Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1- J. i . 1 ...
Now located In the new
retail renter, Howard
and ftixteenlh
4 . -
are of the useful and acceptable kind.
Christmas shopping in this reliable store is a ploasure good ventilation, roomy aisles,
good daylight and salespeople who are courteous and willing to show goods.
Christinas Linens. ' '
Real Hand Embroidered Bod Hpreads,
110.00 each. I..-' s .
Real Hand Embroidered 8heets, X.OO a
pair. 5 ; ' '
Real Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases,
I3.M a satr. ' ' ., ,
Real Band Emrn-otdered Tea Cloths, $2 80,
13.80 an 7.l each.
Real Ha rid Embroidered Lunch Clotha,
11.75. 12.00, K W liWjutd 5.00 each.
Real Hand" Embroidered Sideboard Scarfs,
11.60, S1.K. W.O0 amT I75 each.
Real Hand Embroidered .Center Pieces,
11.00, fl.SO, 1L7S, $2.00, 13.00 and H09 each.:
Real Hand Embroidered Dollies, Kc, 50c,
75c, $1.00 and IL50 eactt.-
Real Cluny Lace Pieces.
Real Cluny Lace Table Cloths, 1V,x2
yards, round, 144.00, 160.00 and $00.00 each.
Real Cluriy L;e T'bl Clotha, ixi yard!,
round) "26.00, $35.00 and fjd.00 each.
Real Cluny Lace Tea cloths, $10.00, $11.00,
$30.00 and mm nach.-. .-
Real I Cluny Lace Center Pieces, $za
$3.00, $4.50, $5.00,' 17.50, $8.50, $10.00 up to
$30.00 each.
Real Cluny Lace Scarfs, $10.00, $12.00 and
$15.0 each,.,., i ui i .
Real Cluny Lace Dollies, 25c, S5c, 50c, 75c,
$1.00, $VM nd $2.00 VacH.
Real Old ; English Eyelet - Em
' ' brdidered- Pieces.
. Real Old English Hand Embroidered
Eyelet" , Tble Clothe," 2x2 yarda square,
$45.00 each".' ' , '
Real Old English Hand Embroidered
Eyelet Tea Cloths, $10.00 and $12.00 each.
H,al - 'P1' EntI,h- Hand Embroidered
Eyelet . Sideboard Scarfs, $5.00. and .$7.50
each. ' V" ,
Roal, Ojd,; pnglisW'.Hand Embroidered
Eyelet' Center Pieces.' $1.75, ,$2.75, $3.00, $3.50,
$5.00 and" 17.50 each. ' . . . ,
Jteai Old English Hand Embroidered-
Eyelet Doilies, 25c, 36c, 50c, 75c, $1.00,' $1.25,
$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 eafh,
Real Chinese Grass Linen
Embroidered Pieces.
Real Chinese r Graaa Linen Embroidered
Center. Pfeces, $3.75, $4.00, $5.00 $8.0O $7.50
and $10.00 each.
is Ura if ' . .- . -..
Mitml lesem Lift Bnjt Off Van Who
Wu Organising Ptftioj holden,
:mtfinltJM ,?mcera of. Com
py Ja'.te Dctl Annat ot '
Pollc holders' Share of
NEW - VpRK, "IP-Instances in
which 4b Mutual. Itserye Life Insurance
compaay. patjl an aggregate. of about $JJ,000,
in what Vice Presluent Ueorge D. Eldredge
-of that company called "holdups," were
related to the insurance Investigating com
mittee by Mr. Eldredge today. In one case
in Wj8'lr. Hldradge testltied the company
paid flMto 'toT JohA McDonald, a Phila
delphia'' lawyer , who" had been active In
organliMg the policyholders of the Mutual
Reserve Life Insurance company Into a
movement which cha'fg'ud President Fred
erick A. Burnham of that company with
mismanagement and demanded his re
moval, lie.chrga,'. also- reflected' upon
Mr- EV)&'llKe'.. Winagi-ment as vice presV
dent and the 'threat was 'made to ask for
the npnolrunienj of a receiver of the com
pany. TEiifeaged in this movement of the
policyholders also was J. 8. Hoffecker, a
iormerjtudyur, of .the company, who had
been dismissed jor who- hud resigned. Mr.
Wdredtf4clured tlutt . HoIe.cker was not
dismissed until he had demanded an in
crease in salary from $3C to $100 a week
and .practically said it waa safer for the
company t keep Oil m than to let him go,
in vlfwt.of what' he knew about the com
pany A
Another Instance of a "holdup," Mr.
Eldredge aid., was' la 1890. wbea Max
Beehler,. a so called examiner of the Iowa
Insurant department, came to New York
with hje son as as assistant, examined
the Mutual Reserve Life company and pre
sented, .to t e, Wl. o( $48 for the examliut-
. , ... i i
sr ' ssssmsai i. aaasakl I.
1 nvftJvvk I
iSf t F SJ Mr tuc." 'V' 1
I --yr .
ff i-Lawnay's A
J Chocolate Bonbons I
V I has a momio. kJiUJ iuJi.ll
U I .LZ7L7Z :T- -T- "II
fm wtiHKijNniipflHcatiHiHie I
I mJAl A . .K :. I I
1 eackpaci ol aak-poan or mete. 1 I
exactaeat eaij sauputovs cats ia prepai. 1 " I
ii aig biu uus gueuans pswaiia. i
rs Lmt evsa an Hn Wlfki. ii
Tha Wsltat at. Leweey Ce. M
6 aMtst Mass. f I
"With your Christmas Shopping.
longer when it is something that
Real Chinese Orasa Linen Embroidered
Dollies, $1.00. $1.50 and $1.75 each.
. Real Hand Embroidered
Mosaic Pieces.
Real Hand Embroidered Mosaic. Table
Cloths, 2Hx2H yards, round, $60.00 each.
Besl 'Hand Embroidered Mosaic! Center
Pieces, $3.50, $5.00, $.7o, $.7S, $10.00, $12.00.
$.0O and $25.00 each.
Real Hand Embroidered Mosaic Scarfs,
$7.75, $8.75, $10.00 and $12.00 each.
Real ,Hand Worked Japanese
Bed Spreads and Table
Real Hand Worked Japanese Bed Spreads,
WxlOO inches long, $1S.W, $46.00. $500, $65.00
and $75.00 each. . ...
"Real Hand . Worked Table Cloths." $12.00,
$36.00, $45.00 and $50.00 each. . , . ;
' ; Notion Counter.
We have received our Holiday - Une of
French Stag' Ware, composed of the fol
lowing acts: . ,
Manicure Sets; Military Bi-ush' Sets;
Shaving Sets; Corflb, Mirror and brush
Sets; Rose Jars; Old Copper Mugs with
stag horn bandies and corilblnatlun Si;ts;
also a pretty line of Smoking Sets. '
Not an article In the line but what is
made well and .of new design. .' "
Mark them on your shopping JJst. and
iook ai mem wnen in the store.
Christmas Handkerchiefs This means
that the ahowlng Is much larger than at
any other season of the year. We buy
these almost a year in advance so that the
values are better - than usually shown.
Many of these are put up H doien iii a box,
which makes them more attractive for gift
All Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs'
six assorted patterns In a fancy box, $1.40
per box. ,.
All Linen Embroidered HandkerchiofB, at
15c, 25c, 60c. 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.10. $3.00
and up. These are prettier than usually
and Sixteenth Streets
tlon.: Rather than pay' the' bill the, com
pany withdrew its business ' from ' Iowa,
but a little latef paid .that ' bill .and an
other of $346 to "Max Beehler for a veri
fication of his previous examination In
order to get permission again to do busi
ness irt Iowa. -.w
Mr,'' KIrir.tdge told 'aW;1owne tried to
seVtire 'a license " for;. Ills' comjaqiy. to, do
bjisl'nesi ft MlsSourf, insist a.nd''fiund
'thai 'It 'woaid 'navd 'lo employ ' W? II.
Phelpa as attorney before- ieo,uld -Brf so.
Phelps got "the license for the'coiSfrany
In three days and ' was1 'ald $i$0J as
"illegal fees," Mr. Eldredge, said."
Mr. .Eldredge testified. also that ho was
certain there was no truth. In the 'state
ment made to , a Canudian .Investigating
committee by James . D. Wells, , former
vice presideit of the Mutual Reserve, that
President Burnham of . that company-, had
told Wells he had to raise $40,000 to pay
to the New York Insurance department In
1899, when Louis F. Fayn was superintend
ent of insurance. " "' :
Eqaitable Demarrer Sustained.
Tne demurrers of Equitable Llta Assur
ance, society directors and trustees to the
complaint of Rowland ,D., Buferd who
brought suit to have a Just and lawful dis
tribution of the society's surplus, were sus
tained in the supreme court today. Buford
claims .that, in 104 the society distributed
In divldenda among the; policyholders the
sura of $6,011,908, of wiiksli he. received 13.
He asserts that the sum whloh should have
been distributed was $S6. 798.175, of which hia
proportion would have been $188. ' . '
Justice ficott, In sustalning'the demurrers,
gave leave to Buford to amend his com
plaint .wlthln. twenty days 'Jastlce ' Scott
In his decision said:- r.-i ':.
The principal question suggested by this
complaint was whether or not the policy
holders or the defendant society are en
titled as a matter of strict legal right to
the proportionate distribution of the entire
surplus of the society over' and above the
legal reserve required by law. A policy,
holder and the company by which he Is In
sured bear to eat-h other only the relation
of two contracting parties and tha policy
constitutes the contract between thein. The
rlRintifl's policy en;ltlm him tO"Varilclpa
h.f.i iiuuis, uui iriMKea no agreement In
terms to the extent of such participation,
or even that It shall be rateablv with the
participation of any., other .policyholder or
class of policyholders. The plaintiff how
ever. Insists that the charter of the de
fendant soi-lety must be read Una the con-
irni-i ana inai it so rend wilj sustain his
contention. . . .
Assuming, without deciding. - thst the
charter may be so read lirto tr.$-rontrrt.
it lulls short of sustaining1 the. plaintiff's
position. There is Jinihuia in tha statute
which says that no iuoru surplus shall tw
retained than what ia dfiKiiptnnte4 ihe iraal
reserve.- There, Is 'nothing, iu ' the . charter
which would iustlfy 4 b-llf that when Ua
f rumen provided htt settinir aaitle a por,
tlon of the surplus to, aieet xilut and
prospeetlve cUtims they had in mind what
is known as the statutory legal rem-rye, or
that they Intended to limit the oDVcers tQ
setting spurt that amount and no more.
(Continued front First Page.)
of the .police offlcera had not run away,
going north on Sixteenth street, an audible
titter arose In the courtroom. Judge Day
stopped the proceedings long Vnougli to
"You are all welcome here, as spectators.
but I want It understood that thor- must be
no sort of demonstration one way or the
other. If there is you. will all have to ie-
The witness could not locate the position
of his mates daring the fusillade or at the
moment when the firing ceaaxd, except
mm mm Davis was standing by his side.
He Indicated the place where tn bullet en
tered his leg and where It Was la!u out
and sal J the doctors leaned to the opinion
ne would have a stiff Ira for lite. An ob
lection was made and suetitnrjd to the
quostlon, "Did you know whether or not
reward was offered for Cro?"
. Leahy as tfca Btaaa. . ?'
Officer Dan J. Jahy told of tne actions
of himself and Jack son on the night of the
shooting after they picked up the trail of
the susfcted man. He had not sen Crowe
In fifteen years, and ao made "sure in his
om n mind It mas liiin before he agreed that
Jackson should telephone, lie said, ihe ltst
shot was died as the omen iuu;k the
See, dec. I. i9os.
An article given is remembered
is useful. The susreestions here
Remember we carry a larger and beauti
ful line of Real Lace Handkerchiefs. They
are Aur own Importation, which mrans a
great saving In price to you.
Men's Furnishings.
If It is the new and good things you want,
we have them. A good plan to start your
Christmas shopping list at this department.
New Mufflers and Reefer Scarfs.
New Neckwenr In all the popular shades,
New Suspenders In plain and rcvelty
webbtns-s. ..--.- .
New Shirts In stiff and soft bosoms.
New Gloves In kid or yarn knit.
New Half Hose In plain and fancies. -
New Handkerchiefs in plain, colored bor
ders, or Initials.
New Night Shirts In muslin or outing
flannel. . f , :
.Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes. -
i New Coats, for Wednesday's
- - - Selling.
Not a day passes but we show same new
and tip-to-dateCoats. new Grey Mixtures,
new Coverts. Black Coats and Evening
Fine Neck Furs.
Of reliable quality Natural Marten
Scarfs, at $5.00.
Ladies' Bath Robes, New
, ' . Styles. ,
Outing Flannel Bath Robes, at $2.75 and
$2.96. ( .
Outiryr Flannel Bath Robes, silk cord and
tassels, at $4.60.
Flannel Bath Robes, Imported ityles, at
$5.00, $8.00 up to $18.00. .'
Long Silk Kimonos, Japanese
Styles. .
Very handsome styles, at $6.00, $6.00. $7.50,
$10.00, $12.60, $15.00 up to $40.00.
Long Kimonos In Outing Flannel, at $1.60,
$1.78, $2.25, $2.60 and $2.75.
SILK PKTTlCOATS-HuBdreds of styles
to select from, at $3.96, $5.00, $7.50 up to
$35.00. "
prices on all our very handsome 811k
pavement In getting off the car. He did not
think It wa tho first hot Bred that hit
"I believe -the first shot went by my
head," said the witness. . "I thought I felt
It.'!, . .' , . .-. .- .
Leahy could not swear what shot had hit
Jackson or from what gun It waa fired. Mr.
Ritchie, oross-examlnlngv waa at thla point
dwelling wrongly ort -tlniL 'possibility' that
one of the.qther poltcemert tnlgM have hit
rfneason in the promlsouous ftjehigk; ji. 't ,i .'
t"The shooting looked and sounded to me
like a gatling gun." said Leahy.
Officer Dan Davis, on direct examination,
said the man who got away opened fire as
soon as he (Davis) and Ihe other officers
had alighted. He was paying attentloft to
Frank Murphy, Tyhom he reongnlaed as the
latter got on the car, and bVfore he could
give any attention to the second man the
battle was on and all hands were tiring. He
did not know what he and Baldwin Were
sent over there for until he met Leahy at
Sixteenth and William.
Four or Fir shots.
Davis gave It as his belief that the fleeing
man shot only four or five times, while
Jackson testified that he had sent back at
least ten shots. Davis did not believe Jack
son had been shot by a brother officer.
On cross-examination Mr. English brought
from witness the admission that he could
not Identify Crowe as the man who ran
away, nor could ha say exactly the numh.r
of shots fired, but he thought about twenty-
nve or twenty-six. He had emptied the six
chambers of his own gun and then reloaded
it before going into the lot:
Frank W. Fogg, a druggist living at 611
North Seventeenth, wan the first man other
than an officer to reach Officer Jackson.
He said he had heard Jackson telephoning
to the station from tho saloon and knew
what he was saying. He had followed the
officers and saw the opening of the battle.
He had taken Jackson on a car to get him
medical attention.
Mr. Fogg said fifteen to twenty shots
were fired. He denied any connection with
the police department in the m r ..
plying drugs.
(Continued from First Page.)
power to summon witnesses, examine books
and with ail power necessary to investigate
expenditures and methods of dolus- huln
be . appointed and instructed to make a
complete report to the governor on or he
fore Noyepiber.I. 19X6.who shall submit
the same to, ttie legislature, at its next ses-
a i f . mrl.l. n b . I ...... .
i ccouunenuauona ha may
After-reading .h message t'e tne lepl's
lature VQoVernor LaFolleite made i it.
ment that he would .,acent the T'ntd
States enatorshlp,'t which he was eleoted
by the tctclvlature last -session. ' ' ; .
Governoa lfnjiette Intends to -resign as
governor djrlii,- , ihe session. ,vi .
' i ."i i ' 'j
EJMcttons ia Maaaaehaaetts. ' '
BOSTON. Pec. -MunlciDal .
were bold today in fourteea Massachusetts
ritles. not Including Boston. ? Of these
cities, all except Fail River chose a mayor
the term a1 utflce la that tlty be In if two
years. In nearly, all of the municipalities
there were close contests for mayor and
for control of the city, government tk.
question aif licensing the sale of liquor waa
me iiiiui uruiiuneni i eat u re or the election
It's There!
Every cup of coffee contains that
thing which forces the heart
beyond its natural beat.
restores lis normal action.
... .
"There tv Rc$.oii.m
Congrswmtn Nerri Bill If! ikes Twohs
Hoar Maximum for Railroad Via.
Postmaster PalaneV Wants Adaltloaal
Helo la the Omaha rostofiieV and '
a Reelasslaata of the
Salaries. -
(From a Stair Crespondent.J
WASHINGTON. Dec. '.S.-i8peclal Tele
gram.) For a long time Judge Norrls of the
Fifth Nebraska district has been making a
study of the labor q joMtlon. and particularly
the railroad side of labor and hours cf work
performed by employes. lie has had In con
templation a bill limiting the hours Of labor
which performed by railway em
ployes, believing- that In thst limitation
many of the accidents which occur on rail
roads Would be culminated. , Today the
president irt hl message,- fn speaking of
this very question, sAhfv .'The strain, both
mental and physlcaV'Upon those .who are
engaged in the movement and operation of
railroad train under rnodern oondltlons, Is
perhaps greater than that wliloh exteta In
any other .Industry, and if" there are. any
reasons for limiting by law the hours '.of
labor in any ,enrplot-ttent they certainly
apply wtth peculiar force 4ip- the employ
ment of those -upon whose vigilance - and
alertness rh the performance oT- their duties
the safety of all 'who' ffave! bjr rait de
pends." ; ; ; - .;';.
With this ringing: prohwncTment "6f the
chief executive In 'mind. Judge Norrls !wTJl
tomorrow Introduce abill. in all probability,
making, twelve hours the? limit of a day's
work. What the fate of such a measure
may have is problematical, but Judge Nor
rls said tonight that with the introduction
of the -bill and supported as he is by Ihe
president, lie will lcat'no stone unturnej
to place such a laWOo. the statute books.
Batrh of Wester 'Appolatmeate.
Between recess -appointments and - new
nominations the pnsirtnt today sent to the
senate for confirmation the largest number
of appointments .ever", transmitted to the
upper branch of , congress In a single day.
Among the nominations were the following
of particular Interest1 to the transmlssourl
section: William, H. Michael of Nebraska,
to be consul general at Calcutta; Louis
Hostetter of Nebraska,, to be consul at
Hermoslllo, Mexico: Bertll M. Raanuissen of
Iowa, consul at St. Arvengen, Norway; Her
bert R. Wright 'bf Iowa, consul at Utllla,
Honduras; Captain Seth Bullock of Dad
wood, S. D.. t'nlte States marshal for
South Dakota; Captain Ebcn H. Young of
Planklngtoni fc D"..' consul at Harput, Tur
key; Thomas V. Darls of . Rock fprings,
Wyo., to be register of the land office at
a Personal AaBolntment.
The appointment of Seth Bullock to be
marshal of SoutV Dakota did not come as
a surprise to the delegation from that state,
although the members have nothing on
file to .show they-W favorable to Captain
Bullock's appointment' Bullock's appoint
ment Is one personal -with the president.
Possibly had .there., been, any other i. man
than Mr Roosevejbiia-the Whit House
the South Dakota1 . .delegation; rnight.. have
been Induced: to fijak a. .fight against Bul
lock's appointment, ; but- the president
usually does hWewiwhlnklnRj "an.4, ha,vln
been a friend, of ;Jullock's' for many years,
he .decided ota. tnahe him .tTnlted States
marshal s6nie fnohth ago, lifid' today sent
Bullock's name' to" f he seriate; ; Three of.
tht rour .n'Vnibffrsj.f pthe -.South Dakota
delegation - wiiipiihmiaiyi would ; tfave n-
dorsedr BullorlT Kh!an'nflkirsemrtl; bee'rt
necessary " rfcfCitih' tfts', president- how
ever that Uiey,-would .make no Objection
whatsoever 10" Bullock's 'selection' should
ths president send his name, to the senate.
As Captain Bullock comes fnom'Represenf-
atlve Martin s home town, " the- latter' dld
everything lie cotild to brjna about the
nomination,, although but little work, was
Now that Martin has announced himself
as a candidate to succeed Senator-Gamble,
It is expected Seth. Bullock will return the
Interest taken In him by Martin' to see to
It that the Black. Hills delegation to the.
next state convention is Instructed for
Martin for United States senator, .' '
Captalnoung of South Dakota, who
goes to Harput, .Turkey, was given this
position through the efforts of Senator
Klttredpe and Congressman Martin. Young
has been in training for the consular
service, and after his return- from the
Philippines, wherehe werjt with the South
Dakota regiment, ,he has been .making a-
study of consular affairs with a view of
entering the consular service.. He is a son
of S. E. Young of Planklnton, 8. D.
The appointment'1 of Colonel Michael to
be consul general at -Calcutta . has been
known for- a number of weeks. '
Klakald Heeomraeada Poatmastera.
Judge Kinkald of the Sixth district today
made the following recommendations for
postmasters; W. O. Foote, Buffalo, Daw
son county; Emma. P. Oraber, Little, Holt
county; George HerSog, Harold, Holt
FIxhisT fltatas of Kebraskaaa.
Congressman Pollard Introduced a bill to
day appropriating $75,000 for a site and
public building at Flattsmouth. Tomorrow
the representative from the First district
will Introduce a bill to determine the mili
tary status of certain Nebraska volunteers.
In ISM. during the administration of Gov
ernor Saunders, four companies of Infantry
and a company of artillery were organised
for the purpose- of protecting Nebraska's
borders against the Invasion of hostile
Indian tribes,' and 'these companies were
part of 'he territorial militia. .
Oaposrfl ta Abolishing; OBIee.
;'The terms of the- registers and receivers
of tho land office at Sundance and Buffalo.
Wyo.. will shortly expire, and we will
nominate ."persons to 011 these positions
Irrespective of what the secretary of the
Interior or Commission of the general land
office may do toward consolidating these
positions In one -person." remarked Frank
Mondell, the congressman from Wyoming,
today. Mondefl takes a wholly different
view from Commissioner Richards in re
gard to the consolidation of the position of
register and receiver and making one offi
cer do all the work. He is outspoken that
such a policy would do more harm, than
good and that the reduction In salaries of
either ths register or receiver of the local
land offices by discontinuing one or the
othtr would prove ' a very costly bit of
economy. Mr. Mondell maintained that re
reivers snd registers primarily pass upon
the -eatlre publio domain, tha,t they first
lay down the law regarding the rights of
settlers and the rights of entrymen to the
publio lands of the United States and In
consequence these officers are essentially
necessary to carry out the letter and spirit
of the law. "It would be interesting to
know, if such a thing were possible." said
Mr. Mondell, "what induced Governor Rich
ard to suggest .the elimination of one of
the officers in the local land offices 'when
be knew bow important It Is to have more
than one person pass upon an entrj man's
title to his propertju."
Palmer Oat! far Bear..
Captain H.. E. Palmer, posunaster at
Omaha, arrived In Washington today and.
as he says. Is "loaded for bear." Captain
Palmer la here for two purposes to ai.
tend the meeting of the board of managers
of the National Soldiers' homes and to In-
duce the Postofrloe department to raise the
salaries of some of the clerks and to secure
for the Omaha postoffice the standlrVg it
deserves by reAaon of Its Increased receipts.
Today Captain rainier secured an allow
ance of ISO days' extra work to cover the
holiday rush. This means the addition of
a number of "substitutes" on the clerk roll
to take rare of the Increased business due
to the holiday season. Mr. Palmer will also
ask for a new clerk for the general deliv
ery and a new clerk for the registry divi
sion of his office. "The postoffice receipts
at Omaha for the last eight months," raid
Captain Palmer, show a gain of Hi per cent
over the corresponding period of last year.
We have never been In such good condition
as we are today. Omaha Is on an equality
with . Denver and St. Paul, and yet the
force at Omaha Is considerably smaller
than In the other two cities mentioned, to
say nothing of the difference In salaries.
Reclassification Is necessary and I propose
to get it If I can.'
R. V. Kohout !of Wllber. Neb., attorney
for Saline county, who is in Washington
enroute to New York on legal business,
waa admitted to practice before the su
preme court on motion of ex-Congressman
Halner of Aurora.' .
Names mt Jlew CaMAet omeera aad
Others abmltel ta the
the Hesste,
WASHINGTON, Dec. B.-The president to-
rlay sent the following nominations to the
senate: ..
Secretary of State Ellhu" Root' of. New
Secretary of the Navy Charles Joseph
Bonnparte of Maryland.
. Among other nominations were the fol
lowing: Tnlted States Attorney William C. Bris
tol, district of Oregon. ..
Marshal James F. Shea, district of North
Interstate! Commerce Commissioner
Franklin Lane of California.
In addition to the above nominations all
of the recess nominations mado since the
senate adjourned last March were sent to
the senate. These Include officers in the
diplomatic and .consular service, treasury
officials, postmasters. Interior department
bfflrlals, army and navy officers In fuct,
every branch of the publio service Is rep
Poatmastera and Raral Carriers
Appotated for Kebraska aad -Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 6.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Edward M. Parker has been ap
pointed postmaster at Guide Rock, Webster
county, Nebraska, vice S. B. Newmej-er,
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Comstock. route 2, Daniel O. Brown car
rier, J. B. Rush substitute. Iowa Fair
banks, route 5. Thomas P. Ham carrier
Jellle M. Ham substitute; Thornburg,
rosie i, o. a. Moiyneaux - carrier, Mrs.
Garnet Moiyneaux substitute.
Civil service examination will be held at
Kearney. Neb., December 14, for clerk and
carrier In the postoffice service at that
place." ' ' '
(Continued from First Page.)
strengthened to carry that load. The board
states that the two fundamental principles
in designing foundations of buildings have
not been '.followed; first, .to distribute ths
lands carried' so that the bearings upon the.
earth shall be equal, land fhanhe road or
aefi' foundation come' ; directly over, the
center, .-otherwise unequal settlement will
occur, producing excessive stress In the
columns" or walls not supported. But for
ths good quality of the clay," the report
states, ..the unequal settlement would huve
been noticed by this time. The board
made the following recommendation re
garding the walls; . .
We therefore recommend that the loads
of all side wail columns be supported
upon cantilever foundations so designed
that the wall, columns will be supported
entirely within the lot lines of the build
ing. This will result in a slight reduction
in the loads coming up the intermediate
column foundations, and the foundations
can all be so proportioned that a sure
bearing pleasure will be obtained for all
footings throughout the building.
' Railroads and the Streets.
The ordinances granting the Union Pacific
and the Burlington railroad the use of cer
tain streets and alleys between Ninth and
Thirteenth street and California and Cap
itol "avenue were passed, though the Bur
lington ordinance was amended so that
road could come no farther west than
Eleventh street. This amendment was
made because under the original ordinanco
its tracks would have crossed, the Illinois
Central tracks.
When the resolution was reached to grant
Peter ller permission to -pipe his heat and
water from bis plant on the river bank, to
the new hotel he ia going to erect and to
other buildings he owns en route, the coun
cil took on the characteristics of a-Mis-
sour Ian and passed the resolution, which
was changed to provide that Mr. Her could
begin work when he bad mado the excava
tion for his new hotel and tiien he would
have to do the work In what ' the council
termed a reasonable time, the council being
the judge of the time. Mr. Her was given
permission to remove a number of his
buildings at Sixteenth and Jackson streets
to other portions of the umi lots to make
way for the contemplated structure. , .
Contractors' Claim Held Is. ,
.The claim of $1S.?D filed by fancy ft Red
mond for contract work was rejected be
cause it was stated by the committee that
the city had paid a Judgment of $5,000. which
was secured by a party who was injured on
their work, and that the city Is now suing
the bondsmen of these men for the money,
therefore It was thought best to hold on to
whatever the city had belonging to the firm.
The communication of John T. Cat hers
protesting against the mayor drawing a
salary- of $32.33 a month as a member of the
license board, which was referred to the
city attbrney, was brought., back to the
council with the recommendation that it be
filed away as a curiosity. The city attorney
made no, recommendation about ths U-gality
of the mayor's action In drawing the salary.
Coadltloa of Cash.
City Comptroller Lobeck filed the follow,
ing report of the in the hands of
the treasurer December I: 1
Cash to drawer v $ lo.827.04
Checks for deposit K.iHOJ.M
Balances In banks City funds:
First National tl(i2.77 .56
Merchants' National .... 116.61,2.73
Nebraska National M..1h5.n5
Omaha National lS.f0 &i
V National ,. V5.lzs.Mi
Kountse Pros.. N. Y .1.7 6oS.Xfii.S3
Balances in banks School funds:
First National .. Xf7.Si' . ;U ,
Merchants' National .... iJi.A
Omaha National 1.811.43
V. 8. National ,7;.71
Kounlse Bros.. N. Y l.tXJi. l&tyl.ts
police, relief fund:
Merrhanta' National ....$ tKH.tH
l S. National 1.&2.U t.MM.U
SfcUi tuna:
First National $ S.'.'o.uo
Merchants' National .... 2,u-i.uu
Nebraska National ...... I.uuu.uo lu.Ouu.uu
Total funds on hand ..
... .M4.S4X33
Take Laxative Bromo (quinine . Tablets
pruygisis icfund money if It (alls to cuie
E. W. drove s siKtuLiura Is ua,-each bux.a,
Watcbes-Fi'cuscr, 15th snd Dodge.
Four afjiterioDs Caisi Are Fow Under
laTtitifratiou ii Ostium.
Maa I ader Sabway Tralai Wossaa
Dies la f'hlaatowai Maa ftescaed .
from River aad Wsmis As
saatteel oa Street.
NEW YORK. Dec. S. Four of New York's
great highways the river, tne underground
I all wa)', the street and that, dark section
known as "Chinatown" each furnished a
police mystery today. In two cases, the
subway and Chinatown, death had come
between the victims snd the Investigators.
In the first the police have only the man
gled body of a man who, before he hurled
himself before a rapidly moving train, had
taken every precaution to thwart the ef
forts of tho officers to establish lils identity!
His clothing, unmistakably new, bore not
a single distinguishing mark and not even
a trinket was found In any of the pockets.
The man was about to years of age, weigh
ing 170 pounds. . was five feet nine Inches
In height, had dark hair and blue eyes, and
the scrupulous care with which he was
dressed Indicated that he was not a laborer.
Beyond these meager details, however,
nothing Is known. The man Jumped di
rectly lit front of a train as It swung Into
the 177th street and Broadway station -of
the sobway. His body was literally ground
to pieces. '
White- Womaa la (hlnatovra.
The ,Chlnatown mystery was the death
of a woman, Lottie 1-ane, a white woman
whose husband, a Chinaman, died a short
time ago. Since then she has been living
In Pell street In the house of Mock Duck,
"one of the most notorious of the Chinese
lenders In 'New York, who Is now under
arrest awaiting' trial on a charge of murder.
Lottie Lane had three callers last night, a
Chinaman and a 'white man and a white
woman.' During the night these callers
summoned a physician and notified the po
lice that their hostess had fainted while
she was entertaining them; The physician,
who found her dead when ho arrived, re
garded the death as suspicious. Tli police
put the three callers under arrest and be
gan an investigation.
The central figure. In the mystery of the
river Is William Halllnger, aged 28 years,
a market man, who says his home Is In
Yonkers. He was dragged from the East
river near the upper end of Hell Gate early
this morning, more dead than alive, by a
tugboat captain who heard his ' cries for
help. Halllnger said he came from Yon
kers yesterday with a load of produce and
after disposing of his wares started oi't
to enjoy himself.
He told the police he remembered Hi tie
since last night until he was found strug
gling In the water. It was found the man
had a fractured skull.
Mabel Weber, a 20-year-old girl, was the
fourth victim. Found lying bound, gagged
ami senseless In the hallway of the house In
West Forty-first street, .where she resided
with two girl companions, she was taken
to a hospital. For hours shs waa unable to
give the police any Information whloh
would assist them In locating her assailant
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braska aad Iowa Warmer la
' , t Northern Iowa Taday.
WASHINGTON' Dec. .-Forecast of 'the
weather for Wednesday and, Thursday; -
; W Nebraika and Kansas Fair Wednes
day and Thursday. ' .' , '
,For Iowa Wednesday fair,' warmer In.
north portion; Thursday fair.
Fer Bouth Dakota-Fair . and warmer
Wednesday; Thursday fair.
For Wyoming Wednesday fair, warmer
In east and sooth portions; Thursday fair.
For Colorado Fair Wednesday and
'' Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. I. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation as compared
with the corresponding day of the last
three years:
1905. 1904. 1903. 1902.
Maximum temperature... II 21 29
Minimum temperature.... M 23 14 IS
Mean temperature M ; 26 20 24
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and 'precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1 and comparisons with the last
two years:
Normal temperature '...;........., 3t
Kxcnss for the day ........... (
Total excess since March 1.., Mi
Normal precipitation 04 Inch x
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Precipitation since March 1... .. 27. 89 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.01 Inches
Deficiency tor cor. period.) 1904... SIM inches
Excess for cor. period., 190.
1.70 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Gtatinn and State
Tern. - Max. Rain-
of Weather.
fllsmarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, cloudy .....
Davenport, . cloudy
Denver, clear
Havre, clear
Helena,' cloudy .......
Huron,, clear .........
Kansas City, clear ..
North Platte, clear ,.
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear
8t. lyOiils, cloudy.....
Bt. Puul. clear
Bait Iake City, clear
Valentine.- clear ...i.
WllUston. clear
T p. rri. Tern,
. .00
A 4
- .Oil
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WEL8II, Local Forecaster.
(, Your Interests Are
T You help pay tha rail
Alroad freight rata. How
much do. you Know
about It? ...
- "Ray Btannard Raker's initial
article in McClure's for November
Is timely, and throws the subject Into
popular form. I,t shows the tremen
dous importance of the whole matter
and at the same time the burning
confusion and glaring abuses de
veloped bK. . uncontrolled railroad
managers," Chicago Tribune.
Ihe December Installment
is better, mora Interesting
and goes fart rter. -Read It.
It Is vital; it is true; it la fair.
All newi stands, loc, lit a year
Over 414,000 families are reading
McClure's Magazine
- v v - ' . v . -
44-00 East 23d Street. NEW TOKK
The law of '98 has re-,
strictod Savings Banks
in Nebraska from loan
ing money except on
first mortgages, on. real,
estate; general fund
warrants, bonds and
securities of known
marketable value.
Therefore the Savings
Bank is safe. ,
The only' bank In Omaha gov
erned by this law ta the
City Savings; Bank
1 6th and Douglas Sts. '
fejgihSStnrwSalM JiwwESSsTsTsjf sEssSShSsSssfflEsSsS
Don't Wait
Until Tour
Comes In
rt's a wrong Idea to think
you have to wait for a watch, a
diamond or some -Jewelry, until
you hare accumulated th full
cost of one. Buy one from tne on
And pay for.Jt as you feel able.
A. Mandelherg
' ' The Leading Jeweler
' Open
Have your plumbing and heating done by
competent men. We cheerfully give esti
mates and guarantee onrwoVk' to give en
tire satisfaction. ;Phoues, Nos. litbtj, ttrufi
and Red-6773. . ,4
2910 Farnam Street. ,
. . .-.OMAHA. " i W
' The only Mali arreda Bsklnar Sswas '
maaa at a moderate pries.:. 1
''t I jr
1 ii i ' .:- -
AMCSEMfcilTI. ' '' '
r ni I CX. Prloes IBe, 26c, SOa, TJo.
1VKUU Mats. Anv Beat; 26c. '
? . .
TONIGHT 8:15 .. ".'
Matinee Today X5o
- WM. T. KEOGH'S. .
Magnificent Production of '-.-'
The Gipsy Girl
. . ' - vi. j.r
. A Heart Story of Tears and Laughter.
Sis Hopldno
Original Production. ' ' Sterling CaA,
; i . ? sunpat i i - - -
Woodward A Burgess
Hall Caina'S Masterpiece- ' J'
With Jane Kennsrk and Original Cast.
Mias Kennark will, hold Reueplitin
after Matinee.
F. C. Whitney's Big Musloat BpeoUole,
UtWO OF woo.
BURWGQQ N'bts Bun. Mats. 10c
DUnnUUU -t ue, ,Thurs..8at Mnts 10-
v aad All track '' :
Under the. Ited '. Robe
Thursday Matinee Double Orchestra,.
, Next. Week-Why Smith Lft Home.
fluditcrium RcHsr Rink
Big Race Wednesday Kight
Thursday Matinee.
Muslo by the Band and
Skating every afternoon and evening
except Sunday. .' "'
Admission loc. Skates 15c. Wraps lc
'Pbons 494. '
Every Night Mat)eeThursdsy; turds y.
Buniiay. ... . ,
Mina Morris A Co.. t'relie s Kurapean
Novelty, the Thise Nivnro, Powell, Me
luni 'i'rio. Joseph Ntwumn, Zlniiuer, and
the Klnodrom. '
PRICES-lOc. tiic' 80c. " '" '
aVDUISolON Jfe Ci-NTlaj