Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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LADIK9 Willi sr Interested In making
their own gowns will do well to avnll
' themselves of th cnmplcto cviirM In
ArAIEMV. conducted ly th Blter of
Mercy. at 18th and 8ts.. ci'""n"-.,
, , : Mill IJJI
GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. Z' Douglas Blk.
DBKBHMAKINO In families or it. hom'.
Ml Sturdy. JW Davenport. Tel. Hnrnejr
' low.
KXTKRIENCKD. tilfrh-cla i1roiimlifr
will go ot by tb day. ai Brown Block.
Tbon VIA.-- . . v .. -49H0X
,i He:l Estate ftucticn Szk
. ' tU-tt flouth rortlcth Street. .'. t
1 t . Tt4 cold at Auction
-Sal -to be held on rrerobw.
Thursday, Dscernbsr 14, '05
..t . At.l p. m
TM trrofrt consist of a very neat
-rKrm vUir.lrwn, otstorn. city water
and i rmll room house (not quite nn
imhA K4toninc abovei having fine cellar.
detent, lawn. etc. Two 60-foot lots an i tiona are to be bunt olrectly' east of Ui
irraeaHertn rear.-Tajee all rld and 0( the prfwnt building, -and. take
rn amice ui i -ic mi a-i v -j . . vv..
Repair, (o Old Hammond Juildinf toJBa of
Temporary Satire.
Old Haifaoad stroctores Ki in Good
Condition aad Sot Ma Coavoaleatly
Located aa Oiaaia racking
A Jarge number of men are now engaged
In making repairs to tjie old Hammond
packing plalit. and the statement Was
made last night by the foreman that he
could give work to poeelbly 100 more men.
If application Is made 'at once. The old
buildings are In Bad shape and It wilt take
considerable work to place the plant in
condition for slaughtering. New machinery
will have to be provided and the walls
strengthened. . It appears to be the under
standing that only a portion of, the plant
is to be placed In a serviceable condition!
and that the parts repaired are to be used
only temporarily. , "; r".
: There was a report from Chicago yester
day that, the Hammond plant was to be
used .Only temporarily, as the Intention
Is to enlarge -and Improve the - present
Omaha Packing company's plant. The
Omaha company : 'will,'. It Is . stated.' fsoo'u
commence the building of large, .additions
to Its plant, r These extensions and addk-'
of sals . ar that present owner Tetains
possession of poultry house and fencing
now on premises snd .he allowed free rent
of one house until April 1, If.
Household furnishings consisting Of par
lor suite, high grade organ, box couch,
base burner, besides bedroom, dlningroom
and kitchen furniture to. be disposed of at
sulon on same date or whatever Is not
sold at private sale In the meantime.
Bale begins promptly .at. 2 p. m. and will
b conducted bjr if . . -
.Cmaha Feal Estate Auction Co..
f, V - HJ Neville Block.
Ofiice, Omaha, Neb.,.' Dec. 2. 1906.-
Sealed proposal, In -triplicate, subject to
the usual conditions,; will be received hem
until 10 o'clock at- m., -central standard
time," December 11, It, for the construc
tion, plumbing, . heati ig, electric wirlr.g,
eto., of a quartermaster's storehouse st
Fort Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information
furnished on application to this office,
where plana and spec.illcatldns may he scon.
Proposals to , be marked . "Proposals for
i Construction; -Etc:, ' ss -the case may tie,
and addressed to Major Td. OKAV ZAI.1N
BKI. Constructing Quartermaster. Army
Building; jpmaha, Nebraska. '
. : ' ' . ' -D3-4-6-B-11-12
Omaha, Neb., November 1". 19U6. Sealed
propusnts, jn triplicate, subji-ct to the ususl
conditions, .will bs rew-lvrd here until 10
a. m., central' standard ttnie, December 7,
1W6, for, furnishing 9jO,W.. pounds bitum
inous coal, , during . the, remainder of ths
seal "year ending June 30. mm. at Omaha,
iv'shraaku '. T'ntted Rtates reserves rlffht to
"Vr reject or accept any or all proposals, or
U any part thereof. ..information furnished
proposalsshould bemaiked "Proposals for
Funl," and addressed to Msjor M. Gray
ZallnakL.C.Q, M.v. N 22-23-M-S D 6-7 M .
and Mediterranean, Including Bpaln. by spe
cially chartered 8.- 8. Arable, 18,W0 tons;
sirts ', A cruise of 70 days, spend
ing 19 days In Palestine and Egypt, (costing
onlv, tip, including shore: excur
toasi hotels, drives, fees and all necessary
expense! - - -
Send for Illustrated Descriptive Booklet-
FRANK C CLARK, Uroadway, N. V.
Reme Bliwvsa od Isensse la Gross
Eairlaa. . Ket - Esrslsci
NEW TOR K, Deo; The report of the
t'nton Pacific Railroad company for the
year ended June 30 shows gross earnings of
t0,324,9, an Increase of H.046,718 and net
earnings of $7,i2.233."an Increase of um,447.
After payment of fixed charges and. divi
dends, sod (4.479.165 for betterments, addi
tions,' eto., there remained a. surplus for
the year1 of $7,219,282, -an Increase of $2,506,-
WJth reference, to the Northern Securities
stocks held by the company the report says:
The redemption of e per cent and partici
pating bonds released 824.910 shares of
Northern Securities stock pledged as col
's la tersj. Of the stock thus released 71.(00
shares Were sold end 128,yl shaiva remained
uusold on June 30, 1906. For the remaining
e 8-'4,w- shares there were, received in ex
change 1hk,)K3 shares of the Oreat Northern
took, 1M sltares f Northern Pauitlc and
1,349 shares of Northern Securities stubs.
Lirrr Bars at Hastiness'
HAST I NO 8, Kebv Do S. (Special Tele
gram. The. largo Irame lWcry ami feed
stable' on the-cornsr of First street ni
St. Joseph avenue was burned at 10 o'clock
tonlaht. SevBral boraea were consumed In
the flames. The. building was' owned by
Edward. M BhauIIs and had recently been
copdemnedt by the. city and the case was
booked) to- come up In the present term of
the district court.
--Ylrgtaia, Bsjslaesa Hoases.
MXNAB3A3. Vs-.Pec, 8. -A fire broke
out early today which swept the business
section of the town. Estimated loss over
$10.UW.' ; .: ' ' : j
In some of the. ground now Used iks'hog
sheds.. The rackajre f acllltlee. ' at. the
Omaha plant are far better than at the
61d Hamtrtond house, and whsn" the addi
tions are made to. the Omaha plant the
new buildings will be bn' practically
tracks. Just how ' much ' mohey the Na
tional Packing company expect to spend
In remodeling and enlarging ith Omaha
packing house is , not known' herrf at ' this
time, but the reports are that large
amount of money Is to be spentnext yer
In putting , this plant in shape -to' fully
double Its present capacity; .'-
. As for the approach frhm tlie O street
vladucf that may be built" to connect with
the prcseint Hammond plant, nothing au
thoratUe" Is known here at present.; The
L'nlon Stock Yards company will construct
this approach when called upon to do so.
When the O street bridge wa- built ar
rangements were made to build an Incline
appf6ach to the Hammond plant,' or In
case another building was' erected on the
vacant ground north of the present build
ings a level driveway right off tho via
duct to the , second story of the plaht'
could be 'built. Regarding the construc
tion' or this approach,' General Manager
Kenyon of the Stock Yards company said
last evening that he had no -Intimation
from the National Packing "company Just
what kind of an approach would be
In other quarters it was stated that In
case. the Hammond house1 Is to be. used
only temporarily that ' it might not be
necessary to build an approach Irem the
O street viaduct to the plant.-
As only a portion of the Hammond house
Is to be used. It is not probable that the
change from the Omaha, to the Hammond
plant will Increase the working force to
any great extent.
Arrest sVsptctons Character. .
Tuesday afternoon Captains' Shields and
Turnqulst arrested Frank Betts at the Live
Stock exchange building and will hold him
for a few days as a suspicious character.
Betts was following a stockman who had
a lurge amount of money In his pockets
and a falr-slsed Jag.f - . . , '
' When questioned by the officers Betts
feferred the' Omaha police.' Shields
called up Captain Mostyn on the telephone
and asked about Betts. Capratn ' Mostyn
replied that the Omaha ' police ' supposed
Betts to be In the penitentiary at Lincoln.
having been sent up from Omaha some
months ago. The stockman appeared of'
fended at losing, his supposed friend, but
was finally pacified and loaded on a home
ward-bound train.
Raakers Accest Bonds.-'
Tuesday City Clerk Qlllln received a letter
from Moore, Baker ft Co. of Boston, stating
that the refunding bonds, amounting to
$70,000, had been accepted. The letter goes
on. to say that the attorneys .employed by
the buyers had found the ixsue to - be all
right. These bonds bear date of November
1 and were refunded at 44 per cent interest.
Blank bonds are now being lithographed
and .yesterday the mayor and .clerk for
warded -their signatures to bo engraved on
the Interest coupons,. It" Is expected thst
the bonds' will he' here in about a week
for signature.
Parks Resames Pa viae;
The laying of paving on "Twenty-fourth
street .was resumed yesterday; Nearly a
block, of brick was laid yesterday and by
tonight, if the weather Is fair,'' the con
tractors expect to have the paving laid
south of, I street. -The sand on top of the
concrete base had been rosen, but the tem
perature was high enougli yesterday to per
mit ef the sand being raked and rolled so
that a good bed for the brick was had
at her home. T7S North Twentv-etxhth
street. Th remains will be forwarded to
NfbraekaCtty today for Interment.
Associated Press rorrpoadeat
oases !.ool Maaager for Postal
Telegraph Coaspaay. '
Edward J. Nally, general superintendent
of Western division of the Postal Tele-
grsph company, Tuesday announced the
appointment of Edwin U Huntley, as
manager of the Omaha and South Omaha
office of that company, which duties he
will assume about December IS, succeeding
C. O. Fuller, who. has msnsged the com
pany's business here for the last twelve
Mr. Huntley liss been the local represen.
tatlve of the Associated Press for the
last fits years. He came to Omaha thirteen
years ago. accepting a position as telegraph
operator for the Postal company. He was
soon given the Vnlted Press wire, and
later represented that Institution In Omaha
for four years. When the Vnlted Press
went out of bus.ness - he was given em
ployment by the Associated Press as an
operator holding that position for two
years, when he was placed In. charge of
the business on the establishment of an
Office In the Board of Trade building in
this city. '
f Although most of his work for the last
five years has been with the newspapers,
he has had opportunity also to continue
his Identity with the 'telegraph business,
And goes to his nev "!d with a good
knowledge of the ;' reo,ulremehts of his
position. '
It Is a remarkable coincidence that Mr.
Huntley now takes the management of an
Institution which gave him employment
In a -very minor, capacity 1 when he came
to Omaha. , The growth of the Postal
since 'that time, ' however, has1 kept pace
with general progress, and has Increased
Its trunk lines circuits out of Omaha from
seven to thirty, having added materially
to Its connections In Nebraska and western
Iowa, and completed the construction of
five wires from Omaha to the Pacific coast.
These latter lines have added greatly td.the
facilities of the company, and are operated
partly In connection with the Oriental
cablea. i .
4 Omaha has become the Gate City" In
reality, so far the business of the Postal
Is concerned, and a number of new pro
jects Is In a fair way for completion which
will add materially to the Importance of
tho local office of that company. .
Mr, Huntley was unable to say who his
successor will be, but, said he probably
would come from the ranks of the Asso
ciated. .Press.
Mr. Hepbon Present! Statement Showing
Iipenditora of ITearly Tea Million.
Measarc Preseae o Hoaso fcow
lac Probable Cost of Coast roe.
tloa Plaaaed for Seat
'- 'Tear.
"Rorlval keward Street Chareli.
Interest In- the revival nisetlnsa at tha
Seward SUeet Methodlxt K.piseopl church.
a ji,vwnv jwuKiitg irum in large
audjnnee ..ltt eight. . tviuigelist Hart of
81. Ixmia eioke last night on "The Hull."
He took,, the .unequivocal ground of. an
absolute place of destruction for a lost
soul. He argued, there no half way
between being saved and lost. He said
'hat Ood did hot delight in a place of
torture, but as a last resort. Just aa a
mother might throw a venomous . spider
Into- the tire to save her child, so the
wicked are destroyed to majte heaven free
of their contamination.- Several expressed
an active interest Jn the cause of saivstlon
by saiherlug at the altar In the after
aervwa,,. , , ... ..
mm i
It should form aa Important
part . oi . every baivqucU It
contain H ths goodorta and
nourSfetnatit ol tha pur grape.
Tha St. Loota . Vor Id's tkit
rranttrs CocVfe Imperial tho
Grand Prlss over all otbsf makss
bat rsaed ft to ' Ins highest
dVrres. Oce-hAlf ths price of
lucsiga makes becavo there is
oo duty oe ship freight to pay.
AMtsiCas vise r "t lai'ia
U.ssnf.! i fftin mirsi amsV
ind Northwestern roads there Is no doubt,
and, the outcome will be ws,tohd with keen
Interest. . ....
Boy Drswses While Ska I Ins;.
BIOVX FAILS. S. D., Dec. . (Bpeclai
Telegram. While playing' with some other
boys on a pond, situated Immediately east
of the plant of the Sioux Falls Brewing
company this evening KsJ Peterson, the
tWyear-old son of Mr. snd Mrs. August
Peterson of this city,, broke through tha
Ice and was drowned. The pond contains
about twenty feet of water, being ' An
abandoned stone quarry which has filled
with water. "
ller-Mlller Peace Conference Xot
' Ready to Report to Con
merrlal t'lab. -
The ller-Mlller peace conference was nut
ready to report at the meeting of the
Omaha Commercial club executive commit
tee Tuesday. F. E. Sanborn said a written
report was being prepared and would be
ready 'this week. ' Authority was glvon
the . chairman to call a special . meeting
of .'the 'executive committee to hear the
report.' . '- " . '
The. committee expressed its disapproval
of tho, discrimination made against Omaha
In-- favor pf Kansaif City by the Milwaukee
In Its new rates on corn to the coast. The
transportation committee will, confer with
the road on the matter.
Plana for a club smoker Friday evening
were announced by the entertainment com
mittee. : ' ;.. . '.
' Boras complaint was made by members
of the" committee "tin. account f t jtluv.chabKe
OCurllngten train Net 5's departure - from
8:60 to "P-.V&, the reason belnf .that Omaha
merchinls will not have k chance to gel
their express packages on the train at 8:15.
The mafter was "left with the' transporta
tion committee. .'..-.
', The -membership of O. E. McCun. who
will go to Kansas City, was transferred
to O. H. Gillespie. J. E. Chestain's tnera-
bershlp was transferred to his successor,
WASHINGTON. Dec 1 A summary of
the expenditures of the Isthmian Canal
commission In all departments to September
80. 1906. was presented to the house today by
Mr. Hepburn. The 'aggregate amount li
H.096.08J. The estimated expenditures for
October and November, 1905, are $1,891000,
making a total for the entlrs period to De-
eemher I. 1906. of $8,987,0?!.
Mr. Hepburn filed -also a detailed stste-
ment of amounts composing the appropria
tion of $18,500,000 asked for In the emergency
bill now fiendlng. The' statement Includes
estimated llabllitlea to December 1. covering
material ordered and in transit amounting
to $4,000,000; equipment purchased or con
tracted for delivery not later than June $0.
1908, $S.350,0O0; miscellaneous material pur
chased In the Vnlted Ststes from December
t 19os. to June . 190. $2,900,000; other mis
cellaneous expenditures for hotl and hos
pital supplies, transportation or .laborers
from West Indies, etc,, $900,000; due Panama
Railroad company for material and serv
ices. 81,000.000: estimated Isthmus psyrons
December 1. 190$, to June' , 1908, 84.8TS.O0O
salaries. Incidental expenses, rent, etc., tn
the rmted Slates for; the; same period, $178,-
ew SHU r, la Irons.
Vj,nrMnirt, Aninn (TU.I today intro
duced a nnstsl savlnrs bank bill which pro
vides that the postmaster general Is to be In
charge of a central bank In Washington,
which shall Issue postal savings Stamps of
small denominations and provide stamp
cards on' which thee may be preserved
until they aggregate $1, when, postmasters
shall receive them as deposits. '
Other hills Introduced today include the
By Representative Slayden of Texas,
making goods manufactured by convict
labor subject to the laws of the state Into
which they are shipped.
By Representative Sibley of Pennsylvania,
to prevent the Postofflce department from
Issuing and cashing money order oti Sun
day.. .; ,
By Representative .Wanger or Pennsyl
vania, to construct a submarine cable "be
tween the United States and the Isthmus of
Panama. 1 .
By Representative Shepnard of Texas, ap
propriating $50,000 to enable the secretary of
sericulture to continue his Investigation of
cotton boll weevil " and diseases - of th
By Representative Howell of Utah, to
annex to Utah that pert of Arlsona lying
north and west of the Colorado river.
By Representative Hepburn of Iowa, mak
ing liquor subject to the laws of the state
In which It happens to be while In transit
on railways crossing several states.
Red Cross Eloots Ofleers.
The American National Red Crots society-
held Its first annual meeting" here today,
with Secretary .. Root, , president of the
Board of Incorporators of the Red Cross,
as its presiding officer.-The reports re
ceived show . that : thus faf branches - have
been established in : fifteen states, In the
District of Columbia .fend ',(. the Philip
pines, and In many or the' states subordi
nate societies have been organised or are
about to be organlxcaJresldent Roosevelt,
upon th motion of Mrs.iJohn A Logan,
was elected an hohofarjf member of th
American National Red Cross.- Officers
were elected 'f of theiJJtlgiear as fol
lows: Secretary of -.Wwr xaft,. president;
Assistant Secretary. oHJte; Treasury. C - H.
Keep, treasurer; Asslelatti:-Attorney .'9n
era! J. C. McReynoids,y,ouseUbr2 Charles
u. Magee, secrets ry. t .?r ..
Repabllcaa Senators Caaeas.
. A caucus of republican f.f u-tors was held
today, . .following the adjournment of -. th
session of the senate, ''Senator Allison Wat
8marTseats oa t aloa Paelar.
ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo Dec. 8.-(8pe-clal.)
The Union Pacific will enlarge" the
railroad' yards here to twice their present
capacity. New tie and rails will he laid
In the Old yards and everything brought
tip to date. Similar Improvements will be
made at Green River, Rawlins, Laramie
and . Cheyenne, the heavy traffic on the
Overland necessitating . larger yards at
division terminals.
chosen chairman and bjuna'nimbu consent
was authorised to appoint, a-steering 'com
mittee to serve' throughout th congress.
The chairman was also yha true ted. -to jiame
W J. H. Kavanaugh. Mr. Chestain waia committee to fill committee vacancies.
Omaha manager tor the California Citrus
union, and he has been removed to Los
Angeles. ' : ;
Sixth Ward Coaacllraan Finally Re-J
reives. Missive from Soma
Iadlgraaat Coastltaeata., .
After several days' delay and by going
to the postofflce, Councilman Evans finally
ha received the communication sent him
by the Druid Hill Improvement . club last
week, through the medium of on of Uncle
Cam's special messengers.. Tho .communi
cation 'requested ths councilman to tell
the club whether he would object to th
erection f gas tanks In portions of his
ward other thar In the Immediate neighborhood-
of his own property. It came
bout hecause Evans Introduced : an ordi
nance repealing his gas ordinance which
compelled the gas company to get the
ithoul any. trouble. Every effort will be , , , . . .
. , . , . , . . , . - flVUlU J.VW tTTTl. " HID IIVlvn-W ... HIUtl
south as Missouri avenue before another
cold snap comes. " '
Letter Carrier Elert Ofllerr.. .
Branch No. 62. National', Association of
Letter Carriers, has elected "these' officers
for the ensuing year: M.. ! prsdy. pesl
dent; W. 3. Mangaiv vice president; C. L.
Go we, recording secretary; C. R. Hrdlicka,
treasurer; Edward, Jr McElgunn. sergeant
at -arms; E. G. Ronelle. ollecloi'iand cor
respondent. Y: W. Blank, 'tetrrement clerk.
M. J. Grady. C. L. Go we and C. R. Hril-
Urk. make up 'the committee on- organ lxa
tloa and the board of trustees la composod
of T. J, Fitsgerald. W. J, Mangact and H.
R. Martin. " - t
- Teachers' Meet I as; Prosraat. t
A general teachers' meeting hi to be held
at the high school building on Saturday,
December 9, at 9 . m. Following la the
program: Chorus. 'The Little Dustman,"
Miss Cecil Lyon's room; address, W. H.
Clemmons," Fremont Normal school; solo,
Miss IOuls Jensen; address. Ouy W. Wads
woi ta, president of Bellevue college; quar
tet. "O Uttl Town of, EkUilehenu ". Iiss
Beedle, Miss Carpenter; Mr. Marsh,'- Un
Wheeler. All teacher In the public sellouts
are expected to attend this meeting and
friends of the schools are Invited.
. Maa-le City Gossip.
The ground Is now frosen to T depth of
six ir.ches. . .
A water main at Twelfth and I streets
broke yesterday and flooded a portion of
i in ati rrts,
The drill team of lodge No. 87S. Knights
and Ladies of Security, will give's dance
this evening at Workmen temple.
Thur day sit -moon the Mafic City King',,
Daughters will meet at the home of Mrs.
Lee. Twenty-seventh and A streets. , ,..
George .Parks, who has been seriously
111 st his home. Twenty-fltih and D streets,
is reported to be rapidly improving.
8. W. Franc-Is and wif leave today for
Hutchinson. Kan., to spend the winter
with their daughter, Mia Max Fuote.
Thursday the Presbyterian King's DuUKh
ters will hold a tutaaar it Woikmen tem
ple. Chicken dinner and supper mill be
Served. -
December 14 is the date set for th hold
ing of a mass meeting Ui discuss tho sewer
bond proportion, This nieelllig will bo
held at VtoUwiien temple.
Tuesday ths tire dvoartment mas railed
to the ioung Men's. Christian asmxiatluo
buHitlng tu sstlnifuUh a small blase. Ths
kws will amount to about tii.
Mr. Chriatlu Mathers died Meuday night
which' the tanks were to be erected.' Mr,
EvTia will spend the next few days pen
ning an answer to the club.
No' discussion was had of any proposed
legislation and the caucus Adjourned withlo
ten minutes of the time It was cpnvencd
- .' Asaerleaa Blaaaed for Boycott.
Accompanied try Senator Fulton of Ore
gon", J. H. Brown of Portland, for many
year engaged in husin4s In Shanghai and
Tien Tsln, had a talk with th . president
about the boycott of American products
by. th Chinese guilds. ..During the Inter
view" the, situation a td -the business of
Americans In China "Wis discussed fully,
Mr. Brown belnr -able .to throw some new
light on it. Ho told the president that the
boycott of American gdods1 wag Incited by
a former AmcrRarl cohiyt" in ' China, who
now is in tho employ fit the Ch.lnes gov
ernment.. ' Despite the y boycott, however,
the business of American firm In China
was increasing, year 'by, year, and he-expressed
the opinion thetjt Would' be quite
$o per cent greater this year than It ever
wa before. - ' - ',."
' Appeal Made for a Xegro. .
Headed by Senator Long, the entire Kan
sas delegation in congress called on Presi
dent Roosevelt today' to" 'recommend th
appointment of ;W.- T. "vernonof Qulndaro,
Kan., principal-of th QUindaro Industrial
institute, as register of ths treasury to
because or ill health went with hi family
to Demlng In July last, hoping a change
of climate would prove beneficial. He
leaves a wife and two children. The re
main were taken to the old home In New
York for burial.
PaTklle ladlaraatloa I Koot Taraln
A vat oat Ktrlkera aad Hero
latloalsta. .
ST. J PETERSBURG. ' ' Dec .i (Monday
Evening, via Kdytkuhnen, Est Prussia,
Dec. ,S.)--rAlth0FUgh there sppears'fo be po
foundation for the, prevailing fears that an
butbreak is Immlnenti the population con
ttnues In i state w nnxfou 'suspense. Tho
garrison has now bean, reinforced by forty
two battalions of Infantry, fifteen squadrons
of cavalry artd twelve machine gun bat
teries; . .- :;l ...! ; y -, ,t'A;:
The government,-it Is reported, narrowly
frustrated: a-plot .whereby 1,000 armed mon
had arranged to raid tho state treasury,
One of the conspirators. It Is Said, betrayed
his fellows;', whereupon the leaders, know
ing that their attack could he repulsed by
the troops with great slaughter, abandoned
it. "
The extension of the strike of the teleg
raphers to th postat system Is complete
and. the paralysis of business is Increasing
the danger of (t financial crisis. ' ,
Th strike of the Moscow telephone opera
tors, who .cut the wires and tore up the
poles, has severed the last means of com
munication with, the ancient capital.- .-
The present conditions are iinbearable
Sympathy with the poorly paid postal and
telegraph employes Is now turning Into In
dignation agnlnts the strikers, and the pub
lic Is supporting ' a formidable movement
which has been started by all classes to
throw off the yoke of tho revolutionaries.
The government is undoubtedly en
couraging the organizing of the forces. The
flaw and order party" took the lead, which
ls'noiw being followed by 'the "socletyjof
strike breakers," but the most Important
movement ha been started under the
leadership 'of Father Gapon, the former idol
of the workmefi, who since his residence
abroad has become? convinced that Russia Is
not prepared for a republic, and Is appealing
to his old comrades to cut loose from the
revolutionary agitators. This being a poll
day Father. Gapon attended meetings of
eleven of the organisations which he con
trolled before January 22 (Red Sunday), at
which his words were cheered to the echo.
At, these meetings the socialist orator were
howled down and In some" oases forcibly
ejected. s
If this movement should grow and an ef
fective split among the workmen be thereby
created, It. mill prove of immeasurable serv
ice .to' the government in tiding1 things over
Untll'the;meetin$i'of the Douma. ''',',
. Tli ;. striking telegraph 'operator - at
temnted to hold a meeting today In the
,bul!d(ng..o! th4. tmrrtl. Economic society.'1!
The- president of the koClery Ws"lnformed
that the meet I rig could not ds held without
the authority of the prefect of police and he
drove toother prefecture to obtain, the.det'
sired, permission. Meanwhile Cossacks en
tered and demanded that the meeting dis
perse. -The strikers refused to obey' the de
mand, whereupon a commissary of police
ordered the Cossacks and the police to dis
perse, the taaetihg-. "which thy did. beating
ill who remained with the flat of their
swords and with their whips.
After the meeting of telegraphers had
been dispersed by the Cossacks, the strik
ers Issued another, proclamation 'accepting
the challenge of the government and re
Iterating their determination to fight .to the
- r
Neither nem-spopers nor letters have ar
rived from abroad for three days. , .
Steamer l.aaeamertrc Strikes the Hocks.
. Off Ant Herat Harbor and
W . I Wretkra. x
MEAT COVE. 11. C. Dec. I. -Eleven lives
were lost as a result of the striking of the
steamer Lunenberg on the rocks off Am
herst harbor, near the Magdalene Islands,
yesterday.-; Wlven th steamer struck there
were seven ten persons on bonrii. Including
a crew of sixteen and R. J. Leslie of Hall-
fax, one of the firm owning tho steamer
and a member of Parliament. The accident
occurred In a violent storm? the dangers of
a terrific sea being Increased by blinding
snow. After the steamer struck the storm
abated sufficiently - for five of those on
board to row to land. The Others' decided
to remain en the ,-esset until calm weather,
but later in- the 'day, .under the beating of
tremendous wave, the steamer began to
go to pieces and. It became necessary for
them to leave, tn one of the ship's boats.
When the twelve men wer about half way
td the shore a great wave swamped their
craft and the only one to escape death in
the turbulent water wa Captain Pride of
the, Lunenburg, who managed to cling to
the boat until help reached him.
Adjnarae Merllac of fok honors
Poetpoaes Aetloa luaeaaltely oa 1
Haadred Mill too Proaosltloa.
' . , '- i
SALT LAKE CITV. Vtah. ''Dec? .. At
an adjourned annual meeting of the stock
holders of th Oregon- Short -Lin Railroad
company held her tht afternoon Ttordot
M. Buck end, George E-, Downs, both of
New York, were elected to the Board of
Directors In place of Ed, In Gould and .
James H. Hyde. The retirement of Mr.
Gould and Mr. Hyde was. expensed. Simi
lar action having oen-lreM 'fcy' othet
llarrtman corporations. Bhares to the num- '
ber of 274.818 er voted by H. W. ' Ban- '
croft, vice president and general managar,
and P. L. Wllllamoi general attorney, no
other officers of the. company being pres
ent. At an adjourned meeting of the ' TTnlon
Pacific company proxle were Voted by
Messrs. Bancroft and Williams.. Action of
a proposed Issue of $100,000,000 of bonds was
Indefinitely postponed! - The ' bond raatter
wss the only question befor th meeting.
Clark for Commaader..
CEDAR RAPIDS, lal, Dec. l-tSpeclal.)-Colonel
B. E. Clark of this plac ha an
nounced himself . a a candklate forcom
mander of the' Iowa" department, Grand
Army of the Republic, and lis already
received assurance of support, from -many
of the surrounding counties. '
)Wmaices wrecks
... , TWsanda ho have had tlieir lealth ruined by Mercury testify ttt It'
makes wrecks Instead of cures in the treatment of Contagious Blood froUon.
While it may toask the disease in the system for awhile, when the- treatment ,
is left o0 the trouble returns with renewed violence, combined with the dis
astrous effects of this powerful min
eral. Mercury, and Iotash, which is X ajfferM fi5fS5i2o.
also A commw treatment for Conta- prrfb".- V5SS5 rSffiSKa
gious Blood Poison eat out the Iminjr VirVafuS
Of the i Stomach and bowels, produce X friend told that 8, 8. . bed eer-,
Chronic dyspepsia, cause the teeth to talnly cured him, and t Immediately
j '. r . commenced it me, snd in a short whU
decay, make 6pongy, tender rums, x couid find no trace of tb disoas.
affect the bones and muscles, and leave Thiwtwoyarego,anaianuuu.
,. . . , . , . , . . fnlW say I am oatiroly enrod '
its. victims complete physical wrecks, fowling Green, Xy. S. tf. BANDS H-.
Another effect of this treatment is
mercurial Rheumatism, the worst and most hopeless form of this disease.
There is but one certain, reliable antidote for this destructive poison, and that
is 6. S. S. It is the only medicine that is able to sro into the blood and
cure the disease permanently. S. S. S. .does, not
hide or cover up anything-, but So completely
drives out the poison that no signs of it are ever
seen atrnlA. A S. A. i maris rntirelv -of roots.
O w O-Ci O herbs and barks, and while curing' Contacrious
PI1RFIV V-rnPTARLE Blood Poison, will drive out the effects of any
runtti vcsUC.idi.c. m,neral tregtment. We offer reward of
for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral of any kind. - Book - with
instructions . for , self-treatment and any medical advice wished furnished
Diamonds Frenxer, 16th and Dodge. '
Rev. F H. Richardson. " ' ?
HURON, 8. D., Dec. 6.T-Spetial.)-A
telegram from Demlng, N. M., announce
the death In that city on Wednesday of
Rev. F. " H. Richardson, Jate of Hurojv
Mr.- Richardson wa pastor of the Flrsf
Baptist ehrch here for three year and
I shall ansmrer the club by letter" said,, ucceed John,oa W. Ly0n whose term
re Cvam 'thAiirli t h .lnh vaiiM haul , .
Mr. Evans, "though the club would have
gotten quicker service had It put on a
1-eent stamp and mailed It to me .Instead
of, putting on a special .delivery stamp. It
wa:ina)led to th offlc of the city clerk,
who refused -to sign for It. Then I got a
notice to call a( 'tte postoffice and get a
special, delivery letter. - I have Just got it
and will send my answer as soon as I can
write It."
' ' ' '' vMW ' '
oa of Old Warkor la .Soortlaac
World Look After Papa
Baslaoss. '-
Richard K.? Pox. jr.. Is at the Merchants,
where he will be until Friday, looking after
tho. interests of his father's publications,
the Folk- G4ett -and the long line of
sporting books on 'boxing, base ball. and
JlU Jltsu. Mr.'. Fox I on hi way w Aus
tralia, where be will establish au agency
for his father's books and magasinea.
He Fox is a daper . young roan and whan
seen at the Merchant his valet was taking
car of his string of mhlte'and figured vests
and mufflers. Ha is quit proud of hi
trlng of muffler, which he says h picked
up on his recent trip to Paris. He raid, lie
was simply killing. time around the country,
as he did not wish to sail until after the
Fitssfuimons-O'Brien fight. When asked as
to his 'opinion a to the outcome, ho said:
"If O'Brien tsn keep sway from th old
man for five rounds he will whip him. You,
of course, know what old Fits is. He is
likely td do most anything." -
will expire next March. Mr.. Vernon Is a
negro apd the KansaSs doVfatlon Informed
ths president that he j tha, ablest man of
hi race In Kansas, 'i i V '
Par Food. Sl(6r nPrBa.
Tha pur food show, under, the auspices
of th Retail Grocers' Protectlv. associa
tion, was opened at Convention hall, last
night,, Prof.. H. ; W- Wiley,, chief of the
bureau of chemistry, Departmentr pf Agri
culture, mado th opening address. He
reviewed the subject of pure food and cited
several Illustration .oX-. analyses he ha
made of certain food product. There are
many, exhibits;,'; .!' ;' ' ' ,
Pcaasylvaala Attollsbe Passes.
PHILADELPHIA, Per. . In view of the
general agtiaiiou on the subject of rail
road rates and the abolition of all forma
of rebate aud conceaalons It has been de
cided by the management of tUe Pennsyl
vania railroad thai all forms of free
transportatton will be discontinued after
the end ttt the present year.
Mooes (or tso West.
NEW TORK.-ttec. 8,-Ther was deposited-
at the snb-tressury today, $J,Wt,Ciijo
(or transfer to sa Francisco.
. - . - - -
ParcluiB May Carry with It Oaly
Roato Tsrsssk Tries Ksift,
JACKSON, Wyo., Dec. I. (Special. )
Agepts of the ,-Chlcag. 4k Northwestern
railway i have purchased-' right-of-way
acroHS a piece of coa Jand In this vicin
ity owned by Wyomieg and Chicago poo-
people paying $5,0u0 for th sam. The rail
way agents did not state their reasons
for buying th land, but the right-ONway
is undoubtedly for the use of the North
western in Its Cooper-Lander extension,
which mill undoubtedly be pushed on from
Lander across the state,, through Idaho
! to Bait Lak City, snd cllly to th Pa
cific coast. . . i
It Is stated by persons In a position to
know that the purchase of the narrow
strip of coal 'land by the Northwestern
gives this road absolute control over tha.
only route that can.b followed through
the Teton mountains, and that, other road
will be unable to pass the' mountain any
where within a distance north and south
of over ISO mile. Burlington siirveyoi
hay . been surveying-Jn this section for
th extension from puornsey, but If the
Northwestern control th only mountain
passage It Is difficult to" see, how the
Burlington Missouri 4s to get through
this section. -
That there is- a big flM on. now for pos
session ' of a route, aorots Wyoming -to
Idaho and Utah between th Burlington
The Mi'a True Saoolatlata
' - f- '
Doctors for Meii
1 1 m potency,
' Gonorrhoea,
Blood Polsoa
UUL3 Hup'ture.
KIDNliT'snd URINARY Dlseasea
snd all Diseases and Weaknesses of
' MEN due to evil habits of youth,
abuses, excesses or the result of neg
lected, unskilled or Improper treatment
' of Kneclrtrt or crlvste diseases.
We make ao sslsleadlaa; statements or anoasinesaiiKO prnpi- .
r tloa to the aOllrted, aelther do sr promise to euro f r
days, nor offer cheap, worthies treatment la order fo secure -rhetr -patroaaa-o.
Honest doetors of reroaatsed ability do not resort o
- sack metliods. Wo (sarastes a perfect, afo and tastlna ear la tha
ojalckest popsslhle time, wlthoat leaving; Injurious after effects in:
; the system, and at th lowest possible cost for honest, ' skillful
'and aacoesstol .treatment. , - .T
CONSULTATION FREE offlcoJHousVm!oTp!m.tna
' : - 1808 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14tb Ktretu, Omaha, 'Neb. . -
. If we could but see snd. treat all -men -when
the first symptom show-themselves
there would soon, b llte need '
for so-called specialists tn chronic dla. .
eases, ' and there would be few men .
seeking a rejuvenating of their phy
steal, mental and sexual powers, and
there would be none marked with the .
Indelible stamp . of constitutional
Syphlis, snd the sufferers from
Kidney and Bladder Disease would b .
reduced to a minimum. - But as .long
a MEN continue to disregard th
golden ados. "A stitch -In time saves
nine, and continue to neglect V'Wi- .
selves or to exercise Indifference or
poor Judgment In securing the right
treatment at the outset. Just so long -will
there be multitude of chronia
1 9
rt fi fin i n iP P fT3 n3 n f rp ffii ro!
r-.'... ..- ... . i -'v i- -
SI! 2)
': v; '
TUESDAYS, December 5th and 19th
r. -v I , , i
The I rb i o y riia! H
1'" T m mm m m a ansa. a . '-
uuest ana uoutnvieGt
To Certain Points In the
STOPOVEKS allowed within the limit . ;,
FINAL LIMIT of tickets, twenty-one days
For Further Information Address any agent of the' company, or
Tom HufjhcG, Thoo. F. Godfroy.
: Traveling Passenger Agent . Passenger and Ticket Agent:
. ' 4 Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam Streets,
v . c. T0WI1SEIID, (Lpt. A., ST. LOUIS, L!!SS0URL , '