TIIE OMAHA DAILY BKK: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, UK)3. r i, i 1 ! 41 v. J TOOTH TALK, No. 12 ABT'f first tooth. If It come In painfully. gSLto Imply forerunner of coming paint nl twtu In the litUe life now beginning tbe Journey from the cradle to the grave. When the child cries from peln In the night It It the father's, not the mother!, duty to gently sooth end walk ' the Boor with It. When It la older, and through crying, the mother may bring It to me for Its dental needs. A Reliable Dentist ' Fhflne ur DR. riCKBS. DEHTIST, tii Bee Bldg. POLITICS SAVIOR FOR LABOR Washington Socialist Palate thu Way ta Heal All In dustrial Ills. D. Burgens of Tacoma, Wash., candidate for governor Of Washington on the socialist ticket in the 1904 campaign, addressed a meeting of socialists Thursday night at Washington ball. HJs discussion embraced almost all of the socialistic doctrines, but his chief endeavor was ta show the need of political organisation as a means to the ad justment of nodal Inequalities. "Labor unions sro futile," he said. "Their leaders have betrayed them by the nun dreds for money and office. ' Capital talks about the sacredness of the contract and holds It sacred only as long as It serves capital's Interests. But how terrible a thing It Is In the eyes of the employer for the union man to break his contract! The contract Is binding on you and me then, but not on the rich man. "What are we to have Instead to advance the Interests of the laboring man?, I tell you we mast organise our workers in the political field as well as the Industrial; we must get control of the government, which is at present only a means for the rich to rob the poor and occasionally each other. Then we won't send the military down to the mines to shoot the poor working-man. Then we won't protect the capitalist In his robbery -of employes. Then the man who creates the wealth may keep It, and If the jveople now rich want to enjoy the fruits of labor It will be the fruits of their own, for they will work like the rest of u for their living." . ,, Qorham silver, dholm. Jeweler. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Daniel Fillers, Omaha 20 Nellie Korpman. Omaha . 19 John V. Kelser, Stratum, Neb 43 Ida Burchell, Btratton. Neb 41 Carl W. Schulx. BralnsrrL Neb. M Mary M. Crcathbaum, Valparaiso, Neb.. 30 William I. Watt. Omaha '. 13 Julia. A. Bates, Omaha 20 t-K. wedding rings. fcdholra. Jeweler, niamond Rings Frenser, 15th and Dodge. Mortality Statistics. x The following births and death have iwb report to the Board of Health rfnr ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon jnursoay: Mirths-Anton Frsncl. 1317 South Twelfth, boy; Edward Bogen, 200tl Davenport, girl; John Hart, 1822H St. Mary s avenue, girl; r-a Muuigan, l.oi'i xsortn u wenty-rourth hov. Death-Mary CttHW-lne' 'Tates, " 47, 3no St. Alary s avenue. GIVE YOUR STOMACH A NICE VACATION Don't Ik It By (Starving It Either IX a Substitute Do The Work. Tbe old adage. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," applies Just ai well to the stomach, one of the most Im portant organs of the human system, as It does to the man himself. If your stomach Is worn out and rebels sgalnst being taxed beyond its limit, the only sensible thing you can do Is to give It a rest. Employ a substitute for a short time and see If It will not mora than re pay you In results. Stuart's DyRpepsIa Tablets are a willing and most efficient substitute. They them selves digest every bit of food In the stonv acb In Just the same way that the stomach Itself would were it well. They contain all the essential elements that the gastric Juiol and other digestive fluids of the stonv acb contain and actually act Just the same and do Just the same work as the natural fluids would do were tho stomach well and svnd. They, therefore, relieve the stom achi just as ono workman relieves an other, and permit It to rest and recuperate and regain, its normal health, and strength, This 'Vacation" Idea was suggested by ths letter of a prominent lawyer In Chi cago. Read what he says: "I wss en gsged In the most momentous undertaking of my life In bringing about the coalition of certain great interests that meant much to ma as well as my clients. It was not ths work of days, but of months; I was working night and day almost, when at a very critical time my stomach went com , pletely back on me. The undue mental strain brought it about and hurried up what would have happened later on. "What I ats I had to literally force down, snd that was a source of mlBery, as I had a sour stomach much of the time. My head ached. I waa sluggish and. began te lose my ambition to carry out my under taking. It looked pretty gloomy for me and I confided my plight to one of my clients. He' had been cured by Stuart's Dyspe psta Tablets and at once went down to a drug store snd brought a box up to the office. "I bad not taken a quarter of that box before I found that they would do all the , work my stomach ever did, and as a rest -r vacation was out of the question for me, I determined to give my stomach a vacation. I kept right on taking the tub lots and braced up and went ahead with my work with renewed vigor, ate Just so much as I ever did and carried out that undertaking to a successful issue. I feel that I have Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to thank for saving me the handsomest fee I ever received, as well as my reputation, and last, but not least, my stomach." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50 cents a bog. AU a a a D LEN SELLS a o a name ot. n Ml 0 O UV CANON WIUTMAKSfl IS DEAD Vtnmbl lfmbr of Episcopal Cathedral ChapUr 8nctimb to Loig Strncgle. RHEUMATISM II CAUSE Of DEATH Funeral Services "will Be Held laleraar Msrilat at Trinity ad Body Burled at Warrea, Ohio. Rev, William T. Whltmarsh. well known to the Episcopalian clergy of this state, died Thursday morning at bis late home, tfts South Twenty-ninth street. He was 71 years of age and was afflicted for a num ber of years with rheumatism. Canon Whltmarsh cams to Omaha about the time of the consecration of BlKhop Worthlngton and served as 'private secre tary to the bishop and secretary of this diocese. For a number of years Mr. Whlt marsh served as an Episcopal missionary In Nebraska. He was bom in England and formerly was a Baptist minister. Rev. Mr. Whltmarsh Is survived by his wife, son Frank, clerk In the South Omaha National bank, and a daughter, who lives at home. Mr. Whltmarsh was a member of the Masonlo fraternity. Sketch ot Career. Rev. William Tilly Whltmarsh was born at Portsmouth, England. May 28, 1834. For some . years he was engaged In business and at the same time did excellent work as a Baptist minister. Feeling that his calling was the sacred ministry he retired from business and gave his entire time to this work, serving several successful Eng lish pastorates. In 1871 he came to the nlted States snd held pastorates In Maine and Ohio. While pastor of the Baptist church at Warren, O., he became con vinced of the historic position of the Angli can position and, resigning his pastorate. he entered Kenyon college at Gambler, O., to prepare himself for the ministry of the Episcopal church. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Bedell at Cleveland, O., In 1879 and priest by the same prelate In 1880. His active ministry was spent In Cleveland, Muskegon, Carroll ton and Danville, III., and Norfolk and Omaha. From 1890 to 1898 he was secretary and registrar of the diocese and private secretary of Bishop Worthlngton. In ! falling health compelled him to relinquish his active work. As historiographer of the diocese he was the author of "The History of the Diocese of Nebraska. Its Parishes, Missions and Institutions." He was author of several sermons-and lectures. He was the senior honorary canon of Trinity ca thedral for many years and had the confi dence and affection of, his bishops, the clergy and laity. The funeral will be held Saturday morn ing at Trinity cathedral. The body will be sent to Warren, O., for burial. Sells More of Chamwerluin'a Coach Remedy Thisi All Others Pat Together. The following letter from a locality where Chamberlain's Cotffch Remedy Is well known shows by the unprecedented demand for It that the medicine sells on its own merit Mr. Thdmas George, a merchant at Mt. El gin, Ontario, Bays: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since it was Introduced Into Canada, and I sell as much of It as I do all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many dozens sold under guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recommend this medicine, as I have used It myself and given It to my children and always with the best results." Announcement. Sam A. Adler returned from Chicago yes terday, where he purchased from Lynn Brothers, Madison and Market streets, Chi cago, their entire line of samples and sur plus stock consisting of watches, Jewelry, silverware, clothing, gents furnishings. hats, caps, traveling bags, etc. Lynn Brothers have eighty-two salesmen on the road who carry the moat complete line of samples In the west. The samples and surplus stock will be placed on sale Saturday,' December 9, by Sam A. Adlcr, southeast corner Twelfth and Farnam street, at prices most startling. Watch Friday evening papers for advertisement. Christmas Presents. ' Beautiful, laating and most acceptable to the recipient. An elegant watch, a beau tiful diamond, a dainty piece of Jewelry, or one of the thousand and one articles from our store. . MAWHINNEY & RYAN. 15th and Douglas Sts. ' Christmas Sale and a SO-cent turkey dinner at the First Presbyterian church, Friday, December 8. OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HODDIES j s'iijiMto y- C E. BLACK And MUSC AIO UUSICUIS. Very seldom Indeed Is such a charming song recital given anywhere as the one which Omaha people listened to at the Lyric last night. Mrs. Mabelle Crawford Welpton has been a fellow townawomnn for two yesrs. This concert was her first public appearance here since her marriage. In the old days of the tent festivals on Fourteenth and Capitol avenue she wss the soloist with one of the bands Innis', I think. Mrs. Welpton has a messo-soprano voice of surprising range and sweetness. Her low notes have the contralto quality and her upper tones ell the clearness and ease gen erally associated with a soprano. Her voice haa been exquisitely trained (her enuncia tion being a study In Itself). She also has the great gift of temperament. Added to all this she has an alert, discriminating mind, which she uses continually through all of her work. Upon her program were represented the modern French school of song, the German and the Old English, to. gcther with several works of American composers. The first number, taken from Msssenet's "Herodlsde," "II est doux, II est bou." was given with a fine sustained tone and great dignity. Of the German songs Wagner's "Traume" was most beautiful. Robert Frans's "Im Herbst" was given with rare dramatic feeling. Frant is almost the Isst word In the literature of song, and few ar the singers who appreciate and can convey to an audience the exqulslteness and subtle ness of his feeling. The little Massenet "Pensee d' Autonene" was another gem, and Chamlnade's "April" gave a chance for the most delicate, web llke work. Mrs. Welpton has thoroughly sane Ideas on the subject of "values." Why Is It that so few singers ever arrtveTat any conclusion at all on thla,all-absorblng topic? The romansa from "Faust" struck a fe sponsive chord. It was very familiar and given with breadth and repose. It Is hard to say enough about the Old English songs. They were simply, delicious, "The Lass with the Delicate Air" snd Come, lasses and lads. Go ask your dads. quite earning away the audience. Never have I seen the people in Omaha forget to put on their hats when the final number of a concert was finished (sometimes before!). Last night they apparently forgot that they owned hats. They Just sat, with no thought Of moving, until Mrs. Welpton came out and sang another song. She was extremely gracious In her encores all through the evening. Madame Borglum played the ac companiments in a musiclanly and delight ful manner. It was a shimmering hour of unalloyed pleasure. Surely we need not wait two years for another recital. MART LEARNED. Announcements of the Theaters. "On His Uppers," George Ade's first effort st sketch writing, will be seen at ths Orpheum next week. It Is scarcely neces sary to say It is a comedy and Its most salient Investiture to claim attention is bright and crisp dialogue, Ade's forte. It will be. presented by Fred Lenox and com pany. Another feature of next week's program that will undoubtedly enlist an unusual attention will be Captain Bloom's demonstrations of Marconi's'' wireless telegraphy. The three last performances of the bill on for this week will- be given tonight and Saturday matinee and night. The coming of Sam Bernard and Hattie Williams Is a welcome announcement, even If their stay Is limited to a single per formance. The impression made by this pair of stars In their line when here In "The Girl from Kays" last season has added to the, Interest felt in their coming visit in "The Rollicking OlrL" The stories sent out from New York about this piece, which was so good that It drew crowds all last summer on Broadway, have caused a general desire to see It, and the chances are that the Boyd theater will be crowded on Saturday night when the piece is shown for Its single performance here. Mr. Ber nard and Miss Williams will be supported by the original New York company, com prising eighty funmakers, and are equipped with the best of costumes and scenery. The production Is under the direction of Charles Frohman, which assures its excellence. "Why Smith Left Home" has been se lected as the bill for the next week at the Burwood theater, to succeed "Under the Red Robe," which will have its closing per formance on Saturday night. Director Brown has carefully cast his company and has prepared especially for the production of the" Broadhurst farce, so that a fine per formance is looked for. Silver candelabra. Edholm, Jeweler. His Feline Aggregation, REALS SCHOOL CELEBRATES Pobllo Reception Held it ths Nw Building Lait light. PATRONS TESTIFY THEIR APPRECIATION Oirr sis Hundred Attend and Shew laterest la the Work of the Fubllc Schools Ml Their Urowth. The formal opening ot the new Beats public school tulicllng, Forty-eighth and Center streets, last evening marked the beginning of a new epoch in that seclldn of the city. Over tM) patrons, friends and pupils ot the school Joined with Superin tendent Davidson and George D. Klce of the Board ot Education In giving public expression to pride that Is taken in the beautiful new scat of. learning and the civic pride which exists In that part of I Omaha surrounding the school. In every j parucuiar me occasion was an- inspiring one and brought out with much force the present strength of the city's public school system and Its continual growth. The teachers of the school, assisted by a number of patrons, prepared seats in the main hall of the building for 300 guests, but twice that number gathered. The halls and rooms of the school were beauti fully decorated for the occasion. Refresh ments were served after the program. ' ' Superintendent Davidson's Talk. Superintendent Davidson congratulated the cltitens. orl behalf of President Chris tie ot the school board, who was neces sarily absent, on the erection of the school, saying that the erection of a school In any community marks a new epoch and is Just cause for exultation. Mr. David son paid an eulogy to tho late Superin tendent Heals, after whom the Beuls school wss named. "A good public school system Is the best Investment a city csn make of Its publla funds.'Mr. Davidson stated. In closing his talk the superintendent admonished the boys and girls to be motor cars, ss It. were, with power of their own, rather than dependent trailers. E. A. Benson advocated the training ot the heart, head and hand in the" public schools, placing the education of the heart of first importance. Speaking for the clti sens, he thanked the Board of Education and Superintendent Davidson for the new school, and said the city lies a school board to be proud of. He told tho young folks that to make the world better and happier for having lived in It Is the noblest ambition they could cherish. School and Its Staff. The Beals school was opened last Sep tember, having cost $23,000. The building has six rooms, and so built that more may be added without affecting the symmetry of the structure. There are now 191 pupils enrolled. The teachers are: Miss Virginia White, principal; Miss Amelia Pearson, seventh and eighth grades; Miss Anna Jensen, fifth and sixth grades; Miss Mar tha Crumpacker, fourth and fifth grades; Miss Jessie Pontius, second and third grades; Miss Marjorie Prince, first pri mary; Miss Hall Is Hardin, kindergarten. A splendid exhibit of drawing done by the pupils, under the supervision of Miss Alice HltL was shown last evening. The musical program 1 consisted of vocal selections by the Danla Glee club. Mrs. Milton Bowers and Miss Fannie Arnold, Masters Louis and Ove Neble and Miss Helen Frederickson rendered selections of flute, violin and piano, : The 'particular guest 'bf honor was Mrs. Beals, widow of the" 1at superintendent of the public schools. She waS Introduced by Superintendent Davidson and received quite an ovation. MRS. ADAMS HONORED GUEST National President of W, . C. Given Reception by the Local Corns ad Friends. The reception given to Mrs. Abble A. Adams of Superior, national president of the Woman's Relief corps, and to Mrs. Mary Morgan of Alma, national secretary, at the Commercial club Thursday evening was a brilliant and very largely attended affair. The club rooms were adorned with the national colors, and the serving tables with flowers and red, white and blue silk ribbons, 'producing a charming and pa triotic color effect. The reception began rromptly at 8:30 o'clock. Those In the re ceiving line were: Mrs. Walker of Custer corps, Mrs. George B. Eddy, department secretary of the Nebraska Woman's Relief corps; .Mrs. Remington ot Custer corps, Mrs. Wiall of Crook corps. Governor J. H. Mickey, NatiobaV-Tesldent Mrs. Adam. Past Department Commander C. E. Adama ft HtitiArlnr Xlrm Varv Mnrvun national , . , , secretary; Past Department Commander J. H. Culver, adjutant general of Ne braska; . Mrs. Harriet Wilcox, department president of the Nebraska Woman's Relief corps; Paat Department Commander R. 8. Wilcox, Department Commander John Lett of the Nebraska Grand Army of the Re public, Mr. Hough of Grant corps, Mrs. Aughe of Phil Kearney corps. South Omaha, and Mrs. Thomas Hull of Crook corps. The reception was given under the auspices ot the Women's Relief corps of Omaha and South Omaha. The visitors, representing all ot the Women's Relief corps of Omaha and South Omaha and the Grand Army posts of both cities, with Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Re public, No. 29, and Its auxiliary Woman's Relief corps. No. ISO, of Council Bluffs, formed In line and marched past the re ceiving line, and were Introduced to the distinguished visitors. Following the re ception refreshments were served, after which the gathering was given over to social greetings. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Mor gan, Oovernor Mickey, Judge Lee Estelle and Captain C. E. Adams made brlof ad dresses, after which the reception came to an end. Among the past department commanders of Nebraska present were: Major R. 8. Wilcox. Lee Estelle of Omaha. Captain Claire E. Adams of Superior, Rev. Har mon Brosa of Lincoln and Captain J. II. Culver of Milfcrrd. The presence ot Abe Lincoln post and corps, under command of Post Commander H. A. Abbott of Coun cil Bluffs, to the number of sixty-five, waa one of the Interesting incidents - of the gathering. Major Wilcox was the chair man of the committee of arrangements, assisted by Mesdames Eddy. Wilcox, Hough, Walker, 'Aughe and others. Mrs. Adams and party will leave for Min neapolis Friday to look after arrange ments for the national convention of the Woman'! Relief corps, to be held there In September, 190& Gone Croat. Many people have goc crasy from dys pepsia, constipation, etc; Dr. King's New Life Pills cure; i5c; guaranteed. . For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Brio Railroad. No change of cars Chicago to New York, Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.. and Colum bus, Ohio. , These trains carry splendid Pullman and dining cars and coaches. Ap ply to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Railway Exchange, Chicago. , . Write Mawbinney Ryan ror IM CbrUU Bias Jewelry catalogue. It's free. INSURANCE INQUIRY URGED Nebraska Life Underwriters lik that the State Mak Intel igatioo. LETTER SENT TO 0VERN0R MICKEY Copy of Resolution Adopted by the Association Hccommendlng that Action , Be Taken Is Farther Supported. Following is a copy ot tne letter sent to Governor Mickey by the Life Underwriters' association of Nebraska, urging him to provldo In hla call for a special session ot the legislature for a committee to investi gate the life Insurance companies chartered by the state of Nebraska: OMAHA, Dec. , 1W6. John H. Mickey. Governor , Lincoln, Neb.: Honored and Dear Sir Tho Life Underwriters' associa tion of Nebrasks, all of whom are litisens Bnd taxpayers of this state,- and among whose mambershlD Is the president of one company with lis home office In Lincoln, and among whose membership are the sec retaries of two companies chartered by the state of Nebraska, respectfully ask that in your message calling for a special seMslon of the legislature you carefully consider the following resolution, passed at tir last meeting, vis.: "Wheress, Investigations by the legisla tive committee of the ste of New York have disclosed practices and traiiMactlons by officers of certain life insurance com panies whose sets of greed and extrava gance we earnestly and lndlgnuntlv con demn; and. "Whereas, We firmly believe that the ma jority ot our life insurance companies are honestly and ably managed, yet we discern a reeling of doubt and hesitancy In the mind of the public as to all companies; therefore, now that the public conscience Is awakened to life Insurance matters, we trust that all the companies will bo ex amined, In order thst confidence may be restored and the public know who and where the honest trustees are, whether of companies located In the east or In the west. "Therefore Be It Resolved. That we re quest and demand that life insurance com panies chartered by the State of Nebraska should be investigated by a legislative comnjttee, or examined by an expert actuary of such standing ns S. H. Wolfe or D. P. Fackler, In order that the cltisens and policy holders of our state may know whether their policies are legally and properly safeguarded and their equities carefully secured r and thus make certain that these companies have sufficient assets firoperly Invested, to cover oil their llafol Ities, and also ascertain whether undue extravegance, nepotism or other bad prac tice exist. "The annual statements of the companies of the state, sworn to by their officers and on file with the state auditor, show that they used between 85 and per cent of their entire Income for expense of manage ment; while the companies Investigated by the New York Legislative committee and those most severely criticised have used for this purpose, less than half as much. It the laws of Nebraska are not adequate for the complete protection of policy holders, they should be amended, and it not complied with in letter and spirit, the policy holders are entitled to know the facts. "We believe In Investigation; as the out come will redound to the benefit of the Insuring public, and to all companies honestly and faithfully managed." In asking this we believe we voice a general denlre and sentiment of the citizens of Nebraska, many of whom are Insured lit home companies, snd who have a right to know the financial condition of these companies and tliuir methods of doing busi ness President Roosevelt In his message goes so fur aa to recommend naiional super vision because of the Inefficiency of state insurance commissioners and says: "Recent events have emphasized the Im portance of an earlv and eilianaii,, .n- slderatlon of this question to see whether it is not possible to furnish better safe guards than the several states have been i able tO furnish Sffalnjlt rnrrimriAn . . j ..tr-. i- " . ",: U Wof a iar Bincier hiiu more uniform regulation of the vast insurance Interests of this coun try." Governor LaFollette In his message rec ommends a legislative committee with all auuioriiy to summon and exam n n. nesses and to thoroughly investigate the dooks anu papers ot the life Insurance companies and make a complete report. The public conscience is awakened as never before to all questions In which they have an undoubted interest and right. It Is a day of investigations, and when our home companies shall be found, through such an investigation, absolutely clean In management, wilh ample assets, and our laws so framed that the policy holder will l sure of s "square deal." a movement under your sanction and guidance will have been completed that will enable the com panies chartered by this state to do far more business than they could possibly do without such on Investigation. Ti umlng this will have your favorable consideration, we remain. Yours very renpoctfuUy, THE LIFE UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIA- CIATION OF NEBRASKA. By JOHN DALE. President. JOSEPH B. CLARKE, Secretary. CHURCHMEN HAVE A JUBILEE Second Presbyterian Congregation Celebrates payment of the Chnrch Debt. A Jubilee service was held at the Second Presbyterian church last night to com memorate the raising of the church debt. This was about $3u0. but waa not In the form of a mortgage, as had been stated, so no mortgage was burned. However, there was evidence of much satisfaction In the goodly number of members and friends who attended. A program, mostly congratula tory, waa carried out under the auspices of the board of trustees. This consisted of addresses by Rev. N. H. Burdlck, Rev. J. J. Lampe and T. O. Putnam. This was en rirhed by several solos by members, Mrs. Shellhart, E. N. Borell and R. C. Watson. After the program the young women served coffee, fruit and cake In generous quanti ties. The entire audience repeated after Hthe pastor, "We re out of debt," snd again, V "We're going to stay out." It U Well Known The cheapest place for good diamonds (own import), watches and Jewelry has alwaya been at A. B. Hubermann's thirty-three years at corner Thirteenth and Douglas. Y. M. C. A. Classes. The second term of the educational work at the Young Men's Christian association will begin next wek and students may enroll now. The first term had the largest attendance in the history of the associa tion. Secretary Denlson Is planning a series ot practical talks by business men to as- NOTICE. We ainouice for Salurday, Dtc. 9lh, a most Important sale of bjy's suits an oitrcosls. During the past w:tk we closed up two ot the most sue cesstul deals wilh wsll known clothes bulldtrs ot New York City and Rxhtster N. Y. 5,503 btys' 0j;m.nj chinjii hands alter our ex ceedingly hit ollsr rvn Dili;. wis a purchase ottremtndous majnituie. It will bi a sale of start' inj valuts. (mil now on display In-our 15th. St. windows. READ OUR AD TOMORROW. At Our Old Stand We aro rpoplvlntf Unily excWHllnfctT flnp roods for lho Xnins trade In Jew elrr, SUverwnre. Optical Goods, Cut CJlnns nd Notions in staple articles snd novelties, and will make prices n object for our ruuny old friends nud ens- . tomers, as well ns new, to come our way for their purchases In our litis. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. soclatlon members and the general public. The first lecture will be December Irt by Kinya Okajima of South Omaha on "Japan, Its tiuccee and Failures.'' Mr. Okajima is a graduate of the University of Denver. Talks on "First Aid to the Injured" will be given after the holidays In factories at the noon hour. UNION PACIFIC TAX CASE Taking; of Testimony Resumed and Two Witnesses Kanmlned Daring tbe Day. A, E. Davisson of the State university and L. C. Peters, a reporter on the Lin coln Star, testified at the Union Pacific tax hearing Thursday afternoon, the hitter swearing to the truth of some reports of meetings of the state board of assessment as published In the Star, and the former testifying to the valuation ot cattle, hogs and merchandise of the state at the time the assessment of railroads was mode In 19ft. The state was represented by At torney General Brown and Deputy Attor ney General Thompson and John N. Bald win, assisted Dy Knnert J. Clancy, ap peared for the railroads. Mr. Davisson testified that he had col lected his Information regarding the mer chandise and live stuck in Nebraska from government and state reports and from personal observations. He placed the value of all cattle In Nebraska at the lime the assessment was made at $7,00n.Cv, includ ing cattle shipped and cattle kept at home. Hogs, he said, were of the value of ttC.OOO, 000, while tho merchandise of the. state, he said, was worth to the best of his knowl edge, $30,000,000. The valuation of cattle upon which the assessment waa based was $47,000,000, of hogs $11,000,000, and of mer chandise, $37,000,000. . A number of witnesses will be placed on the stand this morning and It is the in tention of the road to establish that other propevty In the state has been, assessed too low as compared to railroad property, and therefore the railroads have been un justly assessed. International Live Stnoa lsnesltlon CHICAGO. DEC. i-3, 1W5. For the above occasion the Chicago Great Western Railway wi!! sail tickets to Chicago at only one fare, plus $3, foi the round trip. Tickets on sale December II to 19, Inclusive, rinal return limit De cember 24. For full information apply tt 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. We have decided to continue to give till Dec. 18, 1 extra portrait In a beautiful Mesio Portfolio with each dog. regular priced photos from $4 up. This offer on the west side of So. 16th Sty only. H. Heyn, Photographer, 818 to 323 So. 15th St. Mary Johnson Iletter. RICHMOND, Ind.. Dec. 7. The condition of Mary Johnson, the novelist. Is reported to be somewhat Improved today. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman C. Peters of Lin coln returned home Thursday evening after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Peters, f72 South Twenty-eighth street. John P. Crulkshsnk, George Scheschy, Hans Chrislensvn, Hans Larsen and Peter Hendrlcksen, fifrmers owning land near Cut Off lake, have brought suit against the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company. They sue separately for different amounts I of damage alleged to have been done by the preparations of the company to get its winter harvt. They allrgo their lands were overflowed. Fains and Weakness Cured Mr. Samuel Harnest of Lewliburg-, W. Va., who suffered far year from a weakness of the limb and pains in his body, completely cured by Duffy's Pure Matt Whiskey, the treat tonlc-stlmulant. MR. SAMUEL HARNE8T. cures coughs, colds, consumptlbn, bronchitis, grip, catarrh, asthma, pneumonia and all diseases of the throat and lungs; indlgestlo n. dyspepsia and all lurme of stomach trouble; nervousness, malaria, and all low fevers. It Is preecrlbed and used by over 7 0O0 doctors. Used exclusively in over l.'cW hospitals. It kepa the old young and the young strong. Duffy's contains no fusel oil, and is the only whlsksy recognised by the Government as medicine. CAl'TlOX When yon ask for Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey he snre you act tho genuine. Inaenpuloua dealers, mindful of the eserlleore of this prep aration, will try to sell you eneao Imitations nnd Mult Whisker substi tutes, which nre positively harmful. Demand "Uilr'i" and he aura you act It. It Is tho only absolutely on re Malt Whiskey. Sold In sealed hat tics only! ever la hulk. Look for tho trade mark, tho "Old Chemist," on the label, nnd ho certain the the seal over tho ( cork Is unbroken. All drusgests and refers, or direct, Sl.OO u bottle. In. . teresttna- medical booklet free to any ono. Duffy's Malt Wu.Uk.ey Co., bVo ehester, Saw York I 552252 M'BRIEN'S LETTER A BOMB State Saperinteidei'a Actios on Party Ai8smeit Aioumi Bapablicaas. rTENNINGS AND OTHERS CRITICISE HIM Say Ills Offlce Is Distinctly rolltlcal and Hla Course, If Pursued, Wonld Wreck the Or ganlsatlon. ' The letter of Btate Superintendent Mc Brlen to Treasurer Hennlngs of the repub lican state committee In which Mr. Mo Brlen said he would not allow the em ployes In his office to be assessed for cam paign purposes and would pay his Own assessment "as a republican and not as state superintendent." has created , con siderable surprise and some . indignation among republicans who helped to elect McBrien. The expression was made by one republican office holder who did not want to get mixed up In the affair, that "McBrien should have told the commitU"? during the campaign that his employe? would pay no assessment so' the committtc need not have looked after that 'particular office, and not wait until he was In office himself and had spent a large portion uf his time building up a personal machine among the school teachers of tbe state." Another republican said:' "It looks like McBrien bellovetTJe Is stronger than the republican machine which elected him. He was not crying for a nonpartisan office when he was a candi date on the republican ticket and It comes with 111 grace from him at this time, after he has been elected by' the republican party." Hcaningra Expresses Snrnrlse, Treasurer Hennlngs said: "I was very much surprised to get such a letter from Mr. McBrien. His office Is po litical ffnd lie was elected by the repub lican party, which nominated him. His em ployes hold their places by the grace of tho republican party Just as much as any other employe In tho state house serving linden a republican official. As far as as sessing members of the faculty of the unl-. versity is concerned ot course We do not do that. The regents get no salary, but In nearly every case they contribute to the campaign fund. Chancellor Andrews was not asked for a contribution and neither were the members of the faculty ot the Junior normal schools. It would not be right to ask them, but their case Is .dif ferent from that of McBrien. Why, the chancellor was elected by a fusion board In the first place. Tnless we do assess the employes of republican officials I don't see how we can hope to Keep the republican party together and conduct our campaigns. We assess all other employes In the state house and they are Just exactly In the same class with the employes In, Mr. Mc Dilen's office." Harry B. Davis, undertake Tel IM Bids on Y. M. C. A. Balldln. About a dozen bids on the construction of the new Young Men's Christian Asso ciation building were received at the office of Fisher & Lawrie Thursday. All were made by local contractors. So many things are ito be considered In awarding the con tract that it promises to bo about a week i before it is let. "I tried doctors, but they did me no good, no I took Duffy's, and today 1 frcl like a different man." "I suffered for a long time from weakness of the limbs. My head and stomach pained me all the time. I tried doctors but they did me no good. A friend told me ot your medicine. I went to the drug store and got one bottle and began to take It, and today I feel like a different man. I know that Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey Is the only thing for me. and I shall never ba without a bottle of this great tonic, it I can lu-lp It." SAMUEL A HARNEST, LewWburg, Greenbrier Co., W. Va., April 24, Uwa. Duffy's 7 Pure Malt Whiskey