Daily Bee. NO YELLOW BACK POISON IN THE PACES OF THE BEE tilt BEE CAN BE SAFELY READ BY WIFE O CHILDREN OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1903-TWELVE FACES. SINGLE COrV THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187L The Omaha ? MOSEY FOR CANAL House Sprala Daj Diunsilog Bill Appro priating (16,500,000. ESTIMATES OF COMMISSION CRITICIZED Both Bepublioans ani Democrats Baj Statement Lacks Com pie tenet. HEPBURN SAYS IT IS TOO DEEP FOR HOUSE Cmjrtume Cannot Be Expeoted to Un derstand Fijnret of Engineera, BOURKE COCKRAN TAKES ISSUE WITH HIM Kew York Says It U Doty ot L lalators ta Scrotlnlae Appropria tions and Qootes from President's Mnute. GENERAL SAKHAROFF KILLED Former Rnsslan Minister of War As eaeelnated by Waaiaa la Saratov. LONDON, Dec. 7. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Telegraph, In a dispatch dated December S, sent by way of Eydtkuhnen, East Prussia, gay: Lieuten ant General Sakharoff, former minister of war, was assassinated today. The govern ment had deputed General Sakharoff to visit tf ' J-ovipe, of Saratoff for the pur pose o . jrlllnf ie agrarian riots there. ling to the so-called "Fly the revolutionary move le house of the governor of 1 today and asked to see (T. She flred three revolver neral, killing him on the gs reached St. retcrsburg A w Ing C ment,' Sarat Gene. shott spot, tonj' siort . the, . fi bef fins",. ed a. jat n Sakhj ? th ,he t vent 1st. t voluti CROWE OPENS IN DEFENSE WASHINGTON, Dec. .- With an oppor tunity for unlimited debate on the subject Of tho Panama canal, the house exhausted it oratory on that subject In a session of four and three-quarters hour today. The bill appropriating U6.600.000 for canal work, which waa the subject of discussion, will pa read for amendment and placed on Its final passage tomorrow. The feature of the debate waa the . criticism Indulged tn by tooth republicans and democrats regarding the Incompleteness of the statement of ex penditures and estimates furnished by tho canal commission. Mr. Hepburn, In charjro of the bill, mad some effort to show that while detailed estimates might be more satisfactory, at the same time members of the house were not In a position to pass critical Judgments on estimates for such work offered by expert engineers who held responsible positions and had been selected entirely because of their fitness. Bourke Cockran of New Tork took de cided exception to this attitude on the part of Mr. Hepburn, applied It as affecting all matters of appropriation and arraigned it as decidedly the wrong attitude of legisla tors. To enforce his argument he read the sentiment of the president In his message for economy and scrutiny of appropriations. The so-called "press agent" of the canal commission was criticised by several speak ers and lack of definite information as to the existence of such a position was shown. The place was declared to carry a salary of $10,000 a year and some curiosity was mani fested to know what were Its duties. Maar Keaolatlons In Senate. The senate began business In earnest today. The session was of only little mora than two hours' duration, but in that time several hundred bills and resolutions were Introduced and referred to commit tees. There were resolutions dealing with the Question of the national regulation of Insurance companies, the Incorporation of Interstate railroad companies and the con tribution of funds to' political parties by natlonaf banks. Mr. Foraker presented his railroad rate regulation bill; Mr. Gallinger bis merchant marine subsidy bill; Mr. Lodge a bill providing for a maximum and tnlDlmurtf tart!t faT5"cneatuc In the Interest of. reciprocity, and Mr.- Culberson a bill making It a, penal offense to misuse the money' ot insurance companies. The nearest aoDroach to a controversy arose over, a resolution presented by Mr. Newlanda, directing the Interstate Commerce . com mission to draw up a national Incorporation act for railroads. Mr. Bpooner criticised the proceeding as Unworthy of the senate. Objection was made to. consideration of a resolution made by Mr. Tillman for Investigation of the subject of national bank contributions for campaign purposes, and the resolution went over for a day. Important Bills Offered. Senator Heyburn today introduced a reso lution providing for the annexation of San Domingo and Hayti to the United States. Senator Dolllver today reintroduced the Dolllver-Hepburn bill relating to Interstate traffic tn liquors. The merchant marine commission bill was today Introduced by Senator Gallinger, He also presented the final report of that committee. The pure food bill waa Introduced today by 'Senator Heyburn. , Senator Scott Introduced bills providing for service pensions and for the Issuance of bonds for the erection of public buildings in towns of (.000 population and more. A bill prohjbltlng the use of the money of Insurance companies In federal elections was Introduced today by Senator Culber son. - The offense is made a felony and punishment Is fixed ut from two to twenty years' imprisonment. Senator Foraker today introduced his railroad rate legislation bill, which he had heretofore presented to the senate com mittee on interstate commerce. Senator Bulkely today Introduced a bill granting a pension ot 1100 a month to tho widow ot tho late 8enator Hawley. Senator Fulton presented bills today for a 1'nlted States district court In China and prohibiting aliens from fishing in Alaskan waters. Ha also presented a bill to pro hibit the misbranding of aalniou. Representative MeNarry of Massachu setts has Introduced a bill providing for the transfer of the frigate Constitution to Castle Island, Boston harbor, for use as a naval museum. - Senatoi I-odge today Introduced an amendment to the Dlnglcy tariff law pro viding for maximum and minimum rates of duty so a to give preference and ad- I vantage to the products of those countries which do not discriminate against products j of the United States. It provides In ape- v. , UiC Ul CAITH UULieB j created a profound Imprcs. irsburg. owing to fears that ts here will follow the ex ample thus), . The spectre of a military dictatorship, which has been looming on the horizon. Is steadily gaining consistency and sharpness of outline. There are signs of a collapse of the post and telegraph strike. Two-thirds of the telegraph operators are dally offering to re sume work, but they are prevented from so doing because the wires have been cut or the stations fail to answer signals. Father Gapon is continuing to preach to the workmen against ' a revolution, saying that the strike tactics are sure to eventuate In reaction and Jeopardize the freedom pur chased by blood. He warns the revolution ists and socialists that they cannot arouse the peasants by their political demands, but are more likely to raise up a counter revo lution. He says: A hundre.1 fillliltlcMl iirlwatfl Bjllh r-hurrh banners and iknns, might easily arouse the "black" millions of the country and over whelm your intellectuals of the cities amidst such horrors as tho world has never witnessed. An official note was issued today explain ing that while the government is inflexibly determined to carry out the reforms prom ised by the imperial manifesto of October , it Is impossible at one stroke to accus tom the population to the administration of the new order of things created by the manifesto. Until the new legislation re quired by the reforms is effected tho old laws must be enforced, except where they are already replaced by temporary pro visions. The note adds that drafts of tho provisional regulations governing freedom of the press and the right ot association have been completed; that the deliberations regarding the reform of the council ot the empire and the extension of the franchise are nearlng a conclusion and that the elections to the national assembly are being expedited. At the same time meas ures are being Initiated to cope with the disturbances which are endangering public security. M. Belgard, chief of the press censorship First Two Witnesses Give Impression the Deteotiree Started Firing. ENB OF PROSECUTION COMES ABRUPTLY Coonty Attorney Calls to Staad Only Kin of the Tvrent J -To Wit. eases Endorsed la tha Information. Unexpectedly, to the oefense at least, tha state rested In the Crowe caae shortly be fore noon Wednesday. Attorneys English and Ritchie, for Crowe, said they would endeavor to have some ot their witnesses present at 2 o'clock. They then produced two. Archie Hasell and David Brown. They testified and the court took a recess until Thursday morning to give the de fense further time. The state had oniy used nine of the twenty-two witnesses Indorsed on the Information when County Attorney ' Slabaugh announced that he would rest. Archie Haxell, living at 1003 North Twen ty-sixth street. South Omaha, waa the first witness for the defense. He Is employed by Swift and Company and was a passen ger on the car on which the three Dans o the detective force rode to the scene where the battle occurred on June 6. They sat in the seat behind Haicll and he said that one of the officers had his hand on his gun or was In the act of drawing It oa he got off the car. He did not see any men standing in the street as tho car came td a stop and said the first shot came from the direction of the rear of the car. Ho did not see any shots fired from tlio wer.t (where the prosecution haa located Crowe) as the car stopped, but admitted on cross-examination there might have been some without him seeing tho flashes. It was a cloudy night, he thought, and he made the number of shots twelvo to fifteen. Brown's Story Similar to Hasell's. David Brown, a horse dealer of South Omaha, was also on the car on the night of June 6. Ho was standing on the rear platform, leaning against the rail. He heard one man step up to the car and U-Ii tho others on the back seat to get oil. The men who got off started shooting at once, he said, and he saw at least four men firing. He did not see either Murphy or the man who was with him when the car slowed down. Ho said it was a rather dark night, possibly raining a little Cross- examination resulted In no change ot his evidence, except to show that his observa tlon of the actual occurrence, as told by others, was a trifle faulty. Brown ad mltted he wanted to get away from the scene rather than closer to the shooters. At the conclusion of this testimony, Mr English, for the defense, moved for ad. IMMIGRATION IS DISCUSSED Six States Kaat of Mississippi Re ceived T Per Cent of l.at Year's Arrivals. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. The United States Immigration question was taken up for dis cussion today by the National Civic Fed eration, in session here. Delegatea to this meeting hal been appointed by the gov ernors of forty-oner states and prominent statesmen, labor and religious leaders, scholars and business men were present. The statement that over a million Immi grants have come to the United states dur ing the last year and that the south and the west, the sections of the country which needed and wished for these new cltlsens, did not get them, was made today by Frank P. Sargent. United Slates -commissioner general of immigration, in a speech before the National Civlo Federation meeting. Mr. Sargent proposed that' the United Btates hereafter take steps to distribute Im migrants according to the needs ot the country. "I have Just received a few figures." he said, "showing where this Immigration goes. Of the 1,206,481 Immigrants who ar rived last year New Tor received S1J.5U: Pemsylvanlo, 310,7(18; Massachusetts,' 72.150; Illinois, 73,770; Now Jersey, S7.358 and Ohio 19.351. "Six states of the union receiving 777.747. or per cent of the whole, which gives the gentlemen from these states some idea of how popular those states are abroad and how rapidly they gained last year." Mr. Sargent recommended that Instead of having the majority of foreign Immigrants received at the port of New (York as at present efforts should be. mado to have them enter at other seaports. Samuel Gompcrs spoke of restricting Im migration, saying that the overwhelming number of foreigners la a detriment to American worklngmen. "If the. American people." he stild, "adopt some practical measure that will stop to a considerable degree thin, wholesale Immigration of people rrom several monarchical countries where tyranny In the hnndmaid of poverty and misery, and. these peoples be compelled to remain in their own countries, it will also compel them to find the remedy for their economic and social ilia in their own coun try and compel reform and Improvement." office, has been relieved ot his post at his i0"!-"6"1 until Thursday morning, as they unu uvcn uiiuvie timing mu iiuoii reucoH to get any more of their witnesses In court, own request. LONDON, Deo, 7. The correspondent of the Times at St. Petersburg says: "I am Informed on excellent authority that a re volt of the St. Petersburg garrison is cer tain to occur. "The newspapers print harrowing details of the whipping by order of General Sakha. roll of the peasants whom he-. was sent to pnclfy." . : 1 ...., Judge Day granted the request. Una of Defease Outlined. The defense evidently will be along these lines: That there was nothing whatever about the four men alighting from the street oar to indicate they were eollqe - officers. 1 That the detectives may have fired first and thjLt th ma n whn sfs nrt firH In RELIEF WORK IS HAMPERED eelf-defense. That the man who escaped was retreating Suspension of Telegraph Service - Prevents Distribution of Money Among; Hnaelan Jews. LONDON. Dac. . The secretary of the committee which was appointed by the re cent conference held here under the chair manship of Lord Rothschild to take charge of the distribution of the funds collected for the relief of Jews in Russia, said to the Associated Press tonight that the com mittee was being much hampered by tho failure of telegraphic communication. He said that the following dispatch had been received from the traveling commissioners aa he fired and trying to get away That Officer Jackaon may have been ac cidentally shot In the leg by one ot his brother officers. The evidence Indicates their training as marksmen has bean heg lected. The first witness Wednesday was Dr. J. E. Summers, Jr., who told of treating the wounded policeman and described the wound. He said on oross-examlnatlon tho stiffness of the leg will wear off In time. to deflection of the bullet, up or down. he could not state. William E. Tlnney, with Armour & Co., was on the car which carried the policemen to the scene of the shooting. He saw only MILLARD STARTS HUSTLING After Chairmanship of Committee on Inter oceanic, canals. REMOVALS PUT DELEGATION IN THE AIR At a Loss to Kicif Who to Recom mend for Vacant Positions In the Valentine Land Office Bills for the West. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. a. (Special Tele gram.) The resignation of Senator Mitchell from the committee on interoccanio canals leaves Senator Millard occupying the coign of vantage so far as the chairmanship goes. Senator Piatt of New York, the ranking member of tho committee, having- stated that he was satisfied with his present com mittee, that of printing. It has been goner ally expected that Senator Mitchell would not embarrass the committee on committees of the senate, by Insisting on bis retention as a member of the committee on Inter oceanic canals, though It was not expected he would wire his i-eHlgnntion ot the chairmanship. The moment Vice I President Fairbanks announced Mitchell's action. Senator Mil lard, standing .on his right as the ranking member of the committee, began an active campaign for the place, Mitchell having vastly cleared tho situation by his resigna tion. Senator Kittredge of South Dakota is also a candidate for the chairmanship and as he was Hanna's chief lieutenant this Is being used In his favor. It Is also urged that he is a lawyer of good reputation whereas Senator Millard Is "only a banker." However. It is a pretty tight and tho friends of the senior senator from Ne. braska are out In the open hustling for their candidate. Tern per tar at Omaha Testerdnyl Hoar. Pea;. Hoar. Tien. It a. m ill 1 p. in " 0) a. an...... :tO a p. m...... " T a. m ni A p. m Brt a. .m It I 4 p. an 49 a. m ..... . n.1 ft p. m ..... . (? II) i. m att p. an 4.1 11 a. at 4n T p. m 44 13 m 44 a p. tn 42 O p. in 4U who are now working In varloua parts of one man standing near the sidewalk aa the Russia securing data and statistics for the guidance of those who are distributing the funds Telegraphic communication has been en car stopped, whom he recognized as Frank Murphy. Judge Day sustained, for the time being. an objection to letting witness repeat WICKS GUILTY OF BLACKMAIL Story of Prominent Sew Tork At torney Who Led a Dr. Jeltyl and Mr. Hyde Existence. NEW YORK. Dec. e.-Thomas P. Wlcka. a prominent attorney and former assistant corporation counsel today waa found guilty of blackmail in the criminal branch of the supreme court. He was remanded for sentence next week. The case of Wlckes- fs one of the most peculiar In the criminal annals of the city and the man himself has come to be known as the "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" of the legal proiession. w nue occupying a prom inent place among his fellows In the legal profession and enjoying a high reputation, It has been learned that under the name of "Lewis Jarvls," which he. assumed for the purpose, Wlckes wrote hundreds of letters to persons who were Interested In cases with which he was eonv'i. -iNearly .ali. of these letters' wero copfiocd entlroiy, to praise ot Wlckes, the man. and his ability In the legal profession. Clients were con gratulated upon having secured the services of so able a gentleman and pros pective clients were advised to retain Wlckes at any. cost. Some of the letters, however, had - other ends In view and . lt was one of these which resulted in the un doing ot Wlckes. I To Dr. Edward Weston of Newark, N. J., several of these "Lewis Jarvls" letters wero written advising Dr. Weston to settle a certain litigation against himself by pay ing several thousand dollars. These letter evidently were written by some one Inti mate with the case and Dr. Weston gave them to detectives. Wlckes was found out and arrested when he went to a postoince for letters addressed to "Lewis Jarvls." During the present trial he admitted that he was the writer of the letters. Wlckes' counsel set up In defense the argument that there was no attempted blackmail in the letters. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Thursday aad Friday. tlrely stopped throughout Russia, and we ..,.,! wTOl, ,,, are without news. We are sending this -aomething Frank Murphy said, on tho ground aeienuani was not anown py wii to the frontier. After a Personal inspection we can re. nort that the destruction is indescribable, Hundreds of shops have been destroyed and business Is at a standstill. The dam age amounts to millions of roubles. Forty thousand persons are affected In Kleff alone. Several small towns which had Jewish sections have been entirely burned and the people are sleeping In the fields. The secretary said that relief centers had been established at Ekaterlnoslav, Gomel, Kleff, Odessa, Poltava, Rostoff-On-Don, Simferopol and Moscow. Tho travel ing commissioners say that 171 towns have been the scene ot Jewish massacres. These figures do not Include a number ot villages and. Siberian towns, many of which euf fered from the anti-Semitic madneaa. Writing from Kleff under date of De cember 1. the commissioners say that the town was then in open riot and that firing was continual. The British consul had offered to shelter -the commissioners. The secretary said that up to date 12.476, OcO had been contributed. This sum In cluded 11.000.000 from the United States, tD.'o.OOO from Germany and $435,000 from Great Britain. The sum of Stto.tUO hud already been remitted to Kuusia. SEPARATES CHURCH AND STATE Krrut'h Senate Pnsaea Bill Through Final Parliamentary Stage hy Decisive Vote. ness to have been present. On cross-examination Mr. English brought out that none of the officers had anything about him to indicate he waa a policeman. He reiterated he saw only one man stand ing on the street when the car stopped, and that man waa Frank Murphy. He thought about twenty shots were tired in all. Wyomlags Man a Witness. Harry Collins, now of Woodrock. Wyo., waa In Omaha the night ot the shooting and was walking near the scene. He heard one man standing on the pavement say to another: "Frank, you get on tha car." He said the man who spoke fired the first shot as the street car slowed up. The other man, he thought, attempted to get on the car. The man who flred first had been sitting on the curb and had looked at him (Collins) over his shoulder when he passed. Asked to Identify the prisoner, Collins could only say the resemblance as to build was something similar to that of Crowe. The retreating man fired live or six shots, witness said, and fifteen or twenty. In all were tired. Several men passed htm going north Just as the shooting ceased. On cross-examination Collins said he MRS. BERRY IS CAPTURED Saceamhs to Fames of Ammonia and Is Captured In the Car. GIRARD, Kan., Dec. 6. Mrs. Ina Berry who since Friday last had held the town officials at bay from her fort In the toilot room of a 'Frisco railway coach on tho tracks here, was removed today shortly Derore noon, after she had been partially oercome by fumes of ammoula A bundle of rags saturuted with tho drug had been pushed through the window of the toilet room. Before surrendering Mrs. Berry fired one shot at her captors, but without effect. Before she could shoot again, Mrs. Berry was overpowered by two officers. After being reassured that the officers and the people of Glrard were her friends and that the office: i had come to protect her, the woman made but feeble effort at resistance. She was removed in a currlage to the Jail and placed under the care ot the city physician. Once inside the Jail and made confident that tho attendants were' working In her behalf, Mrs, Berry quieted down and talked rationally. imaciaiea Dy ner long fust, and weak- PAR1S. Dec B. The Senate today, after u Inn debate. adoDted the bill for the against countries which do not admit the ..mt inn nf church and stat hv . nt The vote waa announced I amid entnusiastia scenea ana cries of Bill for Parcels Post. "I.ong live the republic!" and "Long live Bills continue to be introduced in t he ! liberty I" house in large numbers. Among-those in- i Former Premier Combes participated In -.. vnv separation or cnu goods of the United States on terms equal of 181 against 102. to those granted other countries. ! amia enthusiastic trodured today were tho following: By the debate, contending that the measure nenreventativv llenrr-Tn nnn.i.i'n assured neutrality of rcliidon. moral libera- inira ana rourtn class mull matter under 1 tlon and social pacification, the till, of merchnntliav: limiting weight of i Thi, u lhe nnai parliamentary ataae of parcels to eleven pounds and the rate to he' L ! ?? y. , ; "ur"jmeluary , ' I cent for less than three minces and In- ' ,ne b," hlch promulgated In the ireanea to ij ceiua for parcels of the maxl- I official Journal tomorrow, when it will be- in um WftlKlH. My Representative l.ueey of Iowa-For the the woman presented a Ditiabla. ninw.nr ance. Her clothes were torn, her face and hands badly soiled and her liolr dls. lieveled. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Deo. .-A special from Lexington, Ky.. says that the Identity of the woman who, for several daya, defied the authorities at Girard, Kan., was fully established today when James F. Barry, a grocer here, visited the offices of a local law firm. Mr. Barry says the woman is his divorced wife, and although he haa again married, lie will asaist her in her present trouble. entry of strictly agricultural land In forest ivservea under the lioiuemead law. By hepreM-ntadve tiroavenur of Ohio Providing that all oleomargarine and reno vated butter and cheese uot made of puro and unadultt-rated n:llk ami cream hall be subject to the lawa of the atate Into which it Is shipped for consumption. The bill pro vides that any person who mixes with olen. irargarliia anything giving li the semblance of butler and who sella the product shall he regarded as a manufacturer of oleomar garine and subject to the lax Imposed upon iiiunufaciurera of oleomargarine. The oleo margarine law la amended in several par-tK-ulars aa reaarda taxation.. By Representative Hepuura of Iowe-The ui food bUl. Over One Hundred Millions. The annual book of estimates ot the ap propriations required lor the government aCenUuued on bexoad Pag state will devote three months to the framing of the administrative details of the new regime. The action of the Vutlcan regarding the law has not yet been definitely announced. The French clergy, while opposing the measure, appear to be disposed to conform to the new system. t The public worship budget of 190S will be reduced from S5.IO0.OuO to nearly I,u0.0u0 consequent on the gradual diminution of the salaries paid by the state to the clergy. The fundamental principle of the bill ensure entire liberty of csmaelence revpect lng religion, with n itric .Ions concerning the exercise ot religion, which are Intended to preserve public order. heard Officer Jackson say, "I'm shot," j ened from ,lo of sleep and from exposure. aner me iirmg. ivuueas sma iwu or three of the officers ran past him, going north, but came back shortly with another man, who went up to Jackson. This was Frank Fogg, he said. In this matter of the supposed running away of two officers. County Attorney Sla baugh Insisted they were going to a tele phone to call the wagon for Officer Jack son. He was not allowed to show this by evidence, however. The atate rested at conclusion of Collins' testimony and court adjourned to t p. m. Two of Crowe'a slaters, Mra. Connora of South Omaha and Mra Tbomaa F. Qiilcn ot South Dakota, were In court Wednesday and In the Intermissions they visited with the defendant. As the caae progresses ha appears to become more cheerful over the outlook. , Yesterday was the big day for attend ance, the court room, large as It Is, being uncomfortably crowded, especially during the short afternoon sitting. Probably aOO women had seats at different points, sev eral jM-ing given seats in the bailiff's en closure. After the court had been ad journed these women, with a big majority of the men, remained to gase at the noted prisoner while he consulted with his at torneys. They did not leave until Crowe had been escorted back to the Jail. Cannon Working; on Committees. Speaker Cannon is working night and day on the house committees and it the present program is carried out, no hitches occuring. committee assignments will be announced late next week. Delegation In n ttoiilsrr. There is almost panic among tho Ne braska delegation, particularly with Sena tors Millard and Burkett and Congressman Klnkald, over the Valentine laud office situation. The summary dismissal of Pettl John and the request for tho resignation of Towle on account of land frauds traceable to the Valentine . office, necessitates two appointments and the delegation Is "stumped" to know who to appoint. Orva Gallogly, present postmaster at Johnstown, Brown county. Is a candidate for receiver, being strongly endorsed. It has been understood for some time that Towle would not be a candidate for reap, potntment and Gallogly announced his can dldacy . accordingly. Pettljohn was sup posed to be slated for reappointment, but his summary removal has brought tho dele gation face . to face with a condition and not theory,,., . "I am almost afraid to make any more recommendations," said Senator Millard, "the' way things are going. Of course, we will have to send In two names for register and-receitjttiY. but at proaeet I rja tiv -t.ua dark as to who they will be. I expect, however, that wc- will move li the next day or two. Judge Klnkald believes that certain amount of time should be given before any action is taken. He says Gal logly is strongly urged for receiver but he has no knowledge who desires to be regis ter. Tonight telegrams were sent to a number of leaders In . the Sixth district, asking for Information as to who would be acceptable appointees." Indians Want In on Ditch. Senator Burkett had a conference with the commissioner of Indian affairs today with a view to adjusting the differences growing out of the organisation of ' a drainage district in the great Nemaha val ley. The Sac and Fox and Iowa Indiana, who own their land In severalty, desire to come under the drainage canal, but as the canal company proposes to tax the land covered by the ditch, and Indians' land be. ing exempt from taxation, a hitch has oc curred In the building of the canal. The Indians want the benefit of the ditch and are willing to pay if the government will only let them. These Indiana have about 1150.000 to their credit in the treasury and Commissioner Lcupp is now figuring whether It would not be possible to take a portion of this money for canal purposes. The Sao and Fox and Iowa Indians own about 4,000 acres In the Nemaha valley, much of which would be directly under the ditch. Bills for Benedt of Wyoming;. Representative Mondell today Introduced the following bills: Granting tho state ot Wyoming 50,000 acres of land to aid in the continuation and maintenance of the Wy oming atate soldiers' and Bailors' home; to provide for medical care and surgical treat ment of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines; to appropriate 1160.000 for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building at Sheridan; for a pub lio building and site at Rawlins, $100,000; to establish a fish hatching and fish station In Wyoming, (125,000. . Cunningham Waats Reinstatement. Frank H. Cunningham of South Omaha, ex-presldent of the Rural Free ' Delivery Letter Carriers' association. Is in Wash ington. Cunningham was separated ' from the service on charges of pernicious po litical activity being made agalnBt him. Today Cunningham waa about the capltol rounding up the Nebraaka delegation look ing to his reinstatement.' Just how far the delegation pledged themselves to his support Is not known, but it ts thought he hus a number ot good friends among the Nebraskans who will go to the front for Cunningham if thoy see an opportunity to bring about his restoration to tho service. Macadamised Road to Fort Crook The necessity of macadamising Military boulevard from Foft Crook to the city AMBASSADOR THOMPSON TALKS Says He Sees o Reason for Sena- paper Comment Reaxardlna Ills Aetlona. LINCOLN. Dec. a. D. E. Thompson, United States ambassador to Brasll, who returned to his home In this city lust night, said today concerning the rumors of trouble with tho State department: 'I see no occasion for the newspaper talk of which I have been the subject. So far as my official standing Is concerned. I have no reason to believe that It Is not as It has been since I first went to Brsill." WASHINGTON. Dee. .-The State de partment Is making a careful Inquiry Into charges made by Consul Oeneral Beeger, at Rio Janeiro against David K. Thomp son, American embassador to Brasll, and by the latter against the consul general. No official statement can be had aa to the nature of these charges and the ' dirty row" which led tip to them. According to one statement. Mr. Thompson was granted leave of absence by the State department and returned to this country with Solicitor Penfleld, who had been, by direction of the president, making a personal Investiga tion on tho ground of the charges and counter-charges. Judge Penreld lias so far not submitted any written report and Jiaa been only able to communicate briefly and ver bally to the president and to Secretary Root the result of hla Inquiry. When Mr. Thompson reached New York 'after a Week's delay he came to Washington and called upon Secretary Root and Assistant Secretary Bacon and then proceeded to his home In Nebraska to wait the pleasure of the department as to his further appearance. HARTLEY BOND VOID Supreme Conrt Writes Last Chapter in the Famom Litigation. STATE OUT OVER SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND Attorney Oeneral Brown Eajs This Dt oision it Final. ERROR OF PROUT FATAL TO THE STATE rails to Hare Bill of Fzoeptioni te Su preme lonrt freperly Certified.' TRIBUNAL REFUSES TO CONSIDER IT SHOOTS WIFE AND HIMSELF Qofarrel Between St. Lonla Couple Will Reanlt In the Death of Both. ST. LOUIS, Mo Dec. 6. As the outcome of a quarrel over 117,000 Inheritance, Charles E. Bosse, aged 80, a collector, shot his wife, aged 2S, and then killed himself with the revolver In the preaenoe of Mra. Elisabeth R. Wllbuckle, hla wife's mother, st his home, 42S7 Gano avenue, this after noon. Mrs. Bosse's Injuries are believed to be mortal. Aged Mrs. Wllbucke struggled with tho trended man to prevent the tragedy, but he finally pushed her aside and began shooting. Mrs. Bosse was shot through the neck. Three years ago Bosse's father died. leaving him an estate of 117,000.. Bosse at that time had been married one year. He signed his inheritance over to his wife. It is stated that since then they have frequently quarreled over the estate. To day, while under the lnfluence of liquor, he renewed the quarrel, which terminated In the tragedy. Both were prominent In Last Roand Waa tha Fifth Tim Caae Had Been Before the Sapreme Conrt, Being- Sent Bark Foar Times. ' . I (From a Staff Correspondent.) ... LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. .-8peclal Tele gram.) After eight yeara of litigation In which the atate sought to recover from the bondsmen of former Treasurer J. 8. Bart ley the sum of rfo,7My"ln, lost through, hla speculations, the case has been finally de cided In favor of the defendants on the technical ground that the bill of excep tions In the case waa hot properly authen ticated. The court, In an opinion by Com missioner Dufflo, snys that there is nothing by which to determine whether the bill or exceptions Is genuine and entire. Former Attorney General Prout was In office' when the defective bill was filed. It vir certl fled by District Clerk Broadwell of Douglas county. ' Attorney General Brown refused to dis cuss the matter until he can see the opin ions. It Is believed that no further stops will be taken and that the state Is 'at last Irrevocably deprived of every chance . to secure the money, because of the careless ness In the preparation ot tho bill of ex ceptions. The bondsmen against whom the suit was brought are E. E. Brown and John H. Ames, Lincoln; XV. A. Paxton, ' W. A. Swobe and Cadet Taylor, Omaha, and, C. C. McNish, Fremont. They have been seek ing for several years to compromise the suit by the payment ot a small sum, and a special board ot state officials waa cre ated to effect that purpose. With the ac cumulated Interest the total claim of the state at the present time amounted to nearly 1700,000. The Douglas county Jury gave a verdict for the defendants at the last trial, but the atate has eontcrded that their verdict was not based on the evidence. The defect In the bill of exceptions left It Impossible for the court to determine the only vital Issue raised by the attorney general. . John H. Ames, one of the victorious de fendants, la a member of the supreme court commission. . .''.. ' Opinion of the Conrt. The opinion was prepared br Commie aluner. Duffle, ' concurred in "by .the ; court, . Chief Justice . Holcomb not: sitting. The ' decision .closes: :Jj ,. ,:.. We have held this caae. an, unusual time " and given It our best consideration,' and we have all reluctantly come to the con- ' r. 1 .1 bl., I . . . . . I . I , . . . . . North St. Loula society. Four month, ago I .taw to"ob.er"ve"th. piain'reSdln'g" of th. Bosse attempted suicide with carbolic ' statute relating to bills of exceDtlon and their authentication, that ' this so-called bill cannot be considered by us. It Is net our custom to look with favor on technical objections which dispose of a case. Oil the contrary, we are disposed to give to the statute governing appeals and to the rulea of procedure In this court, the most liberal construction In order . that , the parties may be heard and their cases dis posed of on their merits. It la but Just to the parties of record and to the court itself; but, under the most liberal con struction of which this statute relating to bills ot exceptions Is capable, the bill pre- seniea oy rne siaie in tnis case Ik so i wxnuni in a unptii nn mn .Kb m .in 'sc"' num jin uiui.ier, iisries u. j me earmark's required by our law to Sexton, that he wished to see her before Identify it, that we have no alternative he died. Mrs Martha E. Pickering arrived t? VTmFJZ In Denver this morning to find that he had more than another of less importance dls been . found dead In his bed in the Queen regard tha plain reading of the statute or City hotel, although he was spparently well J,"ab""'!. ,.f,"re?niv,,whlch ,wo,lld "w . . ; ... i ne presentation to this court of records enough yesterday afternoon to spend the i which may or may not contain the evldemw day on the streets. Beside Sexton's bed was ; on which the trial court acted. To do so found a paper containing morphine from i w'1 'Ye'?p?rt"n,Vi" ',or ' mpoBttlon " " rv., uHiou uciuio , wnl 0r inoae wno area this enurt acid, but a friend knocked the bottle from his lips. SISTER FINDS BROTHER DEAD Telegraphs Her to Meet Him In Den a ver and Then Commits I Sotctde. DENVER. Colo.. Dee. 6.-(Special Tele gram.) Coming from Kearney, Neb., on an . wanting he retired for the night. According to Mr. Pickering, her brother years ago fell In love with a Mormon girl. She wanted to marry him, but her parents ' was taken In due form, and the necessary tn establish and maintain their rights. The responsibility for this dianoaltinn nt the case does not rest with us, but those whose duty it was to see that the appeal refused consent until Sexton Joined the Mormon church. This he would not do, and since then often said life had lost Its charm for him. Sexton was 15 years old and came here from Haskell, la. statutory steps taken to secure a record which this court could consider. . The bill of exceptions being quashed we have noth ing to consider, further than to see whathar me juagrneni is supported by the pleadings, and there being no doubt on .that point the Judgment must be affirmed and we so recommend. .ot Properly ' Certified. ) .' In this case the Jury returned a verdict for the defendants and the state took the suit to the supremo court on error, "pre senting to that court the single question whether the verdict was against 'the evi dence. This required an examination, of all the evidence Introduced on the trial Union Pacific system, today announced the ' and wnicn c"n b Preserved and presented letting ot contracts for the construction ot t0 the eupreme court only by a properly seventy, miles of double track on the Union i authenticated bill of exceptions. The da Pacific line in Wyoming and thirty miles i ndants objected that the state bad failed In Nebraska, the long talked of Omaha ; 10 preserve or to have a bill of exceptions cut-off., Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins was certified to In a legal manner or. In such given the contract. The double track in j way tnttt tn eupreme court could know Wyoming will be laid between Green River j what evidence waa before the trial . court and Lookout and between Hannock and ! on which the verdict of the Jury wae baaed, Point of Rocks, and in Nebraska It will run I and moved to quash the bill. WILL BUILD OMAHA CUT-OFF l nlon ' Paul da Lets Contract for a Doable Track from Omaha to Valley. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 6.-A. H. Mohler. vice president and general manager of the from Omaha to Valley. The Omaha cut off will result, when the work Is com pleted, in a saving of ten miles from Omaha west. WCALL AND PERKINS TO QUIT Kern York Paper Says There Will Be l ha age la Stw York Life. NEW YORK. Dec. 1-The Evening Sun line of South Omaha waa brought directly today says that President John A. Mc to the attention ot congress and the mill- , Call and Vice President George W. Per tary authorities today by a bill which kins of the New Tork Life Insurance com- nenaior wniiara imrouucea. appropriating pany are going 10 reure irom omce in tnai , volume a prt cf tho bill and contains ,- ...,.-,.- i ',i'l"U ,or ,u,pu'"' ror ear "e company. Jr. r-erams retirement, tne B0 intimation that the court la to look GRUNDY ACCUSED OF MURDER cltlane of Sarpy County and South Omaha ' Sun says, will probably take place soon ! ouUao of the volume for any part of th k -- . )iujki uiu mi. mwvui.i """' evidence In the case. This la a separata The atato filed three separate bound rec ords or volumes. First Is a transcript of the pleadings and proceedings. Tha sec ond marked bill of exceptions, volume I, contains what purports to be oral evidence and reference is made to' numerous .docu ments and exhibits, but which are not con tained In this volume. The third volume Is entitled "State of Nebraska against Wil liam A. Paxton et al, volume J exhibits' and contains copies of a large number of exhibits. ; Attached to a volume marked 1 la - a certificate of Frank A. Broadwell, clerk of the district court, certifying f.hat this la the original bill of exceptions This certificate mukes no reference to another nesv Japanese Cmlaer. TOKIO, Dec. , The armorsd cruiser Tau kuba of 13, TjO tona displacement will be In the future the stale will be eiaii Mi launched at Kure December 10. The crown I f run Irom t4Uuccllou with rvllgiinw auvta, Jprluce will be present at the ceremony. Oklahoma Maa la Shooting Wealthy Us4 Owaer In Charged with as one of absolute necessity, but all at-I election of trustees, In April. Distiller aad the Back. ! tempts to get the government to build the I I road have been futile. Now the matter : haa taken tangible form, and it is believed I SHAWNEE. Okla., Dec. 6. Frank M. 1 Grundy, who shot and killed Edward Tomlinson. a wealthy distiller und land owner, yesterday at Keokuk Fulls, aa the ' result of a feud and later resisted arrest by barricading himself in his barn, wis arreated today and brought to Shawnee, where he waa placed In Jail. It was brought out by the coroner'e investigation j today that Tomlinson waa shot in the ' back, and the oproner's Jury recommended j that Orundy be held on the charge of premeditated murder. The liquor and tern- perance factions are aroused over Uic af- ! full, aud uiora trouble i Icetd. Senator Millard's bill will receive the en dorsement of Quartermaster General Hum phrey. Other bills which Senator Millard Introduced were: For relief of John T. Wertx and Walter H. Shoup, to fix the I aalaiy it the surveyor of customs at Omaha and a bill for the relief of tha Omaha National bank. These are old bills which were on the calendar st the last ses sion, but failed to see the light The Appropriations for West. The secretary of the treasury today transmitted to congreas estimates . of the appropriations required for the fiscal year 'Continued on Second Page ) Movements of Ocean Vessels Dee. 6. At New York Arrived: Kaiser Wilhelm II. from Bremen. Sailed: Cedrlc, for Liver pool; Blatendam. for Rotterdam; Ceolllj, for Nnples: Gerly, for Naples and Trieste. At Glasgow Arrived: Aatoria. from Now York. At Liverpool Arrived: Lake Manitoba, from Montreal; Oceanic, from New York; Pm-lslan, from Halifax; Morion, from Phil adelphia. Sailed: Majestic, for New York. Al Antwerp Arrived: Finland, fiom New York. At Queenstown Sailed: Ivernia, for Bos ton. At Genoa Arrived: Citta di Torino, from New York. At Copenhagen Arrived: Oacar II. from New York. At Marseilles Arrived: Italia, from NV York. At Manchester Arrived; Caledonian, Irom isi.atoa volume and enda with the following: "Mr. Ransom: The answering surety de fendants rest. "Mr. Prout: The state rests.' (Both tides rest .) , There wus nothing to connect two ot the volumes or to ahow that they are part of the same case except the title endorse t on the outside cover, and this title even doea not cqrrenpoud. . ' The syllabus of the caae la a follows: feylabua of the Cane, . A bill Of exceptions will be quashed where It la not certified and Identified . in such manner that this court may know that it is the identical bill allowed by the trial court and the whole thereof. The statute provides that a bill of excep tions, where the original bill la need, et.sjl ttaimd in l he transcrlDt of the record. (.Where this court U prcesated WItV wha s eneanr