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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1905)
10 TITF. OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. DECEMBER S, 1003. CURRENT LITERATURE. Tha December issue of Talrs presents a remark ablo collection of stories from tha best llvlnir authors the world over. Of the eight laimuajtM represented Russian hag the, largest share, with a complete novel, "Children." by Nlcolal Teleshov. and short stories by( MaxJm Gorky and Schedrln. The duchess of frrlborouRh' portrait produced by a process hitherto unattempted In rrmgnslria literature, appears In the De rember Jesiie of the Smart Set as a frontis piece distinctive new feature. This Is the first series of new portraits of women rilfttlnriilKhi-d as leaders of society In the metropolitan oitlrs of the world to be published monthly .In. this enterprising magazine. Vp to date njid timely as usual are the .contents of the World Today for Decem ber, with a remarkable number of good Illustrations for a magazine. Right to the point Is the article entitled "The Responsibilities of Insurance Officials." by W. D. Vsnfllvcr. state superintendent of Insurance for Missouri. The writer does not mince matters, but calls a spade a spade. "The InrfinVrenre of Juliet," by Oraee P. Richmond, affords Interesting and entertain' lng reading. Anthony Robeson Is an ener getic and ambitious young man. who. al though accustomed to the blessings of wealth, puts Ms shoulder to the wheel when the death of his father, followed by the loss of their fortune, makes It necessary. After live years of rncrget- work he determines to have a heme of his own, but he Is un able to win the promise of Jnllet Marcy to become Ms wife. On the theory that "All's fair In love," he selects a little "bog of a house" in the suburbs, whose possibilities, as well as cheapness, appeal to him. After his own labor has made great improve ments, he invites Juliet to assist him In furnishing the house for his prospective wife. His allowance for furnishings Is limited, and It takes some planning and scheming to make the most of It. but by the time It Is completed Juliet realizes that she really does care. Just as Anthony had hoped. Their contrivances, plana and man agement to make the "box of a house" a delightful home on their modest Income and an attractive spot for their fa-lends Is very Interestingly told. Although he book does not seem to be written for the special pur pose of pointing a morak It offers many suggestions as to wha may be accom plished with true love and a modest In come, and It Is a book which young men as well an young women will enjoy. Double day,' Page & Co. are the publishers. "Jules of the Oreat Heart," by Lawrence Mott, Is a story of the great Canadian wilderness, which is a world unto Itself a world of vast silences, of stinging winter storms and mysterious -summer beauty; a world where the primitive Instincts and passions rule. Jules Verbaux is a French Canadian trapper, a aort of modern Robin Hood, considered an outlaw by the Hudson Ray company and treated accordingly. Slyer than the fox. brave as tha lion, light hearted and passionate like his kind, it Is not to be wondered that he Is forever plung ing Into adventure, now .eluding the venge ance of .a company, official, new. the fierce onslaught of a half-breed trapper, and now battling with the fury of a winter atorm. We are eagerly one. with Jules In hla wild, fascinating life; his adventure, htf sorrow, his heart-sickness; and with tha last page we echo Jule s explanation. hl .vfogejJhce satisfied, hla love restored, "Je sula con tent." ,The Century company are the pub lishers. "Wilderness Babies," .by Julia A. Schwartz, have met with such favorable shU3 that the publisher have already ordered a third Impression of the regular edition, and a new edition for use In tha schools will be Issued after the holidays. ."Ben Pepper." by Margaret Sidney, the tenth volume 'of' Ilia' famous' "Pepper Books,;1 has. Just bc-sn published by Loth rop. Lee, & 8hepard company. The six Illustrations are by Eugene M. Wlreman. "Reading the 'Pepper Books' la Just like having the fun yourself, " Is the unique expression of a girl of 12 after reading these famous books, and no one has ever bolter expressed the true secret of the charm , and enormous popularity of tbia series, the tenth volume of which, "Ben Pepper." Is now ready. Other members of the family have had books named alter tlietn, and it was only fair that Ben, the "quiet, ateady-aa-a-rock boy," ehould have similar attention. Surely no one of the family was better worthy of a book to himself. Ben's resolute, unselfish charao Ur is finely brought out, and there are good tlmea and good actions without num ber. No one of the hosts of readers of the "Pepper Books" will long be willing to lie without this excellent addition to their number. ' Told by Uncle ftemua" la the title of Joel Chandler Harris' new volume of Uncle 'Remus atorlea. This collection of negro folklore tales has the same ly, chuckling humor that made the first book popular with old and young readers. The genial author, when he was asked to write more Uncle Remus stories, replied with bis characteristic modesty: . "Do you really think that people want to hear any more from old Uncle Remus T" Thera la no doubt of the answer to the queatlon being distinctly In the affirmative; and reader of the present volume, when they make or renew their acquaintance with cunning Brer Rabbit, sly Brer Fox. astute Brer Wolf, contented Sis Cow. and all the remainder of the amusing troupe, will be glad that Mr. Harris was persuaded that Mr. and Mrs. General Publio and the 11 1 Ua General Publicses did have an Interest In more Uncle Remua tales. There are full-page and Incidental illustrations by Frost. Conda and Verbeck. which add much to the humor of the narratives. Mc-Clure, Phillips & Company are publishers. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. LoeketFrenser. ISth and Dodge. Uorham leather goods. Edholm. Jeweler. WE 'ALWAYS HAVE ROCK 9 SPRINGS PHONES I22HCIS CENTRAL COAL AND COKE Ca. A FridayGrand Clearance All tke Remnants WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR. OUR HUGE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS See these prices on remnants in the basement. Every yard of remnants must go before the opening of Toyland Sat'-day All the 10c and 12c Outing Flannel remnants f ln are going to go at '. O2C Fleect back wrapper Z1 I Apron girtjham rem- vf at I nants. at . . . . 79 flannel remnants Chrxmbrey gingham tin remnants at O2C nants, at ....... . Swansdown remnants, were 15c, at 5c And there are hundreds of other remnant lots of which the quantity is too small for newspaper advertising.' Tomorrow will be the greatest remnant day in the basement wo ever had. . Remnants of Winter Dress Goods Finest Oooda for Holiday Purposes. Cloth for coats, skirts and entire tailored dress ifV black and all colors, worth, up to $1.50 and y every style of .fine imported dress goods, at., "xW Every length of dress, goods black or colored fdk from regular stock worth up to $3.00 yard, t from 3 to 10 yards, at, per yard Traveling men's samples fine drew goods. 15c each. The finest goods imported, black nnd all colors 4 to 8 alike, (in Au- C nex), at, each IJC All wool woistlngs French flan nels, fine grade jtoods for chil dren's dress for Christmas dolls' , dresses, etc., will go at, per yard 19c Great Sale of Silk Remnants 29c Silk remnants,' bright colors for fancy work" also many beautiful waist lengths for Christmas gifts all on sale, yard Velvet remnants for fancy work trimmings for doll dresses, holi day decorations, etc. black and all colors each 2c-5c-10c-15c-25c Pretty fancy velvets for waists, children's dresses, etc., also many colors. In plain ailk velvets, go at, : ' .) E only JC 5,000 yards fine Bilks elegant waist and dress silks, black silks, white silks and all the noveltie 49c-69c Friday is Our Penny Notion Sale Shields, 60 inch tape measures, hair pins, thimbles, fj , hat pins, luster crochet cotton and many j (T other articles worth to 10c, choice . . . L w Two Extra Special Ribbon Bargains 600 pieces heavy all silk satin and 3,000 yards odds 'and ends in pure gros grain ribbon, one Inch all silk ribbons, all colors wide, black, brown and ! plaids, fancy up to 3 . O nary, worth 5c, choice .. inches wide, choice, yd.'...OC mmm& Most Brilliant Buying Event of Year The sale is now at f he height of its importance All the Men's Clothing lr PEASE BROS. CO. mS?'m at Just Half Pease Bros? Prices What could be more pleasing and ' bene final in j. 4. It .7 I . . oia pentleman or Inrfv ftsrn n - - - - w.y. jr w wwwr r bottle of Hitler's Wine or Whiskey on Christmas Day. We Deliver Promptly Mail Orders Solicited. Phone Few Christmas Suggestions HANDSOME IMPORTED STEINS, from 6uc upwards. BEAUTIFUL WINK BETS, from tl.50 upwards. SIDEBOARD DECANTERS. from 75c upwards. LEATHER COVERED TRAVELING FLASKS, from 75c upwards. ASSORTED FANCY LIQUOR 8, ETC. CIGARS. . TRADING STAMPS 'ALWAYS. 1309 Farnam Street. n mm u X -r llu! " mu'i,ilHi.!U.p.iMmnii.niii i m mini ...ii.usiwiniHmm n mmi Ik. MV k. W -wav 1 HADING, SI 'AMPS 'ALWAYS. ST DENTAL' YAKNS W'c take great pride in our Tarn depurtinent, which we claim is the largest aud most complete in all its branches In the west. Each and every shade carried in all kinds of yam Saxony. Zephyr. Spanish, German Knitting, Booteh Sweater Yarn, Eiderdown, Shot la mi Floss, Angora, lee Wool, fJolf Yarn. Take a look at our yarn department; also at our quality, which cannot be surpassed. Always the hlgbe6t grades at the lowest prices. Our yarn prlcea are right. IMIrSomsj Jos. F. Bilz, CHAFING DISHES 1 r nffM linn with till horn all witb nonevaporning burner, lrow i.0 I to H W. A1BO cnium niii lorKa, imys, iiaa""", Senr for our IMS Catalogue FREE. i Drown &Dorsheim MAI1A WKATHKR FtRKCAST I RIDA V. FAIR. eiw id) 1M ir IIVILW. Only 14 Shopping Days 'till Christmas 7V 5 Cloak Department Specials AVOMKX'R SHORT COATS 24 to 27 Inches Ions: a tremendous bur ' (tain -color, nnry, tnn, brown, red and black prices were front 0.50 to $20 each all go on the bargain table Friday SCHOOL C.IRL8' COATS Sizes 6. 8, 10 and 12 years every color spelndid cloth, handsome trimmings prices were ?5.60, IOC 16. $6.60 and $6.85 all now at t,VO A 8KXSATION1 IX FI R SCARFS AXI ROAS Xenrly SOO pieces that were marked from fl to $10 in three lots $0.0.1, $1.05 3 SCHOOL GIRLS' PRFSSKS Ages 6. S. 10, 13 and 14 year plnin .mi. j uiiwu nguinr rivtT v'-Ai, qti.iiu, i.7r, 1 III a mA Kd 1 t. , . m . . I I I Br $2 and $2.50 an Immense table of them At. In the Dry Goods Section HOSIERY Ladies' and children's fast black Hose and fleece i lined Ladies' Hose our 15c value special a pair 1UC RIRROX SPFXIALj200 pieces fine Imported Coin Spot Ribbons and Plain WashableTaffeta Ribbons worth 26c yard sale fl r price yard IJC CHEAP SALE OF RELTS Satin and mercerized, prettily f shirred Belts In all colors regular 25c value Friday only. . . 1UC 29c GREAT FRIDAY BARGAINS 10c Dress Percales 5c Yard From 9 to 12 a. m., 28-inch Percales, in light and dark colors worth 10c yard Friday r a yard , 7C All short lengths of Outing Flannels, Kimono Flannel and Challls, and Wool Flannels that sold up to 39c yard Friday 7J a yard 4 zC Remnants of Wrapper Flannels lengths 1 to 10 yards rl worth to 10c a yard, Friday a yard only J-C Manufacturers' Sample Ends of All Linen Cream Damask In 2, 2ft and 3 -yard lengths worth 59c yard Friday, yard,. . Manufacturers' Sample Napkins Size 18x18 worth $2 dozen we sell them Friday In bundles of six Napkins a bundle 63c Sale of Bed Comforts Extra heavy dark Comforts large CQ size sewed-f Friday each DJC 200 Dozen Sample Neckwear Principal colors worth 15c each Friday from 9 to 12 a. m. each only JC Ladies' Handkerchiefs 5c Each 300 dozen mirA Ifnan hand AmhrnM. reu imuai nanaKercniers worth 15c each Friday all day each, .: , Kemnants or Hllks and Velvets Over 500 yards, in lengths running from M to 3. yards in a piece both plain and fancy ef- C fects worth from $1 to $1.60 yard all go Friday at, yard. . DC Remnants of Fine Dress Linings In lengths of 1 to 6 yards these in clude French Percallne, Mercerized Sateens, Spun Glass and i Moire 8klrtlng worth up to 60c yard all go Friday at, yard. I U C 5c THE CHINA SECTION offers the 'finest selection at moderate prices, and a piece of China, cut glass, lamp or portabJs Js , sure to please. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY-150 pairs Japanese Sugars and Creams, a regu lar yoc value one pair to a JA custorner, Friday 300 only Jferman China Fruit Saucers, tinted JpinkT green or blue,' regular 10j goods Friday (one dozen to a r customer), dozen 60c, each. . .DC Buster Brovn in china, Friday 250 cups - and saucers, regular 15c . f i -valutj; t . 1UC Just tha right thins- for the little one useful, pretty. The Ijniio Moat wonderful ras mantle yet In vented. Lights it self by turning on of gas. Fits moat any burner 35 c Books! Books! We are in the book busi ness for ' fair, and occupy first place. Latest copyright books sometimes on ' our shelves .before .they reach the reviewer.1 Cut prices. ;.: '. Book Stalls Main Floor. BENNETT'S . TOY AND DOLL BAZAAR. . Greatest in the West. See the Gibson Girl, Bust er Brown and Lady Doll. Second . Floor. Bennetts Big Grocery Headquarters for the Best Values in Coffee. 1 Fresh Roasted Daily. Special Offer Friday, Dec 8 GO Green Trading Stamps with two pound, can Bennett's Break-, fast Coffee, at 48c Remember he date Special for Friday, only. 30 Green Trading Stamps with 20 pounds granulated sugar TfLOO 30 Green Trading ' Stamps -with bottle Gedney's pepper sauce. .28c BKXXKTT'H t;AXIY bKCTlOX. SPECIAL OFFEK Fresh made vanilla flavored chocolate creams, lb lOc Hundreds of novelties, each.. 5c 20 Green Trading Stamps with pound box cream bon bons, decorated with nuts and fruit 25c THURSDAY, Each. WANT ONE? COME EARLY t Every -Little Twitterer Will Go Thursday, . ' Grocery Basement. 9GS BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! Dozens on .dozens of Sweet Canary Songsters, and several charming Goldfinches and Green Linnets. Every one of them, bursting with song. O fl fl vp.UU TOY FAIRYLAND IN OUR BASEMENT largest Stock of Holiday Goods in the West HWDBS Thousands of Gilt Suggestions of Every Hand Friday's Bargain Bulletin Greatest Remnant Sale of the Season. TFUOM 8 TO 12 A. M. 20.000 yards of all wool, Bilk and wool, etc. kerseys, broadcloths, prunellas, eollennes. Panamas, Henriettas, etc. In '2 '4 to 8 yard lengths, regular price from $1.00 to $3.00 yard; all will go at. yard, 5c, 4tH 30o "J C r, and , r. aiJv FROM 2 TO 4 P.M. ' Another stem-winding sale of broadcloths, Panamas, Henriettas anJ all the new weaves of fine fall 1905 goods, worth from 76c to $2.98 yard;i 1 all will go at, yard, 4r, 3fc, 2.V, 1c rind. . . . , (,.JC 50,000 yards of all kinds of cotton goods, worth up to 39c yard; will 'Jl go at. yard.lOo. 7 4c, .V, Hc and awaV An entirely new line of cotton goods from 2 to 4 p. m. at, yard. 10c, "He. Be, 3c and ;...'... .WC Linings, up to 49c yard Forenoon, yard, 10c; afternoon, yar,, So Friday Bargains in Silks and Velvets Color China Silk, for Christmas fancy work, rn good shades V ffc at, yard. , v'.... . . I"C Groat bargains In. fancy silks on our counter center aisle in measallne. taffetas and choice patterns of foulards; those beautiful alike that r fi sold for 59c. 69c and S5c; at, yard .. Crushed velvets, plain silk, velvets, corduroys, fancy printed velvets, TIV" 75c and $1.00 values; at. yard .....,...,.. ..,j"C Plack taffeta. 19 inch, KOc (iualitv. at N . . J . .' V.v' &c ' Black peau de sole, 19 inch, 69c quality, at '. , ."I T 4V White taffeta. 19 inch. 50c quality, at . ' '""sise HERK ARE THE REST VALVES i IX AMERICA FOR THE MONEY. nr.HAAAi ur' Linens and Muslins Remnants of. table linen, in bleached and unbleached, In lengths froralH to 3 V yards and from 56 to 72 Inches wide, goods that sold from 25c to $1.50 per yard; we will sell in four lots at, per yard, ftOc, 80c, 1 1) S" ...IZiC Napkins In full dozen and odd lots (allghtly soiled), in sizes from 18x18 to 24x24, and worth from 75c to $3.00 per dozen; we will pUce In rfi three lots, at, per dozen, 80c, 80c and r ) ZrC Remnants of English long cloth, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, regular fa 10c, 12, 15c and 18c goods; to close at, yard "C Remnants of unbleached muslin (Indian Head quality), in lengths from f7 ltt to 18 yards, regular 9c quality at, per yard Remnants of bleached muslin and cambric, full yard wide;, regular 10c mi and'12Hc quality at. per yard ,j. 4 C Remnants of toweling, In lengths from IV, to yards.'regwUr' 6 V4c -r? to 15c goods; In three lots at, per yard, 8Hc flc and. : . ... . jlc Our lot of plain and linen huck towels, slightly soiled (extra long) ' m goods worth from 10c to 19c; only 6 to a customer; to close, each. . 5c unmatcnaaie Values in Our Famous Flannel and Blanket Deo " . . D u..m . uv-. ...iiduuwii, new "nensi nitures: aiso norai dcBlgns; all the staple and fancy colorings; r to close a?ut at. yard .HjC Remnants of regular 16c and 18c Arnold's high grade dress flannelette, fine stylish patterns; to close out at. jtt yard 4jC Remnants of 30 Inch wide canton (11- nannei at, yard , ujw Kemnants of regular 1Kb extra hltfh grade iiiea niaae; comes in rat variety -t 1 of stripes and checs-a,t, yard. nemnann or sc comrorter calico ' o I at, yard , JfC Remnants of 10c plain color, extra heavv outlna flannels nt ' yard 4ffC Great December Grocerv Sate '' The highest quality goods at the lowest possible prices is always the word w.v. uiuuc; ujr uujiug juur Bupuiies aero. -. ' 1 x.lh Basils fnnntf V4U nn... x . i . , . . . 4 8-lb sacks fancy high patent Minne sota nour, notning nner for family se $1.23 10 bars best brand Laundry Soap. .2flc 10 lbs. best granulated Cornmeal. .15c 6 lbs. best band picked Navy Beans 25c 6 lbs. best Pearl Sago, Barley, Farina or Hominy .25c 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice 25c Choice Cleaned Currants, per lb... 9c Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per lb.... 9c Fancy Mutr Peaches, per lb 12Jtc Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb. 12 He Choice California Prunes, per lb. . .4o The . best Lemon, Orange . or Citron Peel. Der lb ik Fancy Full Cream Cheese. Ib...l2 Young American Cheese, per lb. l2Ho The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, ... 6o OMAHA'S GREAT FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT PRICKS Fancy sweet, juicy Navel Oranges, per dozen 12 Fancy large, ripe Bananas, doz. ,13 Ho 3 measures. Fresh Roasted Peanuts lOa New Colorado Honey, per rack. . .15o Bushel , boxes of fane. .Colorado Wine Sap Apples . . .'. .1.73 Fancy new Imp. Figs, per lb 15c mtomm Sale of Toys Saturday IKIAVDEaU BR, 01AHA to CHICAGO and Return vIp ;" ILLINOIS CENTRA Dec. 16th to 19th Incluclvo AST TRAIM Leaves Omaha 6:00 P. Arrives Chicago 7:30 A. T.l. Dining Car Cervic , w r CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 FARNAM OT. n The Best Ihated Office Buildin; in Omaha Is Tke Bee Building Don't wait till cold weather; there are several choice offloea racaat now but they never stay empty long. Some fine offices at from 116.00 to $10.00 per mouth. Including heat, light, water and Janitor service R, Cr Peters C4 ' '-' . QoA . ItcauU Agenta. Bee Building. A CHATELAINE WATCH. , Opo fare or ctoaed caaa nobby, tasty patterns In gold. K. nilro. sliver. -nirKei. Any of tnrse would make a i Ire Cli list mas present for a Udy. Ur perhaps you souli like a sold brooch, or lob. or stickpin, we Imve hundred of Chrlslmu suKKestlons In our store. Spend a tew mio IN ALL SEASONS ' (I "The Overland Route" V ill Trains Equipped with Composite Observation , Cars, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Steam Heat. etc. Dining . , Cars, Meala a la Carte. i ' i ' . ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS, 4. , K J II UNION P ACIFjd 1 1 Two meals quloker to San Frnele , If than viaaay otaer line. J I Ipaulre at.. , , NX CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. ' XV uvea la our atora. . ikk lor ne naroa. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER, 1S10 IOUglM St, 322 S. 16ft St. Omaha 1517 Dallas St 1222 5outb m2.iteet OmAhA ! ssssssssai' II JEWILERS my