Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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    tuip nf A1I liATI.V RK.V.. . Tllli WX1VW. T)Kf!KMRER 7. 190.". "
n ' - ViUiUliJi -'.- " " - y , . y . r r T -r
, . , ,. I I IIIIU , . -. - -J. . I ' - - I ' ' " .....
Proper Owor n TbirtUth Street Slew
in Pejing 8pecial Ti
"Ity Clerk fitllla Advertising? for BHl
. on Bapplles af All Kind t Br
Partlikd Ik rtr
Ths ikm-psymsnt by property owners of
tha taxes assessed for the paving of
Thirtieth street, from Q street south to Y,
1 causing the city authorities some little
trouble and also some expense.
, . Several weeks ago an Hem was printed
In The Bee to the effect that the Thirtieth
street, property owners had refused to pay
the Special paving: taxes, alleging that thera
Were several weak points in the ordinances.
At that time mention was made of the
fact that the cost of paving this street,
which amounted to about $22,000. would
eventuallyroave to be paid by the city al
A' new feature came to light yesterday
i when it' was the intention to pay to the
r. paving v .contractors. Parks. Johnson
Parks. $T.S7 reserve money. After Clerk
...Ollljn. had drawn the warrant In pursuance
to aa order from the city council It was
found that' the city treasurer had used the
... ieeerve fund to pay. two of the paving
bonds -which. !! due not long ago. There
nag a hasty Consultation between city of
. flclals, and ft n decided to borrow the
money'.' 0 pay Parks the reserve from one
of tha banks. -The. loan. Is to be a short
time' one end Is to be taken up when prop
erty 'Owners' pay Into the treasury the
amount due fur thts paving.
It has been customary In holding back
money die on paving contracts for a year
. to- Invest- the same In a certificate of de
"- posit and pay to the contractor when the
vctfr la up the reserve and Interest at the
! rate, -of. . per -.cent. When the Thirtieth
Mroet paving' was completed and the final
atlmates" nllowcd Parks. Johnson & Parks
tasked -permlssjon to give a surety bond In
Tilaee of the reserve, but the council would
',not hear" ,t6 this.: The Intention was to In
struct tb city treasurer (to Invest this re
'serve for a year, but the matter was over
looked.' and the" money remained In ' the
paving-f and Instead of being mvesieu,
Wheri.the bonds became due the treasurer
"paid (he amount out of the reserve and
consequently 'when Parks called for his
money -yesterday he found the fund ex
-"haustedvThn paving taxes are now de-
IntjuerVt-but still - the . property owners
- show-no Inclination to. pay tor ine im
y provenint and berrtre long the mayor and
'city- council wilt have, to take steps to
meet the bonds as they mature.
.. .. . Bide for Supplies.
City. Clerk ailtln Is advertising for bid
for supplies to; be furnished the city for
the twelve months commencing January 1
; These .bids will be opened at a meeting of
the council to be held on Tuesday evening.
December W. In this pall for bids every de
. pgrtmeflt In the city in mentioned. Printed
. ' matter, ach as letter beads, envelopes and
, type writer-upplles,T comes tn for, bids In
(tyery1 department and constitutes a large
''part 'of the expenses of the city. In the
street , commissioner's department there I
' a -call for bids on 44.000 feet of yellow pine
.lumber, two by twelve Inches and sixteen
' feet In length, and 21,000 feet of yellow pine
t at , different dimensions. Just what the
Street commissioner needs 3,000 envelopes
. ;' for is hurd to determine, but he asks for
that number, along with ,000 letter heads.
Two thousand feet of sewer pipe and 6,000
brtck.(are also wanted by the street de
. jl'.pS.rtnveatrt. jW4ax., commissioner-. la the
only official that doea not ask for letter
; heads" jind envelopes. The Fire and Police
.commissioners want thirty ons of soft coal
and flva, tons of . hard coal along with 800
bushels of oats, fifty bushels of corn and
' ' 200 pounds of oil meal. It takes forty tons
of hay and 600 pounds of bran for the
horses, besides grain. To look over the
'""'requisitions for supplies It would seem as
.'If the city; officials did nothing but write
' letters,-judging from tha large number of
jjetterjieads and envelopes asked for.. Eveu
the" police Judge, who does not average a
letter & day. atdch for 1,000 letter heada and
envelopes. . Bids for feeding city prisoners
i will alsd bo opened along with the other
bids. At the present time the city Is paying
10V cents a meal for city prisoners.
;v. 'Another' Thomas W. Lawaoa.
' A. son, was born yesterday to Mr. and
"r'Mrs, Monroe Lawson. 13U8 North Thirteenth
i 'street. and the youngster waa Immediately
.;naniea Thomas W. Lawson. This child is
n. while sod. Is. according to Dr. Slabaugb, a
promising boy, The parents of the boy ap
pear lo be considerably interested In tha
-.w'ro.nxled,,, financier of Boston and did not
..hesitate' n selecting a name. The father
'says thalfcueh. a name is sure to bring good
v- ; 'T anin.rinos 10 ma coy. ;
' , .; South '. Qmaha merchants are expressing
v.lbemaelrea as fairly well sat in fled with con-
ditlons at present. During 'the recent cold
snap jnarcbanta report a large Increase In
i sales and. they look f or an exceedingly
prosperous winter. Collections are reported
,t : lie. much better than a few weeks ago
". faid thel-e" appears to be a falling off In
fioredit,' business rnd an Increase In cash
transactions., ';au wt want now," said a
merchant last night, "Is good sharp winter
; weatheijyind you will sea a big Increase In
,,ii;aje. ,-...
' 1 Will' Veaeer rrlth Brlrk.
8oretdry Marslj of the Youna M.n'
.j Christian association, said last evening
' !ttlHtl'h,, e tempt to secure permission from
irjl,V .cltf council to erect a frame gym
.. f nasiitm bnildiag Inside tha fire limits would
'.most likely be abandoned. "We know that
It will be a, hard matter to aecure this per
mission from the city council, as others
III want the same favors shown. It has
bout been decided to go ahead with the
building of our gymnasium and a brick
eneer will be used for the outside walls.
The cost of the brick veneer will be In the
neighborhood of 1273, but we are confident
tht this money can be raised." Within a
few days the directors of the association
will meet and discuss this question and
very probably make nrrsnRements for out
side brick walls.
Maale t'tfy (ioaelp.
A. R. Rphmkc of the Cudahy Packing
company has gone to Chicago for a few
A son whs born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kartens, 4il Bouth Twenty-third
The Modern Brotherhood of America will
give a dsnce at Workman temple on Friday
Dsn Hannon commenced grading Seven
teenth street from I street to Missouri ave
nue yesterday.
Miss K. M. Nicholson, Thirtieth and Q
streets, has gone to St. Psul, Minn., to
spend the winter with relatives.
Henry C. Murnhy hns secured a permit
for the erection of a residence at Twenty-
fifth and D streets to cost f.1.000.
llarrv L. Carnenter. manager of the stock
yards at Lincoln, was here looking after
some business matters yesterday.
Pavers on Twenty-fourth street worked
hard yesterday and Inst night the pavement
had been laid to the soutn line ot i sireei,
Rome renalrs are belna made to the heat-
n olant in the city liall and last night the
prisoners complained about having-to get
along without steam.
The Presbvterlan King s Daughters will
hnlrl a bazaar at Workman temple today.
Dinner and supper will bo served and in
the evening a literary program la to be ren
Phil Kearney post No. 3. Grand Army of
the Republic, is now located for the winter
In Woodman hall over the Bouth Omaha
National bank. Aft election Of offlcera will
be held on Saturday night.
Matter la Taken t p by Twelfth W ard
Federation of Improve,
meat CTnbs.
At the meeting of the Twelfth Ward
Federation of Improvement Clubs Friday
evening plans were drawn up to be pre
sented to the city council whereby
streets running east and west north of
Lake street and west of Twenty-fourth
street shall be made fifty feet wide and
the driveway twenty-two feet, with four
teen feet on each side for sidewalk and
parking purposes, and trees to be planted
fifty feet apart on both sides, the parking
to be between the walk and curb line.
The light committee has secured some
gasoline lamps to be located in the ward,
and also the promise of a light on the
belt line crossing south of the chair fac
The street railway committee was In
struct ed to take up the question of car
line extensions la the ward with Buperlh
tendent Smith, the company having al
ready signified its Intention to . extend the
Thirtieth street line next spring.
The committee also secured further prom
Ises from some of the councllmen to hav
cinders placed on Twenty-fourth street,
north of Ames avenue.
The federation decided to give a smoker
the latter part .of January for the six
clubs In the ward, prominent speakers to
be invited.
Algernon F. Wilson, president of the
federation, Is a candidate . for councilman
from the Twelfth ward on the republican
ticket. V
In his efforts to compel Attorney General
Trout to allow him to get Into the rase, a
Mr. Follmer wished. For his services
Judge Ryan did not charge the state a
cent, though his contentions were upheld
by the Interior department.
Rxcomm anient Ion.
OMAHA, Dec. 5. To the Editor of The
Hee: I had no Idea that Bishop Bcanncll
was such a humorist, for excommunicating
s good-looking young woman because she
actc-d as bridesmaid In high social affairs Is
indeed the very essence of a Joke. Excom
munication, forsooth! Why, none know bet
ter than the reverend gentleman himself
that even In matters of violation of church
discipline Itself which this act cannot by
any stretch of ecclesiastical authority be
called -- excommunications have been
through all time flat failures. Luther was
excommunicated. but the reformation
flourished. Henry VIII was excommuni
cated, hut England was not held to the
faith. Free Masonry was excommunicated,
but the body only grew stronger. History
does not record a single instance In which
excommunications had any results, other
than the opposite of the effects desired.
Theologically, too, an excommunication
cannot lie, according to the best Roman
Catholic theologians, in any case where the
co'nsclence of the Roman Catholic approves
the act, as In Dr. McOlynn's rase. Besides,
the most the reverend bishop can do Is to
make, or attempt to make, his position "a
reserved case," and Instruct his priests to
fefuse the women In question the sacra
ments. In that dilemma all these women
have to do Is to cross the ecclesiastical line
Into another diocese where they will be ad
mitted to the sacrament. So these women
can enjoy the unique position of being here
tics In one diocese and orthodox In another.
Of course the whole thing Is a tempest In
a teapot, which will quickly pass, and tend
only to bring the once dreaded anathema of
excommunication Into a current of contempt.-
To common sense Catholics a calm, digni
fied exhortation from the reverend bishop
to his flock to quietly discountenance such
functions as caused the Irate utterance
would be more Just and productive of bet
ter results.
There Is still another, and a non-Catholic,
view of the bishop's side. The parties to
the ceremony were both Protestants, pre
sumably acting In accordance with law and
their own conscience, Why should any
Catholic object to attending for the cause
assigned any more than because the prin
cipals attended a Methodist church or were
subscribers to the thirty-nine articles?
Aehblahop Xlesnmer's Position.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Dec. ft.-Areh-
blshop Messmer Is out as the champion
of Bishop Scannell of Omaha, whose recent
edict resulted , In the excommunication of
Miss Hamilton, for attending the marriage
of a divorcee.
The archblshon defends Blshnn fici nni ll'
action In a letter which Is likely to attract!
a good deal of attention.
Archbishop Messmer's letter is, In yart, as
I am delighted with the stand takn by
the bishop. While It has created tn un
desirable sensation in Catholic and non-
Catholic circles. It will do a great deal of
Plants ladlana on Reservations and
, Comes to Omaha to Spend
Cold Season.
Colonel William McCune has returned
to his native heath after a summer spent
with the Buffalo Bill show In France and
la quartered at the Merchants for the
winter. He has Just returned from the
reservations, where he left the Indians
which were with the show during the sum
mer and says he escaped all of the frontier
games and returns well prepared tor a
winter's rest In Omaha.
"The Indians were good sailors, although
they did not take well to the German cook
ing on the boat we used." said Colonel
McCune, "the grjb not agreeing with them
very well. After a long tiresome season tn
France, Colonel Cody thought he would
give the men the advantage of a scenic
trip and consequently pent them Via Naples,
Oenoa, Olbralter and Morroco. The boat
was a regular tourist's boat and we were
fourteen days from Naples to New Tork.
Tha Indians were often pressed Into service
to give an exhibition before the cabin
passengers and amuned them with dances
and songs. '
"The people In the southern part of
France are a hard lot In some cases and
several times we were called upon to cry
"Hey Rube" and give them a good drubbing
before we could load the ahow. In Naples
our electrician. "Mr. Ballej-, had his wife
ashore with several of us and she gave
him her purse to carry and after we had
gone about thirty feet she asked him for
It to buy a post-card and It was gone. We
had been advised to keep our coats but
toned, but did not see how the thieves
could work so quickly. Bailey threatened
to kill the first organ grinder - we struck
after we reached America.
"The Indians all had a nice piece ot
money coming when we reached the
reservation. We do not pay them until
the season Is over, but protect their money
for them until they return to the res
ervation." ,'
WESTON OUT FOR GOVERNOR I ,7nt.Tehhr?efredhem,rm w,hns
Former Mate Anflltor I Candidate
for Semination by the
Charles Weston, ex-stste auditor, will be
candidate for the republican nomination
for governor. This announcement was
made In Omaha Wednesday afternoon and.
though It did not come direct from Mr.
Weston, It Is said to he absolutely reliable
and comes from a source that cannot be
doubted. During the last year Mr. Weston
has been frequently mentioned s a candi
date for governor or for United States
senator, but It Is now stated with authority
that he will try for the gubernatorial chair.
Some weeks ago Mr. Weston stated he
would not say anything regarding politics
for some time, but lit that time he did not
deny thst ha would be a candidate.
W. J. t nderwood General Manaaer
and J. B. F-arllnar General
Superintendent. '
i ... .
CHICAGO. Dec. 6.-W. J. Underwood,
former assistant genera) manager of the
Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul railroad,
has been made general manager ot the
system, succeeding II. B. Williams, who
Is now president of th Pacific Railway
company. Mr. Underwood la a brother of
F. D. Underwood, president of the Erie
railroad. Like the latter, he started his
railroad career as a brakemun. D. I,.
Bush will be made assistant general man
ager of the St. Paul road and J. B. Earllng,
superintendent at Milwaukee, It Is said,
will succeed Mr. Bush as general superintendent.
llchtv Inmn and on approaching the let
the gas Ignited. The flame soon spresd to
the Joists of tho first fWr above. The
fire department arrived In time to prevent
the Are from spreading snd the loss was
Write Mswhlnney A Ryan for K8 Christ
mas Jewelry catalogue. It s free.
lockels-Frenser. 15th and Dodge.
Tibbets of Uncoln Is at the Mil-
Welsh of O'Neill is at the Mur-
Broken Gaa Jet Causes Fire.
A small fire broke out tn the flat at 211.1
Douglas at 4:18 last night. It appeared
that a gas jet In the basement was broken
In some manner, allowing the gas to es-
M. H. Austin, a banker of Kranklln. Is
at the Murray.
Dr. C. S Evans of Schuyler is at the
Miss Agnes Pierre of Plattsiuouth Is a
guest of Mrs. J. A Hope at the Arcade.
J. L. Evans of Scott's Bluff Is at the
Murray. He Is here buying cettle on the
South Omaha markets.
A. Kerrls and son, Mullen: W. Duncan.
Gibson; J. H. McMalley. Crelghton, are
evening arrivals at the Arcade.
Eugeno Brookings of Teksmah. superin
tendent of school of Burt county, was In
the city on business Wednesday.
At the Iler Grand: Harry Dixon and wife,
Mrs. Bossnell snd Mrs. D. O. Congrlon,
North Platte; Mrs. C. E. Adanis, Superior;
C. F. Calhoun, Springfield.
W. G. Whltmore and wife, with their
two daughters, Miss Jessie and Miss L. A.
Whltmore, of Valley, are guests at the
Paxton. Miss L. A. Whltmore has Juet
returned from Massachusetts.
O. E. GslneS, Arlington! C. P. Jensen,
Grand Island; G. K. and F. A. Pettenger,
Albion; II. W. Scott and wife, Hastings;
J. P. Mlillgan. Wlsner; R. B. Bnodgruss,
York I C C Btrombaugh, Uncoln, are Nc
braskana at the Merchants.
Adjutant Oenersl Culver came up from
Lincoln last night to attend a meeting of
the Lova I Legion, and will remain over
this morning to look after some business
in connection With the National Otiard of
Nebraska. He received before leaving Lin
coln notice that the Interstate National
Guards' association will meet at Washing
ton Oh January 22 next. He Is trying to
arrange for a large attendance from Nebraska.
Railroad Official Thinks He aa Well
as Trainmen On a" tit to Be
Protected. v .-
wish the president had gone further
and urged that a limit be placed onthe
number of hours ot employment In rail
road headquarters and offices," remarked
an- official at one of the big headquarters
buildings In Omaha, who, personally. Is
strongly opposed to working clerks long
hours. "I think the president la right In
recommending that the men who run -the
trains be not overworked as to hours and,
seriously, I think he could well afford to
Investigate the situation In the big railroad
headquarter. It Is not right that clerks,
who get small pay, should be compelled to
put in such long hours. In many Instances
they are required to work all day. and far
Into the night. Thta Is the case here In
Omaha and many a young man Is paying
dear tribute to this custom with his very
vitality. . .
'There is just this difference between
the clerk working overtime and the man
on the train or in the shops putting In
extra hours: The clerk? does 1t without any
extra pay, while tha railroader or shopman
gets extra pay pay , and a half aa they
call It. So, you see, the injustice to the
clerk is all the worse. After all, the me
chanic who la protected by his union has
got the better of the bargain. The me
chanic geta better pay, works shorter hours
and gets extra pay fr working overtime.
"I wish the president had gone Into this
matter, too."
C'banare of Call Honr by Practical
Joker Gives George H. Mnrray
Some. Worry.
George If. Murray, representing a New
York theatrical firm owning the rights for
the comic opera, "Florodora," was the most
vexed man in Omaha last Monday. He
registered Sunday evening at the Ilr Grand
and left a call for 8 o'clock Monday morn
ing, that he might be at the Union station
In time to have legal papers served on those
in charge of the special car bearing the
"Florodora" company from Nebraska City
to Fremont. A friend, of Mr. Murray,
whose name has not . been releas-'d for
publication, overheard Murray's request
good by calling emphatic attention to the for the early call, so, for a Joke, telephoned
superiority of a principle over mere s.Miti- Hhe hotel Sunday evening to have the call
mentality and social forms. It is about' hH , . ... i,,t i-
tlme to call a halt regarding the Indls- , ranged to 8 o clock. As the hotel people
criminate attendance of Catholics at believed Mr. Murray telephoned the change
Pt!s,.1nt. rr1110"! ""vices. . he was allowed to slumber until o'clock.
Not that I would Inaugurate an era of I ,,, tl
Intolerance. Far from it. But I am of the ! The rwmlt tn ''Florodora car went
opinion that Intolerance essentially Inherent : through the city and played Its engage
In religious truth and divine law. natural ' mrnl at Fromont before Mr. Murray could
or revealed, is fully compatible with the . ,, ,, ... . , i, ,.;. ,,..
widest and most cordial tolerance in social Ret there nd take legl action. This little
Intercourse, Joined with sincere mutual coup on the part of Murray's friend enabled
thePetrue"s "dtyMrUButn?touldr'slJHrhlPl I tw0 m"h m'n' ne"'l' " "e Fremont
with the fuller freedom of social intercourse j Ppra house, to glvrThe performances at
with the growth and spread of civil comity I Fremont as ndverUsid, although n,ttach-
S1MiHnm.Ii,?MIiT;-a,IU, ihf. ment proceedings fortdellnquent loyalties
or sectarian prejudice and animosity, many I . "T .
of our Catholic fwople are losing, that fine ; WPI"e started at Fremont after the engage
sense n f rol j t iftlMi riiuiAmmant nr.l ( I mAnt Ih.V. J i I I f .
as a mariner's needle, which knows no well I " f.- Y V '
nuw m umiuiKuinn ociween religious prin
ciple and decorum on the one hand and
social comity and friendly communion on
the other.
There Is In this regard a remarkable dif
ference between the common and rich
classes. Many a- poor fellow feels by his
Catholic Instinct, as it were, and his moral
sense, the incongruity and imnronrletv nr
even, as the case may be, sinfulness of at
tending at certain sectarian services where
a so-called educated and prominent Catho
lic, a man of high society, is led by his
broad and liberal ideas of modern social
life to see nothing but social etiquette or
irienuij- lavnr. Ana yet will not every
serious thinker admit that social rxilltenen.
wim iib rrcseni mgniy aeveiopea And coni-
ated forms and manners, must ruled
moral principles no less than the whole
jrVfil '
it J llSHb
That every ingredient must be of choicest
selection, and the brewing", fermenting,
aging and so on faultless, .is told in
the taste
; But there's something else: an inde
scribable element that gives to Wiener
its striking individuality. In a word, it
is Character. There's a most satisfying,
grateful flavor that is always a distinct
Blatx quality.
Omaha Branch
1412 Douglas Street Tel. rt)8l
Always tha Uood. OIi."Blatje ; i
Pot-still Scotch
Maoro'a. 1 he oatr d'stil
ler uupplylmg wkltky (o tbtt .
The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor.
T k atd ef RUey Bros. Jt Co.
asd at Club, Otfea. Hotels lit f Dealers,
The Cook O Bernheimer Co.,
01. B AGBN'l FOR V. 9. A. '
Construction Work .will Sot Stop to
Lesg aa This Weather
Holds oat.
Building will progress rapidly as long as
tho warm weather continues, say the
Omaha contractors. 'There Is no longer the
difficulty which had to be met all summer I
And yet will not every in getting large timbers. The Louisiana
mills have cut a large Supply since the high
water and yellow fever blockade ahd they
are ready to ship as fast as orders" come
In. Omaha builders now have all the lum
ber they need. Nearly all the. big timbers
for the Wright & AYilbelmy warehouse are
here before the foundation is laid. Another
by moral prtncipl
conduct of man, and that even the warmest
and noblest sentiment of friendship may
nut overstep where religion and morality
have drawn the line?
When Catholics, either by Ignorance or
dgmehnetr.ndflfeen,, rosV'wlvesn' a ' " ,n the building situation
labyrinth of erroneous religious notions snd i tht men are not so hard to get as a
equally confused Ideas regarding the laws
of social etiquette, it becomes tho duty of
the ecclesiastical authority, the appointed
ijin ui reiiaioua irum ana moral prin
ciple, to show the rlKht way. That Is Just
what Bishop Scannell has done.
Tha letter states
church on divorce a
'! k.T. boa !t for !noala. vita
wfeltjl 1 afflicti Iwrov.r tw.oiy ye.r..
sit all vii.T ais hdmuuuJ.''
e.n ... tb.ft t'M.r.M .... .1... mi. huit.
r.ll.f Ih.n .nr oUir ruiiy 1 a.v. .v.r trl.d. 1 Nwnii4 ih.m u mj as
tau. OtlUrd, Elgla, ID.
7f Bt For
II jtr ThBowla .
X. lsL'
Aaslllarr to Post A Formed aaa
Work la Campaign la
The Ladles' auxiliary to Post A. Travel
ers' Protective association, met Wednesday
afternoon and completed their organisation.
A constitution was adopted and officers
were elected aa follows: President, Mrs.
John Purcuplle; vice president, Mrs.
Rogers; secretary, Mrs. Robert Kimball;
treasurer, Mrs. Welthan. Committees were
appointed on entertainment, visiting, audit
ing and press.
The women will help Post A in its cam
paign for new members in the contest with
other posts of the state. If Post A secures
200 new members by April 1 it will be given
a banquet by the mate post, but If It should
not get 100 members and the state post
secures 10ft, Post A will- have to pay for
the banquet.- The membership committee
appointed a month ago Is canvassing the
wholesale and manufacturing houaea of the
city for recruits and U will make a strong
effort during the holidays, when, the travel
ing salesmen are In the city. F"orty-flve
members have been added since the com
mittee went to work. . "
Nebraska la ahead of the seven other
states In the same class In the -membership
contest organised by the national associa
tion. A prise of 8 has been offered to
the winner In each class, and at present
Nebraska has a good chance to get the
the position of the
nd holds the fact that
tha parlies concerned In the case are prom
inent and were warned not to go to the
wedding makes their disobedience all the
more serious. The letter concludes;
The correct thing for those Omaha Caih.
oiks to do was to obey their lawful
superior) and 'if they thought him to be In
the wrong to bring the matter before a
higher court later on.
No doubt Hlsnop scannell has given
few months ago.
The brta Rail rnac,
Tha Picturesque Trunk Una ot America,
announces Its through . train service from
Chicago to New Tork and Boston. Mass.,
also Its Columbus (O.) short Una, For
through ticket and ' rates of fars, etc,
apply to your local ticket agent, or to J. A.
Dolan, T. P. A., Raliway Exchange, Chicago.
severely lajarea by Kail. '
Robert Jamea Oalhralth. a Sootchman 7!
years old. waa Injured from a fall while
running after a street car at Twenty.
.(vth unit O HI reet M flmith fkmaliA l.a,
American Catholics a sadly needed and night. He stumbled over something while
ri.u.ol rl..l.. Pat.nt,Tu.ened,DeMd,
N.r.f lckc, ttiMk.a nr CI lip., JV-Uc. K.T.I
.-)t In fculk. 'I k. ! tablet iUi-h4 C V C
turui4 ft. Stir, or your to.u.y bM4.
Sterling R.ra.dy Co., Chicago er H.T. H7
CM1KF gU'ARJKHMASTKKS OFP1CK. Ni b , Nuvember 17, 1JD. Sealed
lirotMiM..' in triplicate, stinted to the u.ual
conditions, wilf be received here until Is
1, . a. m., central standard time, December 7,
for tarnishing guO.ouO pounds biium.
"..inous' coal, during the remainder of the
, ttwal year eiuiina June SO. at Omaha.
' Nebraska, t nttnd Stales reserves right to
-reject er accept any or all proposals, or
. any part thereof. Information furnished
vn airrcalin hers. Envrlopea containing
... piorniMtl rtuuld be tnarked "Propositls fui
Fuel,'" and addressed U M. Gray
tllnafci COM w r-7 u
most wholesome lesson, and It Is to be
hoped that prominent Catholics all over
the land will profit by It.
Field Claa Members Choose Hlsa to
' Be Pre.tdeat for Xest
The fifth annual election of the Omaha
Field cluh, held yesterday, resulted In tha
election of tfie following officers for the en
suing year: President, Ben T. White; vice
president, . E. V. Lewis; secretary, James
Allan; treasurer, Phillip Potter. Directors,
Joseph B.' Clarke. Dr. W. H. Sherraden.
Con Toung and Harry B. Morrill. The
total number of ballots cast was 299.
The annual business meeting of the club
was held last evening at the Commercial
club rooms. Retiring President Jay D. Pos
ter, In his annual report, gave a resume
of what the officers of the club have ac
complished during the last year In the way
ot Improvements. He spoke a kindly word
for the various committees which supported
htm faithfully and made It possible for the
club to reach its present condition. It was
running and dislocated him rlaiit wrist
snd tore one of the ligaments of .his ribs
loose from the breast bone. He caught the
car following and came to Omaha, where
his dislocated bones were set at the police
staticn. - .
' A New Attraction Will Be Presented
DECEMBER 18th by the ,
'rl"'"'-'; - AND
The Los Angeles Limited
A New Daily Train
Electric lighted throughout.
Observation Car with Buffet, Smoking
and Library Apartments.
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara.
Handsome Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte.
Attendants specially selected.
Telegraphic news bulletined Iwice a .
day from all parts of the world.
Inquire at
: ' ; . 'Phone 084.
Treats . All Forms ot Diseases at
Thirty Years' Experience.
Twenty Years in Omaha.
The doctor's remarkable Sitceess has
never been equalled. His resources and
facilities for treating this class of diseases
sre unlimited, and every day brings many
flattering reports of the good he is doing or
the relief he. has given. ..
All Blood Poisons. , No "BREAKING OUT'
on the skin or face and ail external signs
of the disease disappears at once. A per
manent cure for life guaranteed. .
VAhILULl1XLkss than tivs days.
niFf tn (rtOfl cases cured of Hydrocele,
UltM JU.UU U stricture, (Sleet. Nervous
Debility, Loss of Strength an yitallty
and all forms of chronic diseases.
Treatment by hiall. Call or write. Box
76S. Office 215 South 14th 'St.'. Omaha. Neb.
Jn STORZ BEER we gur
antee you purity. It il
brewed in shining copper tankt,
red in hermetically sealed
v.ti, filtered through whits
wood pulp, put in iterillsed
bottle without icoming in con
tact with the air, then partrur
iied. It it absolutely free from
the rermt er .Impurities that
lurk in water, milk, tea,
coffee or other beverage. Keep
Stoki Bits in your home.1 A7
Gvory Voman
is uuansua ana naua now
abont tn wonderful
MARVEL Whlrliaa Spray
1 mw raf ImJ lrr mm., yses.
Hun sad Hurtion. lies 9m
mi Most Cost
IRVKi., scoi no
.r. tHil and ammo fc
llluirid book It (It
full navrtlmlu. sua .inwetion. in.
elh.r. tHita to lullc. MARVEL.
m. em at., saw ton.
For Bala nr
Cor. 16tb an4 Doaaa eta-, nmafaa.
Da Big for aas.tsrat
IrrltolloM or .Icr.ik...
ct aataat "abraaw.
p.I.Im. ..4 sot sMrta
Intf vMSCKMM:m CJ. r ioaefc
ghsta ay sfrttawasw
1 er snt la -wnpptt.
V- aagfytl (I SO. .
lBBaB-e-Vr.a ciwalsr seat xnaask
f'omaacrvlal Clak Smoker.
A smoker Is to be given at the Commer
cial club on Friday evening for members
only. . .
Fair Today aad Tomorrow la e
brn.ka, Iowa, Mlsaoart, ttyom.
lagr aad , Colorado.
WA8H1NOTON. Dec. . Forecast of Die
weather for Thursday and Friday; .
For Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri, Colorado,
Wyoming and North. Dakota-fFalr Thurs
day and Friday. - "
Lrfseal Rai.rd.
OMAHA. Dec. OftUlaJ record of lem
perature and prculpltatlon as compared
with the corresponding day of the last
three years:
190fi. VtH. 10(4. 1992.
Maximum temperature.. 50 . . 49 so 21
Minimum tempcrsture.,.,. 8 tt 81 IS
Mean temperature .... l SS - Is
Jadwo Trsss Makes a aoeaaa Allow,
aaeo tor Dlvoreo Coateat Agtalaat
Blooaaaela Bak.r.
Judge Troup has made an additional al
lowance of taut) to Mrs. Alice Maude Saun
ders , for the prosecution of her divorce
casa against Sherman Saunders, tho Bloom
field banker. In making the allowance the
judge aaid that If he had supposed a sec
ond application would be made for suit
money, ha would have directed the division
of tha first allowance of 1700 which was
made for attorney's fee. The plaintiff and
her attorney are permitted, however, to
arrange the division of tha $1,000 thus far
allowed as they may see fit for fee and
necessary expenaes. with tb understand
ing tnat results oe obtained In the way of
getting depositions and tha vase brought to
g speedy trial.
reported tnat over . had been Zr.'-'inX'ftU
penueo aunng me year on improvements i tures from, the normul at Omaha since j
house and grounds.
President-Elect White assumed his new
office by making a short speech.
Old Kebraaka Lawyer aad Jarl.t
t'osaea to Attead Federal
Coart Sessloa.
Judge Robert Ryan, former supreme
court commissioner, but who some months
sgo left Nebraska after twenty-five years'
residence ta become tha head of the law
firm of Ryan, Ryan at Ryan of Des Moines,
succeeding his brother who died, IB attend
ing federal court in Omaha, Judge Ryan
was located at Uncoln for a number ot
years and waa recognised as one of Ne
braska's beat lawyers. Just before leaving
for Des Moines he waa tha attorney for
Land Commissioner' Follmer in the Boyd
county land rases and tiled soma very sen
sational affidavits aefora tha supreme court
iarcn i anu -umpariuim wiin uie laai
Normal temperature? , 2
Kiresa for the day 11
Total excess sine March 1 iM
Normal precipitation .01 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Incb I
Precipitation since March 1 27. 3 Inches
Deficiency sine March 1 2.0 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1SH..... 4.S6 inches
Deficiency for cor. period mug.... J.M Inches
Reports froaa Statlaas at T . M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weather. , Tp.pi. Tern. fall.
Bismsrck. clear .1 M .00
Cheyenne, clear 36 U .0i
Chicago, clear...., ...'...42 ' -W .00
Davenport, clear :....40 i .u0
Ienver. pt. cloudy tl .(at
Havre, cloudy , .00
Helena, clear M li .
Huron, clear ..2 Xi .0u
Kansas City, clear ,'.....44 62 .)
North Platte, clear.,. 34 u4 .00
Omaha, clear ...44 ' So .f
Rapid City, clear M ii .
St. lxula, clear..' 48 52 ,i
81. Paul, clear , ,..M 4 .On
Salt lks City, clear 4
Valentine, clear 24 A
Wllllston. pt. cloudy 28 M .)
in"1ir"r """""" Ir '"'-"""lt11!1,1!..1!. f ' 1 '"si
0 m sM l E A l IS EHOU jJS
TUESDAYS, December 5th and 19th
I .... ' H
The Biron wlouBiaiei
j To Certain Points In the
West and Southwest
STOPOVEHS allowed within the limit
' FINAL LIMIT of tickets, twenty-one days.
Cnr riirthnr Infnrmntinn or Lan Pamphlets, Folders, Maps, etc.,
rOl rUnilCl IlllOlIliailUil Address any agent of the company, or .
Tom Hughes. Thos. F. Godfrey, L' ,
Traveling Passenger Agent Passenger and Ticket Agent '
;, Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam Streets
; H. C. TOWilSEHD, G. P. T. A, ST. LC'13, MISSOURI
T indicates trace of precipitation
i A. WELSH, Local forecaster.