1903. 10 THE OMA1TA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER t SPECIAL NOTICES rrlll e Ukri aatll IS m. tk rvrntasT egltloa aad aatll S v. far the mrilig aa Saataar c4Kloa. Rates 1 l-a a word Brst lasertlen, ta a ward thereafter, NothlasT takea far leaa thaa SOa for tha rst laser tins. These 4rrrtlitaea)i as a at ha raa eeaeeeatlrelr ' Advertisers, hy reaaeatlac a $ered ehaek. aa have aaawera ad drasaed ta a aamhered letter la care af Tha Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will he delivered aa reaeatattoa af MISCELLANEOUS Winter Term. BOYLES COLLEGE Opens Monday, December 4th. fluslness, Shorthand, Typewriting and .. Telegraphy. Catalogue free. Address H. B. Boylea, President. Boyle Bldg., Omaha. I R236 Gas & Electric Reading Lamps Make Acceptable CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BURGESS - GRANDEN CO,, Telephone C&L Hi South 15th fit. R 4tB-l QTOVC? Replated. Omaha, Plating Co., OlKJyiLO iou uarney St. Tel. 266. V K 237 CITT SAVINGS BANK pays per cent. R 238 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R L3 ANTJ-MonOpoIy Garbage Co., C21 N. 16th. , Tel. 1771 R 240 LAUNDRY; CITY STEAM Telephone 254. hi a. uth su R-241 pmaha Safe and Iron Works make a spe laity of tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. R 244 iWANTED For U. 8. ARMY, ABLE bodied, unmarried men. between ages of 21 ' and to, citizens of United states, oi good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Fur in formation apply to recruiting officer, lath and Douglas Bts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. R M729 D31 fjIQN PAINTING, 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. , , R 244 BAD IRONS replated, 20c; three for 50c Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Tel. 2535. ) R-344 Rotp ripSK- Humbel Son, UO.IC 1 IC lV Ula BU Omaha. R-245 J16 21. L. WINTER, Glasier. 'Phone Douglaa ULL R 66i D7 FURNACE and STOVE REPAIR. 617 S, U. K M435 Jl UUNSMiTH Ueflln,' 217 B. 14th. R 420 -IBRADUATB OPTICIAN-Will save you ; money , giaasea alien property. Tel. Mil. BTEINWAY piano, uptight, big bargain. . PertWld Piano Co,, tui Farnam Bt. . ,. R-246 pE NIO All kinds signs. 1524 Dodge.' Tel. . m T R402 Decia .tiTKIN WAY pianos are sold exclusively by : Bchmoller Mueller, 14U7 Harney tit. mm umi WUM rj UTTERING,' Unwork, smoke stacks, etc. . Theo. Slnhold. Itl3 Leavenworth. TeL lWi R 112 DeclS T AXIDERMIST and fur dresser. Est. 1892 J. E. Wallace. 605 B. 13th. R M442 PIWORVPOR PHOTO POSTAL CARDS. CUlIMj. iot 24,,, m n. 16th, upstairs. K 64Decl7 FIIRy ' eed' iepalred and remodeled. rUIJ Thomsen. 1417 Farnam. R-tt4 D23 TONfTRFTP Wot" machines for hoi- ,ri . low waU- -Peterson Jiros.. lilt Burt. ; , R Mia Jl CHAPMAN MAHAN. Repairs promptly Sr , V. j ..JT oia . join. . Tel..Red-51M.' r ; . R M826 D22 . Ftirniturs rep'd upholstered. Tel. A-243 ... R 730 J5 . CHICAGO LAUNDRY. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 205. i - ' . M434 Jl ANY old body oan earn a dollar, but every old body can't save It. How's this for a , niuircx kvwi Dniris, oc; collars, zc; cuffs. . 4c. CAP. AVE. LAUNDRY. 1614 Cap. Ave. ; ttr-M400 D15 m IOWA SANITARY- CLEANING CO. Suction system. 11 Farnam. Tel. B 33t2. R-S52 D23 fnns.pn n'iVTirRi!rPi.t warm barn and city water. 86th and cmrr pu, tl Mitil lax ' 'BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUY OR BELL fcny business and for MOATS. 202 Korbach blocK. Y-247 Mil ivi UiltUII BI1U UUlCAv aVCUOll. Al nan you want 10 ouy, sen or exchange . hotel or restaurant, see Hart at Co., 41 ' N. Y. Life. T 248 WANTED At once, description of prop . erty and business you have to sell In Iowa and Nebraska. Our information bureau is mraaw wun inquiries lor homes, farms. uu.uiin. uiiinti, ciu odiiu yours a( Vv PltU WUll VUL DUNCANSON REAL ESTATE CO.. ' Suite 43J. Paxton Block. Y-241 . ' WILL sell gilt edge real estate loan 11.000 Y 4a ' WANT to enter tellable, established real estate and Insurance office. Could Invest some. '. Age S4. experience In reneral office, work eight yaors. No. 1 references given and required. No sharks need ap- fiiy. AuunMi v oo, nee. I I Us sx ' IF YOU can secure a bulldinc suitable for ; roller skating do so quick. It's the game , ..that gets the money. Write for cata 'i.. logue; tells how to open and operate ' ; roller rink. Richardson Ball . Bearing -. 6kate Co.. 501 Wells St.. Chicago. III. T 76J 7X LOST AND FOUND IX)ST Sunday, Dec. S. between Good Shep. , herd church and 24th and Lake. Eastern Star pin. initials M. B. E. Reward fur return, aii unio. O 649 Sx ,. PARTY Uklng dress pattern from Harney street car Saturday afternoon will please return 10 i nompauu ec ieiaen to. Lost 704 I LOST Tuesday In or about the Bennett store, a dog's crunching: tooth, hum. banded and partly cracked: used as watch charm; I want It badly. Reward. Return to owner, imam Kennedy, adv. mgr., trie liennen company. Lost 712 8 I.08T Chatlaln Bag, on 30th St. between ana Bpaiaing. yesieraay afternoon reward. Ji. MMcoun Ave. O 723 7x LOST $15 currency at or between Omaha .National imuik. ana rt. I. llle building. rinaer return tor rewara to bub rs. Y . Life Building. O 734 8 LOST Orey squirrel collarette on 16th or rasa Bts. wednesoay. Return to M Mc .Cague Bldg.. receive reward. Lost M762 7x FOR SALE FARMS : EA8TRN NEBRASKA FARMS Fur sole. Improved. Three miles front railroad and court bouse. Address Box U-i. Omaha. Neb. - all FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. aS ACRES 175 acres under cultivation, bal fence hay, posture and timber, improved, win rent cneap ror caan. i miles nort " ..f Council Bluffs. Address lil.-V 8. SUt Bt.. Omaha. Neh H 664 l"x LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS every wnere. The New Snow Church Co, main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. li$L - , j - w - 171 JJ. 1. Maaf arlaud, M N. T. X. Bldg.' Tel. . WANTED MALE HELP FALL TEHM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGH1 SESSIONS. Catalogue free to any address. Addreaa: ROHRBOUOH BROS.. 18th and Farnara Bts. B U Stenographer, 60. Billing clerk, typewriter, ISO. Traveling salesman, $76 and expenses. Drug clerk. $0. . Printer to take Interest in business. Good proposition. Iry goods clerk. Gents' Furnishing goods clerk. Call or write for list of vacancies. WESTERN RKF. ft BOND ASSN. Dept. B, 840-41 N. T. Lite. B789 WANTED Toung men to earn from WO to 1 125 a month as firemen and brakemen In the railway service. Experience unneces sary; quick promotion; unequaled oppor tunity. Instructions can be taken by mall; positions secured aa soon as com petent. Write or call for particulars. National Railway Training association, C20 Fa ton block. Omaha, Neb. B 623 Dftt WANTED For U. 8. ARMT, ABLE bodled. unmarried men, between ages of tl and 86, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer. 13th and Douglas fits., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. R-M729 DO MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing traAm r.Atim Aan a ft or Mmnl.t I Tl W course of practical Instruction at home or in our schools; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association; positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York. St. Louis, Mo., Cin cinnati. O. Free catalogue. B 2)1 WANTED Men to learn barber y"; scnoiarsnip inciuaes compiem vumv tools, diplomas and posltlona; board and ' i j j i a j . , nnn room yroviuru it ursiicu, " -' ' . pietes; spemai inaucements now, write. Moler Barber College, 111 Far nam St. B M429 D7x WANTED Young men to prepare for posl- . . . . . - 1 tk. lions as DraKemen arra iiirinuu railway service; high wages; promotions . --.,-....- mnMuaiiarv: un- equaled opportunity; Instructions by mail to your home; only a snort urns renuucu, positions received as soon as competent. Firemen get 1100 a month, become engi neers and get 1175 to 1200; brakemen get fr, Homma MnAttrtnrn and iret 1125 to , $150 per month. Write for full particulars - at nce Notional Railway Training v School, Inc., B. 224 Boston Blk., Mlnneapo- lis, Minn., U. S. A. Beware l we nave no branch schools. , . B 707 tix BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1605 Far nam; best service; nine chairs; no iou waiting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 26c, WANTED City salesmen at once. C. P. Adams Co., 1613 Mowara Bt. WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. L DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wan lea. v. muesi, w n. b til ' WANTED Quick, all ' round good sign writer for department store, uoou posi tion for right man. State age, experi ence and references at once. . Address G 81, Bee office. B 873 T FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other rauroaos; experience uiuiuvnni;. Firemen $70, become engineers and earn $150. . Brakemen , -.become conductors and earn $140. Name position preterred. State age. Unequaled opportunity for strong, ambitious young .men., Address O , care Omaha Bee. , ' 708 6x WANTED A first-class candymaker and fancy caae DUKer, muni, uu sober; wages 420 and $25 per week. Ad dress Mrs. Louisa WaohUr,' St.. Joseph, Mo. -VvB M67 J WANTED at once, a good floorman In snoeing snop. v,viue i vwn, . a. uvmu, Denlson, la. B--66 BRICKLAYERS wanted at 83d and Harney. JO OOS I WANTED Collector, bright and energetlo young man, wen acquainiea in city. References and bond required. Address G 4, Bee. a dilemuiN'. WANTED We. have an ODenlnK ror a nrsi class saiestntin. Bchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 431 North 24 St., South omana. ' n to u LARGE short time loan company desires the services o an nonesi, capaoie man ager. One who could Invest $00 or more capital. More information. Peoplea" Loan and Trust co., juincoin, reo. a mho xv WANTED First-class druggist; one who has had good experience ana can turnisn reference. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. B 738 l BOY with some knowledge of type-setting. For job work in factory, cnance to aa- vauce. Address, u s, tee. PERSONS everywhere to distribute sam ples; $20 weekly and expenses. A duress ' Manager, 4 wens Bt., vnicago, in. - B 762 7x CLOTHING SALESMAN. My business Is getting too big for my cap ital, win sen or iaae Darmer. resi op portunity la Iowa. , A man . with $3,000 can get Into line for lifetime chance. Ad dress C 33, care juora cc luomw, v-u cago. B 751 7x nrAVrc1t A Knr,lrlrnr rftniA at ffffUrAS . . j " ZSi T ' 1 IOr aOOUl S WCrun . iiTO irioionv salary wanted. Aaaresa u w, core r. B M749 8 BOYS OR GIRLS or attractive young ladles wanrea- you umvo vu,i . "T; hours you can employ them profitably and earn money for Xmas. If you want to give your entire' time to tbs work you can earn a nice living. The best of It Is. you don't need any money to start; a complete outfit free. P. O. Drawer No. SSa-Buffalo. N. Y. . . B-.437 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Lady or gentleman to represent us In every town In Nebraska, who can devote all or part of their time in agree able healthful work and make from $2 to . U l per day. Address Dept. ,B, 6oS W. O. 4 W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. CU8 WANTED Nurse to' take- care of -email baby; reierencs iwiuneu. mim. a. a. Caldwell, 13u Georgia Ave. C M710 8 A NURSE to take care of children. Mrs. V. B Caldwell. 630-8O. 2Mb. St.. ... ... . C-M714I WANTED Girl for general housework. 1060 So. 2fcth-8U C-M674 9X GIRL for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. 8416 Burt. C 686 7x WANTED A good girL. Mrs. Nagl. n6 8. 13th. C-727 COMPETENT girl for general house work. Good wages. Iu24 Park, Aye. . O 7) 8 60 GIRLS to operate power sewing ma chines In horse blanket department; old operators preferred, but those without experience will be given ample oppor tunity to learn: steady work, In clean, comfortable manufacturing room. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. C M741 10 PATENTS H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat tents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. V. Life, Omaha 264 F. J. LARSEN ft CO., patent lawyers. ADVICE FREE. u Bee Bldg. Tel. A-1132. - PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Inveatnient Co.. 53 Douglas blk. M663 D8 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS, Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawing", patterns, castings,, machine work. 604-6i2 8. 10th St. J 655. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG MAN wants place to work for board. Tel. JSfct.. uoy lee vouege, A-M129 SITUATION as housekeeper by competent woman.. Address U , pee A M , JB sx 1516 Leavenworth M, bundle washing or Oil WUUUli, H The Doe is the Recognized Real Estate Alcdium ' There isn't a real estate man in Oinaha who doesn't use The Bee Want columns "VVhen you have property to sell vndvertise it in The Bee. Bee Want Ads Bring: Best Results S31 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th Chicago. E 260 DEWEY European hotel. 12th and r"mm' VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 262 ROOMS and good board. $8 per week and up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 263 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks E 364 TWO nicely furnished rooms, with hot and cold water, gaa, olectrlo and telephone. 217 & 25th St. E 130 TWO large rooms; east frontage; all mod ern conveniences. Including use of tele phone. Inquire 118 N. 26th. E 266 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, heat and bath, private fnmlly; good location, 46 per month, 415 No. 23d E 636 lOx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD TeL 61L O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-266 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, house modern; good board; also table board or meal tickets. 'Phone 2447. F 411 Decl6x NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, with or without board, single or en suite. Rates reasonable. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F 365 D28 WELL-HEATED room, all modern con veniences, private family; good home cooking; telephone. 509 So. 25th Ave. ' F-M438 11 BOARD AND ROOMS-Flrst-class, 8 blks. or town; nice location. 6tf) So, 13th. Tel. 1208. : F-M721 J5 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms. 1120 North - 17th St. o 69; FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO movlnv; lowest rates for reliable service. TeL 1625, Bchmoller ft Mueller. , . D 267 IJ rI lecu in all barts of tha city. R. llWUiCJ c, Peter Co., Bee Bldg, P 268 THE Omaha Van ft Storage -Co:, pack. move ana store u. tl. gooas. etorenouse, 1120-24 N. Uth. Office, 1611V4 Farnam. Tel. 1558. , D 269 WE MOVE pianos. - Maggard Van ft Stor age co. Tel. 14V. utnoe, im weosier sc. D 270 IJfOl ICPQ In all paru of the city. The II OCO o. F. Davis Co.. 508 Bee Bids. . D-271 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house. newly papered ana in gooe repair; win oe vacant Oct. 20; rent. $35 and water. In quire IIS South 25th St. B. Txachuck. .D-181 T. SCHWARTZ, moving van. 1610 Webster. - Tel. 2048. . ' D-r447,D14 FOR RENT' o 8-room houses; all mod ern except lurnace, iuur ruuum, newly papered. 1623 N. Uth St., $12. , C. M. Bacbmann, 436 Paxton Blk. ' D 109 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, BarkerBlk. NORTHWEST corner Burt and 83d.' 8 rooms ana ram, " steel range; owner pays water rent, $30. Apply In rear at cottage. D 486 Tx W6-R. COTTAGE, 15th and Jefferson 'St., . .. . . . . . , 1 1 , I . W 4 .. AiDrigni; iwq iuu iw wim viuii Breen ft Bloom. 61$ Bee Bldg. D-46 I DUNDEE. 4804 Chicago St.. 8-room modern brick house, $26. Pkrkor St.. rooms, with barn. Mod ern except furnace, $20. . , : ll L. Johnson. Co., Room 8, Barker Block. D-657 6 FOR RENT -Room cottage, ail modern $25.00 4 rooms, city water, bath $10.00 8-Room house, all modern except fur nace " KO.00 7-Room bouse, all modern $&i.60 C M. BAtnuiAnn, 436 Paxton block. D 711 2718 So. 16th St., 5-room brick $18.60 88u2 North 24th St., 7 rooms modern, . . . i . mA not water nrai .-wv.w JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. old P. O. D M702 I $219 Douglas St., 8 rooms, strictly modern. Will be vacant about December 10. Rent, $40. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., -1320 Farnam. D 6S5 FOR RENT Strictly modern 6-room cot tage. 4017 No. 25th St. Apply 2763 Farnam St. D M70 FOR RENT -Room house, gas, water anil bath. 2112 California St., $23. Milton Rogers ft Sons Co. D FOR RENT Six-room eottajre, 8i2 Noi 42d, $15. Inquire 1808 Webster St. D M"00 rFOUR ROOMS,-sewer,' water, closet Inside; 2607 Pierce St FDR RENT 9-room house, all modern. near high school ana creignton college $32.60. Apply at ot ti. itn bi. D 767 6-ROOM cottage. 634 South 24th Ave. Wakefield, 1320 Farnam. D M7M lOx DUNDEE--4916 Webster, 9-room, modern but furnace sit. Lt L. jonnaon o., room $ Barker Blk. Tel. ,-lZ4, FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement, 1008 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Mat i tsana siag. . 1273 WE have vacant a particularly desirable . Mu V. I Y, M,na tor tlO Oil tMr month. Price Includes heat, light, water and janitor serVee. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building -and Is just the thing for any one wanting a nice utile omcs in "-, u ,u uu 'u"'- town. R. C. Peters ft Co.. rental agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. . 1771 A TENANT for a new store ota upper Farnam street, to be built, to suit. If In terested advise at once. HARRISON ft MORTON. 912 N. Y. Life. TeL 814. J-136 BRICK stable at 1810 Harney Bt., $2x100 faet. WUI uur to sun imam mr oiaer carcoses. O.B. t,uriia, wtue narney est. f . 1274 of the leading retail houses; center of retail aisinci; gooa vievatur wrviuc, wm lighted and steam heat. Address E 44, Dee ornue. - FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 13 106 8. Uth street, $36. 1-687 9 FOR RENT Brick hotel, furnace heat, hot . i . . . ..... . A 1 . . u . t l,,ra t ...1 ana cum w.ir,, v, - " close to business. Bavins ft Reese. Corn ing, la. 1-M706 9 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 41$ N. Y. L. Tel. 1661 -76 DR. A. D. LAIRD, 116 Karbach Blk. 'Phone ei. M-671 Jan 4 AGENTS WANTED NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today; get territory; other new . goods. Ladlas' to uppiy Co., Forest Ave-, O. Chicago. DullA FOR SALE REAL ESTATE The title to your home is of paramount import ance. If you have a "Kerr" abstract a $10, 000 bond with The Ameri: can Security' Co. of New York . as surety absolutely protects your interests. The J. Fred Kerr Co., 1008 N.y.Life. . 'Phone 2244. RE-M78T HERE IT IS! FINE 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. AND BARN. 20TH AND BINNEY ST. THIS IS A MODEL HOUSE, FINISHED IN HARD WOOD; CEMENT WALK ALL AROUND HOUSE; CISTERN; ASPHALT PAVED 8TREET; ONE OF THE VERY BE8T NEIGHBORHOODS IN KOUNTZB PLACE. OWNER INSI8T8 ON SELI ING AND 13 WILLING TO ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER; $.1,500 OF THE PURCHASE PRICE CAN REMAIN FIVE YEARS AT SIX PEit CENT. SOME ONE WILL BUY THIS. WHT NOT YOU? SEE VS AT ONCE ABOUT IT. THE PUTNAM CO., 504-6 N. Y. LIFE. i RE 726 7 TWO NEW 8-ROOM MOD ERN HOUSES FOR SALE, $3600 EACH. ' J. H. DUMONT, 'Owner',' $642 Lafayette Ave.. 'Phone 2044. RE 736 GOOD LOT CHEAP HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT- $1,800 for 60x140 ft.. W. front on 32d St., 250 ft. N. of Wool worth Ave. All special taxes paid in full. Nonresident owner , anxious to sell. Submit offer. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. RE 697 6 VERY CHEAP 88x121 a W. corner 35th and Leavenworth, room for three houses, permanent side walk, fine neighborhood, on Central Boulevard, some below grade, but worth more than price asked, only $1,000. G. G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE 737 7 OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous state In the whole country. The. best watered , ' grain and stock lands are nar Mandan, Richardson and Mott, Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We 9wn 100,000 acres to select from; average price, $12.60 an acre. Ask for proofs and Brown's farmer. Wm. H. Brown Co., 131 La .Salt St., Chicago, I1U, or Mandan, North Dakota. ' t. "I 'Hi ',-nii h J Inyestors have fon sale aCAt'h and barney vacant ground, '45x70, sbltable for' two flats, for $1,900; perfect "title; taxes all paid; best location in city. -Desire to 'sell at once. Address Q 3. Bee, . . RE M760 10 FOR RAT.li!,An tTYmr a vnip for good Improved Omaha property, for 10 vuij, awacm una in lowa, s miles from railroad station; best improved farm in the county; clear of incumbrance. For further particulars WTlte or see me. W. G. Shriver. 1023 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. RE 755 7 ARE YOU LOOKING for a hornet If so send lor a copy of the Real Estate Jour nal. It has over 8.000 different properties advertised In it and reaches 36,000 readers each Issue,. Advertising rates, 2c per word. Send' 10c in silver and we will send the Journal for two months on trial. Cut this ad. out, as it will not appear again. Farm and Real Estate Journal, Traer, la. . .RE 750 7x SPECIAL (Bee, Deo. 6, '06.) 24 feet, 21st and Douglas, suitable for fiat or residence, 11700, '., HARRISON ft MORTON, 912-912 N. Y. Life. TeL 814. RE 726 ONLY $200 cash balance monthly for 4331 Decatur St.. 6-room bouse,, city water In yard, cistern, small barn, full lot, half block, to car. Price, $1,750. OMAHA REAL ESTATE AUCTION CO., 'Phone 6K78. . , 232 Neville Blk. " - . , BJ6-734 6 CA8- Williamson Co. u- RE 280 ALL KINDS of Florence lots for sale. Expert advice on scavenger tax sale. Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. RE 390 D12 Small Acre Tracts For Sale . We have 6, 7, 10. 13. 20. 30, 40, 50. 55, 60 tracts, all improved, price right, close to Plattsmouth. Neb. Can trade on some of these. Write to Falter ft Tate, Platts mouth. Neb. RE M648 9 FOR SALE Large bouse, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th bt., only $4,500. This is a bargain. THOMAS bKLNNAN, Room L Mew York Life Bldg. - RE 278 FOR BALE. 120 acres of Irrigated land. 9 miles from sugar factory at Sterling, Colo., right on railroad; good school H mile; fair Im provements, part "in alfalfa $47 per acre takes it if taken soon. William Kersch ner, owner, Atwood, Colo. RE 596 9x farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas! Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' lime. Land DepU V. P. R. R.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 279 REAL ESTATE Will sell you Kansas wheat, alfalfa, sugar beet and ranch lands; Improved and unimproved. John Wells, Dodge City, Kan. RE MJ87 Dml WRITE for illusumted pamphlet, describ ing two ranches 4n tne corn ana aiiana belu Willis Cad well. Broken Bow, Neo. Rkr 277 TO EXCHANGE First-class mining stock for equity in real estate. Aaarens u aa. Bee. , RK-M724 Wx FOR 8 ALE Finest and cheapest site In Omaha. 8. W. corner 26to, ana roppieion, 15UX12T feet. Pruse. $4,0t)O. Address G 4L Bee office. kc-miu ix CUIRVOYANTS HUE. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 11$ South 16th St.. upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-2S2 STAR spiritual medium, Madame Brown, 410 No. lbtn eu b aau sx - PLUMBINQ IVNPU RDPIC Repair work a spe UiKn clalty, S17H . Kth. Tel. 1477. 684 D22 A. BAVARD, 4314 N. 24th. TeL 6U2 UIHILIJ,.lBil' in FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CALL 349 We Sell and Set Glass FULLER GLASS AND PAINT CO.. Henry M. Johannssen, Prop., 114 8. 14th St. Q-M677 J4 CORN COBS at Westlawn Mills, Me load. 69th and Center. Q 846 30 CALENDAR PADS-Burkley Printing Co., Omaha. Q 62 1)23 GOOD, clean wheat for chickens, $1.40 per hundred; $ cars good rye straw. Fred Peterson, feed store, 1815-17 Leavenworth Bt. Q-894 D8X SHER WIN-WILLIAM8 CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . Q 238 MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. Q-29 YOUR CHOICE OF SIX OF THE VERY bust fireproof combination lock steel safes nwtie at your own price, less than one quarter regular prices. We will furnish you any one of them, very small, me dium, large or very large, on very spe cial terms. Must be sold at once. It you can use a good safe at any price, write us today for particulars. . Sears, Roebuck ft Co.. Chicago. 111. h' Q SECOND-HAND STEAM H'lTllNGS POK SALE If you wont a bargain In steam fittings ocul and look over the following supplies: 1.8-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Q-632 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents wekly. Per field Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam 8t. Q 312 iron hai.R One Mlmeorranh. in srood or der. Inquire at Business Office, Omaha liaa. w CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 901 Douglas. Q-318 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q 829 for HAI.R About fifty feet ornamental galvanised iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts, suuaDie ror snow wumu, ply superintendent Bee Bldg. Q M826 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge, street. Vi FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures or an ainas; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Bolke-Collender, 407 8. 10th St., Omaha. Q-814 For HALE Two 60-inch by 16-feet boilers. good for 80 pounds pressure; two 75-horse-power marine boilers, new; one ia-horse-power. White ft Middleton gasoline en- cine at tne unutun xmjuhi u, no. Q M396 D29 FOR SALE Letter press. In good order. Inquire J. R. Campbell, Business Office, Omaha Bee. Q 133 FOR SALE CHEAP Well-built house in good condition. Bee h. , w. xiaxer, eupt., ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. W FOR SALE CHEAP Well, house In good condition. See K. W. Baker, 8u.pt.. Room 418. Bee Bldg. w 460 FOR SALE Cheap, scholarship in one of Omaha's best business colleges. Call or write 3420 Boyd St. Q-433 D8 FOR SALE Cheap; furniture of six-room flat, with oatn; nat tor rent, uooa lo cation for roomers or boarders. 2410 N St.,- South Omaha. M649 9x TWO cows and saddle pony cheap, 96th and t . ft HM AL' ft. center. w ... ,t MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO., FURN1TURE. PIANO, LOANS LIVE STOCK SALARY. We are a home and old-established con' cern, and your dealings with us win oe absolutely nrivate. You can borrow from $10 upward at the lowest rates. All loans are mnrie on nnr HPFCIAI. REBATING kEASY MONTHLY OR WEEKLY PAY Uh'.MT M.1M Each navment lessens the cost of loan. maKing It possioie tor everyone wuo is short of money to borrow what they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating themselves to their friends or neighbors; hmnrahU fnlr nnd lust treatment: pri vate interviewing rooms. Established 1889. Rooms 8 and 9, Barker Blk. Tel. 4034. Duff Green. . Jule Althaus. X 281 Money Wa have It to loan on furniture, pianos. other chattels and salaries. We offer best rates, long time ana easy payments. OMAHA MOIT-I tlAtih; LUAN LU, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22!. (Estab lished 1KO.) - o B. lbtn Bl. X-140 MnvCV IP YOU NEED IT. come JUVJli C-1 where it Is easy to get on chat tels and salaries; no red tape; get the money the same day you ask for It; lowest rales; strictly confidential business treat ment. BOWEN. 70S New York Life Bldg. Tel. 2200. X-M-13S LOANS p?antnuumonds. LOANS sat T,AWlt ru.tr a. 331 Neville, ltd floor, 16th fc Harney. Tel. fit, 19 the WESTERN LOAN CO., S1G KAHN. Mgr. $31 Neville, $d floor, 16th Harney. Tet do Is. w v.. , MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others wltnout security; easy pay ments, umces in M pricipat cities, lol nian. room 714 New York Lite Bldg. X-2S7 CHATTEL, salary and iewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 292 FRIEDMAN Loans on all articles. Cloth ing bought- and sold. 211 & 12th. TeL ilrtft. X-714D8 DR PR1BENOWB PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, . salury, ho -sea, etc.. In any amount at less than half the rates, no red tape; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 2u9 8. lit h St. X 2S4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc- C. V. Reed, jli 812 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. TeL 745. S2-$ Paxton Blk. -X- EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. . X-291 CHATTEL AND COLLATERAL LOANS at one-half usual rales; strictly private. I'nlon Loan and Investment Co.. 21$ Bee BldgelJOt X-lgjjtDg FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 258 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1351 UNDERTAKERS Bralley ft Dorrance. 90th and Cum. T. J.'S HARRY B. DAVIS, 411 8. 15th. Tel. ISM DODDER, E. L., 224 Cuming. Tel. 677 827 TAGOART, 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714. PRINTING PRINTING M EMORI AL CARDS ; nr- LYNGSTAD 16tli St. and Capitol Ave. THE JENNINGS PTG. CO. forpiintlng. 113 Bo. 14th 8t. 'Phone 53S0. 775 poc-u PERSONAL DRAMATIC ARToratory. Tha Chcmhara Rchnnl of HUia ArlS offers exceptional opportunities to students Ing a thorough course of Instruction In all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies of the speaking voice a specialty The only school having Its own theater. THE LKH" Now permanently located in the Omana Commercial College building, corner latn and Farnam streets. Bend for prospectus. Management of Willard K. Chanioers. in. F-1871. Director of School. John .Edr Owens Tel. 1289. U $J0 DR. A. SHIPMAN, Bes Bldg. Tel. Dgls. 69S4. MME. PAREE OF N. Y.-Shavlng. facial Massage. Manicuring. 209 wui ': 11 o3U U16 WE make a specialty of renting high grade pianos ana oner a greni ""'Jv TIX-? up. Tel. 1626. Bchmoller ft Mueller. 1407 Harney. U-331 ACCORDION nt SUNBURS1 PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price Ust and samples. THE GOLDMAN fLtAllNGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1930. W AM SURVEYING, Lewis BUckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. U M591D18X OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. DR ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam. U 3J4 MCCI INI Uuj and Locksmith, net LI IX 217 s. 14th. Tel. 2974. U-777 DR. JACKSON, Room 4. Frenser Block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U 33o TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3M0. J SoO PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfield Piano Co.. JM1 Farnam. U 337 KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN. My latest medical publication for young, mlidle-aged and old men sent free to all applicants Dr. Geo. B. Wood, 2u6 Wright bldg.. Sioux City. la. U-M658 Jan x ANY POOR GIRL In neeed of a frnd call or write to the matron of tho Solvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. U M100 PIANO TUNING TeL 5604. W. R. Dalbey, 2207 Mason. U-346 Decl2 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2215 Charles. Tel. 63U. U-338 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The uooa Samaritan sanitarium, 728 First Ave, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 771 U 822 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel 15 Bchmoller ft Mueller, piano makers. . . U-839 TUB, vapor and alohohol baths, 720 8. 13th. U 840 M Af"1N PTIf treatment ft Baths. Mme. lVVAVJl C 1 Smith, 118 N. 15, 2d fL. r. 2. ., U S60 THE Halvatlon Army solicits cast-off Clftth- ing; tn fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Col 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-6U PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1.00 weekly. All musio lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 341 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 312 $10.00 REWARD for the address or where abouts of Henry Lohse; used to be at ' Bancroft and Pender, Neb. J. H. Lohse Fort Laramie, Wyo. U 848 D24x C H F F R IIP .ur home y " an tntClA ur fedlson Phonograph from LOUIS FLESCHER, 1622 Capitol Ave. Sold on easy payments. Open evenings. U-632 J3 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 MA8QUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 41 16. U Mt76-Jan 4 GOWNS and Tailoring. Mrs. Moltay 2127 Farnam. U M416 D31 ORDERS now taken for decorated china Tuesdays' and Fridays', from 9 to 12 a. ni. Mrs. M. D. Karbach, 804 No. 19th. U 691 6x . CHINA. GLASSWARE AND BRIC-A-BRAC mended and made good as new, Bemls Pork Shoe Store, 33d and Cuming Bts. U-M719 J5 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick . Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. U M6! ' MASSAGE SPECIALIST Joseph ,Ruben, room 218 Bee Bldg. Tel. H6us Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed sat isfactory. ' U M759 JS PRIVATE HOSPITAL before and during confinement; up to date and reliable In every way. 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U-M758 J6 GOOD NURSE In confinement cases, 1824 N. 17th. U-M744 7x MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's mils, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no luterVr aoce with work; relief In $ to 6 days We have never known of a single failure. Prce, $2 by mail. Raymond's Monthly Regulator In liquid, $3. Dr. R. G. Ray. mond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams "t., Chicago, I1L $ LADIES, $1,000 . REWARD I positively guarantee my Never-Failing ERGO KULO Remedy. Bafely relieves longest, most obstinate coses of delayed Monthly Periods In $ to 6 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. 321 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Shormnn ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 322 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent at 27th and Leavenworth Kls . $15. N. P. Dodge ft Co , 1(14 Farnam St. P 107 1 SURREY, 1 top buggy, 1 road wagon, new, at coat; cash or time. 408 N. 16th bu P-fcte D2 TICKET BROKERS CUT BATE railway tickets everywhere. p. H. Pbilbln, 15u5 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. -82$ LARSON 16. JOHhSON. 14o$ Farnam. TeL -Hi MONEY TO LOAN-fREAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co., 1220 Farnam M. W 44$ MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-444 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no aeiey; gsi our lerma. ' W iB BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W 148 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Blk. W 447 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennon, R. 1, N. Y. Lire. - 1 W-4 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with, can pay it back In monthly payments. Hastings ft Heyden, 14 Farnam St. .... W 861 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W 852 6 PER CENT and 54 per cent loans on city property. W. H. Thomas, First Na tional Bank Bldg W M746 J DANCING ACADEMY NEW classes formed for sdult beginners st Morand's, 15th and Harney, Tuesday and Friday this week, 8 p. m. Individual and thorough Instruction our -forte; pupils enjoy every minute of their lessons. 711 D9 JENSEN DRETER'B Dancing Academy; lenrn to dance in twelve lesson. TeL Red 8458. -rM760 Dl9 MO RAND'S WINTER TERM FOR ADULTS BEGINS ON Friday, December 8, 8 p. m. Ticket good for twelve lessons, ladles $6, gentlemen $8. Two dollars deducted If you buy your ticket on above date. We guarantee to teach all dances now In use In twelve lessons. Call 16th and Harney M 716 8x DRESSMAKING LADIES who are Interested In making their own gowns will do well to avail themselves of the complete course In DREPSMAKINO at ST. CATHERINE'S ACADEMY, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, at ISth and Cass Sta Omaha. , -M417 D$l GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. MIks Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. Tel. Harney 1002. , . -296 EXPERIENCED, high-class ' dressmaker will go out by the day. 2u6 Brown Block. 'Phone 3718. -491 10K FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for driving or draft horse. Differ ential chain block for sale. $18 McCague. Z-M67 L IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get 1U ' Z-3 ' . FOR EXCHANGE. 2,500 acres of clear, wild land, within twenty miles of the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Want' a stock of merchandise. H. C. Webb (owner), box 188 Winnipeg. Man. Z-M747 10 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, in French, Spanish or German; learn to speak In 26 lessons, business correspond ence 50, to read literature 66 GUARAN TEED. F. Petitler. 116 a 20th. 433 D14 CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. CDBVPU Germcn, 1 Spanish, Fencing, r IClN Davidge bldg., lSthft Farnam. 353 MRS. ST. RAYNER of Boston has opened a studio for voice culture, 1917 Webster. . . . M670 D8 WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUARIAN Book Store, 1220 Farnam; highest' price'-paid 'for ' 2d-hand" booka. Tel. F-2945. ..'. NS7 WANTED To buy horses 6 or 7 years old, 1,200 to 1,300 pounds. Bee Tom Baker, barnmaster, tne Bennett Company. , N-718 8 AUCTIONEERS- WE FURNISH experienced auctioneers on short notice to sell real estate, merchan dise, live stock, etc. Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., 232 Neville blk. TeL 6878. M2TT RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARCY I'nloa Paelge. . . Leave. . ,. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 pm California Express....;, .a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am caurornla ft Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a 6:10 pm North Platte Local..., ..a 7:60 am a 6:20 pm Fast Mall a 8:56 am a 8:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 arn a 7:44 am Beatrice Local ....b 3:16 pm b 1:80 pm Chicago, Roelc Islaad at Paellc. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago express ....a 7:00 am a 9:65 pm Chicago Express, Local. bll:16 am a 4:80 put Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm' bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express... a 6:49 pin a 1:16 pm WE8T. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:?0 am a 2:16 am Colorado Express. .... ...a 1:30 pm a 4 66 pm Oklahoma ft Texas Ex. .a 4:40 pm al2:05 pro Missouri Paolfle. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am 'a ( 80 am K. C. ft St. L. Ex ,.all:15 pm a 6.00 pm Illllaols Ceatral. ... Chicago Express ........a 8:00 am a 8 66 pra Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm. a .M ant Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ex..b8:Cvam D 8:66 pm Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ltd.. a 1:30 pm a 7:30 am Chicago at Northwester. Bt. Paul Daylight ......a 7:50 am " 10.00 pm Chicago Daylight ......a 8:09 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited a 8:38 pm 9:16 am Carroll Local a 4:32 piu 9:60 am St. Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm 7:06 am Sioux C. & t?u P. Local. b $:60 ntr. 1 9:86 am kanl Mali .- 1:10 pin Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:80 am Norfolk ft Boneateel....a 7:10 am , 10:86am Lincoln ft Long Pine, .a 7:40 am 10:85 pm Casper ft Wyoming. ...e 2:60 pin ' 6:15 pm I lead wood & Lincoln., .a 2:60 pin , 6:16 pin Hastings ft Albion b 1:50 pin .. 6:16 pm Chicago Local all:30 a.n 2:46 pra Chicago, Milwaukee at gt. PaaL Chicago ft Colo. Bpec'L.a 7:56 am a 7:36 am California A Ore. Ex. .a 6 46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited .a 8:M pm 'a 9.(0 am Marlon ft Cedar R. Lo.,b $:4A am !bU:00 pm Chicago GreetVWestersut ''' St. Paul ft Mum,. .....a 8:30 pm .'i 7:18 am St. Paul ft. Mmu-...'....a 7:46 ajo. a 16 pm Chicago Limited .a 6:o pig aJu.iO am Chicago Express a 6.-06 sin A .$0 pra Wakasfcw ., St. Louis Express .'....'.a 6:36 bm $:) am St. Louis Local (from . . Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am (10:10 pm Stanberry Ixical (from - ' Council Bluffs; b 6:00 pm bll :90 am '-' WEBSTER DEPOT 10TM A .WEBSTER Mtssoarl Paelge. . . " 'f'f -. Nebraska Local, Via . Leave.', Arrive. Weeping Water, .....b $-60 pm ,bl2.$0 pm Chicago), gt. Pssl, Mlaaeagtlls at 'Osaaka. . ' . . -.i','" Twin City Passenger. . .b I) am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Posseager... a 2.00 pm all:20ain Oakland Local ....... ,...b 5:48 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local ...... .J. .6 8:44 am e 8:00 pm BtHLlNUTUN Sl Ai lOM ItyrUat MASUN BarllagtOB. r 1 . Denver ft California.. ,. a'4:(0 pm- a 1:09 pm Northwest Express ....all:10 pra a 4 OS tm Nebraska points ...... ...a 6:1( am A 7:40 pm uncoin rust nan o :w pm Ft. Crook ft PUtiam'h.b I W.pm Sl2:0t pni a!0:26 am tielievue Bz fiuttsni n..a y:ou pni Iienver Limited b 8:81 am a 7:10 10 Bellevue ft Pau. Junc..al2:16 tm Bellevue ft Puc. June. .a 8:80 am '. Chicago HM-cuil a 7.26 am Chicago Exprfcas a $ 20 pm a $:56 pm Chicago Flyer. ,...a 6:0$ pm a 7:26 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:5$ pm St. Louis Express a 4:45 pin all :20 am Kansas City ft St.. Joe.al0:46 pm a 1.46 am Kansas City ft St. Joe. a 9:16 am a 6:uf bra Kansas City ft St. Joe.a 4:46 pm ........... a dally, b dally except Sunday. 4 dally txnuruay. c sunoag vu w xcept Mundajr,