Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Truteei of WeUyon UnWersh Loath to
, Los Hit Smicti.
Supreme Coart Refuses to Vacate
Injunction Rvstralalnaj the Eaten
lea mt Frosaeet Hill Cem
etery in CHr of Ontaka.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 7. (Special.) This after
noon the committee of the Wesleyan trus
tees appointed to. consider the resignation
of Chancellor Huntington' adopted a reso
lution calling on the aged college executive
to reconsider his resignation with the un
derstanding that the trustees would relieve
him of the heavy burdens, of the field work,
consisting tri part In the,eollectlon of funds
and In meeting prospective students. This
movement was taken on the Initiative of
Governor Mickey, who Is the chairman of
the committee, which will meet again De
cember 27 to take up the matter. Chancel
lor' Huntington agreed to take the request
under advisement. The members of the
committee reported that they had received
advices from many sources out in the state
Indicating that Methodists are reluctant to
have Dr. Huntington leave.
The following persons are members of the
committee which has the matter under con
sideration: Governor Mickey, Chancellor
Huntington, Dr. H. Hurst Millard, Colum
bus; Dr. C. W. Ray, Alliance; John II.
Stewart, Lincoln; A. L. Johnson, Crete; G.
W, Isham, University Place; John A'. Slater,
Mlnden; Dr. William Gorst, Omaha,
The three last named members of the
main committee constitute a subcommittee
to assist In the choice of a chancellor should
Dr. Huntington Anally conclude to with
draw entirely from the work. Dr. Gorst
was absent from the meeting.
Beeaase 'Jaror Slept.
One of the main points urged in the de--mand
for a new trial in- the case of State
against Wlnfield S. Haddix, from Custer
county, which has been appealed to the su
preme court, Is the allegation that one of
the Jurors, named , Olson, slept during a
portion of the testimony. Several affidavits
are Included In the record to prove the
contention that the trier of facts was nod
ding and , was about ' to be prodded Into
wakefulness by the watchful sheriff when
sleep left his eyes.' The controversy Is as
to whether he was really asleep or only
In profound thought, with his head rest
ing on his hand.
Hot to Vacate Injunction.
Tn an opinion prepared by Chief Justice
Iloleorrfb the supremo court has refused to
accede to the ruling of the Douglas county
, district court vacating .the Injunction order
Secured several years ago by Jesse Root
(et al, against the Prospect Hill Cemetery
. association to prevent the extension of the
burial grounds. In . the original suit the
plaintiffs . claimed thdt ' their wells were
threatened with contamination because of
the proposed extension" of the cemetery
nd a perpetual Injunction issued. The
ground on which Judge Holcomb bases his
Beclston la the failure of the cemetery as
portation to "Show that the "threatened ln
. Jury has been certainly overcome, not that
It possibly may be."
He states that several people In that
aection of the city are dependent on wells
for their water supply and refers to the
testimony showing the possibility of infec
tion. One of the arguments In behalf of
the motion to vacate -was that an ordi
nance of the city' had required that graves
In the extension .toe" eewionted- an made
water proof. Tie chief Justice says that
the record shows that this is not a manda
tory regulation and there was no certainty
that It would be-enforced in every In
stance. "
Hlahlander By-Laws Effective.
Commenting on the decision of the su
preme court to- the effect that a suicide
clause enacted by the executive castle in
1801 was not effective because the legisla
tive body was not representative at that
time. President W. E. Sharp of the order
stated today that the edicts are well tn
force now, having been re-enacted at the
recent Denver executive castle meeting,
which was truly representative.
Needs Many Teachers.
Btate Superintendent McBrlen has an
nounced that there are places for 100 high
school graduates with common sense In
tho western counties of the state, at sal
arias ranging from 836 to J40. No one wlth-
At Handkerchief Counter A large
lot of ladles' Initial hand embroid
ered Handkerchiefs made of Irish
Shamrock linen.
Six lor fl.OO.
Or You May Forget Whore to Find the Bargains Offered
fipuglas Street the
.We list only a few attractions In China, because of their especial value. You will find hundreds of
other Items that will act as purse openers when you visit us. And referring to purses reminds us to call your
attention to a lot of new Envelope Lealher Bags at fl.OO which are new and wonderfully cheap. The hide of
the walrus makes a nobby bag. Make a memo to see the lot of leather lined Fancy Shopping Bags to be
sold Friday at $2.03 each.
Busy' days at the Book Section but there will be more doing later.
' IN THE CHINA SECTION On Friday we will offer some very beautiful Plates, Cups and Saucers,
Hair Receivers and some fancy pieces, at 23c each. Jot this dowu. "An you want a real bargain.
Two tables in the China Section devoted to the sale of a mixed lot of china all attractive and splen
did for gifts at 50c and 35c. Make mental memo.
"A GREAT SALE OF CUT GLASS, Bohemian Gilt Glass, Etc. Eight-inch Cut Bowl, heavy, beautiful
designs and not only deep cut patterns, but deep cut in prices worth up to $6.00 each on Friday $2.05
each. ; ' '. "'
, . We are' showing some choice tilings in Sterling Ware and Brio-a-Brac .
Bohemian gilt eight-inch Stand Comport, sold at 2.25, Friday, $1.30 each.
A most exquisite assortment of Olive Dishes, Nappies, etc.; from $8.00 down to 65c.. Vases which are
sometimes called Vawses, finest cut glass, from $7.50 down to $1.75 and all pieces between. Cut Glass
Nappies at $1.65, $125 and 03c acceptable presents.
If an Umbrella would be the proper thing, do not for get to peep at the biggest value of the season
made from Union twilled silk, finest fancy pearl handles on Friday yours at $3.00 each.
cot the tilfh school training will be con
sidered as an applicant
laalcutluas Defense Will Plead Great
HA8TINOS, Neb., Dec. 7 (Special Tele
gram.) The district court room was
crowded with spectators today who were
anxious to hear the case of John Budnek.
who Is charged With shooting his brother-in-law,
Peter Smeal. with Intent to kill. Tho
entire forenoon was taken up In securing
Jury. At 1:30 this afternoon the county at- I any more cnttle as long as the Beef trust
torney made a brief opening statement out- dictates prices and I am at their mercy."
lining the testimony which he proposed to Mr. Kickley's experience Justified his de
offer and which he said would show that j termination to quit the business. Ho
Uudnek fired the shots for the purpose of
killing Smeal. The testimony of the wit
nesses for the state was all substantially
the same as was given at the preliminary
hearing a few weeks ago.
The chief Interest In the case centers In
the defense. Mr. Stevens, the attorney for
Budnek, did little cross-examining. As to
the shooting having been done by Budnek
there Is, of course, no doubt. It Is ex
pected, however, that the defense will pro
duce some testimony which will tend to
show that a serious feud existed In tho
family and that Budnek was provoked to
make the assault.
The defendant was attentive throughout
the examination and frequently smiled and
laughed. The case will be resumed tomor
row morning.
Child Retaras to Mother.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 7. (Special.)
About three years ago Rev. J. W. Swan,
then a resident of this city, but now In
University Place, and one of the staff of
the New York Children's Home society, ac
companied a number of children from New
York City to Nebraska, where he secured
good homes for them. Among the number
was little Clara Henbrook, who was given
to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas in Louis
ville, In this county, which has since been
her happy home. At a very tender age
Clara's father died and her mother, owing
to misfortunes, found It necessary to part
with her daughter, so she placed her with
the New York Children's Home society,
which institution has found homes for thou
sands of orphan children. Some time since
the society was informed by Clara's mother
that she was remarried and had a com
fortable home, and, with a mother's love,
asked that her daughter be returned to
her. Rev. J. W. Swan was informed of the
facts by the society and reported the same
to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and to their
adopted daughter. Miss Clara, although
without having any remembrance of her
mother, was willing to return to her, but
it was some time before Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas, who had learned to love her as
their own child, could decide to part with
her, but with much reluctance they finally
consented. Miss Clara Handbrook has de
parted for New York City and was accom
panied as far as Omaha by her foster par
ents and Rev. J. W. Swan.
Libel Salt Grows Ont of Campaign.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dee. 7. (Special.)
What promises to be an interesting case of
libel will be brought up next term on the
criminal court docket. The affair assumed
shape during the last political campaign In
this county, but according to the defendant
there Is some personal feeling dating fanner
back mixed up In the matter. Judge Shlnn,
who ran on the Independent ticket for
county Judge and was defeated by A. R.
Humphrey, has brought suit against Judge
J. R. Rhodes of Ansley for defamation of
character. A certain article appeared In
the Ansley Chronicle during the campaign
which Shlnn seriously objected to, alleg
ing that Rhodes was the author of It,
hence the trouble. The defendant went be
fore Justice G. Schwtnd yesterday after
noon and had his bonds fixed at 1300, but
was released on his own recognisance.
Baby Found on Doorstep,
HASTINGS. Neb.. Dec. 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) A pretty, blue-eyed baby, appar
ently about 2 weeks old, was found last
night snugly packed in a suit case on the
porch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Palm, 900 West Fourth street. Pinned to
Its clothes was a note In a woman's hand
wrlntlng reading:
"Please take your baby. My name Is
Carl, Jr. I was born November 19. I havo
no home. I will never see my mamma
again. Be good, to me."
Tekamah Commercial Clab Meets.
TEKAMAH. Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)-At
a meeting of the Commercial club of this
city held last night the following committee
of five were appointed to confer with a
like committee from Decatur regarding the
proposed railroad between these two towns:
J. P. Latta, C. W. Conkllng, R. A. Temple-
Cut This Out
Friday is the 1
ICilpatrick's the
HOlpatrick . Co.
ton, R. J. Mitten and R. A. Bmlth. Other
matters of Interest were discussed, such as
a new city hall, opera house, electrlo light
plant and city water
York Mil Finds Himself Fp Acalaat
Hard Combination,
TORK, Neb.. Dec. 7. (Special.) On re
turning home after shipping a trajnload of
fat cattle to market Hon. Charles Klckley
said: "I am done with cattle feeding and
cattle raising. I will never raise or fatten
shipped a tra'.nload of fine cattle, rattened
on York county alfalfa and corn to St.
Joseph, arriving In the yards In the morn
ing and never received a bid until closing
time In the afternoon, and the only bid was
11.40, which was refused, and Immediately
reloaded and shipped to Chicago, realising
that telegrams would be sent to Chicago
meat trust buyers and chances were all
against him getting any netter price. For
tunately for Mr. Klckley there happened to
be at the time the cattle arrived an Eng
lish buyer, who purchased his cattle for
export, paying him $5.60 to $6. At the price
the meat trust is selling dressed beef In
England this buyer said he could afford to
pay the price, kill his beef across the water
and make money.
Mr. Klckley says that since the meat
trust has dictated the price of cattle he has
lost over $7,000.
Badly Frosen and Lacerated When
Found and Likely to Die.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Considerable excitement prevailed
In the little town of Virginia this morning
over the sudden disappearance of Mrs.
George Stump from her home. Mrs. Stump,
who has been 111 of typhoid fever, arose
at an early hour In a delirium and left
the house in her night clothes. When her
husband missed her about 6 o'clock he
gave the alarm and searching parties lnY
mediately started out to look for the miss
lng woman. She was found at noon about
a mile from her home, lying In an uncon
sclous condition on the ice in a small ditch,
her night clothes being caught on a barbed
wire fence. The supposition Is that she
slipped and became entangled In the barbed
wire, as her hands were badly cut and
frozen. Her condition Is very critical.
Mr. Stump, who is section foreman of the
Rock Island at that point, and his two
children are Just recovering from the dread
Horse and Bngrgy Stolen.
BENNINGTON, Neb., Dec. 7. (Special
Telegram.) A bay mare, weighing about
1,200 pounds, was stolen last night from the
stable of Mr. Powell of Irvington. A single
harness and buggy was taken at the same
time. The stolen animal was traced as far
as Bennington.
News of Nebraska.
GENEVA James Enlev was arrested v-
terday for selling liquor to boys; the hear
ing win ue xomorrow.
BEATRICE Four coach loads of Janan
cse laborers passed through the city today
en route to Topeka, Kans., to work on a
BEATRICE At a meetlnr of Hnn m
pany No. 3 Charles Hinkle was elected a
aeiegate to me state Firemen s conven
tion to be held here January 17 to 21.
GENEVA A meeting was held yesterday
afternoon in the high school building to
discuss ways and means of introducing
manual training and domestic scrence in
me country scnoois.
WEST POINT-From a telegram received
In this city last evening It is learned that
John Hoffmann, a former well known resi
dent of West Point, died yesterday at his ai i-auuna, mo., or blood poisonlmr,
T.KATRICE Yesterdav .Tndiro Rnnrnn r.
filiated at the marriage of Mr. John Harms
of Hanover and Miss Lucy Vogel of Cort
land. He also performed (he ceremony
muinm me uvea oi air. . mines j-tochhtfln
of Firth and Miss Cora Holman of Filley.
BROKEN BOW At a big meeting held
by the Highlanders Tuesday night over
twenty applicants were Initiated. Manv vis
lting Highlanders from all over the slate
were present and at the conclusion of the
ceremonies, which were unusually Impres
sive, an elaborate banquet was served. Tho
anuir took place at Masonic hall.
BEATRICE New wheat remains steady
in ine marKeis nere ai vu cents per bushel,
corn 31 cents and oats 24 cents to 26 rent
About the only change In the price of grain
In tho past few weeks is the advance of
a few cents per bushel on oats. On account
of the cold snap of the past week, but
little grain has been marketed at this point.
PLATTSMOUTH A complaint, signed by
Rev. D.A. Youtxy, president of the Platts
mouth Law and Order league, has been
filed in county court, which charges Hans
Goos, one of the eight saloon keepers In
this city, with having violate! the Slo
cumb law by keeping the windows and
doors of his saloon obstructed by curtains.
The case will be heard January 3.
BROKEN BOW An Important railroad
meeting was held by the Commercial club
the fore part of the week with Mayor Applo
at February Prices
Friday and Saturday
Everything Goes.
You can have your selection from the finest and
most complete line of Suits in the city at exactly
One-Half Price Friday and Saturday
If you will compare our Suits and prices with
others you will purchase here.
1 I . I
In the chair. After discussing; the varlos
benefits that might derldh an ?gl
position road putting: In at this point, the
members Instructed Secretary Prcell to
communicate with General Marm" Rus
sell of the Missouri Pacific at Omaha and
ascertain, if possible, it that road could W
Induced to run a branch from Prosser to
Broken Sow, .
BEATRICES Hose cempsny No. 1 held a
meeting: last night and elected Louis Had
ley a delegate to the State Firemen's con
vention to be held here January IT to 21.
Officers wer elected as follows: Joseph
A. Dohner, president; F. K. Cook, vice
president; Walter Horner, secretary and
treasurer; O. M. Luberger. foreman; Harry
Whiteside, first assistant foreman; V.
Quackenbush, second assistant foreman.
WES'11 POINT At the annual election of
the local branch of the Catholic Knights
of America, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Spiritual di
rector. Very Rev. Joseph Rueslng; presi
dent, J. Theo. Remm; vice president, Frank
Scharfen; treasurer, William Stieren; re
cording secretary, John H. Llndale; finan
cial secretary. Ferd. Walter; sergeant-at
arms, John Fischer; sentinel, H. F. Qrewe;
trustee for three years, A. Kleine.
BEATRICE A Hungarian who stopped
over night at the Davis house in company
with his partner, a Swede, reported to the
police yesterday that he had been robbed
of $110, which he had placed In his shoe
before retiring. He accused the Swede of
the theft and the police searched him at
the police station. About $66 was found in
his clothing and, as he claimed It belonged
to him, the Hungarian was unable to prove
the charge, so nothing came of the case.
The two mVn were laborers and left town
yesterday morning.
Masked Men Hold l'o Restaurant
ad Escape la a
MITCHELL, 8. D., Dec. T.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) At 11:30 o'clock last night two
masked men went Into the Planklnglon
cafe and held up a crowd of men, number
ing about fifteen. With drawn revolvers,
they ordered the men to line up against
the wall with hands up. While one stood
guard the other went through the pockets
of the lndlvldulaa and took what money
they had, leaving watches and other valu
ables alone. The hold-up artists realised
about 1276 on the raid, the restaurant cash
register and safe yielding over $90.
The men made their escape without any
trouble, although there was a crowd of
twenty-five men on the opposite Bide of the
street when they emerged leisurely from
the cafe and escaped In the darkness.
Keller Cases Being- Heard.
HURON. B. D., Dec. 7. (Special.) What
is known as the Kelley forgery cases are
being tried In circuit court here before
Judge Gaffy of the Sixth circuit, who is
sitting for Judge Whiting during the trial
of these cases, five In number. The one
now being heard charges Mr. Kelley with,
having forged a deed conveying a quarter
section of land to John El Diamond and
wife of Mankato, Minn. When the Indict
ments were returned by the grand Jury last
March Mr. Kelley was state's attorney for
Beadle county, but because of the charges
pending against him he was relieved from
that position until the trials are had,
Thomas H. Null being appointed to fill the
position. The court room is filled at each
session with people anxious to hear the pro
Northwestern Condemns Land.
PIERRE. 8. n., Dec 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Attorneys for the Northwestern
road today filed the necessary papers for
condemnation proceedings for about 400 lots
and thirty acres of land Just south of its
track In Bast Pierre. Th. property so se
cured Is to be used for shops and yards.
This move means more for this city than
does the extension of th. road.
Priaea for Women Orators.
YANKTON. 8. D., Dec. 7-Speclal.) At
Yankton college th. young woman's decla
matlon prise, given by the alumni of th.
college, was won last night by Miss An
netta Novotny of this city. Miss Louise
Gleckler of Pierre was second, while Mils
Anna J. Quale of Coilon took third.
Chauii-Finr, ilb sua Lod-,
cET) o)
33 1-3 to otie-half off of the marked price of any
suit. All marked in plain figures. We have no ac
cumulation of suits from several seasons ago to
offer you, and
1517 Farnam Street.
The Omaha Congress of Mothers met
Wednesday ' afternoon at the . Xoung
Women's Christian association rooms, Mrs.
George Tllden presiding. Reports from the
several school circles were a feature of the
meeting. No meetings were held In the
southeast part of the city, but three other
circles have met. Lothrop school circle,
Mrs. C. E. Llewellyn president, met and or
ganized November 14 with about "seventy
five women present. The South Omaha
circle organized November 17, with Mrs.
Berry chairman and about sixty mothers
present. The South Omaha women win
hold their next meeting January 6. l ne
mothers of Dupont school met last week,
effecting an organization with twenty-one
members. The Dupont circle will meet
again this afternoon at the close of the
afternoon session. As the majority of the
women are foreigners the program will con
sist of a recital of Christmas customs and
Christmas stories from the various coun
tries by the women. Refreshments will be
served. It Is expected that the other circles
will organize Immediately after the holi
days, but few of the mothers will have
time for outside work before that time.
According to the St, Paul papers It Is
probable that the armory will be used In
stead of the People's church for the ses
sions of the St. Paul biennial of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's Clubs next
spring, as formerly announced. The change
Is desirable owing to the proximity of the
armory to the old capltol building, which
is to be used as headquarters for the
women, and also because of Its large seat
ing capacity of between 3,000 and 4,000.
Preparation Is being made for 5,000 guests.
Over 8,000 delegates are expected and the
unofficial guests will swell the number to
, ,
5,000 or more unless the St. Paul meeting
proves less attractive than the past two
biennials have been.
A conference of the
board of directors of the General Federa
tion Is scheduled for February In Chicago,
and at that time the plans of the local
board will be acted upon. The biennial
opens May 30 and continues through ten
days. June 6 will probably be celebrated as
Minneapolis day, when the visiting women
wl'.l be entertained tn that city. It Is prob
able that that day will also be celebrated
by th. planting of an avenue of trees be
tween the two titles as a memento of the
club women and the eighth biennial.
At the recent meeting of the Travelers'
Aid Society of Philadelphia, 6,754 uirls and
women were reported taken care of by
agents of the society during the past year.
Interesting reports were read by agents
who attend the railway stations night and
day to assist women and girls who are
traveling alone. Many x:ases of runaway
girls, deserted wives, stranded Immigrant
girls and belated strangers were reported,
to each and all of which assistance had
been given. The badge of the Travelers'
Aid has coma to be a familiar one In the
railway stations of most of the larger
cities and many of the smaller ones.
The December meeting of the Daughters
of the American Revolution was held Mon
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Freeman
P. Klrkendall. In the absence of the
chapter regent, Mrs. R. C. Hoyt, Mrs. J.
W. Griffith, vice regent, presided during
the business hour. The program which fol
lowed was In charge of Mrs. Edward Porter
Peck. Luncheon was served later. Mrs.
Klrkendall was assisted by Mrs. W. B.
MlUard, Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Mrs. Bancker,
Miss Battln, Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mrs. Pratt,
Miss Adams, Miss Fannie Adams, Mrs. F.
E. Hall and Miss Hamilton.
In a recent issue of th. Federation Bulle
tin, a state federation president makes a
plea for the protection of birds and she
shifts the responsibility upon the men as
I believe the people who are to blame
for UUa ar. out' brbtkeia. th. ana. Wa
Nothing Reserved.
have been told bv eminent authority that i
we are to blame for the Increase of divorce, I
that race suicide is our fault. Mr. Melville
Stone says we are responsible for yellow
Journalism. Ben Greet says women make
the Impure stage. We have all ihese heavy
burdens to bear, but this one Is yours, dear
gentlemen. If you did not . shoot the birds,
we could not wear them. I believe there
was never a woman In the world 30 hard
hearted that she would do what you do,
tear the feathers from the bleeding breast
of the live bird and leave the little ones to
slow starvation. Besides, you could stop
this in another way. When your fair lady
comes down with her new Christmas hat.
Just hint to her that you like new ostrich
plumes and ribbon so much better than
dead bodies. We dress to please you al
ways. If there were no men In the world,
we should wear mother Hubbards and
blankets. Gentlemen, this Is your reform.
We will agree to help you, but you must
take the lead.
The civil service reform committee of
the General Federation of Woman's clubs
has issued a call for an annual civil service
program In clubs all over the United States.
The program last January was so generally
successful that it is desired to continue
the plan.
Diamonds Frenzer, 15th and Dodge.
PENDER. Neb., Deo. 7. At the Meth
odist Episcopal parsonage. Rev. C. A.
Hughes officiating. Colonel S. W. Mosher
of Randolph, Neb., was married to Miss
Allda Holmes of this place, The contract
ing parties are both well and favorably
known here.
Ashba-Van Allen.
WOODBINE, la., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)-The
marriage of J. W. Ashba of Nebraska City.
Neb., and Sarah L. Van Allen occurred yes
terday at the home of A. Holetor, Rev. C.
P. Wlmborly of the Woodbine Methodist
Episcopal church officiating.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Dec, 7. Anthony
f, ' " .
1 N. Y., and M ss Claire Puryear,
- V , t , , t...
Fiala, the arctic explorer of Brooklyn,
were tnar-
. .UJ lout ntcrht Vfiaa PlinrAdV fn m
, , tha J., fam,u ' n.
, . .... j....,,,., ,,
IieBOtW AI1U It C 1 1 1 1 ' ci , urni vtivn. ill VL w 1 1 1 "
modore Mathew Muury.
Ira Allen Horn, lumber dealer of Hansen,
Neb., and Miss Mamie J. Riley, daughter
of Frank Riley, were married Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. Par
ish, 3316 Meredith avenue. Rev. Charles
W. Savidge officiated.
TECl'MSEH, Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) C. W. Woolsey and Miss Aggie
Most old Deoole are trreat sufferers
are seldom free from pains or ailments of some description, because they are
cot as able to withstand the severity of the climate, with, its damp, changing
weather, as are their younger, more vigorous companions. Cold weather
starts the old aches and pains; they suffer with chilly sensations, cold
extremities, poor appetite and digestion, nervousness, sleeplessness and
other afflictions peculiar to old age. With advancing years the strength and
vitality of the system begin to decline. The heart action is weak and irregu
lar, the blood becomes thin and sluggish ia its circulation, and often some
old blood taint that has lain dormant in the system for years begins to man-,
Vest itself. A wart or pimple becomes a troublesome sore or ulcer, sltin dis
eases break out, or the slight rheumatic pains felt in younger days cow cause
sleepless eights and hours of agony. There is oo reason why old age should
cot be healthy and free from disease if the blood is kept pure and the system
strong, and this can be done with S. S. S. It is a medicine that is especially
adapted to old people, because it is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks.
Selected for their purifying, healing and building-up properties, and is very
VhSO stream
PURELY VEGETADLE. ' tlie 8vstettt 3 tuilt ttP the appetite and di
gestion improve, the heart action increases and
the diseases and discomforts of old age pass away. S. S. 8. cures Rheuma-'
tism, Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores and Ulcers, and all troubles arising frora,
Pope were married at th home of County
jua(W James Livingston, In this city, this
, , At.A . rain
evening. ' They departed on a late train
for Lincoln and Omaha on a, wedding trip.
Mr. Woolsey Is a merchant here and his
wife a well known young woman.
was the state of A. C. Socket's daughter,
Miletus, W. Va., ' with a leg sore. Buck
len's Arnica Salve cured her. Zfic. For sal.
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Finest cut glass. Edholm, Jeweler.
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braska, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado
and Wyoming:.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 7,-Forecast of th.
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
Colorado and Wyoming Generally fair Fri
day and Saturday,
For Ciuth Dakota Partly cloudy Fri
day, probably local snows In afternoon or
night; Saturday, fair.
Local Record. '
OMAHA, Dec. 7. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation as compared
with the corresponding day of the last
three years:
1905. 1904. 1903. 1902.
Maximum temperature.... 61 57 40 16
Minimum tcmierature 84 28 M 1
Mean temperature 42 42 84 8
Preclpatlon 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1 and comparisons with th. last
two years:
Normal temperature 2ft
Excess for the day 12
Total excess since March 1 534
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 27.39 inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.09 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1904.... 6.29 Inches
Excess for cor. period. 1903 3.62 inches
Reports from Stations at T 1. M.
Station and State ''! Tern. Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, cloudy 26 28 .64
Cheyenne, partly cloudy.... 40 63 .00
Chicago, clear 44 60 .00
Davenport, clear 42 f2 .00
Denver, partly cloudy 40 62 .00
Havre, cloudy 30 t! .10
Helena, cloudy 30 $ii T
Huron, cloudy 82 8S .00
Kansas City, clear 44 62 .00
North Platte, cloudy 36 64 .00
Omaha, clear 46 61 .00
Rapid City, clear 28 88 .00
St. Ixiuls, clear 50 . 62 .00
St. Paul, clear 34 88 . 00
Salt Lake City, clear .' 26 SO T
Valentine, partly cloudy.,., 42 65 .00
WIlllHton, cloudy 30 80 .00
' Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
la Winter. They IN "WINTER
una ana genuc in lis action, o. o. a. warms
and reinvigorates the sluggish blood so that it
moves with more rapidity, and clears it of all
circulates through the body everv cart