Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEE: RTTXPAY. PKCKMBEK 10. IPOS. 'All A' BRAIIDEIS' STORES OH BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET Suggestions For Christmas Gifts 25c Bast Stationery, Ladiea' Belt, Wrist Bags, Hom papporters. Side and Em pire Combs, Sheet Music, Nat ricks and Cracker, Hand Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Wool Golf Gloves, Ash Trays, Tie Clasps, Watch Fobs, Men's Gloves, Laundry Bags, Cuff Buttons, Jap Caps and Saucers, Neck ties, Ladles Embroidered Neckwear, Hand Em broldered Initial Hand kerchiefs, Patent Leather Belts. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS Ladles' ultra f ash onable Tailor Mades the height of win ter style at $24.50 Ladies' Salt s - Long and short coat styles, all new. worth up to $25, at $12.50 Ladies' Beautiful Opera Coats and ' Party Gowns at Just half price. Ladles' Fine Silk PetUcoats Make splendid holiday gifts great variety of new effects in all colors 498750.998 Ladies' Beautiful Silk and Lace Waists In all the new and very fashionable styles and 3S5n3S...4?-6?.8S2S Ladies' House and Bath HoIm In blankets, flannel and eiderdowns, corded belts, ap plique and embroidered facings all colors at. . . . 298.398.498.698 p $25 WaLtcK for BrdLiideis9 Jolly Santa Claus ii His Big Flying Air Skip All this coming week Santa Claus will be flying about in his airship. Many times a day he will fly back and forth between Brandeis' new building and our main store. The most wonderful sight the little ones of Omaha ever saw. A real airship that flies, with a real Santa Claus. Santa Claus has a present for every child this week. He will give to every youngster a moving, whistling Dickey Bird that came along with his airship. In another week Santa will be giving away Toy Balloons. Glittering Toyland For the Childre" OUR IMMENSE BASEMENT IS A FAIRYLAND OF PRETTY DOLLS AND TOYS The jolllest old Santa Claus you ever saw Is ruling Brandeis' Toyland. Bring the children to see him. He is here every day. Our Toyland is the largest and most beautiful in the west. The children of Omaha never feel that Chrlstmus 1b coming until the Boston Store Is read with their big display. We buy our toys In carload lots, enabling us to seii at wonderfully low prices. All our foreign toys imported direct from Europe. Thousands of beautiful fhMrlrfn'M Rnnlo Our c.utlnn In n,,.,.,.i., .....i Go-Carts alone takes as much space as most toy departments. Our showing atfiti) tft nf Trnn Tnvt iinuiirnaaaol hv anv otra 1 n t Vi nmi-1.1 OUR. CHRISTMAS DISPLAY IS A SIGHT OF A LIFETIME Imported Samples of Beautiful Novelties Monday on the main floor we will sell at JUST ABOUT HALF PRICE an immeuse line of imported novelties, such as Imported Toilet Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Small Bronzes, Writing Sets, Mantel Decorations, Leather Novelties, etc. These were Imported for the Pot t land exposition, but arrived too late, and Brandeis bought them all. Mondav on main floor at ONE-HALF PRICE. SALE OF FURS J J98 8? 13 l mm mm 998 We are showing spe cially for holiday time a splendid assortment of high grade furs of er mine, mink, chinchilla, Perwlnn lamb. Jap mink, beaver, etc.; very mod est prices. Ladles' fine fur scarfs, at A splendid variety of stylish scarfs, ,98 Special showing of pop ular fur scarfs, J Cft at aU Ladles' elegant fur scurfs, at. . . Ladies' 48-inch Covert Coat Heavy winter covert, half satin lined, pleat anil tourist back, very stylish CJ98 and a special Monday value, at.' Ladies' 48-inch Heavy Cheviot Coat Venetian V-2 lining, Belgian 98 sable collar, at " Fine Long Loose Black Broadcloth Coat The stunning coat of the sea sonultra fashionable, at $19-245-$29-$35 Suggestions for Christmas Presents at 50c Kid Gloves, Shopping Bags, Center Pieces, Pin Trays and Comb Trays, Fancy Pil low Tops, Men's Shirts, Card Cases, Tie Clasps, Ash Trays, Cigar Cutters, Scissors, Fancy Ink Wells, Needle Books, Toothpick Holders, Baby Chains, Beauty Pins, Napkin Rings, Box .Handkerchiefs, Children's Cups, Cut Glass Pieces, Silver ware, Cold Meat Forks. FIFTY CENTS. The Daintiest of Christmas Gifts HANDKERCHIEFS An Almost Endless Array of Most Beautiful Styles. The prettiest of Gift Handkerchiefs for ladies and men in plain Irish linen and fine Swiss embroidered; Irt l'k "7 tn a hundred charming styles at, each 1UC 2 JC Ladies' Lace Edged and Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs; high class novelties, mostly all samples and worth . 1ft as high as $1.00 each, at, each D)C Pretty Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, also plain white and fancy bordered, all widths of hems; T a-J CM worth up to 15c each, at each J-j Allu JC Ladles' Fancy Silk Handker- Men's Fine Silk Initial Handker chiefs in all colors; regularly J chiefs; .splendid presents at, each . . .cf: 10c 1 each....25c and 50c Men's Japanette Handkerchiefs, with beautifully silk em- Ln broldered Initials, all letters at, each . UaC Handkerehlef In Boxes ladles' and men's cotton and all eft- 1 pure linen initial handkerchiefs. In fancy box. at. each. ...'''' ' I HOLIDAY NECKWEAR LADIES' KID GLOVES FOR XM AS We are showing the newest importations of Ferrln's, Monarch, Dent's. Franchon suede, etc street and evening shades many Ion SST.. $1, 1.50 3.50 Ladle' Fine Kid Gloves on Bargain Square Latest correct shades, all sties CO. f QA make splendid 1ft-at. pair JJK'QJG Hundreds of styles of the newest, most charming neckwear, dainty effects for holiday time, in em broidered and lace Turnovers, Stocks, Tabs and Jabeaux white, ecru and fancy colors, at each Ladies' and children's large Lace Cape Collars all of them samples worth up to $1.50 each, at each i0c-15c-25c 69c A Little List of Desirable Christmas Gifts $122 1 $112 Silver Mounted Hair Brushes, Toilet Sets, Writing Sets, Trin ket Boxes, Bread Trays, Um brellas, Opera Bags, Chafing Dishes, Ladies' Waists, Chil dren's Fur Sets, Clocks, Magni fying Glasses, Silver Match Safes, Manicure Articles, Cigar Jars, l'int Flasks, Solid Gold Ring, SUk Mufflers Military Hair Brashes, Cuff Buttons and Pins to .Match, Baby Nock Chains, Satin Girdles and Ili'lts, Cut Glass Pieces, Elegant Pock etbooks aud a thousand other suitable gifts. One Dollar and a Dollar and . Half Gifts that delight every woman Jewelry Novelties sy?& Our Immense Jewelry section now occupies double its former s the Annex. Thousands' of the most charming novelties suitable for gifts everybody. Prices are wonderfully low and every piece Is thoroughly reliable pace in yZ'h $ ifts for raAJL A Providence, R. I. Mfjrs. Entire Stock of Sterling- Silver Novelties 25c 15c 25c 15c 25c r- aieriing silver ions war- r fa V All on sale on bargain squares 3 piece sterling silver waist sets worth 76c and tl, at 60 styles sterling silver stick pins worth 60c, will go at, each Gent's heavy sterling silver link cuff buttons. worth 50c and 76c a pair, at Sterling Rllver hat pins, twenty-five styles, worth 25c and 36c, at, each Oxidized silver pin cabinets, at Gent's sterling silver fobs war- AH- ranted to wear, worth 12. at k t V tr, ,1 -I f Sterling silver belt pins, worth J 60c and 75c, at jC These prices represent Just about half what exclusive Jewelry stores ask you for solid gold Jewelry. S Ladies' solid gold beauty pins, at, per 4Qc Gent's snlld Kold link buttons, in Roman AQ gold for monogram, at Gent's nolld gold rconogTam rings, worthy QQ 16.00, at mm-r Solid sold stl'K pins, S l'irge vurlety to 7C iieleet fnn), at M -tt Solid gold baby chains. K leng'bs worth 4 (kU up to 4.49. at JD BolM gold broarh pins, neat denlgii3--w.111 go at Pohemlan garnets, warranted to be genuine 1.98 A beautiful showing of the latest ideas In Ladies' Opera Glasses, Lorgnettes, fadditth Dog Collars, Girdles, Bracelets, Kings, fancy Combs, etc. etc. All at very special prices this week only. :.4.98o$i5 M sant showing of vJ Solid Gold Brace lets, from The most eleg high class leather Goods for Christmas trade, Japanese. Ital ian and Berlin Leather Novel ties In splendid variety. DRESS GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS Waistlng on bargain guar, yd "31 Double Width Albatross and in, r'renoh KUnneia. yd OVC Fine Imported Dress Goods; hun dreds of pieces of black and all col ors: nnest winter dress floods and cloOia; rrgu ar ll. 60 grades; also U inch rream brttadcloth; yd. Fine Bilk and Wool, fancy wvavea, Cloth Suitings; Scod h mixtures; 11 2a grade: burgaiii square; yd In regular depirtme nt 48-inch Black rna v.iitria; oc raae; i c Ail-Wool Bleached Nun's Veiling; yd Vp-to-Pat Weaves, all etllh cnlor. 69c 4lJc 1 nuck 39c 37ic Big Sale Sample Pipes A great eastern pipe factory closed out to us all their salesmen's samples at just one-half factory cost. We place them on sale on bargain squares in the Arcade. Assorted Friar Pipes, all shapes and sizes, worih up to Sue. at 1 fliind Carved French Briir I'lpcs, genuine amber bit. in cases, Ui. fl.w). 50c tmber. mounted in ell- fill arcade. .. s.-v Christmas Box Cigars Langsdorf Perfecto Dacked in a box. at H.!"X Langsdort invincible, packeii 111 a ddx, ai ti numiuel Hall Diplomats, pa-k-ed In tins, at II :nt iuei nun nuoiime, pacKi in wiid. at ;i il H B-im Gaiety at packed 25 in tin cmii. I Price tMd lot Case Pipes, some amber i,l"";.'ar.h: 25c Large Briiir Case Pipes, genuine v r ajid gold. Gaiety Panateia. packed 50 in a box, at ti ki A I). C. Regalia, packed ii in a box. at !c Kebraskan, packed Si) In a box. at Ill Jut Rose Christmas Club, peek ed In a box, at SXc J G. Blaine. Packed !i In a box, at .V NOW Oil SALE Entire High Class Stock of Men's OVERCOATS and SUITS EEPEASE BROS. PI- Wha Retired from Clothing Business AT JUST HALF Pease Bros. Prices Greatest Sale of Hiii Art Apsarel Price ii J 1 DnAA '. Rugs for Christmas W? are 6howinp specially for Christmas an exceptionally fine line of small rus in Axmin ster, Smjrna and AVilton. Xo Christmas gii't could be more welcome. Fine Wilton Rug In size 27x54 at Kmyrna Rag Sire C I Ainiiifter 26x54 at 27x60 at Kl'It ItlfiS-All our Fur Kue go in tinea iota Sci.,,.'-?:,o:r C.4.KPKT KWKKi'KKS Price from 3.98 .:":s,2.50 -worth 1.69 to $5 SILKS FOR CHRISTMAS Several hundred n'W pieces Fine , Silkit; lirlglit jnetty eolors, i many elnant whl'e Bilks. Mark ( HilkH, plain and hunK;able taf- , (eta wuini and ' S&.'.Adc nd 69c: $ 1 . , 0 Crepe re Chine at M.V; 50 ' pieces fine 24-Inch Silk Crepe Do Chlnu in till the dainty linht shadi-H. lien $1.00 Q p and tl.'O crep.i;, ffiC, v at ei r. I v . . . . II 2:, H';u k T iff' ta Mf, 79c mm i P0rC Calling :! Price 100 Calling Cards 39c Jap Novelties regular 1 SO and 11 Sj grades, UC Novelties Arcade L V;;- $1.29 som black and cream, at, yd Ever Held in the West 2 41 Im htt wl'Jr, -x.CO:ia Card. 39c AfCaijc lywwwwvwvyWd nibrj $ 7