12 THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1905. A rsn Juub w u Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Begin Monday JuBt three weeks of Christmas shopping remain. You know what the last ten days before Christmas means. Avoid all that rushing and crowding and buy gifts when you can shop at your leisure. Monday Is the day to begin. Wait for the Grand Opening of Toylamd Next $txfurd&.y. Our Sale of Rich Cut Glass No gift for Christmas could be more beautiful nor more fully appreciated than a piece of brilliant cut glass. Buy tomorrow and lay up from Christmas. Thousands of pieces of cut glass In the widest variety of large and small pieces, all at prices never before thought possible. KXIFE RESTS AT 49C. FIVE WATER BOTTLES AT fl.98. CTT GLASS TUMBLERS AT 20C AM) SIC EACH. BRILLIANT 8 IX. CTT GLASS BOWLS, 2.98. Ya Viim I. ill 1 1 M,.J,U1L.JHI"'H M IMS fjroiirifDifDsi" I - CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Beautiful embroidered and lace edge Handkerchiefs, also fine linen Initialed Handkerchiefs, all widths of hems and all pure linen, worth up to 4 e 4 m at5VaS..J0C-l5C Handkerchiefs white , and colored many pillow' top designs, worth as high as 15c each some are lace and embroidered handker chief seconds that have slight Imperfections over fifty different styles at each . 3k and 5c i Three Great Specials Ladies Winter Coats MAIL. ORDERS WILL BE CAREFULLY FILLED $P98 rJm S798 MONDAYOUR EXTRAORDINARY Ladles' lace and embroid ered handkerchiefs, all beautiful new patterns also ladles' all pure linen convent hemstitched hand embroidered InUlaled hand kerchiefs, each 25c Ladles' and Men's Initial Handker chiefs, some hand embroidered, six 1 n fancy box, worth up to 11.25 oox50c-75c Ladies' La.ce Neckwear 19c-25c Christmas Kid Gloves 3 Just Like Lace Stocks, tabs and turnovers, make dainty gifts many are Kayser's all linen turnover collars, special, worth up to 60c each, at No present could be more in taste. These are the finest kid gloves that are made Perrlns, Reynlers, Dents, Monarch, etc all street and "r evening shades also the extra long elbow gloves, In our regular P f CA CI o. T CA Glove Dept., at. 4 -! J lmp A to M Pretty winter coat like above, AS inches long, made of good heavy cheviots, Empire front and back, yoke . made double with satin piping, half lined with heavy Venetian lining. Brown, Navy and jp. Just Like This Picture Extraordinary Bargains Monday . Blaxk Silk SaJe Greatest values in Black Taffetas that Omaha has ever known. A fine opportunity to setect now for Christinas these well' known brands of Black Taffetas at the! lowest possible prices. ' $1.00 BLACK TAFFETA 27 inches wide-made by the Phoenix Silk Mills and warranted, yaxd '. $1.25 BLACK WATTERETTE TAFFETA 27 inches wide, every yard guaranteed to wear, at, yard FAMOUS BLACK BONNET TAFFETA. The best Taffetas in the world, name and guarantee woven in every yard. $1.00 Black Taffeta, Bonnet, 22 inches wide, at, yard . $1.50 Black Bonnet Taffeta, 27 inches wide, at, yard'. $1.75 Black Bonnet Taffeta, 36 inches wide, 1 1 Q at. yard $1.75 Black Feau de Soie, 36 inches wide, positively all silk perfect quality, at, yard Elegant Silks for Dresswear, for light waists-and pretty scarfs, Pompadours, Taffetas, Printed 69c 79c 75c 89c 1.29 Fancy Dress Silks, 24-in. wide Also 20, 27 and 36 inch neat Waistlng Silks, pretty Chameleon effects, $1 ea7dv.e!r.'....49c-69c Plaid Silks Shirt Waist Silks, leading street r shades, also double width pure Silk Chiffon, i Dm black, white and colors, worth 75c, at Jr Jr V Crepes, Messallnes, also White Silks, yard Stylish winter cloak like above with fur, collar made of good heavy cloaking cheviots, Em pire pleated fronts, back, yoke and cuffs with wide silk soutache braid, collar of Bel gian Sable Fur, .48 ff C)Q inches long........; 3-JrJ fir:-x ' ' Just V mi ' . Llkc . wrr ' This iitlM'.':':piclure Sale o Stunning New Zaza Scarfs, at : : . . . t Ermine Stock Scarfs, extremely stylish, at ....... i Ermine Four-in-Hands, beautiful new effects, at. 14.85 19.00 24.50 Fine winter cloak like above cut with imitatian Persian lamb collar,' heavy all-wool frieze cheviot, lined throughout with imitation bear skin liningmade, with wide4, full mdnnish. back, large-silk but- Blended and Natural Squir rel in zazas, stocks and four-in-hands, at 398498.598.750 Fur Scarfs, worth up to $10, :?..-..,....4.98 Fur Scarfs, worth up to . $7.60, all 1 Oft kinds, at J.JO Fur Scarfs, worth up to $6, S.k.,??!-.......298 Ladies Fur Jackets - Near Seal Jackets at $29.$325".$35 Astrakhan Jackets at 245o.$29.$35 pay Near Seal Blouses, with "J45-49-59 I tons . v -......; i 9.98 m Seal Skin Jackets at !98-!125-!198 Krimmer Jackets at $39-!49-?59 ( Evening Gowns and Opera Coats j AT JUST HALF PRICE I We have about fifty of the most stunning and elaborate gowns and coats, in the latest and most charming styles, which we will dispose of within j the next few days at exactly 50c on the dollar. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! WE HAVE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S CLOTHING Together with all the Ladies' Cravenette Rain Coats from PEASE BROS. CO. 1417 FARNAM STREET , Who Retired from the. Clothing Business Pease Bros. Carried only the Very Highest prades of Men's Hand-Tailored Clothing. Every well-informed man in Omaha Knows that Pease Bros.' Elegant Ciothing could not be surpassed in style and workmanship by the highest-priced Custom Tailors. ENTIRE STOCK GOES ON SALE DECEMBER SEVENTH THURSDAY At Just One-Half Pease Bros.' Prices Business Suits Semi-Dress Suits Cravenettes Tuxedo Suits Full Dreas Suits . English Walking Frocks Prince Albert Coats and Vests Overcoat Fur-Lined Coats Odd Trousers Ladies' Stunning Tailor d Suits Ladies' Stylish New Model Tailored Suits These are in all new colors, new styles and new cloths the most popular ef fects that are in vogue in New York ; the , best colors for .,, winter, wear actually worm up 11 jr. to $25.00, at r; . . V .... '. .-..... u " Ladies' Smart $40 and ."50 Tailored Snita at $24.50 these suits are the height of elegance most of them are absolutely exclusive in style made in broadcloths, velvets, suitings, gray tweeds, etc. all new and re cently received by express rrom New York the season's most swagger effects, at Ladles' . Walking Skirts In new pleated and cffc ' cular styles, correct winter weights Jl Q Q specially priced at tTtJj Ladles' Tailored Skirts Dress and walking effects, all popular fabrics and colors a special sale at half price .' - AT EXACTLY HALF THE FORMER MARKED PRICES 1 . . Exceptional Bargain Event WINTER DRESS GOODS Heavy Coatings, Boltings, Cloths for Skirts, Etc. Fine imported dress goods, worth $1.60 to $2.00 a yard main entrance square, at, per yard Best Style of Winter Dress Goods In black and all colors fifty four inch mohairs and Sicilians one dollar and twenty five cent grades, at, per yard Vitty Cents and HUty CenU Albatrosses, Nun's Veiling, Waist lngs and flannels plain and light shades, at, per yard Black- all wool Nun's Veiling, 60c and 60c grade will go iC at, per yard JQ, $1 black silk and wool crepe, at, per yard . . . Creajn serge, granite I Impor'd dress patterns. mohair, worsteUs, reg- fine tailoring cloths. worth up to $3 Cf yard, at, yard. . . .$1 59c uUr $1.25 grade at . 85c Taffeta poplin, French poplin cords. tamlm and hnrlntta black and all new shades, 11.25 trades, at, yard Cream Mohair, a special for Monday only, at, yard . . Plaids, extreme styles In Scotch Tartans, French fouls plaids, 48 inch. 11.50 grade, yard 69c 49c 39c cords, 85c 45c itylea tench Take advantage of the bargains in the Annex, everything for school dresses, waists, etc., will go at, per yard ,, 1 29c If? The most com plete Shoe Dept. In ttaa west Men's and Ladies SHOES Fashionable. Serviceable. Pitted by courteous, ex perienced salesmen, who render you perfect ervlce. Our great stock of Ladies' Shoe has been selected with the greatest care. We are showing complete varieties of the lat est and most popular effects from the best makers of high class shoes in America. We especially mention the American Girl Shoe at $2.60, the ladles' Red Cross Shoe at $3.60, the ladies' Dr. Reed Cushion Sole Shoe at $5 MEN'S FIXE SHOES We are selling the best ' shoes for men that skill can produce. The Flor shelm Shoe combines elegance, perfect fit and ex cellent service; most styles are $5. We also men tion the best shoe that is sold in America at $3. Extra. Special Bargain ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT Third Floor We make this offer: PILLOW TOP AND BACK, fast color, tinted, worth 25c, SIX SKEINS ROMAN FLOSS EMBROIDERY SILK, worth 20c, and one copy Cortlcelli Lessons In Embroidery, ALL FOR.... 25c 1 rillow Top and worth 50c, at Large Laundry 25c each, at, each Back, well 25c Bags, worth 10c . i f . Finished Pillow Tops, ,aYT;....,;.19c Pretty Center Pieces, Dollies, Scarfs, , etc., etc., specially priced. Special Values Monday in Our BLANKET DEPARTMENT Extra Lare Size 12-4 White Blankets These are western made and values up to $7.50 per pair. " They are a spe cial purchase that we divided into two lT9$ A 98 Jots, at : .. rm They must be seen to be appreciated. Two Special Rargains in Very Heavy Coarse Gray Wool ' Blankets These are specially adapted to hard wear. They go at, per pair V2-V1 .39c Splendid Values In White, Gray and Tan Cotton Blankets ranging In price, per pair, up from , t Two Special Bargains in Imported Wrapper or Bath Robes Blankets The extra large size goes at $1.60 per pair, they are worth M ' $3.98, and the other site at 76c per pair, that are worth m tf $1.60 per pair. These are slightly soiled lii cnuSr" Winter Underwear ! iSf Tr2rarw.!.r7r.rt...25c-39c-69c er. M.!!!! 69c.98c-1.50 19c-25c-49c 19c Children's winter welg-ht Vnderwear- tniKDi Children's 81eetlnc Garments per suit All Wool Golf Gloves Ilea', tnlsss' and children's all wool ruhmtr, mow,. r tore IJnsd Gluvs. Golf and 6ootch Oluves soma stilt lined, plain and fancy also Saxony If 1 1 Wh1 Wlttens worth up U Tic ialr jC"a)IC LINEN SALE IN BAEflENT MONDAY SOc bleached and cream, extra heavy Table Damask, f a yard IDC Linen Napkins, 'made from Drum mer's sample pieces of fine Da mask, all nicely hemmed, f each 1C 5 Turkish Wash Cloths, f eatifi 1C 10c and 15e all linen .Doilies, f each DC 25c stamped Scarfs and in Squares, each 1UC 60e hemstitched Scarfs, Centei Pieces, Squares and f? Dollies, each DC $1.50 and $1.75 all linen hemstitched pattern Table Cloths, C1Q ...VUU each DRAPERY SALE SPECIALS MONDAY. Best Oil Opaque Win- 0Tt dow Shades, 3 6x7 ft. I"! P r w each. Door Panels, in point lace, worth up to 75c special each Tapestry Curtains, and two-pair lots -worth up to $3.50 pair Couch Covers, in French stripes, up to 60 inches wide 25c all the one 1.98 98c Lace Curtains, big as- ft f) sortment of patterns, f4f unusual bargains, pr. . vrV JAPANESE CORNER. A complete stock of the pret tiest, oddest Jap Novelties, pretty China, unique Toys, charming little decorated pieces everything sells at prices unusually modest. These Little novelties make the most acceptable gifts. 100 CALLING CARDS, 39c Printed la few minutes in the Arcade. All new styles of type. Souvenir Case Free. TAKE LUNCH IN OUR NEW ORIENTAL TEA ROOM Daloty Lunches at Modest Prices. Exceptional Holiday Offers in SILVERWARE & JEWELRY We purchased from an Attleboro manufacturer an immense stock of the most beautiful Sterling silver Spoons, Jelly Spoons, Cold Meat 'Folks, Cream Ladles, Olive Spoons, ggej m Sardine Forks all at the price " I fm! of old silver worth up to $2 77 B f. each at, each. Ladles' Fine Combs at Spwlal Sale We bought all the Bample stock of Ladies' Back and Side Combs from Warren and Loeb, Chicago. These combs are beautifully mounted in fancy stones and brilliants In steel, amber and white positively . worth up to $1.25 each at each :25c Special Bargains in Books Mond Regular $1.08 and $1.50 Copyrighted Books from the Smart Set Publishing Company, at A few of the 75 UUee that wiU be found la this sale: The Fighting Chance, The titnaweea, a bocisi iion, rerkins xne r aicer, w lu lling lllin Back, Miss Sylvester's Warning, The Volga rlans, Krverlrs of a Widow, Araby, the Trllier; The Vir gin Lau, The Crisis, The tn Woniao, will go in the same let, for- ,..... w.'. .,, . 60c HkW at lc A nrw series popu- 4 Ur Cloth Bound Books at 12e History lar favorltaa for bos and strls. printed I blarraphy, advttnlurr txwtry and on nne paprr. urn ijp llkr iKo over lour ounarfcO " I 35c fully Ilium rated titles, at