Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Comptroller of Currsncy Telli of Work
' of Eii Bureau.
Supervision of These laatltatloas' taa
aot Be Complete Without Co-Oper.
alea Between Catted States
Mi Boards of Director.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. The annual re
port of William B. Rldgely, comptroller
of the currency, has been prepared for
transmission to congress. The report
begins with a table giving; a detailed state
ment of the resources and liabilities of
alt the national banks of the United States,
as shown by the five reports of condition
made In response to the call of the comp
troller. National banks have ' made Ave reports
(luring the period beginning November 10.
l'.4, and ending August , 1905, and that
there has been an Increase In banks In
that time from 6.477 to 6.76i. Loans ana
discounts representing over fiO per cent
i,f the banks' aggregate resources steadily
increased from a.J7Z,JX,941.M on November
It, 194, to J3.W,69.1o2.62 on August 1!.
The Increase In bonds on deposit as se
curity for circulation was from $4,769,09O
to UTt.bVi.ff), the Increase being approx
imately 862.000,0m). The banks' total .in
vestments In government bonds thst is,
as security for circulation and public de
posits and amount held represented ap
proximately 7.1 per cent of their resources.
The amount Invested In securities of this
character on November 10, 1W04, was 3MS,
$00,000 and on August 26, 1906. 8T1 ,,, 000.
the net increase being only $;.700,000 by
reason of the large withdrawals during the
year of government deposits and the co
incident release of a like amount of se
curities. At date of the tlrst reoo-t In
question the holdings of specie ana legal
lender notes aggregated $H42,10O,0flO. These
holdings increased on January 11 to Jtit9,
!1oni. fell to sMl.lflo.OdO on March It, In
creased to "49.20n.K)0 on May 23, and on
August 15 last reached $W6,50,000. The per
centage of specie and legal tender notes
(o tne total resources whs 8.9 on the last
named date, as ugalnst 7.2 on September tf
,nd 8.9. on November 10, 1H04. The three
items of loans, United States bonds, and
awful money represented 70 2 per cent of
I he aggregate resources, $7,472,WiO,78 M. on
August 25. . .
The paid-in rspltal stock on August 25,
1906. was $!W,8?0,:9, and the earnings
surplus and other undivided profits were
20,2i 000. On November 10, 1904, the
capital paid In was slightly In excess of
7i6.OUO,0uO and the surplus and other un
divided profits, ISSB.MO.OOO. On September
i). 1B04, the stockholders' Interest, repre
sented by capital, surplus, and profits, was
.0.8 per rent, and on August 2B, 1906, 19 per
rent of. the total liabilities. The reported
outstanding circulating notes on November
W, 1904. were $419,120,020 and on August 25,
1468,979,788, an increase of nearly 360,
000.000. : ,
Of the liabilities on August 26, 1906, M.I
per cent represented individual deposits,
which latter amounted to 3.tfc0,tl,713.23, an
increase since November 10, 1904, of 3112,
;"00,000. The government deposits. Including
deposits of United States disbursing of
ficers, decreased from 1110,300.000 on Novem
ber 10, 1904, to $62,000,000 on August 26,
The deposits on which reserve Is required
that Is. Individual deposits and net bank
balances amounted on August 25, 1906, to
4.736,0on,flr0, of which $1,342,000,000 was held
oy central reserve city batiks (New York,
Chicago and St. Louis), $1,275,000,000 by
banks In other reserve cities (the aggregate
in the two classes being 82,618,000,(100) and
2,117,000,00fl by associations classed as coun
try banks.
Capital, Clrealatlon and Bonds.
In the last year there was a gross addi
tion to the authorised capital of national
banks Of $50, 16,240, of which $33,632,600 were
from banks organized . since October 8L
1904, and $26,803,740 from old associations
increasing their caDitallsatlnn. The net
increase, however, was but $30,899,740, as
there was a loss of $28,436,600 as a result
uf voluntary liquidations, failures and re
ductions of capital of continuing banks.
The average capital of the 8,617 national
hanks In existence on March 14. lain wn
170,000. At the close of business on Oo
tober 81, 1906, the average capital of the
6,868 banks then tn -operation had been re
duced to $138,000, the reduction being due
lo tho organization of banks with capital
t:f less than $50,000, under authority of the
act of March 14. 1900, the latter being
organised generally with capital of $26,0uo,
altnough the exceptions raised the average
of that class of banks to approximately
wS.OOo. The average capital of the 947 banks
organised under authority of the act of
18S4, and from March 14, 1900, to October
.",1, 1906, was $120,000, making an average for
.tie 1,702 banks organized during the period
ii question of approximately $60,000.
' At the close of business on October 81,
1306, registered bonds to the amount of
v.93,912.790 were on deposit with the treas
urer of the United Slates, tn trust as se
curity for national bank circulation, of
which $4X3,181,900, or nearly 98 per cent,
were t per cent consols of 1903, there being
still on deposit as security for circulation
3 per cent bonds of 19U8 to the amount of
W.215,640, fours of 19u7 to the amount of
4,030.860 and fours of 1926 to the amount of
4,466,0O0. The average market price of 2
per cent consols In November. 1904, was
101.7838. The maximum price was reached
in March, 1906, namoly, 105.1389. In October,
)90C, the average market price of these con
' sols fell to 103.4295, giving them an average
' investment value In October of 1.826.
The percentage of outstanding circula
tion to the paid-in capital of national
banks, as shown by reports of condition,
IKTlodlcally from January, 1866, to Decem
ber, 186. materially exceeded 50 and ranged
from a maximum of 70.3 at the close of 1868
to 60.6 at the close of 1S5. , From the latter
date there was a gradual decrease to 18.4
hi July, 1891. From October, 1K93, to March,
U95, the average was approximately 26 per
cent and thereafter a steady and slight In
crease to 33.8 per cent In December, 1899.
'i'ho act 'Of March 14, 1900. resulted in an
increase of the rate to 38.3 per -cent on
April 28 of that year and 47.3 at the close
of the year. With the exception of July,
1902, when the rate was 44 per cent, the
proportion of circulation to capital has ex
,vfirt 4j rmr cxnt since the date last
named and reached a maximum of 68.6 per
.ent In August, 1905.
ttrganlsatloa of National Banks.
From the-date of the granting of the
tlrst chartor to a national banking asso
ciation. In !, to October 81, 19S, 7,966 as
sociations were organized, of whlcB 1,214,
with capital at date of Issue of charter of
$.. 861,9;, were conversions of state banks,
64 per cent of the number being locsted In
the New England and eastern states. At
the close of business on October 31. 196.
S.IC8 associations, were In existence, 1.669
having been plncert In voluntary liquida
tion and 439 (exclusive of twenty-one re
stored to solvency) In the charge of re
ceivers. Kxpressed In percent ges, the pro
portion of active honks is 73.5 per cent;
In voluntary liquidation. 21 per cent; in
solvent, 6.5 per cent.
Growth of Banking; la lalted States.
From returns made to this office on or
about June 30. 19"2, it appears that there
were In operation 4.635 national banking
associations, with capital of $701,990,664 and
Individual deposits of $3,OM,875.772, and also
7,8v incorporated state and private banks,
with capital and deposits of $499.621, 2i8 and
$,005.847,L:14, respectively. The non-reporting
banks to the number of 3.732 bad capi
tal and deposits estimated at $138,548,664
and $478,592. ,92, respectively, or an aggre
gate of 16.156 banks and banking Institu
tions, with enpitnl of $1,340,160,416 and de
posits of J9.5M..H5.778. The first estimate
made by this office as to the number, etc.,
of non-reporting bunks, published In 1903,
was for the year Wi. From returns on or
about June 30. 1906. It Is shown that the
number of nntional banks has Increased
during the last three years to 6.668, with
capital of $791,567,231 and deposits of $3,783,
658.494. The number of state and private
banks reporting and non-reporting are now
14.242, with capital of $74, 263,149 and de
posits aggregating $8,002,662,822. The totul
number of national, state and private banks
In the United States and Island possessions
Is therefore 19,910, with aggregate capital
of $1.519.8.10.380 and individual deposits of
$11,786,321,316. The number of national banks
In activo operation has increased since 1902
by 26 per cent, and the figures presented
inoicaie mat oatiKs oiner tnan national
have Increased at the rate of about 22 per
cent during this period.
In 1903 national bank capital represented
52.4 per cent and deposits 32.3 per cent of
aggregate cpltal and deposits, respectively.
or ait reporting ran King institutions.
There was in existence In 1902. as esti
mated, one bank for every 4,897 inhabitants,
and, based on the estimate for the present
year, there Is one bank for every 4,182 In
habitants. Stock of Money of the World.
Under direction of the director c.f the
mint there has been recently compiled a
statement based on the latest Information
obtained relating to the monetary systems
and approximate stock of money lr the
principal counties of the world at the close
of the year 1904. The summary relates to
forty-seven countries, In all of which gold
Is the monetary standard, with the excep
tion of the Straits Settlement, Bolivia, and
the Central American states.
The aggregate stock of gold, silver, and
Uncovered paper currency is reported as
amounting to $12,6'0.oon.OOO, classified as fol
lows: Gold, $."., 987, 100.000; silver. $3,130,400,000;
uncovered paper currency. $3,392,500,000. The
gold represents 48 per cent of the stock,
and the silver and uncovered paper cur
rency 25 and 27 per cent, respectively.
Comparing this statement with that relat
ing to the stock of money at the-close of
1903. it appears that the holdings of gold
have Increased to the extent of VUi8.M0.000,
but that sliver and uncovered paper cur
rency have decreased $71,000,000 and $01,000,
000, respectively, the net Increase In the
stock of money being $196,900,000. The
freatest mass of gold is held In the United
tates and Is stated as amounting to
$1,348,200,000. France is second in the list,
with a stock of $926,400,000; followed by
Oermanv with $S86,7O(t,0nO; Russia, $783,700,000;
United Kingdom, $533,200,000; Austria-Hungary,
3.105.0W.00O: India. $263,900,000; Italy.
$131,400,0110; and Australasia, $128,600,000. The
tcading countries with their stock of sllvar
are as follows: United States, $685,100,000;
India. $603,800,000; France. $411,100,000; China.
$350,000,000; Germany. $210,200,000; Spain.
ws.iw.uuo; united Kingdom, 113,400,0.
Russia, $101,900,000. With the exception of
Colombia, which has $741,000,000, the United
8tates leads the principal countries of the
world with a stock of uncovered paper
currency of $539,900,000, followed by Brazil
with $368,100,000. the next in the list being
Argentina, $286,100,000. Germany's stock of
uncovered paper currency Is $169,800,000, and
that of Italy $160,700,000. The amount of
this kind of currency in Spain s $125,100,000,
the next In the list being the United King
dom with $118,100,000; Belgium, $111,900,000;
France. $110,900,000. and Japan. $101,200,000.
The greatest per capita stock of money
is held In France, namely, $37.13, followed
by the United States with $31.41: Germany,
$22.46; Spain, $19.83; United Kingdom, $17.58;
Italy, $9.26; Austria-Hungary, $9.04, and
Russia, $6.90.
The countries reported have an argregate
population of 1,298,600,000 and on average
per capita holding of money of $9.63.
Money In the I'nlted States.
"At the close of the fiscal year ended June
SO, 1906, the stock of money in the United
States amount d to $2,883,109,864, of which
$2,031,296,042 was in coin. Including bullion
In the treasury, and $851,813,822 United
States and national bank notes. The coin,
bullion and paper currency In the treasury
as assets amounted to $295,227,211, the re
mainder, $2,687,882.6.-10, being in circulation.
The estimated population of the country
on this date was 83,260,000, giving an average
circulation per capita of $31.08. The amount
of money held by national and other re
porting banks at date of reports nearest
to June 30. 1906. was $987,800,000, which leaves
$1,600,100,000 outside of the treasury and the
reporting banks. Stated In percentages the
money In the treasury represents 10.24 per
cent of the stock; In reporting banks, 34.27
per cent, and elsewhere, 65.49 per cent.
The per capita unaccounted for appears to
be $19.22.
Dank Examination and Supervision.
After a careful study of the cases which
have come under my observation during the
lust four years, I am firmly convinced that
no system of bank examination or super
vision from the outsido of the bank can ab
solutely prevent fraudulent bank failures.
The more thorough and efficient the super
vision the more surely and quickly frauds
will be discovered, and the more fear of
detection will tend to prevent them, but
they cannot be surely and In every case
prevented by any practical means outside
of the bank.
I am also equally convinced by the same
experience thut with careful and efficient
work on the part of the examiner, aided by
Intelligent and thorough letters of criticism
based on the examiners' reports, any board
of bank directors of fair intelligence with
an honesty desire to obey the law can, by
co-operating with the examiner and the
comptroller, make the failure of their bank
practically if not absolutely Impossible.
No outside supervision can supply honesty
or brains for the management of a bank or
take the place of either when it is lacking.
The best it can do is to discover acta of
dishonesty or bod errors of judgment after
they have occurred, and to some extent
prevent illegal acts by fear of their dis
covery and punishment.
The Man's Trua Specialists
Doctors for Men
11 II,
Blood Poison
and all Diseases and Weaknesses of
MEN due to evil habits of youth,
abuses, excesses or the result of neg
lected, unskilled or Improper treatment
of speclnc or private diseases.
If we could but see and treat all men
when the first symptoms show them
selves there would soon be little need
for so-called specialists in chronic dis
eases, and there would be few men
ai t king a rejuvenating of their phy
sical, mental and sexual, powers, and
there would be none marked with the
indelible stamp of constitutional
Hyphlls. and the sufferers from
Kidney and bladder Diseases' would be
reduced lu a minimum. But us long
as MEN continue to disregard the
gulden adage, "A atllcb in time saves
nine, and continue to neglect them
selves or to exerclso Indifference or
poor Judgment lu securing the right
treatment at the outset, Just M long
will there be multitude of chrouiu
"We snake misleading; atatesseats anbaalnessllke preposi
tions te the asSlcted, neither do we promise to enre them la a. few
4a.7t, Qr ea"r eheaa, worthless treatment la order te aecare their
natroaasre. , llowat doctors at reooaralsed ability do not resort
tara methods. We Baaraalee a perfect, safe aad lasting; enre la the
ejalekest popsalble time, wttheat leavlnc lajarleaa after effects la
the -system, aad at tha lowest possible eost for honest, sklllfal
aad aaeoeesfnl treatment.
ftMMt TITIn4 rprr tt yu cannot rail write for symptom blank.
tLAULI Allwtl ink. ofBce Hours a. ra. to 8 p. in. Sundays, lu to 1 only.
1SON Farnatu Street, Ifc-tween IStb autl Mtli Streets, Omaha, Neb.
Book Island Propoiei to Build Line to
Jetter Brewery.
la Making Exteastoa Company Will
Have te Get Right to
Cross Streets from
More railroad building Is in prospect for
South Omaha. A few days ego mention
was made In The Bee of the possibility of
the Rock Wand road running- track up the
hollow to the Jetter brewery. Yesterday
Superintendent Wilson of the Rock Island,
with headquarters at Falrbury, and John E.
Utt, general western agent, visited the city
and looked over the ground. Several South
Omaha business men and a few members of
the city council were with these railroad
representatives during the greater part of
the afternoon. Several lines were gone over,
but no decision as to the route was reached.
It Is probable the Rock Island stub, which
now stops near the southwest line of the
Swift plant, will be extended up the hollow
across acre property to the brewery. Tn
making this extension It will be necessary
for the city council to give the Rock Island
permission to cross Twenty-seventh street
and also Thirtieth street. The balance of
the streets south of Swlft'e are not opened,
bo that only the permission of the owners
of acre property would be necessary. As
John J. Ryan and Balthas fetter own a
large portion of the tract it will not be a
hard matter to secure from them the right-of-way.
It is understood that by making the ex
tension mentioned the iRock Island would
not In any way Interfere with the proposed
viaduct of the Union Pacific, which is to ex
tend from Twenty-fourth and U streets to
Twenty-seventh and T streets.
May Have Another Inspector.
Members of the South Omaha L4ve Stock
exchange and others doing business at the
stock yards are pleased at the prospect of
an additional Inspector being appointed for
this place.
"The appointment. If one is made," said
an official of the exchange last night, "will
be in the nature of a representative of
Secretary Wilson and not what might be
called officially an Inspector. Such an offi
cial here would have authority to decide
questions for the department which are now
too weighty for the chief Inspector and have
to be forwarded to .Washington fox ft de
cision. By the locating of such an official
here a great deal of time would be saved
and add greatly to the Importance of this
market. Chicago has such an official and
South Omaha certainly needs one as much
as that city. We are in hopes that thN
secretary of agriculture will make this ap
pointment soon." '
Royal Arcnnnm Officers.
Knoxall council No. 1464, Royal Arcanum,
has chosen these officers for the year: Wil
liam P. McDeavitt. past regent; Dr. Wil
liam A. Cox, regent; Richard Novak, vice
regent; J. Manley McCarthy, orator; D. G.
Sturrock. secretary; C. M. Rich, treasurer;
John B. Ashe, chaplain; Herman Steinberg,
guide; Rudolph Honlg, warden; John W.
Hasenkamp, organist. W. P. McDeavitt is
representative to the grand Council and Dr.
W. A. Cox Is alternate. Philip Kraus was
elected trustee.
Payer Doing; Nicely,
Thursday the pavers on Twenty-fourth
street made quite a showing.' A half block
of paving between I and J streets was put
down and a half block of concrete base be
tween J and K streets was laid. Contractor
Jim Parks said last night that with three
or four days more of good weather he
would have the paving laid to Missouri
avenue. Yesterday workmen in the employ
of the street car company nearly com
pleted the raising of tho tracks between K
and Missouri avenue to grade. The con
crete mixer was in operation all day. No
more of the east side of the street is to be
torn up until the pavement Is laid to Mis.
sour! avenue. By taking up the stone foot
ings on the outside of the street car tracks
and putting down brick a good connection
between the tracks and the pavement
proper Is made. This is not only an im
provement in looks, but makes the pave
ment more durable.
Western Ranee Cattle,
C. Lv, Talbot, chief brand inspector at the
stock yards, is figuring on his report for
the year. Last evening Mr. Talbot said
"At the present time I cannot tell Just how
many head of range cattle were received
at South Omaha. I am busy working on
my reports now, as I am anxious to get
away to Cheyenne to report to the direct
ore of the brand associations. The range
season is practically over and by the mid
dle of the month I think that I will be
able to give out some Information regard
ing the conditions existing on the range
this year and the number of head of cattle
sent to South Omaha."
Policyholders' Meeting.
A meeting of policy holders In the New
York Life Insurance company and the
Equitable has been called for next Tues
day evening at the council chamber. In
case enough policy holders meet the plan
Is td secure proxies and send the same to
Thomas W. Lawson. It is estimated that
fully 150 policies in these two companies
are held in South Omaha. -
Magle City Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bennett leave todav
for California to spend the winter.
John F. Schults is willing to be the re
publican candidate for tax commissioner.
There was a good attendance at the
Prhyterian King's Daughters baxar yes
A daughter was born yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. George Tenlser, Twenty-seventh
and J streets.
Saturday night members of the Grand
Army post meet at Woodman hall for the
purpose of electing officers.
I. J. Oopenhaive has announced himself
as a. candidate for member of the city
council from the Sixth ward on the re
publican ticket.
Saturday forenoon a general teachers
meeting is to be held at the high school
building. W. H. Clemens, president of the
Fremont Normal Bchool. and Guy W.
Wadsworth, president of Bcllevue college,
will deliver addresses.
Cadets Favor Revision of Rales to
Make Came Less Dangerous.
WE8T POINT, N. Y.. Dec. 7. Brigadier
General Mills, commandant of the military
academy, has sent a letter to Chancellor
McCracken of the New tork university ac
cepting the invitation extended by the fac
ulty of that Institution to send representa
tives to a conference to consider the ques
tion of abolishing the game of foot ball as
played at present. The letter says that the
authorities of the academy are not In favor
of abolishing the present game, but do be
lieve that It should be reformed. Lieuten
ant Colonel Robert L. Howse, commandant
of cadets and a member of the faculty of
West Point Military academy, and Captain
Palmer E. Pierce will represent the army.
Great Lawaalt Decided.
The supreme Court, he People, has de
cided that Dr. King's New Dlsceovery wine
sale ty Sherman McConnell Drug Co
against Coughs 4 Colds. 60o and tl. For
Newspaper Mea See Presldeat.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 7. Senator Kitt
redge (8. D.) presented to the president
today eighty members of the South Dakota
Press association.
s . 'J
, , . U s
The reFail stock of the Collins Piano Co. is being disposed of at fifty cents on the dollar. Never before have we
been in a position to please so many buyers as at the present time. It makes little difference what 3Tou want in the
way of a musical instrument, it will be found in our stock at this time. The Collins Piano Co. stock contained every
thing in the way of musical merchandise from a grand piano to a violiu sting. We are astonishing the most conserv
ative buyers. This sale will continue until every article which was purchased from the Collins Piano Co. is disposed of.
Here you will find only a partial list of the bargains we are offering this week. Our advice to you is that you look
them over and see if there is not something that you would like to purchase for an Xmas present at a great saving.
' Collins' Price. Onr Sale Price.
ONE UPRIGHT PIANO... $175 $ 82
ONE UPRIGHT PIANO..., $265 $147
SQUARE PIANOS $15.00, $18.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $32.00, $35.00, $40.00.
ORGANS-$5.00, $8.00, $11.00, $15.00, $17.50, $21.00, $24.00, $26.00, $28.50, 32.00.
All small musical instruments purchased from the Collins Piano Co. will be closed out at about one-fourth their actual value.
. One Talking Machine, regular price $10; sale price. . .$5.00 One Talking Machine, regular price $15; s'ale price. . .$7.50
One Talking Machine, regular price $20; sale price. .$10.00 One Talking Machine, regular price $25; sale price. .$12.00
One Talking Machine, regular price $30; sale price. .$15.00 One Talking Machine, regular price $40; sale price. .$20.00
350 dozen Music Rolls, Collins' price $1.00; sale price. . . .39c , .
Cylinder Records at 15c each. All the latest popular shoot music will go in this sale at 9c per copy, or three for 25c:
lc extra by mail. All pianos in this Great Sale will be sold on easy payment plan if desired. 150 empty piano boxes for
sale. New pianos for rent, vnte for catalogue and prices-
Collins' Price. Our Sale Price;.
ONE UPRIGHT PIANO ...$295 $192
ONE UPRIGHT PIANO $315 f ' $205
ONE ;UPRIGHT PIANO .$350 : $247
ONE UPRIGHT PIANO.. $365 & $263
Telephone 634
Telephone 654
Three Farorltea Win at Cresceat Cltr
Joefcey Clab Park.
NEW ORLEANS. Dee. 7. Favorites
could do no better than to break even at
the Crescent City Jockey club track at the
fair grounds today. Hannibal Bey. Pasa
dena and Lleber were the suecessful
choices. L.uretta'8 victory over Gold Rose
whs the feature of the day and was largely
due to Sewell's riding. Results: -
First race, six furlongs: Hyacinth won.
Gladiator second, St. Bonnie third. Time:
Second race, five and "a half furlongs:
Hannibal Bey won, Panereatls second,
Frank Bell third. Time: 1:07.
Third race, one smile and a sixteenth:
Pasadena won.' King Cole second. Major
Dulngerneld third. 'Time: 1:48H.
Fourth race, etX"furlongs, handicap: Lu
retta won. Lady Vashti second, Gold Ro3e
third. Time: 1:12. ' v
Fifth race, one mile: Lleber won. Horse
radish second, Stockwood third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile: J. P. Mayberry won,
Los Angeleno second, Nine third. Time:
City Park results:
First race, five furlongs: Lady Esther
won, Hickey second. Lord Provost third.
Time: 1:02.
Second race, seven furlongs: Devout won.
Careless second, Elliott third. Time: 1:17.
Third race, one mile: Susanna Rocamora
won, Llddon second, Evaakill third. Time:
1:43. ,
Fourth race, five furlongs: Salvage won,
Tlchomlngo second, ' Lucy Toung, third.
Time: 1:01.
Fifth race, one mile and a quarter: Ailla
won. Safety Light second. St. Tammany
third. Time: 2:09.
Sixth race, one mile: Sanction won. Royal
LeKend second, Ferryman third. Time:
1 ' 4S
SAN FRANCISCO, Deo. T.-Oakland. re-
First race, six furlongs: Pat won, oea Lad
second, Frank Flittner third. Time: 1:14.
Second .race, live, and a half furlongs:
Felona won. Legal Form second. Ramus
third. Time:' 1:06. m
Third race, one mile and a sixteenth: Rey
Dare won. Hi Colonel Cap second. Lucrece
third. Time: 1.47.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Criglll won,
Nonle second. Esherln third. Time: 1:27.
Fifth race, six and a half furlongs: Ma
falde won. Tellowstone second, Bountiful
c i -. v. eiiflnnff! Tnunee won.
Delagoa second, Laura F third. Time: 1:13.
LOS ANUKW.8, Utc. (. nesui i h-
I..,--. n. . writ The Rorflrlan won.
Old Mike second. Hessian third. Time:
- - .
Second race, nve ruriongs: van-new won.
Prominence second, Lacene third. Time:
Third race, nve ruriongs: Manasarra won,
Druid second. Brother Frank third. Time:
1:01. ,
Fourth race, six furlongs: Golden Rule
won. Prince Magnet second, Seasick third.
Time: 1:16. . L ,
Fifth race, BrooKS course: jMarsnai iey
won. Orchan second. Harbor third. Time:
2:04. ... .
Sixth race, six furlongs: old buck won,
Beautiful and Best second, Plnta third.
Time: 1:16.
The Stors Blue Ribbons won two games
from the Benoa last night. Both teams
rolled low scores in the second game, but
the brewers were a shade the weakest and
lost bv thirteen pins. Weber was high
man for the night with a total of 686 and
a single g:tme of 241. Tonight the Onimods
and Cudahys will play. Scores:
Sd. Totul
len. Green and Washburn. The reserve
"1" was granted to those men who were
deserving of recognition, but who did not
meet all of the requirements: Fill, Knapp,
Frltiel, Atkinson and Simon. The seasen
was declared to have been a success finan
cially, though the figures have not been
given out. Captain MacGowan. who re
tires from the game after this season, was
voted his suit by the board and given the
foot ball used In the championship game
between Iowa and Ames.
Boyles College Defeated In Opening:
Contest of Basket Ball Season.
Boyles college and the Omaha High school
opened the basket ball season last night
with a game In the Boyles gymnasium.
The high school won by a score of 47 to
17. The college team gave its opponents a
hard rub during the first half, first one
throwing goal and then the other, the half
closing 16 to 13 In favor of the high school.
In the second half the high school became
more accustomed to the floor and the con
test was a walkaway. In this half the high
school - team made 81 points to its oppo
nents' 4.
Rasmussen, with five goals, proved the
best sroremaker for the Boyles. Flothow
made three goals. Rasmussen and Web
ster were evenly matched at center. Hall
and Clark for the high school did brilliant
work, the former tossing ten goals and the
latter nine. Webster threw four goals.
Thomaa played one forward position for
the high school, while Paxton and Burnett
alternated at the other. Both of the latter
are new players, and considering their lim
ited experience they, showed up well.
The easiness of the game waa a surprise
to the high school players. They had
beaten Boyles S3 to 13 In a practice game at
tho Young Men's Christian association. but
they expected the college boys to do much
better on their own floor. The lineup:
Hull F.lF RothichMd
Clark F.lF. Flothow
Wtbster C. Ic Rlimumn
Thomas O.IO Joy
Putos, Burnett O.ld Powell
The game which was to have been played
last night at the Young Men's Christian
association gymnasium between the Ben
netts and the Thurston i Rifles was post
poned. Eight clubs constitute the basket ball
league. They are the Boyles, High School,
Bennetts, Thurston Rifles, Crescents,
Omaha Commercial, Baker Bros, and Stars.
The schedule calls for games twice a week,
which will be played at three places, the
Young Men's Christian association, Boyles
and the Commercial gymnasium. An effort
will be made to maintain the schedule
strictly throughout the season.
Each player must be of amateur standing,
according to the Amateur Athletic union
definition of the term. Players also must
be registered with the teams with which
they are to play and a player released can
re-register but once. The schedule com
mittee will appoint three referees and three
umpire and each team may appoint a time
keeper and scorer. No game shall be post
poned except on consent of the committee,
which shall be notified at least twenty-four
hours In advance of the date set for the
game. Postponed games must be played
within one week and upon date set by the
Manning -Carroll
Fort Dodge -
Every Saturday and Sunday
Up to December 17th. 1905
- 2.80
Eagle Grove
Clarion . -Hampton
Mason City
- 5.10
Good returning following Monday.
For full Information apply to
8. V. Parkhyrst. Gtnoral Agtnt, it it Wamam Strt.
. 1st. 2d.
Frttscher ISO 16(1
Forscutt , ,203 168
Weber 241 171
Marble 1W 160
Tonneman 1M 193
Totals ' Sl 2
1st. M.
Pickering 191 187
Johnson 177 169
Mullis I loO
Nicoll 167 166
Frush 172 167
Totals 82 839
Beautiful lint bracelets. LJholin, Jeweler.
3d. Total.
167 6tf
217 6a
187 512
168 41
144 473
863 2.61
The P. O. Kamos took three games
from the Thurston Rifles on the Metro
politan alleys. Suorea: '
1st. 2d. 3d.
Rush 1S2 1 177
Davis 1M 146 166
Wtemer 179 12! 158
O Connor , 174 136 1W
Crooks 16 177 179
Totals 897 740 86V
1st. Id. Id.
Baehr 163 119 104
Tombrink 147 l."9 1SJ
Prlmeau lit 167 121
Solomon 136 17. 164
L'tt , 171 148 16
Totals 738 729 778
Athletes Granted Their I.'s."
IOWA CITY, la.. Dec 7. t Special Tele
gram. At tha regular meeting of the
Athletic Board of Control the official em
blem "I" waa granted to the following
members ef the foot ball team who have
played this fall: Moore, NaxjnK Hock
wood, Schwlnn, Side). White, Kent. StrefT., 1 upper, CbAlmtra. lurjhy. Ai-
SIxteen-Year-Old Stallion Sells for
T1.0OO at Auction.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Watercress, a
Wharfdale, bred by Lord Falmouth In Eng- '
land, was sold by auction today for 3,'l,u"i i
to J. B. Haggln, who already owned a half
Interest In the horse through the Hatnin- I
Tevls partnership in the Rancho del Paso
stud. Today marked the end of tho four
days' disposal sale of all the thoroughbreds
of this stud. Over 400 head were sold,
bringing a grand toial of $4u6,275. The price
. . i .i . . i . . . . i . i . .
uaig iui men i rno iuub; iwnn , 1 1 n iiuiu
largest ever paid for a thoroughbred horse
by an American owner. The stal'.lon Or
monde, sire of Ormomtale, winner of this
year's Futurity, and now at the Ormondule
farm in California, was bought at an auc
tion sale In South America for ilSO.OuO.
St. Blaise brought the highest prioe ever
paid at a sale In this country, being bid In
for 8100.0UO st the disposal sale of the stable
of the lute August Belmont.
Watercress is the sire of Watercolor,
Waterboy, Nasturtium, and many other
Horses prominent on tne American turr.
He will be sent to Mr. Haggln's Elmendorf
stud In Kentucky.
Star Ruby, sire of Africander, Somberlnn,
Animosity, Shooting Star and other well
known performers, was bid In by Mr. Hag
gin today for UO.OOO. Mr. Haggln also se
cured Goldfinch and St. Qatien at 316.O0U
each. Gulden Garter, sire of Meehanus.
was sold to A. J. Joyner for fl0,M0. As u
four year old he carried top weights and
won twelve stake races In England. II. T.
Oxnard got Gleiiheiiner for 13.100. For the
Imported Toddlngton the bidding was lively.
Joyner finally got him for S.0uo. Toddlng
ton is out of Minerva, who was the dam of
Optima, the dam of Sysonby.
Among the brood mares sold today was
Zealandl, dam of Waterboy, who wtnt to
Thomas Welch for 83.000. Twenty-two un
raced fillies were soid, bringing a total of
129.876 or an axerage of 81. 336 per heud.
Thirteen yearlings were sold at good prices,
the lot bringing IU.800. Star Ruby and
Watercress colts bringing the hlghuat bids.
Among these waa a chestnut filly by Star
Ruby, out of Irony, which went to R.
Bowen for 86,600.
It's pleasant to visit the A. Hospe Co. Piano Rooms with Its world
famed Pianos in their most beautiful housings the fine veneers of
great variety from many foreign lands with the finish such as American
piano manufacturers only know how to apply.
Then to feast eyes on the fine art styles, the mignon and nonpareil
grands, the baby and parlor, as well as concert grand pianos not to
omit the cabinet upright grands, together with the boudoir styles In.
the most unique tints in natural woods and designs.
Mont gratifying to the anxious customer Is the matter of the tags
hanging on the Instruments in plain view, on each showing In plain
figures the price its one price the one asked and the one we soil at.
This is putting the Piano business on a par with other lines ot
commerce. One price, whether you buy for cash or on payments, and
our time payments are as easy as the price Is low. A little cash and
lots of time buys standard Pianos at the HoBpe Piano Store.
Tour selection can be made from the $190 Piano to the $500 Knabe
Cabinet, Grand Upright Pianos cash or time.
Our leaders are the Knabe, Kranich A Bach, Kimball, Bush &
Lane, Hallet Davis, Krell, Hosje, Mathusek, Needham, Whitney,
Heinze, Cable-Nelson, Cramer and others.
1513-15 Douglas Street.
A Good Place to Buy a Piano, and the Angelus Player.
Pitaaterald aad Lewis Matched.
SAN FRANCSICO, Dec. 7. Willie Fits
gerald ot Brooklyn and Willie Lewis Of
Sew York, were matched yesterduy to box
twenty-live rounds at Colma on the night
of January 10. They will fight at I'M
pounds, weigh in at ( o'clock ou the day of
tsie battle.
Finest quality brooches. Ed holm, jeweler.
Oorbam Leather aooda-rrenser.
warnMi RdUKi
Are you suffering from excesses or a vic
tim of Nervous Debility, Exhaustive Drains.
Wasting Weakness, Persistent Losses the
most vital vigor of man which weakens you
and causes you to lack that vim, vigor and
mani Ueigth of former daysT ' Though It
gives you itle trouble at first. It will ulti
mately unman you, depress your mind, rack
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ands of cases where ordinary physicians treat
one. We make a study of these diseases.
The comblnett knowledge of the most
eminent physicians of the world Is ours.
As specialists to mea we acknowledge no
Tr ! no nausnal thin for us to cure cases of Nervous Debility, Contagious
Blood Poison and special troubles after the patient has been pronounced In
curable by other physicians.
The diseases of men are an open book to us.
eases and weaknesses of men.
If you are in need of medical help see us at once. Don't put It off. Delay
Is dangerous. Everything confidential and private. Our charges are reason
able. Examination and consultation FREE. If you can't call, write for
Symptom Blank. Our Home Treatment is quite as successful as Office Treat
ment. AU correspondence In plain envelope. Fifteen years In Omaha.
siV 'ti'" to V ' t '..o
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