Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Dally Re (without Sunday), one year. .$4.00
IMIly B and Sunday, one ir 00
Illustrated Be, on year S 50
anna's y B. on year i t)
Saturday B. on fmr 1.50
Pally Re (Including Sunday), per week. .17c
Ially Be (without Sunday), per week..K'e
Evening prt (without Sunday), per k ho
Evening Be (with Sunday), per wek...l0o
Sunday Ree. per copy 6c
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
Smith Omsha-Clty Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 140 T'nlty Building.
Nw York 1.W Homa Life Ins. Building.
Washington W1 Fourteenth Street.
'Communication relating to new and ed
itorial matter ahnuld be addressed: Omaha
Bm, Editorial Department.
Ramlt by draft, express or poatal order,
navahl tn The Rea PnhliaMna C'omnany.
Only I-cent stamp received aa payment of
mail account. Personal rnecKs, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglna County. ss:
C. C. Rosewster. secretary of The Be
Publishing Company, lying duly aworn,
mfi that the actual number of full and
romnlete conic of Th Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
th month of November, l3u, was as iui
1 nt.sno
2 SI, 110
a st.i to
4 Ht.TBO
1 2n,i7
( (lO.HftO
7 S5.1HO
t IM.fllO
ai jtoo
10 81, (MM
it zn.nno
IS S1.300
14 aijjno
It JU.430
lg SU.6SO
17 31.7TO
l s,nro
30 :ii,hoo
21 ai.noo
J2 31,4.10
3 aiMflo
J4 31.H50
36 3X400
J., Sl.ODO
28 X1.R-40
. Total
L untold copiea 10,312
Net total saies 93(1,2.18
Dally average 31,207
Subacribed In my presence and aworn to
oerore ma thia lat day of December. luo
(Seal) M. B. HUNGATE.
Notary Public,
Subscribers leaving; tba city tem
porarily ahnuld have Th Be
snallad to them. It ia better than
dally letter from home. Ad
dreaa will b changed aa often aa
That county Jnll graft has lasted Just
few years too long.
Don't wait till the last minute to do
your holiday shopping.
Bartley'a bondsmen have all been re
leased, and the state rests.
There la a fair prospect now that
Omaha's lonff felt Want of a first-class
modern hotel will be filled during the
coming year.
Since the Bartley bond case is finally
decided a new showing can be made In
the financial ratings ot a number of eml
nent Nebraskans.
Could the drills bo operated at long
range by compressed air, Washington
might be able to supply power for the
work on the Panama canal.
Of the two cut-offs Omaha much pre-
ten the cut-off by the Union Pacific to
Fremont over the Jim Hill cut-off be
tween Ashland and Fremont, but
General Sakharcff apparently forgot
''""that times had changed In Russia since
he accepted the position of adjutant gen
eral of the Russian forces In Manchuria.
The resignation "of Count Wltte Is
prophesied at St. Petersburg, but no one
claims to be prophet enough to foretell
his successor unless It Is to be General
Aceorfilug to Governor Mickey the po
lice commission can do no wrong,
whether It conforms with the law or,
Ilka Moses of old.v breaks all the com
mandments at once.
General Oyama should remember
what followed the triumphal entry of
Dewey at New York and sternly repress
any movement toward presenting him
with a house and lot.
The Bee's oft-repeated assertion that
the people of Nebraska need to estab
lish higher standard la the selection
of men for public office Is being re
inforced nearly every day.
Perhaps the suggestion of Congress
mnu Williams thnt the Panama Canal
commission be allowed only sufficient
money at this time to pay running ex
peases to January 15 means that It will
take the minority In congress that long
to adopt a policy on the subject.
American exportation to Argentina in
creased about 10,000,000 last year and
there la a noticeable decrease Id the
revolutionary spirit In that country.
There may be do connection between
these facts, but other South American
republics should try the experiment.
Comptroller Ridgley says bank direc
tors .should co-operate with the govern
ment in the SUerviloii of national
banks; but it is probable that each will
continue to lay the blame ou the other
when trusted employes make hurried
exits from the country without stopping
to settle uuHquldated balances.
State Superintendent McBrlen thinks
be and bis appointees should be exempt
frera solicitation for . contributions to
help "maintain the organisation to which
they owe their positions. That Is
common falling with aspiring politicians
who have landed a public Job, but tbey
always want everyone else to help pay
the expeuses of each campaign when
tbey ar ruinilug on the ticket
President rtoonevrlt said In his mips-
Mire that "It xliouM be considered
whether it la Dot desirable that the tariff
laws should provide for applying, as
against or In favor of any other nation,
maximum and minimum tariff rates es
tablished by the congress, so ns to se
cure a certain reciprocity of treatment
between other nations and ourselves."
Senator Lodge has Introduced tin amend
ment to the tariff law which provides
for maximum and minimum rates of
duty, "so as to give preference and ad
vantage to the products of those coun
tries which do not discriminate against
products of the United States." It pro
poses the levying of excess duties
against countries which do not admit
the goods of the United States on equal
terms with those granted other coun
tries. Undoubtedly the president and the
Massachusetts senator had la view the
exigency created by the new German
tariff, which will go Into effect within
a few months and will operate to the
detriment of our trade with that coun
try. Germany desires a reciprocity
agreement with the United States, such
In effect as she has made with several
other countries, but as there Is little
probability of a treaty of this kind, if
negotiated, being ratified by the senate.
It Is manifestly Important that some
other plan be adopted with a view to
protecting our commerce against the
discrimination luvolvod In the new Ger
man tariff. Whether or not the pro
posed amendment to the Dingley law
would afford such protection It is Im
possible to say. It might prevent any
other country from following Germany's
example, but so fur as that nation Is
concerned It Is not in the least likely to
now niter or make nny departure from
the tariff policy It has fixed upon.
The Lodge amendment does uot con
template any revision or readjustment
of the existing schedules. It simply
proposes the levying of higher duties
upon the products of any country which
may discriminate against the products
of the United Stales. It Is therefore
probable that It will not meet with any
serious opposition from the republicans.
The interests having trade with Ger
many and which desire reciprocity may
not Iks satisfied with . the proiosition,
but it Is perhaps the best thing to do If
reciprocity lie not possible. Meanwhile
the house democratic leader has Intro
duced a bill providing for a minimum
tariff and declaring the existing sched
ules to constitute the maximum, from
which a general reduction of 20 per cent
Is to be made to all countries which
grant admission to their markets of arti
cles the product and growth of the
United States at the minimum tariff
rates provided for them. It can be con
fidently predicted that no measure of
this kind will get beyond the ways and
means committee, but the proposed
amendment to the law gives promise
that the tariff will not be wholly ignored
by the present congress.
distribution of immigrants.
The National Civic federation Is con
sidering the subject of Immigration and
will hear the opinions of a number of
prominent men on the matter. Mr. Sar
gent, commissioner general of Immi
gration, In an address before the fed
eration, again urged the expediency of
provision being made for the better dis
tributlon of Immigrants. lie stated that
of the 1,200,4S1 who entered the coun
try in the year ending last June about
two-thirds of them went to six states
and of course most of these to the large
cities of those states.
This Is a matter which congress
should give attention to. It Is the con
gested condition of the alien population
In the big cities that is mainly respon
sible for the demand for additional re
strictions. While the west and the south
have needed the labor which the Immi
grants could provide, they have
swarmed to the cities, swelling the
ranks of common labor where more was
not needed, to their own detriment as
well as those with whom they competed
for work. The proposed remedy for this
Is to supply information which will en
able Immigrants to go where labor Is in
demand, instead of taking chances in
the cities, and it Is not doubted that
many of them would avail themselves of
such Information. The plan seems en
tlrely practicable and there Is reason to
think would prove most beneficial.
The financial statistics presented in
the annual report of the comptroller of
the currency are almost bewildering to
the ordinary person but they will be
pursued with interest by those who
would be informed as to the world's
money supply. The compilation of these
statistics evidences great care and in
dustry and undoubtedly they can bo re
garded us in the main trustworthy, and
so fur as the United States Is concerned
entirely su.
The growth of banking in this coun
try during the past few years has been
rapid, indicating as strongly as any
other fact the advance in prosperity. At
this time there is no section of the
country without ample bank facilities
for the requirements of legitimate bust
ness, but the organization of new instl
tutlons goes on. At the close of the last
fiscal year, June 80, the number of na
tloual banks was B,0S8, with capital of
over $74S,OfK),000 and deposit of nearly
$4.,OUO,000,000. The report says that the
number of uatloual bunks in active op
eratlou has increased since 1!0J by 2:
per cent, while banks other than na
tional have increased at the rate of
about 22 per cent during that period.
The stock of money In the United
States at the close of the last fiscal year
amounted to 2,8S3.100,8H. of which all
but $H51.813.822 was in coin. The aver
age per capita at time was $31.08,
estimating the population at 8.1.20,000.
Only France has a larger per capita of
circulation, but her population Is less
than half of ours. The greatest mass
of gold Is held In the United States and
Is stated as amounting to $ l,.T4S.2m.O"o.
This vast gold supply constitutes not
only a basis for our currency system
which makes it absolutely safe, but also
renders this country secure against any
danger from a foreign drain. We could
part with a very considerable portion of
it without suffering from the loss. The
banker and the commercial man will
find much that Is interesting and In
structive In the comptroller's report.
The unexpected does not often happen
abd nobody familiar with the Bartley
bond case will be In the least surprised
over the final release of Bartley'a sure
ties by decree of the supreme court.
There was a precedent in the sham pros
ecution of the sureties ou the bond of
Burt ley's predecessor, who deposited
more than $250,000 in the CHpitol
NatiouaJ bank of Lincoln, although
expressly prohibited by law from
depositing In any bank more than
10 per cent of its capital stock, which
in this Instance would have been $50,000,
causing a loss to the state of $230,000
and interest. It is an open secret that
the Hill bondsmen managed to get tbelr
release by the selection of friendly In
juns as referees mid Jurors.
It will be borne In mind that Bartley
had two sets of bondsmen, and there
was scarcely .any doubt that he was In
default from nt least $100,000 to $200.
000 when his first term expired. The
fact thnt Hartley refused to make a
showing of state funds In hls custody
was in itself sufficient proof that there
was something rotten at that time. The
release of the first set of bondsmen was
simply a prelude to the release of the
second set.
The most scandalous part of the whole
business was the gross neglect of former
Attorney General Smyth to take steps
toward enjoining Bartley's sureties
from transfer of their properties Imme
diately after the magnitude of the Bart
ley embezzlement had become known,
tho transparently sympathetic prosecu
tion of the suit by former Attorney Gen
eral Prout and bis failure to attach the
valuable assets In the possession of
Bartley either before or after his release
from the penitentiary.
There is absolutely no extenuation for
allowing Bartley to turn broker and
money lender almost under the dome of
the capitol In the face of a deficit of
more than $XK),000, and to permit hiin
without let or hindrance to collect and
pocket thousands of dollars upon notes
nd I. O. Us. from parties who had bor
rowed state money. The denials of
Bartley and his beneficiaries that the
famous cigar box contained any papers
of value are flatly contradicted by the
fact that be has been able to carry ou
lucrative money-lending business with
judgment of $000,000 hanging over bis
When a truthful history of Nebraska
shall be. written some day the chapter
on Treasury Embezzler Bartley and the
part he and his accomplices and bene'
flclarles have played in piling three
quarters of a million of debt upon the
taxpayers of the commonwealth, and
the underhanded means by which they
accomplished his release from prison
and the release of bis sureties from their
obligations, will form one of its most
scandalous pages.
While commending the publicity given
to the financial statement of the repub
lican state committee, some of the bene
flclarles who have shirked their share
of the party burdens complain because
the exhibit reflects upon them by com
parlson with those who have gladly con
tributed in their full proportion. The fact
is no one is entitled to commendation
for making public this statement, be
cause it is nothing more than the law
requires and has been the regular prac
tice ever since the corrupt practices law
went into effect in 1809. That the list
of contributors is this year as notable
for the names It does not contain as for
the names It does contain Is the fault of
no one except those who accept lucra
tive party offices without reciprocating
favors. One great hindrance to suc
cess of the republican party In Ne
braska in the past has been that it has
been loaded down with so many dead
heads whose fares have bad to be paid
by the common everyday passengers.
Oklahomaus who oppose the prohibi
tion of the liquor traffic by federal en
actment have the merit of standing; up
for the right of local self-government in
the face of the power of congress to bar
them from the union. Such Insistence
upon states' rights, however, Is uot
usual In territories desiring statehood.
but it is nonetheless commendable.
.The Nebraska delegation In congress
seems to be very much perplexed over
the selection of successors to the va
cated Valentine land office reglstershlp
and receivership, not so much because
of scarcity of candidates as the scarcity
of men of known integrity and capacity.
The average politician has queer Ideas
about the perquisites of office.
Congressman Pollard has made his
debut by introducing a bill appro
priating 175,000 for apublic building at
Plattsmouth. If his constituents would
only agree to keep him as their official
representative until this building la eom
pleted and occupied we have no doubt
Mr. Pollard would feel sure of at least
one re-election.
It would appear that Oregon business
In Washington is uot pressing since Sen
ator Fulton, the sole free representative
of the state, has time to prepare a bill
court In
lUtnrt ton la Arlatoerncy.
Washington Star.
There are certain iubtle distinctions of
aristocracy In all phases of existence. Some
grafters go straight to Jail and others
merely retire to private life.
fw Foantaln af Inspiration.
New Tork World.
John P. Long, former secretary of tha
navy, will publish a book of verae this
month. Paul Morton. Mr. Long's auccesaor.
Is writing life Insurance. The Navy de
partment haa been a great inspiration to
literary talent.
Oatwrowa State Jurisdiction.
Chicago Chronicle.
The intelligent American public la likely
to concur with the president In the opin
ion that matters of national concern ought
to be under the nationnl Jurisdiction, even
If It becomes necessary to amend the na
tional constitution in order to bring them
there. No foolish fear of centralisation
should deter us from making any amend
ment necessary to that end. When Insti
tutions outgrow state Jurisdiction they
ought not to bo permitted to remain out-
Ide of all Jurisdiction because of that
foolish fear. Let us bear In mind that the
same people who constitute the several
states also constitute the nation.
Selllaa- latter False Label.
New Tork Tribune.
We record with sincere satisfaction the
sentencing to a term of Imprisonment ot a
man for selling from a drug store gooda
under false labels, iris trick was to get
back bottles which had been emptied of
their original contents, but upon which the
original labels were Intact, and to refill
them with mixtures of his own compound-
ng. It Is to be assumed that he imitated
as closely as he conveniently could the
preparation which he was thus counter
felting, in order that his trick might not
be detected by tho purchasers of the re
filled bottles. It may be, Indeed, that his
compounda were as good as the originals.
or even better, but even such facts would
not mitigate the Intrinsic dishonesty of
his action. lie was committing a double
fraud upon the purchasers, by selling
them something which pretended to be
what it was not, and upon the proprietors
of the original compounds, by using their
names and the names of their goods for
selling something else.
Rivalry Anions; the Maarnatea to Grld-
' Iron th West.
New York Commercial.
A great battlo is impending in the north
west. It la to be one of those herculean
struggles of financial giants that do not
decimate the country In which It takes
place, but which make its valleys and
hills blossom as the rose; the men are of
the kind that build up, never tear down-
that make two blades of grass grow where
only one grew before.
The plans of E. H. Harrlman for a
gigantic railroad construction scheme have
been outlined. Nearly $100,000,000 are said
to be available for this campaign. Thero
Ib no limit to the field that will be entered
except the natural boundaries of the coun
try. The west is supplied with two or
three great railroad systems. They cover
a constantly developing field only In a
limited sense. In the early days of the
west one railroad was enough and It was
sometimes exceedingly expcnalve to the
owners. Thus the. divisions of territory
came, the agreements and the separation
and redlvlsions. The field Is growing.
James J. Hill first sew its possibilities, and
with his Great Northern he traversed the
transcontinental highway clear to Puget
Sound and then pieced out the Intervening
apace to China w)th some big ships.
This other maater mind In the railroad
world E. H. Hariman Is going still
farther. He Is going to Interlace the wide
weatern territory with branch lines and
then with other branch lines until there
will be no mile' of its productive richness
beyond his reach. It Is an "encroach
ment" on the Hill territory, to be sure
an intrusion to be met rail for rail and
tie for tie; but the country is to be the
beneficiary and these millions will be
planted in material and equipment. Mr.
Harrlman's ablest lieutenaitt, Horace Q.
Burt, once head of the Union Pacific rail
road, has been abroad studying railroad
construction, and' it is believed these
mammoth plans will be carried out under
his administration. Next year Is likely to
be a year of great activity in the west.
Right of the Government Conceded
by Railroad Man.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Many railroad officials are appearing In
print on the great question of government
control of rates. Most of them write with
an eye single to the special interest in
volved. There are those, however, who are
able to look at the subject In Its broader1
aapects, and one of them Is Walter Chad
wick Noyes, formerly a Judge of the Con
necticut court of common pleas and now
president of the New London Northern
Judge Noyes does not attempt to conceal
from the reader, but to force upon his
attention, the fact that the railroad Is of a
dual nature It is private property engaged
under a gTant of special privileges In per
forming public functions or those of a
common carrier. This fact of Itself pre
sumes and Justifies public control or regula
tion as to charges and otherwise. Th
railroad, moreover, is essentially a mo
nopoly as to most points on Its line, and
where competitive it is being reduced to
monopoly through combinations and con
solidations. This, again, presumes and
Justifies public regulation a public regula
tion, for example, which shall reduce to
practical operation the principles of tha
common law, In force from the very outset
of railroading, by which shippers can re
cover for unjust or unreasonable charges.
The present attitude of the railroad In
terest in opposing public regulation of rates
flies In the face of principles admitted and
more or less asserted from the foundations
of the Industry.
Judge Noyes' handling of the question at
this point Is clear, impressive and Indica
tive of a mastery of the legal or constitu
tional side of the subject. It merits th
close attention of the committee of con
gress charged with framing a bill to carry
out President Roosevelt's policy. Mean
time we most earnestly urge upon the gen
eral public Judge Noyes- concluding words:
"The obligation of the railroads under
existing conditions to unite In the move
ment for conservative legislation la as
clear as Is the necessity for such legisla
tion. The railroads should perceive that
they are not merely private corporations
that their interests are bound up with
those of the public. Their officials should
recognise th popular feeling that the ship
per does not now have a fair opportunity
to assert his right to Just charges. Instead
of assailing all propositions of rate regula
tion, they ahould Join In an effort to ascer
tain that which Is moat Judicious. Defeat
ing conservative measures merely Incites
radical action. That railroad official serves
the Interests of his stockholder best In
th long tun who never falls to appreciate
the rights of the people. A contented publlo
along Its line 1 the best asset of a railroad
for a United States district
Mlpplea on th Carrent of Life la tha
UuildMs or the Hall of Records are ener
getlcally striving to reach the altitude of
cost attained by tho Philadelphia city hall
end the New Tork state capitol. The Hall
of Recorde has already cost $8,000,000, and if
the whims of architects and contractors are
approved with the cash It will achieve
distinction as a haul of fame. The building
is considerably smaller than the congres
sional library In Washington; It covprs
about one-sixth the area and contains
about two-thirds the room ot the national
building, yet Its cost overtops tha con
gressional library more than $6,W10. Ths
great expense of the Hall of Records, the
many delays In Its construction and Its
present state of incompleteness have con
vinced many citlsens that the prospect of
housing all the municipal departments in
on or more structures of similar archi
tectural grandeur Is far distant.
Th New Vork judgo who remarked
"seven months In Jail" to the man who
refilled special water bottles with Crotou
fluid snd sold It ss the genuine stuff, places
himself as a bulwark between the people
and one of the meanest forms of fraud.
There are many business cheats who would
risk a fine who will take no chances of a
prison sentence.
Ths whiskey sellers are also 'complaining
of frauds of the same nature. Their bot
tles, warranted to contain the pure juice of
the grain, right from Kentucky, are emp
tied and refilled with a decoction of wood
alcohol and dye stuff, and sold as the
original brand.
One of these whiskey makers declares
that while there are. In New York City
7.000 places where liquor is sold, not over
5,000 are guiltless of this form of graft.
Detectives- have been at work for some
time, nightly filling their skins with drinks
of the spurious stuff, and their pockets
with buttles of the same, and proceedings
are to be commenced soon that will be
followed. It Is promised, with startling
"The people," said one of the whiskey
makers, "are told much about pure food.
It Is Just as Important that they should
be guaranteed pure drinks."
Speaking of his reasons for planning to
build another hotel for the housing of
the respectable man whoso resources have
been reduced to a few pennies, or, at
most, to a few Hollars, D. O. Mills Is
quoted as saying:
"My other two hotels have been a suc
cess; hundreds of men are turned away
from them nightly, and there Is evidently
room on Manhattan Island for another
house of the kind."
The two hotels Mr. Mills has already
built are conducted so well and so cheaply
mat tney are paying investments, though
a good clean room In them may be had for
20 cents a night and a good dinner be
served for 15 cents.
Mr. Mills called attention to the fact
that' George Francis Train lived happily
for several years In the Mills hotel No. 1.
He often said that the happiest days of
his life were spent there in his little
room. It cost him about 45 cents a day
at the hotel. As far as could be learned,
he had an income of something like $26
a month, and out of that he saved $10 a
month, so that at his death he had several
hundred dollars laid by.
There are many other men like Train
at the Mills hotels. One would be sur
prised to know how many men who we're
formerly well to do, some of them for
merly wealthy, are living at these hotels.
Men are there who have been on Wall
street and ' who once occupied Important
places : In 'business. They live there be
cause they can be in a respectable atmos
phere at a small cost.
Within a few days work will be begun
on Mills hotel No. 3, which Is to be erected
at Seventh avenue and Thirty-sixth street.
About 100 years ago a man sold an acre
of ground In the financial district for a
pair of spavined mules. He had use for
the mules, but tho land was a burden,
because it called for the payment of taxes.
Today the same plot of ground ia valued at
$4 a square inch, according to the latest
sale. Some or the heirs of the man who
sold the plot for tho mules are living In
New Tork fiats and paying rent. They have
a picture of their farseelng forefather on
the walls and are proud ot him, although
they are broke.
The Btock transfer tax I proving an ex
cellent source of Income for the New York
state treasury. During November the re
ceipts were more than $000,000. This Is
the record month for receipts from this
new tax. Controller Kelaey plans for a
more thorough administration of the stock
transfer tax which was provided for at
the last session ot the legislature. Up to
the present time no machinery had been
provided for supervision to see that the
state stamps were used on all shares of
stock held. Inspections are to be made
by a number of examiners who sre familiar
with brokerage business and understand
tha provisions of the new law.
At the recent election In New York'Tam
many thugs tried everywhere to drive
Jerome watchers away from the polls. The
latter were nearly all young, Intelligent
fellows and somo of them were brutally
beaten for refusing to depart. At one
polling place the watcher, little more than
a boy, was ordered from his post, but re
fused to move. The Tammany leader
growled: "None o' yer lip or III push
yer faco In." The young fellow turned
pale, but he answered quickly: "Of course
you can do me up If you like; I can t
protect myself. But you may have noticed
mo writing. I have put down, among other
things, the names of every officer, watcher.
Judge, Inspector and clerk here today and
1 have mailed those papers to a frler.d."
He kept his post.
The proprietor of one of the leading New
York restaurants wants all bin waiters to
wear mutton chop whiskers. This Is in th
European fashion and Is esteemed the only
correct thing in high-class foreign estab
lishments. There is one merit about the
style that should be appreciated. It will
happen very rarely that a guest In evening
clothes will be mistaken for a waiter.
Pure Air a a Tonic.
Cleveland Leader.
Fresh air being a foe t disease. It Is
naturally a preventive. The necessity for
the thorough ventilation of houses is gen
erally recognized. But the sleeping room
Is the place where the greatest benefit from
fresh sir may be obtained. Leave at least
one window open Is the advice of high
authorities, In winter as In summer. No
discomfort will be felt on account of cold
If enough blankets sre used. Those who
sleep with the windows open winter and
summer arise each day fre4i and buoyunt.
In winter the effect is often as bracing
as a tonic. Open bed room windows mean
better health and more Joy in life than
closed windows-.
W Need th Money.
Springtield Republican.
I n money volume oi the country was
further increased by $9,0ni.61 during No
vember, nearly all of which came from
bank notes, which again make a new high
record $oJl. 240. 77$. The per capita clrcula
tion I $31.73, or th bigheit ever known
ia this country.
The Taking
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one quickly
comes. It's the story of a weak throat,
a tendency to consumption. Ayer s
Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking
cold habit. It strengthens, heals. Ask
your doctor to tell you all about it.
Sold for over sixty years.
We have no secrets I We publish
the formulas of all our medicines,
XaaVby the J. O. Iyer Co., lowell, Xui.
A la Matktmr af
ATTtR'8 BalR VIGOR Tor th hair. ATER'S PELLS For eesstipatioa.
ATXK'8 6AR5APARILLA Fer th blood. A TESTS AODB COM For malaria and ags.
Characteristic In Ton.
Chicago Chronicle.
The moral tone of the message Is tho
roughly characteristic of Theodore Roose
velt. Enough to Go Aronnd.
Kansas City Journal.
If there is any part of the prcsidnet's
message you don't like, try another part.
There Is plenty of It.
Wide Pnbllo Interest.
Kansas City Times.
There probably never was a president
whose utterances were awaited with equal
Interest by an equal number of people.
Length Provoked Reflection.
Indianapolis News.
Concerning the presidon's message, un
fortunately, there will no doubt be a large
number of people who will reflect that lite
Is short.
Stands Pat.
Chicago Record-Herald.
If we were asked to give a general Idea
of the president's, message In the fewest
possible words we should say that the
writer "stands pat."
Clear and Strong;.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The message is clear, comprehensive and
strong. It touches on all the United States'
great concerns. Internal and external, and
it deals with them sanely and adequately.
Tim for Action.
Minneapolis Journal.
The president's message seems to have
met with general approval In the senate,
where the members will immediately be
gin speaking against any bills to carry
its recommendation Into, effect.
Pnbllo Interest at Heart.
Chicago Tribune.
President Roosevelt's messages Sre Inter
esttng to those who have time to read them.
His earnestness, sincerity and sens of
duty reveal themselves In every paragraph.
He enunciates no theories and makes no
recommendations which he does not believe
Inanranc Brought to Light
Energetic Reporters.
Success Magazine.
There would have been no investigation
of the insurance companies had It not been
for the recent disclosures made by David
Ferguson, a reporter for the New York
World, who began by prodding the officers
of the Equitable about James Hazen Hyde's
Cambon dinner and other evidences of
ruinous waste. At the outset Ferguson
was laughed at by the men he approached.
Hyde and Alexander, the two heads of the
Equitable, denied everything denied that
there was any factional uprising in the
Equitable or the slightest unfriendliness be
tween Mr. Hyde and Mr. Alexander. But
the reporter kept on prodding and digging
patiently until he gained the confidence of
some one on the inside whose name will
probably never be known. From that time
on Ferguson had the situation In his own
hands, and what followed is thoroughly
known to the American public today, hav
ing resulted in the greatest upheaval ever
known In the history of American finance.
Compelled by the persistent revelations
Ferguson was making to undertake an In
vestigation, Francis Hendricks, superin
tendent of Insurance for the state of New
York, filed away a lengthy document con
taining the testimony he had taken, and
It remained for Louis Selbold, another
World reporter, to procure a copy of this
secret report, which made th longest
"Story" ever "run" In a newspaper about
single incident-112,000 words. It Is still
a matter ot keenest speculation among the
newspaper men of New York how Selbold
obtained possession of a copy oX a state
document, and It will be, probably, a mys
tery forever. Reporters of Selbold type
never betray confidence. Were the secrets
of Messrs. Ferguson and Selbold known
concerning tho great Insurance exposure,
they would undoubtedly make gdod read
ing, but these men made pledges of confi
dence for the public good, and it goes with
out saying that those pledges will die with
Distance Leads Enchantment.
Minneapolis Journal.
Judge Hamilton, th confidential legis
lative representative of tite Insurance com
panies at Albany, Jauntily sends word from
Paris that his health is more important to
him than the Insurance scandal, and that
it will be Inconvenient for him Just now
to oome over to New York. Not only In
convenient, but very annoying, Andrew's
first care ihould be his health. What if it
should suffer?
. t lk"YYYYYTi t
Despite enticing propositions to corns
home, "Judge" Hamilton will be likely to
prefer the Latin Quarter to the kind of
quarter hour that awaits him in New York.
Let's be thankful after all that our lite
insurance presidents have never beeen so
badly overpaid as the csar of Russia with
his salary of $t.760,000, or ths emperor of
Germany with his $3,825,000 for his labors
as king of Prussia, to say nothing bf other
A Kansas paper changed hands lsst
week, having been purchased by its pre
vious owner, Guy Stoddard. Instead of
penning a long salutatory. Editor St 'dard
printed the following: "We wanted to buy
the Record, Mr. Campbell wanted to sell,
and here we are."
Eugene J. Leany, a citizen of New Lon
don, Conn., is believed to be the only
man living who fought on the famous
Monitor during its engagement with the
confederate ram Merrlmac. Thomas B.
Vlalt, the only other survivor of the fight.
died in Providence, R, I., a few weeks ago.
Three new congressmen, Ralph - Cola.
Beman G. Dawes and Edward L. Taylor,
are already known as "the Ohio kids."
The three cannot boost of very much more
than 100 years in the aggregate, but they
are all hustlers from a state that has
turned out some pretty swift movers In Its
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman,' who has
been asked to form a new . ministry for
Great Britain, Is an exceptionally witty
Scotchman, whose knowledge ' "of French
literature is something wonderful. In
figure he Is stout and strongly built nnd he
often expresses regret that he has not "the
gift of the gab." All his speeches are pre
pared with the utmost care. Steady nerves,
easy temper and tremendous self -control
enable him to stand up under such an
amount of work aa would kill most men.
FLASHES OsT JTl ',, . i , -
Mrs. Gayman But men are so deceitful:
Mrs. Oldboy O, no; they're not. They
only think they sre. They don't deceive us
one bit. Chicago Tribune. i
Hicks Has that girl who Uvea next door
to you her old piano still ?
Wicks Well, she has the old piano, but
I'm sorry to say it Isn't often still. Somer
vllle Journal.
"Do you have malaria In Crimson gulch?"
Inquired the stranger.
"No," answered Three-Fingered Ram.
"We don't need it. The men out here Is so
tough that they go ahead an" drink without
offerin" any excuses whatever." Wash
ington Post.
"See here." said the lady, "you told ms
that work would only cost me $1$ and here
you've sent In a bill for $14."
"Yes'm." replied the carpenter, "you see,
when I come to think the thing over after
wards, I was afraid maybe you might be
superstitious about that 13." Philadelphia
Dr. O'Bosh Your trouble arises from the
fact that you eat too much snd drink too
Mr. McSosh All right, doe. all right. I'll
cut down my meals at one. Cleveland
"I envy you," declared Muchpop.
"Why so?" inquired Noklds.
"Because you haven't children. A mere
husband cuts no Ice with children In the
house. You at least occupy some plac In
your wife's schema of life."
"Oh, I don't know," was the rueful
response. "She has a eoupl of rubber
plants." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"I shouldn't b surprised to see , thst
bright boy of yours In congress soma day,"
said the statesman.
"I hope not." answered Farmer Corntoa
sel. "I want him to go Into the insuranc
business. A man In congress doesn't get
any chance whatever to Increase his own
salary." Washington Star.
St. Louis Qlobe-Democrst
Grace, the cab Is waiting.
We ar deuced late.
You are never ready.
Jove: It's after elicht.
Darn this beastly collar
(Buttonhole's Immense.)
Shines like celluloid
Laundries have no sense.
Opera glasses? Have them.
Wear your heavy wrap. f
Well then, wear the other.
How those gloves do gap!
Fix them tn th carriage.
Com dear, never mind.
Don't stop. Stick a pin in.
There's no fault to find.
Yes, I kissed the baby.
Uad! you do look nlc!
What's that? O, your flowers?
They ar on th ice.
Try to hurry, dnarl.
Darn It. Pardon me.
You should hold your train up.
Yes, I have the key.
Jane will guard th silver.
Everything's all right.
O, Grace, you must hurry.
Yes, I fixed the light.
Leave th windows open
It's not going to rain.
Everlasting fussing
Goes against the grain.
What? Your powder chamois
O, you gooale, don't!
Put It In my pocket? ? ? i I 1
No, my dear, I won't.
You look simply stunning.
What's up now? O, hang!
(As this point th hall door
Closes with a bang.)
The " Elastic " construction of
the Globe-Wernicke Bookcase is
not the only reason why people
prefer this particular style. There
is a quality in its finish and beauty
that adds tone to any room. .
Orchard & Willi elm
Carpet Co.