THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. LIVELY SALES EAtf FARNAM Lo. Changing Han. Is at Increase! Price! fcitce Ae Track Wera Laid. ONC PIECE JUMrS UP FOUR THOlND luloB I'aelfle liar Property Which t n.ilM Track to ( Telephone and M. F faillh Mania. bnv, John Mnea, 1?W 8outh Flfoenth. girl; J.mtt's Norllnr. 2118 South Tfurtv-fourth, I Nlrl; Michael Btodllng, 2il7 South Twenty I eighth, girl. ! lM-ath 1Oitia Ernt. 21. Bennn; Rnw it;iii. it ov. .711 .onn t,ieventri; tmrry Cohen, 4H, 1X14 Davenport; Harry n. liar wonil. r, Sandwich, Ont.; florge Hniold Patterson, 10 month. 41s Nor III fevn twnih; Kit her Cornblntt. so, 1107 Dnven port; Miry Schmidt, 70, 27.1 South Thirteenth. Sella Marc of Chamberlain's Coach Remedy Than All Othera Pat Together. The following letter from a locality where Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la well known shows by the unprecedented demand for It that the medicine sella on Its own merit. Tha ayndlcnte organised by N. P. Dodge j Mr. Thomas Gesrge, a merchant at Mt. El and A. L. Heed ha bought lot t and part . gin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local of lot 4, In block "F," the latfr being dl- j agency for Chamberluln'a Cough Remedy rectly north of the Union Pacific headquar- j ever since It was Introduced Into Canada, tera, at Ninth and Farnam streets, and and I sell as much of It as I do all other facing the alto on which M. E. Bmlth & Co. lines I have on my shelves put together. Of are to erect their mammoth building. Lot j the many dozens sold under guarantee, I 3 la cast of the headquarters building. Tho j have not had one bottle returned. I can property Is 122x132 feet. personally recommend this medicine, as I The sale Illustrates the 'recent increase ' bave ueed It myself and given It to my in the value of property on Ninth street north of Farnam. Within the last sixty days, before the lnhn Pacific Ninth street tracks were laid. John Walter Phelpe bought the property for $11,000, and prior to Unit still, within this period, It sold for $5.t". Kc mild. It to the syndicate for ji:i,xx!. H was bought as an Investment. The Union Pacific has bought a small strip of ihla property for trackage, which will reach tfw Nebraska Telephone com 1 may's new building on Farnam street, ns well an the M 12. Smith building on Ninth Htreet. children and always with the best results." Announcements of the Tbeatera. Mlis Florence Roberts will conclude her engagement at tho Boyd theater this aft ernoon and evening, offering at both per formances Paul Armstrong's ''Ann La ment." On Sunday evening Jane Ken- nark will open her engagement In "The Eternal City," tho strongest and most In- I loreoiing.of the Hall Caina melodramas, j In this play Miss Kennark finds a role j that Is extremely well suited to her tem- i pcramentally, and In which she has made Annth'T p'rcliave lias recently brcn mnln i by the nyrvOk-ate for S,C0ft. it Is the two- i story flnts. at 2210-2il2 Farnam street. ! a decided hit. Roma Is a great conception, Hen rtren dinar was trr" state of A C Htlckel's duiighter. MlletM, W. Va., with a leg sore. Ruck len'a Arnica Salve cured her. 25c. For rile b) Sherman & McCnnnell Drug Co. ""V'rlto Ma lunacy & Hyai, ror 1306 Christ inas jewelry catalogue. It's free. and loaos nothing of its greatness by Miss I Kennark't treatment. She la supported j by a fine company. Mr. William Honney I I having the role of David Rossi and Mr. j Emmet King appearing as Count Bon- nell the marplot of (lie atory. The scenic Investiture of the play Is one of the heav- , lest ever constructed and presents Borne I pictures ol rare beauty. Tho engagement Is for four nights, with a matinee on j Wednesduy. Leather Suit Cases, $3.98 All leather suit cases at S3.9S worth 16.00 In spite of the advance In prices of leather we were able tb buy these cases way down under the market value Ladies Kid Gloves Centemerl Kid Olovea for women are the tnort perfect fitting glove Imported to th.a country. We are sole Oniaha agents $1.00$I.25$1.50 JL Mei s Suits and Overcoats WORTH FROM-SI6 TO $24 Men's Suits and Overcoats at $8.50 and $12.50 are the prices that are selling these garments at a record breaking rate. Last Saturday we unveiled the most suc cessful Suit and Overcoat sale known to Omaha shoppers. There is still a broad selection if you choose today. Variety enough in the garments to suit every taste, and a sutstantif ' saving of money, too. They are the surplus 6tocks of four of the best wholesale tailoring concerns in this country. They were through with the season's busi ness. "v r tire just in the middle of our's. In the face of these condi:'- -we were able to buy these garments at a price, and offer them to you at a most tremendous saving. Suits and Overcoats worth up to $24,0 Cfl f 1 Cfl Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been rep'trtari to the liourd of Hoalth dur inr the forty-eight hours ending at noon ' Friday, I llii ttin August Dols, Fifteenth and Val- I ly, boy: Jnof Ryer. IT1 South Fourteenth. ! Kill; Max l!rnte!n. South Thirteenth, mv: (. II. Ansrlln 71 Manderson. girl; Vftl Swain. 'JS.i2 Smith Twenty-eluhth. lwiy airi; narry . l'otts Miami. gl.M; Michael Nelson. 1S39 North Seventeenth, LEATHER FCR TRUl PURPOSES hv for awail four alio of (hir .'-itB, which yon 1ih amujnt of ut'hoisttiy' uiAtrriavt you want, tnk-nK th coel vcrjr mal for pfits tur ch-trr- you may Lave that nMl rpholitprtiig. Mm ill veDd. on rscclpt of prtr ind nam of your upholster:. chair Mat site Inch, 25c; l tbx'h inch, ftur: Vttl Inch. 70c: II lxj. Inch, f 1.00, You Can't Tel! The Difference between Paniavso.e Leather and Rea.1 Leather PANTAiiOTK LEATHKR can tx UM4 lor every purpu9i for which real hiAhrr it mUpUd. ' PANTASUTE rtu.ahlo, tor g..l, ofturUM, pui.y eldiid. uuvs pot cratk, is nreproot, waterpreot. wttars nnu looks iik irftCtter in vry rvtpcct. ' It limlutJr Miptiu. . PANIAIOIE Coats On.-Th.rd us Much The den ind tor PANTASOrE, Itaa led to th ubstitutlon of man? In t rior im.taitonH that the word ' I'A.STAMJ i K" It. .. muo acd o.i aclvaa tlffi. ot piece funds. To protect ua t; traud, incept no (urnluira. as cu-vcitd with PaN'iasijVB from your dtultr or upbolttertr unless It baia our l.-ddem:irk laucl as showu bt'low. lo not his "Just as gooj" thsory. Cantasote wji awarded tha Oraod t-r.j art J t Q ilit .kjJala at j(. L.uuis t n.i arp't st nn. T ill send our cata- 'crvii. .aoAtng mat.iiai tu tha dif fc .i't lulors Id wun'h it Is nutda JM l. pt. IS, II hroadway, Naw Vara Eva Lent? has attended the rehearsals of "Under the Red Robe" all week and will surely resume her place as leading woman of the Woodwird Stork company at the matinee on Sunday, taking; the part of Rene do. Coeh-foret. The closing: per formances of "The Banker's Daughter" will be given this afternoon and evening. At the Orpheun a matinee will be given this afternoon and tonight on the last per- i formance of the current bill the curtain j will rise at 8:15 sharp. The succeeding bill, i beginning matinee Sunday, with the ex- : ceptlon of Nina Morris and comnany pre- i scntlng a farce comedy by Brandon Hurst j entitled "A Friend's Advice," will com- i prise a vnrled vaudeville entertainment. ' Miss Morris had a notable career In the j legitimate previous to her entVy Into vaude ville. Others are: Prelle'a European Nov- j elty, an animal act; the Three Nevaros, enuiiiDrists ana narrei jumpers, rrom tne , Hippodromo. London: Powell, the famous Illusionist, and company; the Melanl Trio, picturesque Italian street singers; Joseph Newman, the Denver song humorist; Zlnii mer. novelty Jvggler, and entirely new Kinodrome pictures. OXtS PAHU fOH THE HOUND TRIP. Via Chlcaaro Great Westers Railway One fare for the round trip via Chicago Great Western Railway to points within 150 miles. Tickets on sale every Saturduy and Sunday op to December 17. Good re turning the following Mondny. Low rates to other points on sale every Friday. For full Information apply to S. D. Parkhurst, O. A., 1512 Farnam street. ft I f.1 . ..... msr.- Thli ta gccuiiia ."atuaMttd Kurn Iture. Aecaat aa lulsuuta. Id. for Very Low ' Baenrainn' Rates I Cbrlatmaa Holidays To all points on the Nickel Plate road be tween Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale. December 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 1905, and January 1, 1906 with limit returning Jan uary S, 1306. Rate one and a third fare for the round trip. Individual club meals, ranging In price from 35 cents to 11.00. and mid-day luncheon, 50 cents, served In Nickel Plate dining cars; also service a la carte. No excess fare. Chicago city ticket offlcca, 111 Adams street and Auditorium annex. Depot, La Salle and Van Buren streets, 'the only depot In Chicago on tha Elevated Loop. today, your choice . . Sale of Boys Suits 3 Overcoats Today Our clothing buyer, who has been scouring the New York markets for bargains, shipped us during the past week one thou sand Boys' Suits and Overcoats. They are odd lots from two factories" who have the reputation of building the best boys' clothes. These odd lots were bought ot "odd prices", have been assorted up into two lots, for easy picking. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS, WORTH UP n p a4,OJ TO $4.50, TODAY BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS, WORTH UP T0 $6.00, TODAY.... 3.85 IN THE MINS FUN!SniNG SECTION TO JAY ' Men's Golf Gloves : . . 25c and 4Sc Men's Kid Gloves . .73c and $1.00 Men's Fur Gloves and Mitts 91.50 Men's Fancy Shirts (stiff or pleated bosom) i.00 Men's Beautiful Neckwear 25c and 4Rq Men's Silk Mufflers 50c to $3.50 Men's Vndi'rwear (fleece lined) 35c MEN'S AND BOYS CArS All styles, all prices in genuine seals, plushes, and all weaves of cloth some with fur Inner 4 benda and double pull-over-the-ear JQ bands from $15.00 down to MEN'S SHOES FOR COLD WEATHER. A "Nebraska" Special Shoe made for cold weather, a good substantial shoe, made of box calf, with heavy soles, extension edges and calf lined worth and p H'-M hy others at $3.00 and tj.&o A jll Nebraska special, price. rr The best men's $2.00 shoe sold by us are made of box velour calf, vicl kid, colt skin and kangaroo calf. In all (P style toes, In lace, blucher and S. oongress styles Nebraska special 14 aw Just received a new shipment of the celebrated U. 8. Army shoes kangaroo calf, double soles to heel. 2.25 Women's Twday a Special Showing f Women's Selected Fur at a Special Price Note the Ex ceedinjly Good Values Lelow Women's Electric Seal Coatr 22-ins. long, lined witl best Furrier's, Satin, higl storm collar and lapels coats worth 7 fl $35-Saturday, -w Women's Near-seal Coats Made of the very best se lected skins, lined with tht finest quality of satin, new and correct 7 shape, Saturday J 111 Women's Near-seal Coats 22-ins. long with beaver collar and revers, all the best quality A0! CA Saturday tiJU Women's New Krimmer Coats Made of the very . choicest selected skins, fine curls, beautifully shaded worth $65.00 Saturday Women's Stylish Neck Scarfs Of Sable Coney fur, trimmed with fringe and ornaments Saturday Women's Doubly Scarf Of the best quality brown Coney fur, finished with cord and tails Z Ofl Saturday JZJJ Women's Fur Boa Of Isabella opos sum fur, 64 ins. long, two large tails worth $7.50 Saturday Women's New Four-in-hand Tie Of the best quality of genuine blended squirrel, trimmed with chenile fringe worth $10.00 CIO Saturday UaU Selected Furs 49.75 .J a II vi 'x. ai if 2.45 4.90 Women's Double Scarf Of the very best quality of rabian Fox, with six tails, finished with cord and tails would be cheap at $10 7 Qfl Saturday tf.alf Women's Swell Isabella Fox Scarfs A very choice lot of fine selected Skins, that would positively be a bargain at $15.00- C J 7 C Saturday tf t M OUR GREAT LEADER A $10 FUR SET FOR $5.75. Women's Fur Set of Cinnamon bear fur, medium brown, boa 72 inches long, and flat muff to match a fur set yon cannot duplicate for C 7 C &10 our enecial nrice Jm J L - 4 The terie Railroad, The Picturesque Trunk Line of America, announces Its through train evvl" from Chicago to New York and Boston, Maa., also its Columbui (O.) abort line. For through tickets and rates of far,, etc., apply to your local ticket agent, or to J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Ral.way Exchange, Chicago. This ta the Proper Time and ours Is the proper store to come right now and select your Christm j presents We show all that Is new in tha Jewelry lines,' besides diamonds, watchea and a beautiful stork of .art goods. Don't put It off. Come today. Mawhlnney St Kyan Co. We have decided to continue to give till Dec. 16. 1 extra portrait in a beautiful Mexzo Portfolio with each doi. regular priced photos from M up. This offer on the west side of 80. luth St. only. H. Heyn, 1'hotographer. 318 to 322 80. 15th St. Tlcketa for the Musical Art society con cert are on sale at the box olnce of tha Lyric theater. Nineteenth and Farnam, from 9 to 5 o'clock, Saturday and Monday. Harry B. Davis, undertake TeL IJTt Sterling Silver Frenier, 15th and Dodge. Mnrrtage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been iveued: Name and Residence. Age. William Harnett. Sioux City, la 34 Klla Q. llngen, Sioux ity, la 27 John H. Sterner, Norfolk 21 Alma Munning, Omaha 18 t-Jt wedding rtnga Cuiiuin,, jeweler. a:. 1 itiMuiVaiiuaoia 1 Novelties Frenxer, loth and Dodge 11 - jptnmvn p r V.T ' 3 ' 7 '"7 ?-.' g"'-, JL"!. mi w" ' ima 1 1 1 mi is 1 aus JT pmi(,l' .a- B V . . - - .. . Land Company ta TToable. CH ATTANOOOA, Tenn.. Dec. 1. A ape ciiil to the "News from Rome, O.i.. says the New England company was brought Into court this morning as Insolvent bankrupt. The company win founded fifteen years ago, owned 16.000 acres of Innd in Dado county, Georgia, was capitallxcil at $Gm),ui0 and founded the town of New Englund City, Oa. Tho claims held by the creditors will aggregate fliO.WW. The promoters of the company were for the moat part east ern men. Nebraska's Newly Elected County Officers for 1906-7 (CORRECTED AND COMPLETED) COUNTY AND CO. SEAT. Sheriff. Treasurer. Adams Hastings i Clinton McCleery (f).F. C. Babcock f). Antelope Nellgh J. D. Miller (f) 8. I. Nies r Banner-Harrisburg. W. H. Ingles (r) J. W. Wyatt tt... Rlaine Brewster W. N. Pitt (f) A. F. Carlson r... Boone Albion K. Evans (f) H. Funro (r)... U. H. Babbitt (f). Clerk. .George Mlzen (0.. .lv K. Beckwith (r). .1". 8. Page (r .H. C. Cox tn.. County Judge. Superintendent. Surveyor. Coroner. ..II. D. Dungan (O....I. A. Downey r) C. D. Heartwell (r)..Dr. Baxter (f). ..Robert Wilson .r)....C. E. Ward (r) W. U Staple (fl W. O. Fletcher (r). ..I,. W. Hoke (f) JeBsie Barfoot (r).... Peter Hansen (f) K. B. Zorn (r). Turner, nr. (f).B. F. Parks (r I. 8. Dodds (r Dr. W. 8. Irwen (r). ..Charles Riley U) F Hoffman ir) F. M. 81111k (ft J. W. B. Smith (r). Box Butte Alliance Al Wiker (r) C. W. Brennan (f). I., .Thos. Coleman (pop). J. A. Snid r i) ,. M. A. Wright it) K. w. fan ... . ..W. Sammona r M. N. Troup (r) ..L. L. Phlpp 0 E. I. Ellis (r) ..D. K. Spacht (f) Abe Hill (f) f-eora Rustln ir).. ..I). A. Sinclair (d) J. D. Le (pop) C. A. Manvllle (r). ..II. 8. Jorles r J. W. Potter d.... Florence Johnson.. ..E. A. Miller r) Ira D. MiMton ir)...S. A. Reasoner (r). ..J. O. Larson () H. H. Busier (r) Eda C. Nelson (r). .... J. J. West (r) J. C. Perry it, M. J. Holland ir) R. C. Roper (f). .....C 1). wumton (r) V. D. Wheeler (d)... W. E. Rozeucranx (d)H. D. Travis tu). ....J. F. Rossenbecger (r) Henry Hoene (r) I J. Hoile (rt .J. C. Henshka (r).. .J W. Oambla (r).... ..W. B. Miller id) W. Y. Jones ld .C. C. Ruggles (d). . H. Brandwig r)... .R. Seymour u) .O. A. Edwards (r). .W. E. Pratt (r)... .J. J. Roberts IT)... ..E. E. Hilton r)... .J. E. Moore (r). .Dr. Howard 'r. ,E. C. Block (). .Dr. J. P. Norcrons(r). .Dr. E. J. C. Sward(r) .E. E. Miller tO. . B. I. Clemnts (r). .Bert watson (a). .. A. Klnar hi W. C Hill ir) A. Cunnlnaham (r)..J. C. Haves (r) Nellie Dick vf) .P. F. Simons (f) W. D. Armstrong (r).J. F. Keeley .r) W. It. Towne if) Lulu Korts (r) A. TTostevln (r)....Dr. A. Lewis tr) 2Z Everything in the Store on Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. ia IKXmjT. t. anttmmuA.m.. -a. -yafyf-, Boyd Butte Brown Alns worth. Buffalo Kearnfy... Bui'V Tekamah Butler David City....... Cass Plattsmouth Cedar Hartina ton Chase Imperial Cherry Valentine Cheyenne Sidney Clay Cluy Center Colfax Schuyler Cuming West Point Custer Broken Bow Dakota Dakota City..... Dawes Chudron Dawson Lexington Deuel Chappell Dixon Ponca Dodge Fremont Douglas Omaha Dundy Benkleman Fillmore Geneva. . Franklin Blooming ton.. Frontier Stockvllle J. 8. Perkins r R. D. Logan (f) Ooorge Dold (f J. A. Williams (r)... .Thomas Scott fr) H. C. Rogers fr)7..J. M. Leggett f). Furnas Beaver t-lty J. r. Munun irep) b. r. won ii) n.. n. t-erry ipop)....K. ii. Konr ijop) v. J. Munny (jiop) Oage Beatrice Lon Trude 'r) J. Barnard ir) B. H. Conlee r) H. E. Rpafford r)....Anna V. Day (l) A. J. Pethoud (r) J Q. Reed (r. Oarfleld Burwll. .. A. A. Waters (r) W. Z. Todd fr) T. O. Hanimi tt pop).E. K Ball ipop) J. L. Jenklna fr) J. J. Plgmarr (r) E. t). Thurston (r). I -lniii.r tTlmionri Vilann lt Tildan fl Nott (fl Phamhaiii ffl P W Mnnlit.iin.rWrlll'llilm.n lt tl.Hlin lr ... J. W. McDanlels (d).A. Oreenlee fr) Robert Barrett (r).. ....John C. Ward (D....W. N. Ochsner (f)....W. F. Grless ir).... .....O. Van HoiiHvn ir)...M. J. HUgins d) M. F. Shonka (d).. Wm. MalchJW (f)....F. Thletje (d) J. F. Kaup id) ....C. N. Richardson (a).J. E. Cavauee (r) J. Plgman (r) ...,H. C. Hansen (t) Fred Blume (r) W. L. Ross n ....Louis K. Qnute (D.....W. T. Wilson (r) Charles Nayior f). ....D. E. Lincoln (pop)..L. J. Malmsten (r)...K. 8. Thornton (r) W. H. McEldi)wney(r)W. K. Ruudobush td).J':. JJelatour (11 A H. Maskell (f W. J. Armour (r) E. E. Rice U). .... A. B. Bauman, Jr. (r). John Koell id).... J. McDonald in R. O. Fink (r) .... .... J. J. Oallaglier (r)....D. L. Ougli tr.... H. 8. Page if) C. V. Buehrer f). . . . . D. F. Walrath (f)...C. C. Brown (f)... ..Jnmea Tucker id) Frances Knox (r)....R. H. Willis r) W. F. Bassett (r). ..H C. PHlmrr (M C. L. Coons (f) C. M. Prlckett (r)...J. D. Howard (r). .. N. Ii. Mapes i-) J. Chleboun, ;r (d)..T. W. F'ink frt) Dr. E. Junguluth (d), ..Louis Dewald (d) J. A. 6tahl id) O. 11. Hellr d) K. II. Morgan (d). ..A. R. Humphrey (r)..H. M. Plnckney (r)..F. E. Van Aritwerpr)Dr. J. H. Morrow (r). ..J. J. Elmers (r) ("!. J. Boucher (r)....J. M. I-eedom (r)....B. F. Sawyer tr. ,..C. D. Sayres (r) T. F. S nlth r) I). McMillan r) C. O. Elmora (r). ..H. A. Turton (r) L. A. Ollnger (rl H. O. Smith (r) W. J. Birkover (r). ....Isaac Woolf (d) L. M. Bern hard (r)..J. Robinson (r1 Ilosea Hudson (r). F. W, Brunn (r) A. V. Teed ...C. O. Boe (d) R. 3. 8tinson (r) John Matsen (r) J. M. Banders (r) A. P. Overgaard (r). ...II. M. Haverly (r)....Charlea Leslie (r)....E. J. Bodwell (r) H. Beal (r) E. F. Brniiey Ir). ...Milton Earl (f) W. 8. Porter .r) C. E. Goodwin (r) E. F. Fuqua if). - ...W C. Peterson (f)...J. R. Patterson (r).... Henry Vauck (f) peter Eggenberger(f)lr. F. A. Wells tr). ...T. Robertson (t) George Losey (t) E. M. Short U) Hussong (rj O. A. Ojson (i). 1 4 kx) jBTTgr"" 1 1 "i 11 ii ii iii " "" " " " ""' a Ladies' Coats and Suits For Saturday ws have bunched over 40 different styles and makes ot Suits wi:h Ion; aril m:Jium Jackets Lon? Coats. Princess and Tight-fit tin; styles, worth up to $23.00, Vour rick Wli .AHIS timVlXG AX ELEOA.vr LIE OF I'VH t OU.tHS AKD STO .ES, TUB NEWEST O.VtV. O.V PAYStBXTH. SUITS 1 O'COATS Hani Tailored, in the newest patterns, hand-finish:! wor steJ Tw;:Js ail C.ievlots. Made to fit. Your choice worth up to $18, on payments to suit you 0'Coifj 42 fa 59 long. s PTCIS v., For X-MAS. A small pay ment down will secure it pay as you earn it. grnrr nrr,ltia-J 0 U ! Grant Hyannia Greeley Greeley Hall Grand Island. Hamilton Aurora... Harlan Alma ...R. M. Moran (d) W. H. Nickles (r)....T. L. Marrln id) J. McCawley (i. ....William Button (O....F. O'Malley l) J. B. Berry (f) J. C. Byrne (r. . ...James Dunkle (d)....W. R. King (r) George poell (d) J. H. Mullen (r). ...Klumb (r) Wanck (f) Marvel if) Washburn (r) ...George Davis (r)....:J. W. Brown if) F. W. Elevens '.f) O. Bhelburn (0... ...II. R. Delllner (r)...H. R. Dellenuer (r)..Dr. E. E. Barr (r). ...Jhiiii'S Pelley (f) J. Manning (f) MJ. I. Brannan (fi. ...Miss M. Brown (r)...C. E. Baldwin (r) J. L. 8111 herland (r). ...Stephenson (r) BuiKgren ir) Hunted (r). ...P. P. Bentley tr) George Reed (rj Dr. J. A Campbell (r) Hayes Hayes Center J. W. Detty ',-) T. Garnett fr J. 8. Wise .) E. Loomls (r) Mrs. A. L. West r)..G. II. Stratton (r)....J. Damhock (O. Hitchcock Tr"enton Clark Marsh (r) Hirvey Ford (r) J. II. Brown (r) J. M. Williams lf)....J. OConnell if) James Ferrlcr (r)....0. B. Huga (r). Holt O'Neill Hall (r) : Chlttlck (r) Slmar (r) Malone (r) Zlnk (r) Norton (f) Flynn (fl. Hooker Mullen L. H. Brown (r) II. L. Pierce (.) J. M. Barnebey (r)..V. K. Rowera (r)....E. C. Hewitt (r) L. W. Martyn '(r)....Dr. D. A. Waller (r) Howard Bt. Paul C. Alexander (f) l. A. Geil (f) J. Wjsuckl fi M. D. Smith (1 J. A. Liegler () J. L. Paul (r) C. D. Morrow (f). Jefferson Fairbury I. Chernslde (r) John Simpson () F. A. Houston (D....C. C. Boyle () Mi-s. O. V. True (f)..N. E. Davis (r) Dr. W. perry (r). Johnson Tecnmseh H. U. Miner (f) John Ward (1) W. C. Redfleld (D....J. Livingston (rl Byron E. Dill (i) It. A. Bwarlwont (r).O. J. Rubclman r). Kearney Mlnden A. A. Wyatt (ri Louis Anderson (r)...Chas. Bwanson (r)...F. L. Carrlco ir).... Edwin Curtis f) J A. Slator .r) M. II. DitTerihiiugh(r). Kimball Kimball E. W.Barthnlurnew(r)H. Vogler (d) C. T. Dillon ilnd)....H. H. Prouta (d) Oilve Wilkinson (ind)F. J. B-llows (lnd)..K. M. Wooldrldge (r) Knox Center ilurna (r) A. O. Danlelson (r)..Ruden (r) Keller (r) Marshall (r) Nlppell (r) Clark (r). Keith Ogailala Keys Paha Sprlngview. Lancaster Lincoln Lincoln North Platte.... Logan Gandy Loup Taylor , I Madison Madison I McPherson Tryon Merrltk Central City.... Nance Fullerton ....'.Harrington r EiehelbergT (r) Hoxle (r) Dano (f) Richmond (r) Taylor ff) Likens f). .Herbert Cottrlll (r)..rtoss AinspoKer ir) L. urewster r.... r. i. Hugers r jonn eoneie 1 . k. r:vana ir) A. w. I'eppers fr). ,.w. L.. unwson (r)....f . rt. aiers ir) u. . itowinun ir)....w. is. Brott fr) A Jirahani (r). ..F. R. Elliott (r) W. l Elder (D Clyde Trotter (1 ) P. (1. Meyer fr) F. IC Ionyley in. ,. George H'lgbee (f)....F. H. Hugebnon (r).. Sadie Bukewell f)... V. L. Douglass r)..H. L. McLe-ihy (1). ..Nlcholis Bess (r) 1. C. Berry ir)... ..I. L. Miltonberger (r)K. B. Davis 'n.... ..G. V. Hill ID it. Hoagland ir). ..O. A. Evans ff W. A. Clark (f) ..J. J. Clements (r)....C. Schaveland (r). ,.A. And' rson (rl H. R. Iwls (r) ..J. Holister ir) T. L. Dixon u) . J. M. Rabb (r) E. L. Thomas (r).. .D. D. Cheesmin (f)..L. M. Mntilton (-.. .G. Richardson fr).... William Bates (d).. .L. C. Renran (r) R. J. Stack (r) ..X A. Agnew (f).. ..Qua Wilson ir).. ...T. Loras fr). ...G. F. Robinson (r). .W. L. Johnson (r)..C. E. Martin fr).... Fred Perdue (r) H. L. Kindred (r).. .I.ytila M Neul (D....N. L. Renter (r).... . F. A. Worsh (f) .Frances E. Taylor (f)S. R. Cowgill (r)... ,.M. 8. Moore (r. .A. J. Tlmtrh fr). .W. II. Winters (r) ..F. AV. Johnson (r). : Nemaha Auburn Nuckolls Nelson Otoe Nebraska City.. Pawnee Pawnee City Perkins Grant ..J 8 MrCnrty fd) ..J. M. Hall (r) ..F. II. Rohes fr) D. J. A. DU ks (r)... .Samuel Tear (d)... ..John Jones fr) C. C. Dudley (f) Geo. Jackson t... ...C H. Busch il) F. M. Cook (I) J. Donovan Id, ..O. R. Murtln ID G. W. Potts d F. L. Evans (r).... ...W. J. Watkins F. W. Hastings F. U. Lance J. T. Montgomery.... A. Boftley H. H Phelps Holdrege J. W. Oustus (f) II. Erlckson (f) C. L. Hedlund (D....E. W. Begtol tr) K. K. Iarson r) P. O. nilllnes fr) D. 8. Pnlmer (f). Pierce Pierce I. Dwyer (d) N. M. Nelson (r) I. G. Hirons (f) Kelly d) Pllger (d) B. H. Grui-nwald (r).Dr. O-lke (d). Platte Columbui C. J. Carrlg Id) D. Beecher ,d) John Graff id) J. Ratterman (d) L. H. leay d) R. L. Roslter (d) Dr. P. 11 Mi-tt (d). Polk Osceola .W. H. Ehlers (f) C. Anderson ir) J. IN. jvorton r) 11. it. :atnpieii (r)...w. nynoerg r k. k. DeaHiorn (f)...rr. L. M. Shaw (r). .G. D. Caughton. Jr.(r)C R Hacker (r) Dr. H. C. Fmith fr). ,W. T. Bottcnni-ld (r)A. W. McRevnoldsirlA. G. Poblnunn fr). W. W. Wilson (d)....R. r. King Ir) W. Pierre (d) C. N. Karstfns y). F. A. Barton (rl E. M. Avery (r) V. M. Babbitt (r)....Pr. G. W. Collins (r). Arterburn ....C. Giunz. Red Wlllow-McCook. ! Richardson Falls City. I Rock Buasett Barpy Papillion Saline Wllber ' Baunders Wahoo Bcott'a Bluff Gertng.... Seward Seward Sheridan Rush villa Bherman Loup City.... Sioux Harrison Stanton 8tanton Thaver-Hfbrnn Thomas Thedford Thurston Pendtr. .H. I. Peterson (r)....B. G. Gossard ir). . E. J. Wilcox (r). .J. C. Moor (r) Flora B. Quick (f)... .Meeker (f) Hare (r). ....W. T. Fenton (f) J. 8. Lord (f) J. Hutehings If) John Gagnon if).. ....G. D. M:rh (r) C. H. Patch ir) P. H. Davis (f) E. Olson (rV ...E. B. McAvoy (d)....A. R. Morrison (r)...P. D. McCormtck (d).J D. Ehlers (d)... ... JI. A. Greer yd) C. E. Bowlby (d)....J. W. Hhestnk d)....J. A Wild (r) ...Jerry Dalley (f G E. Brodenberg (f).A. N. Elmelund (f)...E. E. Plocek (f).. ..T. J. Oliver f) K. Krnany (f) O. W. R-iifkir (n. ..G H. Hnnkins (r)....E A. Tho'naa (rl C. II. Knot (r). ..G. D. Miller (d).. ..D O. Hopkins id).. ..J. W. Mengcl if)... II. .. Pntli rson fill II 1) Armi:lrimi (ill .J. A. Fisher (r) Ir. L. N Smith (r). 1 J M. Duyll tf F. R. Bcheel ir).... ..Agnes Lackay (r). ..E. H. Koch (f... J. P. Westervelt (r), Thomas Preston (r)..J. McKlnley (d) Da La Matter r).. John Olllan fr) E. J. Newton ir) Calder f Leavens (f) C. B. Kepllntjer (d)..l ee rlt (r) D. F. Van Vleck (r).J. H. Ednnunds (r)...f. L. Hopper (r). L. A. Williams (r)....R. M. Hiddleson (p).C. F. Penshausn (p).J. A. Ancler tp) M. H. Mead (r).. E. B. Lyon tr) Carl M. Lux (d) E. F. Pontius (r) J. H. Wllherms John Boiky (o.. doifer frf J. R. 8tucker (:) F. Ldgrherm (r)... Albert Pllger (O W. P. Cowan it) C. 8. Coney (r) J. G Beard (f) T outs Pern if). A. F. Townsend (d).. Milton Rhodes (d).... James Elliott Ir) J. B 8klnner (r) G. W. Allen (r) 11 E. Hammond (r)..Dr. 17. 8 Sinlres ir Jlenrv Crow ir Chrla Fnti f) E. D Roberts fr) H. W. KlrUy (r) K. 7.. Vandllng (r)....J H. Evans r J. M. Callendr (r). M. young (r) H. 11. HmcocK ia)...i- w. r ansier ta)....jonn Mm ni i.;. v. tiuijb trd (r).. ..R. B. Judson (r) Frei D. Watt (r). ..Bemls (r J. H. Wert man (r ..W. E. Mitchell (r)...Dr. P. Q. Elmore (r . . E. H. Corning (p) A. S. M 1 1st (r). ..F. M. Hall (i) Dr. M. A. Nya ii. ...E. C. Pierce (r). . J. J. Williams (ri Valley Ord 8. J. W. Brown r)..Alono Button (r) R. Sorenson if) H. Gudmondsen (r)..L. Bright (f) C. A. Brink (r) C. J. Nelson (1). Washlngton-Blalr Claus Meneka (f) E. Z. Russell ir) G. H. Faber (f) G C. Marshall if)....J. A. Rhoades (O ...W. H. Hill (r).. Wayne Wayne O. 8. Mears (1) J. M. Cherry (d) C. Reynolds Id) E. Hunter (r) E. A. Llttell (r) Hobert Jones irl W ebster Red Cloud v..O. 1) H fr) W. C Fr-ihm () Lea U Tour tpop)..j . Kiion 1 rx p). .. reille M. tul'r (r)..G. H. overlng ir) Ir. T. R Hill r) Wheeler Bartlett O. 8. Harrington (p).E. E. Barkhurst fr).. Huer Dahlaten (p)...fohn Brney (r) Vfark H-ss (p) York York J. H. Afflerbacii (r).. Robert Copsey I r).... V A Miliar (r) A. B. Taylor (D..C. O. Btewart (1) V. B. Codding r)....R. 8. Hlisih r). Registers of Deeds Those counties having this office distinct from county clerk elected as follows: Adams, Charles Fort (f ): Buffalo, V. B. Wheelock fr); Cusa. H. A Schneider (r); Cusier. J. T. Woods (r); D ide. Jolin O'Connor (d); Douglas, Frank Bandle (r); Gage. C. B. Hensley (r); Lancaster, J. D. Moore (r); Otoe, Ueorata ai Lothrop (r); Klchardaon, L. C. Edwarda f; Ballue, V. J. Sadllek (r); Baundars. B. F. Wfaltney (f); York, H. E. Belcher (r).