Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Htrl & Tinley Employed to Aiiiit Caunty
Attorns in the Litistion.
Tag Ferret aad Attorneys Togretaer
- Will RmlTf Thirty Tvr Oat at
-.the Amaaat RrrTfrr4 from
stockholders of (oapaif.
credit, where th Boywn drill at work
at the time of the explosion, and had al
ready eipendfd murh money in secretly
developing the ground. .They, It Is raid,
had made all arrangements to take up the
landa aa aoon as possible and feared the
Boysen drill "would deprive them of valu
able mining properties on the reservation.
Accordingly, It Is stated, they hired men
to blow up the drill before any discovery
could be made. -
Idealizing' the' Importance of the effort to
he made by the county treasurer to compel
he stockholders of the Portland Gold Mln-
. ing company to pay taxes In this county on
their holdings of sto-k the Board of Buper-
. visors yesterday decided to retain the legal
firm of Hail A Tinley to assist the county
attorney In the litigation, which Is expected
to result. . The resolution providing lor the
employment of Itarl ft Tinley Is as follows:
'. 1 Whereas; The hrtarrt, after due considers,
tion of the matter, deems It necessary and.
proper that assistance be procured for the
county attorney In the matters of said Utl
' gallon: be It therefore
' Kesolved. That the firm of Hnrl & Tin
ley be arid are hereby employed to assist
' the county attorney in all litigation which
may icstiH frmn or grow out of the nssess
inont by the officers of the said county of
said tsxes agnlnst the holders of stock In
the Portland Gold Mining company, Includ
ing the hearings before the county treasurer
and In all appeals fjom his findings, n- I rjue
KK'll l nni fiviiip, llllu III Mil UlllTl I fV
Date Is rimed at December Fifteen
When Ak-Har-Bea Hoard
Holds Bis Meeting.
The Board of Governors of Ak-Sfr-Ben
met Thursday and fixed the date of tha
annual meetings of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
for Friday evening. December 15. Tha
Knights will meet at the Krug theater at
7:15 and hold their business meeting before
the show. Reports of the board will be
heard and nominations will be made for the
board next year. Nine men will be named
by ballot, and from these three will be
selected by the Board of Governors to
take tho places of those whose terms ex
pire January 1, George West, "Gould Diets
and C. B. Courtney. It is predicted thut
these men will be re-elected. The annual
meeting of the board, at which the selec
tion of the three la to be made, will be
held soma time In January.
Ramson and his royal subjects will take
possession of the entire theater for the
evening, and, after the business meeting
will be entertained by "The Son of Rest,"
Will Swor, formerly the scarecrow In "The
Wlxard of Os." Nat Willis, the former
Son of Rest," appears this year In "The
of Duluth." He has personally
Imperfectly Heard Be mark Ctniei Trouble
v for reiDiylTanie Bank.
Rational Bank r'aees Demand for
Cash and Meets All Applications
Ultkoit IlaTlas to Call
for Assistance.
lions brought for the 'recovery of said taxes schooled Will Bwor In his old port and Mr.
In any' courts or to which same may be 1 Swor Is said to be as funny at Nat.
prosecuted bjr appeal or writ of error: ami I
that they shall receive as full compensation eiiiyi CflDPCe CflHIC APTIrtW
lhcrfor IS per cent of the moneys col-I U M AH A rUKUtO OUMt Al I IUN
lected as the result of any such litigation,
tlie same to he paid out or the sum recov
ered from the result of said proceedings.
It is understood that no compensation
shall be paid or obligation Incurred by the
county tor the payment or rees oaaen upon
the payment of any of the taxes claimed
ngalnst any of the stockholders which may
ie made -voluntarily by tnem upon tne as
Grain Dealers Aroosed Over Mil.
waakee's Rate and Kash Gori'
to Chicago.
Traffic managers of the western railroads
seasment matla by aald treasurer, and not will meet In Chicago Friday to decide what
as tne result or litigation coverea Dy una
The taek taxes for the fast five years, as
figured out by the firm of lax ferrets how
working under a contract In this county.
amount to about $800,000 In round numbers,
so that If tha county should be successful
after the litigation - that will necessarily
ensue In recovering this large sum Harl &
is to be done with regard to the rate made
by the Milwaukee on corn from Omaha and
Kansas City to the coast. .
Fred A. Nash, general western agent for
the Milwaukee, left Wednesday evening for
Chicago to confer with the Milwaukee offi
cials before the meeting. The officers of
the Omaha Grain exchange are aroused
over the discrimination made by the Mll-
VORK, Pa., Dec. 1.-rA run on the First
National bank of this city caused by
false report was Inaugurated today and up
to noon hundreds of small depositors had
withdrawn their savings. The run was
caused by an unfounded rumor that gained
circulation yesterday and spread among the
employes of various manufactories In the
city. An art store on the opposite side, of
the street had been seised by the sheriff.
A passer by remarked to a friend that "the
art store across from the First National
bank has failed." Someone within hearing
caught the last part of the sentence and
told his friends that he had heard that
"the First National bank had failed." The
rumor spread rapidly. A small number of
depositors applied at the bank yesterday
afternoon and withdrew their money. Long
before the regular time for opening tho
bank today a large crowd of depositors
gathered in front of the Institution. To
accommodate the people the bnnk opened
lis uoors oeiore o cioca. y iu o cioca fuged to kt hm ,
the crowd ot depositors extended into tne
street in front of the bank. Directors of
the bank mingled In the crowd and suc
ceeded In allaying the fears of many, but
savtnga. All applicants were paid promptly.
Other banks of the city profered nsslstance,
but thoJr aid was not needed. While the
withdrawals were being made prominent
business men of the. city, to allay alarm,
made large deposits In the bank. The First
National Is one of the most prosperous
banks In York. It Is capitalised ot $300,000
and has $100,000 surplus. Its last report
shows resources of I2.379.4M and deposits of
$2,287,109. The First National is a United
States depository and carries $50,000 in gov
ernment funds.
pay a portion of the loss, but this wis not
acceptable to the state.
Clerk of Court BroedweH. speaking of the
declsloh of the court, said:
"The rertlflcAte from this office Is statu
tory and Is the same In all cases.' It, seems
in this csee to hove been attached at the
end of the second of two volumes oon
talnlng the bill of particulars. One was a
continuation of the other, and the certifi
cate as attached evidently must have been
satisfactory to the attorney for the state.
Otherwise he would, not have accepted the
certification. That Is ' all the connection
this office had with the case."
uniey win iwnye iw.uw. inonrmojia waukee against Omaha and In favor of
ferrets, under Its contract with the county, Kansas City and they have been In confer-
receives 15 per cent of all moneys recov- ence wlth Mr. NaBh- It is said the grain
ered Into the county treasury through its deaiers are favor of cutting off all bual-
efforts, so It would likewise earn $130,000 , from tne Milwaukee unless they made
provided the full amount of back taxes
against the Portland' stock was recovered.
Legal representatives of the Portland
company In this city are authority for the
statement "that the company would not
make any resistance to an annual assess
ment of a few thousand dollars, but it
will tight to the court of last resort the
attempt to collect the Immense sum
V.r Ih av rrtl
Supervisors Seta and Bullls, appointed to
" determino how many Independent tele-
phones were necessary for the courthouse,
reported In favor of Installing one In tho
office of tho sheriff and one In the office of
the auditor.
Coaaell Blaffa sheriff Locates Ulna
l.oaftna- In store at
Weston. .
Leslie Allen, the negro who shot and
killed fils brother-in-law, Lee Jarrett. In
Omaha Tuesday, was arrested yesterday
afternoon at Weston, la., by Sheriff Can
ning of Pottawattamie county and Deputy
McCaffery. He was brought to Council
Bluffs last evening and turned over to
officers from Omaha who took him across
the river, Allen being willing to return
without requisition papers.
Word Was received at the sheriff's office
In Council Bluffs shortly after noon yester
day that a colored man answering the
description of the man wanted In Omaha
had stopped at the. farm house of F. li.
Rhoades about a mil northwest of Weston
and asked permission to use the telephone.
Mrs. Rhoades being alone In the house re-
Allen then proceeded
towards Weston from where the sheriff
learned he had mailed a leUer uddressed
to a mart' named Jones, head waiter at
Balduff's, where Allen also worked. Sheriff
the meantime hundreds were presenting CannlnK an1 ty McC.frery on reachin
lr bank books and withdrawing their I w..fA .,, . ,... , lh. r. -
Jodnre Falls to Oraat Motion to In
tract Against Anna Con
nell In Her Salt.
the same rate from Omaha to Liverpool as
from Kansas City.
King Edward's Financial Agent Is
Returning to Omaha to In
Test la Realty.
Notwithstanding the approach of cold
weather, a great many new buildings are
contemplated and several additional real
estate deals are pending. Definite Informa
tion was received Thursday morning that
Others may be put in later Sir Horace Plunket, financial agent for
.when the Independent company shall have I King Edward and himself a large prop-
- established a - more complete system I ef ty holder in Omaha, was to be here in
throughout the county. 1 1 the near future to make heavy Investments
The board adjourned early yesterday I for himself and those he represents. Just
afternoon to permit the members to go to I how much money Mr. Plunket expects to
Missouri Valley to attend the meeting and I tnvest and just what deals lie is Interested
banquet of the Southwestern Iowa Hortlcul- I In cannot be stated at this time, but his
, tural society.
r .The Jury lists, It la expected, will be com-
x v plalad today,, wban tas board will hrofcably
aajourn to tne regular January session.
investments are expected to be heavy.
Mrs. John I, Martin.
ST. LOUIS. Deo. T.-rApoplexy caused the
death yesterday at Bloomlngton, III., ot
Mrs. John I. Martin ot St. Louis, wife of
Colonel John I. Martin, an attorney who,
during the last three national campaigns
was sergeant-at-arms of the national dem
ocratlo convention. Mrs. Martin was M
-'v WASHINGTON, Deo. 7. Representative years of age and had been in lll-neaitn for
Morrell (Pa.) today Introduced a bill plac- several years, tsne naa gone to Bioomlng-
Ing Inauranoe companies under the control
and supervision of the Department of Com
merce and Labor, and a second Insurance
Pennsylvania. Representative Offers
Measure to Place Lnaurunce Con
; van lea ruder Federal Control.
ton to visit relatives. A telegram received
here yesterday stated that she had suffered
stroke of apoplexy and Colonel Martin
bill extending the sovereign vlsttorlal power went Immediately, but arrived after her
Of th. -Vntted States over life Insurance death. Interment will be made here.
coiftpaples and otber . corporations organ- I Mrs, James Godwin.
laed under State laws. I SIDNEY. Ia., Dec. 7. (Special.) Mrs.
- Senator. Beverldgo introduced today a bill I James Godwin died suddenly of hemorrhage.
providing for joint statehood of Oklahoma She was 43 years of age and leaves seven
and Indian Territory ahd for New Mexico children. Her husband has been the engi-
and Arlsona. The bill is identical with the neer In the Sidney-Carson branch of the
one Introduced In the house by Representa- I Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy, railroad for
live Hamilton of Michigan. I nearly twenty years. He got . home from
Among the bills Introduced In the house I his run half an hour after his wife's death.
today were:- E. O. Ksrloff. v
By Representative Murdock of Kansas, CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Dec. 7. (Special
creating a commission of five senators and Telegram.) E. C. Egloff, city freight agent
nve representatives to investigate railway of thB minols Central road, died suddenly
It begins to look as it Judge Munger
will overrule the motion of T. J. Mahoney
to Instruct the Jury to return a verdict
for the defendants In the case of Anna
Connell, against the Convent of Mercy of
Omaha. Mr. Howell, attorney for Miss
Connell, occupied much of Thursday morn
ing In combatting Mr. Mahoney's motion
on the ground that the Convent of Mercy
had entered Into a contract with Miss Con
nell to care for her and give her proper
sustenance while a member of that order,
and that the contract was good In law.
He cited numerous authorities In support
of his argument.
While not deciding the motion of Mr.
Mahoney, Judge Munger said in a lengthy
review of the case, ' shortly before noon
'Vows are a mutter of religious faith.
Miss Connell had a light to abandon these
vows at any time, but when she did so she
ceased to become a Sister of Mercy.y The
organization to which she was attached
by these vows are required as long as she
remained a member of the order to : give
her proper support. That is the part-of
the contract, which ' U given In conlderai
tlon of her vows. So long aa he performed
her vows as a Sister of Mercy "In regard to
poverty and . obedience, the organization
said tacitly to her. 'We will maintain and
support you.' It Is a contract that must
be observed. If, while she was a member,
1 she did not receive what she was entitled
to, and her health was Impaired In conse
quence, she Is entitled to recover. The
relation of the duty of the parent to child
applies In this case. A person has a right
to change his or her religion at any time,
but that does not deprive her of the right
of maintaining an action against the de-rendantsV-
As to whether this contract lies
with the Sisters of Mercy or a corporation,
my mind is- not yet clear, that Is not under
consideration at this time, but must be left
for a further hearing of the case and with
the Jury."
Judge Munger called the Jury In at 3:40,
and excused It again until :30 Friday
morning. Should the case continue before
the Jury, which now seems probable. It Is
ascertained that the defense will put on
about fifty witnesses, and the case may
continue through all of next week.
Weston found Allen loafing In the store of
Barnes & Williams and he submitted to ar
rest without any show of resistance-.
Until Informed by Sheriff Canning, Allen
said he -was unaware that his uliot had
proved fatal. He made no denial of the
i shooting and said he was glad to go back.
He said he had slept out in the fields two
nights and was tired out and every bone in
his body ached.
Thursday morning Coroner Brallcy held
an Inquest over the body of Lee Jtrrett,
who was shot Tuesday evening at Thirty
second and Jones streets. The Jury re
turned a verdlqt that Jarrett came to his
death from the effects Of a bullet fired from
a pistol In the hands of Leslie Allen.
Leslie Allen reached the city jail at 6.10
last night. He was placed In a cell and
the charge of murder was booked against
him. Before being locked up he expressed
himself as glad that he was caught. He
said, he would rather be in jail thun to
feel that he was being hunted. After the
shooting he lost no time in getting out
of the city. He crossed the East Omaha
bridge and spent the night In the streets
In the outskirts of Council Bluffs. Wednes
day night he slept In a hayloft In the coun
try near Weston.
He stoutly declared thut he did the shoot
ing In self-defense. He- suld his brother-in-law
put him out -ot the house after he
had had some words with his wife. This
angerod him and fy went to a pawn ship
and purchased a revolver. When he re
turned to the house he told Jarrett that he
did not Intend to be put out of his own
house -by anybody. -Then he said Jarrett
drew his knife ' anil;, attacked him. He
drew the gun. which.;. lie says, that he In
tended to fire over Jnrrett's shoulder: but
Jarrett seized hla hiuid, being" ni larger
man, and attempted' to wrench it away
from him. He said lie received some cuts
from the knife on tn'hand In which he
held, the gun, and "w$en the weapon was
discharged he was as i much! surprised as
frightened.' He wtitf, ,tukert; with a panlo
which wa Increased Vl'ttie allots his wife
fired to attract attention.- He- supposed It
was some one shooting at him. '.He did
not stop running until he reached the East
Omaha bridge. .
. By Representative Shackelford of Mis
souri, to put printing paper and wood pulp
on the free Hat.
Many Volumes' mt Books Are Now In
Concresslonnl Library at
- - Capital.'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-The annual re-
port., bf Herbert Putnam, librarian of cou
cress for the fiscal year, 1906. shows thut
tha library now contains 1,M4,,618 books,
maps and charts (pieces), 183.721 prints
(artistic), and 410.S5J pieces of music. The
manuscripts have not been
pending their grouping Into volumes. The
law library contains 110,978 volumes.
.There. will be 111,371 books catalogued
during 'the year, an Increase of 13.513 over
last year. Tha work ot reclassifying the
library has greatly advanced, although suf
flctent remains to occupy several years.
The statistics of the copyright office shows
that ., 113.174 . entries were made for copy-
at his home today ot angina pectoris. He
was In his usual good health at breakfast
time, but was suddenly stricken and died
within' three hours after. .
Colonel Daniel Boa worth.
MARIETTA. 0. Dec, 7. Colonel Daniel
Bosworth, one of the wealthiest and best
known men In the oil country died at New
York last night. ' He served as an active
ensign in the navy during the civil war.
He was a member of the Loyal Legion and
widely known.
Attempts to Break Record Between
Milwaukee and Chleagro.
CHICAGO. Dec. 7.-Albert Corey, the
enumerated I long-distance runner of the Chicago, Ath
leitc ciud, rauea in nia aiiempi 10 lower
the running record between Milwaukee and
Chicago, made nearly twenty years sgo by
Dan O Leary. Corey, who left Milwaukee
last night shortly after 11 o'clock, did not
leach this end of the Journey until 10:15 to
night, making his time for the ninety miles
23:10:00. O Leary went over the same route
in 18:00:00.
Corey's failure to make better time was
due to the bud condition of the roads and
to the fact that he miaaed his pacers at
right is 7. artlcla (books, etc.) wre de- Kenosha and was lost for over three hours
- vriUI V mr; wrio annici V 111 I VI mill PS
ponited and 7S,0CS were received In fees.
UuVeraer af - Oklahoma Ones
" Want Organic Baa on
Z1', WASHINGTON. Dec, 7.-Capta!n Frank
) r rants, who recently ' was nominated by
the president to bo- governor of Oklahoma
Territory, today Issued a formal statement
objecting to the Incorporation in the meas
ure providing statehood for Oklahoma and
the Indian Territory of a prohibition clause.
! He says that a majority of the people of
both territories la opposed to any attempt
by congretia to settle the liquor questioit.
"Many prominent people in both terrt
v tones." said Captain Frants, "are In favor
of prohibition, but they object to congresa
inserting a prohibition clause In the or
ganic act creating a state."
Affair Said Have Been lastlaated
by Rival Prospectors.
MEETEETSE. Wye. Dee, 7(Special.)
It la reported here that a cltiaen of Tber
Buopolia has made a confession to the se
ar el arv(c men employed on the Uoysen
ease, implicating several prominent citl
aens of that town In Ue blowing up of the
Boyaen diamond drill on the Shoshone
reservation some time ago. It la charged
that these men have long known of valu
able mining claims in the tldnity of Mud
Coiey finished the long run in good shape,
and sprinted the last luO yards in U seconds.
HackeasrZtmldt Defeats Burns.
DE8 MOINES, la.. Dec. 7 Charle
Hai-kvnschmidt. a nephew of the great
Russian wrestler, detested rarnier Burns
tonight In a mixed series. Hackenschmldt
won the tint (all at Graeco-Roman in
eighteen minutes and Uurns the second at
catch-as-catch-can in nineteen minutes
thirty seconds. Hackenschmldt having won
his lull in tne snoriesi nine was given :no
rlaht of choosing the style or the tmra run
which was Graeeo-Roman, Hackenschmldt
winning in fifteen minutes.
Society fcveut.
Sarah Brtks took Electric Bitters for
headache, and can now meet her social
engagements- 50c For sale by Sherman
McConnell Drug Co.
Tho fc-ne Rallraud,
The Ptetnresque Trunk Line of America,
announces Hs through train service from
Chicago to New York and Boston, mua.,
also Its Columbus (O.) short line. For
through tickets and rates of fare, etc..
appl to your local ticket agent, or to J. A.
Dolah, T. P. Railway Exchange, Chi
Kew C'rctsjhtea Uormltury.
Permission was granted Thursday morn
Ing for the erection of Crelghlon dormitory
at Twenty-nun ana laurornia streets nej
the Cretrhtnn university. Trie building
u cost IJS.uiO and nil) be lxlti feet and
two stories high, home time ago ground
was broken and the excavation siarted for
this building and M Is understood that wot
will be ruitlied end the structure completed
as soon as possible.
Lea I Reserve life tnanrnnre Com
panlea Vote for I most Pah.
Ilclty In Affairs.
A meeting of executive officers of legal
reserve life companies organized In the
states of Ohio. Indiana, Illinois. Iowa.
Missouri, Nob ska and Tennessee was
held In Chicago Tuesday. It was called
by . J. B. Reynolds, president of the
Kansas City life Insurance company, Kan
sns City, Mo., Charles E. Dark, vice presi
dent of the Americnn Central Life Insur
ance company of Indianapolis and Sidney
A.- Foster, secretary of the Royal Vnlon
Life Insurance company, Des Moines. Ia.
The meeting oVganlxed by electing J. B.
Reynolds, president of the Kansas CltyLlie
Insurance company, chairman, and T. W.
Plackburn, counsel of the Rankers Reserve
Life aompany of Omaha, TJeb., secretary
The forenoon was devoted to .an Informal
discussion. At the afternoon session Hie
following resolution , was . .unanimously
Resolved. That wo favor the utmost pub
licity In the life insurance business, we In
vite the closest supervision of honest public,
officials, we favor such uniformity of laws
In the several states as shall safeguard the
Interests of the policyholders, avoid abusea
and take the public and policyholders Into
the confidence ef the management, and be
lieve that corrupt officials should be
firomptly punished. We believe the searvh
Ight of careful, competent and honest In
vestigation has no terrors to honest life
At the evening session, those present
adopted the following:
Resolved. That we are opposed to any In
terference with state supervision and con
trol of life Insurance companies, that fed
eral supervision Is not expedient, and wa
believe Is unconstitutional, and under ex
isting conditions we are opposed to it. V?e
endorse strict state supervision.
In support of this resolution we suggest
the followlng:
1. The suareme court of - the Vnlted
States has frequently held that interstate
Insurance is not Interstate commerce, and
therefore believe federal supervision as pro
posed is unconstitutional, and that congress
cannot make thr.t commerce which Is not
commerce by a simple enactment or resolu
2. Federal supervision Is Inexpedient be
cause It Involves years of expensive and
uncertain litigation, the unsettling of fixed
principles of the legal Interpretation 'of
policy contracts and obligations, and may
seriously impair the securities of lire com
panics. It involves the enactment of fed
eral laws now in forre In the several states
affecting life Insurance, and It refers to u
body which has never legllnted upon the
subject, a question whleh for fifty years
has been considered the sole province of the
state legislatures.
8. If state supervision has failed through
the Incompetency of an Individual commis
sioner, this is an argument against taking
from the fifty state departments the author,
lty and power to protect their policyholders.
If a state superintendent can be venal or
Incompetent, a national superintendent is
subject to the same influences, and th
power In the hands of one man, his short
comings would affect the country st large,
while the failure of one state official can
under existing circumstances be neutralized
and ameliorated, and ocrrected by those of
the various other states.
4. Supervision of life Insurance and life
Insurance companies should be free from
partisan political influences, and fifty state
rommiHsloners cannot In the nature of
things be so susceptible to partisan political
Intrigue hs a slnisle npK)intee. Further
liore, state commissioners cannot un er an
conditions, become the creatures of com-
The public is hereby notified that the
Lindsay Light Company has brought suit in
the United States Circuit Court in New York
against Block Light Company, for infringe
ment of letters patent No. 728296, granted to
Charles R. Lindsay, Jr., May 19, 1903, and
now owned by Lindsay Light Company.
. Imitations always follow the introduction
and successful sale of any product that bene
fits the public in general.
In the case of the
Lindsay Light there has
been no exception to this
rule. Your protection is in
the name
Look for it when yovb, purchase
on Mantle, Burner and Globe.
Price, $1.00 Complete.
All Dealers.
Lindsay Litiht Company
Chicago New York
(An interesting Booklet on Economical
Illumination free on request.)
Palenud May 19. 1903
Bracelets Frenaer,' 16th and Dodge.
Meetlag Draws Oat aa Atteaaaace
at O-rer Fire Haadreel
Tha annual election of the Eagles was at
tended by a record-breaking crowd last
night. There were over BOO present and
great Interest was felt in the results. Fra
ternal politics was felt aa a strong undor
current, but It was all meant with the
greatest good nature. After tha voting an
lection committee retired to canvass the
vote and in the meanwhile the members
amused themselves by speeches, sociability
and feeding to tha heart's content. .
At 12:30 the committee was ready to re
port and the following is tha result:
President, H. W. Dunn; vice president.
dam Bcott: secretary, Dan Cannon; treas
urer, C, H. Black; chaplain, Joseph F.
Starr; physicians, Drs. A. W. Rfey and
Dan Lee; trustees, Le Grler, William 1.
Sllke and J. Bonnenberg; conductor, Charles
Hill; inside guard, A. T. Livingstone; out
side guard, Joseph Hubanks.
Four hundred and twelve votea were cast.
showing that about 100 members did not
vail themselves of the privilege of a voice
In tha election.
bines, trusts or corporate co-operation
5. No limn should Imve the power to
formulate rules and regulations, Interpret
and execute the same for a system of busi
ness transactions, extending throughout the
nation under conditions which vary with
locality, contracts Issued under laws formu
lated and adjusted to the conditions sur
rounding them. Any change at the present
time would be against the charters ot the
respective companies, and the result would
be disastrous trt the Interests of the policy
holders, all policies having been Issued
under existing state laws. .
' It was then ngrccd that the chairman
should appoint an executive committee ot
live, the chairman, J. B. Reynolds of Mis
souri, to' be chairman of the committee.
The chair appointed ,Mr. Chnries E. Dark
of Indiana,,' Mr. "Buniucl' Bosworth Smith ot
Tennesseoi Mr. George B. Peak of Iowa and
Mr. B. it.' Roblson of Nebraska as the
other members of the committee. '
Another meeting well be held at the Jef
ferson hotel, St. Louis,' January, 30, 1906.
W m save you nearly one-half on the cost of. yom
magazines and newspapers for 1906. Ilcre are two, of our
clubbing offers. Make your selection and send your order now
before you forget it. .We may nt be able to duplicate them after
this month.
cl,uu "C"
Omaha Daily Bee, daily, 6 mouths 2.00
Madame, monthly, 1 year
Gleanings in Bee Culture, semi-monthly, 1 year.
One of Important Matters Com lug Be
fore federal Coart at
.xt Term.
Among the notable cases to be tried at
tha coming term of Die United States dis
trict court is the indictment against David
St. Cyr. an Omaha Indian, who is charged
with stealing the ejiUre allotment -records
of tha Omaha tribe of Indians about a year
ago and conoealiiig . them. Consternation
resulted from the disappearance of the rec
ords, which gave the date of the birth and
tribal relations of every member of the
tribe. Tha theft of the records assumed
a serious phase and efforts were at once
exerted to recover the records y Omaha
Indian Agert Mackey, -but for a long time
his efforts wer-, futile:
St. Cyr had been employed .about tha
agency in some sort of clerical capacity.
Finally suspicion was directed toward him
and after a prolonged search tha records
wer found securely conceded In his house,
soma miles from the agency. The real ob
ject of tho theft ot the records has not yet
been developed, but it is thought at tha
Omaha' agency and about the ' federal
building the. motive waa either to destroy
them entirety or to secure a big reward
for their restoration:
Another motlvo is thought to have gov
erned- tha theft of the records ' in that
litigation relative to heirship allotments
might be confounded and questionable
titles maintained. However, shortly after
tha theft of the records numerous suits
were brought relative to land titles on the
reservation and many ot these are still
pending In. tha federal courts in one form
or tha other. Tha trial of the case is one
that will attract considerable interest from
land holders and lessees on the Omaha res-
ervatlon and some rather peculiar develop
ments regarding land leases up there will
be, given, publicity for the first time.
Latest dog collars. Edholm, Jeweler.
Thinks Decision oa Hartley Boad
Case Will Plcasa Mast
af the People.
Cadet Taylor, one of the Bartley bonds
men who will be released from liability by
the decision ot tha supreme court declar
ing the bond void and finding for tha de-
tendanta, naturally ia very gratified at the
final outcome of this long litigated matter,
"I am, of course, very gratified at tha
decision," sas Mr. Taylor, "and I suppose
the matter is now ended. It haa been in
the courts a number of years and I don't
remember how many times It haa been
tried. There were several sets of bondsmen
and the cases against soma of them hava
been dismissed until It finally narrowed
down until there were only a few men left
to staud tha loss. I believe tha people gen
erally will be satisfied with tha decision
because it will distribute the loss among a
great many people, while had It been other
wise the Iocs would have beea Sustained by
Just a few of us. Rome of the bondsmen
offered to compromise, wltli ths state and
Crawford Man Pleads Sot Guilty tn
Land Kraad Charge Hab
rock HlcUa
Frank Allen of Crawi'ord, under indict
ment for conspiracy and subornation of
perjury In tha land cases from the vicinity
of Crawford, was in Omaha Thursday and
during the afternoon waa arraigned for
pleading before Judge Munger. He en
tered a plea of not guilty and was bound
over to the United States district court in
the sum of 3.000. ,
G. H. T. Babcock, former United States
commissioner at Chadron, who was Jointly
Indicted for the same offense. Intended to
put In au appearance to plead, but Is de
tained at his home by Illness. He Is still
under $3,000 bonds given before United
States Commissioner Slattery at Chadron.
He waa represented here by his, attorney
and entered a plea of not guilty and is held
in a like bond ot $3,000.
Total value........ ............ $5.00
'' Our special offer for the four, good until. December .31st,
only $2.50.- "
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$L0fl
Omaha Daily Bee, 3aily, 6 months. . ..........
Harper's Bazar, monthly, 1 year ...
Gleanings in Bee Culture, semi-monthly, 1 year
Green's Fruit Grower, monthly, 1 year. .
Commercial Poultry, monthly, 1 year. . . .
Total value $6.1C
Our clubbing price for the six, good until December 31st,
only $3.00.
Has Hot Yet Raised It All Welsh
Wllllag to Let Wll Eaoagh .
Frank. "W, Jjambert was at the federal
building Thursday morning, endeavoring to
conclude arrangements for giving bsll In
$1(1,0(10 on hla -two -.indictments for con
spiracy In tha fraudulent land filing cases
connected wjih the Rev. George O. Ware
and Hairy Welsh cases. He had not
secured the requisite bailat a late hour
Thursday afternoon. 1
Harry Welsh indicted with Frank Lam
bert and Bev. George O. Ware in the land
conspiracy cases has notified United States
District Attorney Baxter, ha will atand
upon hla original plea of guilty, and not
avail himself of tha advloe of his attorney
to withdraw that plea and enter a plea of
not guilty. He la willing to accept tha
judgment of the court on the sis counts of
tha Indictments returned against him. Ha
entered a plea Ot not guilty to three of
tha counts. He has not yet been sentenced.
ss m
Osarlartla -
on tha Una of tha Chicago Great Wsstara
railway It Iowa, Missouri. Illinois and
Minnesota for business man. professional 1
men aaa minuiw-iuirri. . upsmngs tor
early all Unea to live towns an a pro
gressiva railway, t'.ffurdlng a "squara deal"
for all. MapaMapla Leaflets, Town Talk
aad full Information given oa request to
Industrial Etepartaaent, C O. W. Railway,
Be Paul. Ulna., or ft B. Magill. managtr
Tawnalta Dspartmsnt, Omaha. Nsa,
TUESDAYS, December 5th and 19th
The Dron EUiiountain
To Certain Points In tho
- m .sabi mm as
AJ' West and southwest
STOPOVEHS allowed within the limit
FINAL LIMIT of tickets, twenty-one .days.
For Further Information
or LancfPamphlets, Folders, Maps, etc.,
Address any agent of the company, or
Tom Hughes,
' Traveling Passenger Agent
Thos. Fp Godfrey,
Passenger and Ticket Agent
Southeast Corner 15th and Faraam Streets,