Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Now located la th arm
retail renter, Howard
and SlitMath
its many patrons with beautiful new holiday goods.
No better time than now to buy fine
Qualltr. nowy table linen. For Chrlst
m gift, wo would suggest a pattern
cloth with napkin to match. Every
woman would appreciate a gift of this
kind. We hare them In all Ue and In all
new designs.
Real Cluny Lace Pieces.
Tablo cloth, ZVjxZtt yard round, $45,
150 and t each.
Table clotha, 2x2 yarda round, t-o, S35
and tM tach.
Center piece, 12,26. 3, M-50, $7 .60, $18.50,
up to $20 each.
' Doyllei, 2Sc, 35c, 75c. $1. 1180 and $2 each.
, New arrival! In neckwear fpr Chriatmaa
Pretty wash stocks, tOc, ?5o and $1 each.
New take-a-part stocks, 50c, 75c, fl and
$1.25 each.'
Fancy collar made of lac and chiffon,
(Ik.-, up to W each.
Lace cuft and collar set, 75c and $1 per
Embroidered cuff and collar set, 60c,
75c. $1. $1.25, 11.75 and 12 a act.
W. B. Corset:
8tylea run In circle. Now we are back
again to higher bunted corset. The first
maker to respond to the latest dictate of
fashion are the manufacturers of the fam-
Injured. It likewise cays Philllpar was In
cinerated. "My brother Just missed being killed a
year and a half ago," said Mr. Newsom.
- One of tha men killed was Frank Mo
ICenna, .assistant electrician' on the Over
land, Ha Is a son of Hugh J. McKenna,
who Uvea at 1402 Park Wild avenue and
formerly1' had a cigar store at 618 South
Tenth street, near the Wludsor hotel. This
I the third eon of Mr. McKenna to be
killed by the railroads. . . . -
The engineer on the Overland wns Andy
Jorilsn and he saw daneer In time to shut
1 steam" ,and "apply - tha 'iftake and
ti, .. junip !i r'nie to save'hia ll escaping
with" a lew Injuries. -- ...
' A wrecking crew wa buyried from aach
direction and worked from each aa4 of tha
wreck. so that tha, track wJ cleared by
1:3 in the afternoon.
Tha cook and waiter were asleep In
tin diner, which wa badly smashed and
later caught fire. The cook on the Over
land Limited ar white men.
Report from 'Wyoaalaar,
GREEN RIVER. Wyo., Doc. 7.-The Over
land Limited of the Union Pacific collided
with a frelgh tnil-i head-on at Wllklna Sta
tion early this morning, demolishing thu
engines, dynamo, mall and dining cars ou
the passenger train. Nine people are
known to te killed, " Including two mad.
clerks, four cook In, the dining car, two
electricians In the dynamo car, and one
engineer. ' t
Ideality of Three Victims.
SAN, FRANCISCO. Dec. 7. Edward Rda
enbaum.,' who wua killed In tha railroad
a rock at Wilkin station, Wyo., wa a
resident o Melrose, a suburb of Oakland.
He was & years of age and unmarried and
the son of Abraham Rosenbaum, a well
known 'cltlsen of Oakland. ', ' 1
Miss Edna Llssak, who was Injured lit'
tha wreck, was well known In social amtJ
art circles here. 8h 1 a designer fo Thf
fany A Co', of New York and la a ajjurof
Major LlHsiik, V. 8. A. She came' to; Sari
Francisco to attend the golden weddtn of
her parents and wa returning trrjVew
York.' ?
8. M. Hulett, another of the Injured. 4i
manager of the Simmon Manufacturings
company oi this city. 1,
" -
MosBitai rharnineUt Dnfferl
rrtoos froat ration Kills Wife V
nil Her Mother. ' . i li
tu ' -TJ
NEW TORK. Dec. 7.-AIfre4 PA
Ileh, a pharmacist In the Piesbyterlaiia.hs.
pital, shot and killed his wife Fanniehd
her mother, Mrs Anna Hoetllng, In tHr
home In Brooklyn today. He gave hlin"f
. up to a policeman-and was locked up after
, refusing to make a statement. A doctor
who examlrud the prisoner at the station
lue said he was suffering from nervous
Arnold" Knit Kighl
..Gowns For Infants'
(WitD Sliirrlai Strings.)
. Of course you ran keep baby
Vovered. What matter if he Is too
young for night drawers?
Here's a night gown long and roomy,
with a drawing string at the bottom.
, Made Of tine, soft knit webbing, not
too warm, yet snug and warm enough
fpr protection you can leave off much
;of tha oppressive bed coverings. Baby
will be safe from cold. '
60c Up
i .
Every Department
in this helpful daylight store is ready to greet
oua W. B. Erect Form Corset. They call
their most recent production the W. B.
Nuform. It la a distinct advance over all
their previous productions, and while es
sentially similar to the Erect Form dif
fer In being higher and fuller through the
bust and much more slender at the waist
Prices, $1.50 to $3 each.
Every pattern new, o you are sure of not
duplicating old styles.
Women's All Linen Hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs 10c, 15c and 25c each.
V.'omen's All Linen Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs 15e, 25c and 60c each. .
Women' All Linen Embroidered Hand
kerchiefsput up six assorted pattern In
a box price $1.50 and 13.00 per box.
Men' All Linen Plain Hemstitched Hand
kerchief 10c, 16c, 20c, 26c, S5c, 50c and 75c
Men' All Linen Embroidered Handker
chief: and 11 each.'
Men All Linen Initial Handkerchief
25o and 35c each.
Kid Gloves.
Special Glove New for Holiday Belling.
They are the popular Btreet Gloves which
are In great favor.
Valller Bilk Lined Pique, cne-clasp
fastener; colors, brown and red only $2.00
a pair.
Dent's Own Make Qlove, In Russian calf
and heavy Btreet weight, made with one
pearl button, also two-clasp fasteners 42.00
per pair.
Chatam an English walking glove with
one-clasp fastener, in tan and dirk red
shades $1.50 per pair.
Mocha Gloves made if well selected
skins, Paris point stitching, one-clasp
fastener, color block, brown, beaver, gray
and red. Price $1.60 pair.
Quantities of ribbon we are selling these
busy days no wonder, for the value we
offer are exceptionally good and the fancy
work season la Just begun.
New Roman stripes. In the bright
colors, 406 and 65c a yard.
Brocade ribbons In all the pretty evening
M9 ilLlEKl f&Cisl
and Sixteenth Streets
"The Land of Sod" at the Bard
lit iiiviyaiii;
'The Man In the Moon
April Fool ,
The Chorua Girl
The WelL-h Harehlt ......
....William Norrl
Knox Wilson
....... Alice Dovey
.... Clara Harmon
,K.,Tom Armstrong;
Florence Snow
Hamilton Coleman
........ Jjena fid aw
.'..... Ethel Dave?
Ellen Vern
George Fox
: The Js. k of Hearts.i...
King W Hi'arts
Queen Of Hearts
The KeflectiGh
Rory liory Alice
The Bandman
Knockout Drops
ueerge mctvissoca
J. C. Mendell
leiepnone Man
James Smith
No name of author or composer Is at
tached to the bill of "The Land of Nod,"
for the very good reason that If everybody
responsible for the affair' wa named at
length It would comprise a roster of pretty
nearly all of tha living librettist and com
posers, with a lot of newspaper humorists
and Jokesmiths to make weight. Some little
curiosity exists as to the Identity of the
collator, though. It would be a pleasure to
publicly attest the. appreciation that Is felt
to hla, ability and excellent Judgment. He
surely know what la worth taking, for ho
didl't XooScle opee In making hi (election.
KNd a'duH ilne'J? psed, nor an air that
ajx-anw inkle sweetly, and the party that
iiV pleasftt aortic "time.' during the evening
I Is tmlghtyjhard' to suit, for a little bit of
Avertfhlniz, lipered rom first to last. And
t",at4bout tells the aiqt-y. 1.
Of jcoiu-aetTie favU'a done ha some
tfcarHg on ths result. 'And it Isn't saying
tjftf'mucn whalit la slated that It could
h'rtdly be dBttttes) The company la well
-juIat(yl t ke all that can be made of
th'pot.unn!(a ,affode$L Locally, the In
ter iWtj centered J uhe ' Dovey sister;
nrt. that any onelhJrr JaU forgotten Wil
liam' NotrU, or K- jf Jtou,r Tom Arm
etroosTj.Kaeh of th. gotlils welcome a
he cai6on the ta jh and .was given ample
e1deuSthat;te hat trlenda'out In front"
us the .Tight ayore Si; 'Bat. the Dover
girl arp of otn own, amf'Jt didn't need the
allusions majdfeto Plattfcjpouth to remind
puudiuuv ii iui w latmiiuiu iv t-iiiiii
ltMvy onp oi'-trjfjiifact. Tliey wew ft van
iyirm re'ptionUnd shoyett tBey deserve It.
Allot, cafrles fUlo! tf responsibility for
tliEuc!ceti orthe affalivm her little shoul
dSn. and Ethel qontrlb'utes to one of the
huflfeaX-- conpeiti of the evening, when the
.ilflKlng reaeinblance between the sisters Is
uad ho aoctlvel'When Mr. Norris
eae on, C,;yitnd wf-ciie -of the git la, the
stiae helaTti. Annnle, and a pretty song
and cUf 3f JJoyed. ' Bach of the girls
got" a " ion 5 T." American Beai(ies
i during .i Vv i ,A generously shared
nl... JlA
than redeemed the
promise !.
'vryhfm by The Bee year
TdT the foremost In . hi
,rx-m'llxon U the same old
ago. and
cIhuJ noy
xophon performance is
l- -Is It ever was. ' Tom Arm.
- .
strM,V,r'i island Sprightly and. funny
arnCi Tt. iitton I a hit in her burlesque
of t ;.wi'lrL The other principal
do w , jjja required Qf them with genuine
eat. K & of the many features of tha
chorus work Is the Introduction of our old
friends, the Four Mad Caps, of vaudeville
fame. They do their famous stunts at odd
times through the evening. For that mat
ter, the chorus has to carry a great ahara
of the work, and Is kept moving all the
time It is In sight. It waa a trifla difficult
A)wy . Rassfnbar th ffU !
I exauve- uromo icza
0-rwClaOMly.CtVsa lXay
Urn. 2U
Bee, tec. t. itoS,
shade, self color brocade, special price
19c ptT yard.
Fancy ribbon In the new flowered pat
terns, cream ground, 60c and 85c per yard.
Black and white hepherd check ribbon,
35o and 45c per yard.
Holly ribbon In medium and wide
Men's Furnishings.
Plenty of uggstlons here of what to buy
for tha men. and then you can buy with
safely, for the showing 1 of the newest
and choicest style from reliable makers.
New neckwear in the popular shapes.
50c, T5c, $1 and $1.50 each.
New suspender In elastic and plain silk
webbing, put up In pretty boxes If you
wish. 60c. 75c, $1 and $1.50 per palr.-
New shirt In oft or stiff bosoms, all
new and neat patterns, the fit Is guaranteed.
Prlcea, $1 and $1.50 each.
KID GLOVES the popular shade In
lined or unlined, $1, $1-50. $2. pair.
Rare and Beautiful Dress
Goods for Holiday Shoppers
Now on Display.
Now here Is a gift that never falls to
please, beautiful, and the height of dress
elegance. Just what every lady would be
dellahted with. Little wonder that tha
dress goods counter Is the center of at
traction these days, and that we are selling
so many for holiday presents-nothing
better. "T
ENNE Eollenne are here In greatest
variety and most exquisite prettlncss,
nearly all silk, with the ahlmmer of frost.
The work la so fine you would think It. an
all silk fabric, In pretty plain effects and
tiny novelty weaves, Just here and there
a suggestion of figures about the slsa of
a pin point, $1 and $1,25 a yard.
EOLIBNNE None of the lovely fabric
that Pari ha favoredfor dressy gown
are missing from the special collection
for holiday shopping. Here is a Crepe
Eollenne that looks as if spun by fairies,
the glimmer of moonlight woven into the
silken threads. In pretty shades of reseda
green, champagn, mode, blue and brown
43-in., $2.50 per yard. '
to distinguish Miss Rose Hortense Allen,
the Omaha girl who Is In the rank, but
It' a cinch that she I in a company where
she will learn not only how to use her voice
but her hands and feet as -well, If she
tick. -
The audience wa one of the largest of
the show immensely. Not a number got
away without an encore and several of
them were given again and again. The per
formance will be repeated this evening;
and If merit count, the Boyd will be even
mora crowded than H wa last night
Hokkla" at the Kro. : VT-' '
' Miss Rose Melville opened at tha Krug
last night with what she promises Ls to be
her last round with the -vaudeville stunt aha
haa stretched Into a four-act drama. If
the attendance Is to be taken aa a basis,
Miss Melville Is Justified in undertaking a
series of farewell tour with "Bis Hop
kin." This quaint creation ha apparently
lost none of Its popularity. It 1 aa full of
queer quip and homely humor a It ever
was, and possesses a singular quality that
robe it of any grotesque effect and make
It appeal to the warm corner everybody
Keeps ror a natural character. Sis does
her "snakentlne" dance Just In the same
old way and sing her songs aa she always
has, and corpes home from school In the last
act a clever and polished young woman.
with her heart In the right place and Ita
emotions under the control of an amnle
fund of common sense. The company with
Mis Melville this season is a good one,
and the piece is given most effectively. It
will remain at the Krug the rest o the
week, with a matinee on Saturday.
Watches Frenier. 15th and Dodge.
(Continued from First Page.)
hands, and I feel that you will say to him.
Come forth from behind your prison bar
and take your place as a decent cltlsen
umong men. "
County Attorney Slabaugh closed for the
state. He suld the defense was the weak
st he had ever seen.
"They have set up that Crowe was not
there," said Judge Slabuuah. "and if ha
wa there he hot In self defense. We
claim the evidence presented here and the
facts developed must lead to one conclu
eion irrealstlbly. The Identification of
Crowe by Jackson and Leahy has not been
impeached. Not one witness has been pro
duced here to- sity It was not Pat Crowe:
there la not one positive statement from
anybody that the officers fired Aral.
'Granting this defendant all the safe
guards the law allows him, we still have
not one whlnper from the witness chair
that would disprove any material fact the
stats has shown."
He pointed out that under the Information
the verdict may be for shooting with Intent
to kilr or wound.
Beat line diamonds. Ktlholm. Jeweler. ,
S i
Mrs. Alice U'Day of Hurlnsfleld, Mo.,
Deads Property Worth t-VM.OtH)
to tho Sisterhood.
ST. LOCI8. Dec. '.Deeds were signed to
night conveying the country home and im
mense grounds located near Sprlngileld,
Me,, and valued at tJrt.uw. belonalna to
Mrs. Alice O'Day. to the St. DeChantal
academy of the Visitation Nuns. The prop
erty was given In fee simple, without reser
vation oA compensation. Mrs. O'Day will
bccoirm a member of the community, al
though for the present she will not take tha
religious habit or the vow of the slater-
Xoaalnatloaa by President,
WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.-The president
today sent tbe following nomination te
th senate:
To be Judge of I'nited Statea courts,
Hosea Towuxend. southern district al In
dian Territory: William H Clayton, central
district of Indian Territory: William R,
Lawrence, Illinois, western division of In
dian Territory: Luniaa F. Parker, Jr., nor
thern district of Indian Territory. .
To be a member of the California debris
coinmisalun. Captain Charles ii. McKins
ley, corps of engineers.
Patek phUlipp watches, fcrtholro, jeweler.
Cabinet Ministers and Military Command
ri Arting Peraiiaiei t Bign.
rtSMiti Whipped mm Tor tared by
DraSkra Cossacks Financial
.v Panic la m. Peters,
LONDON. Dec. g. The correspondent of
the Dally. Mall In At. Petersburg. In a dis
patch sent by way of Eydtkuhnen, East
Prussia, says:
"Prominent military commanders every
where are requesting permission to resign.
The minister oC.war himself (Lieutenant
General Rudlger) haa asked the emperor to
allow him to retire. The minister of the
Interior (M. Durnovo) and others have fol
lowed the example of, the minister of war.
Count Wltte stands )iohe, but even he la
losing heart." v
General KakharoS Merciless.
BT. PETERSBURG, Dec. . (Wednesday
Morning) Via Eydthkuhnen, East Prussia.
Dec. 7. The new of the assassination of
Lieutenant General Bakharoff, former
'minister of war, who was shot In the gov
ernor's palaoe at Saratoff, December I,
had been preceded by the moat horrible
stories of, the manner In which Bakharoff
had been repressing the agrarlsn disorders.
He corralled . peasants with Cossacks and
then bad 'them beaten with the soldiers
whip. In so doing, Bakharoff pursued the
system adopted by Prince John Obolensky,
former governor general of Finland, In
supresslng the agrarians in the vicinity of
Kharkoff several year ago, when the
prince caused the peasant to be whipped
by relays of Cossacks and compelled them
In turn to beat thefr comrades. The as
sassin of Bakharoff has not been Identified.
The woman who committed the crime de
clared that she had executed a degree of
the terrorist section of the aoclal revo
lutionists. The following Is a description of Sak-
haroff's 'arrival at Hovoanschlna, one of
the villages of the province of Saratoff:
He came with Cossacks and artillery.
The peasants were surrounded by Cossacks
ana ttaktiarorr addressed tnem demanding
that they surrenrtrr their leaders. The
village elder replied, but gave the general
information, i ne eider was lmmeai
tely beaten until he lost consciousness.
SHKharoff then retired to the court house
leaving the peasants at the mercies of the
Cossacks, moat of whom were drunk and
they began tarturtna the peasants, pulling
out their hair and beards and even tenring
pieces of Mesh from their faces. Thlrty
threa peasants were thus maltreated.
Public confidence In the government a
ability to weather the growing storm is
waning faat. Premier Wltte seems power
less to cope with the new elements of
danger which the revolution la raising on
every hand. New mutinies among .the
troops are constantly reported and the law
lessness In the coUntry Is Increasing.
Whenever the dreaded workmen's organl
sation present a united front as they did
last night the premier Is compelled to strike
his colors.
. Striker's Mfe Bared.
It now appear that the comrades of Sok-
oloff, the railroad engineer of Bamara.
whose condemnation to . death threatened
the country with A general railroad strike,
liirjTndently 'craiilzed. the strike on the
Trans-Caspian line from"Alexandrovsk to
Tashkend. The" HfoVernor general, of Kur
s lika,- who exaFeiqep plenary powers on the
Afghan frontier; without consulting with
the St, PetersbUifg'uthorltles, convened a
aourt-martial , ajul, sentenced Sokoloff to
death. The premWr, -as a result of the ao-
tUin.jqf tecuiJlyS.eqlVimlttee of the rail
way employes' union '1n' preparing for' a
general strike upUlths sanienoe.. wa re'
voked ifor toetjsmbaf 5, ; compelled
to get Nechlef?." th minister of com
munication, to employ , tha . railway telo-
graph to forward m stay of execution, which
fortunately arrived in time. Had the man
beeji. hot nothing .would have prevented
a' universal strike; This danger for the
moment. ha-again passed, but the weapon
always hang over- the head of the gov
ernment a a threat against any new arbi
trary act. - -:' - '.'
Attack Station's Credit.
Tb .immediate dangur confronting the
government 1 ' a concerted attack on tlio
country' credit. The public fear that th
government Can be forced to suspend gold
payments increases, daily. This would be
the crowning achievement of the revolu
tionists,, who arr satisfied that with the
attending financial crash the whole house
would come tumbling down. The chance
of driving the government Into bankruptcy
they profess to believe would be materially
Increased if the confidence of the foreign
bolder of Russian obligation 1 under
mined, and the new that the French In
vestor hold four-fifths of Russia' immense
foreign indebtedness and were unloading
waa received with Jubilation by the revo
lutionist. At thf same time It created a
veritable panic oa the Bourse, imperial 4a
falling to 74. 6a to 944 and the government
lotteries, to 2K. , Banking and Industrials
went down with a rush', PutllofT going from
3 to 86 and Iron, share like Kolomo and
Moscow, which a month ago were quoted at
4ft). closing at Jt. i The savings banks were
aubjected to a run and at the state bank a
long line of nervoua men. and women waited
for hours to exchange paper money for
gold. The bank officials did not attempt to
dissuade them and exchanged piles of gold
for bills as fast as the latter were pre
sented. Both the runs oh the banks and the de-
It I aa Uaaarcroo aa the Tobacco or
ra as
WkUky Heart.
"Coffee heart" U common to many cof
fee user and i liable to arnd the owner
to hi or her long home If the drug la per
sisted in. You caa run 10 or 40 yards and
find out If your heart la troubled. A lady
who was once a victim of the "coffee heart"
writes from Oregon:
"I have been an habitual user of' coffee
all my life ahd have suffered very much In
recent year from ailments which I be
came satisfied were directly due to th
poison In the beverage, such as torpid
liver and Indigestion, which In turn made
my complexion blotchy and muddy.
"Then my heart becam affected. It
would beat moat rapidly Just after i drank
my coffee, and go below normal as the
coffee effect wore off. Sometimes my pulse
would go as high a 137 beat to the minute.
My family wa greatly alarmed at my con
dition and al laat mother persuadad m to
begin the use of Pusturu Food Coffee.
"I gav Mp the old coffee entirely and ab
solutely, and inad Postuin. my aole table
beverage. Thla was six month aifo, and
all my ills, the Indigestion, Inactive liver
and rickety heart action, have passed
gway and my complexion ha become clear
and natural. .The Improvement set in very
soon after I nuide tb Chang,. Just a soon
as th coffee poison bad time to work out
of my ay stem.. , ,
"My husband ha also been greatly bene
fited by th use of Postum, and; wa find
that a simple breakfast with Pwstuin Is as
satisfying and more strengthening than
the old heavier meal w used to hav with
the other kind of coffee." Name given by
Post urn Co., Battle Crek, Mich.
There a reason. Rnd the little book.
"Th Road to Wellvilla," In ig.
mand for foreign exchange were acceler
ated by circular which the striker and
revolutionary organiser are spreading
Kaa Telegrapher at Work.
The only break In the ranks of th
telegrapher Is reported fmm Kasnn, Middle
Prussia. Elsewhere all the government'
attempt to resume telegraphic communica
tion have been unsuccessful. In this city
there has bern a partial resumption of
mall delivery by mean of volunteers, but It
require two policemen or two soldier to
escort every carrier. In the postoffloe the
official who cn be spared are working In
other department with volunteer, some
of whom are of high rank. Princes Obo
lensky, Prlnoes Kofhuky, Countes Mor
vlnoff and Countess Oxeroff are sorting
letter In the mailing room.
At one mall station the striker stole a
march on tha military. The guard of sol
dier had gone to dinner, leaving their
rifles stacked outside. The strikers raided
the station And hammered off the breech
locks of the rifles before they were dis
covered. At Moscow over twenty carloads
of letters ara undistributed.
At Kharkoff It In said that 5,000 soldier
have agreed not to fire on the people and
at Rotof, the Thlrd.ajrenadler artillery,
consisting of 400 men, ha beld a meeting
and formulated service demands. Similar
action. It 4s rumored, ha been taken by the
military engineer at Odessa and by troop
In several place In the Baltic province.
Aararlan Tronbles la Livonia.
The declaration of martial law In Livonia
Is due principally to agrarian troubles.
Large bands of peasants are marching and
pillaging. It I reported that Dorpat 1 in
A stringent law to prevent agitation for
political strike and the spread of propa
ganda prejudicial to the discipline of th
army and navy 1 about to be issued.
The election law is not expected to be
finally completed until next week.
Premier Wltte' response to the xemstvo-
lita will not be made until tomorrow.
The Russ demands the trial by court mar
tial and the removal of the colonel of (he
Zemlonovsky regiment at whose Invitation
Prof. Nicholsky, the noted reactionary who
is boycotted by the students, delivered .a
speech to the regiment warmly praising
the men for firing on the people.
Rioting; la Interior Cities.
It Is alleged that the strikers are securing
information from the Interior town.
Despatches published today are said to
have been received by the council of work
men's delegates.
According to these dispatches mutineers
have seised the arsenal at Ekaterlnodar and
secured 16,000 rifle which have been dis
tributed at Ekaterlnodar and Novorossyk.
It Is also said that a revolt has broken out
at Ellzabcthpol and that Insurrectionary
troops are master of the situation at
The situation at described as
being an extremely serious, one. Some ac
counts say that a massacre has taken
place Jn which 1,000 were killed.
Telegraphers Remain Firm.
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Dec, 1 Via
Eythkuhnen East Prussia, Dec 7. Th
elaborate measures taken by the police and
military for the protection of men who
are willing to return to work have failed
to induce any of the Btrlklng telegraphers
to resume their employment. A meeetlng
of 2,000 striker today unanimously pro
nounced against yielding. The Finnish
delegates declared that all the tolegrapher
of Finland were ready to enter the union
and support the strike. Three hundred
striker have already been dismissed under
the decree of Interior Minister Durnovo.
It is rumored that the military engineer
at Odessa are mutinously inclined.
Price on the Bourse today were very
weak. The offers, however, were on a
limited scale, but there was a complete
absence of tauyers. a ..
Policemen Mar fltrlk. ;
WARSAW. Russian Poland, Dec. 7.
Thirteen unions of civil engineers, lawyer,
teachers, physician, clerks, etc., have
formed a polish league of league a an
annex of the Russian league of league.
' The local police have petitioned the chief
of police for better pay, housing and treat
ment. They require a favorable answering
during the week, otherwise the threaten to
- Advice from Odessa. Kieff, Rostoff and
Kharkoff aay that many merchants (of
those cities ara finding it Impossible to
transact business and are sarcrlflclng
their Interests and leavlns the country.
No Change Jn Rnaala.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, The State de
partment has been Informed that there I
no change In conditions In Russia and
Finland this morning.
Field Marshal Enter Toklo While
AU Classes Tarn Out to
Greet Hint.
TOKIO, Dec, 7.-11:30 a. m. Field Marshal
Oyama and his staff1 mode a triumphal
entry Into Tokio thla morning. The enthus
iasm and magnitude of Marshal Oyama'
reception equated that given to Admiral
Togo. Despite tha Inclement weatjher,
crowd of students and representatives of
varloua classes and Interests thickly lined
the streets and, although expoaed to the
rain, .lustily cheered the marshal and hla
staff while enroute to the Imperial palace.
The newspapers of all shades of opinlbn
al-e nighty eulogistic today of the achieve
ments of Marquis Oyama, his generals and
tha men under hi command.
A holiday ha been declared in the whole
city In honor of the day.
Aniniala with Wild West Show la
Franco Destroyed Beraase of
Fear of Glanders.
MARSEILLES, France. Dec. 7. All the
horses belonging to the Wild West show of
Colonel William F. Cody were killed here
today. Although the government veterl
narles had certified that glanders had been
entirely eradicated from th stud. Colonel
Cody and hla partner, James. Bailey, de
elded on this radical measure in order to
allay the fear of the' farmer regarding
the spread of the disease. The aaddles,
bridles and other articles of the equipment
as well a the clothing of th atablemen
were burned and the railroad car belong
lng to the show disinfected. Colonel Cody
Is now In th I'nited State engaged In
purchasing a fresh stud.
Xew British Premier to Become
Leader of Hla Party In tha
Hoase of Lords.
LONDON, Dec. I. It is now understood
In the best Informed quarters that Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannerman will be ele
vated to tha peerage So that he may become
the leader of his, party In thu House of
Lords. In such an event Sir Henry As
qultlt will become first lord of the treasury
and tha leader of tbe party In the House
of Commona. The only matter as yet un
decided is whether these changea shall be
made before or after the general elec
Fellcltatea Aaaondsen.
CHRISTIAN! A. Deo. T. The Norwegian
government Is tabling Its fellritutiona to
Captain Roand Amundsen, the Norwegian
explorer, who has arrived at Port Egbert.
Alaska, after making hU way through Hie
Bottled only at the Apollinaris Spring, Netfenahr, y' I
Germany, and Only with its Own .Natural Gasl
northwest passage and who found the true
magnet of King William Island. Dr. Frld
Jof Nansen anticipate that the expedition
has proved a great ouccea.
(Continued from First Page.)
Sewell, Louisa A. Rltchey, Lydla It. Hicks,
Julia Lawrence, Mary P. Bradley, Ella R.
Cooper, Maria Van Klerk, Ellaabeth Wll
cox and Mary A. Pearman. . N
Hlnshaw Haa Urlst.
Representative Hlnshaw today Introduced
the following bills: To appropriate I125.XX
for the purchase of a site and the crt-ctlon
of a public building at York, Neb.; to pro
vide for holding session of the federal,
district and circuit court at York, commen
cing the third Monday in March of each
year; to provide for the payment of medlca
expenses of sick officer and enlisted men 6.
the army while absent from duty with leavt
of absence or furlough; and a bill to reim
burse paid settlers on the Otoe Indlai.
reservation 1238.000 which is the amount
recommended by the commissioner of the
general land office. He also Introduced a
resolution providing for an appropriation oi
$1,600 to reprint 1,000 copies of the "Life
and Morals of Jeurt of Natareth," more
generally known as the "Jefferson Bible."
Senator Gamble today Introduced a bill
in the senate and Representative Burke a
duplicate In the house providing for the
authorisation, of the sale of the western
portion of the lower Bruie Indian reserva
tion In South Dakota. The territory thu
Bought to be opened to white settlement
comprise approximately 66,560 acres. Thl
bill wa considered during the Fifty-eighth
congress. j
Confer on Forest Reserves.
Glfford Plnchot, United States forester, haa
sent a letter to F. G. Hagenbarth, president
of the National Live Stock association;
Senator Warren, president of the National
Wool Growers' association and Murdo Mac
Kenzle, president of the National Stock
Growers' association, inviting these various
organisations to appoint a committee of
three members to confer with a representa
tive of the forest service at Denver, Janu
ary 27, Immediately before the meeting of
these association on that date. President
Roosevelt has repeatedly declared that the
forest reserves are for use. The forest
service, accordingly, I engaged In. an at
tempt to make them aa useful a possible
to the people. For this purpose, it la en
deavoring to bring about full ana hearty
co-operation from all users of the reserves
for mutual benefit.) "Now that the fee for
graslng In the forest reserve ha been
aotaritlahajl X that larrala 0 at arial.ta tl tti i
Forester Plnchot says in hi letter to
Hagenbarth, "with the full approval of
President Roosevelt (himself a stockman)
and has been accepted aa Just and wise by
the great majority of those who use tha
reserve for grazing throughout tha west.
and 1 already being paid, th Interest of
stockmen .should Jbe riven the fullest con
sideration." ' v ' -"li!
Personal ('otes.
Senator Millard tonight had aa hi dinner
guests Senator and Mrs. Scott, Senator and
Mr. Hopkins and Senator Warren.
Herbert Sewell and wife of Auburn, Nb
are In Washington for a few days.
Jf M. Hamilton, an attorney of Omaha,
I In tb city.
MT, im, wi mil. ntrnmau, r. mm, ma,
GORDON fur lined
coats for men,
longand loose fit
ting, are kept in stock
ready for service or made
to order.
A very handsome coat
of fine kersey cloth lined
with brown muskrat, col
lar of fine dark unplucked
otter, sells for $100.
Other styles range in
price from $35 to $300.
Any combination of
furs you may prefer can
be selected from the won
derful Gordon & Fergu
son collection of skins.
Hy a skillful blending of
the furrier's and tailor's
arts you 'car, have a per
fect fitting coat lined and .
trimmed with skins of
your own choosing.
Ask your dealer for
" MAIL1'
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Th e ( promptness : of vv
the mail brings -;' the ! ,
bank within reach of
every one. In ..fact, ,
"banking by mail" is
more" convenient :.' to
many people .who., live
in the city than coming
to the bank. - a .
Inquiries . cordial'! in
vited. Only , bank of Omaha
exclusively for savings.
City Savings Bank
16th and Douglas Sts.
on Credit
r- :
It will be serving
your best tntrest to
make your Xmaa
selection early. '
Cash or Credit
BER.G, lS22Frocra St.
A friend of tha How )
A fo of th Trunt .
r.rT.j -j"
Oantpliea with tha Pur Food Uf
f ail Statea.
Whon You Write
to Advertisers -
remember It only take an extra sUok or
two of th pea to mention th fact that you
aw the ad In Th. Be. . . , 1
ICT?I IfS Prlcea-JBc. Joe. BOci TSa.
IVKfJVJ Mat. Anv Seat. Oa.
Sis Hopkins
Original Production.
Sterling Cast.
Mittnna ttiirilu ALL SEATS i
kihuiiwh vaiuiuaj
Return of the Favorite v
, Grand Dancing Contest
COMING-A Son of Ret.
Dn VIVC Woodwrd d Burg,
UV I 1 J " Manager.
F. C. Whitney Present th
Successful Musical
VHtn William Norris and Alice Dovey.
u W" ii www I ues.,Thurs..Bai Mats i-at
Under the lied Robe
Net Week Why Smith Left Home.
'Paene 494.
Tenlaht and Saturday Mat. and ftlght.
Nina Morris A Co., Prellea Europe Nov
elties, The Three Nevaros, Powell. Melanl
Trio. Joseph Newman, Zlnimer and th
Price lfte. Ke, 80c.
On Her Remarkable
AdtirawMn, with reserved Seat, s Cm