Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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GoTnor Annoa&esi Ht Will If ak a State
nnt ii Fsw Days.
". ' '
Attorney General Brtwi Thinks
Jnakln Aatl-Trast Act Anal?
Bread feaoafck te Reach
lasaraaea Coat Viae.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Mickey tonight said that
In a day or two he would give out a Ute
l-ifnt showing his position on an extra ses
ion of the legislature. He Intimated he
will be opposed to Issuing a call.
' State Debt Vtgmtrn.
8tate Treasurer Mortensen tonight made
a statement showing the condition of the
state debt:
General fund warrants held as in
vestment bv' state 12,138,167.41
Warrants i outstanding In the
hands of the publio 242,513.0
Total floating debt of the state
December J. lns ,,.
The same figures for December 1, 1903,
were $3,261,177. ZL, J showing- "a net Increase
of the debt In two years of tU7.803.29. Be
tween December, iWS, and December, 1904,
the treasurer's figures show- a, reduction of
the debt by approximately $10,000. and from
December, 1904, to December, 1906, the leg
islative year, an increase)- of tl27,ce8.)i8,
leaving the net Increase for 'the two years
1117,801.29. . 1 .
D. E. Thompson, United States minister
to Braill, returned to Lincoln tonight.
1 Jaakla Act Pits Insnranee.
Attorney General Brown said today that
the Junkln anti-trust law, passed at the
recent session of the legislature, undoubt
edly applies to Insurance combines and
compacts, so that the question as to the
effect of the recent decision of the United
Btates supreme court In the Iowa case on
the- anti-compact statute of 1897 Is not of
audi great moment.
Ii has riot' yet had time to consider
w hether he1 will ask the United States su
preme court for an order resuscitating the
pedal act, which was held to be Invalid
by Judge McPherson In 1901. Thex points
on which . Judgo McPherson ruled were
much the -same as those Involved In' the
Iowa case. In which he also rendered the
opinion. In both the judges denied the
right of the legislature to enact laws In
terfering with the freedom of contract
between Insurers, especially as regards
gents' commissions and the manner 'of
doing business. Since the Iowa decision
was rendered, . the . suggestion has been
made that the effect of It would be to re
vive the Nebraska act, although for some
unexplained reason Attorney General
Frout. who was then in office, failed to
take an appeal to the United States su
preme court. Attorney General Brown
was the deputy attorney general at that
time and prepared the briefs In the case,
but he does not recall why the case was
pnt taken up on appeal.
As the matter stands, the ruling of Mc
Therson has been held to be wrong, but
the state took no. appeal , and there Is a
. question a to ' the method of procedure
required to revive the act. One view of
the situation Is that, the failure to appeal
destroyed the vitality, of . the enactment,
while another Is that the attorney general
may ask the supreme court to make an
order permitting the - question as to the
Nebraska enactment , to be . raised once
more. .': ,i f-'m '
Mr. Bron takes the view that the Junkln
law has wwidec enough scope to make It
effective ElUitnork JrL eon, respects the
pecUO4?irM'iore expeditious. No
evidence 6r' 'insurance compacts has been
brought to his attention, but should he
learn that the . provisions of the Junkln
art are being vlolpted by the Insurers he
will take the proper steps to Insure the
enforcemenfer the 14w".
drain Trnat Case to Be Sabmltted.
Today the supreme court, which assem
bled for the regular, slttlnar. marked the
case of the state against the grain dealers
nd the Nebraska Grain Dealers' associa
tion for argument, and it will he taken
up. at 9 o'clock In the morning. The case
is now pending on the demurrer of the
grain dealers, who question the right of the
tate to proceed by the. way of Injunction
process. Instead of In the criminal courts.
. The validity of the statutes, applying to
the case. Is also questioned, the allegation
being mnde that the Junkln law. which
went .Into .effect . July 1. operated to repeal
f all of the existing legislation under vhlch
Tonetie Can Tell Sufferine
Body and Face Covered with Itch-,
, Ing, Bleeding S6fe$ Awful Pain
Doctors and Medicines Failed.
"No tongue can tell how I suffered
for five years with itching and bleed
ing ecseora,. until I was cured by the
Cuticura Remedies, and Iamao grate
l I want the world to know, for what
helped me will help others. My body
- and face were covered with sores.
One day it would seem to be better,
and then break out again with the
suoat Wnble" pato and itching. I have
been sick several times, but never in
my life did I experience such awful
, suffering as with this eczema. 1 had
made up my mind that death was near
t hand, and I longed for that' time
when I wouktfbe at rest.. I had tried
Btany different doctors and medicines
without sucoess, and my mother
brought me the . Cuticura Remedies,
insisting that I try them. I began to
feel better after the first bath with
Cuticur, Soap, and one application of
Cuticura Ointment. I continued with
the Soap and Ointment, and have
taken four bottles of Cuticura Resolv
ent, and consider myself well. Any
person having any doubt about this
wonderful cure by the Cuticura Rem
edies can writs to my address. Jlrg
Altie Lteou, Bellevue, Mich."
Y And All Other It chins- and Scaly
Eruptions Cured by Cuticura.
The agonhting itching and burning
of the skin, as in eczema;, the fright
ful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of
hair and crusting of scalp, aa in scalled
head; all demand a remedy of almost
superhuman virtues to successfully
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap,
' Ointment, and Pills are such stands
proven beyond all doubt. ,
.i- Oattnt Sp. OIraMat,uMl Flltow ! IkMuclw-a ,
. arMluoUiKaCiauiwk'
the sets, shown In the evidence, must be
Attorney General Brown and former
Chief Justice Sullivan will appear for the
state. Several of the attorneys for the
grain men. Including Dean Roscoe Pound
of the university law school, are expected
to appear for the defendants, who will
open "and close the argument.
It Is Intimated that the attorneys may
conclude to submit the case on briefs, but
the state Is ready to proceed with oral
Talk ef Taklaa- t Barker's Case.
Today Attorney Hamer and Deputy At
torney General Thompson discussed the
feasibility of taking up the Barker In
sanity case, which Is still pending in the
Lancaster county district court. Judge
Hamer Instituted the proceedings the day
before Frank Barker, the Webster county
double murderer, was to be hanged. The
court refused to assume Jurisdiction and,
after some controversy, Governor Mickey
Issued a two years' reprieve. The supreme
court held that the, district Judge should
have summoned a Jury to pass on
Barker's sanity. Should the matter be
taken up now. Its only effect would be to
cause Barker's removal to the Insane
asylum, should a Jury of twelve men And
him Insane. The murderer spends a
greater portion of every day In hard work
within the prison walls. Since the reprieve
was granted there has been little talk
questioning his sanity.
Vlast Uw Case Appealed.
Attorney General Brown received notice
today that the defendants In the flag law
case, Nicholas V. Halter and Harry V.
Hay ward of Omaha, have appealed to the
supreme court of the United States from
the decision of the state supreme court
sustaining the validity of the enactment.
The law was sustained on the ground that
It was a legitimate exercise of the police
power. The defendants were convicted of
violating the law in having used a print
of the national flag as a beer label, and
were fined 1100 each under Its provisions.
Three Expert Riflemen.
In his report to Adjutant General Culver,
Lieutenant Colonel McLaughlin. Inspector
of small arms practice in the national
guard, stated that there are three expert
riflemen In that organisation: Lieutenant
E. H. Mullowney, company M, Second
regiment, Albion: Private Harry B. Hobbs,
Klrst regiment, Madison: Private Durward
H. Davis, company K, First regiment, Co
lumbus. These men made high scores at
800 and 1,000 yards.
Trying; to Seen re Land.
Today, In the supreme court, one of the
most peculiar land cases In the history of
the state was argued by a group of dis
tinguished Omaha lawyers. The heirs of
John Irwin, a pioneer settler of Wash
ington county, are seeking to secure pos
session of thousands of acres of valuable
farm lands deeded by Irwin in 1866, thirty
eight years ago. It Is alleged that Irwin
had been Insane since 1856 and that the
deeds were void and without effect., The
grantor of the lands died In 1893 and suit
was filed within ten years under the theory
that the occupants of the lands had never
had legal title and had not acquired by
adverse possession.
When the lands were deeded by Irwin,
In 186S, they were raw prairie worth but
a few dollars an acre. Now this real estate
la worth $60 and $80 an acre. John C.
Cowln of Omaha, one of the counsel of the
present possessors of the land, denounced
the attempt In his argument, urging that
the heirs are guilty of serious laches af
fecting their rights If the conveyance was
not valid, since they waited for thirty-
eight years to attack the validity of the
Disappointment Leads to Solclde.
Hiram C. McKelvie, traveling man for
The Omaha Bee, whose home is in Lin
coln, Is lingering near death tonight at the
Everett sanitarium as the result of a dose
of some form of opiate, self administered,
this evening at the Royal hotel. He was
last seen by Clerk Carl Calvert at S p. m.
staggering slightly aa he went to the ele
vator. McKelvie had suffered disappoint
ment in love. He told a chambermaid yes
terday that If she would enter room 213
at 5 p. m. the next day he would be found
dead there. She said nothing about his
remark until after he was found in this
room today. Attending physicians say Mc
Kelvie has slight chance of recovery. Mc
Kelvie is 26 years old and a son of S.
After Visit to Old Homo Gives Himself
l to Sheriff.
PONCA, Neb.. Dec. 5.-(Speclal.-Distrlct
court Is In session this week, with Judge
Graves on the bench. The Jury for this
term of court had been drawn in accordance
with the provisions of the Tucker law. The
supreme, court held the law unconstitu
tional too late to draw another Jury, so
Judge Graves ordered the sheriff to secure a
special Jury.
Roy Surber entered a plea of guilty. Sur
ber is the man who forged a deed to a farm
In the southern part of this county and at
tempted to secure a $6,000 loan' on it from
Hurley & Pearson. He and Samuel Doug
las broke Jail and escaped in October. Doug
las has so far eluded pursuit, but Surber
made a visit to his home town, came back
and voluntarily gave himself up. Sentence
has not been pronounced as yet.
George Parker and. Joe Lynch, the men
who were captured near Wakefield with the
proceeds of a safe-cracking Job in their
possession, entered a plea of guilty on a
charge of burglary. A safe In one of he
Wakefield saloons was blown open with
nltro-glycerine. The explosion aroused the
citizens, a possr was organised and two of
the three men who did the Job were cap
tured within two hours. One of the men
waa wounded before he was captured and
the third man escaped. Robert Ray was
arrested In Sioux City and la In Jail here
awaiting trial. His case will come up later
in the week. It Is supposed that he Is the
man who escaped on the night of the rob
bery. Prisoner Ceort.
HASTINQ9. Neb.. Dec. S. (SnecUl Tele
gram.) The various prisoners who are
awaiting trial during the present terra of
court were arraigned before Judge Adams
at t o'clock this afternoon, among , them
oeing John Budnek, charged with shooting
Peter Smeal with intent to vm it
expected ' that the attorney for Bud nek
wuuia asa tor a continuance of the case,
permission having been cranted veaterd:iv
for the tiling of a showing in support of
such a motion. At noon today Mr. Stevens,
who Is defending Budnek. said that he
would be prepared to go to trial with ho
case on Thursday morning. It is believed
mat me trial will take all of one day and
probably of two. Budnek presented au ap
plication to the court asking for the ap
pointment of John Stevens as his attor
ney. He asserts that he Is unable to pay
for the lawyer's services and uki ihj
the court make an allowance of $S&
Flro Alarm for David City. ' -
DAVID CITT. Neb.. Dec. .- Special. )
During the summer months the city council
changed the pumping plant at the cty
water works from steam to gasoline pewer.
This left the city without a Ore alarm,
except the bell, and the matter has been
a question for the city officials to solve,
ss to giving the alarm In case of fire, aa
the bell has proved to be Insufficient. M.
L. Lane, local manager of the Nebraska
Telephone company, has solved the problem
and a wire has bee run from the tekphene
office to the electrlo light power house
of Bell Son, and In case of fire the
central office Is notified and the telephone
operator, by simply touching a button,
blows the whistle. A special fire whistle
will be attached and the giving of the fire
alarm will be even better than under the
old system. Mr. Lane Is receiving the com
pllments of our cltlsens In his Invention.
which is considered of great benefit to the
Nebraska Mil Gets Property.
TEKAMAH. Neb., Dec I. (Special.) N,
H. Wheeler of this city has returned from
Lima, O., where he went to prosecute a
case against Dr. W. C. Watson, a resident
of that place, who had secured the prop
erty left by Mr. Wheeler's brother by
marrying his widow and securing from her
a will, the property having been secured
by the widow through the filing of an
alleged will by the brother, which has since
been declared to have been void. The value
of the property Is about SSO.OOO, and It Is
now In the hands of a trustee to be divided
equally between Dr. Watson and the
Wheeler heirs. Brothers and sisters of
Mrs. Watson are now suing the doctor to
secure that part of the property he In
herited from his wife.
Railroad Employe Killed.
OXFORD. Neb.. Dec. (.-(Special Tele
gram.) Joseph Rekman, an aged and re
spected employe of the Burlington, was
accidentally killed by a switch engine about
7:30 this morning. He lost a leg and an
arm and, was Internally Injured and 6Yed
four hours later.
Blaekmore Trial Proceeding.
, SIOUX CITY, la.. Dee. a (Speeial Tele
gram.) Bishop W. F. McDowell of Chicago
Is here presiding at the trial of Rev. F. D.
Blackmore of Tecumseh, Neb., charged with
falsifying. The trial Is In progress at the
First Methodist church before a Jury of
ralon Stock Yards Opening.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 6,-To the
Editor of The Bee: Will you please give
the date of the opening of the Union stock
yards at South Omaha? SUBSCRIBER,
Answer The Union stock yards at South
Omaha were opened for business on August
0, 1S84.
Hand Crashed la t'ornsbeller.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 5.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Ernest Whlttemore, a young far
mer living near here, today had his right
hand crushed by getting It caught In a
cornsheller. The member may have to be
News of Nebraska.
GENEVA Farmers are taking advantage
of the renewed good weather to finish corn
OAKLAND H. A. Preston has sold his
130-acre farm, two miles north of town,
to C. M. Hulbert of this place for $85 per
BEATRICE Frank Salts yesterday com
menced harvesting Ice on his artificial
lake near his home In West Beatrice, and
is supplying his trade with this year'
crop of ice, which measures nine inches In
OAKLAND The bridge men for the
Great Northern are here and begin Mon
day to build bridges. Work has also
oegun on the well.
TEKAMAH Mont Owens, who was
adjudged Insane by the Board of Insanity,
was taken to the asylum at Norfolk by
Sheriff Phipps yesterday.
BEATRICE Fred Run, a boy 14 years of
age ana a resiaentor mis city, was sen
tenced to the Industrial school at Kearney
yesterday by Judge Bourne on the charge
or incorrigiDinty.
BEATRICE At the regular monthly
meeting of the Board of Education last
evening Superintendent Fulmer's report
showed the enrollment of the publio
schools to be 1.8U0.
BEATRICE Rev. Wilhelm' Penner and
Jacob Claaasen, two prominent Mennonltes
ui inu county, lert today on an extended
trip to Europe. They expect to be absent
unwi next summer.. ,
BEATRICE A large barn on the farm of
jonp ttcnuits. lour miles southeast of town,
was destroyed by fire today, together with
about twenty tons of hay; loss partially
covered by insurance.
BEATRICE There are now about thirty
five cases of diphtheria In the city, and so
far only one death has occurred from the
disease. The quarantine on five homes
was raised yesterday.
BEATRICE The funeral of J. A. Mc
Carthy and wife, who were victims of the
tragedy at Wymore Saturday, was held
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
ianiiiy nome at wymore.
YORK Mr. George F. Wilson of Omaha
ana anna Alauue tl lewis were united In
marriage yesterday at the Presbyterian
parsonage. Mr. ana Mrs. lewls will make
tneir future home in Omaha.
BEATRICE A party of Beatrice resl-
aents comprising Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Web
ster, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Webster and
Mr. and Mrs. William Elerbeck, left to
day for Pomona, Cal., where they will
speno. me winter.
BEATRICE District court convened
yesterday with Judge John Raner on the
bench. The case of the State against
Bachle, charged with a statutory offense
upon tne young oaugnter oi j. w. Kuhn,
went to i rial toaay.
AUBURN The funeral of William M
Hannaford took place from the First Meth
odist church this morning and Interment In
the Sheridan cemetery. Mr. Hannaford was
77 years oia and came to this county In 1K2
and settled near Peru.
YORK Susan E. McClatchy died at
Lltchneld. The funeral services were held
yesterduy at the Christian church In York.
The deceased was one of the earliest
settlers, who, with her husband, home-
sieaaea a iw-acre rami southeast of York
TECUMSEH Harry T. Casford was
nnea iuu ifiia costs by the district court
for assault. The complainant was Tim
othy Lane, a farmer, and Miss Grace
Lane, his daughter, was the victim. The
costs amounted to $70, and the whole was
YORK Monday evening at the Young
Men's Christian association building the
committee of young men who sold tickets
for dedication work were given a turkey
dinner by the dedication committee. After
the dinner they were entertained in the
building for the evening. ,
YORK Besle L. McPherson and Rollen
D. Fountain, two of York's most DODular
young people, were united in marriage.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. D.
ireigmon, at me realdence of the bride s
molner, 1 Iowa avenue. Both have
lived In York ail their lives.
BEATRICE W. N. Spellmon, until re
eenlly engaged In the grain business here,
has taken ciiarge of the grain elevator of
the Omaha Elevator company at Pickerel.
The Farmers' elevator, which recently
opened for business at that point. Is sur
paaMtng the expectations of tne projectors.
BEATRICE W. A. Noel, who has been
connected with the county treasurer's of
flc for the post. four years, has resigned
his position and taken the state agency
for the Central Life Insurance company
of Des Moines. Mr. Noel will probably
be located permanently at Lincoln or
FREMONT At a meeting of the Fremont
Cemetery association yesterday afternoou
a resolution was adopted authorising the
proper officers to execute and deliver to
the city a deed to what Is known as the
Irving Park block upon payment of $l,5oU
Have you ever used Mellin'g
Food? If not, drop us a line asking
about it. We will answer any and all
questions and he only too glad to
show you how te use Msllta's Food s a
way te get the best results. Ws will send
you a sample of aUilia't Feed for your baby
Just ss soon as ws get your Utter sad will
give you the benefit or our espariaaca.
Toe ONLY IsftaU' reed recoWUd
Ue CfcAXft rtUg si iuUmSiZ
Cold Med.L High. inward;
Fortlaaa, Or. 1905.
This amount was appropriated by the city
council several months ago, and the delay
has been owing to a question In regard
to the legality of the proceedings by which
the association was authorised to make the
OSCEOLA The mortgage record for Polk
county, aa filed in the county clerk's of
rice for the month of November shows:
Farm mortgages filed, $14,f0.0; eighteen
released. II!. 51. 26. Three town mortgages
filed. tl.IUO.ti; four released. $4,W8 86-Thlrty-five
chattel mortgages filed, $ii,
M9.44; twenty-seven released, $6,286.71.
AUBURN-Margaret A. Leach, aged 7?
years, died at her home In this city this
morning. The deceased was the widow of
John J. Leach, who died here about eight
years ago. The Leaehes oame to this county
about forty years ago and settled on a farm
four miles northeast of this place and took
a prominent part In the development of the
BEATRICE It . has been reported for
several days past that J. R. Piasters, re
tiring county clerk, had been appointed
deputy by B. H. Conlee, the newly elected
county clerk. Mr. Conlee denies that he
has appointed Mr. Plasters to the position,
but says he will be retained In the office
for a short time, or until he can familiar
ise himself with the workings of the
clerk's office.
HAVELOCK-Whlle A. Lemlenea, a ma
chinist In the Burlington shops, was at
work today repairing a bumper on one of
the big tanks the big yard crane bumped
Into him, breaking his collarbone, two ribs
and crushing his shoulderblade badly. He
was put on a stretcher and taken to his
hotel, where Dr. Ballard Is attending him,
and has hopes of saving his lite If he Is not
hurt Internally.
BEATRICE Mrs. William Elliott ap
peared In police court yesterday and made
complaint to the effect that her little son,
a pupil In the Belvidere school, had been
severely beaten by Mrs. Baumgardner, the
principal. She waa referred to the Board
of Education and county attorney, and ar
rests may follow. After the boy reported
the matter to his mother she forthwith
proceeded to the school house and admin
istered punishment to the teacher.
BEATRICE Washington camp No. ' 8,
Woodmen of the World, met last night and
elected these officers for the coming year:
D. W. Carre, consul commander; J. W.
Bamsel, adviser lieutenant; J. T. Green
wood, clerk; W. H. Hllbourn, banker; J.
H. Coomes, escort; O. L. Armstrong,
watchman; W. Stewart, sentry; A. L.
Tolles. manager; L. W. Studley, J. E.
Claussen, A. H. Felch, physicians. At the
close of the business meeting refresh
ments were served.
FALLS CITY-Joe Wilson, his son and J.
M. Gregory, who all reside In the nortneast
part of town, had a fight last night. In
which Wilson and his son were cut up con
siderably by Gregory. The trouble started
over the fact that Gregory had blocked the
alley with his wagon and buggy until it
was impossible tor young Wilson to get
through and get s row he was leading to
the stable. He asked Gregory to move one
of the vehicles so he could get through and
Gregory refused. They had a wordy battle,
which terminated In the fight.
'FALLS CITYThere has been trouble In
Falls City for some time over the efforts of
the Farmers' Mutual Telephone companies
of Richardson county to get Into Falls City
without paying the franchise charges as
sessed by the city council. The city coun
cil met Monday night and gave the first
reading to an ordinance permitting the
mutuals to establish a toll station in Falls
City, but fixing It so they cannot transfer
It nor ever establish a local exchange under
the franchise granted them. This Is In ac
cord with the wishes of the business men
that they do not want two local exchanges.
Mass Meeting: at Colombia Asks Fac
ulty to Suspend Action.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6.-Columbla students
declared against the abolition of foot ball
at a mass meeting today. A resolution
was passed recommending the committee
on student organizations to rescind Its re
cent action In barring the game from
Columbia's llBt of sports and to continue
the foot fall association at least until the
meeting of the latercollegiate committee
on rules next spring.
Members of the foot ball team made
speeches in favor of eliminating brutality
from the present game of foot ball and
or retaining the game In Its proposed mod
ified form.
President Butler and the' members of ths
Columbia faculty, expressed'. themselves as
Very much pleased at the. .action taken by
the students of the university at a mass
meeting held today to discuss the abolition
of foot ball. The meeting resulted in the
adoption of a moderately worded petition
that the faculty committee on undergrad
uate organisations extend the time allowed
for the existence of the foot ball associa
tion from December 81 to April. 1D06, so
that Its members may present their argu
ments and suggestions before foot ball is
finally banished from Columbia. Dr. Butler
"When the petition Is presented it will
receive careful consideration, to which It
is entitled. The faculty generally are
greatly pleased over the calm and judical
methods of the students In the mass meet
ing." In view of the fact, however, that Presi
dent Bufler has repeatedly asserted that
the action abolishing foot ball was not
taken hnrrforilv hut .niu i
careful consideration, there Is considerable
speculation as to whether the students' pe
tition will be granted.
Columbia will be represented In the gen
eral conferenn r. 1 1 A kf xt n -? ,
versify for Friday. December , to take
generally In American colleges.
n?J.i Iark" W0Ln two Smea from the
SJf fS-.t ' "s-nt end rolled a total
inl il.".kKl5r to keeP them In the lead on
pins for the season. Their first game was
wet nd the Kats took advantage of It,
put the lost two were fine work, with but
Huntington's 627 stood good for the Stors
n5.h"..n, iri0?.."'. "onlay by
with Si. ThecoTe: ' 1 Y J0nn80n
a. Total.
"V,11 1 ! 193 IMS
Johnson i9 2il 248 K
BenSe I 172 167 trl
i7 6
1st. 2d.
$L Total.
161 4?g
174 4M
Sheldon ..
Fnyder ....
waber ....
175 EOS
IkZ M8
181 $44
Totals Kxa
07 87$ 2,&69
, . u(w
Than, will h. I,..,,. . , .
n.vl h.ln. . V. T J A 1 . i . . . . .
bons on Thursday.
Th. T f A U.I.. BH .!. k . . .
- . .. "y selling tnree
games from the Hugo F. Bill team on the
-.v..Vn,u,.u uvjri last, nignu ricore:
1st. Zd
Sd. Total
McKelvey ...
193 692
1H0 feA
'i 5.10
158 450
$7$ $7$
Stapenhorst .
83S 867
Id. Total.
181 469
11 354
If 47
124 SH6
184 47$
It Nichols
Totals 694 73$ 764 X,l4
Jeaasea Caftala (or Ames .
Jeansen, who played quarter back on the
iuui uw uam me latter part of the
season of 1904, has been elected captain of
the tMm fir IQaMl . .
the best quarter back in the state. He was
, . , " ' j b.iu commit
tee for playing professional base ball, which
he admitted by his own free will. Sioux
Jones, half hurlr and UnLlh .
stars of this years team, were considered
TetXf weansen was unanimously
Keke-raall Kloeled Caotala.
' w. .tier TjT k f nutl 1
quarterback of the University of Chicago
foot hall alnvon ... . j
. vtcviou cttDtaln
77 - yem- in college root ball
Coach Stags- announced today that if a
came could h -,- i. i . " .
Stanford or thT Uneral ly of CalirtrnU
the team would make a trip t" the Paclrtn
coast during the Christmas holidays.
treat Umslr Decided.
The Bupreme Court, he Peori k- ...
elded that Dr. King's New Disceovery wlus
sale Dy Sherman a: McConneli n-,,- .
against Coughs Coldav. (tie and 1. For
Valentin Land Offiss Attache! Dismissed
by fmisent for Fraud.
Government Official la Omaha Says
It Is Oaly Beglaalag el ts
fceaval that Is to
Advices from Washington say President
Roosevelt hss removed from office, James
C. Pettljohn, register of the lend office
at Valentine, Neb., for participation In
alleged land frauds In this state and has
demanded the Immediate resignation of the
receiver, Albert L. Towle. The offices for
the present will be In charg of a special
agent of the general land .Office.
It Is charged Pettljohn and two other
persons fraudulently secured lands which
others entered upon and which later were
relinquished to Pettljohn.
The removal of Pettljohn and Towle Is
the result of the sweeping Investigation by
special Inspectors of ths land office, which
has been In progress In the state for a
number of weeks. During their Investi
gation It waa discovered that In the
Valentine land district the local land
officers had themselves set up "dummies;'
to make entries of government land for
the use and benefit of the government
officials; that these officers had been In
collusion with the Illegal land fencers
and with those who had made fraudulent
entries and that they had derived personal
profit thereby. The removal of the register
and receiver does not come as a surprise
to those who have been keeping In close
touch with the matter.
Both Mr. Pettljohn and Mr. Towle have
long been residents of Nebraska and some
what active in politics. Towle Is a pioneer
resident of Niobrara, at one time repre
senting that district in the Nebraska legis
lature. Pettljohn is at the present time a
member of the republican state committee.
Beglaalag of Upheaval.
The recent investigations were precipi
tated from the proceedings begun in the
United States district attorney's qffice at
Omaha several months ago. Chief Inspeo
tor Hunt, with twenty special agents, was
sent Into the territory to , follow up the
Invettigatlons begun by the department of
Justice from this city. Special Agent Pol
lock came to the field several weeks ago
and only recently has finished his work.
He was In Omaha about a week ago and
Intimated something would be doing up
about Valentine In the near future.
The district attorney's office In Omaha
was not Informed as to the character of
the Investigations carried on by the special
corps of agents, other than the Intlmstlon
was given that fraudulent filings were
among the special features looked into
with the astonishing results.
The announcement, through an Interview
with District Attorney Baxter, was made
In The Bee several days ago that Nebraska
likely would become the storm center of the
land fraud Investigations and the removal
of the Valentine land office officials as
stated by an official connected with the
department of Justice here In Omaha, "Is
merely the beginning, with some Interest
ing developments yet to follow."
Path to Take Charge Wednesday.
VALENTINE, Neb., Dec. 6. (Special Tel
egram.) Register J. C. Pettljohn received
notice by wire this evening from the sec
retary of the Interior that he Is dismissed
from office. At the same time A. L, Towle
received a message from the secretary
requesting ht resignation. Special Agent
W. B. Pugh-has received Instructions to
Immediately take charge Of the land office
and the same will be turned over to him
The people of Valentine had received no
hint of there being any charges against
these officials, who have always stood high
In the community.
Custodian Appointed by the Federal
Coart for Concern at
Judge Munger In the United States circuit
court Issued an order Tuesday evening ap
pointing John L. Anderson of Beatrice as
receiver of the City Gas company of Bea
trice. The concern was thrown Into the
hands of a receiver at the Instance of the
Farmers' Loan and Trust company of New
York, who hold large claims against the gas
company. The application for a receiver
ship was made several weeks ago.
MILLARD, Neb.. Dec. 1 (Special.) At
the home of Dr. Harvey Heald In this city
took place the marriage of John P. Heald
of Osceola and Mrs. Frances A. Beverldge
of Fremont. Rev. L. M. Grlgsby of Osceola
officiating. After a short trip abroad they
will make their home In Osceola. Mr.
Heald Is one of the most prominent resi
dents of Polk county and Mrs. Beverldge
is a well known temperance lecturer.
i Spronle-Baldvrln.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. William
Sproule, trafflo manager of the Southern
Pacific company, was married today to Mrs.
Marie Balrd Baldwin, who Is prominent In
society circles. The ceremony was quietly
performed at the Palace hotel.
Cut Glass Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
Aa XdeaJ Xmu Preasmt
Just the thlnf for father, mother,
brother, sister, relative or friend
something that fits any library or
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Orchard & Wilhelm
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We are very fortunate In befog able to arrange with the publisher
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keting by three. That la why yon ean buy these magaslnea, that fit
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This is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home.
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This magazine Is almost necessary for the np-to-date man or
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Timely and Informing articles, almost aa fresh and as full of news la
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This has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. With ths
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The Cosmopolitan is printing what the people want. ' It contains regu
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This magazine is for every member of the family.' ' It is aa ideal
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the forthcoming year will be unique la conception and execntlon, rich
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This Is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by the Ra
view of Reviews Company. It Is the most sumptuous, beet illustrated
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119-Sonth Fourteenth, Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets, Omaha, Neb
D) ';nJ; M
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' ' t '
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A to One Add
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OSTer Otriy
MB te One Address,
mayttxiae rcadxatr now. Yeta are
saurs iiss nauBOi at uun
ths) nsrnlar VTteo of ewe
anal 11 eaal sWi1jrtsas toad vQ he
Two cSo ias ttub .
Tbsre are eountlsss old, mlddlcaced and
youna man whoso lives have been blighted, fond
est hopes shattered by the results of their wrong
doings, over-indulgences or youthful errors. If you
are an unfortunate one ws pity you. You perhaps
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warned of your follies, or. If you were unheed
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private. Our charges are reasonable E.
can t call, . write for symptom blank.
office treatment. All correspondence
Try th Want Ad
Col urn us of The Bee.
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Noveltles-Freaser, loth and Dodge.
umaua, N&a. Selephone t3t