERS y-S j&Stfjfe' DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treat All Form of Dlaeaee of MK.N OSLY. Thirty Years' Experience. Twenty Ytars in Omaha. The doctor' rcmarkablo success has ... ... ' rUBiiiu. ii ICWIUIVri M.IIU facilities for treating this class of diseases are unlimited, and very day brings many flattering reports of the good he la doing or the relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT I OR All Blood Poisons. No "BREAKING OCT" on the akin or fac and all external signs of the disease disappears at once. A per manent cure for life guaranteed. VADinirf If CFRE3 GUARANTEED In InHlvVtLLL LESS THAN FIVE DAYS. ftVFtt 0 flnnrBSM cured of Hydrocele. uu" JW.UUU Stricture. Gleet. Nervoua Debility, I .or, of Strength and Vitality nd all forma of chronic diseases. Treatment by mail. Call or write. Box TW. OltJca 216 South Hth St.. Omaha. Neb. Every Woman m unnaia ana 10010 Bow ........ " woudarrnl MARVEL Whirling Spray -no. itast Ma( vaaiant. If b nannoltupiily tn MiRI L.. aoooDl m Ujr. aui Mod tuuiip far tlliutniMt book mm. It tw full particular ana iirertirn Im alubito U.ll. Mtai hi. 4 X Yd a t., haw tusk. tr SJ 0 ICRMAN iicCONNILL DRUG . Cur. 1Mb and Doa bim Osaalta. MEN AND WOMEN. Cm bi tfof atiara.l Slachrga,latui mail at, Irrltatlaaa ar ulearaitoaa af antall a.aaaraaaa. , raiaiaaa, aaa IH aairi 1 MM4WMII.I t J aval ny rct4a. . at I " ' aaia wrapaar, w I a rraa. prapaia. laf "-J l ar t aaitUa u Ti. " i" Ctoxilf Mai a raiaaaa K aiua on . il 1 mm V 'M A somewhat unique complication arose In Judge Day's court Monday morning when the case of State against William Miles, for murder In the second degree, was called for trial. When Miles was first arraigned Judge Day was absent and Judge Redick took his plea of not guilty. Judge Pedlck, on the man's statement that he had no money to employ an attorney, appointed J. W. Carr and Fred Bmlth, a colored attorney, to defend. Afterward friends of Miles, members of a colored fra ternal society, retained J. M. Mucfarland to conduct the defense, without saying anything to the lawyers appointed by Judge Redick, probably without knowing of the appointment. Tuesday morning the uppolnted and the retained nttorncys nil showed up, reudy to take up the defense. Then a consulta tion was in order. The result was that Judge Day permitted Messrs. Carr and Smith to withdraw, after they had Indi cated that was their wish. Mr. Macfar land is therefore conducting the case for the defense. Miles Is charged with having cut the throat of Harry" McGechln at the Cam bridge hotel on the night of July 1:7, during a quarrel over the affections of a white woman who had been living with both men. Miles pleads self-defense. Assistant County Attorneys Fitch and Shotwell are prosecuting on behalf of the tate. They called as their first witness William II. Graham, now of Lincoln. He told of seeing the struggle which led to the killing. He did not sec u knife or razor In Mites' hand, being across the street, but did see McGechln In the hotel hallway bleeding to death after the colored man had thrown his right hand up to his opponent's head. He did not see Mc Gechln draw a revolver, as the defense contends the dead man did. Dr. Lavender, who made the autopsy on McGechln, described the wound, which al most severed his head from the body. The Instrument with which the killing was done had cut through all the arteries at the back of the neck and on the left side thereof. The brain and internal organs were all In normal condition. COMMISSIONERS OF THE STATE County huperrtaor Will Gather rtt Millard for Three Darn' Session. The annual convention of the county commissioners and supervisors of Ne braska will open at the Millard hotel Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mayor Moores, or some one representing him, is expected to make an address of welcome, after which the . officers will make their annual reports. At the afternoon session the reading of papers and discussion will besln. The convention Is to continue three days and It Is expected that 200 to 300 commis sioners and supervisors will be In attend ance. Among those who will deliver for mal addresses will be: Judge Redick, on "Tho Juvenile Court;" Edward Rosewater, on "Equitable Taxation;" Rome Miller, on "The Detention Home;" Lewis 8. Reed, on "The Relation of the State to the City," and W..8. Wright, president of the Com mercial club, on "General Co-operation of the Cities with the Country." In his ad dress President Wright will extend '.the privileges of the Commercial club to the visitors and they will be entertained . nt lunch. . . AH LEO FIGHTS THE 0RDEF Chinese "Student" Resists ramnmiiil thnt He Go Back to Hire Field a. The case of Leo Sung, the student China man, was railed for preliminary examina tion before I'nlted States Commissioner An derson Monday morning. Leo Sung being under arrest for deportation under the Chinese exclusion laws. The case has been before the commis sioner In various forms and during the early spring the defendant was ordered de ported. An appeal was taken to the I'nlted States district court on account of a de fect in the petition and last September the defendant was discharged from that cause by order of Judge Munger. He was Im mediately rearrested on an amended com plaint, and the present hearing Is on this new complaint. The hearing of the case Is somewhat handicapped, owing to the disordered con dition of affairs in the. I'nlted States mar shal's office. No witnesses can be legally summoned. COUPLE TRIES HYMEN AGAIN Man nnd Wife Rennite nt Altnr After Several Year of Sep ration. Charlea M. Hawks and Ida Mae Hawks today took out a license to marry In Doug las county. They gave their ages as 31 and 32, respectively, and their future resi dence a Marshalltown, la. They were married before, several years ago, but trouble arose and they separated. After a spell apart their hearts again Inclined to love, the old coala were easily rekindled, and they will once more make a trial of life in double harness. There is no element of speculation in the quality of Old Uivderoof ILye ' It is good beyond compare, CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. The Iegl.slav.iVtf life Insurance Investigating committee, headed by Senator William W. Armstrong, ap peared tonight to have succeeded In Its attempt to make Thomas F. Ryan divulge whst E. H. Harrlman said or threatened to do to Influence him to divide his con trol of the Equitable Life Assurance so ciety. District Attorney William T. Jerome, who was asked by the committee to tnko steps to punish Mr. Ryan for refusing to answer the questions about Mr. Harrlman, reported to the committee today that he has Informed Mr. Ryan's counsel that Mr. Ryan ought to answer. Mr. Jerome also wrote to the committee tfcal he believes Mr. Ryan will answer If brought before the committee again. Mr. Ryan, who bought 502 shares of the stock of the Equitable Life Assurance so ciety last summer, and placed them In a trust to be voted by three trunees, of whom Grover Cleveland is one, was on the witness stand before the Insurance In vestigating committee last Friday, tie testified that on the day he got possession of the Equitable stock, E. H. Harrlman, president of the Union Pacini: and South ern Paclllc railroads, and a director of the Equitable society, asked hint for a share of the stock. What Mr. Harrlman said to him to Induce him to part with that stock, Mr. Ryan refused to tell tho committee. Mr. Hughes declined to say when Mr. Ryan will be recalled, but It is presumed he will take the witness stand tomorrow or tho following day. Attorney Notify Committee. Subsequently Guthrie, Cravath & Hender son, counsel for Mr. Ryan, gave out a statement that they re-advised Mr. Ryan that he should answer the questions and that he Is prepared to do ao whenever recalled by the investigating committee. To that statement was attached a letter from District Attorney Jerome to Paul D. Cravath, advising him that Mr. Ryan ought to answer the questions and adding, "al though I fully appreciate these motives which led him to refuse to answer unless the question of law involved could be made clear." The committee was engaged for a part of the time today In Inquiring into the affairs of the Provident Savings Life Assurance society of New York. Charles E. Hughes, counsel for the committee, had brought out by questioning Edward W. Scott, the presi dent of that company, that when Frank F. Hadley of New Bedford, Mass., secured con trol of the company in 1SMJ he borrowed $162,000 from the company on his collateral notes to pay up for the stock of the Insur ance company. Mr. Scott testified that Mr. Hadley never repiid those loans and that the Insurance company reallred only J30,r00 on the nale of the collateral. Companies in which Mr. Hadley was interested failed . nd lie committed suicide. Company Par" the Freight. "It cost the Insurance company Just $132. OOO for Mr. Hadley to get control of It," said Mr. Hughes. "Besides the $1112,000 Mr. Hadley had bor rowed $200,000 to pay for the Insurance com pany's stock and had put up that stock nt -ollateral. Mr. Scott testified that he bought list stock at miction after Mr. Hadley's dath and borrowed the money to do It from .he New York Security and Trust company. John A. McCall, president of the New York Life Insurance company. Mr. Scott said, 'stood back" of hint In the negotiation of the loan. Other witnesses have testified that tho New Yi..Ji Life Insurance company con trolled the New York Security and Trust company. After he got control of the com pany, Mr. Scott said, John A. Horan, brother-in-law of John A. McCall. wes made comptroller of the Provident Savings Life Assurance society at J10.000 a year. Mr. Bcott testified also that his four sons and a nephew are employed by the com pany of which he is president. The brie Rfltroat, The Plctureaque Trunk Lino of America, announces its through train service from Chicago to New York and Boston, Mad., also it Columbus (O.) short line. Foi through tickets and rates of fare, etc., apply to your local ticket agent, or to J. A.' Dolan, T. P. A., Railway Exchange, Chi- C0. Omaha Italian flub Officer. Following are the newly elected officers of the Omaha Italian club, who will serve for tho coming year: President, V. Ran dazzo; vice president. A. Merenello; sec retary, Domenlcn Scolitta; treasurer Charles Rosso: financial secretary, Pietro Olgliolta; directors, Crlstofo Mantalbano Pietro Prlcopio, Gaetano Mancuse, Ber nardo Perri. Luciano Tedesco; sick com mittee, Agostlno Telessl, Gosinco Tedesco standard bearers. Salvatore. Polito, Cosimo Minnrdo; sergeant-at-arms, Agostlno Pal misano. After John Flanngan' Pile, Mrs. Millie Wood haa written to the county court from Hunter's Lodge, Va. inqulring as to the property left by the late John Flanagan. Deceased was the ancient colored man who was engaged In many law suits over Douglas county farm lands. Mrs. Wood claims to be his only living kin. the daughter of Flanagan's uncle. Flanagan's estate. It Is understood, amounts to little or nothing, what Is left being pretty well mortgaged. r, ONLY CLEAR ORIGINAL LOUD Unrivaled musical brilliant inspiring attractive AND 25C 50c $1.00 The Columbia Graphophones and Records won Three Grand Prizes and Four Gold Medals at the St. Louis .Exposition more than all others combined received. THE Under New SPORTS OF. A BAY. EVEXTS OX THB . nCJUHSG TRACKS Four Loan Priced Hore Win nt Aarot Pnrlt. LOS ANGELES, Iec. 11. Four long-prlc-pd horses won ut Ascot today, and as many favorites went flown to defeat. Two popular choices. Rubrlo and Hana Wagner, saved the talent from disaster. Rubric closed even favorite with la. Londe. The latter probably carried the most money, but could not do better than second. Weather clear; track fast. Summary: first race, handicap, steeplechase, short course: Allegiance won. Adams second, Cazudor third. Time: 1:0m. Kecond race, Ave furlongs: Crowshado won, Hester W. second. Nearness third. Time: 1.00V , Third race, seven furlonns: Rubric won, I.a Ixinde second. Incantation third. Time: Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles: Hum Wagner won. Memories second, Reservation third. Time: 1:48. Fifth race, mile and fifty yards: Judge Denton won. Golden Light second, Potrero Grande third. Time: 1:46. Sixth race, futurity course: Hllona won. Interlude second, Montreson third. Time: l:Ufc. NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 11 Results at Crescent City park: First race, five and one-half furlongs: Lena J. won. Hallowmas second, Orlflamme third. Time: 1:07H. Second race, six furlongs: Luretta won. Gallant second. Kohlnoor, third. Time: l:lH. . . . ..... Third race, mile and a sixieenm: uun Scout won. Pasadena second. Time: 1:47. Only two starters. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, k..,.iir,' Phil FHnrh won. Ben Hodder secopd, Columbia Girl third. Time: 1:44. Fifth race, nve lunonga. iuini n. won. Guiding Star second. High Chance third. Time: 102. Sixth race, mile and an eighth: The Regent won. Antimony second, Edward Ilnle third. Time: 1:1., Result at City park: First race, nve and one-balf furlongs: milv Handsel won, Tlohimlngo second. Mathls third. Time: 1:WH . . 1 i T flu leather won. Orbicular second, Hadur third. Time: 1 '14H- Tulrd race, mite and a sixteenth: The Tritler won. Dr. Wang second, St. Tam many third. Time: .:. Fourth race, seven furlong: Thespian won. Bad News second, Henry Aeh third. Time: 1:274. , . Fifth race, short course, teeplechas. Lionel won, H. M. P. second, Alice Com moner third. Time: 3.07. . Sixth race, mile and an eighth: Florlsel won. Bafety Lignt second, iniiui third. Time: 1:1&H- SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. ll.-Result at Intfleslde: First race. even furlongs: Lon wolf won. Angelica second, Bosely third. Time: l:-1,l- ' Second race, flv and one-half furlong: Iron Watson won. Ramus econd, Tom Roberts third. Time: 1:09H. Third race, five and one-half furlongs: To San won, Gosslpper II second, Eaaca mado third. Time: i:(V- Fourth race, mile and fifty yard: Ban Prlino won, Christine A. second. Gateway third. Time: 1:44V,. .... Fifth race, six furlong: The Lieutenant won. Blumenthal second, Bonnie Reg third. Time: 1:16". Sixth race, seven furlong, handicap: Neva Lee won. Corn Blossom second. Beau Ormunde third. Time: 1:27V4- DAY1DSOX . DOEI A CHEAT Tl'XT Exhibition nf Roller ftkatla Whlrh I n Merrel. Harley Davidson of Chicago gav an ex hibition of fancy and trick skating at the Auditorium last night which was next to marvelouh. While Mr. Davidson may not be a graceful In tome of hi evolution a some of the crack who wer her laat win ter he doe atunt on the roller which seem next to Imp aalble. 9om of hi feat on two roller were evh 'itlon of great atrength and (kill. A closing feature to hi exhibition he Jumped over seven chair placed In a row. He approached th chair backward and made ajcomplet whirl whil In the air. alighting again In the backward position. He started out to Jump three chair and each time added a chair until h had Jumped the seven. He will glv exhibi tions at the Auditorium both afternoon ani evening all week. ' (era.r Plea I ma; lp lUrr. SIOCX CITY, la.. Dec. 11. Special.) -Back In hi old New Hampshire home at Manchester Jack Carney, manager of the Sioux City Base Ball club. I keeping busy picking out and signing player for the lAUi team. He ay h will make ptibllo the oaui ut hi "world boaters'' alter tae EXCLUSIVE TALKING a iiiji 11 1 in 1 inn ii.i , LJ r- W ,'iir-; C 1: -a-r-" ' -a aiM; WWW: WILL FIT ANY MACHINE ON THE MARKET GOLD MOULDED RECORDS SEVEN INCH RECORDS Reduced to TEN INCH RECORDS Reduced to And Everything Else Pertaining: to the Talking COLUMBIA Management 1621 FARNAM meeting of the National league and Amer ican lengue magnate In New York. Ho is attending the meeting In the Interests of the Sioux City club. One year's experience In the Western league has given Carney a better knowledge as to the sort of players that are needed, and he promises In his let ters to the fons a team that will begin driving spikes In the pennant early In. the season, and, unlike last year's team, con tinue to drive them throughout the season. A special meeting of the Association of Minor Leagues will be held In New York immediately lifter the session of the big magnates. . WITH THE BOWLERS. The Storx Blue Ribbons put a crimp In the winning streak of the Cudahys last nlnht by taking two game from them. None of the games were close at the flntsli, the Brewers being; 205 pins ahead at tho end of the second game and the Packers cutting It down to l'J6 nt tho end. Forscutt had both the high single game and total with 19 and S91. In the last game Frltscher rolled an even !00 without a double strike. Tonight the game Is Metx Bros, against Krug Parks. The score: CUDAHYS. 1st. ?d. Sd. Total. Conrad 154 J78 2ro 632 William 12 1H9 M 5i Cochran 1X2 .":! ZZ 537 Griffiths 158 171 17 51 1! Reed 182 158 172 612 Totals ....838 SF9 950 2,637 STORZ BLUES. 1st. 211 219 lt 171 Iti9 2d. 17 191 212 2D? 18.1 3d. Total, am 5S7 1R1 5:n 181 .V1 157 M0 142 491 Frltscher , Forscutt .. Weber Marble .... Tonneman Totals 938 94 sfil 2,63 Tn the Commercial league last night on Lents & Williams' alleys the Hugo F. Bils lost three games to the Stephens A Smith. The score: STEPHEN8 & 6MITH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Stlnn 142 166 114 422 Lethols 174 116 126 415 Hamblet 185 172 173 KW Drlnkwater 110 145 1S2 447 Caughlan 174 2uo 197 in Totals 7S5 799 811 2,:5 HUGO F. BILZ. 1st. 131 141 147 149 132 2d. 131 167 123 140 132 3d. Total. 131 393 Bonner R. Nichols W. Nichols Patterson Smiley Totals 147 136 163 112 455 452 366 M02 ...700 $93 708 BICYCXIftTS RECEIVE THEIR PRIZES Allegation I Made thnt the Field Combined Against the Bedell. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. After receiving the prlxe money of the six-day bicycle race today at the office of P. T. Powers, the promoter of the race, Eddie Root waa sur rounded by a numTer of the riders, who de manded a share of the money. They de clared that a combination of several team had been formed by which the race was to be manipulated so that Root should defeat the Bedells and win the first prize. Mrs. Root was with the bicycle rider when the demand for a distribution of the prize money waa made and announced that she had the money and also a gun In her muff and that she would shoot the first man that tried to take It. Th Root left th building. Th dlatribu- Sour Stomach "I .4 raatareti ana fa.l Ilk new man. I have hmn a tuffarer frum aytpepiia and tour almara for tba last two yaara. I ta. bn taking n.ii. cio and othar draft, bat could And no reiT.f ou)T tor a tbort tlma. Illl racommaaa Catrarau to Say fiienda m tha only thing for tndtgatiion and Juur aton.acb and to keap tb bowela fa food eoa itioa. Tkay ar vary nira to aat." Vurf bluckUj. Maueh Chunk, Fa. Bt&T For The Bowtls Plaaaant. Palatable. Potent. Tatt Good. De Oood, Tatar Slekan, Waaaaa or Uripa. ite. K. Mi'. '' aold in balk. Tba (anln tablat tama C C C. ttuerantaad to cure or your aiony back. Starling Kanedy C., Chicago or N.Y. fa AXXUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES X.Sw A"BCATMATIC lIliT MACHINE STORE III UJtoMz) .fcVMMiWfl n-.nrf" PHONOGRAPH CO. Wholesale and Retail STREET. OMAHA. tlon of the prize money was conducted In scret and only one team at a time waa ad mitted to the office of Mr. Powers. Iater Powers, who hml been Ignorant of the al tercation, said that all the riders had re ceived prises hi advertised. Many received bonuses and nil received something. AUSIAI, WINTER TRAP SHOOT Tournament I'nder Omaha iun Clnb to Re Held Over the Rlrar, The annual winter trap tournament under the auspices of the Omaha Gun club will be held Tuesday and Wednesday at the old shooting grounds across the river. W D Townend la manager and a a-ondlv rrnJ of shooters have signified their Intention of being p. sent. Many already have arrived The regular, card contains many good numbers and In addition a special feature has been added for the lust day in the shape of an Interstate team shoot, ten men to a team, fifty targets, between Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. For the losing team the penalty will be a banquet at the Hcnshaw to be served on the evening of December 13. Indications are that a large number of prominent shots will come from Afar to help awell the large local list of" entries. Sweepstake events will he for amateur only, the professional being given a chance In the team race. The card will open promptly at 9 o'clock each morning. Among the prominent shots who have signified their Intention of coming to this shoot are: W. H. Illan. Albion. Neb.; C. A. Thorpe, Geneva. Neb.; William Veach, Falls Cltv, Neb.; G. A. Schroeder, Columbus: D. D. Bray, Columbus; "Pat" Adaiim, Rockwell City. la.; W. G. Rills. Sioux City, la.; W F. Duncan, Sioux City. Ia.: W. H. Heer. Concordia, Kan.; Ole Olsen, Hnldrege, Neb.; Onorge Maxwell, llolntfln. Neb.; George Wlnkelvltch, North Platte; William Dal son, North Platte; R. J.. Starke, North Platte: J. H. Severson, Wlsner; Ed O'Brien, Florence, Kan.: Frank Beard. Herman: Dr. C Clapp. Moberly. Mo.; T. B. Cunningham, St. Joseph; C. B. Ellis, Sioux City; Fred Gilbert, Spirit Lake; John Bermelster, Spirit Lake; Ruasell Kline, Spirit Lake; I Charles Budd, Des Moines; Fred Whitney, Des Moines; William Hoon. Jewell. 1 Charles Myers, Red Oak. Ia.; Frank Weath- erlieart. Red OaK, la.; Fred Weatherhead, Red Oak. Ia.; Fred Ixird, Chicago; H. W. Vletmeyer, Chicago; George L. (barter, Lin STATE EDICAL INSTITUTE. Doctors Hydrocele, Varicocele, Strict are, Emissions, 1 in potency, Gonorrhoea, Blood PoUon. (Syphili). ftuptnre, Kervous Debility. K1DNKT nd URINARY Disease and all Disease and Weaknesses of MEN due to evil habits of youth, abuses, exceasea or the result of neg lected, unskilled or Improper treatment MPS tlon to tho aOJIcied, neither to nt promt to cur them lu tew days, nor iiltr rheap, worthies treatment In order to secure their patronngo. Itoneat doctors ol recognised ability do not resort to neh method. Wo sua ran tee a perfect, nfe nud lasting; enr In th oulckest popsslhlo time, without leaving Injurlou niter effects tn the ayatem, nnd nt th loweat poaalble eol for honest, klllfl and nceesfol treatment. mUCIII TlTlflal rDrr If you cannot call writ ror symptom blank. lUnoULI ftllUn rntC omc Hours la. m. toap.m. Sunday. 10 10 1 only. 1308 Karnam Street, Iletweeu lath and 14th Htreett, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA RICH ENTERTAINING CAPTIVATING OUTWEARING RESONANT DELIGHTFUL SUPERIOR 25c 35c 60c Machine 1 anil. coln; Dick Llndcman. Lincoln; Captaii Hardy, Lincoln. The events are? First Day Fifteen blue rocks, 81 60 en. trance, $& added; 16 blue rocks. tl.5o en. trance. 15 added; 20 blue rocks, 12 entrance $5 added: 20 blue rocks, 12 entrance. added; 16 blue rocks, 11.50 entrance, ti added: 15 blue rocks, $1.50 entrance, $1 added; 20 blue rocks, 82 entrance. $5 added 20 blue rocks, 82 entrance, $5 added; IS blut rocks, $1.50 entrance. $5 added; 16 blue rocks $1.50 entrance, $5 added; 20 blue rocks, U entrance, $6 added; 20 blue locks, $2 en trance. $5 added. Second Day Fifteen blue rocks. $1.60 en trance, $5 added; 16 blue rocks, $1.50 en trance, $5 added: 20 blue rocks, $2 entrance, to added; 20 blue rocRs, $2 entrance, $5 added; 15 blue rocks, $1.50 entrance, $." added; 15 blue rocks. $1.00 entrance, added; 20 blue rocks, $2 entrance, $5 added; 20 blue rocks. $2 entrance. $5 added. Money divided 35-30-20-10 per cent. Sporting Brevities. Our old friend, Jigs Donahue of Chlrsgo, holds second place In the fielding list of first basemen. Foot ball and the changes in the rules continue to hrtM ih, to a , effusions of all prominent sporting writers. Dundon, the newcomer from the West ern, was next to Lajole as second base men In th American league fielding aver ages. Basket ball, hand ball and squash are nil In full blast and furnish good exercise Tor many who participate in these various games. Glade of St. Louis and Grand Island was the hard-luck pitcher of the American. Al though pitching arood ball throughout Hie season, he was able to win but six game out of thirty-two pitched. Wahoo Sam Crawford did not lead' the league In fielding outfielders, because Bar rett of the sume team, who plaved In but eighteen games, had a perfect record. b-,t Sam was second with un average of .9H. Hnghea Snlt Comes I p. The case of Henry J. Hughes against th Western Real Estate trustees and others, was called for trlaJ before a Jury in the Cnlted States circuit court Monday morn ing. Suit Is brought for $20,0iio damngoa, occasioned by the irillnpso of the building occupied by the plaintiff as a grocery stole In the sumerur of 1W3 on Douglas straeet. near Fourteenth. Th Man's Trutt Spoolallgta for Men If we could but see and treat all men when th hint symptoms show them selves there would soon be Utile need for so-called speclalluu In chronic dis eases, and there would b few men set king a rejuvenating of their phy sical, mental and sexual powers, and there would bu none marked with tha Indelible stamp of vuiialltutlonal bypiilis, and the sufferers from VAKlCOCfcLt:, GLEET, . TUICTURE. Kidney and Bladder Disoasea would be reduced to a minimum. But as long as MEN continue to disregard th golden adage, "A stitch In tune waves nine, and continue to ncKlect them selves or to exercise Indifference or poor Judgment in securing the right treatment at the outset. Just ho long will there b multitudes of chroma jufterera.