Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Dally pAe (without Sunday), one year. .14 on
Ihilly Be and Sunday, one ear t
Illustrated Be, one year 2M
Sunday Bh, on year 2.M
Saturday Bee, on year l.W
pally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. .17c
Ially Bm (without Sunday!, per week. .lie
f.venlng P (without Sunday), pr wk w
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week...Wc
Sunday Rn, per ropy &C
Address rnmplainta of Irregularities in de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1M0 Unity Building.
New York 1WW Home Life In. Building.
Washington tot Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter should he addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only t-cent stamps received as payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Doug-Ins County, ss:
C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
say that the 'actual number' of full ana
complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of November, 1906, was as fol
I ntjwa i slbso
t Sl.llO 17 81.TT0
1 81,1 AO 1 a2.fWO
4 S1.7B0 18 2n.HftO
1 2,7 20 81.8IW
4.MM, a .-81,000
M,1M - 22 81,430
Be.fflO ' i . a............ 82,IM
. 81 .30 24 81,850
14 St, XN X 8a,44tO
II 81.W40 , 2 Stt.UilO
12 20,IWH 27 81,00
13 31,200 2S 81.8MO
14 SlWO 29 81.B-40
1& 81,430 30 81, OHO
Total MMH
Less unsold copies 10,313
Net total sales. ...'... SSOJKtS
Dally average 81,207
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 1st day of Decemoer. is.
(Seal) M. B. HITNGATE.
Notary Public.
Subscribers leswlas; the city tern
rartly sanuld have Tae Be
nailed them. It Is better thaw
dally letter from home. Ad
dress will be changed as oftea as
The "big stick" has a hopeful sound
even when it falls In Nebraska.
The Milk Dealers' association has pro
nounced ' the newspaper milk shake a
tempest in the luk pot.
If the length of his message indicates
bow much the president esteems con
gress, he must think a great deal of It
When the government has completed
it Investigations Uncle Sam may still
hare, some good homesteads to give
away iu Nebraska.
With Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
flirting with the duke of Devonshire,
Irish nationalists may have to revise
their campaign program.
The city's asphalt repair plant has
been put in cold storage for the season
and the experts that have operated it
are having their much needed rest.
Unfortunately for. the Californlana
who would bar Japanese and Coreans
from America the "sandlotters" went
out of business with Dennis Kearney,
It remains to be seen which agent or
representative of the "cattle barons"
has peached on the men who assisted
them to earn their salaries at Valentine.
Mrs. cnauwics: evidently thought a
collapse In court would give her more
newspaper space than any charges she
might prefer against alleged associates,
Those Russians who attempted to de
pose God and the csar at one fell stroke
exhibit more-abiding faith in. the
divine right of kings than even the ciar
" With two Ohio railroads in the hands
of a receiver, the United States, through
its courts, will demonstrate once more
its ability to make a bankrupted rail
road pay expenses.
.The St. Petersburg cable dispatches
reaching America by special courier
have a genuine Arctic freshness., . They
do not have to be bnUerlned either in
London or New York.
It costs 110 to induce the . World-
Herald to withdraw Its protests against
liquor dealers, charging them with sell
ing nquor on Sunday. If this is not
blackmail, what U itf .
Uncle Mose Klnkaid la the one mem
wt or me jxeorasaa allegation con
signed to occupy a scat In "the Cherokee
strip." Uncle Mose, however, manages
iu some way to get into the front row
when there is any business doing.
It is up to the Woinaa's club now to
answer the assertion of the milk dealers
that they believe "the average Omaha
housekeeper knows more about milk
thaa. those who have been making all
;thls hue and cry about pure milk."
, Lincoln people ought to be unanimous
in favor of the proposed extra session of
the legislature to submit constitutional
amendments. Anything that will bring
people to the capital and distribute
money there usually takes well In Lin
I A gout heart ban txen presented to
President Roosevelt by Colorado admlr
- era, which proves once more that the
whirligig of time has its revengvs. Only
a few years ago any man from Colorado
who would bate dared to Introduce any
nhlng of gold into the White
pSouse w.ould hsve made the .acquaint
anew of the Tlgllantes.
the rnrsfOKATS msssaqk.
President Roosevelt's annual message
deals comprehensively and forcefully
with the subjects that are uppermost
In the public thought and Interest. Giv
ing first place to the question of the
supervision and regulation by the na
tlonal 'government of corporations en
gaged iu Intei-state commerce, the pres
ident points out that the policy he urges
has become a necessity by reason of
the great fortuues amassed through cor
porate organisation and the power
vested in those who wield these for
tunes. He recognizes that this is an'
age of combination and that any effort
to prevent all combination would be
both useless and vicious, but they must
be subject to some sovereign authority
and control and this can be exercised
only by tho general government, repre
senting the whole people. "Our steady
aim shoald legislation, cautiously
aHd carefully undertaken, ' but reso
lutely persevered in, to assert the sov
ereignty of the national government by
affirmative action." The president Cites
overcapitalization as bne of the abuses
to. be prevented, saying that generally
this Is itself the result of dishonest pro
motion. He believes that congress
possesses authority to provide for. the
desired supervision and regulation, but
If not authority must be given it through
amendment of the constitution.
In regard to railway rate regulation,
the president renews the recommenda
tion of his message of last year with
some slight modification which in no
wise impairs .or weakens the position
he then declared. He urged a year ngo
that a rate fixed by the commission
should go iuto immediate effect and stay
in effect unless and until the court of
review .reverses .it. v His present sug
gestlon-ls that when -a maximum roa
sonable rate Is prescribed by the com
mission or other administrative Wy it
shall go into effect within a reasonable
time and obtain from thence onward.
subject to review by the courts. While
this is in the nature of a compromise
It is very far from being a relinquish
ment ou the part of the president of the
vital principle for which he contends
namely, that , an administrative body
created by congress, must be given the
power, when a railway rate has upon
complaint and after investigation lcen
adjudged to be unreasonable, shall de
clare a reasonable rate, subject to re
vision by the courts. The bill framed
by the Interstate Commerce commission,
and which Is understood to be In a gen
eral way opproved by the president, pro
vides that the orders of the commission
shall be effective within thirty days
from the time they are made, subject
to Judicial review upon proceedings
taken within sixty' days. Assuming
this measure, in drafting which It is
said Attorney General Moody and Sec
retary Taft were consulted, to repre
sent the president's views, thirty days
is regarded as a reasonable time within
which the orders of the commission' or
other administrative body should take
effect. The president is careful to have
It tinderstood that he does not propose
to give the commission power to initiate
or originate rates generally, "but to
regulate a rate already fixed or orig
inated by the roads, upon complaint
and after investigation." The policy
urged does not contemplate a sweep
ing and arbitrary regulation of rates,
but simply the correction of those that
are found to be unreasonable. It would
seem that no railroad disposed to deal
fairly and Justly with the public could
object to this. A very Important sug
gestion in the message is that there
should be publicity of the accounts of
common carriers, that all books or mem
oranda of the common carriers should
be open to the Inspection of the govern
ment, for "only In this way can viola
tions or evasions of the law be surely
detected." Of ourse the railroads will
vigorously fight this proposition which
it may be remarked is embraced in the
bill framed by the commission but the
soundness of It is unquestionable.
On the question of national regula
tion of insurance companies, the presi
dent points out its great importance,
whtch has been emphasized by recent
events. This matter will come before
congress during the session and doubt
less will be thoroughly discussed. The
president is strongly of the opinion that
there should be national supervision of
the Insurance business and In this be
has the support of a very large part of
the public and practically the entire
body of policyholders.
The relations of capital and labor re
ceive attention in the message and the
well known views 'of Mr. Roosevelt
repeatedly avowed, are again stated.
The cardinal principle is thus declared
"Individual capitalist and individual
wage worker, corporation and union,
are alike entitled to the protection of
the law and must alike obey the law."
What the president says on this sub
ject merits thecareful attention f both
employers anu employed, as to reve
nues the president Is clearly not in
favor of any present readjustment of
the tariff, on the ground that It is not
now needed. He urges, however", that
unless expenditures can be kept within
the revenues the reveuue laws must be
readjusted. He therefore recommends
rigid scrutiny of appropriations. The
president thinks the currency should
have greater elasticity, but does not ap
pear to regard the matter as ot urgent
The view respecting the nary is some
thing of a surprise, since it does not
recommend any considerable addltlou to
the present sea power. The standard
of efficiency that has been reached
should be maintained, but it is thought
to be unnecessary that iu the immediate
future the navy should be increased be
yond the present number of units. As
congress will undoubtedly be found to
.concur in this opinion it la safe to pre.
diet a large reduction In naval appropri
ations. In reference to Immigration the
message Is in harmony with Intelligent
"and unprejndlced public sentiment The
president believes we should deal fairly
and Justly towsrd the Chinese. "We
cannot ask the Chinese to do to us what
we are unwilling to do to them."
The message Is throughout Interesting
and Instructive and no one who would
be Informed regarding public affairs,
and particularly those questions which
are of most commanding Importance,
should fall to carefully read it.
It is expected that at an early day
Commissioner Garfield will have com
pleted his report on the Investigations
of a number of the big trusts which
have been made by the bureau of cor
porations. It is said the report will re
veal the fact that the agents of the
bureau have been carrying on an In
quiry Into the methods of the Coal
trust and the Lumber trust, the results
of which, along with those concerning
the other examinations, will be sent to
congress for such legislation as may be
considered necessary. The findings in
all of the inquiries will of course go to
the president in whose discretion It is
to say whether or not they shall be made
public. Doubtless congress will ask the
president for such luformatiou obtained
by the Investigations as he may see fit
to communicate and it is to be presumed
that he will thus give publicity to at
least a part of the information secured.
The bureau of corporations, it ap
pears, has been most industriously en
gaged In these investigations, which
have embraced the Oil, Sugar, Steel,
Tobacco, Beef, Lumber and Coal trusts.
How thorough the Inquiries have been
cannot be known until the rejtort is
completed, but It Is not to be doubted
that a great deal of hard and earnest
work has been done by Commissioner
Garfield nnd those under him. It is
said that the big corporations or so-
called trusts have come to the conclu
alon that it Is idle for them to oppose
the efforts of the government to get cer
tain information about their operations
and as a result they no longer attempt
to hinder the agents of the government
This shows that very substantial prog
ress has been made in bringing the big
corporations to a realisation of their
amenability to the law.
soma rut timk.
The proper time for the banishment
of the liquor traffic from the proscribed
district is at the end of the year when
the application of saloon keepers located
In that section of the city are before the
police board for new licenses. If the
police board refuses the applications the
saloons will be compelled to close down
for good and no serious hardship will be
inflicted on them or the brewers. If, on
the other hand, their licenses are ex
tended for another year, ' their resorts
cannot be closed except upon individual
complaints against each for law viola
tion, which would Involve a great deal
of disagreeable contention, that should
be avoided and forestalled by the action
of the police board.
The assertion of a member of the
board that the maintenance of the sa
loons located In the proscribed district
under rigid police surveillance would be
much better for good government than
their banishment, is illogical and lrra
In the first place, the saloons In the
proscribed district could not exist profit
ably to their keepers unless they are
kept open In violation of lawN Their
heavy traffic is after midnight all the
year around and, therefore, in conflict
with the statutes and municipal ordl
In the next place, there is ho rigid po
lice surveillance over the saloons in the
district and there never will be so long
as the present policy Is pursued. On
the contrary, these saloons have always
been and are now patronized at all hours
of the night by the vicious and criminal
classes and if any police surveillance is
exercised it Is not visible to those who
have taken the trouble to investigate
existing conditions.
The rantankerous Cathers has hereto
fore Invoked the power of the courts to
restrain the unlawful expenditure of
municipal funds and prevent overlaps,
but now he has Invoked the power of
injunction to restrain the lty from sav
ing money by the consolidation of the
city and county treasurer's offices. As
there has always been method In Catb
ers' madness, bis latest appeal to the
courts is evidently made for some client
or clients who are not taxpayers and
have no standing In court The query
naturally suggests Itself, What ple-blter
does Cathers represent?
The city legal department announces
that It will co-operate with the attorney
general in fighting the Injunctions
brought by the Union Pacific and Bur
llngton to prevent the collection of taxes
levied against their property. If the
city authorities want to go the limit
they should issue a proclamation and
abide by it, that no railroad receive any
more concessions from the city tn the
way of vacating streets or permitting
trackage in alleys until all taxes are
paid to date.
The school board has adopted a resold
tlon requiring the members to put In
their whole time during school board
meetings upon board business. The
members of the School board might also
with propriety have resoluted to double
their own salaries in view of the in
creased work.
The efforts of Senators Millard and
Burkett to have Omaha made ueadquar
ters for a live stock inspection division
covering the territory between the Mis
aourt river and the Rockies should be
backed up by all our local commercial
organizations. The more government
work is centered in Omaha the more Im
portant will the city become for the peo-
le of nrroundlng territory.
The self-constituted watch dog of the
treasury now objects to the consolida
tion of city and county treasuries pro
vided for under the, new Omaha charter.
He is evidently afraid that if the two
treasuries are reduced to one, half of his
occupation will be gone.
The sultan Is said to be awaiting
unanimity in his cabinet before issuing
an irade accepting the proposals of the
powers regarding Macedonia; bnt It is
barely possible he knows how to keep
at least one of his advisers out of har
mony with the others.
An inquirer from Dondon Intimates
that Omaha's Auditorium, costing 1 200,-
000, is "absurdly cheap." Better take
off that temporary roof and put on the
tiling called for in the original plans be
fore our London admirer comes over on
an Inspection tour.
Governor LaFollette announces that
he will accept the senatorshlp to which
he was elected, but did not make the
announcement until after he had an op
portunity to tell the legislature what
would be expected of It when he leaves
the state house.
Railroad construction In Omaha and
South Omaha is progressing more rap
idly than in any other part of the state.
The mileage of sidetracks tn the new
Jobbing territory exceeds that of the
Omaha Lincoln Interurban by several
That New York life insurance com
pany which paid $15,000 to prevent
policyholders bringing suit to oust its
president no doubt did It for the benefit
of the policyholders, but it may have a
hard time to make the policyholders
realize It.
Pat Crowe appears to have ceased to
attract much attention in Omaha. No
bouquets are being showered upon bim
and the Omaha yellows have not even
honored him with red headlines at the
top of column, next to reading matter.
A Rare Innovation.
Philadelphia Press.
The Insurance Investigation Is getting
'the man higher up" all right, and that Is
something rare.
Front Gay to Crave.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
We have congress on our hands, but we
were smart enough to have our Thanks
giving last week.'
, Confirmation.
Kansas City Star.
A census bulletin shows that Illiteracy
is decreasing In the United States. This
bulletin is. also,-substantiated by the elec
tion returns.
Passing tp Gold Bricks.
'Washington Star.
That Cincinnati millionaire who sold J.
Pierpont Morgan a railway Is the man
who a few years since acquired the duke
of Manchester as a son-in-law. He would
hardly be blamed if he seised the first
opportunity to get even by gold-kicking
somebody else. .
Fiction Tarns to Fact.
Baltimore American.
Truth Is stranger than Action, but some
times fiction sees things first. When the
proof of identity by means of thumb
marks was brouzht out In "Pudd'nhead
Wilson" It was regarded as an author's
ingenious conceit. Now the police of New
York have added It to their system of
identifying criminals.
Constitutional Fatlgae.
Chicago Chronicle.
Commissioner. Warner of the Interior
department recommends a reduction of
the salaries of twenty-five clerks who are
partly Incapacitated by age. If all the de
partments would cut the salaries of per
sons who are , incapacitated by constitu
tional fatigue the saving to the govern
ment would be worth while.
Boycotting; Tax Dodger.
Baltimore American.
The business men and farmers out in
Butler county, Nebraska, who have de
clared a freight and passenger boycott
against the two railroads that have re
fused to pay their taxes, have adopted a
unique but effective way of getting even
with the railroads for the Inconvenience
to which they have been subjected in
pocket and purse since the roads have
been In errrears. Owing to the present
heaviness of the grain traffic. It Is said
that in a few days the roads will lose an
amount equal to all taxes assessed against
Kins; Corn's Early Troubles Fittingly
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Speaking of this year's tl. M0, 000,000 corn
crop. It might not be out of place to recall
the fact that It was ruined repeatedly be
tween planting time and harvest. Indeed,
the nation has seldom had a corn crop that
was ruined oftener or more completely,
and, while the announcement that It Is the
largest In our history was not unexpected
by those familiar with conditions In the
country, it could not fall to be a matter
of surprise to city and town people every
where that notwithstanding the number of
times it was lost, it was finally saved.
The phenomenon has not escaped the
attention of one of the sweetest of our
western singers, who begins by saying:
The corn waa killed In early May,
The floods had washed it quite away.
And later on it died again
And rotted 'neath the constant rain.
And continues 1
Once more we tolled Its final knell;
The seed had not been tested well.
Yet. later it began to sprout.
Then died. The weeds Lad run It out.
And remarks further along
And later yet, still thin and pale.
It perished In a storm of hall.
Then came a fierce and burning beat.
It died that week of "fired" feet.
And goes on to mention that
And then the awful smut arrived
And not a single stalk survived.
And soon we -watched It in dismay
l)ry up and shrivel quite away.
Then came the last and saddest death;
' It wilted 'neato the frost king's breath.
And points out that
Nina times It died, and yet that fall
We built new cribs to bold It all.
And concludes
Now tell me. is there any cat - .
With lives tnougb. to equal UutT
Ripples a tn Current of Life la the
New Tork has an abundiince of water on
all aides, but the quantity suited for drink
ing purposes Is barely equal to the present
demand. Millions upon millions of dollars
have been Invested In securing the present
supply from the Croton watershed. When
originally planned this supply was consid
ered sufficient to meet all demands for gen
erations to come. Tet the growth of the
city Is so rapid as to upset all calculations
on this prime necessary. Even before the
Croton plsns are fully completed the city
authorities are considering plans for addi
tional water supply to meet the needs of
the future. These new plans comprehend
securing new watersheds In the Catsklll
mountains at an estimated cost of 112,nfK),.
000, capable of supplying B00.0O0.000 gallons a
day. As usual, the estimates, large as they
appear, are regarded as only a fraction of
the cost. An Investigation of the legal
phases of the problem convinced the city
attorney that the expense of the project. If
all demands were met, would amount to
S00.000.ono. Purchase of the property needed
Is but a fraction of the cost. Not only Is
compensation asked where mills, factories
and other business enterprises would be
wiped out but every resident, grocer,
butcher, doctor, clothier, laborer, etc., has
put In demands. If met with, the claims
would literally amount to life pension to
the recipients.
A steamship Is an Inn and the passenger
on it has a right to the same protection as
far as his belongings are concerned, as tn a
hotel on land Is the decision Just reached
by the New Tork state supreme court In Its
appellate division. A passenger had a shirt
and some ftvids stolen from a stateroom on
a German Lloyds steamer while the vessel
was lying In Nnples harbor. The New Tork
court derides that the steamship company
Is liable. Notices that the steamship com
pany Is not responsible cannot change the
law. This Is decided not by the desire of
the common carrier, but by the settled de
cisions of the court.
William Waldorf Astor Is soon to erect a
model apartment house tln Broadway. New
Tork, near Central park. It will be the biff
gest thing of Its kind anywhere on earth,
but It will not be the tallest William Wal
dorf, unlike his cousin, John Jacob, does
not believe tn tall buildings for residential
purposes. The new building will cover al
most a city block, but will be only twelve
stories high. When It Is stated that It will
accommodate in large and comfortable
rooms 1,600 persons some Idea of Its else
may be had. There will be five miles of
hallways, seventy miles of pipes and eight
hydrostatic elevators running day and
night. No apartment will be let under X1.0M
a year.
New York has a "skyscraper" church;
there Is talk of building an eighteen-story
recreation pier and now the city Is to
have a twenty-story railroad terminal. The
lower part of this structure will be used by
the Hudson St Manhattan Railroad com
pany, or better known as the McAdoo
tunnel, which will furnish a link between
Jersey City and the subway system In this
city Junction being made at Dey street
and Broadway. Preliminary to beginning
the construction of the unique Manhattan
terminal of the company work has begun
looking to the demolition of the two blocks
of old buildings on the west side of
Church street, between Fulton and Cort
landt the site of the terminal. As soon
as the old buildings are removed and ex
cavations completed the company will
erect a twenty-story building on each
- '
Suspended from a chandelier nvAP h la
desk In the office of Police Commissioner
McAdoo of New York is a lock of brown
hair. It is about ten Inches long and one
end Is Inclosed In a beaded sack made of
buffalo hide. The curiosity of the reporter
who happened In the commissioner's of
fice was aroused. "What's that lock of
hair, Mr. McAdoo?" was the inaulsltlve
one's question. "Oh, that's a scalp given
to me by the Indians at the 6U Louis
exposition," said the commissioner. "It's
mere to serve as a warning to Inquisitive
In order to increase his hnlnH an up
town hotel keeper In New York dis
tributed half a hundred invitations to an
elaborate dinner, sending them to prom
inent actors, writers and nrtlata Th
dining room was profusely decorated for
the occasion, a fine orchestra was in at
tendance and the chef outdid himself. Not
one of the Invitations was areentixl th
recipients to a man refusing to become part
ui any sucn aavertlBement.
jjr. iawrenc I. Flick, an expert on
tuberculosis, Is planning an international
tuberculosis convention to be held in
Washington In 1908.
New York's railroad commlsslonshlp,
according to the books. Is worth 18.000.
but nearly a hundred applicants are anx
ious to find out what Its real value Is.
That Missouri congressman on his way
to Washington in a suit of homespun
should have a corncob pipe, too, to com
plete a picture of touching bucolic sim
plicity. The Navy department proposes to start
Its floating steel dock, now at North Solo
mon's Island, Md., on its voyage to Cavlte
about December 15. Commander William
P. Pullman will be in charge of the ex
pedition. -
Editor Hudson of the Tahlequah Arrow
Is an unusual character In Indian Territory
journalism. Besides being editor and
owner of the Arrow he owns an under
taking establishment, a book and station
ery store and until recently was a di
rector of a Tahleauah bank.
Joel Chandler Harris only works when
Inspiration seises him. He has no settled
library, no study, no desk, no workroom
of his own, but In every room ot his house
Is to be found a table with pen, Ink and
paper, so that If h. happy idea comes
to him It can be caught and fixed without
Walter Scott of Death valley, alias "The
Modern Monte Crlsto," "The Man of Mys
tery" and "The King ot the Desert Mine."
Is going on the stage. The theater public.
tired of Shakespeare and Shaw, will find
relief tn a sort of autobiographical melo
drama with its transcontinental swoop In
a special train.
The credit ot being the greatest dia
mond expert in America Is generally
awarded to General Mlndll, who for ten
years has bad, charge of the jewel room
In the appraiser's office. New York. The
Importer who can bamboosle General
Mlndll as to th. value of a precious stone
has not yet come to the front.
Governor Polk of Missouri believes that
civic or any other reform should be un
dertaken In deliberate fashion and not In
whirlwind style. "Corruption," he says.
"la a dangerous thing and we should make
our escape from Its perils cautiously, as a
ship escapes from the dangers of a fog.
I once heard of a foolish sea captain who
was steaming through extremely thick
weather at a tremendous rate. A passen
ger ventured to remark that he might meet
with disaster If be kept up such speed In
a fog. 'Fogs, sir,' said the captain, 'are
dangerous things and I'm aim ays in a
hurry to get out ot them,' M
A Matter
off HeodtH
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which pro
motes digestion. This pecu
liarity of Royal has been
noted by physicians, and
they accordingly use and
recommend it exclusively.
Kearney Democrat: Hurry up, Norrls,
and get after the coal rate question. It's
getting pretty cold and coal Is mighty high,
and freight rates are just the same be
tween the mines and Kearney and Omaha,
with the advantage entirely upon the side
of Omaha.
Grand Island Independent: Secretary of
State Gnlusha, Wie only state officer who
refuses to give up hTS passes on the rail
roads. Is quoted as saying that the voice of
the state convention, relative to the pass
question, waa not the voice of the people,
but that the policy was dictated by the
railroads. Will he, If he said It, also deny
that railroads attempt to dictate In the
political affairs of the state?
Crete Vldette-Herald : The next morning
after election The Omaha Bee, Lincoln
Journal and Lincoln Star estimated the
majority of Letton somewhere between
20,000 and 25,000. The World-Herald was
not quite ready to concede any majority,
but the day following it cleared some of the
cobwebs from its eyesight and placed tho
majority in the vicinity of 12,000. It ought
to propound to itself a growing question
on majorities.,
Arlington Revlow-Herald : Governor
Mickey, In a speech at Omaha the other
day, declared that the railroad pass agita
tion would be in evidence next year, and
that there was no doubt In his mind as to
whether two or three of the present state
officers would be renominated for a second
term. This paper sees no reason why state
officers should be favored by the railroads
unless they give value received in retvjrn,
in which event the milk In the cocoanut
Is accounted for. Pass the pass up, and
no one will be Injured.
Albion News: The republican state cen
tral committee has published an Itemised
statement of all receipts and disbursements
for tho last year. This open and above
board policy will be commended by all. It
takes considerable money to pay the legiti
mate expenses of a political campaign, and
unless It is. shown Just what the money Is .
spent for there Is always- a suspicion that
unlawful methods were used. W. hope this
method will become universally demanded
by all parties. Publicity Is an all-powerful
remedy for corruption.
Lincoln Journal: Could, the whole of
Nebraska have had a vote on those
Butler county resolutions on the rail
road tax case, railroad political man
ipulation, free passes and rate regula
tion, the roar of unanimous ayes would
have been heard as far away as the United
States senate. Jn cases of this kind, for
tunately, a succession of small reports can
be depended upon to have a cumulative ef
fect. There Is nothing to prevent the rest
of Nebraska counties taking example from
what Butler county has already done.
Fremont Herald: Emblaxoned upon the
face of the great seal of Nebraska are the
words: "Equality Before the Law." This
would Imply that all citizens of Nebraska
are equal before the law. Let's see about
that. At Lincoln the other day the police
caught a boy In the very act of putting
some tobacco into a little piece of paper,
rolling it up In the form of a pencil. The
boy was arrested, taken before a judge
and fined ISO. The boy had no money. To
pay the fine meant that he must sell the
very clothes rrom nis oack. And so he
was sent to Jail, where he is paying the
penalty for his sin. On the same day two
wealthy owners of western Nebraska cat
tle ranches stood before a Judge In Omaha,
charged with the crime of - fencing and
coveting to their own use thousands of
acres of government land. The Judge fined
each of the men taoo and ordered them into
the custody of the marshal for six hours.
The fine Imposed upon the boy who rolled
a cigarette meant a toriune to mm. The
fine Imposed upon the cattle barons meant
a penny to them. The jail sentence meant
to the boy close confinement and rough
prison fare. The jail sentence to the cattle
barons meant six hours In the courtly
company of Marshal Matthews, a theater
party, with cold turkey and champagne
attachments. Equality before the lawl
There Is no such thing In Nebraska.
Cause of
You must look well after the condi
tion of your liver and bowels. Unless
there is daily action of the bowels,
poisonous products are absorbed, caus
ing headaches, biliousness, nausea,
dyspepsia. Ayer's Pills arej liver, pills,
all vegetable, mildly laxative. - - V
We have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines. ; ,
, ,. it
SUA y the t. C. Ay Ce.. Lewsll. Kw.
aim at iifiHwrs er
ITER'S 1AIB T IOO y or tae aalx. AYIB'BCBBRBYPBOTOSAL -Psrooefka.
AlXJt'S BAkSAPAJulXA Fx the Uooa. ATBK'uAOUsCO&aV-f u awlaxutaaaagB.
Ethel I s pose when teenty-weenty lit
tie babies go to heaven they have a kind
of a nurs'ry department for them there.
Elsie I guess so, an' I s'poee It's near
the Milky Way. Philadelphia Press.
Intimate Friend Besides the legitimate
profits In your business there's some graft. ,
Isn t there?
Trust Magnate Graft? None to speak :
of.C'hlcago Tribune.
If a girl loves a young man well Knough,
she Is just as much pleased with a little
bunch of violets In November as with a big
bunch of American Beauty roses. Somei
ville Journal.
"I wlBh you'd tell me confidentially." Said
the defendant In the case after the trial
was over, "how you came to And a verdict
in my favor. All the evidence was dead
against me and my lawyer put up the
poorest kind of plea."
"I know he did," answered the foreman
of the Jury, "but he got on the good side
of us with his first word. He said 'men ot
the Jury,' and that tickled us-lt was so
different." Chicago Tribune.
"I understand he Is earning an enormous,
"No. He's an official In a life Insurance
company. He Isn't earning It. He's just
getting it." Washington Star.
"You claim that you will make any sacri
fice for my sake, Henry."
"Yes. of course."
U(,"TJ'en invite mother to come to live with.
"Well, of course I meant anv reasonable
sacrifice." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
i.'lNo' I ?on 1 MlY bigger battleships
than we have now. '
"Why not?"
JZIYk tRl5e ?. ,on to build that they
nnvii aaauiiuilBU. xiv
miaUs-ntr now we ran aometlmea set on"
. winiiueniuu UflorO II IB OUt tif
da.e."-ttil.delphla ldgr. C
Sh Drt VOll hoHava K ....
stopped in 'iu T course? "u" vr
V?:?ou bet 1 do! 1 thl"k It's In league
With thn tram mux rl.k, .,.... "I r"..
rrrSLai,ternwon At h-pa.t' four."-
Ban Francisco Call. '
When. Uncle Jo. waa taken' sick, a year or
Wt e'.Hi,".,,cior ln Wi r he was
And trie doctor come to see him, lookin' aa
a doctor can.
Some twelve oegrees profounder than Is
given mortal man.
Ho X! n,y "ncle's tongue and savs
"Hem! ha! er yes, I see,"
Then, as he felt of uncle's pulse, "It's very
clear to' me y
Pernicious microbes here are found "
"Great guns!" my uncle said.
If them there bugs are foolln raound I
might es well be dead!"
Well, uncle was so pesky scalrt there wan t
a thing to do
Except another doctor call to see If it was
And when that second doctor come, more
solemn than the first.
He says, "They is bacilli here that fell dis
ease has nursed."
"Oh, auy it not." my uncle moaned; "I
While father held his tremblln' hand and,
mother wiped his eye.
ca-iii v liicjmrvu 10 Old,
-wen try agin." my pa
"Per'aps. heaven's kind.
"We'll git a doctor soon or late that not'
uugr am nna
The next physician we called In was genial
as could be.
But still, he savs ' with bated breath,
"Bacteria here I see."
Then uncle gave a dretful groan and says.
"Alas! alas!
Although I ain't prepared fer It, I see that
I must pass."
We called one doctor more, and he was
graver than the rest.
And took a kind of dinner horn to hear
in uncle s preast.
And then he shook his head and says,
"Schlxomycetes here!"
"Alas!" says uncle, "I am called, and now
tne summons near.
Just three days later uncle drew his latest,
fleetln' breath,
And I have always some supposed that he
was scalrt to death;
But In his dylu' hour he called my pa unto
his bed.
"Jest raise a tombstun o'er me, 81," In
broken words he said.
"And on It carve a epitaph, a simple one,
you know:
One Joseph Potter Heth here, free from all
earthly woe.
He lived to sixty-seven years, and hopes of
heaven was his.
The cause of dath, aa diagnosed, was all
the bugs there Is.' "