Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Don't bJlev . dental
L .dvertlsfnnP-t. without
t withont investigation
not evn mine. Advertise
ments nerve merely as an In
troduction; need Boma
thlng mors than that In work
of nuch.' rHfcl Importance a .
A dentist of indifferent abil
ity can do more barm In an
hoar than n good one can re
pair la, a, lifetime. .Neither la
the one demanding the Urg
ent fes necessarily the bent.
Reliable, neatfst
at Reaaoaablo Fee.
U7 Hi Bee Bids.
i,-J J 1
titUi Are' Wat4 V CoaHr
Vlclalty ( Twentieth
, . . a ad Ceatey.
r - .
Th. gas pmpany la preparing to erect a
number of gas taahg ,r)d It la understood
-th. etterpt -rtiis hm. 'will bo mad to
place the tanks at Twentieth and Center
streets. A representative of the fas com
pany was at the city tialf Tuesday morn
ing looking up the gas ordinances relt ting
to the construction ot tanks, and h also
called upon Building; Inspector Wlthnell
preparatory to asking for a permit. It Is
understood the company intends to erect
a number ot the tanks and will spend
several thousand dollars. '
Gone Crasy.
Many people hare (one crasy from dys
pepsia, constipation, etc.; Dr. King's New
Life Pills cure; 25c;' guaranteed. For sals
by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Very Lsit Eicirttig Rates
. , . . Christians Holidays
To all points, on the Nickel Plate road be
tween Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale,
December a. Sly 23, ao and M. 1M6, and
January.!, INS, . with limit returning Jan
uary I. 190. ' Rate one and a third far
' for the round trip. Individual club meals.
ranging In price from as cents to fl.00, and
mid-day luncheon. to cents, served In
Nickel Plate dining cars; also service a la
carte. - No excess fare. Chicago city ticket
'offices, 111 Adams street and Auditorium
' annea. Depot, La Balle and Van Buren
streets, the only depot In Chicago on the
Elevated Loop.
. Opportaatttoa
on the Una of the Chicago Great Western
railway . Iowa, Missouri. Illinois and
Minnesota tor business men, professional
men and manufacturers. Openings tor
nearly all lines In live towns on a pro
gressive railway, affording a "square deal"
for all. Maps, Maple Leaflets, Town Talk
and full Information given on request to
inaustrlal Department, . C. O. W. Railway.
St. Paul, Minn., or B. B. Maglll. manager
.ewnsito Department. Omaha. Neb.
' ' ' Am I mbrellst .
would make an acceptable Christmas pres
ent. Our stock Is large and prices low.
Let u lay ens away tor you. You oan ex
change K,lf you wish. .Take a look any
way. Mawhlnney at Ryan. ','.. ,;
13-K. wedding rings. Edholm, jeweler.
' -JeoV) Ki Jerome.
Jerome K. Jerome will lecture in Omaha
December ; 2s.. tf present plans ot the
Woman's club ate,, ,moObructed.- The
clam has" made an engagement with Mr.
Jerome to give one of his lectures, under Its
auspices, at the First Congregational
church it he comes this far west on his
lecturing tour.
Great Physiologist
Once Said that the 'Way. to Keep the
Stomach Healthy i to ' Ex
ercise It.
Bat Ha Did Not Tell How to Make It
. Healthy.-
' ' The muscles ok the body csn be devoloped
by exercise until their strength hag 'In
creased manifold, and a proper amount of
training each day will accomplish this re
suit, but It Is somewhat doubtful whether
' you can Increase the digestive powers of
t uiv vvunucn- vy eating inoigesuoio xooa In
' order to fords It to work. :
Jt Nature baa furnished us all with a perfect
set of organs, and if they are not abused
they will attend to the business required of
. ihetn, They need no abnormal strength.
.. There la a limit. to the weight a man can
- lift, and there Is also a limit to what the
stomach can do.
' The cause of dyspepsia. Indigestion and
mtny similar diseases Js that the stomach
has. been exercised too much and It Is tired
or worn out. Not exercise but rest is what
. It needs.
To take something into the stomach that
will relieve It from. Its work for short
time something to digest the food-wlll
give It a rest and allow It time to regain
Its strength.
.The proper gld to: the digestive organs
Is Btuart'g Dyspepsia Tablets, which cure
dyspepsia, Indlgextlon, gas on the stomach
and bowel-, hesu'uurr.. palpitation of the
.heart and ail stomach diseases.
. Kent and invlgoratkm is what the stom' gets when you use Stuart's Dyspepsia
T:iiiuts, for one grain of the active princi
ple In them Is sufficient to digest I.W0
I grains of food. ' ' ' ,
them. . i
j The Tablets 'litcieuse the flow of gastric
Julre nnJ s prevent f)M nnUtion, acidity
mnd sour eructlon-. " 1
Do not attempt to starve out dyspepsia.
You need all your strength.
. The common sense method is to digest the
food for the atomtrh and give It a rest.
..Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not make
iIim cure, but enable the organs to throw
.tT unhealthy conditions.
Perfect digestion means perfect health,
for under these conditions only do the dif
ferent organs ot the body work right and
receive the building-up material found In
lure blood, ,
. Stuart's Dyspcpxla Tablets are a natural
remedy and are a speciAc for stomach
troubles. The ablest physicians prescribe
,tb-m. ' 1 , , '
The Tablets are pleasant to the taste and
are. composed of fruit and vegetable ex
tracts, golden oral and pnpsln. - -
A all drug stores 40 cents per package.
i . - ..... - ......
r-, .''?'
a f V k a (Mnuiil.m
la ha a 4 fc.u .
- i nil 1 k mm Mtn af
Sj V J a t.Wti... a mm4 lH
U M !--.. U, m, r
if -rm m S4M)
aim" Ui.,MMuis
ROADS PASS UP CORN RATE Line. Decide lot to Hui Cat
Amonnoed bj Milwaukee.
Farther Reasoa Is 1 rge4 that Port
Of Balilsier ts Already Bloek
aaed and Woald Be la
vrlso to laereaeo It.
The western railroads whose represen
tatives met In Chicago Monday, decided
not to meet the rate enounced to the Inter
state Commercial commission of JO entg
on corn from Omaha and 28H cent from
Kansas City. The dispatch aays this
action wss taken because of the car
shortage on the western lines and he causa
the eastern lines" could not be relied upon
to help out on this shortage. They also
say the port of Baltimore Is In a state of
blockade and that It would be nonsense
to make a rate which would flood corn
to that port. -- -
The present rate on corn from Omaha to
Baltimore la lift cents, which leaves quite
a margin , for ocean traffic for those whs
wish to export by that route. The Mil
waukee did not make much of a cut, but
simply Announced a good through rate.
Xereaaeit tya, "lis At Omaha."
"It Is a slap at Omaha by the Milwau
kee," said Secretary Merchant of the
Omaha. Grain exchange. "No railroad has
ever done such a thing before as to dls-
criminate against Omaha In favor of Kan
sas City In rates to the eastern seaboard.
The Omaha Grain exchange will 'not stand
for It and if the Milwaukee wants' to do
any grain business out of Omaha it will
have to get the rate from Omaha to Balti
more on a level with that from Kansas
Mr. Merchant Is of the opinion that other
roads, for their own protection, will have
to make a rate from Omaha of '4 cents,
the same as that made by the Milwaukee
from Kansas City. He has wired head
quarters of several roads to See what they
will do In the matter. '
Local grain offices Tuesday morning had
reports to the effect that Chicago exporters
were denied cars by the Milwaukee on the
ground that the road needed all Its curs to
carry corn from Omaha and Kansas City.
As far as can be learned none has been
bought - here by exporters. One eastern
house Is reported as having bought 1,000,004
bushels of corn at Kansas City since the
Milwaukee announced the rate. '
' The question of the new 'tariff came up
at the meeting 'of the executive committee
of the Commercial club Tuesday nnd the
feeling was expressed that 11 will operate
against the interests of Omaha. ' The mat
ter was referred to the transportation com
mittee with power to approach ' the rail
roads In an attempt to obtain a rate on the
same basis aa Kansas City. Euclid Martin
and N. B. Updike were aded to the com
mittee. War oa "Cartridge Rates.
From the war which la now on between
the railroads for the shipments of loaded
cartridges from Chicago and the Mississippi
river to Omaha a person would be led to
think some other kind of a war was In
progress. The rate on loaded cartridges
was 46 cents from Chicago and 86 cents
from the Mississippi river. The i Great
Western cut this- rate to 27 and 23 cents
and now the Burlington is out ' with the
announcement that it will haul these shells
for St and 17 cents' per 100. This beats
the best rate announced to date by 6 cents
per 100. The Burlington rate waa effective
December 1 ...-...
Balldlasr at hops. ' - '
The1 Union 'Pacific Railroad company1 is
going right ahead with construction of its
new shops, ' In spit of the weather. ' The
foundation for the office building Is com
plete and the foundation on the stripping
sheds Is being put in, although steam hag
to be utilised to thaw out the ground.
Motor car No. 4 Is about ready to send
out and several of the -others are well
under way. Two steel baggage and mail
cars are being constructed to be used as
trailers on the branch roads where these
motor cars will be used. The motor cars
are of 00-borse power,' which is sufficient
to haul a trailer laden with mall and bag
gage and express Motor car No. 8, which
went .to Galveston, has been the Cause of
two 110,000 suits, because the conductor of
the car refused to let negroes ride. Trailers
may be constructed for these negroes for
the cars which will be used on the southern
RaUsray Notas aaa Personals.
D. O. Clark,kuperlntendent ot coal sup
ply tor ine union facinc, nas gono to
- W. J. Underwood has been aooolnted ren
era! manager of the Milwaukee to suommm!
H. R. Williams, who - resigned to accept
the presidency of the Paclflu railway whtcn
la being built in Oregon and which la con
sidered a part of the Milwaukee's road to
the. coast, which .was announced a few
days ago. , .
K. D. Ktttoe, chief clerk to Superintend
ent J. Russell of the Nebraska and Kansas
Olvtsltm of the Missouri Pacific, the head'
quarters of which have just been trans
ferred to Omaha, is in the city sunerhv
tending the tilting up of the new offices In
the Uranlte block, where four rooms have
been secured on the second floor. The
force which will come to Omaha by thta
change ot headquarters will consist for the
pieeent of J. Russell, superintendent; IS.
t. Klttoe, chief clerk; O.. W. Nellson, time
keeper; Q. H. Edwards, accountant: Mrs.
1). H. Harrison, stenographer; F. O. Bright,
timekeeper; Miss Parrett. clerk, and a isl
'egraph operator and another stenographer.
Mr. Russell la expected to arrive Wednes
day and the rest of the force will come
soon as the furniture, which is now at the
freight house, la Installed.
' Heartreadlagi . .
waa the ataie of A. C, euckel'S daughter.
Miletus, W. Va.. with a leg "sore. Buck.
len s Arnica Salve cured her. 2&c. For sale
by Bl crmaa A McConnell Drug Co.
Theodore F. Roddy of Nebraska City has
been admitted to practice Defore the fed
eral 'Vuris for the district of Nebraska.
Mrs. Snrah MrAshan, for several years a
clerk Ui the office of the county clerk,-ias
reslaued her position. Mrs. McAshan will
hereafter conduct the Bachelors at Twen
ly-tlftb and Dodge streets, having bought
the leaae ana lurulture.
Mrs. I Muser gave a matinee theater
partv at the BtirwiNd Tuesday, followed by
luncheon at Balduff'a The guests were
Mnmlitmra O. W. Johnston, B. F. Marshall
li. B. Ilayward and J. M. Martin. Misses
Uesaie Brvuholt and Daisy JankowaKI. -
To signalise the occupancy of the new
Beats school building at Forty-eighth and
Walnut streets. Principal Virginia While
.and her tai-hers wil hold a reception
Thursday evening at s o clock In the ne
building. A program will be glveu by the
pupils. The public m Invited. -
John Hart has brought suit In the United
States circuit court against the Mason City
A Fort. Dodge Railway company for M.OuO
damages sustalnnd by- the depreciation of
the value of tils properly on Nineteenth
street, near Leavenworth, caused by the
building of the Ureal. Western terminals In
this city. .
Cream Charloitc
y The Pure '
7k Cream ef Cream i
lor tlit -Via and tL complexion.
A pure M ray of eiuulune.
Vrlts (or (ra sample jar and VooVLrt.
Da Jcas Perfumery Co.
RgpulUe BIjY Cklcatfo -.
' aaio la Oaaaha fcy Bwaloa Store,
at m rur RSUSES
The flyaay Girl" at the Km.
Hal Reld hag outdone any of his previous
etTortg In this latest of his productions.
Picked from the bill, the characters are a
gypsy boy, a roue and a rascal, a drifted
leaf, a human wolf, a "lady" known aa
the leopardess, one more unfortunate, a
gypsy queen, a dug and the gypsy girl.
The gypsy girl Isn't a gypsy girl at all,
but the heiress to an even seven hundred
thousand dollars, which she Is tti hold In
trust for her brother, who Is the wslf.
Neither ef them know It, and the roue and
rasaal, who happens to be their stepfather
and g-unrdlan, is anxious to get rid ot
them before they And It out. He has spent
some of the money, and will have to go te
prison if discovered. The leopardesi Is In
terested because she Is living with the roue
and rascal without going through "the
meaningless twaddle of a marriage cere
mony," as It Is cheaper to quit thin to
get divorced. Bhe Is just a little bit afraid
that he will quit first, though. The human
wolf is there to do whatever killing the
rode and rascal can't do himself. The
drifted leaf la looking for his daughter,
who la the unfortunate, having been rend
ered such by the roue and rascal, and the
gypsy 'boy Is the little hero in the end.
The dog Is dragged around the stage by
a rope or carried In the arms of the drifted
leaf, for some undeveloped reason. Four
acts are taken to unravel the tangled
skein, but In the end all comes right.' The
gypsy girl is kept busy as a nailer "gass
ing" people and dodging the divers forms
of desth aimed at her and her brother by
the wolf and the roue and rascal, aided by
the leopardess and the gypsy queen, but
she wipe out all right, and the curtain
finally goes down on her triumph. ' The
company Is aa good aa the play. A amall
crowd witnessed Its first performance at
the Krug last night. The piece will be
repeated st a matinee this afternoon and
end its engagement this evening.
Aaaoaneenseata of tho Theaters.
The engagement of Miss Kennarit and
her compnny in "The Eternal City" at the
Boyd closes today with a matinee and
evening performance. On tomorrow even
ing Fred C. Whitney's latest production,
"The Land of Nod," will beitin Its visit to
Omaha, coming almost direct from Chi
cago, where It enjoyed a Ave months' run
of continued success. The company num
bers over 100 people and is equipped with
the richest of costumes, scsnory and lighting-
Sedley Brown, the new stae director of
the Burwood, is tnklng lurid or his work
lth vigor nnd seal, and rj-.m;g to keep
the Woodward Stock company ip t .con
cert pitch from now on. The success of
I'nder the Red Robe". Is admitted and the
ttendance Is very large. The nt matinee
111 be -given on Thnr.lay tft-rom for
the benefit of the shopplnr wnmcin.
Following soon after the Spook minstrels
here, it Is most agreeable to have another
sinking feature turn out to be n genuine
hit." The Melonl trio. Italian street slng-
ers and instrumentalists, are proving all the
word "hit" Implies In the' theatrical vernac
ular. A number of the other acts on at the
Orphcum this week are acorlng buavlly and
taken as a whole the bill is proving its
popularity by drawing and enthfwlng big
audiences. Then it smbrac;s mut h thul Is
well calculated for the women and chil
dren who attend the matinees, the next of
hich afternoon performances will be given
on Thursday.
' Roller Skate Rare.
The first race of the season on rollJr
skates at the' Auditorium rink will take
placo this evening at o'clock. It will be a
mile race between Clnton Hlghy, the cham
pion rnsi gxater oi umana, ana an out-of
town man who cans minseii "the un
known." The excellence of the new floor In
sures a mighty swift race and the Btrangcr
will have to put up an extra good article of
speed to defeat Mr. Hlgby. The ustinl ad
mission will be charged. Thursday after
noon will be the first special matinee for
the benefit of women skaters. ThereNftlll bo
music by the band and all women will be
admitted free of charge.
Chrlatnaaa Holiday Exearsloa Rates
Via the Nickel Plate road between Chicago
and Buffalo. Dates of sale December 23,
24, 25. SO and SI, 1906, and January X, UdS,
at a fare and a third for the round trip,
with return limit of . January t, 180.
Through train service to New York City,
Boston and other eastern points. No ex
cess fare. Individual club meals served in
Nickel Plate dining care. Three through
trains dally from La. Balle and Van Buren
Street station, the only depot in Chicago
on tho Elevated Loop.
latoraatloaal Mve -toe Ksgoaltlosu
, CHICAGO, DEC, lt-O, UuS.
For tho above occasion tho Chicago
Great Western Railway w!!! sell tickets
to Chicago at only ona fare, plus ti, for
the round trip. Tickets on gala December
II to It, inclusive. - Final return, limit De
cember 24. For full Information apply ts
S. D. Farkhurat, general agent, 1512 Far
nam street. Omaha. 'Neb.
To tho OMee-rs tat Me sabers of Social
Lodge, D. of II.
m Funeral of Brother H..Q. Cassell will be
held Wednesday, December t, at I p. m. at
his. late place of residence, 11S8 North
Eighteenth street. All members, also sister
ludgt-s. are requested to attend.
TINA BRKWSTER, Chief of Honor.
-. HE LI SB A DALT, Recorder.
Shrlacrs, Take Jtotlcol
Owing to the death ot the beloved wife
of our Illustrious potentate, John T. Yates,
the ceremonial session of Tangier Temple
announced for December t is Indefinitely
postponed. A. H. HIPPLK.
Chief Rabban.
Krto Rallgoad.
No change of cars Chicago to New Terk.
Boston. Mass. i Buffalo, N. T., and Colum
bus, Ohio. Theso trains carry splendid
Pullman and dining cars and coaches. Ap
ply to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan, T. P.
A., Railway Exchange, Chicago.
We hare decided to continue to. give till
Dec. U, 1 extra portrait . In a beautiful
Messo Portfolio with each dog. regular
priced photos (rom M up. This offer on the
west side of Bo. 16th Et. only. U. Ileyn,
Pbotograpner. wt to 83 Bo. Utb Bt
Write Mawhlnney t Ryaa ror 1MI Christ-
maa jewelry catalogue. It's free.
Harry B. Dana, uaderiaaa. Tel. UJi
Sterling Btlver Frenser, l&tti and Dodge.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths cava
bean reDorted to Iha Hoard of h dur
ing the twenty-four houra ending at noon
Births Robert Brewer. 1C1 North
Twenty-third, boy; Hans Clausen, Fourth
street and Avenue K. Kaat Omaha, girt;
H. R. Wright, l.ta) South tiixth. buy i rl 1.
Jones, !' 1 Capitol avrnutt, boy; Joseph
Nick. T1 Bouth Twelfth, girl; Puter
Clausen, east Omaha, boy; John I-iynchl
bo Bouth f ortieth, boy; Joe Rita, Hit Wil
liam, boy; J. A. Thompson, fi Grand avo
nue. boy; Jacob Vaaak. IJbi South Thlr-tt-enth.
gtri; William lawton, tug South
Twenty-s. venth, boy; Solomon FVrnat, 14
Boutb Thirteenth, girt.
Iteaths Andrew V . Ban ford. Detlone
noi-i. s; sanies neaiey, mis uarneid, H
l.llte paraon. 1101 Mouth Nlnelit h. 1
William Uarrla t.oluredj, UJ Norm laoth.
Jews appeal-to roosevelt
Draft Fetition la Wkloh Tat Bur Pmi
dent to Ail Boitia'j OprtL .
Memorial Prays that presleVat, aa
Frleati ot Jastlee. Haaaaalty
as Peace Rsert taflaeaee
to Btea Massacre.
A, committee of prominent Omaha Jews
has Voiced the sentiments of the Jewish
residents of this city into a set of resolu
tions which were adopted at a meeting
held Monday at the - church ot the con
gregation B nal Israel. The committee met
Tuesday morning at the office of L. Harris,
209 South Thirteenth street and signed a
set of the resolutions which will be sent
to President Roosevelt. Tho resolutions
read; ,
OMAHA. Neb.. Dec. 5. 115. At a memor
ial meeting, held yesterday afternoon, by
the Jews of the city of Omaha, In the
Congregation B nal Israel, In memory of
the thousands of Jewish martyrs that lost
their lives In the recent massacres In Rus
sia, the following resolutions were unani
mously adopted: .
we, the Jews or the city of Oman, in
common not only with our co-religlonists
In America and throughout the world, but
with all rlght-teeilng nw-n everywhere, have
been allocked am) grieved beyond expres
sion by the horrible massacres perpetrated
wiuioui cause upon ine innocent ana neip
less Jews of Russia. .
We, therefore, wish to give expression to
our indignant protest at these cruel bar
barities, and appeal to the sentiment of
justice and humanity of the civilised world.
that means be found that these inhuman
trocitles be brought to an end.
We especially BDDoal to the president of
the United Slates, as the Droved friend of
justice, of humanity and of peace, that he
un Ills il liuwvi ntiu nniunilo (II IK!-
half of our Russian co-rellginnlsts, to pre
sent any such further outrages and to
protect oy every means in nis power tnese
helpless beings from savage fury and mer
ciless attack. ' .
Be It Resolved, That a cony of theso
resolutions be sent to the president with
our earnest prayer that he give heed to
our petition.
riilUP STE1NN.
- Committee.
Orgaalsatioa of aa Aaxillary t
Sapport the School Effected
, Last Sight.
The Organisation of the Bellevue College
league of Nebraska was' effected Tuesday
evening at the Commercial club by the
election of Rev. Edwin Hart Jeuks of
Omaha as president; II.' E. Maxwell ot
Omaha, vice president, And Miss M. A.
Covert of Bellevue, secretary and treas
urer. . , ,
The organization U the result ot a
-largely, attended banquet at the Commer
cial club rooms given by the board of
trustees of Bellevue college to the Pres
byterian friends of the, college in Omaha
and vicinity. The 220 guests. of the evening
included many of the leading cltlsens ot
Omaha. . -. ,;,,,,.
. President Ouy W. ydsworth of Bolls
vue college presided and .at. his right sat
Rev. J. Stuact Dickson ofc-New York, sec
retary of tho general ' Presbyterian college
board, the principal speaker ot the even
ing. During the serving" of the courses
the college octet gang, ftet" the invoca
tion by Dr. DluksoA, aviKtmber of collega
gongs. ' - v
At 8:30 President Wnrtswrn-th In a brief
address Introduced ,T., ,M.,Jwllhelm, piesi
ent Of the board of trustees, who ex
tended the formal weloome to J)r. Dick
son, who said Jii part;
There' are feWer consecrated Christian
leaders in the world now than ever be
fore. Thla world is to be saved by tho
work of the church of the living ..- Ood.
Fewer men are offering themselves, for tho
ministry than ever before. It is a popular
misconception that the ministerial life Is
one of saui -llice. On the-contrary, men en
tering the ministry better themselves bv
it. Only thirty young men out of the 1,-00
gtaduated from Harvard, ' Yale, Columbia
and Princeton during the past year gave
any intimation of going Into the work of
Jesus Christ to save the world. We oa
not look to our state universities fof re
cruits to the ministry. In the Minnesota
State university only Ave men have within
the past twenty-seven years offered them
selves for the ministry. .
- We must have institutions consecrated
to the work of Jesus Christ under Christian
influences. Our chapel services must be
the central figure ot our smaller theolog
ical schools. Out of these small ChristlHn
colleges come men most strongly educatod.
Twenty of the twenty-pine Presbyterian
ministers of Philadelphia are graduates of
ine small cnristian colleges, and twenty
four of the twenty-flve Presbyterian min
isters of Pittsburg are graduates of iha
amall Christian colleges. Of the 291 men
ana women now at sort in the foreign
Presbyterian mission fleld -Ot are gradu
ates of these small Christian collegia and
M per cent of our home missionaries are
uaewise graduated from. Jhese colleges.
Dr. Dickson closed his. address with a
strong plea for the support of Bellevue
college and asked, "What will you do?
The Lord helps those who help themselves.
Out at this spirit of Bellevue college; make
It what It can be made and do It now."
Rev. E. H. Jenks followed Dr. Dickson
In a similar strain and .dwelt particularly
upon the opportunities ' that lay before
Bellevue, particularly with reirard to Its
location near this great city of Omaha.
Dr. WadsworUi made an appeal for Belle
vue college and urged that its friends ap
portion a part of their means monthly In
small amounts for Its support. Calls were
then made for monthly subscriptions from
SO cents up to $5. The result was that the
equivalent of an endowment fund approxi
mating 115,000 was orally .pledged. Carda
were then distributed among the visitors
guaranteeing monthly subscriptions which,
brought the endowment fund up to about
IJS.OOQ. The subscriptions all date from the
first of the current month. ,
The organisation of the Bellevue College
league was then effected. The purpose of
the league Is to stimulate an interest la
the college and create ftp It an "esprit de
Koll-aer aad Others to Testify.
Subpoenas have Ik en issued for the ap
pearance of George I. ' Follmer. former
commissioner of public lands and buildings;
C. F. McCain, manager for R. O. Dun A
Co,. IJncoin, and Frank M. Bllsh, manager
for R. O. Dun Co., Omaha, to appear be-
c . .. .: . -'
& -, -." iragg--.: . , ...
Genthmen, we tale for the eubect of our claim on your,
t (tent ion today, the genuinaly superior mtrit of ths gfovei we '
sell at $100 and $1.50, but not $2 00 because most of the
$2.00 gloves are etandard makes ihit sell for tht same price the
world over.
Ihese $1 and 1.50 gloves are our own conception-' made
to onr orderswe think, affording a better merit because we've
rigidly stipulated abetterness in every particular, better leather,
better sewing Men's glove at $1 and $1.60 in addition to
our own special males, we have the Famovs "Adler" gloves.
We have a generous supply of silk lined gloves which are en
joying quite m lot of favor among dressy men, Xull line of
heavy outdoor gloves, driving anJ auto gloves als$) fur gloves.
fore Special Examiner C. W. Pearsall at
the Union Pacific headquarters Thursday to
Rive testimony in ine i nion r-arinc
earing case. The managers for R. O.
Dun A Co. are directed to bring with ,
them their merchandise reports for the
vear 1904.. The examination pertains to the ,
assessment of taxes against the I'nlon Pa
cific by the State Board ot Equalisation for
the year 1904.
Eaforremeat of Law Goveralag Gna
ployascat of Woaaea aad Chll.
drea Receives Atteatloa.
A new problem hat confronted the local
club women In their effort to secure the
enforcement of the Nebraska law governing j
the labor of women and children and that
Is "what, constitutes conspicuous posting."
The law provides that copies of this taw
shall be posted In conspicuous places wher
ever women and children are employed.
Tuesday afternoon a little party of club
women made the round of the department
stores to see to What extent this provision
was complied with, and .while they found
the placards posted In places that certainly
would be counted conspicuous, they found
also that. In the majority of places, (he
cards had been draped over with some par- I
ttcularly attractive bargain or concealed
behind something else calculated to attract
the attention, of the shopper. Regarding
their excursion one of the women said:
"We simply made this Investigation with
a view of ascertaining for ourselves to what
extent this part of the law is enforced. Of
course we are prompted by something more
than curiosity; we mean to Inform our
selves, and If It becomes necessary we will
be ready to make use of bur Information.
At this time of year when the Christmas
gales necessitate the hiring of additional
help, there Is most danger of the laTw being
violated, and where a custom becomes es
tablished In a store It la much more diffi
cult to correct It.
"At present the department store pro
prietors are doing very well in not working
their women employes overtime, nor em
ploying children under age, but It has been
less than a month since one proprietor, re
fusing to comply with the law, was taken
before a magistrate and severely repri
manded afnd promised the full penalty tor
future violations. , This proved a valuable
lesson to more than one employer of women
ana children. It, la not te desire of the
women to stir up any agitation in thla
matter;' and for that reason ,we" kept this
incident from the papers when It happened.
We believe the majority of business men
will be willing to comply with the law, es
pecially If their attention Is called to cases
where It has been overlooked. The matter
of the posting of placards probably will be
called to the attention of the proprietors!
of the stores, though the women Insisted
their Investigation was purely Informal and
prompted by personal Interest only.
Tho fciric Raltroadf
The Picturesque Trunk Line of America'.
announces Its through train service from
Chicago to New York and Boston. Mass.,
also Its Columbus (O.) short line. For
through tickets and rates of faro, etc.,
apply to your local ticket agent, or to J. A.
Dola. T. P. A., Railway Exchange, Chi
cago. Rich Jewelry Prenaer. 15th ar4 Dodge.
nctcotlro la Troable.
.-Albert .Orandlson, 1224 Chicago street, a
colored man, who claims to be an expert
detective, was arrested last night on the
charge that he was a vagrant of suspicious
character and that he had Impersonated
an officer. Orandlson has been hanging
around town for the nst three weeks, dur
ing which time -he baa made numerous
visits to the Jail.
W. II. Woodhurst of North Platte is at
the Henshaw. 1
Mrs. John T. Stout left Monday ev ening
for Atchison. Kan.
D. B. Mines of Norfolk and l W.
Morgan of Fullerton are at the Murray-
Mrs. H. A. Oleson of DeSmet. B. D.,ls I
guest oi M
Irs. J. A. Hope at the Artade
P. J. Greek of Genoa, C. W. Crabha of
Fremont and l C. French of Arlington
are registered at the Millard. N -
T. W. Rulige and wife of Avoca. T. P.
Price, J, B. Flchter and F. E. Martins of
Battle Creek and J. Sweeney of Broken
tow are at the Arcade.
If. C. Andrews of Kearney, H. B. Benger
of Wllber. Charles T. Neal of L-ncoln,
J. O'Sht-u of Humphrey and B. C Crltch
Held of IJncoln are Kebraskana at the
W. Henderson. C. F. Wsy, C. 8. Brandon
and wife, A. J. Robinson snd Ben Apple
of Lincoln, O. IJbby of Tekamah, George
A. Miles and wife of O'Neill and H. ('.
Veil, wife and daughter of Albion are at
the Her Grand.
Charles A. Rannack, who claims the
world's championship In the matter of
corn husking, is at the (Murray, from
Shenandoah, la. This honor ha won on
Icember , 1!"3. at that place, by husking
H bushaU in. ten hours. -
At the Merchants: J. C. Sullivan, Val
ley; T. J. Terry. K. E. Terry. Tlldnn; T. J.
Ilrownfieid. IJncoln; John Wilson, Kearney;
C. E. E-rman, Grand Island; U M. Gor
man. IJncoln; J. M. Cain. Chadron; O. A.
Anderson. IJncoln; A. Wall, Ioup City;
R. M. Moran, Hyannls.
12-incli Victor Records, $1.50 each; reduced to $1.00.
10-inch Victor
7-inch Victor Records, 50c each, reduced to 35c.
Largest Stock of Victor Records in the West. '
... .
The Los Angeles Limited
J A fSew Clectrio Lighted Train:
Mhkh Will
and every day thereafter by tho . . -'..i
The New and Direct Line to Southern California.''
For full information inquire at. .
Deprecates Possibility of Lear
tag City Wlthoat Taxlagr
. Power.
The action of John T. Cathrrs In enjoin
ing the consolidation of the offices of the
city and ' county treasurers has been ' re
ceived at the city hall with evident satis
faction from all quarters, because the suit
has been filed in time to secure a decision
from the supreme court by the flrst of the
year, and the legal department,, which will
look ' after the charter, will endeavor to
bring about an early decision.
City Treasurer Hennings expressed sur
prise that the suit had been filed, though
expecting It for some tlmo.
City Tax Commissioner Fleming was
j equally Indifferent as to results Insofar as
he personally Is concerned.
Assistant City Attorney Herdman ex
pressed satisfaction that the mattrtr was to
get Into the courts and be settled. "I have
no doubt but what the charter will be held
good,' he said.
"Cathers has been posing as a reformer
i and as such he should be found defending
the consolidation sections of the charter.
aa undoubtedly ' the consolidation saves
money to the tax payers."
"The most vital question at stake," said
a local office holder, "is the legality of
the assessment for city purposes by the
county board which-If held to be illegal
would leave Omaha without taxing power."
Coaasaltteo oa ScTeatecath Street
Project Receives Mirk
- Eaeoaragesaeat.
At a meeting of property owners who are
Interested In -is erection of the new hotel
on the corner of Seventeenth and Douglas
streets. Which was held at the Millard
hotel Tuesday night, the hustling committee
reported splendid progress in the matter
of securing stock subscriptions. The com
mittee reported that ttt,ono had been sub
scribed and that It thought the balance
ot the money required would be secured in
a few days. Encouragement for the enter
prise Is met on every hand and all whom
the committee approach are heartily In
favor of tho hotel project and every en
couragement Is given. A large number of
Interested property owners were In attend
ance at the meeting and the feeling pre
vailed that the project waa an assured fact.
Maa Arrested for Maktagr His Own
Cigarettes la get at
At the conclusion of the arguments of
counsel Tuesday afternoon Judge Kennedy
of the district court ordered the release
from custody of Edward Stout. This Is
the case In which Attorney W. D. McIIugh
sued out a writ of habeas corpus to have
Sergeant Dempsey of the police force bring
Stout Into court and show by what right
he was deprived of his liberty. Judge Ken-
Records, $1 each, reduced to 60c.
.9 1513
He lYetM'ntrxl
r t V -e
1324 FARM AM ST.
nedy holds in effect the arrest was unjuntl
fled and that Stout had a right to roll cig
arettes for his own .use. , - , .
Waats Inqaest oa m Horse.
8. S. Foster of ? Korth Twenty. sixth
street is said to hgve caused a smile of
amusement to overspread the features of
Sergeant Marshall of the police ' force yes
terday afternoon by a request for tho
service Of the coroner.' "You see," lib
said, "my horse got hit-by a street -car
at Thirty-third-and Cuming and when I
was leading hltn homo he fell down snd
died at Twenty-sixth . and Cuming, t
thought ouirht some way to
kind o" find out Whgt: cauM! the deatli
of the horse and to see Just exactly who
is responsible for thla. Do you reckon the
coroner is the right man to seef') 1
"on and off like a coat." No stretch,
lng and twisting just comfort. Fact
colors and hiie l M and mora at
best stores.
I llllHM ml aairw A UtUn l-tk. WM
nil -Wi. p-w WWWNIW mmmwmmjn
has made a . BPK
C'lAT.Ty of all forms
of diseases of . - .
to Yoara In Omaha.
Over 30,000
Caaas Curod
Varlcocelo, Hydro
cele, Blood Poison,
is I Stricture. -Gleet,
. V Nervoua Debility.
Loss of Strength and Vitality.
Ilia Homo Troatraaat '
has permanently curad thousands of eases
of .chronic Nervous, Rectal. Kidney and
Bladder snd Skin diseases at small cost.
iH-st-rlbe vour case and write for FRf-W
BOOK and terms of treatment. Medicine
sent In plain package . , .
Charges Loss Thaa All Others.
Office Hours a. in. to : p. m. Sun
days, I a. m. to I p. in.
Call or write. Box Office St South
Hth street, Omaha Neb.
Douglas St., Omaha
an sin , tm, ra
M eeats tho Jar,