Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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. . ,
Mow Irtcatrd In the nen
retail center, Howard
n1 Sixteenth
Street .
Tyou are wondering what to buy for gifts and would like to'
V (which is always acceptable) look at the lines we are showing.
, ' headquarters and its many conveniences your own.
' Fresh, crisp new handkerchief!, not
mussed ir soiled, but Just aa you would
like to give for present. Special values
for this holiday selling.
Women's initial linen hamlkerehlpfs,
tine quality, 15c each or 85c one-half dosen.
Women's initial linen handkerchiefs, spe
" clal value, II. 40 pei box of six.
Women's embroidered all linen handker
chiefs, put up In fnncy boxes of six, each
handkerchief different pattern, 11.40 a box.
, -At 25c, 50r, 7Sc. t1.64. $1.50 and up, we are
'. showing e. beautiful line of new patterns
In women's Embroidered all linen handker
t chiefs.
Bath Robes.
Ready made bath robes at our men's fur
"Dishing department.' They are made of fine
Imported materials, prettily made, oil. new
patterns. , These make acceptable gifts for
men. Prices $150, 5.0O and $6.00 each.
i Aprons.
t; v sen more aprons escn season lor
HI ft giving. They are not costly, in fact,
one wonders, how they can be made and
. sold at such low prices.
; . Maid's aprons, fancy embroidered Bre
fells and hemstitched style at 25c, 50c. 76c,
$1.00 and. $1.25 each. .
- Straight aprons tn plain hemstitched
It I no embroidery trimmed.
-French embroidered aprons from 25c to
. $1.00 each.
5 WeW
Howardand Sixteenth Streets
purports to be a bill of exceptions con
talned in two separate and detached vol
- umos, neither of which are attached to the
. transcript, and but one volume of which Is
' certified by. the elerlt of the district court
and the contents of this volume show that
there was other Important and material
, evidence, upon which the decision of the
can must depend and there is nothing In
.the certificate or In the record itself by
; which this court can 'With any certainty
determine whether the volume not certified
' or otherwise Identified contains the omitted
. evldnncf, (he bill will be quashed.
(Continued from First Page.)
service of the fiscal year ending June to,
1TW7, was transmitted to congress today by
.the secretary., of '.the treasury. The total
for all departments, Including "deficiencies,
miscellaneous and permanent annual appro
. priatlons, is $82,721,151.' The appropriations
,' for the current fiscal year were $629,7.18,(197
and the estimates for the current fiscal
year were $619,669462. , .
.( . ' nimnar -sufc .Whlta Haase.
President, and Mrs., ttooaevelt entertained
' a dlHtfiigtliahea company at dinner at the
White House tonight, the guests Including
the folkwUiyv.TJ-Jitnbttsador from' Aua-triu-llu'ngury
and Madam von Hcngel-
. miif Iter, Senator and Mrs. Hale, Senator
and Mrs. Lodge, Senator and Mrs. Wet
wore, Captain and Mrs. Morton Henry, Mr.
and Mrs. Clordon-Commlng, Miss Roosevelt,
Miss. Tuckerman. Miss McMillan, Miss
' Foraicer,' Miss Carow; Mr. Hansen', Repre
sentative Longworth, Captain Wlnalow,
. Ronald C. Lindsay and Captain Fitshugh
Lee..'i' . ..
Coagfrese of American Republics.
, The third International congress of Amer-
. lean republics will meet In Rio Janeiro
January 21. 1906. This decision was reached
. At a- meeting of the executive council of
the bureau today," presided over by Secre
tary Roof:
1 ' ' Joan Nordvall.
John Nordvall, 4-year-old son of Olaf
NordVdtl, S!l Mason street, died last week
at Rockford, III., while on a visit to his
aunt, Mrs... C V. . Starke. The boy was
visiting in Rockford, with his grandmother,
Mrs,, John. Nordvall of this city, and was
stricken .with pneumonia. Olaf , Nordvall
has ' returned .from, Rockford, where . he
buried iis son. ... , , ..
v V William. H. laomnson.
. ST. ."LOUIS, , Mo.. Dec. 6. William II.
Thompson., president of the National Bank
of Commerce, and regarded n one of the
wealthiest. If not the most wealthy, man
in St., Louis, died tonight at his residence
after a-i illness of several months. The
cause of his death was severe pneumonia,
both .lungs having been affected.
Tobacco and Snuff Habits
'"' .-m4
Curd FREE In Ono Day
TOBAl.VO-Sl'KClHO u new, harmless
iii-'al-Unie. in
tood ur dunk, curing any
rntltnt with
lnnt without hi knowledice.
""l" ?u1".d ?"Aa'.'
r ntkr.. oy itihi rmiiirf iiut-. nrrr are
the names and addrem of stmie of them:
Rev: (P. II. Veale. Rrandon.
M. R. Hmith. Riukinghain. VI.
J. W. Hynwn, t'uanlng. Ark.
kiusan I. Moore, Santa Ros-, Mo.
Mr. Nannie t'ooley, Madison, Ala.
t'nie Tiles, tjenoa, Kla.
l.uin R. Holen. Mcintosh. Minn,
t V: W. Edam. QU-uwood. Wis.
a C. Duncan, t'nlon Mills. N. C.
James Kulwi tiwn, Berwyn. III.
trunk Hanmtn. Glenwood. W. Va.
. , t b. Itutole, Kl h.nond. Mo.
Lester Meachum. Heactuund, N. C.
Vic bnntli, Dealogtt, Uu. ,
Mis. 8. Taylor. ZeitoaU, Mo. '
it. H. Brayton. Pepieiwuud. Cal.
Hrury I Stafford. Ripley. Me.
Kiank HediUck. Monersville. Mo.
,V . N. Kttnnn. PlumervtlU. Ark.
'. J. F. VVeiiimslon, Huyce, Tex.
T"heet-Specinc tudav, and if cured. We
wlU gladi snd it ABSOLUTELY FREE.
liy-lua'J. In pluin ' wra per. Cut thl out
now. and write todtty to ROtlEKS LHL'G
AND ( HEMK AL CO., kl FlfUt aad Race
bia,, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ii ' - a
I -W'-' "VV
From now till Christmas new lines are brought forward almost,
every dav. It will pav you to make daily visits to this store. If
Our Suit and Cloak Department.
Is a model of neat and quiet elegance. All
our garment ts are in unison, with the sur
roundings. Everything we sell Is so good
and choice that It Is hard to specialise
sny one thing. In most stores-there Is usu
ally a collection of passe styles, which are
heralded at great bargains.'. That Is 'easy,
but with us, .every garment Is new and
selected with the greatest care and atten
tion to details. Bo we shall simply tell you
that our store Is at your service, and men
tion that the best suits, the best coats,
the best furs, the best waists, the best
petticoats, the best kimonos, and all kinds
of ready-to-wear clothes for women, are
now shown on our second floor at less
prices than In any store In Omaha.
Infants' Department.
Main floor. Here are many pretty things
suitable for the little tots.
A large assortment of Infants' cntfimere
Jackets,. with dainty hand embroidery, tn all
delicate shades, from 60c up.
Just received, a new lot of Infants' k!d
bootees and shoes, all the hew styles, all
colors, from 60c up.
A pretty little gift for an Infant, hand
painted toilet sets, comprising four pieces,
all useful, $2.50 and $3 each.
Fancy trimmed baby baskets In any shade
you wish at $0.60. '
Infanta' silk-wadded jackets. In piilk,
blue, $5 and $10.
Infunta' bibs in all shapes and styles,
hand embroidery and lace-trimmed, from
Be to $S. '
New Yark Bmttor Teiden Beiigsation a
Directsr of Asmnnca Socitty. ' '
Report that Presides? af -eer York
Life Has Been Offered to John
Claflln, Who Refused
NEW YORK. Dec. 6. The resignation of
United States Senator Chauneey M. Depew
as a director of the Equitable Life Assur
ance society was one of the most inter
esting developments today In the situation
growing out of the life Insurance investi
gation. The senator' resignation was tendered
to president Paul Morton of the Equitable
a'ocletyi ". th f s. ? btlef t)6tea iio f wbich
reason for It was stated, jt f :' i
The report was published tonight that
President Jo)n Ai McCall-of -the New
Tork Life Insurance company, will resign
from that company before the next annual
meeting of the trustee. In April, and that
if he does hot tender his resignation at
a meeting of the trustees next Wednes
day, he will refrain only at the request
of the trustees, who, the report said, do
not wish to have to elect a temporary
president. The . published report also
stated that the presidency of the N York
Life Insurance company has been offered
to John Claflln, a trustee of. that company
and president of the H. B. Claflln com
pany, and that Mr. Claflln has refused to
accept the office.
Annual Meeting of Eqnltahle.
At the annual meeting of the Equitable
Lif a Assurance ' society -today Sir William
M. Mather of Manchester, England; Alex
ander C. Humphreys and J. Kdward 8wan
strom of New York and Tom -Randolph,
president of the Commonwealth Trust com
pany of St. Louis, Were elected directors.
The following were re-elected: George
F. Vleter. Wallace L. Pierce, Thomas T.
Eckert, Daniel A." Tompkins, ' T. Dewltt
Cuylcr, Thomas Bpratt, Frank 8. Wltherbe,
Jamos McMahon and Eben B. Thorns. All
these, wltn the exception of General Eck
ert and Mr. Cuyler, are new members of
the board, having recently been elected to
fill vacancies to represent the policy hold
ers. All of the new directors elected today
were nominated by Qrover Cleveland and
his co-trustees under the Ryan purchase
of Hyde stock and .all are policy holders.
Sir William Mather is the head of the
81 ford Iron works at Manchester, Eng
land, and a former member of Parliament.
Mr. Humphreys Is president of the
Stevens institute of Hoboken. Mr. Swan
Strom Is a lawyer and was president of the
borough of Brooklyn under Mayor Low.
William Alexander, secretary of the so-
I clety. was not re-elected a director, the
meeting having decided that In the future
minor officials should not be members of
the board. '
The trustees of the Mutual Life Insurance
company held at long session today; but
according to Temporary President Fred-
I .. I. fiin....TI Mn.V.IHK J I . i
crick Cromwell, nothing was done with
regard to the election of a new president.
Affairs of Security Xntnal.
The attention of .the legislative Investi
gating committee was devoted today chiefly
to the affairs of the Security Mutual IJfe
Insurance company of Binghamton, N. Y.;
whoso president, Charles M. Turner, was on
the witness stand most of the day. His
testimony and the reading of many con
tracts served to describe In detail the or
ganization of the Agency and lnveitment
eoi'.pany of IMnghamton in 189J. . This com
pany pr Id the silary of the president of the
, Security Mutual Life Insurance company at
' .i,..r,r.. u .. .,.
"areed to furnish it with insurance
business at the rate of $5,OuO,OoO a year and
reielxrd tn return a per cent commission on
all new premiums on the Insurance written
by the company. The stock of this agency
coinpanv, which amounted to $O.0u0. Presl
df nl Turner said. wa issued to himself and
his associates In the Security Mutual Life
in payment for the money they advanced to
the Insurance company. It covered also, he
suid, a $10.(W compensation to himself and
what Charles B. Hughes, counsel for the
committee, i-alled "$:.onu of velvet."
President Turner testified that the agency
company collected Its commissions, but did
r.'jt furnish the insurance It promised. After
twn years the stock of its agi ne.y company
was Increased to $)75.fti0 aAd of the $M.0r in
crease $e,0w was advanced directly to the
Insurance mpany and '$10,0. Mr. Turner
said, was advanced to Moton D. Moss, a
general agent of the company. A new eon
tract was then made between the two com
panies by which the insurance company
Bee. Dee, , 18.
give something that is useful
Make this store your shopping
Robe Blankets for Making Bath
or Lounging Robes.
The blankets are made on purpose for
robes. One blanket will make the garment,
which has such few seams that it Is easily
made. We have sold hundreds but still
have hundreds to select from. We are
headquarter and our prices are right. Yoit
could not And a more suitable gift. Even
the Inexpensive ones are pretty. Robe
blankets for children at $1.00 each. Large
assortment of styles, all colorings.
Robe blankets for ladies or gentlemen
at $1.75, $2.00. $2.26, $2.80. $2.75, $3.0f. $3.50,
$4.00 esch. These are the Imported German
blankets that you have admired so much.
We have most any color you could wish
Wool robe blankets for ladles or gen
tlemen, the kind that would cost you from
$10.0. to $16.00, made up. . We can sell you
these blankets at $4.00. $4.50, $6.50, , $.C0
Cord and tassels to match the blankets
at 50c per set of three pieces.
Hosiery. -
Winter weight hosiery In cotttfn, fleece
lined or cashmere, for wonin and chil
dren. Women's heavy welglit cotton hose,
with maco spilt soles, high spliced heels
and toes, 36c each, or three pairs for $1.
Women's fleeced cotton heste, double a.iee,
heels arid toes, S5o a pair. . "
Women's black cashmere hose, medium
weight, double soles, 85c a pair.
Boys' heavy cotton hose, lxl rib, double,
knees, heels and toes. 25c a pair.
Misses' cashmere hose, fine ribbed, double
soles, heels. and toes, 26c a pair.
agreed to par. ' . the agency company
enough money .,' Iially to pay the salary of
President Turner, the expenses of . the
agency Company and also 12 per cent divi
dends on the whole of the agency com
pany's stock. President Turner snld that
contract Is still In force. . He testified that
he now holds ' $20,000 of the. agency com
pany's stock,' and that most of the offlcrrs
and directors of the Security Mutual Life
Insurance company own stock In the agency
Mr. Hughes asked President Turner If he
adopted the ngency plan in preference to
making the insurance company Into a stock
company. Turner replied that he could not
have made the Insurance company Into a
stock company, and that the company
needed the advances which were made by
the agency company. The committee ad
journed until tomorrow.
LONDON. Dec. . 8.
heiress joined the British peorage this after
noon, through tha rnarrtrtge 'J of Elolse,
daughter of the late W. L. Breese ef New
York, to Lord Willoughby . Eresby, heir
of the earl of AncastPr. ., The ceremony,
which took place at Bt. Margaret's church,
Westminster, drew a distinguished gath
ering. Cumfr.Honrtl,
Mr. Thomas H. Comte and Miss Claire
B. Howard, both of Lincoln, were married
by Rev. Charles W. Savidge of Omaha
Tuesday at the residence of the minister.
The couple left for California.
Business Block at Crlhton.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Pec. 6.-tSpeclal.)-Flre
at an early hour this morning destroyed a
business block, at Crelghton, Neb., doing
damage to the extent of $10,000 and de
stroying four . business houses. Those
burned out were: Hanford s harness shop,
loss $2,000; Balvlg shoe shop, loss $1,000; O.
and A. Jacobs, grocery, loss $,000; Greene,
barber, loss $l,ft)0. The losses were all
pretty well Insured. The Are started at $
a. m. and burned until 7 this morning.
Neurenburg's saloon was saved with dif
ficulty. The fire started in a stove In the
Hanford harness shop; it is thought.
Glnaera' Report Delayed.
DALLAS. Tex.. Dee. 6,-The National
Ginners- report has been delayed by order
of President J. A. Taylor, who claims that
revisions are to be made. President Taylor
Is in Oklahoma City today and has advised
Secretary Jilaokwvll by wire to delay the
Heal Miracles Worked la the Rody.
From Manltojia a lady writes her rea
sons for the faith that is In her as to mir
acles wrought In the present day:
"t have been a great traveler in this and
lands beyond the sea," she says, "and It Is
not surprising that my digestive apparatus
never very strong, should have become
thoroughly deranged from the effect of the
starchy, 'highly seasoned, greasy dishes
usually set before wayfarers.
I became tho prey of all the distress
' and wretchedness that accompany dyspep-
' alu A 1. 1. n 1 1". (hi Kmi.lnniMant n .4 .
" . v,viv.mMi, hi nine oi an
acute state of paralysis of the lining of
the stomach, when I could eat nothing but
merely sip warm mute . till I was nearly
starved and looked Hk a half-live skeleton.
"My brain grew sluggish and Insomnia
punished me till t became a hysterical
wreck. My only hope and desire at this
time was that I might reach the end of a
painful life, and that speedily.
"I heard of the predigested Grape-Nuts
food and some months ago, without one
grain of faith in It, bought a box. I found
to my surprise that after one day's use of
It I was already benefited, and by the time
I had used all of the first package I became
convinced that the days of miracles are not
yet over so great was the improvement
that had come over me. It was the open
ing of the door, as it were, to good health
and energy of brain and body. It gave me
new vigor, mental and physical, my diges
tion was restored, all the distressing symp
toms of a disordered stomach passed away,
and the nervous, hysterical woman at last
began to know what it really la to live.
My eyes grew blighter and my body
rounded out with returning flesh. In the
first three weeks I .gained 10 pounds in
weight and 100 in strength and energy.
"The Indescribable relief that came whea
I realised that I could discard the nausea
ting drugs with which I had been so long
dosing myself and use In their rtead a
food so delicious and strengthening as
Grape-Nuts, may be imunglned.
"I write this in simple gratitude, for I
feel that Grant-Nuts food has brought
back to me all th joy of living." Name
given by Postuiu Co., UauW Creek, Mich.
Theia's a reason.
Proposed Law, Amsnded U Meat Freti
denv'i Id?a, FraMotod ia House.
Kevea Members, Servlas; Sevea Years,
at "alary of 10,O4NI, way Pass
I ps)romp1al4a I ai
der tho .Art.
WASHINGTON. Deo. . The Esch-Town-send
railroad bill, which passed the house
tit its lust session,' has been redrawn and
was Introduced In the house today by Mr.
Townsend. The bill -embraces all of the
features of. the .oftrfer measure, but is
drawn so a td jtecify the things which
may be done by the Interstate Commerce
commission. In addition It has a publicity
feature and the bill gives the commission
jurisdiction over refrigeration and terminal
charges. It, also directly prohlbts the car
rier from, granting any shlppr the priv
ilege pf collecting . his product and then
getting a special rate under the short-term
provision for changing rates.
As explained today y Mr. Townsend, the
bill "expresses IM ideas Of the president
In hls'tnessnge and will, If enacted Into
law,, amend the Interstate commerce law
so as to make it rnore effectual tn. securing
exact JuBtlcj between 4he carriers, ship
pers, producers and bo'nsumers. It amends
the substantlva law so as to embrace
within- the '; powers 4 of the commission" all
Interstate carriers of Interstate and foreign
commerce,, whether by. railroads or partly
by railroads and ; partly'' by water, and In
cludes specifically In the term transporta
tion all crs, vehicles, -ventilation, refrig
eration, elevation, transfer, storage and all
other' fttcilUies, and instrumentalities of
shipment ad carriage, as well as terminal,
siding and industrial (racks, thus giving
the commission authority over the so-called
private car and .other agencies, .
.Enlarges ttte' Commlaaloa. ; ' ,.
"It enlarge the . interstate Commerce
commission t , seven . members, increases
the length, of tlttiin tefm of office to seven
years and tl eSrlo to $10,000. This la
done at the, president's aUggestlon, as the
Increased. powerf conferred upoo. the com
mission will 'Increase Us duties , and
sponsibilities and require, th best nwn ob
tainable.' Thlij commission, will compel the
establishment "of Joint through -rate
for interstate traffic and abolish the cus
tom which exists in some cases of bill
ing shipments within the borders of a stata
and tnen compel a reBhlpment.
"It seeks' to abolish the so-called midnight
rate evil by enlarging the time in which
a purpose or scheduled rate can be changed
to sixty days, .and compels the carrier, to
itemise Its schedules and . rates in ac
cordance with, thelnst ructions of the coith
mission. . This schedule must also show the
division of fares or charges between so
called trunk or through lines and terminal
or Industrial roads.
"The bill also provides that the commis
sion shall decide promptly and within
ninety days after hearing all cases brought
before It. .It contains practically the same
provision of the Each-Townsend bill, which
authorises the commission, upon complaint
and. after full hearing, to determine
whether a rata, orv regulation is reasonable
or unreasonable, and if unreasonable, to
substlttue the reasonable maximum rate In
its stead, and it may. order both a maxl-
mum and minimum rate in cases involving
the relation t f rates when It finds that
course -necessary- to enforce the ap
pllcatlpri MfcC itfatentlat' . charges, and
such ord;fW,5lJia'o)nmlssioh shall go
Into effect sjilthln thirty days after
which it la mad.
' Provides for Conrt Proceeding's.
This same provision Applies also to Joint
rates and where the 'carrier parties to
such Joint rates fail to agree on the di
vision of the same, the commission may
determine the share of each carrier.
"It also- provides for a rehearing upon
any order which- the commission has made
on the application of each party to tha
case. In chse the carrier Is dissatisfied it
can on petition begin proceedings In the
federal courts of the Judicial district In
which it has its principal operating office,
alleging that the order of the commis
sion Is unlawful and praying that it be
vacated and set aside. When such petition
is filed it is the duty of the attorney gen
eral to give notice, as provided under the
expedition act of February 11. 1904, where
upon the court, consisting of three circuit
Judges, or two circuit Judges, and a dis
trict Judgo, shall proceed directly to de
termine the lawfulness of the commis
sion's order, in which case the commis
sioner is the defendant and the attorney
general has charge of the defense. Either
party to the proceeding may appeal from
the decision of the expedition court di
rectly to the supreme court. No provision
Is made for suspending either th order of
the commission or of the trial court,, for
the reason that the court, whether ex
pressly permitted by the bill or not would
have the power to enjoin any order if the
proper . showing is made that the order
or decree la unlawful., ....... ,
Inspection and Reports.
"The bill flso provides that the com
mission' shall have authority to designate
and employ speciaK Agents and examiners,
empowered to administer oaths, examine
witnesses and receive evidence; this Is done
to expedite business before the commis
sion. "The bill also provides for the fullest
poHKlble reports from the railroads of
every detail of their business and business
relations showing receipts and disburse
ments, all contracts, private or otherwise,
and gives the commission power to re
quire specified methods of keeping ac
counts and of making reports. The bill
also authorizes the commission and its
agents to inspect at any time all books of
accounts, records, memoranda or contracts,
and Imposes fines and imprisonment tor
keeping and. reporting anything but-true
and full records and for withholding any
information from the commission.
"The president in his message calls par
ticular attention to tfiree matters which
should be included in any measure to
amend the Interstate commerce law: First,
to provide against co-called midnight
rates; second, to empower the commission
with authority to tlx. upon complaint and
full hearing, a reasonable maximum rate
In place of one found by the commission
to be unreasonable, and to have ft go into
early effect; . third, to compel the widest
publicity of railroad bookkeeping and
methods. , This, the new Esch-Townsend
bill fully accomplishes."
Pablle Approarlatloa t'aaaea Kaoraw
oaa Priatlna: Order.
CHICAGO, Dec. ( -(Special Telegram.)
Charlea W. Shlvel, representing the United
States Printing company of Cincinnati, O.,
is in the city txday and states that he has
recently closed a contract with the Anheuser-Busch
Brewing company for 250. 0u0,
000 Budweiser beer labels.
This Is the largest quantity of labels
uer bought at any one tlma by any one
buyer, and yet It represents but a portion
of the total quantity required by that com
pany during th ensuing year.
The great and growing public apprecia
tion of a flue product la responsible for
this tremendous order.
Booker Washington Visits Presides!.
WASHINGTON, Deo. .-Prof. Booker T.
Washington, principal af Tuskog Insti
tute at Tuskogee. paid his respects to the
president today. He Is enroute to Philadel
phia and . New' 'York" on business. ' Prof.
Washington will deliver an address In Phil
adelphla tonight.
iContinued fnrm First Page.)
1907. An estimate of $6,000 is made for the
office of surveyor general of South Da
kota and $11, "CO for the office of surveyor
general of Wyoming. For surveys and re
surveys of public land $425,000 Is required.
This Increase Is due to resurveys author
ised by congress at the last srsston In
the states of Nebraska, Wyoming. Colorado
and California This amount will not be
sufficient, to provide for all the resurveys,
but Is submitted as necessary to carry
on work lu above states without detri
ment to the regular surveys applied for
by settlers.'
Estimates are asked for the following
pOstofflces to complete within the present
limits: Deadwood, $46,000; Evanston, Wyo.,
$3,000; Pierre, 8. D., $50,000.
Personal Mention.
Senator Millard and Representative Ken
nedy paid their respects to the president
today. ,
Ralph W. Breckenrldge of Omaha is in
the city.. .. . ;
D. T. Mount and M. H. Collins ot Omaha
are at the Rlggs house.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mayne of Coun
cil Bluffs, who have been in Washington
for several days, leave for their home to
morrow. . . Postal Matters.
Nebraska postmasters appointed:. Gandy,
Logan county, Alfred C. Combs, vice. R.
Hoagland, removed; Harold, Holt county.
George Heepeg, vice F. H. Trainor resigned.
A Rural free .. delivery carriers, appointed:
Nebraska Broken Bow, route 1, Albert A.
Lamphere, carrier; R. Lv Lamjphere, sub
stltutei David City, route 4. 'Joseph G.
Lichllter, carrier; Clyde Llchllter .substi
tute. Jansen, routs 1, Abraham P. Fleming,
carrier; Henry II. Fast, substitute. Litch
field, routes 2, and ?, Dennis Lang, carrier;
George P. Heapy, substitute. Mason City,
route 2,, James M. Anbury, Carrier J.Lela A.
Asbury, substitute. Planvllle,' route 3,
Walter Axford. carrier; Charlea ' Axfopd,
substitute., Valparaiso, route 3, Stephen
M. Newby, carrier; Goodrich Hurlbut, sub
stitute. Iowa Burlington, route 6, Martin
L. Mackay, carrier; Prince H. Duncan, sub
stitute. Portsmouth, route 1, . Kearney
Elder, carrier; Michael J. White, substi
tute. Roscoe, route 1, Frank Kuhlenback,
carrier;' Clarence Houston, substitute. Sid
ney, route 2, Charles W. Stevens, Carrier;
Raymond K Stevens, substitute.
L. A. Muller of O'Neill, George II. Phil
lips of KenesaW, A. L. McLaughlin of Lin
coln, Neb. r John B'. . Walt of Chamberlain,
C. C. Hannm of Redfield, F. C. Wheton of
Lenox, S. D.; J. W. MeGuire, George L.
Dennis, 'J. F. Donegan, Otto A. Bwoboda.
all of Cheyenne, Wyo.. have been appointed
railway mall clerks. ' '
Foand Wandering; In , Seml-ronseloua
Condition with Hend Badly
Sergeant Rogers, Company M of the Thir
tieth infantry, stationed at Fort Crook, vas
found stumbling aimlessly along Capitol
avenue last night at 8 o'clock. He wax In a
J semi-conscious condition from the effects of
many wounds and bruised on his head and
face. He was taken into the rooms at 920
Capitol avenue, whero the police surgeons
attended, bis Injuries. , There- were 'no less
than six scalp wounds, 'that had the appear
ance of having been Inflicted by the toe of a
heavy boot ox shoe. The soldiers, of whom
there were quite a number In town, said the
sergeant had last been seen' by them In
Burk's saloon at Tenth and Davenport and
that he wae then In the company of a pri
vate by the name of Frank Bowers. They
said that Rogers had drawn $83 on the last
pay day.
In his semi-conscious state little could be
learned from him as to how or where he
had been assaulted. In a lucid moment he
Lsaid he had $12 when at the saloon. He also
said a negro had assaulted him, but where
this was he was unable to tell. His friends
from the fort think he was assaulted either
In the saloon or In the dark street as he was
leaving, there. He was not found, however,
until the blood had had time to dfy in his
face. His money was ail gone. Frank
Bowers was arrested on Harney street near
Fourteenth at 9:30. He was charged with
drunkenness and was unable to tell any
thing about Rogers'. Injuries.
At 10:30 Rogers was reported worse. He
was taken to the police station, where it
was .discovered that he was suffering from
a fracture of the cheek bone. After his In
juries had been attended to again a bed
was prepared in one of the cells to accom
modate him. It was not thought that rob-
bery was the canse of the assault, though
It is probable that some money was taken
from Rogers during or after the time he re
ceived his wounds.
Larva Deerease la Marketing of Honrs
aa Compared with Same Week
Last Year,
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. .-8pecial Tele
gram.) Price Current says: There has been
a fair movement of hogs but some decrease
compared with the preceding week and a
large shortage In comparison with the high
record for the corresponding week last
year, which was not equaled at any other
time during the seuson. Total western
packing was 00.0u0 compared with 645,000
the preceding week and 775,000 lust year.
From November 1 the total Is 2.986.0C0 a
year ago. Prominent places compare as fol
lows: 1!W6.
113. OHO
Kansas City ..
South Omaha
St. Iouls
St. Joseph ....
Indlunapolls ..
Milwaukee ....
Cedar Rapids ,
Sioux City ....
St. Paul
Cleveland .
"O.Oiu I
Take , Laiatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets
Druggists lefund money If it fails to cuis
E. W. Grove's eiirnatura ts on each box.ISo,
Bracelets Frenser, loth and Dodge.
' Enslaver Sleveas to Coma.
WASHINGTON. Dec. .-Chlef Engineer
Stevens of the Panama canal, will sail from
Colon for the frilled Stis on the 13th
Inst. He comes to give his views on the
type of canal to be adopted.
All ExBarienea Pointa to
Extract of Deer
as tha finest aick
atroneth food.
V It gives results in
ii U 1.x. A
HIS aignatur
or ir
Bottled at the Springs,Budapest,Hungary,
Under the Scientific Supervision of Dr. Leo Lieberraann,
Royat Councillor, Professor of Hygiene and Director, of
the Hyirlenic . Institute, Royal University, Budapest.
Sparkling Apenta,
Natural Apenta Carbonated, 't v
A Refreshing, and Pleasant Aperient
' for Morning Use. , !
Sole Exporters: THE A POLLINA RIS CO., Ld., London.
Give The Boy A Start
Teach him to save. It will count for
much In his after life.
Open an account for him with "THE
ASSOCIATION." 205 South Sixteenth St.,
Omaha, Neb. It may start him on .the road -to
At the very least It will teach him
something of the value of money.
Six per cent has always been paid on
such accounts.
Assets over $1,435,000; reserve and ' un
divided profits, $56,000.
If you do not live In Omaha, write for
full Information. .
Iriih Nationalist Party Eoldi CouTeition at
Laniion House, Dublin.
No Alliance with English Party
Which Does ot Make Horn
Rale 'tor Island the Para
mount laene.
DUBLIN, Dec. 6 The Irish national con
vention was opened athe Mansion house
this morning; under the' presldency of John
Rednd. There ' was' a good fathering
of members of Parliament and delegates
from all part of the country. Special
Interest was taken by those present at the
convention .in', tha , advient' of the new
liberal 'administration, at "Westminister. ....'
Neither WIHlam'O'BMen iior Timothy M.
tlealy. .were, praseat,. but. their a bee nee did
not seem to affect the cheerfulness of Mr.
Redmond, as he congratulated the con
vention on tha death of the unionist anti
home rule government which he attributed
to the blows j)t the Irish representatives
In Parliament. Continuing, Mr. Redmond
painted the prospects of the Irish in roseate
hues and said the realisation of their hopes
depended almost entirely -on themselves.
The lord mayor moved1 home rule reso
lution condemning- the present system of
governing Ireland, as follows:
We solemnly assert that no new system
of government In Ireland will be accepted
as satisfactory except a legislative as
sembly freely elected and representatives
of the people with power to make laws
for Ireland and an executive government
responsible to that assembly and this con
vention declares that the Irish national
party cannot enter Into an alliance with
or give permanent support to any English
party or government which doea not make
the question of granting such an assembly
and executive to - Ireland, the cardinal
point pf its program.
The resolution . was carried by ac
clamation. . - .
The convention also passed a resolution
condemning tbe proposed conference of the
supporters of Lord Dunraven, Thomas W,
I Russell Timothy M Hely and John Dll-
I Ion. on the ground that It would be Inter
preted aa an abandonment of the claim for
home rule, i
The. convention will continue tomorrow.
Ideal Buying
Imagine city with 422
istoraa where you could
buy everything from an
education to an automobile,
from a ahower bath to a
shaving set-suppoae you
were told that you could
shop freely in this city whh
the absolute assurance that
you would not be swindled
or corrupted, poisoned or
' dosed you would think it
a wonderful industrial con
dition.. "The Marketplace of the ,
World" the a d v e r t i I ng
pegesof McClure's Magazine
is such a city. "
All nevs stands, 10c, $1 a year
Over 4H.OC0 families are reading
McClure's Magazine
-60 East 23d Street. NEW TORK
Gt-fr a r rs e rl
V. The most severs head
aches wul yield la a tew
miaatee to Brorao-lM
(coDtaias aa Outnio).
Don't suffer any li.nmr.
Get a bos today aik your draggUt tot
ths Orsnfe Colored Bos
All drorc'o". ?e or by mail.
J Bsa. . Tbeaa suffsrisg from vesk
- asT Besses which sap ths pleasures
B of life should taks Juren Pills.
i One bos will tell a story of
marvelous results. This has more
rejuvenating, yitallslnc fore than has ever
before boon offorod. tBt Dost-paid In plain
pat'ioae only an rooolpt of this ad, and ll.
Uads by iu origtMtors C. 1. Rood Co.. prs
riotors Uood'i barsapariUa. Lowell. Hiu,
Ma av t at m as an a a? am a
(New York Central Llncg.)
Leave - j ?tWultf)AlL Y
- -ror CINCINNATI, .
3:1 7 i.m., ' 12 Noon, 9:30 p.m., .11 m.
' 8:17 a. m.. 1:00 p.m., 11 p, m. '
..... .. ., : v
Through Sleepers, Dining Cars, Par
lor Cars and Day Coaches. This Is "the
route that gives the service. ' . (a
0. W. GREEN, T. P. A.,.
Kansas City, Mo. .
Ticket office, Broadway and Chest
nut Sts., or address C. L. HILLEARY,
A. O. P. A., St. Louis.
. IN : v . -
Sis Hopkins
Original Production. -
Sterling Cast.
Matinee Saturday &lent8T
- Return of the Favorite
Orand Dancing; Contest, 4
COMING A Boa of Rest. i
BOYD'S """uSS:"
F. C. Whitney Presents ths '
Successful Musical '
Wltn William Norrls and Alio Dovay.
RiiRwnnn ". mib. ie
DUnnUUU Tus..Thnrs..atMto.i-s
Under the Red Robe
Next. Week Why Smith .Left Horns.
ft CRtlOHTOH v
Phone !,..
Matinee Today 25c
CHILDREN 10c. i,T.
' ' ' FRICES-lOc,- tie sa, :
Baked Individual Oyster