Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 16
8 HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. B GRMIG HOLIDAY OPENING MONDAY CHIUSTMAS PRESENT TO YOU Sec Our Remark able Offer Below QUARTER GRAND Rea.d the following list of Special Bargains for this week: Second Hand Upright Piano, Ebony Case, ' ' for New England Upright Piano, good tone, for Modern Upright Piano, Oak Case, good condition , Slightly Used Mahogany Upright, Standard M EG make. pla Used Vose & Son Piano, Upright, Walnut case '. $56 .$83 $79 $167 SPECIAL New High" Grade Pianos, fully guaranteed, our regular price $250 will sell three only this week, C at, each ? vpl!) J (Come early to get these.) , Your Christmas Present We will this week make a Christmas gift of $25.00 to every purchaser of a new Piano from our Holiday Stock. No beans to count, but a sensible, bona fide present of $25.00 in cash to induce you to select your Piano this week instead of waiting till the Christmas rush is on. CUT OUT THIS AD and bring it with you when you call to select your piano. We will accept it for the first cash payment of $25 on any new CHICKERINQ, IVERS & POND, EVERETT, KOHLER & CAMPBELL, STARR, HARVARD, RICHMOND, SMITH & BARNES or any other new piano In our stork. Eusy payments on balance of purchase price. Ask to see the CHICKERING QUARTER-GRAND the only perfect Grand Piano occupying same floor spnc-3 : a the larger uprights. Hailed with delight by musicians and artiais u j , where; criticised only by unsuccessful rivals, who have failed in tuo. attempts to produce so marvelous an instrument In bo small a compass. You take no risk in buying a genuine Chlckerlng made only by Chlckering & Sons of Boston, and sold in Omaha only by THE BENNETT COMPANY . SASH AND MERCHANT TALE Xilwtnkee General Agent Bay His Road Did Rot Disturb Situation. EXPLAINS WHAT THE CONDITION IS Grali GxehuB Secretary Makes Reply to Statement Which Mr. Xasa Realljr Did Rot Make la The Bee. As a reply to ths statement which F. A. Nash, general western agent of the Mil waukee, made to The Bee Friday on his return from Chicago In relation to the Brain rate to Liverpool which the Milwau kee road line announced. Secretary Mer chant of the Omaha Grain exchange said: "The rate on corn to Liverpool through the Atlantio ports from Kansas City has not always been 1 cents per 100 pounds less than from Omaha, and Mr. Nash knows this if he knows anything about It. It the rates put In effect by the Milwaukee road did not discriminate against Omaha other, roads friendly to Omaha would not protest so strongly. It the rate promulgated by the Milwaukee road Is tight I do not un derstand why some road Interested In Kan sas City, and not in Omaha, did not put the rate in effect and not wait for the Milwaukee road to do so a road that should have some Interest In Omaha. I do not know of anyone outside of the Milwaukee officials who think these dis criminatory rates put In effect are right. If the rate Is - allowed to remain, it will draw a large umouut of our corn to Kan sas City. TIid recent action of the Mil waukee road demontitrates clearly that the Interstate Commerce commission Hhould le given greater power and have Jurindiction over export as well as domestic rates. It Is quite likely that the Omaha Grain ex change will do what It can to bring this about. It an export rata via the Atlantic ports to Liverpool of 1H cents In favor of Kansas City is fair to Omaha, an Import rate on this same basis is fair. This prin ciple, tmce established, would destroy the Jobbing as well as the grain business of Omaha, for Its ultimate' conclusion would be to give Kansas City ths benefit of 1 oents per hundred pounds on all goods and commodities shipped to and from the At lantic seaport markets. Omaha has always bad the same rates as Kansas City to and from Atlantic seaports and the same ex port rate as Kanaka City by way of these ports, and no one knows this better than Mr. Nush. Tho effort of the Milwsukee road to clmngM this rule Is a menace to all the business of Omaha, which not only the Grain exchange, but the Jobbers will re seat. Milwaukee Km Dlatarber. Mr. Nash did not make the statement to The Bee that the rate via the Atlantis ports had always been 1 cents less from Kansas City than from Omaha, nor did The Bee so state that he said It. What he said was there was a differential through,, the gulf of 1H cents in favor of Kansas City, just as there was an advantage of 1V4 cents on wheat to Minneapolis In favor of Omaha over Kansas City. Mr. Nash said Saturday In regard to the situation: "The Milwaukee road has not disturbed the situation In any form by the announce ment of the rate to Liverpool. For a period of two years Kansas City has had an advantage of 14 cents over Omaha on buslnesa to Liverpool, an the fact that the Milwaukee road has made this through rate via Baltimore rather than the gulf ports will make no difference to the Nebraska grain men nor to the Omaha grain exchange. Other roads do not meet this rate bccauM they are simply waiting to see If the grain will move with out making the reduced rate and If It does they will fall la line. "Oraln Is actually moving through Omaha today, fifteen cars from one station, from the point ooucernlng which the claim Is made that the grain will be diverged, to Kansas City. From the points in Ne braska where the rate is the same as to Kansas City, Omaha is getting the ad vantage today by grain which, is being actually moved." DEATH COMES WITHOUT PAIN Mrs. Grosamaa Tells In Letter of Deaalae of the Doctor sad His t'aaeral. Mourning cards have been received in Omaha, conflranlng the report in The Bao some weeks ago of the death of Dr. Paul Qrossmann of this city at the age of 59, at Doborlkow, Germany, October 13, last, dur ing a visit to Europe with his wife In tho hope of benefiting his health, and the cre mation of his body pursuant to his wishes at Gotha. His widow writes to friends here that Dr. Grossmann passed away without suffering pain and was conscious to the last; that the old veterans took charge of his remains, holding services in Gotha, at which many great men were present whom he had known during the Franco-Prussian war and by whom he was beloved, not only as a soldier and doctor, but also as a man full of service to his fellow men. Mrs. Grossman was due to leave Ham burg for the United States on Saturday, on the steamship Blucher. Referring to the funeral of Dr. Gross man, the following account Is translated from a cutting from a local paper: Chopin's Funeral March, the old war song. "When We Meet Again," accom panied by muffled drums, and the choral, "Jesus, My Saviour," which waa rendered under the direction of Mesars. Uoigt-Luck-erwalde's band, were the straina which called ha Monday afternoon out Into the open- An Impressive funeral procession wends' ita way Irom this villa along Uorf street, bearing the remains of a alrange man, Prof. Lr. Paul Grossman of Omaha, .Nell., under full military honors, he being the proud possessor of the Iron Cross, one of tne moBt dislliigulahed honors bestowed by the German government. Through the great love which never Ceases to exiat, the atrange gentleman visited once mure his brother and birth place and returned to die at an advanced age. About four weeks ago the deceased celebrated his arrival here and his sad wife and friends could not avert the coming of the end. And now we follow him to his last reating place. On a profusely flower-laden huume rested the coffin, accompanied by the militia, and be fore him, carried on a silk pillow, was his Iron Cross, of which he thought so much and Honored greatly. After reaching the last house in the village, the militia fired three salutes of cannons In his honor and as their last farewell. The proceaalon then wendrd Ita way to the grave, where exerclaea, according to Goethe's, were car ried out. Though the renialna will aoon crumble to dual, the love of hla beloved wife, a dear brother and slaier-ln-law will never cease. Alao acroaa the ocean, where he was so well known and loved, his name will long be remembered and spoken of with much reverence and kindness. Baad bagged by a heavy cold or cough, your lunga are helpless till you cure them with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and $1.00. For sale by Shorman & McConnell Drug Co. ONE FARU FOR THE HOI KD TRIP. Via Chicago Great Westers Railway One fare for the round trip via Chicago Great Western Railway to points within ISO miles. Tickets on sale every Saturday and Sunday up to December 17. Good re turning the following Monday. Low rates to other points on sale every Friday. For full information apply to 8. D. Parkburst, Q. A.. 1&13 Farnam street. Tho trie Hailroad, The Picturesque Trunk Line of America, announces Its through train service fiorn Chicago to New York and Boston, Mass., also Its Columbus (O.) short Una. For through tickets and rates of fare, etc.. apply to your local tlcktt agent, or to J. A. Dolan. T. P. A.. Railway Exchange. Chicago. Harry B. Davis. underaae TaL Id Have Root print ft. Cuckoo clocks. Kdholtn, jeweler. MAUL Undertaking Co.. liil Capitol Ave. Si'Ul Pir. -Rfilein) oir SPECIAL Rilen's 'Hoys DRESS - SMOKING SHIRTS JACKETS $1.00 $3.98 QUALITY Silk Suspenders 75c $3.00 SWEATERS $1.90 BEST Fine Dressed Kid Gloves' $1.00 in) Ken's Gravenette Goats $6,90 LI I I Fine - SILK UMBRELLAS $1.90 FUR GLOVES 95c Suits .H Sell EVERYWHERE For $25.00 b PRICES Fine' Fancy HOSE 25c ELEGANT NECKWEAR 50c LOWEST Boy's Good OVERCOATS $3.98 Of n 0 111 1519-1521 Douglas Street. FANCY SLIPPERS 95 r?ti (Pn 1SZ Xmaa laii Gifts Xmaa Gifts Xaaaa Gifts Xmaa Gifts Xmaa Gifts Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmaa Gifts Xmas Gifts lull UMBRELLA SALE TWO SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS BUYERS. Finest bandies, best paragon frames, good wearing f QQ silk covers, worth up to $5.00, at I.JO Gold and pearl Sterling silver and pearl handles, Twentieth Century frames, best imported silk covers, worth up up to $10.00 on sale at. . Our line of Umbrellas is larger and prices lower than any department store in Omaha, 3.98 Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmaa Glfta Xmaa Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmaa Boston Umbrella Co. 620 South 16th Street. Gifts Xmaa Glfta Xmas Glfta Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts Xmaa Gifts Glfta DR. BRADBURY 1604 FARNAJl Teeth Extra cte4. .23c Porcelain Fllllwgs II up dold Filling $1 up Silver Finings... 80 up Crown.... ...$3.50 up Plates... $100 up DENTIST 13 Year Same Locatlad, 'Phone 1756. ; ;. Bridge Work f2.S0 Nerves removed with out pals. .. v Loose Teeth M a 4 Solid, Work rnaraataad U aeeMk SERVICES OVER WHITMARSH Episcopal " Ritual . and Memorial Encharlst Head at Bier of Late , Canon, Ths Episcopal burial service and memo rial eucharlst were read Saturday morn ing at Trinity cathedral besldo the bier of ths late Cnnon Whltmarsh, who died Thursday rooming at his residence, 1538 South Twenty-ninth street. The Rt. Rev. A.. L. Williams was celebrant and was assisted in the various offices of the service by Rev. Canon Easoh of Uncoln, Rev. John Albert Williams of this city, Rev. James Wise of South Omaha, Rev. Canon Marsh of Blair, and Dean Beecher of the cathedral. The pallbearers were Rev. Canon Bur gess, Plattsmouth; Chaplain H. Percy Sti ver, Fort Crook; Rev. , Canon Davidson, Rev. John .Williams, Rev! T. J. Mackay and L. D. Hopkins of this city. The body was taken to Warren, O., last evening by Mrs. Whltmarsh, son and daughter and Bishop Williams. The dead prelate will be buried Monday at Warren, O., a former home of tho late canon. Mawhlnney & Hyan, diamond importers. 16th and Douglas Sts. CHICAGOANS MISS OMAHA Five Granaers Aim mt the Gat City, bat Cet Off Train at Stock Yards. Friday morning five Chicago grangers were on the Burlington train going from Omaha to Lincoln. They had boarded tilt train at Chicago, for Omaha. The train stopped for an hour in Omaha and tho qulutet remained cosily ensconced in ths car. When the train got to that little old frame shed at South Omaha known as a depot and the conductor or braketnan yelled "South Omaha," the five Chicasa rangers bundled themselves together and got off the train as quickly as possible. "This here's Omyha, alnt It?" inquired one of the rustics of the conductor as he alighted. "Why certainly not, replied the con ductor, "This is South Omaha." "When do we get to Omyha?" asked tho rurallsts in one breath. 'Omaha! why men, we have passed Omaha. We stopped there for an hour," rejoined tho conductor with evident dis gust. ' And the five Chicago gentlemen were tolled off to ths street car which brought them back to "Omyha." Diamond Rings Freiser, 15th and Dodge. "Common Law" will be the topic at the Omaha Philosophical society on Sunday, December 10, the opening addreaa to bs made by a well known Omaha attorney, Iaidore Zlegler. An able treatment of the subject Is assured. The society meets at 1:10 p. ax. in the Patterson building. Seven teenth and Farnam. Admlsaiun free. Everybody is invited. Xoveltles for Men. Physician's sterling silver thermometer cases, 11.50 to fXOO. Sterling handle pocket knives, 12.00 to $0 00. Pearl handle, $1 25 to I-'. 76. Folding pocket scissors. Sterling silver handles, 12.76, at Mawhlnney ft Ryan's. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats, ladies' sulir, skirts, millinery, etc., cash or credit. People's Store, loih aod Faroam. Artistic diaaivnd settings. fcdUolm, jewe'r. ' Our Elegant HOLIDAY Footwear Now Ready A Our holiday offerings in elegant footwear, which are now ready for your inspec tion, are far and away the largest, choicest and finest of all the many fine assort ments we have had the pleasure of .showing you. Prettiest of Ladies' Shoes Smartest ef Gentlemen's Shoes Nobbiest of Young Peoples' Shoes Correct Shoes tor Children Prices Right on All When Santa V Claus Comes Grandpa, grandma, mother, brother, aiater or sweetheart will be dis appointed if you haven't selected a pair of CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS from Drexel'a big holiday stork. Don't put It off too long come early and get the best to select from and avoid the rush. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Sts. LUKE WRIGHT GOES THROUGH Governor of the Philippines Paases Throngh Omaha nt atidaleht Fast Asleep. Cosily tucked In lils Pullman berth and entirely oblivious to the outside world, Luke E. Wright of Tennesaee, governor of the Philippine islands, whizzed through Omaha Friday at midnight on the Overland Lim ited from San Francisco. This Informa tion was gleaned from Union Pacific bead quarters Saturday afternoon, where officials had only obtained it but a' few minutes before. Union Pacific officiate had not been advised definitely of the time Governor Wright would pass through Omaha apd were looking for him Saturday. In fact, it was the general impression he would be through then. "" Erie Kallroad. No Chsngs of cars Chicago to New Tork, Boston. Mass.; Buffalo, N. T., and Colum bus, Ohio. These trains carry splendid Pullman and dining cars and coaches. Ap ply to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan. T. P. A., Railway Exchange, Chicago. Acknowledgment of order, dpulicate or der and record of order on order book at one operation on the New Smith Premier Billing machine. Demonstrations of toes and other systems at our office, 17th and Farnam fits. Walk -Over Shoes AND SPECIAL, LINES OF SLIPPERS FOR GENTLEMEN I Perfection In comfort-giving house shoes the "SOLACE SLIPPER" Hsnd turn, with instep protection, made In the finest materials and sold at the Walk-Over Shoe Store 1521 FARNAM ED. & THOMPSON. "TUB WALK OVER MAN." Mall Order Department. STYLE BOOK FREE. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY TIIK RKUAULG HIOKU. . uiwnornK IIWIIWIILVrf , r r n a na mi t' e-n-f-,... a . MONDAY HOW FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS i ruin i v---: 11 i-v .X'.-h AM ll mm Nothing could bo more acceptable) to hnshnmL brother op son. than a stylish Suit or Overcoat. You are always assured of newest style, best quality at lowest price here. LET US SAVE YOU CLOTHES MONEY. Men's Suits at $7.50 and $10.00 In all the newest styles and most popular materials. Almost un limited variety of patterns and colors worth from $2.50 to $5.00 above . T.50 1 f) 00 our sale price. " lv- Elegant Hand-Tailored Suits and Overcoats Garments possessing not only plenty of stylo, but un surpassed quality as well, and an individuality that is bound to please all judges of good dress. You cannot duplicate them at our price-$25.00, $22.50, $20.00, $18.00, $15.00, $12.50 n.00 and lU A complete line of Smoking Jackets at line of Smoking T $8.75, $6.75, $5 J' 95 311 Youths Long Pants Suits Surprising values at our ' sale price $7.50, $5.00 and ., Young Men's Overcoats In all styles, splendid bar gains, at $7.50, $5.00 and , Children's Knee Pants Suits In all the newest styles and materials unmatchable values, at $3.50, $2.50, $1.95 4.65 and 1 Children's Overcoats In acres from 2V- to 8 rears creat as sortment of colors, styles and materials, at $5.00, f .95 $2.50, down to 1 0-O00000-0-00000000000CK0-O000 1 We Do Not Raise Prices for the Christmas holiday trade. Our prices are CONSISTENTLY LOW AND MODERATE all the year around, and we feel sure that you will find them so if you will favor us with a call and look over our large, entirely new and thoroughly modern' stock. THEHE IS NOT A PIECE OF OLD OR LAST SEASON'S STOCK IN OUR STORE. We Quote a few prices and Invite your personal inspection . Our Watch Department A good working watch Elgin or Waltham movement silver- M Q C lne dust and waterproof case only i ....... . nt J D For the Boy A 16 size boys' watch Elgin or Waltham movement only . . . , .' Ot I D Our famous 15-Jewel Elgin or Wraltham movement gold CI 7 C filled, twenty years' guaranteed case only 11.75 Same watch as above, but seventeen jewels Our ladies' watch gold filled hunting case twenty years f f guarantee plain or engraved 1a0U Another ladles' watch permanent gold case guaranteed -to wear for life . 17.50 ALL THE ABOVE MOVEMENTS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS. Everyone of those watches are splendid values and will give satisfac tion. We have watches ranging In price from. $1 to $500 Our Jewelry Department An Immense and varied selection of ARTISTIC JEWELRY IN THE NEWEST PATTERNS., You will find every article you wish suitable for presents. i $23 25c 50c Diamond Brooches up from Diamond Rings up from. . . . $15 ..$5 Diamond Studs up from...... Sterling Silver Thim bles, up from . . . . Solid Gold or Gold Filled Scarf Pins the most complete line in the city up frol Silver Toilet Sets C 7 a C C up from p 10 Ladies' Lorgnette Chains A k up from , JiUU Bracelets modern and artistic, up from 1.25 Solid Gold Children's Rings up from . . . 75c Imported French Opera (PPi 'J f? I Hat Pins up C Glasses all styles from. $D lO 0.a? from S DC i and stylish Tiffany Leather Goods PA CfC containing complete toilet outfit from, . . l,DJ'$KD Novel, unique Handbags Cut Glass in Latest Patterns and Ar tistic Handpainted Porcelain From now on until Christmas we will give you 20 PER CENT OFF on the card price of every piece of Hand Painted China In our store. Don't Miss This Opportunity. , At the Sign of the Cross Business Boosters Try the Want AS Column of Tbs 11S South Sixteenth Street. - Opposite the Boston Store. Fins watch repairing. W employ only flmt-class watchmakers and Jew elers and guarantee satisfaction. Watch Inspector tor C," tit. P., VL Si O. R. R. snd Inspector of clocks for all the city schools. oocwo ooooo o-oooooo ooo oooooo No Headacho. Nervousness or Insomnia WHIN YOU SMOKE MereairaftiiSe Sgair du... You Arc Smoking A Fin SaUctad Havana Tobaooo and Whloh Ha Baan Carafu r. R RICS BlUdCANTlLB CIGAR CO, illy and Proparly Traatad. - t. k.oyn 'si I fJ J f I 4 ' .J i N