Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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XnuoilmB Ottjootto 0erriding lift OrJ
. nct fbr.Y. H. .1. A.
. v '
-rtoadiae-fc la Behaal Baa Salary
' iff Ptf TMkn A(il Heealt
aha Eatlra Pay-rail
etar HaleV l. '
( - -
f ,'onalderable burstnee waa traiiaacted
by t ft -city, eownell last night, but there
wm little of Interest to the public A
Mayor Koutaky had expressed the desire
to ba relieved of the responsibility of call
lng a iriais m'eeflnf for tne consideration
of . tha wr 'bond question, th council
'decided t hold meeting at Workman
temple on the evening of December 14.
' Coanctlman -Adkin said that ha did not
want April. 1 to roll around without the
city onVlaJa taking torn steps to preaent
th hattr .'to ' the taxpayers. It was,
therffore.j derided td Iiold this meeting on
the 'date. '-mentioned and also to get out
as many people as possible In Order that
. both slde of the question might be fully
' i When W cam to granting permission to
the Toung Men's Christian association td
construct i frame' building Inside the fire
' limits' there'"-a considerable discussion.
The . councllmen all declared thst .they
'.wre ' wilting ' to help the asnoclation as
'much as possible, but did not like tbe idea
' of: ; violating Tthc -Are llnilt ordinance.
Mayor Koutaky stated that if permlaslon
was , given . the Young Men's Christian
association to- erect a, frame structure
other property owners or renters In the
sane locality' would want the same per
mission. He" mentioned couple of cases
that hud ilii,(ly been called to hi attention-.
Aflklns tmted that he had also bceu
approached 'With, the suggestion that 1 the
ordinance whs violated in one case It could
In others.
Mr. ' Klewlt said that If would cost only
about M To . Veneer' the proposed gym
. nasrum" With-brtck And suggested that the
directors 'M the association be asked to do
this Instead pi Insisting that the flee limit
ordinance be set aside In this case. In
urder - t4 ghave .an opportunity to confer
' ' wltfc Socsettiry : Marsh, the matter was
.postponed Indefinitely.
The reserve' on the Thirtieth street, the
O atreetiand the pavement In the alley
between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth
streets, "from If t& O. Street, amounting to
about H.ftO. was released. These pave
. ments have been down a year, and the
' city 'will-now pay "'to Parks, Johnson &
Parks the 10 per cent reserve and tlttu in'
terest. tho reserve having been Invested
.' at tier1 eenf. '
On DecernWr 12 arid 13 th council Will
sit as ' a' board of equalisation to act on
complaints on grading and sidewalk dis
trict -
It wnoMecided to lease the present city
hall building ot another year,, the present
lease expiring In a few days. The rental
Is to be the ime - $146 per month.
City Treasurer Howe asked, hla books be
checked from May 1. 1906. to May 1, 130U.
The council will employ an expert ac
countant -to do this work' soon after Janu
aty 1. '
CJty;",CIf rlt rjllllh.' was Instructed to ad
" vertlso Tor printing and supplies. Bids will
be received until J p. m., December 21
November bill and salaries were allowed
and then tho council adjourned until De
canter" IS. ;i ' v ; ''"
,u' Repatriate 1 Hammond Plaat.
,', "Preparation are. being itiad to repair
- yja, oJdIiaowjonl packing-' -plant,, and .when,
the repairs are completed the Omaha Pack
. Utg ' Company will move from Its present
' location to' the" Hammond building. Both
the Omaha and Hammond plants are owned
. by. the . National Tacking company, and
tfio move Is being made to secure a larger
capacity for the slaughtering and storage
of dressed meats. While Manager Crquhart
of the Omaha Packing company say that t Theodore H. Johnson who resigned be
the work of making repair and alteration 1 of removal f ronu the city. On th
I to be pushed. It will, more than likely
be April or May before the old Hammond
buildings. w"J" b In condition to occupy.
Entirely 'tiew niacnlnery Is to be Installed
In the Hammond' buildings and the repair
are to be moat thorough.
As the plant l situated' now access to it
cannot be secured , to It By teams. General
Manager Kenysn. of the Union Stock Ysrds
company sald'i i "flight thai when the
O .treat viaduct w built aft agreement
wa entered Intd wttti .the National Pack-
I tig company fo tha stock yard to eon-
struct anapproach -"in-Case th building
waa again Vctuplod. Mry' Kefcyon said that
he had not haard a. word" about th opening
of th Hammon4 pkvit, ut that an ap
proach would bs coostructed when required.
Teaehers AaUrle Not Allowed.
Only three" member of the Board ot
Education attended the meeting? held last
night. Mr. Laverty being absent. In order
to bring the,, matter pf teachers' salaries
befor th board, and atralghten out th
tangle lit' the teacher' pay roll, which
have b'n .held up forv; two months. Dr.
.. SchlndtH offared the following motion:
As the Misses Csmpbell, Fltsgerald. Pen
ney and Irena .Johnson have bn regu
larlV appointed in.- compliance with rules
of tn board, I move that they be allowed
the mdari'fi voted 4 b iHxitioim, Misa t'iut
Ixill , Mia -ntssrerkld Miss Penney
t.i tnd lls Johnson VL. A
President Morrill seconded th motion.
Wben the roll was called' Morrill and
Schlndel vote In favor of the motion, but
Mr. Rich voted In tha negative, and It was
lost.- In the expenditure of money a ma
jority of th board must favor a motion. ,
The teacher mentioned In th motion
Tlie;;Grover Graham
Dyspepsia4 Remedy
If 'jroir'arv 'a cbrtrttio' dyspeptic and
Iiare tritnl' all ofber remetltiHi for Dya
mi)mJm. without aS'all,;u(t will write to
11a, the Orovr Graham Co., Newburgh,
X. V.. we will present to yon, free of
hHrge.'k'1ottl of onr Dyspeijala Rem
Jleaara. Kbernutu McConnell are
our &Kat ta' Omaha and will gladly
telr you All about the O ROVER GRA
al6 supply you. upon .request,, with
some Itteralure. which, we believe will
be more than sufllcleni (o convince you
that our DyiMla Remedy l without
loubt nn of the luoat wonderful prep
aration that ha ever )n?en put nion the
uiaiket for. the cure st auy form of
Stomach Disorder. Our offer to you of a
fre bottle I in itaelf aufflrieut proof of
the fa4t that we knot that our Remedy
I all that we claim it to be, uaniely, a
. lKsitlT sptK'lOc for tbe iut t hrouic
case of auy form of disorder arising
from au Impaired dbjtlve system. In
suring perfect freedom ' from all distreaa
froui tho rery tlrst dime. Sherman &
MeConanll.. Druggist Agent. Omaha,
sent In letters asking that they be paid
according to the positions they hJld. Atei
being read the letters were placed on file.
fhene written requests wore sent In ac-.
cordunce with the Instructions Of the at
torneys who a'-e looking after the Interest
of these teachers. The result of the tarn
lng down of Dr. Behind-!' motion wss that
the teachers' pay roll fof November was
not read at nil. Other Nairn, ' however,
were paid.
Secretary Rich was directed to advertise
for a site for a grade school building. This
building Is to be erecte wtthln . .these
boundaries: Thirteenm street on tne ensi.
Twenty-second si root on the west, Syndi
cate park on the north and Missouri ave
nue on the south. Tho Idea of allowing
surh a scope of territory I to secure as
many proposals a possible, from which the
board can make a selection.
The resignations of Miss Penney and Mis
Halpln were read and accepted. New
teachers were named as follows: Eva
Murray at 146, Louise - Moore f4i. - Stella
Gray $15. Delia Borst t'O. Cora Rothschild
40 and Ella Malln $70. Ml Patricia Naugh-
ton was transferred to tho physics depart
ment and her salary was fixed at $0 per
The holiday vacation will commence on
Friday, . December 2S. ' and extend . until
Tuesday. January 2. The holiday vacation
has been cut short beciusa there Is to be
a spring vacation of one week In April.
Urce Jtamker at Teaeaers.
At the present time 1S4 regular- teachurs
are employed .In the public schools. Thl
Is an Increase, ot thirty-seven, teacher In
four years. The enrollment Is In excess of
last year and the number ot pupils at
tending Is 155 more than for the same date
lust year. One additional teacher I to bo
sent to Brown Park schisrt one to Lowell
and one t Lincoln tola week- The Wash
ington school is now bring occupied and
has four teachers. This sVhobl relieves the
Brown Park school, but has no"" principal,
being under the - jurisdiction of the prin
cipal of the .Brown Park building.
Klna's Daaabters Baaar.
On Thursday of this week the Presby
terian Kings' Daughters ' will hold
bssar at Workman temple. For some
weeks past members of thl orgalnzation
have been making articles to be offered
for sale, and th display of fancy work
promises to he exceptionally fine. A
chicken pie dinner and supper will be
served. In the evening there Is to be a
literary program. , Committees of the
Kings' Daughters are visiting the offices
and stores, selling ticket for the baaar.
Eagles Rleetloa Toalaxkt.
This evening the local- lodge of Eagles
will elect officer to serve for one year,
A great deal Of Interest la being taken In
this election, principally on account of
the lurge number of ' candidates. For
worthy president, the candidal, are C-
Chrlctlun.Hon. James Austin and Frank E
Jones. About the same number of candi
dates are on tha ticket for the balance
of the offices. The aerie has nearly TXt
members In good standing, and It is ex
pected that the voting will occupy several
Matic Cllr Voulp.
Work on the new buildings at the. Jetter
brewery is progressing nicely.
Mrs. Harry F. Trumble, whose Illness
has confined her to her home for the past
three months. Is convalescing.
' 3. S. ' McLaughlin is making some Im
provements to his residence at Thirtieth
and R. streets. He secured a building
permit yesterday.
Superintendent Charles Collin of the
Omaha Water company says that h can
use a few more men . on the . laying of
ma in a in the southwest portion of the city.
These births were reported at the health
office Monday: James I. Graham, 1519
Missouri avenue, eon; John Peterson,
Thirty-third and T, sonr Iarry Carlln,
S3 Q street, a daughter: Julius Grimm.
Thirtieth and IT streets, daughter.
- , !-- . i -
accessor to Theodore Johnnoa
.. Chose with l ittle Trouble by . .
N the 'Members. '
Robert B. Dempster waa elected a mem
ber ot th Board of Education Monday
evening to nil out the unexpired term of
firt ballot the vote was nine for Dempster
and three for W. C. Shriver Dempster's
election wa made unanimous.
A petition waa read ron Klopp Bart
lett asking payment for printing sample
and official ballots for 1903 at $96.80 and
for 1904 at $91.0. At a previous meeting
of the board It was directed that '$50 each
be paid on thesa bills In full satisfaction
One warrant had -already tjeen- paid on
. " ,nJL n
"P1 tne other $50 In . full settlement.
DU question arose at tne prior nieetlag
r,st!ve the -right of the board to hare
; tn,'e ticket printed, as It appeared to be
, ln custom to grant tne right to contract
lng for ticket printing to thi city clerk.
The matter, after some discussion, wa
referred to th attorney for the board, to
report at the' next meeting." ' ' ;
The . secretary reported that tl,400 ' had
been placed to the December, -1906, account
of the redemption fund, being 4 per cent
Interest on $36,000 street Improvement bonds
on deposit. Bonda for $3,000 matured at
thia date have been paid and money placed
In lieu thereof.. ;'
The resignation of Theodore H. Johnson
as a member of the board wa read and
accepted. Messrs. Koenig, Balrd and Rioe
wer appointed a special committee to draft
appropriate resolutions relative to th
board' appreciation of. the aervloe of Mr.
Johnson and regret for his removal from
the city. '
The committee on clulins reported favor
ably upon expenditures amounting to ,-
08.SO, Including the pay roll and contract
bUls, and recommended that warrant be
ordered drawn for the same.
The matter of the bond of the treasurer
of the board was recomlnttted. back to the
finance commute, in contuuctlon with the
attorney for th board and Judiciary com
mittee, to report at the next meeting.
The judiciary committee recommended
that th proper indemnity bond having
been given, that a new warrant be Issued
In favor of th Fort Scott Pottery company
for $23.80 to replace a lost warrant. The
report of the committee wa adopted and
the new warrant ordered Issued.
A resolution by Detwiler was adopted to
the effect that th board hereafter adhere
"i""'" rt.i.ns 10 oegin
at 7:30 o clock, nd thut the chairmen, of
the various committees do not call their
meetings during the hours of the regular
mooting of the board. -
Three Between Koarteea and Slsteea
Have to Haatle for Plaeo
to Meea.
... . r. -
Judg lJy had called td hi attention
Monday afternoon a deplorable rase of
apparent nvglect of thair growing diughtej-
by parents. Three girls, ranging In age
from 14 to 1. were brought In by probation
Omcer, Bernstein and Mrs. Tow!, his as
sistant. They ant charged with Incorrigi
bility, the specific offense being that thay
spent on whole night recently at a cheap
hotel, all three sleeping in one room. They
said a man gave tnem the money for their
beds at 11 o'clock at night.
One of th girl ald her father recently
had attempted to attack her with a rasor,
and that he la nearly always drunk. In
the other two oases the girl !d they did
not think tl.elr parent would take enough
Interest la theui to give bond for their as-
pears nee next Saturday, o th Judge or
dered them taken to th detention horn
until that time. In the meantime the
probation officer will make a more thor
uugh Investigation of the surrounding In
which the girl live and will har th par
ents In court to give an explanation Satur
day morning.
One of th girls wss taken out of school,
a second was tnk-n from behind a counter
in a store and the third said he could not
go to chool because she had to remain at
home to care for two smaller children.
Bea T. .White Refase to Be a
date, bat anarter Uologr to -Raw
Him Aoy way.
In Field club affairs the plot is tlilrken-
Ing. Ben T. White, the unwilling candidate
for president, has returned home and em
phatically declares that when he wired hla
refusal he meant what he said. J. B.
Blanchard, the other regularly nominated
candidate, states that ha Is Indifferent to
the result and the, club o.em.. unable, to
find member who will accept that office
without protest. The friends of the men.
however, are not llstlessir engaged in the
Campaign and Wednesday', vote promise
to be close. Mr. White, by persevering In
his modesty, may leave his opponent en
tirely alone In the field. The only alterna
tive left the antl-Blanchard men, the radi
cals they might be called, would be to
elect Mr. White against his will, since hla
name cannot now be officially withdrawn,
and on hla resigning leave Mr. E. V. Lewis,
the prospective vice president. In the execu
tive chair.
Some of Mr. White", supporters are In
clined to consider the actions of the other
party ns a little more than shrewd. ' The
telegram which was sent that gentleman
while In California reached Mm so late that
hla reply could not officially scratch his
name .from the ballot. Thla, It Is said, wa
Intended to embarrass the radicals with a
reluctant leader. That purpose ha suc
ceeded, but their opponents are determined
that last year' vice president shall not
advance to take the place ot Mr. Foster
thl year. The desire for an Interesting
election seem to be the principal reason
for desiring to defeat that gentleman. The
ciders of the club are trying their best to
smooth the tempers that are being ruffled
here and there, and deplore the tempest
which darkens the horlgon. All are confident
that after the election the cloud will scat
ter and under whoever may be chosen ns
leader the sun of prosperity will shine
again for a season as it did during the
past year.
E. RoVewater Delivers Address at
Meeting ot McKJaley Repub
lican tlnh.
The McKinley club held Its regular
monthly meeting last night at O'Brien'
cafe. Chairman Dodge was absent md
iBldor Zlcgler presided.
After a short business meeting K. Rose
water made an address on early Nebraska
politics. He began with a bundle of In
formation concerning tho malfeasance In
offloe of Governor Butler and showed
what a high standard ot morality the re
publican party In those days demanded.
Hs made this the basis of an appeal
to. the club to hold up the high standard
of the party, and pointed to the eample
sot by "the man at Washington." The .ad
dress was interpolated with reminiscences
whlcli served . to send home the moral
truths underlying government by the peo
ple. "The people are sovereign, said Mr.
Rosewater, ,"nnd the power must eventually
delegate Itself back to theml' Ttutfrlnust
eventually prevail and the present Instance
proves no exception to the rule.'" .
Mr. Rosewater outlined a scheme for in
surance regulation, highly original. He
said the day I coming when Insurance must
be. divested of Its glittering dividend fea
tures used simply as a bait to seduce the
unsuspecting public.
Mr. Rosewater ended with an appeal to
the young men of the cliA to uphold
the president, and tho trend of modern
opinion for purity In politics and strong
men for office, '
Lost Watch Is Recovered.
J.. W. Jones, who reported Sunday night
the loss of a watch and chain while riding
on a crowded car on tha Hanscom Dark
lino, had the property returned to hkn last
nitfht vhtla vlfttnir nn A -. r- .... I h, amA
'line. In leaving the car tho chain caught
watch out of hla 'poVkc?. Another'pVt y.
I after his departure, discovered the watch
' ana put it in his pocket. He kept It until
he met Jones, knowing that be always
rode at a certain hour of the day.
Rich Jewelry Prenaer. 15th an Dodgo.
8. D. Kflnatrlck of Beatrice I registered
at the Paxton.
J. J. McPherwon and A. P. Schnell of
Sturgls. 8. D., are at the Henxhaw.
At the Millard: H. J. McVlcer, North
Bend; J. Chapman, Kearney; R. G.
Daniels, Lincoln.
T. H. Knowlton, Fremont: Jerome
Shamp and H. C. Rowntree of Lincoln
are guests at th Paxton.
Nebraska people at the Arcade arv J. R.
Williams, Otd; B. A. Lathrop. Sidney,
and J. O. King ot Beatrice.
R. R. McFadden, Chadron; Miss Mabel
Loe. Fremont, and S. Saunders, iiloomneld,
ar registered at th Iter Grand.
I. 8. Conway, O. B. Brown, K. R.
Jones of Chicago ar at the Paxton. They
are here on buslnesa with Armour & Co.
Mayor Richard M. Phalen of Harvard.
III., relumed to hla home Saturday, after
a brief visit with hla uncle, M. C. Lawless.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Talmuge have gone
to Washington and New York to visit
friends and relatives for a period of three
J. H. Jennings. A. B. Whiting, Mrs. C. K.
I -add. Miss Nellie Ortega. Will Owen Jonea,
W. H. Benedict, Lincoln, lire registered
at the liar Grand.
K. E. Hall, L. M. Todd. Syracuse; A. J.
Herd. Warsaw; M. L. Munger, W. G.
Hyer, Lincoln; Frit Bedford and W. M.
Boon of L'tioa are registered at the Mur
Hugo H. Wendt, Big' Springs; H. E.
flinmi, A. Hicks, Allmnce; G. A. Rood,
Blair; Lewis Oberwetter, Gordon; Mrs.
H. H. Lyon. Lyons; V. S. Hall. Bladen;
W. A. Maigram. Preston, ar guest at the
James Nevels of Columbus Is a guest at
th Merchants. Mm Is president of the
State Liuuor Dealers' association and la
, ,re t0 .uend the srssion of the executive
. board of tha organisation, which meeta the
flrst Tuesday ot every month. He says it
Is not expected that there will be anylnlng
more than routine business transacted.
George H. Carter, the state political re
porter fur the lies Moines Capital, was In
Omaha Monday getting Information about
the Omaha street railway In connection
with similar facta In the larger cltiea of tha
middle west. Dca Moine at present is
trilng to have a franchise granted to Its
street railways that will guarantee better
conditions and lower rates for the patrons.
W. S. Cox ha resigned his position as
private secretary to Guy C. Barton to
accept the office ot vice president of the
Continental Finance company, which was
recently organized. Mr. Cox will leave
Httturilay lor isew Tor city to take up
nia new outing, tie waa tormeriy manager
of the Omaha office ot the American hmelt
ln and Refining company. Charles Barton
has been appointed to succeed Mr. Cox aa
private secretary to Guy C. Barton.
r.s. ukislow's
c:3Tc:::a syce?
ly fat A uurfa .
Botb Orota n4 lit Earginc Ehow In
niih Orer FrtTiovi Year.
Frartlos ler' Twenty-three Mllesot
lew Steam Ron and Sixty-Three -wile
of Kleotrte l.lnea Coo.
straetesl Daring Vear.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DUS MOINES, la, Dec! 4. 8ieclal.) Ac
cording to the annual report of th Stat
Board of Railroad commissioner Bled ltn
the governor today, both the gross and
net earnings of the railroad of Iowa alow
an Increase over that of Inst year though
the high water mark of 1903 is not reached.
Only t$.2t mile of new line wa built dur
ing the year ending June $0, 1906. and bt
this 19.H0 miles wa erected by the Chicago,
Anamoaa aV Northern, a new corporation
operating a road from Anamoaa to Coggon,
and the balance was due to change and
additions In old line. The total mileage
In the state I therefore .S.77 . and tho
gross earnings were $rft.43A,a.l&. While a
year ago they were $57,692,096.10. The high
water mark waa reached In . th state In
190V when the gross earnings war. tSS.lfo,
S26.ll. The operating expenses for the year
were $41.854.M.77, a decrease from $4:,G94,
040.85 of the year before, which was the
high water mark In operating expenses. Th
net earnings Increased to $16.48$,35.$S and
th year before were $14.998,034.8., The' net
earning per mile are $1.67.i. an Increase
from $1,619.86, the high water mark being
in 1830. when the earnings per' mils were
The number of car has Increased from
284.748 to 288,133; the cars equipped with
automatic coupler from 2S0.K9 to 284,548;
cars equipped with power or train brak
from 237,248 to 246.076; 'tiUmber of employe
from 38.508 to 39,571; Injuries from' coupling
car decreased from 75 to 45; killed coupling
cars from 10 to (; killed falling from car
from 20 to 11; Injured falling from jtraln
from 14T to' lo2.
In the line of accidents there la also a
good showing, the number of accidents to
passenger resulting In deaths decreased
from 12 to 7; to employes from 90 to 71;
others from 113 to It; accidents resulting
in Injuries to passengers decreased from
il to 148; to employe from 1.41! to 1.376,
and to others Increased from 128 to 190..
While the number of employes Increased
from 18.508 to 89.373, the totul paid In com
pensation for wages was decreased from
$25,128,102.20 to $25,177,129.55. and the average
daily compensation decreased from $2.10 to
$2.03. Thi is partly ucoi Hinted for by th
claim that during the year there ha been
a considerable amount f cheap help em
ployed, such aa shovclcrs. In Improvement
of the roadbed and other property. . .
During the year ended June 30, 1905. .there
was erected'' a total of 63.642 miles of addi
tional electric Interurban railways. "She
new lines are the Cedar Rapids k Iowa
City. 17.63 miles, and' IRQ lows' k - Illinois.
operating from Davenxrt to Clinton. 36.012
The report shows that three Inter-
locking device have been Installed during
the year by railroads . crossing at gradn.
These' are; at - Rockwell . City. Iowa Falls
and Spencer. There are ,now but. few roads
in the state crossing at grudei that or
not protected with the -Interlocking devise.
h '. 'X .
Fears Rival S 111 Kill Illm.
SIOUX CITY. In., i Oea 4.(Spcclal.)
A. L. Dart, an emploe of the Armour
Packing company, ha nled with .the police
a request that he be perlrtiltted to carry
a revolver. He alleges tftat a'Jockey named
St. Croix, wha Jive fiVtVirflia ha threat
aud to shoo"; iin Jf y persists In hl'st-'
fort to Induce Jtflsle jWllson of Council
Bluffs to Joln: him . Inl Sioux City. Dart
told the police he had-been engaged for
somu time to Mis Ayjlsor. and -lack" of
funds wa all that Is 'delaying the cere
mony. He say ttyi irreently 13t. Croix
ha been paying atu-ntian io the girl, and
when Dart wrote to her asking . her to
come to Sioux City and phe attcirtbted to
do so St. Croix informed her that he, would
1.111 . , u .. .. f, ., .1 nolt .frfL h, w.tiM
r" .. zLiZri' -
ii i . , , ,n v a n un . . ... n j . . - , "
will enceavor to carry out hi threat that
Dart wants to carry a gun,
Appointment Changes Political Coss
lexloa of Interstate Commerce
, C.aall.
WASHINGTON, Dec, . .4. -Senator Pet
kin and Flint of California called on th
president to discus with' him the appoint
ment of a" successor to,' former Governor
Fife of Illinois, on the Interstate Com
merce commission. At the conclusion of
the conference the, announcement wa
made that the president Wfluld appoint
Franklin Lane ot San Francisco to the
vacancy Created by Mr. Flfer resignation.
wmcn tnae. wl
Mr. Lane, whose nomination will be sent
to the .ena tomorrow; I r-democrat-wnd
hi appointment win change the political
companion o, ..... v.m.m. , of (he CftM of An. Conne ,BBn,t
commission from rapnbltcan to democratic. ( th Convent of Mercy of Omaha, for $30,000
Former Oovernor Flfer of Illinois, whom danOTefc Tu." u-jai bejan with Mis Cap
Mr. Lane will .acceed on the commission. n on the Und umJer cro.MXamln.
is a repuDiican. ns - '
Knapp and Prouty. " Commissioner Cock-
rell and Clements are democrats. , While
Mr. Lane always has been a democrat In
politic, he wa a supporter ot .President
Roosevelt in the last campaign.
In connection with this appointment, it' Is
pointed out that in the event of the en
actment of railroad rat legislation by tho
present congress, the' Interstate Commerco
commission very likely will be reorganlzud.
Sella More ol Chamwerlala'a Coagh
Kesaody Tha a All Other
Pat Together.
Th following letter from a locality where j
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy I well known
show by the unprecedented demand for it
that the medicine aeil on It own merit.
Mr. Thoma George, a merchant at Mt. El
gin, Ontario, say: "I luiv had the local
agency for Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
vr sine it waa Introduced Into Canada,
and I ell a much of It a t do all other
line I bavo on my shelves put together. Ot
th many doaen sold under guarantee, I
have not had on bottle returned. 1 can
personally recommend this medicine, as I
havtT uted It myself and giver U to my
children and always with th beat results."
Child Scald o Death.
LARAMIE. Wyo., 'D0. . 'Special.)
Saturday night the 3-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mr. L. E. Chandler was scalded
in a bath tub apd died within a few hour
aa a reault. The mother waa preparing to
give th little one a bath, and, hiving put
boiling water Into the tub, turned to get
something, when the child r.ll .into - th
water. Th mother matched her from th
boiling water and held her under tht)
hydrant, but tho terrible burn end th
shock were more than the child ould
Revival at people' Chorea.
Rev. Charles W. Savidge last night com
menced a series of revival tneetlnxs at th
people church. Hi North Eighteenth
street. .He la being assisted in K.e meet
tnxa by Rev. J. W. Morris, pastor of th
siemooisi episcopal rnurcn at Nortn
flat is. a no has ien exceptionally succcm-
ful In revival work. Marked Interest wa
shown last night and th ateetings will
t '
lands to- Cell, However, .for Belnsj
Drank and Creatine a
niatarbaaee. ., .
' John Cunhinghanv ateered Ms course Into
the clutches of the law last night. "There,
ye see,'' he shouted, presenting a battered
semblance of n bat before the eyes of the
patrol conductor, "There, see thot. Thot's
how CH've been, swindled In this bloody
town. Phat did Oi do? -Well, phat did Ol
do? Oi glntty ordered a mess from thot
spalpeen ov a Louie, ye know. It's Tlnth
an' Capitol thot's It. Oi paid for me two
frlsh atgs. an' whin Ol d .. downed 'Cm
straight "ec sex, 'Ye 'II pay 'agin.' "Agin."
sea OI. 'Agin,' nc he. An' he yanked me
brand new bonnet, oft me head an' tossed
mo this rag. Does ye see this rag?"
Then the Irate son of Ireland threw the
hat 1 on the floor. "Ye're goln' fernlnst
thot -mess eart an' git ie back me 'hat.
That's phut ye'll do. Ve il 'ave resplct far
me whin OI tell ye me father's house In
County Claire, Ireland, ' was painted both
Inside an' outside aid Inush. an' me mlther
did die. she did, in Mlchighan."
Such un appeal was Irreslatable to the
police officers, and Officer Morrison was
sent with Cunningham to Louie' lunch
wugon at Tenth and Capitol avenue. Thrtre
It was found that Cunningham had refusud
to pay 10 cents fo his "mess o' frlsh algs"
j and Louie had really snatched his hat oft
and thrown him tl-.c old one. Ho Immedi
ately gave back thehat when the officer
came. Cunningham - wa taken back to
the 'station, where hi opening remark was,
"Ye, seas a, sight ov difference between
tne new bonnot an' that uld fag." ,
He was 'charged with being dunk, and
locked up. tvhon he Immediately stepped
on his prison mate, another '.Irishman, and
a circus began. For .two hours straight
County Claire, Ireland, was mixed with
phrases which were-evidently painted' on
the outside and the Inside with mush.
Former Commissioner' Trial Proba
bly Will I3e First 'on Dla- ' -trlet
Court Docket. . ',
The;Xrhlled" Btates district court, docket
will bo Called 'for. trial Immediately upon
the close of the Connell against the Con-
vent of Mercy case, now on trial In the
l-n,j a .... ... .1 .... . , I . r . wt 1 . - ..
r".:r ir :r
nrt.Leu ill,; u ni b in in, mucins aiiu wn-
spiracy case, would be the first called for
trial, but an, agreement has been reached
wherebv the Ware case has been continued
to January. The first case, therefore, to
be called In. the district court will be that
rt the fnlleil fltates' arulnat .Thomas T.
Sloan, indicted for, submitting a false claim
While ocqupymg . tne-position, or t nited
States commissioner. In the event- of the
ftlnan rase not' being ready for' trial the
' f the United State against 'Ganraa
F. Phillips and William L. Johnson,
charged with cutting timber on Blackbird
Island. Thurston county, which la consid
ered a part of the Omaha Indian reserva
tion. tried.'. Following these cases
th liquor case for taking liquor onto the
Indian reservations will be tried. These
cases being disposed of. the land fencing
case .win occupy inc attention ot tne
coart and w be disposed ot a rapidly as
. hc gutM mtA Mon.
dfty morn,nK.wlth the continuation of the
aUon. Miss Connell was on the stand in
her examination in chief for four days last
week. The Indications ar that the can. ,
m-Hl continue, for the greater part of thl
week. , . '
Worklag to Beear Ball, hat la to
Last lht Had Hot Bar.
Frank W. Lambert has not yet been able
to secure tha $10,000 bail under which he is
held to. answer to tbe - federal . court for
conspiracy In th land fraud case In which
he Is jointly Indicted for conspiracy with
Rev. George O.. War and .Harry Welsh.
Lambert waa taken" from th county Jail
Monday noon, expecting to arrange for
ball, but after remaining at th federal
building In th custody of th United States
marshal the entire afternoon, wa returned
to jail. Lambert expect to secure th
I '
. rJj "V--v-.
rSV7Br fta, joyt! trmhoo.
'7. lt nohappinewcao b
O) If tn ) awet tha picture, ot
L J U vJy angel amile at at
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman thould know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avo-'ded by the ate of Mother's Friend,
ecientinc liniment for external ute only, which toughens and renders
etltaKta - all tka rtnrta mnA
attitte nature in ita tublime I
work. By ita aid thousand
of women have patted this
great emit in perfect tafetV
and without pam. Sold at $i.oo per IT 1 r n f3 fl
tv..i ,'... rv. i l - :..f... I 1 1 1 1 1 i i I ' I
value to alt. women tent free.
that knows, and knows
knows is wise. Follow
He that knows '
UiiGGda Biscuit
and knows that he knows
yiraeeda Biscuit
' , -
is well led. Dine with him.
Influence ef a number of wealthy friend
In the vicinity of his old home at Daven
port. Neb., to procure th necessary ball.
On of these parties la said to be a banker,
but these good friend failed to materialise
and Mr. Lambert still remain a guest of
Sheriff Power. .
Annnal Meeting of Aasoelallosj Held
at the Grand ' Hotel In
Coaaoll Ring.
Fifteen members of the Hotel Clerks'
association of Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs were present at the annual
meeting held at the Grand hotel In Council
Bluffs last night. As a preliminary to the
business meeting the members were en
tertained at lunch by Chief Clerk Park of
the Grand. These officers were elected for
tha ensuing year;. President. William
Anderson of the Her Grand; vice presi
dent, M. B. Park, Grand Hotel; secretary,
V. B. Paten, Hotel "Reporter, Omaha;
Treasurer. Joseph Keennn, Henahaw;
trustees W. B. Clark. Millurd; K. C. I
Scott. Merchants; W. H. De Witt, Bach
elors; sergeant at arms, W. E. Cory, Mil
lard; auditors A. A. Hastings, Murray;
Forsythe, Arcade.
Joseph Rclnboth of the Philadelphia
j association was a guest of the meeting.
. The members will meet Wednesday night
at the Henshaw and go in a body to the
Orpheum a guests of the house.
Society Event.
Sarah Barks took Electric Bl iters for
3 headacha, and can now meet her social
engagements. 60c For sale by Sherman It
McConnell Drug Co.
By 'rolling the highest . total yet madi
In - the second round tha Met Brother
team won three straight games from tilt
Armour fast rHght. : The packers rolled one
high game but It came against a thousand
game for the Met. King Denman carried
off the honors for the night with a totul
of 633 and a single game of Xi. which ties
the league record for the season. Snraguo
was high for the Armours with tft'i. To
night the Krug Parks and Black Kat aro
scheduled. .
tVJord was received today from the' Gun
thcr team of Chicago confirming tholr en
gagement at the association alleys for De
cember 31 and New Year's,
1st. 2d. 2d. Total.
ITS 177 201 656
1K7 -"IB Ml
1HU 176 17.1 6 8
304 1KX 171 53
1K7 2'f 190 633
1 Brunke
i Total .
, Wo
, 1K7
lire !1 i7
3d. Total.
1 Hartley
UTS b76
Sprague .
Totala 824 W3 857 3744
The Lemp' Falstaffs took two' out of
three games from the Jetter Gold Top, on
the Metropolitan alley.
Carman m
Jay , 1
Kiernan K7
2d. 3d. Total.
15$ HI 5o2
143 164 4$
1J6 170 4V.S
it m m
it iifi 5a
"? "wa 242
3d. $d. Total.
181 IBS 48$
18 lb9 i
1&8 1S8 474
l'!2 130 379
173 137 473
801 782
( gi,n "."".'.'";"".' S
. 772
. 143
, 138
, 1M
, 118
. lt
Grotte ...
Foley ...
Butler ...
White ...
Totals .
Coafldeaee Cost Him a Coat,
"Ma partner, hay stole put -coat." said
eorge Carleson as he stepped bashfully
to the sergeant's desk last night. He
was an honest looking boy from Sweden,
and the peraiarallon burst out on his face
he r.aulngty told the story of his mis
placed confidence. He met hi prtner
three weeks ago In Grand Island, and since
that time the two have been sharing their
fortunes together. They came to Omaha
two weeks aao and were working for the
gas company. Yesterday, while Carleson
was at work Frank Mmltn. ma partner.
so he declared, entered th room they had
at 131 North Twelfth street and took the
overcoat. Th partnership waa dissolved
and Carleson asked the asalatance of th
police in recovering hla property.-
; local brevitIFs.
Judas Sears has granted a decree of dl
vuro t Harry O. Churchill from Ollv
Pries, hi wife, on the ground of desertion.
' Mabel Allison is suing John Allison for
divorce on th ground of nonsupport. They
wer married at Denver. Colo., In October
19UL She wishes to resume her maiden
nam of Barkadal.
house ftold, for withoat
be complete. How
mother end babe.
and commend . tbe
thought and aspirations of the mothel
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother mutt paM, bow
erar, it to full of danger and auaering that
the looks forward to the hour when the thai!
' 1 1
Addrew I mm
him. '
CIrejct from Cur DUti:iry tttTC'J
Savtt Daaltrt' Profllt ,
Prtvanta AdultaraUow. ;
Wt HI Mod you, In l ataln inltd
cim, with so marki to straw contents,
$3.20, and w win pay th prtt
chirges. Try It, hiM your doctor lost
It, ten It any wiy yes Ilk. If yet
ami Was It is nrnt and Vm urst
sad tost whisksy yos vr
Ustad, thl It tuck is stat
or axpens in yoar (3.20
will b promptly rtfunOed.
At our distillery, on of
th lurgost and bail
equipped in the world, w
dixtill aa average of S.!W0
gallon of PUBB WHIS
KEY a day. When yon
KEY, It goes direct to yon
from onr distillery, thuti
assuring yon ot perfect
purity and saving yots the
dealers' big profit. HAY
scribed by doctor aad
l Dta-riKBV-- t
used in bospkals and by haft a million eat
isfled customer. That's why YOU should
try If.-
h-aiTg ora gruturr omct ,
DAYT0R, 0. ST. tOUIS, M0, .
gr?rs for Arts.. Cl.. CoLt Wsho, ManV.Kef .,
N. Mas , Ore.. yUliT,, r Wyo timi bi
on thblof 4 qt AkT for Sl.imlir titrui sm nis.
rnu, ot sa lAaTsiortikssbrfaiivBTritsrAia,
DismxckT, Trot. O. , EsTAausaro UM.
300 Capital $100,000,00 fll irPufl.
I)romo-Li.v feontalns ha
'Qmnlno) breaks up eolcls la 1
the head in a few hours
leaves no bad after-effect '
I lilte Quinins Preparatlnna '
Doi the work o.idiUIr
safely get a boic toflavfrom ym,r drug-
gist Ask for tho Oruajr Colored Bo
. and-aee taut, the label reads
T0RZBEEM Msusuining,
. It Ukcs tbe plac of food
because It contains all the rich
nutriment of malted kaflcy,
dilute In tparkUnr Artecua .
water. Ai d beverage ST0XZ
BEER is better thsn tei.cofTcc
or water better for the Ram
adi, th nerves, and tho
muscular tissu of the body;
Prominent physicians hse so
stated. Alw n order STORZ
r I ' rl ' -i T.11.1M1"- '
ani unir.ti
OR. . McliREW
ha mad a SPE
CIALTY of all form
Of diseases aod diav
order of
His , favlUtlss for
treating thla cla of
dim-aac ar unlim
ited. Hi remark
abl cures have sel
dom taen equaled. .
Over 30,000 Caeee Cured ,
Varicocele, Hyarocel. Blood Poison.
Stricture, Qleet, Nervous Debility, Los ot
strength and vitality. -
Hie Home Treatment
hs permanently curod thousands of eases
of chronic Nervous, Rectal. Kidney and
rilsdder and Skin discuses at small cost.
15 vo tlm and money by describing your
case and write for FREE COOK aud term
of treatment. Medicine a-nt in plala
package. .
Chsrge Lew. Oacultauaa ra
Ofnc Hours a. m. to $M p. m. Sua
daya. t a. m. to p. at. , .-.-
Call or write. Box 7L Offlc ZU (South
14th street, Omaha Neb.
Gvcry Vcnsa
uaansiea ann uwu
about Ui waxlarral
MARYtl VkaUaa Way
Ta mw t(W f-m- AW-'
NvSSMMrtua, mi
it . -
!iu4suitiiy tit
Ka.. aMu uu
oi iM-r . Mil wb4 ftUkuib far
fliiisuaua tK.k Js. It siras
iutl fiArl,al&n and .lirM-lii.r.a 1,
luUl to uul.ra. M A Kf Scl. tO.,
a. aa st ilm t usa.
fat ftai ar
Cor. 16th and Doage eta., nnahav
- w
III W P -r.J r , g laanmwaaga-ya
tamTaiWkfV, 11,. -!
a m.uisuiiily lb t
is. I. a
Only Oa Oellar gi
continue indenmtely. -