THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: I'lUIUY, DECEMBER 8, 1003 7 GRAIN AS!) PRODUCE MARKET Wba; ril to Hold Weikeidaj'i Eif Adfrce. aMaa BRFAKS AND CLOSES WITH CENT LOSS rl) sides (loose). $7 0057.12; hojt clear sirl-a (boxed), $712'i7.2o. Following wore the receipt and ihlp men l of (lour and grain: Keceipts. Btiipments Flour, hlls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oat, bu, Rye. bu Darlry, bu... 2fi.4K 34. M .. 211. 2t .. 177.JOO . . 4. . . 95.!JO IS.jnn rr7.?K 21 t.o 0 I nsattafnctnry (ihlra,' Wrukfr Price at the OpeningArmour Thnoaht to Have Tamed Seller In Latter Part af Aeaslon. today. OMAHA, Dec. Th wheat market wns w-ak IJverpool, which was expected to folio yesterday American advancn and open about lo higher, opened only Vi'SSd Mutter and cloned tn4d lower. Tula scared some holder and they began lo unload, bringing price down from a lower open ing. Armour begun to support tin- nniiktt when May waa at 8e, and brought It back to Kc. There wun another break and tho close wti nearly lo below yester day. It looked to many of the trade am though Armour was veiling through com mission houses, through the hitter part of the session. December closed al Wc Ma at 8c, and July at 84c. Light movement of corn together with short covering was the cause of an ad vance tn corn. Shipments are much larger than a yeHr ago and recetKs smuller. Iecember cloned at 4c, old Deifmher at 4?fc47c. May nt 45.c. and July at 45c. There is an unlimited demand for oats, enpeulally for export, and receipts are fall ing off at country stations. Prices were about the same and trade was Urge. De cember closed at 31c, May at 3Jc and July at 81t3lo. Primary wheat receipt were 7215,000 bush els and shipments 4,0"O bushels, against receipts last year of bushels and shipments of 301.000 bushels. Corn receipts were o27,000 bushels and shipments 675,000 bushels, against receipts lHHt year of W, Ou) bushels and shipments of 2TM,0uo bushels. Clearances were 214,000 bushels of wheat, 139.000 bushel of oats, 44.0m) bushels of wheat and cl.noo barrels of flour. Liverpool dosed 4ad lower on wheat and unchanged to d higher. Kxport clearances of oats are enormous. Philadelphia cleared 424,000 buicls yester day, Newport News, 80,000 bushels and Bal timore 490,000 bushels. Inquiries for corn to ship to Cincinnati were received at Chicago yesterday. This is a very singular tiling at this time of rear, .when central Illinois and central ndiuna are full of corn. ,U is undoubtedly owing to the car situation. The MinneH polls Hour output last week decreased (3.26 barrels. The quantity turned out was (weejt of December 2), 351.200 bar rels, ngainwt 270,045 barrels In loot, ana 410,130 barrels In llo3. The output this week probably will appr oximate 300.000 barrels. Brnomhall cublid: "Rajputana has a rainless autumn und harvest conditions arc poor, except In the south and southeast. No rain In central India and crops are withered in some parts. Bombay says some rain hus fullen, and Hyderabad says there ha been no Improvement. In other provinces conditions are fair to good." From a Chicago dispatch to Sunderland & Updike: "That there need be no fear of all the cash wheut not being cared for this month was shown by the Armour interest yesterday. They will take all that Is de livered thl month and say the December liquidation 1 over There, was 1,300,000 bushels No. I hard and No. 1 northern de livered It) the offices, yesterday by Bartlett Kraaler. Armour tooK 940,000 bushels and Wrenn 300,000-Vushel.''- Omska Cask Bale. CORN-No. 4, 1 car,- 39c; 1 car, 384c; 1 car. Use. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 'TllJSc; No. 3 hard. nirNlof No. 4 hard, 74j7tc; No. 3 spring, TlxasoHjc; No. 3 spring. 754578c. ' CORN No. 8. &)) Wc;' No. 4, 3Sifj3Rc; no grade, 35&3Kc; No. 3 yellow, 3!Vc; No. 3 white, 40c. OATS No. 3 mlxd, 2962c; No. white 30i3oc; No. 4 white, 'u30c. RYE No. 2, 63iSt4c; No. 3, lUiJc C'arlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 358 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Loul ... 223 132 a. a 4& 48 'i'i is V- CHICAGO GL.tlX AND PROVISIONS Featare f the Tradlna and Closing Price on Board of Trade. ' , CHICAGO."!. 7.-Llquldatlon of"1 an enormous Una of wheat by a leading holder caused a break today of nearly lo per bushel In the price of the May delivery. The market closed weak at almost the low est point of the day, tlnul quotation on May being off c. Corn waa up He. Oat were practically unchanged. Provisions howed a gain of 6c. The iluttiD in the orice of wheat occurred soon after the opening and although the market rallied several time durlnor the dav on covering by shorts, the feeling generally1 waa weaa. . iraaing was scarcely under way when brokers commenced to offer wheat in apparently unlimited quantities. Within a few minutes at least 2,000,000 uusnei oi tne May option had been thrown Into tho bit. It was generally understood that this wheat was part of the holdings of a leading bull. This started heavy sell ing by pit traders and the result was a quick decline. Before th downward course of values was chicked the price of May had fallen to 89c Toward the end of the first hour offering from the big loners be came less frequent and trading was of a pasmodlo character during the remainder of the day. The failure of the Liverpool wneai niaraei to rcspona to tne snarp ad- to the weakness on the local board. News of th day which was generally bullish was seemingly Ignored. Receipt in th north west were small and total primary receipt were lens than for the corresponding day a year ago. Demand for cash wheat, hnth In the northwest and southwest, continued unabated. In addition an official report stated that the wheat crop of India hud been seriously damaged by drought. The market closed weak, with May at 89o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 318.000 bushel. Primary recelnts aim 736.OU0 bushels, compared with 890.0UO bushel a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 44 car against 733 cars a year ago. Notwithstanding th break In wheat the corn market was Arm for the greater part Of th day. IJght offering from the ennn. try and continued demand from exporter formed the basis pf the strength. The market closed firm with prices at practi cally th highest point of the dav.' May opened unchanged to 14c lower at 4&Vi8H5Vc, old between 44T't4fo and 45'4c and closed at 4640. Local receipt were 223 car with on of contract of grade. Oat were nrm on active demand from nit trader and commission houses. The urgent demand from foreigner for American oat wa th chief source of strength. Htnall local receipts augmented the bullish senti ment. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at S3fi3JVc. sold between 32T4 and 8JVA3,14kC and closed at MUc Trading in provisions was active and the marai naa a strong undertone. The May product wera in good demand from In vestor. There was moderate covering by shorts and soma, buying by hrokera cred ited to leading packers. Offerings came chiefly from small holders. At the close the May products were each up Be, closing at I13.S5; lard at 7.4-!V7.i and ribs at Estimated recelnta for tnmnr,n . w . Th leadinc futures ranged a follows On the Product exchanse todav the but ter for best grad firm, others eas cream rries, Kfii-JHc; dairies. 17SJ0C- F-ggs. steady; t mark, cases included, Gallic; first!". zr.e; prime firsts, c; extras, 31c. Cheese, steady, h'.uJJc. MOW TOR K (KER.M. MAliKKf ttaotatloa of the Day oa Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. 7-FI-OCR-Recelpts, IS,:? bbls.; exports, 12,89ii bbls.; sales, pkgs.; market steady; Minnesota patents, 34.tkifl5.00; Minnesota bakers, S.t.Mrt.(i0; winter patents, 4.2ift4.56; winter straights, 33.fcVjj4.10; winter extras, 2.fc4i3.25; winter low1 grades. XiloXZO. Rye flour, firm; fait to good, 33.9ixrH.10; choice to fancv, 4.1tJ 4.(0. Buckwheat flour, steady, 32.154 20. BIX 'K WHEAT Dull, 62''itjJc delivered. COR NM EAI. Steady ; fine white and yel low, $1.26; coarse,; kiln dried, 33.0C RYE5 Firm; feeding, &e, e. 1. f. Buffalo; malting, 44&67C, c. I. t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 440,000 bu.; sales, 3,850, 00 bu. futures, 40.HW bu. spot. Spot. Irreg ular; No. 3 red. 6c elevator and B8Hc t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, WSc f. o. b, afloat; No. I hard Manitoba, nom inal f. o. b., afloat. Heavy selling of wheat today, understood to be for the ac count of a Chicago bull, weakened prices nearly a cent. It kept the undertone heavy throughout the session, in face of India crop news and large flour clearances. Prices were He net lower. Sales Included No. Z red May at WSflM 15-ltic, closing at 3c; Decemler at 6Vt96Wc, closing at 36'ac CORN Receipts, K.4S0 bu.; sales. 26.000 bu. futures and 43,000 bu. spot. Spot mar ket easy; old No. 2, 6oc elevator and 63c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, E3V.c; No. 2 white, 53V4c. Option market opened steady, but later declined with wheat. Anally re covering with the west and closing partly nc net higher; January closed at 63Sc; May, 61Sc. closed at BlWc; December, ST OATS Receipts, 63.000 bu.; spot market stead v; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs.. 3va364c; nat ural 'white, 30 to 32 lbs., 37i&3Sc; clipped white. 36 to 40 lbs., 38W?4'ic. FEED Firm; spring bran, $12.75, prompt shipments; middlings, $12.76, prompt slilp- Tha Y Bteady; good to choice, 80QR24c HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, lv, 14i21c; 1904, 1317c; Paclnc coast, 19". W'TlSc: 1904 PVci14c; olds, 6S8c. utritrjaBtenrlv! rsalveston. 20 to 2S Ins., 20c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas (dry), 24 to 30 Ins., 19c. PROVIBIONS-Reef. teady; family JllJO 12.60: mess. 39.50W 10.60: beef hams, $20.5"ff 22.00; packet. $10.50'8ll.60; city, extra In"1 mess, tU MKij 18.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 8fil0c: ptckled snouiuers, ot" i pickled hams, StfiSV- l"1. Arm; west ern steamed. $7.5Mi7;7J; refined, t'0.y.' continent, $7.35; South American, compound, 6'a5e. Pork,, steady; family. $lS.oo; short clears, $.0017.00; mess. 1S.2f.fi15.fiO TALLOW-Steady: city t per pag.;. country (pkga. free). 41s'3-tc. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to ex'ra, r 6c; Japan, nominal. POLL Till Live sieaay; ens. HVkc: fovws, 13c; turseys, um , dressed irregular: western chickens, 13ft fc!4c; turkeys. 12Sl5c; fowls, ll(hl3c. HUT! EK Strong; sireei i e creamery, 24(&344c. Dtnciai prices: v.reim- ery. common to extra. iwo-c; smm unj, common to extra, W23c; western imitation creamery, extras, lhalSc; state firsts, Li fel8c: renovated, common to extra, 15'BJJOc; western factory, common to nm, wn". EGGS Steady; "nearby lancy, seiecieu. white, 88Q40C; state choice. 3oiS3ic; state mixed, extra, 85c; western finest, 32c; state firsts, SOflSlc: southerns, 213oc. CHEESE Steady ; state tun cream-. email and large, colored and white Bep- tember fancy, 13c; octoDer, oesi, iwww, lute late made, average best, small, col ored and white, Ufcc; tate large, 12c; tate fair, HUllc Kansas Cltr Grain and PrOTlslon. KANSAS CITT. Dec. 7. WHEAT Steady; December. 797c; May, 8iac; July, 771i ali 2 h rrt 82(Li 8tc: No. 8. 7171 82c: No. 2 red. 80(fi91c; No. 3. 8688!to. R- i.Atnta aft ru ri . CORN Steady; December, 40?4c; May and July, 40c; cash, No. z mixea, 41t4hc; No. 2 white, 41Vi'ff7c; No. 3. 410. OATS Steady ; NO. Z wnite, no. .11 1 .11 O HAY Bteadv:" oholce tlmOtny, ' $lt60O U.75; choice prairie, $9.0039.60. . kyb-Bteaay, wtjthc. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 3, whltewood cases included, 26c; case count, I4c; cases returned, He less. Bteaay ; creamery, uc, Keceipia. onipments NEW TORK STOCKS AND BONDS tarket 8trnrlei Agtimi a Severa Strin gency in Ike kiiy Supply. CALL RATE RISES TO 23 PER CENT j Valae Drop from One to Two Point F.arly la Seasloa, tint Rally and Close Strong. NEW TORK. Dec. 7.-The stock market struggled against the severe stringency In the money fnarket today and escaped with out serious damage to values, .xfter the rerlod of greatest weakness in the morning, n fact there were general recoveries under the influence of the skyrocket advance in Tennessee Coal and vigorous upward move ment In other special stocks. Money on call was quoted as high a 28 per cent, thus rising above the previous maximum for the year, . touched last month. Today's high rate. In fact, has not been equalled before or since October. 19)2. The behavior of the stock market now and then afforded a striking contrast. Money conditions as stringent as those today could not fall to depress the stock market. But a general subject of comment was the sllghtness of the depression In view of the circum stances, lyosse at the extreme low level of the day wera not excessive in any stocks. It was notable also that they were quite uniform between 1 and 2 points. Where the losses ran beyond the uverage they were not found in the stocks which have been subject to the greatest ecula tlve activity in th Immediate past. Jn faA these shares were conspicuously exempt In the unfavoraHle effect of the very high rates for money. The deductions drawn from this state of affairs were that the organised speculation which has been con ducted for some time past had provided Itself largely with time loans before the scarcity developed In the money market. The absence of forced liquidation at the present time on the part of large opera tions or tne past tew weens is capable of no other explanation. The small effect proaucea on the general market warrants ne deduction also that the general outside participation in the speculation on tne part of operators dependent On the ordinary re sources of the money market must be small. 1 Ills is in strong contrast with tho specula 1 11' 11KV r J 44.2" IS.7' ll. 1.010 l.M l.soo n 37 "4) 14 43 113 21' 42 , M 1H 13Mi 42 112V4 K7 41 V. 8. Express. .,... V. 8. Realty V. 8. RuhtxT Jo 1st prefened.. V. 8. Steel do preferred Va.-Csro. Chemical do preferred Wabash do preferred Wells-FHrgo Exp.... Westlnghouse fclec Western Cnion Wheeling St I. K.... Wisconsin Central... do preferred Northern Pacific .... Central leather do preferred Bloss-Sheflleld Offered. Total sale for the day, 1.198,300 share. Sew York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 7. MONEY On call, firm and higher at j28 per cent; closing bid and offered at 9 per cent. Time money, Arm; sixty days, 7 per cent; ninety day and six months, 6 per cent. -.,. PRIME MERCANTILE FAPER-tMrfioV P,HTiRi.INO EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S4M 700 2H 92' i!iV ji" " 2.100 3 6t4 l"i0 m 1!4 1.800 4u 44 100 lift 1(6 8,600 934 V) 111 rt M'si s;H llKS 434j 112-' 21 417 227 170 2' 18 ', S31 194 43 104", 2S OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bef Steers Steady Cow$ 8tetdy to Eaiier rieden Btrou HOG MARKET OPENS ACTIVE AND HIGHER l.lght Raa of Sheep oa Sale Today, Fat frheep Meaerally ead Feeder Steady to a Trifle Stronger. 8QUTH OMAHA, Dec. Receipt were: 1905. Official Mondny Otflclnl Tuesday ... Official Wednesday. Official Thursday... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4.3MI 6.079 ... 8.923 11 .oa 12.1't ... 3.4M 9.940 ll.OiiD ... 4.117 8.000 1.463 the demand mad upnn them by their trsde. 1 he market on hogs closed the day with trading active and prices a strong 10c higher. The hulk of the sales during the dav were msde around $4 (""d 4 f, with loppy ksds selling mostly at $4 97Vj. There were a few loud that came In late, and ss 'esult the market on these closed off a llttlo from what It wss early. Represent- Four day this week.. 20.1:19 Four days last week. ...11.76 Same week oefnre It". 9j9 4 S6 for demand and at $4.&16j4 .8006 for frlxty- t Bame three week ago.. 2:2.774 day bills- . posted rates, $4 83ia4 K:(14) and Ham four weeks ago... .26.12 $4 tHH1f4 .87 ; commercial mils. .BiH"-'. SILVER Bar, 63"c; Mexican dollars, HONDS Government, weak; railroad, heavy. . , Closing quotation on tond were a fol low: W Jtpaa 24 aertM lNI Bo 4t nil l f. g. ref. la, ret 4o eonpoa L. B. la, rf do coupon U. 8. aid 4a, r. do coupon V. 8. nw 4a, re do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s... do ia Atohlaon gen. 4a. do ad). 4a , Atlantic C. L. 4a. ..lot ..103 ..104 ..l.ti ..1.4 I J1 aarlea... I.. aV N. unl. 4a.. ArUcle ! Opo. Hlgh. tow. Close. Te'y, Wheat rec. May July Corn tOec. $lec. May July Oat Iec. May July May lrd- Pec. Jan. May JUba Jan. Mar xy-vti o4io5 87V,' 90 85 SI47.S 45Si",i.SV.ftS 4Sfrii .30 89 84S 4-Hi VS 44i 46 4S 31 S i3iW: 1S72W 7 45 7 2S T 40 7 JO T ITVil 33 IS 13 li 7 so T 45 7 im 7 371 45', I 30T, S3 SI 13 57H U WJ 7 4S 7 M 7 40 7 07HI 7 XI 841, I 47,fiHJ 46S! 46 V, 87H so 46' 46'. 81U 33-, 31 , 3;i' aMi', siXti-, 13 62V, 13 74 w I 4 ou 7 47H 7 374 .la , 7 10 I 7 17 7 43H 7 3ii, 7 40 7 reu 7 W No. 3. told. tNew. Cash quotation were a follows r'UOL R oteady; winter patent. $3 ifj 4 1m: straights. S3.frti3k5: sortns natenia $4 7t-.a4.lo; lralghts, .oiU3.0; bakers, $iJ6 aj' iv WHEAT No. 3 spring, 36Ci8o; No. 3. K3 CORN No. 2. eWc: No. t yellow. 49e OAT8 No. t SlSo; No. ! whlti, :334c a aniit, aivtiuo. RYE No. t sTc. BARLEY Onod feeding barley, 37Hc; fair o i-immc mailing, caw, 8KKIrt No. 1 flux, 97c; No.'l northwest - rn. Ttmottiy, prime, $3.J0. Clove , contract grade. tl8msu.3. li PROVIdlt Na Pork, nee Khl 11 "Mi 33J7V IjLrd. per lot) lb.. V 4S7.47,. Short rle prior lien 4a. ...lot Wmtarn Md. 4a.. do sen. 4a 92 w. a L,. ri. Hocking Val. 4MJ... liouj Wis. Central 4a.. Japan U offered. tVH tmltlr,n " 1 0.V) mlttments had been in h market In rti-re. k!'. ": 1?1"D,".n '". .. , . u i " ' , - V' , inilllra sac. M.... 817, oo ocd. ij. " - - ' ... ....... .iia . . ivi 1 1 in uiiniiiroo KrlO mu envei-n stringency ueve orien in tne money market. What wa known a the rich men's panic or the slow panlo fol lowed at that time. It Is a populnr sup position that the identity of this year's speculative organization 1 the same at many points ns that of 1902. The difference In the situation lies In the unclouded out look for conditions underlying values and the provision of credits beforehand for the conduct of operation. The actual demand Atrhi.on adj. 4a v., v. q oil itnritrH in miiie nil iii('in r in pv. mm plain the degree of stringency In the money ' Wax. ontrai 4a.. MU.IKCI, out mere can be no doubt that Aicnuon the quality of some of the collateral offered tor luunn, especiauv some or tne stocks . "-"' which have undergone great InAatlon in the ' !IrnionP1tv.'1i,n speculation, has figured in the making of j Ti"chburs i?d '. Wheat, bu Corn. bu. .. Oata, bu ... 66.000 119.000 18.0U0 B9.000 161.000 10,000 The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110- 111 uoara oi rraae Duuaing: Axtlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Yes'y Wheat I I Deo..( SOV SOV 794 80 8ft, May... 8 82V 81H81V''a,4 82V July.. 77:771 S 77V.I T7Vi 77 Corn I Dec... 40. 4Cf, 4m W 4054 May.. 4O,,40V(J H 40H July.. 40tt4J,Si4oVgS H 40H,H4lr;a lec... 3M'!i'i0toft 30H 30V4ig 80 hUy..Uu 31 13 62 13 66 13 60 13 52 13 64 May... 13 66 13 66 13 50 18 52 13 50 722 723 720 730 7 17 May.. 7 37 7 40 7 35j37 7 S&837 1 32 St. Loot Ceaeral Market. ST. LOl'18. Dec. 7. WHEAT-Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 91fy93c; track, 9Cxft6o; December, ssc: juay, bic; no. z hard, 8M)87c. CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 4aic; track, 44'h44ic: December. 4JVc: May. 4avti4:it.c OATS Bteaay; ino. t casn, simk; track Sl'c;, December, 3lc; May, c; No. white. ssv.c. KliOTJR Steady: red winter patent, $4.30 04.50; extra fancy and straight, W.WS4.26 clear,' BEKii-Timothy. Bteaay, $3.bov3.w. CORN MEAL Steady $2.60. UK AN Steady; sacked, east track, 75 '6e. HAY Bteaay : timotny, .ooajio.oo; prairie $9.0O'n 11.00. JKIJN lUIIUn 11E.B l.Ul. BAOOINQ 9c. HEMP TWINE-TltC PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing $14.00. Lard, higher; prime (team, $7.12,. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.76; clear ribs, $8.00; short clears, $.1.15. Uacon, steady; coxea extra snorts, $8.&o clear ribs, $.&; snort clear, .uo. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 8V4c springs. lovmiHc; turkeys, Vic; ducks, loc geese. TXfaHc. Hi l I t-K t irm; creamery, iiflsoc; oatry 1)W).'1C. i.uUB Bteaay; zo case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbl Wheat, bu 48.C0O 4t.0Ti0 Corn, bu '. 73,fti) 62.1) Oata, bu 65,000 Sfi.OiO Mlaaeapoll Grata Market. MINNKAPOLia. Dec. 7. FLOCR Firs patents. 84.705j4.80; second patents, $4.5oft 4 bO; nrst clears, 4.Mru3.ia; suconj clears, $2.4r.g.65. KHAN In bulk. $12.50. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery. ) Th rang of prices, as reported by V. D. Day A Co., 110-111 Hoard of Trad building, was: Articles Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes y Wheat I I Dec....Kl'4iS May.... 87 V" S July...;88VtS 101 May... 106 j 87', 87', 88 88 1 02, 1 HH I 0X 1 05 K7 " 87 jSSSd;; 1 1014 I Ou Minneapolis Cash Clos Wheat: No. 1 hard, sSc: No. 1 northern, 8b'ic, to arrivi 8oSc; No. 3 northern, 84c, to arrive a34,c No. 3 northern, siVac. to arrlv teve; No Durum, 74c; No. 2 Durum, 72o. Corn: No 3 yellow. CVc; No. 8 cash. 41 1c. Oats No. 3, ?J?c: Barley: 3tr9 47c Rya, (14, l.lverBool Grala Market. MVBRPOOI. Dec. 7. WHEAT-Spot teady; No. 3 red western winter, 6s 7d futures, quiet; Iecember, lis ll'd; March s 11N1: May, 6 lod. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed 10V,d: futures, quiet; Januaiy, 4s 4d alarcli, 4s 4U. Mllwaakee Grala Market. M1LWACKEK. Dee 7 WHEAT Firmer No. 1 northern. s?!j8Sc;. No. northern MWi87c; May. 89Sc hYK H iglier ; No. 1, 71c. HAHLLY Dull; No. X 64Vlf66c; sample jr-toio. CORN Strong; May, 45Sc. Manhattan a. . 4a. Mai. Central 4a.... do lat ln Mtua. 8t. L. 4a.. . 114 M . K T. 4a.... . 115 i do ta .10J4 K. H. of M. c. . Ilti N. T. C. (. tHa.. .101 t N. 1 C. (. Ita.... Dal. A Ohio 4a li No. Pacific 4a do Ha do Brk. R. T. c. 4a M iN. W. r. 4a... Central of Oa. (a. ...Hi 'O. 8. L. rfd. 4a. do lat Inc 6V4 Pann. conv. do Id Inc M Raadln (en. 4a.. do Id Inc 7 ,Rt. U I. H. c. rhn. A Ohio 4a....lOT'4 Bt. L. ac 8. r. t 4 an4 -Kl. L.. o. w. c. aa 10i, Scahoant A. U 4a It ,Ro. Pactnc 4a ao I do lat 4a ctfl ... 9o. Rallwar ta Thlcaio A A. '. V., B. A Q. n. 4a.... C. H. I. A' P. 4a... do cnl. 6a rcc. A St. L. . 4a. Colo. Ind. Sa. aar. A. 71 do acrlei B 17 Colorado Mid. 4i 77 Colo. A So. 4a 4 Cuba it lot P. Taa A T. la T., it. I.. A W. 4a. Vnton Paclftc 4a.... da ennv. 4b V. 8. meal Id ia... "V ' 1(4j 114 .... "4i .... t4v, .... t7 ,...1H .... M'4 4a. U4 .... MS ....I04k .... 761 ....02l .... 5 ....loIVa . ... 101 aa..llH 4a. M 10 uj 97l 120 4 H2' lot isa M 1 i.s S. 1 87 14 do pfd . Amer. Pnau. Tuba Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T rates. The stringency In the rail mnn martini Induced decided stiffness in the time money market. There was evidence of a largo movement of funds towards this center, re- iiuris indicating a receipt of at least 1.000,000 from Canadian sources. The , terling exchancre rata alan full ( t hAlna ti sr. i- i " - '.-1 . " . . . artr.; ,h 7""' ,nl 'rucne9 Amer. Woolen : ."v iiiiiiis in sum. lies lea .it tu-en expectation oi gold engagements. 2 he replenishment of the London market by heavy Htvmantl for reriemntlnn nf chequer bonds was looked to to facilitate oucii a movement, out no engagement wa made. The Closer worklnar of mr.n In M.i - departments than the purely speculative reawakened the expectation that the secre tary of the treasury would be moved to take some measure of relief for the money market which he had refused to do so long as purely speculative requirement were restricted. Conlldence that such action was mmlnent had much to do with .n.c m y in siocks. Tennessee Coal W,.w"Ptla."y alTecti by the conflicting reports that control had been secured of the company In the open market, which re ports were not admitted by present con- Boston Stock and Bonds. ROSTON, Dec. 7. Call loans. BW8 per cent; time loans, 6(ff41 per cent. Official quo tation on stocks and bond were a fol lows: IS Advantura mtM Allouaa 78 Amalsamatad H Aniarlian Zinc lost Atlantic m4 Dlnsham 171 Cal. A Hecla. 1(3 jcantennlal ... 143 jcopper Rang, t4 tpalr.'wast ... t 41 24 i4 slli H7X 2H Mexican Central N. V., N. H A H...1.V r-r.ntllo I nlon Pacific 1364k oranby Amer. Area. Chan.... 24t 11 Rorala 4 Mara. Mining ... . 74t Michigan .!4!rH Mohawk .1S Mont. ('. A C... . IS.14011I Dominion ... . is .Oacaola do pfd 104 V Parrot Dominion I. A 8 la' Qulnrjr Edlaon Elac. Illti...24t 'rShannon Oaneral Kl4-trlc Ihi iTamarark Maa. Klectrlc ) Trinity do pfd anujlrnltad Coppar .. Maaa. Oa V. S. Mining.... t nlted Krult lots, V, B.1OII... t'nlted Shoe Mach.... 74 ao pia si U. 8. Steal 17 ao pia i;uih Waatlng. common ... 8 Bid. -Asked. Ctah Victoria .... Wlnnna Wolrarlna .. .. MM, .. 1 .. 1". . . to .. UAi .. l u, .. 17H. . . 6J .. 0 .. ..IK,', .. ..It .. 7 ..114 .. II .. S .. .. .. 54 .. .. ..US 13. 352 20.1 JO 24.7S6 22.7: 19.831 41.032 80.708 28,flb0 33.740 47.345 86.0! 17,167 Same days last year.. ..16, 451 RECEIPTS FOR THH YEAR TO DATE. The following tabl show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to data, comparing with last year; I905. 1904 Inc. Dee. 70.fl49 888.927 81,122 1.119.772 2.132,766 12,973 1,!H4.800 1.879.018 255.7S2 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. tl.ib'uv uO $4.5tui i0 Cattle Hogs Sheep Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Sioux City . 1 uWI 4.3iuo.lo i.MO'yli.a 4.tut.10 ....... 2.0O(l6.M) 4uti610 iOtxu&.iiO 4. 761,-4. SiO mii'k.p D.-D. W. II. Brisco. Tekamah, Neb. M. & O.. 1 Bob Tempielon, Tekamah, Neb. M. & O. 3 J. A. Hunt, Logan, la. 1. C 8 P. R. Smith St Co., Mussena, la. Q 1 A. J. Lovejoy, Litchfield, Neb. R. 1 0 The following table show the average price of hog at South Omaha for the lust several days, with comparisons: I 1906. J1H04. 11903. 19O2.1901.iyvJO.ll899. 15.. I 14.. 17.. 13.. 19.. 30.. NOV. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. ,31.. riov. 83. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec.. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 4 71HI tl I 33i i 4571 4 82i 3 W 4 00 4 bi 4 bbl M 4Wi" 67 1 4 71 1 4 4bl 41 I 4 82! 8 V7 4 87T, 4 60! 4 3 31 1 5 62 ! M I 4 b3i 4 45 tt 21 3 B3 4 7 4 68 I I 4 161 38 731 4 75 3 88 4 6641 7 4 441 84 1 I 81 4 7S 3 8 4 64-sl 4 511 26i 751 4 76 8 8 23.. I 4 OB 1 4 49 4 311 I t Wl 4 78 3 J 24 25.. 2.. 27.. 88.. 29.. 80.. 1... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7... 4 68 4 72 a 4 6714 a 4 81', 1 S4 8 43 I 4 6 15 4 4i lUii tl4 4 621 I 6 99 14 201 4 49 4 24 1 4t 4 24 4 34 4 31 4 42 4 48 4 47 4 401 6 02 6 09, 09 OK 13 4H! 4 37 6 24 6 891 76 I 5 781 4 87' 3 731 4 76 4.1 6 85i 4 74 6 001 4 69 14 63 6 95 3 82 3 77 3 76 8 73 3 63 3 71 i 3 74 t 88 4 4l 6 4 Mi 3 81 6 06 4 77 3 80 4 39 ) 6 24 6 09; 4 84 3 8T 4 S5 4 36 I 6 04 4 81 3 81 te!."5K.uJni,'r,p"J'8.- These contributions ! S'SJ ' Loadoa Closing toek. LONDON, Dec. 7. Closing quotation on th Stock exchange were as follow: Conaola.. money 80S N. Y.. Central. do account 88 13-14 Norfolk A W.. Anaconda t1, do. pfd t Ontario W. m1 Pannaylvanla iims c.Hnwiu.i. 71 eit ln the ol"n m.rk-ff Sk1" CO": BaU.mor. A Ohto....ll614 BmY 'ir.- . ". 7 he control ifh 1-'.J,,lJa?e ,ot ansdls Pacldo US' Raadtsg -...!... II liveries of short ,Vncrir "XJ"'.: '"f": VB,i ST2 ??"if-? ? ' IVUII ! a. a. m- sjaa. 1 tl UIU.4I, 'flril C. - M. A St. HcSocra Den rar A R. O. do pfd ....... Erla do 1st pfd.... do Id pfd.. . . . I L . , nreclnltot o T Sr.Hfer,r.r!fp,,nd'd rumor, of a dividend r ,- ".,'. -"'c-, nii laenticat control Ing 'I'.1.6!??!9- .wfr' "ffccted In sympathy. ...a..,nVca pper showed resistance i'hL Prominent intnl ket f 1V..0H i V. A"9 ""oi mar I inoa Contra ... d,".t.rnr,and lth the eaiier losses IuIitIII. a Naah i;,' . " "a"y cnangea to varying 1 M., K. AT. !2i"V? S'Z Total .' par value. 2,lo6.000. Lnited State new 2 reglstererl onCcaUd a"d "eW "PO "7 I Per cent .xchanH01'" ." Tort Stock a - mrt AUIIUWn. Sules.Hlgh.Ldw.Close. ... 240 Adam Express . Ainai. copper 113.6no Am. Car dc Foun.... 3,310 r.v.wit:u 01 - Amer. Cotton Oil.... 500 3oZ do preferred American Express .. ra mae at L pfd Am. Ice Bee ur Am. Linseed Oil.... do preferred Amer. Locomotive. do preferred Am. Smelt. A R'fg.. S7.J0 uo preferred ym mi7 mtl7 Amer Sugar R'fg... 27.600 144 ukl iH AnaconrtM r"r. i'" 10.800 do preferred 400 jMiuntic coast L. .. Baltimore & Ohio.. l,3t 10 6,600 4,100 1.1110 10,000 100 93 41 36 35 23 45 71 117 DvH, 92 40 41! 10O 101 35 86 .... .... 22 3 So 84 34 22 2K 44 44 9 71-H 117 117 .15!! W . 14 K . 46 .4 Mi 7H 4 Bid rlSiH iouhn,Bllwar-..-. U44 , l74i ,)a. pM , j ., lnas, i Southtrn Paclflo f , :Vnlon racloc : w do pfd , l. g. 8tael U4 . 74 do pfd ....tM'4 1IW Wabaah tl .1M do ptfl 414 . aH Rpanlah 4 SILVER Bar. dull, 23 7-16d pef ounce. MONEY 22 per. cent. The rate of discount in tne open market for short bills is 8463 3-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent. New York Mining Stock. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. Closing quotations tn mining stock were a follows: Adama Con Allca '. liraaca Brunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnal Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Sllrar Iron 8llrar Uaadrllla Con... 15 ...1(8 ... 40 ... M ... ...864 ... Llttla Chlaf Ontario ophlr t'hoaalx Potoal Savaga Sierra Kavads )mall Hopaa . Standard ... I ...600 ...440 ... 1 ... It ... it ... n ... M ...Hi do preferred Brooklyn Ranld T Canadian Pacific . central of N. J.... Ches. & Ohio Chicago St Alton . do preferred Great Western ... C. & N. W C M. & Ht. P Chicago T. St T... do preferred C, C., C. St St. L.... Colo. Fiel & Iron... Colo. 4 Southern.... do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Consolidated Gas .... Corn Product do preferred Del. A Hudon Del., Lack. & W Denver ft R. O do preferred Distiller' Secur Erie do 1st preferred.... do 3d preferred General Electric Hocking valley Illinois Central International Taper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Tuisvllle St Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M . St. P. A S. 8. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. St Tex do preferred National Iead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central N. V.. Ont. i W.... Norfolk & Western.. do preferred North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania ........ People s Oas 100 97 43,600 86 8,100 173i 3"0 227 2,000 55 Bank of England Statement. invnnv r 1 t-k ....1,1., ...... , of the Rank of England show the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, tIJS.OM); circulation, increase, 74,00o; bul lion, decrease, 48,887; other securities, In crease, ;i,ot7,ooo; otner deposits, increase. , 2.204.000: nubile dermsits. decrease. 1 298.- 104 103 I0414 OoO; notes reserve, decrease; 89,000; gov ernment securities uncnangea. 1 ne pro. portion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 40.86 per cent, a compared with 41. 6 per cent last week. 86 155 8544 163 800 161 lfij 160 3,000 112 111 112 97 84 172 226 54 aso 21 600 2lo 21,600 178 20. 219 37 86 173 226 55 31 76 20 60 6.100 4.100 1.500 S,3u0 500 1.0)0 10 600 100 6.500 400 S.2O0 17.9"0 0 ft") 99 47 ts IS 47 176 15 54 25 400 38 8 4M 4 80 7S 176 1774 17 87 99 47 29 68 4 99 4 24 67 46 176 176 Id 54 224 4i0 37 8S 47 47 80 72 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The following tabic snows me prices paid at the river markets for cattle: Uooa fj choice corn-ted steer $5.00;jti.2li Fair to good corn-fed eteers 4.7oij5.00 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.00W-4.76 Good to choice range beef steer... 4.2oii4.60 Fair to good range beef steers 3 6WB4.25 Good to choice cow and heifer... 3.24.25 Fair to good co s and heifers 2.b03 30 Fair to good western cows l.So'uk.TG Canners and cutters 1.754?3.dO Good to choice stockers ft feeders.. 3.7i4.l0 Fair to good stockers & feeders.... 2.60tu.40 '1 ne oiIk lal numuvr or curs ot stock brought in today by each road was: cattle. riogs.en ses. C, M. ft St. P.... Wabash Missouri Pacific 1 nlon Pacific system.. C. ft N. W. (east) C. A N. W. twestl C, St. P., M. ft O C, B. & W. (east) C, B. VI. (west) C, R. I. ft P. (east).... C, R. 1. ft P. (west1)... Illinois centrni Chi. Ot. Western 6 l 30 2 23 10 8 , 82 6 i & 6 2 8 22 8 26 8 17 10 4 4 6 .124 120 11 Total recelnts . The disposition Of the day's receipts wa as follows, each buyer purchasing lh num ber of head Indicated: Ca Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co Cudahy Pck. Co.. country Swift and Co., country... Carey & Benton Lobman & Co McCreary W. I. Stephen Hill aft Son Hamilton ft Rothschild... L. K. lAis Wolf ft Murnan Mike Haggerty J. B. Root ft Co Bulla ft Kline Other buyers lt. Hogs. Sheep. m ". 1.130 4)1 563 2.3al 147 9u4 .0"2 272 bug 8,ul .... 21 58 47 123 146 28 3 61 72 1 107 38 39 205 .... 1,997 live sales: No. a. ah. to. : 1:4 ... 4 to 24 M ... 4 80. 4! 121 ... 4 S 100 IH ... 4 W 43 21! ... ID M 141 ... 4 M 71 -Itt ... 4 82 i :i its 4 474 72 22S ... 4 44 2So 40 4 7, 44 2.11 t;0 4 ao 40 237 t"0 4 t) 47 If. 40 4 W Ill ... 4 M 71 :m 40 4 0 51 2.14 ... 4 40 2 24 120 4 M 44 241 ... 4 40 74 IAD In 4 l 77 2..t 40 4 M 1P4 IM IN TS 2.10 40 IK 14 2:14 40 4 40 7 m ... 4 M a! 227 240 4 4" I 212 ... 4 to 74 240 M IS 43 241 40 4 n 64 140 M ID 7 :" 20 4 ao 44 2:4 ... 4 M 4S 30a 130 4 lh 244 IM IN ag 2M ... 4 ao 44 214 120 4 to 71. ..v.. ..163 no 4 ao 10 241 lto 4 ao I 242 160 4 40 10.. 10.. 13.. 14.. 47.. 42.. 59.. 40.. 44.. an.. 74.. ...t' ...!ai ...IT4 ...IM ...27 ...IM ...IM ...113 ...300 ...24 ...24 4 42-, 4 92V4j 4 :s 4 ?S 4 32 4 42', 4 111, 4 J', 4 43V, 4 I34 4 4H No. 71... II..., M... 77 . . . 71 .. 47... 40... an.... 74... 44. .. 41... 89... 41... 44... at... 74... 71... 41... 30... 74... 4... 4... 44... 40... 41 .. 4f..., 47... 44... 14... 47... ... 7... II... 44... US .. 44 ... 44..., 13... 41..., 70... 42..., 47... 40.... 43... 44... 44... 41... 40... A. .311 . . 24 . 134 ...244 .. 22 ..34 ..223 ...S44 ...30 ...S!3 ...:'24 ...244 ...V4J Sh. rr . 4 i ao 4 4:v, 40 4 :', 140 4 '.' ... 4 41V, 40 4 i:v 10O 4 41', ll 4 42', m 4 ii'j 10 4 fiv, HO 4 42', ... 4 41V, 140 4 42V, UO 4 42V, 0 I ti, .241 too 4 41V, ,.147 ,.04 ,.224 .330 .210 . .S7 .l'i .271 .2 40 140 40 .243 140 4 9JL, IM 1H 4 ari. 4 4f 4 931, 4 42V, 4 41V, 4 42 V, 4 92 4 91V, 4 42V, 4 i:. 40 140 ;o . ..24 ...f 4 ...240 ...241 40 ...334 300 ...30 44 ...171 ... ...3m 14 ...174 ... ...Sl ... ... ...234 ... ...314 ...2T0 ...371 ...353 ...244 4 41V, 4 t?H 4 9JV, 4 12', 4 92V, 4 41 4 94 4 9.1 4 9.1 4 4 4 94 4 94 ' 4 94 4 44 4 44 4 44 no 240 120 124 4 94 ... 4 94 .S.:.0 340 4 96 .310 40 4 97Vj .104 ... 8 04 f? 00 per do , bulk. Tc per lb.; 7-lb. boxes. $1.00. OKAXdKS-'allforn!a Navels, all iae.; r lorKIa, all slies, 33(41. LLMON8 Llmonler. extra fsnc, 210 ixe. II In; 0 and 300 slics, 34 iitio vO. Kltifl California, r lv-lb. i-ailon. iHi Sc: Imported bmyina, (-crown, l.'c; -crown, 14c, BANANAS I'er incdlulil-slied bunch, 31 .J 0- -v; JuiiiIhis. U.wlij.V'W. lA.Ntit.iti.Nta rlorina. iloul 12-k t;i no. GRAPH FRUIT Per box, per $rjo. box of 6" red. Totals 3,397 8.141 2,827 Bank C'learlags. OMAHA, Dee. 7. Bank clearings for to day were $1,680,226.39, and for the cur responding date last year $1,333,624.07. ii0 184 183 400 176 17 700 87 86a 4.70O 3. loo 24 3-0 18.700 29 6 3.1, 66 6,000 152 4.800 14.3"0 10 3iO 300 4.Sr 56.7tiO 4 35.200 600 73 118 24 81 137 loi :9 t 83 36 $.800 152 1.40O 6:1 1.100 MO ! 7)0 26,300 400 8.1 9Vi 10O 61 139 104 28 69 Si 150 72 117 23 81 137 100 37 69 78 36 15 52 8.1 92 99 5 138 15 54 224 475 38 89 48 48 80 73 IM 1H6 176 24 86 27 82 29 5 11 66 151 162 73 118 24 81 IK 166 lol 38 82 36 151 5.1 K.1 92 It a) M 119 lo P.. C. C. ft St. L 80 Pressed Steel Car.... 6.100 57 55 57 do preferred 300 100 99 10O Pulman Pal. Car S42 Readtng 5.1 800 187 l:cu, y. do 1st preferred.... 8 oon si M tn Republic Steel 36.700 SS 33 84 do preferred 4 StW los 104 yn Rock Island Co 40.4o 54 fsi do preferred 5.400 67 63 aw. Robber Goods STi, do preferred V' t. 8 F. pfd. l.""1 0 We IHK, St Iyui R W 70 2-J4 do preferred SiO M 5 5X4. ao.ithem Pacific 10.400 67 06 r do e referred . lfo aonthem Railway.... 10 10 ', H .u, do preferred S "Him. C'al ft iron.... 34 4A ir Yu, - PlC'S"...... I ! 84 M 4 T ff. I A V rv. V. do preferred ?na STt 47 8Tt; 'eon Paclfr 4. tea 14 ! 14, do preferred 300 7 7 T Wool Market. BOSTON, Dec. 7. WOOL Stock of do mestic wool in Boston are very small In a market which I unusually dull. It is esti mated that the vear will go out Willi the smallest stocks for several seasons. Foreign wool I In relatively better supply than domestic, though It Is said that a good proportion of the wool now in bond at thl port is held for manufacturing account. There has been a fair demand for territory wools. Pulled wool are quiet, with a few ales of A super at 62'aic and lis at 604366c. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and rvnnspivania ax ana aoove, siijoc; X. SKtf35c; No. 1. 40fc41c; No. 3, HufHlc; fine unwashed. 27$r28c; quarterblood un washed. 34ZiU6c: three-eighth blood. H&Xic: halt-blood, H'J35c; unwashei delaine, HuuJlc; fine washed delaine. '36-'awc; Michigan tine unwashed, 2b427c; quarter-blood, un washed, 33 if 34c; three-eighths blood. 3JjJtu; half-blood, 834j34c; . unwashed delaine. 28c; Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighth and quarter blood, 84a15c; territory, Idaho fine. 22i23c; heavy fine. I4i28c; fine medium. 22 4j23c; medium, 27fc28e; low medium, 2;ii28c; Wyoming nne. zzqZ3c; nne neavy, lS'rJx: fine medium, 23&-24C; medium. 27yc; low medium, ?7o2sc- Utah and Nevada fine, 33tu24c; heavy fine, 19$3uc; fine medium, 23a'-4c; medium, I7fi28c; low medium. 27 3sc; Dakota fine, 2ijj23c; fine medium. 'Hit 33c; medium, 2. Base; low medium, 2728c; Montana tine, choice. 2642:27c : fine averase. 2425c; fine medium, choice, 2627c; averuge. 3tjac; staple, wusac; nieaium choice, it-Q 29c LONDON. Dec. 7.-WOOI-Th offering at the wrml auction sales today amounted to ll,9o2 bales. All sections bought freely. Fine and medium cross-breds sold well, but coarse greasy was In buyers' favor. Scoureds were readily taken. A few lines of fine light combing greasy were bought for America. Following are the sales In on fall: New South Wales. 3,100 bales; scoured, 9dj2s; greasy, td'ulstd; Queensland. 1.200 bales; scoured, l4d&2a3a; greasy. 6d' Is; Victoria. 2,000 bales; scoured, lsSd'QL's; greasy, 5d$lsld; South Australia, ) bales; greasy, 67jllVid; New Zealand. 2.000 bale; scoured, 6d'V)lsM; greasy, tdftlsHd; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1,500 bales; scoured, 7di&ls 10d; greasy. ?1M; River Plata. 7U1 bale; scoured, 9dlsd; greusy, 9(iil0d. ST. UjUIP. Dec. 7.-WOOL-Steady: me dium grade combing and clothing, ajaoc; light Hue, 21'tjic; heavy flne lii21c; tub washed, 331 41c. CahlE-There was a rather light run of cattle on the market toouy, 16 cars, about 4.1o0 head being reported up to noon. Tne run for the day la a little larger than that for the same day two weeks ago, when 2.400 head were received, and as compared with th run for the corresponding day lust year it is smaller by about 1.300 head. There were only a small number of beef steer on the market today and trade wa In about-the same condition as yesterday. Thera were a couple of loads of good beef steer on the market and thane found ready ale at prices that were generally steady with yesterduy, considering the quality. The trade was reasonably active, with the market generally steady. Packers were bidding lower for the stock, but sellers were holding on well, and as a rule were selling at steady prices. There wa a moderate supply of cow and heifer on the market tnls morning, and there was a moderate demand for this kind of stuff on the part of the local pack ers and also from the outside butchers who had sent in a fuw orders. However, while the trade was reasonably nctlve. buyers were bidding lower on everything except canners and this kind of slock was selling mostly at prices that were generally strong to a dime higher. The market on cow closed the day steady to a little easier. There wa a reasonably good-slsed run of Blockers and feeders on the mar ket today and the demand from both speculator and country buyer wa good and n a result there waa a mod erately active trade and a good healthy tone to the market, i railing cioseu tne day with prices steady to strong. Representative scales: 8IIEKP There ws a rather small run of sheep on the market today, nine cars, about 2.500 head, being reported In up to noon. The receipts for the same day two weeks ago were three times as large and for the corresponding day last year they were nearly twice as large. As has been the case for the last couple of weeks there were practlca'y no good choice fat sheep on the market, while there has been a fairly strong demand for this kind of sheep on the part of the packers. This morning was no exception to the gen eral rule and there was only a sprWnilng of fut sheep on sale. What there was In sight found ready sale at prices that were practically steady with yesterday's market. Good choice Xmas lambs, of which there were a smalt number In sight, were lh good demand and brought fairly strong prices that can hardly be compared with sales of lambs on the previous days this week, this is the first lot of strictly choice fat lHmbs that have been on the market for some time. A small lot of strictly prime fat lambs sold early this morning for $7.50. Most of the stock on the market this morning consisted of feeding sheep and the quality was gencrnlly speaking not of the best in the world. There were quite a num ber of country buyers In again today, but they were rather particular as lo choice of stock. However, the trade was fairly actlv and price were practically Steady with those of yesterday and perhaps a trills firmer In spots. Quotations on fat sheen and lambs: Good to choice fed lambs, $7.25i&7.50; good to choice range lambs, $6.907.80; good to choice yearling wethers. $i.ma6.2&; good to choice old wethers, $5.40&5.60; good to choice old ewes, $4.66416. 26. Quotations for feeder sneep and lamb: Good feeding lambs, I5.5tvsjffi.00: good feed ing yearlinrs. $4.7535.26: good feeding wethers, 34.504il.76; good feeding we, $3.50 7 4.10; breeding ewes. 34.OOvU4.00. Representative sales: No. 13 native cull ewes 10 native cull lambs 29 native ewes 6 native ewes 608 Wyoming yearling feeders. 5 native ewes 323 Wyoming feeder lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Cattle Steady to Strong Hobs FItc to Tea Cent Higher. CHICAGO, Dec. 7. CATTLE Receipt, 10,000 head. Market steady to strong; com mon to prime steers, $3,004(7.00; cows, $180 4.60: heifers. $2.00ft6.00: bulls. $2,004)4.15; stocker and feeders, $2.154.26; calves, $2.00 4J7.75. HOGS-Rocelots. 30.000 head. Market Bffi (0c higher; choice to prime heavy. $5.0.". 5.12: medium to good heavy, I4.Wj5.0O; light weight butchers, $4.95&.5.10; good to choice Heavy, mixed,; pacKing. $4.8Sffi5.06. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 read. Market steady; sheep. $4.006.75; yearlings, $6.006.65; lambs, Ji.OKij 7.85. Kaasas City Lire Stock Market KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Dec. 7.-CATTLfc- Recelpts. 8.500 head, including 400 South erns. Market weak: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.25'gS.2S; fair to good, .'.tx(M.ti; stocgers ana teeners. ri.botjiH.po; southern steers, $2.50&4.25: southern cows, $; native cows, $2.0KiH.0O; native heifer. $2.5033.00: bulls, $2.26g4.0o; calves, $2.5(K&.50. HOGS Receipts. 12.000 head. Market Vrt 15c. higher. Top. $6.17; bulk of sales, $4.95p 6.15; heavy, x5.0u'ho.17; packers, W.kweo.lO; pigs uno iignis. i4.(otu.t. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head. Market active at a decline of 101120c from yesterday's close. Native lambs, $5.50 67.40: western lambs, $5.FV37.40; fed ewe ana yearlings, 14.500zo.00: western fed year lings, 36.25iii6.25; western fed sheep, $4,604 e -r. . .. . 1 . .-... a-icu.l,. v.iw, oiuiAri m aim n-i-ucia, s. ifiji. FRUITS. TEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon. $2.50. APPLES - California Bellefloaers. $1.50 per bu. hot; Colorado Jons 1 nans. xr hu box; Ben Davis, II lo l'i bu. box; Wlnesaps, 42.00 per bu box; other varieties, $.mi per bu., New York apples, $4.50 pes bbl. ORAPES-Impcrted Malagas. $55li60O. CRANBERRIES Jersrjs, $12.00 per bul.J Boa and Bugle, $12.50. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, er bu., 65r: rlouth Dakota, per bu., i0c. ONIONS Homo-grown, yellow and per bu., Soc, bpaiiisti, iwr irate, xi.iw. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.00. LIMA BEANS Per bu., bc. CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb.. lV(2c. CARROT o. PARSNIPS AND TURNIP I'er bu., 6o4fi5c. Cr-LErt ialamaioo, per dot., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 8-bu. bbl., $1.75. NEW VEGETABLES. CAVUFLOWER-Pcr cra(e, $2 75. TOMATOES California, per crate of 30 lbs., 82.50. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 3d lbs. net, $3.50. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about SO lbs. net. $3.004j'4.ll0. LUG PLANT-Florida, per dos., $l.rjr 1.50. GREEN PEPPERS Florid, per hamper of about 10 do.. $2.50. , TURNIPS-Loulslana, per csox. Dtincnes, 45c S II A L L O T T S Louisiana, per do. bunches, 76c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl.. 18.004) lo.OO; per dos heads, $1.00. LEAF LETTUCE not nousc. per oox ot 2 to 15 heads, due. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per dot., ti.i fcl.&0. KAD1S11B.S not nouse, tier am. uiinciivs. 750. .. . MUSHROOMS-Hot hour", per 10., waifto. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. 12'ac. No. I rib. 8c: No. 3 rib. c; No. 1 loin, 10c; No. 3 loin, 10c; No. 3 loin, 7c; no. 1 cnucKS, oc; m. cnucas. 4o; No. 3 chucks, 3c; No. 1 round, it; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 3 round, 6c; no. 1 plat. 4c; No. 2 plate. 80; No. 3 plate, c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.75; per bbl., $8.75. HONEY New, per 24 lbs.. $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, tic; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmhergcr, 13c; twins, 14c; young Ameticas, 14c. NUlts walnuts, no. 1 son snens, new crop, per lb., 150.: naru snens, per in., 13o. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., ,c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12til3c. Al monds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard shells, per lh.,. 15c. 6hellbark hickory nuts, per fu.. $2.25; largo hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Chestnuts, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, $4.S0 per sack of 10O. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green. 8c: No. 1 salted. Wic; No. $ snlted. 9'4c; No. t veal calf, 11c; No. 8 veal calf, 9c: dry raited, 7t7l4c; cheep pelts, 2uc$j$1.00; nors bines. ;:.bor,-i.uo. HOLLY In cases, ZX2X4 reet, oc per case; in bbls.. $1.50 per bbl. MISTLETOE Per lb.. 25c. WREATHS Holly, magnolia and ever green, $1.5 per do. Av. Pr. 97 3 00 47 4 50 116 4 60 150 6 25 90 6 25 132 6 40 63 6 00 MARKET St. I.onls Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS. IVc. 7. CATTLE Receipts, 4.500 head, no Texans. Market strong; na tive shipping and export steers, $450j5.xO dressed beef and butcher steers, $i.6Mj5.4C steers under 1.000 lbs., $2.65ti6.00; stocker and feeder, $2.1Wi3.i.o; cows antl heifers, J. 011,4. 40; canners. $1.75a2.10; bulls, $J.35tf 3.75 calves. $3.25li8.0o; Texas and Indian I steers, $2.20ft3.80; cows and heifers, $2,009 3.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head. Market Siffl 10c higher; pigs and lights, $4 604jS 05; pack ers, J4.0ntiG.05, butcher and best heavy, SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 2 .VM head. Market strong; native muttons. $4.50 OT6.00: lamns, ao.tunjT.oo: cull and bucks l!.OW(5.0o; stocker, $3.0OS3.2K; Texans, $3.00 td 4. zu. No. 14.. . 37... It... la... 14... to... 41... t... rt... 14... 1... I. .. II. .. I... 4... 1... 14... 1... 1... A. Pr. .... 1:4 I 40 ..,.1111 4 00 1184 4 11 ....!" 4 40 ....load 4 i ....1374 4 40 ....1191 4 44 No. I... 34.... 21... II... 4.... M.... 30.... COWb, At Pr. 1140 4 44 1340 4 10 1127 I li 13:1 1 94 1043 I W 1131 I 00 1240 I 00 1... 1... , 1040 II I. 146 I X II , no 1 to 11 1100 I 7 17 , 1390 8 71 13 447 7J 10 1221 t all 34 , 1140 8 10 HEIFERS 414 I 74 3 73i I 00 I , IM I 00 BULLS. 1110 I 74 1 1730 I 00 1 t.'ALVEo 311 t 44 4 427 I 74 1 Ul 4 II bi(A,'htll ANn 440 I 31 I 440 I tt 44 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. ...1043 I 10 ...1010 I 111 ...1043 I 10 ... 94 I 24 ...1245 I 25 ...421 I 30 ... 471 I 41 .40 I 10 MO I 10 .1640 I .1040 1 40 , 141 4 00 120 4 OO St. Joseph Live Block Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 7. CATTLE Reoelnts. 1.583 head. Market steady; native, 13.65 'if 6.25; tow and heifer, $1.50"ku.16; tock?r ana teeners, HOGS Receipts. 7.981 head. Market 10 15c higher; light, $4.855.06; medium and neavy. iB.onffta.ii1. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 677. head MarKCT steady; nunus, I..0O. Sioux City I. Ire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 7. (Special Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts 700 head; mar ket steady; stocker dull: beeves. 83.6oS.SO rows, bulls and mixed, $2.00f(,3.6Q; stockers Slid feeders, 1.7593.40; calve and year lings, 32.otwi3.26. HOGS Receipts. 6.800 head: market 6i10 nigner, selling at 4.AT)4.o; bulk of sale, 34.80U4. so. VEEDFTFtS 403 I 40 1164 I 90 1 COW 8 COWS.... 1 COW $4 COWS.... tl COW.... 14 cow.... 26 cow.... 7V $1 75 . 8O0 : . 877 .lot , 874 . 875 8 steers... 2 bulls.... 1 feeders. t 70 2 70 I 70 8 00 1 55 2 5 WYOMING. 3 70 42 cows , 900 $3 10 ,12ti5 t 30 748 8 60 14 cow 850 21 mixed... 1119 3 80 4 30 Ml 100 4 00 3 75 C'oaTeo Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-COFFEE Th mar-' ket for coffee future wa steady at un changed prices to an advance of 6 points In response to steady French cables. Trading wa quiet, there being no aggressive de masjd. and when later cables from Havre reported the loss of the early gain quota tion here slipped off to a partial los of I point. Hales were reported of 32.750 bass. Including December t .50c: Januare, 4 554? 66c: March. .7o4i.7ic: April. hfe.:; May, . &'(). s6c; July. J.c: October, I 41 7 Xc. Spot, steady- No. 7 Rio. Ie. 27 feeders.. 393 IA steers.. ..1000 3 40 COLORADO. 33 feeder.. 356 8 86 Ji feeders.. 826 W. D. Trompeter S. D. 13 steer.. ..1181 180 13 feeder.. 1X6 38 cows 9mJ 3 20 13 cows 7 $ 10 HOGS There was a moderate run of hogs on the market today, in fact, it wa hardly up to expectation 114 car, about 8,o4) head, being reported In up to noon. A compared with the run for the same day I wo weeks ago the receipts for the day show an increase of about l.OuO head, while comoared with the run for the correspond Ing day last year the day receipts show a decrease of aooul b,ouv neau. Trading for the day opened brisk and active, with prices generally a nickel to a dime higher than yesterday, and as the day progressed tne trade continued active and prices also advanced still more than at the opening. The was du In part to the bulge that has taken pluce In the pro vision market and to the fact that packers are needing a good supply of hog to meet Slock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six mlnclnal western maraeis yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha Sioux City .. Kamui City St. Joseph ... St. Louis .... Chicago Total .... 8,f.J 6.800 12.01 ) 7,1 t.t0 30.000 t459 7.000 677 2.5"0 18.000 ..p.iVt 73,281 30,634 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-METAI.S-Another sensational advance was reported from th London tin market with spot closing at 163 5s and futures at 159 1'w or about 1 Is 1 12s 6d above the closing figures of yesterday. The local market was firm with spot quoted at $35.30fl35.6i). Copper also was higher abroad, closing At 18 5s for spot and at 77 15s for futures. Locally the market was Arm, but without quotable change. Lake and electrolytlo are more or less nominal at $7.87tlil8.00 and casting t $17.63on7.87. Lead was unchanged at 17 in the London market. Locally the situation is firm and with little available for Immediate delivery -the spot quotation range a high a $6.10 while $5.30 In still quoted for thirty days' shipment in fifty-ton lots, spelter was uncnangea at t. rim twi for spot in the London .market. Ijbcally the market Is firm and unchanged at JfMocr .60. Iron waa htgher In th English market, advancing about 8dfi(kl to 63s 8d for stand ard foundry and to 53 ,9d .for Cleveland warrants. The local market was nrm ami unchanged. No. 1 foundry Is quoted at $18.76'19.36; No. 2 foundry northern, 1..2W 18.85; No. 1 foundry southern,; No. 2 foundry southern, $18.004flS.26. . REAL ESTATE TRASSFKRS. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Tride and l)aotatlOB a Staple and Faay Pradsot, EGGS Fresh receipts, candled stock. 35e. LIVE POULTRY -Hens. SU.C : roosters. oc; turaeys, u'Vfi tic; aucgs. Hc: attprln chickens. 8c; geese, 8c. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, Hfflloc old toms, 12frl3c; chickens, 4tfl0e; old roosters, (c; aucxs, lOQllc; geese, loc. BUTTER Packing stock, 15c; cholc to lancy dairy, 14) 19c; iramry, 2121c prints. 21c. SUGAR Standard granulated, In bbls., $6.21 per cwt.; cubes. $6.05 per cwt.; cut loaf, $6.60 per cwt.; No. 6. extra C, bugs or bbls., $5 06 per cwu; No. 10, extra C, bug only, $4.80 per cwt.; No. 15 yellow, bugs only, $4.85 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $5 H3 per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout, lot&llo: halibut. 13c; buffalo, dressed, be; pickerel, d retard. vc; whit bass, dresaed. 12c; sunflsh. 8c; perch, scaled and dressed, ac; pike, 10c; catfish, lie; red snapper, lor; salmon, Xlc; croppies, 12c; eels, loc; bullheads. 11c; black baas, 25c; wliUeflnh, 12c: frog legs, pur do., 5c; lobHters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, toti lhad roe. 45c; bluetlsh, lie; herring, 4c HAY Price quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland. $7; medium. $6.50; cosrse, $6. BRAN Per ton. $14 50 TROPICAL FRUITS DATE8 Per box of 30 1-lb. pkga.. $2 00; Halloat-s. In To-lb. boxes,, per lb, 4c; layer, per lb., 6c; walnut-stuffed, 1-lb. pka. These real estate transfers wer filed foi record December 7: WARRANTY DEEDS. Packer Savings bank to T. J. Shana- han. lots 9 and 10, block 2, and other lots in Comer add 3 70f H. J. Bpitibart to W. G. Swan, lot 22. block 8. Brown park i.ont E. A. Benson and wife to H. J. Grove. lots 4 and 9. block 55. Benson 3nf Mary E. Ritchie to Q. A. Freeman and wife, a tract In se 29-18-13 VK South Omaha Land company to Al bert Miller et al, lot X, block 18, South Omaha 40s O. F.' Davis company to N. I. Dech. lot . block 8. Portland nlace 101 John Paine to P. 8. Reed, w ne and nw 34-15-13 (ex. 7.93 acres) 16.285 Mary Carson and husband to J. W. I'eters. lot 29. b ock 13. Clifton Hill.. 1 Ella Langdon and husband to Emma V. Twlford. lot 43. Windsor place. .. 2.niA J. M. Woolworth to A. 8. Nester. lot 5. block 1. Oakhurst nark 804 II. J. Grove and wife to Hnttle M. Cole, lot 4 and I. block 65. Benson . InA J. C. Wharton and wife to same, lot 3 and 10. block 55. Benson 1.0 Magdalena 811 hack to John Sllhack. w 26 feet lot 3, block 8. KounUe 3d add l.OKO John Steel and wife to M. L. Stone, w lot 10 and 11, block 13, Hanacom Place l.ioo Caroline Poppletop ft al, trustees, to 11. 1. Plumb, lots 4 and 5, block 6. Lake' add '. 10 Mary E. Wilson and husband to W. A. Haberstroh, undlv lot 7, block 3, ' Orchard Hill ' iittt Clara J. Kennedy and husband to same, same 450 Ella M. Monell to Catherine R. Nash. all Interest In ne block 124. Omaha. lO.ortt fX W. Gannett to same, same 3,000 J. W. Le and wife to Peter Jessen. Jr., same peter Jessen, Jr., to' Catherine 8.' '' Nash, same 8 0 Milton Rogers Estate company to same, all interest In se block 124.... t.OiO Natlle Patte to W. E. Martin, w 22 feet lot 8. block 1-4. same 2 W. E. Martin to Catherine B. Nash, same 8.H00 Annie and Mary Dwyer to Elisabeth Parson, part lots 8 and 3 and 32. block 4. Park place 8.40O C. E. Schmidt and wire to Sam Mr sen, s lot 12. block 3. Kountse 4th supplemental add 10 J. C. Kimball and wlf to Rudolph Rergo et al. lot 14. block , Cqitral park 1 Bankers Savings and Loan association to J. S. Little, lot 4. block 3, Boule vard terrace , faio QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. - t. Frank Thompson, executor, to H J: Grove, lots 4 and t. block 55. Benson 1 John Simpson and wife to J. L. Byera. lot I. block 113. Florence I'O Mary C. Schroeder to Peter Mangold, e 7-14-11 1 DEEDS. 1 John Smith, administrator, to Peter Mangold, se 7-14-11 Totl amount of trnfers. 13.0M .$73 841 PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Member . ' ' ' ) ,-i Chicago Board of Trad Omaha Oralrt Exehang . ; Grain and Provisions Bought and sold for cash or futur dellvtrf Receiver and Shipper, ilf and 2 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. " Tal. 100C OMAHA. Mo la Loadoa. F. D. Day d Co. 41alra la Stock. Grain. Provision hi Vest Urala V Iraack 4irje. 1144-llt Board mt Trad. Bldg., Osaaha. M-taa. Tlahoa B1. 12-'-14 Exchange lag.. Mouth Orris. 11 'Phoa tta. 4adaa4sat 'rava