Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 190:5. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Strosf All Day, Except for k Ehort Break. ARMOUR INTERESTS ARE HEAVY BUYERS 411 News U of Balllah Hatirc, Arm' Ilea eteportlaer DlaiptolitUf Crop Yields Corax U Higher tMi4 tor Oats. OMAHA, Dec a, 1905. Wheat closed lc higher. The opening wu strong on higher cables and the ad vance wn steady until near noon. whn M "IS?1 back to a Point below yester day Ihe Armour Intercuts then began buying heavily and the market went back up; December closed at 7c, May at 90c, and July at 0c. All news was bullish! cropylelds"1 reporU of "appointing- .Ric?.pt". '"U1 r" 1,"ht. though about as estimated. The market was strong. , ic't'b'r closed at 46c, old December at 4tNc, May at 4fe, and July at 46o. December oats were oft a little and May JL"," '? hurJ Tnf trad w" lar"- t)ecem Xt'u"0' May " WMM' The representative of a leading cash grain house said: "Grain markets are now on a cash basis and fluctuating with supply and demand. There is usually some manlfesta- m .?T mv,try speculate over. Not all or the grains are on an export level, al though oats are at a flat export basis, but I wh'e tone of the gram markets la months" en H ln many trader In oats Baye:' "During August and September Canada was selling a good I"'n "'?,,or export. Today oats are sell ing at S7e at Toronto rate points. The Canadians are trying to buy oats In Wlnni K5' in.ey vle,,lly have sola more oats tor export than they could spare. I look to " May oats sell several cents higher." Primary wheat receipts were 723,000 bush ll'r. h,t,.n",n, M61.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 971.0UO bushels and shipments of 302,000 bushels. Primary corn K.Tr? K7'U0 OU8hel" nd shipments hlfzi, buhel. against receipts of 1.210.000 h!h! I yr and ahlpments of 304,000 crp 7 ea2f" wer ai 0" buhels of corn, 617.0W bushels of oats, 284.000 bushels ofT heat and 3o,0u0 bushels of flour. "S.Tft1 lo,"d V1- h'Khcr on wheat and d higher on corn. " mMJ.nne!K,"!l.w,r,: ' There Is no wheat moving In the eountry. Elevator people will opt ship until they can obtain May jrlce for cash wheat." , w wired: "There are bids here for Manitoba wheat at fully o over what buyers would pay yesterday. Exporters again wanted oats In the Chi cago market yesterday and sales were 600, Oiio bushels, principally for export. There was also a good demand for feed barley and sales of 200,000 bushels were made abroad. The seaboard sold 104,000 bushels or corn and 290,000 bushels of oats for ex- ' port. Omaha Cash Bales. WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car at 77c. CORN No. 4 yellow, 2 cars at S8c. Onaah Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 81iMt3c; No. 2 hard .-$8c; No. 4 hard. 74n76c; No. 2 eprlna' rSHiMc; No. 3 spring. 75r,,7Bc. CORN-NO. 2. 39a40c: No. 4, 3738c; no Kiade. 3543-37c; No. 3 yellow, 89&40C; n'o. 2 white, 40c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 28(?j28r-: No. 3 white. SKM-aWic: No. 4 white, 28i..9o. RYE No. 2, 6364c; No. 3, l2c. . , . , Carlot Receipts. . Wheat. Corn. Oata. V'kaso ...... 4 jag los Kansas City 54 66 t Minneapolis j6 unmha a 13 "jj Duluth ....... 18 Bl. Louis ,..r. 40 U 'if C"llICAOO 6rai A.D provisions Features of the Tradla and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 6 -An advance of over lc net In the price of May wheat was caused today by the extensive buying of a leading bull. The market closed near the highest point of the day, final quotations on May being up IfelV. Corn was up (frc. Oats showed a gain of. c. Provisions were 2 c higher. The wheat market was strong Ps almost U entire session. Influenced hy higher prices at Liverpool and by atrial: receipts In the northwest, the market opened firm, with Mav up o to 'h'Hc at 89iS9c. During the flrst hour there wss moderate buying by pit traders, but upon the an nouncement of large deliveries on. Decem ber contracts the same traders became sellers. The result was a considerable re action, which carried the price of the May option down to 88a. The market then rallied sharply and throughout the re mainder of the session sentiment was ex tremely bullish. The upturn was mainly due to persistent demand from the leader of the bulls, who took all offerings of May that were In sight. Total purchases of this option by this one trader are estimated at over 2,000.000 bushels. Although the strength resulted chiefly from this demand, a number of factors augumented the bull ish feeling. Among these wero liberal clearings at the seaboard and the strength of cash wheat at the principal grain cen ters In the United States. For May the highest point of the day was reached at 9oe. The market closed strong, with May at (Or.. Clearances of wheat and flour were equaj to 621,000 buahels. Primary receipts were 722.000 bushels, against 671.000 bushels a year ago.- Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 243 cars, against Cm cars last week and 7 cars one year ago. Moderate demand fnom commission houses . and shorts created a firm tone In the corn market. The light movement from the country and the poor grading of local re ceipts also lent strength to the market. The continued demand from exporters fur nished additional encouragement to bulls. The market closed Arm; May opened a shade to (6o higher at 45545c. sold between 45Sj46e and 45c and closed at 4f4c Local receipts were 136 cars, with none of contract grade. Active general demand caused strength In the oats market. Offerings were com paratively light and came largely from local longs. Enormous clearances reported at the. seaboard formed the basis of the urgent ' demand. May opened a shade to Utlfec higher at 32fi.'Ttc sold between S12Si'532g and STISiC and closed at 334j33Vc. Ixx-al receipts were 106 cars. Provisions were a trifle Busier early in tbo session as a result of sales by a local packer. On the decline, however, there was A good demand, especially for lard. In con sequence the market became firm, small gains being shown at the close. Strength of the grain markets was a bullish factor. At the close May pork was un ?4o at $1.V0. Iard was up iVtt 5o at 27.3747.40. Kibs were Kc higher at 27 .22S. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. ? cars: or.). 222 cara; osts, 31 cars; hogs, 40.AHO hesd. The lauding futures ranged as follows: Articles.) Open. Hlgh. low. Close j Yes y. Wheat Ic. May July 0rn tPeo. ; I Dec. Mmv- July Oits lec. May July Pork Jxn. Msy Lard- l.c Jan. May Rtha- Jan. Mar I 1 I Iwwtikii wvj !B4S4j-5aj WVl 4ST.I 4: I I sTH'wm' I 4&'l 4.'V 46 tlAfcl 45 4SVii 40 I 45i:46Hti! 45V 45'i SomfiSfcl SIH 8CHI 31V! so 2S''3JSi' S.t'i US'n i sni aivsivo'-l sii I 3iv! 13 S 13 sTS! 13 S) I 12 67 13 17 13 27 7 7 It! 7 33 j 12 67W U 62; 13 C' 11 60 7 45 45 7 421 7 421 7 17' 7 36 I T IS 7 40 T 17UI 7 22! 7 X.' 7 40 6 7 T Oft 7 07! 7 23 C 271 7 0?l 7 7 121 .7 21 7 17 No. 2. tOld. NW- " h auotatlons were ss follows: FljOl'R-Steady; lnter patents, t3.SSJf 4 10: straights. S3.6L$35: vpriug patents. tl.TR 4.10; stialghta, il.i)3.0; bakers, 32.26 WHEAT No 3 TirlP 261T23c: No. 2, No. 3 red. &h7i$iV.c. CORN No. t. 4c: No. 2 yellow. 4SV-. OATS No. 2. 21c: No. 2 while, 3?VuJ3c; No. 2 white. 3111320. HTE-No. . Gc. UARl.EY Oood fdlng. 37t37c; fair t choice nialtlns 4l4jfl. 6 F.ED No. 1 Flax. uc: No. 1 north western. 31.U3; prime timothy, 2U.20; clover, contract grade. 31J.0ij 13 25. Folio tn were 'the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbia , M.U 4i.a Wheat, bu lld.rt 1:,8 t'orn, bu ;49.sii JiO sf 0 Oats, bu 4ti.7"tt Zui 100 Rye. bu 1V0ij t.ft lrtey. bu.... 223.7ii0 31.7vi Oa the Produce exchann today the but ter market was firm for brat, others easy; rrmrrlf, i;i.3W; dalrtrs. 174iic Essa wete arm, at uiark. IticluJ.-d, Stc; firsts. 2iV; prime flrsta. ?!.; extras, 31c. Cheeae was quiet at llfi.1c. PROVISIONS Pork, per bhl.. 313 2'f 12 37. Ird, per 100 lbs.. 27.4267.46. Short ribs sides (loose), 17 0"4j7.12; short clear sides (boxed), $7.126 T 25. SEW YORK GKSKRAL MARKET Qaetatloaa of the Day oo Tarlona Coaaaaodltlea. NEW YORK, Pec, 6.-FDOUR-Recelr.t. 20.&MS bhls.; exports, 6.H42 bbls.; sales. 6 1"0 rkgs. ; market firm and nominally higher. Mlnneapolla patents, $48Bi.0u; Minnesota bakers, 23.65$ 4.00; winter patents, H.3tt$ 4bb: winter straights, 23.964.10; winter extras. l2.-fjJ..- winter low grades, 22.719 2.20. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 23ft 4 10; choice to fancy. $4 16-34.50. Buckwheat flour, steady, 22.163 2 20. Pl'CKWHEAT Dull. 628ic delivered. CORNMEAIy Steady; flne white and yel low, 21.26; coarse, ll.lfSUi; kiln dried, it .1.60. RYE Nominal; feeding, Sflc. e. I. t. Buffalo; malting. 44fjS7o. c. I. f. Buffalo. AV HEAT Receipts, 27,000 bu; exports, 27,264 bu; salea. $.260 bu; futures, 207,000 bu snot. Spot market firm: No. 2 red, 96c elevator; No. 2 red. tgc t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 96c t. o. b. afloat; No 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Bulls had a strong grip on wheat again to day They allowed It to drop off at noon. Inviting large abort salea, which were re placed later at hlgheet prices of the day and closed the market very Arm at &o net advance. Small Interior receipts, firmer Liverpool cables and unsettled Argentina weather alao had a bullish effect on prices. Sales Included No. 2 red May, (WGM 3-lac; cloaed Mc; December, Hig96Hc, closed CORN Receipts, 171,000 bu; exports. 133,01s bu; ssles. 104,6110 bu. spot. Spot market firm) No. 2. 0c old elevator and &.tc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, Wo; No. 2 white, I3c. Option market was without trsnsaotlons, closing net unchanged to Vtc net higher; January closed 63c, May closed He. De cember closed 66c. 2AX8R'',',P," a m bu: mixed" oats. 26 iS?.,,b"-..82c: natural white. 30-533 lbs., 27ft.1Sc; clipped. 36.CT40 lbs., 281;. FEED Firm; soring bran. $12.76, prompt shipments; middlings, $12.76, prompt ship ments. i1AXr8t'dJr! ol to choice, 8$2Hc HOPS Quiet; stats, common to choice, 1906, 14fc21c; 1904, 13l7c; paciflo coast. 1U6, KiilBc: 1904. 1014c: olds, 6(68c. HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds, 19c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. 2?J27c. PROVISIONB-Beef, steady; family $11 SO W12.60; mess. $96Off10.60; beef hams, $20,5V9 22.00; packet, $10.5fKa 11.60; city, extra India meas, $17 60-518.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled belll.a, '(i)0c; pickled shoulders. 6fl7c; pickled hams, -g9Xc. Lard. Arm; west ern steamed, $7,6557:75; refined, steadv; continent, $7.36; South American, $8.60; compound. 6fio. Pork, steady; family, f5 '2: ashor clears, $16.0OS'17.O0 ; mess, $ln.2flfI15.60. TAIJXW Easy; city r$2.00 per pkg), 4Hc; coimtry (pkgs. free). 4-S4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, V& 6c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER-Irregular: street price, extra creamery, 24S24c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 16(524c; state dairy, common to extra, 16323c; western Imitation creamery, extras, U19c; state flrsta. 17 inc.; renovated, common to extra, 16-aWc; western factory, common to firsts, 15817c. EGGS Steady ; nearby fancy, selected, white. 88ti40c; state choice, 3&SJ7o; state mixed, extra, 85c; western finest, 32c; state flrnte, SfW731c; southerns, 2130c. CHEESE Irregular; state full cream, colored and white, September fancy, 13"tc; October, large and small best, 12llo; !aM,n?Bde vrrae best, H,c; state, fair, 117llC. POULTRY Pressed, Irregular; western fhlens, 1315c; turkeys, 1218c; fowls, Kaasss City Oralo and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Pec. . WHEAT De cember, SHVlc; May. Kc: cash. No. 2 hard. 82(8 86c; No. 2. 7883c; No. 3 red. SOKftUc: No. 3. 85fflSe. CORN-becember, 40e; May and July. 40c; cash, No. 2 mixed, No. 2 white. 4144c; No. 2. 41c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, S2c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 25c; case count, 24c; cases returned, c lens. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $11.0Ptfn.60; choice prairie, $9 0Ofi9.50. . . RYE Steady, 63it)64c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2Tc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, btl 66.000 GO.flOO corn, bu 118,000 - W.iXrt Oats, bu ...... 17.000 18.000 Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'-. Wheat Dec... May... July... Corn Dec..., May... July... Oats Dec... May... Pork Jan.... May,.. Lard Jan..., May.., SO n 7W4 81-acS 82 81 77 77 76 40 40 ' 40 40 40ii'S 40 4 0 40 . 40 SO 30 30 81 31 31 13 62 13 62 IS 40 13 47 13 62 13 40 7 12 7 17 7 12 7 30 7 82 7 27 281HS 77 . . 77 51 401 & 40 40 40 SO) 30 31210 12 67 13 57 1$ 60 13 46-47 7 17 7 22 7 15 7 30 St. Loots Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. I.-WHBAT- Higher; No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 8K(63c; track, 94a6c: December, 84c; May, 88c; No. 2 hard, 86S87e. CORN Higher; No. 2 caah, 42c; track. 43444c; December. 41c: May, 43c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 32c; track, 22&33c; No. 2 white, S3c; December, 31c; May. S2tf32c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.30 4H&0; extra fancy and straight, $3.9034.25: clear, $2.K-(f3.10. SEED Timothy, steady, $3.6Oa2.$0, CORN MEAL Steady $160. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, 73 74c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.00&15.00; prairie. $9.0 11.00. IRON COTTON TIE8-31.01. BAGGING &V.C. HEMP TW!NE-7c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady: Jobbing, $11. Lard, higher; prime steam. $7.10. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $8; short clears, $8.26. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear ribs. $8.75; short clear, ft, POULTRY Firm, chickens, gc; springs. 104111c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 10c; geese, 54l8c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2ie26c; dairy, IS'bSIc. EGGS Quiet. 24c case count . . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.UI0 l!tno Wheat, bu 40.000 64no Corn, bu 63.(100 73,000 Oats, bu i7,000 70.000 Mlaaeapolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 6.-FLOUR Quiet r stents, $4.704j4.80; second patents, UbiiQ u; first clears. $J.M3.75; second clears. $2-4afl2.5i. BHAN In bulk, $12.00. (Bupeiior quotations for Minneapolis de livery.) The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day Co.. 110-111 board of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. ) Close.l Yes y. Wheat Dee... May.. July.. Flax IMc... May.. 83' 82 S3 7 87 T!8i4. 82 iaTVn 1 oav. 27 I 001 1 0 1 06'...... 1 00 104 1 ui 1 us Minneapolis Cash Cloae Wheat: No 1 hard, 87c: No. 1 northern, 8c; to ar rive, 6tc; No. 3 northern, 84V; to arrive 84c; No. 2 northern, 82s3c; No. ! durum 73.'; No. 2 durum, 72c. Corn: No. 3 yellow' 4Jo; No. 3, 42c. Oats: No. 3. 'white! Wo; No. 2, Ibc. Barley: 24j4c. I Flax $1.W. Rye: 61tCc. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter. 6s 7d Futures steady; December, 6s lltd; March' 6s lld; Msy. 6s 10d. arcn. CORN Spot, quirt; American mixed. 4s 10d. Futures, quiet; January, 4s Vd; March, 4s 44. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Dec. 4 -CORN-Steady ; No I yellow. 43o: No. 2, 43c; No. 4. 42W;: no grade. V&40c. OATS-Hlgher; No. 3 white. $lc; No 4 white. 3&o. WHISKY-$1.3tt. St. Joaeuo Live Stork Market. 8T. JO8EPH. Mo., Dec. $. CATTLE Receipts, 2 166 head; market steady; na tives. W oouo.10; cows and heifers. $1.6tli 5 10; stockers and feeders. $2.763(0. H0418 Receipts. .46) hrad; market steady; llnht. MTOrjt.W; medium and heaw. $4tMri6(. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. r bead; market steady to weak. Milwankeo Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 6,-WHEAT-Market c higher; No. 1 northern. 7xjg&c; No i nurthern. $4fi86'; Mav. ujic. H Y K Finn ; No. I 7k BARLEY-Dull: .No. 2. $4rU; aarapk, 27tifc4c CoKN-Dull; Msy. iV,c bid. . NEW TORIi STOCKS AND BUNDS Great Tarietj of Dealing! ii the FTinolpal Ftatort of the Day. MARKET ADVANCES AT SPECIAL POINTS Floetaatleas Are XarrOw aad Vol a a a of Treasactlens la Below the Averaajo cioslac Tas Is Weak. NEW YORK, Dec. 6 The conspicuous feature In the stock market continued to be the great variety of different Issues In which business was recorded, rather than the great bulk of the aggregate . trans actions. Advances at speclsl points also were more notable than the upward "movo nient In general. There were many prom inent market leaders. In fact, which moved narrowly ail day and in which the volume of dealings was rather below th-t above the normal. Nevertheless, the speculative spit It was very much alive and diligent In making ventures upon even the slightest suggestions calculated to di rect llj There were occasional pauses In the violent advancing tendenoy which were pretty closely coincident with the par oxysmal advances In the rail money rate. The spurts In the money rate seemed to have the effect of simply checking opera tions until the lata flight to 25 per cent weakened the whole market. There was no evidence of an enforced liquidation caused by extensive calling of loans and shifting of accounts. It seemed to be U10 determination of speculative operators to pay their rates for money demanded and to await the clearing up of the money putloon withcut sacrificing their holdings. It wan very obvious that steady realising had been conducted throughout at some very Important points In the market. This was especially true of Union Pacific, which was steadily fed to the msrket at a frac tional advance over last night and which made the highest price of the day immedi ately after the opening. There was the same tendency manifest In the United States Steel stocks and Reading also "owed the effect of a similar process. Added Jo this was tha effect of profit taking In some of the specialties which have risen most violently ln the recent trading. Vague rumors of mergers con tributed a large Influence In this class of speoulatlon. Iad, the Southern Iron .?ck,an1 the Junior Vanderbllta were all subject of such rumors, none of which was new ln any particular. The relapse in lead was especially violent, and New York, Chicago and St. Louis, which again lead the Vanderbilt movement, lost all of its sensational gain on the reaction. The declaration of only the regular dividend on American Smelting deprived that stock of one cause of stimulation ln the rumors o;.' promised Increase In tha dividend. The Gould group of railroads were dis tinctly strong, In sympathy with one an other. The list of substantial leaders which shared In the day's advances was small, however. Amalgamated Copper had the advantage of another advance In the price of copper. The day's subtreaaury figures showed the loss of the banks to that institution since Friday swelled to $3,125,000. yester day s transfer of $1,000,000 being Included. New York exchange at Chicago rose to 25 points premium from yesterday's 10-cent rate Ip response to the Increased demand for money here. Foreign exchange was less affected In spite of the realisation in rprelgn money markets, but exchange ratas yielded during the day. Speculative dis cussion of the money outlook dwelt upon the certainty of the greater ease of money to be expected In January, whatever may be the course ln that market between now and the end of the year. The pressure to realise Incrased conalderably In the stock market towards the end of the day and carried Union Pacific a point under last night and many other prominent stocks a fraction. The closing tone was weak. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,460,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Quotations on the New York Btock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Closo. Adams Ex , 40 Amal. Copper ' 109.700 92 20 90"4 Am. Car & p 14,200 42 41 41 do pfd 101 Am. Cotton Oil : 4,310 27 So , 36 do pfd 500 93 82 92 Am. Ex 221 Am. H. L. pfd 3.900 37 86 3 Am.. Ice Securities,,.. 7,600 ,36 '24' 94 Am. Linseed Oil...... 1,900 ' 23 20 "22 do Pfd 2.100 45 43 4.1 Am. Locomotive ... 10,209 72' 70 "O do pfd 300 118 117 117 , Am. Smelt. A. R 18.700 163 151 162 do pfd 700 131 129 . 129 Am. Sugar Refng:... 28.6HO 143 140 142 Am. Tob. pfd ctf l.luO 108 108 107 Anaconda M. Co..... 7,500 180 168 158 ' Atchison 2,2(10 87 80 8i do pfd 000 104 KB 10 Atlantic Coast Line.. 100 161 161 100 Bait. & Ohio 13riO 113 112 112 do pfd 200 97 97 97 Brooklyn R. T 72.200 87 86 85 Canadian Paciflo 403 174 173 173 Central of N. J 221 Ches. A Ohio 16,100 56 64 54 Chi. & Alton 1 S2 do pfd 76 Chi. Gt. Western .... 2.8n0 21 SH) 20 Chi. ft N. W l.iOO 221 218 218 C. M. St. P 19,300 178 177 177 Chi. Term. & T 17 do pfd 28H C, C. C. & St. L.... 2.900 101 ion ?9 Colo. Fuel & Iron 7.800 48 47 47 Colo. Southern .... 3.800 29 ift 9 do 1st pfd -1.600 69 66 67 do 2d pfd 2 900 46 45 . 46 Consolidated Gas .... 1.3u0 177 176 176 Corn Products 13.300 15 14 15 do pfd 3,700 66 64 64 Del. & Hudson 900 226 22a 224 D. , L. W 460 Den. A Rio G 21.100 39 30 27 da pfd 1.900 . 90 89 89 Distillers- Securities..- 5.900 4 48 48 Erie 11,700 48 48 47 do 1st pfd 800 80 80 80 do 2d pfd 600 73 73 78 General Electric 00 185 184 184 Hocking Valley 108 Illinois Central 700 178 177 176 Inter. Paper 11.400 So 24 24 do pfd , Inter. Pump .... do pfd Iowa Central ... do pfd K. C. Southern 1.400 8 87 87 27 ...v. 8S .... 4 800 28 27 28 .... 8.i0 69 68 68 .... 1,600 21 SO 2o do pfd 1.300 IU SI 62 Ixnils. A Nashville .. 2,600 152V. l&n 160 Manhattan L 3-0 1C'" ltt1! !? Met. Securities !V100 74 72 7a Met. St. Ry 23.800 120 117 117 Mex. Central 1,600 24 22 23 Minn. A St. L 100 81 81 80 M . St. P.. A 8. 8. M. 0 138 138 137 do pfd 100 100 100 104 Missouri Pacific 12.300 12 101 101 M.. K. A T 43.100 39 30 38 do pfd 2.8110 6 6 08 National Lead 61.600 86 80 80 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 36 N. Y. Central 23.2o0 163 161 151 N. V.. O. A W I.SijO 63 51 51 Norfolk A Western.. 700 K4 84 83 do pfd MO 9U 5j a North American 7,000 1H 100 10 Pacific Mall 4.400 62 61 M PennHylvanla 19.104 1 139 m People's Ous 2.300 Id4 14 lot P., C, C. A St. L .... 1-10 81 81 80 l-rersed Steel Car.... 9,-i-O 68 60 5ti do pfd 2.20i 101 luu 1(K Pullman Palace Car 242 Reading 11.200 126 136 134 do 1st pfd - 92 do 2d pfd 94 Republic Steel 26.000 84 3.1 33 do pfd 2.400 1-6 , 104 104 Rock Island Co 7. 27 20 do pfd 2.900 8 7 67 ttubber Goods 38 do pfd 10.' St. U A 8. F. 2d pfd. 900 62 o 40 St. Ixmls S. W 1.7 23 22 ti do pfd 1W 69 68 58 Southern Pacific tl.TtO 08 07 67 do pfd 400 K-0 120 130 Southern Railway . . 4,w 36 34 84 do pfd 3u0 99 99 99 Tenn Coal A Iron.... 24,600 130 15 127 Texas A Pacific 11,300 24 S3 24 T.. St. L. A W So do pfd 7(0 67 5 57 Vnton Pacific 72.20 130 1& la: do pfd 100 9t 90 90 V. 8. Ex 113 U. 8. Realty 84 V. 8. Rubber 2.M0 66 54 64 do 1st pfd 400 llo 100 109 U. 8. Steel M 37 87 37 do pfd 14.0UO lot lu4 103 Va. -Carolina Cbeiu... ICX) 46 41' 42 do pfd 114 113 mu Wabaah l.lou 21 io :. do pfd S.Uoj 42 41 41 Wells-Fargo Ex itf Wesilughouae Kleo... 171 171 170 Western t'nion to Ji J 9- W. A 1 E 14) 10, 18 18 ua. Central :uu Z8 3 do pfd , ss Northern Pacific .... 1U 197 196 196 Central Leather 8aj 46 44 44 do pfd 2.4U0 106 106 104 Bloa.i-8heftVld UOuO 94 91 81 Total sales for tha day, 1.211,100 shares. Treaanry Blalaancut. WASHINGTON. Deo. 4 -Today s stata. manl of tlie tiraaury balance in tha general fund, exclusive vf the iau,0u0,vuv guld rs- serve, shows: Available cash balance, $136 $f6.642; gold coin and bullion $84,170,717; gold certificates, $63,107,760. Sew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Dec. ft. MONEY On call, strong and higher, ltt26 per cents; closing bid, 20 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time money strong; sixty days, 7 per cent; ninety dsys and six months, 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFER-JHfaC per cent. SILVER Par, 64c; Mexican dollars, 49c. STERLING EXCHANGE - Weak, with actual business 4n bankers' bills at $4 8623-9 4.8530 for demand and at $4.82204.$22t fo sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.63-04.83 and 4 MH47; commercial bills. $4.82. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were at fol lows: v. a. ret. ts. J.Pn fa. M serlei.. ...ln to 4St. 'H ...Ml 1 60 14 wrlM ' ...Kill t,. N. ant. 4 1MH ...lm Manhattan e. . 4s.. im ...104 Mx. Contra! 4a it ia ceupoa . 17. H. . rag do oousoa .. U g. ol4 4a, 4a eoupoa ., IT. B. new 4a, 4o eosDo ., raf ..inn tt mc. .. J ..ia:Minn. St. L. 4s.... tt .. at M , K. T. 4a 1M4 ..114 . 60 In MS ..lft:4 H. R. R. ot M. a. 4a. 4 .. J N. V. r. . I4a t N. J. C. (. U tMVi ..1114 Ko. Parlse 4a.. .;.....!- Am. Tobaccs 4a.. 6s la stcblaoa (. 4a... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a Bal. 4k Ohio 4a..., fle I'M M do Si 7T 1M S 1MH Brk. R. T. e. ... N. W. Cantral ot Oa. s. do lit ISO do Id tnc ...111 o s. u rftf. KH Fin. onv. (Ha. Reading Ran. ini do M Jno TI4 St. U 1. M. a. la.. 114 Chea. St Ohio 4Ha...lflvt St. U I. f. If. 4a f hiraro 4r A. tH.... f-W St. L. S. W. a. 4a... It C, B. Q. a. Paabnard A. L. 4a.... M C, R. t. at P. 4a.... 74 So. Parlflo 4a do col 6a do Irt 4a rtfa MH rrc. St at. L. t a..l(lt4 . Raltwar ta 1M Colo. Ind. la. aar. A. 7 Taxaa p. la tK4 do aertea B U T., St. L. A W. 4a.. Mv Toiorado Mid. 4a T7 - In Ion Paciflo 4a 104 Colo. A Bo. 4l 44' do ennr. 4a Uh Cuba 6a loou V ft. Btl Id ta Ht V. A R. O. 4a lOIUWabaah 1 UK Mattllara' 8m. 6a.... 11 i do dab. R T Erla prior Han 4a... .101 Waatarn Md. 4a. 67-4 do n. 4a l W. A U E. 4a 2 Hocklna Val. 44a....ll iWla. Caatral 4a N Japan fa rS Offered. Bastaa Stacks and Boada. BOSTON. Dee. (.-Call loans. 6-ff per cent; time loans. 6 per cent. Official quo tations on stocks and bonds were as fol lows: Atchlaos adj. 4a do 4a Ma. Central 4a. Atchison ........ do pfd Rnatoa Jt Alhanv . M Waiting, eommon ... U .KM 4 Adrantura 1 . 1 AlltMial 41 . MH Amal(amat4 .1"3 ' Amartraa Zlno IVa ..Ki Atlantic ?4 Hoatno A Maine. ...118 aar-ai u axa ...IM Hon on Kleratad ...lit Centennial ... S ... 7m ... i ... ... 14 ... ... !! ...IS ... 6 ... K ... n ...110 ... T4 ...IK ... 10 ... 87 ... M ... -4 ... s ... ... t ...i:vi ... 47 j Fltchburg pfd 141 V( Copper. Ranie mcaican 1 euirai Jjvj pair Waat .. "N. T.. N. H. H..104 Franmin .... Pers Marquette 69 Iale Rorila . llnloa Parlflo 11.-.H Mm, Mining mer. arge. inra... jit, Mlchlian no pia Amer. Pneu. Tuba 4 Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Amer. Susar .Ill Old Dominion do pfd , Amor. T. A T , Ainer. Woolea ..... do pfd Dominion f. ft g.,, General Klectrte .... Maes. Rlectrto do pfd Mana. Gaa t'nlted rrult Cnlted Shoe Marh.. do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Bid. Asked. .134 Oeceola .131 Parrot . 46 Oulncy .105 Shannon . It Tamarack .14 Trlnlt . II United Copper . .40 V. 8. Mining... . V. B. Oil .104 I'tah . t4 Victoria . SI Winona . 37 IWolrarina .101 North Butt ... London Closing" Stocks. I.ONDON. Dec. . Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Coneola, money Me N. T. Central. do account Norfolk A W.. Anaconda 6 do pfd Alchlaon T Ontario A W.. do pfd 104V, pennaylranla . Baltimore A Ohio. .. .1164 Rand Mines ... ..153-, .. 66 .. 66 .. 5 .. 73 .. 7 .. 70V, .. 41 ., 61) .. tt ..103' .. 70V, ..140 V, Canadlaa Pacific 1" Readlnc Chea. A Ohio... Chlcaso Ot. W, C, M. A St. P. De Beers Dearer A R. O do pfd Erla de lit pfd.... do id ofd.... 4'1, do let pfd 31 Hi do 3d pfd 12 Southern Railway I' do pfd ft Southern Paciflo .. IV, Union Paelflo 40 do pfd W ,TJ. g, steal .... ia4 ....107 761 do pfd ... Illlnola Central 11 wafcaah 21 41 UtuleTlll tulBTlll Naah...l6i do pfd . A,?'..t JT'il ,k, sesni'h 4a SILVER Bar steady, 29 l-16d 14 1 ner mince A mun6i- per cent. The ratO Of OiSCallnt In tha nnn nai-kl for short bills Is 2ili9-l per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. . - - 1 . . 111 New Tork Mlnfnar Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. , Closing1 quotations m mining siocks wers as follows: Adams Con TB tittle Chief Allca ft Rrwca 40 Brunawlrk Cos 66 Coraatock Tunnel .... Cob. Cal. A Va.....l Horn Sllrar ,'....170 Iron Sllrer .....-',.."..664 Leadvllle Csa....v... i Ofttaeisy oihir !....., Thaeiili Potoal Harass ......... Sierra Neraia Small Hopes . Btaadard ...... . 6'5 .4M . 1 .11 . 64 . II . II .in Bank ClenVtaga. OMAHA, Dec. . Bank clearings for today ware 21.284,141.92 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,376,487.82. . Wool Market. BOSTON. Deo. . WOOL Stocks of do. mestlu wool In Boston are very small In a market which ta unusually dull. It Is esti mated that the year will go out with the smallest stocks for several seasons. Foreign wool Is in relatively better, supply than domestic, though It Is aald that good proportion of tha wool now In bond at this port Is held for manufacturing account. There has been a fair demand for territory wools. Pulled wools are atilat. with a few I sales of A supers at 62itilc, and U s at wot('joi.-. ivaaing quotations rouow: onio and Pennsplvania XX and above, 23)6c; X, 2436c; No. 1, 40j41c; No. 2. 4mg4lc; fine unwashed, 272So; quarterblood tin. washed. 84-iasKf: three-eighths blood, 4:i5c; half-blood. 34&35C; unwashed delaine, nixgilc; Una washed delaine. 3tjS37a; Michigan tins unwashed, 2bYn,7c: quarter-blood, un washed, 83&34o: three-eighths blood, 83(g34o; half-blood, 83f04c; unwashed delaine, 28c: Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter blood, 24iiC3c; territory, 4daho fine, 22-fr23c; heavy fine. flne medium, 22 ?23c; medium. 27fe3Rc; low medium, 27iJ(!8c: Wyoming fine, 22-fi 22c; dine heavy. 19ic: nl?n?TdJLlTty'r Sd2 nm,h.2if?Cfcl-U11i &?:ai,."nJ:- 23534c: medium.- 27 ,ow medium" 27tfi MonUna flni chops' 204227? ."'. S 2MSanefl medium0 choiWc; 24a25c; .tap... 2; medium choice. 280 LONDON Dec a wOfll Tha atthewort.JcUon' ii.oao oaies. inere was a large attendance. The selection was a superior one and com petition was spirited. Merinos were taken chiefly by the home trade. Germany pur chaaed a moderate quantity of Hoggetta. Fine light half-hreds were taken by Amer icans up to is 2d. They also secured a few lots of Victorian new clip, superfine greasy combings, at Is 4d. Scoured a were In good demand and cross-breds were firm. Fol lowing are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 1.200 bales; scoured. 8d(r4d; greasy, 4lls2d. Queensland. 700 bales; greasy, 3-fil0d. Victoria, 2.70O bales; scoured. 10dt3'-'s: greasy, 0Sls4d. South Australia, 1,100 bals; scoured. Is9d; irreaav. 7drila9H wt iuitMli. iwa 1 bales; greasy, 6lls Id. Tasmania, 48 bales; greusy, in xa't)is 3-,a. New Zealand, 1.800 bales; greosy, 7d6!s!d. Cspe of Good Hope and Natal, 100 bales; scoured. Is M't lstkl.- ST. IX)i:i8. Dec. 6.-WOOL Steady; me dium gradesc combing and clothing, 2633HCJ light fine, flraic; heavy flne, 19-fjhc; tub washed, 334j41c. Mstal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. a. METALS The Lon don tin market reported anotner gain of about 12s 6d to 15a to prices and a pot closed at 160 16s and futures at 157 17s 4d. Locally the market was firm in sympathy and spot Is now quoted at 833.02435 15. Copper also was higher abroad, closing at 77 17s 4d for spot and 77 2s 4d for futures. Tha local market remains very firm, with Im mediate supplies very scanty and supplies for future shipment very firmly held. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at 217.874 18.00 and casting at 317.til,t17.67. Leadwaa firm and unchanged at e5.i6'5.5 In tha local market. In London an advance of 10s was reported, with spot closing at 17. Spelter continued firm, with London closing at 28 12a d and the local market at 40-a 440. Iron was unchanged In tha Engliah markets with standard foundry closing at 6:'s and Cleveland warrants st 63s. The focal Iron market was firm. No. 1 foundry north ern ts quoted st 18.76fcl8.36; No. 3 foundry northern. Il8.25-31a.ka; No. 1 foundry south ern. tl8.5-luvi8.75; No. 8 foundry southern tl8.00-jjl 26. "wumriii, PARIS, Dec. a Trading on tha Bourse today opened with a further advance and thereafter heaviness and inactivity pre vailed. Toward the clcae heavy ptirchaaea of luternatlunala steadied the market and cauaed an upward tendency. Ruaaian Im perial 4a were quoted at 41.00 and Russian bonds of 1U4 at 43.00. BERLIN. I"c. sPrlces on the Bourse today wero firmer on Premier Rouvler'a statement yesterday regarding tha Interest on Russian securities. Russian Imperial 4s ross 86-luO of 1 per cent. Russian bank share want up 8 per cent. Americana were highar and domestic share were firm. ' TetleA Bfarkat. TOLEDO, Dec. a. SEED Clover, cash and December. 88.16; January. 88 22; Febru ary. ta.27; March. 88 Si.- Uoagthj. tirlm. .sti prtmo alauka, t us '' OMAflA LIVE STOCK MARKET 6teera Dull tnd Lower, with Cowl Aotira aad Steady. HOG MARKET OPENED WEAK AND LOWER Moderate Raa ot Rheea aad laaaba, with Vry Kew Fat oa Sale Feeder "aeep Steady to Easier. SOl'TH OMAHA, Dec. 6, 1905. Receipts wcrs: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... (,ot v i.m 6.0.9 ... 2.923 . 11.024 12.1Ht ... $.201) 10.300 11,000 Official Monday Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Three days this week..l6.8 Thia days last week. .11.786 Bama week oelors 14.664 bama three weeks ago.. 19.804 Sams four weeks ago....18.lT7 Same dava last vr 11 ua S5.712 20.121) a.:t4 2ISIM0 M.l'ii 41,091 14 0.15 17.6HK 18,169 13.1h7 27.S94 RECEIPTS FOR THU YEAR TO DATE. ins following table shows tha receipts of cauls, hogs and sheep at South Omaha year- 'r 10 aat' nomP,m wlln la,t 1906. 1S04 Inci. Deo. t,1'1" 96,77 886.124 80,662 Ms 2.112.12 lli9,tiS7 U.M -".' l.4i,3a 1.1.J 2tAI.64 following uble shows the average zIllL0xtJ"" l Bouth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: I 1&0. 11904. 1902. 102. 1901. 100. 1899. I 1 111 4 47! 4 I3i 1 90 Nov. 14 4 86 4 47 4 Ml 4 63 I I 021 4 1W 8 SI Nor. 17. 18. 11. 20., 21. 22. 22. 24., 26. 2. 27., 4 71 14 4., 10 411 14 82 1 Nov. I 2 84 7 4 S6I 4 891 a si 5 42' jvov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 4 bl, 4 461 6 291 t Ml 4 78 4 68 4 . a 4 44 t 281 4 731 4 441 4 941 I 81 4 75 4 781 t 82 1 81 I 84 a m a 82 1 77 57 1 l 4 61 4 Ml I 76 4 78 4 78 m 4 69 4 72 a 4 49 4 211 4 20 18 4 181 4 04 , 4 20 tl a 4 4' 6 at) I 741 I 781 6 73 4 521 I 4 n 4 1i 4 7 8 7S t 73 8 63 8 71 8 74 8 74 is.. 4 49 4 241 02 4 71 29.. 20.. 1... 2... ... 4... 6... ... 4 B3 ee 4 92 4 40 09 t ani 4 ,4 4 24 4 24 4 :n B w 14 o I 4 3 4 42 4 48 091 Wl 4 87 5 95! 4 47 4 40! 13 I 88 14 4l f ?!' . 4.1 4 27 4 1 6 rii 4 obi 2 81 1 Bl 24, t 05 14 77 2 80 24 09 4 84 S bt 4 39 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. ilia following won- snows ma prices paid at the river markets for csttle: Good to choice corn-fed steers 26.009t5.40 talr to good corn-fed steers 4.75frJ0.00 j-uiiiiiraii iu tair corn-tea steers.... i.oo-t. yvyni cnuice range Deer steers ralr to rood ninn hmf .t 4.264.50 6tf4 26 3.2o4.26 Fair to good ranis href ilwrn Good to choice cows and heifers Fair to good cows and heifers... Fair to good western cows Canners and cuitnra 2.6l8'3.30 l.50Qi2.76 1.76-3.50 Good to choice stockers & feeders.. 3.754.10 Fair to good stockers & feeders.... 2.6043.40 RANGE OF PRICKS. Cattle. Hogs. . Omaha , l.tMuu $4.6k04.87 Chicago 1.26fe85 4.toa0.06 Kansas City 4.uxu4.9i , St. Louis 2.006.80 4.6u-a6.00 Sioux City 2.IAKU6.50 4.7ma4.8& i tie ottii ial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hon. Sheen.H'r's. m. at Bl. f. ny.., is Wabash 2 Mo. Pacific 6 Union Pacific System. 41 C. & N. W east 7 C. 4k N. W., west 41 C, St. P., M. A. O... 14 C, B. 4V vj., east 5 C, B. U . west 80 C, R. I. dk P., east... 10 C. R. I. ot P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great West.. Total Receipts 212 14 2 1 3 26 13 10 1 29 19 10 5 8 1 .. 25 8 I 1 1 5 4 .. 148 ' 44 "l The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 490 1,638 Swift and Company.. ...... 1,802 947 Cudahy Packing Co 836 4,005 Armour & Co 887 2,282 Cudahy P. Co., Sioux City .... Cudahy P. Co., Country.. 22 .... Vanaant At Co.- , 166 .... Carey .., ,. i&g Ijobman A Co. 24 '. .... McCreary , 33 .... ' W. I. Stephen "187 Hill A son 97 .... Huston A Co 69 ....' Hamilton & Rothschild,..- 49 .... L. F. Hubs ,.. ,.,.119 .... Wolf A Murnan 239 .... Mike Haggerty 204 .... Sol Dcgan 1 '.., J. B. Root A Co 203 Bujlan A Klino 1 Nelson Morris 67 Other buyers 544 - 6,60a 638 980 2,lt2 725 464 Total CA'ITLE There was .6,708 9,932 10.497 muotcate run of cattle on the market this morning, but up to 10 o'clock only about half or tne atocK had been brought up and placed In shape to be ahown. Up to noon 193 cara, about 4.800 head, of cattle were received. The run for the three days this week Is larger by about 4,0u0 head lhau the run for tne first three days of last week and as com pared with the corresponding three days of tire same week last year the run Is larger by about 3,600 head. The market on beef steers opened rather uneven, the trade waa hardly active and tlieru waa but little beef stock on the mar ket before 10 o'clock. Packers were out with the evident Intention of buying the stuff lower. However, tha market opened with trade slow and Inclined to be a Uttla looking for the better class ot stock and terday. Thar was a moderate run or cowa and heifers on the market this morning and there was a moderate demand for good S - and ilao" by' outaTd. bitiSr.. wl.K the result that the're was a fairly brl.k trad. ofTsUrdav P V " stockers and feeders on the market this rocountVybuy: .WSS dbewrltn' pZH tWtow.Y VhVn 7..' ot Inclined to accept the common -V sacrifice. The trading was rather slow. while prices ware generally a dime lower on the common and medium grades and steady to a little easier on the better clsss of feeding cattls. .... Representative salea: BEEF STEERS. No. 43.., 71... 1.. 1.. I.. 1.. At Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 1314 I K 14 1417 4 31 lit 4 86 - COWS. M 1 t 1 1164 36 sue 1 01 s net 1 76 M0 I 31 II M IK 1040 I tl M K0 I 61 750 I 16 17 Ill tie ' COWS AND HEIFERS. 774 t IU BULLS. 14... 1... 1... I... 17... 40... 14... 1019 I 46 I...., mi t a CALVES. ...... 431 t 61 I.... 386 54 1.... Ill 4 II ..160 140 lit) 4 50 1401 e sroi vE;;.-. Avn k-erdfk 764 I S 13 40 I II WEH TEKINB ISf.BKASKA 7 cows c97 2 90 1 steer 89) 8 cows 9.10 2 00 1 steer 900 5 cows 1032 8 30 1 steer 920 3 00 8 30 2 60 1 90 1 50 8 10 3 2i 2 75 8 40 4 cows 966 2 60 . 17 heirers.. W-3 1 cow 810 2 10 6 calves... 8"S 2 cows IOoO 2 10 23 feeders.. K78 4 cows 9fi0 8 00 28 feeders.. 6U1 18 cows 772 2 06 4 feeders.. 840 8 cows 6fi2 1 00 2 feeders.. 1155 28 cows 979 ! 90 WYOMING. 26 cows 1008 2 75 22 heifers. .1007 75 Colorado. 17 cows 10" J 2 70 17 feeders. JOSO 8 15 MONTANA. 1 27 feeders.. t4 8 75 M. J. Gray Idaho. 199 feeders. 962 8 40 2t feeders.. 162 8 00 16 feeders. .1001 8 00 W. T. Whalsy Wyo. 2 feeders.. (45 4 00 2 feeders.. 645 8 00 HOOS There was a liberal run of hogs on the market this morning. 155 cars, about lO.soO head, being reoelved up to noon today. The receipt of hogs for the week so far have been very liberal, 24.212 bead being received. This Is considerably larger than the run for the first three days of last week, but st the same time la lust a trifle smaller than tha run for tha corresponding days of the asms week one year ago. Th market this morning on hogs opened slow and draggy. with packers trying to buy the stuff a nickel lower. Sellers, how. ever, held on well, and as a result ths maiket later 011 In the day firmed up con siderably and cloaed the day with prices that were practically ateady with thoss of yesterday's close. The bulk of the sales today were made In the neighborhood of 8480414 86. while toppy loads of ho were selling mostly at M 87. Oenrrally speaking, the market and trade at this point ts in a good, healthy condition. Representative cales: Na A. aa.PT.- ha Sk. V ee 11a ... it 4; jh 4 4 M14 J U4 .;. 4 14 11 Jit at I . 44 11 4 4 TS 61 t ire 1 s I. ...... ,111 40 4 77-4 61 ! lr 4 le, 17 ' l 40 4 M 47 M7 40 4 IO) 4 17 ... 4 10 73 tsl 140 4 llv 117 ... 4 14 It ,.3M 44 4 13-4 66 ?' 140 4 64 Tl Ill ... 4 lr 4 31 100 4 SO Ik :0 SO 4 Ma 17 to ... 4 to 04 HI 10 4 ItVt 44 Ill ... 4 64 It 114 SIN II 141 ... 4 10 II 114 ... 4 M 11 l6 ... 4 00 46 144 40 4 61 4 303 SO 4 eft 61 o rO 4 M 4 317 ... 4 60 61 t 110 4 66 61 110 10 4 60 46 ISI ... I II 41 11 ... 4 IS 41 114 60 4 6 3 tl 130 4 63 .. 141 H I U 74 3.16 Ml 4 6li 66 Ill 90 4 66 71 211 110 4 f4 14 370 10 4 66 14 t"4 4 111 66 Ill ... 164 41 371 40 4 l!V 66 137 SO 4 66 K 3M 40 4 14 141 60 4 66 40 316 ... 4 ItS 76 341 60 4 H 15 t4 ... 4 lt4j 44 346 40 4 U '64 1?4 ... 4 13V, 14 Ml 364 4 t6 4 314 ... 4 ? OO Ill 140 16 4 Ill 40 4 12-4 M 4 364 4 a) 61 170 60 4 43-4 67 Ill 40 4 IS II 331 10 4 13V, 1i 161 tOO I 66 44 111 144 4 !V 41 364 ... 4 46 I 60 4 11-4 II 341 40 4 II II 361 60 4 63-4 47 3C7 60 I 66 ITS 60 4 11 6i in tie I II 0 363 40 4 13-4 64 Ill ... 4 17 41 lit 00 4 61V, 40 144 ... 4 17-4 77 t4 44 4 ltV 46 Ill 60 4 17-4 47 371 t 4 63-4 41 t&l 14 4 17-4 SHEEP There wss a moderats run of aheep on tha market this morning, forty one cars, about 11.2-0 head, being received up to noon. The run of the flrst three days of the week totals 28.444 head, which Is nearly the same as the run for the same three days Isst week, when 28,80 head of sheep were received, while the receipts for the corresponding three days of the samo week last year were 14,035 head. Just about half ths slse of this week's run. There was very little good, choice fat stuff on the market this morning, while there was a moderats demand for this kind of stock from the packers, who were, evi dently wanting some fat sheep. The mar ket was reasonably active, and generally speaking prices wers In practically the same notches as yesterday, there being no quotable change. This applies only to the class of stock Oh the market today, how ever It Is probable that had there been any good choice sheep on the market this morning It would have found ready sale at prices that wers considerable stronger than those of the previous day. The larger portion of the sheep placed on the market today consisted of feeder sheep, with a larger sprinkling of warmed-up and short-fed sheep. There were quite a num ber of country buyers In. so that trading wss reasonably active and the market opened at prices that were mostly steadv with yesterday, while good choice stuff found ready sale at prices that were In some cases a little stronger than those of the previous dsy. guotationn on fat sheep snd lambs; Oood to choice fed lambs, 87.007.40; good to choice range lambs, 84.90447. 80; good to choice yearling wethers.'; good to choice old wethers, tu.0Cii8.00; good to choice old ewes. t5.0O4i6.4O. Quotations for feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lambs. tn.fimrrt.OO; good feed ing yearling, t4.75i9a.26: good feeding wethers. M-604 4. 75; good feeding ewes, t3.60 44.10; breeding ewes, 4.OR6.00. representative aales: No. at. Pr. Wyoming cull ewes 09 8 00 273 Wyoming feeder ewes 82 8 75 1234 Wyoming feeder ewes 42 8 75 818 Wyoming cull lambs 43 4 60 190 Wyoming wethers 107 6 66 ' 368 Nebraska yearling ewes and wethers 77 eg 133 Nebraska lambs .T. 63 t 26 470 Nebraska yearlings 94 S 26 1180 Nebraska lambs 72 7 10 108 Kansas lambs 74 7 to M native lambs 74 7 ts 287 native ewes 92 4 75 145 native fed ewes HO 4 75 85 Nebraska ewes 97 5 00 25 Nebraska lambs 63 6 26 14 Nebraska lambs 67 5 26 32 Nebraska lambs 81 5 60 221 native yearlings 95 6 90 138 native yearlings 83 6 23 68 Nebraska lambs 71 7 00 22 Nebraska lambs .'. 71 7 00 16 Nebraska lambs 129 7 25 417 Nebraska ewes 104 6 10 260 Nebraska ewes 69 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Firm to Weak, Hoga Steady, Sheep and Uoba Weak. CHICAGO, Dec. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 32.000 head; market, beat firm; others weak; common to prime steers, 23.00-34). 76; cows, 82.804.30; heifers, t2.00Q6.0O; bulla, 82.03 4.16; stockers and feeders, t2.164M.26. HOGS Receipts, 46,000 head; market steady; choice to prime heavy, t4.96ig6.06; medium to good heavy, t4.aW4.96; light weight butchers, 84.86ffi4.92; good to choice heavy mixed, 84.966.06; packing, t4.76Q 4.97: ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 22,000 head; market weak; aheep, 84. 0006.90; lambs, 87.00137.75; yearlings, t4im.66. Kaasas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Deo. . CATTLE Receipts, 10,700 head. Including 200 south erns; market steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, 85.2D-&6.23; fair to good, t3.6oti5.00; western fed steers, t3.0O4.?5; stOckers and feeders, 22.50-&4.50; southern steers, 82.604.25; southern cows, t2.OCXat.25; native cows, St.O0a4.0O; native heifers. t2.504joOo; bulls, 82.26tj4.00; calves, t2.6O04.6O. HOGS Receipts, 14.500 head; market opened steady and closed 6-310c higher; top, 16.06; bulk-of sales, t4.86i4.95; heavy, t4.8O-a6.06: packers, 84.854.90; pigs and lights, 4.5cVfH 9l. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 800 head; market 10c higher; top, 36.40; native lambs, 35.5o-u-7.60; .western lambs, 85.60 7.60; fed ewes and yearlings, t4.5o44.2j; fed western yearlings. 5. 751. 40; fed west ern sheep, t4.5066.85; stockers and feeders, tS.25if4.75. Ht. L4ala Mve atoek Market. ST. LOCI8, Mo Deo. 8. -. CATTLE Receipts. . 4,500 head, Including BOO Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers, 14 40-"fiS.8O; dressed peef and butcher steers, t2.6Vri6.40; steers under 1.000 lbs., $:.oV(l6.00; stockers and feeders, 82.16(63.00; cows and heifers, t2.00-ii4.40; canners. 31.75 iffllO; bulls. 32.3&t3.66; calves. 88.2658.0O; Texas and Indian steers, 82.104.80; cows and heifers. 82.00-u-3.0O. HOGS Receipts, 39.600 head; market 6c higher; pigs and Hunts, 34.6004.90; pack ers, S4.5O-b6.00; butchers and best heavy, 84 8005 00. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,000 head: market strong; native muttons, 84.fjo06.5O; iambs, 85.25t37.60; culls and bucks, t3 00416.00; stockers, 83.0Ofi3.25; Texans. S3.00fi4.60. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. .-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.800 head; market 10c lower; stockers. dull: beeves, 13. 50-&S. 50: cows, bulls and mixed, 32.OOfc3.50; stockers and feeders, 82.75Q3.50; calves and yearlinars. 3:.50JiS.25. HOGS Receipts. 7,600 head; market weak, selling at 84.70(94.56; bulk of sales, I4.75(g4.77. Btock ln tight. Receipts of live stock at the western markets yesterday: Cattle. South Omaha 6.800 Sioux City 1.6-X) Kansas City 10.700 Bt. Joseph 2.168 St. Louis 4.60O Chicago 82.000 six principal Hogs. Sheep. 10.3ti0 11,000 7,500 14 6-0 9.450 9.5-10 46.000 3.800 779 2 0OJ 22,ta Totals. 66,454 86,250 89.579 t'ottoa Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 4. COTTON Spot closed quiet, 25 prtnts advance; middling ur-landB. 12.60c; middling gulf, 12.86c. Bales, 2,179 bales. LIVERPOOU Dec. . COTTON Spot, small business done; prices 7j9 points higher: American middling, fair, 6.94d; good middling, 6.60d; middling, 6.42d; low middling, 26d; good ordinary. t.flSd; ordinary. S.92d. Ths sales of the day were 4.000 bales, of which &-0 bales were for speculation and export and Included 5.400 bales of American. Receipts. 19,000 bales. Including 12 700 bales of American. ST. IXiriS. Mo.. Dec. COTTON-Fnn ; middling. 12c. Sales. 209 bales; receipts, MO bales: shipments, 'J)i bales; stock, 28.001 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 4 COTTON Spot, firm; ordinary. 9c; good ordinary, 10 8-10c; low middling. 11 7-18c; middling. 12 1-loc; good inldullnK. 13 7-lnc; middling fair. 12c. Receipts. 17.499 bales; stock, SO5.3S0 bales. tosTee Market. , NEW YORK. Dee. 8. COFFEE The market opened unchanged at unchanged prices. In response to early European cables and light Brazilian receipts, hut the demand was not heavy; ths market eased .off during ths middle session and at one time was about 5-&10 points not lower. In the lite trading, however, offerings were partially withdrawn and the market steadied upon moderate buying orders from Europe and scattered covering. The close waa steady, net unchanged to 5 points higher; aales were reported of M.SlO b-i, Including: January, oofto i)r ; March, tV(i.7c: May. t8&4i4 9uc; June. C.9-r?i7c; July. 7j7 0:ic; September, 7.10-t7.2Cc. Spot, alendy; No. 7 Rio, 8 narar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 4. U'GAR Raw, firm; fair refining. Sc; cculrlf Ugal. 94 test. 3 4-16c: molasw-a auger. i4c. Refined, firm; crushed. 6. 40c; powdered. 4.80c; granu lated. 4.7w. V NEW ORLEANS. D.H?. 4. Sl'GAR Firm ; opeu kettle, 3S3c; f pea f ttle, centrifugal, StJ3 7-15c: centrifugal whites. 3e; yellow". 4"i.ic: seconds, ; -i3vc. Mol.ARREa Open kettle. a-43Slc; rentrlt ugal, Mi-JSc. .. . SHU l'-2tH?2io. OMAHA WHOLK'A LR MARKET'. toadllloa of Tride aa4 eetatleae na Staple aael Faaey Prod ace. EGGS Fresh receipts, candled stock. 8Kc. 1JVK POULTRY liens, 8c; roosters, Sc; turkeys. 13'ul4c; ducks, 84j8c; spring ehlckens, 8c: greoe. 8'ffr. DRESSED roULTRY-Ttirkeys. Ift817c5 old toins, 14-Slic; chickens, 8-hlOc; old roo ters, 7e; ducks. 104Uc; geese, 9til0c. Bl'TTER-packlug stock. 16c; choice M fancy dairy, 1& 19c ; creamery, 2lUj; prints. 21c. SL'GAR-Standnrd granulated. In bbla., t5.U per cwi.j rubes, 85.96 per cwt. ; cut loaf, 8440 per cwt.; No. 4, extra C, bees pr bbls., 14 96 per cwt . No- 10 Ktl bags only, 14.90 p cwt.: No. It yellow, bugs only, 64.75 por cwt.; XXXX powdered, t64 per cwt. FRESH FlSli-Trout. lOeHlc; halibut, 13o: buffalo, dreased. 9c; pickerel, dressed, t! white bass, dressed, 12c; sunfish, 4c; perch, scaled and dressed, tc; pike, 10c; cattish, 13c; red snspper, 10c; salmon, 11c; croppies, 13c; eels, hc; bullheads, He; black bass, 26c; whtteflsh. 12c; frog legs, per on., 86c ii lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters. 8--c shad roe, 45c; bluefish. 16c; herring. 4c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland, 87; medium, 36. W; coarse, 84. BRAN Per ton, 814.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California Navels, all alias, 83. in; Florida, all sises, 83.00. LEMONS Limonlera, extra fancy, 244 lae. 14.26; 800 and SCO sises, 84.7645 .00. IATES-Per box ot 30 1-lb. pagS,, 83 00; Hallowee, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., tc. layer, per lb., tc; walnut-stuffed, 1-lb. pkg a,, I2.00 per dos., bulk. 7c per lb.; 7-lb. boxsa, 81.00. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 7649 86c; Imported Smyrna, 4 -crown, lie; -crown, 14c. BANANAS Per medlum-aised bunch, 81.78 62.26; Jumbos, 12.604 3. Ov. , TANGERINES Florida, per- box ol about 125. 83.00. GRAPE FRUIT Per box, 85.60. FRU1TB. ' ' r PEARS Lawrence and ' Mount Vernoa, t2.50. APPLE8 California - Belleflowers. tl.K per bu. box; Colorado Jonathan, t2.28 per bu. box; Ben Davis, $166 per bu. box; Wlnessps, i 00 per bu. box; othwr varieties, 82.00 per bu., New York apples. . 14.50 pai bbl. , GRAPES Imported Malagas. 83. 504.00. . IKA.NHUHKIts-Jerseys. 81200 per bbl.l Bell and Bugle, 813.00. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., 60fl 60c; South Dakota, per bu., 7tc. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and rod, per bu., (too; Spanish, per crate, tl.76. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 32.00. ... LIMA BEANS Per bu., 6c. CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per lb., lc. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 6675c. CELERY Kalamasoo, per dos., 3oc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per 8-bu. bbl.. 8l.75452.OO. , ... NEW VEOSJTABLES. CAULIFIX5WER Per crate, 83.00. TOMATOES California, per urate of 30 lbs., 32.50, WAX BEANS Per hamper of about '30 lbs. net, S3.6ofiS.00. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net, t3 OO-Sf'4.00. EOU PLANT Florida, per dog., tl 25& 1.5o. GREEN PEPPERS-Florlda, Dei1 hamper of about 10 doa., t2.50. TURNIPS Louisiana, per doa. bunches, 46c. 8HALLOTTS Louisiana, per doa. bunches, 76c. ... HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbl., 38.0-10.00; ner dns heads, 31.00. I. IT AC T .tfTTI-r-C U.,t hnui. n k,. 12 to 15 heads, t&c. ' - CUCUMBERS Hot house, per dos., 81-23 tpl.60. RADISHES Hot house, per doa. bunches, 75c ' MUSHROOMS Hot house, per Vo 6075c. BEEF CUTS. - s " fio. 1 no, use? no. a no, sc: r-o. 1 rio, tc; No. 1 loin. 16c; No, 2 loin, 10c; No. A loin, 7c; No. 1 chucks, 5c; No. I chucks, 4c; No. 8 chucks, Sc; No. 1 round, 7c; No. i round, ec; No. 8 round, tc; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, Sc; No. 8 plate, 20. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. 83.75; per bbl., 84.75. HONEY New, per 24 lb., I3-S. ' " CHEESE Swine, new, 60; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin Umberger, 13o; twins, 14ci young Americas, 14c. N UTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft sheila, new crop, per lb., 16o; hard shells, per lb., 18o. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 120. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., Sc Chill walnuts, per lb., 12-al3c. Al monds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Bhellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 32.26; large hickory nut, per bu., tl.50 Chestnuts, per lb., 15c CocoanuU, 34.50 per sack of 100. r HIDES No. 1 green, So; No. S green, 8c: Ko 1 aalteri. lOUc Nn X anll.H sjx. ii I veal calf, 11c; No. 8 veal calf. 8c: dry salted, 7-5 14c; sheep pelts, 25c4j$1.00; horse hides, .604J3.0u. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Pralta. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. - EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows continued firmness, with sale of prime fruit reported at 9c; common are- quoted at 7⪼ nearly prime. 9(&9c; prime, 9c;, choice, 10c; fancy. 11c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS -Prunes are aald to be In small supply at primary points, . particu larly of Santa Claras, of which, ac cording to some reports, not over 100 cam remain unsold. Local spot quotations are, firm at 4?18c. according to arade. Anricnta are unchanged, with choice quoted at 8 vvi, aunt cnuice, giuc; fancy, loaKc. Philadelphia Prodace Mark. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. t. BUTTER -Firm; extra weatern creamery,. 24ci extra nearby prints. 27o. EGGS Frm: nurhv fraah Idl 1-- v Ji nearby fresh, 81c, at mark;' westcrii oil, ,i mara. CHEESE- Firm- Mem, T..W e..ll 126140. Oil aad Hosla. OIL CITY. Pa., Dec. a.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, 21.68. Shipments, , 68.862 bbla-; aver- 86.920 bbls. Shipment's, Lima. 86.688 bbls; ZZ.Vmm"' "av "un. Lama. 44,8l'4 bbls.; average, 80.309 bbls. , . Da-lath Grata Market. ' ' DL'Lt'TH. Dec. 6.-WHEAT-T0 'arrive: No. 1 northern. 860; No. 3 northern, R2c; On track: No. 1 northern. 76e;'No. 2 northern R?Vn- rwmh.. u-jl . . OATS-To arrive and on tracit, 30c, ' REAL ESTATH TRAXSFERfe. Theaw real ... . . .... - . record December 6: a.K WARRANTY DEEDS. Albert Chapman, truatee, to R. L' Tracy, lot 11, block 8, South Omaha Park a . Maggie Bradley and husband to J. A." ' Mcllvalne, lot 28, block 6, Brlggs' Place i , ; aura P. H. Clark and husband' 4a reier jessen, Jr., sub lot 1 of lot S, Capitol add 10009 Peter Jessen, Jr., to Crofoot A Scott. ' same 10 too Edway A Nelson to William Qulnn. lot 2, block L Erway 4 Nelson's add. to Valley i;q William Qulnn and wife to E. A. Erway, same ..".r....:;... '490 E. L. fernery to Eric Bergstrom. lot 8, block 1. Emery's add. to Valley.. 226 Patrick Shea and wife to Eleqor Eberl, lot 6, block t. Brown Park...' L800 Estella Berry to T. H. North, west ' , lot 1 and 2, block )00, South Omaha j rjo Mary F. Beykora to F. R. Oetty, lot 8. block 129, South Omaha S,5oO Milton Trust Co. to O. E. Johnaon. north lots 8 and 4. block 4, Isaacs A S.'s add 4.000 Haatlngs A Heyden to Cora K. Ien ula, lot 8. block 8. Summit add...,..., 460 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. F. C. Woodrough to Lutie M. C'ruson, - -west 2 feet lot 1 block 121. Omaha... 1 Doris Pundt et al to F. C. Woodrough, same 1 Annie E. Hoinnan to John A. CrelgH ton Real Estate Co.. west lot 8. ' block 11. Reed's First add : DEEDS. , , R. O. Fink, county treasurer, to E. TV , Hume, lota 23 and 24. block 1, Boavt. Ing Green Haxes). Same to same, lot 21, block 1. sains (taxes). , ' - Total amount of transfers.. 831.1 Si F. D. Day '& Co. , . Oealera la Stock. Grain. Provlaioiti ahls Voor Crala ta. . : ,' traetl or.. Il4tlta Baartl af Tr-4 ttld:.. Owe ha. K-m. Tolebc !tl I. :I-.J4 Exchanas lids.. Auuth nnah. all Phoue 81. tsdependeaA 'faua Ij