Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1905, Page 2, Image 19

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ipstorAmas ohoooersw
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Music for Christmas. Music for the Year Around
Music Boxc
UJ..J3IH iijjj - .
Pi 1
4' Jfrr.
Also a complete line of "Swiss"
Music Box.
They art tha .nicest a o d
easiest things la th world to
own, as they are In the reach of
every one. Prices on large
boxes from $13 up, and can be
bought on our "easy payment"
plan. The small ones, which
play all the way from one tune
to six tunes, are SOc, 75c, $ 1.00
and up to 912.00.
Af you brd bout the blg
VI tUUl3C reduction on "Talking Ma
chine RECORDS." Well, we make it a specialty
of baring the cleanest and entire stock of VICTOR
GOODS exclusively:
SOe Records,
$1.00 Records,
now '
$1.60 Records, '
now .
Machines , from
$13 up to $100.
Our Great Variety of Musical Christmas Presents
Mandolins, Guitars, Violins,
fornt of avery description an j all
VU1UC19, A-IV., the best makes on hand.
Mandolins from $4.75 and up. . -.
"The Washburn" Mandolin from $15 up.
The GreeJ "Family Piano"
Is considered of great value as an accompani
ment for the voice, and its construction Is so
simple that a child can master it In a short time.
Terms ,
$2.00 cash
f 1 a week
jf A
Guitars from $5.00 and up.
Violins from $3.50 and up.
"Sole Agents" for the cele
brated "Gibson."
For the Boys and Girls:
Toy Pianos from $2.50 up.
Toy Drums from 50c up.
Zovos from 10c up. ,
Mouth Harps from .5c up.
" of
in Music"
A. HOSPE CO., Omaha, Neb.
in Music"
"fa. - .
Black, The up-to-date Sata Claus
Gelling Gifts For
A C& 0
right Snappy
Uncles, Brothers, Lovers, Sons H Pas
Line of
r Neckwear, Gloves, Fancy Suspenders, Handkerchiefs,
r in Silk, Linen and Initials, Mufflers, Fancy Vests,
Watch Fobs, ShirtsWhite, Fancy and Full Dress,
Hosiery, Scarf Pins, Umbrellas, Cuff Buttons, Etc.
Buy an order for. a Hat, good any time on presentation
107 Couth IGth Street.
Move Before It Is Cold!
, It Is assy to forfet bow uacomfortabla you war last winter.
It you happen to hara an office in a poorly built building-, or when
thar Is a poor hs&Ung system now Is the tlma to mov to tha oaa
bulldlns la Omaha that Is alwaya warm in winter.
Thar are a few very choice rooms from which te eheoee. Just now. eeveft
el smell rooms end three large rooms. There Is. for esemple, a corner room
with a veult ana a email room sdjolnlnj en the second floor: a room with a
vault ea the fifth a south suite on the sixth, and eeversj flneemsll reoma
frioee rne from 110 to M par monlh.
4E!asl5c" Dockets
and Desk eomblnad.
rermiti as much or as lit'Jo
book space as wanted
Comprtees Desk Unit wlt.i
fc of many Book Units as
desired. Roomy, conven
ient, attractive. Coll and see
f or write for catalogue 1 04
Orchard & Yitt)
Carpet Co.
or the Baby
Prettr Things tor Bebr Wear.
THERK are so many thtnirs for baby to wear that to write
a complete lint would fill a book, but there are some things
baby will enjoy If Santa Claus don't forget to come down the
chimney.' Comb and brush eete In pink or blue celluloid, fanny
bibs, silk veils, dainty little bonnets, pretty coats in many new
materials, tastily embroidered shawls of fine flannel, hand
made sacques, hand embroidered klmonae, hand some toilet
sets of celluloid, consisting of soap box, rattles, powder bos
and puff, and comb and brush, pretty trimmed or untrlmmed
baskets and bassinets, cute little sweaters, warm carriage
robes end afghans, trim little shoesto be found at Benson
Lilliputian Basaar.
of go-carts, priced as low as ze cents ana
some handsome onee as high as $10.00.
An extensive assortment of Imported Ger
man toys, ranging In price from II oents
to $2.00, Is on sale at Myers-Dillon Co.,
Sixteenth and Farnam.
There Isn't anything that will amuse the
baby quite as much as the Victor phono
graph; at the same time It will be a con
stant fun and pleasure for everyone else.
Nebraska Cycle Co., Fifteenth and Har
ney streets, sells the Victor.
The display of rubber toys In the big toy
section of the Bennett company offers an
lm nenslty of choice. Prices are exceed
ingly small, considering the quality of the
v r
A Thome
The Bennett Company are especially to
the front in attractive little things for
baby. Their ' showing Includes some very
dainty Angora fur sets, collarettes and
muffs, from H to t3 a set. Silk bonnets,
trimmed with lace, ruchlng, wool or fur,
up from 50c. Little bootees of hand cro
chet work,' from loo to 36c a pair; or those
little hand-knit Jackets that are so cosy
and restful, up from 48c. And again, those
long and short coats made from fine Bed
ford eord, trimmed with silk embroidery
er ribbons, from $1.28 to $2.80, are fit to
desk out the Infant of a prince,
Thompson, Belden A Co. have a pretty
assortment of things for the baby, suitable
for Christmas presents. Among them are
some beautiful hand embroidered bibs and
hand embroidered cashmere Jackets. Little
silk wadded Jackets make really handsome
presents. Another pretty gift would be a
hand painted comb and brush set. No baby
has too many dresses. Some of the little
nainsook dresses are particularly attrac
Tou know that this baby Is the only one
In the world and nothing is, too good for It
that's why the People's Store has such a
magnificent stock of cradles, cribs, go
carts, hlghchalrs, rocking chairs and baby
walkers. Now you don't need to worry
what to get baby, but call at the People
Store quick.
When you are buying a present for the
bsby something that will please Its mother
is quite an appropriate gift. Tou will find
some very dainty little dresses at Haydert
Bros, which will please the mother of any
baby. They have cunning little coats and
Jackets that make decidedly useful pres
Tou may want to take the baby out In
the cold. Get a pair of silk mittens for
the baby at J. L. Brandcis & Sons, 60 and
76 cents. They also have some dainty little
caps at SO cents, $1.00 and $1.50. Perhaps
a pair of shoes would be a good gift toi
baby; our phlces, 50 cents to $1.26.
We have some tiny gloves and mittens
that make a cute little present for little
babies and are verj acceptable in the win
ter time. Ed P. Pickering, 108 B. 16th St.
Toys far the Littlest One."
Borne of the rubber toys and rubber dolls
which you will find at Hayden Bros, will
go njcely Into the baby's stocking. If the
baby is big enough, one of the baby Jump
ers and walkers will give it as much pleas
ure as anything. Hayden Bros, have a line
Of them. . ,.
Even' the small baby must have a doll.
The proper thing for them is one made of
rubber, whloh can be bought for from t
to 4 cents at J. L. Brandeis V Sons. There
also will be found a selection of all kinds
What the Jeweler Has for Baby.
Something substantial Is always nice for
baby and pleases the baby's mamma. We
would suggest a comb and brush set, or
some of our little gold neck chains or silver-mounted
rattles for little babies. A
silver cup is a nice present for a baby old
enough to use one; gold rings and silver
spoons are always In good taste. 8. W.
Lindsay, Jeweler, lilt DouglM St. .
If tne baby. Is old enough to eat at the
table, a silver food pusher is a very useful
little present. We likewise have milk cups,
both In plated and solid silver. Many
mothers are collecting spoons for the baby.
We have a great variety In handsome de
signs. For small babies, teething rings knd
pearl-handled rattles are always handsome
presents. T. L. Combs tt Co., 1S20 Douglas
Albert Edholm, jeweler, Sixteenth and
Harney, has many pretty, useful and last
ing things this year. Every mother is
proud of her baby and is appreciative In
having her remembered with a set of dress
pins, a silver mug, food pusher or a chew
ing ring.
Baby beauty pins in solid gold and gold
covered, all manner of little prices; baby
brooches, gem-set rings and a variety of
gold and silver trinkets for Infants' wear
not hitherto shown. Prices don't cut any
figure at Bennett's In one's matter of
choice for the reason they are so insignifi
cant. Fred Brodegaard. 115 South Sixteenth
street, has a well selected exhibition of
pretty presents for babies. Among them
are baby spoons, ' cups, baby pins, baby
rings, baby necklaces, baby bracelets and
baby napkin rings. v
Get the little fellow a ring. It will please
the mother as well as the baby. N. P.
Frandsen, lot Booth Sixteenth street, has
them In all styles and prices. . . ,
Henry Copley has some beautiful silver
drinking cups and other table articles that
will make the baby crow with delight.
hat Santa Claus Will
Bring the Wee Tots
Playthlata for Small Falks. ,
THERE is nothing that the little tots like as well as a dpll
there is a regular doll exposition at Hayden Bros., all kinds, all
prices. Every little girl's heart will be gladdened with a doll the
little boys, too. The toys there are too many to tell about.
IMPORTED German toys would make pleasing presents. Buy
them of the Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Sixteenth and Farnam.
IF you hunted through all the toy shops you couldn't And any
thing which will be a greater source of amusement for the little
folks about the house than the Victor
phonograph. It you buy a phonograph for
Christinas, get one that has been thor
oughly tested, like the Victor. Nebraska
Cycle Co., Fifteenth - and Harney streets,
will sell them for either cash or on time. t
There is pioture books. 6c, 10c, 16c and
e; mechanical toys, 10c, Jac and 80c;
Sheep, 10c, 26c and 60c; dogs, 10c, 26c and
50c; Iron wagons, with horses attached,
25o to 50c; trumpets, 5c, 10c and S6c; blocks.
lOo, $6c and up; pastry sets. 6c, 10c and 25c;
laundry sets, 10c, 25o and up; flatlroni, 5c,
lOu and up. at Hardy's, the Mc Store, 1513
Dodge street.
This year there Is so many different
kinds that one Is at a loss to know what
to select. Rattles, from 10c to 60c; rubber
tiJgs, 10c to 60c; eats, Kc; horses, 26c to
60c; celluloid rattles, 26c; fancy colored
balls, celluloid horns, red rubber toys, 10c
26o and 60c, at Hurdy's ttc Store, 1513 Dodge
The Bennett company offers an endless
variety of plaything for growing boys In
the sporting goods section. There are base
balls, bats, foot balls, etc., at all prices.
Games for the boys disserted maps of phe
nomenal siege can be purchased for a
Any boy would be plt-ased with the
Humpty Dumpty show, 49c to $1.96; a
magic lantern, 6Cc to $4.K; a foot ball,
striking bag, boxing gloves, coaster sled,
flexible flyer sled. These are on sale st
Hardy's, 89c Store.
At Bennett's you will And a bewildering
assortment of cute toys, expertly made to
1 withstand hard usage. All manner of
building blocks, up from 15c.
Imiorted Gfrmsn toys would make pleas
ing presents. Buy them of the Myers-Dillon'
Drug Co., Sixteenth and J"nrnam.
Clothes Thlaas tor the Little Oaea.
Variety of children's coats shown by the
Bennett company offers Irresistible temp
tations for money spending In this always
wise Christmas gift line. These coats rome
In Rusarian bearskin of several colors; also
come In cloth and velvet, I to I years,
prices run from 12.96 up by $1 a step to
Line of fur sets Is especially attrac
tive, being blended coney and hare, stone
marten, opossum and ermine; prices run
H orn t!.S0' up 10 $7.N. .
Every mother loves to see her "wee
tot" Cicely dressed and perhaps that's one
reason why Browning, King & Co. carry
so many nice things for the little tots.
They have a swell line of Russian suits,
In plain and fancy mixtures, from $6 to
tK.&o; swell overcoats, from $3.(4 to fit);
open front sweaters, plain white and fancy,
from $1.60 to $2; toques and tarns, 60c ts $3;
fur gloves, $1.
Many pretty styles are shown In hand
some coats and bonnets, line fur sets,
warm mittens, cute little Infantile gloves,
crocheted dyll sets, consisting of hood,
muff, mittens and sack, warm bed room
slippers, leggings, cunning little styles in
shoes, pretty' sweaters, nobby suits and
overcoats . in great Variety at Benson
Thome's Lilliputian Baxaar. '
Of course you are racking your brain
what to get the youngster. There Is no
occasion for It. Jus take about fifteen
minutes off and run Into the People's
store and select either a youth's chair,
rocking chair, single bed, set of furs, caps,
coat or overcoat.
A pretty little coat will make any small
child Joyous cn Chirstmas day. Hayden
Bros, have them, A set of little furs will
come In handy In the winter time. Up In
Hayden's furniture department you will
find chairs, rockers and go-carts.
Albert Edholm in his new location, Six
teenth and Harney, will gladly show you
his fresh assortment of 'chains and lockets,
silver porridge bowls, gold bib holders, lock
bracelets and table ae'a.
9"9 M
The choosing of Christmas
gifts Is a very perplexing
task to most of us. What
will be appropriate? What
will please her or hlra the
bestf Is whst we ask our
selves time efter time. Here
are a few things that will
make both pleasing and use
ful presents:
Manicure sets made from
Genuine French Stag Horn,
n 4 or I piece seta, beau
tiful case. at.... $8.00 and up
Handsome Silver and Sterling
Silver Toilet Sets In three
pieces at $3.00, $4.60, $7 60,
up to HS.uO
Sterling Silver Shaving Sets
- at $5.00 and up ,
Gilt Desk Clocks at $2.00 up
Gold Bracelets at $2.00 and up
Beautiful Gold Mounted Pen
Holders, with gold pen
points, at $1.26 up to $2.60
Gold Mounted Opera Glasses -
at $5.00 and up
Silver Candelabra Sets
at $2.00, $3.60 and up
Cut Glaus Pieces In all the
latest Ideas and cuttings,
from the small piece for
$1.00 to the most elaborate
at $35.00
A very serviceable and So
proprlate gift is a Parasol,
we are showing something
new In gold and peart
mountings, with detachable
handle; prices nt $4.00 up
to $15.00
$18.00 Gold Watch
for $12.00
A fine gold filled case, 15
Jewel movement, guaran- '
teed for twenty years, a
watch that usually sella for '
$18.00; we have marked It
down until Xmas for the
special price of $1100
Come In and let us show
you these things and per
haps our stock will suggest
something that you would
like even better. Come and
see our display of holiday
goods, whether you wish to
buy or not. No trouble to
show goods..
N. P. Frandsen
Jeweler, Watchmaker
and Optician ;
.109 S. SUtesD'h St. .
flnr.nslfii Haidftn Rrathm
Vantine's Oriental Perfumes
Wo rm hewing for tbo Ilrat tint
In OMAHA . -
Geisha Massage Cold Cream In pretty .
lars e
Va6 tine's Oriental Cold Cream In tall
Jars ...2oe
Decorated long vials of Attar of Rosa in
long red box
Small glass stoppered bottles Oriental Ex
tracts in pretty boxes in the following
odors: ; . (
Vlorenta, per bottle 60c
Gul Reazee, per bottle , .,..6c
Pnrtocal Ausama, per bottle ..SOc
Oriental Sandalwood, per bottle. 1..60c
Oriental Geisha Flowers, per bottle....... 6k-
Oriental HI Yang, per bottle w..60c
Extreme Oriental Sandalwood Toilet
Water, per bottle ,N 75c
Oriental Orchid, per bottle ...75c
Oriental Nile Lily, per bottle 75c
Oriental Hana Violet Toilet Water, large
bottle ,.$10o
Extreme Oriental Sandal Toilet Water.
large bottle $1.00
Corylopsla of Japan Toilet Water, per
bottle (.$1.25
Sandalwood, Square Wood Sticks- Of
Sandalwood, per bundle 25c
Sana Dermal Talcum In beautiful Kilt
cover paper, sprinkler top box 25c.
Oriental Sachet Powder (bottles), each..2."c
' The above goods are put up most attract
ively, and make very acceptable Christmas
presents. ,
Corner. 16 tb and Dodge. . Omaha.
r -
r ii yen ar in
eral different parttss It might
be an aavantaa - -
money ot us ana Pr ,"'"" ""
and then pay us a sm
. umant until VOU l
out ef debT w. loan on Furnl-
ture, fianos ana "'--,
. . i..t r.nnnls
ana we i"n
upon their own agreement to
Jrr.. V....!.. is Quick.
nd'wa always try to please.
aoo a, taut st.
'Phone tW.
-thermae's La Grippo
Cough Syrup
It was first compounded when the
seource was at Its worst 'tt-'SO. It
has proved Its efficiency thousands of
times. There may - be other remr1ls
for a simple couth. LA GRIPPE
quiets st once and stops that tickling
In the throat.
SAMPLE FREE. Bottles 25c and 60s.
For eurunic cases, pints. $1.60.
Made and sold by
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Cj.
Car. lOtb ass Dadae Its., Omaha.
Pletar Books fr Little Caelcers.
Pictures full of action and fun. painted
la brilliant colors, "Humpty-Dumpty,"
"House that Jack Built," all the old
standbys, newer, brighter, more attractive
than ever, at 15 each at Bennett's.
Have your plumbing and heating done by
competent men. Ws cheerfully give esti
mates and guarantee our work to give en
tire satisfartlon. 'Phones, Nos. livi, tut
and Red -4771.
819 Farnam Street. OMAHA.
Nromo-rJ (oootslns oe
Quio oe) bretUf upcoids lu
the heud in a frw hours
leaves no bad afier-edocie
Hike (Iro n. Preparations.
Mws il-.e work ojlckl
aaeiyi set a bo today- rom rour rtrus.
iu Ak for toe Oiaave t Colored bo
sril see tunc tbe label reads
A Co., Rental Aguta.
Groao4 Floor, Be Baildla