THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeasewta fr these lassas will takes aatll 19 rm. for tha ttrilx edltleat aad aatll S p. m. ! tha Bseralas; ftaaaar ltl. Rates 1 1-S a wr rt lasertlea, 1 a war there-after. Natalas takea far leas tba-at SO fer the Urat laser tlna. Tkese adrertlsesseats al ke ram eaaeeeatlTeljr. Advertisers, hy reaeatlav sni ftered eheelc, east have aaswera ad rtresaed ta a as-sabered letter la rare af Tka Be. A as were addressed will ka delivered reseatatlea af cheek. MISCELLANEOUS- Winter Term. BOYLES COLLEGE Open Monday, December 4th. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting a Telegraphy. nd Catalogue free. Address H. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Bids;.. Omaha, . . R 238 Gas & Electric Reading Lamps Make Acceptable CHRISTMAS PRESENT. BURGESS - GRAN DEN CO., Telephone 6KL (18 South 15th St. H M2-J1 QTnUE? Keplated. Omaha Plating Co., "W'Hw lboo Harney Bt. TeL 2fs6. R-237 CITT 8AVINQS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-238 fRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. VM. A NTI-Monopoljr Garbage Co., CI N. 16th. Tel. 17T. R-240 LAUNDRY CITT STEAM Telephone 264. ZU & Utb Bt. R 241 Omaha Bfe and Iron Works make a spe ialiy of tlri escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 B. 10th fct. WANTED For U. 8. AIIMY, ABLE bodied, unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35, cltisens of United States, of good character and tempeiate l.WL, who van speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, lain and Douglas fits., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. K M729 D31 8XQN PAINTING, 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 413 BAD IRONS replated, 20c; three for 50c Omaha Plating Co., 1606 Harney. Tel. 263i. : ' ' . R ''.44 Halfi npc11- Rumbel Bon, " DUC I Iuui4 jM. itiA bu. Omaha. it 245 J16 U. L. WINTER, Qlasler. 'Phone Douglas- UQ1-i . . ... FURNACE and STOVE REPAIR. 617 8. 13. H Mib Jl aUNSMlTH-Hefiln. 217 8. 14th. R 420 GRADUATE OPTICIAN Will save you money; glasses fitted properly. Tel. 6414. H Ml U BTEINWAT piano., upright, big bargain. Perneld Piano Co., 1611 F amain Bu . R-246 DE NIO AU kinds signs. 1524 Dodge. TeL kSA, . R-4u3 Decl2 BTEINWAT pianos are sold exclusively by Bchmoller A Mueller, IWl Harney bt. . R 26 Decll GUTTERING, tlnwprk, smoke stacks, eto. Theo. Slnhold, 1613 Leavenworth. TeL 1662. - ' R 413 Dectf TAXIDERMIST and fur dresser. Est. 1832. J. E. Wallace. (06 8. 13th, R-M443 HMORYFORIIOT0..I98TAL, CARDS. - a lur 86c 206 N. 16th. upstairs. . v ew uecu FI RJyed, repaired and remodeled. rUiAO TUomssn. 1417, Far nam. R 454 D23 CONCRFTF Boc machines for hoi. J ,ow waU- Peterson Bros.. 1516 Burt. . R M436 Jl CHAPMAN a: MAHAN. Repairs promptly Tel. Red-68b4. . R M828 D23 CHICAGO LAUNDRY. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 205. , R M434 Jl ANT old body can earn a Hollar old body can't save It. How's this for a mum-j nvrri oniriB, oc collars. 2c: cuffs vo. Ml W. MMUHVltl, JU1 LAP, AVI. R M4S0 D16 IOWA 8ANITART CLEANING CO. Suction system. 191 Famam. Tel. B 8362. R-62 D23 OMAHA re"'" House saves you 2S wninun p,r c..nt on dothinic. Open evenings. 410 N. lith 8t. R M533 D6 BUSINESS CHANCES TO BUT OR SELL, any business and for iiiivrinauon ana quiCK action, si MOATB, SOB Xarbach block. Y-247 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchawo a hotel or restaurant, see Hart dt Co.. 4ol . ui, z 2ts WANTED At once, description of prop erty and business you have to sell In Iowa and Nebraska. Our information bureau is flnnAmA with InniilrU. r- v. . . . business openings, eic. Bend yours at vii.v iiu gyvm wuu DUNCAN80N REAL, ESTATE CO.. ' , Buita 432. Paxton Block. - T-141 WILXi sell gilt edge real estate loan ll.OuO arawing.s per cent. Aaaress U 23. Bee y ta i IF YOU can secure a building suitable for rollM nkMtln At mn nnl.l li1. .k. tkat gets the money. Write for catalogue. Tells how to open 'and opnrate roller rink.- Richardson Ball Bearing Skate Co.. Mil Wells BU Chicago. 111. Y-668 Ix WANT to enter reliable, established real estate and Insurance office. Could Invest some. Ace 34. Experience In reneral office work eight years. No. 1 references given and required. No sharks need ap ply. Address O 35. Bee, T 70S x . LOST AND FOUND LOST Railroad ticket to Chicago and re turn via Great Western. Reward for re turn to 1708 Webster St. lxBt-U ix LOST-Sundajr. Dec. I. between Good Bhep herd church and 24th and Lke, Eastern Star pin. initials M. B. E. Reward for return. aJJ Ohio. O i 6x IJST White English setter. Black spot over one eye. Reward for return: 'phone -Vt4. 0-661 6 PARTT taking dress pattern from Hirney street car Saturday afternoon will please retura to Thompson St Belden Co. Lost 704 ( LOST Tuesdsy In or about the Bennett store, a dog's crunching tooth. golU bandd and partly cracked: used as watch charm; I want It badly. Reward. Return t owner. William Kennedy, adv. mgr the Bennett Company. Lust 712 8 FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for driving or draft horse. Differ ential chain block for sale. 818 Mcc'ague. Z-M67 L IF-YOtT do not find what you want In this coin id n. put an ad. In and you will soon get It. - Z 4143 TO TRADE A nice bright, clean stock of groceries and grocery and meat fixtures to trade for city property. Free rent 'till March L This will bear the closest ex amination. Ulve descriptions. Address li ' Bee. ' Z 611 6 SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG MAN wants place to work for boaid. Tel. 194. Boyles College. ; . - A M13J SITt'ATION as housekeeper by competent woman. 'Address U M, bee A M7u6 ox 151 Leavenworth. sU' buudle wsslilng or wit aasuiug. a Aiw ut WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Cstalogue free to any address. Address: KOH RBOl'UH BROS.. ' . 'lvth and Farnani Sts. B U City salesman, $75. Htenoarapher; Wyoming, $65. Irus: clerk, $A Young man; clerk, retail store. Hotel clerk; good house. Hardware clerk. We are In neeH nf retail clerk In nearly every line and will be glad to fumsh par ticulars wun list oi vacancn-B. If you are In need of a position, can or write uk. WESTERN HEP. BOND A 88 Pi, Dcp t B. 840-41 N. Y. Life. B 691 S WANTED Young men to earn from $ to ia a montn as nremen ana DrasBMicii m the railway service. Experience unneces sary; quick promotion; unequaled oppor tunity. Instructions can be taken by mail; positions secured as soon as com petent. Write or call for particulars. National Railway Training association, 20 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. . B 623 D9x WANTED-For V. 8. ARMT. ABLE- toodled. unmarried men, between ages or i and 85, citlxens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to recruiting officer, iHtn and Douglas BU., Omaha, Lincoln. Neb., or Bloux City, la. R-M72I D21 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade, pays xu aay arter completing of practical Instruction at home or in our schools; graduates admitted ta wnlon and Master Plumbers' assoolatlon; positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, St. Louis,1 Mo., Cin cinnati, O. Free catalogue. B 261 WANTEtf-Men to learrt barber trade; scholarship Includes complete oumi hi tools, diplomas and jioMtlons; board and room provided If desired; few weeks com pletes; special Inducements now; call or write. Moler Barber College. 1110 Furnam Bt B-M429 D7x WANTED Young men to prepare for posi tions as brakemen ana nremen in m railway service ; high wages; promotions guaranteed; experience unnecessary; un equaled opportunity; Instructions by mail to your home; only a short time required; noHltions received as soon as competent. - Firemen get $100 a month, become engi neers and get $175 to $300; brakemen get $75, become conductors and get $125 to $150 per month. Write for full particulars at' once. National Railway Training School, Inc., B. 224 Boston B1K., Minneapo lis, Minn.. U. 8. A. Beware! We have no branch schools. B 707 6x WANTED Sales manager for branch of- nee; must nave xnowieage ui i business and be thoroughly competent; state experience and give references. Fox Typewriter Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. B M653 BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 160o Far nam; best service; nine chairs; no long waiting; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 26c. B M73J D10X WANTED City salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co.. 16tf Howard Bt. B-814 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. I. Root. Inc.. 1210 Howard St- B 448 , DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, (34 N. T. L. B 811 WANTED Foreman to take charge of collar factory equipped with machinery. Apply In writing with reference to G 17. care Omaha Bee. B M386 D8 WANTED A boy for work in bindery and large boy to help with paper stock. Omaha Printing Co. B 471 6 CLOTHING SALESMAN. My business is getting too- big 'or my cap ital. Will sell or take partner. Bext op portunity In Iowa. A man with $2,000 can get Into line for life time chance. Ad dress C 83, care Lord & Thomas, Chi cago. ' - B 667 6x WANTED Quick, all round good sign writer for department store. Good posi tion for right man. State age, experl . ence and references at once. Address G 31, Bee office. B 673 T FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen $70, become engineers and earn $150. Brakemen $05, become conductors and. earn $140. Name position pre t erred. State age. Unequaled opportunity for strong, ambitious young men. Address G 8, care Omaha Bee. 70S 6x WANTED A first-class candymaker and fancy cake baker; must be steady and sober; wages U0 and $25 per 'week. Ad dress Mrs. Louise Wachter, St. Joseph, Mo. B-M678 7 WANTED at once, a good floorman In s'toelng shop. Come at once. J. A. Gould, DenlHun, la. B 668 GAS engine salesman and expert at once, must be good. Hart the Expert, 401 N. Y. Life. B 6!) S WANTED Three young-men, between the ages of 18 and 23, for clerical work by an old established house; good wages and splendid opportunity for. right man. Ad dress G 83. Bee. B-689 6x BRICKLAYERS wanted at 83d and Harney. B-688 WANTED Collector; bright and energetic young man, well acquainted In city. References and bond required. Address G 84. Bee. , : . t B-U7 SALESMAN WANTED We have an opening for a first class salesman. - Bchmoller It Mueller Piano- Co., 431 North 24 St.. South Omaha. B 696 U WANTED First-class compositors. Will pay union scale, or more If worth It. The Thos. D. Murphy Co.. Red Oak. la. B-46ID LARGE -ehort time . loan company desires the services of an nonest, capaoie man ager. One who could invest tiuo or more capital. More information. Peoples' Loan and Trust Co., Lincoln, Neb. B M7J3 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED I-ady or gentleman to represent us In every town In Nebraska, who can devote all or part os .their time In agree able, healthful work and make from $1 to to per day. Address Dept. B, 608 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. C 118 26 GIRLS Blanket department. Sewing machine operators ' preferred.' Bemls Oiuaha Bag Co. . C-470 6 One cook, private family, out of town, 836 per month. Two cooks for small families, $J6 per month. Ten cooks at $5 per week. Ten girls for general housework, $4 to $5. Three house mauls, $4 to 15. WOMAN'S L'OMESTIC GUILD, 618 N. Y. Life. C 6Si S PARTY taking dress pattern, from Harney . : ...... ...4 .. I-, ........ h.41 ill V I Q.IUIUI1J . ' iii.w i n i . yirum 1 13 turn to Thompson sc Belden Co. O 471 f WANTED Maid for second work, in fam ily of three. Mrs. H. 11. Baldrldge, 124 B. 3th BU C-688 t WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three in family; good wags. Apply 3UC7 Chicago Bt. C GW GIRLS tor general housework; small fami lies, $4 to $5 per week. Cooks at $5 and $6 per week. Housemaids, wages 84 to 85 per week. WOMAN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 618 N. Y. Life. C-M720 WANTED Nurse to take care of small baby; references required. Mrs. 8. 8. Caldwell. 1 Georgia Ave. C M710 $ A NURSE to take care of children. Mrs. V. B. Caldwell. 630 So. 80th Bt. C M714 8 WANTED Girl for general housework, log) Bo. 2Mb, BU C M674 8x OIRI. for general housework ; no laundry work; good wages. 3416 Burt, f 698 7x AGENTS WANTED K EW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today; .get territory; other new gooda. Ladies' Supply Co., Foreitt Ave, O, CtOcagu. J-8 DevlU TIio Doe is tlic Recognized Roal Estate Medium There isn't a real estate man in Omaha rho doesn't use The Bee Want columns When you have property to sell advertise it in The Bee. ' Bee Want Ads Brine Best Results . FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th Chicago. E 2tl0 DEWET European hotel, 13th and Frnam. B ato VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. K 262 ROOMS and rood board, $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. R-263 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks E 364 ROOMS FURNISHED. The best stock In Omaha. We don't ask Installment store prices. We sell on payments. Figure with us. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1208-1211-1218 Farnam Bt. . E 683 5 TWO nicely furnished rooms, with hot and cold water, gas, olectrlc and telephone. 217 8. 26th St. E-130 TWO large rooms; east frontage; all mod ern conveniences, including use of tele phone. Inquire 118 N. 26th. E 266 NICELT FURNISHED ROOM, heat and bath, private family; good location, $6 per month. 416 No. 23d E 636 lOx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M E Haul Trunk F 266 TUB ROSE, 2020 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, houBe modern; good board; a mo taoie Doara or meal ticxets. rnone 2447. F 411 DeclSx FURNISHED rooms and board; hot water heat. 2423 C." St. F M386 D8 NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms. with or without board, single or en suite. Rates reasonable. Midland hotel, 16tb & Chicago , F 366 D28 WELL-HEATED room, all modern con veniences, private family; good home cooking; telephone. 608 So. 25th Ave. F-M438 111 BOARD AND ROOMS First-class. 8 blks. of town; nice location. 6J0 So. 19th. Tel. 1208. F M721 J5 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms. 1120 North 17th St. Q 69! FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement, 1008 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-273 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price includes heat, light, water and Janitor serV'e. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is lust the thing for any one wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. 1771 A TENANT for a new store on uppei Farnsm street, to be built to suit. If In terested advise at once. HARRISON ft MORTON. Sit N. T. Lite. Tel. 314. J 136 BRICK stable at 1810 Harney St., 32x100 feet. Will alter to suit tenant for other purposes. 8. 8. Curtis, 1808 Harney St. 1274 FOR BENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail bouses; center of retail district; good elevator service, well lighted and steam beat. Address E 44, Bee office. 1108 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th Bt,, South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 105 8. 16th street, $35. 1-687 FOR RENT Brick hotel, furnace heat, hot and cold water, bath and closets, located close to business. Bevlns & Reese, Corn ing, la. I-M706 8 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO., FURNITURE PIANO, LOANS LIVE STOCK, SALARY. We are a home and old-established con cern, and your dealings with us will be absolutely private. You can borrow from $10 upward at the lowest rates. All loans are made on our SPECIAL REBATING EASY MONTHLY OR WEEKLY PAY MENT PLAN. , Eah payment lessens the cost of loan, making It possible for everyone who is short of money to borrow what they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating themselves to their friends or neighbors; honorable, fair and Just treatment: pri vate interviewing rooms. Established 1888. Rooms 8 and 8. Barker Blk. TeL 4034. Duff Green. , Jule Althaus. - xai Money We have it to loan on furniture, pianos, other chattels and salaries. We offer best rates, long time and easy payments, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2LS6. (Estab- llshed 182.) 80S 8. 16th St. X 140 MflMCY IP TOLT NEED IT. come mvjli 1 1 where It Is easy to get on chat tels and salaries; no red tape; get the money the same day you ask for it; lowest rates; strictly conndentlal business treat ment. BOWEN. - 703 New Tork Ufa Bldg. Tel . 2200. X-M138 LOANS p"anDUvrnonds. LOANS etc. Lowest rates. .... , 331 Neville. Sd floor, Utb A. Harney. ."Ttl.ttlS the WESTERN LOAN CO.. 81G KA1LN, Mgr $31 Neville. 3d door. 16U Uarney. TeL oSltv . ' i X 818 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 pricipal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York LU Bldg. - - - - X-287 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam BU X 282 FRIEDMAN Loans on all articles. Cloth ing bought and. sold. 211 a 12th. TeL 40, X 714 D8 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, ho -ses, etc.. In any amount at less than half the rates, uo red tape; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; paymnta suspended in case of sickness or out of etnploymenU Room 214 Karbach Blk., 8u8 8. 16th St. X-264 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 318 8 11 X-2S8 CHATTEL. AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. TeL 746. 632-t Paxton Blk. X-M EAGLJC Loan Office, reliable- accommodat ing; all business confidential. Uul Douglaa, x-m CHATTEL. AND COLLATERAL LOANS at one-halt usual rates; strictly private. Union Ixan and, lnveUnut Co., 1J Bee Bldg. Id. it-ltta D3 " FOR SALE a: P. TUKEY & SON Have Bought More Houses. This Time in the Southeast Part of Town. We offer today, for the first time, the southeast corner of 7th and Williams. . '' Vacant corner, 50 feet front on Williams. 6-ropm house, 621 Williams, with 55feet of ground. Vacant lot, east of house, 50 feet front. Also the southwest corner of 5th and Woolworth. 1502 S. 5th, 8-room house, small barn, lot 66x148. 1512 S. 5th, 10-room house, good barn, lot 66x148. You will find upon investigation that there is less property for sale in this neighborhood than in anv other part of Omaha. This property is high and sightly, having a beautiful view of the river. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD LOT CHEAP HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $1,800 for 60x140 ft- W, front on 32d SU. 250 ft. N. of Woolworth Ave. All special taxes paid In full.- Nonresident owner anxious to sen. duuiihi unci. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. RE 697 CAS- Williamson Co. u-i8sVBFlooBrldg- RE 280 ALL, KINDS of Florence lots for sale. Expert advice on scavenger 'tax sale. Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. jrl Jo JL1 Small Acre Tracts For Sale We have 6, 7, 10, 13. 20, 30, 40, 60, 65, 60 tracts, all Improved, price right, close to Plattsmouth, Neb. Can trade on some of these. Write to Falter & Tate. Platts moutn, Neb. RE-M648 9 'OR BALE Large house, two barns and two full lota, on North 18th Bt., only 14,600. This is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life BWg- ' RE ilo Investors I have for sale Et 14th1 and Harney, vacant f round 46x70, suitable- for VHO flats, tor 1.800; perfect title? taxes all paid. Best location in city. 'Desire to sell at once. Address G 37, Bee. a RE 701 FOR "SALE. 120 acres of Irrigated land, 9 miles from sugar factory at Sterling, Colo., right on railroad; good school VI mile: fair im provements, part In alfalfa 847 per acre takes It if taken soon. William Kersch ner, owner, Atwood, Colo. RE-696 9x Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." BE 279 REAL ESTATE Will . sell jrou Kansas wheat, alfalfa, sugar beet and ranch lands; improved and unimproved. John Wells. Dodge City. Kan. RE M387 LWx - WRITE for illustrated pamphlet, describ ing two ranches in the corn and alfalfa belt- Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. RE 277 TO EXCHANGE First-class mining stock for equity In real-estate. Address O 38. Bee. JRJM724JOx FOR SALE FARMS FOR 8ALE 6.120 acres winter wheat land lit the High river district. Alberta. Can ada; v.-lce, 37 an acre. Nine-tenths can bt broke by steam plow; section adjoining average 48 bushels per acre this year; food water. Address D. R. Mac Lean, . O. Box 144, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. H M214 D6 EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house. Address Box 1125. Omaha. Neb. - 819 FARM FOR RENT OR FOR BALE. A 866 ACRES 176 acres under cultivation, Dai ance hay, pasture and timber, improved, will rent cheap for cash. 7 miles north nf Council HlufYs. Address i:29 S. Slut St., Omaha. Neb. H-664 lOx THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goea to 80,008 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of Una ' sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 8 cents per word In small type or U SO per Inch if set In large type. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. w. Farnam Smith it Co., 1&0 Farnam St. W-343 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W Si OARVIN BROS.. 1804 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-i4i BUILDING loans on residence property: ( per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W 344 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 347 PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W-4i 81,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas lire n nan, R. 1, N. Y. Ufa. W 818 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-t3o0 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay it back in monthly riyments. Hastings ft Httyden, lk arnam Bt. w 3il WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-3 WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUARIAN Book Store, U20 Farnam; highest price paid for 2d-hand books. Tel F-2846. N37 WANTED To buy horses 6 or 7 years old, 1.8U0 to 1.100 pounds. Bee Tom Baker, bartuuasler. the Bennett Company. "T"'"11 j REAL ESTATE Phones Office, 2181; Res., 6153. RE 680 6 FOR RENT HOUSES ROOMS, reception , hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen downstairs, 2 bed rooms upstairs; reception haU, parlor and dining room finished in oak, all modern. excel lent furnace, good barn, (20 a month to right party; house has 8 rooms, 1 are re served by the owner. ' HARRISON & MORTON, 812-813 N Y. Liia. TeL 811 D-iat HOUSES FURNISHED quickly and at tho lowest maraet prices. We sell on easy payments ana have the largest and new est stocK in Omaha. Let us figure with you. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 120a-Ull-l2ia Farnam St. D 684 6 rLANO moviny: lowest rates for reliable service. TeL 162a, Bchmoller A Mueller. W-a7 HOI IP in all parts of the city. R. U lilli Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, lliO-24 N. Utn. Olttce, 1611ft Famam. Tel. 1669. D 269 WE MOVE pianos. Haggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. I486. Ofbce, 1713 Webster Bt, ' P270 HOI IQPQ In all parts of the city. The nuUOCO 0. Davia Co., 608 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house, newly papered and in good repalrwill be vacant Oct. !W; rent, $36 and water.-. In quire U South 26 lb Bt. B. Tsschuck. p-ia T. SCHWARTZ, moving van. 1510 Webster. Tel. 2046. D 447 D14 FOR RENT. o 8-room houses; all mod ern except furnace, M; four nice rooms; newly papered. 1623 N. 18th St., 312. . C. 11. Uachniano, 436 Paxton Blk. D 108 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. i 272 NORTHWEST corner Burt and 33d, 8 rooms and bath, hot water heat, steel range; owner pays water rent, 830. Apply in rear, at cottage. P 486 7x 88 5-R. COTTAGE, 16th and Jefferson St., Albright; two full lots with property. Breen ft Bloom. 613 Bee Bldg. D 469 6 DUNDEE. 4904 Chicago St., 8-room modern brick house, t2. 2S26 Parker St., 8 rooms, with barn, mod ern except furnace, $20. L. L. Johnson Co., Room 8, Barker Block, Tel. B-1248. D-667 6 FOR RENT t-Room cottage, all modern 826.00 4 rooms, city water, bath $10.00 8-Room house, all modern except fur nace 130-00 7-Room house, all modern 832.60 C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton block. D 711 2718 So. 16th St., 6-room brick 818.60 3H02 North 24th St., 7 rooms modern. hot water heat M.u JOHN N. FKENZEK. Opp. Old P. O. D-M702 2219 Douglas St., 8 rooms, strictly modern. Will be vacant about December 10. Rent 840. W. Farnam Bmlth ft Co., 1320 Farnam. D 686 FOR RENT Strictly modem 5-room cot tage. 4017 No. 26th St. Apply 2763 Farnam SL D M709 8 FOR RENT 6-Room house, gas, water and bath. 2112 California Bt., $23. Milton Rogers ft Sons Co. D 666 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 818 No. 42d, 116. Inquire 1M8 Webster Bt. D M7U0 PATENTS H. A. BTURGES, registered attorney; pat tents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 354 F. J. LARS EN ft CO., patent lawyers. ADVICE FREE. 603 Bee Bldg. TeL A-1132. -366 PATENT8 procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas blk. M66S D8 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS, Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawing, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-612 8. 10th St. -655 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. in French, Spanish or German; learn to speak In 26 lessons, business correspond ence 60, to read literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Petltler. 116 S. 20th. 431 D14 CHATELAIN BCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. COfCNirH German, Spanish, Fencing, r fAClXIl Davldge bldg.. Uthft Farnam. ni. 363 MRS. ST. RAYNER of Boston has opened a studio for voice culture, 1917 Webster. M670 D8 FRANCIS POTTER, School of Mandolin an Guitar 66Barkej ;.Blk. TeLF 8396. LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow. Church Co . main floor, N. Y. L. TeL 138, 971 1. U. Macf arland. 809 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Ct, -71 WANTED TO RENT ONE or two nice rooms with board in pri vate family near publie school, by couple with boy 9 years old. Call 8Ti New York L1X. or 'Vhvnt Peuglaj 140. I DEATH NOTICES TATFS Mrs. Mary Catherine, beloved wife of John T. Yates, died Monday, December I. 1906. Funeral services will bfi held at Bt. Peter's church. Twenty-eighth and Leaven worth streets, Wednesday, at 10 a. m. Friends invited. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. UNDERTAKERS Bralley ft Dorrance, 20th and Cum. T. RM. . .. -326 HARRY B. DAVIS, 111 8. 16th. Tel. 12?. DODDER, E. L, 1224 Cuming. Tel. 677. 827 TAGGART, 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714. 328 PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL. CARDS; ar i viir-crin tlstlc designs. 8. E. Cor. LYNGSTAD 16th SL and Capitol Ave. 829 THE JENNINGS PTG. CO. forprlntlng. 118 So. 14th Bt- 'Phone 6380. 776 Dec20 PERSONAL DRAMATIC ARTrTtory. The Chambers School of SUge Arts offers exceptional opportunities to students wish ing a thorough course of Instruction in all that pertains to the essontials of stage craft and oratory- Correcting deficiencies of the speaking voice a specialty The only school having its own theater. THE LYRIC. Now permanently located In the Omaha Commercial College building, corner lth and Farnam streets. Bend for prospectus. Management of Willard E. Chambers. Tel. F-1871. Director of School. John Edgar Owens. Tel. 12S9. U 830 DR. A. 8HIPMAN. Bee Bldg. Tel. Dgls. 6984. U-658 Decl7x MME. PARES OF N. Y -Bhavlng. Facial Massage, Manicuring, 209 Douglas Blk. 11 630 D16 WE make a specialty of renting high grade pianos and offer a great variety, 33 and up. TeL 1625. Bchmoller ft Mueller. 1407 Harney. U&n ACCORDION ml SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN r"LfcAllNGCO 100 DOUGLAS BL.OCK- TEL. 1936. U M FREE FREE A beautiful Roman chair with every bill of 316 or over this week. We sell on easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam Bt. . , TJ 682 C SURVEYING, Lewis BUckensderfer, 818 Bee Bldg. U M591 D18x OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 8J3 DR ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 ft 3. 1606 Farnam. U i4 UCCI INI Gu.i and Locksmith, HtrLIlN 217 S. 14th. Tel. 2874. U-7TT DR. JACKSON, Room 4, Frenxer Block Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U 335 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8630. U J 'PHONE 701 and a man will call apd tune your piano, (2. Perneld Piano "Co.. 1611 Farnam. U sl KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN. My latest medical publication for young, middle-aged and old men sent free to all applicants Dr. Geo. B. Wood, 206 Wright bldg.. Sioux City, la. U-MC68 Jan 8x Accordion AND . Sunburst i PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAM PLEATING CO. 800 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1936. ANY POOR GIRL in neeed of a frnd call or write to the matron of the Solvation Army home for women at 3824 N. 24th Bt. Omaha. Neb. U M100 PIANO TUNING Tel. 6601 W. R. Dalboy, 2207 Mason. U 345 Decl2 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 221'J Charles. Tel. 63U. U 338 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 First Ave, Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U 322 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel 1626. Bchmoller ft Mueller, piano makers. U-839 TUB. vapor and alchobol baths. 720 8. 13th. U-840 M AniM PTIP treatment ft Baths. Mme. lYAAUPlC 1 Bmlth. 118 N. 16, 2d fl., r. X U-860 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need: we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Cal 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U-611 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, 11.00 weekly. All muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perneld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 341 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6u6 N. 16ih bu Tel. 3669. U Mii)2 D6 WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, 85 to 810. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. (J 343 110.00 REWARD for the address or where abouts of Henry Loiise; used to be at Bancroft and Pender, Neb. J. H. Lohse. Fort Laramie, Wyo. U 848 D24x CHEER UP hoS? bjr eU"- n IIUL-1 tJl Edison Phonograph from LOUIS FLESCHER, 16JJ Capitol Ave. Sold on easy payments. Open evenings. U-63J J3 GOOD nurse in 'confinement cases. 1824 No nth. U tx tx ' FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone 1167. Culls answered day or night. U la MASQUE costume. IJeben. Tel. 4115. U M676-Jan 4 GOWNS and Tailoring. Mrs. Moltay. Z127 Famam. L M416 D31 ORDERS now taken for decorated china Tuesdays' and Fridays', from 8 to 12 a. m. Mrs. M. D. Karbach, bo4 No. 19th. U-4S1 6x CHINA, Glassware and brlo-a-brac mended and made good as new. Bemls Park Blioe store, 83d and Cuming streets. U-M719 JS RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bliig., Omaha. U Moas CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 118 South 16th Bt.. upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-293 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen of clairvoyants: everything told past, present and future; satisfaction or no pay. M No. Uth Bt. 'Phone Hd 6736. , B M718 x STAR spiritual medium, Madame Brown, lit No. 1Mb fit, -M7l FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Call M9 We Sell and Set Glass FULLER GLASS AND PAINT CO.. Henry M. Johannssen. Prop., 114 8. 14th 8L Q-M677 J4 Auction Sale of Furniture. S33J Burt Bt. The following household furniture, all first-clans and practicaly new, will be sold on above premises st public auction on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6, AT 8 P. M.: Mahogany parlor suite, oak dining room suite, one bird's-eye maple and two other bed room suites; library suite, oonalstlng of table, bookcase, lounge, chairs, desk and chair, etc.; kitchen furnishings, such as tables, chairs, refrlgerstor utensils and miscellaneous articles, consisting of porch chairs, box couch, rugs, bead curtains, also' garden Implements. Sale to be conducted by the Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., 232 Neville Block. y7 I CORN COBS at Westlawn Mills, Mo- a load. 69th and Center. W 4 80 CALENDAR PADS Burkler Printing Co"., Omaha. -62 D28 GOOD, clean wheat for chickens. $1.40 per hundred; 8 cars good rye straw. Fred Peterson, feed store, 1815-17 Leavenworth St- ... - y si D8x 8H ER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman, ft MoConnell Drug Co., ' Omaha. Q 298 MILCH COWS on easy terms, 43d and Center. Q 299 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings oail and look over the following supplies: 1.8-lnch Austin's horisontal separator. . 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account Of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Q 532 PIANO Square, $10: 60 cents wskly. Per- field Piano Co 1611 Farnam BU Q-313 FOR SALE One Mimeograph, in good or der. Inquire at Business Office, Omaha Bee. Q 112 ' CRIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 901 Douglas. 4-Sl3 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. - . . . fr-829 FOR SALE About fifty feet ornamental f galvanised iron cornice and ornamental ron posts, suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. Q M826 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1413 Dodge, street. U 818 OUR GOODS as well as our prices are at all times reliable. We sell on easy pay ments, but we don't ask installment store prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1218 Farnam Bt. Q 6S1 6 - FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; , easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th St., Omaha. Q 814 FOR SALE Two 60-lnch by 16-feet boilers, good for 80 pounds pressure; two 75-horse-power marine boilers, new; one 85-horse-power. White ft Mlddleton gasoline en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. Q-M396 D29 FOR SALE Letter press, in good order. Inquire J. R. Campbell, Business Offli'e, Omaha Bee. Q 1-3 FOR SALE CHEAP Well-built house In good condition. Bee R W, Baker, Supt., Room 418, Bee Bldg. Q 366 BANK COUNTER, for sale cheap; seven feet high, glass top, redwotd counter In good condition. We have new fixtures ordered for new banking room '.nd must sell these as we cannot use both sets. Call and see or write for further desorlp- Uon 36 feet in length. PLATTE VALLEY STATU BANK. Central City, Neb. Q-M404 ZD-HAND afe cheap. Deright, 111 Far nam. Q 869 FOR SALE. CHEAP Well. -house In-good condition. See R. W. Baker, Bupt., Room 418, Bee Bldg. , Q-M FOR SALE Cheap, scholarship In one of Omaha's best business colleges. Call f wrlte 3420 Boyd. fit. Q 439 Dt FOR SALE Cheap: furniture of six-room . fiat, with bath; flat for rent. Good lo- cation for roomers or boarders. 2410 N : Bt.. South Omaha. Q M649 9x MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in 8 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Pr ce. $2 by mail. Raymond's Monthly . Regulator in liquid, $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 85, 84 Adams St.. Chicago, 111. aaa LADIES, 8L0C0 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO KOLO Remedy. Bafely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1 60. Double strength 82.00. "SPECIAL. FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. BOUTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MU -l BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 322 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, marvelous mag netic healer; three visits convince. 807 No. 18th Bt. 'Phone Red 6736. M -719 x DANCING ACADEMY NEW classes formed for adult beginners at Morand'a, 15th and Harney, Tuesday and Friday this week, 8 p. in. Individual and thorough instruction our forte; pupils enjoy every minute of their lessons. 711 D JENSEN DREYER'S Dancing Academy; learn to dance in twelve lessons. Tel. Red 6468. -M760 D19 MORAND'S WINTER TERM FOR ADULTS BEGINS ON Friday, December 8, 8 p. m. Ticket good for twelve lessons, ladles $, gentlemen $8. Two dollars deducted if you buy your ticket' on above date. We guarantee to teach ell dances now In use in twelve lessons. Call 16th and Harney. M 718 8x PLUMBINQ LYNCH BROS, glftf 8' TeL 1477. 684 Da A. 8AVARD, 4314 N. 84th. TeL 6833. 853 D23 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD large barn for rent at 27th and Lea veh worth Sts., $16. N. V. Dodge ft Co . 1614 Farnam Bt. . P 107 1 BURREY, 1 top buggy, 1 road wagon, new, at cost; cash or time. 408 N. 16th Bt. P 885 D9 TICKET BROKERS - CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. LARSON ft JOHhSON, -140$ Farnam. TeL VJii. . 824 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Instltuw, 41i N. Y. L. Tel. 1664, -7 DR. A. D. LAIRD, 215 Karbach Blk. 'Phone 8U91. M oi 1 Jin AUCTIONEERS WE FURNISH experienced auctioneers on short notice to sell real estate, merchan-1 dine, live stock, etc. Omaha Real Estate Auction Co., ZSl Neville blk. Tel. 487 ' MOT FLORISTS HESS ft BWOBODA. 1416 ramam. L. HENDERSON, 1611 Far haul Tl. 136