Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 3f03. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eetter Teeling lung Through the Whole Lilt TRADE NtWS AIL OF BULLISH NATURE WMl Kajoys Htr Cash Demand ail Russian Political flllnatlaa Haa Dollish lalaenco Corn Traders rear Baal Wfalktr. . OMAHA. Dec. I. 1906. whret wss up about c. tna main factora being poll I lea I condltlnna in Huasla and heavy cash demand. All the news sent out by tha trad wti of a bullish nature. De cember closed at 86'n86c; May at 88 (c, and July at 84"uMSc. Corn waa strong also. The fear of Weather preventlnf December delivery helpa the market. Deremlier cloned at 4Fi 4i46c; old December, at 46; May, at 464 46e. and July, at 46c. Oats enjoyed a Rood demand and were snout 7,0 nigner. December cloaed at 30c, May, at 83fi321,r, and July, at 31c. Trlmarv receipt were V1T.2 rtno hnuhela mnA ahlpmenta l, UK, am buahela, against receipt last year of 77,nnft bushels and shipments of 1,791, MO buahela. Corn receipt were 6T3.- nrM hllahnl, mwA V. I . 1 I , IW I 1 1 against receipt laat year of 1.030 000 buah ela and ahlpmenta of 687,000 buahela. Clear ancea were 188,000 buahela ot corn, 4i.o0 buahela of oats, 91,000 buahela of wheat and 16.0HO barrel of flour. Liverpool t loaed d higher to d lower on wheat and d higher to unchanged on corn. ' A cablo from Ruaala says: "Wheat ahlp menta are very small; market advancing; railroad atrlke spreading seriously, me miring business; fears or anarchy affect business; we expect navigation to close in a few daya. Brndstrecfs wheat decrease wan 703,000 biiahnl. corn Increuae 1. 8H.U0O buahela and oata Increuae 1.296,090 bushels. Deliveries of December wheat at Minne apolis yesterday were auld to bo l.OnO.OOi) buahela. A Chicngo operator la aald to have sold 600,000 bushels of May there at tha laat. An Illinois grain dealer with a home of 126.0ii6 burhela capucily ehlpped all his oata nut to make room for corn, but haa bought only 20,000 bushels of coi n because the farmers In hla section are holding their corn for 40 cents. From the Record-TTerald. "All branches of the grain and flour trade are baaing their operations on the rar situation. The pre diction nmrlo several wceka ago of tha moat aerioui situation In yeara have al ready been verified even before bad weather lias appeared. Although a large export business wa dona yesterday In domestic and export aalca of oata. much larger salea could have been made, not only of oata, but of corn and barley aa well. If the seller could have been able to make delivery within reasonable time llmita." Oiuaba Cash Prices. WHEAT No. t hard, 9rr7S2c; N'o. hard, 77Xc; No. 4 hard. 7lfj75c; No. 2 spring, 7141140; No. 3 spring. 74Jt78c. CORN-No. S, Pfi39c; No. 4, 37fi38r-; no grade, S5'it37c: No. 2 yellow, 39c; No. 3 white, 39c. OAT8-N0. 3 mixed, 27528e: No. '3 whit-. V(j2y!e; No. 4 white. 2w;8c. li YES No. 2, 63c: no grade, USc Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 63 ST.l 167 Kansas City 98 176 28 Minneapolis , 261 Omaha 24 10 Duluth 183 St. Louis (0 61 46 Omaha Cash Bales. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 79e (sold Monday), 1 bulkhead, 80c; No. 3 hard. 1 car. 7 sc. CORN No. 8 white, 1 car, 40c (sold Mon day; 1 car, 88c. RYE No. $, 1 bulkhead, 63a SEW TORK OEKERAL MARKET Qaotatlaaa of the Hay oa Various , Coaamodltlca. NEW YORK. Deo. 6.-FLOUR Receipts, K7.0V7 bbls.; exports, t,OT3 bbls.; salea. b, . ukaa. : market firm but aulet. Mlnne- uiKilln patcnta, 4.b6 (jj 6.00; Minnesota bakers, 3.Rfa4.00; winter patents, U-'Axg 4.Ui; winter straights, t3.iaiU4.lO: winter extras, $3.$f3.26; winter low gradoa, 12.76' 3-2.. Kvn Unui. steady.), air to. good, 33.901 4.10; choice to fancy, I4.lfrii4.50. Buckwheat flour, steady, J.16'(ii.20. HtTKWHKAT Dull. f2U(K63c delivered. OORNMKAIj Steady: tine white and yel low, 31.26; coarse, $1.14(1.15; kiln dried, 3300 RYE Nominal; feeding. 89ic. c. 1. t. Buffalo: maltlna-. 4467c. o. 1. f. Buffalo. WHKAT Receipts, '21.000 bu.; export, 16,000 bbls.; salea. 2,300,000 bu.. futures. Spot market firm; No. 2 red, 967ic, ele vt' tor; No. 2 red, 97o, f. o. b. afloat; No 1 Northern Duluth. MUo. f. O. b. afloat No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. alloat. In tb face of easier Liverpool cables and bearish Argentina crop news, wheat ruled stronger today. Its support i-umo mainly from the Chicago bull leader, supplemented by covering orders, light nurthwest . receipts, unfavorable Russian conditions and commission house buying. 1 Tne close allowed Vilic net advance. Salea Included No. 2 red. May, 92't93 6-ltc, closed at 93'4c; December, SOVff'JO I6-I60, closed at !K 16-lftc. CORN Receipts. 83.625 bu.: exports. 84,4u7 bu.; sales, M.OuO bu., futures; 66,000 bu., spot. Hpot markets were steady; No. 2 old, 6uc, elevator, and 63o, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 63c: No. 2 white, Options were steadier with the west and on lis titer country offerings, closing Wlfo net higher. January, WuWscv closed at KHtc: May, tn,'otie, closed at wa; July closed 6lc; uecemuer closed 66c. OAT8 Receipts. 115.600 bd.: exports. 28, 212 bu. 8pot firm; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs. 3tc; natural white, 30 to 32 ll., 3tiiU37w: clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., OWiitOVaC. HAY Bteady; good to choice, eOu63Wc. HOI'S Jult; stale, common to choice 19U6, 1431c; lOol, lJfgnc; Pacltlo coast. 1906, lute!6c: 14 lo-ii 14c: olda. 6u8o. HIDES Firm. Qalveston, 20 to 28 pounds. 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 21c; Texas ury, 74 to 30 pounns, ivc. . LEATHER Steady: acid. 26W27V4C, PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family 111 SO Oi2.60; mess, 19.51X0 10.50: beef hams. W.5" 22.00; packet, lo.&oi 11.60; city, extra India mess, 117. 601 13.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled Denies, KVqlOc: pickled shoulders, b-uic pickled hams. HVaiiiVc. Lard, steady; west ern ateamed, 17 46117.76; rehned, quiet continent, 37.36; Bouth American, pi 60 compound. fcHloS'to. Pork, steady; family iiu.i: short clears, J15.0OW17.W; mesa, l5.tf4M5.M. TAL1OW BaVely steady; city (32.00 per pKg., ; country (pugs, rrt-e), 4igac. KICK -Quiet; domestic, fair to exira, S'i 6e: Japan, nominal. Bl.'TTKR Irregular; street price, extra creamery, Z4r2414c. omcial prices: 1 ream cry, common to extra, 1 o 24c; slate dairy Comnino to extra. ltJ3c; western imitation creamery, extras, !!- Ic; state firsts, 174 tfiw; renovated, coiiunon to extra, ltx'joc; westers factory, common to firsts, liaKViO eHKKSii yulet ; slate full creams, small and largo, colored and white, rwuteinber, fancy, 13c; slate late-made, average best, 1-niHe; state fair, UillV,c. tOGS-Steady ; nearby fancy, selected, white. Stub 4oc: state choice, 35&37c; slat mixed, extra, 80c; western finest, 32c; state nuts. 3t"nir; southerns, zitgjw. POL'LTKY Alive, firm; western chick ens. UVc; fowls. 13c; turkeys. 13ftUc, Dressed, quiet; western chickens, 13Vuc turkeys, huzoc; iois, nuijc, t. Loals tieaeral Market, ' 8T. 1XC18. Dec. 6.-WHKAT-Hlgher No. 3 rei. cash elevator, 6!'92c; track 4c; iM'tvuiiM-r, uvuiuvkc; May, iuc No. 2 hard. 4is7V.c. CORN ills-he. ; No. 2 cash. 43Hc; track 4SV4:4c; December, 41 Vc; May, 43,c DATs-Higher; No. 2 casli, 31c; track SIVfl-l-'c; December. 3oV,3oHc; May, SJc Xa. 3 Willie. 3JC. Fl-OVR Steady ; red Winter patent. 34 30 4.Ei, extiu fancy and straight, SWq-2; clear, li.iMli3.10. 8 EI Timothy, steady, 32,6Ogj!.60. tliRN MlCAl-Steady 32.60. . BRAN steady; sacked east track, 739 74c HA Y Higher; timothy, tS.OOdl&.00; prairie, t9.o'"'jii.oy. IRON COTTON TIES-H.01. MAOOlNtl c. HEMP TWINE-7V40, PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, til Ird. hluher; prime steam, 35.75. Dry salt mtsti, steady; laixed extra shorts. $7.75; clear rlha, 38; short clears, 3s Jo. Baonu, steady; hoxed extra sh-irls, 33.60; clear ribs, 3S.7"i: short clear. f. . " POl'LTRY Suady; chickens, SSc; spl int. iotiUe, tut keys, 13c, ducks, 10c; Keeae, Hlk'. Hl'TTtU Firm; creamery, 8o?6c; dairy, 1N4j21c. KtiUS 4julet; 24c case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Vrn, bu.... Oats, bu 9.MJ0 l.uU S'.-xjO K.uuO .6O.OU0 .tJ.OXi .46.0U0 Ualnlh (araln Market. DCl.U'l'll, Dee. 6. WH K AT To arrive: (. 1 Itoilhuta. Ml; No. t uurlhein, lllc. On track: No. 1 northern. Me; No. J north ern. 8le; December, 2c; May, c. OATS To arrive and on track, 29c. CHICAGO GUAM AMD PROVIBIOS9 Featarea at tha Trading: aa Cicala , Prices aa Board of Trad. CHICAGO. Dec. 8. Active demand from leading bull operator waa the principal cause today of a strong wheat market here. At the close wheat for May delivery was up c. Corn waa up U'dc. Oats ahowed a gain of Sc. Provisions wcra unchanged to 2o lower. Tha market for wheat waa strong for almost the entire day. Pit trader were Inclined to be bearish and fought the ad vance, but buying waa of such an Influen tial character that demand became gen eral late In the day and closing price were practically at the highest point of the day. News of the day waa generally favorable to the bulla. One of the main factora waa a cablegram from Russia stating that wheat ahlpments rrom that country were very small and that the apread of the railroad strike waa a serious menace to business. The strength of cash wheat at all Ameri can markets was another potent influence. Minneapolis reported an excellent demand for the cash article, with No. 1 northern selling at 3c over the December option. A decrease ot 73.000 bu. In the world's visible supply as shown by Bradstreets. against an increaaa of 6.000,000 bu. laat week, was an additional source of strength Iarge primary receipts and improvement In the condition ot the Ohio wheat crop as Indicated by the state report were the chief bearish ractora. May opened un changed to a shade lower, at 88o to Sx'tc. advanced to 89c and cloaed at 88Vii 89c. Clearance ot wheat and flour were equal to lG3,0u0 bu. Primary receipts wera 1,162,000 bu., compared with 773,0uO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth ind Chi cago reported receipts of 6tt6 cars, against 1.1ns Cars lest week and 74 cars a year ago. Firm cables, small receipts and continued excellent demand from exporters caused a 11 rm tone in the corn market. Several prominent bulls were active bidders, but offering were comparatively small. At all primary points reports were made of di minished receipts and this also stimulated the bullish feeling. The market closed rm. May opened Unchanged to a shade Igher. at 44T.C to 44 vkli-luc. sold ud to ik t4ia and closed at 46j46c. Local re ceipts were 351 cars, with four cars of con tract grade. Trading in tha oats market waa unusually active and tha market had a strong un dertone. A number of commission houses were urgent bidders for May, while cash houses took all offerings ot oeceniber. A lively -shipping demand was the chief source of strength. May opened a shade Igher. at 32'4o. advanced to X2Vc and losed at 82'a324c. Local receipts were 167 cars. Provision were aulte firm earl In the day. but the market weakened on realizing by local long and closed at a slight loss. An advance of c in ths price of ive hogs was a Duiiian tacior eany in tne session. At the close May pork wan unchanged, at 113.57. Lard was off a shade, at K.35. Ribs were down zvfcc, at 87.13V,. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, twenty cars: corn. 121 cars: oats, ninety oars; hogs. 121 cars; oata, ninety curs. xne leading lutures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. High. Low. I Close t Tea y. Wheat j j Dec. 85 86 85 6QVi 84 May 88W 89 Mtai8988ir July 84 84 84 84'a-l Corn j tDec. 467 4674 457 4S 45 Dec. 4 !45tf, - 45 46HC1 44 May 4l7ig 45V,j 4 . 447, 46-aH 44't July 46"!4 45Vt 46 46Vi 45j', Oats I Doc. 20 V 30i 29 302944) May K2 UJ 32U lWv July Zl 315, 3iv, 31 j, a Pork Jan. 13 70 13 77H IS 65 13 67H 12 70 May 13 C.'H 13 66 13 65 18 67H 13 57V4 Lard Dec 7 30 7 32K Jan. 7 22',4 726 7 17 720 720 May 740 740 735 735 7 37H Ribs Jan. 7 00 7 06 7H ( 97H 9T4 May 7 20 7 26 7 lTVj 7 17H 7 20 No. 2. tOld. JNsw. Cash quotations were as follows: VIGOUR Firm: winter patents. S3.8E A ftO OK Am O OS amwt,sw sa u 33.75(4.10; straights, i3.tio63.80; bakers, 82.26 4J3.10. WHEAT No. i spring, 868c; No. 3, 82 Stir; No. 2 red, 87H'89c. corn no. I. 47Hc; no. 1 yenow, 4c. OATS No. 1. 30Uc; No. 2 white, 32WS33c; No. 3 white, SO Sl'c. RYE No. 3, 67W. i- BARLEY - Good feeding,- 87c; Jair to choice malting, 41Q4Bc, SEED No. 1 flax, 05c: No. 1 northwestern, Jl.OJVb; prime timothy, 33.30; clover, contract grade, 31S.tiK.lS.l'6. "KUV IB1U.1 rorx, per noi., ia.wn;'id.Du. Lard, per 100 lbs., 37-80(8 7.82H. Short ribs side (loose), 37.Wa7.131,,; short clear sides (boxed), Wl.UWitii-Ja. Following were tne receipts ana snip ments of flour and grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 26,700 57.400 Wheat, bu 49,600 139.800 Corn, bu 316,200 291,000 lata, bu ;xo iuy.voo Rye. bu 14.0HO 6,7oO Barley, bu 14jO,000 176,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady to easy; creameries, 1723y.-c: dairies, 17l'23c. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included. 20Q25c; firsts, 26c; f rlme firsts, 29c; extras, 31c. Cheese, steady, 14al3c Kansas City Grata aad ProTlatoam. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 6. WHEAT Firm ; December, 797ic; May. 8Hc; July, 76'c; rush, No. I hard, 81Hl9ftc; No. 3. 7aS-c; No. 2 red, 9o4j91Vkc: No. 3. 84i(j9c. CORN Hlsher: December. 4oci May. 40Hc: July, 40Hc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 41fcc; Ho. z wnite, uc; no. 3, c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 3l3i$32c; No. 2 mixed. HoVdSlo. HAY Steady; choice timothy, tll.0ikall.60; choice prairie, 9.oo(o.50. Hi K steady. &HB04C. EQOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whitewood cases included, 2Vc; case count, 24c; cases returned, V,o less. BUTTKR-Steady; creamery, cc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6I.O110 74,on Corn, bu 114.000 4,1, un) Oata, bu 2.0UO 12.000 The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Day 4k Co., 110 111 Board of Trade building: . Artlclea.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close, Yes y. Wheat I Dec May. July. Corn- 78 ISO 80S! 79 80 1 7T4 80 MVi 40-4 40 fcftk'IflVtrU 804 8Ht? -sbH ri 76, Dec.... 40i4OW 40V4040V, 40 40-440 I 40 40 401 40 0 May.. July.. Oats Dec... May.. Pork Jan... May.. Lard Jan... May.. . 40V: 30'4I 30-HI 30 30 S04 UJJ4S01,-4 13 80 13 63 T 15 7 32 13 (7 13 65 13 67 13 45 13 67 13 46 7 15 7 30 13 67 13 47 7 15 7 33 7 30 7 30&32 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Dec. 6. FLOUR Firm; flrel patents, 34.7i4.l)0; second patents, 34 6o4.o; first clears, 33. Suva. 76; second clears, 32.4St0i.66. W RAN in bulk. 313.00. (Superior quotations tor Minneapolis de livery.) The range of prices, as reported by K. D. I 'ay 4k Co.. 110-U1 Board ot Trade building, waa: Articlea. Open. I High.j Low. Close. Yea y. Wheat-I Dec... May.. Flax lec... May.. 8181V Iikb4e4: Ki 81 82 81 b 98 1 03, Si'S ea 87 1 00 1 03 1 1 04 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. I hard, aac; No. 1 northern 86c, to ar rive 84c; No. 2 northern 83c, to arrive 82o; No. 3 northern fcHttfelS); No. 1 durum, 7-'c; No. 2 durum, 71c. Corn: No. yellow, 40c; No. 3 cash, 3vc. Oats: No. white, 29c; No. I, 27jic. Barley, 3tf47a Rye. 6utiBc. Flax, vc. Militaakaa Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec 6 WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern. 88c; No. I northern, &3i!Cc, May, 89c asked. RYB Steady; No. 1, 70c. . BARLEY Dull; No. t, 64c; sample, 379 6Sc. CORN Steady; May. 464Sc askid. Uvorpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. i. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 8 red western winter, 6s 7d; futures quiet; December, 6a Ud; March, 6s lld: May, 6s 87d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed. 4s lld; futures) quiet; January, 4s 4d; March, 4s 3d. Peoria Markot. PEORIA. Dee. k.-4TORN Higher: No. yellow, 47c; No. 3. 43Sc; No. 4, 42c; no grade, 40c. OATbV-bironar; No. I shiie. Sir: No. 4 J whii. oc . . NEW TORK STOCKS AND BONDS Bpeinlitim Becsmti Animate and fries Level ii Lifted CompreheoiiTelj. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE AIDS THE BULLS F.lahly Issaes Prominent la the 1. 1st Admire Oat Point or More aa Ottscare Stork a Arc Also Active. NEW TORK, Tc. .-Tha speculation In sto ka became very animated today and prices were lifted comprehensively to a higher level. The rebounds In Russian se curities abroad and the resulting relaxation In the financial tension there was an Im portant depressing cause. The president's message, in the prevailing bullish en thusiasm waa converted Into an influence for hlnher prices. The speculation broke through the restraint of the stringent con ditions In tha Inonev market and nractlrsllv Ignored the rise In Interest In rats and tiie working or forces ot depletion of bank re serves. ' The appearance of the marltet Wa one of great activity throughout, the run of the tapes being practically without fwssst'onor appreciable pause from start to tlnlsh of the session. The fact that the agri-ess le sales did not rise aa high as the of early last week, which was the maximum for the year thus far, will probably cause surprise to the brokers ena-ufsd In the trading. This was due to the very Urge number of ustutllv Inactive issue which were dealt In. Some of the stocks cf largest market volume and which are the usual speculative leaders, on the other hand, were comparatively quiet. The breadth of the market mav be Inferred from the fact that advancea of a point or over wete mado by something over eighty dif ferent stocks. While the speculative atten tion wa disseminated In this way, and the most conspicuous gains were shown by the obscurer clss of stocks, the comprehensive strength of ths market nevertheless was un deniable. In tho great breadth of specula tlve interest the market was more notable than any of the year thus far. I ltlmstely me movement extended to some of the low. est grade of stocks and those of very ques tlonable value, thus giving riso to the usual criticism of speculative excess which 1 in duced by such a movement. The rally In Russian securities abroad was of decisive Importance and gave color to the construction that the extreme weak ness of the day before wa a discounting of the worst that could be feared In Russia, rather than a refection of actual condi tion. The result was a renewal of the re sort of local borrowers to the foreign ex change market for the relief of money necessities. Offerings of bankers" bills on that account In the foreign exchange mar ket caused a sharp decline In rates. But the relief thu secured did not prevent very stiff conditions In the local money marHet. Rates for call loans were held generally above 8 per cent from the outset and there waa a flurry again to a higher level rate, touching 15 per cent. whn ths principal supplies had been exhausted. The substance of the president's message was pretty accurately foreseen, but Its ef fect wa decidedly miscalculated. Tho term of deprecation of the hostility to railroads or corporations seemed to amelio rate the effect on speculative sentiment of the reiterated recommendation for railroad rate control and regulation of corporationa. The suggestion that legal power should be given to permit, "under specified conditions and careful supervision, agreements clearly In the Interest of the public," wa fastened upon as pointing In effect to authorise tlon for revival of railroad pooling. The effect was most pronounced In the members of the Vanderbilt group, and this caused con jectures of a revival of the plan for a mer ger in that group. The strong financial showing In the annual report of the Union Paelfie. rave that stock sneclal Strength and waa a sustaining Influence in the whole of the railroad llBt. The failure 01 tne enori to adjust the dispute over export corn rate waa without lnfluonce on the western and southwestern railroad stocks. Call money wns hrolren from 12 ner cent to 6 per cent by offerings from one- of the principal banks at the lower rate, but when tnese iunos were t a Iran tha rata rose am In to 16 per cent and held at 12 per cent under the closing. Borne unsottlement resulted in the final ton pf the market, but the closing was generally Bonds were irregular. ioiai saieo, wi value, $3,650,000. United States 8S and Old 4S declined per cent on call. ' Quotations on trie New xora block c chang ranged as follows: Bates, mgn.iw Adams Express.. Amal. Copper.... Amer. Car & P.. do pfd Amer. Cotton OH do pfd 240 77,700 91 80 15,600 42V, 40V4 300 101 101 80Mi 41H 101 86 82 (,8o0 37 iA 400 Amer. Express 221 3rt Amer. Hide l pra i.wi Amer. Ice Securities. S.fioO Amer. Dlnseed Oil.... 3,500 do pfd 400 Amer. locomotive.... 19,30) a? i 42 3 20H 43 34 19 411 73 73 7Wa Hn rfA 300 118 117T4 Us AmerT Smelting oV R: W.OOO IM'4 161 152H do pfd 2.400 130 120 13014 Amer. ougar net..., o. i Amer. Tob. pfd certlf 2,100 108 107 140 107 167 Anaconda Mining Co. 6.000 lf 188 86 103 Atchison 13,800 87 87 do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. B. dk O do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacltlc Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago & A do Dfd 300 103 84 103 fvO lnl 160 8,000 112 111 111 86 31.000 83U KiA 86 10,700 174 173 173 3-'7 Chicago Gt. Western 1.800 C. ft N. W C. M. 4 Bt. P 16,(00 Chicago 1 , T., do pfd C, C..C. St. L. ... Colo. Fuel ft I Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Con. Gas Corn Products do pfd 3, 1,000 1.600 Del. A Hudson Del.. I ft W D. ft R. a do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie , do 1st pfd do td r'd General Electric Hocking Valley ill. Central... Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump 1.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd U & N .. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. 8t. Ry Mexican Central Minn, ft Bt. I. M.. St. P. ft 8. Bte. M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M., K. ft T do pfd Nat'l Iad -. Nat I R. R. of M. pfd N. X. Central N. Y.. Ont. & W Norfolk ft W do pfd 1.100 18544 BOO 114-4 1134 113 400 17W 17 8.300 25 24 24 87 27 82 27 67i 2.200 00 T 1.600 8.200 1,200 1.500 3.200 300 l.J ti 66 31 61 160 162 72 6 1 'm l 62 151 163 73 61 161 163 73 4.80O lit 3,600 24 300 82 117S 117Va 2.1 23 80 e 137 300 166 166 16b 6.814) 102 lol 9,300 36- 35 35- 35 8"0 67 67 73.100 85 80 1.2(0 36 36 8.7oO 161 149 67 36 161 62 83 1.3 1,600 63 83 W 3 No. American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Uas P.. C. C. ft Bt. L.... 2.100 100 99 100 ll.'.O) 61 61 x 61 18,610 13!1i 139 1?9 1,000 103 103 so Pressed Bteel Car.... 12.100 66 63 66 do pfd 1.200 10k 99 100 Pullman P. C Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co... do pfd 243 26.100 136 1& 135 l 93 . 24.800 84 32 . 13.900 li 103 . 17.6U) 2 25 . 9,900 68 66 1314 106 3M 67 38 101 60 22 tn 67 120 34 Rubber Goods do pfd., ex-dlv St. L. ft 8 F. Id pfd 6,700 62 674 66 22 67 67 Ol. la. B. W do pfd 80. Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal ft I... Texas ft Pacific Tot . Bt. L. ft W. do pfd Ui ion Pacific do pfd V, 8. Kxpress.... lT. 8. Realty U. S. Rubber do pfd 700 1.M0 1,4(0 120 130 . 2.60O 34 84 700 994 8U . 16.100 L-6 123 L'4 ao-, si', 03 6 67 67 66V .121,701 136 135 IS 96 110 84 .6,200 65 64 64 . 300 110 1 1uh V. B. bteel a.iw ai, at . dO Pfd 16.400 104 lo8 104 Va. Caro. Chemical., 26.900 46 44V 44V 44!k do pfd fcnO 116C Wabash 20 2tr do pfd I,3u0 41 Wells-Fargo Express Westing h. Electric... 100 171 Western Cnlon 900 t2K W. ft Lake Erie I.OuO i 116 o 40 17i 92 II no 40 227 170 ' 92 11. ruirai... .. do pfd No. PacltU J 60 !r7 186 6 1 7,600 65 64 , 64 '33 100 76V4 7614 75 21 30 20 218 178 176 177 14 37 4.800 103 7 101 11.700 4K 47 47 2!t 28 2 08 6 45 '46 46 .. 176 400 14 14 14 200 64 63 63 400 224 223 224 460 8.&0 86 34 36 l.fco.) 89 . 88 8S 8.500 40 48 48 36" 4k 47 48 60O H- 8 80 2'i 73 73. 73S lft J' 1B0 Central Leather 4R4 1o rfd 90 IW.'i ICR 10S Sloss Sheffield 25.6l V4' S"S !4 Total sales for the day, l.KS.iOO shares. Sew l ark Moaey Market. NEW YORY. Dec. S MONKV-On rsll. Arm and higher. 615 per cent; ruling rate. Mjl2c: closing bid. 12c, offered at 12c, Tlmo: Firm: sixty, ninety day and six monlns. I per cent. PRIME MERUANTll.K rArKK 4Ws per cent. 8TBRLINO EXCHANOE Weak. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 863n& 4 8M6 for demand, and at $4 8:131 4 8225 for sixty day bills, posted rates. 4.8.Vti4 and 84.8W?4.87; Commercial bills, 4.fGV(i 4.824. . ' . BILVKH-Bir, muc; Mexican aouars, 49ic. - - BONDS Government, weak; railroad, Ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. B. nr. la. rC in Jtpsa 1. M sriisa. do coupon V. 8. . r o reupon It. 8. old 4a, ret. do eoupon C. S. new 4a. res de eminon ....... Am. Tobsoco 4a.. do aa Atralaon gan. 4a. do ad). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. Bal. a Ohio 4a... do Ha .1) do 4a. rtfa.i W do td aertaa MS .101 I.. A N. ant. 4a IS .10 Manhattan r. . 4a...l0.i .14 Mat. Central 4a ! 111, do lit Ino W Hi Mian. A St. L. 4a.... 7 . II M.. K. A T. 4a 100, .irsvi! do i ' .m N. R. R. of M. a. 4a. M . tan N. T. C. t ia S .101 iN. J. C. I. a U .tot No. Piclno 4a. 1041a . M I do Sa 74 . 44 N. A W. e. 4a lot Krk. R. T. e. 4a. Ontral of Oa do lat Ine... ls....lll4 O. a. L. rfdf. 4a M ...... afti, Pann. roar, ma 1024 !' Raadlni saa. 4a lot do td inc do 34 Ine Chen. A Ohio 4W. Chicago A A. 3Vka. C. B. A Q. n. 4a.. . Its, St. U A I. M. a. a..iu4 .10 St. L. A r. ff. 4a. am . H4 8t. U W. c. 4a.. II .I0114 Seaboard A. t. 4s.... M . Tai go. ParS.o 4a !' C. R I. A P. 4a.. do rol. la -o4 do lat 4a etra T4 CCC. A St L. f.!o. Railway ta 110 Colo. Ind. ta. aar. A. 74 Taiaa A P. la 12I, do aertaa B J1 T. St. V. A W. 4a... t Colorado Mid. 4a 75.lnloo Paeltlc 4a lix4, 1 010. A Bo. 4a 4 I do conr. 4a Cu ha (a ..innulf. 8. steal td la. ,..iiuh ... ...11( ... 77 ... 7 ... ass ... aav. I. A R. O. 4a mi Wabsth la manners' gas. U,... 41 Krla prior lien 41....1M do ten. 4a Horklnt Vcl. 4S..1H Japan a tt Offered. do dab. R Waal am Md. 4a. W. A L. R. 4o.. Wla Cantral 4a.. Boston g-toeka aad Bonds. BOSTON. Dec. 5 -Call loans, 64-!i6H V cent: time loana. 6Sj per cent. Official quo- tations on stocks and bonds were as fol lows: 'Atchison adj. 4a... do 4a I .. as fAdranturo ..1014 Alleuaa .. its Amalgamated ... .. 17 AmarO-an Zinc . ..1"S Atlantic . .jsx iftinaham ..171 .l al. A Hacla. .Aai Cantannlal .. Ill S Copper Ranga .. .. S Ha It Waat ..IN iKrankltn . IS . 41 S . . 10 . 4 . .4 .40 . ms . 7IS . us Max. Cehtral 4a Atrhlaon do Btd Ronton A Albany... Boaton A Mains., Roatnn Elaralad ... Fltrhburt p(d Mexican Canlral ... N. T.. N. H. A H . 1S Para Marquette M -Oranbr 'J ' t'nlon Pacific ...1M ,Ila Rorala ... Amer. Arga. Cham.'., z' ,Mi Mining . do pfd M -Michigan A mar. Pnau. Tub.... VH Mohawk m . . Jjt " Amar. Sugar 140S Mont. C. C. so era l tia Dominion . 14 Amar. T. A T 1M: Oaeoela Amar. Weolan 444 Parrot ....lie .... it ....11 .... 7 ....114S .... s .... lis .... 40S .... 44 .... 67 .... s .... ....lit .... 75 do efd 10IW Quiocr Dominion I. ft 8.... IS Shannon Bdlaon Else. Ilia. ...tTA Tamarack Gensral K I art r la .114 Trlnltr . Maas. Rlactrlo . li I'nltad roppar .. . 'Xi. B. Mining.... . WS'l'. 8. Oil do Dfd Maaa. Oaa I nlted Vrult .14S "I'tah United Shoe Mack.. !4 Victoria do Dfd . 31 . IT' .18414 Wlnons Wo'.varlne ... North Butts V. 8. Stasl do cm Wealing, eommos . lows: Bid. "Asked. Londos Closing; Blocks. LONDON. Deo. 6. Closing Quotations on the Stock exchange wera as follows: Conaola. monay M l-llM. Y. Cantral. isi . S4S . M . SIS . 71S . 'S . 70S . 41 -. j0 . -a do sceount a-iaiNoTfolk W.. 1 I do pfd .. 9S Ontario A W.. . .10lannaylvanla . ..11SS Hand Mines ... Anaconda Atalilaon do Dfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. .-17H-. Reading Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.... do lat Pfd do Id pfd US C, M. A 8t. P.... .111 ' Boutham Hallway do Dfd DeBeara . ns 101 S 1I0S MS ...... M 107 11 41 D. A R. O.. 1S Southern Pacific aOS.l'nlsn Pacific .. 4S do pfd do Did Eria do lat pfd do ii Dfd !S,U. 8. Stool.. .. 74SI- do pfd Illinois Central .. ..HI IWabaah .. ..154'i ' do pfd . .. ICS Bpanlah 4a Loulavilla ft Naah. 14., K. A TV. IS SILVER Bar, steady, 29d per ounce MUNJC.X zstflPiTfc per. cent. The rate of Ulscotint-ln the onen market for short bills la 3(2i4 per cent; tor three montns' Dill), ivdw per cent. , ''li " ' ' Kevr Vork Mlolasr Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. CloBtng Quotations tn mining stocks wera as follows: Adams Con ....... Alien , . M ItlUla Chlsf 1, . 8 .m n Onurle Rraare Brunawlck Con .. .. 40 .. 67 .. 1 ..140 ..17 ..HQ .. Onhlr .. aaO 1 11 t'hoanlz Comatock Tunnal Potoal Savags sierra Narada Con. Cat. A Vs.. Horn Bllvar 64 It aa Iron silver ladrilla Con.... amiail Hepsa sundara Treavaarr Statesaeat. WASHINGTON. Doo. .-Today state ment ot ine treasury oalance in me general fund, excluslvo of the 6160,000,000 gold re. serve, shows: Available cash balance. 3136.- 613,378: gold coin and bullion, 386,062,078; gold certificates, 350,842.960. 1 Porelga Financial. BERLIN, Dec. 6.--Prices on the Bourse today were strong upon tha improvement in Russian bonds. The loan of 1902 rose 3 points to 81.40 and closed at 81. Americans were nrm. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Dec. 6 Bank clearings for to day were $1,416,777.98, and for the cor responding date last year, (1,604, 780. 33. Wool Market. BOSTON, Deo. . WOOL Stocks of do mestic wool In Boston are very small in a market which is unusually dull. It Is esti mated that the vear will lo out with tha smallest stocks for several seasons. Foreign wool la In relatively better supply than domestic, thouah it is said that good proportion ot tha wool now In bond at this ther, but were willing to take tha offer port Is held for manufacturing account. 1 Ings at just about tht same prices aa they There haa been a fair demand for territory paid yeaterday. The trade, however, waa a wools. Pulled wools are quiet, with a few sales of A supers at 62$63c, and B'a at 6u4m6c. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsplvanla XX and above, STxjjAtoe; X, 343nc; No. 1, 4kq41c; No. 2, 4uu41c; fine unwashed, 27ftt&c; quarterblood un washed, 3tykx.-; three-eighths blood, Mj'ioc; hali-blood, d4'a36c; unwasned delaine, jlc; line washed delaine, 36'?tiiVtc; Michigan fine unwashed, 2tx3"J7c; quartur-blood, un washed, 334344c; three-eighths blood, &1&34C; half-blood, 83(t04c; unwashed delaine, 38c-; Kentucky, Inaiana, etc., three-eighths and Quarter blood, 3436c: territory, Idaho One. 2ji&23c; heavy fine, 19rrc; tine medium, 23 xjJic; medium. Xiwssu; low medium,; Wyoming line, ztw-sc; tine Heavy, tine meulum, ZZQnc; medium, 27v2Sc; low medium.. 27to'28c: Utah and Nevada fine. &J!24c; heavy tine, lgjoc; fine medium, aS24c; medium, ii?c; low medium, Zi'tr 2c; Dakota fine, Ua'iAc; tin medium, IMi 23c; medium, Xiti'Ac; low medium. 'i.ii'Av; Montana tine, choice, 26&27c: tine average, 24(0 26c; fine medium, choice, Jb'oc; average, 24uwc; staple, '4baJ0c: medium choice, ita 33c. Metal Markot. NEW YORK, Dec. 6. MKT A LB Spot tin scored another advance In the London mar ket, closing at 160, while futures were unchanged at 167 6s. Locally the market was reported sleady, with spot quoted at $34.85('a3o.W. Copper was lower in London, closing at 77 tor spot and at 76 12s 6d for futures. Locally there was no change and the absence of supplies available fur Immediate delivery inukes the quotation for spot practically nominal. Lake and electrolytic are held at in.T&fglS.OO and cast ing at" (l7.6o17.7S. Lead was 7s 6d higher at 16 lus In the London market. Locally quotations ranged from 36.35 to 36. H6, ac cording to lot and delivery. Spelter was firm at 86.364pi.46 in tho local market, and also unchanged In London at 28 10s. Iron was lower in tha Knglish market, closing at 12s for stanuard foundry and 63s for Cleveland warrants. The local market was reported firm and unchanged. No. 1 north ern foundry is quoted at AV& 19.36, No. I northern foundry at 118 toijls.aS, No. 1 southern foundry at Ila6t.-wia.76 and No. t southern foundry at lls.OvilS 28. ST. LOUIS. Dec, . Mtil ALS-Lead, higher, 16.76. Speller, higher, 86.Su, Visible Supply of Grata. NEW YORK, Dec. I Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet'S show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last accounts: Wlieat ITnlted States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased tuS.ono bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decreased 600,000 bu.; total sup ply decreased 703.000 bu. Corn L'nited States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased 1,614 010 bu. Oats United States and Canada, east of Rocklea. decreased 1.286.0UO bu. Tits leading Increases reported this week are 276.UOO bu. at the Chicago private ele vators, o.OoO bu. gt Port Huron and 100,000 bu. at Louisville. The leading decreases are 1.644.000 bu. In Manitoba, Cd6,X bu. at Omaha. 41.0OA bu. at PvrUaad, Ms., and 67,uw bu. at Buillngloa. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Btf lt(rt and Otwi 8udy, with redera UDthtord. HOG MARKET OPENS ACTIVE AND STRONG Moderate Receipts af 8heep anal l-axi bs t.ooal I nabs gteady, Willi Vheesi Doll aad Lower Feed ers Aboat ' Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. B, 1W8. Receipts were:, OfTlelal Monday 8,643 4.388 o.OTJ Official Tuesday 4.i00 11.4K) 12,500 Two days this week. ...10.843 15.784 17,678 Two daya last week 8.8.0 12.873 18.H Same week before .47 lo.37 31.311 Same three weeks ago.. 11,7.0 10.477 i8.iM Same four weeks ago. ...11. (TO 8.608 46.009 Pnme dnys Inst year 8,607 17.818 8.W6 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Tha foUowlnar table shows tha recelDlS of cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha tor the year to data, comparing with last year; , 156. 1904 Inc. Dec. Cattle fi0.753 8M,&48 80,307 '!"" X,lo2.t 2.118.871 t.l Bheep 1,821.671 1,64,638 267,042 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons: I 1906. 1904. 1903.1W3.190M.1800.19P. Not. Nov. Not. Not. Nov. Nov. Not. Nov. Nov. Not. Nov. ,Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 15.. I 4 71 I 68 I 69 I tli I 671 4 621 4 63 I t 63 4 711 4 46 1 6 41 6 31i I 47! 4 Ml 8 90 14 17 4 66 4 Wi 4 821 8 l I 7 3 M 4 67 18.. 19.. .. 21.. 23.. 23.. 24.. 1 26.. 26.. 27.. 'a.. 29.. 80.. 1... 2... 3... 4... i... 4 67 4 66 4 8 6 al 5 K 4 U 4 46l 6 29i I 63 4 78 I 83 8 89 I 84 X H I 83 3 77 a 74 3 73 3 63 t 71 t 74 3 76 s 3 81 3 80 4 4 Ml 38 1 73 4 761 4 66 a 67 4 61 V4! 241 i 8lj 4 78 4 4 16, lt 4 76 4 49 4tl! i 661 4 78 6 86 4 67 4 76 4 71 4 68 4 73 a 4 47 4 62 a 4 20 4 18, a 131 6 04 761 6 781 6 73 aa 99 4 r,w 4 VH 4 71: 4 83 1 4 92 4 87 4 49 4 46 I 4 24 6 02 6 0 S 861 8 00 e 4 741 4 69j 4 63 I 4 34 4 421 4 341 091 4 48. 4 311 6 OKI 5 4 47 4 40 6 13 I 88 4 64 4 81 I 4 43 6 2:i I 4 37) 24 6 9: 4 68 6 061 4 771 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The following taole snows tne prices paid at the river markets for cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers 36.on40 , Fair to good corn -fed steers . Common to fair corn-fed steers.. i Good to choice ransre beef steers. 4 OOtj-4 7 4.2&U4.60 3.6"i4.26 3.254.2o 2.6O(t3.30 1.603.76 1.7&H3.60 3.76d4.10 2.6OU4.40 1 . . . I ran vu uuu rsnse wti Levin I Oood to choice cows and heifers.. Pair to good cows and heifers T-.. 1 . a . . . rair iu goou western cows...; Canners and cutters Good to choice stockcrs A feeders Fsir to good Blockers A feeders.. RANGE OV PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha 81.7o4i.10 - 34.40tji4.90 Chicago 1.26.76. 4.S64n.02 Kansas City 2. 01x48. 26 4.604.96 St. Louis 2.0O-U6.80 4.600J4.96 Bioux City 2.00f(6.75 4.70(04.85 MONDAY'S 8HIPMENTS. The following list shows tha number ot cars of feeders shipped to the country Mon day and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars John Heldlek, Palrbury R. I I Krank Collard, Oakland, la. R. 1 1 Z. H. Clark, Hooper F. K 2 Otto Hansen, Bennington r E 1 George Meyers, Greenwood B. A M 4 F. H. Goodfellow, Ashland-B. A M 1 L. Johnson, Craig M. A 0 1 Kent & Burke. Genoa U. P 3 V. J. Cross, Kimball L". P 3 U. P. Campbell, Woodbine, la. I. C 2 SHEEP. D. D. H. O. Barber t Son, Oxford B. & M 3 The uttliial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoik. tthecn.H r'a. C. M. ft BL P 8 12 Wabash 6 '2 Mosaourt Pacific 4 6 2 Union Pacltlc system 20 19 6 1 C. A N. W., east 6 21 C. A N. W., west 47 2i C, Bt. P., M. ft 0 14 16 C, B. ft Q., east 6 I C, B. ft Q., West 40 81 C, R. i. ft P., east.... 8 8 Illinois .Central........ 8 3 Chicago Ot. .Western 4 16 21 3 ii ,3 6 Total receipts 16S 169 to The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num oer 01 neaa inaicatea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 491 1,836 737 1,161 i.TH l,ri 69 2,613 1,360 716 8.6MI 3,117 302 45 27 .... .... H6 1S9 79 177 28 1 43 25 39 14 4 295 7 269 .... 4.164 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co...... Armour ft Co Cudahy, from Sioux City Carey Lobman ft Co McCieary Hill ft bon Huston ft Co Hamilton L. F. Husx Wolf Mike Haggerty Sol Degun J. B. Hoot ft Co Bullan C. H. Clark Morris Van Bant Other buyers Totals 4,243 11,060 11,980 CATTLE The receipts of cattle this morning were larger than one or two weeks ago and the largest tor a Tuesday since November 14. When the market opened there were 182 cars reported in sight. As was the caso yesterday, the great big bulk of all the arrivals consisted of balf-iat and warmed-up cattle that are not overly desirable for killers and that are most too good for feeders. In spits of the large receipts prices held Just ,bo"' steady with those prevailing yesterday after ths break. Packers did not seem disposed to pound values any fur ' little alow owing to tha undesirablllty of the offerings. There was a fair demand for cows and heifers and they, too, sold In about the same notches as yesterday. In some cases possibly desirable, fed cow stuff sold to better advantage than at the extreme low Dolnt yesterday There was no great number of stockers or feeders on sale, but there was a world of half-fat stuff. The market did not pre sent any eapectauy new or interesting Fea tures. Desirable kinds of cattle brought steady prices, but the feeder buyers did not appear particularly hungry for the warmed-up kinds. - . Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 16 M4 I 75 17 1111 4 Si tu Ill 1 40 1 11M 4 0 fi Ml lli 14 1431 4 4S 10 1:11 4 ae ti ivi 4 7 It 1031 4 10 11... ,...11(4 4 71 76.; 1184 4 4 11 lwt i 0 ia loal 4 4 1 13X1 I is II 1044 4 tO XI IX7I I 10 it 112 4 6 1- lelv I 1 vu v n, T til I ea 1.., 17 4 18 I... il 174 1 48 11.. 4x 141 1 34-. t. 10le 1 4 ' 11.. 11 t:'l I to 1.. IS..., ,. 7X1 I 44 1.. 16 1011 I 41 1 . JO 7 1711 .. it KO I 74 14.. 14 101 1 SO 11.. 17 Hi I 10 10. . ,. .AO IN ,...1101 I IS ....100 IN ,...iv7i 1 xe ....1071 14 ....11M 00 ....11MI I IS .... 70 IK ....1175 I U ....1001 I tt '....100 1 ti ....11X4 I 4u tax 1 to 4 in in 1 COWS AND ItElKtKS. 11... IU lit 41 .114 I 44 HElFcKot. lit I 74 . 7 7x1 I K 14 444 I 44 BULLS. , 1510 I 76 1 1474 I M 1 140 I t I (JALV iCj. m ih 1 144 4 TI 1 no l m 17 I 44 tu ...uxo t u ...1771 I 44 181 I at Ill I 40 e aaji Ml I 13 Xil I le 1111 I 4 bioi ki.l.1 A " ,. 114 I 71 .. 47 I 71 M . 1004 I II 1. W 111 M. 71 I 44 NEBRASKA. 6 heifers... 690 2 45 1 calf 376 1 80 1 cow mo l 60 4 cows 1012 t IS 4 cows 797 2 05 6 cows 90S 2 70 3 heifers... 670 2 00 13 cows 940 ! 36 t cows 996 $ 66 7 cows 10.(0 2 26 12 cows 9M8 2 65 7 cows Hid 3 io 6 feeders.. 8ot t 85 6 feeders.. 10M I 26 13 feeders.. 435 $ 86 46 feeders.. 663 2 40 5 feeders.. 676 3 86 6 feeders.. 684 $ 86 45 feeders.. 7u6 3 6u 1 bull 1140 3 10 1 bull 1080 $ 10 1 bull 1660 3 80 36 feeders.. Wis) 1 26 8 feeders., too 2 50 8 cows 1043 2 86 7 cows 8S5 2 26 7 cows 962 t 00 E. M. Searls ft Son-Neb. 66 feeders.. 919 $75 12 cows 1010 3 86 I sieer 960 2 8 1 bull 13ov t 00 HOGS Ths receipts of hogs this morning wero the largest they have been since August. 167 cars being reported in when the anarket opened, lo spile of the largo and strong .- - . run the ma'ket opened active to 6c his her. Probably as man of the hogs sold the first round. Arier about ino rata hud changed hands the trails weakened and the movement from that time until the close was rather slow. The later market might be described aa a little easier than the opening and the closing with most of the advnnce lost. As will be noted from the sales below good hogs sold up lo 14 90. with a con siderable proportion of the receipts going at 34 80487. Taking everything Into co;i deration the market was really In very satisfactory condition as viewed from a sellers standpoint. Representative sales: N. At. 8h. W. Ns. !7 ft ... 4 4S S.. TJ IM 40 4 M ft.. At, 8H. rr. . . f4 ... 18 ...Ml 140 4 W ..tit ... IM ...241 H 111 ...list I4S 4 as .. (44 leu IS ...If. I 1 4 II ...M '4 4 '- ... Ill ID ... X40 I4A 4 : ...211 ... 4 14 ...n ... 4 . ,,..N1 It! 4 an .. IM 110 4 i ...IM 140 4 14 ...t4 110 4 M ..I7 ... 4 an .. 4 11 .: .174 ...'7 a 4 r go 4 an . . . 4 10 in 4 i;v. ... ... 7... 70... I . ,..1 ...t4 i!4 10 4 ll'-x t 140 4 I!', 41.. Mi it. 11.. 40. M.. ...Ml ... 1114 ...11 na 4 tv .. .171 40 4 US .. HI ... 4 MS 140 4 I24 too 4 ns ...mi ... 4 in, ...ii lie 4 tts ft., T4., .. II.. !.. 1.. 4.. 7.. 71.. 71. 41 10 IM ... 4 14 II.. Ui tO 4 I74 .104 ae 4 is 11I ... 4 ns ... 4 tts IM 4 M'4 M 4 tSS ... 4 M'4 M 4 tS ... IB ... 4 44 44 4 St ... 4 n 17. . ... ti ... 4 IIS ....IM im 4 rr, i0 4 rts ...17 1 4 US 1. ..171 110 4 US ...,!71 0 4 US ...1 1(B) 4 ....171 IN 4 17, ....1x1 110 4 VS. ....iu 4 4 ns (4.. ..Ml 4.. at l4 t nt 71 tae 7 171 71 114 ti r4 44.. 44... 7.. IS.. II.. M.. U.. 42.. t4.. 43.. T8 ! n ui IU 140 4 ....SIM 41 4 17V, nt ... 4 ....Ts ....171 41. ...m 1W 4 44 SHEEP The receipts this morning wore not very heavy, though larger than a week ago, only forty-four cars being reported In when the market opened. The quality ,,f the receipts waa not of the 1 kind lo niako good market, with the result that the general trad was not as active as usual. Most of the offerings consisted of sheep and lambs on the half fat order that were hardly good enough for the killers, while there were seventeen cars of feeder ewes nd lambs direct from the ranae. Another fact that did not help the condition f the raoo today waa the lower close of me heep market at Chicago yesterday. The result of the undesirable quality of large proportion of the receipts and the condition of other markets waa a dull and slow trade here. Good lambs did not show much chanre and were generally quoted as teauy, a tew natives selling as hlglt as a. Yearllnas were generally nuolril about 10c lower, some pretty decent stuff selling up to 8T.25. The kind of old wethers and ewes here were slow and weak to considerably lower. It being no easy matter to say just how much 011 account of the quality. There were quite a good many buyers In looking for feeder sheep and lambs and no aemana rrom mat sourre was a neip in leaning up the half fat stuff that was not good enough for killers. uuntHtions on fat sneer nnd l.ibs: Good O choice fed Iambs. 87.onirT7.40: srood to choice range lambs. 36.90tr7.30: good to holes yearllne wethers gj.xuil.: amod to Choice old wethers. li.ft",.'iH 00: rood to choice old ewes, 85.00&8.40. Quotations for feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lambs, 3S.5og.00: good feed ing yearuntrn. t.,n'ati.a; good teeuing wethers. 34.6K4.7G: srood feed Ins ewes. 83.60 tat. 10; breeding ewes, 34.6Gftj5.00. Representative sales: No. Av. 95 106 109 94 114 110 58 96 103 71 90 123 UM 96 66 Pr. 3 fcO 4 75 4 75 6 20 6 6 76 6 75 6 10 6 36 7 00 7 '-'S 4 76 6 60 8 26 31 native cull ewes 210 native ewes 36 native ewes 249 native ewes 67 native wethers 2.18 native wethers 36 native lambs 220 native yearling wethers. ao native yearlings 48 native lambs 28 native lambs 07 Nebraska ewes ai9 Nebraska wethers 118 Nebraska yearlings 673 native lambs CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET All Classes of Stock Steady Receipts of Hoars Heavy. CHICAGO. Dec. B. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; common to prime steers, t2.90(ft4.66; cows, $2.fta4.30; heifers. 32.CO&6.O0; bulls. t2.Ottfr4.i6; calves, $2.00("fl7.60. HUUH Kecelpts. 42,000 head market steady; choice to prime heavy, tt 9o6.00; medium to good heavy, 84.8604-96; light weight butchers, 34.1KVft5.oO; good to choice heavy mixed, t4.90h4.96; packing, 34.804)4.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 head; market steady; sheep, t4.OOtt)6.00; year lings, w.uuoje.eb; iambs, t,.wtt:iD, Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.j Dec. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 18,000 head, Including 200 south erns; market on best steers, steady to loc J?n&!4A?:iWr.J dressed beef steers. $6.26476.26: fair to good. $3.606.00; western steers, $3.00l4.7&; stockers and feeders, 82.4043-4.00; southern steers, $2.6ojf4.2&: southern cows, $3.00&3.U; native cows, $2.0064.00; native heifers, f2.5"(oo-10; bulls, $2.3o44.0i); calves, n.60ihi.60. HOGS Receipts. 18.000 head: market opened steady and closed 6c lower; top, $4.95; bulk of sales, $4.76tuv4.90; heavy, $4.86 t.fta; packers, $4.804.90; pigs and lights. $4-60645. SHEEP. AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.600 head; market strong to 10c higher; top lambs, $7.50; western lambs, $6.60t7.50; na tive lambs, $5.6f-7.u0; ewes and yearlings, 84.5CK&6.10; western fed yearlings, 35.u0ia6.10; western fed sheep, .S&jfo.tfi; stockers and feeders, $3.256.60. St. Loots Live Stock Markot. ST. LOUIS. Mo..' Dec. S. CATTLE Re. celpis 6,600 head, including 900 Texans; Market natives strong, Texans steady; na tive shipping and export steers, $4.2g5.0; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.xo4 60: steers under l.Ouo pounds, $2,6044.00; stockers ana reeaers, k.iojo.oo; cows and heifers, $2.00ca4.30; canners. $1.76(03.15; bulls. $2.0o 3.00; calves, $3.60(fl5.oO; Texas and Indian steers, $3.1063,80: cows and heifers uuuu 8.00. HOGS RecelDts. 12.000 head! m.rlr.l Kn higher; pigs and lights. $4 604J4.86; packers. $00-4.70; butchers and best heavy, $4.76y . SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1,600 nean; market steady: native muttons 11 ui 4)6.40; Jambs, $o.toi'i.60; culls and bucks $3.W,4.00; stockers, 33.0VtjH.i5; Texans, 83.76 vx.uv. St. Joaenh I.lvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 8. CATTLE Receipts. 2,l head; market active; natives $3.70ijj4i.26; cows and heifers, $1.6006 26 storkers and feeders, $3.7&t4'3.o ' HlMJS Receipts. 12,046 head;' market steady to strong; light, t4.7txfjp4.8a; medium and heavy, 84 7ixi3p4.SO; bulk. $ SHEEP AND LA M BS Recei pts, T28S head; market ateady; lambs, $7.40; Mexican yearlings, $6.30; wethers, $5.86; ewes, $6.60. Slonx Clly Live stock Markot. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. 6.-Spec1al Tele gram.) - CATTHC - Receipts. LOW hid; .narket steady, stockers slow; beeves 3406 45.76; cows, bulls and mixed. $.ot)44 0o stockers and feeders, $3,7063.60; calves and yearlings, $2.s03.26. HOGS Receipts, 6.300 head; market 60 higher, selling at K7lxa4.t&; bulk of sales $4.;Eh4.oO. Stock la Sight. 1 Receipts of llvs stock at ths sis principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Joseph ... Bt. Louis .... Chicago Totals 4. WO 11.400 $.600 18.0UO 12,046 12,000 42.000 11.600 L600 4.2H6 1.6O0 18.000 I8.00O 2,981 $.600 8.000 38,681 100,946 39.786 Cotton Markot. NEW YORK, Dec. 6-COTTON-flpot closed dull; middling uplands, 12.36c: mid dling gulf, 12oc. Sales, none. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 6.-COTTON-8pot. quiet, prices 12 points higher; American middling fair, 6 Sod; good middling, 6.6ld; middling, 635d; low middling, 6.11; good ordinary. 6. Old; ordinary, 6.a6d. Ths sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculatiun and export and In cluded 6,000 American; receipts, Z3.0UO bales, Including 22.600 American. ST. LOUIS. Doc. 6. COTTON Finn; middling, 12c. Bales, 61 bales; receipts, l.loO bares; shipments, 100 bales; stock, 27, 9 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. I COTTON Steady; sales, 8,85o bales; ordinary, 9 6-lbV; good ordinary, loc; low middling, llc; middling, 12c; good middling, IVjral.l diing fair, 13 H-I60. Receipts, 7,4!)4 "oales; stock. 363.231 bales. CosToo Markot. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. COFFEE Ths market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points and during the early session worked up to a net gain ot 6-10 points on a moderate buying movement, attracted by ateady Eu ropean cablea and light primary receipts. Offerings Increased at the advance, how ever, and tn the afternoon the market was easier, with tha close steady net unchanged to 15 points lower. Sales ware reported of 84 600 bags. Including December at 6.460? I; January. 6.60u.Vic; February, 656c; March. 6 "r 8Sc; April. 6.80c; Vlay, 6 8010 , jc; July; 7j7.16c; September, 7.UVS'7.9uc; Oc fro her. 7 3ft The world's Vlsih I ali.lamenl m,, Almtit the elioert hie supply ed an ins;, tne increase neiog nooui e.,'- l.til)M Inula, agAtnal 1'M(nl tvnas Isst month nnd I4.ew,;i bags last year. Hll. stesdy; No. 7 Rio. 88 3-I6c. OU4.II4 VI HOI.K44LK MATtKKI'. Condition of Trigs anil Qwalatlona oa Staple anal Issrr Prodnre. ' KOOS-Fresh receipts, candled tnck. HSc. L1VK POCf.TRY Hens, c: roosters. c; turkeys, 134414c; din ka, stNc; spring nhlckens. hc; Keese. Miic. DREH8F.D POCLTRV-turkeys. Ittl7cs olu turns, iitcfloc; elilckens, xtilic: old roos ters. 7c; ducks, 104 He; geese. WJlOc. Bt'l TEH t nckli.g sIik K, i6c,- choice tn fancy dulry, lH(19c; crammery. 21U1.,lc; prints, Klc. HI UAK standard granulated. In bbls , 86.11 ier cwl.; cubes, 6n.N1 per cwt. ; cut losf, 3i. 40 per cat.; No. 6. extra C. bags or bbls.. 34 91 per cwt.: No. K. extra C, bags only. I40 per cat.; No. U yellow, bugs only. 14.76 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, 36. no per cwl. FRfc.SH FlSH-Trout. loSHc: haJlhut, 13c; buffalo, dressed, "; pickerel, dressed, 6c; white bass. dresed, u'c; sunflsli, He; pcrcii, scaled and dressed. 8c; pike, 10c; r.i.llali, 13o; red snapper, loc; salmon, 11c; croppies, 13c; eels. ltic; bullheads, 11c; black bus, 2oc; whiteflsh, Uc: frog lens, per dos., 36c; lobsters, green, J7c; boiled lobsters, 3oc; shad roe, 4Rc; blueflsh, 13c; herring, 4c. HAY Prices ottoted by Oinnha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland, 37; medium, $6.60; coarse, 86. BRAN Per ton. 314 60. TROPICAL FRUIT8. ORA NO Ea California Navels, all sises, 83.2;i : Florida, all sises, $3.00. LEMONS Llmnnlera. extra fancy, 340 Slse, 4. 3a; 300 and 800 sixes, M.TTx&b.OO. DATES Per box of So l ib. pugs., $3.00; Hallo wee. In T-lb. boxes, per lb., 104c; layer, per 111.. tc: wamut-sturtea. l-io. tjta.. 1 ;--vv t" 1 81.00. F1O8 California, per 10-lb. carton. TUif !6c; Imported Hinyrna, 4-crown, Uc; crown. 14c. BAN ANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, l."i 4i.x6; Jumiox. .'. 604)3. 0. TANGERINES Florida, per bo Of bout YLi, H.Oo. ORAl'fc t Rl'IT-Per box. 16.30. FRU1T8. PEARS Lawremc and Mount Vernon, $2.60. APPLES California Belleflowers, $1.61 per bu. box; Colorado Jonathan, 82.28 pec mi. box; Hen Davis, $1.6 per - bu. box; Wlnesaps, W OO per bu. box; other VHiieties, $'.'00 per bu., New York apples. 14. 60 per bbl. GRAPES Imported Malagns. $6.8006.00. CRANBKRRlEfl Jerseys, $12.0 per bbl.; Bell and tingle, 113.00. OLD VEGETABLES. POT ATOEt Home-grown, per bu., 604 60c; bouth Dakota, per bu., 7oc. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and red, per bu., 8c; Spamsn, per rrato, $l.i. NAVY BEAfS-Per bu $2.00. LIMA BEANS Per bu., 6c. CABBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin, In crates, per IK., lc. CARROTS, PARSNIPS AND TURNIPS Per bu., 66j76c. CELERY Kaiamasoo, per do., 36c. SWEET POTA'I'OKS-Ksnsaa, per 1-bu. bbl., $Uu4T:.00. NEW VEGETABLES. CAi:L1FlOVVER-Per crate, 83.00. TOMATOES California, per crate of L0 lbs., $2.60. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net, $3.50y6.O. STRING He.AisS Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net. $3.("(i4.00. EGG PLANT Florida, per dox., $1.2y 1.60. GREEN PEPPERS-Florlda. per hamper of about 10 dos., $2.50. TCRNIPS Louisiana, per dog. bunches, 45c. H H A L L O T T 8 Louisiana, per doi. bunches, 75c. HEAD LETTCCE Louisiana, per bbl., $8.0oerjlO.OO; I'"" loi heads, $1.00. LEAF LETTl'CE Hot house, per box of 12 to 16 heads, GGc. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per dos.. $1.25 ffl.60. RADISHES Hot house, per dos. bunches, T6c. MUSHROOMS-Hot house, per lb.. 507j7Jc. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib, 12c; No. 2 rib. 8c: No. I rib. 6c; No. 1 loin. 16c; No. S loin. 10c; No. t loin, 7c; No. 1 chucks, 6c: No. 2 chucks. 4c; No. 3 chucks. So; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plale, 4c; No. 8 plate, 3c; No. 8 plate, $c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3.76; per bbl.. $0.75. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.D0. CHEESE Swiss, new, fe; ; Wlsoonsln brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c; twins, 14c; young Amei leas, 14o."': NUTS Walnuts, -No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c: hard shells, per lb., 13c. Pecans, large, per lb.. 14c; small, per lb., 12o. Pounuts. per Ilk. 7c; roasted, per lb.. 8c. Chill walnuta. per lb., uy13c. Al monds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells. : 7 Vfe; large hickory nuts, per bu $1.60. ' I Chestnuts, per lb.. 16c. Cocoanuts. $4.60 per per lb., 16C. BneiiDars nicaory nuts, per anrlt of 1(10. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. green, 8c; No. 1 sailed. 10c; No. 3 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 11c; No. 1 veal calf, 9e dry salted, 7ft He; sheep pelts, 25ct(i$1.00; borse hides, y..emi.. . Toledo Rood Markot. TOLEDO, Dec. 6. 8EEDS Clover, eosll and December, $sV10; January. S-lf: Febru ary. $8.22. Prime timothy, $1.55. . Prime al slke, $8.06. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. The following deeds were f)leo for record December 6: WARRANTY DEEDS. W. P. Russell and wife 10 Mary Inge, lot 14, Bwetnam's subdiv....$ 1,109 Jay C. Whlnnery and wife to Jean C. Whlnnery, lots 88 and 88, Glse s add 4.000 A. S. Billings, sr., and wife to Wise Memorial Hospital association, part suhlot 15 of lot 6,, Capitol add L) Almlra C. Millard and husband to W. T. Graham, lots 11 to 18 and $7. block 1, Moore's subdlv IM Joseph Varhal and wife to Mary Jell nek, lot $, block 11, 1st add. to South Omaha l.MO Minnie EX Gregg and husband to Mai vlna Miller, lot 4, block It, Halcyon H.ljhts 360 Ernest Sweet and wife to Lucy Wlne gard, n42 feet of a84 feet of ell2.83 feet lot 103 Glse's add 326 Olivia Nelson and husband to Maggie Bradley, lot 23, block 6. Brlgga' Place 350 National Life insurance company to C. C. Kendall. n66 feet of w 44 feet lot 4. block 46. Omaha 7.000 J. H. Sherwood to T. G. Mcllvalne, lol 36. block 11. Brlgga' Place 609 Alexander Hodge and wife to P. A. J. Ove. 11 acres in sw ne and se nw 17-16-13 1,2"0 George ft Co. to Vincence Mallna et al. W40 feet mt e80 feet lot, 6. Ma loney's add 200 B. J. Scannell and wife to Joseph Capek. lot 10. block 2. Burr Place.... 176 M. J. Naylon to Martin Naylon, e lot $, block 8, Drake's add., and n30 feet lot 17, block C, Horbachs subdlv.... 1,600 F. N. Slavin to Union Pacific railway, 1.62 acre In nw sw and 1.9 acre In ne sw 11-15-10 3M Joseph Oddenrlder and wife to same, .36 acre In se sw 11-16-10 ... '.. 10 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Kathne A. IVeeborn to Forest Lawn Cemetery association, sloB feet block 198. Florence 395 W. A. Redlck. administrator, and wife to Joseph Barker, lot t, MrEntse's add., and lot 17, block 2, J. I. Redick's subdlv 1 Same to Joseph Barker and Barber company, lot 24, Mct'andllsti Place., 1 DEEDS. W. N. Chambers, administrator, to Eirrida Hover, lot 11. block 1. subdlv. of block 30. Albright s Choice VA Louis Iesleur, executor, to Elisabeth E. Van Ness, e kits 9 and 10, block lt. Mouth Omaha..... !0 City of Omaha to J. M. Woolworlh, all streets and alleys in Ouk hurst.... 1 Total amount of transfers $'J).K4 PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Membtr Chicago Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exohaiif . Grain and Provisions Bought and gold tor cash or future delivery Receivers and Shippers. , tU and 320 BOARD OF TRADE BLDU. Tel. 1006. OMAHA. F. D. Day & Co. Dealers la ' ' ' Stocks, Grain. 'Provisions akin Year Grata lo la raook atCiao. 1141-43$ Uoaral l Trade BldaT Oaxaks. aVis, Taiaahana 8414, IUT-I14 fcxchangt ftidg.. sVoutk OmaAav aVali 'f BOiae lis. aadsixsaiasat 'fawas $