Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Don't fail to attend
Schmoller & Mueller's
Great Piano Removal
Sale. Over four hun
dred Pianos must be
6old regardless of cost.
Square P i a n os and
Organs, $10,' $15, $20
and up. Used Upright
Pianos, $45, $55, $65
and up. New Pianos,
fully guaranteed, $128,
$138, $148 'and up-all
makes. " Terms to suit
convenience of pur
chaser. Don't fail to
investigate. A small
deposit will reserve
your instrument for
Christmas delivery.
For special bargain
list and-other informa
tion write,
& Mueller
Piano Co.
Ppr Falls Down Badly on Effort to
Btanped. C.uity Offioen.
Par Officials Art Caaeeraa,
Will Leftlalatar DI4 r Did
Sot Do oa Salaries Is
With the possible exception of Mr. Hitch
cock and others closely related to him In
an endeavor to make some campaign thun
der, excitement over what the legislature
did or did not do on the matter of fixing
salaries of county officers Is nil. The
county officers In Omaha said by the
World-Herald to be affected and nearly
scared to death refuse, with a stoicism that
Is painful, to get excited or even Interested
over the matter.
The general opinion expressed was that
the legislature did not Intend to single out
any group of officers for a Reduction in
salary, but that it did Intend to Increase
the salary of the treasurer In counties hav
ing between 25.000 and 60,000 Inhabitants.
County Judge-elect Leslie said:
"That amendment does not affect the
office of county judge. Even If the salary
were cut by the amendment, there is
further provision that the county Judge
shall have fees up to the smount of $3,600,"
Deputy County Clerk Butler said:
"We hold the amendment does .not affect
our office one way or another.' We are
paying no attention to it at all.- If need
be, we will fall back on the lime-honored
defense of all good men and hold the law
County Treasurer Fink said: "I havs
been too busy to pay any attention to the
matter; but you can say for me that what
ever the law Is it will be obeyed by the
county treasurer. Further than that I have
nothing to say now."
One of Sheriff Power's deputies said:
"We are not worrying at all. . This office
considers the law plain with reference to
the compensation of the sheriff, and we
are living up to Its provisions. Someone
will have to show us if we are drawing
mora money than the law allows. Wo
rather think the shoe is on the other foot.
with the county holding up and disallowing
bills which a judge of the district court
says there Is st least a strong moral ob
ligation to pay."
One of the judges of the district court
"As the amendment stands It apparently
applies only to county treasurers, but it is
difficult for anyone to say Just what the
legislature did mean Bo far as I can see the
old section is re-enacted In toto, with the
exception that the words 'and less than
80,000 inhabitants' are Inserted In the clause
referring to county treasurer."
.1407 Harney St.,
Tel. 1625 Omaha
Last Vestlsre.of Debt of Secoad Pres
byterian t hareh la to Go
j t' In Smoke.
The,,hioefdof.truste,f I.of ths,,:. Second
Presbyterian church will, elva a Jubilee
social In the church parlors Thursday even
ing. A program for. the occasion has been
arranged. The event will formally mark
the cancellation of the church dobt, over
which the member feel happy. The growth
of the church has been steady during the
pastorate of the Rev. Newman Hall Bur
dirk, who has shown his aggressiveness In
all lines of the church work. The congre
gation hopes to have a new building before
the very distant future.
Few People Kwow How tsofol It Is
Preserving; Health aaa Beaatr.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier in nature, but few realise Its
value when taken Into the human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of it the better; it Is not a drug at all.
but simply absorbs the gases and Impurities
always present In the stomach and Intes
tines and carries them out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after sating onions and
other odorous vegetables. .
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acta as a natuial and eminently
safe cathartic
It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect in ths stomach and bowels; It disin
fects the mouth and throat from the poison
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal and
the most for the money Is In Stuart's Char
coal Losenges; they are composed of the
finest powdered willow charcoal, and other
harmless antiseptics In tablet form, or
rather In ths form of large, pleasant tasting
lotenges, the charcoal being mixed with
The daily use of these losenges will soon
tell In a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It is that no possible harm ran result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, 'In speaking of the
benefits of ' charcoal, says: "1 advise
Stuart's Charcoal Loxenges to all patients
suffering from gas In stomach and bowels,
and to clear the complexion and purify the
breath, mouth and throat; I also believe
the Irver is greatly benefited by the dally
use of them; they cost but twenty-five cents
a box at drug stores, and although in some
sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I
get more and better charcoal In Stuart's
Charcoal Losf-nges than In any of the or
dinary charcoal tablets."
was the staie of A. C. Suckers daughter,
Miletus, W. Va., with a leg sore. Buck.
ten's Arnica Salve cured her. 3c. For sale
by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
Diamond Rings Frenxer, loth and Dodge.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and' deaths have
been reported to. the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon
Wednesday: William Burrell 3015 Seward,
boy; Gabriel Dalfol 1102 South Twelfth.
Kirl: Josef HaniouHOk. South Thirteenth,
boy; Jow Kregcl 19:7 South Fifteenth, boy;
Jorry Maloney 3:0 South Eleventh, bov.
Deathw: Cariio. Rydmnn, 40. 3014 Sewn'rd;
Alfred Patterson, SS. 6u7 North Twelfth:
Willlsm R. Smith. ar. l9 Dodge; William
C. Card. 73. 1117- Hrlgzs; Horace C. Cns
. lilts North Eighteenth; Elpliigc
oil. 80, Bernard I:iU.
A Ckln of Cao ..y :& a joy Forevar.
DR. T. Folia Oouraud's Oriental
Oroam or Magical Boautlflor
The Matthews Piano-Co. Open m Sew
Plaao Store mt 1C13-151H Har.
xtey street Thla Week,
The Matthews Piano company is a Ne
braska corporation, controlled by Nebraska
people, operating several large stores
throughout ths central west, with their own
piano factory at Cregan, III.
Having procured tha second floor, of ths
Relchenberg & Smith building,, Just east
of the Bennett company on. Harney, they
have, remodeled, and arranged ths entire
second floor Into a large and commodious
salesroom. With ths large ground floor
display window and elevator service, to
gether with the Ideal central location,, they
will be In a position to make a strong bid
for "patronage. Mr. S. H. Guthrie, the lo
cal manager, says: "We shall offer to the
piano buyers of Omaha the finest line of
high-class, medium and moderate-priced
pianos to be found In this section, and that
we shall earnestly and conscientiously
strive to quickly establish ths reputation
of being Omaha's first-class piano house.
While we shall carry pianos that can be
sold for as little money as the lowest, we
shall always look first to quality and shall
cater, particularly to Omaha's very best
class of trade."
Water Boaral Attorneys Advise Real
Estate Exchange as to Per
tinent Question.
After consulting for advice with John L.
Webster and Carl C. Wright, attorneys for
the water board in Its litigation with the
Omaha-Water company, and also with War
ren Swltxler, the committee appointed by
the Omaha Real Estate exchange to look
Into the matter reports that the water
company cannot hold property owners for
water rent In cases where the water has
been turned on at the request of the tenant,
The committee further reports:
"We are of the opinion the water com
pany has no legal right whatever to its
contention that the property owner Is
holden for back water taxes, especially
when It has turned on the water and recog
nised the tenant In accepting money for
same. We would recommend a subscrip
tion be raised among the members of
tha exchange or any property own
ers concerned In their unjust charges
sufficient to make a test - case of
It, and that the Real Estate exchange lend
Its moral support to this suit, if the attor
ney taking the case is satisfied a judgment
in favor of the property owner Is prac
tically assured, and such judgment will end
further annoyance on the part Of the Water
former Commissisntf at Cbidron IndioUd
for Allegtd Land Franda,
Frank Allen of Crawford and H. O.
and Bnrt Fnrnana of t'hadron
Are Indicted aaa
Give Bond.
Former United States Commissioner
O. H. T. Babcock of Chadron, has been
caught in the drag-net of the fraud In
vestigation In the northwestern part of ths
stats and among those indicted by the
federal grand jury for conspiracy and
subornation of perjury In reference to the
fraudulent land filings, particularly such
filings as were made by United States
soldiers now In tha service, as members
of the Tenth United Btates cavalry at Fort
Robinson. Mr. Babcock was, until last
summer. United States commissioner at
Chadron. He gave bond before United
8tatos Commissioner Ernest Blotter)- In the
sum of 11.000 for his appearance before
ths United Slates district court.
Mr. Babcock resigned his office as com
missioner by request, through charges hav
ing been preferred against him last sum
mer direct to Judge Munger In which It
was Intimated that he had became a little
too conspicuous In some of the fraudulent
land filings, aa discovered by the special
agents of the land office investigating
matters In that territory. Mr. Babcock'S
Indictment at the recent session of the
grand Jury Is the result of these Investi
gations. Ernest Slattery of Chadron was
appointed United States Commissioner by
Judge Munger, to succeced Babcock.
Three More Indicted.
Frank Allen of Crawford, similarly in
dicted on parctically the same charges as
Babcock. also gave bond before Commis
sioner Slattery in $3,000 for his appear
ance before the United States district
Deputy United States Marshal John Sides
brought H. O. Furnam and Burt Furnnm
of Chadron to Omaha Wednesday morning
to answer to indictments for conspiracy
and subornation of perjury in fraudulent
land filing cases from the vicinity of Chad
ron. The bond of each of the indicted
parties was fixed at 3,ooo, which was
The hearing of the case of Thurston
county, against the United States In the
matter of the taxation of the Indians heir
ship funds now on deposit in the Security
National bank of Sioux City, has been
set for January 2.
Kansas Stockmen Indicted.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Dec. . The federal
grand Jury in session held today returned
Indictments against twelve persons for the
Illegal fencing of graslng lands In northern
and western Kansas. None of the men
have been arrested yet, and pending that
the names are withheld from publication.
Henry B. Boyce of Kansas City, presi
dent of the H. 8. Boyce Cattle company,
and all the officers of that company, as
well as the company Itself, wers Indicted
for Illegally fencing In government lands
In Morton county, Kansas. There were
four Indictments returned against Boyce
and his associates, each indictment, how
ever, being a Joint bill against all of the
officials of the compsny and containing two
enclosures, which practically amounted to
eight Indictments.
The officers of the Boyce company, be
side H. 8. Royee, are Emanuel Lemon,
treasurer, and A. E. Merldan. secretsry.
Lewis Oans, also of the Boyce company,
was Indicted, but he is given no official
title in the corporation.
Another Indictment was returned against
A. B. Lynch and Robert Merton, rattle
men of Stevens county, also for Illegal
ells More of rhasnwerlaln'a Coach
Remedy Than All Others
Pnt Together.
The following letter from a locality where
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la well known
shows by the unprecedented demand for It
that the medicine sells on Its own merit
Mr. Thomas George, a merchant at Mt. El-
gin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local
agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
ever since It was Introduced Into Canada,
and I sell as much of it as I do all other
lines I have on my shelves put together. Of
the many dozens sold under guarantee, I
havs not had one bottle returned. I can
personally recommend this medicine, as I
have used It myself snd giver It to my
children and always with the best results."
Ws have decided to continue to give till
Dec. 1, 1 extra portrait In a beautiful
Mezto Portfolio with each dot. regular
priced photos from $4 up. This offer on ths
west side of So. 16th St. only. II. Heyn.
Photographer, SIS to 322 So. 16th St.
Give your billing clem a Smith Premier
Billing Machine. Send him In to see
demonstration at our office, 17th and Far-nam.
Harry B. Davis, undertake Tat. 181
K-K. wedding rtngs. Edholm. Jeweler.
To Finish Floors and Woodwork
Use only "FLOOR-SHINE" Enamels. Oak,
Mahogany. Cherry, etc. Sold by Orchard &
Wilhelm Co.
Remove Tan,
ik, o4 bfcin D,4fte
oa beauty, ud Up
fl d I
In ttuo4 ta tiff
( M yean, an
la to harir !r w
taste U lub9ix..Yt'
U prper!t tcauic
ateecf.1 nocouaici
Ml of .iQUl.v
ran. Dr. L. A
IU r ta d t r
.vlr of let baa!
t paiifiiti
A you ladle
vlU es
I Masaiiii
'faajtnii1' frtMi' a lb 1 fearfaful of all It,
i ail nrtjjaraitorv' K- r by a'l drbjcfi'U and Fmm'
0t4a Dialer la the ValuU &uaa. Cab;. ad KurupH
K33.T. HCPim PrrTL. 37 Grut joso S'nrt KsvTtd
- Alleged Gamblers Raided.
Sergeant Hayes, Detectives Ferris and
Dunn and Officer Sandstrom raided a room
where gambling was supposed to be con
ducted, at 1810 Harney street at 10:20 last
night. Ten men were found In the place
and a game was in progress. All the In
mates were placed under arrest under the
charge of gambling. - In the search at the
jail considerable money was found dis
tributed among the crowd. The principal
man concerned was thought to be Q. A.
Lnnt,, lues Howard, as it was he who was
guaiding the door. The furniture waa con-Ascuu-d
and taken to the Jail. This fur
niture was of a much better order than
Is usually found in such places.
Farmer Selects Poor Bed.
A nfun, suppoKt'd to be, a farmer from
loan, will found sleeping among ths
cockle burs in a vacant lot at Twentieth
and WebHter streets last night. He refuaud
to give him name at the desk and made
futile efforts to strike everyone around
him. He looked just like a big brown
bear, so Completely waa his heavy coat
covered with burrs. The officers who had
to held hlni were decorated with the burrs
almost as much as the man himself. He
vkas charged with being drunk and given
the name of John Doe, for want of a better.
$3.98 $3.98. $3.98 .$3.98 $3.98 $3.93 $3.98 $3.98
The New Cloak Shop Offers a. $3.93
Special SeJe ii gg
Your $38
ni . W.98
Choice $3.98
$3.98 Your
$3.98 Choice
Silk Petticoats
Thursday, Dec. 7
Our Kntire Stock of Silk Petticoats, worth $(3.00,
7.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50, at
$3.93 n t1'8 line will be found all newest designs in every jo'l
serviceable shade, and guaranteed full size.
Any Petticoat in the Store
Thursday, December 9, only, at $3.98.
$398 S. Fredrick Berrfer Co.
1 C9 mf
1517 FARNAM.
Sale Starta 8:15 A. M. COME EARLY.
. $3.98 ,$3.98 $3.98 $3.98 , $3.98 $3.98 $3.98
Gaest Steals Forty-Five Dollars (row
Hast Who . ICeeaa Him
All Sight.
Ed Egan of 603 South Thirteenth street
Is writing the word "ingrate" on his slats
over and over again, so he may never
forget It. Mr. Egan reported to the police
that he took an old friend home with hint
Tuesday night, gave the man the best of
his bed and board, to be rewarded Wednes
day morning with, the unannounced de
parture1 of the friend with t of Egau's
"The Land of Nod." which has Its first
performance In Omaha at the Boyd thea
ter this evening, has one purpose In .view,
and that Is to make the busy man forget
his cares for the time being, at least. Ths
music Is light,, the conceits quaint and
original, the costumes are of tha sort that
ravish the senses and the pictures delight
the eye, while the airs and melodies please
the ear. The composition Is Interpreted by
a company numbering above "a hundred
members. In which are Included many of
ths well established favorites In the must
cat comedy world. William Norris heads
the list. On Saturday night Bam Bernard
and Hattte Williams, in "Ths Rollicking
Girl," the hit of the last season In New
York, will be the bill.
The shoppers' matinee at the Burwood
this afternoon la a most pleasant place to
rest after making the rounds of the s torts.
Ths play, "Under the Red Robe," Is ons of
the most Interesting and is being splendidly
produced by the Woodward Stock company,
pa ay.
To entertain the large clientele of women
and children who make their regular
weekly pilgrimage to the Orpheum on
Thursday, at the popular price matinee,
tha cosy vaudeville theater has on a bill
for this afternoon that embraces much cal
culated to meet popular fancy. Frelle's
dogs In the guise of horses eschew the
beaten path of animal acts and score heav
ily with old and young, but in particular do
they delight the little folks. Another
feature meeting with distinct success is
the picturesque Italian street singers and
Instrumentalists, the Melanl Trio. Ths
other features are varied and well balanced.
Three couples, with the same family
names, have taken out licenses to wed.
but there Is no blood relationship between
them. Following are the licenses Issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
John Reed. Omaha , 61
Mrs. Clifford Reed, Omaha 31
Ole Jensen. Omnha 2S
Annie Jensen. Omaha 23
.Tffml .Tnhnann Smith n,tiu a " '
Emma Johnson. South Omnha 27
Ira A. Horn. Hansen. Neb K3
Mamie I. Riley, Omaha v.... 22
Ray W. Cozad, Council Bluffs, la t!
Dora Llnsel, Omuha 20
Thomas H. Comte, Lincoln, Neb 88
Clarice B. Howard. Lincoln, Neb 21
Otto C. Martens, Bnyder. Neb H6
Alma C. Boennlcksen, Plattsmouth 22
Puck M. Rosenbaum, Kennard 23
Emma Japp, Kennard.. 23
Mack Spahr. Penn 27
Mamie Corbett, South Omaha 23
Orae Lockhart, Omaha 27
Edith Ingman, Omaha 24
without children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
'Oi much so at
it it to love the
Qi . beautiful and
pure. . The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mutt
patt, however, it to fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fUlt her with apprehension and horror.
There it no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. "The use of Mother' Friend to prepares tho system for
the coming event, that it it tafely passed without any danger. This
treat and wonderful '
0 g
Announcement !
TODAY, Thursday, December 7th, we will open
our handsome Piano "Warerooms in tho Reichenberg &
Smith buiding, 1513-1515 Harney street, in the city of
We shall offer-to the piano buyers of Omaha the
.finest line of high class, medium and moderate priced
pianos to be found in the land and shall earnestly and
conscientiously strive to quickly establish the reputation
of beingOmahaJs
"Square Deal" Piano House
Our line will include such makers of unquestioned
and merited prestige as WEBER, HENRY LINDEMAN,
CO., LAKESIDE, RUDOLF and others. And last, but
by no manner of means least, our own ,
Beautiful Matthews Pianos
Manufactured in our factory at Oregon, Illinois.
This instrument is not what most retail dealers market
under their own names, viz.: an inferior commercial in
strument, but a strictly high class piano in the fullest
sense of the tenn, containing a scale second to no other
upright scale and constructed of the very best materials
from start to finish; conceded by musicians of keenest
discrimination to have no superior and few equals in tho
field of superior grade upright pianos. i
A Word About Our Policy
WThile we shall carry pianos that can be sold for as
little money as the lowest, we shall always look first to
quality. Wc shall cater particularly to Omaha's very
best class of trade, selling only to people that have a good
reputation for paying, so that our good patrons will not
be called upon to help pay our losses on the poor ones.
This, coupled with our unexcelled facilities for close buy
ing, enables us to make prices that command immediate
attention, and our terms of payment will be of the most
liberal character consistent with a sound business policy.
We cordially and earnestly invite you to make us a
visit of inspection. You will be strongly impressed with
our beautiful array of Art Pianos, each marked in plain
figures, with a price for our introduction and for holiday
trade that will be simply irresistible.
Matthews Piano Co.
17ie "Square Deal" Piano House
1513-15 Harney St Oman, Neb.
Opposite Burwood Theater.
remedy it alwayt
hat carried thousandt
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
'. Ssnd (or (rss book oontalning luform"on
f vrloelsts Tains to all expectant mother
Tat BrsHlsId Rttor Cs Atlata m.
Read these two clubbing offers carefully. You will note
hat they are made up exclusively of well known high grade
ublications. We are charging our readers but little more than
me-half their actual value. No other publication, no matter
how low their regular subscription price, can make so liberal
an offer. ,
Via Cfcieaa-a Great Westcra Hallway
Ons rars for ths round trip rla Chioags
Great Wcstsrn Railway to points within
160 miles. Tickats on sale every Saturday
and Sunday up to December 17. Good re
turning the following Monday, tow rates
to other points on sals every Friday. For
full Information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst,
Q. 'A.. UU Fernam street.
Makclle Crswtsra.Wtlptts Keeltal.
Holders of tickets and others Intending
to attend this recital Thursday evening are
earnestly requested to securs their re
served seats In advance at the "Lyric" box
Office, aa the sals has been large and an
early exchange will be necessary to secure
a choice of seats. The recital will be at
this charming little theater Thursday even
ing, December 7. at 1:15 o'clock.
There Are Haadreds
of articles In our store which would make
an acceptable present Diamonds, Watches,
Brooches. Btlckpins, Sterling Silver Novel
ties. Military Brushes, Leather Card Cases
and Pocketbooks, Umbrellas, Clocks and
Art goods. We would like to show you our
stock. Mawhlnney A Ryan.
Erie Railroad.
No change of cars Chicago to New York.
Boston, Mass.; Buffalo. N. and Colum
bus, Ohio. These trains carry splendid
Pullman and dining cars and coaches. Ap
ply to Ticket Agents or J. A. Doles, T. P.
A.. Railway Exchange, Chicago .
Jap Rose
An exquisite production. No skill can
make a soap less harmful or more delicate.
It beautifies the complexion, keeps the
hands soft and white, imparts a constant
bloom of freshness to the skin.
CLZin "A"
TWENTIETH CENTURY FABMER, weekly, 1 year.... $1.00
Omaha Bee, daily, 6 months...... 2.00
Review of Reviews, monthly, 1 year 3.00
Cosmopolitan, monthly, 1 year..... 1.00
Woman's Home Companion, monthly, 1 year 1.00
Total value.. $8.00
Our price for the five only $4.25 all to one address.
TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. . . . $1.00
Omaha Bee, daily only, one year 4.00
Review of Reviews, monthly, 1 year. 3.00
Country Calendar, monthly, 1 year. . 3.00
Cosmopolitan, monthly, 1 year 1.00
Woman's Home Companion, monthly, 1 year 1.00
Total value $13.00
Our price for the six only $7.50 all to one address.
These offers will be made for only a limited time. Do not
let the opportunity pass. Send in your order now before yo
forget it.
" IN 2P1B IOC PACKA G E S nwrr"' 15 V21 '-jyLl
12-inch Victor Records, $1.50 each, reduced to $1.00.
10-inch Victor Records, $1 each, reduced to 60c.
7-inch Victor Records, 50c each, reduced to 35c.
Larccot Stock of Victor Records in the West.
A. ETOSPE .- 1513 Douglas St., Omaha