n TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. $ 860 N. K. corner 2Slh And Bhlrlry 8ts 1'iOiKO feet; 5 rootrmt H irgnln. $l504i;U Grant Bt., HixUO feet, rooms, wwrr, water ami aa. J1GB0 1222 8. 27th St., Wixl.V) feet, 6' rooms, modern except furnace. tiew ptuniti ln. A bargain; easy terma. Bubmit oners. USTiO-a .3 8. -1st Bt.. large grounds, 8 rooma, sewer, water and gus; well hullt; large harn. Wg snap. $2000 2v4 Pierce Bt., 0xl!U feet, 6 rooms, nearly new; modern except furnace. Very choice. $230-72O N. lHlh St.. 44x08 feet. -room house, sower, water, gas and buth. Walking distance. Burgnln. 3a0O-2( N. 2bth St., 7 rooma, rnMlern, nearly new; rent $35 per month. Good invest ment. J3G00 .'.xtli. between Paul and Hamilton, brand new 8-room 2-tor square, mo.l- ern liouee, nicely arranged, ready to move in $3500 Howard St.. fte.ir 221. V-ft front, 7 rooma, al modern, close in. $3750 810 8. 21st St., n"xl4 feet, 0' rooma. modern except furnace, large 2-story square house, well built, stone coping in front. I36B0 1.V3 Georgia Ave., Bexl) feet, rooms, all modern, ejiay terms, choice loca tion. Bargain. 84500110 Emmet. 6x124 feet, 8 rooma, mod ern, well arranged, well built, hard wood first floor; want cash offer this weelc $1600 170i and 17o B. JXth Bt., one -rom house, modern except ' furnace; one 2-storv 7-room house, all modern. renting for $48 rr month. Buy these. live I in oi one and rent the other. Cheap. CHEAP. BUILDING LOTS $200-4;xll2 ft., east front on 25th Ave. north of St. Mary's, paving tax all paid. Dig bar gain. $.niO-50xl3O ft.. Miami St. nar 2Mb Av. Want a cash offer uulck. Must sell to wind up a corporation now liquidating. $:m-60xlJ0 ft., near 4Cth and Cum ing. $H50 50x130, near 5th and Mason. inside"vacant $5.nno-66x99 ft., N. E. cor. 10th and Dodgu. $3,50066x66 ft., Jackson near 14th $12.500-S4xM5 t f. W. corner Harney and liith. garvin" bros. , 1604 Farnam St RB Otto Siemssen & Co. 838 N. Y. Life. Tel. Hlack-5880. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THIS WEEK Trackage Choice, on Karnam between Olh and loth streets, 44x132 feet. $1I,6 ' Business Lot Choice, on IMh and Jones east front, 20x100 feet, $0,000. Residence Lot Suitable for flats, 17th and Jones streets, 100 feet front, $3,600. Investment South Omaha, best location -YJrlck block' eKl for $4000 a year, 17,50O. Country HomeBenson, lot 100x128 feet 6-r. barn ,tc-' rent tor $15 a mo. , l m- . RK-r M . ; FOR 8ALE. acres of Irrigated land. miles from ugar factory at Sterling. Colo., right on railroad: srnrwl -whrl li mM . . 7 - -j llllir , I ill, IIU- provements, part In alfalfa-$47 per acre ... in9n nxrn. William Iverscti , "" ' vwimr, aiworo, Colo. KE-096 fx GREAT FARM BARGAINS Seventeen miles from Kansas City Stock Yards, In Jackson county, Missouri.; ' 7 cre"' the '"J"' of a"y Illinois or Iowa land. Deep, rich, black loam. Plenty of bluegrass, corn, wheut and hay land; open woodland pasturage: smallest quantity waste land; fine water; near railway station; extra well situated for stock raising, general farming and fruit growing. The best country roads in Missouri; 200 miles rock roads In Jackson county, which cost the farmers nothing; 400.000 population In Kansas City (In Jackson county) and environs. This farm is owned by a man who lives in the city. He can't run it and doesn't want to lease It Price. $6S per acre. This farm In Illinois, Ohio or Iowa could not be had for less than $125 or $160 an acre. Also two 800-acre farms In Lafayette county, Missouri, near railway stations and 46 miles east or Kansas City; improvements on each of theso-Tarms cannot )u du plicated for less than $15,000. They are common-sens; and useful; one $tS5, the other ' $70 per acre. 1,000 acres 85 miles west of Kansas City, In Kansas; $45 per acre. 1.280 acres near Topeka, Kan.; $40 per acre. 1,040 acres near Lawieuce, Kan., 40 miles from Kansas City; $35 per acre. I.eu0 acres, very Jancy and highly Improved. In Barton county, Missouri, 126 miles south of Kansas City; fenced into over forty fields; $0per-acre. Fancy tract only 74 miles south of Kansas City, Missouri; 612 acres; a mile front on rock road; $150 an acre; no land between this and the city can be had for less than $50 an acre. I have a largo number of farms ranging from 40 to 1,600 acres within 100 miles of Kansas City, In Missouri and Kansas, at all prices from $40 to $150 pfc acre. Coal, gas and oil In abundance underlie this area; great quantities finest building stone; Immense weulth of natural resources. No Richer or More Productive Soil in jthe World. The railroad companies In their efforts to force the sale of their cheap western lands refuse io sell homcseekers cheap rate tickets to Kansas City, or to any point within 100 miles of Kansas City; hence land buyers pass through this fertile part of the country without seeing It, and miss the best and cheapest farms on the continent. Crop failures are unknown In Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas. The rich oil Is inexhaustible and produces enormous yields of corn, all the smull grains, blue grass, timothy, clover, alfalfa and all the fruits, and is especlully adapted to One stock raising. Prices are 26 to 100 per cent lower than for lands no better In Illinois and Iowa. I llomeseekers ttnd Investors, write what you want and terms desired. REFERENCES National Hunk Commerce. First National Bank, Fidelity Trust Company, Karnet;, New & Krauthoff, lawyers, all of Kansas City, Mo. J. H. LIPSCOMB. 306 Fl Trust Shimer & Chase. Builders of Modern Houses $0,7309 room house: first class lu every way; corner in Hanscom Turk lMstriet; pa veil alreet; flue, honu. $3,000 Fine 0-room house with barn in Kountze riaco ou Biuuey St., nice home. $4,200 Six-room house 8. 2Sth St., near Hfluscom Park Addition; inoderu; very nice. i $3.200 Fruit farm of 11 acres near Council Bluffs; act to fruit apples, pears, . peaches, plums, graphs; small fruit; two bouses, large barn. Might ex change for Omaha rctd t deuce. 4 $1,700 Bran new 5 room cot tage on car line; niod- ern except heat UN. HAMMOND. Real Estate Dep't SHIMER & CHASE CO., Pbop4 SC7. 1609 Faraaa. Bt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $.V40 6R4 So. 33th Ave., DOxluO feet, corner, 1; i K , sightly vl '. 9 rooms, all tneil ern; pul In first-class repair, new stone steps and walk, street Just paved; owners leaving city. A Ixtr giil a. $j500 1- a mam, near 41st; 8-rooma, strictly modern, new square house, 44x1.17 feet, racing both 1 arnam and liarney. Bargain. VACANT $ 60J each for the finest vacant lots In the south part of llio city, on ltith St., beginning 109 feet south of Vinton and extending for 6i feet In Bholes sub division, fctreet .traded, water and gas, permanent walk being laid, fine east view, high ground, close to car, between Omaha and South Omaha, lots 4"xl2U feet each to alley. $ 750 2-t feet east front on lKth, block south of inton, by 1W feet d.?cp. r ine pl.ice for hot house, fruit or chicken ranch. Some discount for all cash, if we can close It out quickly. $ 750 6uxl24 feet north front on Iothrr.p, between Kith and 17tli, Kountxe Place. I550O 115 feet on Farnam. 82 feet deep at northwest corner Park Ave. and Karnam, fine place to build tints, anu cheap. $2400 b'xlW feet east front orr 28th, Just south or Jackson. WANTED Have customer for good business prop' erty, $10,M) to $20,noo, close In, that has a. future. Submit your propostions. RK J. W. ROBBINS: BUY NOW $G,6t)0 22x132, with 2-story brick building, in heart of wholesale district. Rental worth more. SrtHD. $4,000 8-room modern house and barn, with 2 east front lots (lOuxlGo) on S2d Ave. at cor. of Hanscom park, con venlent to both Omaha and South Omaha. $3,000- 8-riom modern house and barn, cor. of Farnam and 44th. In flno repair, $3,0U0 it-room modern house and barn on Uth St.. near iarnain. WANT AN Or'FEK. $1,600 6-ruom cottage, in fine repair, 916 N, IMh, easy terms. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $ 3fi0 North front on Hamilton, near 36th $ 4H) 50 ft. on Prntt, west of 24th. $1,0550 ft. on Chicago (paved), west of 30th. $1,500 East front on Georgia Ave., near Farnam. $3,00i 50 ft. on 40th, south of Farnam. VEHY CHOICE. $6,230 7xl37, Fnrnnni and 38th, fronts 3 streets; nothing finer for residence or flats. IMPROVED FARMS Fine farm of 315 acres in Sarpy county at uo per acre. 170 acres, Harrison county, Iowa, $52.50 per acre. IS acres, Harrison county, Iowa, fino corn land, $i! per acre. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. Rli B. R. BALL, 526 N. Y. Life. "Phone B1229. $4,5002610 Wirt. 8-rooni modern; Inrge barn, now house, hot water heat, an ideal home. Lot 66x132. $2,4JO 2117 Grant, 7-room modern house, In fine condition: small barn. $1.2u0 2S15 W'oolwortli Ave., 6-room house. Five acres, S-room house three ' blocks south of Leavenworth St., well fenced and plenty of fruit. $J0 SVi acres on Ames Ave., north of the new park -. $2,30016 acres three miles northwest from Florence; barn and abundant (rult. RE CALIFORNIA alfalfa and fruit land. Free information -about the famous Gridley colony. Write for It. -. harden spot of California. Ideal place for a home. Rich farming country. Dairying, stock raising, fruit growing. Fine climate. Charles F. O'Brien, General Manager, Dept. 24. 30 Montgomery bt., San Francisco. RE 'elity Bid., Kansas City Mo. R E REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE 014 18 South Fortieth Street. To le sold at Auction. Sale to be held on Premises. Thursday, Dec. 14, 'OS At 2 r. M. This property consists of a very neat tf-room cottage, lawn, cistern, city water; and a good It-room bouse (not quite nnibliedl adjoining above, having One cellar, cistern, lawn, etc. Two full lots, established street and alley. Taxes all paid uud property free of in cumbrance. Desirable re-iLlon,. rr reutal property. Conditions of gale are that present owner retains iawsessiou of poultry house and feucluit uow on premises aud be allowed free rent of one house until April 1, IiumJ. Household furnishings consisting of parlor suite, hlsh grade organ, box couch, base burner, besides bedroom, dining-room and kitchen furniture to be disiHMted of at auction ou same date, or whatever is not sold at private sale In the meantime. Sale begins promptly at 2 p. m. and will be conducted by Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., 23- Neville Block. RE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters & Co. Ground Floor Bee Building. In West Farnam District, choice 10- room house, motlfm, liirge prouuds, Just newly put In first cIhrh shnpe. Ir!o .",."i"l. Will tnke $'J.rN) cash, Jialnnce tlirw years nt 0 per -eut. New 8-rooin mixlern house with oak fltilsli, hot water heat, full cemented basement, choice combination flxture. larico cistern, HaiiHcoiii Far It District. Frice $:,&). S-nxnn atrlcily moilern, larce south front lot. fine ahatle, good barn. Frlee $ 4.XK). If Interested In a gool property come In aud talk this over with us. 0-room modern house, permanent walks, full lot, south front and within walking distance. We believe $3,000 will buy this. Try os and see. New 7-room house with reception hall, thoroughly modern, combination fixtures, full lot, handy to best car In 'the city. Try us on $3,000. 7-room house In pretty good repair, full lot. No. 3!oD Seward. Owner holds It at $1,800. Look It over and make us an offer. No. 2812 Miami r?t., 6-roorn house, city water. This Is In colored neighborhood and any colored man looking for a home can buy this right VACANT $1,50 each, buys two choice lying lots ou 40th, Just north of Joslyn's palatial home, asphaltum street, arti ficial atone walks, apecluls all paid and title A No. 1. Choicest apartment site in town, OZViXl'M, for $10,000. Terras so easy you won't miss the money. Think It over. Three 50 foot lots in a district that it Is utterly impossible to hold back iow that it is started, for $2,100. This will bring $3,000 or more by spring. Take this Monday and you will get the beat small investment in Omaha. 50 foot lot, second lot south of Emmet, facing east on Sherman Ave., for $1,000. Specials all paid. A No. 1. Buy a lot in Dundee for $000 or $700 where you are adjacent to from $5,000 to $20,000 properties and neighbors that are not to be excelled. No other locality In or aliout Omaha offers such attrac tions. We have large lists to choose trom and a purchase now will save you money. We have a large list of lots in good localities that lie nicely. These belong to eastern clients who are anxious to close out. Come and see our list and Milmilt offers. BOULEVARD TERRACE Do not overlook the most popular ad dition in Omaha, because we are giving 51.000 lots for about two-thirds of the money. Property is changing hands very rapidly in this vicinity which naturally means hlger prices. Buy now and avoid the advance. If you buy your lot now you will have your plans oil ready for an early start In the spring. If you buy in the spring it will probably be Mld-mimmer or later before you get your building started. Come in and see us and be convinced that Boulevard Terrace is a place to build a home. THE TITLE - TO YOUR HOME IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE. IF YOU HAVE A 0 "KERR" ABSTRACT A $10,000.00 with the American Surety Co. OF NEW YORK,, AS SURETY, absolutely protects your interests. YOU DON'T BUY A LAW SUIT WHEN YOU BUY A it KERR" ABSTRACT. THE J. FRED KERR CO., 1008 N. Y. LIFE. 'PHONE 2244 RE SITES FOR FLATS 21th and Harney, $2,800 17i50. 20th Ave. and Farnam. $2,750 67.xSO. 2oth Ave. and Dodge, $3,50055x120. These are choice locations aiuL will not be for sale long. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone 2U7. 212 S. 14th. RE NEW Five-room cottage at 018 Franklin. Gas, bath, closet etc, cemented cellar, full "south front lot 50x127; email pay ment down, balance monthly payments. The Byron Reed Co. 212 6. 11th. Toone 207. REr- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & 1601 Farnam St. HOUSES FOR SALE $.1,in For 2S3 California St., S-room mod ern house, newly painted and papered throughout. In ftrst-clnss condition; large barn, lot 60x156 ft. Reasonable terms. $3.400 For good -room house on N. ISth P. near Purt. modern except furnace, newlv painted, shingled and papered. In best of condition. Lot has 49 ft. frontage. Very easy terms. $3.100 For 8-room modern house and large nam in uunaee, -wttn two lots, KWX135 ft., near car line. Easy terms. $2,700 For good 7-room house on Ames Ave. ir. nil T- V, ml, IIIU,ir CXr')l I II T- nnee and In excellent repair. Nice lawn, full lot and beautiful shade trees. $2,5no For large l-story, (-room house on 1 a . .. rua as 1 1 , . . i.uri on nrar A-n Oi., ll moats-n except furnace, good barn; lot 40x146 ft. $2.150-For 1111 N. 18th St., 7-room cottare, moncrn except furnace, rooms large and property in good condition. Easy terms. $2,100 For 7-room. J-atory house on Bristol M. near I7tn 8t., with barn and large lot '.xl32 ft. Room to build another house en lot. Nonresident owner anxious to sell. Price reduced from $2,400. $?.100For 1704 N. sfith St.. g-room house, Franklin school. Jl.Snn For J502 8. 20th St., -room cottage, inrKe oearooms upstairs, city water, gas ewer, etc. Corner lot 35x120 ft. $500 cash, balance at t per cent. $1.350 For 4145 Krsklne St., 6-room cottage, in nest or condition, with small barn, nice lawn, lot 50x120 ft REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. Improved Well located, 8-room residence In the West Farnam distrlot. Full lot. Electric lights, eto. Price $5,500. 7- room house on North 2Gth street, near Maple street, $1,800 8- room house at 40th nd Farnam; full lot, south front $3,000. Six houses on 37th St. north of Dodge; six rooms, $1,100 each. Vacant About ?0 lots In Sherman Place, 47th and Leavenworth, $200 each. 1 About 30 lots In Haxel Terrace Add., located between liith ahd 19th Sts., S blocks south of Vin ton; convenient to two car lines; prices, from 1150 to $300. i About 20 lota in Durant Place, 27th, Corby and Maple Sts., $300. . per lot A number of . fine ten and 'twenty-aore parcels conveniently located. , . , . Property In all parts of tha city. LOANS NEGOTIATED INSURANCE WRITTEN REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. RE PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Rldg. Omaha. Neb. 115,000 home for $10,000, In the rooms, well arranged and strictly modern; large grounds, goou uam, uuo nu-uo 3616 Lincoln Blvd., 9 rooms, strictly madrn, nicely arranged, well built, two fireplaces, south front on the boulevard. Price, $u,Z5U. 1202-4-6 N. 24th St., 2-story brick building, 3 stores below, 3 flats; spe cial taxes all paid. A bargain. $12,000; easy terms. 3523 Burt St.. 9-room all modern house, large grounds. Price,- $6,500. 2818-20 Leavenworth St., 2 cottages, ground 70x100, all special taxes naid: fine investment: always rented: $6,000. 973 N. 27th Ave., 7-room house, gas city water, bath and furnace, two large lots, $3,500. Easy terms. 2315 S. 12th, 7-room house, modern; price, $2,5Q0; easy terms. 1208-10-12 S. 20th St., lot 102 east front on 20th; total rent $20 per month. Price, $2,400. All special taxes paid. Stone pavement on 20th. 4209 Cuming St., 7 :H)oms, good barn, on paved street, $2,100. 1312-14 S. 24th St., 2 cottages; rental $20 per month; full lot. Price, $2,000. 3820 N. 20th St., 6-room bouse, east front on the boulevard, $1,600. S3S1 Burt, full lot, nice neighborhood, 2 small bouses. Price, $1)250. Easy terms. - X. 112 S. 28th Ave., east front, small cottage, $1,000. VACANT Southeast corner of 36th and Pacific, beautiful lot, high and sightly, $950. South front lot on Chicago between 28th and 30th. Price, $800. Southeast corner of Dewey Ave. and 26th St., 96x126, suitable for an apartment house or flats. Owner is anxious to sell. On Webster west of 27th, south front, fine lot, fine surroundings, walk ing distance; $700. On Hamilton t., west of 35th, full lot; $550. Oakhurst Park la the place to live. Call and get a plat or telephone us and we will send you one of our salesmen to call on you and give you full par ticulars. , PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life $30,000 BUys a Farnam St. block, rented to one tenant for a term of rtve years at $3,0UO per year. $20,000 Buys Douglas St. brick, rented at IJ.soO per year. $22,000 Buys best unimproved corner on Farnam St., if sold immediately. $,500 Buys splendid double dwelling, near Hanscom park, well suited to occupy one and rent the other at Mi per year. F, D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE ifi3 10 BUILDING SITES $3,400 6Jil36 feet, on S2d Ave., Dior J. B. Kitchen nianaion. $2,BuO-Kull east front. Kid, n-ar Dodge; price $X5uO, but think $2, luu will take t,600 Two nice lots, S3d and Leaven worth. I 7'i 44 fwt, line lot with natural trees. tl.OuO C'or. 29th and Dodge, paved b I reel. $1,100 66x132. Harney St., near First Baptist church. f. . WEAD. 1524 Douglas at. R&-MT5 10 FOR 8 ALE Finest aa4 cheapest site in Omaha, 8. W. corner 'iilh and Poppleton, VmxIZI feet. Prig. H4. Address Q 4J, iJee offlc. Klr-UVii Us FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 'Phone 7S6, VACANT 13,rtftFor 1S9 4slTS ft. at 8. W. rornir Zfi'.h Av. ami liarney Bts., Inolurtlns; Im provements thereon, one-third cash, bnl. t f per t:ent. One of the most tleslrsblo rlose In corners, suitable for apartment "house or flat. In the city. $4,WKV-Fr fWxl32 ft.. N. E. cor. 18th and WehKter 8t., with 6-room old brick house; Kood corner to improve; rloiw In. 2.mo-Fnr oOnliiO ft., N. F. on 8t. Mary's Av. near 2Kth St. Three lots. tl.iW For 60x140 ft.. W. F. on 32d St.. SO ft N. of Wool worth Ave.; special taxes all paid. Nonresident owner anxious to sell. Want offer. ,m each for several Rood lota 4xl36 ft, nicely located near Farnam cur line, facliiR park and boulevard. $750 For 61x147 ft., N. F. on Lafayette Ave., St ft. E. of 36th St. Easy terms. (6X1 For 60x127 ft., E. F. on Xth Ave.. 214 ft. 8. of Woolworth. $450 For 45x130 ft., W. F. on Soth St.. at Intersection of Ontario, S blocks from boulevard. !50 For S5 ft. lot. N. F. on JTmmet St., 600 ft. E. of 27th St. Want offer. $37& For 60x13 ft. on Manderaon St., Just west of Wth Ave. I $326-For 60x120 ft., N. F. on Oraht St., 100 ft. E. of 42d Bt. $Ju0-For 60x130 ft.. N. F. on Decatur St., 350 ft. E. of 4oth St. Choice. INVESTMENTS $J,000 For 1433 8. Iflth St., 2-tory. frame store building- with 8 large llvlnur rooms above, also small house In rear; pays over 10 per cent net after deducting taxes and Insurance. $2,600 For 8. E. eorner of 16th and Paclflrt 8ts., 4 three-room houses, rent In for $6 each, and one shop used as broom factory, renting for $10; total monthly rental, $34; lot 66x100 ft. RE GDOD HOMES . CHEAP $2,000 For a 6-room cottage and 64 ft. of ground, south front, on Cuming St., near 2th. Ground alona worth the money. $1,800 Buys a 7-room modern cottage, ex cept furnace, lot G2H by 130, close in. $1,200 Buys a5-room cottage on Caldwell St., near 3Gth; paved street and per manent walks and large lot. C400 For 6-room cottage on 30th St, near Chicago; partly modern. Can make terms. $1,200 Near 38th and Decatur, large 7-room . house, partly modern. Owner non resident and Is anxious to dispose of his. Omaha property. Can take few hundred dollars down and balance monthly payments. Improved Acres $1,500 For 2 acres and new six-room cot tage and cistern and fenco and good collar In Benson Heights ort Orphan age road. Can make terms. $2,000 Buys 10 acres of ground and 8-room house and good barn and wagon house and wash house and vegetable house and windmill and chicken house. Ono acre of asparagus that brought the owner last year $400, and pie plant, hot beda and hog pens. Tho owner will rent tha coming year and pay $200 rent What more do you want? A. L. ROOT. SALESMAN. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1(U4 Farnam. RE mrr thet GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous scale In the whola country. The best watered grain and tfwk In nri ir. near Mandan. Richardson and Mott. Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We own 100,000 acres to select from; average price, $12.60 an acre. Aak for proofs and Brown'a farmer. Wm. H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mandan. North Dakota. northwestern part of the city; 9 largo Bldg. TEL. 1781. RE- TO - Investors I have for sale at 14th and Harney vacant (round, 45x7u, suitable for two flats, for $1J0; perfect title; taxes all paid; beat location in city. Desire to sell at once. Address O 37, Bee. RE M 700 10 ONLY tl.lOO FOR POPPLETON AVE. -room house; well, cistern, etc.; near 231 Bt. 'Avenue paved. 6NAte4 IN LOTS, two of thum, Half Howard and 43d; only 1150 each. i'MOlCK EAST FRONT. 33d near Wool Tltor 54 mi' Han8CO,n P"1,11 vicinity; only 'CUAA E. WILLIAMSON CO. HE 960 10 BARGAIN In order to cloae up an eatate at once we tnuat ai-ll the frame row of three lo-room liounea, eaat aide 'Jbth Bt,, north of Dav enport; properly haa alwaya Iwen kept In rood repair 7.5nO. Renta produce 15 per cent grosa. H. A. LOLTD. ZX P. O. or Sll N. 25th. RE-M7 I3 llx TWO NEW 8-ItOOM MOD ERN HOUSES FOU SALE, $3,G00EACH. J. H. DUMONT, Owner, . KU LUayetU Ave, 'Phone a44. HO-jm 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H SOMETHING CLOSE IN PROPERTY H THAT WILL ADVANCE 50 PER CENT WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR. $1,500. 33x112 foot, west front, ou 2t!th St, permanent 'walks nnd .Hiving all paid for; line shade trees. Would make a tine place for a home. $2,600. 45x170 feet, south front, on liarney. lietween 22d and 24th. Paving and permanent walks all paid for. Good place to bjilld flats. $2,200. C9x80 feet, corner lot, near Talk Ave. and Jackson. Paving and permanent walks paid for. $2,760. Park Ave., running through to 80th St., big enough for a fine home. Most sightly rart of the avenue and space in the rear for two brick flats. $2,000. Finest lot in Hanscom park district. all specials paid for; lot on the south sold for $2,750 two years ago. Think it over. $4,600. 80x140 feet, fronting on three streets, neard 2 2d and Howard. Nice sightly place for an apartment house. $6,006. 80x134 feet, corner lot, near 27th and Jackson, paving on both sides, nice shade trees,' room for several fiats. $5,000. ' 98x128 feet, corner of 26th and Dewey, paving all paid. Will bo worth $7,500 within a year. , INVESTMENTS PAYING MORE than io per Cent. $13,500. A 4-apartment brick flat, renting for $1,680 per year, on paved street, close In. ' $8,500. A 2 7-room brick flat, on paved street, close in. Has brought an In come of nearly $1,000 for five years. $10,500. 3 new 7-room houses on paved street, close in. All finished In oak and modern In every respect; renting for $1,260 on yearly leases. $16,000. A 3-apartment brick flat on 25th near Farnam. Paving all paid for. Open Monday evenings till 9 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden, 1609 Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) ' he MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STILL GOES ONI See these bargains and make me an offer. They are ele gant homes in Kountze Place. , 1624 Spencer street. 19,9 Blnney street. .2014 Emmet street. See these houses in Hanscom Place and make me au offer. 3220 Poppleton avenue. 1318 South 29th strfet. 1501 South 28th street. See these cottages -which I offer at a very low price 918 North 18th street. 920 North 18th street. 1614 North 27 th street. 1610 North 27th street No reasonable offer will be refused. THOMAS Room 1 New SOME REAL BARGAINS T rooma, S years old, only" ten blocks from poatofflce Ili.WJQ 6 rooms, brand new, one block from Rome Miller's mansion rooma, 84 foot lot, paved street, near 2Sth and Parker St 1.9"0 5 rooma, 1 year old, 50 ft. south front. one block from car, North Side.' 11,600, 6 rooma, nearly rew, one block from car line, a little north of Rcniis iark $1,600 4 rooma, just finished, GO ft. aouth front, near 35 and Blondo Sts 11,100 8 rooma, 8 blocks south of jobbing dis trict 2. We can make reaaonable terma on any of tho above. VACANT' LOTS 2th St., near Iard 500 Soth St., near Blondo 1600 Mth Bt.. north of Port Bt $200 Hlh und Orant 8ta....r $150 BEMIS, Paxton Block. RH-3SI 10 GOOD THINO IN A 1.130-acre stock (arm, 8 milea from station, 4-4) acres denied, acres school land, fcased until 1K2G. about 2S0 acrea smooth land on the three-quarters, balance excel lent grasa land; all fenced. Improvements conHlMt of niall new frame hnuHe, burn, cuttle Hheda, granary, corn l ill), slock scum's; living waitT on iriu pmcc; acnuoi on i land I'rice tt;,i. on chhIi, bulunce to I suit purchuatr. Reynolds ljind t'ompmiy, Oliiuha. RE ! lux NEAR ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Two cottages bringing JS per month, lot 41XU2. all iv $:.. K. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas HI. RE -U71 10 MORE CHOICE TRACKAGE Full tf.xlSL Nicholas, near 15th, well im proved; rents $420. Present pries only $x,5uu. Don't delay Investigating this if you want a speculation or trackage. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON Co. RE-S48 10 CALIFORNIA HOMESKEKER 8 Ol IDE FREE Htnd today. Great opportunities. Bnephord-Tsagus Co., U23 "J" iw Fresno, CL RE 857 l"x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGMNS $2,000 Hero is a snap. An 8-room hon near 27th and Prntt. Has good new furnace bricked In, bath, toilet and ga. On full lot with some fruit trees. Owner going to California and terj; anxious to sell. 54,500 Near 31st and Pacific, an 8-room, all modern house in good repair. Rooms large and conveniently arranged. Trie reduced from fo.OOKX 52950 Neatly new 2-story house on 8. 10th Has six large rooms and reception hall. Two more can be finished on second flora;. . Finished In hard pine. Lot 00x132. In good neighborhood, Ow&ea going south and must seLL v 51000 Good 6-room cottage one-half blocH from Ames Are. car. In good repato Gas and fixtures In house. Full lot. Shade and fniit trees, 512.500 , Three brick flats on Douglas Bt, renting for $1,440 per year. All Id. good repair. Ani per cent Invest, mcnt. 550,000 Large building with trackage In wholesnlo district A good Investment. VACANT 52,500 Southeast corner 80th and California, 180xir.2. Excellent location for several cottagof. On Florence Boulevard, south of Fort St., we have a tract which we have Just divided into nine lots. Trices $323 and, $3nO for those fronting on Fort St., and $."00 to $000 for three ou the Boulevard, These are very sightly and .well located, Call and get a plat and look them over. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Telephone 1004. 1320 Farnam St RE BRENNAN, York Life Bldg. REJ ON HAMILTON ST. SCxl57 frontage on" two street, for only $&). Corner lot, llxtii, aouth and eaat frontage! north purt of city; near Harney car; $700. t". V. WEAD, 1EC4 Douglas Bt. RE 980 10 CAS- Williamson Co. "Kr RE fflO ALL KINDS of Florence lota for Bale. Expert advice on scavenger tax aula. Dexter L. Tiiomua, 412 live Bldg. RE u90 D13 Small Acre Tracts For Sale We have 5, .. lo, U, -U So, 40, tw. 65, GO tracts, nil improved, price right, close to 1-iammouU,, Jstb. Can ttiue on aome of theac. Write to Falter & Talu, Platta luuuth. Neb. UE-Uli4 OWNER WANTS TO B1CLL. Two-story brick building, stores and flata bring in yearly rentu.1 oi :4; 10 per cent net above taxes, investment on aakuig price, s,vJ. b. L. WEAD. 1524 Douglas Bt. RE !;$ 10 FOR SALE Large house, two barns ani two full kits, un North 16th bt., only . $4.buu. This is a batguin. ' THOMAS lilt fc-N NAN, Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. RS 271 Farm and Ranch Lands Nsbratiaii, Kuiixas, Colorado aud Wyoming; iow pi ices; ten year' time. Laud Depu U. P. R. R.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." E-27 REAL ESTATE Win sell you Kansas wheut. ullalfu, sugar beet and rancu lauds; improved und unimproved. John Weils, Dodgu City, Kan. HE M-j7 Dux WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet, descilo Ing two ranches in the iom and alfalfa bell. Willis Cadwull, iiiuken Uow, NU RE 277 $2,500 Buys a doublo Z-stnry aud brick basement house, rented at per annum, and ought to bilug mure; lot tV'xl-". on North Twenty eighth street. Non-resident owner wauta to buy cattle. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglaa Rt. RE-877 10 TV 'O BARGAINS IN LOTS Lot, 40x150, at S5th Ave. and Ixavenwoi th, east front , Lot, U)xl'i4. at Jih and Hlondo $u5d WESTERN REALTY CO.. 42V Paxton Dock. RB&55 10 DOUGLAS ST. COTTAGE Near Twenty-eighth street; only $l,0u0. '. D. WEAD, Lit Douglas Bt. .-; 14